Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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Agricullural Implements !
UNlNGliu A Mim'AU' CO. , "
Whole nlo
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Offto , turner Dili und I'ncilloBto , Uinnlm , .Vot !
Wholesale Ocnlors In
/.gricnltnral / Implements , Wagons
nnil llupglc'4 , Omaliii , Nub.
Boots and Shoes ,
w. ' vrMbYis n & co
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1411 Fnrnmn Street , Omahn , Nob. Manufactory
Bummer Street , Huston.
. . Cirpels ,
P. A.'offcHAHD.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
KnttlnKH , Cnrlnln ( Jond * , Clo. . . 14UI l-'nrnnm
Street , Omnlm , Neb.
_ _ _
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , 21.1 S. Ktli Ht.,0nmlm. Nell. Ynrcls , Oil
iiiul DavenpuitBtieetH.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Best varieties. Office , 2111 H. inthBU UVlepliom
No. me , Omnlm , Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SiI4 8.13th Kt. , Oinalia. Neb.
( lri > . C , TOWI.K , President.
i. PATTKIIHON , Fee. ami Tr
rroprlotor. MamiRor.
Kebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
817 S. Mill .Street , TelcpllOllO 43.
Gr.o. V. T.AiiAnn , I'rci. C , r. f IOOUMAN , V. Pros.
J. A. StJMiKIU.ANK , Etc , mill frons.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobl.ciH of Imnl uiul soft ( oiil , uUH. l.lth bt. ,
Utnuliii , Neb ,
Hard and Soft Coal.
, RxcluclviMlealerHln Houlder Coloiado Coal'J17
t-nuth lltli Flreet.
CofTce and Spites.
cLAUKK'nubs. &CO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tens , foireiiH , Fplees , lliiklnir 1'iiwiler riitvoi-liiff
H , Laundry llltio , Ink , ete. 1 Ill-IB Ilitr-
, Otimlin , Neli.
Commission , Etc.
IlltANCH & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Vanillin ft , Omaha. Apples-Our own pack-
l-lutt.Vlo 'H TlKcr llrmiil Oybturn , llntter ,
, name , 1'oullry , I'uttitneH.
General Commission Merchant ,
rroiluco , I'rovlsloac , I'rultH , I'loiiraml Keeil , 10T >
K. Htli St. , Onmlm , Neli. Coiisl iiuients KilicltLsl.
Iteturns iiunlo promptly.
IX'IS ) ! ' Iir.l.Unt ,
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
M ) , Puiibtifif" ) , Fruits , llutciuiis Tools mul
Siipplfi" > . 1215 Jones St. , Oiiuilni , Nob.
General Commission Merchants.
FwciAi/niai Hutter , Etfirt" , I'orolirn nnd To- )
nicstle KrullH , US 8. Htli. , Onmlm , Nub. Tele
phone Nu. il'.i.l '
D. A. : < uuinr ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter , "Rei : * anil Produce. A full line of fitono-
* 'uro. Consltimients ! bollelted , 1414 Doilgu St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , V.PKP , Cliiuw ) nnil Country Produce son-
orally , iKiU S. litli St. , Oinulia , Null.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
licfritrcrator and I'aclilnuf Mouse ) , lUh .V I/cavon-
win-til St. , on IT. P. It. It. Truck , Oinalia , Nob.
Hstablisliexl 1870.
General Commission ,
14th Bt. , Oiuiihu , Ntib. Bpeelilltlcs-Buttcr
, I'onltry nnd ( jumo.
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
I'rudui'u und Provisions , Onmlm , Nub.
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
Fruits , i-oedii uiul Produce. No'lit S. lUth Street ,
Omaha Nebraska.
[ tone ; and Commission Merchants.
KU , .viur.ApiiU.'S.KIonunaru.Clilor.Vliiejmr ,
( iuiKH beeilK. lliitfnr nnd KiTKtt , :1KI : uiul llin .South
jih ; ; Blreot , Onialia , Nobnislai.
wlKI ) ] : . rAN & ro , ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Hutter , tliimo , Kriilti , I'.lo. ill ) 3. 14th
St. , Omaliii , Nohr.ihlnu
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
lleatp , l.nnl , Jellies , llnttor. Knot , Cheese , Etc.
No. i J.r > B. IMi St. , Omaha , Nub.
> nitos. ,
f v General Commission Merchants ,
I JiOO Ilodgo fitruet , Omaliii , Nob. CaiiBlunmcnts
w. i. . witinirr ,
Agent for tlioMuniifactiiroiij and Tmporterii
Crockery , Glassware ,
ChlmiMi.\K , Ktu. Ollli'o , :117 : South 13th
btroul , Omnha , Nub.
Dry Goods ,
J. .7. 1IUOWN & IXJ. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1U3I Dougltw Street , Omaha , Nob.
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
I.tnons , Ijioes , Kiiilii-olilory anil Wliito floods ,
t , Omaha , Nub. _
Lngines ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Fliitloimry and porlnlilo eiiKlnes , bolloiannd
thi't't lion \ oil ( , Wilsons. iwrlouUimil imiilo-
niuntB , piiiiinn.cto.Jlsil-lSl5 ! U-uvinnvjiuli ht. _
[ ish , Etc ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importer * or I'orelirn richNo * . Hfll3 Jones
Htiect mill U. T. Track Oimilm , Nob.
Flour , Etc ,
. dr.O. UlCIIAIIIlhON ,
Wholesale Flour ,
, 510 nnd BIS I'linco Sti eel , Omnliii , Ni'b. '
U A. BTPAVAHT & ( X ) . ,
Wholesale Flour Dealers ,
Anil nmnulacluiL'i * nl' Illuminating und T.ubrl-
em tug Oils.
iiiti'No Tnirci ; . Jit. ,
Ain'ii ( lor.l iMIotriuayrftCo. ,
Harnficlurftrs of Highest Grades of Flour
l > ) lkOl.i M < ' II I ll'll'Mt.VllUtlOlltO ,
] I i iiii.Oumhu , NuU.
AV. J , WKLSIf ANS & CO. ,
Y/holesale / Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Mnnulnelnrernor . ,1. WpHinn & Co.'s fulcfc
I Jnl ! m Iluckwlicnt Hour nnil proprietors Omnlm
City .Mills , eor. tth nod I'aninm Strtots , Omnlm.
Furniture ,
, _ _ _
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre ,
Pnrnnm Otreot , Omaha , NoK
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 nnd 111. : Doiii/las StrretOmnlm , Noli.
KTnTciIAl'MAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tfilmctxi and Smokers' Aillclrs. 117 : ! llowanl St.
\Yholesals \ Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spleen , Clgnt * nnd Tobacco * . 1317 and 1319 Douj ? '
las Street , Onmhtt , Nell.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd I'aninm ftreei.s , Omnhn , Xol ) .
1'AXTON , ( ! AMAillKll""cai
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. ' , ( . , Tu7,7UU and 711 S. Kith St. , Omaliit , Neb.
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Pprlnp * , Wniinn Btoek. llanh.'ooil l.ntnber , etc.
il K ] 1 llarney urect. Oinalia , Neb.
iiNiv : : .t GinuoN ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Currhwo Wood SlooU , Heavy lliniltvnrc ,
Ktu. I'JITiiml U'lU l.i.'iivcnwoi-th Street , Omaha ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Sfoohanles' Tool * , and llnllalo Sealfs. 1105 Doug-
lai Sticet , Omuha , Nob.
T.EI : . YmrinTcili
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware ,
lion , r.te. AhcnN I or Houo Pcales nnd
Jllainl I'tmilur t'o. , Omaha , Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
, Guiles , Ilras-s KOO < K lltll ami l J I'm *
HKtrrouvu.ur.LMY co. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Steel NalK Cor. Kith nnd llnrney
Streets , Omaha , Neb.
WM. DiiuiNC : : ! & co..CHICAGO ,
Mnmil'acturcrof the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. Ixnlnun- , General Agent ,
Omaha. Telephone 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
.lob.cis ! In lion 1'ipo , Iron llttlng-s , Iron and
llrass Goods. KiiKhieerH * Supplies. Htli and
DiHlKV .StiiKits , Omaha , Neb.
A. 1 , . STltANO COMI'ANY ,
Pumps , Pipe and Engiues.
