2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , OCTOBER 13 , 1885. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advortliomnnta under this bond lOcontspor line for the flr t Insertion , nnil 7 conta fop each eiilft-niiptit Insorllon. Seven word * will IMJcount- rd lolhollno ! they must run romocntlvoly nnil must Ixi j nl < l In ndvnnco. All m1vcrtl omcnts iniiht lie liuinloil In lioforo 2 o'clock p. in. , and under no circumstances will they bo tnkoc or dU-contlnuod bv telephone. Pnrllos nilrcrtlflng In these columns nnd hnv- ln/rthonns / ors nddro-wod Incnto of llu : , will lOonco n , l < for chock to ennblo them to got Oiolr lollern , ni none will bo delivered except on pro onlnllon or cheek. All nnswors to ndver- tlfuimuilH Mioulil bo enclosed In envelopes. TO LOANMONEY. . * fONlJV To lonn. Tlio Oinnhn 1'lniinclnl Hx- HL chaiipolli < j < II'arnam street , -stnlrnwkM | lonni on nil ( .lushes ol H entity Ii-oin u $11) ) chut- lollimti In Sinmu ( < iii ruulu tnto. Wo muko loans lo null nil npplicnnts on lontf or short tlmo on Improved leal eituto , liinii eontnirM , liUH' ) , titilldliurs on leu ed Innd , crcnrcd niUi-i , collntor- idx.cluitttK or Kood Mjcutlty of any Kind , uiw rates : unty terms. Oiimhti Financial I3xchriiKO , 1MSI rnrnini mi cot , up Btnlrs. Hl-Hf mo LOAN Money In nnv nmoiintpn real 01- J Into Mioiirlly. 0. 13. Muyno , Kith nnil I in > num. UKKi-ia ! TO l.t AN-C. 1' . DIM In & Co. Houl MON13V und Lonn OKontHi 15051'urnnm 8t. MT ONICY TO I.OAX-On chnttcU. Woploy & Harrison , room 80 , Onmliu Kutlonnl bunk ImlldhifT. M" TO LOAN On real caluto nnd chat MUNKY I ) . I * Tlionms. " _ ' . I.OANKU On chattels cnt rate , H. It tickets bought and Bold. A. l'oriimniU B. 13lli Bt. " ' ' ON13Y TO I.OAX In sums of $200 nnd up- wnrdH on first-class reid oMato security. I'otlor fc Cobb , 1M5 rnrnnni St. MS r ( NI3Y I.OAXKI ) nt C. V. Heed & Go's. I/onn M oflico , on furniture , pianos , horses , wiigoni pertomil inoiiorty or all Kinds ami all other iir- ilcloH of value , without removal. Over 1st Nut I Hank , corner IHth und Fuinuni. All biiBinesa ctili'tlr coiilldoutnl. " " T\10NI3YI .M ON KYI I JIONI3Y1II Money to III. loan on chiittcl security by W. H. Crolt.room 4 , Wilhnoll building , N. 13 coiner 1Mb und llur- ney. Alter yours of experience nnd nciiroful , Miuly of the Imylnnns of loaning moncj on per- ' ' roniil piopcrty , I hnvo ut ln t perfected n Hystnm whetoby the publicity iiotiuf In such cases H ( lonn away w ilh , and I am now In a position to nirot the demands of all who bi'uinio tumpor- mlly cmbarniKScd nnd deMio to inl > o money without delay nnd Inn quiet niunnor. House- I.donors , pioiosslonal Konllcmi'ii , mechanics and othera In Omaha anJ louncll Illiills , can Obtain rilvumcs lunn flu to fl.UiU on such Mcuilty us household furniture , piano" , machinery , hor- f en , wagons , wnrebouso receipts , heeiliod notes ol bund , ote , without removing caino fiomonn- orn lOHldenco or place ot business. Also on line Watches and Diamonds , one of the ndvnntugos I oiler I * Unit uny pint of nny loun cnn bo puld ut nny tlmo which will reduce tholntutost pie ruin mul nil lotiim icnowcd ut Iho original into * of In- tciost. 1 have no bickers In connection with my olllco , but personally superintend nil my loans , f have private olllcos connected with my Kenerul olllco KO that ciihtomerH do not como In con tract \tlth each other , conn > qncntly makliiKall tmiuuiotlons utilctly private. w. H. Lrolt , room 4 , Withiioll bnllillnif , N 13. corner 151 h Hint llurney , Omuhu , nnd SI I'oiiil bt. , Council Illuirs. ANTin : A oed Kill to work 111 store. W ply 1VJ3 Dodpo , liuloio noon. ANT131) A lrl for household woik. 2410 W Hartley. 181-lSp A NTllD-MIddlo n od Ooimiin jrlil thut nniloiMtuiiiM Muwliifr nnd hoosowork. Steady place und lair WUKOS to light party. 1' . lUckor , 17US St Miuy'B live. IDS-li * ' Kitchen ( flrl nt 1513 Ilowanl. li'-U ! * \irANTHI > Good Oermnn Bills ut the Nob. 1 V > IJmploymcnt Aiieney , ll'.i Itlth und Cnpitul Avenuo. liounco lllock , plucea givcu tn K' " ' " free , call nt onco. " > > ' Oood Bill lorgononil hoiifowork. Cook , dlnlnir room Elrla chumbormnlds etc. Call lUo Furmim St. ' 1G4. _ : ii A peed cook , one competent to act as lioiipukcopcr ; good wages. Addrosa II. &NM lleo Olllco. m _ 'ANT13D Girl for hoiitunork. Huvoniort ) W anil IWtli bt. II. Mai tin. Om-13 Oood ! ionto fflrl , 19. < Web tor. W Wanes { a per week. Wl WANTUU-Olrl lor house worlc , 24k ! Cupltol uvo. WANTI3D Lndy agents to Fell entirely now liihlmr undergarment ; exclusive lor fo- inulos. Madam 1. Little , box 113 , Chicago , 111. TA-Hp _ ANTKD A ncnt young girl to assist with W baby. IMS S. KOIIiSt. TJ3 _ ANTKD Lndy"ntrents for "Daisy" Skirt nnd Htocutnc euppoitots , shoulder braces , lie om forniN , Droxs hhlolds , rubber gliiKhum liilis , aprons. HCUos. ! . Inlanls diapers , Ac. Our 10 Diifionls mo maUliiK- money last : socanjou. Adlicssullh stamp , 13.11. CAMl'HEU. & CO. , . Ilandolph St. , Chic.igo. 7l4-l p W ANTIID A girl lor genorul housework at Wff South atltli St. ( wt HZXF. . . at Smith ) -A flibt-chis.scal.o-limKor WANT131) 111) ) Jlahi stioot , Council Hlulis , In. | 1IB-11 WANTHl ) A good canvnss.er. 180J Fin mini. Itlilp \1 ANT13I 20 men for ralhoad woik. II. Ti Maniiwoilor , 411 South Uth btrcct. btrcct.1K11''p TTTANTICI ) l''liht-pln s bioom maker. H. I' . W fopsou , IMIiaild I'aclllcBtiout. HO-lIp ) A whlto man cook. Apply ut 8. WANTI31) Hlhand Douglass. 17l-li ANTr.O A Hut clni-H solicitor for Illo-wl/o oiii > on portialts TunltoryVostoin : lowiu Apply ul oiica to ColIhiH , BfiiinU to Co , , ] flt : DoiiKhitt bticut , Kccond lloor , , . . . ) Thhty good nplkers und truck . InyeiH , wiigeiper day , uill nhlp nioiiduy , v October U lieotiunspOitatlun. Call lUo I'm mini u Bt , 1M. WANTUIiT. men for trucklnj Inir. Ht. I'aul , Noli ; funs tiiinspoiliillon , bhlpVoilnos - - , day ovunliiir. Apply 1 U Ilarueynt. K K. 11 M in i * t'ti. IS5-U' WANT13U Immediatelyn good coatmuUors ; good prliox , slcudy woik und pioiupt iniy. Addiess Win. 13. MiiM > n , Sioux City , la. 11J-U \ArANTI3D ( lood runvusi-ers. Illjf pay. I3n- Ti torpili-o lion Woiku , Noith Omuliu ( looda Muplo us biead und butter , b.VJ-1" * Vf TATANTUD SSonrpcntoi-H. Apply nt JMtli nnU YV I'ariiaiii. Slniw A 1'lcld. 71h-IOp "IXTANTISU Vlfly canvusKcrs. Ladles und Vr uentlomeiiuiu maUliig ftUper day Millln our "Kitchen QIIUOII. " Adiho'M , with Ktiimii , fltuiison is I'uixms Tool C < > . * l llonrd ol Timlu llnllillinr , Ht. I'aul. Minn. Munulnutoiy. Ixiuell , ' - - iw-.T : 311 Mnttiesa makers nt Dmvoy & ' T I Hlono's. Ilia iT\7ANTHI-sioiiOKinphor. llox ( BS. Omuhu. T T [ M ) AflKkTH Sclllnif MibMinrl Mourn wiiHhnr imiko blif iiionoy , J , Worth , Bole Munuliiu- v liucr.Bt. Uiula.