Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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    'HE OMAHA DAILY , QCri\Bi I7. 10 , 1885.
Agricultural Implements.
l.INXaiit ! : &MBTCAM' CO. ,
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Corner 611 1 itiul 1'aolllo bl * , Uinnlin , Noli.
\Vholc nlo Dtnlcn In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nml HiiKKlcs , Omaha , Knb.
Boots and Shoes.
w. v. jtoitpn A co. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
U111'urnum Klrcet. Otnnlui , Noli. Manufactory ,
Hummer Street , Hoston.
Carpels ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
MftttliiKe , Curtain ( looils , i.iu. , 11-1 Fnrnnin
Street , Onialia , Nob.
Coal , Lime , Etc.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone ,
OITlco , Sill 8. 14th Ft. , Omaha , Ni > . Ynrrts , Dili
nml DuM'ti
COUTANT Ft ) 171 1 1 US ,
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
HcFtvnrlotleH. Ofllro. Sin H. lillhSt. Tolopliono
No. HK ! , ( ) inaliaNcl > .
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
! ! 11 a. lIUli St. , Omaha , Noh.
( Ho. C. Tovvu : , President ,
OFO. I'ATTKIIFON , Hoc. iitnl Trrn .
0. II. Hur.niniT , T. A. ,
Proprietor. .Manager.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Olllco , SI" S. Mli fetre < t , Telephone- .
Oio. : J' . iMiivnn , 1'ies. C , F. OOOWHN , V.
.1. A. KUMIhlll.AM ) , SCO. Illlll TlOIIS.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers ol litirU nml ott coal.J.VJS. lull tit. ,
Umalia , Nob.
Hard and Soft Coal.
i ; dealers In Moulder Colorado Coul,217
Miutli Iltli stieot ,
Coffee and Spices.
RLA UKI : unoa.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills.
Tons , Polices , Spices. linking 1'owilur I'liivnrliiff
] 5.\trntls , I.amicliy Ilitio , Ink , etc. 11H-1U liar-
nuy Btroot.Omaba , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
11HANCH & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
J121 Kuimiin Pt.Omaba. Apples Our own pack-
Iiiff-Vliitt A : U > 'M TIKcr Ilnintl Ojsters , llutter ,
Kggc , Uiuiiu , 1'oultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , 1'iovMniiH. Knilt.i , Hour unit IViil. IflT ,
B. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. Coiibltfiiliiuutt ) boliciteil.
lletnrna timilo ptomptly.
LOUIS iiru.wt ,
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
w ! , SaiiPaKKS , Fruits , llutchcrs Tools mid
Supplies. 1 15 Jones St. , Omaha , Nob.
General Commission Merchants.
. Hutti'r , T.KKB , roreimi ami To- )
moMlo Fruits. IKS. Iltli. , Oinalui , Nob. Toll *
phouo No. yti.
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Kmrs nnd I'Hxluct ) . A lull line of Stone-
vruro. ConslKiitucntH bolicltoc ! . HU Uoilgo bt. ,
Omaha ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , K w. Choose and Country 1'iodnco gen
erally , ituu S. 12th St. , Omaha , Nub.
' McSHANi : & SCHKOii ; > l7u %
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Itofrltji'iator nnd I'nckhiK Mouse , 14th & Leaven-
woi Hi St. , on U. P. It. It. Ti nek , Oiiialui , Neb.
IMabllshoil 1S70.
General Commission ,
211 S. lllh St. , Umiilui , Nub. hinUall le llutter
KKK > I'oultiy and ( lame.
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
1'iodiico aud 1'iovlslons , Oinalui , Nob.
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
Fruits , Seeds and Pioilnro No 2IJ S. lUlli Street ,
Uuuilia Nebraska.
Storage aud Commission Merchants.
FriiltN. Flour. Apples , Stonoivwo.riilor.Vlnuisnr ,
OriiKHBcixlK , lliittor and I'KKS UK ! and 1115 South
131 li Mreot , Omaha , Nuliiiibluu
Produce Commission Merchants.
Foulliy , lluttor , Caino. lYults , Kto. Z 8. Iltli
St. , Omaha , Nebrabliu.
Y/holesale / Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
f , l.nnl , .Tellies , Hutter , I'.HK * , Chci'po , lite.
No.M S. Utli St. , Omaha , Nob.
) niios. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
HOT PodRoStii'et , Omaha , Nub.
Crockery ,
\V. I * WHKHIT ,
Agent for tlio Mnnufactiircra and Importers
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lninjis , ChlinnojH , itc. : onieo , ai7 South 13th
Stitet. Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goods ,
j. J. IIHOWN & co. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Motions ,
t , Omaha , Neb.
Wholc ilo
Di-y Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Mnons , IJICKH , F.mbroidei ) and White Goods ,
lUMDoiiKhuiKtrcut , Omaha , Nob.
Lnglncs ,
' { 15 Baker Automatic Engines ,
nd poitablu engines , hollers and
Rational ) . nii4 ui-riv ltural Implo-
tlnct lion oik , w. . , . > wvrthHt.
lnent8LpuinpsLetc. _ l ii-l-lo ; i.Cu > . .
Fish. Etc ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers or Foiehrn llfh.Nos. Olinin Jones
Htiect nndU. P.TmcU Oninlut , Neb.
Flour , Etc ,
Wja.Pitk.sioN' . GKO.
Y/liolesale / Flour ,
6ft , MO niul 8 Plci-co Slioct , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Flour Dealers ,
Ami niamitactnrcrt ) of lllumlnatinirand I.ubrl-
DUL'NO r/St'HUfK , JH. ,
Afcnt for J. C. HuViuayr i. Co. ,
Mannfactarers of Highest Grades of Flour
Uy Jtollciv and lluiit'iiiliuil'nHct < . WiirchouMi ,
IliU Jones tkicct.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Giain ,
Mnitiifnrturci < > ofV. . \VcKlinn = .V < o. ' Qulo't
llalMnir lluckwlicnt Hour nml i tui i > < torsOm.iha
C'ltj Mills , tor. Mh Hiid I'm mai Mi iota , Omaha
Furniture ,
DI5WKV , \ . S.TON'13 ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
1'imuim Plroet , Otnntin , Neb.
Groceries ,
AI.MIN llltOS. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 nnd 111J Douglas Sln-fi.Oninlin , Xi-h.
i : . nTciiApM & co. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco nnd SittokniH1 Aitleloa , U17
Y/holesale / Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Eplccs , Clgnrt and Tulincro , Tin and iitu : Doiw-
las Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd raruain Stieuto.Omalm , Neb.
PAXTON , KAI.liAmiHIt \ CO. ,
Whotoalo Groceries and Provisions ,
NOR. TU'i , 707 , 7UO aud 711 S. 10th Pt , , Omaha , Neb.
WJ. llltOATCH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Pprlnpc , Wilson Sloik , Iliuilvood l.tunber , tie.
1M ) and 1211 Hainey t-ti IM-I , Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
Ami rnnlano Wood Stoek , Heavy Ilimlnntc ,
Kic. l"17nnd l"ll ) I.cavrnuotth Stieet , Omaha ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics1 Tools aud IliilluU ) Scales. NO-1) Doug *
his Sticet , Omaha , Neb.
LII : : , ruiiu ) A co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
fcheet lion , lti' ? . Acents fur llown Scales aud
Miami 1'oudcr Co. , Omiiha , Neb.
Stoves Furnaces
, Ranges , ,
Mantles , Unite : ' , Ihat-s trooils. l.i'Jl and 1.1-11'nr-
limn Stteet.
HKCTOIt & WIIllii.MY : CO. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Kinergon Steel NailCor. . inth nn < l llarney
Stieets , ( Jinaha. Nib.
Mauuriivtiitorot the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Wrlto to Win. M. Ixiiliner , ( SoiioriU Agent ,
Omaha. Telephone 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
JohliOislii lion I'lpo , lion llttlnvb , lion ami
TliiiM Coods. r.ntrlncoiK' Supplier , llth and
led e Sticets , Omaha , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , Water , Hallway and Mllllm ; Supplies Eto.