Stenin , Water , llailway and Mlllintr Supplies , Etc.
irjli , 1CJ niil tr > | I'arnani St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies. Headiitiartur : ! for
Must , I'oost CO.'B Gooda. 1111 I'arnani Street ,
Omalin , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
In SlUerware , niinnonil . Wntcho ,
( lockn , .Tewelera' Tools anil Materials , Kto. , 101
nnd ltd , IRtli Street , Cor. DodKO , Oinului , Neb.
Leather. Hides. Etc.
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
lilt Jmk-on : Street , Omnlm , Neb.
Whole Uo
Leather Hardware
, Saddlery ,
Saddlery and Shoo PliHliuir * . Hides , Wool , KIIM ,
I'olia , Grea'-o ' , Tallow , Ctr. , Omaha , Nub.
Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yiirdiitfo Chawed.
dope to IT. 1' . Iltldwe. Special iicconiinoilntlnn
and a nooil maiUel lor liogs. K. C. Ciiicr | , Manu -
u er. OMico. UiJU South 6th Street.
Live Stock Commission
Geo. ItiuKe , Maunder.
Union Plock Yards , S. Oiimha , Neb. Tele.
W. K. 1IKOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Onieo K.Nchaniro liulldlntr. Union Stock Yaids ,
South Omaha , Nub. TelepnoiiuNo , 00.1.
Live Stock Commission ,
[ Inlnn Stock YanH , Chlea o , III. , nnd Otnnhn ,
S'eb. I'riink Chltteiiilen.ManaKerOmaha llraneh.
rulephonu No. 'Ml K tullI.-liiHl ) IFd. .
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Address all eommnnlciiUonK to us at Union Stock
Yuids , Soutli Omnlm. Advuneos made on Mock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1' . lloycl , Superintendent.
Lumber , Etc ,
"ixitiis ii
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
! 9li , Doors , Klo. Ynuln Cor. 7tli anil Ioiirln9 ) ( ,
Cor. lltli anil Douglas.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
K , Malr VVoili ami Interior Hani Wooil
'Inlsli. .liibt openeil. N. i : . cur. till anJ t/eiiveu-
Miith Uti-ccts , Oinulia , Neb.
Y/liolesale / Lumber ,
It 8. lltb Stiinu , Omaha , Nub. K. Colpot/er ,
C. N. DI15TZ ,
Lumber ,
13th anil California Btrcot , Omnlm , Net ) .
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Oth uml DoiiKlaB tnccts , Omitliii , Nob.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oiimlm , Nohriitikiu
Hardwood Lumber ,
Ptock , 1'iinoy Woods , Ilriilxo TJinbora ,
Ae.H. W. Cor. Plh uml Dontflas.Omahu.Neb.
(1. P , I.YMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
HuliaiiiK I'npur , Kte. l iiitli lath Street , Omulm ,
Nebraska Lumber Co.
Vnld In Capitul Stock.XK,000. .
T/oj-fi-siiiiiiiu ( ) ruetuifrs mul wbolesalo Oenl-
ein. Mlllmil MerilllVU. . Wliolesalo anil retail
UUtlUailliuourU.Oiimlni , Xeb. Ml K. VHIi St.
Dealers In All ICImla of
Building Material at Wholesale. ,
L1. l' . It. IL U. Ti uek , Onmlm Neb
Wholesale Dealer in Lnmlier ,
COtli nnd Iwinl Slrtela , Omnlm , Nehn kii.
.1. A. WAKKKIKI.T ) .
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
Ittillillnff l'aper . Si"h. . ToorIlllnd ) * . Mould-
Inn * . Plelict * . Pi > l ( , Mine , Vh. ler. Hair ,
Cement. Ninth nnd .tones , Oatahii. Neb.
i. oniitrii.i : : r.ii.
Importing mid .Tolilipi-tof
Millinery and Notions ,
12lJnm1 ! 1JH llnnioy Street. Oinabii , Ncli.
Musical Instruments.
innoiM : & IKK : KMN ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Plcltnvay Plonil.-i. Welier. llecltcr. Halite * ami
llrlw * Pianos. I'acl.unl Organs , " ' -
lulanil ltd 13ili street.
Notions , Etc ,
Wholesale Jo ! ) Lots ,
Dry Dond , Notions. Gent" ' 1 "iirtil lilnal Gooila.
Goods from New York. Tiude Miles dally. n *
und WW South 13th St. , Onmlm.
C7s. ( SOOliltlCH & "CO ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
Druggists' and Stationers' Sundries , 14 to 1'iU'-
nntii , Omaha , Neb.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4Hantl ( 4C ( > S. lllth St.,0nmha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Gents' Pur-
nlshlnff Gooils.
Oils. Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Oaiolllie , Mien A.\ln Gref-e , T.te. A. II. H
Mtmnjier , Omaha , Net ) .
Pork Packing.
' '
jAMng i : . ito'vn ,
Pork Packer and Shlppar ,
Omaha , NebrasUa.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Oflleo Union Marl.etlril7 Doilfre Mieet. Packing
house , U. P. It. It. Truck , Omaha , Neb. Tele
phone No. 157.
Safes nnd Locks ,
P. iiovr.ii .v co. ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
Pirn ami Dui-Klarl'ioof Salev.Titiio loel < , Vaulls
anil Jail \voik. Ktll I'armnn utieel , Omaha , Nob.
jVvANrt ? : ,
Y/holesale / and Retail Dealer in Seeds
Aprlcnltuiiil Veuctablo , Odil PollnwM' Mall ,
N. W. Cor. 14th uml lloilijp St. , Omaha , Neb.
Drugs , Etc.
11. T. of.AHin : i ) nd COMPANY ,
Wholesale Drdggists ,
Eobbersof PaintOils. . Window ( Jlass Kto. , Hit
Jlniiiny Street , Onmha , Neb.
Wholesale Druggist ,
And Dealer in Paints ; . Oils and Window Glass ,
Omaha , Neb. ,
V/incs / and Liquors.
KKANK DKU.ONI ; .t co. .
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
l-.1t ; and U1H Dounhis St. . Omaha , Nob.
l-'aetiirlt" , No = i. I inuiKHJdDlbt.N. : ! Y.
G1'.O. W. DUNCAN ,
Successor to MeN \ MAIIDITNCVN , Importers
and Wholesale Dealers in
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
211 and UK B. Htli St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wines and Liquors.
Weeto n Agent.Io . Pehlllx Iliowlus Co. 719S.
1Mb Stieet.Onmhn.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
l' l Doiit-'his Street , Oimilm , Neb.
ll.EK & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And I.liiuors. Solo manul'tioturer.s of IJnnni'dy's
llai-t India Hitters. Illllnrney Street , Omuha ,
L. I1. I.AHSON .V CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers \Yhiskies \
And Clears and General Agents lor the Philip
llests' celebrated Milwaukuo lleer , Omaha , Neb.
Harness , Ltc.
WIITY : & LANDitonc ,
Manufacturers and Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Goods , llhuikotH ami Itobes. 14'il I'liriuun
SSeet , Omuha , Neb.
Now York , Oct. 11. MoxiiY Easj
PitiMi : PAi'i-.n KVW.
KNOIIANC.I ; Hn.i.s Actlve and unchanged.
( .5ovii\'MKNTH Active and stroiif , ' .
bi'iiriisluic active than on any jireced-
lii1 day this year. Up to l o'clock tfm market
was decidedly stioiif , ' , advancing Jiomjfu to
l-'fc ' , the latter Pnclnu JIail. In Urn amount
of business done Western Union led the
\vholu list , solliiij. ; from We at the opening to
74 ] o. to which itdeell ed In early dealings.
; o ' 0Ve before noon. Union Pnclllc jalncd
Ij c and Allbsoiul Paclllo l-'Vio. Other Cionld
sioeks made advances of only small fractions.
rinomhout the altoruoon the niailtet WJIH
Irrofiitlrtr , active , feverish , and at timo.s ih1-
eidodly voak , ' 'losing : ultli about bait tlie
letlvu list hlKlior and the other half lower
than Until prices Saturday. Western Union
\va.sMioni ; on rumors of an mulcahloarranui- !
nentwUh the Baltimore & Ohio. The truth
) f Hits rumor , however , Is olllclally denied.