-Mo , IHXkleellp \TANTI3n AKCIIIS. Aildiess ElectrluLamp Vr und Stove Co , Ht , I-ouls , Mo. , lor chculur , unil nml lei 1113 of W candle power Muiuh KleLlilu Jjnnp. ili -i - - SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTI3D 13nipli\ineiit by man undwlfoon fjunn. A , > lunuwuiler.4U8.HlliBt. lt-1 U' WANTI3D Sltuutlon by u competent ) oniur i fit ng'Blst , bpcukH(5oiinniij had Ihujcura1 c.\inviiiiuio ; liefct ol H'lcicncui ) . AddiOMi llrntcs , culool lieu , 1-V1 ' "TtfxVNTIJI ) Plinatlon by youmf colored mini JT uHtoachmunjir KUIICIIU hout > euoik. Ad- il. C- . , \X/ANTI3I > Slliiutlon ii n ciiBtom cutlnrby n Yi jdiing mini of o pcilcncu. Addicss O , West CUIIBI cus bt , , Dutroll.Mlch. WIBOBL-AHEOUB WANTS , ,1'TSrANTii : ) A pin iiior with Hmall capital , for TI u.xlo Biciibu munlK. Will A. Plurco IJNUp .v.fAK-rntt Llltlogill tondopt us o\in ehlld ; n / jmlint bo undertwo jcuraof ngj. * ' ' V , Jui ) vn , lilt ) Kurimni si. A purliierln the ( cod imilpioil- iucu bin-lnci-s. Cai'ltal ' icinilicil , ubout 0. p. , lieu Olllco , 1J.MO * T. ) A jonng ipiiii > vhn lui n plcui-niit nml ( iimiiiriihli | > loom , lumld llUau ft ; i mall' . I'ullal No. I'JU ' > t'auilo ! r.\c. HL'tciciKC4 I WANT n rosldcnco worth from fft.OOO to llO.Onn nnd mibnrlmn property M nn Invent- mcnt to the ninount of $ Won , nil for cn < h Ad dress K. ( } . Stnrr , City , llox 414. 597 _ " \T 7"ANTKI > To borrow t0cl , fl per cent on i * see < I ell v property ; two j cnrs tlmo Ad P. , lleo onito. IDtt-l 4 i \7"AN'Tii : > Mnttrrw innker nt Downy tt > Stone's. IIBU \\rANTr.l ) A full lot nonr Iho cty nt ft ron- Mnnblo price. Ptntn price , terms nnd lo cation. Addicss VI. N. O. " lleo office. 2iH _ _ roa HEMT-HOUSES AND Z.OTS. UP.NT-Onn brick dtoro with rpllnr ITIOIt , lltth nnd Cnmlngetrcot. liuiulroln bulldlnir. 1W-14 _ I 110 II ItiNT-rroombrlrkhou8o : , Ml ) Itlokorjr Bt. Iiuiiilnion pioiiilMH. f-Kt-np HKNT Now hou o with 4 rooms on Foil nnd I'opploton avenue. Imiulro on promises 184-M ltlNT Sioro room on 13th Kticot nenr FOIt Jniiim ; o rooms upstnltn : U rooms lonr nnd small burn ; nil for i V > imr month , lliimlln& Drown nil 8 llth street. 137-lt ) IM3NT Nov. 1 , n llr t-eln s' it-room cot- IJUH ; tlno locution ; by 8. T. I'ctorsen.s. o. cor. inth und Douglas. 101 HUNT nirnlshed cotlngo on street cnr FOH , 107 North t'Olh BticoU W2-12 TT > OHHKNT Two newro'ldencesO rooms tuich , P coltngo 0 rootns.houbo 10 rooms. J. Phlpps Hoc. Kij TfOH HUNT Two-story dwelling , 7 itxims ; J. ( mod locidlty. Apply Cor. Uth und Douglas. IX T. Til ) lor. 715 T\OH HKNT House of three looms Ed nnd ] 1 Clark stiects. Innulro north-oust corner ICth nnd Doilglus , und iri'il Jacon ] St. bUU > OH HUNT B stores on Oth nnd Lcnvonworth I7 i ptfr 1 Htoio on South iilb ; PtDoth flrst-clnw busi ness locutions. Also houses to lent. A. McOav- ock. G'.W OH ItnNT ITon o of t' room * . Apply Cor. I 1 Ulli nnil DotiKlii" . C. T. Tiiylor. 740 HUNT Soi'oiul dnolllnirs. Appb' Cor. FOR und DoUH-llls. C. T. Til ) lor. 710 Olt Hl'.NT Ono two Btory hoiiso , 0 loomi. I7 ono bliMikol cur line ; S.W. I'.miiilio nt Hi.1 : ) ( 'njiltul A vu. Al-K ) bntb room nnd nil conven- luiic-o , iinorottiiKO n IOOIIIH nil convoiiloiiccs , now liouso. r.iHinlro lit BIUIIO pluco , cur pn wes llOUFO. lt"-Itp ! > 11 liN ; ' A now it-room lioii'o , one hlook 1M ironiMiuct cnr. on KM St. , 5JO per month. C. 13. ilnj no , 15th nnd I'mimm. CMS HiNT Oil SAI.I : Ahou n. bnrn lory. ) cows1 anil 4 lots InVnliint lllll mid. $10 PIT month. Imiulio .liunos Cluistlumcn , IT. 1' . ri ciBia oiiico. urr-o-aip it INT House , 6 rooms. Imiulio 1M- Foil .V Uilekson. ftM _ ItKNT Oet 1st. or utter , n lUvollln ? Foil 5 roonn , nice * ynrd , clstnrn. water , $ JJ permontb. Apply 1411 1'iukWIM uvo.or.Ino. W. Hell , ( JruraHt , a.'J South 10th St. BW NicopottiiBO 1010 South IWhSt , FOUUUNT 0. A. Hvldln. * XKJOp lir.NT House 11 rooms $25 per month ; Foil unit pnrt. O. K. Tliompsou , S. W. cor. llthnnd Hiirnuy. 1"U HUNT Thohoiifo mul burn on corner Foil nnd 1'loico St. Inquire nt lloslon Dry < ! oed store. S. 10th SU 1104 T71OII ICIINT Tiroom cottujjo comer 1'opplo- JJ ton nnil Slioridnn St . f 15. C. H. Wiiyno. S. \V. corner 15th und Vanillin. 714 roc KEHT-JIOOMS. IlKNT riirnHhoil room 703 South 16th FOK , with or without bourd. lKM7p FOB HKNT Nicely furnished plonsnnt loom with No. t botird , uticiisonablupncu. Ib''O Hurt street. 171-U OK HUNT Furnished liout room and F board. 1010 Cnnitol nvo. .I40-121' Foil HUNT Furnished room , 1MB 1'urnnm. 140-15' 11RNT Furnished front room with. FOB nnd diosslng loom. Ill S. 1Mb Ht. UI3NT Fnrnlslioil room with IIBO of hit- Fpit tlnsUI3NT Inqnliulill Himioy. WI5-H I OH Hr.NT-NIcoly furnished room 1017 Chicago cage st. rw > 77 OK KI3NT Cor. With nnd AVolxter streets , J ono or tno rooms to gontlomnn and wlloor blngle gentlemen. On street car lino. 044-1" FOH HKNT 2 ( stores In the liriok bullillng on Howard St. . bet Kith and 17th. No 1015 nnd 1017. Inquire ut drug store cor. Kith at. WO FOH HUNT Hoom , ono ploiisant furnished room with pilvllogo ot bath loom , nt 71" 1 Uh utreot , near Wehstor. fc'.U-UJp Foil I113NT With board , nicely fmnlshcd i-ooms , 1710 Cuss St. ao-L'p 17IOH 3U3NT riirnlshcd room. Inquho cor. X1 lOlh und Douglus 741 POH HKNT Nicely luinlshcd looms Dodgo. HUNT Lnrpo fiont room nlcelv tnr FOH niched ; privilege of buth loom ; snllablo lor tnopcn-ons ; the minutes \/ulk iioml * . O. ; ono block liom btrcet cur Hue. Addiess I * . O. hot 1KKH. _ 7UI "ITIOH HUNT tine laigo. unfuinlslifd , nlcovo X' room , \\llh buy window nnd grate , and nil modnin impioM'inents , ou 80th Micot , iioiirht. Mui'i > mo. JiKiulio at S. AV. Cor. 114 li and Dodge. CN ! IjiOIl HUNT THO nicely furnlfrbed looms In 1 house ttllh gas , bath und Jiiinace ; ou slicet cars. 8 . ' 7 Doilgo. (150-l.ip ( "IT'OIl ' 1CI3NT A nice , pleasant loom , furnish- X1 cil or iiiil'iiinbeil. Jiajuiie nt 151J Ix'iucii- M 01 til bt rout. 440 Ifioit UI3NT llooins wltli bouid , desii able lor 1 Hummer. Apply at St. Cluules Holel. Mil I neil HKNT Nicely fnrnlKhod fiont loom to gentleman on ) ) , nt S. 13. corner 80th and Douglas street 848 Foil JCKNT-Fnriiihhed looms lor light hoiit-cKceplntjr , in Unemcr's block , cor. nth anil Honniil. b'l , Poll HUNT Two loomu ndjolnlng. wlili IxjniU ; liont loom fcoutli-cast , 1U14 Webbter t'titiet. KHJ Foil JllINT II lnriilt > licd rooms on Pnclllo hctueon Oth und 10thono block Minlli of tlin U. 1' . dojiot. 