Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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The Republican Oounty Convention Meets
and Nominates Its Candidates.
Tlio Ktllct fioes Forth That 1-1 th
Street MUHI lie Opened The
Kn < ! C Other Local Kvciits.
County llcpubllcniifl.
The republican county convention us-
Kcmbled Saturday nftornoon sit the coun
cil chamber of the city hull , the room be
ing crowded to its utmost capacity. The
convention was called to order tit 1:80 :
o'clock by Hon. 1. S. llaseall , chairman
of the county central committee. 15. W.
Simeral was chosen temporary chairman
and Fred Kcdick fcceretary. A commit
tee on credentials appointed and re
ported eighty-four delegates present.
The temporary organization was then
made permanent , and the convention
proceeded to the nomination of candi
For fihcrifl" , there worn five candidates
balloted for , as follows : William Coburn ,
Krt Locdcr , Ed Crowell,1. ! N. Pierce and
Charles Edgorton. Four ballots were
necessary fora choice , resulting in this
nomination of Coburn , which was made
Michael Moaney was nominated for
conntj' commissioner by acclamation.
There wore throe nominations for
treasurer Henry Holln , Henry Rhodes
and f. S. IhirmclHtcr. On the second
ballot Itolln received a majority of votes
and was declared the nominee.
Three ballots were taken for county
clufk. resulting in thu nomination of
Charles C. Noedhnm.
J U McCulloeh , the present incum
bent , was nominated for county jiulgu by
For county superintendent of public
instruction , J. 11. Hrunnor received the
nomination by acclamation.
There were three names presented for
coroner II K. ISurkot , A. W. Edmiston
and lr O'Konrko. On the second ballot
Mr , IJurket was declared the nominee.
( icorgo .Smith was then nominated for
county surveyor by acclamation.
The three justice districts then pro-
reeded to ballot separately for justices of
iho. peace. In the first district Louis
Hei'ka was nominated ; second district ,
Leo Ilolsloy ; third district , Gustavo An-
The election of delegates to the stale
convention was next in order , the city
wards being allowed four delegates each
nnd tlm remainder of the county seven.
The following arc the elected delegates :
Kii-ht WnnP-U. G , Jonkiuson , E. K.
Long , W. A. Kelley , S. J. Hroderiek.
Second Ward ! rank Knspar , G. M.
OT.rion , C. Speeht , A. L. Wiggins.
Third Ward-C. F. Mandurson , P. .1.
Williams , diaries Wchrcr.
Fourth Ward W. A. lledick , 11. W.
Breckonridge , T. W. Blackburn , Ed
Fifth Ward-Joe Redman , , T. T. Clark ,
J. Shannon. II. Dun.
Sixth Ward-James Allen. W. W. Key-
ior , AVilliam McCagno , C. K. Yost.
From the country William Turner ,
II. C. Timme , Joan Sprague , J. S.
Cooley , James ITansel , John Lcmkc , H.
U. Clyerman.
The election of a county central com
mittee then followed. The following
ivero elected to make up the committee
for the ensuing year :
First Ward li. G. JenkiiiEOii , F. W.
Ilandhauer , S. J. Ilroderiek.
Second Ward John F. 15ehm , E. W.
Simeral , J. U. Stryker.
Third Ward-H. llonuin , A. II. Willis ,
A. llurmeister.
Fourth Ward F. W. Gray , William
Kcdick , W. F. IJechol.
Fifth Ward II. J. Davis , Charles Mil
ler , L. 1 $ . Green.
Sixth Ward S. K. Spnulding , J. N.
Phillips , J.T. Dillon.
Union Precinct George M. Hazard ,
Frank Hibbard.
Florence Precinct L. E. Simpson ,
Jacob Wagner.
Elkhorn Precinct W. R. Turner , W.
Jefferson Precinct II. C.Turner , Clans
Millard Precinct Henry Kclsey , John
Lcmko ,
Saratoga Precinct D.P. Redman , Jno.
F. Pago.
AVext Omaha Precinct-C. J. Ryan , F.
