Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1885, Image 1

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Harrowing Talcs which the Oorwin Brings
from the Northern Regions.
Tlio 7 > iui/orn / , Loss of Iilro nud Html-
bhlps Undergone l > y Hardy Ad
venturers on Alnnlca
Tlio Cruise oflhc Corvvltt.
SAN PitANrisro , Oct. is. The United
States ru\cntu > culler "Convln" arrived hum
io-d.iy with about one hundred of the crews
of the vviecked Aietle whalers iiboaul.
The "Cm win" tiring news fumi llio Alette
Heel Id tlic 20lh of August. She icporls Hint
the whalers "Mabel , " " ( Jeorge. " niul "Susan"
were blown ashore In a gale of wind on Aug
ust 10 , in Waluvv light's Inlet , longltudo ICO
and latitude 71. Of the "Susan's" ' riew
1111:1:1 : : : MI.Vvini : : : i.osr ,
\\T.I \ William Ice , eoopci ; August Wlllielm
and , lames Kvans , mMincn , The "Maliel" Is
owned by William Lewis of Murblchciid ,
Mass. , and the "Su-an" by Aikcn Swift of
tlio fame place.
ThcM' aie tin1 onlv M'S'cls lost since the ie-
poll huiught doun by the "Thomas Pope , "
nor Inul the Heel e.iughtany whales since the
lepoil di that vessel.
Dining Iho ale ( lie "Corwln" atleiniilod to
nend abont to the whaler , "Ahinhaiu llailccr , "
hut ilcapsi/cd on the way. The ottleer of
tliedccKon the "dnvvin , " peeing the acei-
ilcnl , sent another bo , it In eoiiiin uid of LIcu- Kenned ) , who , after a haul stiugglo ,
miLCcedid in
* VMNC < mi : DOA-I'M rnr.vv.
The follow Ing daj the "Cm win * ' towed the
baik "Ohio" to the side of llio "deoige" and
' SiiMn , " when all the oil and bone weie
transfeiicd. Thesalloisol tlie two wiecked
vej-sels , 17S In number , weio taken alioaid
Ihu " ( 01 win" ami bionghUo lids city. The
> n.ijoril > of them will btail home ovcilaudin
a lew d.ijs.
The sin \lors of the wrecked whaling balk
"Napoleon , " of New Itcdfoid , weio also
laken aho.inl the "C'oruln. " She ciew eon-
BiMted o ! ihlitjsiolllcers and MMtnan. Af
ter It wa" iM > i..iltn'd | | tint fie vcsM'l was
fonrof the boats wcic manned with nine
men in each , theie being H'areel ) time to set
them io'.c.ied liom the davits and no time
to proftiip piorNIoii" . The. boats icmaineil
together one d.ij anil night , but during a
licice gain and while eiuelopcd in a fog on
the second da ) , they sep.u.ited. On tlie
morning of the louitli d.i ) the "Convln"
picked on one ol tlui bints w'ith ulghtpusons
nil ve and one dead. In the af lei nnon another was picked up w ith six ot tlie oceupanis
alive. The two other boats weie not seen
n'nln , audit is supposed that they were lost.
TlicMdlei ing liom void and hunger was in
tense ,
rwi N rv-ivvo or-iitr. citiw : riitn > iirn ,
among t iein thctir&taud Hilid mates. One
ol those rescued , .lo.iqtlln Uhlui , liomwhom
fie above lacl.s weie elicited , had his leet
badly fr.i/eu , and thociptain of the w lulling
birii had aminitatcd bib toes prior to the ies-
eue.On July tlrst the "Cora in" anived at Kati-
csbuo sound , whence two exploration parties
Ret out , one under tlie command of Lieuten
ant Cantwell , to proceed up the Kowak
Hlvcr. The other under Assistant Engineer
McLenneirnn to proceed tip the uucxploied
Noitak ll\er. ! Tlie "Corwiu" then continued
northwaid and dialed at Capo Sabine.
On August IT , she tinned tier lourse south-
waid and aiiived at Hotliam inlet August 17 ,
where she found both exploiing paities , who
had rctmned alter having suce.'bsfully e.xc-
cited their tasks. McLcniiegau , who c.x-
iiloicd the Noitnk vlvcr repoits having met
LicuL Slonev and part at the upper head of
Ilotham inlei. Slonov was just about to .start
for the Interior. The "Convln" biouijhl mail
fiom Store ) 'spaitv.
The ve-sel left the Arctic August 2bth , and
anlvedat ht. Mkhails September 4th. It
found there Lieut. H. K. Allen , Seigt. Hobcit-
sim , KV. . TicKet , of the United States signal
cornomprisiug the patty sent out Iu-t je.u
by ( ien. Miles tocxploio the Copper Hivoi
and the region between It and the Yukon
Hlvcr. lleie weie also found two
tourists , . ! . \V. cjarlandandl' . II. Heady who
had madeaiemaikalilo tiip liom tlie ( iieat
Slave Lake acioss the Maeken/.Io Hlvcr to
Yukon and down tlie latter to St. Michaels.
Ifijtli pirtie weie taken ahoaul and brought
September S the "Corwln" anchored off
Hall V Island , when * a 1,000 pound polar hear
was shot and killed , ll will bu .sent to the
Sn.lthninlnii Institute.
October 1 the vessel llnally left Ouimlasla
for this port. Dining the dip the health of
all h is hcui excellent and thuic has been no
accident. _ _
TUT. XOIM 111. its' \ririf i Kir : uni : ) i
i in I'i'i.ons ' roNiii.vcr wiut A
W.\Hiii\moN , Oct. I1 , ' . The f ollow Ing let
ter has just tton received by ComiuKssioner
LA.VII Ornci : , UAHIUIIUM , Idaho Teui-
tory , Oct. : i , i&ss
lion. Commissioner-ticncral of Land Office.
Sir : I h.uotho Imnortoiepoit I have
completed repoit.s in the Noitheni Pacitie
railway company and Moutaun rmprovemcnt
company timber tie.spn-H cases and heiewith
tnuisjult eight lepoi Is , making , with what I
liavo already tiansmllted , thlrty-uno .scjunito
indictments In all , showing that these coipo-
ritlons have c.uiM-d to bo cut Inmi
tlio I'Ubllo domain 4IOO,0K ( ) teet
of limitu-r and biidgo timlier , SI.7U
lallioad lien. r > ,4KUOO ( Hhlnglcs ( CI.IUX )
bunches ) , : , cords ot wood and 'JO.XX ( ) iiosl.s. To value the lumber at S10 per
Line feet , which would bo a low ligure ; rall-
joad tics at)0 ) cents JMT tie , the wood at S.l
iiei cord , posts at t > M ) jier l.OOJand shingles at
S1 } IH.M l.KH ) . at to ientn a bunch , would
amount to t < i.'ll. lif ! . This does not icpresent
all the ties and wood cut tor the Noi them
1'aclllc.rnllto.ul company by Kddy , Hammond
< V Co. , which changed Its namu Into "Jim
Montana Improvement Co. " In July , IbHif ,
( \H 1 found It an absolute impossihility to get to test If } In the e eases or c\on to
Inul pcrsotm ot whom 1 could obtain
anything Ilkn Nttlsfactory intoimatlou.
