i " PV * V * ? * " iWY - T- - g0Kr" < " gy * < ( 8eg 0 THE GRATIA DAILY BKE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER J3 , 1885 , Til 10 7) A Hi V JIET'J. GOUNCIlTBLUFFS. 'lll > d > VY MOUNIM ? , < ) ( TOI5KR 1 . orrzciit No. in rcarl Street. rH. rri-0 IP ) nnrti'i- imy imrt of the city nt Inriit ) nut" i IT wiik II. W. TII.TOS , - .Manager. -MI.VOU MHXTIOV. Heller , the tailor , for fall good" . AOI..MI. ) at the rink to-morrow night. The benelit night and last night of the E\po ition. Don't fail to go to dinner to-day at the Exposition. Make jour pnper costume for tlio "Agi'tno * grand march. Ati.Mt ( ) will make you laugh. See it at the rink to morrow night. A new England dinner and supper at the Imposition , A line programme to night The MisM-sMjrllu to-night at thel'spo- nitinn A lively programme. Head il in ai'iotlM r column. ' 1 he Indies of Broaduay chinch will next 'I hurnlay evening give a social and hitppi r in ihe church parlors. Arrnngements are being pushed for- waul to make Ihe letter cart-ids' ball on the -'iilh in l. a grand success. Scat. " can be ro cr\od at the ticket olliee at Ihe exposition to-day , for the concert to night , for ten cent * . From Ihe list of delegates as published in the DCS .Moincs papers , it appears that Council Hlnll's hail but one representa tive at the woman'n congress , Mrs. Amelia Itlo-imer , .lohn Nicholson's speedy horsn "lieoehor" is now in training in southern Mis-Duri. preparatory to a great t o- juile race to be run in Tc\as , which will take pi. ice next month. 1 $ . Hernhardi yesterday opened hi.s Turkish and Ittissian bath rooms. Mr. Pernhanlj has gone to coiiMilcrable ex pense in lilting up his rooms and he has evei-j thing in nrst ela > sl le. The democracy of P.ige and Fremont counties lime nominated for M-nator \ \ . W. Morseiuan , of Clarindulio will have to run against two republican can didates , Clark and Anderson. The Council IJlull's Herald bindery has been sold to K MoorhouM- and son , who have bei n connected with it for'a long time , and who now assume the proprie torship , together witli Mr. S. T. Walker , wuo still n l.iins nil interest. Mi.s. O. A. Hogers is expected home to day fiom the ca .t with a large and varied mock of Paris pattern bonnets and all the latest millinery novelties. Her fall opening will take place at No. ! Jl Broad way on Thursday and Friday. Maurer & Craig display in their show- window an immense jug , claimed to be the largest made on earth , or out of earth , it holding thirty gallons. Just about the right si/o for a prohibitory state. A man giving his name as Jim Hardin was placed in the cooler yustoiday , and had tarried so long at the cup that he was on the verge of seeing as big snakes and alligators as Clark sees in Florida. A doctor had to bu called in to adminis ter to him. In the federal court yesterday there were only two motions heard , and some. preliminary business attended to. This morning the case of Summers against the Wabash rail way comes up for trial. The plaintill' seeks to recover damages for a team of mules killed by the ears. The young folks of the Presbvterian church are to furnish the entertainment for Wednesday night , the closing one of the exposition. Last year thev gave a New England supper , and mniteu great success , and this year they have prepared besides refreshments a novel entertain ment. Complaint is heing made altout the paving done on Willow avenue , it being said to be lacking in the requisite amount of tar. The city lias appointed Col. Ab- liott as paving inspector , and it is to be eupposcd.that if there was any such cause of complaint ho would have reported the name and had it remedied. The public will not pass too severe judgment on the