Notwithstanding the earnings of the North-
\\ohtern for the tirst week In October sli i\v an
ncreiiso of 871.MX ) compared \vltn the saimi
week last j oar , the stock was about baiuly
steady iittlio oponlnt ; litrures until iiftcrnoon ,
ulicn Itsold oil l'ic. ' There was a dccreaso
n Chlcaiio iV : Alton earnings for the lir t
week of OotolHT ot SH.7W ) .
V pent bonds. . . IWIMC. ttN. W
D. 8-JU'u . lia l Pieferred.
Vow fa . laajifx. Y. o
aclllQll'sof 'Itt. 12 i OrpKon Ti-iin. .
Central Pacific. . KlW.icliic JIail
20' '
7ft ?
bO ) |
Now York , Oct. I1.1. Wheat-Finn ; ro-
cpljils , lai.nou ; exports , 1:11,0110 : ; ungiade * !
l , tWcGiSl 01 } ; : No. U iPd , ! Mu ; No. 'J red.
n elevator , llk'f SlOOj Noxpiubpr eloblnirat
o ; December closliiK at Sl.
levalor ; November closing at 605 u ; Io-
wndM'r , 40 ife
Oats > < ff * fo lower , eloslng ateady ro-
fpllits , IBS.,000 ; nxpoits , 10,000.
Potiolcinn Steady ; United closed at
Kfflr * Firm ; western , 20Vir2i ( p.
Pork Stonily ; mew , 89 60 ; clear back
I ard Qulo.t and nshaila lower ; western
steam , SOtfJ QOUS ; Deeeuiber , SO yt
Hnlter Kino \\o ( cnu 7ni"e (
lint , ' >
Illuniikoo , Oct. 1'A Wliwnt Lower ;
cash , ! ssci NiVOinUtr ( M > 'te ; li > ecinber ,
HI ' . . < . *
CornsipRih : Nit. '
. .
ll.vlnll . < : No. lw
Uarlpy Uailorj No. p , rlise.
; 'uip.w pork , oaslt and
NO\PIIIMT ! , < < w ) ; January. S wv.
Cltiuliinntl , Oct. IS. Wheat ( Jood d ( -
l < - Otllct
I.-inl-l'iilt ilcmaml al SMrji r.
" " Nk > ( julet anil lirm tit iil milnlshcd \
on u I n > ls ofifcl O ; ! .
Oct. , -\VIpnt-Clopil
stroll ) ; ; No. 1 hud. : cash and October. Oii e ;
Nou'iuber. l l 4o : Docpmlvr , irHe : May ,
81 Ois ! ; \o. 1 noithern , and Ocloln'r ;
SI'jV ' : No\embei , b8e ; Divembci , ! KV ;
May , M'e.
Klour Kinu : patents held at 5& av 5 00 ;
liO < S f' . "
, . ,
ShiimenlWheat. | . W.OOi ) ; Hour , : UOOO.
Wheat In sloie , : ir > olo7. : !
Uveritool , Oct. 1'J. Wheat Quiet nnd
sternly ; hnhloit * offer spai Ingly ; new winter
and spring. 7s Id.
Coi n StiMily and uuclmnired ; 4s 71 , d spot ;
4q 7d October and Novoiuber ; 4s ti'ul lo-
Tolodti , Oct. Ii AVhoiit-Qnlelnnil linn ;
No. 'J sott. e.ish and Oclob.'r , JHP p.
Corn null and easy ; cosh and October ,
4.V ,
Oats I'lrni ; cash and October. a7f4'o.
KiinsiiH City , Oct. la. Wheat Lower ;
77ebld , 7t'e asked ; November , 7ii'ie ' ; Decem
ber. Hl 4o.
Corn tu lot : 'K c for ca.ih ; October nomi
nal ; t lie % ear , 'JtSo bid.
Oats Nominal ; -Ic asked.
St. IonK Uniettlod and
lower , olosliiK 'Si BHCiiiiiprSaltirda'\soIo..e | :
raGlN lor owh : ; tw-V lor No\embirSl ; ; Ot,1 ) ;
Coin Slow and * s'Tp ( lower : fiflfo for
Hi'o ; : ' for October ; ! 'h'c for November ;
! Kl' < o for the j oar.
Oats ICasier and a shade ofl' ; S45i@aoVc
foronsOi : ai. ' . ; lor May.
live I-'asv at/i'-e. /
ArinitooHoAitit. . Wheat Firm.
Corn Steady.
Oats Nominal.
Clilono , Oct. 12. Flour Firm ami about
Wheat Unsettled but active : opened
Miomr , paM-d oil' ijuickly'o , ruled stronir ,
advanced " , 'c. WU IM | oil . 'e. iiupnnod IVo ,
and closed ! ' ' ( ! over Satuiday ; SS' < ( itMi' u
cash : ssjhp October ; Wi''e No\ombor ; iKi'.iO (
' .I-.V Doopinbor ; trJ\'c January ; 'M MHu
May ; No. a led , Ui > > .
Coin Steadier and a shade firmer ; October
niUancod < c , other fututes varied sliL'litly
nnd eloped uleady : 4o. ! ! easli ; 4'JVt"-l'J5ie Octo
ber ; 4l 4fn4lVio November ; : )74c ) ? jear- ; : ! " ' ;
Janiiarv : iirj di-VS1 May.
Oals Dull anil IIO.TN.V. clostnc Js' 'fe un
der tiatnnlay : a-T/o ea h ; a.'i4oi'A' | > ; ltf | Octo
ber : a.v < fe November ; a.e December ; attJiftO
air11 M
Hye-uict ) at We ,
llarlov ( Jnlot itti' o.
Timolh\ Quiet and easy ; piimc , SHV5@
1 ( i7.
FJaxsped In fair demand and J < c lower ;
No. 1 , SI HI. , , }
Poik Very ( piiet , ruled hKMOc lower and
eloscd steady at medium li uros : ASSJOfitSafi
cash : fiSVP-iftiaao October and November ;
$ ? S l.f' ) ' a < ) veiir ; SSHOr'ii't ' \ 10 January.
HulkMe.its SI ou'den ' , ? : i wiftil 7.1 : short
clear. S5bOun.\-i ( : Miortiibs. PAi : " ' < ; < . .r10. .
Whisky Nominally at $110
Hutter Steady and in lair demand ; i ooil
to fat" v cieamery , alXfi ( : > le ; good to choice
dairy 1 f ) liie. . . '
Clic.L e Quiet nud Mcadv : choice full ehi'ddars , KWCSOe ; Hats. ' . > ' , . , ( < / ' ) % ;
Yomi } ; Americas , ' . ' ( jUUc- : skims ( < i. } { c.
Kaiis Unchanged at l'J@l'.tj < e.
Hides UueliHiifrod ; licavv ween salted ,
fully cured. 8e ; light , 81Adaminred. : . ( V ; bull
bides ( V : dry salted , ll U c ; dry Hint , " " "
, .
Tallow UuchaiiKed ; No. 1 , country. 5e.
Hweinti. Sliimuents.
Flour , bbis 14.0W 14.000
Wheat , bn 1.0Ht ( : .000
Coi n. bit IfO OiTO SfiO.OOO
Oats , bn 177.000 325,000
n\e.bli 10.000 4,000
Uarlpy. bu W.OOO 31,000
cnso , Oct. 12. The Drovcrh * Journal
rci n1s :
Cattle Hecelpts , 8,000 head ; pouorally
steady ; shlpplnu'steei-s. 8-lOCrf(100 ( ) ( ; stockers
and 'f edeis. ? : ! ( Ki'/400 ) ; cows , bulls and
mixed. Jt 75CMOO ; thioush To.xans S2CM&
,7. " ) ; wostprii i-iiiiRers lirm : natives and ball-
bieods , .V 75C f."i 10 ; eow.s WK'MOO ; vinterod
T xans. ssia5Crci75. : :
llo s Heceipts , 'J3)03 , ( ) ; onened weak but
lirm , roiuih and iui.\ed. S.'l : ! % ( (10 ( ;
nnd shliiplnj , ' , fro.W lOO ; skips ,
: > . .
Sheep Hoecipts , 400 ; rather weak ; natives ,
& -200f - lKestern ( ) ; , S'J Wc ) S)0 ( ) : Texans ,
SI 7 : < 't.:500 : ; Iambs , per head , SI 7.y : iOO.
