THE Oil AH A DAILY BEE , , TUESDAY , OCTOBER 13 , 1885. PLUCKED THE PERSIMMONS , The MilJer-Boyd Faction Garry the Dem ocratic Primaries A Hot Fight. GOOD AND WELFARE OF THE CITY Plnnn and Prqleotn of the Board of Trade to Tlint ICnd Work ol * Uio Y. M. C. A. N'cws About the City. The Democratic I'rlmnrlefl. Tlio contest nt the primaries yesterday afternoon was by all odds the most ex citing fight that has ever taken place in the democratic ranks In this city. It re minded one of the old times when the re publicans indulged in factional lights and nnihtered twice as many voters as there were members of the parly. The mnchlne , of coum' , had the Inside from the start , owing to prestige ntid patron- ngo. Jt had the police , lire department , the grading contractors , the pavers and a big campaign "bar'l. " The Lord always JlRlits with battalions , and he was on tlio Bide of Miller and lloyd this lime , ami no mistake. The contest however was by no means n one-elded light , as the Drown phalanx fought with a good deal of bravery , and "wnoopc.d her up" almost even unto desperation against , the overwhelming od < ls. Urown's brigade mustered a big force In the' IMoody Third , " where Gen. IJrown has made many a gallant light liofore , with Hessian auxiliaries It was almost n pitched battle , and the anti-Mil- leritcs louglit nobly even if they were done tip brown. An incident occurred in the eminently respectable Fourth ward that was of rattier a i-ensatiniial character , and which showed that an attempt was made to introduce .South Calolina methods into Nebraska politics. Itefore the balloting began the followers of IJrown charged that the box had been lulled. It was accordingly investigated , and sure euoiiirh ll was found full of machine tickets. The stuffing was knocked out of that ballot-box in short order. There were 400 votes easl in this ward , wlule it is a fact that lltere are not more than 1IUO democrats in the ward. It naturally follows thai some republican recruits vtcre enlisted in the war , or else democratic repeaters got in their work in great Hhaiic The majority for the Hoyd- Miller ticket in Ihis ward was , however , the smallest of any in the city , there bo"- ing only thirteen more ballot.s cast for it than for the opposition. It was a close call for the mayor and his men , and they fully appreciated the situation. Atone tlnio it looked as if defeat was surely staring them in the face , and both sides fairly fiew in their efforts to shove in votes. In the second ward a burly policeman is said to have been the chiet inspector and boss of the primary. Marshal Cum- Tilings wants it distineUy understood that ho is not responsible for the the jiolicc- man's services on this occasion , even if lie was oil' his beat. The result throughout the city was in favor of the Miller-Hoyd double back- action machine. The convention will be held tins after noon , and in the evening there will prob ably be a picnic on Harncy street , where the bosses do business. The following arc the delegates elected to the convention by wards : First ward P. Desmond , Charles Kaufmann. W. II. Spaulding , Thomas Casey , William Neve , A. Foil , Owen Sla- von. Majority. 301) ) . Second ward John .T. Mnliony , Ed ward Wittig , Julius Naglo , P. J. Barrett , Frank Lange , P. W. Lynch , Kasper Podolok. Majority , IfiO. Third ward Julius Meyer , Joseph Teahon. Henry Parish , John Wuethrich , P. Ilorngan , Ad Stehle , A. Momighan. Majority , 1131. Fourth ward A. E. Coggcshall. Peter Gees , Ed Meadimbcr , Ldward Walsh , I1" . J. McShane , Jerome C. Pentzel , Sam uel F. Shears. Majority , li ) . Fifth Ward-Gus Carey , Charles E. Fanning , M. Leary , William Scivers , P. Connolly , John dimming , Charles Doug las. Majority , lW. ! Sixth Ward-William Turtle , C. F. Williams , C. V. Gallagher , P. O'Malley , C. A. Leary , D. P. Angell , George Strut- man. Majority , 07. Hoard ol * Trade Projects. The directors of the board of trade hold a meeting yesterday afternoon , and resolved to submit to the board a proposition to issue to each member a bond for $100 , for the purpose of furnish ing funds to finish the foundations for the proposed new building this fall , the amount to be called for as needed. At a meeting of the board last evening it was moved and carried that the board of trade ratify lhoaction of tlio directors ( isbuing tie ) bonds. A resolution was submitted by Col. Chase that a committee of five be ap pointed by the president of the board of trade to take under consideration tlio ex pediency of organising a chamber mercu for this city , and that such com- milieu report at an early day , and if they deem it best to organize such a body , they suggest in such report the best method of ellecting such organization. The resolution was adopted , and Col. Chape , 11 G. Clark , G. C. Ames , J. F. Sheedy and John Kvans were appointed such committee. II. C ! Clark oll'crcd the following reso lution , which wa.s carried. Ik'llcvlii Unit the time has come when the board ot trade and tlio capitalists of Omaha should lake steps looking to the lnilldlnir ot a rnlliund to tin * noithvtcsl , in older that this city may ciintiol the trade that properly be- IOIIKS to Omaha ; therel'oie. HeMiIveil , That the jiieslilentof this board , alter proper t'easlileiallon , appoint a com mittee of nine , consisting of nicmbcis of this board anil others to take this matter Into eon- slik'inlliiii , anil , II deemed advisable , to eall u iiu'i'.tinic ( if capitalists ami others to conbUli'r tljclmlldliiKoi Mich load. President Meyer announced that he would appoint the committee shortly and notify the members through the press. A paper was I hen drawn up and numerously signed by those present , pledging themselves to nt once subscribe for the $100 bomb which had been nulhori/.ed to be Issued , the uayiuuitt of which U to bemadii out of tl'ionet reve nue of the board and interest at 0 pur cunt. As the board of trade is now composed of MO members , the amount raised by the bonds will be ? l4,00i > . This will h'u amply KUtllelent lo lay the foundation. Thu building is to cost .fitt.ooa , and it is intended to raise the balance of the money , whim the lime comes , by borrow- iig | money on long time , giving security oi ) the real estate bidongingto Ilia board , Y. 91. p..A. Annual Meeting. 'I'lii ! annual meeting of the Voting Men's Christian Association of Omaha was held evening at their rooms dti Fifteenth street nTld was very largely attended. Vleo President Warren Swit/.lnr presided In the absence of President Himobaiigh , and the meeting was opened with devo tional oxe-rcises. The annual report of the recnplhm committee was read , showing the aver- iljfe number of visitors to thn rooms pur evening during the past year as * l\tw Tlio boarding committee reported f 'rty.eight good places on their list , M h eh was consulted liy nn average of tiventr-lhreo persons n week. The re port of the employment eoir.niitlee was iicelvcd , alum mg that during the year permanent ernployirniit hud ween found for te.i applicants nnd temporary employment for twenty-live. The devotional committee mndu a long and interesting report of what had been accomplished by the association during the past year. The meetings have been more largely at tended than during nny previous year , and have proved a source of much good. The work at the jail had been especially fruitful , mid great interest had been manifested by the prisoners , and In many cases permanent good accom plished. The association then proceeded to the election of ollleer * for the ensuing year , which resulted as follows : President. Warren Swltzlcr. Vice-president P. C. llimebaugh. Recording Heeretary--C. E. Hoyuolds. Corresponding secretary G. A. Joplm. Treasurer C. F. Harrison. Directors J. L. Kennedy , Second Presbyterian church ; Lou Anderson , North Presbyterian ; W. IS. Drtimmpnd , Southwest Presbyterian ; Everett Gilli1 } , United Presbyterian ; William Morrison , First Congregational ; Frank Fosbenner , St. Mary's tueniio Congregational ; P. T. Henhow , 1'iir.t M. E. ; J. J. Toms , Seward - ard street M.E.N. ; W. Merrill , Tenth street M. 12. ; G. A. Kinkel , Kountzn Me morial ; ( ) . i' . Seward , Uaptist ; G. E. Fer ry , Christian. The treasurer read a statement of the finances for the year. Resolutions were then submitted and adopted testifying to the esteem in which the members hold the retiring president , P. C. llimebaugh , after which the meeting closed with prayer. _ ACCIDKNTAIjTiY OVJUIUIKAUD. A Quiet ConvcrHiit ion Itatwccn Tny Gould and Church Itowo. 'Howe are you Churchy" said Jay Gould to the Neinalia statesman yester day. ' lam doing quite well , my old Jay bird , "said Howe , in the most familiar manner as he slapped the Wall street king on the .shotililor and shook hands with him. "How are matters and things out here in Nebraska anyhow ? " inquired Mr. Gould. "I have got everything in good shape , " said Mr. . ' ' Howe. 'Hverything looks bright. 1 am playing it fine on the nnti-monop. " "lly the w.iy , how is this railroad com mission workin r ? " "Like a charm. Just elegant. Just as if it was made to order. It was a neatly put up job. I had work to yet it through. But she's a daisy. You can depend on me as long as the Missouri Pacific will stand by me. " "I'll tee to that. " "But it must be kept , on tlio q. t. that 1 am in with you. You know I am a rip- roaring anti-monop for the novt season. 1 am for the old man I mean Van Wyek for all there is in it. " "Do you really moan it ? " "Of course , J am in with him until T see a good chance to trip him up and bounce him overboard. Don't you target it. I am no spring chicken. " "How about your going to congress ? " "I am keeping that little scheme in the background for the present. But the outlook is first-rate for my nomina tion. " "I'll sec you later , " said Mr. Gould , as ho bade the Nemaha anti-monopolist good-night. The Xew - . District Attorney Estelle arrived in the city yesterday after attending court , the past month in Burt and Washington counties. He informed a reporter for the BEI : that in all probability ho would commence the work of the criminal t crm of court in this county , next week. "How will the law abolishing the grand jury work , think you ? " wa.s asked of Mr. Estelle. " 1 cnn hardly tell yet , but I believe it will operate satisfactorily. Yes , 1 al ready nave two or three men in the pen- jtentiary whose cases have been brought into the district court on criminal infer mations tiled by me. There is one thing to bo said in favor of the old grand jury system , nnd that is that one knows just what evidence lie has to rest his prosecution upon before ho commences the case , because most of ( lie evidence is brought before the grand jury before the indictment is filetC On the other hand under the new system I have some trouble