IV. Kyle.
MeArdlo Prcdnct James Walsh , II.
Valley Preclnet-V. II. Thomas , W. G.
Whit more.
Douglas Precinct Daniel O'KcolVu , A.
F. Surckand.
Chicago Precinct Fred Schroder , J.
E. AV. Simeral was elected chairman of
the county central committee and the
convention then adjourned.
Hound to Open the Street. ,
A largely attended meeting of properly ?
owners on Fourteenth street was held'
jrstordny afternoon at the comer of
Fourteenth and Loavenworth streets , for
; ho purpose of taking some action looking
to the opening of that street. The meet
ing was called to order at 3 o'clock.
Vincent ISnrkloy was chosen chairman ,
nnd Edward Ainsoowf-oerotary. The ob
ject of the meeting was stated , and a
number of properly owners present made
vigorous remarks , the general trend of
Which was that the Union Pacific railway
iliould bo com polled to live up to its
ngrcomont to open the htreet. That such
in agreement had been made lust year ,
iml that it had not been fulfilled , was
proven by the reading of the following ,
ft'hiuh shows for itsoll :
OMAHA , Neb. . AuicuM. i" > , 1881. To the
Honorable , the City Council of the City ( if
Onmlm. < ionlleiiien : Asioiuiesletl by icso-
hitlon , 1 lmu > interviewed thoiciiiCMMitatlvcs
Dl'thu Union I'ai'illi ! ralhuiy company , con-
tcinlng'tlin icmnvalnt obstructions on Four-
lecnth btioct , between Leavcmvorth nnd
Itnson streets.
.Mr. rnnplftoii , thnpwral attorney of the
Minpaiiy , fioi'ly odmllhtliat thofity is en-
iltled to the iiio ot Us MI cots for public
travel , but contends Hint a ic.-wnmblo time
hid oppoitunlty should be ulven the nil I way
! onipiny : to icinovo Its buildings and nillio.iil
lump , and to piovldo a suitable biidgo for its
ippur nillio.ul tracks.
In an Intcivlow with Mr. Kiiiibnll and Mr.
Vlchols , biiliManthdl ! ) 'tho same views weie
intoitained and advanced by thosegentlemen.
) Ir. Klnilwll Mild Hint the eoniiaiiy ] would
.vibhto put In a pi'iiiiiincnt ' iron hi-idgo with
.ubstantlal Mono abutments , which lioelaliacd
Sould not ho done Immediately. Ho author-
xctl mo to icpic.M > nt to thu council , that If the
line was extended until next year , the com-
j.uiy would this winter taku the neco-vary
Itops to moriuo a sultablo iron bridge , w hlch
Jui comiiany would put In next svnsuii sup-
mi ted \\lth giKxl Mono abutments ,
1 would MiKciM Hint II the sewer woik
bo put oil" until next year , that It bo MI
tiiild , mill Hint time I'oriciiiuvhit ; oil-line-
oils In the hlicet bo e.\tended , and Hint by a
) roper onlli ; mco oriesolution , the m'ccssu'y
t.tlon bu taUen , wliL'icby iho railway com-
Kin } may IIHVO olllc.lal iiolllioatlon of Hio no-
loii In the pictures.
\ \ . J. CON'MM. : . Oily Attorney.
Accejiled on Jtchalf ol llio Union V.u'iiio
tail way Coiuiutiiy , Scpti'iiilxT&lli. iss-l.
b. It. I'.vi i.A WAV , tiiiT.d.Mina ! ( ! ; i'i ,
An agreement wii ; thci ! di'uvn ; ii } > and
signed by nliout forty uroporty owners
on thcstrcoU plndging tlieinnelves to pay ,
in ] > roportioii to the fronnn ( of tlioir
property on tlio htrcct , the oxpcnsu of
oniploymp an ntlorncj * to institute and
prnficcuto a milt to compel the Union
Pacific and IhirliiiKton & Jllsr.ouri rail
roads to open the .street , in cnso they
refused to do so without process of law.
