Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FlttDAY , OCTOBER 10 , 1885.
Advertl etnonts under this head
line for the first Insertion , nml 7 cent * for < < noli
Hibfto.iiPnt Insertion. Seven words will Im count-
ctl to tlio line ! they must run eon ccutlvc1y nnd
mufitbo imlil In wtviincn. All nihertlsGtnpnM
must be hmidetl in before 2 o'clock p. in. , nnd
iinilornn clrrum tnnccs will they bo taken or
illMtmtlnuod bv telephone.
Parties ndvertlMnjt In tliejo columns nnd Imv-
IIIK Ihomuwew nddro ed In cnro of llrr , will
pleiiwiiuO ; for check to enable tlirm In pettholr
Idlers , lit 110110 will bo delivered oscopt on
prc. ( ) nliitl < m of check. All nnsnors to ndvcr-
tlMmicntSFihould bo enclosed In cmclopos.
T\ | ONIJV Tolonn. The Oinnlm riniinol.11 Ux
Tlil change , IWl Knrnatu MI rot , ii-fttulrs. | nmkos
lomisonnll ihnsosof i-cciirlty Irntn n JlUclmt-
U I lonn to $ HMii ) ( ( on rcnl n liitoVo iniiko loans
to cult nil applicants on lotifr or short tlmo on
improved ronl o tnto , limit contincts , IOIIMI * ,
litillilliiKHon loused hind , secured notes , collator-
iiKchntlels , orttood M'cmlty ofmi } klnil Ixiw
rules ; euiy terms. Omnlm Financial nxchrntro ,
1H8 I'm in m street , npstulrs. H4.Mf
f1O | LOAN Money In any nmounton reul 01-
4 into ( security. 0. 1 ! . Mayno , 151 h mill Kur-
nnm. tfJH-o-15
( INKY TO I.OAN-C. P. Dnvll & flo. Huul
M Hsliilo nml Ix nn wonts , 1105 t'urnnin SU
Tl 1 ONIiV TO LOAN Oil clinttcK Wooloy A.
-L'l lliinlMjn , room VIO , Oinnbu National bunk
bulldlmf. r > m
r ( > NiV : TO LOAN On real ostuto nml chut *
M tots. II. L. Thomas. WU
: LOANIMI On chattels , eat rnto , H.
MONiV bought und sold. A. l''ornianSU
B. lilthHL Ml
ji/IONUVTO / LOAN III sums of $3Kiind ) Ui- |
I'l wards on nrst-cln s iciil estate security.
Potter A Cobb , 1515 Turnum St. Ki !
TCl CINHV MANi : nt C. F. Itceil & CO'H. Ixinn
Jil otJlco , on furniture , pianos , her os , WIIROIH
personal pnipeity of nil Kinds ami all other ar-
titles of \ alno , without removal. Over 1st Nnt'l
Hank , corner 13th and I'm num. All business
pi riot 11' conllilontal. 63J
OMVI : AIONKVH aioNirviti Money lo
loan on chattel security by W. H. Ciolt.ioom
4 , Wlthncll hulldliiir.N U coiner 15th and Har
tley. Aitorycius of experience mid ncuroful
study of the business ol lounlmr money on per-
MMiul propel ty , I Inn o ut hist porloctud u system
vvheiotiy the publicity usual in such coses Is
done uwny with , mid 1 am now In u position to
meet the demands of nil who become tmnpot < -
arllj einbiirni'sed ami de iio to nilso money
withoutilehu mul Inn quiet manner. Ilon.-o-
keupeis , professional irontlumcn , mechanics nnd
othm-H In Omubu mU council Itlulls , can obtain
iiduim.cs liom fltlto Jl.tiU ) on such M-cnrlty
us household fuinltine , pianos , muchlneiy , bor-
HIS , WHRtms , winohoiiso iccipts , secni wl notes
ol bund , \vlthouticmovliiKsumo tiom onn-
eiH losldcnio or plate ot busini s. ANo on line
Wntcliesund Hlamomls.ono ot the ndvmitiiKOs I
ollor Is ( hut any pint ot any loan can be paid ut
any time \\hich "III icduco the Interest pie inta
anil all lomiHicnoncd at the original rules of In-
tcieat. I Imvo no biokersIn connection with my
olllco , lint personally superintend all my loans , I
Imvo pi luito ofllcos connected with my Kcnotal
ollieo HI that customers do not como In eon-
tract with each other , consequent ! ) imikipinll
trmiRUOtlims htrlctly private W. H. Ctolt.
room 4 , Wlthnell bnildliur , N K. corner Ilith mul
Hainoy , Oimihn , anil.t. 1'cail St , Council Illulls.
WANTI'.II A ( food nuibo Kirl nt ! H4 . 1'ark
WANTi : A woman 11 llrst-clilBS vcsotablo
rook. lnqulroutthoCo77oiiM.
> A jfODil active woman to do
ohambcr n ork. Inqolro UU Douglas St.
_ _ | _ sa
WANTIJIi nooilRliI for pcnpral honocmnrk
nl ir > ' . JIovMiid fit. Gcimun or liish pio-
furrMl. 'Mi
W ANTKD Good srlrl for soncral bousoHorlc.
, dlnlnir mom Kills cliatnbuimatd- .
L'o I'm mini SU \CA. \
WAytr.ll A ( rood cook , ono oompotont to
act as linithokucpcr ; Kood u os. Address
H. & N , , Ilco Ollico. W4
ANTRD A neat young ghl to assist ntth
biiby. 1KW S. SUth St. TO8
WANTIin I.ady nscnta for "Daisy" Skirt
nnd Htocklnir eupiiortcis , shoulder braces ,
lioMim foi ins , Drens .Shields , rubhur ( rlnyliuiii
lillif ) , npnim , pIcocInfanta dliijiors , i\e. Our
IUK ( ) ilk-cuts mo making monuy last : H ) can you.
AiJdiosswlthMamp , K. II. CAMl'DCI.L & CO. ,
4P4 VV. llniulolph St. , ChiciiRO. 7l4-i j )
W 1ANTIM > Airlil for Konoralhousonoik at
iwsoutuaothst. DM
"ll/ANTKU A ( food tcnniHtor who IH thor-
TT oiiRhly nctinaintoil with tlio city : perma
nent position to the light man. 31G S. r > tli Ht.
WANTHU CanvnoFora Ladles or gontlonion
A Kood clmnco to make money. Iloom Lt ) ,
ArlhiBton Itlock.
WANTIU ) Fifty cnnvn nrs. Ijidlos nntl
L'ontlnmun mo maklm ; $ Ulpor day holllnjf
our "Kitchen Qucnn" Addio-s , with Rliitni ) ,
Blmpw > n Si I'nrMins Tool Co , 4'l lloartl of Tnulo
IlnlldliiK , St. 1'aul , Mlim. Jlanutaclory , I-on ell ,
WANTED Mattress makers nt Dewey &
Stonu's. CM
Box KX > , Omaha.
AOKNTS Sullliiff 3Ils onrl ftenm vashor
make bl ) ; money. J. Worth , Solo Maiiiitiio-
tnrer , Ht. I.iul9 ( , JIo. OOUlecIlp
W ANTIID Pel-vices of n bright , Intelligent
man of good utldiotsS. J. 11. , I' . O. llox il'AS.
lOa-16 *
WANTU1) Apents. Addio = s Kli > clrlP T.atnp
and Ptovo Co , tit. Ix > iiis , Mo . lor cliciilar ,
out ami tcuna of Ul caiullu powur Marsh Klectilo
n > h-octlIp (
WANTin : A po-dlion us tmleslmly In dry
KiiodK utoro by MHIIIJ : J.iiiy ol evpoilenco ,
who Hptaks SnodUh as rllayKnIisli. | Addiug
Itox No , ! , Oimihn 1'oHtolllce. a-0-17 *
, Vl7'ASTIIi A Bltiiiitlon for eemiral lioiiho-
TV woikln n Biniill family , liy n > ountr Ocrmim
Rlil ; Inquliobouthwcutcor Cupltol Ave and 17th
Mnxit. SttJ-l [ i
\Jl/'ANTI3l ) A skilled nnil oxpniioncetl Mon-
> OKIaplicr and lypo wilier , lately n men-
OKrnpluir In I ) . S. Patent Ottlco , Washln loii , 1) .
( ' . , desires a Munition Address "The Kepub
llcan , " 8tioiil8biir f , Nob. 2'17
i"ITyANTUH Situation tiy jounir man who
il f fpcakH Uimllsli , Oernian , 1'ioncli , nnd
fikandlmivliin , wlllliirto ( ork. Addiens M N.
lU'o olllco. SfllOp
I -
'TTTANTIII ) A position I's clerk In jrrocorv
4 VV can nioak ( ieniiini und Scandinavian. H.I.
r < IIooOHUo , X.'O-Ifip
V V\7ANTii ; ) Situations by two yoiinjr mon ,
V Tr one IIH coachiiian mid neil ; mound Iho
houseami one to oik In stoiotlrvKootl or
jrocrrioa piotcrred , AdcbccdA. H. Ileo Olllco.
IU4-1.1 *
tl ANTKO Ily u rniin of IIIIKO oxiiorlcnco
> wlio Is tlioronirlilv posted on Nebini < kn
Inule. jiosltlon nsiiavcllnprorclty pale-man lor
Qrtit-rlii.sH hom-u. Can iinnlxh host of leleieiicou.
i Untcrprlsu , line Olllco. aiO-IO *
ANTr.IJ Ily u JOUIIK lady , u position as
iKiokkeopororciiflder. llest of mteicneea
{ Iron us to ability. Addiesd P. 0. , lluo Olllco.
j\X7"ANTii ) Sltuntlon IIH enloin cutter by u
LI I ) iun r man of e pcricnco. Addiesa O.
" - , si Wcbt CongifM t , , Detroit , Mich.
"I'16 *
WANTIJII i\crybo ; < ly to bonul at the Bt.
Txinla irMiuiriuit , 4il | Sloth St : tickets of "I
miuiU f.1.6 ! ii'Kiilar boaril per week j-iai. Kif-2l
\V7 V\M'ii : ) 1-wiint to uo Into the mil ostatn
TT ihliHws , oliher as piutnor in an usiab-
ncern or with Mime llMiiiuin. AtlilioM
d ital , P. O. Dot ! M , City. yro-10
t ' ) A tum-llnif mmia ifo would
u STANTUl' i one or tun hullo * or tno jionlle.
i ! nirin to room lor winter. Call or addic&a bOO
( IcJiiHlii AVLMUIO , - doora B. l.ciuoiuiorib.
0 *
T. _ _
ur uh VI7"A > 'Tii-rOcntleninn ; wonta loom nnd
r T f Iioaiil | f povflblo. al > o stable i-oom lorhorMi
- 1 btiK y. Apply to stallnr terms , 11. ll 10p
J3-t 1
ANTIJII Itoom w lib bonnl if po.islblo , IIN | )
flulilo room for hoii-o and butri > y. Ailibesa
tci ms to S , M , lleo tilllcu. . ' 50-IOp
' * U' " ' '
VANTI'Il-FiiinUliodhoiiMJoriU least BOV on
Yi room for the wlntur. No chlkbun. Ito-
fci-oocos. 0. 11. , lleo Ottlco.- lid 19
\\T AN'1'1511 A pmtnor with email capital , for
iTI nilo.gicobo luunlK. Wbi : 1'lcico JJl4p
ii : > Now orHicoitd-bund stemn orirus
nomo4hoi > o power. Appl > ' N ,
| OIli , , OiniiliiiMilit 1'utlury. 01-15
Tll'ANT n lolilcnco worth from $0OoO to
flO.iOi ( ) nnd MI Inn lum piopcily us ) mi liuo > t-
Incut to thu amount ol $ Mn" , all lor uisli Ad-
. U , fctuir , fit ) , lo.x ! II U U07
* l \rANTI5D-Tonra9. T. Murr.v.
W MJ Mnttrrsa tnnkor ivt Dowcy &
Stono's. ; > vi
" \\rAXTKI ) A full lot near the city at n renT -
T wunililn piico. Slntoprlco , Inrnis nnd lo
cation. Addicoa VT. N. ( i" Itoo oflico. SU3
\\r.\NTlo : A room Miltntila for mini , wlfo
mid child , with tiro. Address II. W Spilntr-
ffntc , euro 1) . M. Steele & Co. IKl-lv
ron JtEHT-nousra AOTJ KOTS.
FOH HUNT HOIIPO of fi rooms for small fnm-
Ily , No. HI , third hotiio from Ekl nnd Lcn-
vcnwoith ; { II. V |
Iriou HINT : NOW houpo with 4 rooms , on
1 "nth nml 1'opplcton nvonno. I mi" Ira on
proinlM' ? . n T. Potonmn. I8I-U
170 * It HKNT Col tn ori rooms , cor. Ornnd mul
1 PlcrcoMicols , $2 1.
C'ottnvo , 9 rooms , M nnd Irani , J.TO.
CottHCT , 4 rooms , south I Ith St. , $12.
lloiif-o , H morns , mh and Plorcci , $10. 0. K.
Ma > ne , I.Mh unit Fm nnm. .75
FOR ItKNT Four room ooUutto 8 , 10th St.
Imiulro 0-0 North loth. ffi--ltip
IfUlIt itHNT Hnndsomiily furnlshnd hou p ,
Brooms , fcr ? Piirk Avniiuo , roforoncoH re
quired. Apply J. W. Orinith , Auditors Olllco
g. P. H. W. g'J
_ _
FOH UHNT Chetip , place snltnblo for n tcmn-
Kter ; KI ! bin n ; * i per month ; nl-w ) ono tor
$1S our month. J. W. Mnrshull. l)0fl Fninuin. WJl
77ttK ItlCNT Htin o seven room" , ffooil
JL1 nelKliborliiKHl. house now. O. F. Uuvls A. Co.
LVI5 Fnrtmin SU J50-ln
77io7ritiNT-HoilSi : II rooms. HHCnpitol Ave
I line , Milluhlo for bonnlliif ; houvr , o. F.
Davis k Co. , liOj I'lirnnm St. , aw-10
HUNT An oxcnllont now 4 room col-
llalloiiyi7S. Illll. 23J-I7P
FOIt ItnNT New ti-rooni hoimo , sal mid Dnv-
onportclt ; } w ntcr , KIUS mid son or ; is worth
$4' > per month ; will len&o for live years utSil ) per
month. Ilojius A Illll. .XH-15
771CIK UINT : n room tirlck liouso , 61.1 Hickory
J St. Iniiilio | on piemlsos. tKKV17p
FOIt ItKNT Store room on 1.1th stieot near
.tones ; n looms upstairs ; II rooms i oar nnd
burn : till for $ . " > per inontli. llmnlln &
Drown illl S llth sit cot. 1117-14
OK IinNT Nov. I , n nrM-pIn1 * it-ioomeot-
Ij two : line location ; by a. T. 1'otorson. s. o.
cor. inth and Doiwlas. lot
FOH HUNT Two newiesldencosil rooms each ,
colliurnli inoms.hoilbo 10 rooms. J. Philips
Hon. O.V >
FOH HUNT Two fctory On oiling , 7 rooms ;
peed locullty. Apply Cor. 14th mid Doiwlns.
C.T.Tajlor. 715
77"'OIl HUNT liouso of thieo rooms Ski nnd
J ( link titicuts Inqnlro north-east corner
inth nnd Douglas , mid IfCI Jackbon St. btfj
* HUNT 'Mores on Oth nnd Loovcnworth
sis ,
1 store on South lllth BL Until first-cliiwt hiisl-
lion locations. AUo houses to lout. A. MtOav-
ock. UlW
17 < OH HUNT Honpo of 0 looms. Apply Cor.
J1 14th and DoiiKlas. C.T.Tujlor. 740
. . . HUNT Sovorul dwellings. Apply Cor.
14th and Douglas. C. T. Tu > lor. 710
TTlcm 1IKNT OH SALi : A houso. burn
-i cows ; nnd 4 lolH 111 Walnut Hill mid
month. lniiilro | Juntos Christiansen , U. P ,
1'iclRlitolliio. ' "
> OIl HUNT Tlonso , G rooms. Inqnlro I'd-
JT helm A , Erickhon. CICJ
> CliilKNT Oct. 1st. or after , n dwell
1 hoiife fi rooms , nlco yard , olstorn , water ,
pcrmonth. Apply lilt I'atUXVIld avo.orJ
\V. Hell , ( IrugKHt , tu'O South 10th St. KJ
rOKKKXT Nicn rottiiRO 1010 South tilth St.
Inquire of C. A. Doldln. 4.VKJOp
Foil KKNT HnuM ) 11 looms $ r , per month ;
will lent part. 0. 12.Thompson , S. W. cor.
llth and Hainuy. I U
IlKNT U or unfurnished rooms for
liRlit hoiifcokcdiilng In a KOdd IIOIIKO occu
pied by man mid nito. Apply ntCOj i N ITIh st.
JI70-1G *
TTtOll HUNT I rooms uivstnlrs , on cor. of 1'lh
JP nmlVobtor Hta ; south ontrnnoo , vmy dod -
slinblo , furulshod or unfurnished. 271-17 *
PDK IlKNT LnrKO front room fninlRhcd. No.
6111N. ICth St. , bot. Cnaa and California.
FOIt IlKNT 3 furnished front i-oomi , sult-
ublo lor Kontloman and wlio , or two Rdiillo-
men."Ul Harnuy st.
\ ItlJNT I'urninhod front loom and
Ij\nil : " jotins1 mou profcirod. ' ( H Ninth
1Mb. IiOb-10
771011 ItKNT A nicely furnished pnrlor for
J two nontlonion ; modem coiuonlonees. 17.5"
Capitol uvc. OO.M6 *
771OK HUNT Three furnished rooms , doslrublo
JJ locution , on street cur lino. Umpilru on the
prcmlMM , No. t05 , N. Twentieth stlcot. " iS-
HUNT Vurnlslioil front room und snmll
ixxini , $5 , CO" ) North Seventeenth btieot
ItHNT Furnlshctl nxims , 1 US Dmlyo St.
oil HINT : I'leasnntly fiirnlsbod loom lit
. 15th St.
fTIOIl UK N'T Nlcclv lurnlshod room for man
JU and wlfoor twoKcntlouien , tCU Chicago Nt
" 4f-l."p
F ( Il HUNT Newly fiirnUbod rooms with
board , 701 S. 1Mb St. : J4.M.p (
3 71 oil HUNT Knrnlsliod rooms and boaid ,
$ UO per week , 05 N. 14th 211-1'Jp
_ _
Oil HUNT front loom with board , 17L 4
Uoughus. " 4S-ID ] )
Foil HHNT I'liinlshfltl fi-onr room. S1U.24I4
Iliirnoy. Call on VV. II. Vounir , iiKI ; ( Farmim.
gU-Ui *
TTiOll HUNT Two nlcoly fiunifhud room * :
Kiw , water i.ud tomonleincos 11
CIIKS st. 1 0
IT-OK HKNT I'leabant furnished nmms' , 1707
Cuss. LIITrW
oil HUNT Furnlohod room 703 Hontli inth
Btieet , with or without bom d. lKM7p
rrum HUNT Furnisbcd room , 1WW I'm num.
I1 140-15 *
T TUMI HUNT Two pleasant fiont rooms un-
1 iiuiiMii'il , Milliilihi Itir llfilif litninilioeplntr.
In Hounuir's lllock , tor , bill and llomml.
F Pit HUNT Sunieslo the brluk liulldlnpr un
lIoiMinl Ht. . bet Hltli mid 17th , No lOlIi mid
1U17. Inquire at driiff wtoro cor. 10th Bt. DIXJ
Foil lIKNT-Nlcoly furnlsboU rooms
FOIt HKNT Lintni front loom nlcoly fur-
nihluvl ; pihiloj-'iitir bath room ; milliililti for
two porH > n : tlvo mlnuletj walk fioin I' . O ; onu
block fiom btteot car lino. Addict * I * . O.x \ * \
a * . _ 7KI
Foil ItKNT Ono Inivi1 , iinfinnlEilied , iilcovn
room , with bay window tinil iiiUMinil all
modern ImpiovomcntH , on 20th gtiuct , neiirPt.
Mmy'H uvu. Iiujulio at 8. W. Cur. inth and
Jhxlfro. _ _ _ _ _ ii l
Foil IIKNT A nice , pleasant loom.fnrnlsh-
otl or iiiiturnlrfod. Inijuliu lit IfiU Loavun-
\\orlliKHcoI. 44U
I pott KliNT ItooniH with lioiml , iluHlriihlo for
bummer. Apply titSU Chuiles Hotel , ft
POlt ItKNT Nicely luinlstieil Iront room to
pciilloman only , ut B. K. corner liuth nnd
I)011f'IUHHtU > Ot. MU
IrtolC ItHNT ; i tnniL-licd looms on Paclfiii
1 street , luituooil Vlh und lOth.oiio block boiilb
irf the U. 1. depot. 41U
FOH HUNT a pleasant wmth f lout rooms S.
W. corner Will nntl Davenport. 70U
FOH HHNT-Two nicely rurillshed rooiii9 , N.
W. cor. "ltd und Bt. Murv'H uvuniio. 4iiil
T7OH SALI ! T o lesldoncos In Pnpllllon ,
J Neb , , bcmitifiil C'oiiiity scut of Sin py county ;
lutino s ihuiliiiii ro-Ilciicn town tor Oiniiliii ;
itrcsonto.\limslon ol Mo. P. U H. mid al-o It. A ;
M Iminlru ornddiose M. M. Puirlsh , I'upllllon ,
Nub. S71-81 *
FOH HALH A very pretty r > room cottato
mid lot ItKUI'iO ; nil modern impioMmicnt * ;
rt-ll | tin Milil nt u suerlUeu , Cniinlnjflimn & llren-
iiuii , 1'iU DoilKo. a\V15
* ( ) SALi : A six room brick house nnd ' .i
utic otround ( ; tuo blocku fn > in bl Mury's
Ave ! | $ .iioo ; tills In u jiood Invoslmcnt. Ctin.
- - - - Vliionnun , 1311
Irtoit nlx-rooia cottUKo und lotnx
llO.on our lino. Apply on pioml oH. l& i
North iVth tt , "Mi'M *
POIi S M.i : OK ixCHAMU-Klno : : bricic
hou liiiHim , , tan n and ntaliliv city w ier
und iKKt'NViry oiithoiiMw CMihan.uwl for lu.
iiKiMsl lui'it not u cr" ) miles ti-uniOinuhu , It
I' AMentnuuudnot apply. Addu-si K. L. lieu
" "
Foil SA LI-On Nlcholivs street , lot ffi.tira
2 bonces ; rent for StOn month : wl'lbo
cheap. CminliiKlinm A lrcmmn,151l )
Jr OH SAM * IxiMlnlliornimnr I'lnco on Pel
t.lnn ante $ -KX ) cncli , monthly '
( ' . H. Mnj no , I.Mh nntl I'nrnatn ,
I7OII 9AI.i-llonntlfnl : roldeneo lot In Wul
I nut Hill fi'xi lo $ Coo mob ; lo per tout caoh
bnlancu monthly payments. C. J' . Mayne , Ant.
1VU i.
TJiaH S A Lli Good noitso nnd ! ot In norll
J- Omaha , hou o bus fi lnr ro rooms , ( eller , ell
clstcin.clo ets , tlMXI , uusy terms. W.T. fliu
bam , CrclKliton block. l.VK )
] 7OIt SALi : Aiirv itoslrablo pioperty thul
rentu for jl.440 n jenr : sltuatiHl In Hint-class
nolKhborho'id , on otieot cur line , near hluli
tchool bnlldlnjr ; conslits of lot 7J\IM feet.two
K ell f route , city \t ator , baths , water clo'els , cln
trrn ; barn , ( est $ l'Mi : will icnt ovoivdnyln
the jenr ; pilce , tlJ.Oit ) , half eush. baliineo to
xult at H per cent Intel eat. J. W. Muiliull , ) * < K1
rnrnnm. ' 'iil
Tnlt .HALi : Cbonp lot * In HmiMom 1'laco
$ .ViO to $750. Monthly pnjinonta. rntuilnjf-
ham .V llrennun , 1511 Doduo. U-l.'i
771 OH SAI.i : Ppcclal unreins by I'uulsen tt
C Lot fiOxllVSon rierce.iirnrSOtb.lioiisomiiliiloro
comlilnetl well mid ulnblo , f2i'0i.
Ixit 75 east fioot by 110 with a now ootta o ,
on IMh St. , a munrua south of St Mmy'snve. ,
Lot MlxMX ) on ItHli st. , near St Mary's nve , cast
front , with oh Kant 10 room house , $8000.
Corner lot In Shlnn'n mid. , with house , f l.H'XI.
LoUVixDoo , on California , ncnr 80th St. , llli
hoiif-o. Jii 0 , oasv term" .
Ixit ! > : ixl4l ( , on I'leaBiint street , near St. Mary's
a ve. , with 7 room now house , .slablo , cto. , $ .lrr > 0 ( ) .
Ix > t iiilxHn , 4 room nuw cottage , near I.ako
school bongo , $ IWW.
Choice lot In lluwthoino ndd. , 5-rootn cottnRO ,
etc. . $1,7(10 ( ; tiirm ? .
lii feet on Hurney , near lUtli , $3,100 , for five
\Honlv. .
Lot 47vlSil , on inth , nenrPt. Mary's nvo , with S
email IIOIIHCS. (4lioi ) ; eiioy torms.
C'holco IniH In Klrkuood at Jl- ) .
II lots In W. A. Itcdlck'H udd. , ( I.Cl'iO.
loHilxfOon nth , uour Vinton , splendidly lo-
ciited , J-iXX ) .
Cnolce lots In Duljtht , V Ly man's add. ut $100
Cholcolots In Clarkn Phioo from CTX ) to $ .VX ) ;
emiill eash payment , balance monthly.
Houses for lent. I'liuljon iV Co. , 17)13 rarnnm
Street. 4-111.
Cor. lot 7S\l'e n P. lcthwltb nrst-cla sM-oom
eottairn , currliiKo l'ou o , t'liin , Branury ; u voiy
desliablo location lor u doctor ; S'J.OOO. Do not
fall to luvestlKiito.
Icct Inmt on Hnrnny , cor. of lllli St. ,
SIM 00. I'nulsen & Co. , I'll rnrnnm * t.
I.iOH SALli-ltoaiitlful rcBitlenco lots In Wnl-
1 nut Illll i"fo to ? t'oo each ; lo per cent cash ,
balance monthly payments. C. ll. Mayno. A t.
FOIt.SALi : Afowelcwmt lots on the best
part ol CalltorniufMioot. ( ICiOlnlot See
them If > ounnt oed insltonco propoitv.
Cuniilngliani & Itrcnniin , 1511 Dotlxo St.
- ' residence lots In Wnl-
nut HIM STioto flioooach ; U per cent cnsh ,
balance monthly payments. C. 12. Mnyne. AKS.
15S.ll ) .
FOHSALU lleautilul residence lots In Wnl-
nut Hill ? 2"o to fee each ; lo per cent cnMi ,
bulunco inoiitlily payments. C. U. Mnyno , Aut.
FOH 8AI.U-Iots In Thornbnrsr I'lnco on Holt
Line $ " 00 to $ ! ! 00 cnch , monthly payments.
C. H. Mnyno , 15th and Faiimm. 15t > .l I.
POHPALU Itcuutlful icsldenco lots In Wnl-
nut Hill $ J5o to S-loo cnch ; lo per cent cash ,
bulunco monthly pnj incuts. C. U. Mayno , Airt.
lVS.ll ) ?
FOH SAI.K Lotsln Thornbnrsr I'lnco on Holt
LlnofiWO to 5.KM each , monthly payments.
C. E. Mayno , 15th and Farnnm ,
77Oll SALi : A corner lot on Dotliro street ,
J1 SlWl. ( Woith double the monuy. Cuii-
nil gnuin & Dionnan , 1511 Do Ijro. ! iS7-l&
OH SALE A bnrmiln fornshoit time In lots
1 In Shlnns addition , llvo cor. lot 1.1) ) tt on
Culducll st..slSOO , homo smaller lota $550 ami * 000.
W. T. Giuliani , Cioi liton block' 15.'W
FOHRALP. Ilountltnl rcsiilonco lots In Wnl-
nut Hill $ J5o lo $ i'oo each ; lo iior cent cash ,
bulunce nioiilhly iiayinonls. C. K. Muyno , A t.
FOHSAbTI r itslnThornbui-jr rincc on Holt
Line , LOl ) to ftOO : ouch , monthly pnyments ,
C. D. Muyno , 15th und Fiirnnm. 1581'l.
FOH SALi-Ieautiful : ! residence lots In Wnl"
nut Hill ? .jr > o to $ lioo each ; lo per cent cash ,
balance monthly payments. C K. Muyno. Ak't.
I l.VS.l'i.
Wi : have u few splendid lots for Palo on Lenv-
onwoitn sticot. Tlio oheupcst lots in the
city at $1,1)00 ) ouch. Cunningham & llieonan
1511 Doilfjc. 2JO-15
771OII SALK Store Incontor of the city , with
J- ' lease , flxtnios lor euko bakery , ko ci earn
parlor und lostmunnt. Hont low. Addiess D.
t. , Hoe Olllco. HMO
17OK SAT.n 120 ncros , near pity , nesbablo
aero piopoity in ruiloua localities. .1. W.
Mnrhhnll , I'M Fainnm. ( MMl-ll
7OK SA I.n-Lots In Thornhurfr TJaco on Holt
J Line , jc'OO to $ .100 each , monthly payment * ) .
C. K. Aluyno intli and Furmim. 15H.19.
770RSALU Two full lots on Ocorjrlu nvenue ,
J1 S 1,150 cash ; splendid location and cheap. J.
W. Marshall , 1500 I'luiuun &t. 107-17
IT'OH SALU fx > ts In Hunsconi I'hico liom $ WT )
-L' to SltOO , easy tcims. Lots on I'mk and
fJeoiKlu Avenues § 1500. W. T. Graham ,
CiolKliton block. 151.
FOH SALI' X > lots on Dodpro stieotatnsuc-
rlflco ; perfect title. Heio is an oppoitiinltv
to muko money. Cunningham & Iticnnun , 1511
Dotlgo. IC-I
$ : iot ) will buy some low on the Holt Lino.
See thmn liefoio thov uro all sold. Cunnlnj-
liuni cV liiennun , I'll I Doil o. r.'l-l" ' >
171OII SAM ! r tRinTlioinbuiK I'Jaco on Ilo't
1 MnoH ( ) totiilli ) eiieli , monthly injn-dilH.
: . K. Miiyim , and 1'ainam. 1 ! 8.1 ! ) .
TjlOH SAr.II Slock of penoial moicliundlsn
JL1 mid building lor rent. Addicsisll. S. 1' . , Iloo
olllco. ! Wi-l4p
: A few-lots In IlatllottH mlditlon ,
I hi eo blocks liom i-luet rnr , ? fr > j to ' 75' ' ! on
niontbly pajmontu. W , T. ( iiiihmn , CioMblo
block. ir > o
WALNUT IIIU , Ix > ts fir ) < > to Jdooonch ; ID
percent cash , Imlunco monthly p.iymonts.
Taken rldo out Cumins t-trect to Walnut Hill
nnd M > O the line InilldlnirH which have been
erected this summer Stioot ruin Will bo run-
nlnjr to Walnut Hill this winter. The Holt Mno
him located depot grounds on Walnut Hill. If
yoiiwantn choieo lot , call and tiiko n rlilo to
Walnut Hill. C. 13. .Mnyno , S. W. cor. IStli mitt
I'lirnain il'o-14
II' j nil want u cheap IIOUHO anil lot ,
It Jtin want buslnosrt pioporty ,
It jou want unlmpiovcd losldenco propoity ,
If jou want aero piopoity ,
If jou wmit to make ngood InvnMmontin any
kind ol'ieal ehtato ,
If you want to wll any kind of real o tnto ,
Call at Cunningham & Ilromiaii'H olllcn , f > ll
Bodgo , no\t 1' . O. ICT
FOHSAI.K A ffooil Investment in a few lot * In
Hanstoin plnco nt swo , easy teims , W. T ,
( iiiiham , CiolKlitoii lllock. 141.
: Ko to jroo encli10 ;
'i portent cash , balance monthly imymontH ,
TaKoii ildo out Cnnilii ) ; btieet to Walnut Hill
and KCO the tine bnllillnuH which have been
oiocti'd tlila Biiinmor. btiuot caiii will bo run-
Minx to Walnut Hill tills winter. Tlio Itelt Mno ,
him located dnpot gioumlH on Walnut Hill. If
ion want a choice lot , call mid tuku n rldo to
Walnut Hill. C. U. .Mu > no , 8. W , cor inth and
I'm num. I l.o14
WALNUT Hir.Tr-I.ntH J ) lo oo each ; 10
percent rash , balunco monlhly | > u > IIIOMIH.
1'a ko u rid on ut Ciunlnir i-tieel lo Walnut Hill
nnd MO * the line bulldlnifH which ha\o been
I'lccted thin glimmer. Stient earn will bo inn-
nhiKlo Walnut Hill this winter. The Itelt Mno
luid located ilcHit | Kiounds on Walnut Hill. If
1011 wantncholco lot call and take a ildo to
Walnut Hill. C. H. ilaj ne , K. W. Cor. full and
I'm num. ns.ll. !
R. ° , PAlTKHhON , llth nnd Kill num.
Tor Sal" A bcniitlful ro > ltlenco on Davenport
> t , 1'ilco , $ , "i JOO ; terms , Jl JU cash , btilanco to
> ult.
Tor Sale Vine cor , lot , "lot ami Chicago. Pilco
| 0 0 0 ; oaxy lorniH.
1'or bale A lull lot nnd good luiiite , iimlH for
MTiper month , on 80. lilh ; aloiifc'car llnoi lacliiK
. nM ; at J.I.-.VI ; easy term' ,
1'or Hilo A Iciiiitllul new 7-ioom cotlujtu ;
'ntl'lKlijU ' , mid nil ooiivonleneos , on I'luixobt. ,
iho > uJd : ! : , t il..MJj 'xOnit.h
1'or Side Kino ucio piopcity from (200 ) o ( too
in easy ternu.
1'or Halo Twplvo icsldencos nnd cottnrea In
llllcicnt pmlB of thucity IriiinrUMO to JIi.000
I'oiHoot T o now eottucrps attlS per month ,
mo block finiit bhenmin mcniio.
I'or llont Four now htoro looms In dcslrablo
ociitlon ,
Monuy to Loan on npprov < < il Korinily ut 7'j IM.T
cm iHir uniiiim JnumaorflWWor moiti.
I'nil on or aadict. 1U C , Ciittci > oii , iJlh anil
' ' "
h'aiiium , - >
POlt s.M.i : A fiur-t.tory . lnrKd brick block
occupied by wholesJilo ( i t bli liiiioiit ; lenid
or 4 l.on u ycjivj Hiirney Mii < t. J'i U u , pn.uoo
5plondid Invi'ttiia'nt. J , W. MnrfcliiUI , I oil Kur-
1UU1. . .bl'l
FOH TfltslnTliornlnirfr Vlneo on Hell
l.iiip H ) M fJwn rnch , monthly paj 11101119
U H. Mnj no , IfiUi artd rnrnnm. ivs in.
innusAU * ? Jotfln"Tiinrnliiit- ) on Hell
I1 MiiKf" * lo ? nx ) pitch , monthly imjments ,
C. K. M.i } no , lith nml rnrunni.
FOIIHAIiK Urnullfiil roMdenco tots In Wul-
nut II il Ji'io to JOoo onch : lo per cent cash ,
liabinco ii.onUiU'pajmonls. ( \ II. JInjni' , ARU
77ill ( HAl.n-DoAntiruliPHlitoiico lots In Wnl-
I nut Hill $4V to 9Cno onch ; lo per cent rash ,
bulanco monthly payments , C.I ; . Mtxjnc A t.
ITlOlt ftAI.i : jloiifcfl nnd lots on monthly pay.
Jmcnts. . I ) , I , Hayden , Suundors , between
I jiko nd Willis itvbM. t-
ONI.YMIotstotrndOfor Imputed properly ,
vflllassuuio morwnnort or pay dlllciunco fa
( tiiHh. I'artlcs ul hlnx to trndo belter call lit
oncp. W. II. Uroon , over 1st National Ilank. 171
FOUMAT.H T/ot lnThornbiirjf 1'laco on Unit
MnofSooto fki ; > o-ioli , monthly ynymcnls.
0. K. Miiyno. LUh und Varnnm. 1SS.W.
I7 Olt SATil' Ho o nnd lot nnd trn lots nonr
I'uik nxvinio. clionn , on easy toi ins. O I' .
Klobhlns , Itoom III , ArliiiKlon Ulook. IM'iiio\7 *
771OH s I > .i : U itorcs flnoo't irnidcn nnd fruit
J. Imid In tlio Mato. and (1 ( miles Irom Omnlm ;
Imvo not the thno to look alter It On tlmoor
loroiiAh. Cal Mm tin , Idtl South llth St. R7V
ll SAM : one of the line * ! rosldoncc prop-
( irtlosln OmiiUu , $ l&uuo. 0 , U. Mnyno. I5tli
and Furnam. : > 75
7iVH MALI' Thrco now cottnces , tlvo rooms
J. ciuli , In Walnut Illll ; irooil collars , closets ,
pantrlos.clslerns ole ; two lots lib each cottairo
flN i canh , Jlurtdown and # M per month. C. Ii.
Muynp , Ijlh nnd Kurnutn. ! i )
71011 SAI.I : Uoniitlfiiliicro property 'J
- fi-om city , nt jli'i to finxi per ucie ;
crniH. It. C. I'uttorooi oomcr IDth und K.i ;
1rOHRAI.n * Ueaiitlful losldnnco lots In Wnl-
nnt HIM JiVi to flioo each , lo per cent ca-sh ,
bulunco monthly payments. C , U. Ma > no. nu-t.
IflOIt HALK MaiTillflcoilt lionpo and lot with
coinmodloiiHharnon CalllornUi ntieet nuur
1Mb , south fiimt , Sii/rfW.
1'or snlo Knll lot peed two story ft room house
on C'allloinla , location very desnablu , $ , "iIHM. J.
15 Itlley \ Co- . -
771OK hALi : 17 lots on Ooorpia and
X1 nvus , llodiok'a add. Sl.KJ to 51,500 ouch ;
easy terms.
O.'l ) Now rotiapo fi rooms , peed barn , corner
( iiaii'l and IMer bticuU , $ A0 , monthly pny-
(171) ( ) Lot facing Haiiscom park onl'ailcnvn ,
, easy Jeimti. ( J. Ii. Ma > ne , 15th nnd I'.ir-
7riClt SALt : Now hon o , 7 room" , oust fiont ,
X' full lot , next to nllcv. on Saundeis Ktieet ;
Int idono worth neatly all that Is asked lor It ,
SS.IWO. J. 1' . Itiley & Co. , UTi d. 1,1th St. SH
} > OH HAM ! Ixitfl In Thornbutir 1'laco on Hclt
J l.liuS'ooln f.ioo o.ich , monthly piiymonts.
C. K. Ma ) no , 15th and I'm-mim. l.'is.l. ! .
] 7IOIt SAI.i : T o lots on a coi nor , two blocks
- liom I'm mini , both lor SlA''iH. positively
cheap. J. K. Uiloy .V Co. , 215 South 1,1th St. 'M
\\7AI.NUT HU/ ! lots fi'lo lo SCoo eiieh ; 10
' ' pi i cent cash , biilanco monthlv pnincnl - .
Tnkon ndooul Cuminir street to Walnut Hill
and see Iho line building nhlch have been
elected thin xnnimer. Stiect cai.sslll bu run
nhiK to Walnut Hill this Piter. The llelt Line
lias located depot Kroiindi on Walnut Hill If
yon want a choice lot , call and tuko it ride to Wal
nut Hill. C. iMayno : , , S. W. cor. 15th nnd Far-
num. i- Ho-14
l OUSALn-LotslnThornburfi-riiico on Holt
J Line jw'oo lii j'lioil iiach. monthly payments.
C. K. Muync , 1'itli unit I'ainum. ) .
771OK SALi : Vull lot , Fouth fiont ; very doslr-
J-1 nblo pioportj.on red cur lino. This is xoiy
ciietip nt f 1,100. J. Ii Kiloy i : Co. , i5 South l.Jth
Fin : SAl.nchcnr , n line lot In Hunscom
1'laco. Aibnos-sN. . ! ' . K.Ilco ollico. 154
77IOU S A I.i-CbmihTliornlmrvPliica : on Holt
Llnoju'ooto ko each , monthly payments.
( J. II. Mayno , 15th , nni Kainain. 1" > S.U.
TTIOIt HALi : Wo Imvo lots on Vinton , Cum-
JL Ings , ( iCorRia nyo. , Ixiavcnworlh and other
utieots. t'ur-nftm Sheet liUKinoss propoity. J.
K. Hiley A ; Co.atr.SoVith IJtb street. SV )
_ , 1 tn , xr , JUT ,
771tK SALi ; Ixit on Fiirnnm , ffl\187. ? 1.4(10 ( ,
J- very ilpslrublo'fvr rosidcnco. This will tin in
ho mat kot only n few days nsit Uchoap. .1.1 } .
Itlluy A ; Co. , 15 South lllth Htrcct ZW
POil HALT ! rxit8jnThornliir ) : Place on Holt
Linn J 'oo to f.too csich , monthly paymcnti .
3. K. Mayno , 1Mb und Farnam , tjX.U.
771OK SALI' Full coiner lot throe blocks from
JU htieotciu.s ; licantlfnl nnd hlghtly location ;
-.ViOouslior Dillon time. Tills Is positlvolv u
iiirpam J. M. Kiloy ft Co. . 'Jlu S. lllth St. U.t
"vyAI'Ntr11 niiiiTotfl $250 to sonnciiph ; in
TI per cent cash , balunco monthlv pnMnenls.
I'akon ildoout Cuminir Mieet to Wiilnut Hill
mil FCO thn ilno bullillnini ivhlch ha-'o licon
erected this summer. Htinet cars will bo inn
linpto Walnut Hill this winter The Id-It Line
nus louitod doKt | irionnils on Walnut Hill If
on wnntacholco "otcnll " nnd tuko n ildo to Wal
nut Hill , C. M. Maync S. W. cor. llith nml Kar-
FDItHALK-A two Moiyrn ! ) , fiamnbollil-
inp.Hiillablo lorn Mote , near luth nnd I'ar-
lam Slh Apply nt this olllto. .117
l.MMtSALI' I.OIM hiTliornbiiijrPlncii on Itelt
J1 Line $ ' .ilOli f.Mll each , monthly pujmoiits.
: . K.Maj nc , 15lb und Fuimun. 1 > ! > .
FOK SALI' Knll lot with newboiiRo. 4 rooms ,
pantry , cellar , cKlem , pinch In Iront ,
illnds ; In H I linn three bloiKs iiom red cur Ilno ;
iiipiovementHotth over $ NiO , nil lor $ I. V |
'IIHV pnymentH This Is also 11 bargain. .1 I !
tiln > X Co. , 15 S. Will Blicet. 11
r7"It SALT ; Lots In ThornbiirK' 1'laco on Holt
I1 llne > ? * MM ( > . ' JiOO rich , monthly payments.
j. 1' Jlnvnn , 1 > lli und I'm num. IVi I'J. '
FOKSAI.H Atiujmrtrliin , Int with S lionsns ,
: i .mil 7 looms , well , CI-.IIM-II , burn , A.H ,
; .i'lli ' and llai ncy lmpii\ctl pie | city taken us
pint pay. Wm. L. Monrou , i.lh and DonyliH.
771OIE. HAI.r On J'alrvlow ct.onoof thn best
Jin ruuuiMl und biwt built ( .otlaves in the city ,
fi ioomt > , all on ono lloor ; 1 ( lo-olH , pann > ; I'J
II collliiKx : tiunsom overovery dooi ; basement
mid miHlnoom nililur kitchen ; ' , ,0110 , bull cnsh ,
balmico lo miit i.t 8 iior cent. Very desirable.
J. W. Maibliall , 1WW J'lUiuun. ! t > !
WALNUT HlLr/-Lot .n' to JBoooiioh ; 19
poi cent uiihh , biilimco niontlilv puyiiiontx.
Takou tide out Ciiinln'Micdt to Walnut Illll
nnd t-co tlio tine bnlldlnurs which liu\e been
oiected thlsHiimmCir Htioet cars \\ill be run-
nlnir to Wnlnnt Hill this winter. Thn Celt Line
huMloc.Ued depot prounds on Walnut Illll. If
jou wmitn chotcolot , call and tuko u ildo to
Walnut Hill. C , K. Mujno.S. W. tor. IMh und
Km mini. IGoll
POH HAI.K Ano Iota In Ilellvedoio. lust west
ol Port Oinuhii , fc'iH ) to JJiij oneli These are
beautlli I lotH und mo bound to tloublo In vnbio
In unbolt time. C.K. ilajno , S W Cor. 15tb and
Furnum. iW-Si
\VALJfHT HILL Lotai ro to Wflo eiicb ; lo
pel cent cash , bulunco monthly piijments.
Take u rldo out Cumlnir htinot to Walnut Hill
mul H'O the line hulldlnifs which have boon
r-ieclod this Himnior , Street cars willboiiin-
nine lo Wnliint Hill .this winter The llelt Line
him loeiitcd depdf KHiunilH on Walnut Hill. If
'i iiiiii counllet at vllitap nitoi and nasj Inrina.
I.V. . Miiihliall , W > ) l-iiiimm hi. 170-17
; Impinved farms. will tiado for liapiov ed
FINi inoperty. W. 11. ( Jioon , over 1st Na-
Jonul llmik. _ _ r iS _
OHSAM * Konr.Foctloim In Howanl county ;
I Ki'otl , ilc'i ' 8i > ili mostly nlco level liiml : near
nilhoiid MiitioiiN anil In Mood nolirhboi hoods ;
! i. V' ' Wland frill per aqio ; K oiwh. balunce I , i
mil ! ) > ears at 7 percent. J. W. Marshall 15UO
rai'imm. II..M"
( KAI.i : -.lmndsomcly .
FHt . luij'nlio ut N. W. coj. Wlh mul full
ornia KIK. UOI-l.ip
011 SAM ; Hominy , oo I fo tl W" per
hundrud. W. J , WuUhmu i Co. , Oily Mills.
. " lii mulltonn inm'ial Htock
Inoit .SAI'I" i\ a ;
ol muiclinndt'o. tmdpfmo lor inn. nddiiai
I H 1' cilio lc ! < i ollno. iMVJtp
I7\J1 \ ( ( SAI.K Opo buuijii'iv finaio HI mil 11)1 )
II I ir a A ( o , 11" ' ' " . al In f h dl | i i S .Ion-
u > cn' Jowclry bioio , IJth anil Hanitj oi. -"Ji-17
" \7"OU can liny ntw or ( > ocoiiMinnil ( stovvs 01
- ovphnnKo ( iMniul bund nto\T ! > for new t > levi > '
nnd snvo $10 to $ X ) , If jou jo lo Herman Kiindp
liiv North Tenth otroct. S40-Ii
IJ oij SAI.I : A tlonblolinrinlfhot pun. lx > n
4- don T 1st nt I2LJ Capitol Avoniui. SBMBp
"jnou HAI.II Chpnp , entire outfit In wiltool
-L olojriuitly furnished rooms , In block. Appli
at 0. & N. W. Ity olllcu , lilt rariinm stifpt.
- * - tosiilt trailo. In linricUorruckn. Our"No 1
Itoady ltal od" bucknhcnt Hour , wnntnited bosl
mndn , nfkyoui ( rrocerloi It. Itlchcxt pilco palil
Iprbiiekwbriil piulii' W. \\ulMuilis \ I'u. .
City Mills Omnlm. 147
HOTKI. FOH HAI.i : The lcn o nml turn !
tureof thoNewYoik mm nil lintel , Wy.
moio , Neb. 'I his propel ty Mill bo nM at n sue.
illlco pilor lo November 1st. The Now t'entral
commands the best linilo In the city , and Is n
bm-Kiiln Adilru 9 J.f. . 1'ajfO , 1'ropiletor , Wy.
inoui , Nub. l)7-17p ( )
FIIHSAI.r Plnn fatnllv hoifo with harness ,
Ilviulin N. W. Cor. lUlh mid Calllornla
IPO it MALI : riirnituri1 ompioto of a ten.
l-oom hon e. 'i Mock from | w > lollc ! < i.
Hoif-olor iontl."i per month. Apply nt tuj
Doily o ht. Ill
FOH SAI.K A No. I ilrlIntr or wotlc hoi > o for
cash or on llmo. 'tV. It. Crotl , Itoom 4.
Wlllinell I'ulldliig. 74J
OlTIDHNrAl. IIOTii-ViunlUire : lor siiio
mid hotel for i out. Tall at 1'epldontul for
Infoi matlon , coiner 10 mid Howard St. tli'i
17lt USAt.i : Plnlio , worth S700 ; tietnlv now ;
JL1 will hell tor S.'W if told Instimtor. llocirsi :
FOUHAI.K Ilitckwlirnt bum.r * per lOOlhj ,
\ \ ' . J. WcMmns Ar Co , City Mills. 4U
FOHHAI.IC Two tots in I'clliiim 1Miep7tno
block fiiim stioot car Hack. Iminlio lHS.
13th iti uet. W5
FOR < * ALr Or would tindo for a peed horse
and biiuw' , Nlacii'sin lie pur touiit } . Ap-
plytoaiHKontbimh stieot. f > JO
171011 SA > , K-To lie disposed of mi pslnb
-L INIiod ll.inklnjr lluslness In County t eat
of ono of the best eastern Coiinlles In the
ftatc. The bUFlne s orlh $ U'iH per vear. 'I his
is iiKinml opportunity lor parties wishhiR this
kind of lavcstuiunt. C. K. Ma ) no , 15th and l'ur >
i mm. iij.
J7IO11 * * VI , 1' A dorm , new Moc' < of groceries.
Addi ess lloviUl. 1'uwneo City , Nob. H75-H *
rpo i\OHANOK MJinj worth peed Rtaplo
JKoneral merehnndlH ) . Will \olmn o for
irooil Nebraska or lands. AUdic s Itox
u > , \Vymoie , Nub. Ifili-i" '
SAI.R-l ompioto outllt for ImiiKIn ?
house , consisting ol hituo lire nnd Inirfflur
ptoofHito. lion inlllnir , cheiry < ounter , elc , nil
new. Would undo lor Omnlm eitv property or
\ * lid lands. C. K. Ma } no , 15th unit Kai n.un. W7
} ? oit SAI.I : itctnll stotk of drnirs nnd fix-
lines , all in noi id eider ; vood location mul
1 1 : nlo. AdthobsX. V. X.Cluik Ui liy Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. _ _ _ r i
Foic MAM' * VliM-cln i3 hole ) , prounds nil
improvements , tIMuros , bar H jriou-
Illicit } . l'iIuacr > , UiX ) : totniHoasy. AddiossU.
C. 1'iittci-son , IJth und I'm num. 4 a
EOOAf and bo'ird , $ . " > pcr week ; very best lo
cution. Ibl4 DiHonportSt. HWolSp
WANTit-Tay boarders at 719 North 10th ,
near Unit.
mAKKN IIP A uhltocow with led stilpo
- - around her neck. Bio 10 j oars old. Oabilol
Honor , cm Patrick's larin. U"JOnovl7 *
rpin : W. C. Mot/nerStovo Itopaii CJo. , tllSouth
-L Mill St. bum nun Dodjo and IJouifl n.
tO ST.
Losr On St MIIIT'H Avo. , n Mioomakers
heel : Under will leave ut Hcnson's irrocory
btoio , Ht Mury'tt Avo. 'MHJp
oloKlst and Umrvovant , points out iin-oiin
enemiescolor their OMB and hair. The load
to success , Ixivo and business uspocialty. Shu
positively elites lillious licailacnes , Xidiiuynliver
mul all dcranj-'cmonts of the xlomach , dissolves
pall tlonus , cnicscalmih , the Mtu-st c.i es of
rlicunintKm. Her method of. curitw ciilonluH Is
with herbs , und most completo. Hc'ils worst
FOIOS in n month ! ! or l.oitrnont of corns ,
bunions , tender feet acts like a charm. Mrs.
ltlJclmrtl ( on comes with many rOLommcndatlons
tiom the press and private Individuals , colohiM-
toil and popular &hoi t tiino only. il North lOtb
sticot , loom L. .
LKSSONNIN < iAVON Pupils tnnirht how
toinaku ciajon portialts. A Illopl/o por-
tialt Iriim anv photo pupil nniy iloslio j-'lvrn
tieo with term of lessons , roluoll i. Cooke ,
ailisttf , ltiHm ) 0 , Ailln ton lllock , wist oi I' , o.
TAIIiain : want ofpoodplil for senorid hon o
J work Ae , can Iiiul tliem l > y aplvinu ] ) at Oma
ha Employment llnieau. It : . ' ) Karnam St. 1'17 '
ALWAYS on band at n bm/fiiln / , No. I hocond
liiinil cairnue phaetons and Mdo-lur but-
Kiub- , tit A. J. bnnpson , 11JJ and till Duihj-o ht.
_ _ _ _ _ _ f > > 7 _
TAIMI'.s inaiit of peed iloniCHtlc help can
' bo Hippllcd bv calling on the Omalm I'.ni-
] iloMiientJIHco ( , 17 N. lUtli Si. , tip-stalls. MrJ.
J. W. MiiuNon piopnotor. b74
\nulls nnd ciiispools cleaned In an
odoio-d ! uay b > 1' . CJ Abel , 1' . O. Uo)7s : )
operation or useless tinh < es. Dr. M M.
Mooie , "III Wnbiihh mo. , Chlc.wo. Will
lie at C.O//CIIK House , Uctuiior ' , ono nuy enl >
TiONAI.lSl' , bltrtoiitli Slifi't , bclneen I'arnam
anil llarnnytlll. . ullli llic aid ot uaiilhui
f-jiiiilsolitaliilnir lor any ono u flanio In the
1 ufct nml pni.'i'nt , and ot. torl.iln conditions in
Ihn Iiitiiin llonts and F'HKM ' imiilo to oidor.
I'mlcct HiittsliictloniriiitrinlfDil.
Ciiptnin Mitchell , ot tlio bark Antoine
Siila , Nc\v York : nnl Iltivnini trnclo , uiiinu
homo in Miy : , entirely liolplt-hs with
rlit'Uiiiali.sin He wont lo Iho inuiintains ,
but iTiMth 'n ' no lionolit , ; il Iiin wlfo'ij ro-
" i -
Ilo iinmi'tliiiti'ly bi' aii l < i iinprovo ; in
two innntliM his rlii'iuiiMlisin wns nil none ,
nml ho saili'il in I'oininaiiil of his vossi'ln
\voll tnnn. Uooil'w SiirMiiurillti | will help
yon. Sold by till < li njfaihU.
Tl\UH ! NIlllI'DllH.
Tosas Siftin s Maobolh .Simmons , n
Union ( 'rook farinur , haw Sir , JauMm !
hist .Suinlitv iiiiirontly | | ; ninniny ttwuy
from a jaol < nil < liit.
" \Vliv are yon rtinniiiff o fasl ? ion
ain't atVaid of a rahliit are yony"
"No. htir , I ain't scared of no ralihit ,
but bckiiHo do rabbit ruiiH J Njicota dars
one ol ) ilom IIIIIIUTH from Austin , what
romi'H out lii'tth obi-ry Sunday anil wlion
di-y am in do naborhooil noboilv'rtlitoani
pafo Major Uyan and I'otincok.y comi's
out lipuh dln'i'v Sniidiiy afternoon , and
> im f'lionld wo how do COWH soatlorwhon
Uoy BCO'S cm aconiin' . "
I'VI.H'S PKAKLINH in tln-ir wasliin < ?
nnd sa\ii tiiiui and lalior -It may bo
used without injury t < > the ( most fabric ) .
Aa a olransur it is uiisuriass | > ul. 1'orsalo
by fjrocord.
And tlio Court Htood Adjourned.
Arkans.iw Traveler : An Arkansaw
man wlio was snnimoned to bervo on a
jury be < ran to maku CXOUM-H , win-it the
) iido , intt'rriiptin ; ; him. wild : "is'ovor
mind all that \ < > u hhould know , tir ,
lliat it is your duty to * TVI > your country.
Tlio fact that . .our biuiliurfs is likely lo
Mtflbr is no o\ou-o. .Snoh mou are sum-
inoiuiil everv day " "Hold on , jedn { ,
> ott ain't heored all luy exomo yet. " " 1
ilon't \vaiU lo hear it " ' Hut you "
"I tell yon Hint J will not ; Air. tjiierill "
"Ji-ht u luinlt , .U' < ) # > - an' litMi ef jon bay
I must harvcf , w'y , I'll sane MH an' u
lot o' fcili-r * WHS iilayin' poker when the
: ) llic'or " ' 1'ok' ' r ' ' i-M'lainu'd the jud o ,
"why dofir li'lnv ' whin the K-mioV
I 'II iitioJew1. . Air bnonfl' , adjourn the
juurt "
A Ilypordermio Injootion of Vigor and Eu-
torprlso in All Lines of Business ,
Tlio Now IMln Hrlilgn nnd Its Itonnfltn.
BU'oot Oars , Kloolrlo MKlitsniut
Other Improvements.
NNntiAsitvCiTV , Oct. 15. [ Cort-cspon-
o of tlio Bin : . ] Uoth polilioal eon-
volitions having pimsed diriuiil full rotin-
0 tickets nominated by both partlui ,
our citt/.ons eiiu oncu more turn tlanr at-
tent km lo thu city and Its nuuds. II is
with grout i leasttro Unit "Kyo Suo" tlio
"old f > > y" olotnop.t in Nnln'nskn City ro-
pi-lvlng Now blood nntl becoming nnllw-
Mastic , i'iiU'ririsinif ) uiti/etis , instouil il
the bixmnolos that tltoy havo-boon hero-
toforo. and I liopo before mniiv weeks to
clironiolo tlio faet Ibut thu lusl ' 'old fo iy"
lias oilher boon inudo ever or Killed.
Hut to otir city and iU advaiieeinont ,
upon ovor.y Imml tire evidoneus ibat Ne
braska City will beat least the thud c-ity
of the state , if not the second , before thu
year ID closed , Thu city fttthorri tire do
ing n commcmltiblo job in the improvo-
tnent of the .streets nil over thu city.
While most of our business men have en
tered into the spirit of Improvement and
nro laying new and elegant sidewalks of
asphaltnm nnd granolithic paving.
Workmen liuvo jnut linhhud ono entire
block of the former paving between Oth
and lith stroet.s , nntl will duplieato it in
the no\l block further west Many oilier
businchs men are lignring on new pavo-
mont.s and it verily looks ay though Ne
braska ( Jit.y would be the best tmvoil city
in tlie btuto before our cili/.ens let up.
A tiyndio.ito of leading capitali.stb have
purchased the property known as
eonsistmg of nine uiooks in thesouth- ] ) .irt of the city , and are causing I ho
.same to be cleared oil' , and are platting
it tor residence lots. The now street ear
line will run nearly midway through the
new addition. Two new residences have
already been erected in "Orchard addi
tion , "and others are 'being contracted
The street car company is almost ready
to begin operations. The company is
backed witli plenty of capital , anil it
proposes to iiirmsh Nebraska City with a
line which will be tv credit to our city in
every respect. The route has been
changed slightly to enable the line to go
thioiigh thu new Orchaid addition.
AN r.uxjntio i.Kiiir n..v Ni
ls now an assured fact lor Nebraska City.
ho your correspondent is informed , anil
Mr. ( jrauvillo hto\Tii on is now in
Chicago looking alter thu necessary en
gines and machinery of the plant. Jt is
proposed to have the light in operation
by November 1st. iUr. , J. T. Burke.
manager ot this telephone exchange , and
one ol the lines ! electricians in the stale
will bo manager ot tlio now concern.
IN MW MIIKAM : < A cnv
everything is booming along at a lively
late. The new hotel -tlio Shamrock
hou&o is almost completed and will hi
big addition to New Nebraska City. The
packing house is up to the iliitd story ,
the principal cooper shop is linislieil aiid
ready tor cusiness. A gang of H. & JSl.
ami C , , 15. & Q. laborers arrived hero on
a special tr.iin last evening and will pro
cced at once upon the now stock yard1
work botli tr.ick and yard work. The
stock yards will bo completed by Decem
ber 1. The
mssr intiDGi : ovuiniin MISSOURI uivr.u
at Nebraska City is at last completed ,
the .same being finished Sunday and your
correspondent being one of the favored
lew who enjoyed a ndo in thu train
that ever oro.siud the. " 15hz Muddy" here
in that manner. The bridge is 100 1 feet
long and consists of ( iO "bunts" of ' 0 feet
each. Men who have the "inside track"
of news say that this
pile bridge is .simply an experiment
which if micccsslul means an iron bridge
lor our city within two Jloit of
the treight tor southwestern Nebraska
will hereafter be brought this way to
avoid the heavy grade at 1'hittsmoutli.
is now being agitated by both the city
press and oar property holders and it is
proposed to call a special mass meeting
ot our citizens at and early day to look
up the matter in Us fullcat .sense. Water
works are something Nebraska City haw
been needing tin-so many years and why
tins matter snoiild have been neglected
so long it is hard to sue. Two small , but
what might have been very extensive ,
fires in the heait of the city the past
month have had a tendency to bring lie-
lore tlio people the great need of water
works lor our city. 1 believe our bnsi-
noiH m m iiri ! now there i. hly agitated
enough to carry tlio water works scheme.
to a sueec liil locus belore it is dropped.
As an evidence of the confidence of new
men in the future of Nebraska City f
might mention that tli'M-ewas but one el
igible vacant s hoiiio in the city ,
and previous to its being rented lor an
cxtim-iivo millinery est.ihlishm there
were live applicants lor the building.
A boom in business house building is
expected ncUhpi ing. Among the pros
p ective now brick linsinesihouie.s\Ie.sirs. ] \
it todenbrock , Stahlhut , Watson , hroat.
llan , Holtman , Dillon , Chapman and
others are contemplating the erection of
new buildings upon their \urioii8 business -
ness lots. The 1. 0. ( ) . V. are also figur
ing on a now three-story temple , to be
creeled on tlio corner ol Fifth and Oleo
streets. These , in conjunction with our
now government building , an odd [ lack
ing house or two which have about de
cided to come hen. , and other incidental
building matters which will turn up
shortly , will give our city such n building
boom in the spring that we shall have to
call largely on outside labor to help u.s
Kill' ! ' . HEA11INO KOOM.
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion of this city will open up a free read-
in" room in liotlnmnnVi block no.\t week.
This will "fill a long felt want , " and will
no doubt in the hands of the Young
Men's Christian Association prove a val
uable place of resort for the young men
of our city.
.1. Sic rling Morlor has entered a suit
asking the .supremo court to issue a man
damus compelling. Wallace .Stevenson ,
county clerk ot Oleo county to issue a
call for the election of a district judge
for this district. The case will bo nrgnud
by Hon. , I. C. Wut.son. This will compel
the supreme court to pass on tlio legality
of t c law by virtue of which the seat of
district Judge ot this district is now held
byJ. } , . Mitchell.
Dr. D. T. Hilt is u now dentist who
has inl opened up an olllou In this city.
Messrs. Loyd , Woimor it Utterback ,
ono of our largest merchandise linns ,
lias recently sold out to Messrs. Fra/.lor
it JJtterlmek , two young men of enter
prise nnd capital.
Messrs. Charles Marshall & Co , our
now boot and shoo linn , have opened
their elegant establishment and nro now
doing a big business.
The poJico court has been changed to
commodious quart * is in Huttwann'H
block , foimorl.v occupied by the } . M.
U 4. The latter n.-souiatlon has just
opened up an elegant suite of looinu in
IhuHamo hlgck , which gives evidence
Hint the association in booming along at
11 lively rate with tlio rent of Hit oily.
"J5i-bi.i : : . "
"Hope springs eternal in tlio human
breast , " nnd Ihonsunds who sull'ei the
iinngs of rlienmatinin hate had Ibor
liupr.s ot > \ euro realised b > the tine of bt.
Jacobs Oil.
Billiard Tables ,
THK ni 'N9W10K-llAU < K-'OU.iNtlIl : * Oo
Hannfactnrers of Bi'Ilard & Pool Tables ,
And Snlnnn , Offlco mill limn t-'Klurp * . Market
nnd HIIIDII SU. , ciilou ; ( i , III. Omului otoo,6)J ] | )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Book Binding , Etc.
Printers , Book Binders ,
Anil Illnnk Hook Miunilu'turi'r > . Noi. 10) nml
KWBoutli l4tli8truptOinn1ni. Noli
Butter Tubs ,
Mannfacturing of Butter Tubs ,
M ! t > , ! t.'o : 40 In. ItOr ; S5 tt ) , l'4 < t ; ai Ib , 15. ; ttHl Ib flrk-
Ins , We. IMh iiiul I'li'ivo St , Oiniiliii , Npti
Cigars and Tobacco ,
_ _
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Dons nml Ammunition. i.15 to 23I South lllli
8tiect , KWItoliL' * t'lirnnmSticot , Oninlin , Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In l.oiir Tobaccos. Nps.
IDS and 110 N. 14th Stieet , Omiilm , Nob.
Eagle Cornice V/orks / ,
Jolm Kpcnoiur. I'niiulutnr. Miunifuotiiror ot
iilviinlrnil li-on nml ( Wnicu. IC1 Ikiilirn , nml Ul
nml IX > North lutli Hlifot. Omiilni ,
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
, rimiN , iii-il08 : : U'tliHt. Wurkilono
ill uuy ( iiiitor tliocounlry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SIT.rHT , Proprietor.
Oalvnnl/ed Iron Cornices , Kin , Speoht's t-n.
p rmcd Patent Mt liilllc.Sk > llKht. WW and BUS.
l i'lli ht. , Omaha , Nub.
Doors , Sish. Etc.
Mnnulacturor ami Dealer In
Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings ,
I'.to. Stair HalU a hpoolallj. Toltpluino No. 92.
IMli ami Miuoy SI , Oimiha , Nob.
_ Electrical Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
L.V. . WOl.Kfi A. CO , HluetrloluM ,
Jfaaonlo Itlook. Oinnlm Iturj ; ! ir Aliirms. Holll ,
I'lio Alurms , r.lor'ilo Matlhi , ' , aim iklnj Tilboj ,
Cold , hllvor mid Nliikiil 1'liitln ; ; , r.lo.
Iron and Nails ,
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Tire Nails u Specialty. Omaha , Nob.
Omalia Iron V/orks / Company ,
Maehlnmy , Cantlmrs , Steam Ihrzlnes , Ilollon ,
Aiuhlli C'tinal Imn Woilc. lion llrldi is , .Mining
and Mill Maehlnory , Ollico and woiks , Union
1'aclllo It It. llh and ttth StiuoUi
\VIAIINI : : & nuu. ,
Foundry Y/orks. /
Cor. Hth and JncK on Sts , prepared to do all
Klntls of Iron and Iliads Ciislin H ; nlso.O , 0.
lliinnUtor'H Hocking Clnitu Hard miinut'iiuturuJ
Mattresses ,
Mattress Company ,
Mannfaetinliw Miittros'.os , lloddlnfr , Fiuitlior
Pillow s , ( > > t , ito. ; IMS and J'U Doiiflafl Struct ,
Omaha , Neb
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Kto. , I lie' nnd HUl Doughis
Street , Omaha , Nob.
Paper Bozes.
j. ij. wii.icm ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
JWS ( llth St. Omaha. Neb Orders by malt flu-
llpltod and will rocolvo pixntipt attuntlon.
Omalia Safe Works ,
o. ANDiinnN.
Mainifnctnrcrof I'lronnd Itnrsrlnr 1'i ,
Vmilt DOIIIH. .Tall Work. Hlii'tton * mill Wlrn
U'oilt. Cor. Mill and Jaukmin btn. , Omaha , Nob.
1' . .1. QUHAM'.V ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Onico and 1'aUoiv , near Portlier
Omahii Nob.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1ir > mid 1 > I7 llmiioy HIIIHH , Oiniiliii. Noli , Solo
\Kontsln Nuluiibku lorJonoti' ( Ailubrulvd Split
3liuH Sulkio.i.
Kslabllsbed K'-H ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1411 Doiltfo titi out , Umuliu , Nob.
White Lead.
On i ( iiliu H nml (11 IndorB of
Perfectly Pure Wliile Lead ,
3mahii , Neb J ovl tmliir , J'KIH ; C.Y. . Monti
Vlu ) I'roa. : II. W. VUIOM , Hoo. undTreus.
The Mlllard ,
I. Shours , J. K. Mm k lTli . Swobo , I'ropriotori
Oiiiuliii , Nubmtikii.
Arcade Hotel ,
.Inmos Ca-oy , 1'ioprlotor.
12ii nnd I Ml UonuliiH Ht. , Oiniiliii , Neb.
'hopatioiiupoof coinmeixilal men lospiKitfnlty
Hohcluxl Tliuy will llml Uib tlio lioet. fJ
hoiibo wust of Clilouao.
P. Humsoy & Co. , Proprluton.
tales Cooper day , no ilurk mount. Also 1'ulaco
Hotel .Suntu Fo , Omiiti I , Nob.
CaDfleld House ,
'or. Ninth mul Tainani His The best $2 per
ay hotel In Oiniiliii Itemodolod. lulurnUhul ,
ediicintixl : ono block Irom niiny lieuiiiiartera | | ;
ppoHllti Union I'aiiltlo licailiiiiiiniii's ; sheet cm i
ntss tlio door Ccoivo Canuold kt ( o , pronno-
nix A ho Union Stock Yardu Hotel , Soutli
Hotel de Gees ,
I' . ( lOiH , l'roirlelor. |
liiiiopnun Man. Thoonly coillrully located f ]
.day IIOIIHO. Tlnno doorti Irom lloyd H Opur.i
loifi-ouiiil onu-mili block Irn u tlio l'o tollloo
nil the Ojnil HouhO l'Ml l.'jlJ , UL ! 1'urnain
t , OmuhuNub ,
Plauters House ,
c. 15 piiititiH , I'lioi'iuirroit.
HntoH , 81 Hi pei nay Hi rent cuts from U , P.
.ipot , wlthfn umi 11 < K of houbo , Coiner
Jot go undll/tb blit-uta. Owiiilin , NuU