in knowing liefore- hand just what evidence to rely upon. About the only wty ; in which 1 can post myself thoroughly is to attend tlio pre liminary examination. Hut , on the whole , tin : new plan is much preferable to the old. Jt is more expeditious , Jess cumber some , less expensive. There is not as much criminal business to be disposed of this year , as there was last , the cases taken Irom police court being considerably less. The following are the cases now in tlio hands of District Attorney Estello which have come up from the justice and po lice courts , on which information is to be tiled : Omaha , appellee , vs'William A. Smith , appellant , failure to run street ears. State vs Thomas O'lJriun and James Manning , 'rand larceny. State vs Ihomiis Carroll and J.Koonoy , hoiiFcbreaking. State vs Mulhall , peace warrant. State vs Frank Dow , alias Martin , lar ceny. State vs R. II. Coohran , embezzlement. State vs C. F. Middleton , threatening to kill. State vs John Harris , burglary. State vs Patrick Boylan , larcuny. Stale vs Mrs. Rebecca Armstrong , des ecrating graves. Stale vs Frank Traeeylarceny. . State vs Charles Woods , larceny. Slate vs James A. Kerr and 'Nathan Weinberg , horse stealing. Slate vs. lohn Kclloy , assault with in tent to maim. State vs William Wilson , larceny. State vs Henry Myers , grand larceny. The Mayoralty Contest. The event in thocounty court yesterday was the arguing of tlio motion lo throw out the allldavlt-votes cast at the last city election , which motion was made a w diivsago by K. W. Slinoral , E * . < \ , tit- torncy for Mr. "uurphj , tHe co tcitnnt. Mr. IJo.vd was represented by hU nt- torneys , .Indo } Savage , il. M. 'llmr.Moii , Ksq , and \V. J. Connell , Ks < \ . Mr. Mur phy was represented by Mr. Simoral aluno. The latter gmithmmn's opening nrjju- Ktimentvnslniuf and to tlio poiiit. Ho t ar i.ud In the lirM placu that . - . .tuitionI ( , ( chiipter , unthorUiiiK tint IIMIIJ ; of : illl- ] davits was mill nnd void tlioron hly tin- t coiiitilHlionsil--on the ; ; rounil that the | constitution provides that a bill ( or act ) i shall treat of but ono subject and that i ri'fuivnco to that .subjout shall bo emi i hndli-d In tint lillo of Iho net. ThU , ho t argnud , was plainly not the ease in Iho f matter of thosection ; rolntivu to allidavitn , t : > h tin ) tit In dons not say anything about . - allldaviH of all. Anotlici1 cnoral point i \\i\ \ * that : t ci-rtuln portion of thu votes , < at least , .m't'o null and void , jior so , for i iva.-diis iHainly lolm HMupon \ their faco. \ Many of iheMi allliluvit.s , hit uriniml , ditl > not y'hi > a Milllelinit reason , and the corI I lespondintf vntws should bo thrown out. I Jnd n .Savii 'u inado Ilio answering aiiuneiK tlinl , while lh t-L'ftioiiauthor- v : t'a- ' i e y ( itUldavils was not directly included in the title , it wan imnlicdly so , inasmuch us that title was "An act to provide a general election. " He cited the case of Hereford vs. Miller , decided by the supreme court , in which it was held thut the cuiilion might include a subordinate section in geiierii ! terms. Judge Savage further ar gued that ft' * court had no power to pass upon the sullleu * * < c.v of reason given in the affidavits ; thai tiy ! were only for the guidance of the judges In deciding whether or not to allow the jwrsons pro- flouting such affidavits to vote. Further. more , lie said , this motion to throw out the affidavits was not according to law , because if granted , it would onoralo to throw out evidence in the case before that case was reached for trial. Judge McCulloch has reserved his de cision , which will be rendered in a day or two. mi : . There wore eighty-three different ex cuses for not registering recorded in the affidavits. Some of them are extremely ridiculous. For Instance , ! 2)1 ( ) persons applied for election affidavits , alleging that they did not register because they thought they were always registered. Some other noteworthy excuses are , "Neglect" 131 , "Supposed he was regis tered" S ! , "Forgot1' , "He told a fellow lo register for htm" 1 , "Did not think he. would vet until election day" 1 , "Did not know the time of registration" Util and so on ad nauseam. These excuses and many others , it is claimed , an ; illegal and the persons making _ then ; should have been barred from voting. The following is the list of affidavits filed , tabulated according to wards : I'livt ward . IfH .First district , Seeo id ward . M Second district , Second waul . 40 Third wnid . SM Klrstdtsti let. Fourth ward . fW Second district. Fourth waul . 11T ! First district , Filth ward . 70 Second district. Fifth ward . W ) First district. Sixth wind . M Second district , Sixth ward . W3 Total . 