A committee of llvo wns niipoinfod , con-
p'istiny of Messrs. Kilehon , Huflut , Ains-
cow , Baukal , and Francl. to wait on the
manngers of the Union 1'acilio and Hur-
linjjlon & Missouri railroad companies
to-day , and if no uncouragement was
Kivoii them , to employ an attorney and
institute the suit. The muetin then ad-
jonruud , subject to the call of the chair
Fourteenth street , below Lcavonworth ,
ii completely blockaded at present , the
Chicago Lumber company occupying thn
center of the highway with offices and
lumber piles. Property owners on both
sides of the tracks are indignant that
such a state of things should bo allowed ,
ml contend that they will only receive
their just rights when the obstructions
are removed and the street opcond by the
railroad companies.
Tlio IJloyolo Knees.
The closing sports of tlio Omaha wheel
club tournament Saturday were very in-
tercbting and wore well attended. Thcro
wcro ten races on the programme- , and
they wcro all carried out in n most satis
factory manner. The following is a sum
mary of the ditVcrcnt events :
Quarter mile First prize , silver cup ;
second prize , gold .scarf pin. Entries :
C1. 11. Cowing , T. F. IJlaekmore , Perry
Hadollet , W ? II. Morford and W. 1) .
Towns-end. It was won by IMackmorej
Townscnd second.
Two milo Nebraska stale champion
ship First pri/.is. fcilvcr cup ; second
pri/o , hand-bag. Entries : C. 11. Cowing ,
T. F. Illaekmore . II. Morford , O. II.
Gordon. Klackmoro won in 0oG : 1-5 ,
Morford second , ( Jordon third.
Olio milo open First pri/.o , gold
medal ; second prize , ball pedals. Entries -
trios : J. G. Hitchcock , ( . ' . 11. Cowing , ,1" .
Clawson , T. II. Merriam. Hitchcock
won , Morriam. Cowing and Clawson
fol owing in the order named. Time ,
fr'llalf mile tricycle First prixe , silk
umbrella ; second pri/.c , toilet sot. En
tries : E. S. Hall' , J. G. Hitchcock. Hail'
Won in Ifi8. :
One mile , 0DO : i-lnss First prize , gold
medal ; second iiri/.o , .silver medal.
Entries : W. D. Townsend , \V. 11. Mor-
ford , O. II. Gordon , T. II. Merriam , S. 1' .
Shears. Townsend won , Gordon , .sec
end , Merriam , third and Shears last.
Time , 8:182-5. :
Ilalf mile , boys under 17 years 1st
pri/.o , silver cup ; 2d prize , bicycle call.
Entries : S. P. Shears , W. L ) . Townsend.
Shears won in 1:37. :
Five mile oiien 1st prize , gold modal ;
2d prize , ball pedals. Entries : J. G.
lljtchcoek , C. II. Cowing , J. Claw.spn.
Hitchcock won in 10:10 : 2-5 , Cowing
bccond and Clawson third.
One mile , club handicap 1st prize ,
smoking jacket ; 2d pri/.o , hub lamp.
Entries , T. F. Ulackmoro , scratch ; Perry
Itadollet. 200 yards ; O. II. Gordon , 200
yards ; woodman , 200yards. Gordon won
in 11:01 : , Blackmore becond aiid Woodman
One-half milo consolation First prize ,
silver headed cane ; .second prize , alarm
bell ; third prize , bicycle Miirl. Perry
liaddolctwon , Clawson second.
Visiting wheelmen's race. Pallistcr. of
Otljimwa , Iowa , won ; Colby of DCS
Moincs , second. Time , 3:22 : 1-fi.
The prizes were awarded Saturday
evening at the store of Collins , Gordon it
_ _
Scientific lectures.