VM , VKi and l 4 Fainain St. , Omiiha , Nob.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stenm uiul Water Supplies. Headquarters for
Mact Foo"t Co.'s Goods. 1111 1'arniuu fatreet ,
Omaha , Nrb. _ _ _ _
jnii6rM : &
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dcnlors In SlUeiuaic , DliunoiuH , Watches
ClocKs Jewelers' Tools and Materials llto. , 1U1
and lit ) , l&th Stteet , Cor. Doiltrc , Omiiiia , Neb.
Leather. Hide : . Etc ,
L. ( rilUNTING'lXJN A : ) N ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1114 Jackson Stieet , Omaha , Neb.
Leather Hardware
, Saddlery ,
Saddleiy ami Phoo rimllnirs HI'los , Wool , Furs ,
I'rlU , ( iieato , Tallo , T.te. , Onuilm , Neb.
Live Stock ,
Bridge slock Yai'ds , Omaha.
No Vunlase Clunked.
Clo'-o to U. 1' . HrldKU. Special accommodation
aud a ( rood market lor hoi ; * . 12. C. Cooper , Man-
liner. Olliee. OWI South rth t-treet.
SI. IHJllKi : & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Goo. lluiko , Mainuer.
Union Stock Vaiils , H. Omaha , Neb. Tele. f > S2.
W. r. IIHOWN A ; CO. ,
Commission Dealers-in Live Stock.
Onieo i\elmiuro : lliilldlnjr. Union Stock Yards ,
South Omaha , Neb. Telephone No. ( U ) .
MAU.OUY. SON .V Ct ) .
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Pto.-k Yaiils , ChleaKO , III. , and Omaha ,
Neb. l''ianUChlttendi > iiMana'erOaiahulIianeli.
Telephone No. ! > . ! . K tubll licil ISti ; . _
W."j * PATltlCK & C67
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
communications to us at Union Klork
df , South Omaha , Advances nmdo on block.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
I.haltca. John F. lloul , Stijii'rlnt 'iiilcnt.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Liins ,
, Doois , IJto. Yaitls Cor. 7th ami Doug-las ,
Cor. Uth ami Douglas.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MouldluiTH , Stair Woik anil Inteilor Hard Wood
1'inMi. .Hint opcni'd , N i : . 101- fill and l. < uuon-
di 111 Stieetu , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 8. Nth Street , Omaha , Nob. F. Colpetzcr ,
c. N.
Lumber ,
13th nnd Cullfoinla Street , Omaha , Nob.
rmn : w. GIIAV ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
_ Cor. " t'th and Douglas Streets , OiniUm , Neb.
Wholesale Deaer in umuer ,
Omuha , Nubntekn.
CHAS. H. i.nn ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Flock , Fnnry Woods Ilrldfro
.Vc. , S. W. Or. ) Uth and Douglas , Omaha , Neb.
G , F. LYMAN ,
Sash Doors Blinds Mouldings
Dealer in , , , ,
ItnllJIiitf 1'apvr , Ktu. South Wtli Street , Ouuilia ,
Nebraska Lumber Co.
Paid In Capital Stock. . .
I < OKKeii , iiiaiiii fai-liucra ami wholet-aHi dcnl-
rix. Mllli * at Merrill. Wis. Whoh sale ami ictull
UistributlnB ) unl , Omaha , NYu. 811 B. I'lb ' St.
Doulorsln All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale. .
JStU Struct mid U. P. H. It. 1L Truck , OimiLa No
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
20th and 1/ar.l stii cis , Oiuaha , Nulint < kn.
W\KKFI-.l.ti !
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
Unlldlux Papeis. Savh. Dour * , lIllinN , Monld
lntr , Pleki'li. VoM . I.tii'iriiioter , Hair
Ci'iucnl. Ninth and Jones , Oianlm. Neb. _
Importci s and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
ISllland 1UH Hanu-j PlreetOinaliRNcl ) . _
Musical Instrumen's ,
" iTmioi.M & KHICKSON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Bti-lnway 1'lonas. W OOP Halnesam
, Paeliai'ii 'i.'rfiini , ChaMj Organs
lul nnd IK ) 1.1th Firt'i.'t.
S ) Etc ,
" .iT. ? miNDir.s & .
\VholesaIe \ Job Lots ,
Dry Goods , Notions , Gouts' Furnhlilnsr flood"
Goods from New Yoik. Ti ado tales ilallj. M
nnd fW South 11th St. , Omaha.
French and German Fancy Goods ,
anil lallonern' Fundilcs. lll.'i Tar-
mini , Omaha , Neb.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4 < d mid -la-i S. 10th St.Oinalnt , .Veb.
Wholesale Healers In Notions and Gents' Fur
nMilnjr Goods.
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Caroline , Miea Axle diniMFli - . A. II. Illshop
Mauamu , Omaha , Neb.
Pork Packing.
.TAJIKS i : . HOY ! ) ,
Pork Packer and Shippar ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Olllco I'nlon Market , 1517 Iod ) i-Stiret. pji-hlns
houU. . 1' . It. It. Tiaclt , Omaha , Neb. Telephone -
phone No. l * > 7.
Safes and Locks.
P. IIOYI'.U iV CO. ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
Fire and Itiiit'liii'Pinol Sales.Tlmc lxcksVaults
and Jail \\oil ; . lirJU Fainam sin. ct , Omaha , Nub.
.7. r.VANS ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
l Vegetable , F.le. ( Jdd Fellows' Hall ,
N. W. Cor. 14th and Doilir < > St. , Omaha , Neb.
Drugs , Etc.
Y/holesale / Drdggists ,
Bobbers of I'nlntt , . OIK Window ( ! la s Kto.,1114
Hainey Stitet , Umnlia , Neb.
r. r. GOODMAN.
Wholesale Druggist ,
And Dealer in PalnlH , Oils and Window Glass ,
Omaha , Neb. ,
\Vines and Liquors ,
FitANic DKL.I.ONI : x a > ,
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
I'UJ and 1"OI DoiiBlas St. . Omaha , Nob.
Factoiles-Nos. 4 nmiiiLIkl : : Dlst. N. Y.
to MuNtMAiu Sc DIIXOVN , Importoi'S
and WluilcMdo Dealers In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
211 and.MflS. : Iltli St. , OmahaNob.
Wines and Liquors.
Wcsto n Agent .TOR. Sohlltllrcnlntr Co. 719 S.
I'lh Mioct. Omaha.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
l.CJl Douglas Stieet , Omaha , Neb.
ILKIl .V CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And I.iquoitSolo manulactuieihot Konnedy'H
Kas-t India lllttci-H. IllHaiiiey Kicut , Oiuaha ,
L. P. LARSON A : CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And Cljrai , and Genr-ial Agents lor the Philip
llebtb' Cclubi tiled Milwaukee lleer , Omaha , Neb.
Harness , Ltc.
ManiilactuieiH and Jobliois of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Tuil * Goods , HlauketH ami Holies. 14 1 Farmi
S eet , Omaha , Neb.
New V < irlc. Oct. Ifi. JIoNiv-On : call
asy at H < , ( yrJ per cent.
1'itiMU J\II \
© ! .b ! % tor demand.
( JovjiiiNMHXTh Dull nnd steady.
broc-Ks Modcintii business. The nctlvo
stocks were St. Paul , Western ITnlon , Lnliu
Shine , Kile nnd Lncknvvanim. Final piices
wcie generally y to 1 jier cent lower than
last evening. The exception is Westein
Union which closed with n net loss ol'JJ <
percent In thomoininjjPacliio .Mall rallied
% per cent , later d dined 1 percent , and
closed with a net loss of Jtf jK-rcent.
STOCKS ON WAI.I , Hnnir. : :
flj } cent bonds. . . IM ( > j C. AsN. W 10.V/
U. S.-ISi's H'JJ pieferml. . .
New4's ' la'WN. Y. O
Pacllic O's of "J.1. r-2bjf , Oiegon Trail. . -
Central Paellie.lO ) , , Pacilii ! Mall. . . .
C. &A. P. , 1) ) . , tK
ptefeneiL. . . 1W ) P. P. 0
c. , n. , vo ifu lioek Island. , . . Vf \
I ) . , L. it\V 112 ! bUL. AS. F. . . . 'M
D..tit.c it : ; incfeiroil. . . ! 50
Kile UU , C. , St. P. . . SW
picforrc < l. . . . 40' ' < iiivferred. . . ll'J3 < . 15.JJV ! SUP. tViO : WJ ?