paving until ho is heard from. A hunting party consisting of Frank fiuanella. Cony Brown and others , started oil' Sunday morning for Honev Creek , and as they had not been heard from yesterday , their friends were quite anxious aboutthem , not knowing whether they had been got away with by the game , or had got away with so much game that they could not get homo with it. What has become of the board of trade and of the Citizens' association ? Neither organi/.alion has had a meeting for months , and there are some very import ant city matters which should be looked after by representative citizens meeting in some sort of organized form. Council lilull's should have one live organization of this character , which would meet regularly to talk over and act upon mat ters allecting the general prosperity and growth of the city. The necessity of having the streets cleaned is quite apparent these wet days when Ihe accumulation of dirt on the paved streets is turned into deep mud , so that it is almost impossible for any sort of ordinary travel , and making rubber liootH almost as necosary as in the tlays when there was not a paving Mono in tlie city. If tlie Htreet.s were cleaned in dry weather , such rains would wash them fitill cleaner instead of making the principal Mrects mere seas of mud. Council HlulVs does not get half the bene fit of its paving , It has been decided that it is best to drive piling for the foundations of the new court house , as there are some places where there have been cisterns and cess pools , and other , pots which may not be holld enough for such a great structure. .I'lds will add to the expense of the foun dations , but will maito them sure and solid , and it is estimated that there will not bo quite so much stone needed for the foundations , and the money thus saved can be put into piling. Abe Lincoln Post , (5. ( A. H. , is arrang ing to give a grand mascpienulo ball the Jailor part of tlie month for the benelit of the relief fund. The exact tlate and other particulars will bo announced in duo time. Tim people have always re- Boonded geiierou.sly to requests to aid this fund , which is used for the relief of the widows and children of soldiers , ami in the coming event there will bo like generosity shown , and tho.an'air socially will be enjoyable enough to amply repay all investment of cash and time. Warner Gabriel , a harness-maker at Glonwood , took a day oil' and got clear "oil1.11 Ho was doing CounoinHufVs in great shape , and Ciiibncl had not one but many horns. Ho was at last arrested , nud when being searched , the ollicer go ing through his pockets , he said , "Quit , you tickle mo. " but as the iron gates worn thrown ajar and he was told to en ter he changed his mind , saying , "You don't tickle me now. " Ho will bo still less tickled when ho finds this morning that Ids night's lodging costs $1M , Tim synod of Iowa will hold its annual limiting in the Presbyterian church of this IHUCH COlHliiniuiii 'I'Jjl 'vllli1 ! 1V ) " I ) ing , October 15 , anil adjourning Mon day , October 111. The opening sermon will bu delivered on Thursday evening by tin ) la.st moderator. Kov. John It. .Stewart , 1) . I ) . , of DCS Moines. Notices of llni various Cervices will bo found in the papers from day to day , and in I lie evenings in particular , men of line talent and I'trge cspcricnco will address us on MII | | < t-is ot general inten-t. To all the i-M-i isc the puljliuia cualiully iiivite.d. g. ORATORY. Enlorlaininenls , Political ami Social , Oon- ipira to Keep tlio Blafij Alivo. FINAL REWARD OF A VETERAN. Unr lnrM In Wrljtlil Toxvnililp A Hniiu-Himui Kllloil Vnrloil ( tuiiu- in H I'mni City iuid Count } . llopuhllrim Oi-ntory. l.nM in-oiling ' 'in ' ri'jmblioiui