A circular letter lias boon issued by
President Dowling , of Creighton college ,
informing the public that a course of
sciontilie. lectures will begin at the college -
lego on Thursday , October 15. 18S5 , and
continue till the latter part of April , with
a suitable intermission during the severe
weather of the winter. The principle of
physics in some of their practical bear
ings , such as tlie mechanics of bolids and
Hinds ; the inllueucoof the specific gravity
of liquids on commerce : the importance
of the microscope in the study of vege
table and animal tissues , of pharmacog-
noiy and the detection of adulterations ,
polariscopic and hpectrum analysis of
the same , and ot bimilar objects ;
the nature of sound and
light ; meteorology : cremation , etc. , will
form the subject matter of the course ,
which will bo given by Prof. J. F. Kiggc ,
S. J. , assisted uy Prof. Hubert Gartland ,
S. J. As the college possesses a magnifi
cent set of instruments , all the lectures
will be brilliantly illustrated with a va
riety of experiments. To inaugurate the
course two public lectures will be given ,
one on October 15 , and another on Octo
ber 25 ! , at 7.110 p. in. , in Creighton College
hall. The regular lectures of the course
will take place every Thurs-day at the
same hour , beginning October 2'J. ' Occa
sionally public lectures may bo substi
tuted. but due notice will bo given of the
Though this series of lectures is mainly
for the benelit of young men of literary
and scientific tastes who are engaged in
commercial pursuits , students and gradu
ates of law and medicine , a welcome is
extended to gentlemen of matnror years
who desire to renew tJie memory of their
earlier htndies , or merely to bo present
ill an instructive MU'ios of bciunlific lec
. . -
A Jjlrcly Fight.
Louis Hibbler's saloon , 412 South Thir
teenth street , was the scene of a promis
cuous light about midnight Saturday
night , which reunited in the arrest of the
proprietor and two others. It is said that
llibblcr ejected a number of men from
his baleen , among whom was a man
named Grace. Grace resisted and a light
ensued. Onlecrllellamy heard the racket
and ran to the seono of thu disturbance.
Just as ho reached the saloon Hihhlor
slammed thu door shut and locked it , and
refused to admit tlio ollicor. Bellamy
called for assistance , and upon the arri
val of Ollicor Murphy the door was
forced open , and an entrance ) Directed.
llibblcr drew si revolver on Hcllamy and
ono of the occupants of ( ho naloon at
tempted to strike Murphy with a brick.
The men wcro , however , overpowered by
the ollleors and taken to police headquar
ters. There they gave tlioir names as
Louis Hibbler , John Lindorn , and Fred
Matthows. They were locked up to
await examination , as was al o Grace ,
the man who was assaulted.
A Small Kh-o.
A barn in the rear of tlio residence of
Win. Sibon , at the corner of Sixth and
Spruce streets , was discovered to bo on
lire yesterday morning shortly before 4
o'clock , and an alarm was turned in.
lieforo the department reached the scene
the lluiuos had gained such headway that
they could not be controlled , and the
building was totally destroyed , A horto
siiid cow which wore in llio barn at the
time wore rescued with dilliculty. The
hoiit-o of John Ncilson , adjoining tlio
burn , was on lire at ono time , ami the
furniture was removed , but the liremon
succeeded In extinguishing the llan.cs.
The department was called out again
about six o'clock yesterday morning , but
the alarm proved to bo a fit ! so one.
A Close Sliavo.
John \Valwark , employed at the -.tock
yards , hud u very narrow oesipi { from
death Saturday , Ho was riding on iho
side of a l > o\ car , clinging tu llio ladder ,
while the car was being pulled at a rapid
rate to the loading platform. The fence
dividing the pens from the track Js so
close to the rails that there is not much
space between it nnd the side of n pass
ing cur. As the train ncared the fence
somebody called to Walwark to look
out. Ho turned to pen what was the
matter and at the same moment was
struck full in the shoulder by the fence
post. The force of the blow throw him
from the car , landing him about thirty
feet away in n pile of lumber. Strange
to say no bones wcro broken , but his
body was fearfully bruised. lli injuries ,
however , arc not serious , and it is ex
pected that he will be able to resume
work in a few days.
The I'ontninuH Investigation.
