Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1885, Image 1

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    ' I
A Horror Combining Attamptcd Enpc , Murder -
dor , Arson and Suicide in Eaundcra Oo.
An I < mn Man Itouuillv Kills III. '
IJrotlici- Fanner Murdered
Near J.clMnrfl , lown
OUi i * Crimea.
A Terrible
vVAttoo , Neb , OcL 1(5. ( [ Special to Uio
Jinn. ] The must horilble crime cnuiiUsI in
2s'cbro.skl Mnce thu Nauru county tragedy a
jcarogo , o lined lust night ne.u thlsolty.
Un a tin in seven mlle.s fioni the town lived
Peter llongon and IIH ! family vvlfu nnil a
clillil. In tint housdiold there also lodged
3Icngo.n's brothei , Nicholas , .1 joung mini
nhout nineteen joint ) of age. Yesterday the
two men went over to unothrr farm , tliu
properly of Hongon , nliont two miles from
tliu homestead , to attend to some work re
quired there. At nightfall Hongen deter
mined , asns Ids Iroquent custom , to
fttny nil night In tliu vacant
Jiotiso t lie re , sending tliu jouiig in , in home to
attend to the chorus nndrotmn In tliu morn
ing.A .
A bout 0 o'clock In the evening passers on
the skirting IhoHengoit homestead heaid
I'isroi. HIIOTS
flrfsl In the lumse , niul Immediately saw a , c.mjlng u toit-h , piling ! through the
door and inn towaid some hay stacks about
fifty jaids from tliu lionso , and thc"-c In a
iiilnuto sprung Into flame , whlli1 the man ,
torch still In hand , ran luclc to the bain near
tliu dwelling. Tliu witnesses of the scene nt
once hastened tothe house , but on attempting
toentei wore
i oitcr.n itAric in ri. VMI : AND BVIOKI : ,
On this Instant another pistol shot was
lioaid from tbo bain , and upon glancing In
that direction the htiuetuio was seen abla/o
nt e\i'iy point. The elloits of the men to
MWO the contents of elthei house or stable
were futile , as the ll.unes had gained too headway , mid no water was obtainable.
The light ot the throe lues atti acted the resi
dents for miles around , who stood about helj > -
less to stay the conllagintlon , and certain
that thu Mibsidenre ol tbo llames would icvcal
A Tinuini.v : ir.Aiiie TAI.I : .
It glow 11101 ning befiiio thu people wore
nble to enter the ruins. The lions , a fnimo
building , and thu bain , a stiuctnru of like
diameter , had been reduced to ashes. In the
latter , MJen hoiscs and three cows had pui-
Jshed , and the cries ol thu doomed beasts had
been no llltlo clement of honor to thu lust
who readied the bcone.
Thu cuicst among the ashes of the dwelling
was commenced in thu confidence that
iioiiimii.r. Dibci.osur.ns
were In store , as tbo mjsteiy of the circum
stances attending the dlscoveiy of tholiiehad
been heightened by the fact that nonu ol the
family bail appeared on the scene. It was bc-
liovcd that all had been murdeied , and
the criminal had tired the picmlses to conceal
Ills deed and then escaped.
The house was built In "L" foi in , as thedii-
gram below Indicates. Among the ruins In
the smaller wing , near the communicating
door ,
TWO noniES wr.m : rouxu ,
those of an adult and an infant. Thu fiio
had wiought Its awful work , and but thu
skulls and poitionsof the trunks roiiiained ,
thu bones calcined to a gkulni : whitu and thu
llosh bioiled to a cliar. The remains were
H-adlly Identified as those of Mrs. Hcngen
and her Inbo. Oaieful examination of the
rumnindei of thu dwelling's inins revealed
nothing mine , but when bcarch was madu In
thu bain ,
1111 : : > coitisi : or A MAX ,
nt wlioMi Mdo lay a huge Colt's ru\ol\er , was
found near a stall and lying against the
roasted carcass of a horse.
The horror ol the situation impressed Itself
most toiclbly upon the witnesses , and Indig
nation ioso to a pitcli of madne-H when , at
this juncture , the hu-band mid father , who
had slept unadvised of
until on awakening at da ) break , he was in
formed bj u neighboi In passing , arrhed In
froiuled basin. Ills grief was bujond
bounds : ho recognl/od the blackened eoipso
In thu barn as tint of young Nicholas , his
brother , and between his uppilllng lamenta
tions ho pom cd forth the bltloiobt and most
tciTiblo curses on Ilia soul of the man albeit
of bis kin who hud wioughttho awful ruin.
Jlengen had at lasttobo toielbly lestralnod ,
as In histmiibpoits of giluf ho tlucatened
himself with Injiny.
The situation Is apparent , although the cir
cumstances leading to It will be
vni.iiii iMiim.vrs roniviit. :
ThofamlU Is Ocn man , and Peter , the head
of thu household is a tlnilty , diligent man
who within a lew yearn has acqulied n liberal
eompdoncy undlaut laud Ml Interests in
Saiindeis county. Nicholas , thu murdeicr ,
liitonilhny and Miicide , was a snmit
joung fellow about twenty joarsof ago. Mrs.
Jloiigen was n quiet , tolling , well
liked bv all the nolglihniHund hhai ing intiuli
thu cied'it of hoi husband's foitnne. Not ono
woid of lepioach has uver been breathed
against thu family and thu imuntlvu to tlm
torrlblu tragedy passes all understanding. It
IH thought by some that > ouiu' Nicholas may
havolx'on wiir-out he.ut tlmn hoovei l > elra > ed
and taking advantage of the lone situation
that nlghUm had aUeiiiptednciliulnalnssanlt
upon his biotlu-rn wife. Tailing and mad
dened by learnt O\IM > SUIO ho had then taken
awful moasinos to MippiObs It. This theory ,
liennnvi , does not moot general wvor , and It
h inoio chiiiitalilo to believe that Nicholas
committed lho oiies of crimes which toiml-
iiutcd In Ids own dcbtrndion , whllu surterlng
Jiom tenipoiiiry dciungcmunt of tliu brain.
WAIIOO , Neb. , Oit. 10. [ Spedal to the
HKI : . ] Last evening about 8 o'clock the
hoiiMiiind bain ol Pderllongen , living about
sou-it miles southeast of Wahoo , weio tils-
covoml to bo on liiv , mid on nelchbou going
to thu house , It was supposed that
thu occupants had gone to Ithaca
to wuuej fbovv that was being given
iltoio , and the pail les mn to the bain to try
to bavo thu team and what thej loulil ( lieu- ,
but anlud too late to s. v an > thing. AH
teen M the tire was biifllulently over
to imiku an examination thu hoiilhlu
fact v\iis dlNCovoicd Mtu. llWJgen
Olid a HUM slvjeai old daughter \\eiubiiincd
In the | IOUM > , and joimn lleiigon , n biothci of
thu vNoman'h hn&bandvatt buintsl In thu
bain. The unfortiinatu father and husband
nltlmtlmo was away from homo wnno two
tulles distant at work wheiu liu o\H'cte4l | to
remain all jilgbt , until the sud
bornotohlinby a son of Mr. J , W. O'Knne ,
a neighbor.
The theory now advanced Is that the jouiif
man hrst murdered thu family , Hred tin
liouso and then liixil the barn and shot him
self , as there was a revolver found by hi-
hldo when llrst discovered. Further de
vclopmonts may prove dlllicult to obtain.
Tin : ! or run CUIMI : .
Holow Is a dlagniin of Uio bceno of UK
tragedy t
< | : ' ' i" : i
' ' ' '
: b' . . . . :
E j
: D :
A. The house.
n. Hod whore mother and child lay.
c. Door where Nicholas went out ami
neighbors attempted to enter.