eommitloc jirovlili-d a van1 trout for tin ) rili/ons ol Council HIiiM's In tlio form of : i spri'd from ( tViii'i nl l.uiMim Fiilrrliilil , of \ \ ' \ - foiiMli. A man of nallontil reputation , he uas vri'li'iinii'tl to tint I'ily not only by llio-i' of hi * own political party but by many olliprs of ditVcrt'iit political faith , anil Iho oM Mili-rnns without regard to parly gsivi1 him the licartii' l of Will-nines. ( ti > nrral KaiivhiM , who \\eut into tin- Ncnii'i ! ! s almost a boy , ami who ciuno out with tin' loss of an arm but , HID gain of a muni1 , is now a gray haired , jray wins- keivil , k on eyed unit pli a 5-i nt faced gen tleman , wliiwi'vur.y unwound word show b'm to be a trim ( rcntlcinan , of culture , lAjieriiMiec , pluck and brains , and bin ad- ilroses by whieli I in is enthusing the hcarl-J of republicans , and esipturiu tlio. hearts of demoerat.s in this stJitu , aio inst Mioh a.- < one niiylit , o.xpect from hutch a man. None pa\o him a more dually \\ek-ome , or listened more closely to his words , than these who in former j earn had lived in \ \ i consiii , the slnto which hii'-o honored aiid lieen honored by dim. Then ) are many Badgers wittered over Iliivpartnf the country , and to them all the name of Kairehilil is as sweet , as mu ie. fJov. Faiivliild maKe.s some strong points in his speeches , pavilion ill-count ol his own personal acquaint ance with thi ) reeords of some of the can- didiitj's , and his personal knowledge of their .strong point" , and also from his eonver-auey with Iho live issues of the day.Hon. Hon. M. 1) . OTonnell , of Fort Dodge , was also one of the speakers last night. He is gifted with many of the requisites for holding and interesting anil per nad- ing audiences gathered for political dis cussion. The tiump-iign which has opened by such republican oratory as thalof the gifted Dolliyer , and thus fol lowed by such UH is given by Fairehild ' and O'lJomiell , promises to 'result in a , glorious old-time victory. Lamps cheap at Homer's , 23 Main street. K a Veteran. Everybody here knows Major Harring ton lie has pride.d himself on his record as a soldier , and he has been one of the mo-it all'able , polite and accommodating eiti/ens , and has made a spt eialty of be ing a gentleman of leisure. Everybody likes lh major , though many have felt that he should he more stirring and enter prising. lie was one of those omnipres ent individuals who waa always around where there was anything going on , and yet seemed to have no great amount of business on hand. The major's many auiuaintanecs | and friends will rejoiceto learn that he has at last got the govern ment to reeogni/.o his 'services in the army , and he has at last secured hi.s back pension , amounting to $1,023 , and a , lurther pension of $ } a month for life. The major secured this through Mr. D. C. Bloomer , and out of the money tans received ho got a draft on New York for $800 , and with the balance he paid up his little bills , bought u newoutlit complete , and arrayed in eis new clothes he shook the dust of Council Blnu's from oil' his feet and bid good-bye to the city , he says , forever , starting for his old home in New York , there to remain and spend the rest of hi.s days in peace and happiness. Km-al liurglars were busy in Wright town ship last Friday evening , and visited at least three places. The home of lion. Eli Clayton was ransacked and a watch and several dollars in money taken. At the residence of Chris Deermier a watch and $10 was taken. Wiutiold S. Clark's house was also visited and a watch and few dollars belonging to a farm hand named MeClcllan were secured. Tracks were found of a barefooted man , and traced some distance. Under tlio WlicelB. Patrick McGivin , a