The Drovers' Journal special Liverpool
table siiys Ameiicaii cattle won1 about steady ,
bestfirades briiiKiiiK U'e ' dieted wulKht.
KIIIIKIIR Oily , Oct. 12. Cattle Kecclpts ,
2.400 ; hblpiiients , none : quiet : exMiters | )
? ri.a.n.'i.m ) ( : common to choice sliippini , ' , SI 50
ijrt ft ) : htoekers and feeders , 5:1 : 120$4 'JO : cows- ,
J-'aoOfe'J 'JO ; grass-fed Tc.\ts : steers , Sii (10C ( < S
: i 40.
Hogs Uecolpt.s fl.SOO ; Mtlpiniiiils , l.fflO :
weak and 10e lower : good to choice , SUfiO ®
. ' { IB ; common to medium , Si.4.Vci.5."i. : :
Shoup Hoceipt-s none : shipments , 200 ;
steady ; common to good muttons , SI W ) ( ( < )
St.LonlH. Oct.ia.-Cattlo-Hecolpt.s , 1DOO ;
irj ; Llllllllll'4 , c i > vji. ( ) , o.f.
Sheep Heceipts , liOO : ; shlnmpnt.s 2,40(1 ( ;
.steady and In good demand ; common to
choice natives. feSOO < ii a5 ; extra ,
lambs , saroa 50.
Monday Evening , Oct. 1'J. f
Huslness was booming to-day at the live
stock market , und moiu .stock than usual
changed hands. Prices In feeders are Mronger
and the demand Is good. Oilier giade.s of
catllo remain steady at the closing nguies of
last week. The liog maikct was about 5c
lower ; all Kohl.
C.VTT : K.
No. in ,
WO Mil.
300 K. I. Ohlcnito
n.vxflKop vHirrs 1011 non. .
I lie cxirnrnp raiuro of prlivi for rniiBh
iiiKcd , jm-klinr null lilpiiliir ( nnil Unlit
cir tor ifvon dn\s Is shown liolnw ;
. Mhed. I Shippln'f.MVehlhls.
.Vfonday snotf " 3 i : , < : ' ' -T ri 4 ( > S ! iour.rA.1
Tuesday ir > 2.v a 40 , ! l 4l\7 ( ' ? .V )
Weilnptil'y .1 'iV- : : tv.ii
Thursday' H : < : . 4. }
Vrldiiy ! ! ( XK.i < ai -10
Situiday h ivlfls ; n
Monday : i
Noli1 All'sales ot'Moc'n in ( his piaiketait1
in.ulo per ewl. live vve'chl , intk'is otheivvc-p
Mated. Dcjid | IOL > sell at IP ppr Ib. lor all
welirhN. "Skins. " orlioirs vvelKhlti' ; los ( ban
UK ) Ibno value. Pnyimtit sows aie docked
10 Ibs. ami stsi-s SO UK.
The Ciirll lc i'iltli : eoniiiny | : Inul f ' .M catllo
nt the Oinnliti vnds : jc-itenlay.
Kiel * 1 ! . . of WiiiiTfiul , had another train
of ealllo nt tinjiuds yosicriliiy.
The M e'ltid i niln of ealtli' Iie1oiijtii ; ! ; to A.
Jneh'ini A I'o. arihet ! at llio yndscsioiilny. : .
I ) . ! ' . .lolitison liad lO'ientlh1 nl llio jards
, \ ( < serda\ ( : Kist : llninptoti catllo
I'i head : Sindei Hnw . vl ! ealtlc.
TluMinclIdlii ; that tsd.iiliK nioro
nuiKo catlle Iliati nil otheis is the eolillntlill
\\oikin-r of tin1 rati i * . I'nim eaily Nprintxtlil
lalo In the tinier niie otttill nt'tor anotlii'r Is
clmsliii ; Ihc e.\ttli \ > IIMT tin1 IMIIKO. never allowing -
lowing them lost. Tin' ii'Milt ot this is thin
luvu's di'eio.isi'd imnith'i of eaUex nnd a
litlirclv Ilirirascd iL-ieoiiMjio of loss dinilii ;
llio wlnler. ISIoeU tiicwi'rs' Juiuiml , Alllps
An Olilo poll ; laisor states in an \ohanjo i
Hint he ha lr > lcil the leedlnc of eooKed und
uneooUed eoin In linu-j , a so ground and tin-
Kinuiiil lood. lie rlulms tlml a liiNiol ot eoni
led on iho i-oli will imidnec nine poitiiils of
] ioil < , Willie an equal iiiintlty | ; jrninnil unit fed
nuv will jield twelxe poiinds. A Im0ie.l in
ni boiled made tliiiteen and a half iioinuls
pork , and . luislu 1 of nicitl. eooKeu , nnnlo
eru and. i hail
Mond.iv . Kveninu1 , Oct. 12.
Geiioi-nl Moilrrts.
Kdis ( The miiiliel iemilnsal I e
HriTii ; ; I'hoiiv is very bcaice , and
peed cold slora p .luup butter is
about Hie best utiality nl'iVicd. rholcii tables
' " fab to good , itji/r.'e ; Inlenor , fKa.iV ;
, - - .
: Full I're.nn rlirddnr , Kepteinhor ,
Kl'ic ' ; full eteain tlats , fcopleni-
ber , lie : full eteun : Yiiiint ; Anterl-
ean , Keiilember , II1 i" , Hwi.-H. tiiney ,
Hie ; K\viss , ehoire , l-t ( < il.V ; liriek. I'J'-e ; l.lni-
roni/rnv - - Kaifc spi'liif ? ehicketm
liiinns-.ii'iditi.M ) ] ! do/.en and e\lia si'/i-s
will Koahinethat. Old ehiekens . ' .Wifd-UM ;
live ditt'Us slow at P'J.'K.i'i' ' ; ; live tuilscyx. ! )
liorlb ; ilie.s.stdehieUensholei'perlli. . , HtflOe ;
lurkey.s , dressed , ehoiei' . ) ier Hi. . I'J'juiUc '
ilncks , dle.sMMl , elioieo , per Hi , llfVil'-V ;
dieted , uliriii-o , per II ) . . 1 - Lie.
Swr.r/r I' r\n is : Ci-niei' Inrijo ( { iintiibU :
at 'J > .j'o < ! ! c i > er llisPUXM-l.-Wporlihl.
I'oTA'ioils. The season lor Lite potatoes
is taiilv eoinmenein , and consifninent >
ean ue h.indltd to : nlnutate ,
While K'e ipH so fsir havi1 not
been licavy enon li to fully test tin1
inaiKel , no ilotiht iiV-li ) eN. per Inisli.
ean his eoniited on with safety tor etean ,
\\eli assorted stock.
( iAMi : 1'iaiiie ehlelsons aie in strong
requesl and will now Inins ; In't-
ter ptiees. Deer Cateasse-j , per pound ,
bO/lfo ; .saddles , I'Jdtlitc ; anli'lopi1 , S ( ! l.
saddles , liXiili'M ! ; elk , 7 ( N- ; Middles , .
3'l-airln vlilekon * ) , perdo/.en , S . " 0&r. .7.'iijiiail ; ,
perdoziMi , Sl..VVjr.Xi ( : snipe , jior ilo/.on,7."ie ( <
H.OO ; jack lahhits per do/en. SU.M ) ; nmllnid
ducks , & ' . .00Af < > t ) ; teal ducks , Sl.OOfiJl.
ONIONS. There an1 not many coining In at
prosont. Quotations aie.riOe.
( JvsTir.s : Mcdinin-i , HIM : .standnrds. IK
bclects , : fce ; o.\tiu selects , -iiic : counts .lOe.
CAiiroiNi.COM MO.NIIV - II ) . Ir.imi1 , CO
His. In case , per ! ! > . , I5c : exU-iieted. a Ib , tin
cans , U doin case , per do/ , S'J.X ( ) ; Mb. Iraine ,
, .
CIDKK New Yoik reilned pcrbbl. , S7.00 ;
do half bhl. . S .OJ.
COCONUTS Quoted at gJ.OC l.Mjier linti-
tA nu KIIAUT 1'crbbl. , SU.50 ; pcrjif bul.
S-i.ix ) .