H. Tlm b irn.
b. The body of Nicholas.
el. The stalls.
K. Bain door.
0. 'I ho haj stacks.
IMJUI.ST AND i uimrint ivni.orMnNTS. :
WAIIOO , Neb. , Oct. 10. [ Associated Press. ]
The opinion ol thu coroner's jmy is that
they- had been murdeied by Hengen's brother ,
who uttciwards suicided. 'Iliu brother was
snnstniok a > oar ago and had been subject tn
lil of insanity hiiicu , and it is supposed he
committed the ciimo dining ono ot tin-be' '
bi > elis. _
A TYatHciilul Ficiul.
Sioux CITY , Oct. 10. The most horrible
minder that over disgraced Woodburj county
oceui led In West Folk township la-st even
ing. James and John Johnson , brothers ,
llve'd together on a farm. John was married
and James was a single m in , about 33 JCMIS
of age Yubtenlay they had a hoiibo raising ,
after which
A KIU : or IKUU : WAS TArrr.n.
The two brotheis quarreled and James was
ordeied fiom tli lioiiio. Ho wjnt out on the
piaii Ic nud icmalncd until about 11 o'clock.
He then iduined to the house nnd found his
brother John asleep in bed. Taking an old
army musket ho loaded It , placed the muz/Io
to John's head and
Notsatlslio I with this iiundlsh work , ho de
liberately loaded tlm gun nwin and lired
anothoi dmigo Into his head , bcattering thu
brains and blood ovci thu bed and walls of
thu room. Thu murderer lemaincd at the
house two hours and then went and inhumed
the neighhoistbnthisbiothci was dead. Ho
was immediately placed under arrest , and
subsequently made a confession of the horri
ble crime. On the way to this elty with an
officer they met a wagon wlthacolHn for tlio
dead man , nnd Johnson , being told that lie
would novoi sco his mother again , replied :
"Yes , I will.
i WIM. Mr.F.r uivt i.vmn.i.I"
The wile of the inurdoied man blood by
andbavv the cilme , agreeing tint It was the
pioper thing to do. Shu has not been ar- , but olllcers have aheady been sent to
the bcenu , and will doubtless return tomoi-
row with hei and the childien In custody.
SIOIIK On y , Oct. 10. [ Special to the Un : . ]
Last night James 11. Johnson shot Ids
btother , J. U. Joluibon , at theii icsidencu at
Climbing IIIII , township , twenty-
blx miles southeast of this dty. Sherill Mc
Donald , who was litteen miles away , on hear
ing ot It dioveto Johnson's house and placed
him under anesr.
At bencn o'clock this evunlng , Johnson's
stoij Is that hu had n ke.f of beer at his house
jesteiday , and last night ubiiit ten o'clock a
quanel arose und hu shot his biother. Thu
sheriff tunnel the dead body lying across the
bed , thu brains scattered all over the room.
Johnson admitted thu minder and said , "I
old the shooting ; I shot him. Hang niu
now. " The slicrin summoiu'd the nelghbois
to hoar the confession. The dead man's w ifo
claims that she laid acioss the foot of the bed
and was asleep and did not bear tbe shots.
MeDonald bionghl Johnson , who Is ten -
tj-bi\jo < us old , to this elty , when ) ho now
lies In jail , and left thu w Ifo of the dead iiiin
iindtliieo young children at homo. Daputy
bhorllt Davonpoit and thucoionor luft this
moinlng for thu scene of tliu minder and w ill ,
no doubt , biing in tliu family under lines t
tiHiionow moinlng.
The murdered man was Ihhly-fho years
old and owned a ipmitcr section of land.
Young Johnson Is iiultalnlolligentund will
not gl\o his leasons foi the shooting.
Muriloroel For Ills Money.
Sioux CITY , Oct 10. [ Special to the UKK. ]
A farmer named Moirls Lamb , living near
Lu Mars , was run over this moinlng near the
depot theio by the Chicago , Milwaukee A ; St.
Paul train about 13 o'clock. When picked up
m was loundto bo cold and stiff , with cuts In
Iho bend Indicating foul play. Hu went to
l.o Mars jostoi day Intending to bell his land ,
nit it ho did bo It Is not known. Ho VMIS
been late hist night In company with a
stranger , but since his body has been toiuid
notracoof the stranger can bo dlscovcied ,
: i oat excitement piovnllsut Lo Mais and If
ihobtitipcdid muidoier h found ho may bo
I ) ne-hed.
Hi/riioiT , Od. 10. The polle-u last night
raided the baleen known us the "Arctlo Ites-
aui-ant , " bunposed to bo the icsoit of
ciimlnals. Over the baleen Is a
[ inker loom , nnd In this weio
sovoial but Jars who otloied loslstanto.
1 lie door w.u > bm st In and tltuollieer * weie
hlvcn back , Thu men woiu ilnally forccil
uit and mot tlm police ) with drawn rouihen- . ,
mt woiDixTolved In a like manner , thu old-
[ ! er.s .shooting twoof them , ono Cluules Stiong
by name' , died this niornln . Several otheu
aiie.sled ,
lllloolH Cororecl
SiMiiscn-iKi.i ) , 111. , Oct. in. Allliouijh a
llttor light was imido by L.O. Wliederiind
Itov. Smith fin thu independents , n solid ie-
publican state centnil c-ommlttoo wasdioson
kv thu coloiod men of Illinois in convention
Unlay. Tlm lndoH-ndoiil.s | had nearly as
many votes as thu other faction. Thurcpoit
ul thooomniltteo on tnidoand InUir , declar
ing for low tii 111 or lieu t aide , w ad uuanl-
Both Pnrtie3 Prcsentiug Eival Claims o :
Advantage in the Legislature
Oi-cntTntllKiiation nt CfnclmiiU ! Ovci
the Kloution Krutuls A Small
niooily Slilit , OuUircuU
The Olilo Kl
ITlin count IIIIH not yet rciiUiod n ilcflnlli
jiolntoii the IccHlntho \ to niul both piirtiiv
claim the mlvmilnno In the iiFfcinlily. The pop
tilur r < i unliiiuiit iiKiiliiHt tliu hullot liuiKlM li
Cindtitmti hits ulnioH re iclied u rlutoiM pitch
tint oonkrjlulKment LonlioN the iolii > u nl at
lulrtuiiul no troiililo Is iinttclinitoil. 'Jliu lli.i
pip-cnt porno "peclnl niUlciM this iiKunlntr
vhleli , iilthouifh not otllclat , nio jet of Inh an
llioilly niul nru uiiLouriiKiUK to iipubllim
IIOJIOH imil IntortMtB ]
x niiiNi YKT roNrnTsivt : .
CINCI.N.SATI , Ohio , Oct. 10. I''jOO iu.-
[ Speclal to the Hir. | Theiu is veiy lllth
clmngu In the muddle on thu llamlltoi
county leglslativo ticket. The demoeiat1
have weakened on their claims of > esteida >
and now say thu vote Is veij close and nom
of their candidates will liauuimajoiitj o
moie than 'iOO , while two or three republican1
may pull thiough when thu ofllcial count I1
mndo. Attornejs rei ie--entlng both partlc-
havu been engnired , and committees from tin
Lincoln and Young Men's Htalne clubs 01 :
the pait of thu republicans and the Duck
worth and Jeflei > on dubs for the duiuoriats ,
will bo on hand to sec a fair lount ,
Thu republicans concede the election
of Hntterlleld , the rindldatu for the legist
ture , but elalm thu remainder of thu ticket.
The Volksireund ( ilcm. ) sajsthis moinlny
that the lepublieans have elected one senator
and twelve icprcsentatlvos In Hamilton conn-
tv to the general assembly.