7ltl7 Of 1,117 affidavits the counsel for Mr. Murphy , E. W. Simeral , Esq. , will claim that out 177 were issued for valid reasons. The other ! UO affidavits , he thinks , were illegally issued , and the cor responding votes should be thrown out. A CuriouH Complication. Hon. William Pitt Kellogg , of Louisi ana , has been in the city for the past few days , negotiating with Mr. J. II. Millard , and Mr. Guy C. Barton , for a transfer to them of a portion of his property on Far- mini street. This hind , as is pretty well known , extends from F.irnam to Hartley , ( including a small strip .south of Hartley ) and from Twenty-third street to a point. about 150 feet east of Samuel Brown's residence. Some months ago Messrs. Millard'and Barton ma cup their minds that they wanted a suction of this properly. Nego tiations were entered into to purchase about one-third of it , the strip fronting 118 feel wide on Fnrnam and Twenty-third streets and running ( dear back to the western and southern limits. The price agreed upon between Mr. Kellogg and Ihe gentleman desirous of purchasing the property , was $ : il,000. Arrangements had been nearly com pleted ] for the transfer , when it was dis covered I by chance that thorn was a "lly on ( the soiij ) " a fiaw in the title. Mr. James ( ! . bobbed I Chapman up serenely II as I the claimant of a strip of the property eight ( feet wide , and extendjng the en tire I length , east and west , lying between Farnatn ] street ami the bulk of tlio land A reporter talking yesterday with Mr. ii i O. F. Davis , agent of Mr. Kellogg , learned i that Ihe titl'air stood in this wise : Nearly twenty-two years ago , .lames G. Chapman , transferred to Mr. Kellogg the property ] under consideration , conveying and intending to convey , as is alleged , the entire section of land. The limits of the property were plainly defined and un derstood , it is claimed , and are still to bo seen in the old platted record. This was before Farnain street was opened to the present limits. When that thoroughfare was opened , there occurred a slight dis crepaney of 8 feet between the original recorded survey and the new survey. The difference , which technically made Mr. Chapman the possessor of the 8 foot strip was not discovered until just the other day. Of course as the matter stands at present this will prevent Mr. Kel logg from giving a clear. ti tle to the property. Mr. Da vis said that negotiations were on foot looking toward an amicable settlement of the affair. "The fact of the mailer is , " he said , ' 'that Mr. Chapman intended to convey to Mr. Kellogg the entire prop erty , and Mr. K. has been paying taxes upon the land for the past twenty-one years. Mr. _ Chapman will , I think , be induced to give a quit-claim deed to the property , in order to make the title a porlectly clear one. If , however , he is inclined to light the matter , Mr. Kellogg is determined to make it warm for him. " ItedtikltiR. ' Yesterday Gen. Howard received a let ter from Division Commander General Scholield , of Chicago , which may ( level- ope an interesting state of affairs relative to the Sioux Indians in this department. For some time past there have been complaints thai the Sioux Indians of thu Pine Jlidgo and Rosebud agencies have been in the habit of leaving their reser vations and committing extensive depre dations in the territory surrounding those points. These alleged depredations have been committed in thn newly-opened up country ol Dakota and Wyoming. Most of the settlers have been in the coun try but a short lime , nnd are just getting a istart in life. These depre dations , Mich as cattle-killing , horse- stealing , hay-burning , etc. , annoy them seriously , it is alleged , and to such an ex tent thatthey desire the protection oil the government from the foragers. .Fust how many Indians there are on the expedi tion , or c\acly ! what they are doing , the advices do not state. It is understood that those complaints have been coming in for bomo time , from a variety of sources , and that the government is de termined to sift the mutter to the bottom. Gen. Howard has telegraphed lo Mtij. Ditwees , of Fort Robinson , to thoroughly investigate the complaints , and make a report thereon as soon as possible. "Of course , wo can't toll just what truth there is in these complaints , " said Ass't. Adj. Gen. Hall to a BIK : reporter yesterday. " 1 am Inclined to think that home of these white settlers tire simply seared , 1 do not anticipate any scrlmis trouble with the Slouxs. If there should be arr"tJII"l-'illty , however. 1 think our Fort 'Robinson troop * il ! ! ' "vu uo trouble in handling the Indians. " 111:1:11 : : AT TIIIiovrs. : . Col. Morrow , commandant at Fort Sidney , has been having a dispute with the saloon men of Sidney , as to whether or not ho is entitled to sell beer at the post without a lleciibo. Thn saloon men at Sidney , who have been recently de prived of the patronage of the soldiers , chum that their profits are soriottaly af fected , and rcmoitstiate againsl the sell ing of liquor to at the on the ground that no license has been secured thore- fm. They presented u written petition to Col. Morrow , asking him to Mop the Milling of liquor us bmii" illegal and un fair. I'ho matter has neon referred to Col. Henry , acting judge advocate of the department , and yesterday a decision was rendered to the elfcet that Col. Morrow was light and had a perfect right to Mill beer or liquor to the soldiers at the post , Inasmuch as the stale had ceded to the military Uio post i enervation , and all rjghlH of government therein. This de cision U quite an important one , : i/i it must apply alike to all posts throughout this department. CoJ. Marrow claims that by thus having tluflle of liquor un der Ills own control , drunkenness among the soldiers has bcenu'cdjiced ( o n mini mum. mum.HEN. . UlltJM'fl CAUSTIC UEMAHKS. Adjutant General JJnim , writing , in reference to the case qf Capt. Sladcn , tea a certain gentleman in this city , is re ported to have said that the captain Is entitled to no immunity from the order of the secretory of war