\Vlieiethedepicil.itlonsweie committed , li- )
Iween Itathdrum. I. T. , ami Mouth ,
M. T. , i.s very thinly settled , and the men
who weie emplojed on tlio contracts dining
the coiistinciioti of the Xorthein I'.icllie rail-
read lm\i ) gone to parts unknown. Oulng
to this It has taken me much longer to coui-
jilelo this Investigation than it nlheivisu
should , I was hamiK'ied by olllceis of tliu
Montana Impiovcnii'iit comiiany , who up-
iH-ansI to c.\Krl ] an iiiM'-stliraUun , and weio
loitlfj Ing Ilielr ixisltioil. The company had
agents along the llnueiideavoiingtosuppivss
tin ) fuels of Ihu Montana Impiovemeiit
coinpany'H operations. The company is an
unsciiipiilnus ( oiporatlon that will lea\o
nothing umlonu to gain their jiolnt. I louiul
tliat no reliance wlmttnei could bn ] il.iced up
on statements iniulu by the oDli.x'js ol II o
Montana Impiovement cominny. ) I
mailed ) oil a cop v In duplicate , of the inn-
tnu't bet ween tliu Koilbein I'aeliie lallioad
compaii ) and the Montana Impiovement
conip.inv. it > viis tinnished inu by
JLY. . J'aliwealhei , of Spragi.o
W. T. , an ex-division siipeiJnlPnilent of
the Konhein 1'acllie niilio.ul company. I
. Jmvo Iho lioui'i1 to bo your oln'ttl'-iit sonant ,
31. , I. ,
Sneclal Timber Agent , Itathdiuiu. I. T.
The ronlraet lefeired to hA''ent llalev In
Ihu abovH ix'poit Is iM'tween the Noilhein
1'ncllic niilioail nl thohrst pair , and the Mon
tana JmpioM'iiu'iit eompany ot the seioud
jutt. | i binds thn inllinad company to
withdraw all ot Its tlmlM'i lauds
ftiim rnlu or lNposii ) anil gives
tliu Improvement vomKinthu ] oxclu-slvo
jlgnt to viit liiiibrr fiom Its lands hi ictiirn
for this lulvilcueiliK iujmii\enient enmiuinv
ti-.iusii'is to the rumo.iU citiuiyuy l.uul lull
paid Miaies nf Its e.ii'Hal stock nl tlir i-oJi . < of
91 oui.lOo , ie.seivlm ; to INclt'shaicsliuit \ nt
Thtf luj'iuvnui'iit eomi-auy ulso
Mrcci to erect , at Us own expcimc , all the
nn. % nnd lurnUb all the plant necessaiy for
Its biii 'ws of timber cutting.
CIvi'J Hrrvloo .tint ten.
Oc ( . 12. Tlio postmtistcr-
peneral to-day appolntctl the following
fourth-class poatinasters :
Wisconsin At ( ilcnhing , .1. 13. Dlnnls , .Jr. ;
Wlnoo'ck , 1'rcderlck Jocrns ; Ashbildge ,
Willis Kcklebeiry : Kxcelsior. , ) . T. Coates ;
Iiidllou. Mathlas Thomson ; eorest Junction ,
vllle , 0'Nell.
lilclimouil S. Dement , of Illinois , to bo
sin ujyor-gencral of Ihu Territory of Utah.
Kdmiind ( ! . Shields , ot New Mexico , to bo
register of the land olliee at Los Cruees , Xew
IlH'SPMclaiyof the tieasury hns l ned a
cirriilar to customs olllcers In which lie s.iys
as It appeai-s to be inipiobihle to iiroeuio un
der existing law , aceuiate siati"tles of Im
migrants aithlng in the United States by
i-iilUMVM from a contiguous forclirn tenitory ,
Hie Lolleellon of statistics ol sticii Immigra
tion will bo discoid limed until olhciwisc
\ \ A . ' . . ' lust
ittN < i ION , Oct. 1'J. On .lanuarj'
the fouilli class postoHlie at Iloldredge. Neb. ,
was placed on the list of iiicshlenthil olllces.
Althmmh nine months have el.iti-ed since
that occitricd , not a single application for
the position of post master at that place has
jet heeii leei hed at the poiiollice dep.ut-
uient , nor has any recommendation been
made looking to an appointment. Conse-
ijueutlj the postmaotet , although holding a
foinlii ektss commission , IsicccMngtliecom-
] > eiiMitlon of a jiicsidentinl postmaster. This
sl.itoofatlaiis fssidd to bo unpreceiloiitod in
thu liiMoij of the depaitmetit ,
I 1)111.11.N MA1I v.
WAsiuxnroN , Oct. l-i Within the last
six ! ) day.s , or lnce the Ameilean Sl anmlilp
company retnsed to lintispoit tin1 malls at
the rates li\ed by the poitnuiktur general ,
four complaints fiom Itidix iduals and one pe
tition lia\ebcen leceUidbv the depaitment ,
piotestliiL'against the metliods employed at
the departments to .scenic the e.irriago of tor-
elan mails. Olio of Ihi'se communications
leteis to alleged defects In the Chilian ser
vice , two relei to the Japanese SIM vice , and
the icmaliiiler attack tlie West Indian mail
service. "Altogether , " raid Supeiintemlent
Hell to-da "the In
- ) , complaints aio fewer
number than when I came into the olllcc. In
all but ono Instance these complaints aie
without foundation , and in that paitlcnlai
case Hi'.1 mail steamer was disabled tlmmgn
an accident. "
jiti. A IK MiTiT r or 'iin : TJIKASITUV.
Niw : YOISK , Oct. m. A Washington spe
cial to the 1'ost sayn : Ollleeiidf thogovein-
ment who aie tamillar with tlie nnmeious
apjiljc.ition.s tin the otllco of sujienlsing
aichitect of the tieasui ) expiess the opinion
that the position will tie olleied to lienjamin
Sllliiuiii , of Ts'ew V uk , tlicbon of the late
Piol. billimaii , of V.i'.e.
The Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 12. The term of the
Mipiemo court ol tlie United States was for
mally orcncd at noon to-day , a full bench
and a large concourse ofaltoineys and spec
tators being present. Seventeen attoinc.s
were admitted to practice before the court.
The com tad loin ned at 12:10 : to call upon the
lucsident. The work ot tlio teim will begin
lo-nmiiow witli assigned eases coming o\cr
tuna last teim.
The following weie among theattoineys
admitted to practice : On motion of Attorney
( Jeneral ( J.irland. J. Wade MeHonald , ot
Wiiuield. Kansas ; on motion of .1. St. C.
Urookes , Charles Jlonioe , ot Milwaukee ,
Wis. ; on motion of S. S. liuidetle , Franklin
C. Jolni'-on , of Ciiuiiison , Col. , and Thomas
W. Nolin , ot San Francisco , Cal ; on motion
of Jeff. Chandlei. Theo. II. Thomas , ot Uun-
ni.son , Col.
.Stumping the "Alnbaina" Court.
Xiw : YOKK , Oct , 11. The 1'ost's Washing
ton special s.ijs : Tlieie has been a "hitch"
In the airangcmcnt which it was supposed
had been made between the attorneys prac
ticing befoie the Alabama court and oillcers
of that court ralativo'to the payment of their
salailes. The agicement has thus far been
only in part kept , ami under ollleials of the
comt , who , by decision of tlie hrst comp-
tioller. cannot legally be paid by the govei n-
nient , ha\e given notice to the attoinevs that
unless aii.ingeimmts sh.ill be immediately
made fof the pavment of their aue.irs of
salaiy tln > y will be obliged to abandon tlie
woik. This would nnko It Impobsiblo for
Iho coutt to complete its wet k.
A Few Bforo Appointments.
.WASIIINO rex , Oct. I1) . The pieshlcnt
made the following appolntmentii to-day :
To ho receiver of public moneys , Llojd T.
Hoyd , ot Wiseonsl n , at Uajlleld , Wls. ; to bo
legisteroflaiHlollicc , J. 1J. Webb , of Wis
cousin , at LaCiosse , Wis. ; to be postmasters :
W. II. Noxvcomb. at I'aua , 111. ; R
T. Kade * . Kno\\lle ! , 111. ; ( ! . K. Ulack-
stne. I'.i\ton , 111. : Cbilstian llllevein ,
Klmlmist. III. ; P. C. Tiude , 1'eirv. in. ; F. K.
Wilson , u.ivld City , Neb. ; I ) . M. Uossoit ,
Jellei.son , la. ; II. A. Tallmnn , Lamuk , 111.
'Hie secietary ol war has decided tliat the
conis of engineers Is a stall coips ami not
entitled to a command.