1'Kis' Fiir.T , Trui'i : , i : rr. V\K \ feet and
Irippnprlv hbl. . S'.00 ; do. > 4 bhl. , S'-.W : do.
iierkft , S1.10. Lambs' tongues p < lr % bbl. ,
5-i.f)0 : ; do. ] ) "r kit , ? i7.1 ; do. itiait | , ius ; per
doS5.W ) ; do. pint jais per doz. . S.'l.oO.
All kinds , SO-lb. pails per Ib. , lie ; assoited ,
Mb. pails per doPSW. . Jellies : All kinds ,
bostnrade , 'JO-lb. italic , per Ib. , So ; all kinds ,
second trade , i0-b. ! ! jiails. per Ib. , lie ; Assorted
r -lb. jiails , per do/ . , . - * " > . ( XJ ; ilo. : i-lb. tin jiails ,
S ' .7. > : do. l-lb , ttdoz. In case , per ease , W.ti'i :
sehnoners , 1 doin case , S'ir : ; tumblers , 'J
doin ease , per ease , \AC\\ \ \ \ apple butter , -10-
11) ) . pails and > { bhl. , per Ib. 7e , ' : plum butter ,
10lb.pal Is , jier II ) . 'J > . .e : assoited fiuit li'ilter ' ,
Mb palls , per do/ . , & .r > ; 1'aney "Home
Made" catsup , " doz. pint hottle.s pur case ,
IJISIONS : Sfpsslini , per box. ? l.f)0 ; . 'i.f(0.
I'K.vniKs AiCKottinij scarce. .MUiljj.ins
selling to-dav at M OV1 W.
( JiiAi'K * Concoiiis , 10-lb basket , 01ft77.V' ;
Jlalaw , per b.inel. .
AiM'J.nh Yoik St.ile and Allehlifan ,
single ban els , SU.T.'Knfl.oO : Jlxo ban el
lols , .82.'iO. ? . ' < fJ.7.'i ; Illinois , S1.7fliJriH ( ) , aceoid-
In to ijnality and untiiberof banels hoimht.
Cj.lNUfiiiiii.s ? : ! : Hell und imsjii1 , per bid.
0.00 : bell and cheiry , per bbl , T.oo .nu.
Capo Cod , ] ) er bbl. . Sl .f > ) ( itl0.5fJ.
UitAxoiis Louisiana , per box , $5.60 ; Ju-
iimlefl , per bbl. . < < U.X ( ) .
U.VNA.VAS Theie Is hut. a limited demand
al present nnd market rules low. Choice he-
lection , H'J.OOCnX ! ( ) .
CAI.IFOIINIA Kiti'ir IVarsVinterNelll.s \ ,
IJpuru1 , Dlel , Lawience , K. lictirio. Vlwir ,
and other varieties , Hbox , " . ' ! 5ii.oy. ( )
Ui\Ns : ( iood blight tieait.s arc .scarce and
In demand ; diity nnd Inleiiur slock dull.
iianil-lilekeil navy. I.f)0il.iO ) ( ! ( ; liand-lcked ]
niedlnni , il.iiOdol.-ldiL'ood clean country , Sl.OO
( ftl.'JO : inferior Wftt7.V.
J'IIOVIKIONH Iliun , Id.1 " .e ; bicaktast bacon ,
Pe ; clear side bacon , 7 ji" ; dry halted sides ,
7' ' e ; shoulders. Miiokcu , r > , 'jj ' ; mcbs pork , per
bbl. , S1S.K1 ( : diledbeef hams , ! ' . ' ; hud , -10
Ib. eaiiHtJ Inbox , 7'c.
( Tim following arc tin ) prevail in ; :
pilce.sfort < Hlay : Corn , 2 > e ; new outs , liftd
.We ; wheat , No. ' . ' , ( l.'e ; rye , Wi * fie.
I''iouii AND Alii.t. STIKKSVinter Wheat
Firm ; biv.t iiniillty jmlorit at S 00V J 0.
Second onallty .VJ WK'tJi W ) .
rjprln Wheat Uest ( iiiiillly patent at Sa BO
< fti ; DO.
Second < inallly 42I0@2 60.
Hum -iHie porewl ,
Clio ] > neil J 'exil-I'cr 100 Ibs , Ma ,
ConiOloal 1 00 ( 1 10 percwt.
ricrrening No. 1 , 750 percwt ; No. 2 , 60c.
Hominy SI BOper cwl.
Shorts 70ejiorewt.
( ii-aham S3 CO ] ier ewt.
Jlsiy Hales. SIHKW7 oo per ton.
SOo ; LoiiL'Toin.BOi ; . Hlaekwelrs JJinluuu , ID
m. , Me : H oMo ; 4 o67u ; U 07. . . ii < lc. heal
of North Carolina , 10 o/ . , wood , -l-'c ; 8o/ . ,
wood , 'ino : loz. , elolb.IS ; ; 'Joz. , SOe. Navy
Clipping.s , y o. Killiklniek , 4 o'J7c ; ; a M. ,
y c.
c.KI.VI ; CUT Hard to Heal , 'Oo ; Charm of the
West , ( ! 0o ; Konntain , 70c ; ( Joldon 'I'liroad ,
07c ; KiivorlU' , Wo : Hnds. r/kj ; Itoeky Alotin-
laln.&Oii : Kmieyf4.rxj : D.iih.vWe. .
1'i.txj ToiiAcr o ( ! lliiia < c,44cPi'll ) ) > : Jlors -
filioo , 4Cc ; Star , 4 i : Sneniliead , 4e ( ! ; Our
Hope. WJc ; I'iper Huldsleu , We ; I'unch , 40c ;
YUIIIIK I'VII'ilie. ! .
HAtiunv : llAiinwAiti : XCcoinbinallon
U.JU , 1 vj ti Ji'tiji uillllllj. M uilinnn , < ; < j. * j ,
l/i Jap louji champ bucklcH , fcl.UO ; cop
per livetH .Vo. ii , 'Mv Hii.stol hiunis. lU
& 5.50 , Uf S4.M ) , 1 $ ! 1.W ) , % 8t..V : ) . 5 , '
SiLM ) ; German snaps , IJj SJt.oo , l } { tiJ.fXJ ,
1 81.45 , % Sl.-IOJi $1.40.
Hiiis : .Steadymreenbutcher's , 7 iigi-P ! n
cuicd tie : dry llinl , l'J < ( ? ic : ! : dry salt , K > uf
( lamiigcd hides tvvo-thlnh price. Tallow .V1.
liippsu Prliuo vvbltc , ! 3 < ii4e. Sheep J'elta
'iVi 'fie
LiiATiii'.n No , 1 IMtt.slmrir J. ( ' . h. % Soiifl ,
8lo : No. 1 PittfebuiK. } . & , : Mc ; No. Ciucluo
natl , Kta ; No. 1 lac t leather , Mta ; pilmu
Hlaunhter solo leather , " 7c ; iiiiinu oak su\
leather. : i7c.
Upper leather , per foot. l 'Mo ; Ilc'in kip , > .5 < ! ; oak kip. KVaWui I'U'llell kit ) , SI.X ( ) ( < 5
l.t ; Jluinmlf , Sl.dOftil.lO. oak calf , 5 > I.X ( ©
laKienehoalf ; , Sl.'iXiM.itt ; .Moiocco boot
lojf , 'Muttiei Jforoeco oil | H'bblo , JJ8Cn } tutoin ! \
liliiiisinid llnlntiH. SD.XXi ( 10.00 per oo/ .
JIAVV | : llAitnwAiiK lion , rates , ;
| ) lo\v steel , special east , 4e ; ernelhlo steel , Ik ; ;
it'll Mold do , rJufl > ic ; wauoii spoktus , per set.
81.7.Yii5.00 ; ; links. .per hot. SLi'i , felloes , > ii\\iul
dry , fel.lU. toij'ue.s. | oaeh , 7Rc , axles , oagh , ? 6o ;
uijuaru Jints , per It. , "yile ; coUdialh per tb ,
rn tS < ; m. ab'o ' , .V ! linn woiices. lie" prow-
baisr , ; baiiow ( will , 4e : sprhK slto o N1 ;
Hitrden s Itoiso shor * . sl.wi ; llurden s iniili !
shoi" ! . 5nVd. Ilnilinl WlivIn our lols , S4.di ]
per UK ) UK. lion N.illsItalov. . 10 to oo , 5S.r. ! : .