A dispatch liom Coluiubus to the Times-
Situ sajs : It is now definitely s ttledthattnu
lepublii-ans have sevunteen senators without
Hamilton county , lacking ( wool a majoiit } .
( ii-elner is beaten in lAlusklnguui dis-
tilit by no. and Niel In Athens
by little more. This would gi\e the republi
cans both branches outside of Hamilton
county. An executive committee of onelnni-
drod held a meeting at noon to day and sent a
letter to the judges ot the common pleas eouit
asking them to MIIIUIIOM u hpeclal grand jutv
to examine into thu taiusof violation of the
eleUlon lavvsjof Ohio.
CiiirAno , 111. , Oet 1(1. ( [ Special to the Heel
Thu follow ing telegram lias been
hero :
JlANsriri.n , Ohio , Oct. 10. Latest advices
give positive a-surance that thu legis ature Is , not less than three 1101 more than
six majoiityitliout Hamilton county ,
tioin which we have tuvoiable advices indi
cating the election of nine lepubllcan repiu-
s > eiitativc's und four bcnntors.
Tin : nnt'i : vrnns uorn : ! ) .
Ci.vriv.vA 11 , Oct 10. Special to thu I&rr &
Mi. Kichard Smith Mid last nightVo :
elect font senators and nine iepicsuntatives.
'Ihugang tiled to cheat us out of them , but
they weie watched too dosolj lost nlgnt , "
County uilices elected bj lepublieuis me
common pleas judge , tieasuier and commis-
slonei , wliile the demociat get cloik , mo u-
cutlng attoinev , and board ol contiol. .Majoi
Smith said : "Daspite tliu villainous li.uids
ot thu gang , thu victory in Hamilton county
Is substantial. "
Tim Cincinnati Knqulrer ofllco and leaders
of thu convention gang natiowly escaped
vlolonce last night , and there is no lulling
how soon troubles will begin. All along
theiu havu been mutteilng ot a storm , mid
the liotons element of the city has on Is'
been too icady to lepeat the scenes of the jail
massacre. Decent Germans me aionscd by
thu monstrous fiauds of thu demnciaticgang
leaders heie , and It on y ivqnlicd aspaikto
cause a liloodier ontbicak than that one of
two veaibago. Last night about SXK"o\cr (
the Hhine citi/ens" were to bold nn indigna
tion meeting at Turner hall , but the owners
wisely i of used to open the doors. In an in-
uedlbly blunt time Vine stieet was packed
with at leastt-,000 excited people demanding
rincngo ujion thuhc.ulb ot thucoiiiiptlonlsts.
At midnight theievvas less excitement on
Vinobtreet ami thiongliout the city , though
at any time itonlyio'iuiieda leader to cicato
louble. The ballot-box conuptionists were
thoioiighlv alaimod , and nonoof them could
bu been at their old haunts. Had
the gang not been 1 lightened at
the enoimlty of their own crimes
last night , there is no doubt that the mlbbing
billet boxes would have ghen thtu-i i > It
the democrats. As it is tliuj have from ! i,003
to-MKX ) illegal votes. IJut they are thoroughly
bcaied and aie hiding , At t ! n. in. thu stieets
weiucmiet , bnttlie Kniitiinu otlicu and icsi-
dences ol niembeis of tliu gang weie gnaidcd
by the police , besides 'Specials" btationcd
on iiuaiu in theMieels.
'J heie aie two cases of Winchester rilles In
the ] ; iiiiiiioi ollke , and other aims.
In the meantime special police have been
sworn in , and a stiong gii.ud uas placed in
and about the Kiiqiiiti'r ollice , where , iluiiin ;
thu iihdd , two boxes ot nuns had
been quietly taken.
. .lolmIeLcan had judiciously left the city
for ) in thu moinlng. At thu
bamo time the Klist legiment had buun oi >
deied to the city immediately troin Hleh-
inond , v\hcie it was in lamp. At 10 o'clock
allaiis looked veiy seiions. and it was telu-
ginheil | ) iiom thu ICnquliei olllco to New
Yolk Sun that a ilot was feaied. litlei
( eunsi'l , howcvci , piuuillcd , ami the meet
ing dispel sed.
CISCINNATI , Ohio. Oetobei U ) . Complete
nnoflli lal iigmes on the head ot the tli kct in
Ohio liavo now been iccciu'd , and bhowa
total ot li.1,201 votes tor Toiaker , and itt/.U
lor 11 OKly. | KoniUei's majoi ily , 17lbS. ( ACiVi\sr nil. IIAMAI.S.
ClNf IVNATI. Oct. 11.-Till ) OSUMItho COI1I-
nillliuot thoeitl/ens' "hniiihcd" todaj sent
n lellei to the pn'sldcnt ot the common
judges , asking him to bumnicin Immediately
11 special grand JHIJ to examlno into tlm violation
lation ot tliu election laws ot Ohio , commit
ted In Hamilton county , and to indict nil
persons against whom a ica < > omiblu iimount
ot uvldunce.shall bo adduced. Thu commit
tee fiel discouraged about getting win-
lants laltlitiillj bcixcd lij the piesent
iiollii ) touc of thu cltv , and hnv ile-
[ "imlued to niovo against thu elerllon
olTendcis thioughanaiits.suoin out bet ore
the magistratis and seised lij eonsiable.s.
Monuy is being suliM-iibcd lieely to the coin-
mlttecnboutftl.OOOhaving nliuady been iu-
iiisrinAPi'.rin. now AT roi.t vinrs.
Con nut's. Out. Hi. Cieat oxcltcmcnt was
cre.ited In tiont of demoeintlu hciulquaiteis
on Ihond btieet nt i ) o'cloik thin attenioou
mil a riot was iiauouly avoided. Soon after
bimiu one about hcadquailcni lauded to bu
sluing acrois the hticet In hugo foim , a
li'oody bhii t w lib the IIIM-I Iptlou : ' 'Nuw north ,
ninv smith , u lie deal , the last ot the Mooch
bldit. " It Ibbtalcdndrand Aimyot the Hu-
nibllc man railed and gave thu committee
mlt an hour to have tlm slilit taken down ,
ind I ) } oideisot aninubei of the commlttiu
itas buingdonu when iimnn fioni the ie-
publican headimaileiri grabbed the gaimunt
ind allei boakfng it with Ueio-euo letiuiud
mil binned tlieslilit In Iront of tliudemocrat-
( i headiiiaiteib. | A tiowd of several hundittd
gatheietl and the gioatc-st uxcltcment pii'-
vailed. Counsels ol coolci head- , prevailed ,
ind after much loud talk and tlucats
ho ciowd dlspeiscd. Thu jelling caused
lie peojilu In leave thcli biislni s
wlillemanj locked theli doors. Thu leimb-
Ic.uis denon uo it .w an Insult , and both
sides nio eondemnc'd by the liettor I'ltla'iiR tor
lailicliu'.tlng in a move which in the piesent lever heat might have led to gieat
Obs of llfuund piopeity ,
HICKIIV vvr.nin.Nci ur.MCAcir.s.