on the score oi his tvonnned leg , lieeiutsq ho had not re ceived the injury in nuJUtjl service. This may bo so , but it is nnnp the less true that Capt. Sladeii received the injury while acting directly in his line of duty. He was stationed at Fort Vancouver when the unfortunate accident occurred , and Vt as dashed by his horse against a tree , while going out to meet a British officer , ll might bo stated right hero that this remark does not come with peed grace from Adjutant General Drum , who never served in a single bat tle in the war of the rebellion. Among tlu ; Mormons. A reporter for the Bitfell : into conver sation yesterday with Mr. .lames Olson , a prominent citizen of Salt Lake city , nt , the Paxlon. Among other things Mr. Olson expressed himself upon the feeling among Mormons in Utah about the re cent convictions for polygamy and un lawful cohabitations. W. D. Newborn and Frederick II. Hanson wore both tried and convicted. The Mormons as a rule are inclined to feel rather gloomy over the result of the. trials , he said , as well as highly indignant.tSomu express themselves as being afraid that polygamy ' my will receive a serious blow from'this persecution , as they term it. A few seem to think the Edmunds law will operate lo banish polygamy altogether from the ter ritory ; bul lite majority of them have had their auger aroused to a ferocious pilch and say they will fight , if neces sary , for the lenets of their faith. Judge Xane. who presided over he trials , he .said , was being roundly abused by the Mormon pulpit , press and people. The Apostles are constantly ijroaeniiig ser mons to their followers which tire lull of treason to the government , urging their listeners to make a linn stand against their persecnlors. ' 'I shouldn't be at all surprised if there were not.riot and blotitl- j-hed in Utah before many weeks he said. ll seems to me that trouble is brewing. " It was learned at military head-qttar lers yesterday that while no special anticipation of trouble ju l at presjnt , forces are held in position .so that they can be placed at Ihe governor's com mand ut any motm nt. Ttill\vny Notes. An engine in the yards of the Union Pacific here Sunday collided in switch ing with a box car and slightly damaged the pilot. Assistant General liVoiglit Agent Grif fiths , of the Union Pacific left Sunday for Chicago. George II. Daniels , , commissioner of the Colorado pool , is in the cil v. Col. Sam Jones , general assistant pas senger agent of the Union Pacific left for Iho cubt yesterday. AViSTEKIft : KAflT-S. After many montlis.of-fighting the San Francisco Passenger Association ( com posed of the Pacific ooast agents of the various eastern roads ) ha.s at last effected an agreement which it is believed will insure the maintenance of passenger rates from the Pacific coast hereafter. The preamble to the iimw agreement stales "that the tarift'.fatqs published by the Southern Paeifmiiompany for the sale of tickets to eastern points sliall his strict ly maintained. " Among the main point- ! noted in the agreement are that street commissions shall be to all eastern seaboard and European points , $ ! ! : to all points east of the Mississippi river and not seaboard points , $ 'J ; to the Mississippi river points , $1. Tne other commissions , which arc termed transcon tinental commissions , and are fixed by the various roads , are to bo paid only to the representative of the road selling Iho ticket. No free passes are to be given under the penalty of the donor becoming liable for payment to the arbitrator the regular tariff rate of the pa s. The p 'ti- ally for violation of the agreement is a line of $30 for each offense , $ -5 going to tin- party who substantiated the charge and the balance to the treasury. All rail tick ets bought is cases before the arbi trator shall be redeemed by him nt tarill' rates. No line can exchange the tickets of another line for its own. The agent whoso mime is on the back of any ticket is the responsible party , ami the agent purchasing any ticket with his name on the back thereof assumes the responsibil ity of any irregularity. Companies here after establishing agencies in Calilornia shall be requested to sign Ihe agreement , A notice of withdrawal must bo given in writing six days prior. Mummoth Men. "You tire a little too much for me , " re marked a gentleman as he stood up be side another at the Union Pacific depot yesterday afternoon. The gentlemen , who were .strangers , shook hands and introduced themselves. The first speaker was Mr. Maker , of Council Blulls , and the other Mr , Cooper , of Brainard , Neb. Mr. Baker , who is u unlive of Kentucky , is six feet and six inches in height , and Mr. Cooper , who was born in Virginia , is six feet and six and ono-half inches in height. Both gentlemen are well-pro portioned and have the appearance of being very strong. They attracted con siderable attention , as it is unusual to see two such largo men Mr. Cooper re marked that he never saw but one man who was taller than himself , and he vol unteered to servo in Mr. Cooper's regi ment , the Seventh Iowa , but was rejected. Don't hawk , and blow , and spit , but use Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. Held for Grand I/uroeny. The examination of Pearl Baker , Al Monroe , and Clinrlefe Bjiir for robbing Moses KountKO of hifvwalch and chain last Wednesday , was held yesterdayif ternoon before Judge