4W1 17IOII HI3NT a plciisunl couth f rout looms S. X1 AV. corner lUthuiid Diiveuport. 700 FOH H13NT Two nicely tninlslicd looms , N. \Y , cor , Hht and St. Man 's nvcniio. 4iiO _ SALE-HOUSEB-lOTa. POIl SAIi-'Lr : , lots b < i ( pen Dodge and Duv- cnpoit : jieiluct title ; V'JW , Cunningham k Ilrcnnuii , 1611 Dodge. 1'5-U fnOH flAMi-lloiiiitlful lesnloneo lots in Hod- .1 loks iiililltlon or A'lrglnla ami ( looiglu A\o- lines , flJ5 ( ) to fl.VW , eiisv terms , THO lots on A'liglula Avenue near Mtl'leuMiut St , , $ UOilcicli , A beaiillliil lot iicui-N AV Cor. , llunscoml'mk Jl.OOO easy lonns. IxitH In ( noiy pnrtof thoclty. If you want u lot no mm ten' In what imrtol' Iho city caii mid bCU 118. ( B7W Lnrgn two Btory IIOIIFO and bain full lotCulduellSt.- ) ! ) ! King , fl.ooo , easy terniA. ( -.ru'l Nice cottage U rooms largo bain lull lot two blocks south of St Marys A\o. , $ UOoo Ji Jo each and S& > pur month , ( f ) Hoiiso 7 rooms lotflOxlto good barn , east fiont at N W Cor. Hiiiibcom I'uik , J-l/xjo. easy tciniri. fc'5) ) Hoiifo 7 rooms lot fioxllJ nonr N AV Cor. HiuiM'om 1'niK , nest limit tlUK ) , cusy terms , this la u bin gain , C-'o'J ! Lot loo.xllo uith pnmll house on fonth Hill St. , HUM tollaitmiiii hchool , ja ioo fffat ciibli f i'oix'r month. O , 13. Ma ) no , H , W , Cor. fith and Kuinuin 1'iT-ll FOIRALK-llenntlfiilic6ldi | nro Iot In AVnl. nut lllll f-'o to fi'oo euch ; lo per cent ciisli , luiliinco monthly PIIJ mums. C. 1. , Muync , Agt , QiithoKW : ; ) hits wo hiivo for siilo on Doiliro VJ htioet beloio they uio ull told. Cnnnlnwlnim A : Ilieniiiin , 1511 Dodge. lilMJ . - I'laco on licit X' Line ttftUln tf.W each , iiiontlily inn nifntu. C.i.Muyue ; , 15th unil Fin nam , It .lU. FOH HAI.13 llenulllnl losliliinco lots In Wai. nut lllll ttt'xiiojitoo euch ; lo per cent cash , biilanco inonlhly puj iiients. C. 13. Mil ) ne , Ant , IVU'J. FOItHALi : ( lood noiiKi ami lot In iioitli Omaha , Imiioo Inisfi lingo looms , crllcr. well , clMi'incl iK.'U , lw ) , easy toims.VT. \ . Oial ham , ( luljtlilon block , liikl L7a -A.r.-lleitiilliil | icMdencu lots In AVnl- l1 mil lllll * J.1o to fiWxi cBclii In per cent cash , balancu monthly puj incuts. C. 13 , Miijiic. Agg. Pnu SAT.R Kino hMol proppttr pnvins $10,000 n yonr not. Prlco , fiW.OOO. I3n y For Snlo A few choice ncro lots , JS.V ) to $100 cnch. For Hont Four now etoro rooms nnd flvo floods home * . I'or Snlo A flno , full corner business lot on Howard Mrcet. Must bo cold. 1'or Snip Ten cottiws nnd flvo rvMdoncM from $1,500 to $12,000. 13ii < iy terms. It. C. 1'nttcr- eon , Cor. 1.1th nnd 1'nrnnm. lee 771O118ALt3-Iomitltul io ldenco lots In Wnl. U nut lllll fSSo to f Coo each ; loiicr cent cnh , balnico monthly paj menu. U. 13. Mnjno , Agt. 1OH PAI.1. I.ftt InThornbuw I'laco on Holt J Line fa to tnoo each , monthly pnymentfl. C. 13. Mn > no , 15th nnd Fnrnnm , IVUit. $ "no will buy n choice lot on Dodfro street ! perfect title. Ciinnlnghuni le Urcnnnn. ifiit Dodgo. 17I3 rco lo $ Toopnch ; 10 ' per cenl wish , balance monthly payments. Tnko n ride out Cmnlng Mroot lo Walnut Hill und DCO the line buildings nhieli have hcim erected this nummrr. Street cnrs will lie n ti- nlng to Wnlnut Hill this wlntyr. The Holt Line him locntod depot grounds on AVnlnnt Hill. If Jon wunt n ohoico lot , cull end take n ride to Wnlnut Hill. C. 13. Mu > no , S. AV. cor. 15th mul Furmim. lfao-14 171OIIHALK- ! homos and lots lor S-2.TOO. A X1 good In vestment. Cunningham & lliennnn , 1511 Dodgo. 115-U POHSALI3 llonutlful residence lots In AVnl. nut lllll S35o to $ ( ioo 1'iioh ; lopcr cent cash , buliiiiro monthly payments. U. li , Muyne , Agt , I5S.1U. FOH HAL13 Ixitsln Tliombnrff Plnco on Holt I.InoiwUU to fli'Ji ' ) ( inch , monthly pin motiUs. U. 13. Mayno , 15th and Furnam. 1W.IB. OH RAM ! A burgnln for nfhort tlmo In lota IP In Shlnns nddltlon , live oor. , lot. 14) ) It on Oildwoll HM13UO , MiniOBinnllor lota t. > 50nnil$800. W. T. tlruhntn , Ctelghton block' 15.1-2 \\7ALNtrr IIlLI/-lxH $2Toto $0oo oaeh ; 10 * ' percent cash , hulnnco monthly iiiiyiiirnts. Taken ildo out Cnmlntr slreotto Walnut Hill and see the line building * which huvo been erected thH summer. Street car * will bo run ning \Vnhlut Hill this winter. The Ilelt Linn liiiHlocuted depot gionmls on Wnliiul Hill. If ; ou wunt u choice lotcull nnd ttiKun ildo to Wnlnut Hill. O. U. Muyuc , S. W. cor. Ifith und I'm num. 10o H JTMHIHA1.I3 Ono lot , two houses nnd bum , 1 Kluoot > ; n good Investment. Cunnlnghum A ; Hiennan , 1511 Doilgo. 177-1- FOIt HALU Lot , nnxM4wllhi ; now eottng-os ; routs lor $ "i < l per month , ou 17th , near Lcav- worth , $1,500. A. McGavoek , 1LOJ I'unium ft , 1183 JIlOKSALK-Iloantlltil losldonce lota In Wal- J-1 nut Hill $ i"o to $ Coo each ; lo per cent cu li , bulnnco monthly payments. 0. K. Muyne. Agt. 1S8 la. ] 7 ( > lt HAI.I3 Lurge house , corner lot , ou Cap- 1 It4il Hill , $0OOU. A. MeGnvock , 151/J J'nrnum. FOHRAI.13 LoUluThornburg'I'liice on Ilrlt Line , ? OOto 5'KW Piidli , monthly paymenUi. C. K. Mu } ne , I > tli and 1'arniini. 15S ID. FOHSALK-llcautifuliiMldonco lots In Wnl- nut lllll ; o to Jioo eiieh ; lo per cent umh , balance monthly puymentu. C. 13. Mujno Agt- " 1710IS SALi-LotH : 55 ami 177 at Sffil ) I o $ > 00. J-1 These uro haudsoiiRi-'t lot * in West Omaha. I3 sy toi ms\ Ames iHff I'urnam. ljy-10 POIt SAI.K Storolnecntor of the city , with Icaso , tlAtuios lor caKe IniKory , Ice cioam piulornnd i-cstnurnnt. Hont low. Addioss 1) . k , Hco Olllco. " \\7ALNUT HlLIr-U > ts5-r > o to ? oo oftch ; 10 ' per cent cash , balance monthly payments. Take n ildo out filming sticot to Walnut Hill und HCO the line buildings which huvu been erected thissnnimpr. Stioct cats will bo run ning to AVulmit lllll this w inter. The Ilelt Line bus located depot grounds on Wulnut Hill. If yon want n ohoico lot , cull and tuko u ildo to Wulnut Hill. C. E. Mnyno , S. AY ; cor. 15th nnd I'arnam. ISo 14 ITMHS SAI.K 120 ncro < < , neiir city. DoMrnblo 1 ucio property inurioii localltlos. .1. W. Marshull , lV i Farimm. ITO-U FOH SALI3 Lots , In Thornbuig" I'lncu ou Holt Line , f iKlto $ JJO ( inch , monihly paymontH. C. 13. Muyno , i5th and 1'arnnin. llh.l'.i. IJ'Oil SAI.K A few cliolco lots in Hanscom pnrk ; fMU lo $75(1 ( ; monthly imymonts taken. Cunningham & Hiennan , 1511 IJoilfo. 