brakesman on the south bound Kansas City . train , AVIIS killed at Hamburg Saturday night. It is supposed that he slipped and fell be tween the ears. He Was cut in two , and the train went several miles before ho was missed , and the body then found , His home was at St. Joseph , where ho has a father , mother and brother. Arrested for In response to a telephone message from Omaha yesterday Deputy Marshal Mullen went over to Omaha with .1. C. Scott to investigate a fellow who had been concerned in the robbery of Scott'.s hardware store the other night. The fellow was recognized as being the Fame who was recently arrested here on some trivial charge , and who then gave his name as Irvln. Ho gave a different name when arrested in Omaha , Some pocket knives and razors were found with him when arrested , and the property has been identified by Mr. Scott as being part of that taken from his store. The follow was brought over hero last night and jodgcd in jail to await a further hearing. There seems no doubt but thai the police iiavo the right man , or at least one of the right men , "A WIHj'H Honor. " Concerning this play , which is to bo presented at the opera house this evening mil to-morrow afternoon and evening , the Chicago Tribune saya : "A Wife's Honor" is a play written by Lnwruncu Marston. who assumes the leading character of his own piece. The ilay has been produced in I'hiladelphia mil other cities , and has achieved what mist be considered a success of esteem. Its production in Chicago gains addi tional interest from the fact that it Intro- luces to the playgoers Mis.s Lillian Dun- Stan , who has been known favorably hero for some time. Tlie scone of the drama Is laid in Bo- hernia , and the story opens with a sword duel betueen llaron Kotek and Atlrian [ iarrlgn.v , the latter being under the sus picion of having compromised the baron ess , The display of fencing was really excellent , and thii scene interested the ludieneu very much , The incidents that follow urn undeniably dramatic , and the day is quite a surpi'W' , being equal to Im best work of Hartley t/'ampuell Law. . acting , and has good ideas of stage client. Miss Dunsian lias a pleasing prc-Mjnen , an agreeable voice , genuine declamatory energy , and her e.\prc.vsion and feeling are highly commendable. A Ilcncflt To-Night. Till * evening is the great benefit night- oftliu Misses Merkel , and besides the other attractions at the imposition , will be presented the burle qno illusion ] cjijir.-te. entitled "g hfu , " invdieli the following , will be character * : Mar iiuin , MM. Si t .Noble ; Marchioness , Mrs Ward ; Lord Tituf" " , Ml' , 1 , M. Treyn . „ ; A , i i-niic , Miss Barbara Morkoi rriggle.-j. Miss Anna Merkel ; Chortis , MiHsc * 'I iMorin , Palmer , Shouttornoi and Wright ; Messrs. .liulMin , Chambers Mclioo and Cook. In addition to tin above programme Miss Merkel ill alii } ; the popular song , "Market Day. " and Mr. .1. II. Lehear will give us a selection "Moneyless Man , " by Manlon. J. N. Cas ady and wife have returnei from New Movieo , ( ? . W. Fiirbii < < h , of Sidney , Iowa , was at the Pacilie yesterday. Will A. Fisher , of Hod Oak , was union ; , those at the Ogden jesterday. Hohert Currie , the newly appointed postmaster at Underwood , was In tin city jesterday. The boys of a family named .Sanders have not only caused the police a good deal of trouble , but are causing private eili/.ens hardly less. .Sunday they wen begijing from'timiM * to lioitH1 , setulingthe smalleM one to the door to beg for lood , the little fellow crying and acting his part well , and telling aery elcM'i-i story about his folks being sick at home. Tlis is a common hush. ess with thesi boys , and they ha\c the reputation of picking up any article ofalue which they may lind within reach. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans , , J. W. and E. L. Squire , 1 Pearl i-treet. The man O'Farrell , who was arrei ( rtd Saturday night for being drunk , and \vho broke \\indow in Drolieh's store , put up $ .T > for his appearance , and as soon as he got out got drunker still , wan real-rested , and locked up over Sunday. Yesterday morning he was lined , and when the costs uorc figured on to the bill he found that besides the $2. " ) he had do- poiitcd il required just ten cents addi tional to square the account , besides Inning to paj Mr. Drolich for his dam age. Kather expensive experience. Notwithstanding the rainy weather yes terday , people were to be'seen going in all directions with one of those eleirant framed oil paintinirs from W. W. Chap man's art More on Main street. At a meeting of the city council last night all street work wis ordered sus pended , except such as might be ordered by a majority of the council. A resolution was passed issuing § 5,000 of a'--Ohsment ' bonds to pay for filling Seventh and Eighth streets. The paving of Willow avenue was ac cepted and assessments made. The city attoiney reported in favor of paying Walters . " 5'JO for acting as chief of the lire department , although lie was not legally clceted to that ollice. The biJl nis ; allo\ved. The supervis > r was instructed to put in approaches to the bridges on liroadway and Seventh street. It was decided to meet next Saturday afternoon at ! 5 o'clock to elect a chief of lire department and street supervisor. o- 1'rlzo for I 'ni'incrs. A premium for the longest ear of corn from this year's crop. For particulars call on or d'ddress.J. i. Fuller , buyer and shipper of wheat , corn and oats , No. 80 Pearl street , Council Uliill's. If you wish to Inake legitimately from Ten to Fifty dollars per day write to Judd i\s \ Smith , No. ; tl Fourth street , Council BlulK SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTlCi : . Spoclul iiilvoi-tttiMiiuritiJ , micli UH Lost , 1'ounil , To Loan , 1'or Sulo , To Itcnt , WiiutH Hounlinir , utu. , will lie int-oiliul In this I'oluinn nt tlio low Mite oC TKN OKNTH PIIll LINK lor Iho iiistinsoitioHiiiiii KIVI : CINTS : IT.II UNI : for cuoh subso < ) iiorit Insertion. Lcuvu Jiilvurll-o- incuts at our ollico , No. 14 I'ourl utivct , iio.ir JJrouilway. WANTS. WANTii fJhl to do KCMH-I No. ftSi Washinjrlon a\ciiu < . ' . _ _ _ _ 'ANTin ' : A wood Kill tor jjonuiiil lioiifco- uoik ; No. lUfl llaix'rott t-Urct. ? ( ) HKNT A now fovc'ii-iooin lieu o. r.muilio I HKI : Olllcu. FOK Hl'NT A plvrooin IIOIIHO , ton minutes wnllc tiom bii'-lni's-H , city wntur , well nnii cis tern , i''or runt uhi'iip. Koil HKNT No. iyo HnrrNon Ktioct. tlnco IO0111S. ilcMAIION ti Co. , 4 IViul htri'ct. roit SAI.I : , ron UINT on i\ciiAKni : . RJO. KJ I'or snlnni-rrMit , on vnry Hlwial lonim. BH The Cotincll lUulfH 1'iipi'iJllll.coniplfto , with the IIUKO lioaidiiitr lioiifC uud llaro nun's of KlOlllld. No. lit ! A Ijiislno'-s pioporty In Cliorokro , Chcrokoo county , Iowa , will tnulu lor webli'i-u Iniids. Viiluu , nljout fl.OOO. No. ! ! 'l A licautllul homo in tlio town of Ila t- hiKs , JIllls I'ounty , lowti , lor NulmHm luiul. Vuluo. iJ/AK ) . No. 41 A good tiuslncss piopi-rty and also n peed rotfldonco piopurty In the town of Clionri ) . JtoU'an county,111 .low flown lor c.ishor will ; cxfliaiuc tor wettm'nwi. \ \ . No. 17U A Riilondlil larin , wpll Improved , flIO nciOH in Dk'klMMiii county , Jowa , Joining the toun of Spirit Lako. I'rieo , lor n Mmil lime. $ .Tiporneie. I Nil. 1W to Ib7 Aio four Inprovcd fiimiH In 1'lillllpKcounty. KniiMis , um-li with n niniill In- cuinliranco. Tliocqultus will ho oxi'liainjod