Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    „ , , * .
Advirll ( oinont * under this head 10 cents per
line for the flrst Insertion , nnd 7 cents for oneh
nibM" < | Ujiit Insertion. Povcn words will bocouTit-
t < l to the line ; they must run co
imintlio jmld In ndvnnco. All drtvotttep
inuft liolniiulod In l/oforo" o'clock p. in. , nnd
nndnrtio I'lrcuinMnncos will they lie tnki'ii or
illfconllnuod bv telephone.
TiirlUts udvm tljlnpr In the o columns and ) mv
ln llio nnswcrs nddrosscd I u euro of llPii , wilt
plcnt-o wk lor check toonnblothuin lo not their
letters , ns nonn will lie delivered except on
prcseiilixllou of chock. All nn8nor < i to ndvor-
ti.'citiciits should bo enclosed In envelopes.
tro iDAH-MoiniY.
TVT ONiV : To loim , The Onmha KlunnclHl I3t-
1 1 chnnt/o , IVO sti cot , tip-stulrs , makes
IOHIMon nil chiw.esof security Irom u fIDelmt-
tolloun to SlU.IXWon renlcMiito. We nmko loans
to Milt nil nppJIcnulK on lone or rlinrttiino on
Itnpro\od ion ) nslnto , Innil font mold , lou osr
ImlldhitfH on leaped htnd , K'cui-od rtolos , collator-
ills , cliatltils , or ( rood n-cunty of uny kind. lxv
mtos ; oiusy toiuif ) . Oinnlm Miiunclul Kvclinige ,
IWjCl I'urniiu strcot , upstuhs. w-tf : (
fllO LOAN Money In any nmoiinton rr-iil cs-
JL Into fceourlty. 0. li. Mnyno , l&th nnd
num. tro-o-lfi
. T\/f / ONIY : TO I.OAX-C. v. Dm is . ' * Co. lictii
-Lll liptuti ) und I ) iin ngoiits , l.'Uo Km nutn Ht.
ONKV TO I.OAN-On chnttrls , Woolny k
nurrbioii , n > oni UO , Oiunhii Niitlonut luinl :
JjiilUlluif. f > ! 3
' T\T ° > "P'V TO LOAN On ical cstnto und eliat-
iJJL toK I ) . I , . Thomas. MO
MIINKY I.OAN1.II On chnttcls , ent rntit , It.
H llckots bought uud sold. A. Fdriiiiui/JI.I
B. llltli HI , Ml
" < rNiV : TO I.OAN-In KlIinH of SUDO uud lip-
wunls on HrHt-clnss reul ofctnto fceeiirlty.
1'oltrr A Cobh , 1515 nirnnm yt. Kil
ONirir..77ANii : ) at C. V. Itced A CO'H Ixjiiu
olllru , ou fnrnlturo , pianos , hoives , WHKOIH
porhouul property ol nil Minis mid nil other Hi-
tlcles of viiluit , without irmovnl. Oxer 1st Nut'l
Unnk , corner Kith mill I'm num. All bu ; iio H
Striully oonlliluutul. .Wt
MONI2YI MONr.Ytt 3U 'iYII : ! Money to
" ! > louuonrhiittclsecuritj'1'V W. II.
! > \VIIIiiicll hulldlnjr , X. I' cm tier l.Mli : ilui llur-
ncy. After jeuis of o\pr > iloooo nnd n rare-fill
Rlnclyol tlio luifcinehR of lonntnir money on por-
M'liul property , I hiixo lit hit > t iiericctoiiii hyMeni
\thoroby tlio publicity jisuitlln Mich cnsc.s Is
donunuiiy with , nnil 1 nin now In u position to
rncot tlio dotiinmK of nil who bci-oino ti-inpor-
nillyoniliuiriuiHi-U nnd doclio to niiso nionoy
-\ritfiont dflit > and In qnlot iniiniv r. HOIIMI-
koopoi-x , piolOKsionnl frcmlumon , nu hiuilcs nnd
olliin-H In Onialiii iin.l ( outioil lllulls , cun obtain
iKhiiiici'nIKIIII } lulo $1WA ) on siii'li Focntity
us lioufctiliolU rurnltnio , pliinox , niiu'liinorv , bov-
bOA. WllffOlM , Will C'llOlli-O lOCOlptSCClllcd IHItOS
ol Imnd. otu. , without 111110InKMirno Irom own-
nis Kulddiicoor place ol buKino . Al o on line
Walclu-i and Diamonds , ono ol the advantusos 1
ollorl < that nnj piutot an > loan cun bo paid nt
iinytlninrlilcb will icdnco the Intoic t pie inUi
nnd nil bums lonoucd nt Ibo oilplnnl niles of In
terest. I bavonobioKcislnconncctlonwItli my
ollli o , lint p ( > -nniilly iipcnnt nd all my loani , I
liavupiivaluolllcosconnected with mj Ri-noral
ollicoKi tlmt ciiHlomora do not conic In cim-
tmct. with ouch olhor , con r | iic'iillv nniklti nll
tmiihuolloiiH hdlclly pilviito W. H. < roll ,
1-oonH , Wilhnoll btilldlntr , N 12. coiner IBIli nnd
lliiinoy , Onmlm , iiiulU. : 1'ciul St. , Council lllulls.
W ANTin : Conipotcnt woman cook nt Giiult
I'opjileton avo. , bet. UUth nmlU
fTUD A treed H "I lor ironornl hoiibo-
work. iniTCussSt SL'-tf
l7"ANTii : ) Apirl to tloeueral hoii c\roilc ;
inimt boUKOodc ok ; infiuiilly. lniiihu |
fTin A good nurse idrl at SrJl 1'nrk
uvonuu. " -
W : ANTIU > A flonnin n flr t-cluss voifPtablu
cook. Imiuhout the Co/yens. t& :
W ANTii ) A ffood native \\onian to do
chamber ; work. Inquire UU Dougliw St.
WANTED Good shl for ironctal housework.
Cook , dlnlnir room fills chnmboriniildh utu.
Cull llto Knrnani St. lai.
WANTKD A ncnt young jrlrl to assist with
imby. HK S. i'Oth St. 733
WANTKD Lady iiR-euts for "Inl ) y" Pklrt
and sloclilns : Fuppoiloin , shoulder bincas ,
bosom forms , Drcsb Shields , rubber irliiKhnm
lll , nprons , f-lcovcs. Infants dlaix'ix , Ao. Our
iKKtiuonls ( niu maltjm ; money lupt : MI can } on.
Addrussulib Flump , U. 11. ( "AMI'UIZI.L & CO. ,
481 W. llamlolpb St , . Chicago. 7ll mp
\X7ANTHn MuuntidIfc tx > work in llrst
i clussllotel.ffood pluc'ounil WUSOH. Atldicns
Union Hotel , Superior Noli. anj-l'J *
ANTUD A youni ; iniiu or stout boy nt
Jx-lmum's , llLKi Kurniun St. ICEMt1
ANTIIO Two good carpenters nt ITitno-
baugh iT.iylor. 3H 17
WANTi ; Strong boy at Now York Photo
graph Oullory. Cluinco to loam
"I'lfANTUD Mini wllli lamily to take care of
a liirm In Wimhiiigtou county. Imiuuont
II. DohlOiX Co , Cheap Shoo Sioio. 2' . ; )
WANTii ; Cunvus-ois Lmbos or gentlemen
A Kooil cliunco to innku inouuy. lloom-0 ,
ArlhiBt < in lllock. S7WM
WAKTHD Klfty ciinviisn'rs. Liulies and
u-ciiitloiiionuiumaklnirdDpor day > -cllliiir
our "Klleheu Queen " Aitilross , wlili naiup ,
Simpson iV Parsons Tool Co . 41 Hoard ol Tiado
Ilullillng , St Paul , Minn. Manufactory. Lou ell ,
Muss. 4 JO 27
' " \/yANTii > Stenographer. loi5 ! , Oiuahn.
* " Ink )
ACiUNTH-Pclllnfr Missouri clou in wn her
miiKo big money , J. Win tli , Sole Manuliio-
lurcrSt. Ijinls , .Mo. UJCilcclIp
' ' " \ 7"AVri ; Aircnts. Addic's r.lectilo
T mid f-'iovo Co. . St. Ixuils. Jlo . Jor circular ,
cut ana ttruibOl'Ulcaudluponur Mai > h Klcctiie
us ot't1ji ( |
TANTUl ) A sltuullon us elnrk hy u iiiiin of
. - IOUK oxpeiluuee. Ittuirond ueuountiiut nnd
, licuiuiiu , o.iu Ivo host of loloionuod. A'tiliesa
I T. U. Hue ollloo. : y11" '
ntion by tiru ci.m moat
cook. Ilotcltily orcouutiy. Aildiess It. S.