Stonborg. Considerable tes timony was taken , resulting in the acquittal of the t women : but tlio woman was bound over in the sujn of $1,000 , for trial at this term of Ihe U/striet / court. In default of bail she was committed to the county jail. TO TIIK 'J'ltAViM.JfffJ ' Jordan Iloneo. ( irand wand , Nob. , Cap- lain C. H. Jordan , proprietor , in ovary ruapuoi. uuoddiuinplo rooms. y ; . Church Gould and Jay Howe were in the city yesterday. Mlbs Lilllc. Koch , of St. Jou , Mo. , is the guest of Miss Lucy Drexel. The last number of Golden Days , a Jjoyn1 weekly periodical of a refined char acter , contains the tir.stchnptcrof "Cadet Days , " a West Point btory , written by First Lieutenant W. R. Hamilton. The author is a member of the Filth artillery stationed at Fort Omaha , and both he and his talented \\ife , Mrs. Alien King Hamilton , who has already achieved much literary celebrity , are well known in the social and military circles of this city. EXCURSION TO CALIFORNIA. On October & > d Tim Union Pacilio will have a first elnss excursion to California. Round trip rate only * 100. Tickets good fcix months. Write lo J. W. Moivc , Gen eral Pu ; > sonyer Agent forfull i articular * . BIG BOOM ON A BROAD BASIS , The Missouri PnoinWa Plans for ft Rontl to the Northwest. AN INTERVIEW WITH JAY GOULD. The Ilnilrontl Magnate Both clous ami llt'tlucnt , Tliel'rolm- blc Course Conjectures. Yesterday afternoon Jiiy Gould nml liN party urrivcil in Onuiliu , in a special cur over the Missouri 1'ncillu railway. The jiarty consisted of the railroad nuigntito , his BOH George , Kusscll Sage , rapt. J.V. . Shockleftml , Mr. A. L. Hopkhm , Dr. Munn , H. M. Iloxlo , first vlcr-pn'Mtli-nt of tlin Missouri 1'acio rail road , William Kerrigan , gciiontl snpor inlomlonl , E. K. Sililey , supdrintcndcnt , C. 1) . WttrnirV. . \V. Fti-jan , division minorintomlont , A. S. Kvcrcst , uttornoy , and W. U. Otiton , treasurer. Mr. Gould was mot by S. II. II. Clark at the di'pot , mid for about half an hour the party was driven about the city in carriage : ) , ufti-r which they returned to the special train. In the evening , Mr. Gould and soniu of the uu > mlu < rs of his party went to the residence of Mr. S. 11. Callaway , whuro they apent several hours in a very pleasant way. This morning , at 0 o'clock , the special train will pull out for Kansas City. Mil. OOPI.l ) AND WHAT IIP. HAYS. Mr. Gould's visit to this city moans nothing more nor less than a new road or extension of the Missouri Pacific from this fily into northwestern Nebraska , something that lias been needed for years past. I/t t night this fact was ilrst exclu sively announced in the. Hr.i : that Mr. S. II. II. Clark had purchased either for the. Holt 1/mi ! or the Missouri Pacilio railway the old Taylor farm , two miles out on the line of Lcavcnworlh street , paving for the twenty acres thereof the Mini of $18,000. It was also announced , as a surmise , thai this meant the projection by the Missouri Pacific of a line into the north west , and that the Missouri Pacific prob ably intended to build a round-house , depot , etc. , on the plat. A reporter questioned Mr. Clark about this in the afternoon. " 1 can't tell yon anything about the matter , " he replied. " 1 can neither aflirm nor deny the report. You had bettor MC Mr.Gould himself about the matter. " The reporter took Clark's advice , wont down to Mr. Gould's private car , and was accorded tin interview with the rail road king. "Mr. ( Pould , " was asked , "what is the object of your visit to OmahaY" " 1 am here , " I us replied , "on my regu lar tour of inspection of the Miibouri Pacific .syhtem. Mr. Sage and the ollieials of the road came with mo simply as a matter of pleasure. " "It ib rumored that your road intends to build a. line into northwestern Ne braska , and that the purchase of the Taylor farm was made oy Mr. Clark for the Missouri Pacific , with aview to build ing thereon a depot , round-house , shops , etc. " "Well , I [ don't earo to open my mouth on that Mibjcct. The ot- Jicers of the road Intvo not fully made up their minds what is the best thing to do with any siiare money that they may have on hand.Va shall undoubtedly build some branch lines , but jiust where 1 can't now say. " "Do .you intend to improve the present lines o'f the Mi * onri Pacific road ? " "Yes , 1 fchall spend a great deal of money on tins line of the road from here to Kansas City , and shall make it in point of general equipment , one of thcs best , roads in the country. Yes , from Omaha we go direct to Kansas City and then soutnward over the line of the Missouri , Kansas As Texas. "I am ( surprised to see. the general prosperity of this .state and this section of the west , " continued Mr. Gould. " 1 can say that 1 was astounded to note the growth of your town since I was here three years ago. 1 believe that Omaha has a j ri'iil future before it , and that it is boumrto become mm of the liveliest , and mo.sL thriving cities in the wesl. " "In what condition do you regard the railroad affairs of this country as being ? " "Well , all'aii'H have been in pretty bad shape during the. past year or so , but . ( tar as I can read the .signs of the times with reference to the great rail ways of Ibis country there is a 'good time coming. ' Kates are gradually being es tablished in the cast , hiiMiicbs is swing ing around to a goud basis , and I don t anticipate any more railroad wars for a