for unliiuuinlicrodwild land In Nuhrimka. No. Hill 4N ) acres In Holt county , Noli. , imnly liiiiiovid | ) , at u lilif binguln. Wiuits to oxcliatiKu lorinoiX'IniiHll-o. No. 51 A line two story brick ichidi'iicc , ono of the best locations In Council lllullfi. will trade lor ( 'ood niilucunliuiod Kantaa or Noln-UHka liuidrt , Valiio. fI"jKK ( ) . No. Kinnd Jl Arotwo otlior bcnutltul hoimm in Council lllullH , which caelt piiyniriiiB will buy at n Imrjwln. No. m A beautiful suliiiibiin location In Iowa Sty , Iowa , will OAchaiiKo lorc tfin laiuU. Value , $ .1,1100. Tlio nbovo nro only n low of our hprclii ) Imr- KnliiH. If jou'vuifot : ni > IliliiHr lo tiailoor s-nll , ir uantto snll any real c-Htato iiiiMcIiiuxllMi , wi Ho lid.u have bovoinl irood HtouUt , ol > . ' ( ) ( ( ds to trade lor landd. SWAN \ \VAIKiit : , ( 'omuil ! lllullH , Iowa. ONION TICKET OFFICE J , L , De BEYOISE , Agent , No. Un Drondway , Council Jlluiru. I ailway Time Table. COIJNCII , I The followlnsr la Ilio tlino of arrUal and Icpartino of trahm by centra ! Mmuliud tliia1. at ho local dcpntB. Tialns Icavo tnuiiilardupot tun iilnutoB oiii Her und airhulun mlnutus lalor : HM'.VIIT , AI1H1VK. CIIICARO & XORTHWKSTKHN , PiSflA. M . Mull nnd i\ptosii : . fl:50i : > . . 8)10 ) I'.M . Acooiiiinodaiion . 4r > ii' ) . M , CIIICACK ) & IIIICK IHHN1) , li'iA. ; > l . Mull nml i\nct.s : | . OiMi'.M , "il.lA.u . Accommodation . r > Mv. u , fiJ"Ji' : , M . Kxpit s . UI : A. u. CIIICAOO , MII.WAUKiii : Al hT , I'AUI , . Di-JOA. M . Mall and i\picss . U:50i : > , M , ui'ii' : . M . Rvprcss . U05A. ; i. ClllUAH ) . lUllll.l.SOrON * yUlMJV. nUOA. M. . . . Mall and Ihpicbs . 7:10i : > . u , UIJ : ; | > .M . lUpict-H . HJOA. : M. W.MIAHII , t-T , UllllrtA I'ACUIC. L'll.'i I' . II Infill Si , l.oulh KvpicsH Local . JWJ ; l1. n.'J'ninslcr.St. | jiiilslx.'rniii8lcr.i-.t ; ; : ) i * . M K \NhAS crrv. KT. Joi : & COUNCIL , m.urts. )0lii"A.iI . Mull utid i\iuc58 . r.'H"- UU5i' : . w . . , K\pivti ) . ( ) : L'5A , W. Kinuxfirv t IMCIKIO. ? il5A , . . . . .Kiouv City Mull . fliOi : : > . M , UO IM . , , BI. Pmil i\pics : . HiJA. i. U.MDN I'ACIHU. 11:00 : A. > i . lluincr i\pius : . 4Lf : : > i > . M. IV : ( > r. M. .Uncolii | 'UM.III. ) i : It V. : .T , iu. . T41r.u. ; . . .Dvi'iluiul i\pioss. . . . bKA.u. : ) IIUMUV 11I.U.NSTI ) DUAIM. Ix > avu Council Illutrs TU : < 7.Vi UrIU : : 11:4(1 : ( u. m.s lkt : ; : : u > : iXl : ! lrJH 5 : 11iv : 11:4.1 : p. in. l.rmi' Oiiiiiliii- il-.i'-7i'i-H -OiUO l | lliliu. in : UW-i-juu-UiW-ilV-liO-5M. : : : : I I Council Bluffs Carpet Co. O-'i-etoufc N nmv > rimijiliifo In wcrv il"wrt- uieiit mill conliilii * nil tlio latest of ) Ir-mmlu.u > cts la CARPETS , CUJt'CA INS , S/fA 7)J28. UPHOLSTERY GOODS , irru , irro. run- Largest Stock AND- Lowest Pricec , Tin : ONLY ix'iuBi\T. : o.\ni'ir : IIOUM : IN WISTIU.V IOWA. PAM1T.KS fm-nMifil 11)1011 ) npplliMitlon loon of town iiarttiK. FIKE UPHOLSTERY W011K TO ORDUB Council Bluffs Carpet Company 403 IfAXR'G-OODS \ . D. BENEDICT'S ' . No. JCI7 Ihoadttiiy , 'Council ' IllnlTA Hair Good's of all Kinds Made to'Order. Hair G-oods of all Styles Beady Made. No. 337 Broadway. Thorough Instruction on the Piano and Organ WE CULTURE 10 THEORY I'orsonsdc-itrous of rccclvlii'-r Instruction the above \viil ploiiiu call on or address Prof , G , 0 , Lipfsrl , No MO Kh > t Avciuio , Council lllulls , lomi. DBESSMAKING- , CUHING AND FITTING. rorinerly of New- York , fo. ! H 1'earlSticci. - - Council lllutTs , Tomi B. A. BBHEBIGT , , U AJINT ; ] AVENPORT LADDEB COMPAIY All Ftylos of Ijiddors conflanlly In flouK inndo ' 10111 t-piiicu plni ) plunk , Tin ; very he.-1. Vo. 19 Pearl St. , - Council Bluffs IJ's Hook ytoro. ONLY . .HOTEL . 