L , 11. it W 17J.f | iiioferred. . . . . . , ,
KaiiMisAj'rejuw. ! M)4'TcMis ) Paellie. . . 80Jf
LaknSliore TT/ Union Pacllic. . . filK
L. tt N 40J&W. , St. L. , t P. . HJ6
Allcli. Central. . . . WJI piefened. . . IO/ !
.Alo. I'acliiu lOO iWeslein Union. 7 ! %
Xorthern Pae. . . aO. , lU.tN t)0 )
pieleiied. . , . 'IU |
Clilcngo , Oct. 15. Flour Steady ; stocks
light and holders linn.
Wheat active , wenker and nveniged
lower ; ojiened weak , declined ? fcluctiiated ; /
within a jangi ) nl Jfe , sold up le from Inside ,
ipiickly declined laC and closed about le
" $ " " j v'/rf\ ' * ' * i j 4 / * * * tif * vavi5. * * * - *
.Coin riT Pt and e.isy but notiuucli
wi * - ' * * * " "
i / Y f * o *
s i v <
Oats Slow , dull , easier , and varlefl nut
slightlv f i uin ye.steidav ; csxjcta h ; i1J < @
Sl c October ; U-'Qii''Mc ' November ; ' ) % < < §
auwrc May.
Ilye Firm at file.
Hurley-Quiet at 07e.
Timothy In fair demand nnd firmer ;
prime , 31 ( VSI ( fU.
Flaxbced-Uulet and l@lKc higher ; No. 1 ,
SI .
Pork Only moderately active : fluctuations
slight , declined 5 ufiy early , rallied 7' 10 ( !
ami cloM > d btrady Insl < lu : $ > i40cttfi0 ( cash :
88JOTrfS 4'K ) Oftooer and Xovcmljc'r : S8 45
fe 47ri Iec ( > mbcr ; 0 'fitiW W January.
l aiif Faltly actlvu and tinner ; tillcriiiK'n
limited : no.Va'JOji cabli : Su05 October ;
S5U7i < r@ < 500 November ; go 0 4' Dfceiulwr ;
$ il 00 % car ,
Hulk .Meats-Shoulders. 88 rflM ( 73 ; short
clear , 75u 1 h ( ) ; bhort rilis , 85 tiff.
WhUky-Ts'omlnally at jl ? 10
Hutter In fair demand and firmer ; good
to f.iney crramcryi I'fe'J/c / ; jood to clio'e
daiiy. lljiilu1. i
CneeM1 Jinn1 nnllvrt nnd Him : choice full
rream clicddntN. ! < fltiSilats \ ; and Younj ;
AmcrlrjH , ' .n iMtV : ( huloe sklm , ; ja'o.
Ktlirs Stead } at tTlN''Jje. !
Hides Hi a\y iwn , silled , fnllv enn'd , Ri ;
llclit , s' , . ; damairiM ! , ( ! c : hull hidi" < . < V ; di\
Raited , llof II ' , e ; dj | Hint , IVlle ; calfski
I'.V. r
Tallow No. 1 , country , fa.
Flour , libls . . ] U. ( ) fl 11.00
Wheat , hit . iiO.lHX ) IV,0X (
. . r > itxji
OaKIm . 1ctoofl : ,
l\e.hii ! . l'J.KX ( )
Darlev , hit . J 04.000 -ir.OUt
XiMV York , Oct. . ! . " > . \Vhr.\t I. ( \\er !
rnvlpK-liU" ) ; evpoits IIU'-H ' ; nnirniiieil
led. svysioi' , ; : No.a red , We ; Xo. 1 hard ,
e. f. unit I. . sliiao ) | < l U- > ? 4 : No. 'J red , in
ele\ator , SI 00 : NoxemhereloNlti'tnP'e.
( \irn-l.o\\er and optlotw eloslni ; heavy :
leeelpK I'l/.vxi ' ; expoilM , ; sissi : ; nninul < il
mixed. nl'/rt.Vi'ji1 ' : N i. 'J while , In elevator ,
GlXe ; nlliMt , Me ; No\enilierelosln ' at M"4e.
Oat.s Lower and onlj modeiiilel ) uetl\i > ;
receipts , HMioO ; expoits , .V-tU ; mixed
\\eslein. JXfi.l.Vlille ; \\e-lein , JIRii lUo.
Potioleiini Stcatlj ; United closed at
Kircsrinu and fair demand ; ieceltsi ) ) ! , : j
pnekiiKeseslci : n.-'k-i'-'vlt' .
Pork Ste.idi mid fairly aethe ; mess , 89 Si
( fill 7.1 lei lnsK' ) 'trd.
Lard 0iened | : ' . toI points higher and
eloM'd weak with inHaneo lost and Iwdo
nuiet ; MliseMein : sleant spot , St ( : ) ;
Nnv mher. e'UClkufliW.
Hnttei Kinuerand fall- demand ; \\estern ,
7r.e. ( . .
Cluvserinu and ijuleleMein ; tint , ! > lie
o , Oel. ir. . . Wheat Ste.idy ;
rash , IMc ; Ntixomber , lO c ; December ,
" '
oi'n Steailv ' : No. U. ! " < .
( ats-lnll'No. ) ; 'J , .
li.M'-tJulet ; No. 1. ( lie.
Harlej Kilmer : Jso. U , n > 'c.
Piovisloiis Kasler ; miMii pork , wioli and
ovemher , iS-n ; December , k M
Cinolimati. Oct. 1. . . Wheat-Steady and
liim ; Xo. a led , ' . " ( * * 00.
Coin Finn ; Xo. 'J mixed. 4VMf ( ( > ' r.
O.ils Hisli'r ; jNo. 'J mixed. 'Jfm'JTJjC.
l\e ! htion ; Xo. 'J , ( n'e.
HuilejFairdeuiiiml ; No. 'J fall , S'Je.
Poik DullatS75. .
Lardiood ( demand at 5T > ( iTi.
Whisky Steailv at SI 01 ; iinsh ! < 'd goods
on si liasfs ol SI < H.
S . 1/ouN , Oel. IB. Wheat- Dull and un
settled eaih declined and elided ' ' c he-
low \esleiifay ; Uvlfehld lorc.ish ; lSJHH.l8Hu ) ( !
Ini Xo\ember ; bl od } . , ! 00 % lor December ;
SHU < - ( l ( ) ! ' < for May.
Coinisli ( I < i\\er : options steady ; WT )
,9'se lorcasli ; JHJae lor November ; ; il V lor
j ear.
Oali Casli steady at iMJjSai/ ; no on-
live-Slow at r > Ve
WliNk > sieadat
Poik Steady at 00
Laid-Xomiiml at 4500.
Arrnii.voo.v UoAiit ) . Wheat Firm and
Coin N'ollduf ? doin ? .
Oat.s Notliini ; doinir.
Toledo , Oot. 11. Wheat Kasyand quiet ;
No.isott , c.ish , October and November , IN,1.
( Join tjuiet ; No. 3 e.isli mid Octobur , 45c.
O.its Kasi ; c.isli. 'J7' < e bid.
Ijivei'iool , Oct. 15. Fair demand ;
new No. " winter , 7 'J 'd and hteadj ; new
No. 'J. spring. 7ilj ' 'd amf Meady.
Corn Kiii dema'nd : 3pot , nun at 4s 7'd ;
October , htm at ! 7d : November , easy at
Is 7d ; December , Jh ( ijj'll.
Kansas City , , Octj 15. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 7J ) < o hid. feOia'ci kuil ; November , t K
W fc ; December. b2 ( e.
Coin Dull ; cash , : ac asked ; November ,
2 3rfc asked ; \ear , SiJ c asked Nominal ; l > '
Chlcnfju , Oct. 1.1. The Drovers' Journal
repoit.s : .
Cattle Keceipts , ' 10,000 head ; -\vealc but
.steady ; shipping > teci , fSOoCntJOO ; stocked
and f ederti. VJ UK < ? 1 10 ; cows , hulls and
mixed , SlMXiMOO ; tlirntiKli Texas cattle ,
htea ly , ! * 'J 7ri ( < ( : i ( \vestein ; numcrs , weak ;
natives and lmlf-breednj S3 50@5 00 ; wintered
Texnns MOOC'MISK. "
llo-is Keceipts. ' 'r.lHto ; weak ; lough and
mi.xed , SH ; i.iUiX ( } ) ; p.iokintj and flipping ,
5 ? : ; ii ) sKiiis.sacOir.i.5o. ) .
Sheep I'eeelpts , r > , ! X ) ; slow , ovei.stockcd
and rjiiwT.'n ; lower than last \veek ; natives.
SI 00L.17l ( ( ) ; western , S3 r J570 : Te.xans ,
5 > 1 MCita 00 ; lambs , Si : 00@4 00.
KaiiNiiK City , Oct. 15. ( 'attic Iteeelnt.s ,
S.OW ; .shipments , 2,247 ; Imtcheis Mull weak.
ami I0c lower ; htockeis and leedeia and
Ueoeipls , 7.-II7 ; .sliiiinent.s ] , 1TJ ;
ojKMicd stead > ; closed weak and So lower ;
good to choice , $ ; ) r.OoC'i'0 ; ) ; common to mo-
ilium-150 ! : ! ! 5.1.
Slieei > 1'eceipts , WS ; shipments , 214 ;
steady ; fair to need muttons , S'JVJ@i'J ( : , " > ;
common to medium , t > l BOftti 40.
St.Ijouls , Oct. 15. Cattle Keceipts , l.MK ) ;
h1iiiments ] , Mil ) ; lather easier ; Mime hales a
Mmile lower but quotations not cliaiiKed ; native -
tivo shipiiinir .sleets nm e at SI 2.1f < n" > M ) ;
mixed lots and native bntelieiln , VJ25J BO ;
bnteheiH .stceis , Si : I" > 0 ( ' 1 5'J ; stockem und
leedeiH , SiBOfttlTS ; Texans , S340 iM ( ) ; In-
dlans , S'JWCaJisO.
Sheep Receipts , 1BOJ , ; shipments , 1,200 ;
bi'M i.ulus steadv ; ollieis dull ; common to
medium natives , c'J OflfaliO ; > ; oed U ) choice ,
> ! > : ; tancy. ? . ' ! .rK ) ; lambs , , 5J3.1 ( .1SO ;
UNION SiorK J Anns' , s. OVIAHA , 1
Thmsday Kvening , Oct. Ifi. (
The live stock market was ( nhly active to
day. Feeders weieheld stumg mil the de
mand was fiir and a good many changed
hands. The hog mm ket was about 5o lower
nnd icady sales There is no demand for
skips 01 sick hogs of any lilnd and shippers
will do well to keep all such at home.
Cattle COO
Hogs 200
nii'itih :
. . . . . ( Packing &
MlxeiLl _ Shlplng | )
1'hursday .i 05SCJ 15'SS '
Fiiday 8 ( XX3n 20 3 2.vSi : 40
Satuiilay a oo < o uo a 1.K&1 } rO
Monday a ( xxft.-i 20 a i.Vci : ! ito
Tuesday a . . , . . . . a oofei : 40
NVednesd'y a ootfrti 20 a 00 ( ( i K.1
TJiursila Jjl Ogajfi a
Note All sales of stock In this market arc
made jK.'r cvvt. live weight , unless othervvlso
Btatcil , Di'.ul lions sell at If. j > er Ib. lor nil
wciirlitH. "SkltiH , " or IIORH welKhliiK than
KXi Ibs. , no value. Ptvifiiiint KOWS mu doukvd
10 Ibs. and stags bO Ibs.
lilvc Stock Ntm-H.
James Pieice , of American Falls , had 2D7
rattle at the Omaha ) aids yebteiday ,
Hay Hros. , of Hitter Creek , had 250 heart of
KUUi : at tin ; yatd jcsterday.
N , li. IJerggruue , of Wohoo , boueUt a Imn-
ilrrtl of feeders nl tlio yards jesterday.
ThurMl.iv K\ oiling , Oct.l.X
ICoos Tlie m.iiket was w ik to-ilnv nt Itxj ,
Sales \verem.ule by Minn' houses at lu' In n
small way.
lit' ri iit : Choice Is \ciy s-eatvo , and
( rood cold Moi-.iiri1 .Itiuo bntlrr ! !
nbotit the best quality nllcrcd. Clioii'e ' tables
lU'iliufalrtocnod : , lojiuv ; Inleilor , r Kc ;
cn'iiiiei.\tV'.k' : < ' .
: Cunt. M Pull cream cheddav , September ,
10' ' , e ; full eieam Hats , Keitem- |
her , IP e ; full I-UMIII Youin ? Ameri
can , Septcmlter , ll'-se ' ; Swiss. faiiej ,
KV ; Swisi , ehiilce , 1lC Nlf > e ; biick , 12 V Lim-
bin jr. HV.
I'm t iitv Larce ipilna ehldens will
lu iii ! { * , . ' . ' "M1.1. "Ai IHT dozen nnd extni si/es
will L'o.diovetliat. Old chlekensW/iOci.M.O'i ' ;
liveduH.sslow at 'ii' > 'i."i ; Ii\e tmUo.vs ! V
jiei Hi : diesseilcliicKeiis , choice per Hi. , * < ( iMV ( ;
iuike.vs , dies ed. iholce , pel Ib. , VJ'iialle ;
dneks , die.s-ed , choice , iH-vlb , lliUc ( ; pVM1 ,
dieted , choice , pel III. . r-KuMe.
Sv , IIT : : l'or\'ioi < Ciiolep lar.'o qnutahlo
at ' . " , ( . ( " < iier Ib : l.ffl per bh ) .
Pn i vt nf . - \ \ Idle nvelpls so tur have not
been heavy iMiontrh to fully test tlm
nun Ket. no < 1ouht : i % til i > ts IHIhush. .
( an be counted mi wilh safety tor clean ,
well ti'i-oited stock
( ! . \ > n Pmlilo elilckeiH are In stront ;
lequesi and will now lit ing boi
ler piiee.s. Deer , per pound ,
" < " < ; saddles , 12 ( < ; anlelope , NulK- ;
saddles , V.\.MV . : ; elk , 7ms- ; saddles , ICVillc ;
small raliblN. -
OsioisTneieaio notnuuiv comliiKln a
piescnt. Quotations uiefim > NOo.
O' f.its MciiiuiiiSdi1 : Mundnids , ! i3c
toleeLs , 'Kvc ; exlia M-licts , 4 : ; < ' ; counts ftOe.
CM.IPOIIM \ Ctnin HUM v-'J Ib. frame , 0
His. In ease. pr IK , Ifii1 ; cxliacled. 2 Ib , tit
cans , 'idoz in case , per do/ , S'.WI ; i-llj. irame New Yoil ; iclined per bbl. , 4 > 7.0J
do hall bltl. . 5UH > .
( ill MX The following mo the pivvailin1 ,
piccsloi'to-day : Coin , 2 > c ; new oats , 17
2iev ) ; heat , No. ' - ' , ( Uc ; vjo , ! iOfie. : .
Ki.iii'H ANMi Mil. i. hi i ITS Winter Whoa
Kiim ; best finality intent nt § : J 00i tt : w.
Second qiialltv f-'J . " ) C'fo m.
Spiing Wheat Uest quality patent til § 3 SO
Second quality f8 40iT'J ( SO. ( iio per cvvt ,
Chopiied Keed Per 100 His , SOc.
Coin ilealsi OOM IDpci cwt.
.Si leeiihiK No. I , 7.1e per ew t ; No. 2 , BOc.
Jlominj flBOprrcwt.
Shoits 70e per cwt.
( iiaham--'J 00 per ewl.
] Iuv liales bii ( HK < o7 00 pei ton.
Cot oANl-ts ( Juoled at Sl.'M ' JI.Wper lain
S.vui.n KnvriPerhbl. . , § 0.51 ; per ) < j bjl.
SI.K ( ) .
PHIS' Kiir : : , Tnii'i : , r/ir. Plirs' feet inn
tiipeper1 , bbl. , J-.1.00 ; do. V bbl. , S'V ) : do
perKit , Sl.'lO. Lamlis' tongues ] icr } ( , bb ! .
\ . .Mdo. \ . per Kit , S2.7.1 ; do. qu.ut jui : pei
do/ . , S.lfiO ; do. pint J.HS per doSII..VJ. .
Piti .siivis. : : : Jti.i.n.s : iu . Piesen'os :
All kinds , 20-lh. pails per Hi. , lie ; assented
5-llt. iiailsperdo/.SS.Ui. ( . ) elli"s : All kinds
bcstif.rado,20-lb. pails , per Hi. , Nall ; kinds
.second made , "M\t. \ palls , peril ) . , fie ; Assoitei
iVH ) . pails , per do.1.00 ; do. : t-lb. tin p.iils ,
W.75 : do l-lb , 2 do/ , ill case , per case.3.2.1 :
sclioonois , 1 doin ( aso. 63.3.1 ; tumblers , _
doin ease , per case , & 1.10 ; npphi butter , 40-
Ib. luilsaiiil } / libl. . jiei Ib. 7'jc ' ; plum butler ,
40-11) ) . p.iils , per Hi. ' .t'jc : tissoitod fniit butler
B-ll ) jiails. jier do/ . , S'.7.1 ' : Fancy "Home
Made' ' catsup , 3 do/ , pint bottles pei case
ork State and Micliiran
b.iiielh , fcH.OO ; n\o baircl lots
? ' , > . / > . ; IlllnoiH , 2. : * ( 2.7.'i.
LIMO\-S : Messlnn , per box. $4.50Ji5/U
Pn.vrnns Atenettmic .scaice. .Michisjans
sellini ; to-dav at ; ? ! OiJ ( 'l ' 40.
nu.vpti-Coiicoid.s. ( ! ] : 10-lb basket , fi > ( S70c ;
Mala.-a , per banel. SS.K ( ) .
CitAN'in.mtiiDell : and DIIRIO , p ° r bbl ,
O.OO ; bell and elieiry , per bbl , .OO .DO.
Cane Cod , per bbl. . sfli..1)i/ ( 10.50.
OtiANdr.s Louisiana , jier box , S4.50 ; Ja
maica , per bbl. . $11.00 ; .Jamaica , per box-
& 5..lOCuii.ou : Floifda , per box. S-LBOditLOO.
J A > YNAH Thcie is but a limited demaiu'
at pieseut and maikct iides low. Choice se
lection S3.00 ( tt.uo :
CAI.II--OUXIA FuuiT Pears Winter Nullls ,
Ueiirie , Diet , Lawrence , JC. Ueuiie , Vlair ,
and other vailelic.s , JILT bov , 2.77i { < ii.0v : ) .
| { IANS ( joixl bright oe.ins anseaieis and
in demand ; diitv and inleiior stock dull.
haiid-bicKcd navy , Sl.fiOitl.tiO ; hand-picked
luedliun , Sl.iWC'M.'Mtirood clean countivS1.00
ftil.20 : inleiior BO.W.V. ( .
PioviMO\ft : limn , lO'.rc-.bieaklast ' bacon ,
PC : clear hide bacon , 7iJ.c ; drj .salted .sides ,
7' e ; hhouldeis. MiioKed , B' c ; mess jink. ) per
bbl. . 4 > ii.X : ( ) : diiedbect' hams , l'-'c ; laid , 10
Ib. cans 2 inliox , 7' < c.
SMOKiNfiToiiArro O.S.,22e : Mecisclmmn
EOc ; LomiTom , ! ) c. Hlackweil s Duiliam , Hi
oBle : 8 oMe. : 4 o . , B7c ; 2 oWc. ) . .Seal
of Nortli Caiolina , Id o/ . , wood , 4-e ; So/ . ,
wood. 4.x : ; 4 o/ , , cloth , ISc ; 2o7. , Me. Navy
dilipln tj , 5c. KillikinicK , 4 o27c ; 3 o/ . ,
! > e. Cur Hard to Heat , 73c ; Charm of the , ( ! 0c ; Fountain , 70e ; Colden Tlnead ,
fi'c ; Fnvoiite , ( Xe ) ; liuds , BOe ; Jtoeky Moun
tain , BOe : rane,4r > c : Daisy , 40c , North Ht.n ,
7ilc ; ( iood Luck , Ble.
Pi.ii < ! TOIIAI c o Climax , 44e jier ir > ; 1 lorse-
Mioe , 4ic ( ; Star , 4ie ; , 4ie ! ; Our
Hope. BOc : Piper lleidsiek , CXJc ; Punch , 4Uu ;
YOUHK 1'Yitzlie ; Silver bttu , 4i ' .
SAnm.r.iiv JlAitiivvAiii : X Ccombination
loop linnius. ; X C I , O. T. hames. . ' 5 :
Mir 1. O. T. hames , yi.BO ; nerlection pads.
fe 1.7.1 ; 47 lins bits , Me ; Haihotirs No. 10
I hi end. We : iaii bien'-t U . l slide , : Wc ; X 0
breast strap slide , 40c ; IJiX C : > loopdinmii T
buckles , 81.01 ; IK Inptt loopehninnTlinekles ,
H1e14X ; ( C a lee ] ) champ T buckles , gl.JM ) ;
1/4 jap iouji chami ) buckles , tl.20 ; cop
per rivets Xo. it , 20c ; Jiilstol snaps , W
? 5.r > 0U S4. ) , 1 LBO , % WJ.BO , X
St.BO : ; Ceiman .siiajis , 1 , ' ; S.1.00 , 1J42.50 ,
1 61.41 , % Sl.40 , % ? J1.40.
lliDi.s Steady ; jficenlmtchei's , fe ; KIPCH
cmed i'c ' : diy flint , I'JWliio : dry salt , lOc ;
dnm.iKed liiiles two-lhiids pi Ice. Tallow Be.'ilmu white , K4c Sheep Pelts
jn.viinu-No. : 1 Pittstmrg.l. C. L.Sons ,
3)c ) : No. IPItt.sbuig. K. tV S. : Mu ; No. Clncino
natt , : ! - > c ; No. I lace leathei , txie ; unino
slaughter sole leather , 27c ; prime oak bole
leather , ate.
Icjr , JMJC'-We : Moiocco oil pebble , 28 e We ; tot > -
jilmis and llnin s , fidflOftf ioW ( jier do/ .
JlKAVV HAItDW' VHK llOII , nttCS , ? 2.1.1 ;
plow steel , speeiul c ist , 4c ; ciuclblo steel , ( le ;
cast tools do , 12 < alHc ; wnuon spokes , ] > ei .set ,
5sl.7BOfi. : < K ) ; hubs , tier set. fel.3.1 , telloes , sawed
dry , 51.10 , tongues , each , "fie , axles , each , 7B < : ;
square nuts , pei Hi. , 7 ( < $ llc ; collchain per lit.
% ! 12c : malable , 8e ; lion wedges , tic : crow
bars , 0 ; haiiovv teeth , 4c ; spilnjc Mcol , T Ss ;
] { inden's hot-he shoes , 84.30 ; Huiden's mulis
shoes , ys.20. bed Wire-In ear lots , S4.00
pei 100 His. lion Nuilh Hales. 10 to ( X ) , i : ) . : .
Shot Sl.BO ; bueksliot , fel.HI ; oilenlal
nut , , Jjti.BO ; aiitliraclto langc , S8.BO ; Iowa , ; Walnut block , S.'l.75 ; Illinois , Jr 1.7.1 ;
Indiana blo < : k , F .75 ; Foit Scott , S1.35 ;
Itlch Hill. S4.UO
Dnv PAINTS Whlto lead. PC ; Fiencli zinc ,
I''e : Pails whitlnir.2 ! < c ; wlilting 'lldersl c ;
I''e ; lampblack" , oidlnary , 10c ; 'Prussian blue !
Me , , nntramnilne , IHc : Vandyke , In own. to ;
umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4c ; sienna ,
burnt.-let sienna , raw-lo ; PmIs green , genu
ine , 25e : Pails gieen , common , 20c ; chiomo
gieen , N. Y.VOe ; elnome gieen , K , I''e ; ver-
mllllon , Kngllsh. In oil nsst , 15c ; invv and
buiiit umber , 1 Ib cans , 10c ; raw and biiint
sienna , 10c ; vandjKe brown , 13c ; icllned
lampblack , l-'cj coach black and Ivoiy black ,
Itic ; diop black , llic ; Piiihsian blue , 40c : ill-
trainnrinc bine , ISc : chrome green , L. , M. it
D. , K > c ; blind und shutter gieen , L. , M. it I ) . ,
Hie ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian red , 15c ; Vene
tian red , Oo ; Tuscan led , ! Mo ; Ameilcan vermillion -
million , L. & I ) . , 20c ; yellow oclne , He ; L. M.
{ f 0.1) . , IHc ; golden ochre , IGc : patent dryer ,
Hcs gniinlng < "ilon , light oak , daik oak , wat-
nut , chestnut id ash 15c
PA I.MS i.x on.-White lead , Oinahn , P. P.
Co1ilU ; ) lend , KU Louis , jinre , 5o.55 ' ; MniHcil-
lesgteen , 1 tofi lb cans , 20c ; Fiencli * in < : ,
green seal , 12 ; French ? lnc , red se i , lie ;
Fiencli.Inc.ln vninlsha > st,20c ; trench zinc ,
7.Ki ; vciinlllloii , American , IN ; ; Indian , led ,
lu ) ; rosiplnk ! ' , 14c : ' Venetianled , Cookson's ,
- ' " " '
; clnom
V : oehii
1' Il'lll'll * * * /4\i ftnili | J ) m * i4 ll ( * * - * ! 111 tllCl r )
mincnil. SMu : Lehiu'h blown. - > jc ; Sji.iniiih
btnwn,2 } < i ; : Piinee'smineral ! ! o ,
Oius llOearoon.iX'r gallon , lie ; 150 ° head
light , per gallon , I2c ; 17.1 ° headlight , iKt ! gal
lon , I'M ; ifiit * water white , I.V. : HiiMed. raw ,
I > erralloi { | , 41fl ; Jlpwed , boilrul. ] > < : r gallon ,
47c : lard , winter bti'il per gallon , Me ; No
lWe ; No. M , 4io ! ; castor XXX , per
. .
\ \ iiMniu.4DaireK per pallon : Fiirni-
tmv , cxlni. 81.10 : fntnitmv. No. I. Sl.ixi ;
i-oaeh , ctti-ii ? l.i ( ( ; coach. No. 1. $1.2) :
Dnmar. extra , Sl.t.l ; .IniMti , 7V ( ; asj'linltiim ,
exti-a , Me ; j-heliac , ? : U > 0 ; hanl oil ilnNli ,
? l.r > 0.
SiMiitis Coloanc Spirits 1 wp roof , < < I.10
do , 101 proof , "M.l'i ; spli.tseeolid imalll >
ItU prool , f-1.11 : do , l\s PKHII. S UK ) . Aleoito
iss pmtii , ViH' ' 1'cr ' wine tiillon
liedisiilled whislli- ,
uln blended , ? l.BOaOJ ! ; Kentuelo liouilioin
S2.0iv .tiO ; Kentu-kv und Pennsvlvani'
ijes , w.OiVi.VBt' ' . ( iiihlen sheaf , Ixunbon am
r.vevhlilc . l..viu.l.iu. ( Itnindles-
Impoited. ' .iKinis.Mi : dnnw-lio , SLNHniKx )
( i1ns-lm | < nited , ? 4..ViH.Xilomestle. ( ( ) ; S1.50i
! ' . ( IO. Humslinpniled , M..VV'NM : New
Knirlnml , yj.WV-1.00 ; domestic , i'iV ! | ( < cto )
Cliampnu'iies Inn oiled , pei ease , S' ifXig
! . : per case , s io. < ) tHiil .tX ) .
llcii.nt.Xd Ji v n in M. llnnl bilek , ' .t.dO
nm of kiln , JrK ) ; lime ( In bulk ) per bbl , 0o
lime ( in bbls ) IXV : Lou I ville eeiuent , VI..V1
I'tlc.i , Akron und Milwaukee cement , pel
hlil. . 11.10 ; in Mi.-Ks. si. 1.1 ; Pint
laud cement , r.imlish , ) : stucco
Michigan , fr'J.2.1 ; Imlr In p.ipei s.icKs l > ei- bit
( iliKM'rs * Iiist.
hi-oAiss Povvderul'e ! : cut loaf , 7' ' e
granulated , 7 c ; colilcctioncrV A , 7V1
Klniidiiul extra C. ' e : o\tni C. 0 c ; medl
urn .velluw , ( i' , e : duiK vellow. 0 e ,
1'K Ul.lts Medium in bunols , . , .10 ; do ll
halt iMiioK iS..MI ; smnll in hniu'K ei i. ' ( ) ; di
in Itnll b.uivts , PI.'O ; gheiKins in barrels ,
gi'.Oi : do in half lunvls , siixi.
( ' \\x-tt : > ( Jootis-ovsteis. ytunilnnl poi
ease. S'i.M ; * . | iliwben iesMl , . , pel case. 2.-0
ia.spbenies.3-Hi. , per ease , t--.ii.1 ; Calltoinl :
peats , per | , - . ' . . ( Hi ; aplleoN , per e.isi1
ftl.4t ) ; peae'ics. ' pet case , & 1.7.1 ; white clier
lies , jM-r case , 11 ( ; plums , per case , Pi 00
vvhortlcbei lies1 , pel ease , S2.-U ) ; egn ) ) lum
2-lli. , per ease. iH ) ; gieen gages , 2-ili. . ] ier
ease , t.2.l > 0 ; pine apples , 2-ltp. , pel ease , S-l.-'Oji )
' "
"CANDY Mi.xed , 10ri2e : stick , lOgZHo
HODA In lb piiiieis , S'J1 ! a case ; snlsoila
Ket ; tier lb , 5-2.2. S.
\ I.M : IAI : CIIHIK liViilS1 ; while wine , 1.
( -Oc.
liicii Louisiana , pi mm to choice , tl'4''i ' ( )
Savon Impeilnl. SM.Ofl ;
.KH Kiik's stand ud , it..1i : ) ;
Kiik's While Knssinii , 81.W1 ; Knk's Whlti
Cap , 5I..K ) .
Itoi'i. Sisal , j ; inch nnd laijrer , M..C ; inch
! V : Mlnch. i ) c.
SM.T DIMV loads , ] ier bbl , 1.5.1 ; Ashton ,
In .sacks , : ; ' 4 sacks , Asltton , Idle ; bbls
d.lil V. 2.til > ( ( t2.7.1.
STAiir -N'luiraia gloss , 1 lb , < l' ' e ; Magara
gloss , : i lb , ( ie ; Nlagaiaglo-s , t ; lb , 7e ; Ni.igara
corn , 1 lb. 7e ; Kiugsloid's coin , 1 lb , > ' 'jc ' ;
Kingsioni's' gloss , 1 lb , .v ; Klngsfoid's gloss
( ill ) . M.e : KmgMioid't. pine , : ) ( ! ' ; Kings-
loid's bulK. 4e.
bMjriStandaid C CIV , bbls ; SUndaid-
do 4niillou Kej.s , l.AI ; New Ui leans - > NKlo
poi gallon ; Mnj le .s.viui ) , ' , b.uu1 ! , P. > V ( ! .
siiictl.v pine , 7t'e per gallon ; 1 gallon cans.
9' ' .2.1 pei dn/ ; ' " , gallon cans .CB.2.1 per do/ ;
( putt cans ? . 1.00.
Si'iri.s ( .loiiinl Hl.ick popper , boxes , 1.1
( jr.'Bc ' ; alspiee , IBC'-Oc : cinnamon l\iPOc ! ;
cloves , 15ii'jiu ( ; glngei , lBy3.1e ( ; mustaiil , l.\i < ;
27e.Dnir.n FiifiTs Xo. 1 ou.ulor npjilcs 4'4'c ;
evaporated , boxes , S'Je ; hlael bellies , boxes ,
lOe ; peaches , boxes , mine in the mmkot ;
peaches , evaporated , M , ' K" ITi1 ; laspbcnies ,
new , 2"'i < i7e.
CIA : < KI.IIS ( Inrnean's soda , butler nml
picnic , .V ; ci e.i ms , be ; ( 'ingci Minps , Ss ; Cily
Mlll.l , 7'jC. '
POI-ASII- Pennsylvania cans , I rans In
case , si.i.l : : : Habbltf's ball , tt doin case , isl.'JO ' ;
Anchor lull , 2 doin cast1 , S1..V ) .
M.vif iii.s Pei caddie , : ! . " < o ; lound , ll. ea.x1 ,
4Se : , , * 1.70 ; OshKosIi ,
' CANDI.I > Uoxes. 4011. . , 10s , li. ' c : Ss , 131 , ' , . ;
boxes , lOlb , 10 o/ , ( is , 12u ; halt box , 2dlb
l-J-'ii' .
Copri'.r.s Oidlnary grades. ! ) afe ; fair ,
10'irt , ; ( > llc ; piime ll l-c ; choice , Ksfi (
io : ! ; fancy gieen and > ellow , 1 ! ( < *
lie ; old Koveiiiment Java. 20JWO ;
inteii'ii.lava , ii. . ' C'f-Oe : .Moclui , 2-iC'Wlc : Ai-
bueklc'h lo.islcd , l-cMcLautliliirs ; ; XXXX
masted. 1 c ; Dilwoi th's. ii : e ; Ued Cioss ,
i : ! 4e ; .McLaughlin's , Aibuekle's and Mc-
Laiiglilln's XXXX aie. sold BOo perciSj oil'
above puces in JK'.iso lots.
KiMri : . Whole Popper , VJu ; nlspleol c ;
( iiideii allspice , 12' < ; e ; cloves' , i.v ;
Amlio > n.i cloves , BOc : , cassia , 10o ; nutmegs.
& 0\'rtHic : Sai'jron Cassi.i. 44c.
TIIAS ( innpowdei , lair , .T.IfJM.'i ; good , 4B@
B5c : elioleo. < iOv.H'7Be ' ; good Impel iul , I0 (4'c ! ;
choice , OUC'iuOc ; ; young lljhon , good. : .0 ( < < loc ;
elioii'c. B0w > 70c : Oolong , good , J.1 ) ( 'IOo ' ; Oo
long. choice , 40 ( < ' ! < ) e : ICnglish Bieaktast good
: W < i40e ; choice. rOfcT ( ! > c : Souchong' , good. : iK ( ;
'iBc ; choice , ifStaM.'M1 ; .lajmis , lair. 2.Xiir : > c ;
peed , : t.X'M1c ; choice , tMfWTBo ; Ten Dust , 15c ;
Tea SIltiiiBS , 1 - .
Dry Goods.
l > i.iAruin : : Corroxs farmers * Clioice ,
nue ; Cabot , ( Pfc ; Hope. Ic : Hill 4-1 , 7'/c ' ;
Hill X , I'Ofc ; Lonsdale , S ; Fiuit , a 'c ; Wam-
biitta , lOj c.
Coiwi.i' .IiAjh : Keaihtine ; , 7e ; Annory ,
7c ; Peppeiell , 7J..c ; Indian Oichaid , ( l fc ;
NmimKoair , 7e.
KIM : Ititnw v COTTOXS Pcppcreli It. 0'4'e ' ;
PeppeiellO , BJe , , AtiaI'fcjSUtno ( ol Lib-
eilv , ( io ; iSaianno It , 'iH'C ,
Piti.x-is hteel Kiver , Be ; American , fij c ;
Ainolds , Uc ; ( 'ocheco , ( ! < ; Mancliester ,
dc ; Lvirnin , Be ; ( Jlmicestcr. BJji1 ; Oun-
nell Jaciiiud ] , ( 'c : Duiinell , B > i ; Itum.i-
po , "ue ; Windsor , ( V ; Paciiic ,
lie ; Hiirmonv. 4' c ; Anchor Shillings , 4yc ;
Meirinmck .Sliirling" , 4' ' c ; Heiwlcl ; , 4e.
DiiNiMi Heaver dock AA. lie ; Denver
Cicek , UIJ. 10c ; Heaver Creek CO , ! ) c ; .lalliey
XX , lleliilliey ; XXX , I''e ; .lalliey D AiT ,
I'J'.c ' ; Coluiiiliian , 12 , ' .fc ! Yotk , ic : ! ; Yoik ,
laney , lllj c : Kverett , lc ! ! ; lliiynmkor's hinu
and Iiiovvn , 7 ! c.
Dueic ( Unbleached ) So/ . Magnolia , KIMc ;
10 Magnolia , I'.V ; 8 ut. Point , lO u ;
10 oWet Point , 1'iko.
DUCK ( coloied ) Huston ! ) o/ . blown and
drab , i : : ' . 'e : lioston O H blown and drab , 'Jc ;
Itoston XX blown and drab , lOe : lioston
XXX brown and drab. 11 ' c ; lioston OPhliio.
liy < ii Winion Tricot , IBe.
Jtiiovv.N Con ON Lavvienco LL , Be ; .Shnvv-
mut LL , Be ; Heaver Dam LL , Bu ; All.uitlc
LL , Be ; Indian Head. 7c ; Wauchusset ( y.'c ;
Clown XXX , ( i e : Clilton C'CC , Ojj-e ; Utic.i
0,4 0 ; Atlantic. P , n < c.
Tu KIMIS Aiiioskcnc ACA. II,1 ic ; Thoin
jtivui. uic ; niiciiicKci n , " ' e ; CMICIIICK
l kc ; Mimlnuk AA , 1'Je ' ; Montaulc 1SB ,
Omega AUA , iauc.
( iiNoiiAMH Ui'iilievv , ! > n10.i e ; Amoskea1 , ' ,
diess , ! 'o ' ; Amoskeng , Maple , 7 > c ; Ivnnhoe ,
ii c ; Wnmsiitta , K e ; Niiblnn , hKo ; War-
wick , Oc ; Whltlendon , Uc ; Hates , clie-'s. ' He ;
Hates , hl.iple , ( % o ; Itandolph , slaple , (
Laiihdowne. 7c : iiioueehter , ( "Me
Cnivii ; > i8 Ainoskoiiz , cheeks , OJ o ; Amos-
l3Hg , stiipes , W o ; iSlatur , stripes , c ; Kdin-
Duig , > ; e ; Whiltendon , stiipes , Hi ; Glen-
lose , DC ; Otis , checks , U o ; Otis , strljK-s , ! t' ,
Itoyat fijj'e : Amosl.-i'air , minjicil , loie : Ln-
iiy , book told , I2o ; Obeion , boolt fold , ll , ' < c ;
, book told , l' 'c.
MM" nsn ( IhM Catch. )
No. 1 U'hlto I'ibli. . . . , il 11 , ' . 4 : S XIX 70 , !
Family . ; i m u1701 M i no
No. 1 TlOHt ,4 , iV)4 ) WB ) M2 10 74
No. 1 l'lcl t'rel ' _ . . -l ! Uilil ( lua ! KI I 'JO CS
JIACKHIli : ! , ( Ib8.1 OATni. )
llbls. Hair llbls Qtr Ills' '
Now Fish.
UO 100 UO M 40
| |
HloatiirMoss . . . iv > ( U IH in in > u or , ; to i u >
F.x. No. 1 Kli'r . . vmi MII ; wo mr , 10 1 40
No. IKIioie. . ! > UO u fill , n 1)14 ) tOil I'D ' I JO
Med. No. 1 Bhoio. M ( xi 7 ( < t , ir. ii r u uo. a- ,
. , H ui fi oj r > 45 ; i IB a to ir
Family 1) ) 00 ft till 4 TM W , y It ) I , ' ,
Fat 1 on 4 to : i irt nr > 1 70 ta
. Ill's 1C r Ill's Or. illls I'lxKtR
aw 100 t j to 40 in 12 lu
Mimnv B t NO.I i < b rSi riviTis a 011 to 711 s w
bVo u Ib I'll ! unui a ou a w ) a ( u i H ) i M ; r > 61 , rx )
L'tfU It'U bll'lti 1'cylll WI.J fiJU IK ) 1 70 1 MlH'IMl , ,0
I'irKi.r.K SALMON.
„ . , . „ fibls Illf llbls OrrilbUralhorldTs"
KbW Jil M M ! 15 Ci | IJ
Illood Hed ! I
AlaxU M CKJ 7 M 0 HK1 HU ) 10 1 > 1 ( M 10
lllo < Kt Ued ' ! 1
i'ui. . n 007 wiu HOI : ot : 101 25 1 j > i 10
PA I fit.
HblH Illf IlbhOr'ltbUl'alla or lilts
MAY fiHii
IKK ller'lliKS H 007 fi06 fail tU'I ID 1 25 1 04
' I
ileirtnir * . n oo'i ooo 41 a rat w i w M n
iimiiiiBs . I d iw.t oo.iwsuo'i ' w , u > \ w | wj
II ]
Hollii-d h'rrtinr. new , pprk"c , . 1. ( > > ) ; Hol
land li < " nit , new loiu split stocKdsh , 10'jc ' :
Holland lifirln.- , new sluut split stocKtish ,
t'oiinuXow Kiullsh snininer rural
wholeeinl , .c ; .sea K.HI ; , ( .eorgcs cbmiKS ,
d e : , lev i Mat' ( Jeoiges stilps , ti'o ' ; t lit
lolK'J lb li ixes , pmirolloxvor , 2 Ibbikk ,
( ! , . VVIMI fse.ili i r K „
SMour.n Pf it Halibut , new , l\'jo ; nevT
sealed heiiinijs.2.V.
M MHIII liiiiuis'lf1 Hollnn 1 lu'rilncs ,
Key-i. WV : Ku'sinn s.m nes , henlns , l.V ;
Aiiiliovlei In gla-s , Ole Hull brand , iierdo/ . , : ; Ane'ioxies In K < jfi. J < Om Hull brand.
S4.IX ) ; spiel d llnmliltic heiilngs , hKlus uiut
heads elf , pirpitll , fl.M.
Dl'V IltlllllnT.
Ill Ml .XsiloNS A.S'I ) ' 11M 111:114. :
I I I I I '
'li1 ' It II ft IB ft IS II SO It S3 (124 ( ft
ji i . r , v.i is ; : ii 7.1 in r < ir.7i is. in 75
j\n . i V.M ir. 2.1 r. 2.1 in2,117 , si ii' ; n io ir
S\H . II T.I II 7.1 II71 in 7.117.1,1 is. , ,1 , pi 75
s\in . iv.iii7iiR7im7r ,
: . ' \i' . ' . . . 11 71 M 7.1 M ii HI M 17 , nii 7 % .M S
t\4 s\s . . . . iii'.MinriindiTj.Mis.&ilii'i.i'JoSr
Xo. t ItonnK I'-1 , Hand Kilt . S17.00
No. UboanK 1' . ' , 14mid Illlt . 11.1X1
Xo.liboirds 12 , II nnd Kilt . lil.M
Xo. I boards , I1.1 , ! I and It ! It . 11.00
1st Com. , 1-7 , Hand HI loot . S21.7.1
' 'd ' Com. , Hand III leet . IMS
! "d Com. , II aud Hi feet . 11.75
en Fee , II and It ! fei-t . 10.7S
< t ll.ivn.
1st Com. . 'X , Inch , Not way 1S..M )
' 'd Com.'V ' Inch. Norwiiv H.oO
No. 1-t.v r. liuli , 12and 11 leet , inugi..S1ifi ] ! )
No. I , -I A ( S Inch , Hi feet , lough ir.f.
Xo.t , vVf , inch , 1'J nml 11 leet , rough . 11.5
No.I A : i > Inch , HI leet , rough 15.6
still1 I.VP.
Xo. 1 , Plain , ' or 10 Inch SIR.OJ
Xo. 2 , Plain , 10 Inch HUK )
Xo.lO. ( ! 1S.BU
VI , 2d and "d Clear , U | inch. s. 2s. . . . ? W.M1
ls | , 2d nnd "il Clear , l1 nnd 3 inch , s 2.s. NI.50
HS'livl , 1'4. ' I1 , nild'J'ilieh , s. 2s M.otl
1st. ' . 'd und : : < l Clear , I Inch , s. 2 4.1.W )
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s m.BO
U .Select , 1 liiL-h , s.js ffli.OO
1st Com. ( ! Inch , while ( line f.'N 00
! 'd Com. i > Inch , while pint ) ! W IK )
"d Com. ll ine'i , white pine -.MX )
Hel. Feu'v , illnrli. while pine LX > )
Cliie.i''o S-l. Fence Flooilng lS7t )
1st and 2d doni jellovv pine , 44i inch. . . 20 50
IMIiKS ! t IMIjKH I t I'll KH
A sine cure for Hlind , llleedlng , Itehltit ;
niul Uleeiiiltd Piles has been discoveied by
Di. Williams , tan Imlimi lemed ) ) , called Dr.
Williams' hullin Pile Ointment. A hinlo ; ;
box has cmed Hit ! VMM > t eh tonic cases of "lor
! ( ) veal s standing. No one need Miilci llvo
inliintes altti npiilviliv ; this wondei fid .sooth
ing imdicmc. Lotions und instiuiuenls demote
mote haim than gunil. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment abstub- , the tiimms , nllajstho
Intense Id lilmr , ( pailienlnily nt night"alter
uetllii' ; vvnim in bed ) , nets ns n poultice , gives
instant leliel. anil picpaicd enl > lot Piles ,
itching ol psivale 11.11 is , und tor nothing else.
Dr. Fia/iei's .Magic Ointmeiil emus as by
mngii % Plmiiles , lilack Heads or ( iiubs ,
Jlloiehes niul Kuiptions on the face , leaving
the sKin elearnnd lii'\utirul. ! Also cuies I lob ,
t-nlt IMieiun. hoic Nipples , Sort ; Lips , and
Old Obstinate Uleeis.
Sold by druggists , or malliHl on luce.lpt of
50 cents.
Ketailed by Knhii iV : Co. , nnd Si'hronter &
lieeht. At wholesale by C. F. ( ioodmnn.
W. T. JOHNSON' , Elm.
r. J. PCiiuvi.nn.
W. F. Joiitioon & go.
Comniisson Merchants !
Itecniven-ol Giainiind Soeds. Fiiturosbouirht
iinil told , bpi't'lnl atlPiitlo'i toMilo by munplos.
Itepiut-entetl liy IMnaul llartou , Uiuoln.
Haiiv/ay Time Table.
All trains arrive and ilopart from Omaha by
Cenlinl Standaid time.
TinliiMil the C. , SI. P. , M. & { ) . arrho and ilu <
jiail lioiii llieir depot , eoinorof Mill nml Wob-
bterFiierls ; trains on the II. A ; M. , C. , II. & Q. .
and K. C. , St. .1. , V C. 11 Inim the II. A ; M. depot ;
all otherrt liom the 1'iuon 1'acltlcdi pot.
a.ilailj ; beAccpt Saturday ; c.eieept Sunday ;
dc\tepl Mouilay.
nu > i\iv THAI.SM Ix-avo Omaha at n.-ai , 7ai : ,
8WiliJW. : : ( Ili'ui. : in. : rJWaixi : ) : , ! ) : ( > , 4:00.4:55 : : !
fir/ : . and 11:1(1 : ( 11 , m. On Hniiilujs the ! : V > ami
1(1:1X1 ( : a. m. , and UKa'id : ( ) 4ixi : p. in. traim ) do not
Ic vo Council lllutrH ( Ilioadway Depot allsffi ,
S.lW.tHiti ) , HI-.M 11:10 : n. m. : laj : , KJ : : ) , ; iill : , 4:2B : ,
fi.1) ; , ( l.riand : : ; ll:4fl : p.m. On Kmulnyn the 8M :
and lUKn. : : ) in , , uiulUiiWund 4'Up. : : in. tratnuwlll
not run.
. TIHINS Ix-avo Omiilui at fll ) . 8Ba :
a.m. ; iai.'iJa ; : : : ) , 4ai. ilnxlaucl 7JJ p. in. dally.
Anivoiil Uifianil 11U : u , m. ; 1.U UH : , 7:31 :
and 8.U5 i > . m.
To nnd from Chicago tlii Tripartite Alllanco.
17 lOill
7- *
Tlmo liibln of patwiuur liulmi lictwoou
liiinlia and Union Stock Vurds ; in enuctVed -
y , Annual U'litli , is i :
No. Omuliu.'lU.H. Vaid No. II.B. Yards OmaluiT
A. M , A. M ,
till C:4U :
( 48Kl |
ton 111 ! 1.1 11.D (
tonii 11 : % !
I1. U. I1. M.
41 1:4S :
OH7 4U1 :
OS'J 6:10 :
Tniln No , 43 , dully except Sunday , Other
ralim run daily.
tout. ii. ni" AIJX AVA.r.\CB |
'lumbers. ' . Steam and Gas Filters
SlKAM lllJ.VllMi N blT.CIIAI.TV.
Hitpiiatt-Hfiunli-lird , < irvlll rail p.will / .
At-eniHloi Ilio liu'.Krial ( j-n Mucumu. - _
at ) ti , lull tt. . Uuiuua , uU