time at least. To my mind the outlook all over the country is encouraging. I am inclined to feel that the railway business as well as tint commercial in terests of this land arc about l < i witness an era of rare prosperity. Mo far as rail roads are concerned , 1 leel a great deal of confidence in the ability of tno trunk line presidents to keep rates to the pay ing point , now that they have beeomo aware of the exigencies of the situation. " "What do you think of the recent labor , Mr. Goiildr" "I don't think , as I have repeatedly said betore , that there should bn any Mnkcion a railway , and 1 will tell you why ; railway employes cannot prosper unless ihi ) railway is prosperous ; to , cm the other hand , a railway cannot prosiicr unless its employes arc prosperous. This inU-re-ts of both employer and employed arc. mutual , I think the employe should have the largest possible wages consist ent with the ability of the road to make expenditures. 1 don't think that the em ployes of the road should demand larger wages than the road can pay , and on thn other hand 1 don't bnliuvo that a road wlioiild M-uk to make money at the expense of ( ho intere'sts of the employed. Here is the whole solution of the question. If its principles were only remembered and protected there would be no labor troubles. " Mr. Gould continued the conversation some time , touching upon a variety of topics , of general interest. lie refused to answer the reporter's Inquiry , "Did you lose , us reported , ifc'OO.OOU in the 'Smith failure on Wall htrect last weeky" declining to thus give away hta private business. His MM George , however , iiidiijjly : | suld that the report was pret ty 'nearly ? ; : : - : but hu bald he guessed tlio Gould family htm Cv"5" : : o y ' , live on , a while longer , Till : NOinilWKbfUl.V IWANVII. It will be noted above that Mr. Gould declined to express himself positively on the plans of I lie Missouri Pacific relative to the extension into Northwest Nebraska kalint Mr. George Gould did. Ho in formed a reporter that there was every probability that the northwestern road \\ould be 'built. The Taylor farm , ho said , had been purchased by Mr. Clark for the Missouri Pacific , and would be used for the erection of a depot and round house. No hliops will bo built there because for the present all rolling stock for the Nebraska line could bo easily supplied from the company's shops at Sedalia , Mo. Mr Gould refused to enter Into any particulars as to when or to M lint terminal point tlio road was to bo Lnllt. It is probable from nil that cnn bo Gathered in railroad circles that the Missouri Pacific intJiids to throw out n line lo a point .tlitrhli.v noithwcxtof Ihi8 city , my to Madison , or West Point , or Oakdale. nnd from there to throw out feeders into far northeastern nnd northwestern - western Nebraska. This , however , is all inero conjecture , and must bo taken ns such. There is nevertheless no rcn on to doubt but that the long desired road into northwestern Nebraska is an assured fact. "You may just depend upon it that vc arc to have that line , " said a man well posted in railway matters to a re porter lor tlio HIK : yesterday , "and it won't be so very long either. Why , oven if there were no other circumstance to lead'ino to believ'o ' this , I should think to from the fact that the Missouri Pacific lias purchased this largo tract of hind southwest of this city , twenty acres in e\tent. They certainly don't want It for right of way. Jay ( Sonlil doesn't understand anything about farming , there fort1 it must be for the purpose of furn ! hing a site for depots , i omul houses , etc. And what would the M. P. want with these without a liiii * into some portion of ( ho Mate in all probability the northwest ? See ? " ACTION ol' TIM : IIOAllt ) OK TltADi : . As will be noted by reforctu-o to the re port of the board of trade meeting lust night , n committee is to bo appointed to take Into consideration the fcn lblHiy of building a railroad from Omaha , to the northwest. Tlio members of the board are very much in earnest about tlio mat ter , ami a nnmbor of Omaha capitalists nro lo bo consulted in reference to it by the committee , who will then report , to the board of trade the necessary action lo bo taken. LOOAL BREVITIES. A large delegation of Pythian knights from this city go to Lincoln to-night to attend the grand lodge. Four Omaha lodges will bo represented Omar , Planet , Myrtle and Nebraska No. 1. A woman living in the btiildingon Tenth street , near Douglas , known as the Limlo hotel , tried to biiicide yesterday after noon by taking laudanum. Despond ency the cause. An energetic doctor and a lightning stomacho pump proved her salvation. There will be a meeting of property owners on Tenth street this afternoon nt 1 o'clock at Turner hall , to discuss Iho question of the proposed Tenth street viaduct. The committee is anxious that all Tenth street property owners should be present. The Women's Christian Temperance union of Omaha earnestly requests all the city pastors to meet Mrs. Ilonry , evan- p-le t of the National Women's Christian Temperance union , in consultation , this afternoon at U o'clock , at the Bucking ham reading room , Twelfth .street. A birthday party was held on Sunday evening at the resilience of S. Selig ohn , in honor of his daughter , Miss Nettie. An ejcgant repast was SIM-VIM ! late in the evening. Music and dancing furnished the