ScitANro.v , Pa. , Oct. iu.-Sin-clal [ to the
In : . ] The poisoning and naiiow escajw
ami ileaih of nioro than ono bundled guests
it a fas'ilnnablo wedding In llonusdale , je.s-
erday , which was attended by about twunty-
ivoiesldentsot Scranton , Is tlm bensatlon of
ho city , It Is not kuu > ui what poitlon ut the
vve < ldlng breakfast was ix > isoned , but thai
something whlcli was gcimrally partakrn ol
rontnlncdadnJteroiis sillHlatico was evident
from the suddenness with which near
rly cvciy one who pjirtook w.vs tal\
en ill. The brldo and groom alone eseapcil
the lerrlblu experience of guest * , being toe
full of happiness to ptrlnko of the dangeioih
delicacies ol the wedding liivaldaM , Tin
gioom. Harry S. llattuii is the son
of a Scranton meichanl. and h ! <
inarilaRU witli > Miss Harriet
\\eslonhnsliceiitho principal theme ol so
clal gofljt In this section for sumo time ,
Young llattun is now dolnc business In Clii'
rage , but It was in ninged that attei the wi il
illng ceremon > , vvliich took place at the
Honcftlnlo I'rcbbvteilaii chinch , tliu couple
.should come to Scinnton and hold n weddlim
reception. Acconllnglya meiij party tooli
thu caisat Ilonu. dale justcidaj afternoon lei
bcraiilon. They had been on the tiniu liutn
shoit time when bcveiiiligncsts liom this city
wen * nitackul vsltli stmtigebensatloim , ln <
c.nding dlssiness , jialn , in thu stomach anil
vomiting. Thusullcrcrsgi-uw vvoisu all tin
VMIJ to Cnrbondaie , and when town was
uiuhi'd , Mi" . Uatti'notjil7abetlipoitgmnd' :
niotheioftliegioum.was'deluriousiiudliui sou
became nticoiiiious. 'lite inn limn C'aiboii'
dile toberanton was madu In less than mi
hoiirnndcauiages wei-ontthu depot In thi
ck } to taku tile paitj to the residence of tin
groom's tatliei , which had been ntted up fern
inception. Instead ot engaging in lestivltles ,
however , It looked as it ptopaiations toi vev-
ei.U tuncrals would bo In ordei , sodwthlj
sick v\as cverjbodv but tliu man led couple ,
ISids weie piupaied at once toi the sutfeier-
and a niimuor ot thu most pumiinent doctoi-
in town were called in to minister to tlieii
needs. The ductois v\firke < l haul all ntghl
and this 11101111114escijbody , with the extep-
linn olMis. Hatten's nintliei vMispionounccil
onto ! danger. Thu miiloilngsof Honesdalt
guests has been similar to those of thu Scran
ton pconle , but all am doing well. The na
tin col the poison that caused M > much eon
bteination and HulTeiinj has not \et been a'
i.ivi : STOCK.
CiucAcio , Oct. 10. [ Sfieolal to the KKK.- ]
CATII.I. Kceelpts of cattle for the day weie
TO.WJ head , against 7,740 last 1'riday ,
making about 40OiS , for the week so 1ir : ,
against 30,118 for the same time last week.
Peiib were full ol common westerns nnd na
tive * . In lact tlio gencial emal Ity of fresh nr-
rivals is ratlioi below common. Tlicio vva
not a load of piimo lirst-class cattle on tliu
maiket and but few loads of ically usetnl na
tive. ' ! , but native grades below thu-iU noted
were plentiful. Weights of these common
and medium natives aio not taken Into con
sideration , as nice , fat little steeis of lr > < l
will sell eqiiallj as hlsdi as lean and coarse
averaging 1,300 and upward. Tat Is what is
wanted. Hujeis claimedgood and iisoUl
natives were a slindo stronger todaj , > et In
a general way such are Inlly Me
lower than last Friday , while mod him
natives , or such as aie classiiied
Iu the maiket as biidi , me 2 > c to lOc lower
than last 1'iiday , and tlicy woic almost un
saleable. Pool and common i.mgois may bo
iiuoted 'Joe toSOc low or for Iho week , and best
lonnd about i.0o toiiV : lowoi. Texaiisliavo
been scaico lei a day 01 two , and have been
rathoi tinner th.rn otherwise. The stoeker
and leedci trade lias undcjgone little 01 no
diaiure In the last twuatj-fom hour- . Spot u-
lators weie buying more stock , but atpimes
that "look as though they weio stealing
them , ' ' said a M'lki. 5"ct at the pi ices specu
lators niu getting It v\jJU take them a long
timu to swell theli Unnc ) , account to veiy
laigu pioxitloiis. | Tlii'stock ) calf trade lb
again nidot , witli good soils selling nt about
tonuur Jiguies. bhlpjin .steer.s , lav ) to l/iOO
Ibs , S' > .40,0.00 ; l , 50 to lr , : 0 Ibs ,
5.j.OOC ? . ' 5. ! ) ; U-.l ) to 1.20Q Ibs , fiOfiJI.M ; Mock-
eis and fccdcis , dull at5i.J. : ( ' ? I.OJ ; cows bulls
and mixed , bl.X40a ( ) : bulk. S-.WK-i Wi ;
through Texas cattle weaker ; tt'iO to 1,0 tO Ibs ,
v oj ( . i.v ; 7V ) to two ibs , i'-ioscuJWO : ooo to
700 Ibs , 84.7fKrt(10 : : westcin rangois dull and
10e lowei ; natives and halt bieeds , SB/iOftTI
500 ; winteied Te.xans & ; . ( KoM.CO ) SalCb 77
co 40.
Iloos Receipts ot hogs foi the day 2",000 ,
against l'Jiil5 ! last Kilday , making about
1AVKU toi thu week so far against 1K,497 ( ) tor
the bamo timu last week. Market fahly
active and mlcca ashadc lowoi on mdinaiy
runs of packing sorts and n shade higher on
eloselj assmtcd light weights. The bulk of
picking borts sold between .i.'O : i.W ) ,
oddb and ends and some full loads at ? I
ni)0 , and beat heavj at Vt.KVa4)0. ( )
soils scaice and in good demand , esiicolall >
singeing jilgs and teathui weights vvlncli sold
at sii'JO&i'UO , and other soits of light
at & , ! (0u ( ! .bO. Honitli and mixed , Pt.,0 ( < $
: i.r > 0 ; packing and shlpplm. . tiiO to IJ.50 Ibs. ,
S' : doc < " : ! .l ) : light weiglitH , l'(0 ( to 170 Ibs ,
( > M.OlbOtoaiO ; Ibs , o-(0 : ) ( ( < f. TO ; skips , . ' .50
fe-5.i" ! .
I'ltont en AXI 1'iiovisioXH ,
CiiicAoo. Od. IP . [ SjH-elal to the I3ii : . . ]
WIIIAT Thu wheat maiket sustained a bo-
veiu attack of depression ntonu timu to-day ,
but milled liom it , and dining the nlternoon
leroveied somewhat of Its buojancy and
tinnlly clobed a sluido higher tli in je.steid.ij.
Cables came in weak and tliu pit w is full of
ellorsal the opening , who succeeded in driv
ing Dece'iubei vsheut down to HP e , or le
lower than the close last night. The declinu
nndenintily hioughtoiita ol "long
wheat , "and thu Icellng for a timu was qulto
nervous. At its weakest ixjlnt camonewsot
Iliu jiosting of u laigu amount ot wheat nt
New Toil ; ns out ol condition and
lid * caused a gicat nianj neivous
lioldeis to let KO their prnppiU and thuiesiilt
was tint Deecmbei tutiliih fell of to ' .ip , , , . ,
the lowest point of the day , nionud which ng-
ino vi iv Lugo quantities diaugcd hands' .
Ilu.vingbecaiiiumoiugeneial and the nun Let
ndvamedslowlj loH > < e , fell back to ill vs
then losonndei nl longer I mIng to tt'c , und
Ic-ll oil and dosed ut Vl niil e on regulai
lioaid. In tinatleinoon llieieas almost a
bnoiant maiket , New'Yoik taking the leaden
on Imnioved expoit demand and Miong Inn
ing. Dccembei mUanpcd to Vi\i : closing
it outride iigmes , ehUher than vestenlav.