Jloo olllco. ! iii4-n
"VSTANTRI ) A sltimt'o i In nstore , can speak
I ) Scandinavian. Q. IL llco olllco. 3 r , 17 *
) ' \\rANTii : ) SHimtlou by a vonng man of
T i ability , ill jours old , as bookkeepe ur shlp-
ntngcleik. willing lo nii-l. ' ! lu t-toio II n
1'iiily sjicuks I'.uglUb , ( icruuin nnd Siamlluu-
vlnn. Aildrc'HH N. O. .lluo Ollkio."M _ _ I *
" " "
T\jrANTii-A ; positidiras Milei-liidy" "dry
T goods stoio by youii'4ludy ol ovpeilencu ,
whOMcaksB edlhhusellusiuBllsh ; , AddiOiS
i ll ) xNo. _ U. Oinalin I'estollico. 2 >
_ _ _
WANTUIt A situation Jor gonoial bouse-
( Mill ; In a small lamily. by a > oung Ccrman
gill ; liiiiliti | boutliu cat cor c'lipltol Ave uud 17th
WANTUD A Bkllled and experienced slon-
ograiiheriiud tjpu-wiiler. lately n stun-
ogrupherin U. S , Patent Ollice , Wa biiigtou , 1) .
J U. , iloshos ii hituntlon. "Tho llepub
. ' lloiill ! < | _ Stromf.burg , Nob. _ 2t5-17 !
„ . ' "VITAINTUO flltimilon by joiing man Mho
TV Hpeaks J'.iDjllsh , Kormiui , Kieneh , ami
it Skaudluavian , milling tovoik , Addruss M. N.
* \VAVrID : lly H man of liirjrn oxpoiiuuco
TT who Is Illinois-lily posted ou NotuiisK.i
trmlo. poHlllou us liii\elln orclty MiIcMimn lor
tli-st-eliiss IHUII-O Cun liirulsb best ol lelereueua.
Address - lieu Olllco. "
lluterju-lho , "ID-ID1
WAVl'lII ) lly n JOIIIIK Inilv , 11 position us
tiookUccpor or cusliler. Hist ol loleieneei
Iflvcii un to uhlllty. AditiMs R U. , lleo ( lilii'd
si\rA , > Tiii : Sltuutloii us'i'iibtoui culler by n
TT } ouiijr | mini ol e.xpoileuee Address O.
lljllucl : , Kt Wi.'Ht Cou ietvSlit. . Dull-oil , Mich ,
\\7 AKTi ; ! ) To i cut n house * tu II i-oouia lli |
Tl luruitco null oilier roiiveiiloiieuMtiUo liuo
burn. C. ] ! . Miijiio , LMh uud l-'uriuim. ; cil (
lf\f\TUI > i\roluidy : tn iMiuiil ut the , t. ,
> I < oiiUii tuiiruiit,4lilS.kthSt ) : tickets ol U.
) iil f-1.3 j ii-lllui ( lKiTi71"pcr xvct-k frI.S."i ! , i'Wl l
l ) I Avrtiit to no lull ) ilio rcnloliuo
. . hiibliicss , cither us puilueiin uu o tul > -
" " ' " lldliisl coiu-L-rn < nwllli home II'n num. Adlicss
t.tiultnl nipltnl , iO. . Hex : kn , ( ity. ro-i.i ! _
U i
Ul II WANTIJI ) A tnuellujj iiiuns M-O | uould
Ilku to lukunitiior tuo Indies or t o jieutIc-
f ) U ) nieii'ln itioia lor u inter. Cull or lujiliuss buO
t ' ( JLOtjda A ouuc , S dooi-s 8. l.c'iiveuuoi tli
ci u \\i"ANTJCl ) Oeiiik-iiuin iiiil8 room uiul
ni * T tioinilll possible , iilriiHnMo loom lor 'lor-u '
Uf u Uiul Iijijft)1 , Apdy ( lutlnlint U-iuu , II. " ! l-l9j >
i > < l1rA Tlt ! : "ltHln wllli bounl If poaslble iil o
r > tin'ili' ' ii'oiii tor luiitf nnd liu- : ) ' . AiUlios
' Iciin. to iv M. Itfoctiliix *
TAN 11 ) - I iituisl > e < l lioiiM'ol in leu .1 - eu
i IIIM'i ii r ilionitei , > o cl.i'Jiin His-
eiit-ix U. U. , Uvu OiUw. J.'j-l'J
ANTiSD-Teonis. T. Murray.
, , KS
AirANTKIl-Mnttrcw mnkor ( it Dowpy &
> V StoiioX : Ho
' \\ANTin-A fnlitotnonrtho cltynt r. miTT -
TT ftohfiliUtprleo. Slntoprice , termS nnd lo
cution. Addn s'r1. N. 0. " Uco olllco. HOS
ron nxux-Housrs AND Z.OTS.
A tc OSANTNKIt-f1 S.l
tnnt lloufM , n > om nnd Moron , cheap Innd
11 1 ul lot * In Oinnlm nnd cnMorn part of Stnto.
Vnry clifnp , I IK in wllli boii'o on 1'nrk plnco
, U tiuiii with house on 1'urk place JTOi ) .
U HUNT N'ewO ixiotn liousoon BnundoM
Rticot , irnrloi' , Imv window , ont Inmt.cclliir
cHlorn , wiill , wiilkt , lotiuo'i nuil out ho'io < : now
nndmnvpulontsSH per munih. J. U. llllcy&
Co , l'H. Hth At root. M
77011 IUSNT IIotiMj with wivnii rooms , 1.117
1 Sherman Avo. Umiutro of D.T , MountWHS.
HlhSt ! SJ8
Foil KENT A hoiiMi wllli three rooms , collar
Bluhlo for -I horsoi , No. HCtJ S-'Ut and ( lark Hu
iulldlm ? v , I'll
J1 room * ntiovn , location Jor ntn luisl-
lioss. Addru < n 110 uoo office. ! HO 2 *
FOH lll'NT Il in > oiifA rooms for snmll fnin-
lly , No. HI , third honso Irom KM nnd IMI
vcnworth ; $10. Vlit
Jr\rni ltr.NT rottiurnr > rooms , cor. Grand nnd
I'IITCO xtiocls , Jojil.
Cottnpo , n looms , ' 1 > 1 nnd l/nnl ,
ColtnTf , 4 rooms wiulh inth ot. , ? I2.
HoiiMj. .liooini , lllili and l'loixo ; , $10. 0. H.
Mayno , ICIIi and Ktirnam. 276
it KMT 1'our room cottnjfo S. loth 8t.
ImjiiIioOXO North intli , ac-IBp
HUNT IlnnilRomoly fnrnlsbod hon o ,
JIMooins. . ftT 1'iirk Avenue , lorprntipos ro-
oiilicil. Apply J. W. Urlllltli , Audltora Olltco
u. . \v. '
" [ TUMI KI5NT Chonp , plnco Niillablo for n toiim-
J stor : Rood barn ; $ ) i ir month ; al oonolor
f 13 oor tnniilli. J. W. Mntaluill. 1300 rurnain. 'Ml
" 171OII IlKNT Iloueo POX-OU room" , ( ? oed
iH'IalilKiihood , lioiibonow. O. F. UuvU & Co.
IVift Fill IK11U St.
' ltJNT Hoiifo II roomo. lJ18Mpllol ; ( Avo-
I nun , Miitablo lor bonnllii ) , ' hou > o. O. 1' .
Duvls 4 Co. , IVfi Fiu nam St. , S30-18
OK JtlJNT An PAPollont now 4 room ool-
J7 1 tn o. ! i7H7p
IIINTW. : room bilck lioucn , Cin Itlakory
St. Inijulru on pionihtw. IKW-Up
T Oil IlKNT Nov. I , n Mitt-claw ll-ioonicot.
1 tiiKo ; line locution ; by S. T. rotcrson.s. o.
cor. Ifith nnd Douplai. 101
FOK KKNT Two now residencestl n > om.s each ,
f-nttnirn B rnnins.houso It ) rooms. J. I'lilpps
loe. ! ( > " >
FOK Itr.NT 'IVo story ilwellliiR , 7 rooms ;
peed locullty. Apply Cor. llth uud Pouula-j.
; . T. Taylor. 713
HUNT 2stores on Sth nnd Lonvonvoith
1 Bt.S.
1 sloroou SouMi l"lh st. Iloth tlrst-cln s bns | .
ttess locutions. Alao houeos lo rout , A. JIc(5uv-
ock. Ol
] ? OK IlKNT lion o of II looms. Apply Tor.
1 Hth mid DouglaC. . T. Taylor. 740
FOK KENT Several dwulllnm. Apjily Cor.
llth mid Douirlns. C. T. Tuj lor. 718
FOK IlKNT Oil A house , barn lor UJ
cons ; and 4 lots In Walnut Illll mid. $ llpor )
month. lniUlio | Juinos Christiansen , U. P.
J ou ISIXT ; House , 5 rooms. Imiulio Kd-
' helm A ; Hrlcksoii. nos
7T > Oll KKNT Oct , 1st. or nfler. n duollin ; , '
1 house 0 rooms , nice yard , cistern , wuter , $ ij
per inoiitli. Apply 1411 I'urk Wild uvo.or.Ino.
W. Hull , druusfat , tiil ) South 10th St. K l
FOIinKNT Nipocottnpo 1010 South ISlth St.
Imiuiio of C. A. Ileldln.
Foil KKNT House 11 rooms { 5 per month ;
w ill rent pint. O. U. Thompson , S. W. cor.
llthundllaruoy. UO
1 7 OK lU-'NT Furnished room 1313 Cnss.
FOU KENT A comfortable and pleasant room
No. 1.US Cajiltal Avonuo. It'll.
TTIOIl IlKNT Part of un olorunt suit of fur
JL ? jiUhod olliot'S. Addro.i3 J. K. , JJoo OlDco.