178-13 ] OH PALI3 Two full lots on Georgia nvonne , 1 $1,01)0 ) ctiah : hploiulM location und clicap. J. \V. Marahall , 1500 Furmim st 107-17 'IT OH SAL13 Lota In Ilunscom Pluco fiora fOO J-1 to S1WW. cany lornm. Ix > ts on 1'uik nnd Ceorgla Avcuuea * 151K ) . W. T. Giulium , Cielghton block. 151 , IjlOiTSAI. ! ! Iots In Thornburr I'luco on .Hot - Mnn.KiOO totWi ) ouch , monthly jinjinentt , . C. 13. Muyno , ifitli nnd I'limnm. IDS.l'J. TTlOli SAM : Stock of Boneral inorohiindKo J- und building lor lent. Address H. a. I' . , Uco olllco. iteU-14p 17 < Oll SAI.i : Coiner lot , 10il.\llX ) , I'opplnlon 1 nvo. , nciirl'aikciihl : mi < l noithfiout ; S.,00. ! : A. McUmock , 150 Kiirnam st. tH7 ) T7IOUSAI,13 AfowloU In llurtleltx nddltion Jhioo ( blocks liom Hticotonr. rnutn * 7j'J [ on monthly payments. AV.T. Grahuiu , Crolglitou block. . 150 WALNUT lIIIJIots ? 2.-o to Jfioo each ; 1(5 ( per cent cash , balunce montlilv iiaymonts. TiiKun ililo out Ciimlnt ; fltoct to Walnut Hill anil M-O the line buildlnpK which have been elected thin summer Sticot cars Will boinn- nliifrto Walnut Hill this winter. The Holt I-ino lias located depot grounds on AVnhiut lllll. If > ouMintu uholcu lot , call and tuKu n ililoto AVidniit lllll. C. 13. 3I } no , S. W. cor. inth and Kiirnam JCo-14 IF 3 ou want a cheap IIOIIMI nnd lot , II > ou ivant liiisliiivs piopctitv , Ifjou want unlmpioved losldonco jmipoity , 11 you uiint aero piopoity , If 3 ou u nut to inulio a good 1 n vestment In nny Kind ol leal estate , 11ou want to sell uny kind of renl nstnto , CallatCuniiliiKlium A : Jimimm'tJ ollice. l.ll Dodge , niutl'.O. IK. ) T710U KAMI-a lolH In Klrkwoodadd.chrap. - - ' A , MUJiuock , IStiil rHtmilii ht. SJtO FOKBAIif3 A good invcstmentlnii low lots In HaiiH. > om iiliiLo at tfiflo , uusy teimsV. . T. Oiuhum , Cioijihtoii lllock. JIM. \\rAI.NUT HIM-Ixts f , > 0o to * POO ouch ; 10 ' per cent cash , balance inonlhly iiaymontH. Takou ilde out Cumlng bticet to Walnut Hill and M'O the line biilldliigH wlilvh have been circled this summer. Hticct cars will bourn- nhiK to AYulniit Hill this \\intor. The licit Uiui has located dejiot gionmls on Walnut Hill. If you want a ohoico lot , ( all and tiiko n rliln to Wulnut Hill , C. li , Mayno , H. AY. tor. 15th and rarnam. llio II $1,000 HOUPO of lluiio roonm on naif lot , "t block liom Satindors , two blocks from car Hue ; $100 cash , Sl ' per month. M , I' , Sears. 01,1-13 IflOH SAI.K Now live-room cottage ; lot 40x 1 1'CljAV. A. Itedlok'H add , ; f 1,800. A. Mcfju. \ ouk , l&fi Km mini ht. 08.1 WALNUT lirnr/-T.otH fi.-.0 to tr\w each ; 10 percent cash , balance monthly payments , 'J'aUo nrldeout ( 'iiinlnir btic-ot to Walnut Hill and M'O the line buildings which have been fleeted this summer. Stieet cars will bo lim ning to Walnut lllll thU winter , The licit Line hus located dc | u grounds on Walnut Hill , If > on w nut a choice lot call nnd tuKu u lido to Walnut lllll. C. i : . .Muyno , 8. W. Cor , ttth und raimiin. I'Aiii. $ ire Cor , Jot In KIrknooil ; li ciuli and tlmo. M. I'.SeaiM. U14-U fOKSAIr.-lleuutifiil losldencn lots In Will- I nut mil ju'Vi to JOoo each ; lo imr cent cash , bulunco monthly pa } menu. C. 13. Mnjno. Agt. " 171 OK HALK llont.cn and loldon monthly pay. Jmonth. . I ) . I. lltijden , Suundoitf , botwieii Lake und \Vlllls lives. Uti-0 * T OUHALIS-SriX'IAb I1AHOAINS l'OHS.M.15 410. Ilcmitlfnl laigo loaldeiico with nil modern Impiiiveiiuuits on'runntloih and HI. .Miiij'Biuoniio f 10,000 tr > . Nlcocottugu , lull loton < ; iiailert , near (3umlng , 1 , OCO oSO. Tluco lionsiji , tent lor fcU.i J , on 17th Klrcet fi.dOO 3SO , rottuge , H loin , ni-'iir SniiiiiluiH limi ) IKi. Corner lot with collageon Dccutoriit 4'0 US7. lO-iooinLitlioin-o.MiTHontli I'Olh Bt. . . . fv'XK ) U7U. llcuutlliil ii'f.liluni'0 on I'uik uvcnue , near cur line 7,000 CCO. Tinco lots on I'lgliteynlli iindClaiU bticcts 1,000 KS. Nice tonldonuu lot on Yllglnlu u\o , , ni'iirbl , Miuy.s 1,500 Two lula , UJHlbti lout , V.8th and Fiiriium . . . . . . . , . , , . , . j.000 Coiner lot onUliuiil Mason l-"HxI13 loot ! , 1.203 lOiicicaon Wool ( 'umlng st. biiiguln. liU ) 173iaV. . 0 , Hllllivi-.il , Upp. roMolllco. . HALIJ l.oU In TlioinliiiiK I'lat'd ( in Holt J-1 Llnet-lX ) lo | J'JU ' cuel ) , monlhlv ; . , , rmiiritS. V. T. , Ma > no , IMIiji i iVmin , I'M'J , "lOU SAI.I' Onu of tnu llni'xt ' icHldcnco pii | > > -1' ciy.glld-cdguloculliiii , splendid ticw , cast lionl ! modem linpiovoinontB , mi&oiiutlo niluu , AUdtcsi , W. I' . , lloo olUcc , 'itfl FOU SALIj I/it * IniTliornburR Plnco on licit tlnc$200 to $ Mn Mich , monthly pnjtnonts. (1 , H. Mnyne , l. > th nnd.Fnrnnm. l.VM.I1) . 371011 SAI.n Iloftlitlful rooldcneo lots In AVnl- . nut Hill fiBlo U ? tloo onoh , lo j-pr t-ont < 'n h , balnnco monthly imjtnonts. C. 13. Mnjno , Afrt. KAIJ. _ _ ONfiVno lots trtlrnflo for Improved pcoporlr , xrillnftsumo mortgages or pny dllloi-onco in cash , rnrtles wishing to trnito bolter cull nt onco. AY. H. ( Iroon , over 1st National Hunk. 174 InOH8AM3 lts In Tliornburpr IMnco on Holt ' Iilnn f See to fTort cueh , monthly jnymi'iits. 0. K. Mayno , 15th ami Furnnm. LVS.19. 17 > OH SAM ! IIou of nnd lot nnd Inn lots nenr 1'nrk avonuoi clit'np , on ensy teims. (1 I' , Slcbblns , Hoom 81 , Arlington lllock. U4nov7 * IiAOU SAt.13 11 ncresflneost gnidon and fiutt Innd In the state , nnd 0 miles ftoin Omaha ; ba\o not tlio tlmo to look niter It. On tlmo or lor ciush. Cal , Mm tin , 100 South Hill SI. ; ! 70 171OII SAt , 13 One of the nno tionlilnco prop- JL1 prt les In Omuliu , gt5iWJ. C. 13. Mil ) tie , 15th nnd lAirimm. i75 ! SALE OU I113NT llllck lioll o. f lx X1 i oems , corner lot , Shlnn'sndd. AVIII sell on monthly pu > iucnts. U. 15. Mn > nc , 15th nnd Far- num. ! ! 74 TT1OU KAliIV-ThicnnoWlottaffos. flvo ixiomi X1 each , In AVnlntit Hill ; Rood collars. eoels ] , pantrk1" . cisterns clo ; two loU with ( MI oil cottnii f\fm \ each. $100 don n nnd $3) per month. 0. 