Shot-Sl.M ; liuek liol , SI.Soriental ;
powder , ktv. fS. Vrfl.W ( : do. half kpjts.JPj.00 ;
do. ijii.iilor keas , S1..W ; l > ltstltie ; , keas , yn.Jtt ;
fn o. per KM ) loot , fV. Lead , , Sl.r .
( \i.\i. - Anthracite PIC , SVi > : anthraclto
nnt. t s.rfl : anthrneilo nitnjo. SVI ; low
KI.W ) ; Walnut block. SJl.ift ; Illinois S4.'i ;
Indiana block , W.75 ; 1'orl Scott , SU'\ ;
Itichlllll. SI..M.
llt ) PAINTS--White load. < < : I'lonch/itu %
12o : Pails \\hltliiL''J' \\hilinirclldois ; ljo ;
\\lilting.ooin'l. 1 > . | C : lampblack , < iciiimiitnwn ,
I''e ; lampblack , < nilinai.UK1 . ; I'nissiait bbu1 ,
iVM1. . iintnim.uino , IN * : Mindjko , luoun. Sc ;
nmiier , iinint.lo ; limber raw. - ; stenna ,
btiint , 4o : Mlontin , raw , 4e ; I'arisureen. 01111-
Ino.'iV : r.uls t'loen. common..IK1 : eluxmio
pieen , N. ' \ . 'JOc ; cliiome 10011 , K , I''e ' ; \ei-
million , Hinjllsh. In oil asst , r > e ; raw and
burnt umber. 1 In cans. 1V ( ; nnv und buinl
slonmi , 10e ; Mind > ko brown , l.'ie ; loilnod
lampblack , l'-V ; eoaeii lilaek and l\ory blaek ,
liio ; dropb'aek , l''e ' ; I'nissian bineItV : nl-
Iniiimilne biuo , I'M' ; ehiomo iioen , IAl. . > t
IX. KV : blind and slnilterpeon , L. , M. .V I ) . ,
Hie ; Pails croon. lv ; Indian rod , UK- ; Venetian -
tian red , IV : Tuscan led , ' ! < ; Anioiloiinor -
mllllon , L. A D..vcelloiichio. ; . . De ; L. M.
> V O. 1) ) , ISc ; jroiden ochre , UV1 : p.uonl dryer ,
S1 ; KvalnhnrcoloN. Hjibt oak , dink oak , wal
nut , ehostiuil and ush l.V.'iN IN tin. U bite lead , Oinah'i. P. P.
fie ; white load , SI. IonKpnioi ! < ur ) : .Mut-ioll-
los siwn. 1 lo 5 Hi cans , 'J.'e ' ; I'lonchhie ,
uioon seal , r > ; I'loncb ylno , ivd seal , lie ;
Kroneli 7hiP.niiiniislinssi.vMp ; Kieneh/.ine ,
voimllllon , Anierlcnn , lo ; Indliui. led ,
own.y e : 1'iliuv's miiiend. ! lo.
On.s liiiearlmn.por trail m , Ho ; IMI * head-
llclit , tiorrallon , I'-'o ; lt.'i ° headlight , portal-
Ion , I''e ; l" icalor white. l.V : llnsied. nuv ,
per trallon. 4Je ; iln-ecd , boiled , per gallon ,
47oiafil. ; winter str'il per canon , f > Tc ; No
1. five : No.- . 4--V' easlor X\\ , per jalon. ; !
S1..1. ) ; No. : . 51.10 ; swwl , per gallon. i l.iKI ;
W. H. , porptllon , il.iiO ; itsh , W. U. ,
Ion. 7iV ; Itirppntlno , perpdlon , He ; napilia ,
per mtilon , 7lo.
VAitsMHiins TS.irroIper gallon : Vuriit-
tun1 , extra. ffl.W ; fuinituro , No. 1 , Sl.0.1 ;
eo.ieh , ostra , sl.-W ; eo.ieh , No. 1 , Sl.vl ! ) ;
Damar. o\tr.i. Sl.7. > ; Japan , 70itsmmltnni ; ,
o\tra , sv ; bhellae , S'UO ' ; hard oil nnish ,
* "
Svinirrt roloKiio Spiilts i8Sp loof , § 1.10 ;
do , 101 pi oof , Sl.l'- ! ; spillts , second quality.
lei pinot , gl.ll : do , 1&5 pioof , 31.01) ) . Aleouol
ish pi oof , t-.Ul per wlmi callon.
Itodlslillod wldsUies , Sl.O.Wil. . . ) ;
jrin lilended , Sl.SOin'i.OJ ; Kentucky boinhons ,
W.i ! i'nii.iO ' ( ; Kontiioky ami Pennsylvania
ryes , ts'.OUvK 11.60. lioUlen .sheaf , bonibon iilld
ryi whiskii1 Sl.fiO.xil.OO. Hnindlos--
Jmporled , VMKXns.r.O ; dnmc.stie , i.l.N > f < it.oO. ;
< ! insImpoilcd , rfl.fiit.l)0ilonic.stlo. ( ) ( ! ) : Sl.i'iO.ii . )
! l.0t . Hums Impoitoii , S4.f 0ny.K ( ( ) ; New
Knclnnd , ftf. ? Kn4.0U ; domestle , } JvVii.0'i. ) : !
( 'liiiiiipacm-s Impoited. per ease. .s.tKKn
IH.IKI : Aiuoncan , per case , SlO.ooorlfi.tX ) .
Hi' .MATIIKIAI. Hard brick , St'.OO ' ;
run of kiln.' ) ; lime ( in bulk ) per bnl. ( UV ;
lime ( in bbis ) UULonisvtllo ; ci-moiit , * I..M ) ;
ITtica , Al.ion and Milwaukee cement , per
bbl. . ) ; in sacks Si.i : , ; P.nt-
lutiil coiiioiit , Knirllsli , SUX ) : stucco ,
Michisun , S'- " ! ; hair in paper sacks , per bit.
: xe. )
Grocers' lAfit.
HP Powdeie < l , FO : cut loaf , 7' e ;
pranul.iteil. 7 > ' ( , r : conl'eclionei-s' A , 7) ) e ;
.Slandaid oxtui C , 7e : o.xtui C. ' ! 7 o ; mudl
inn yellow , OVe : dark jollow. 0fc.
1'icM.Ks Medium in bariuls , Si.Ol ; do in
hall hands , $ .10 ; small in barrels , S . ' 0 ; do
in halt bands , Si. 0 ; ulicikiiis In barrels ,
WLOJ : do in half bine's ' , y.oo.
CA.VNI n ( loons Oy.sters. Slandard jir
ease , S't. : strabci lies , 'J-1I > . , perease , tf'i 0 ;
laspboirles. 'J-lti. , per ease. ? 'J.Vi ! ; Calllornia
pears , per ease , W.'X ' ) ; apricots , per ease ,
64.40 ; iieaches. per ease , S4.7. " ) ; white elier-
lies , per ease , fru.OO ; jilunis. per e.i > o , 5J400 ;
whoitlebeirlos , per ease , S-.40 ; e p plutiia.
y-1li. , iiproasp , i'.Kl ; roen usioCs , S-H' . . per
ease , V-MH ) ; pine apples , S-ll > . , percaso , SJ. : ' Oi ! !
5.M ) .
CANDY -M'xcd ' , KVfflL'c : stick , lOOfllo
SODA In Ib papers , SH.'Jo a case ; salsoda ,
, oir perlb , sa.35.
1v INKOAU Cinr.u iSffilSc ; white wine , 15
( S'JOe.
Hifi : Louislanu , prune io ohoieo , 0).f@ )
7 io.
SOAPS Kiik's Savon Imperial , SU.OO ;
Kiik's satinet , ; Kirk'B standard , SM.60 ;
Kiik's White liussian , Sl.X ( ) ; Knlt'a Whitu
Can , -j i.i > o.
Hopi : Sisal , y inch and larger , S' e ; inch ,
B > ( e ; Ja inch , uQV.