A reporter for the UIK : called upon
P ostnmter Coutant Saturday for the
purpose of learning something more if
possible of the investigation of that gen
tleman's accounts , which as mentioned
in the UKK last night , is being made by
Inspector Robinson. Mr. Coutant. however -
over , declined to unbosom himself on tlio
topic proposed. "I am a know-nothing
on the point of that investigation , " ho
replied in response to the reporter's lead
ing Inquiry. "I do not care to say any
thing at present. "
Chief Clerk llrown of the local Inspec
tor's ollico said that ho had been advised
for prudential reasons to say nothing
about the matter.
It is understood that Inspector llohin-
son completed his e.itigation last
night and forwarded the result to the
homo department. He went out of the
city last nigh t and could not be seen
A Unity Club.
At Unity church Friday night a Unity
club was organized to meet uvory other
Friday night , with Mr. William Wallace
for president , Homer P. Lewis , A. S.
Pollock , W. E. Coiioland , vice presidents ,
and Miss Jennie Grant for secretary and
treasurer. The elub will devote its time
merely to the study of French history ,
tlie meetings to be enlivened by music
under tlio direction of Mr. Adolf Meyer ,
ami dramatic representations under ( In
direction of Mrs. J. H. Shrove. Unity
club will meet in Meyer's mtiile hall , and
starts with a membership of forty. The
programme for the first meeting will be
essays on Charlemagne by Miss Ida
Edson , on St. Benedict by W. E , Cone-
land , a conversation on the crusades , led
by Mrs. Curtis.
A Small Burglary.
The residence of John W. Petty , 2221) )
Douglas street , was entered by burglars
at an early hour yesterday morning and
a number of valuables .stolen. The
thieves entered the house by breaking
through a side window , and visited nearly
all the rooms in the building. Among
the articles taken were a gold watch ,
ring and revolver. The police were in
formed of the robbery yesterday and ef
forts are being made to discover the
Accidentally Shot.
Early yesterday morning Morris llheub-
ling and a party of friends went out to
Florence lake on a hunting expedition.
While in a boat a shotgun was accident
ally discharged , the contents striking
Kheubling on the right cheek" , plowing a
dee ] ) furrow through it and leaving an
ugh * wound. He was brought to the city
ami had his wound dressed. The wound ,
while very painful , is not dangerous , and
he will recover in a few weeks. His face
will be somewhat disfigured.
i >
A HiislncsF ) Excursion to Chadrou.
The Sioux City and Pacific agent here
is making arrangements to take to Chad-
ron a largo party of Omaha merchants
and professional men at some time ini
the latter part of this month. Chadron
is tlie present terminus of the northwest
extention of thu Elkhorn and Missour
Valley road. It is believed that Omaha
interests will profit by a visit to that sec
tion , which is naturally tributary to
Omaha but for whose commerce this city
lias many active rivals.
Police Matters.
Marshal Cummings has received a cir
cular offering a largo reward for the re
turn of Home valuable oil paintings
stolen on tlie night of October 4 , from
the house of Hon. F. L. Amos , of North
Easton , Mass. , and also from the resi
dence of Mrs. Oliver Ames.
The police hero have been notified to
bo on the lookout for a desperado , Jack
Lawlor , who is wanted in Chicago for
Tjocal Brevities.
Ed. Il.Crowell , the present deputy , has
announced himself as an independent
candidate for sheriff , llo was one of the
contestants for the republican nomina
tion , but was defeated in the convention
Some unscrupulous ! individual , Satur
day night , shot and killed the large watch
dog belonging to Charles Turner. The
dog was a very intelligent animal , and
acted as a guard at Mr. Turner's resi
dence , Sixteenth street anil St. Mary's
The police court business Saturday was
unimportant. Four drunks were dis
charged and one man \yas llnrd slO and
costs for fighting. This afternoon was
Judge Stenborg's reception day , and ho
was called upon by a largo number of
women who deposited their monthly line
with him.
1) . E. IJreedlove , a Union Pacific brakeman -
man , was arrested Saturday for
having pawned at Smith's shop on Tenth
street in April last a watch , alleged to
belong to Frank Cannon , of this city.