13. Mnyno , Ifilh nnd rurnum. S7I F [ lt RAM3 lloautlfnl ticro property 3 miles from city , nt flSS to fWO per ncre ; easy terms. lU U. I'lUUirson.ooniur lllth and rarnam Jill TT OUBA1.R llenntlful losldnitco lott In AVnl- 1 nut Hill J2So to fCoo onoh , lo per cent cash , uiilunco monthly payments. O. Is. Majno. nut. T71OII S.VLI3 Magnificent homo nnd lot with JO commodious barn on Callloi nla ettoet near lhlhf < ( > uth liont. r , r/X ) . For ( "alo Full lot good two story 8 room liouso on California , locution \ory desirable , f 0,000. J. 13. Kiley & Co. , SU5 south lilth street , ! Sa IflOU HAMi tTlotson Oeorgla nml Virginia ' avos. , Kedlck's udd. $1C ; > U to $ lrOOJ eucli ; casv t erms. (1WS ( ) Tliniionlcstcottntto In Omaha , iow , nil modern oonvonlences , ( Icorgla nvo , $ .1,81111. C.'ikl ) Itcaiilllnl norolot mul IIOIIBO liiclng pro posed lloiileviuil , West Onuiliu , fJ W. easy terms. K57) ) fi ncros with good house , stable etc. , fi uillos trom 1 O. JlXiOoHsy tornm. C-r4G ) Now cottiiRori rooms , good bam. corner ( Iiaii'.land 1'lor streets , Sw OO , monthly pay- nienl.s. (171) ( ) Lot fnchiff Hnnwompark onVnrknvo , ? 1OOU , ciwy terms. U. K. Mujno , 10th und Far- num. : iJ .13 Now house , 7 rooms , mist front , - 1lull lot , uo\t to alley , on Saunders Hticut ; lot nlono woith uo'trly nil Ihul Is ukod lor It , JX',000. .1. K. Hlloy i : Co. , 815 ri. Mill SI. ! i ! : > J'OTtPAM3 T/otsln Thornburg I'lute on Holt 1 Line f. oo to fee ! euch. monthly pu > imMits. O. 1 ! . Mnj no , l. > th nnil Farimm. 1.V4.11) ) . POK SA 1.13 Two lots on u corner , two blocks Irom rurnnm , Inilh lor SIA'50 , positively cheap. .1. 13. lllley & .CO , ! ! 15i3oillh 13th bt. V.H WALNUT lULIi-LotH fti-,0 to ? ( lee each ; 10 percent cu h , balance monthly payments. Tuko n ride out Onmlug HI root to Walnut Hill und see the line buildings which liuvo been erected thismimmor. Street cars will bo run nlng to'Wulnut Hill this winter. Tlio Holt Line him located depot grounds on Walnut lllll. If joii want a uholco lot , call and tnkeii lido to Wal nut Hill. I ! . 13. Muyno , S. W. cor. 15th nnil 1'ur- nam. ILo-lt "T/IOHSALI3 LijtsIn Thornbiirg I'laco on Unit J1 Line $2oo to i'.ion" tsieh , monthly payments. C. IS. May nu , 15th and Fniuiim. I VJ.l'i. JTlOli SAI.K Full lot , Kiuth tiont ; very doslr- . nblo piopoitu , onliod car lino. This is very cheap ut $1,100. J. IS.Utiloy & Co.15 South lilth Ktieet. ; , > 51 POK SAI.I3 Cumin ! n flue lot In Huii = coin I'laco. Addr6 * ) K. V. F. . Hoe olllco. 1M iriOH SA LK-Ix > ts In-'riiornburg ' I'liioo on Hull JL' Line 5-oo to ' > oo each , monthly payments. 0.13. Mayno , 15th jind.Fnrnmn. l.'Al I. TT1OJI SAI.K AVe huvo lots ( in Vlnton , Cum- X1 Ings , Oooigla nvo. , Loavonnorth and other streets. Fur- mini slicol business piopcity. .1. 13. HIley V Co. , UlTiSrt\\h 1 ith struct. ! U3 "T71OK S VI.IC Ixit oil Karnum , T)0)ilS7 , $1,400 , X1 very dcalrabiu loc lesidenco. This nlll bo In the matketonlyiil le ) duysns it is cliouii. .1.13. Hlloy At Co. , 315 Sv.UtU j.ith sti cot. Z'A TnOltSALli-notMlrtThbriiburg I'laco on licit 1 Line &oo to S ioo oaoh , monthly paynicnt-s. . 13. MIIJ no , Kith and Farnain. 15S U > . "JTlOK.SAIjI3 Full corner lot throe blocks fiom X1 sti cot cars ; beautiful and Mghtly location ; t.550oashortllon tiiao. Tills Is posltlvelvu bargain. J. K. Hlloy & Co. . Jiir. S. littli St. 'J3J WALNUT HILT/ Lots ? 2-"i1 to $000 each ; 10 per cent cas'i , balance monthly pnjments. Take a ildo out CuminMroot to Walnut lllll und K'O the line buildings which luuo been cicclcd this summer. Stioot cms will lie inn- nlng to Walnut Hill thin winter The licit Line has located depot grounds on Wulnut Hill If joii wunt n choice lot cull uud take n ildo to Wal nut lllll , C. 13. Muyne , 8. W. cor. 15th and Fur- mini. 1 Dill I FOH SA I.I ! A two story , ! 2\IX ) . liumo bull 1- ing , Hiiltnlilo lor n 81010 , iiciii-JUth Mini Far- iiumSla. Apply ut thin ollico. 1117 , " OUHALI3 Ix > H In Thornbiirg 1'lnco on IloTt I 1 Line J--KI lo ( , ! OJ ouch , monthly ptiyments. C. H. Mayno , 15th"and I'mimm. 1VJ. ( | T7IOU SAM : Full lot with new IIOIIBO , 4 rooms , Jv pantry , collar , clstoin , ixiroh in fiont , blinds ; less than tlneo bloukH fuiin icd car line ; improvements : woith over Shltl , all lor 51 i" > ( ) . Kasy pa > menlH. This is also u burtruln. .1.13. Hilei Ar CO. , ! . ' 15 S. mil Bticot. ttH OH SALK Lots In Thornbuig I'laco on Holt T7 : l.ino jx'ii ) lo j'-'JU ) eiieh , monthly payinenls. C. 13. MIIJIIO , bib and l < 'iunum. 1 > 8.\'J. \ FOIt SAI.K Atu tmnrian , lot with 2 liouoos II and 7 looms , well , eiitern , li.irn. \y. KOth and Harnoy Improxod pi opm ty t alien ius jiarl pay. Win , L. Momoe , tth und Duuglas. POUHAf.13 On rnlrvlew St. , ono of the best nriangedund I'C.st built ailtagcN In the city , o loom * , all on ono tloor : 4 < -OM'.S ! , punliy ; U It ceilings ; transom ovcrovnry door ; liiiM'ini'iit ami wasluoom under kitchen ; vliio ( ! , hall cash , buliiuco to Hiilt nt B per cent. Very dealialile. J. W. Muiiilmll , IMI Furnam. VAJ WALNUT IIILI/-I-otsSaX ) lo tfflocucli ; 10 per cciit cash , nalauco monthly paymnms. Take u ride out Ciiiitlug htipet to Walnut lllll nnd wo the line Imlldlims which have been etcctod tiilKSiiminei' Sneot cms uill boiiin- nlntf to AYultiut Hill this winter. The Holt Line has locate i depot gioumls on Walnut Hill. If you want n clmlco lot , call and take n ildo lo Walnut Hill. C. L' . Mayno , b. W. cor. 15th mid Farmiiii. _ Hkill PDItSALi : Acid lota In Ilellvoiloio , just west ol KOI t Omaha , $ iiiO to ilikl ouch Tlie-o nil ) bdiiutllul lots und mo hound lo double in uilno In u shot I time. C. 13. Miiim , S W Cor , 15lh mid Kiirnam. iNP i \ \ , AI.NUT HIM * Lotritttioto ffloo each ; lo percent cash , biilunce monthly payments. Tiikon ride out Cimilng hticct to Walnut Hill nml HOO tlio line buildings which have been oicetod thin Himmor. ritn > et curs wllllioiun- nlng lo AVnlniil Hill I III * winter. The Hull Line hus located depot wioiinils on Walnut lllll. If joii want a choice lot , call mid tuko a ride to \Vuliiutililt. C. K. Mayno , S. W. cor. 16th mid Kuinani. Ji'o-14 _ HE'A'I. ' XSTATE. Oil HA 113 At ii great | iaigaliioiio ol ( ho 171 best i-tock | IIIIII MI Douglas county ; 4x'l ncics ; 810 ucros In Pji tnio , M In lilno grass , ll i acies in ciiltlvailoniiest : hay laud ; JliUx ) per acio. Call boon. J. Wi'Mait > hull , I5UU I'm num. H 't ( (1711 ( -rH oil SALH-foo'licilf , all under fence , divided Into 5 tieldh ; ; 'oo ium\s tlmhcr , lee tlvuled ; a iiiunlmnol llrlnghpi Ings , good hon. e , htablns unit coriuls. I'nfcolooon ; I'LOOO oi h , lialaiicoioKiilt llcil Jvjlhuv comity , Neb .1. W. Marehull , l.Vnl Fin u\nin ; \ , I.M 17 hAL13 Ten KiMftlons of land In Keith Foil ; 1 10uu. , > lcio rimh , ' .Kil in nine years , ( /'unnlnglicrti