.SALT Dray loads , per bbl , P1.65 ; Ashlon ,
in sacks , Jri.o : : : > { sacks , Ashton , DOe ; bbls
dairy. S'.ntKw'iW. '
STAIU.II Nlacum gloss , llb.OKe ; Niagam
ploss , : ! Ib , fie ; Niagara c'oss ' , (1 ( Ib , To : Nhicar.t
'orn , I Ib , 7e ; Kiinrstoid's corn , 1 Ib , SKP ;
KiiiKSlord's closs , lib , f < u ; Kin 'sfoid's nlos
ii Ib. KJ.ji > : Kiii sfoid'.s pine , : ) Ib i ; ic ; Kinjj
foid'shnlk. 4o.
Svju11 ! StiimHrd 0 2" , bbis ; Slaudanl
do liillon kens ,
Si'H I..M drouiKl Hlaek pojiper , boxop. 15
C'tJBo ; alsphe , l.'Kn'JOe : cinnamon 1K ; H' ' < ' ;
efoves , l.r > ( jr.i : ; ginger , 1iii' ( > mustaul \ , 15 > a'
27o.Ditini ) FUITITS No. 1 nuarter aples ) , 4'je ' ;
e\aiOiatcd ) , boxes , b > c ; blackberries , uoxo.s ,
lOe ; peache.s , boxes , none In the market ;
jieaches. evaporated , Ift jf o ; nisiboiries ) ,
new , 'iX'Wo.K
K ( larneaiffl Nida , butter and
jiionlo. fH'cri.'aiiis ; , S ; ginger snaps , Se ; Cily
soda , 7ij'c.
POTAMI Pennsylvania cans , -I cans In
CUMHabbiti's ? : ! : ; ball , a doin , SU ) ;
Anchor hall , - doin ease. Q1.60.
.M A'l en is : Per caddie , 85c ; round , il. ease ,
4io ! ; sniiiiie eases , frl.70 ; Osbkosb cases , yr. ,
. .
CANDI-I : ? . lioxes.10H , 10s , 12'fo ' ; 8s , 12\V ;
boves , .1011. , H ! oz , ts , % ; haff box , lllli
Corrir.s : Ordinary gradrs , ! > % ufair : , 10j'j@
lie ; jirinu ! lK n'Jccnoico ; , l-JC'lliie : laneygioon
an i yellow , H ( ( , l."cohl ; overmncni .Invi"iifl : ) (
'M ; nieii'ii.tuv.i. in , ' .e < : iloeha i.Vjrrj.le : Ar-
hncklo'd lo.isted. 1 oMoLaiiHhlin's XXXX
loastod. 1 c ; Ddwoitll'.s. lit c : ItolCios.s ,
lii ! ? < " . .MoLauirhlln's , Aibuckhs'.s and Mo-
J.aitwilin'.sXXXXaroho.d We per e ij elf
a o\o pi Ices In H-ease lots.
Si'ifKh Wbohi IVjijier , K'e ' ; alf.plcel i ! ;
Oaiden allspicol'Je.andiar ! ; cloves , l.rxs ;
Amboyna cloves , Me ) ; , cassia , 10c ; nntniOKS.
cbolco , wviiiUc ; Oolong , good , iiVifith ; ; Oo-
loni ; , clioloo. 40C < iOOoKiiuliMi ; Jlntakliu-t good ,
! ! .W0 ! < ! ; choice , fiotf/o.'Xi : Soitehont ; , good , ! WvS
! We ; choice , < ViMt'n > ; .Injians , fair. V < r.l.x ! ;
irood , ! irKitil."ii . ; ; elioiee , 657r ( > e ; Tea Dust , IIAJ ;
Tea Slltin.h. Ibe.
HIAOIIII : : ) COTTONS I' armeM' Choice ,
fllie ; ( 'iibot , i5o ! ; Hope. 7o ; Hill 4-1 , 7io ! ;
Hill , iiJio ; LoiiMlalt' , 8 ; Fruit , H)4'c ; Wain-
Bill la , W/tC.
CijllMirr JUA\H I\oarsar'e , 7o ; Armory ,
7e ; Poppoidl , 7 ; < Jo ; Indian Oiehard , O.U'c ;
Naumkoiig , 70.
FIN i. HKOWN ( JoTTONh Poppeioll It , O'fo ;
Poppeiell O , 6 4'o , Atlas , tij o ; Matuu of Liu-
oity , ' e ; Saranae It. li e.
1'niNTH Steel Hlver , 6e ; American , 5 ! o ;
Ainold K , tki : ( ociitco , Ce ; . .Manc.lic.slor ,
lie : Lynmn , fie ; ( llouco.slor , 6Uu ; Unn-
ncll .lacquard , < V : Dunnell , - > ) ' iH'iniii \ -
po , : ie ] ! ; Wlndhor , lie ; J'.u'
no ; Harmony , 4'5'e ; Anchor Hhlitlnu's ,
Morrimaek Shh tings , 4c ] ; Horwlckio.
. . .
'i { ( L'nliliached-3o/ ' ; ) ,
10 .Magnolia , lk8 : ; oz. Wwi Point ,
10 o/ . West Point , l-4Me.
DITK ( coloiod ) Hoston 0 ot. brown and
drab , ! : ! > ( ! : Huston O II blown and dial ) , \o\ \ \
Hoslon XX. blown and drab , lOe ; Itnslon
XXX brown and drab , II .cHo.stonOPblne ; ,
IHtfc : Win ren Tiieot , l.V.
HIIOWN Cono.v Lawionco LL , Be ! Shaw-
unit LL , 60 ; llcavor Dam LL , 6c ; Alliintlo
LL , fie ; Indian Head. \Vaucliuhset ; il > .fu ;
Cimvn XXX , il. e : Clltton CCC , tl.'fc ' ; UUea
C , 4Jic ; Atlantic P. 6 > fe.
TiriiiNdb Amoskeiig ACA , lajtfot Thorn-
illku OOO. 7o ; ThoindiknlaiKiy..i o ; Yoik.
A , lOUii : Yoru luney , 1' e ; .Mtllbuiy , 1'J ef
IVaif Hlver. lUso ; Hamilton , 1'ie : Swilt
IliviT. Jic ; SbetiickPt S , jio ; Sbetuckot KS
HKc : jSlonunk A A , lu'c ; MuiiUtnk 111) ) , lo ; u ;
dmi'gaAOA , IHK
. s tenfniw , tkRlOMc ;
dies-i , lie ; Amoskoag , blaple , 7 1
UJftt ; Wuiiihiilln , bj ; ; Nubian , K > ire. ; Wai-
\\fek , Uc ; Whiltondon , He ; Hates , ilioss , ho ;
liutc.s. htiiilo. ] < > > 4ij ! Haiidolph , .staple , ii > c ;
l uisdowno , < u ; tumieihioi , ijje
( 'nnvioiMAmoskea. . ' , ehecks, ; AIIIOH-
kcajf , hlrlpoh , he ! ; Slater , tiipes , Sj ; Kdin-
Imiv , d > Jevjiitleniluii ; \ , str pos , tx ; ; ( ! lon-
lose , Uo ; oliK , cheeks , tiJv'c ; OH * , Mripes , ! ! < ,
Itoyul , O 'c ; Amo-iUeaK , ntipiH.-d , 10'j'c ; Lu-
ray , bonk fold , 1 V ; Obiron , book fold , ll ,
Luduntnre , book told , V.V.
' ' 1'ls'lvta
New n b. 11'ldQ'r
t'j r.j 4j la to
No. t wifiio rwiTTr , wft 40 a fo1. M
No. 2 " C. Wl l 2 Wai < Nl 73
Vamlly " n ( hX ) 70 1 Ml I M , M M
No. I Trout. , < fin i iriuw ! n ; vi m
No. 1 I'lcKorill t mi : i ivi - an , i M as tu
M.\rKinii : : , - CATCH. )
New 1'ljli. Itl.N. Half lll > l tr
ay ii tu
U'rili'MOr. Dili l\"t ?
IIV ) 11,1 M 10
Spill No. t Uili rt lul I M4 1113 Ml W 00
Kuullsli ilit Ijirffc 7 M4 2T > it T.'IIT I SO 57
Ollilieil 0 IM : l TiD3 UO 1 M ) 1 AD no
nt.ooii r.u.iroiiM.v H.VI.MI V ,
Ibs. Ihs. jw. | UK. ) i.s. . klt-s.
KI UK ) 1M M 40
5ll.ix S7.V ) it ) . si ) : M.IO IXV- .