The PrcHiUont Will Vote.
WAMIINOIOX , Oct. 17. Tlio Post bays :
The piesident Ins decided to go homo and
vote In the Now York state election. The
CAactday of Ids deparune Ins not yet , however -
over , been fixed. It Is piobablo that ho will
le.uo Washington on Monday. .Novembers ,
and cast his ballot for Hill on the following
day and then i etinn to the white house , llo
will not bo away liom the city mow than
lour days at tln > outside. The pie-ddent Is a
Miter in Dulf.ilo , and his natim Is lo Istered
In thu ninth want , llo will ho accompanied
luslaj as Xew Yoik by Secietiuy .Manning
and Col. Lament , hh piivato seeretaiy.
Manning \otes In Albany and Col. Lament
in Com tlandt county.
A Ijllieral KuutiiuUlan.
LOUISVII.I.I : , Ky. , Oct. l1 ' . The announce
ment was inadu to-day that Mr. Sylvester
Johnson , distiller nt New Haven , Ky. , has
donated St'-.OOO to Catholic institutions in
tlio state , to be dUtilbulcd as follows : St.
Jlaiyauiir.lIz.ibethhosiiiL-il , 812,000 ; Na/.ar-
etli academy , sn.OOO ; Little Slsteis of the
Poor. & 10.000 ; St. Joseph's inliimaiy , S. > ,00\
Mr Johnson has previously made huge dona
tions to these Institutions.
Tlio Street Car Driver's Strike.
Sr. Loris , Oct. 12. Tlie ultuatlon In the
stivcl car stilko lomalns unchanged sluco
yesterday. Thn sti llceis a pmhied imletly at
Turner hall this nioinlng to await develoi- |
nu'iils. The can mo innnlng on nil I lines
under tlioinotcctlon ot police. No dlstuib-
uiuvs Innu octuucd. Some of tlio diiveis
and conilnctoi'i who wcic lightened ot by the
ri iters liavo ictiirned to woik and no seiious
tioublo is appiohoudcd lor the pioscnt.
OftlnerH of the Knights
llAMii.rox , Out. Oct. I'J , At Iho general
assembly of the Knights of L-ibor , held lioie ,
the following ofileers weie elected : ( Jiand
Master Woikman , T. VI' tow.deily.Scranon ,
i'.i ; tiniiul Woithy Koicman , Itlcluud ( iilt-
liths , Chicago , Ills. : ( jeiieral Secivtaiy and
TieasuiiT , Kied Tinner , Phlladebihla : fien-
eial auditor. J. 0. Caillle. niookfvn.N. Y.j
Secietai > ol liisuiance , 11. It , itcui\v ; , Pitts .
buig , P.I.
Flru at Keolculc.
Kioiu'K : , la. , Oct. 12. A liio at the mil
Ilneiy establishment of 1'ninkel t Co. heiu
today d.umiged goods M'Vtfial thousand dol-
hiis woith , pilnclp.Uly by Miioke and water.
Cau c unknown.
A DakouvKIIIffiic inrniH' .
Hut Sroxt : Cirv , tak. , Oi-t. I'J. Henry I , .
ll.uiH'lt , of Chicago , shut ai > < ! killed William
W. Morgfiu , of Oitonvllle , lu-iv to d ly. The
mil tli sluil been Uilnkltu ; . Jl.itneti Is tir-
Tie Great Hoaclly-Forakor Gubernatorial
Contest on tlio Point of Settlement.
The Gathering of Iho Glaus and the
Details of the AVar Measures
Afoot in the Great
The Situation on Itoth Sides.
CiNriNNAri , Oct. 12. Tlio election in Ohio
to-moriovv Is for goveinor and other Mate
ofllcers and for members of the leglstaluio
which shall elect a successor to Hon. John
Sherman , United States senator. Tills gives
a peculiar Inleiest to the election of members
of the leglslatme. Hetmns which pin port to
be based upon a polling of Iho state by the
democratic and republican committees , give
widely different results. Tlie democratic es
timate elects Hoadlcy by fiom 20.030 to
2oOJO plurality. The republic in estimate
c'lects r'oiaker for goveinor by from 15.001 to
ayiou pluititit.v. Estimates on tlie legislature
by both patties make the icsult close , al
though both claim a majority. The clement
ot uneeitaiiity In the election of governor is
tlie prohibition vote. It isgeneraliy conceded
that itH Inciease will be mainl.v liom the u -
puhlicans. Tlie vote two .veals ago wasfi-
ttM. The democritle poll this > cm estiuiiites
it fiom r > ,000 lo ( lOUO. The prohibitionists
themselves ehdm a s-tlll greater vote.
11 is possible that nmiiv who vote lei Leon-
aid on the piohihition ticket will vole with
their lormei parlj on the legislatuie. * o that
the vote lei goveinor will not Indicate ex
actly the complexion ot the leglslatme. In
Cincinnati vigoious elloits have been made
by a non-paitisaii committee ( o detect frauds
In registiat ion. Tlieii elforts leveal M.utllng
dime in this diieetion. They have pie-
paied and will tcnlav piint a list of
1,10(1 ( lraitdulentl.v leglsteied names , and they
saj they have no doubt there aie ; tKM , ( name's
that should not have appealed on tlio list it
closer sciutlny could have , been given. Theie
is no anticipation ol dKoider at tinpolls. .
Tlie voting places have been gicativ In-
ciea ° ed , ami tlie eiowds about them will ac-
eoidingly lie much smaller. Hesides the new
law piohihlts jieisoiis Irom congregating
vvitldn 100 feet ol the polling places.
Speculations on the Ohio Election.
CnifAcio , Oct. 12. [ Special to the Hnr : . ]
A dispatch fiom Da } ton , Ohio , tills morning
saj.s : "Hepoits fiom the best calculator
based on tlie county chaii men's estimates , in
dlcate'tlio election of ( lie whole icpiibllcan
state ticket by a majoritj of 10,000. Inde
pendent letmns fiom tovvuslilp committees
indicate doulile this majority , and discounts
by piohihltlon wairmit tlio eviiectatlon of
ir ,000 majoilty for Koiaker. Itcpublieans
liavea majoiity in both liranches ot tlie leg
islatuie , two in ( he senate and twelve in the
lower house. The senate ) will probably have
live majoiity and the lower hoii'-e twenty.
Hamilton county will give a icpublican ma-
ioiilj ol : tOOO , and Cuyahoga county 2,000.
Lucas county , usually strongly democratic ,
will give fit ) ) lepublic.'in. The lareo demo-
cnitle majoiilic.s of Moiitgomeiy , Fianklin
and Drake will bo cut down so close th.ri
thriu Is 11 lighting chance for tlie lepublican
county olllccrs. All icpublican counties will
icspoud as1 at hist October. The piohlbltion-
ists will not poll a much l.uger vote than that
ot last year. The iiniedeemed pledges ol
the deuiociacy and haul times me the 'causes
given lor this result.
Tlio Ohio Campaign.
CiNCiNNAn , Ohio , October 12. [ Special to
the lice. ] It is quite probable that John Mc
Lean has got himself into a good deal of
tiouble In his tou \ defeat Senator
Sbeiman. Somu affidavits apjxjaied in print
( Ids moiiiing , and as a result McLean may
be anested to-day. His offense , if proved. Is
punishable by a penitentiary sentence. The
nflidavits aie by well-known citizens and
speak for themselves. The cluugeis , as tlie
allidavlts allege , that lie olfeied eacli ol the
lepubllcan waul executives in tlie city SI , 000
to make lepublican wauls go dcmociatic on
thu legislative ticket.
in.i : A ciiANci : TO VOTI : ON A OIIAT iu >
UOIIM MiA8rni : .