K.Uieuiiun , 1C ) I Doilgo. I" " * ' * * i ( 17Olt HAI.R-INlI > hc'ryi ' In Merrlcik eounly , I fix.i ) . ThouhAiidstif am on of choice lami ng lands In Picieii , MadlMin nnd other noiili- ( instdi n isiuntlus at cheap i ales and easy terms , J. W. Mm nliull , IfOH 1 in mini M. _ 170-17 > OH HALF. Four coetlons In Howard countvi 17 good , i leh Hull ; inii'itly nice level hind ; near nillHiiiilIntlonrt nml In good iiolylilioiliooilh' J'J , to Win ml 10 per ucio ; i < riixh. biilanco I. a iindll jeurs nt 7 per cent. J. W. Mtu liiill. lUM I'm num. ifHT TTlINi : linpTovod fiirmH.wlll Undo for Improvdl X1 oily piopcity. W , ll.Oi'oon , over M Na tional Hank , KM BALE-MIHOELLAWEOUB. HAM ! Onohoiivy ( liny team nndutxon , FOIt one cyy. IlUJU'lV ' lalhoUu i ; ii- . ' , U-tm , K iircicwiii'.AT Vwiini-cm ioiH irioj toBiilt 1 1 iiilti. In liarudMori-uckH Ouf'No 1 Heady lluHul" bncXwI'/'iil ' / tldiir wauvilUdl'Ost ' iiiinlo.io-U MIIII piiuiirlor It. IHulu-ht piliopuld lor hucUU'ent gndir W. J.U'uUlmiu * i' J CJty MIIU Unialiu. 117. HOTI'.r * roil PAI.H-Tho 1cn o nnd furnl- ttiroot thoNflwTorfe Control llntol , AVj- more , Neb. Thi pioporty will bo sol J nt a smv. rlflce prior to November 1st. The Now Control commands the bo t Irndn In tbo city , nnd Is n bnrguln. Aililrojs 3 , AV. 1'ngo , I'liipriotor. A\i- more , Neb. IC7-17p "ITIOIt BAM3 Finiiltiiio nnd IPIWI of holel nnd X1 .bonnllng hotiho. Address D. 13. , Drn Ofllco. " | ] AOllSAli : New , hnndsoinclypnlnlcd.flprln ? J wnotm , liiUlro ] nt N. AV. cor. 10th nnd Call- iornln St ? . ( Xll-I3p "ITlOIt HAM3 Fine fnmlly lior'oltliliarno3.s. . X1 ImjiilioK , AV. Cor. 10th nnd Cnllfornla. ' "Trou SAM3 Furniture oinptolo of n ton- X' room house , li block from postolllcn. Iloiife for icnl , $45 per month. Apply nt 150 Dodge ht. llj "TJ1OH SAI.K A No. 1 di Ivlnjr or work hoio for 1. cutth or on tlmo. AV. H. Ci-oft , Hoom 4. AVltlinoll llulldlnjf. _ 74J . ttOTUI. I'uinltnro for calo OCCIDI3NTAI. rent. Call nt Occidental for Infoimntlon , corner 10 nnd Hownnl St. Oi"i _ 17IOUSAM3-lucUwhout | lit mi , SSo poVlOOIM. X1 AV. J. AVol < linns A. Co. , City Mills. 41J IpOUMAI.13 T o lots in relhnm I'laco , ono block troui sti-uet cnr Hack. liuiulro-H3. lath strcuU fxij Foil SAMi Or wonlil Irndo for n good Itorso and buggy , w ) ncios In Uosper county. Ap ply to 218 South Kllh street. KM BUSIJTESS CHAIIOUa. TT1OH HAM : A clean , now Mock of groceries. X' Address lloxJt.'l. 1'awnco City , Nob. ! r75-14 * mo I3XCIIANOK.-.VXW X gonernl nuu-chnndl&o. AVIII exchange lor good Nebraska or Kansas lands. Address llox M , AVj inoi u , Neb. U5 ! 5 ! SALK A barber uliop In n llr.sl-elnss lo cation. For puitloulai-a uddross II. II. , lleo OHIce. B7n-Lp ! _ _ FOR SAL13-Complcto ontllt for bunking IIOIIFO , conslMlng of largo Iho nnd burglar proof safe , Iron railing , ebony counter , etc , nil now. AVould trade lor Omaha cltv ptoporty or wild lands. U. K. Mayno , 15th and Furnam. Ml Foil SAM3 Hotnll stock of drugs nnd II v- lines , nil in good order ; good locution nnd tiado. AddiessX. Y. / . , Chirk Drug Co. , Omnlm , Nob. _ _ IV5 Foil SAMI First-class hole ) , grounds nil Improvements , ll.ttnres , bar \o.In n grow ing city. l'i Ice SSVXXl ; terms oitsy. Address H. C. 1'utluisoii , Kith and I'm num. 450 BOARDING. KOOSt nnd board , $5 per week ; ery bostlo- lutlon. IhH Davenport St. lflNHp WANTii-Day : boarders at 710 North 10th , near Hurt. lormovK' SXOVB KEPAII13. T in : AY. C Mot7iicrStovoHopnlrCo.,11lSouth litli Hi. butwoon DodifounJ IITOINIA : : MADAM olojrlst nnd C'lulrvovuiil , points out unseen onomlo-.color Ilielroyos nnd biilr. The tout tohiiccess. Jove unil Imslness a upeoi.ilty. She positively euros billons houdacnci , l > IduoysIlvor und nil cloriiiiHuinonta ot the wlomach , dissolves pull Mones , ciiiose.itmrh , the worbt cases of iheunmtism. Her inothod ot i'iiriiir ( cnlmilus Is with hot bs , und most , complete. Heals worst f-orcs in n month. Her ticntment of corns , bunions , tender loot nets like iichurm. Mis. Hidchurd ) ncomos with many leconimciidntlons liom the | ) ioss and private Individuals , celebra ted und popular short time only. ; U- North 10th Bti cot , room U. _ _ _ . . _ 017 _ PHYSICIANS. / 1KNTIIA1. HOSriTAl Open for the nccom- V modatlon of the Pick. Snurliml operations of nil kinds skilfully performed. Dlsoascs of women n specialty ; ladles iiiconllncmontoan here have nlHoluto prlvuey und the bust of nttontlon. Cor- lespondoncoKOlicltoJ Address Dr. .1. Jl. Sivlt- num. cot nor 1.1th und Fnrnant or Or J. It. Hulpli corner IStb nnd I'arnam. Tolephouo 53'J.KiO ' KiO Confectionery nnd clgnrs at 719 N. icth st. ADIKSlii want of pond Bill tor ironouilTmii u Avork iVo , cnn 11ml them by applying ut Omu hu Employment llnioun , 11-J Fiiniam St. 'JIT A I.AA'AYSon hand nt a IwrBuIn , No THOCOIII ! xX hand can iairo phaetons and wide-bar bujf- Bins , ut A. J. Simpson , 14JJ and 1111 IJodgo St. fuT moved nnd packed. Mcohan.IJ ) N. PIANOH 10th street. H > M.'p LADIKS In want of good domostlo help cm : bo auppllod by calling on HID Omaha Km- jiloviiient Ullleu.tMT N. lliln bt. , up sUllrd. Mrs. .1. W. Moitlsoii propiiotor. ii74 ' vanlta und cessioels ] cleniiod in an PIIIA'Y way by I' , ( i. Abel , I * . O. Hot Il'rt. _ _ "I" ' inTPIUBE CUKED. operation or useless trusl < ns. Dr. M. M. NO , SJI.l Wabash nvo , Chicago. Will to ut Lo/zeiiu llout > o , October tfU , ono u.tyonly. \ , AVahliilon , r.HO 3."illi St. "I'll 13 ( TIMK.V A lKaicllnjf nnd day hohool looming laillei. DellKhllully hltuated onduorKotnwii Heights , iMrisu ( nouniU ; MI- poriorboliolaatloadMiatase.s. MIHS l'\iii.K. Milwaukee & St , Paul Tlie Short Idne and Best 3&onte From Omaha to the East. TWOTHAINSDAILY HKrWI3UN OMAHA AND Chicago , JMiiineapolU , Milwaukee , bt Punt , ( 'ilur Kaplds , DiU'cniKiit , ( Hilton , liibuiiio | , Hockloid , Hoiklsluml , Ficepoit , .lunosville , Klgln , MiidNon , J.iit'lObSO , llulolt , AVinona , And all other Impoitant iiolnlH liast , Noitheiut mul Tluket ollieo ut 1401 Faimim street , ( In 1'axton Hoiuli , unit at Union I'ucilic Depot. Piilliimii.iluupuisund tuo I ' 'most DlnlnC.it'4 in in \Viiiiiliiioiiin on the main Hues of mo on iiA < ; uMii.u/ii'M.n.VbT. PAUI , HAH. WA , ami M vi ) attention is paid to pnsbciiijuiri by couriu- oiin einjiloyos ol tno coinjiany. H. Mii.i'i.iiiciiuialMiiiiiiHur , , l. K I'dUKi.it , Assisumt iiiiiiural Managijr. A. V. li.Oiiti-t.Mi.il , lloneial l'wut\jur \ unl Ticket Agent. , UK ) , li. Hi4.M'Htui , AbsIsUintOonur.il Ijerjuiit A GREAT HRDICilL WORK ON MANHOOD , Tlioflclecflof Mfonhiiulil Im rcml jiy tliu jrnunii for Inntrnrtlnn nnd l > y tliv umicKiil fur rcllof. It will buno- lltnllIxinilon l.'inuit. ' mint ( 'liinillc nml IHIBIIIIIIIU IIIMHIO ; . , , ' , ' balllod thiiM.lllciful olhurplijitl ; KNOW " " " ' ' elan * , u specialty Such ticuKul , Hiieces-fully without an liiHtuiiLO 'f IVRRl.r . of lailuio. Muntlon ilH piiper.llUDim. HAMBDRG'-AMERICM A DUU3CT LINI3 t'OU England , France & Germany. Ihostcaniblilpeof this null knu n line uio all ol lion , In w.tinHghi fimpuinnonm , nnd ro- tuiniuhid with over > thing to mal > e Iho l i"ii > fu lioili will ) and iiuuL-ablu. Tlipy cm ly llio Uiilled Mules und Huiopeiui mulls , mid lcu\oNew A oik Thiiiwlaysnnd Suiuiduys K' ' ' . . ' ' ] 1,1'1,1,1,1 ' ! ' " 'UN > , , , , , } IIAMIIIMKIi. DONi , Choi bong. ( PA HIS unil Hate -1'li-bt cublii , * OJ-IUO u Yoik. WHERE THEY NOW ARE. Seine Confcilcrnto Uoncrntn nnd AVImt They Kind to Do In Times of 1'cnco. Philadelphia Times Over half n dozen of tlie o.\-eonfetlerito : generals who went Into tlio war bachelors liuvo roiuainod single ever since. , among them General Curtis I.uo , tlio handsome and popular son of llio confederate chieftain , and General Jubal Karly , who Is now seventy oild. oild.Most Most of the ov-conftdt-rato generals who are not in politics tire interested in > mo way with railroads. General Longstrcot will ne\t month open a , winter holel In Georgia , near the Gulf coast. FitHiiirh Leo U short- and stout , with grayish chin whiskers , nnd looks llko u larmur. AH whim ho "did nil the swearing for Stomiunll Jackson , " General Jubal Karly continues to enjoy the distinction of being "thu tallest Hwoaror in Vir ginia. " General W. II. II. ( Unny ) I.co , n son of the Into Itobort K. Leo , Is now a prosper ous farmer in Fairfax county , Va. Ago hits not matlo many Inroads upon General .Joseph K. Johnston , now United Stages railroad commissioner- has gotten over the nervous trouble from which ho suffered for many years. Ho In iiiarrk'd , but litt.s no children. The commandant of the troops in the Shcnnndoah valley for n long time was General John ICcliols : who is now n di rector in the Uhosapeako nnd Ohio rail road and president of the Lexington and Big Sandy road. Although in the convention that met before the war General W. G. Wickham , now vice president of the Che.sapeako nnd Ohio railroad , voted against see.es- Rlon , ho galloped to Iho first troop of horse into oapttol square and tendered his sword to tlio state and confederacy. Ho commanded a brigade through tlio . war. and although his homo \ \ as within the lines , ho did not cross its threshold but Iwioo and was each time carried in wounded , When ho surrendered with Lee at Appomattov ho disowned the eon- federate leaders and returning homo built the lirsl.school house for colored children in the south. He became the leader of the republican party in Vir ginia Mini did mueh lo make it respecta ble. He was driven out of the parlv by Mnhnno , and is now supporting 'Fit/ Hugh Lee tor governor. Maliouo's bitter enemy , ( Jon. Bradley T. Johnson , i.s now practicing law in Ba'I- timore and i.s ouo of the counsel of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company. He is a brilliant and liandsomo looking man of about lifty. Dark as an Indian and straight as an arrow , standing over sis feet lour incln s , General 11. Litidsey Walker has IK t changed much. He has rece.ntly gone lo Texan as superintendent of construction of thu stale house tit Au.stin. General Taliaferro , who commanded tlio Virginia militia at the time ot the John Urown trouble , is still tin active man , over six feet high , and attends to his largo estates , near Gloucester Point , Va. , bordering ou Ohesajjeako Hay. One of Mahone's last friends is General V. 1) . Groner , now living at N irfolk ami occupying the position ot president of tlio National Compress Company. Physically iuahonu weighs loss than ninety pounds. Ho was nu engineer when the war broke out and rapidly rose to po sition. Ho had command ot the defense of Petersburg and distinguished himself ill the battle of the Crater. Leo singled him out of all tlio generals lo accompany and stand by him at the limo of the sur render. Goncral Beauregard continues to act as counsel and promoter of tlio Louisi ana lottery. It is curious that General Curtis Leo , though a grandson of Airs. Curtis , bears u most marked and striking rcsumhlanco to the pictures of Washington. General Hooker who lost an arm at Vioksburgis now practicing la win Miss issippi , and is the closest personal friend of JeH'erson Davis. During the past summer ho was at the Virginia Warm Springs. General Walker , who commanded the Stonewall brigade after Jackson's death , i.s now over .si\ly .years of ago. IIo is a practicing lawyer in Virginia , nnd has been lieutenant governor of the state. Ex-Lieutenant Governor and General Robert K. Withers , of Virginia , is six feet and Mont and gray , nnd is an active liwyor with a large practice. "Workers and Kators. It is sound doctrine , that if any man will not work , neither shall lie cat. And il is just as true that if any man cannot oat , neither can ho work. Thoio are thousands of people whoso indigestion1 is so poor that Ihoy cannot with any coin- lortcat a square meal. How can wo expect such sufferers to do ti fair day's work ? Urown's Iron Hitters strengthens weakened digc.st''ou ' , loncs up the whole system , enables people to cat , work , and enjoy prosperity. Any druggist will blip- ply 3 oti. Ilif ; Cattlemen. The following directors of the Buy Slate Cattle company wens in the city yesterday , sloppjug tit the Milhird : J. II. Kimball , Httth ; Mr. G. W. Simp son , Boston ; A.M. Hice , Boston ; 1) . W. Lowell , Boston ; J. L. Hyde , Miih'oniii , N. V. ; G. M Kimball , ( Joricord , N. 11. They leave this afternoon for their honies in the east. These gentlemen have been for some time past inspecting their stock ranches in the west They u.