FOH HUNT Lnnro nicely f iirnlalioil room with
boaid,7HN. HlhSt. ; , OT-17
T7\OU \ IIINT 3 or 4 nnlnriilshod rooms for
J Ilirht liouscikeoplnar lu u seed house < tc > cu-
pieil by man and Mile. Apply tit GOTi } ? N 17th Ht.
* ' . .TtMG *
rOK KI'XT t rooms uiM talrs , on cor. of isth
and Webster sts ; wiutli outrance , very desirable -
sirablo , fiiniislioJ or uufuinishcd. " 74 17 *
"TTIOK ISIONT Lnrffo liont room furnished. No.
JL ? 61 UN. Kith St. , but. Cuss und Ciililoniiii.1li7 Hi *
I OIS ItKNT 2 furnished front loom" , suit-
J1 nblo lor uoutlutnan and wife , or t o troi
men. "JOIM llarney bt. SCO 17'
T7-OK IlKNT l-uinls'iod front room nnd
1 board ; M jotuiir men pielcued. 70 North
Ibth. L'CMO
Foil KKNT A nloclv tuinlsbnd jiarior lor
t o jieiitloinen ; modurn couvtMilonco * . 17"0
Capitol nvo. IKi.Mli *
HUNT Tiirnl'liod front loom nnd Nnmll
loom , $ . " > , IXX > KDI tli buvonteentli fticet
Oil IlUNT-Furnlshcd looms , 111 ! ) Dodjro St.
FOJl KICNT Pleasantly limiUdivd room nt
Icil S. 1'itli bt. ttW-lfl
FOK lir.NT Newly fuiillshod i-ooms with
board. 7UI S. 13th St. JM-MGp
I Oll HUNT rnrnlsluvl rooma and board ,
Slr,0 per week , ! ; o. . N. 14th Kll-l'.lp '
Foil HUNT Front room with board , 1721
Douffhis. ln-Ki ! >
IJ-Oll ItKNT 1'leiifant fuiiilfchfd itiouis. 17U7
Cnss. t.ij-aj ) *
FOK IlKNT FiirnMiod loom 703 South Ifith
htioct , Mlth or without bom il. iK-lVp
T7UHI HUNT Tivo plciisiuit ii-ont rooms un-
fiiriiNhod. pullubio for lljrht bou ekucpliif ) ,
In llooiniirjijlkx It , t-or. Mb and Howard. "IKI
FOU lir.NT 2 moie.s In tlio brick bulldhifr on
Ilowaid St. . bet il'th and I7lli , No iCIf , nnd
11)17. ) luqulio nt driiK store cor. intli ht. .fto
771OH HUNT Nicely iurnlshed i-oomo , lOiil
J1 Dodlio. 7X's-itlp
FOR Itr.NT Lnrpo front room nicely fur-
ulsbrit ; piIvllocoof bath loom ; niitniilo lor
t o iieixms ; llvo mlnuti < .s walk liom I' . O ; ono
block tiom ttrcot cur lino. Addict 1' , O. box
CHH. 7 ( 1
" 1TIOH HUNT Ono laiyo , uulurnlsljed , iilcnvu
J' room , ullb buy window , and Kialu , and all
nioduin InipiovcuiontH , on L'Cth sti cot , near St.
Mary's uvu. Imjiiiio at 8. W. C'or. 10th ami
Dodiro. M\ \
Foil HUNT A nice , pleasant room , finiilsli-
od or nnlurnbud. Imiuliu ut 1SU Jx'iuim-
\ui ill street. 410
jTIOH HUNT HOOIIIH lib bonnl , iloslinblo lor
J.1 summer. Apply at St. Churle.s Hotel. Ml
jlOlt IlKNT Nicely furnished nont nnnn to
1 fcnlli ! > miui only , nt S. K. corner MOlh mid
| 7OH ( IIUNT-3 fiiniiRhod rooms on I'aclllo
J' snout , bctMfcu Mb und lOtli.ouo block south
ol tint U , I , depot. _ 411. !
I neil HUNT "iilonpiiiil Minth front rooms S ,
W. coimir intli and Dnvenpuit. 7UO
ITiOH llKNT Two ncely fuinWiod
JL.1 W , cor. 2lbtnnd SI , Man's avenue. 4UO
"IT-OH Six lots on SnundorsBtT blocks
1' liom Vlii'ctcar line ; cast liontrt ; ( ( AOeacb ;
easy payinculs These 1110 corner lol . J. U.
) f nil S.VI.i ; A t-lx iDimi bilck boiiyii and li
nticot iriouml ; luo lildrkU fioni Stllniy's
Ave : ( Jtytoo : ihl * in n vood Invostincnt. Cuu-
nlnKhain A ; Ilicnnun , r > lj Dodffo. 2S4-IO
ClS.UkNu ) lioiiKiot l ! looms south limit ami
'I'ttMilolHonu block U mil licit line $ IW I casli
nnil | C j curb QU bahiucu at H per cent. Walnut
lljl.iuilloiisnof II iiioina on ' } lot In Patricks
PAtldltlnn , tliflcasli and JI2 per month.
CPIXKIUOIM : | lut In l.aKo < Ailiiillon , east front
ijJtlils Is ihcMii. | M , I' , Suuro , 15 and Doil o.
SAI.W T vo residence * In Papllllon ,
Neb , , bcmillliilcoiiniy siMilol Sarpveounty ;
tiiliuo Hiibuibuii iitsl.iciicu town lor Oimilni ;
prcM-ul I * lcii lou of .Vo. l > . It. it. iimlnNi II. iV
M. Imiulio or uddicsi > I. M. 1'uiiljb , I'aplllloii ,
Neb. _ 2TI--1 *
} 7 OII S.M.i : A vI.\i | > < iiM roini-c and , ; : |
1 liu. on car bui- . Apply uu PICIIIIM-M. tz&
Nurlli IMh kt. -
nnil SAT.I ! Oil rXCIIANOK Flno brick
I ' hou o , lOrootnt , Iwrn nnd Stable , city water
nnd noeewnrj outhon di orehnuifod for Im
proved farm not over 'M mites from Omnhu. It.
] / Aifcnls need not apply. Address K. ti. llco
ojllco. S4MO _ _
FOIlPAli : Two lots on ,0eoi-ffln Ave two
blocks 8. of Ioavooworth , fl'SO or f M onch
J. K. Hlloy & Co. Si : > S. 1.1th SU 319
$ : too will buy f > omn lotfl on thn llelt Mno.
Sen them before tliey ale nil sold , Cunning
ham & Ilroomui , l.ll Uodh-o. TJI-ia
iPOIl SAI.IT IxilslnTliornonrK Place on Holt
Line (200 Io $ TiOi ) cncli , monthly paymenUi.
C. I ! . Mnyno , 15th and I'nrnatn , liW.lll.
TJ1OH SA'I.I : Ixjt with liow boiHO , 3 blrtukit
JL ? rut or Pink uvonuo , fl00. . J. U. Hlley &
Co. , 2in a isi h t , ; m
17OU SAI.r-llcnutlful n-'ldonco lots In Wnl.
I nut Hill Jirio lo $ Roe each ; Io per cant onsli ,
balance monthly payment * . C. K. May tie ,
F Oil SA I.I ! Good notno nnd lot In north
Omnba , boti8o Inn n Iitruo txiomi , eclloroll ,
. , Slsoo , ciwy turma. W.T. din-
bain , Cidiihlon block , l.'MKl
Foil HAI.i : On Sniindcrs t. , near rnr line ,
full lot ; uiKt Iront ; now hnimo , 2-storv , 7
rooms , fVf. Very cheap. J. 15. Itlloy A : Co. ,
SISH. iithbt. : : rj
FOIC SAI.i : A very desirnblo property Hint
ronlH forll40ajinr ; tdtuated In tlitcla <
nolithborliond , on otroot cur linn , near hlttli
school linlllhif ( ; KMisisln of lot 7 x120 loot , two
en ell fi oiit.u , city walor , batlm , water closets , cis
tern ; burn , cost tl.lXKi ; will rent ovorvdaylii
the year : price , ? li'WO , half riusli , balanoo to
Mill nt 8 per cent Intel ost. J. W. Marshall. HM
rarnam , 20.1
WIJ have n few upleudld lots for snlo on Ixmr-
cnwoitb stieot , 'llm chonpoit loin In the
clt.v at 1-1,000 ouch. CunnhiKhum & Urennnn
.1011 SA I.K- lot on South 17th nt. ; easy pay-
innnH and vorv oheap.
1'orSiUo Advisable place to locate nnil-liilll )
ifroeory Moio , V'lntou st. . near tormlmiHof l.lth
st. cur line , f 1CW. J , U. lilluy & . Co. , 215 ti. l.lth ,
F oil SAI.K Special bargains liy Paulecn ft
Lot IX ) 1 1(58 ( on Plorco , near 20lli. lioupo nnd store
combined well nnd Mnble. f JiWJ.
Ixit 75 cast Iront by 140 with 2 now eottnpci ,
on 1Mb st. , 2 Bquiucs HOllth of St. Mary'a li\o. ,
txit fiOxaiO on 10th st. , nnar St. Mnrv's avo. , cast
ft out , Mlth oIoHtint lOnxini boupo , $80lX ) .