CincAno , Oct. 12. Sluch inteiest is being
excited in tills city over a decision lendeied
hero to-day by Judge Prendeigast in the
county comt , giving the people ol Chicago an
opportunity to vote on tlio election law en
acted by the last legislatuie. Tlio law has
tlio local option teat lire and must be adopted
by the people of the city or village de-iiing
Its benefit before It becomes opeiatlve. Doubt
has been cxpicssed as to the constitutionality
of the law , nnd with a view to testing tin t
question the county comt foimally declined
to older Ids clerk to piovldo tlio
blanks provided by the law for its submis
sion. Upon such refusal an application was
made to the .supremo mint for a mandamus
compelling Judge Pieudcigast to issue the
older. Me.mwllo a vacancy was made In the
supieme comt by the death ot Judge Dickey
That left an even number of judges ami they
dividedevenlj on the petition , three holding
the law to be constitutional and tluee holding
It to be unconstitutional. On last Wednesday
A lexaudi'i' Sullivan behalf of
day , , on peti-
tioneis , made a lengthy aigiiment on a
motion asking tlio court lo make
the nece'saiy older lor ( lie submisfiion of the
law iiotwlthst Hiding his former declination ,
lie urged Hint the com t'H icfusal , at a time
when it was hellovud the ictusal would tiling
a test casobcfoie thesnpiome comt and se-
cuie that tillmiml'.s decision beloie the No
vember election , should not pievent the comt
fiom making the older now Unit it was fin-
possible to gel a decision nut 1 the J.inuaiy
icimot tin supiemecomt , when the vacancy
in that body will be idled.
The comt was earnestly piessed to give the
people an onpoitunlty lo vole lor tlio law so
that If dccl.ncd constitutional it would bo
entoiced in the election of iNStt , which will
he ono of. tlie most imiioifniit over lield in
Chicago. Tlieio will then bo elected six
Judges of the courts of iccoid , lour congress
men , a f-horllV , a county lie.ismer and mem-
beis of the lejlslntme. The piopo ed election
law Includes the most piounneiit features of
Die Xew i'oik and Massachiisctls laws. It
abolishes the system < it sweating in votes on
election day. Onlv those who icglster in net-
vancoc.ui vote. The polN will bo open aid
In the mottling and eloso at 4 in the after
noon an aiiaiigemcnt. It Is claimed , that
will prevent "lepeatlug , " the hulk ol which
has heietofoio been done tow aid evening.
Judge Pieudcigast look tliu e.iso under
advisement , and this moinlng gianted Mi ,
Sullivan's motion. This action , it Is expect
ed , will iiuikci the appioachlng November
election , which olhoiwiso promNcd to bo
UT ) tame , a most exciting one.
rou'ini : i'iiii : VTI : .
NKW YOIIK , Oct. 12.-Sjieclal | to the Hrp. ]
The woik of drapingSt.Paliick's calhcdial
on Fifth avenue , lor tl.oltmeialol tl.ucn -
dlnnl commenced nt 0 oMoek thlsmoiniiig
and occupied the enliio d.ij. Thedooinon
Main and Bldo cnlianccs on Fifth avennu
weio coniletely | hidden vvllli toldsol hoivy
black trapo. The allar railing ,
pulpit , nnd choir loft were lluuoughly
i amiv , ami itcv , ir. icnonaio. uiu secie- i
taiy , lelehuited auothei immedlatclx afterI I
waul. The i-eivlces vveie attended by the
slsteis win have laltlilnllv Kept vigil since
tiu ! < aidiiud'h death , an well .is h ) Mr , . John
Ktily and Unco other nieic o' tlio dead
prelate. Thoofilcoof the dead was .
again Into this nftci noon by the elcritv In
the palncc , ArohbMiop Corrlgnn presiding
These will IKJ the ln t Cervices prior lo the
icmoval of the remains to the rnthrdral , At
U o'clock to-morrow moiulng thu body will betaken
taken Into tlio cathedral aim placed on a
catafalque In thcj center nislo near the altar.
The remains will he exposed to public view
during the entire day. A posse of police wid
have charge of the cntranet ) to the cdlilee on
Fifth avenue. People Will enter by the main
door and u.iss down In double llio through the
ccntoi aisle and pass out by the side aisles.
CIIATTAVOOOA , Oct , 12. [ Special to the
Ilr.n. ] Kx-Posttuaster-Gciieral Key , presid
ing In the United States court here , Is trying
a libel suit for 310,000 damages against tlio
Times , brought by li\oii , a tax collector of
Blount county , Alabnua. A dlspatcn was
sent to the Nashv llio World hist March stat
ing that Dixon , while cugagctl In an attempt
to lob his own house , was mistaken for a
burglar by his wife , who shot mid killed him.
The dispatch was sent out by the ptess asso
ciation and appeared In all ( he papcis
supplied b > It , and was republishi'd by the
Times. The suit is attracting cinsdcraho ! :
attention , as nearly tvv nty-jive cl.illy now.s-
papcis throughout th country , which con
tained ( lie d spitch the day beloie it appealed
in thu Tunas , aie Intoiested in the icsidt , as ,
should damages bo secured In Iho piusent
c-.ise , it is said tiiat every other paper which
published It will Iw sued.
IiuHau TeiTltory Ti-ciuhles.
LITTI.I : Uorif , Aik. , Oct. 12. [ Special to
the Hr.i : . ] A dispatch from Indian tenitory
sa > s : There is a prospect of serious tumble
ll not blood shed over the enforcement of the
ofliclal order leqnlrlutj the removal from
Ciejenne and Arapahoe reservation of all
persons not entitled to lesido there. Em-
ploics of the nieney , Indian traders United
Slates marshals , and contractors aie e\
cepted. Thcie are a largo ; number of whites
\vlio have diifted Into die icscivatlon and
who claim citizenship unnci Miilous piotects-
Mime ot them hive tiuuricd Indian wives
and this fact will prevent their ejection.
Oiheis have squittcutoi ) certain lands and
claim to bo working for the Indians. It is
this class , together with outlaws , which
Uneaten trout le. Indian Agent Hall ex
pelled ncnrly all intrudeis the liistinst. . hut
numbers have lo'inned. s.iylm : they will not
.il ow themselves ' ° bo iijfain ejecteil without
lesistauce. Ttie Indian police have been
oidcied to auest them.
Ice luleruiciit.
IniAC'A , N. Y. , Oct. 12. This afternoon
tlie remains ot John McGraw and Jennie
McCraw-Fiske were taken from the Cornell
family vault wheie , by comtcsy , they bad
been temporarily deposited , nnd tuuisfened
to their linal icsting pliico beneath thu now
memori d chapel upon tlie grounds of Cornell
univcislty. Tlio transfer was made without
any public demonstration.
[ John McUruvvnns mi Itliacn , N. Y. , million-
ulro who built tlio ccatc'c bait HUB. contaiulnlntf
thullbnuy and mnsoinu ot Cornell Univci-ilty.
Ho dleil In H77. .lennlo McGuiw risko , his
( Inuirlnor , < lioil tnst year la I'loioacx ) , Italy , Icnv-
Ing- nil tier Inrgo e liito to the university , as hho
Inul Jnlonnotl Piof. Kibko , her hiii-bauil , vvilli
li8coacuiruni.'o ! at the tlmo or tliolr iintriliigu.
1'i-ko novv toiecovur53UOWJof this mon
ey , on tlio iiloiitlmt It bv tliat much exceeds the
liicnrporatlon fund ol , ' thq university. The nidt
now ponilliur miJ U 0110 ol the "causes cclu-
ol' the Now Yoili courts. ]
DcstruptlTe Fire.
WAHABH , 1ml. , Och 12. [ Special to the
HIB. : ] A tcuible liie Is laging at North
Manchester , which began at 1 o'clock this
morning. Hamilton's opera housoand thicc
large bocl ! < s in tlio ceiitei of the town have
been destioyed , nnd two others are burning.
Loss thus lar thiily thousand dollars , and as
thesteamci is bioken the town is at the
mercy of the flames. Assistance has been
askeil of this city.