Coiirisn New Knullsh Minimor enrod
wiloloeod , ( VMb ; bileks , gnamnliM-d , iV4u ( )
SMOHID : FISH Halibut , new , WJ or now
( caled hoi lilies. 'J.V.
Dry liittntiur.
I I I I l I
ii rt it n in n is rt a > ft si ft si rt
: \t. . . . . . . . . . . irr..Tr. r..7r. in.7fi 17.7-1 n.7fti)7
U'MI . IRSi I.V . IMi'i IH.2.1 ITiVi llt.T- I ! 7S
'VK . ir.7.'i ir.-.ri i.7r. 111.7:1 IT. " , mri 11175
s.M. . . ir , 7.1 1. ; : > 1.1.7:1 III.T.I IT.T.I ai.n si w
s.\u . ir.r. I.I.TI ir.Tri M.T.I ir-T.-.TiM'-'oyr.
4.I I- ! < \H . K1.-M IKSi 1K.LT , IT. ' J 18.2S lll.'il 20 ih
No. 1 boat-ill , I'-1 , II nnd Hilt . 817.01
No. 'Jboaids , V. , H and Kill . in.tXl
No. ! l boards , V. , 1 1 und III It . liWK
No. 4boaids , 12 , 1 land mil . 11.00
1st Com. , IS , II und U > feet .
I'd Com. , 14 and Id feet . 111.15
! id Com. . 14 and Pi loot . 11.75
vnl'Vo , lliinil lOltrl . IO.W
ITM 1M1.
No. I , 4 * (1 Inch , 1' . ' nnd U fool , ionsli. ; . ? 17.M1
No. 1,4 , VI ! Inch , Illteol. lotull . I7.f > 0
No. ' . ' , I . r , Ineii , l-j and 1 1 feet , rou li. . M. ( )
No. 'J , 4 , fc f. Inch , Hi fool , nmsh .
. ' .III I- I. AT.
No. 1 , Plain , or Clinch 81S.OO
No. ' . ' , Plain , U ) inch . HUM
No. 1,0. O . 1H.50
1st Com. . ! IH inch. Norway . 11.60
' 'd Com.V , inch. Not way . 11.60
1st , 'Jd and. "d Clour , I' , Inoli. K. 2s . W.-.U
1st.Jd and : td Clear. I1 and 'J inch , .s'J.s. fiO.fiti
11 iSelecl , I' ' , , IK. and i'lnoh , s. ' 'H . ! ! iU.O
1st. ' 'd and : ! d Clear , l inch , . 'J . -iri.Nl
A Select , I inch , s. 'N . 40.50
H Select , 1 Ineli.s. ! . ' > . SMX )
1st Com. filnoli , white pine fW ! 0)
I'd Com. i ! inch , \\hite pine . : r > < ) ,
d Com. ti Ino'i ' , white pine . ! i ! ) 00
Sol. Fenco.ii inch , while pllli ) . 'JO OS
( 'hiciiL'o Sol. Fence FlooiiliL' . 18 0 !
1st and -'d cleai j dlow pine. 4incli. ! . . . ' . ' 0 00
Vf . r. JOHNSON ,
r. j. > ciiuvi.iii.
W. F. Joiiiisen & So.
Commissoii Merchants !
218 1A ST. , OH It.'AfU ) .
Heeelveri ot r.niln anil Seeds. I'uturoslmiiKlit
nnil Sold. Speolal iittenll < in to sale liv nunioi | ]
ItojiroM'titett by Ulwtml llartou , Lincoln.
P. BOYER cfe CO.
and Jail Wor ! ( ,
1020 Fariiiuii Street , Omaha , Neb
liOIIT. II. Df.NCl.V. > V.\t.l.\CD
Telephone 110
Plumbs , Steam and Gas Fitters
Kstiinaie.sluriiMieil. or ulll eall purhoually.
Auenis lor tlm tmiierlal ( lin Macliliiu. 210 and
KIMH. lllth St. . Ollllllltl , N'Olj.
&ailway Time Tafele.
, All trains iinlvo nnil depart from Unmlia br
Oatrnl Stntulurd time.
'I inlus or tin1 ( ' , .Si P. , II. &O. arrive and depart -
part 1'ioin their depot , corner of lltli and \Vi\\f \
tier M reels ; trains on the II. &MC. , II. A Q. ,
ilnd 1C. C. , St. .1. X C. II. Ironi the II. \ M. depot ;
al ) othci-H limn the Union 1'ai'ltle depot.
a , dally ; b , except Siiturihiy ; o , OMVIH biinday ;
< l , except .Monday.
Depart. WKSTVVAJU ) .
S'Mi : i I'ltcltle IStpnm. . . . 7.0.i' : '
lliShi ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' IMUit
I 6' . . .vmYV'A'IJ.KV. / .
i . . . .Mall anil Kvprosa. . .
I I ) . AM. IN NHIJ.
8IOa : ! . .Miill und ) i "cprois. . . 0 : % > n
i . . . . Nljclit KYprojj. . . .
Depnrl , Arrive.
"A. M. P. M. MlNSOI'ltl PACIFIC. , . I v. M.
llilWn " ' liny Kvin s. .
"li-.ciit'i . . .Nluin l'\proi'i. !
, 1C. ( ' . , XI' . .1. i O. II.
HHMi.VIil ! I'liittstnoiitll. . . filt
Will . .Vlu Council Iliiillri. .
. .St. lioul l\iiesa. ! . .
Depart. nAHTWAUU. Arrive.
"A.T. . | ! . w. C. M. & .SP , I'AIH. l . M.
UilCu . . . . luy Express. . . .
. . . .NlKlil ISxprcHH. . .
C. It-I. .t I'AOII'IO
Day K.\nos-t. | . . . 1-A'a
NlRlit , lixpress . . UHV1
fl ; < llo . . . .Aeenminoilatlon. .
(1. ( k N-W.
B : ! el . . . .Diiv HvprosH. . . .
. . . . .
1' . II. A ; o.
8i20a I'orChl. vliil'liittiiin'tli UiOa : :
Hll.'ill Korl.'lil'o via ( . ' . Hlulls Uir.a : 75u : :
lepaj ) ] . _ NOltTIMVAHD. Arrive.
"A. M. fp. n7i c7 ST. p. , M. & o , i A. M. | ) . HL"
: : Wn I Sioux City llxproofl. . ' 0 : Jo
I 5lt'oOakhiiiil : Accoimmnrn llXo' : ( ) '
iIOWA 1)1 ) V.S. 0 , k P.l
C : 0n I.Kt. I'uiil l ) y KvnrnsH. '
. . . . . . .I firMaSt. PaiilNJa-lit Hvpiossi UU5u
OMAHA llltimii : THAINH.
DDMMV TitAiNh l.oave Onmlm nt tisXI. 'i:0.r : ,
r.ifiVanil : | n. in. "Oir'suujays tbo 7'tt : ii'iuf
luiiiUa. in. , iimiaioj u'i'1 ' lW'i ; ( | , m. trains Uo not
Leave ( xiiiiicll Illuir * niiomlwiiy Depot nt7:05 : ,
fliW.UW : : ! , IUn : : 11:1) : ) n. m. ; ltM l \ , ; iu : ; , 4M !
S .O imil 11:4.p : m , On .Sumlayri llio A-M
anil IUna. : : m. , and t-M anil 4Mn : : , m. tniln * will
not run.
'I'n\NSFKU TiuiNH I/iavnOmaliii tit H-M.W )
a. m. ; KM , iirti ) , 4M. liiiiuii : ) | 7iA : ) p. m. ilally.
Arrive al liiCiiina llil" u.m.j i y UJ. | | 7 ;
luul Hur : > n. m.
To ami from ChlciiBo vlaTrlpartllo Alliance.
Tlnio table ot piutMinxur lialim bniwonn
Oinalia ami Union Htoel ; VuiUn ; In clltttVoiJ -
No. Oinalia. 'U.S. ' Yunl * No.'lUi. YnrthUnuihnT
A. A. H. A. II. A. M.
I'M OdJ.W . 7:5.1 : 8MU
( W IUW :
11:00 : ' P.M.
ll : : OS- - )
P. M. I' . M.
41Hl lill : : IMS
( Hl tt-M 4 Ml' , li-M iilO
0 fi.CU
OJJi tt. " )
Tialn No , 49 , Ua''f incept Sue' y
: i-iUiijiu.i