I ho feeling was strong sit thu dose.
Cons In coin t lading was blow , and lo\\ i
| ti Ices i nli d dining tliu legal. u Hsslon , but
thu maiket bccaniu btrong again In the atlei
noon in sjiupalhy with wheat , advancing
ind closing well up to vosturdaj's anal quo
OATH-Oats ruled dull and steady , without
nnv notlreablo < li ingu In prices.
I'IIOVISIO.NS 1'ioUsloiib weio quiet and
unchanged , _ _ "
inr. OJIUAT siiMVAtjinn : si'ix IT. vioit
Hlllirhl VVIIlIAI'OI'l.r.XVMIbll I1DVV.
MII.WAUKI.I : , Oct. lli ( Siicdal to thu
lii : : , ] A icpmt leaclii'il .thu city to-day ot
ho dangerous of Veler Mcdeoch , thu
.jieat speculator. McGefidi lives in an eht-
'antiesidenio neai the , Soldleis' home , and
uasacllvolv making niep r.itlons lo stait for
L'allloinla. Ho awuk'o vi-i Illiind w i taken
ultn a partial upopleclju Htiol.e uimo
my HIM ) ( aiislng his death hetoio relief
oind be nlfoidcd. Mcico ( < h suiteied agonies
Toi bomuhoin.s , lintw.w allotiUd some iillet
shoitlv beloio noon , 1IK i.ill liom death
uasvctj clobL * . Hlsiittendliigphjsldaiisbav
luisavcij hick moil , but tli it liu will in all
uobabllllj iccovcr.
MII.W vi KI.IVln. : . , Oit. in , | Ass ( dated
1'iess ] relei Mctieoeji. the boaid ot u.ulu
iperator , VMIS stricken down b > Mmicthing
Iko npojilexy at an eaily hour this moinlng ,
ind torbuveialhouisltwas thought ( hat hn
would die. Hohasgiown very stout , and
\\asbtileKeii Hov.n at liis liomu ne.u the city
u HI wilt a moment's warning. Thu doclois
vuio hastily callid , ami alter winking with
ho siilleier tor bomo timu gavu him relict.
: t Is not believed that Ids sickness is regular
ipopluxj , but UN so Ilkiit that his call was
veiy dose , Mr. MiCeoch was vuj
K'ltei ut n . ) . but Ids illnev. N htlll i.'gaided
itei > bci lulls ,
Tli Sinull-l ox.
MosjiiKu. , Oct. lit.OllUial ii nuns u iho
hiiilth i II ic in il.ij i-lmw fortj tin i e deaths
fioni Miuill pux fn thi'dl ) jt'Mi'lila ) .
Servian Troops Orosa Into Bulgaria ami Op
posing Armies Mnss Before Thorn ,
Imllcntloiif. That tlio Itnllrntt I'loliloiu
Is tci Ho Kolvccl at Last In
Ulootl Other L'oreJgti
No\\ .
Ttio Hu' rlnn
LONDON , Oct , 1C.t IKSei vl.ins cwvcd Uio
Ilulgarian liontier near Charkol. They are
iidsaticlng tovMiiil Solii , and are now ne.u
Diagomnii Pass. King Milan Is In command.
A panlu picvalls at boiln. Konr b.ittallons of
liilanlry have gone to detend Dragomin
1'abs. Thuj hue with them only two bit-
teiicsof small Held guiH. TJiuro Is no Hul-
gatlan IUMVJ nitlllery nearer to the sccuo
than thatalSistova and Hustchuk. Itisex-
ix-cted that Solia will bo eaptuied by a conp-
Austria has warned King Milan that what
ever is thu Issue of Uiu piesent tumble , it will
bu useless for him to expeit suppoitfiom
Austila. Thu railway comp ihles In Austria
and Hungary and thu Danubian Navluntiou
contpiiny liavubeen notified to piepaiu tor
thu transportation of tioops and munitions
of wm.
ov inn vi non or A viniir.
CoxsiriMHM.r , Oct , 111. A large foieo
of'l'niklsli tiooplias been otdeivd to ad
vance in the dhei tiou ot Nissi. A bittle be
tween the Seivians and Tiul i Is imml ent.
bi. Pi , n iisnt nn , Oit. -Tbe.loinnnl do
St. Polei-sburg today , In commenting on the
liltlgaihui question , slums signs of Innia-
tlencunt thu dela > In settling the difficult }
and sijs : "llussia.ill not siilimlt to thu
dictation of M. Karavelotl , the ISiilgaiinu
piimu ministei. U tbe waining ot the am-
bas'sadots to Prince Alexander to pa < Ify
Itoinuella nt the iiski. ' losing thu union does
not make linL-aiia letnrn to ICMSOII , tlietresli
conleiuncu tonssi'mbie shoillv will settle tin1
dill'culty on the aine bisls us the stmting
in - .ullon. "
IMjint the prosint i oni-sent
PHIM ii' , Oel. lii.A decree has been
Issued calling out all tliu fcseives foi active
The Chinch lit Politico.
LONDON , 0 t. in. C.udinal Newman , In
nn uddicbs to day said that the Piotcstant
church of Knglaiul was thogieat of
this country against Atheism.
ho wished all success to tlicso defending the
church , and tli it lie and his tiiends would
join in dulendlng it.
C.udiiial Newman's views an1 Important In
connection witli tbe forthcoming elections
lei mombe'is of paill.inienl , and ilie.v will be
likely to inlliicnie many votes In tavoi ol
conservative candidati's.
I-'ranco anil I'oi-liiKal.
PAUIP , 0 < l. 10. Lo Matin to-day "avs
that Portugal has elzed two Vreneh stations
on thuCulf ot ( ininea , and uigrsM Iu I'u'j-
cinet , mlnistcT ol ioieign altaiiN , to act ener
getically in theaiiuttei.
, Cholciu In Italy. '
UOMH , Oct. li ) . Killj-four new case's 'of
diotuni and tw'entj'-thico deaths from the
disease weio icpurted in Palermo jestc-i-
FK.IIIINO ri'siov.
Dr.s Moixr.-J , Oct. 10. [ Special to the
Hnr. ) Dr. Dennis , ol Ced.u JUpids , chair
man of the straight greenback central com
mittee , has announced a series of meetings
foi Colonel Colvin , of Michigan , and H. Mar
tin , ot Wisconsin , who will speak In Iowa
against fusion. Tliej belong to the national
gieenback party , and icpudinte ( he action of
Weavui and ( iilletto in selling out the green-
baekeis to the democraticuty ] > , and will
light fusion lieie fiom now to ( lie ind of the
campaign. Tlm action of Gillette , diniiman
of thu national greenback committee , and
candidate foi lieutenant iro\enioi on the
Jowa democratic tiiket , is being loudly de-
nouiiied , and these puimlncnt greenbaekeis
liom Allrhfgan and Wlsccjiisln have come to
low a to help defeat him.
r MMI ) ov n owiits. :
Iis : Moixr- . , Oi t. 10. [ Hpeclal to the
] Ihi. . ] C. W , Don it Co , dealeir , in llov.ers
and seeds , made an assignment to-dajr to .1.
li. Johnson , of thlsdtv. Kaillci In thodiy
the > gaveadiattel moitgnge to Chllds Unw. ,
ol Phlhdclphla , for ? 'JOHK ) , vvlddi it is nn-
dei stood about covers theii liabililies.
lowv Cirv , Oi I. 111. The final day of Iho
Iowa Woman's rliiNiun Tomiioiawo Union
convention was a bm > one. The ohi ( ion ol
oHhois icsiilted : Mis. .1. 1 lien 1'osioi. pies-
ident : Mrs. Anna Leo M.diin. ol Musiatinc ,
lcooiillngsfcidnij ; Mis. Aldilih , the lelii-
ing piesident , ( onospimdingsodi laiv. Thu
most impoilaiit v\oik oi the ( 'invention was
todeloimliio the iiosllion ol the tiKsiKlaliiin
townid the political panics whldi was mill-
cateil b > the resolution lopoiti d last night. To
emphas'-'omil tuithoi delinetlieii position thu
loiivontion adopted this evening ( lie follow
ing losolntloln : We de-lie hi to toiKoid om
unl.illliig lov.ilh to Iho Women' ,
Tomjioiaiiio union in all Its istablislud di-
paitmonln of wink , but wo bdii'u- was a
gravi ) mistake Im tlio National Women's
Clu Mian Temx'iame | 1'iilon to lake fiiillsaii
action at tin-bt. Louis lonvintlon wlildi is
sit foi tli in the twontj-lliM n solution ot Ibit
convention , and wodedaio tliut wo will ov
iiciso ( ho llboily given in that resolution ,
nnd will not bo bound b > it.