Hrociflove. denies havingdouo anything
crooked , says the watoh belonged to a
darkey , Sam King , from whom he took
it fora debt.
J. M. Woolworth commenced an in
junction suit in the district court Saturday
against W. J. Council and William
Hedick to prevent thorn from proceed-
against him in their suit brought to re
cover nn amount of 8800 which they claim
on the assignment of the old Tucker
estate. \Voolworth sets up in addi
tion a s-ories of obligations , on which ho
asks a hearing before the defendants are
allowed to proceed against him. The
ease is a very complicated one , and of
longstanding. It has been pending in
local tribunals , under different phases ,
since lb'5.
Invalids' Hotel null Surgical Institute.
Tins widely celebrated institution , lo
cated atllnllalo. N. V. , is organized with
n full stall'of eighteen experienced and
skijlfnl Physicians and Surgeons , consti
tuting llio most complete organization
of medical and surgical skill in America ,
for the treatment of all ehronlu diseases ) ,
whether requiring medical or surgical
means for their euro. Marvelous success
has boon achlcvml in thu cure of of nasal ,
throat and lung diseases , liver and kid-
uoy diseases" , diseases of the digestive
organs , bladder diseases , diseases peon-
liar to women , blood taints and skin dis
eases. rheumatism , neuralgia , nervous
debility , paralysis , epilepsy ( fits ) , spur-
m\torrlioa : \ , Impotcncy and kindred af
fections. Thousands are cured at their
homes' through correspendonco. The
euro of the worst ruptures , pile tumors ,
varieooclo , hyilrocelo and strictures is
guaranteed , with only a short residence
at the institution. Send 10 cents in
slumps for tlm Invalids' Guide-Hook ,
( KM pages ) , wlilrli gives all particulars.
Address. World's Dispensary Medical
Association , Hiillalo , , N , V ,
Police Ufiirornn.
The pattern for lho' ' ex police uniforms
has , na already mentioned in the BEE
been selected , bcing\ double-breasted
frock coat , with bdlt and mace nnd a
small capo hanging ever the shoulders.
Several tailors aro. bidding upon the
work of making tlio uniforms , according
to pattern and as soon OH the contract
can bo lot , the various 'members ' of the
"finest , " from Marshal Cummings down ,
will bo measured
Absolutely Pure I
Tbls nowilrr nrvcr varlos. A innrvo of
MreiiKth mid wliolio-omcnoes. Move economical
than llio onllnnvy KlmlH. mul eiinnot lie sold tn
competition with tlio imiltjludi' " 1 low test , short
wohtllt and l > h < milmto | powders. Hold only In
cnn * . itoyul linking Powder Co. , 1CW Wull sticct ,
N. Y.
OVJIR 400,000 fan IM USE.
aslrit llldtnir Vehicle mmlr. Hidcii lu eur
iritli ouo person us two. The SprlnuN lrnathrna.i )
nnuriun oaounlmR to the \ \ ] jht thvj cxny. KquaJlj
yu'1 ndnpteil to rnu li cotinii-y rund niid
2O r > vcicllii,8. . Jluniilarturi'U nmtnnl.U. t
J. . ' * * tSu p t k
Chicago , Mfauto & SI , Paul
s. a-irj-vVu - .
Tlie Short Line
and Best B onte
From Omalialo tlie East.
rhlcnpoMlnucniiolis , Jlllwaukoe ,
St. Paul , Coiliir Kiipiils , Hiivonport ,
Clinton , Dolinquu , lincKfonl ,
Hook If-hind , Krcoiwrt , Jiinevllli > f
I.uCrosso ,
Ilclolt , Winonu ,
Anil nil other imporliuitpolnu Eu t , Xortlieast
mid .Souihoast.
Ticket ollico nt 1 mi rnrnuni street , ( In ration
linlL-1) ) , nnd lit Union I'aclllullopnt.