The lire was caused by two Intoxicated
men in Hide Uios. restaurant , ovcithrovving
n lamp up-stairs. The Ino consumed tlie en
tire block in which the icstannint wn.s situat
ed. The principal losses aio Hamilton's
opera hou e , Jeniiiug's grocery , Pearl's bar
ber shop. Thomas' clothing stoie. Hamilton
saloon , Kn'spiier Hros. meat market and
Johnson Hros. lively stable , nil totally de
stroyed. Loss 540,000 , Insurance not over
Slo.iXX ) . It was tlie largest mo that over oc-
cm red in the town.
WAIIASII , 1ml. , Oct. 12. The fire at North
Manchester , Ind. , destioyed live blocks , in-
eluding the opera house. Loss estimated ut
Tlircc Oil-Is Drowned.
KITI-ANNINO , Pa. , Oct. 12. This nftei noon
Uecklo and Annie Neale , daughters of W. C
Neale , and JIary , daughter of James Neale ,
got into a small boat , on Mahoning creek ,
with W. S. Neale as oarsman. When they
leached the middle of the eroek the boat
sank. The gills giaspcd hold of the > mine
man. Ho was an expcit swimmer , and
managed after a Icnible struggle to get loose
ami get to shoie. The tluee girls were
diovv ned. Their ages lauged ttoni ID to 18.
< t -
A Dead Divine.
Nr.w Youic , Oct. 13 , Ilev. Daniel Irving ,
D. D. , sccrctaiy of thu/joatd of toieign mil- ;
sions ot the Picsbjterlaji chinch , and a lead
ing divine in that diaiomiuation , died in
Oiange , N. .1. , this mmning , aged til. His
death was caused by pa nil j sis bi ought on bv
a bioken legninl the neivons shock sustained
by a fall while in attoud.iucoat tlio pan-Pies-
bytcrian council in Hollast , lieland , in IBS * .
* '
Cultivating Oysters.
COI.D Si-niNciH llAimon , L. I Oct. 12. Ai-
tllklal tullure of ojsteitt luus been completely
successful at the hatching station of the Novv
Yoik Fish commission. Thousindsof voung
weiceangliton sc.dloii'sliflls and aio now as
huge as a dime. This IP Iho lirst piactical
success on a laixo scale from oysters aitia-
daily impicgnated nnd hatclicd.
O. , M. St. I' . &O. Itoiluoecl
ST. P.vrr. , Oct. 12. Tlio Omaha minced
fiom all points on Its system to Omaha ! )
cents , making tlio rqditccd rate fiom St.
Paul and Minneapolis 17 cjnts as against 20
former late. This Is III consequence ot a re
duction made by thu Milwaukee on Saturday
fiom Chicago , from 18 tor \ cents.
- -
A Oreut Contractor Dead.
Wr.i.i.V , Minn. , Oct. j 12.Clark W. I.
Thompson , builder of the Southern Minneso
ta and the largest coiitraVlor of pioneer daj s
in tliu Northwest , dlijl lost ni lit from Din
etfeet ot a parilytlc sbock. , He will be bmlcd
at Lacrosse , \Vis. \ , on"JVi'dnesda > ,
Dairy 'ifiyket.
CiiK'Ado , Oct. 12. Tlio Inter-Ocean's KI-
t'in , Illinois , sjieclal Hi > 'h : On the bo.ud of
dado to-day butler wurfJlimcr , selling mainly
* '
at file. Iteirulni sale's of 'l5S i > pounds weio
made al 2. 2lc. I tegular sales of cheese
VM'io 110 boxiisal iusit' ! ( per pound.
A Murderer Hound Over.
Nomu-aowN , Pa. , Oct. 12.ViKon , the
seli-conlesscd murderer of Anthony Day
was In oimht hero ycsleulay fiom Chli'ago.
Ho wavulhe.irlng'lo-day | beloioa justicu ot
thu peace and wan committed lor tiial.
Lleiil < Miaiitr'Ci'vcriioi- iiH.
Dr.s > MOI.NKS , lovvsiOct. . Lleuteuaiit- -
Coveinor Manning tcwlay tendered his > esg- |
natlon lo the governor , prejaralorj to 10
mov liig tu Topebi. Knit.
W.i. : < in lr. 4eiiirul UariiluKH.
BOSION , Oct 12. The earnlniiN of tlieVls -
ron Central rallund during .septciulier were
fcll7rJ : ) , again of St , ( > ) Tcompaii'd with the
ftimo month lantear.
The Balkan Difficulty Breeding a Oat and
Dog riot in Europo.
Timorous Unitarians Fleeing with
the Knmiiy on Their Frontier-
Other NCWB of r.uropcuu
The nul nrlaii Iltimpit < * .
nuiiviA rntn-Aiiixo r i : WAIL
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. to tlio Hr.u ]
A special c-ablegram to tlio Sun says : Tlie
Sen Ian minister. ILTchedomllleMljatovlcli ,
says he momenta ! lly expects to hear either of
the minder of King Milan or of the entrance
of the Servian aiuiy Into Tuiktah teirltoiy In
an effort to icgaln possession of Piisiand.
ar. Mijnto\lch believes the situation to bo ono
of cxtieiuo uravlty and he openly admits tliat
the throne mid life of King Milan Is lianglug
on the balance. Turkish mobilization up to
th present has biought under arms I1 * * ) bat
talion1) , lueraglng each 70J mun. Tills make.s
the total foiee now available 1M.03J men.
Four lar/e Austilan Llojds' steamers ,
besides four Tuiklsh trauspoits , aio
en ageil coiuejlng tioojis from Smyrna
and other poits in Its vicinity
to Salonlt , i and to Uedcdjuteli , on the Aegean
tuminusot tlie iniiway fioiu Adijanopieto
IMililppolis. It hns now been decided to call
out a poition of tue second band ot Itaedlls
or Landwehr. To mi et tiansjioit iciiulu'-
ments , two inoie large Atistiian steameis
woie engaged jesterdaj. Two huge aimles
arc belnir tonunl. ono at Adrianople , the
other at Ushaip , lUi miles noitiiwestot Saluu-
iea. The lli-staimy mentioned is Intended to
advance into eastern Itounieli.i if diplomatic
elloits now going on tail to ptoditco peaceful
itiutigiMuenK While the other conis ai\ !
b Ing within easy striking distance ot Soua
mil' llnc.itcn the capital while
watching both the Set \ians ami Montene
LONDON , Oct. US The Slandaid'H Bulgar
ian eoi respondent sajs : "Oeiumny with the
appio\alol Austiia , Kussia and Knirlancl ,
iioosed ) ] ) , in plan tortile settlement of the
Unlgai Ian ijnestion that the following prlu-
ciles ) boobseived :
1 , Tliat the Oieck and Servian demands bo
i ejected ,
2. That Tmkey be advised to complete her
military preparations so as to be readv to in-
terleie. in event of ( Jieece and Seivia moving
to enfoici ) their demands.
: ! . That the union ot Hid 'nrja and Roume-
lia under Piince Alexander , t te latter avow
ing the someigiuy 01 uio mtltau , be iccog-
Demonstrations in favor of war are being
held thioughoutreeee. ! Themmy i bi-lng
i apidly mobili/ed. Tue king has called out
the losenos to the number or' 13,033 men.
IIOSTII.I : s : itviA.
The war fever inns high in Servla and ae-
( Ixepiep.uatlons aie goinir on to entoice
Servia's demand lor extension of tcirltory.