Ooriior lot In Shlun's nild. , with bouse , f l.'VTO. '
Ixit iriim : , on California , near 30th at , with
IIOIIMI , fU'lV ' ) , eav terms.
I/t ICIvlIU , on Pleawint Street , near St. Mnrv's
uvo. , wllb 7 room now bouse , stulilo , cto. , f l/iTfl.
Txit ; vixl40 , 4 loom now cottage , near I.nUo
school house , ( 1,500.
Choice lot In Hawthorne add. , Troom cottnpro ,
etc. . (1,71)0 ) ; PIIHV lorins.
22 leet on Hartley , near 1,1th , SS,100 , for Ovo
Lot I'Allff , on inth , near St. Mary's avo. , with S
small lmiis < ! , fct.lHVI ; ea y terms.
Tliolcd loth In Klikwnod at $ ! ' : . " > .
.1 lots In W. A. ItcdieU'a add.$1,000. .
Iotin\sOI1 ( | ( jt | , near Vlnton , splendidly lo-
catod. tCOd.
Choice lots In Dwlglit & Lynuiu'sadd. nt $100
Choicolotf In Claiko Place from 3X ) to $500 ;
Hirallcasb payment , Imbiueo monthly.
Houbus lor rent. l'uulou & Co. , ] 5)J ) ! rarnnm
Bticct , 224-1l. !
Cor. lot 7fi\i3 | on P. 1'th , with llrst-cln sn-room
cottture. cairiiiftu 1 ouse , bum , tfimiaiy ; n very
desirable location lor u doctor ; ! , UUO. Po not
lull to invcstiirate.
leet liout on Ilamnv , cor. of llth Et. ,
Paulsen & . Co. , 1. ' 1 1 Karmun Pt ,
SAKU A comer lot on Dodiro btrcet ,
J1 Woith double the uiouey. C"u-
nl' glmni .V Itiennau , Ifill Doil e. 2S7-1C
J"jMH SAM' Two full lot * , corner , west end
1 two block.s tiom Farnnm i-t. : Foulb front
mid on ( rriuta : $ l,5iK for b < ith. A buriruiii. .1.1 ! .
Hlley & Co. , 215 t > . 13th * t. 31T
17 < OH SALK ISoautlful residence lots lilVnT
Jn nut Hill J"fo lo Jl'oo each ; lo per cent cash ,
balance monthly puymcuts. C. U. Maynn , Aj ; .
FOKSAIjK Ilcmitifiil residence lots InVal
nut Hill ? Vo to ju'oo each ; 10 per cent casli ,
bahmt'o ' monthly payments. C. K. Muyno. ASS
158.11) .
7l > IlSAI.U-OuraUfarnliif < t , W\1I2 ) ; ileslrn
.1 bloiesldeuco , fcJ iOa J. K. Jtlloy & Co. , Sir.
S. 13th Ht. U18
FOIl SALE Beaut Ifnlrosldrnco lota in Wai
nut Hill S-'Ni to $ roe each ; lo uer rout casli ,
balance monthly payments. C. K. Mayne. As
158.1' ' ) .
FOK SALH Lots In Thornhnnr I'laco on licit
Line J-CO to JSM 'iiob , monthly payments.
C. I ] . Maynu , 1'ith and Farnam. 15S.M.
FOK SALTS Ileautifiil losldeiico lots In Will
nut Hill S'Vo to Jfoo onch ; lo per cent cnh ,
balauco monthly payments. C. U. Mnjiio.
TT OH SAI.K A few ole > riint lots on the best
1 purt of Culllornln street. flfKX ) a lot. See
them If jou AMtiil uood ixiHlileuco propoilv.
Ciinntnifliuni & Ilronmin 1511 Dod o St. 2tU-lt (
POH SALIC Corner lot 3 blocks from strrot
cui-H. J. 11 lilluy & Co. . SliS lltli bt. 31(1 (
FOH SATK-l4)tsln'riiombnrT > lnco on itolt
LlnotiU ) to fWJ ; oueli , muutbly pu > monls.
J. U. Aliiynu. 15th und rarnam. 15tS.ll ) .
J7 OH SALi : A bai-Kiiln for a short time in lots
' in Shlnns addition , live cor , lot l.'l ) tt on
Cnldwoll st.iiiK ; ) , ( .omo smaller lotb J550midMJ.
W.T. C.raliam , Cieijjhton bloclr I5'W
TniOUSALR-Henntllul insldonco lots In Wnl-
J- ' nut Hill 5 > i"x > to ( Joe each ; lo per cent eu"li ,
balance monthly paymeuts. C. K. Miiyno. Atft.
FOH SA Lr-Lots in Thornbunr Place on Ilolt
MnoSCO to $30) ) etch , monthly payment- ) .
( J. U Miiyno , iJlli and Km num. 158.IJ.
TfOKSAI- ! ; lleaiitilnl rosldonco lots In Wnl-
nut Hill ? _ ' , V > lo $ Coo each : lo per cent eiish ,
bnlimco monthly puymcntM. O.K. .Mujuo. Agt.
ns.i1) ) .
" 171OII SALi : Stoioliiconlcr of the city , \\ith
JIcitbo , llxtuius lor c'tilio bal.ory. Ice cioiun
piirl < ir nnd lextauiaut. Jiont low. Adiliess I ) .
1 : . . Hoe Ollico. 1U-KJ
JjiOlt SAL1 > IxithluTbornburff Place on licit < X ) to { ? ! ) ( ) eaoh , monthly ] > uymeuts.
C. li. .Miivno 15th nnd Furnnm. 1VI.IV ,
FOH HALK Cheap lots In Hnnfconi I'luco
SWn to ! J.7M. Monthly paymuntb. Cuuuliiff-
bam > V lli-Diiiiun , 1 > II Uodjju. 2.VJ-II }
lf OM SALK Two full l t on Georgia aveniio.
I $ llJ5llcasliHilendiil | location nuilcheap. J.
W. Marshall , If/HJ I'urnam st , IU7-I7
SAT.U-Lots In Hnufcom Place flora & 100
' t 6l-i ! > o. ( .nBy terniH l/tH on Park nuil
( icoijrin Aveuue.s il.'iJJ. W. T. Graham ,
Crultfhton block. 1D1.
FOH S\IK ifilotH on Dodpo street at n i = ae-
lilleo ; iiorfocl title. Heio Nun oiipoitunltv
to miiKo money , Uiiimliifliaiii & lirciinun. I"ill
DodKO. i.i-IB
T710H SAT.n rxitsinTlioinburff Place oa Ilolt
J ? Line , W.'OO to&KKI each , monthly pmineutti.
C. K. Mil ) no , i5th and I'arimm. 158.11) ) .
TT10I1 SALIVA few lotn In lliutlolls addition ,
J. Unco blocKs liom Mieot cur. ffWto S-7.M on
monthly payments. W.T. Graham , Crolfhton
block. 150
II' you want a cheap liouno and lot ,
It joti want hiioiiiuxs properly.
It jou uiuit unimproved tebldtince property ,
If j on wantiieio piopcity ,
1 f j ou want to innUo a uood In vest mont In nuy
kind ot mil oMulo ,
It jou iniut toholl any kind of real estate ,
Call at Cunningham is llioiiimu's olllce , IM1
dKO , ne.M P. O. tf"J
"TTIOII SAL ! ! A ( food inveotinentlna few lotslu
JHauK'om place ut * . 'j.V ) , cu y terms , W. T ,
Uniliiuii , Ciclnbtoii Itlot'lc. HI ) ,
Foil SALIOn Nicholas pticut. lot fOYll2aud !
2hoiu-es ; lout lor WOn iiionih ; IUbuM > ld
chcni ) . Ciiiiiilni'liiiin iV Uiciinuii.l.'Jll ' Dodite.
11 O. J'ATTIIHSON , Uih and Purimm.
1'orSaI" A beautiful ra IiIoncD'on DnvouiKirt
KI. Price , fJ.W'J ; loiujjj , tl oO cash , buluutu to
1'ur Sale Kino cor. lot , lst and Chlcn o. Pi Ice
{ 0 (111 ( ; wibjloilliR
Tor SaleA lull lot nndifond IIOIIKO. rontu lor
Mil per mouth , on So. iith : ; iilon r cur line ;
cast ; at if.l.-i.'iU ; easy
Kor frule A leiiiitilul now 7-room coltuiro ;
loti\lix : , and all convenience. * , on Pleivubl. ,
uUno kl , ai $ l.MuMOea ' ; > li.
1'or Sale Tine uciu piopurty from $200 to 6400
on cui < y tci IIIN
I'oi Sulo Twflvo ichldoneos nnd cottiiifes In
dllleiunt ptirtb ol thecity Irom 41,000 to U.UiU
Tor Kent-Two now rotttufos nt f 15 per month ,
one blocU tinmShormnn avonuo.
1'iir Item 1'our ut'ubioio ittoin.s In dcslntlilo
Money to Ixinii on aipio\ed | security at 7'i ' per
ccnl iier annum In sumtol I.Uklornioie.
Cull on or iiUclu-si IL C. Putlur&ou , Mih and
S.M.I ; A loiir-ftory lariro brick htitk
ncvupl l by ivIiolcsaU'cMiil'lisiimom. ivn' ' *
orJ-l.lM iiienIliunii Mru | . I'ucc.l'i < >
Spicnuid iinvittmvui , J , W. Marshall , I'M nir-
num. ieK'l
j on s\t.i : A' rrhy pretty R room cottniro
J1 nnd lot NKKIVf ; nn mOilnrn ImproTeipcnts ;
will l > n will ntntttctlfite. Cunnliifrlmin & lltx'ii-
nan , fill loil"o. ' * StsS-IO
T7WU HAl.r.-Io i inViioriibiTrff FlFco"on Ilolt
J. LlneJiao lo f ; > xi rnclii monthly puymont * .
C. li. Milno , l.Mli'itiid'Kiiiimm. K < i.\3. \
-u. >
ITifJH 8ALi-U : > f In'niornburff Plnco on Ilolt
JL1 Linn $ 00 n > fjiw tnob , monlhly pnymnuls.
U. li. Mnyiio < lith und J'urnmii. I.V3.IJ.
171011 SAIiT. llarfjit'lfVil residence lotfl lu WnT
J. nut Hill $ ' . 5)0 to'jnoo enoh ; Io vor cent cash ,
balance uioiithly piiymonU , 0.1 ; . Mnjno , A t ,
lt > S. ID.
l.TOBALK llonitlfut nfldnnco lots In \ ViI \ -
I mil Hill $2.o to ftoo each ; lo per cent cash ,
bulanco monthly payments. C. IT. Mnynn , Agl
l.VS.l'i. '
" 171OH SA1.K HOUPCS nnd lot * on monthly pny-
JL' innnl.s. I ) . 1 , Iliij-duii , Sauudcrs , botweun
Lake and Willis nres. M * . ' ,
ONLY no lots to trade for Itnprnvcd property ,
will ussii mo mot Images Or pay illlluioncn In
cn h. Pnrllos wlshliur to trndo betler call at
once. W. H. Oroon , oyur M National Hank. 171
TmOIlflALIS-LoMln'Thornbnnr Plnen on Holt
JL Line t2oo to (3oo onuli , monthly ynyniunbb
0. li. Mayno , 15th and Ifarnuuu IM.l'J. '
HOII O nnd lot nnd ton lotn near
4 Park avenue , cheap , on cn y teruiK. 0 , P.
Btcbbin ? , Hooui 31 , Ailliifftoii Itleclc. ! ' 4"nov7 *
T71O11 RALU 11 acres Honest pardon nnd fruit
JL ? hind In thoKtnto , and n miles from Omaha ;
hiuonot ilm time to look after it. On time oi
ler cash. Cat. Martin , lu ) South 14th St. 37U
Foil SA hi : Ono of the ftncst residence prop-
rrtles lu Omabu , f llwa C. li. Mayno. 15lh
and runiiiiii. ; rr5
F ( Il SAT.I ; aiiioonnwoottniro , live rooms
onch , In Wnliint Hill ; Rood cellar , closets ,
iiantrlesclstorns etc. ; two lots with each uollairo
Tl.HJO each. $100down nnd J20 per month. 0. K.
Mayno , IDth uud Fill nil in. 37,1
Foil SAT,1I Iloautlfnl aero property 3 mlloi
from city , at J125 lo $300 per acre ; easy
terms. K. C. I'Attursou.cornor 13th anil 1'nrmim
ITiOUBALK lloautlftil losldonco loH In Wai-
1 nut Hill $2.'x > to { Coo each , to per cent cash ,
balance monthly pit ) menu. C , ft. Ma > nn. nift ,
TTlOllSAl.n-niotson noor lannd Vinrluln
JL ? uves. . Kmllck's add. $ lin ; ) to ( LHOJ eaoli ;
cosy terms. .
(24fi ( ) Now cottniro C rooms peed barn , corner
Rrairluud Pier utieuts , $ V''uO , monthly pay
(171) ( ) Lot facing IIau com park onParkni-o. ,
$1,000 , wwy teims. C. K. Mnyno , 15th and Kiir-
inini. 271) )
IT'OUSALVi Ix > tslii Thoriibiirir Plnco on Holt
Line $ 'oo to fljoo each , monthly payments.
C. K.-Miij no , 15th and rarnam. IVUy.
"JilOltSAl.E Lots In TliornburK Place ou Ilolt
J' liluo oo to i'too baeh , monthly payments.
0. K. Mnyno. 15th uud Vuruuin. l.'iS.I1. !
7101 : S.Vl.i : Cheap , n line lot In Ilan'-com
JL1 1'lacc. Address N. 1' . F. . llco olllco. 15 *
P OH HALi ; Lots In Thornbuis Place on licit
Line S2oo to filoo each , monthly paj iiients.
C. K. Mil ) tie , 15th and I'urnam. I5S.1.I.
T71OU SALK-Io's In ThornburB Place on Ilelt
JL1 Line Jf-oo to ( N'.O ( > each , uioiithly pujmeiits ,
C. i ; . Mii > no , 15th uud I'urnam. l.VU.1.
" mOHSAT.r A two ptory , 22\if ( ) . frame build-
JL ? Inir , miitablu for n otoi n. near Kith und J'ar-
nuin Stu. Apply at tills olllco. 1H7
Mi . , _
, < OHSALi ; Lolji hrjlhornbnifr Plnco on Bolt
I 1 Line (200 to f : > W cAeh , monthly ] ) U.Mncuts.
C. 11. Mayno , 1Mb n7id Kiirmun. 1 > 8 19.
FOH SAL1LotM In Tliornliurj * ; Place on liolt
Line ? 200 to SJiiH ) ouch , monthly jiayinouts.
U. K. Ma > no , 1'ith und Ftinmra. 158.11.
"TpOllSALU Ou Knh.vlow Pt , onool the bo t
JL ? nimnirod nnd tioat llullt cottages in the city ,
0 looms , nil on Olio tloor ; i closets , pantry ; 12
It coilliurs ; tninsoni ovijr every door ; basement
and nslnoom under Mtcben ; f.'tWW , half cash ,
bulunco to suit ntS tier cent Very desirable.
J. W. Miiishull. IWAlPaniam. UiJ
TTlOIt PATiT ; Aero lots In Dollvodcro. lust west
JL ? ol'Fmt Oinahn , Js'iOO toliii-j ouch. The e are
beautiful lots und nro-liound to iloublo In vnluo
in a shoit time. C. 12. Mayno , S W Cor. 15th and
Fuinum. , j 156-21
JU Sale § 15,000. HayinK oAnblishod liuslncss
in Ohio , mid cannot properly attend to both , will
wll my larmonrru acres In Missouri , Washing
ton county , near Potosl , the county town , and
CO miles Miuth of St. .Louis , lor ubo\o hum.4r > 0
netos well improved , balance timber ouk , ash ,
Inml innplo and hlckorylm8frood ; < lwellliigbai us
.uidhtabkis ; raises the best wheat , corn or to
bacco , and would nmUo a ffood sheep luiin. 1m-
provoil lauds bell hero lor $30 per norn. This is
not only u ifood tiirm , but bus abundance of lead
cue upon It , with smelting liirnace , E4.\GO , ( rood
loff bouso for men , und complolo for linmedlnto
oueiation , and any buyer who cun give it imme
diate fiiiixilntoniicucu bus n small foituuo.
Halfc.vjh und good leal o tiito lor other hull' ,
or will glvo time. Title perfect. Addicss
thai les V. Sinclair , 175 Dearborn bticot , Chicago ,
llouin 75.
W. cor. 15th uud Douglas , aio now ollorliuf
lor s-ulo bupinere = ilonco mid Miburban property -
orty , p < imool the most advantageous bargains
now In 1 ho market van Lo obtained b > calling on
them , linpioved uud unhiiprovod pi-opeily ,
corner lots und < lc-ir.iblo itcs lu tdo be tk-
cntcd additions can bo hud ut lo.i'-onal'lo ) irlios
and easy terms. 3 Uuovl.'i
1 poll SALi ; 1-lvo acres , one-hnlf mlln irost
of fair giouiid. near Snumlers st. nnil licit
Line , SOOU. A. P. Tulioy , 1C01 rariuuu ht. 2JJ
FOIt PAI1' Fee nci i"S. nil underfenco , diviiliid
into r > fields 2oo lu-ies timber , lee acies cul
tivated ; u number ol living pprmva , KOIII ! house ,
stables and coirals. Piico.&loooo ; $ , .ooo cash ,
bnluiiento Milt lied Willow county , Neb .1. W.
Mill-shall 15UI > Kuiuiim. Ul 17
FOH SALT ! KM ncrea in Merrlck county ,
$4)0. ( ) Thousands of m-rcs of choice larni-
lug lauds lu Plctpo , Mndlson und other north-
eimtein counties utelu'ap rates ami easy terms.
.1. W. MurshaJI , I Jli lfnuium bt , 170-17
FINi ; Improved larms.will trudci for Improved
city jiroporty. W. II. Orcou , ever 1st Na
tional Bunk. f > 53
; Tniirf-octlniislii Ilownrd county ;
JTiOltSALi ' soil ; mostly nlco level land ;
railroad hlntlotis mid In good nehthborhon Is ;
J-.l , 11 W ) uud { ill ) per acie ; lii cash , balance 1,2
ami 3 years ut 7 percent. J. W. Marshall , 150 ! )
J-'iuimm. 1W-17
OH SAI.U Hominy looul.good luorlCkipor
hiiuili ed , W. J. \ \ olshuus & Co. , City Mills.