111 Council Ulillld ImvliiK \ndiill modem Improvciiiluits , cnll Ixilh , tire ilium bulls , clc. , ihtnU TOzr HOUSE / Nos. ! ilf , SlT aiuR'r.'Main ' ' SI rent , M.i-X 'MOIIN ' , 1'ioprlotor. toes , Ffizzes/ / ! : Switches , Etc , HAIR GOODS. HAMl'OOl.NG , 11AIU UKUSS1NU , AND CUTTING. HAIR GOODS. la jgs cut Pimuuloiir | , lAiiirtry or Other Stylet. HAIB GOODS. > ms. v. i. . mi. , . . ; 29 .Main Hi , , Council II Bf. "SCHTTBZ , Justice of the Peace. Ollico O cr Amci-ltau I'xprcsj , COUNCIL ilLUi-Trf. 10\VA. THE OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE O3T ITnvo removed totdolr Now Store , fc 32 < y ain and 33 & 35 Pearl Sts , NEXT DOOR SOt'TH OF TUB I'OSTOFFK'B , Wliero they liavo put in a now block of /n / ' 3 Ladies' ' and Gents Fiimislig Goods , Etc , , Elc , Among which are the following lines : Hats and Caps , G-loves and Mittens , G-ents' Neckwear , G-ents'Underwear. ItoOTS AK1 > SllOUS , TltUNKS AND VAUSKS , Mo.NAltClt L'lNi : SllllirS Lndtcft9 Children's and MI'MCS' Undcriveur * Hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , Ladies' Valises , Blankets ana Flannels , llockford Carpet Warp in all Colors. JOHN BENO & GO , , No. l2 ! and ! M Main Street , Council HlulT No. BU and 83 Pearl Street. i RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES & ARTICS , RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING- , Immense Stock , Eastern Prices Duplicated Send for [ ihisfrafed Cafatague. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. eo nnd Salusruom , 11 N. Mnlu St. , Council JJlulTs , Iowa , llroiulwuj. "VST. IP. llrlok liuilillnjfR of nny Wail vnt il or moved nml satisfaction gttiuunteuil. IVniuo houses move on I.lllli : ( limit trucks tlio boat in tlio world. 1011) ) Kill ST. , COUNCIL m.UKI"8 , IOAW. 200 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each. Cltonp Cook Stove's mill ( Jcniiriil HOUEU rurnlshlnj ? Kooils , includliiK Now nnd Ei-cund Hiind Kil nituio. BY M. DROHLICH , 608 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. THE NEW YORK. 552 BROADWAY. COUNCIL I5LUKFS , - - - IOWA. iraulG ! ! Enghieers , Milo and EVIyafe Sysfoms of W l r woiks ami VontUtition ilesigiioil anil coii tnii-tcd. I work in all lUs branclioB.'J'hia company Imvo mio of tlio best assorted htock.i of iiluinbiii goDils in the weit JvStillllltl'S flimlbllOll. J1AU11V nillKINlJINK , Manager Now York Plumbing company t > 52 Hroiul way Council Hind's , Telephone No 27. R. BICE , M. D. " or oilier tiimcii-H icmovcd without thn l.nlfo ordiawlnif ol' hlood. CHRONIC DISEASES r * " > < iH iniijr. Over thirty jcni-n' practical oxpoiionco. Ollico , No. II 1'ciirl Slieiit , Oiuiicll lllulTti. IBerCo.NHUl.TATION FniiU , rnos. OITICER. M. W. II. I'USI.T , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , ' ; J , IKJi. 342 and 344 BROADWAY. RETAIL DEPARTMENT tas FaJ ! Wm\w \ Wear i' and Hoys' nuslnoss 8nlt . Minis' and Hoys' Dross Bulls , Chlldicns' livcrvllav and Jrus ) Sultfl. inertDals lor Mon , Hoys and Chlldicn. Jlciciiiint Tailor Knlls. ; Jii'i chant Tailor Overcoats. , Jlrichant Tailor TrowMirs. iiiiiil to the liiiht , to outer , At half the piico. Kat Mciis1 Hulls and Overronti. Lean JIoiiM1 Hulls and Ovtrcoats. 1'iit Jtens" TrowFoj-s. Fcainlcss ShlitB and Trowficis In Pcotclivool9 , Modlcalcd tjcailots , llxtia Heavy Ilnllirlx-jrans , 1'iinoy Cxiloiod Wools mitl mi.\ed ijuiUUIc. ' ) , lioin Ka each to 4.r < 0. DUNLfiP flrlD STETSOH HATS ron Tim KAI.I , OF inaj. - ooorss G-loves , Neckwear , Suspenders , Handkerchiefs , Collars And Cuffs , Of tlitt flues fiualltius and reasonable prices. RETAIL DEPARTMENT Ilroadivny , Council IlltillH , Iowa , JACOB SIMS , A Prnctluei In SUte ami l > Vik'iil : courts. tjja. i a i i j , Ja-i , * . . . < : Bono iljocli. JVco fivm Oplatfg . , Mmctir.t anil A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE For t"oiiKli , Hni-o Throat , Jlom-Mnis Iiifluonl * , ColdItronrliHU , 'rou [ , Whooping C'mislN AM limn , Utility , l'uti ln Clil-nt , nnlniKr nmxttoni flt > 9l'lir < int n I l.nnc 1'rlcp fiOnt n tioltt.