ICiiglish. Fiench and Anstian aims have been contracts by the goveinmentto siiii-
iily complete outiits tor 'J. " > , 'JOO ' tioojis and all
the eontiacts have been allotted ; also one for
; CTOOO , horses. The Lander bank \vai loan
lias been r.issed to 87,000.000.
ltiut > Hr.i.q , Oct. 12. CJIadstono lias written
to Kmilo Louis Victor Laveloy , the well
known water on political' economy , as
follows : . "Uavor the Bulg.iriftn union , but
trust its teriitory will not exceed Its present
limit , bccjubo I fear the disastrous competi
tion between the gicat powers themselves
and also the Klenie and Sclavonic i-.ici s tor
an cxUjnsion of lenitoij. lexmcss mjsult
on the question with leseuv , ueiMUso my
mind is perplexed by the many dlfllcultlcs
inioundiug it. 1 see tliat tlie Uulg.iiian
union , excellent hi itself , may produce Im-
iiieasui able evils. "
TiimuiiKo-MoxirNixiuiN FIIONTIIU.
VIIXNA : , Oct , 1'i The commission lor the
delineation between Turkey and Montenegio
which siisjiended its opoiations on September
8J , at the suggestion of Piince Nicholas of
Montenegio IMS icsiimed its labors.
IUTI.OAIIIAN rituiiir.
VIKNXA , Oct. I'J. A dispatch to the Neue
l-'reie Presso liom Son.a says : Tlio populace
are lleeliig. Humors ate em rent that the
Seivians liavo crossed the frontier. The gov-
e nmeiit has telegr.ilied | to Phillipopolis ,
entreating Piince AlcNauder to letnrn.
A telegram tiom Nisch savs tliat the Ser
vian war ollice lias given eoutiaclH lor six
million kilos of coin. Tioops aie advancing
to waul and Le&kawae/ .
Toui.ONOct. 12.--Thii ty cases of cholera and
seven deaths from tlie disease occmicdaboaid
the Coiiroiine , a training vessel Ijing off this
poit Lveiy | ) iecaittion Is being taken to
picvent the spiead of the disease to this port.
WASIIINO TON , Oct. 12. Surgeon General
Hamilton .said to-day that the danger ot
cholera Invasion of this countiy had passed
over torthe piescnl.
AMUMOAN puorrr-noN.
JfoNinnAi. , Oct. 12. JIi. J. 11. Kausch , scr-
rctaiy ol the Illinois stiite board of health , is
inspecting quarantine airangcmcnts on the
St. K'lwience liver with a view to protecting
Ids sate should ( lie cholera lench this
country next year. llo says the
Ciosbo Isle qiuiautmn station whllu
possessing better lacilities than any othei
station on the continent , is veiy poorly ai-
laiiiiedand bliould be reoiganUed Immedi
ately. With the piesent uri.ingements still
eslstlng he would sever eommunicatlon with
Canada altogether.
Speaking ol tliu smallpox , ho said tliat If
the p.'oplc would goto the hoipitalH and vac
cination 1)0 persevered in , the disease could
be eradicated bcfoio cold weather eome.s.
French 1'oliclcn.
A itnvoi.uitoNAiir SI > ICK. :
I'AittS Oct. 12. M. IJrisson , juvmier , In
answeiliig a cougratulatoiy addies's on his
le-elcctlon to a seat in the chamber of
deputies , said that the touscivatlvo gains
cannot shake the confidence of the icimbli-
CIIIK , wlio will have a majority ot 1W ) In the
lower chamber. Ho dcehued that Iho
mouarthlsN. It they decide on the ovcillnow
ot the lepnblle , would cause a levolntioii In
any attempt to secine ( hat end. Xelllur
ieiuhllcauK ] nor momiicliists desiio war
abioad , but the lepiiblleailsaloiiucanussuio
jieaco at home.
IrlHh PolitloH.
Conn , Oct. I'J. Tlie niillonullst convrntlcin
for nominating candidates for . ( lament
fiom county Cork nssembled heio to-day.
Paineil , Dillon , John O'Coniier and 500 del.
pgates weiopiescnt. An enthusiastic iccep-
lion was given to ( lie party leaders. Ov\lng
to thestioiig dilleiemes of njilnion evlstliig
among the delegates lepiesenting tliu claims
of VHI ions gentlemen mentioned for the lion-
01. s , Painell selei ted candidates for six ol the
divisioiiH , leaving the convention to sHed
the seventh.
LONDON , Oct. li Jlr. Paiuell , previous to
hlhdep'iituii ) liom Coil ; , addicssed a laino
cioud ol rltl/cns assembled on the Miect
It has In en divided that .Mr. Painell and John
Dea-scv will < ) tlci themselves tor ie-elcctlon
to paiJl.imim liom tlio city of Coik.
The. Hiiinll T > o\ .
MovrnrAt , , Oct. 12 , There were slloiio
ileatlis liom small pox In thin city and neigh-
boiini ; villages Saluiday and seventy-six je -
tenlay. _ _
llnll County
( iliANi ) Ihi.AM ) , Oct. 12. ( SK | > elnl to the
] lni.J-Thc : reimlilleans of Hall county , at
their convention , elected as delegate.s to the
htatti convention : John M. Tliajer , Kmeisou
Itogers , Jauu'Ji Jackson , ( ) , A. Abbott , C. II.
Xoiin. i' ' ' lhtypher Siiilotfeldt , Joiin Wai-
llclis , F.C. Uoilije , M. M'tsi'iiy and Jom ! L.
' ' *
T'IIOJ aNo nominated : For sheillf. I. M.
Cole ; county Judge , O. 11 , Caldvvell ; tiea-
suivr , Kd HoopT S < ' " < . D.xyld Sherman ;
uM'rntendent | ! of * Instruction , D. It.
Han tine. _
nniomoN iiUAPtt ,
HntoitTON Hr.Acir , Oct. 11. The attorn- !
nuco was large.
Tlnee-quaitciNof a mile , for maldons four
year-olds and upwards King Arthur won ,
Ihle-a-brae second , Klsber thlid. Time , liy. :
Mile and eighth Delilah won , Topey second
end , Llgan third. Time , ItfUA
Tlneo-qu.iilers of a mile , all ages Lllllu
Mlnch won , Ken : Kvio second , ,11m Henwlck
thlhl. Time. 1:1M/ :
Mile .Ion Murinv won , Hattledoor second ,
Minltobathiid. Time l:43 : f.
Mile ami an eighth , tbree-v ear-olds and up
wards Lemaii won , SlraliHiuns teeond ,
John Sullivan third. Tim 2Ut. :
CiNriN'.N.vii , Oct. 12. It ralnctl throughout
the races. The alien l.incu was very good.
Mile and. in eighth Thady won. Mellovvl-
Ing second , Biddy Howling third. Tlmo
SOI. :
SOI.Mllo nnd sixteenth : Blllv ( illmoio and
Hoped.ilodead heat , Philips third , lW : { . In
run elf ( iilmoie VMIII. Time , LWjf. :
Tliieoiiuaiters mile : Cuban ( Jiieen won ,
Kailous Fcconnd , Phil Leo thlid. Tlnut
1 tfcjtf.
Two miles : ] ! d' ' orv\on. Tioub.ulonr second
end , Volothltd T in , : . -Js f.
Mile : " Iiish lass won , Jim Douglas second
end , Alhlouo third. Time , 1 Ml f.
GAJ.vr.sroN , Oct. 12. A special fiom Dal
las to llio News says : The siipciintendent
ot the Sam Simon Cattle company's lanch
wiltes under date of the Htli lust , as tolhmx :
"Indians last Satniday sminlsed us
and drove elf l' " > hoises and killed
lour men and and a number of e.ittlo in ttie
valle.v. A squad ol soidieis lollowed to the
Now 'Mexico line but did not overtake them. other pirtlesof Indians aie prowling
aiotiiul the countiy and numbers are leaving
their lescivallon eveij day. "
The AVouther.
WASHINOTON , Oi-t. 12. Ujiper SIlssIsslppl
Valley : Local rains followed by fair weathei ;
generally colder ovcept in oxticmo noithein
portions , slight rise In ( empeiatnre , nciith to
west winds , becoming variable in nortliein
uortions , generally hmbei haiometer.
Mlssomi VuIIej : Generally lair weather ,
vatiable winds , preceded bv northwest winds
in southwest poition , .slightly warmer in
noilliein poition , sUitiouaiy tuuipetatnio in
Houthcin portions.