I'lilliniin Sli'C-porH nnd ttioi Finest Dlnliiff C.IM
In lit u World tuu inn on tlm main llnus of the
CH iOAOOMii.-H-Arisii\ST.'l'Aii. : : ; JL\II.WAV , uiul
uvory ultuntlou Is puiil to V KCUKUII ) by coui-tu-
oii emplo'osof the
Jt. , GenvrnlMnnaKur. .
J. V. XOCKIR : , j\SElstmiL'lcjior.U ' Mnnn or.
A. V. II. UAiU'UMcu , . General I'lifscngor nnd
Ticket AKDIlt.
( JKO. 12. JlBAfFOiin , Assistant Oononil Fnasou-
gor anil Tlukct
KxliiuipU'il VlUilllvNnrvoin iiml 1'lmlcnl DeMllty.
rromnturi ! Decline In Mun. EiTors of Vniilli , mill llio
untoM m orlo * rojtilltni ; from ln < ll orrtlnn nnrt or-
roHipft. A bnnL for every inm. : > inmc. iiililcllc-nacd
mitt old. HcuntalnB rj.rCKcrUtloiih | ) Ior nil nruKuind
rhronk ! diffuses , wicli ouo of wlilrli In liivaltialiln. So
found by the niithor whoie cxiii-rimco for at yours Is
Mich im prolmlily never bf fore fell to the lot of liny
iihyhk'liin : IWi PIIEO" , hound In beautiful French mus
lin , emno-'rtedcover * , full cllt.uuamnteotl to boa llucr
uork In nvery pen o mcchanlnil. literary antl profp-
Moiml tlmu anv otlier uork In thl * country for . .V ,
or the money will bo icfiitiil In every In tanrc. Iri-c
only fl by mall , postpaid , IlltiMtnitctl sample. u)7. )
Hentl now , ( toll ! niotlal awarded the uuthor by Diet Ni *
tloiuil Moillral Ai oclatlnn , to the officers of wlilrli liu
ThoSclecnof I.lfo flionlil 1m rpinl by Iho yoni'B for
Sn tnn lion and by tliuanlluU'd fur relief. Hwlll lieiic-
lltnll. Ixjin > n Uinc'i't.
Tlirrel-si. unpniliiTcif foi'loty to whom llio Silence
of I.lliM > lll not bc.u ( 'fiil. lifthcT > oiith , p.ircnt , uiinr-
dlun. tnhtnu > li > < < nr cloryymun. ArKonmit ,
Aildri'KM IV'ibodj-JMedical Institute , or Ir ) W. II.
Parl.or , No. 4 r.nlllliu'h street , lltiston , MUI > B. , wliu maybe
bo fonhiilttHl on ull itl i'iti-t'H rt'fiulrln t-Mll nnil c-Tpurl-
cneo. Olitonlu uiul oln > tlimt ( lisciisos thu' luivo
Imtlluil tliuhkilldl'iilldthoriiliybl- I/
rliuiH , u siii'fliilly. Suuli lioiilod
( iiLi'e liilly without mi iiiMimco
of rminro. Jtcntioii this impcr.
TIII : IIKST noirrr.
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Thnimly road to tnlio for Dos MOIH | , Mar-
fcmllto ) u , Criliir KuplilH , ( 'Union. Il\io ) , Clilciipo.
JIlhvmiKco uiul all points uii-t. To thu iit'iipln of
Xohuthltii , Culurmio , WytunliiM , I'nili. lilnho ,
Ntiv < lu , ( r > ( iii , WimliliiKtun iiiidt'iillftinilit it
olfi'is MipiT or iKhMntJifi'H not poi-Uilc1 liy liny
other lino.
AIMOIIKII f'- " > " ' lll ( > niinu'roiid points of mpo-
rlorlly cnjcvi-i ! ' ilitivi'troiiH ' or tlil-t Ui ) l licit -
t ccii ( liniilui u < lik-iuro. uro Jin two Iniliimi
iluy ofAV ) i ut ilfjtj wlijcli iiru the lliu il Hint
liiuiHHi nil uiul Irii'Ciiiill.V'rnii ' ciouto. Ill I'Al-
M'l' HI.UHI'INCJ CMtH , wlilcli itrn ini li > M ttf
C'dinforl nnil cIc iiiH-ox ItHl'AUUJIt lIIAWINi
HOUM ( 'Ally , iiiii-iirjuisMMt ly any , and IIMUilo -
ly eelt'hriilml l'AI mAU)1N.Ni ) | CAHS , the
L'ii ) ot which ciiiiinit tie fiiund rl-i > hero.