- . Sold liv DrnriMMi flnil IffM < prf. l\trttr * iinnMf liimlrrit > ie.f > ! fJi. < Ini.nx'itl grill ffri'ifnurlllr v/rifw / fiofUf , f Jfj " > fruiting nut dollar to T.1B tlltULr * A. Witltttt COnrAM , ! > < li > U iiir < > nMliii.r lottery ( A OOVKHNMHNT INSTITI'TIOV. ) , Drawn at Havana , Cuba. Cvcrv 10 to 14 Days. Tickets la null * . WlioUio , ? " , . Vintlloim pro inm. Subject to no tniinliiitiitou | ! , tint conlrolU.'d liy tlio purlliM In iiitKi-o t. It ! < tlio tuhe t thingIn Ilio iiuliiio ul I'luimi' In e\NliiiU'O. Kor tlckolM upplj lo 8I1I1 SHY .V CO , 1213 llinnilnii ) , N. Y ni > : iM. O1T12.NS.V CO. , Ulitilln tieel , Hiuisns City , Mo. EXCELSIOR. GKI THEWGRLD. . % H < > W'36s&vs5 4pn fe ft3 f ff8 Ifew BpffifeS te IACAZINEw - * -w , SuiTimitdod by V/atcr. Send for Dcscrlptho Circular. COWING & CO. , 14th and Doclgo Sts.f OMAHA , NEB. , Qon'l Aeentf. for JCVlmmVn , Daliotn tinil " - luuiu A iilereof mine , nlnoyonr * ! npo , " * n\yn \ 1) . 3IllllK(3ii , \\oll-kiioivn piitillBiier Oil ( 'otni ( , ' Ilciu'lln , " ils tiiKi-n at tliico inoiilliH lioiu lUt coiiixiinipllvo inothci-'H HUMS oniuclii'eil ' , mill pliicuil on llKlsu's I'ood oAC'lnsivolj. Atonro , It cuiiiincni'cil to Kiiin , mid uu t-oon ; ilunip mm lioullliy ; unit tlio child Bill ] llvus. " rtueh tostl- inony IM this bliowii lx * > onit nil cnvil its true vuluo. 13 1IHFAH.IHO ACT PtlULllBLO iNcimiso SEVER FMLsZ > 2 < Epiiej > tie . - 3 , , ' ; p3ins , Fullln ? slckuesfl , Con- vulstoiiSt.Vitr U3 Dance , AIco- liolism , Opium Eallnp , Seminal A\eJnc luipotcucjSjphilis , Scrofula , and all Nervous and DIood Diseases. rocrKyinen.ai-yur1enicii , Jlcrchants , Bankers , Ladica unil all ulioso BCdciitnry employment causesNun ouslYOT- tratIonIrrrKulnrltic3oftlicl3Iood,8toinacli , llowclaorKidnojs , orwlio rofiulrc ancrvo tonic , appetizer or fithnuluut , Samaritan Nervine is invaluablo. _ Thousands proclaim it tl'oiuns \voni3crful InvJgor- nnt that ever sus- tern. 41.50 ut Dru gists. For testJmo- uiala anil circular * ' ccud nUini ) . THE DR. S. A. BICHJIO.VD KEBHSB l'01PA ! y , ST. josEPir , i\ro. \ CorrcppuiiOcncc fuely unswrrcd by riiyfllcltne. For Icstnnonlili nnd rlrrnl.irn Frnrl etoinp. KOR SALIBY : U.F. GOODMAN" . WHO H UNACQUAINTCD WITH THE nfOQIlAriir OT Till * COUNTRV Will 6EE UY CXAMIMfiQ THI MAP THAT THC f&1S& > BW.T ' i.-.i.iiJ'.1i | * A Lw i"i\jj' ' CHICAGOROGi' ISLAIJQ & PACIFIC H/IILWAV / llf rtii oniriu rrnlrnl iio > lllnii mill ilnro ulatlutiCa nil prlnoliinl Hum l'.a > t Mil IVri-l nl Ililllnl nii'l ( , T. inlnal iiohitM , I'oiMlllntu Urn nio.f lniiijifiinL | nil- rnlillni'MI il link III Ihnl n.Mn l Iliiiiiurli llu > riiir. | Intltill lih li 111 % II , 4 nml f i llllitfti * | | MCIIII | llurlo liiMncriirlllpunr IIu AHinilu nml r.irltl" CumlH It Ij nUuilmriKuiito nml | H > I xiulv In nml frnin I'lilnlt ' ' IHllllU IVu-t. ' .Sillllnu l. The Cront Rocl < Island Routa niinrnnli'Fi In mtrnni Hint nunut rmr.n.l Ji > fii. rltjr Atluiilwl In MilM lluii < iiii.-lilt liilln.lnf r ni | . ! ' , " ,1 " " , ' , ' " 'j'1" ' "r V'-iillii'i" ' ' " IM ! mil. nij lnii- . llallr linlli < nlv.-ri. nml In iiKtM. ii.nint MI.MI ni nnir l Tfirllni u' liunitii rl.j | | inn iiuiki. II. Mi , , .afriv " " - i.f Mil-IllI'llllil * I liiiriMliiNflllil.l , I'tnlfS. , ' ' 'll" ' ? 111 * ' ' " " ' lll plU. . ' . . MVi'l" lTi'i'i"l ' " " ' ' * ( II , , ( | ! , { | Su3 ? ! , U'J" i" ! ' r' " ' ' " " " "il i.- ' . " . , imo.Vr . , J ! iilgKlfsssssi . . . . ' .i,1,1 , , , : ! r.T. . . - . Vf , '