Protective TnrlfT in South America.
WASIIINUION , Oct 12. Thedepaitmentof
statolias icceived thiough Consul ( Jeneral
Beach a synopsis of the new tariff law s passed
by the cougiess of J'euador in August of this
year. The new duties become otterativo al
ter Xoveml > er 1 , and many radical changes in
tlie direction of highe ; dutieoccur. . Lumber ,
and perhaps othoi ai tides biought fiom ( lie
United Stated will be excluded by the new
KxtemUiif ; the Ilebol'H Iteprtcvo.
MoNruiiAi , , Oct. 12. L. O. David has ic-
ceived a communication from Mr. Flt/.pat-
ilck , Kiel's counsel , informing him that be
fore lie cmbaiked for England at New Yoik ,
lie icceived a letter from bir Hector Lange-
vln , saying that the government had decided
to extend Uiol'sicprleve until alter the ap
peal In his ease bus been heard , befoie the im
perial pilvy council.
* .
.0 -
Trunk Liliiesniul Grain nates.
ST. PAt't , , Oct. 12. A meeting was held
heie to-day ol repiesentatlves of tlio freight
dcpaitmcnts of all Chicago tinnk lines to
consider the question ot advancing grain
rales from all junction and local points to
Minneapolis , St. Paul and Chicago. Iteport
that rates would be advanced Irom 1m : to
17 , ' e per hundred resulted in tiansits .selling
at a pieiuium at Minneapolis.
New I'or7c County Democrat * ) .
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 12.- The county conven
tion of the county democracy was held to-day.
The committees of conference fiom Tam
many and Irving lulls entered the conven
tion , but weie bj' icsoliitlon peremptoilly re
tnsed attention. A full ticket was then nom
inated and Oovei nor Hill cudop-ed. Tam
many and living halls will now combine.
"OiirMary" ut Home.
Niw : Yor.ic , Oct , 12. Maiy Andeison
made her first alter two yeans of
succo'sln Km ope at tlie Mar theatre to night.
She was suppoitcd by an Kngllsb company ,
tlie same that was with her in her first appear
ance In England. Shu was hcailily
welcomed by an audience that crowded Ihu
bouse to the doois. Ikr play was "As jou
like it. "
The Dakota .lml ( ; < ' < .li ] > .
Sr. PAUL , Oct. 12. A De.idwood special
to tlio Pioneer Pi e s says ; The Tlims this
evening announces tlie resignation of Chief
Justice Kdgerton tor the pinpo'-o ol enteiing
llio Held against Judge Moody for United
Slates senator. D.iitlett Tiiiip has gone to
Washington with the icsigimiionaiid expects
to be appointed to the vacancy.
The Oregon SenaCorHlilp.
Poiru.ANi ) , Otegon , Oct. 11. Tlio govei
noi to-day called a special session of thelci-
Islatuio to convene in N'ovembcr torthc > ] iin-
iiosu of electing a United States senator.
Under the constitution tlie special session It *
limited to twenty
TinNet K. of li ,
HAMii.roN , Out. , Oct. 12. Tim general
assembly of Knights ot Labor has decided lo
meet next j ear at Itlehmond , Va.
Hilly Hufjlins , wlici was urrosteil on mis-
picion of liehi one ; of the thieves who
mir lari/.ecl Seott'H linrdwaro stoics in
Conneil Hliill's , was taken over the river
yesterday. Mr. Scott c-aino to Omaha
iuul idontiiied thu cutlery found on
llii hes , ami took tlio yonn < man back
with him , liu being willing to go without
Heal lose uC o Transfers.
The following tr.uHfors wjns lile 1 O < t
inth.with tin ) county clerk , ami reported
for tliu Hi.i : by Ames' Heal Ketatu.
James C. Hllevaud wife lo Daniel P. An-
Bell , lot 7.1. K. IHIny's subdivision of lots M
and .Vi S. 1C. Hone I'M plat of Okahonm ,
Douglas Co. wd-S1.0K > .
MH. A. N. Tunuell ( widow ) to Chailes W.
rbhscitJMand | ] : tttnrtH 0'iri.iXftof ( ) lot M ,
Teiracc1 add ( Jmaha w d % lbV ) .
ClmilesL. Claiko ( single ) and otheisto
Wanen Swit/ler , lots U and 12 Claiko'ti add
Omaha , q o SI.
Claude C. Klnnelt and Jennie Alclilson to
Public Use , ceitalu stieets and alle > s of
Clink's add ; u. c. 51.
Chailes L. ( 'laiko ' to Public Use , ceitaln
sticc-tsandallc.vs. Claiko'sadd ; i | . c1. 1.
John A. Wakelleld and wile to Ceo Jeff -
f ley , lots 29 and : W , Heed's 2d add. , Omaha ;
. .
It. Johnson and wlfeto William L.
Monroe , lot M , block 1 , Cunningham's .Subdi
vision , Omaha : w.d.lMKi. .
Annli ) P. KounlxoloTliomas W. T. Uleh-
aids , 1..V100 acies ot ne i { of iivv . 'f ' see 'JT 1' >
in , Omaha , < j C--SJ.
Jackson H. Whlttlcr ( single ) lo Saiah A.
Patrick , b4 uciu.101 nvv ' or nw ) ( sic ; : $ 15
M. Douglas ( ; < i. , ci e-Sl i.4' ) .
C'lui lesO , HcuiM'l and wile and olbeis lo
Sarah O. Pali id ; , lot i , heoU-lft-li ) , Douglas
Co , ii c-S-JiCi.
Kied. W. dray and wlfo to Jacob ( J. Deiilso
lots in and ! , Claiko'a add Omaha , wd
Cimi'ies L. ClaiKo ann oiUrs to Kied. W.
( Slay , lots < tt and ! W , Chuku's add Om.iir.i , n c
Yesterday's ' Trade in Live Stock ami Pro
duce by Bco Spocials.
Home Kino TIiuiKers tu Cattle
Itc'covors Silently Krciin Hat-
iirday'H Tninblo Com
nud 1'rovlslutiH.
Clilcago Idvo Stock.
Ciuc-voo , Oct. 12.-Speclal [ to the lint : . ]
C VTTI.I : Kccolpts of ejittlo 8,000 head for the
day , ngaitist Sid : ; Imt Monday. The nuiiket
was fairly active ami prices In n general way
fully as strong as last week on all nxeful. sorts
and natives , the best making Sft 'OvSfl 00 ,
There weio no SDK ) or 5020 ealtlo on nalc.
Medium and common natives weio plentiful
but not in as active domain ! its salesmen
would like. They had lo compete with pilme
wesleins tliat w em on sale. One big lot of
Monlanassohl for 6170 that averaged about
l,2i0 ! Ibs. , and weie a mow uselnl lot than
any natives of similar average on
the iimiket. Texans woie not n-s plentiful
as some davs hwl week , and lhoio
that hud suitable stock got as good prices as
last week. lEouiid lol.s of cows , mixed and
eauulmi stock sold ut $2.W(32.7f ( > , and steers
at fl.00iici. ! : 10. Tlieiewasa tialn ol noitli-
westein Texansofqualitv good enomih lor
diesscdbeet trade thai iiold lor5 } ! ! ! * . Stock-
< is ami leedeis trade opened lather quiet
with some I.WI ) on sale , umoug wliich was
good v.ulety , soils , stjles , vvolglit nnd breed
ing to suit cvcivbodv , Tliodomnnd Is grad-
uallv impiovlng , ami sale-mien look for a fair
Inule the coming wts'k. Pi ices aio jet low ,
and with a big amount of feed in ( lie eotintiy
thcio ought lo be a good demand. Thcio
weio about twelve loads of stock calves on
sale ami only one lot of common sold during
the loienoon. Pi ices may bo quoted at fiom
810 lo SI I pel held. Shipping steels , 1&V to
i-ioo ihs. { 55.'JX * > oo ; law to
Ibs S4.7.X"'iO ; to 1UK1 His ,
SI OOni VtK ) ; slockeis and feedei > , .