At Council Hindu Hiu.1ni < iiH of llio Union I'aul- '
llo Ity , coanuc't In t'likm Jriiot with thosoot tlm
C'lilnwo.VNoilluvcMCMi Ity. In ChlcilKO 111"
triiliiH of IliU line ma ocJoso coiinc-cllon with
tlidfii nf till eastern lUic. " .
I'mDotrolt. . roliniilin1' , Tiidlunainlf | | > . t'liu'ln-
nail , Niagara I'nllH. llutrido , I'lltt-liurtf , rumnlo ,
Jldiilical , llofton , Ni-vi York , I'hlliuli'liihlu , Hal.
tlmoH'ViihliliiKliiii iiiiilalljHiliiiH In UiurM I , nsl ;
the tleliot UKcni lor tktkuiu via the
' "
If yon wIMi thu bosl iKK'diniiiodallonv. All ticket
lUfontH Mill HcUflb via IhN line' .
M. lU'dlll'IT. II. S. HAIJt ,
( JuaiTiil 3lunng'cr. Oon. l'n-n. Apriil.
Gen. AKOIU , HI2 rnniiiin St. , Omalm , Sub.
Hii\entei'ii Years' i\icrIumT : | ,
England , France & Germany.
Thu EU'imitlilp ? of this "i'll known line tire nil
oflion , In wnter light compiu-liuonH , nnd ro-
fmnl.-lidl with I'veollihm In iimKu tin' | > II > MIKU
lioth tutu and ajifciillo. They enrry iho t'nllud
tnllb uiul Kuiupomi nnilld , toid loavi < Ni".v Vurk
U'liiiiHliivrtiuul biiliiiilniH for I'lviiiuiiili , ( LON
DON ) , I'hi'ilxnijMl'AHIS nnd I1AMIH H'i ) .
Hiitca I'iitt ulbln , $ JO 1100. blfc'i , % t U New
"Righteousness of man , is it proper , do you think to live extravagant in
this life , is it proper to spend man's earnings without the knowledge of
knowing as to what yon are buying , Is it proper , do yon think , for man
to waste his money in providing hi $ greatest necessary , clothing , by
paying the exorbitant margins in order that he can say that his cloth
ing was made especially for him , when he can find the same goods made
up in the prevailing styles , for another individual , which perhaps would
prove his size exactly , which he can buy for less than half of. what he
would be obliged to pay in order to have them made to his order. To
morrow The Misfit Parlors will display the following garments , which
was received today , and will be displayed
5 00 Good enough pants was made by a leading tailor for 10 00
SU 00 See this overcoat handsome , was iniido to order for -18 00
1C SO Light weight overcoat was made to order for . ! )3 ) 00
fl ( SO Tlu oaro a good heavy pair pantaloons and wore made to order for . 7 r 0
SO 00 An excellent suit of English Worsted cloth , was made for . . .12 00
M -10 Will please overcoat was made to order for . 2 ! ) 00
(3 ( 50 Pair pantaloons you will buy if they are are your size , made for . 5 It 00
18 50 Something to be j ecu , that now style overcoat , made for . . . . . . . . 07 fitt
! ) l 00 As you like it frock , was made to order for . . . . 03 00
IS 80 Harris cassimoro suit , was made to ordiV for . 20 50
And many others that will no doubt meet your approval.
Our shipments are received on Tuesdays , Tlmratiays and Saturdays -
urdays , and each day following we have promised to milia men
tion in order that you may consult your interest , and pay a visit
for inspection. All is light and all appears bright -
± 119 srr. , 111 ©
Open evenings vintil Q o'clock.