'IhlsioMilntlon wasiuooptod M loiiO. Tliu
( ( invention do" < d to-night with a speech bj
Mis. roster.
AN 1 fif VIM'II f ONVIC'I.
lis ) : Jfoivrs , low a Oct. lit. John rolllns ,
a coin h t known ns "Tinstj. " esraped tioin
hiseniilo\ei | \iiamosiiliibtnlght. . llowas
sent liom Linn lountv in Man It Ib'-n lei
dghtoon montlii , on the diaigo of hmglaiy ,
Thu htato oilers tWi foi bis eaptuio and 10-
linii. lllhiigo 1M vonrs ; lidgbt. 6 hot niul
\i \ indies ; wclglil , ) "i poiinds ; woie H num
ber seen iMiot ; dai 1' i omploxion , brew n hair
and lia/el e\es ; ninueiims India ink suns on
A on vsm rix-p.
Drnt'iJI r , la. , Oct. ID. IShctinl to the
IJi.i. . ] The town of ] ) > ios\illo , near this
illy , isgieall > oxdted ovu thu illsiovoiy by
iiiiuo bojsof , iboloutalning thu bodies of
i\liat aie rtiipiio-ed to bo nlno nnbnin chlldion
ill In a good state ot j > ioM-i\aton ! , having
iceii ] iut In ahohol , .Suspicion IH attaelnd
iu a Dr. Woodman who loimuly llml near
0 , but lias ieiiio\ed to Nebraska , and who In
novlng dhpo-od of this ghastly collodion
iNhldi idijsldans gincnilly keep. Tlm Im
i\as lonnd In a laigu ho.u jiaillj filled witli
1)1 nt'ejfr , la , Ocl. -fAbsin latod Pies . ]
-A ghastly elKcoxeiy was midi ) lit D orv
illlu , thisI'ountv , last nlglil. Childion llsh-
ng liuillttlopond draggid up u box which
ont.ilned nine uiiboiu babes fiom four to
Mutt months In pioe'ess of gestation. Tlm
MIX had been air tight and had ( oiitalnid
ilcohol. Ithadbeon ujiistanlly wasbid by
ho siiilngliidi luinlshod Iois\lllos ) )
ivator supply. Mispldim iiolnln townid a
loetor who loiuoM'il to .Ne'ii.uslut. tvo > e us
igo , and who hail been sitspicteil of being u
A Ifoobior
Cn vw i'oiisv : ) n. 1 1 , Ind. , Oct. id. John A
I'wlloo was hanged In 10 Unlay , tlm drop falling -
ing at 12SI. : Ho was oxei nted for tlm innr-
lerof nn old man named M'-Midlon and his
rtlluilj J.liumij lust , the liuuw liciujj bin ned
afterward to hide tht crime. Ho madn three
conlcssinnsdiningimprisoniucntinipllc.itln ! <
nt times sp\eral other patties In the
commUsloii ot tlie crime. On the stivngtb
of ono ol these , .lames Dennis was MMI-
teiued to death , nut was given a new trhl ,
ami will doubtless be released. Cortee was
uttcily itiostiato blnco last night , iefuslu
lond. Ho had to lie ( an led to tbe ccatTotd
wheie he made a shoit speech. Thu lotic
broke twice , but VMW Inuilly adjusted utlv
factorvand In twelve minutes life was ex
tinct ,
rosiorrii'i : AITOIN i-\ius rs.
W.ittcnov , Od. 10. The postmasfot
general tn-diy appointed the following
fonrtli-olass postmasters :
Illlnois-At Mnrtinsvllle , Heivdd MuNnry ;
lledon , K. W. Mirlln ; Chaim , James r.
Miller ; Allilon , John l.ondiigan ; Snmner ,
John C. Stanlev ; Wheeler , H. H. Dldz ;
Duiand , Jolm Davis.
wii.veMMi err IIKAIIS.
Mr. Baldwin , the new l > appointed ic
Hist iiudltiu ol t'io ' tieas.irj is a sonjg
llaldwlu , ofthlddtj , Hols a lawJTr and
was fuimei ldeik to the state i > nate of Mis-
bimil. lie was subsequently elected member
of that boih. A few months ago ho up-
pninled i lifef ot a dlv Won in the olllcu of thu
lompliollei of the eiuiencv. Ho assnuuxl
thoilutv ofdcputj llrst auditor to-day , re
lieving II. 1C. hoavoi , who lesigned Uy re
quest of . \ M inning.
M. It. Lamm has h en appointed ohluf of
customs , dlv isinn nl iiistmilltot s oill e , vlco
i : . 6. Pollack , i educed to a touith ehuss dcik-
TUP M W MI'NKO .lUinriAllV.
Si-niMii in n. 111. , Oct. 10. 'I his being the
homeol Chiel .lustlco Vim mil. ol New Mexico
ice , ueently siMiondcd liom Ids duties
jiendlng Investigat on into id ) ollidal con
duct , gieat Inteiist is tell hei-o In the Until
outcome of the matter.
Congressman hpiingor , who was onu of
these who iei ommondcd Judgi , * Vincent's ap-
jiointment , liaving been Inteivlowed bj u
btato Koglster icpoitei today said
that tlie suspension seems to have
been made at the Instanea ot
Mi rislibacu , of Indianapolis , a inomliient
lepublicanol thitdtv. Mr. rishliack , hav
ing little know K dsro ol local affairs , .snpiosed )
tiiat jniios hdodod bj the commission ol
Coltax 10 nt.v had jurisdiction of matters
niisingnndii the laws of the United Stales ,
and ospee ally the land laws. Tills 'n a mis
take , and the Coltnx county couit has jniis-
dlelion onlv ot CMSOS arising undei thu laws
ol thu teiiitoiy ol New Mexico. The ills-
tnct couit , vshldi meets in Santa Ku
has juiisdiction ol alt mattei-s aiising iindui
United States laws and the liny tin Ibis
coiut was soleeted last , lnl\ and DOISOJ had
nothing to do with it. Mi. Spiingci said that
itwasu gieat mistake to recogui ? ! ) Dorsoj in
.uiyw.i } but that the goveinment was in no
inannei ) ) rejudk'd ( by his apjiolntnient
as ouu out ot the nvu Jiny
commissioneis In Colfax couutj , nil being
demoeiats except Doiscj. Doisuy's ollidal
duties v\ere all perloimed In a very lew
minutes and that the commission has not
luithei Iciral existemo. Spanger is ol the
opinion that upon the thoiougli investigation
or nil tacts , it will be louiiil that
Chief Justice Vincent has made
the host judo New Mexico lia ovoi had , and
that his conduct thioughout lias been thoi-
ouuhly honiibt and consolontlons and with
due leuaid to the public' inteicsts. Ho also
stated that should nn investigation piove
otherwise , lie would bo the lust to demand
Vincent's removal.
i'itr.siii\ii ) \ppoivTvirNTH ,
WAMUMIION , Oct. Hi Tliu piOMdont to
day made tie follow Ing npnolntnients : To
bo consul geuoial for the United btntes. Hen-
inmtn F. iJeiiham , ol Oicgon. .it Calcjilta. To
nossce , nt Jeinsalem. Ernest P. Ilaldvvln , of
Wisconsin , to bo deputy liral auditor ol the
WAsinvu.roN , Oct. 10. The secietaiy of
the tieabinv liisH'quo'ted tlie losignatioa ot
Benjamin P. Davis , deputy fourth auditor of
tliu tioiihiiij , and his helceted his sueeesbor ,
but thu 11.11110 Is withheld for tbo piesent.