Cows bulls and mixed , SLIBu&I.OO ; bulk of
sales at S'J.r.Vu'l.'it ' ) . Through TCMIH cattle
weie barely stead ) : WO to 1,000 HH , Siywy
: ! .75 ; 7.V ) to ) .i Ibs { S'J.T.'i'cKl.a'i ' ; tW ) ( o 700 Ibs ,
M.WW.OtVestein ! ) laugois weio firm ;
natives and half-bleeds. * : ! .7rtnfl.lO : cows ,
. vvlnteied Toxaiis ,
Sales of 51 Montana , I.JJfii Ibs at M.10 : Itt
Montana , l,2sit Ibs , sn.OO ; UK ) Nebraska Tex
ans , I.II5.J Ibs , ? 3.TII : HUi cows 1.17S II- ) , & ! ) .4. " > ;
2.U ( Montana , 1.20.Ibs , 1.70 : IK ) Montana ,
l , 20 JibKM : : \Vjomiiig , 1,100 Ibs , sl.on. :
Hoc.s : The iceelptsol hogs to day weui
25H)0 ! ( ) against 22IUO last ftfoiiday. Trade opened
ralhci slow vvllli biiers "hammering" the
m.uket with all the vigor they possessed.
Heie and theica few loads sold lower than
on Saluiday , lint in a general wav them was
littteoi no vaii.dion as compaied with Sal-
mdav , and towaul tlio close values woic lul-
I ) nc'liighci than at the opening. Salesme.ii
In the noithvtesiein division complained
loudest , and deflated they were getting lower
piiccs than elsewheii ! . Kouglt oddsund ends ,
S'D.-io f.riO ; fair to good pickers. ? 3.iU ) ( < in,7ri ,
and best heavy , ? : t > 0 to M.IK ) . A low loads
made s-I.OO 1.05 ; light , soil * . Sr,0 to SH..K ) ,
and singing pigs , Sl.0@l.t ( ) ) > ; skips , sa.iw@
! 1.W ) ; lough and mixed , jfit.ilScS'J.tii ) : iiacking
and shijiiiing , 3W to ! KO Ibs. , SH.CXl .OO ;
light welL'htslW ) to 17J Ibs. , PH.'JV.H.OO ; ISO
to 210 Ibs. , $3.GOi > lJ,75 ! ; skips , f 2.50(2 ( .00.
Cliicugo I'roduce.
CHICAOO , Oct , li. ! [ SiKJcial to the UIK.'J :
WIIIIAT : Alter an easierjJi > cu.lnu > ir wheat
to-day the tone improved , and tovVard'tlio
close of the regular board the temper again
became quite bullish Cablas eamo in inodor-
ntely Him , but without showing any advance
in value * however. It was estimated tliat the
visible supply would disclose an of
one million and a half bushels , nud this
occasioned weak feelings during the early
trading , and November fell otf. several times to
fcMji'e , but tlio buying continued good , and
was vcrv free b ) .some of Iho huge houses on
Iho falling oil In receipts at all primary
points together with good domestic and fair
export inquiry. The buying was on a very
libeial scale thioughoul the cntiio session ,
the advance being stubbornly touglit , but
notwithstanding , pilee.s rose slowly l-&uliom
tlio bottom , and cloied on tliu regul.ii boaul
at outside liguics. Thuro was moie press'uro
to sell in tlio afteinoon , nnd the market
linally closed lei the day about lo higher than
COKN. There was only moderate specula
tion in com , but the leelfiig was one of Hun-
nc s , and the mniKot closed a simile higher
than Saturday.
O.vis Thcic was very llltlofeatinelo trad
ing in oats , and pilee.s showed only slight
PnovisiONs Provisions ndc'd easy and
closed somewhat lower. Klom was
linn and and unchanged. Stocks hero
aie unusually light and dealers in many
instances have. sold largely to an he.
Grain In Highl.
CnifAOo , Oct. 12. Tlio following ligures
taken liom tliu odlcial statement of
tlio binrd of trade to bo posted on
change to-moiiow show the amount
ol grain In sight In thu United Stated and
Can.ula on Satindii ) , October 10 , and amount
ol In icaso or decieiisu over pieced In { week :
Wheat , lii,717oni ; Ine.rease , l.TOi 100. Corn ,
I,2'J1,718 ; ( lecie.ise , ! XI ! , 77. tat.s ) ,
dec-lease , ! : Hje , W 'A ; lncreasor
1K,2KI. ; Haile-s , 701iiVI ; Increase. 277,1)03 ) *
The amount ol giain in stole in Chicago on
dale named was : Wheat , 12tHUtW , ) : eoVn ,
I77r > 21 ; oats. ll'.IU'i ' ; rye , 2111,111 ; barley ,
0.1,1" ' , ) .
LONDON , Oct. 12. Tlio Mailc Laim Kx-
picss in Its uivlow of Iho llillMi grain i
timing thu past wick says : "ThoInd weather1
has matei hilly allected samples of new wheat
and h is caused a demand 'or old led sortp ,
which liavo tiilvancod a six-ppiiec' . h.alos of
Kngllsh wheat during thu week vveio 7B,2V1 (
quaitcrs til . ! 0j 7d , ngalnsl 73,80'j ' at : rH ? 2eV
liming the coirc'spondlng week l.vsl year ,
The maikel lor foielgn vvlieal continue * to
hlienu'then. Hour is niiiro dillieiilt lo purr
chase and a sixpence to ono shilling dearer.
Ameilean oats aio Ilinicr , Tlio simply oC
wheat Is icstilclcd ; pilcos am a i.ixpnneft
higher. Seven cargoes nrilvecl ; lour-wno
sold , lour wlthdinwn.and Ihreo icmnliied , jttv-
cliullugono ot Callloinlnn. The nmrlu't'jot '
clay was quiet and Inm. Kngllsh vvIt-.iti ) <
weie a sixpence dij.ner ; foieliiii were a Hlx-
jicuco lo a shilling dealer. Klonrwiih hfeadi1
and o < caslomdlv a slxpenco higher , Heanw
weie tully one shillini ! diMier. ( 'orn wnsflnilV
liailfs weio quiet. Oats steady.
Standard OH ( 'oiiHplrncloH.
Hfi PAi.o , Oct. U.-TliRgiand Jmy of the
remit of geneial usilon.s found IndictmonfN
lei conspiiac.y ngulnsl J. D. Archibald , an
olilcer ol tlio Standaid OH company ; H ,
Itogers , paitncrol ( 'has , D. Pialtand coin-
panlou of Ambiotu MtCiicgoi , of Ch\elnnd {
Hliam II. Kveiest , ol Callfonila , ami ( \ L ,
i\ : , ot Ito.'htster. The complainant.lho
Hutfnlo Lnbilcaling OH company , nllfigca
tliat Iho delendaiils evmsiilied to liinii. uild
blow up their woiltH nt Hulfalo : that Iliey
Idii'dv itnet t's lo i ommll ptijur ( ) ; that Uiey
caused disciimlualltiii In ftolghl jales , iom ;
pelling plainlllfs to pay nxcivisivo rates nnd
that in vaiioiu W.IVH they slaude ieel tingoods ;
and lepulatioiis of the iilalntinc. PJnioUlrW
allege that tinluive tliu confession of 01(0
man that he caused an oxioslon | | at tlio HIV
bilcaliug winks at the instigation of tlix
Sl.indaiil Oil company. Ho Is now wild to
haveluined stdeovidence : , which h l)0 ) >
prime cuusu ot tlifso linllctiiiciits.
Oct. Vi. Desliuctivo pra-Uo
Hie-aio raging v\estof tlds city. Tvvo'iliqil )
names unl.novvn , with many cattle a"l'lctl
wrlu biiincd to ilmth ,
tar *