FOH SAT , ! ! New , handsomely pnlutod , sprlui ;
wagon. Imjuiio ut N.V. . cor. luili nuil'ull -
Jornia Sts. UOM.ip
, 'OH SALi ; In u small town n gonniiil stook
1 ol moi chumll-o. and store tor lent ; udilrosj
H. S. P. euro H o ollice. 2 . " > 2i p
FOIt BALK Ono lirun new wiuuro grand , Illl
hiU'.s \ - ( ' 41 , Piano , at Just ball price. S. Jon-
iison's jo olry utoie , Ijjth and Harucy st. 2U7-1I
"V7"OIJ can buy now or t-ocoml-liand Htovos or
1 ( lAchnugo hocond-hand stoves lor now Moves
und AID e $10 to W ) , If jftu go to llermun Kiiniln ,
( illi North Tenth sljcot , 240 18
Foil SAI.K Cheap , bntlra ontllt In suite of
elegantly furuMied looms. In block. Apply
ut 0. if N , W. Ity ullltu , Illl Kimmm stieet.
_ _
"POIIP. IHJCICNVHHAT VWUll-Car lols or loss
-L tn suit trade , lii'hauels or sucks. Our "No 1
Iteady llab-ed" iniekwhi-nt Hour , iinenled best
made , iii-k v 0111 gnvccr lor It. HIglio&t price paid
lor bin k heat KUllU'iiiW. J.Welhhuns fc Co. ,
Cltj Mills Omaha. 117
. 1'OH HALH-Tho lease and furnl-
HOTHI. thoJIUivVbik Central Hole ) , Wy.
moie , Nob. Thlh-TJi-oiinrty I1I be Mild at ii sue-
i Illco prior to ijtwibCT 1st. The New Contrul (
eoiiuuands the U-j-t tiado In tlio city , uud is u
l > nrj.riiln. sW.-UV PugiT , Propriolur. Wy.
more , Nob. r lU7-17p
J7 < oit H.\I.I l''urnllnrc ompleto of u ton-
J loom IIOIIMI , ' , ( block lioiu pu < tolllco
llou > o lor tent , $15 jier mouth. Apply at 1'jJJ
Dodtfo ht. HI
T710K SAI.K A No , 1 driving or ork Imrro for
-1. tiifh or on Him ) . \ \ ' . It. Ciult , Itoom 4.
Ayithuell llulldlntr. 7 < J
OUII ( : > iNTAl. : HI TUl.-rinnituro lor Hiilo
and hotel lor icnt , Cull ut Occidental fur
Infoiinatloti , corner It ) uid ; llouuid Kt. mi
Foil SALI : iiuck hcut bran. 25o per lei
W. J. Welshuus iV Co. , City .Mills. l'i |
"TTtOlt KAI.I ; T\\o Jot * in I'elhain I'laco , ono
J1 block Irom btieet cur track , lnijuhu"ldd.
l.ItllMll'CU CM
.Li : Or ouldtiadufor uvood horse
und buggy , hutleb ) lu ( ioipvr louuly. A | > -
pi ) to 21S South llth bticct. 1J.V )
3jT > H s M I i u in l * it d" iru ' ' ) luisi
i | < i Ul < II I' ii i < it i i r i < " ( ' ti i t |
< j < > ' ' III uilicr buoiliiia. A.ddu > es O I1'I. ' . ' I
Oll.tC. 'M\-l'J ' * 1
Foil SATI-TO : bo < llspo o < l of nn ostnb
llshoil Hankluir UitMncM In County Seat
of ono of the hot eastern Counlios In the
Htnto. The business worth JIJ/KVi peryenr. Tills
It n grand opportunity for pflrllos wishing this
kind of Investment. 0. K. Mayno , 15th mid I'lir-
nam. 222.
rpo U.VOHANOK-MMO worth good staple
JL fronfrnl morchnndl n. Will exchange for
jrood Nobra kior Kansas lands. Addies-s llox
Ki , Wyinoro , Neb. Ii5i-SJ
FOH SAL13 fomploto oulllt for banking
hou o , consisting ot Inrgo llro uud buiglnr
proot ale , Iron inllinir , cherry counter , elo , all
new. Would trade lor Omaha cltv propoity Or
n lid lands. C. P. . Mayno , l.'ith und raruain. CJ7
1,1011 NALi ; Itetnll stock of drugs nnd fix-
1 turos , nil In good oiilcr ; peed location and
trado. Address X Y. 2. , U.irk lrug Co , Omaha ,
Nob. TJ5
FOH hotel , grounds nil
Improvements , IKtuius , bur < u grow
ing oily. Prieo $25ono ; terms easy. Address It ,
U. Putlorsoii , Utli uud I'arniun. 450
ROAHI1 A ifcntlomnn and wife cnn procure
( Mid boutil In prlvnto Imnlly lor winter at $5
or $0 per week , according to room , no other
bourdcis , warm roomsoto. Address S. T. llco
olllco. ; IIMO
ROOJI mid linanl , * A per week ; very best lo
cation. 18U Davenport St. IGSolHp
WANTlJD-nay boarders at 719 North
near Hurt.
. . . . . . . MI' A whlto cow wllli ted slrlpo
jnrotind hnriiock. 8 to It ) yems old. ( labtiol
llower , on Patrick's farm. SSJnovlT *
ll U W. 0. MetzncrStovo Itepalr Co. . Ill South
Hlh St. between Dodge und Dougbis.
Losr Acmiill Im ? imirltod with II. t' . It. Ity
Initial : * , ixmtiiliilui ; 11 small mini of mo-ior ,
on 17tli ht. , bulweuu Cupllol nvo. and Piminpurt
t-t. Kinder will receive n liberal rennrd by 10-
turning lo Or. Iluirou lj3,1017 Dodso HI root.
TOST A elifid'H hhio and rod cimt7 fJ return !
Jf | intuinud lit once to Mrs. ICIiigmuii. r > 01
LOST On west r.trnam SI. lullos sluiul ,
Under please leave at Heed .limes .V Co.
HuriioySt. 1II4-10 *
LOST On St Mary's Avo. . a sbooiimkpra
vrheol : llmlor will leave ut I3oiiMn's groceiy
bloro , St Mur > ' A\o. 2'.tJ-l" > p
T > niWNA V Iv cunts will buy n combined
JL biaekut , I , ami htiiud lump ut Mood > s
china stoio Cor loth ami Davenport Another
lot just icuulvod and uru selling rapidly ,
. " 21-19
olojrlst ami Clalrvovaiit , points out iiuseoii
enemies , color their eyes and ball. The road
to success. I tvo uud business u speci.ilty. Shu
positively cures bilious huudiioni's , kldneys.llior
iin'l ' iilldcraujjumeiits ot the stomach , dissolves
irall Mones , cniosc.itari'h , the worst eiisos of
rbeumutlsm. Her method of curing culciiUis is
with herbs , uud most complete. Heals worst
FOICS In n month. Her treatment of coins ,
bunions , tender feet acts Ilko n charm. Mrs
llldchaidson comes with many i ocommeiHlnt loir
tiom tlio press and private Iinllvidiials. culcbr.i.
ted nnd popular bhort time only. uJ2 ; Noith liiili
street , room 12.
T KSSONSJN i'llAYON Pupils taught how
JLJ lomnlio crayon jiorli-ults A lllc bo por-
liait tiom liny jihoto pupil may desire gncu
lieo with toun of lessons. Coin ell & C'ooLii ,
nitiau ? , Itoom 20 , Aillngton IJloclv , west ot P. O.
LADIES In wnnt of poodplrl for > ronoral hou o
work A.C. , can Hud tlictn by applrluu-nt Oma
ha Kniployinout Iluroau , 112J Karnani St. 1)47 )
ALWAYS on band at n Imrpntn , No. I second
hand cirrlai.'u : jihaetous und Hide-bar bui-
? , ut A. J. Simpson , liiW nnd 1111 Uoifeo St ,
L ADI US in want of good domestic help can
bo supplied by calling on the Omaha lliu-
plovment Olllco , 217 N. Kith St. , up-stulrs. MM.
J. W. Meirlsoii proprietor. K71
PHI VI" vaults and cesspools cleaned In an
odoilo-d way by 1 \ G. Abel , 1' . O. llox 37.H.
NO operation or useless trusses. Dr. M. M.
Mooio , 21. ) Wabash nx'o. , Chicago. Will
bo ut Co/uuns House , October 2J , 0110 day only.
UISTUICT OK OOr.l'MUl.V , IISI11U2-IOU , Illl ( itltll
St. "TUB tJIIDAKS. " A boaullmr and dav
school lor young ladies. Dcllghttully situated
on ( icorgctown Heights. Lurcru gioiiuds ; su
perior scholastic advantages Miss KVUI.I' .
Another Jjil'o Suvoil.
Ahotittwoypnrsasjo , it prominent cili-
r/pn of Chicaiio was lild ) by liis | > hysiciun.s
that lie jntist dio. Tlioy said his ayMt in
wasio dubiluiti'd tlmt tlions wits uotlijn ; * .
JcfL to build on. Hit madu tip liin iniiiil
to try a "new departure. " Hi- got sonio
of Dr. 1'icrco's "Golden IVIcdical Discov-
< > ry" und look it neoordin to din-cliotis.
llisbppiin : to improve at once. Ho la > pt ii ) )
the trout moat lor some months , und is
to-day a. well iniin. Jlo sa a th'o "Discov-
cry saved hid life.
ITovrtoScal a Ijcttcr.
Now York Sun : Tin * art ol soalins n
loiter properly has to bo learned. The
letter should lilaid face downward on
the writtin < r dcM ; anil n cundlu or Jam ] )
at the rijjit hand. The wax should beheld
held .above the ilame , but not near
( iiioiiKn to burn it. litirnc'd wax makes
tin ) .seal brittle ami htteakes it with black
lines , ll .should &ofti'ii unulually sibovu
the tlami ; until it ia about to drip' ; then it
should bo placed smwrely on the spot to
be sealed and rubocd with a circular
movement. U'hen the wax has become
cool the _ stick can be t.ikeu away. To
hlatiip it , warm tlio wav slightly by hold-
\\\g \ \ \ it nearbut not over , ( he Ilame tiulil
it soflunfl. and then apply the seal with : v
u'rm touch. TJie latest notion is to tibu
perltuned wax.
DATUKIJOCAorht rases relievcil nnil
rincd by ] ) i FPV'H I'l'itu JlALTViu Kiv. ;
Kecoiiiiuenileil by leaiHii ; phyhicluiis. tiolil
by iltiiKfiistH and Kioceiri ,
Tnmos I'liTco , of Amniicnn 1'alls , hud KT )
ciittlo ut the Omaha j.tids . yc.stciday.
NOI-VOIIK Deliilitiiteil ? Ion ,
Yon an ) allowed < i Irt'-o trial inr Ililiiij (7r/// /
otlhoitsuot Dr. DVU'H C'uluhniU'd vollulo
licit with Klectilc oiihiiuiihory Apiilluncj's.
lor thuhpccdy iiillcf iui ( [ iieiinuiiunt r.uru of
Nurvous Di'hllity , Joss ol Vitality nnd Mun-
liood , and all Kludicil tidtihtcs. Also lor
ninny otho discnscs , Ci/niiiluto / lotoiatlou to
licnlth , viwoi und iiianliooir , No lisk Is In
clined. Ilhisliated paiuphctith | lull iulor-
iniillon , terms , etc. . uniili'd lieu hynddiussiii ! '
Yoltiilc Belt Co. . Murhlmll , Mich.
Hay Bros. , of Ulltcr Creek , had B30 hwul of
cattle ut the yaids ycsteiday.
"Iininoilluto ItoHi'l' "
To bo relieved nt nil , ( f .tiicli nn lini- ;
iiiablo pcht as ni'iiral iti , iHgrntlfrin ,
hut iinii'rii ( ! the trrntitdiili ht oflr. ] \ . J.
Gi'ortfo Kicfl' , of No17 15tuik htrcot , Now-
nrk , Now Jci'rtuy , who M rit H , tilU-r suf-
ferine ( lifjlit ujipi with neuralgia in llio
head , ' 'I Imvo used ono hotllcof Hrowu'.s
Iron liittor.s , which fjuvo nm iinincditilo
relief , nnd I : nn rc iiinin < my health
Jtiil.y. " No uoudur hu adds. ' 'I ( ihoi-rlul-
ly rcconnnciid it to all. " All bimiltir ills
tire ourud by it.
N. IJ , liciMKifiui , of Waliod , bought a him-
died head ol Jeeders al tliejaidsesteiday. .
Hi ( l ITS \\cio picpaivd by
Dr. .1. ( ! . 11. Hlefreit liu Ills pllvute use. TJielr
icpulallon Ih Mich to-day Hint they Imvo be- >
roiiKi ( ii'iit'ially KIIIDMI us the bontanpeli/.lni ;
luiiic. Jicunie ul eoiinte * felts. AM.niir
Kioceriii dinuiflst to ) the { 'cnnine aitide ,
uiannfuLtiiicd by Dr. J. ( ! . J5. bleyil tv .Sons.
Tlie Clilcntio ? lnn'H Last
"My dear sir , I ilm < n | J to inform . \oit
that jou cannot live mure than a lew
hours. "
"Is tlmtho , doctor ! I'lease call n di.s-
triel telegraph boy ' '
" I o .send tnc n ininKUT * "
"No , 1 \\-\i\t \ \ l ijit llio lutent iiiot.ition |
onheut. . "
Some Clint About These XVlio Toll
" \Vlion the World is Bleeping.
N. V. Telegraph : Printers nro ttnliko
other classes \yorkmon. . Their voi'iv
tion imnarta to them nn intelligoiico
which does not result front any oilier
business. Dealing with liui tiaffu ex
clusively , in fombinullons of letters ,
words , sentences nnd naraKraphi , they
are constantly brought in communication
with thoughts mid their working , and
thus nlinosl insensibly bocomn imbued
with the ideas of those minds who o cre
ation they lielp to embody into those
forms that give thorn to the world. They
literally ol grammar nl their linker's
end , while picking up the typos that
form sentences thai arc grammalieal.
Spelling eomcH to them as naturally as
breathing , for they fall into correct or-
thograplo through force of habit. The
uhitraeleristies ot printers are not so fa
vorable to personal thrift as those of
other professions. They partake at the
nature of the artist , in a certain degree ,
and are generally liberal to : i fault ,
thoughtless of the lutnro and fremiont y
improvident in the present , "lluslr'uhen
in good situations , and "dead lm > Ko"
when on the tramp. The printers \Vho
do not look upon the wlno when it is red
are the oxooptlons Instead of the rule.
They may truly be said to lie the work
ing Bohemians of tlio world of industry.
The City Mnn In the Country *
Chicago Ileruld : "Out in the conn try , "
said a traveling man , there are tv lot of
yahoos who despise a city man , and be
cause they think he is 'stuck-up , ' aw they
call it , take delight in snubbing him
whenever they get u olmnoii. if tlio oily
man becomes curioustthoutapothingnnd
asks questions that gives tliu country wit
tv chance to gel in his work. 1 have uron
guyed unmercifully by a lot of bnmkm
lellows who always fail to appreciate
and joke they don't get elF themselves ,
nud _ who have the best end of it in
badinage , because whenever one s'iys ) loud that
you can't get in a word until some oilier
gawk has thought up something smart
and Jirod it ut you , when , ol ,
another gull'aw lollows. I've had M >
many ton li experiences of this kind
during my country travels that I am
celling hardened to them. Ninety-nine
times out of a hundred what tlioso fel
lows lack in wit they make np in noise ,
ami so it was a genuine surprise and
pleasure to me the other day to have my rebull'ed artistically. 'I
was driving along u conn try ro.ul when
1 H.IW two men. boring iv hole in the
ground with : i b\ \ > ' well uu ur. Of course
I mulct ' "Hollo
Mopped to ! inquiries.
boring lor oily' bays 1.
"Tho big , lanky ehaj ) who had hold of
the windlass .stopped work for u becond
and replied :
" ' '
"Then lie resumed his boring again ,
and Hired in more questions. As 1 made
e.ich inquiry lie stopped the
gave a half-glance in my direction , and
alter uttering his invariable 'naw , ' ro-
buiucil his work at the crank.
" 'Wull.'sajs I , getting dospcrato after
: i while , 'will you please tell me what you
arc boring lorV
' 'Ya-as , ' replied the lanky ohnp , with
n. solf-salh.'icd smile on his face ; 'yu-as.
There usjil to be an iron well on this
spot , and wo uro boring for mineral
water. ' "
Iloavoii IVns With Him.
Now York Sim : "I was in Custor City ,
three years ago , and tis dead broke as n
skinned well , " ho said , as the boys
punched him lo tell how h got such a ,
hear on his face.
" .No , sir , 1 hadn't a blessed nickel , and
I didn't know n human being in that
town. There was no work , no way to
get out , and I leaned against ti dead wall
and wondered how much my tevolver
would .sell for and which way 1 should
head if I had $10. Tell you , gents , 1 was
feeling powerful blue when Hope cum
bcooting around the corner lo pat me on
the back and give mo a boost. II you
remember , ( he poet says it's always'the
duikcsl before dawn , and .somebody
has \viillen that Providence never goes
back on a man who moans lo do the
' . "
bqiiiir' tiling.
"Who was Hope ? " asked ono.
"She was a temalo a woman. I don't
remember whether she was aspnrtyus
an angel or as homely as a Diggorsqitaw.
bho How up to me and says , says hlio :
1 "Jo I address n gentleman ? '
" 'i'sid : in , 3011 haMn'l : made any mis
nKo , ' says I.
" Mlavc you got sand ? '
" 'Tons of il madam. '
" 'And do you want to make $50 ? ' says
" 'If I don't , then an Injun never hank
ered lor bcalps , ' says I.
"With thai she puts Uvo ten-dollar bills
in my paw , walks me to the corner , and ,
pointing up the street lo the St. Louis
lied Front saloon , continues :
" 'He's in there' ' Go ami shoot him ! "
" 'W ho might it bu. ma'am ? '
" 'My husband' ' He's a brute and a
tyrant ! He's just run me outdoors at the
muzzle of a revolver ! IJe'.s a big , red-
faced fellow with a brown Go ,
and may IKUVCII be Avith you. '
" 'Cortirgly , ma'am , certingly'says I.
and i niakos : i bee line tor the lied
"Tho tyrannical husband was prepared
for mo. When 1 was a hundred teet
away he a dead Rqiiinlal mo and
pops off his gun. The bullet riiis open
my cheek , as this 'ere sent' makes alli-
davy. I wis : whirled around and sent lo
grass , bill I whips over on my stomach ,
gets a quick sight on him , and betore ho
could squint agin lie UJIH my meat. That
'ere woman's appeal to heaven was un-
swered. "
"Kill him at once ? "
"As dead as this 'ere cmrbslun ! Ho
never kicked around nor mussed up the
saloon a bit. Tint injoored wife climbed
ever him and look possession , the cor
oner came to conduct the luneral , and n
chap with a lot of sticking plaster lUcd
up my hurt and said Ouster's great need
was a do/.on Komans like mysult , "
Her complexion is like her name. Why ?
She tines I'o/x.oiii'-i Completion I'owder ,
and is n lily.
To India on a Hioyclo.
Pall Mall Ganotlo : What would wo
not give to bo able to interview at this
moment Mr Thomas Stiivens , the in
trepid American bicyclist , who , on his
two-wheeled steed , has ridden across
Kuropo Irom Calais to Constantinople ,
and , waxing bolder hv Mieees's. has push
ed on through Asia Minor to JVisia. Ho
is now at Tubruux , and trom thence ho
is going to iinsh on through Afghanistan
to India. Hiirnab.s , ride to ivhivn is
nothing compared with this tourist's
ride to Herat , To what visions ot terror
he must have given rmo in Asiatie vil
lages as ho sped iio.wloi-hly through a
a wondering population ! To see a wheel
running away with a man on the top o
it , must have .suggested thoughts o
iihaltan and llio AtriLs with which the
eastern imagination has pcophd the in
visible world. Hut how the wo rldshrinks
and what a prospect tint adventurous
tijclihl upon np before the eyes ol wheel
men ) It a bie\clihl , can trundle his wuy
over Am nit and the Him tlaytiw , whal
corner of llio world will be left un visited
by the silttnt ritli'is of ( he iron steed ?
\\'n \ shall Jiaut Iriu. * , cling parties to Thiuut
and bicycling touts to l'clin ; , Who
knows that but before no\l century
dawns il will bo nccgni/.cd tlmt the In
ventor ot Ilm bU tle lias done iMiru lo
rovolnh | > 'ii/.n ' the ichgiou4. moral and
social id-us of liu.i , ) . nd than all the
philosophers of our lime
It- T
To the .Minn1 ? lie' ( ' > 1'o/y.oni'n Powder
givi s In sher charms , to tin old , > o-
lieu i doutli. .
Billiard Tables.
" '
Till1. nUUN8\Vlc"K.u'AlKlWXViiilJXU15U &Co
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
And .Sxloon , Olllconnd Italic I'lsturi'l. Mnrkoi
nnd lliirou Sis. , t'lilnw * , III. OnniliH olDco , OJJ
S. 10th St.
_ _ _ _ _
Book Binding. Etc , * _
Printers , BooK Binders ,
Anil Hlnnk Hook Miunifnrluiorfi. No * . 100 nnl
_ _ _ 1W South llth Btniot , OmalmjNob. | _
Butler Tubs ,
.t. s
Manufacturing of Butter Tubs.
M Hi , ! t'o ; 411 , ! V ; 2A tt > , ' 'to ; ! . ' ( i n > , SZo ; liM
Ini , ii > o. ISlli nnd 1'lonio SI. , Oinahn , Nob.
Cigars and Tobacco. _
llAX Ml'.Yliu Sc\\\ , '
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nnd Ammunition. i.'IA to lSouti ! lllli
Struct , UL-0 to IiK4 Knrnnm Btu < < < t , Otnahn , Nob.
\visr : &i'iursCiiKit ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Ami Wholuiuilo Donlors In l.ctil' Tolmoco. . No * .
Mi iiiul till N. 14th Snoot , Omaha , Nob.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kponoior , I'roprlotor , Mauilfiictiiror of
fiiilvnnlri'il him and ( Totnlco. OAI Dodifu , nnd 1U1
mid lUoNotlb 10th SliootOinnlm , Nob.
ItUUMl'lNd A 110I.TK ,
Mnnufnotiiioisof Orniinentnt }
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , KlimK tttu. , 1110 8 ISIh St. Workilono
In mi ) pnitof thocotiniiy.
Western Cornice Works ,
c. srr.nrr , rmpiiotor.
lrpil Iron ( Vnnlcut , Hto. HppohlM Im-
I'titunt MiilallloSkjllKht. 503 and MilH.
K'th bt. , Omaha , Neb.
Doors , Sish. Etc.
Jlnnufactiuoraud Denier In
Doors Sasli Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
Etc. Stnlr IliilU n t > pcul ll ) . Ti'lpphono No. 97.
l.'ith and Mnicy St , Omnba , Nub.
Electrical Supplies ,
Electrical Supplies ,
L.V. . WOhKU .t CO , KloclrlclniH ,
Ma onlo lllock. Onmlm Ilur l-ir Alarms , HolH ,
Kiio Alunii" , Ijloptrlo Matting , SpoitUIn Tubuj ,
Gold , -Slh-or and Nlclti'l riatlu , Illc.
Iron and Nails ,
OMAHA NAI1 , MANtfrAOrUIUNa CO. , 9 i , , i
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Fire NnIN u Spoulnlty. Omabn , Npb.
Oraalia Iron Works Company ,
Slnchiiiory , Castlnir' ? , Slcam KnurlmH , llollors ,
Aivhltcclnml lion Woik , li-on llrldirp , Mining
and Mill Machinery , Olllco nnil noik , Union
1'iulllo U. II. 17th unil isth StieoU > .
Foundry Works.
Cor. Hlh and .Inckson Sis , pinparod to do nil
Uin I * of lion unil limes raMltiKs : also.O , 0.
Hocking Gr.Uo ! m.innfaaturoJ
Mattress Company ,
Mamifactiirinfr Mnttrowos , lleddln1 ; , Foilher
3'lllowH , Cots , Ulo. JajB and lOia Uouulaa Street ,
Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
.Tcnns I'ants , SblrlH , llto , 1102 and I1U1 Douslas
Slioot , Omaha , Nub.
Paper Bozcs.
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
JOBS. 14th St. Onmlm , Neb Orders by mall BO-
Ilclledand will loceho prompt altoutloii.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mmiitfnctiiicr of Kli-n nnd llunrl'ir Proof S'lrns
Viti'li DOOIH. . .InlloiK Plit'ttors and Who
\Voik. Cur. llth and Jackson Sta. , Omaha , Neb
Sonp ,
P. J. QUliALUV ,
Soap Manufacturar ,
OJIUo nnd I'lii-toiv , near I'owder Magazine ,
Omaha Neb ,
Wagons and Carriages ,
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
Kliriiinill.illlarney H.ICIU . , Oinalm , Neb Sold
AvuiilM in .N'ehrujiKu lorJunua' ( ilubruted Spill
tilmlt Siilklui
Kslnbllshod iva.
The Leading Carriage Factory , .
110'J and 1111 Dudnu till eel , Omaha , Nub.
Wliitc Lsad ,
Ouioilura and ( Irludersof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omnhn , I.cli 1 evl Liniiu , I'IOH : C. W , Mon <
Vuu I'liia. : U.V , Vuton.Seo. iiiulTroiH
The Millird ,
S.ShuaM.J. U. Murkel.Tlioi Hwobo , 1'roprlotorl
Ouiuliu , Nubnuku.
Arcade Hotel ,
James Ctisoy , l'iopi iittor ,
1 1.1 nnd I 'I7 Douubis St. , Oimiha , Nub.
Thoputromigeof commoiclal muii io < poctfullj
huliulliiil 'J'nuy will lliul tlila the buat fJ u iltij
boUbo est of Chicago.
P Kiininoy Si On. , Proprfntorl.
ltati'8 $2.fW per day , no dark loonm. Also Palwx
liolol fca it.i J''o , O. u. i.ia , Nub ,
Canfleld House ,
Cor. Ninth nnd raiiiiuu Sis Thn best-fS poi
( hi'hotel In Oiniilui ItuinoduliHl. lelurulslie' '
loilouiuiodi oiiu block fiom tinny liuadiiliiitirs |
oppohlto I'liiou Piuiillu hcadiiiiailurs ; olieut can
PUH > I hit dour , ( iouiiru < anlliilil & Co.piop it >
torn AUo IJnU'ii Slouk VuiiU Hotel , BoutU
Hotel de GODS ,
P. HOIK Piopi'lelor.
Plan The only < uni rally Inentod $1
nilii ) housn Tineo < | OOM liom lloyd's Ojicu
llou-ouii'l ' ( ino-li.iir bliiuk tiom the Potto II "J
andtlid l iiin lluu u. Ur < W , 1510 , JJU '
Planters House ,
r i : n IHMS , ,
Ilttlj- . f I i in r i j > 'ii'-l e.ii'ion ) I
rt'iii u mi mi.of i o , U > n .i
i HI i mill > iii.4 > < n ( iiiiiUm. Nub ,