pleasures of t , e evening. The occa sion was u thoroughly pleasurable one , and will long bo remembered. The case of llendrieks against the board of comity commissioners to re cover tlio dill'orenco between 1- and -10 per cent on money invested in tax sales , occupied the attention of the district court yesterday. The claim is made gn an old territorial law which has never been repealed. The city treasurer has been busy both Saturday and yesterday receiving the third quarterly payment of liquor li censes. Up to last night over one hun dred saloon keepers bad made their pay ments , amounting to $ > , UOO. There arc about forty yet in arrears , and Marshal Cnmmingswas after them yesterday with a sharp btiek. Absolutely Pure. Tills powiler nnvcr vario ? . A tnnrvo ot Ftidiifrlli nml wlmlcMiinoiio-H , MOID ccoiininl'-nl tlinii tlio onlliiiir.v UlmiH , ami eiimiot bo bold In competition with ll'o miiltltinle ot low test , short wpljflit nml D'uxipliiiii ' ) powdi-re. tuli only In L-im . lioytil linking Poivdur < < > . , Ifti Wall ctrcot , KJMBA LL PIANOS Shoot Mtiblo and IJoolf. JSMJ2JRSON PJANOti Musical InstiiimcnlB. Hallet & Davis Pianos Violin" , Oulliird and HaiijoH. K1MBALL ORGANS I'liiao Stools find covers. ARTISTS' MATERIALS Send -o Mump lor c'utnlwiir. P1CSUKS FBAMSS I'liiBh KooJi nnd Novelties. Engravings , Paintings DR. BENJ. NICE , Special Attention Given to Diseases of Women. I i . . -I i i' . i. Can bo consulted In lint'iMi nnd ( icnniiu. IIooui lUC'iiiiinMi'Mlllouk.Hou Uiiht Corner Cup. Avrnuo unil Hlxtroiitli ; " * * * * -a w csTiiniW J.VA. JL.U. AUXtJiSWX > General Insurance Agent imi'itisu.vr.s : : Flurnlv Iniurnnco Co. , C. li . . . WvMriu ! tnr. N. V. , Assets ll.diih 1'iillH. Aw-ntH. - li'raitl ' I'llii. I'liilmlnlplilii > CH | ' O. F. DAVIS & CO. Nebraska Land Agency ( U.pcrul iU-itor | In Ural I'-ttntt and llc-ai JIui li'iitus , U > 0 I'nriiinu fcl. , Oni.iUi , Nil ) MOST PERFECT MADE fiirrstmul stroncp t Fntlt flavors. Vanilla. 1.0111011 , Or.itiftc , Almond , llnse , etc. , flavor a * delicately nm ! naturally ni tlia Jrult , PRICE DAKINO POWDCR CO. , CHICAOO. BT. IXUMU ) UNITED fATES a XT. S. S. W. Cor. Fanum & 12lh Sts. Capital , 100,000 C. W. HAMILTON , Pioslilont. M. T. IIAHT.OW , i > nnurtms : : H. > T. CuMwdl.r. W. llmnlttmi , It. K Smith JUT. lliulow C. Will Itumllluu. it. i ( lAiu.ints. lII. . .10IINRON Oarlichs & Johnson , ANKERS 516 N. 16th STREET , OMAHA , NEB. Investment .Secinitle.s , Moitgnfo Loans. Loans negotiated on city pioperly and 1m- pioved farms. G percent Inleie t allowed on time SARATOGA MARKET. ED KUPPIG. Proprielor , so IN. Sixteenth Strcot. rr"sliPnltmiil Pmol.eil AluntH. ( lonnnn Fun- lers u specialty. ( Jiuni1'onliry uiul Vrjetn- lilus In touson. Xo cheaper nmrKotin tuun. BROS. California Meat Market Dealers In Fresh nml Snlt MciitH , Poultry na Tuloplionu 1M. COINoitli 1CU ) Street. Upholstery & Repairing 03. B. B.No. No. 1G01 Cuss Street , Mnfccsovcr Mnttiossos.ropulrsKnrntturo make ne it as Rood us new. 1'llUmn nml llolriturf * made to rmlor. Chairs resented , lower prleo.s thilii clso- \\hoieitiiU\vedoourowii\vork. Hoya IUM "Ot employed. Semi postal nnd uo will cull on you. ' SAN GOON ! The nonl Genuine CHINESn TFiA , in quarter noiuid. hall' pound mill pound imrKiiM. | HoiU Impoi ted first class ircmilnn ClilncbO ilrlnU and not tlio humbug pulutod teas. Sold oulyljy SAN GOON , No. 418 N. Sixteenth Struct. DK. JAS. BUOKE'JT , PHYSICIAN &SURGEON Oillee and Itoeldoiico , 721 N. 10th St. , Omulm , NobrusKu. [ BOOT SETOE3S. C. J. PALMQUIST. Tliovo Is no hotter trri'icrot' ' Hints unl Shoos tills city tliiin tlio workman tibnvu named. KonuirliiK neutlv ilono. Satlsliuillon nnd por- uot llturo In-tiri'd by patroiii/hitf un iiucom- iilMiod woikimm. Shop at No. 1U 8. 10th St , between Douglas nml liocUro. PrescriptionSjPerfumery PATENT MEDICINES , KTC. SOS Sixteenth St. Corner Htoro , Miwinlo Hull. W. J. WHITEHOUSE , , I'nltitH , Oiln nml Stationery. Hiirolm J'ilo lnlmciit CIIHrvuiy Ihno. 1'ili-u CUvuntH. r.v- ly IJOY WuiTiuitoil. 16th St. RESTAURANT CIIAS , R , WEBSTER. Prop , lic neatest nml hnit cimdiic'tiid niilslnoJn the northern pin t ol town. Try mi lor < > no wnolf. No. ; ) Mill noiii1 Chicago St , The Morris Restaurant : the very lii't cntliiK IIOUEO in the i-liy , Try It ho HntlMlcd. TlfU'ts lorL'i'iniVilV W TO. lltmidlo tliu wiM'ktfJ.ii'i. MrulH , iXio < Kih. IGtli M. Douglas and Dodge Sts J. F. SIJOKH , iluKcs the htmn/fo't / , t , clicvincet nnd iM'st Harness , Saddles , Whips , IliihoH , nml nil Miuelul ni titles In this line h ulwiijh on liiiiMi. Itopuh liw ii BiMjchiliy. 1U1 N. ] Ulh St. . lint Jlodiio nnd ( npllol A\'C. CLAIRVOYANT. Jl.ul.ini Cntrr-i.U ! ! rliiinlriiii , riircni'loulcl , Mind IfjiiItT itii'l rruplict" L'nter. . " 'inlu * ilt'sirlDnlj Uio In nurtcro [ HilntH nut ; or Imti'n-ii * Mlliffp i'r tV'1 ' ll ) Milvciiill ( htdiicii , ( uri' Lnlfiihin wllli t rim .V"I i > IUM'ly turn licailaclijillllnaii tllnijrilur > , iimiitlmn. i.1"wrlmmliill kliln < ; y. llvt-r unit Mom- ilimiM'K and iloiu-Mtnicillii. IIif ul > l rnru liiivu eun limit il hy lii-i In "no , " -illi. I'oniH iiinl biiiilnni uiml. ' 1'liU ii'lubialt-il nn < l ijiiij 'uf/rt't-'lplut I'll I vC umi'l ' nt loom I. , Nu. 'Hi N. lali bl. & MAUL , IX 1(1,1. ( ] . .IlltOlH. ) U JN7 / > Kit TA K KH S , AM ) KMllAI.MKItK. Anln ifldMiuid HuT I'm-mim Kt. Ordri * by rlfini | n Inlliil mill ( iiutuily ] | ullitujid lu , cli'plixm Si,5. .