Tliu lequostlor Davis' icslgnntion wasmado
over a week ago , but has not been compiled
witli. It is htatcd at the tieasnry deputment
that changes will be madu giadu.dly in a
number ot otbci ollices ina similai giade.
AinerlcaiiH niul the Gorman Army.
YOUK , Oct. HI. A Washington spo-
A few days ago a disjiat-h troni
lioilln a nounccd that nianv German-Amer
icans Iinvc boon lately molested bythugov-
ciiiment and piessed Into militaiy service ,
und that Minister Pendloton was taking
steps to save them ttom such annojaueo hero-
alter. 11 thatnuant anything , itumldonly
tic lonbtiucd into meaning oui
niialslei Is attempting uithei to nego
tiate a new tieaty for icgulnting thu
status ot ( dti/ons
in ( loriuany or to amend tliu Itaiieroft tieity.
Tons having hi on oxpicssed bj somu < ! ei-
maii-Auieiic.ins oin government might
lake stops involving an abioration ot the
li.iiu roll tieaty , and thus onlv lemovo thu
saioguaid nndoi vvlddi a hiigudass ot ( ! oi-
iiiaii-Ameileans can visit their fatheilaud , an
inquiiy was made of Mi. Portia , the Ilibt as-
sisiant bccidaiy ot state , who is in chaigo ot
[ liplomatlo nllaus , about the mallei. Ho said tlicio had been manj complaints ol tliu
Inelllciency ol the Dancrolt tieatj in piotect/-
miT ( itrmaii-Amoiiean eiti/cns in their
nlcl hume , but tins troveinment bad
talii n no stops to negotiate witli tlioCei-
maii govoinment In log.iul lo thu matter.
Ho did nut believe Mi. Pundloton had done
tnvtbiiU' , but Inllmatcdthiit IhumliiisU i was
itnd > ing the matlei to nnil out what is
piling tobiMloiie. Mi. Pinter also stated that
It stcmed to bo iho geiieuil oiiinlon ol wi'll
inhumed poop'o ' that woconld banllj a k tbo
lloiman govoinment to toibe.u liom imnlsh-
iug doi mans who havu obtiilued eili/eiihlilp
llioio lei what violation In counlij ( In-
lulling evasions ol militaiy dntv ) that may
nue been ( oinmitted beloie leavingdeimaliy
ind Hi it it would also he nntali to both this
mil the ( KO\I inmeiit to ask tliu lattoi
lo penult ( icuuans to come heie and bucomu
-ill/ens only for thu pn'.posu of letnin-
ng to their nativu laud and thus
\ado ( he duties ol cltl/eiibhlp to both conn-
lies. Potter tliinks. Imwovur , tliit li the
Diidllloiis upon wlildi a ( Jciman-Aiiieiloan
, in now ntiiiii to ( ioimany bo madu
noie libelil it vsill be done.
I ) , It , i N. 1.\ri.NK10.V ,
Piiitu VXD , Od. HI. Oideis woiu lOiohcd
0 day by tlm Oiogon Hallway iV , Navigation
oiiitii ! ) oilldals to begin tlm eonstiii > lion of
1 blanch fiom StaibucU , on the main line , to
l'onioro'nsliington \ Toirltoij , a dlstamo
it Hilll\-oiu ) mills' . Ciadlng iscaxj und the
Ino will piobahlv bo completed bj Janitiiv
1st next , It will II.ISH through aildigniln
: iowlng legion and it Is esllmiltd that
W.OOO tons ol wheat ot this jcai'seiop will
hid market ovoi this lino.
A n vu.w vv HU.I : .
Itorin MI n , Od. in The entlie piopnrty
if the Iliiihistei > V , Pittsbuig Ilallioad i OKI-
> an > was sold to-daj undei dei'iie nt tlmsii-
ircmi ) couit by loloioo , It was ] midiasiu | in
liu Inteii'st of thu bondholdelh liyAbiam
slin ot Sow Yoik , lei stLKKMi-w. U' . H.
) | IIIS | < MI | , on behall of ecitaintm kholdi Is ) ,
in bade the sale.
iiovi ] ! > VII\T : jiinrr ions.
AVvbinxcuov , Oct. 10. The Moutory of
liu Intorlitr U dlssatlslicd with Iliu mei're-
ii.-sol the lepnits lieietotore fuinlshid bv
; o\einmont dlieetors of thu Pa < ilio lalliOiids ,
ind Intends to m ike a i hnngo in this respot t.
I liu statutes anlbori/e Iliu seoetai > lo pu -
.eiibi ) tlie diaiaeli.'i and lioqnono > of tin-so
opoi s , ami an ( inter will In mad" next
imiitli iiqnliing thu gou'inmcnt dludoiM
o submit di ( ailed lopmls ol thu dlu dots'
iioding with bitch oilier Inhumation 1011-
orningthu buslnobs ol tlm lallioad lompa-
ilos usthoj maj possosH. l''oi ' joais p.isl the
Intlos ol the government diicdoin has In en
.oiiiiiied In Iho propnhitlon ol thu aiiiuiilie-
1011 , si ( Hug foi ih results ol their Inspection
if thu lalaoaiU and containing no ic-foronoos
it linpoitiiiiii ) to the ptoccullngs ot the
'nil liu.ud of ( IIIeitorn. As Information
husinllH ted was nsu iido , about Iho aimi
is thai In nHied bj Urn eommlssloiu't ot
iiihoads , Iliu gou-iniuent lias neur been
'iilighlonrd iiion ] tlm subject to any extent.
\fterlliulssiioottliuoiiloi menlloiitd , it is
lolloMd that lint di'iiaitment ol Iho intouor
vill 1) ) lull ) advised as lo thooxiu 11 harador
if thu Jinaiic'al opoiatioim ol thu
The Growing Kovolt of tlio Ooliorts Wliich
Have Created the Adtniuistmtion.
A Grand Kick In Now York mul Pe
mmulatlon of the IM-eslilciit'n
Uiittili'iiCs-H anil Stu-
Nr.w YIIIIK. Oct. 10. ISnodnl lo Iho Ilio.1
Thu democrats heiv who weio loyal tullier-
ent.s of ( are beglnnlnt ; to
coidl.illy liuto him for Hllghllng thorn. FnvsU
ovldeneo of this fad accumnliiles oonstnutly.
< The pivsldont In two Instances dlsiogordcd
small fnvois asked bv two nn tiopolllan dom-
ociatloc'dllois. Tlio Win al tionts tlio pix'sl-
dent lukownuuly and ulmost ildleules some
ol his appointments Its feelings losoiuo ex
tent mo smutlioiiil to avoid open ievolt ,
The latest proot of the uugi-jitofulnossot thu
piosidcnt Is the ease ot Hon. Benjamin
Wood , editor of the Now Yoik D.ill.v Nowd
and onoof Clevelnnd'M olodmu He had re-
fialncd fiom asking afnviirof the adminis
tration until the consulship to L'gj ptoanmnp ,
when ho ashed the appointment of (
Long , wliofoiinerly occupied tint pint niul
who distinguished hlmselt In the r.u'jpltnu
wm. Tlm selection was o good that S. S.