\press themselves as gratillm ) with the condition in whiuh they found their property , and surprised at the general prosperity ami healthy boom of this section of the "great north west. " Bomo ( iool Advice. NewNork Sun : "Jacob , " said old Mr. Isaecstein to his young son , who wis : .lustontorin business , "Von you haf nod- dings to say to a gustomer ohoosl say il. Dou'd you shoot your mouth oil' ven It don'd VIIH loaded , Jacob. " "Yes , ladder , " replied the attentive Jacob. "A few veeks ago , " went on ( ho old gentleman , "a gustomer gome in to pity a pistol to shoot himself mil. I told him dot vas wrong , und he vent away , pot next ttiy his pody vas found in the Kant river. He drownded himselluf , und I lose do sale of dot pistol. Don'd you shoot your mouth off von ildon'dvas loaded , Jacob. " . A Kamlly Kothlnif iiddsmnrd lo the Huouiltyof llfo , of liUiillii | | Kiiiid heullh , thuii n Hiifo nndicllablo lumily nieJiuluu , Blmmon * ' Liver Itcjfiilulor liiixwoii lor It.Holl'tlin appellation of "the favor- It' homo reaiudy. " II It iuhi | > to 1 to n lur/o juo- poilion ol'tliu omoivoneliH which occur In do- mo-tllollfo. 11'the child him the ( olio , It U a Nine , Bate und ploiisant remuily. If ( lie father li ex- huuntcd.ovonvorliod.ilohllltatod , It will tustoiu Ills talllnjf tlroiijflh. If the wlto Miih'M lioiu il > Hicblu | | , low H | > liltH , hcadaolio , II will ( 'lui lellef. If any inoinburof Ihu lumily IIUM eaten unythliitflmnl of dilution , u gumlldosuof the Ho iilator will noon oitalilith a , ' " " ! dUoillon. Ittflt'cii lefiushlii Hlenp iivoii la caccs whcio oollo have tailed. It In thu HKnr I-IIIVKNTIVB : MKDICINK , und Biilo to hoj'lii with , no mailer what the uttiulc und In utmost every e.iso n 111 Htford icllef and olieut n Bpeody emu , without the uldot other medicine. Noomtrlo boleuieil In tulinlnlMciInt' ; no Injno fiom ovimsiiio iillur Inking ; no ( ; liiiu o of dlot iO'jnlioli nu eliun u ut InibltH ; no ne lect of ilntlui or lowofllHio. Blmmomt' Liter IteKlilutor Uontliely ( itable , nml | H thu plaint und l > o t lainlly medlcluo coin- I'leiiuied by J II X.HI I.I JJ n CO. , ii , 1'a. , fcolu juoiu irs. MANUFACTURERS. Billiard Tables. THR Manufacturers of Bi Hard A Pool Tables , AmlSnloon , Oniconnd HH.IA I'lVtttres. Mntkot nmi Huron Sts.i Chloiiffo , III. Onmlm olllco , Ml s-joth st _ _ _ _ _ .Book Binding. Etc , Printers , Book Binders , Anil ntnnk Hook Miuiuhictmcrs No . 10fl niul UM South lltli Street , ( ) ini\lin , Neb. Butter Tubs. _ _ .fsKYMomi. Manufacturing of Butter Tubs , M it > . ! < : 40 fr , aoo : ai in , uio ; 91 P > , So ; too ln , into. ISth nnd I'lurcu HI. , Onmlm , Nob. Cigars and Tobacco. "MAX MinT.it .1 m , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , nnd Ammunition , iil.1 to a l South Itth tit loot , IttMtn 1U24 I'm niim Street , Oinnlin , Nob. INTKII-ORKAN OtrUll rACTOUV. WIW1' ArrillTOCIUCIt. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealer * hi I.i > af 'I'ohnpcos. N03. UN nnd HON. lltli BtiectOmaha , Neh , Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works. John Hpenotiir , 1'iopilelor. Manufaoturor or flalvanlred Iron and roinlcu. P .II Dodiro , nnd 101 und 1V ( > Noilh 101 li .Sticot , Uinuha , Nob. 1UM3MI'1N < 1 .V 1IOI.TK , MunuriictuioraofOrnumontnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer 2 4 Windows , riniiH llo.nil ! ) S. 12th St Woikdnno 73 In uny pnitoi tbu country. Western Cornice Works , 0. SI'KrltT , I'ropilolnr. flnlvnnlrcd Iron rornlre' , lto. ! Specht'n Im- ) imMl l'uliMltMiitnlll ( < bl < ) llKht. MM nnd 610S. IXtli M. , Omuliu , Nub. Doors , Sash. Etc. MunuliK'tiircr nnil Deulor ( n Doors Sash Blinds , , , Mouldings , Tile. StubHnlls n specliilly. Tolophonu No. 03. Ifith und Mn icy st , Onmliu. Neb Electrical Supplies , Electrical Supplies , I , . W. W01.FI3 & CO. , nioetrlclans , Mnsonlc Illoch , Oinahii Ilin l.ir Alarms , llolh , I'lio Alarms , Illnoirlo .Muttliir , Spo iliinj TuboJ , ( Jolil , .Silver and Nickel I'lntliife' , lUe. Iron and Nails. OMAHA NAlF/MANUrAirnWINU CO. , Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire Nulls n Specialty. Omuhu , Neb. Omaha Iron Works Company , Mnohinoij.CastlinfH , Steam Kmrinos , ilollori , Arclillcctuiul lion Woik , him Utilises , Mining nnil Mill .Muclilaery , Olllui und \\oiUs , Union I'ucllle U. It. , I'.lli and ISth StieeU. AY13AUNE & IHIO. , Foundry Works , Cor. 14th nnd JncUson Sts , prepared to do nil Ulnds of Iron und I truss Cahthurs ; nlso.O , O. ItiinnUter's Hooking Urato Hard maiiufaotnroJ Mattresses. Mattress Company , Manufacturlmr Mattresses , lloddln ? , Fon\hor \ I'lllows , 1 )18 , ito. fcftK ) mid 1203 Douglas Street. Omaha , Nob. Overalls. CANl'IIU , ! ) WANUrACTUKINO CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jcnns 1'aiits , Shirts , lite. . 1102 und 11U4 Douglas Stieet , Umaha , Net ) . Paper Bozes. J. i , . WIMCIIJ , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , 100 S. 14th St. , Onmlm , Neb , Orders by mull so licited und wlllioeolvo prompt uttentlon. Safes. Omaha Safe Works , o. ANDiir.r.N. Manufacturer of Tire und Ilnrurlnr Proof Snfoi , Vinilt DooiP. .In ! ! Work. Shutter * mid Wlio Woik. Cor. Hth und .luekson Slfl. , Omuhn , Neb. Wagons and Carriages , flHATTON & DHUMMOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , 1.115 and MI7 llui ney MI cot , Onmlm , Nob' . Solo Agents In Nubrubka lor Jones' Celebrated Hpllt Shall Sulkiod. Kslahllshpd IMS. A. .1. BIMI'SON , The Leading Carriage Factory , 14001111(11411 ( Dodge Sti cut , Omaha , Nob. White Lead. OMAHA AVHITU LHAD COMPANY" , Coirodnm and ( irinilcrs of Perfectly Pure White Lead , Omiibn , Noli 1 ovl Carter , Pies ; C. AY. Mead A'lce Pros. : H. W. Yatos.Sco. amlTioaa. BJOTEL DIREOTORYB The Millard , S , Bhoni-s , J. 15. Miirkol.Thns. Swnho , Proprlotora Oniaha , Nobinska , Arcade Hotel , Jnmes < 3ii'uy. Proprietor. K'lftnud 1.'I7 Douglas Ht. , Onmlm , Nob. The puti imago of commoiclul moil lospnotfully sollcltml. They will II nil this the host hoiibo \ \ eat ol Ths Cazzeas , P. HuiiHeyA Co , , Proprietors. Itntos ti ! no per day , no dai k toorna. Also Palooo Hotel bantu I'u , Omuhu , Nob. CanOeld House , Tor. Ninth nnd Km mini Bin. The best (3 per da ) hotel In Omuhu. Homodclcd rcfiirnlflliol icdocriitod ; one block liom niiiiy opposllu I'lilon I'acllle licniliiinu Kirn ; Htiool cura PIIHH the door , ( iuoii-'e Caiilleld fc ( 'o , pioprlo- IOIH Abe Union Hlouk Yin Us llotol , South Oiniihu. Hotel do Gees , P. (10OH , Piopiiotor. F.iliopean Plan. The only cealiiilly located $3 ndat luiiue. Tin co ilooi 11 inn lloyd's Opera IlniiM'ilinl ' ono-'nilf ' block loni | tliu 1'oitolllfo nml the Omit llousu , 1503 , 1510 , 15U Farimm ht.nnilin ( , Neb. Iloiise , c. H ruiniia. . tliitns lAii < or day , Hucct cms Horn tTl . iH'piii , ulihin one lilool , ol iioiieu. Dud e und Juth Hiictn , OimihuNob.