Cox , Samuel J. Itundall ami other equally 70. fj
piominont statesmen ondoisc d It. For a tlma
It was a foiogonu conclusion that Long would
bo appolntid. Societal j Manning assured
Kdltoi Wood that thu matter was virtually
settled , when , without winning , the presi
dent appointed an unknown man. Kdltor
Wood leds ( lie disappointment k < only anil
all the mole because It is tlie Hist and only
favoi hohndaskod. Hudoosnol hoiilatu to
oxpioss indignation pihntdj , but smothers
Ids feelings in the cdltoiials of the Dally
Now s.
rii.vii.AM's : LOST I'lii siioi : A'l novii ; .
Ni.w Yoitii. , Oct. 10. [ Special to the linn. ]
Itodnoy W. Daniels ex-collector of llnlliilo ,
who Is nt the Kiflh Avenue hotel hen1 , Mid
to day that Piesident Clevelnnd's inibllshlng
tliu tact that liu intended to go Iiomo ( o vote
would have no weight. "No single vote will
bo change d bj it fur tlio democracy , " said ho.
"We know him MI well in ourcltj that what
ever ho does In the waj of Indorsing Hill
will have no Influence. Ho Is a selllsh man
and has novel voted any Hekol but tha
btialglit democratic. If his bi other was run
ning on tliu lepubllcan ticket bo would not
vote foi him. Cliuumstanco has aided
him blngukulj * by thu breaking
up of paity Hues. In liull.Uo
the votcis aio fully awaru tint Hill was
connected with Boss Tweed. The fact that
Cleveland refused to run lor iiuiyoi oneo till
an objection iblu 111111 was taken oil the lic/ket /
linds a stiong paiadox in this rncu for the
gov 01 noi ship , und > ot ho did not refuse to
inn with him. Ilosaw tlial Hill oould cuiry
voles with ceitain classes. In my
Bcctlon'ls for Davenport * 1 could namobomo
very pioniluontdomociats that will vote fet
him. The revelations of the past few claya
about Hill hive gained many votes liom the
Ixittei eloiuuntsof the democracy. The v > hole
of vv ebtern New York is enthusinsliu In the
lopubllean CIIIHO 1 bavo bounded juotty well
tlio leellngs ol the people.
rouAM.i : 10 m tiMi * MW : YOIIK.
cNi.w YOIIK , Oct. Hi. Judge : I'oi-aleoi hw
acci'jited the inv tuition made by the lepubli-
can state committee to stinnn tlio state foi
the republican candidates.
Si'iuvoi 11:1.11 : , Neb. , Oct , 10. ( Special to
the Bee. J Following In tbe leimbliiau coun-
ly ticket , placed iu the Held Odober 18th :
'I leasurei , J. C ! . Bell m ; cleik , S. H. Knapp ;
sheiifl , A. Kmpy ; judge , A. IJ. Hancock ;
superintendent ot schools , S. 0. Bond ; commission -
mission er , Otto Mjoi ; suivevor , Itobeit Hum-
illoii ; eoioner , : > i. Bond. Much dissatisfac
tion pio\ails in both parties , and the prohlbl-
tlonlieketwlll poll a goodly nuiubci of votes
fiom both bides , as they have a full tleketout
and aio woikliu tor all they aio worth.
rnr A i w V.MOIII : .
Wvviour : , Neb. , Oct. 10. [ Special to Urn
HIT 1 Tlio laigo store of A. C. Nje , linnlo
lomonts. immjis and windmills , burned last
night , i'ho mo VMIS discovoied about mid
night mid ( onld not bo chuoked bufoietho
\\.irtcoiaiiiite. .
Nil ion , Nib. , Oct. 10. jSiM'tlal to Iho
HII : : . ] Tlio Antdopu counl.v lair closed ( o-
ilay , Itv\ii- Mice ess linandallj and otlier-
u Ise. The nttunilaiiuo was largo , thu exhibits
nnmeioiih nnd u ell-selected ami the lalrasso-
I'iatlon feel cneounigcd to "do it again" next
AN' UM'Oim'NATi : AfC II KN1.
Ni 1,11.11. Nib. Oct. 10. [ hjicolal to tha
HII : : . | Holla Allen , a bo > about 11 venis :
nlil , was Unix led ; down on the gionnifby n
iiiniiwnj tciuii todiiv. His skull was badly
liactuicd. Heniaj die ,
to Die.
Pnii.Anr.iiiMiiA , Oct. 10. Annlo i : . Cutler ,
Iliu voting colon il woman who pleaded Ki > iJ.ty
In Maj last to the mindei ot hoi talsei lyvcr ,
William II. Knight , n loloied waller , wjia
lids at In noon sc-iitunccd by iludgoMluuull ;
to bo hung ! d.
Aiiothi'inilUMiiilcenii III.
Mii.vvAi-icri : , Wis. . Oc t. HI. [ hnoclnl to the )
Hr.i : J Loninel Kllswoith , nnolner luoml-
nent dtl/i n Is at ( Iratb'H dooi. A gieit : al > -
( ess luu gatheied In hishuadanil giingrono
is feaicd. Hu had to Ins ICIIIOM d lioin hw
homu to the hosplt.d this loionoon.
The Weather.
WASIII.XCJTO.V , Od , 17. Uppui ills-
filsslppl Valloj : Fair and cooler weuthor ,
vail.ible winds. For thu Mlssnml valley :
Kali aiidoonlui weatbei , wind shlfling to Uio
noitli and vui.ving lilghor b.uometer ,
Causes Its victims to bo nilnoraMohopeless *
confused , and ( U pressed In mind , very IrrlLv
Wo , linculd , niul drowsy. It Is a dlsoaso
which dues not get Vidl of Itself. H rciiiltc3 )
e/iroful , pi rsl-auit Mti ntlon , and a remedy to
throw off Iho cau t" and tonu up tlio dlges-
t.vo organs till they pcifuriu their duties
v.ilngly. : JlDoiI's Kin.ip.uUli liw I'rovcn '
jiisUlio refill IK ! lomuily liibimOicils of cases.
"IhiYOtakon Hood's H irnipirllU for dys
jippsli , from wili ! li 1 h-ive Btiircicd two yuars.
I lrlcilmu.y tlierinel eiui'KliutiiiioiiriY'-i >
* o fe-.tlbf-ctory us llodil's 8 ir * iparllla. "
aios.s IXOK , Urush lileetrlo J.liht Co
New Vork City. } "
Siclc Headache
Tor the nst two jc-jrs I have teen
nfllMcil w.tli tocro l.r .d ihen nnd dysjioi * .
th. I Ui'.iicid to t y lloud'a Harsapv , jwl Icvo fimad trc.-.t roilif. 1 ch cr
II 'y iaui--c.J ! : It to all. " MiW. U. 1' ,
A.N.NAiiLi. , ltu Haven , < ' < iiai. j
7Ir . ill y C.8nlti : ! , Caiiilirliltrcport,3
VT a a ti.r rcr I
net.o. M.Q toils Hand's hursapirilU
Icuud It the best rcmcuy tlio ever nwJ.
Hood'c Sarsaparllla N
Hold by nil ilrureista. tl 1 MX for ? 5. Mad ?
.only by < ! . I. MOW ) & < ' < ) . , ittdl , Mass.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar