Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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* > Pwir > awf5 w HsHBWw wi > njwjii MUIM jiu * * ' BBmT3n.'K.j ' > i90 wjA m m
OXVZC'E ' : Ifo. IsrcarlRtrcet.
1 rVrii.H v < m IHIIin mi ) part of Uin city
Itu I iy < i i ' 1 1 r true-It.
11. W. Tin -.s. . . .
Hi li < i' . I'u * i > ilor , for full goods.
DiiitiT n 'Idnii" ion Mi1 nl tliu nxj ;
nit ion.
'Hi' i'S i utmcH if pxjioctpd to liiivi
HUM ling i > iglit.
Ton , > - r > in Ionian Hiii'iilA-j iilhov
to niofrow i 'ling.
' ' nil lo-niglil for
Stipp ' ' < ' > ' minion
co-id. ! eld - K\iisitioti. | )
Com I 11' . Now Knghtnd Miipcr | I
night. Sn , iui'nnd nihnls'-inii , 'jri IHMH
lion ITU , ! . L ) . Jiu'li.Miii , the socrota
of Mat' . H | " l.s in ( . 'iirwjn next Tlinrsdt
W. P Axl--wnrlli iin.s rnitcil I IIP re1
d iiijc of Mr Itiilliiril , < in I'ir-,1 iivcnuuui
ho ftUHM-al of ( ii > or ; ii , infant
tor of W M iiinl S.-iruTi Hilt , took plm
: it'iirnion. )
Nicholas Scluilt/ and Dom Tliompso
both ot tliis city , wro on Saturday yivi
thu nuuiM ! < iir. > I'icniiiL to wed.
Permission to marry was on Siiturdr
given to 1' ( ' . Latterly , of Nuola , : iu
.Mary Casey , of Hri-lx * township.
F. ISnivi't' , tin1 laxidisnulsl at ll
TJIootnor school , 1ms r-oiin * line spi-rimei
in W. W. Chapman's show windows.
Alovnly programme , u Ni'W Knjilnii
fiiij ] ) > or anil iuhnls.sion to thn Expositiu
to-niylit , all lor . ' , " ) ei-uta. Who won ]
miss it ?
The Athletics foii : I'linn/vi' / won a j nni
Saturday , dpli utlnjc tin- nine at the iiiht
tnlion for the draf ami dumb by a. bcoi
of into f .
Hx-lSovornor Katrrliild of Wisconsi
jinil lion 1) . M O'Conncll are to sjii-u
in Masonic hall this evening nndur th
au.spiccs of the republican eoinmittee.
The work of laying si track for the nei
bridge is goin along well , and tlie rail
have Ill-oil mil in place to within a hoi
distance of where llio new bridge is to b
In the federal eourt to-day there wi'
bn some motion.s heard , and to-morroi
the ciiho of Jam us Summers against th
W.ibiish , for the killing of a tuuni ol
mules , will be tnkn up.
Wins will f-ell you hats a I iobber1
prices as the goods are all bought froi ;
the inaHufactnrer.s. Ho and pet prices
you will find tliem the lowest in the wes
and the best assortment.
High priced outside wraps are doomed
You oan buy the. most expensive brocade
velvet , plusjli or other material and bav
ilmailu for one-half what the. re any
made garment eosts ntK. Uowling'd.
Come to the benefit to-night. The man
ngomonl of the Exposition have deeidei
to ilovoto the proceeds to-night , to tin
Misses Myrllo a benefit. Beautiful pro
gramme , New England supper and ad
mission , all for 25 cents.
The anti-monopolists are noting will
much force that at this term of tbu federal
oral court , although there were nunieroii !
suits againsl railway companies , not ;
- ! . .HO - nnb Sj- . . , ; i t the cor
In tli < ? case of Mrs. Allicott against the
Chicago & Northwestern railway com'
jiany , in which she sought to recover
damages for the loss of the contents of a
trunk , the jury brought in si verdict for
the defendant.
At cost and less. We will offer our en
tire stock of cloaks , Newmarkets , and
outside wraps in plushes , broeadeil vel
vets , brochea beavers , bourctte cloths ,
brocaded beavers , etc. , etc. , at prices
that will close out the entire stoek at
once. E. DOWLING.
K. O. Farrcl was arrested Saturday
night for being drunk , and so disorderly
an to break one of the windows in Mr.
Drolieh'shtoro on Broadway. Ho put
up $2fi for Ids appearance and then went
out and got so much fuller that he had to
be run in again.
A'eomjiaralively obscnro young limb
of the law in Walnut named x'ask anil ye
Hiiiill receive , " or somctning like that ,
has like the thing that destroyed Mother
Eve's 4 A . . . . ! happiucHd . . . - - . ! . . .I , shed _ t f. his / _ . - old * . . _ 1 skin _ < , f cone . . i _ v
Sneaks or burglars have managed to
get nxviiy xvitli a quantity of cutlery and
rox'plvcrs from Scott's hardware store on
Main htruet. The IOSH is uljout s7o , and
thi-ru Heisnis no elite us to hoxv the break
AVIIH madu. It ia thought thai the thieves
must hax-o Heeretcd ihenisolvcH in the
cellar , and there waited until after the
place was locked up at nig-lit.
In tlie case of Alex Gumming * ) against
the Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy rail
way in the federal court Saturday , the
evidence for the plaint ! ! ! ' xvas taken , and
then flie judge ordered the jury to return
a verdict for the company , ohiiming
that the evidence nhoxvcil contrihiitorv
jiogllgcnco on the part of the plaintiff ,
who xx-aa conductor of a fi eight train
which was run into by another freight
train at Woodbine , ho being liurt in tlfo
xvreck and noxv mieing for damaged ,
The taxpayers of tins county remember
the valuable wrvico of Kli Clayton xvliilo
ho xvas a inombor of the board of super-
vltiorfl in Paving thousands of dollars for
the people. Alen regardless of parly
xvill vote to place him back again. Wo
nil remember hoxv Mr. Clayton saved
this comity ? 2-iOO a year by draxving in
the Mihhiftitippi & Missouri boud.s and
paying them off xvitli money that had
been collected but not paid out. Carson
Tom Koxvman has boon preparing his
$ fi.l'00 ( ) ' bond to send on to Washington ,
which xvill have to bo approved before lie
receives his commission as postmaster.
It is expected that the change xvill not
take place for ton days or txvo xveeks yet.
After gutting litteu out as po.tlinautur , lie
will bo appointed as ilishnrHing agent for
moneys to bo snout on the government
building here , tno same IIH the jiresont
postmahtor. I'hil Armour. There is noxv
about $ -10,000 , In tliis fund , and an addi
tional bond xvill have to bu filed for this.
Kver fiinco the building of the high
school on the top of the bluHs thuro has
been inuoh fault found wltli the location ,
r.nd jiiftlly , for the approaches are uo
btcoi ) , anil in xvinter so Mippery , as to
make it almost cruelty to children to
compel them to climb Mich u height ,
Thuro is now being considered u project
fo > ' lowprlinr llio building , KO that it can
bo more easily reached. Such an enter-
prisn xvould be expensive , osneclally if it
was loxvcrcd to where it ought to Maml ,
but it seem * t.'iat ' something .should be
donu to relieve llioso xvlio have to get
their .schooling thcru.
Thn new olilcc of Jhirnham , Tiilloys &
Co. , No , KM Muln ntriml , is one of the
nmxti'M and mo'-tatliactive ' in it interior
furnlsliiii'/i and adornment ? of any In
the city. Tlie p'tinting nnd } ) Mii'rngis ] !
the work of 1 * . C , Miller , xvho lists shoxvn
OB nsiiiii , rir : gcod taste mid -kill. Al
most nii.xlui'ly can paint or | > : ipor , hut
fnv rim pnint nnil jinpcr xvoll , and Mr.
JMillor is ou'iof tlju luitor class , and thif
ot his xkll ! aud IM-II- is nun
< i cm : wuil po'itt ' ti > xv'i ! \ yiilc.
lit'hu4 nnmi'ro'H Mnh thftvi'n ' und
ubout tlinnHy , slid ! KM r < iiliU'-.i ; ! a tup-
Mt'itiP-i liww whicli i-acvi at ! _ : ind
Incro'iv'.M" -Iri'ipud for hU servKHo
ciioxvc iii'iMi-ir not only to bo i ; ; ; oed
xvi rUnian , l"ii uii ariht uf no onljiiury
II Catches Souio Oitizous In Maeonio H
But Nouu Injured Soiioasly.
1'"ioui Aviit.'itI'olnlH Poll
oal anil I'er onul ( Jiitliurmt
In I In : UliiltH.
Heavy \Vlutl , ttitf No Oniiiaao. ;
Tlio "tmiyor of my city" gave an i
tertainmeiit on Saturday night to a ga
erlng of eiti/.eiis in llio ISlaMinie lui
Tliero were about two hundred w
gathered there , and the care taken
tlio-e in attendance to veure back MI :
and the void which cliuractorizcd tl
front of the hall , showed thnt they hs
iiRM'inbled from eurii".il\ l ) sou wh
"the only and original" would do ai
ay , rather than from any de-iro to 1
considered as in any way encouraging
endorsing him. lie liad quite a htrng
to get even then ! enrtosily-M'eker.s
come into the hall. The band played
vain for a half hour or more , and whi
there were many on the street * , yet noi
seeni'id to like to be. seen going to tli
meeting. The mayor was desperate. 1
| IH ! wrath he htarted out to dm
up a crowd himself. On tin ) hire
was Mr. S. T. Smith , of tl
electric belj manufacturing company i
Judil & Smith. lie had a big ero\\
about his earringe. and was selling tl
belts and telling his hearers all about tl
benefits of electricity. One of the ma ;
or'n lienelimen eamo ti > Smith and r
ijiusted him to ( | uit selling on the .stree
for .so long as be was * -clling anil holdiii
the crowd's attention the mayor eoul
not get enough in the hull to hold a mee.
iug. Sinith did not feel like-quittingan
soon afterwards a policeman -unic t
him and threatened to arrcM him if li
did not move his stand. Mr. Smith tel
the Bir. : man that he tippo ed that if h
had got a coachamfour and taken th
mayor around town and taken in th
sights bj gaslight , ho would have bee
all right. 'flio factory , in whie
Smith is interested , has _ bee
located hero some time , and is doing
thriving business anil gives employincn
to about twenty-live hands. Although h
is a Council Blufti manufacturer , ho ha
been compelled to pay a license to sol
liis goods , made here , on the M reels , aiii
lifter paying his license , then to be ealle
on to suspend business , so as not todnu
public attention from the fact that th
mayor wanted to have some one to lihtei
to Ids tulle , to bo threatened with arrest
to be obliged to move his stand , all tin
seemed to him as if the mayor was no
uieh a friend of manufactures and labo
is lie pretends to be. At Dos Monies
Smith is allowed to bell without a license
jecausejie is an Iowa manufacturer , am
Dos Moincs has urged the linn to movi
, heir factory there. With such treat
nunl as was shown him Saturday night
) y the mayor anil the police lorco o
vhicli he is , DesMoines would not liavi
o otl'er many inducements to get almos
m.V manufacturer away from this city.
IJy such methods the mayor managci ;
o get sonic of the citizens into the hall ,
' ' " there iiroe-nndcd to harangue
.m. . . „ _ _ . - - . , , , „ , " . , „
hose who would lM n , it r nuv .
tour and a half , at the end of which lie
xeused himself from making any ex-
ended remarks , saying ho would ! note
; o into details. In the course of hifl
iaranguo he took occasion to throw mud
aainl y at the democratic party , and
specuilly at some of his democratic
rethren , attacking them pcr.-onally in
utnni for their having yivcn him their
npport in the wast.
He called on John Allies for a speech ,
ml before Mr. Aides was through he
; ished he hadn't ' , for Abies scored him
iarfully , and told some very plain truths
bout him.
The farce closed with the mayor's at-
mipt to have a "people's ticket"
rained. Ho seemed to be alone with the
xception a young man named Nugent ,
ho is in his employ , and William Brix ,
ho is occasionally rewarded by the
layer by being put on as special police
Mien all oilier means failed and the
irco was getting to bo too farcical , the
layer said that if the "people" were not
cadv to nominate a ticket , he
mild suggest that a com-
litteo be named to make up
ticket , and Nugent getting the wink
lade u motion to that effect , and Hrix
.iconded it and thn mayor put the quo-i
on. The mayor , Brix and Nugent
oted "yea" and the crowd voted "nay , "
lo question being bunk to the bottom if
olumo of sound was the tet , but thu
layer pronounced the question carried ,
ml he named as such a committee Brix ,
( ugent , C. Wesley , Norman ( iroen , the
myor's brother-in-law , and ( Jeorge
sticks. He announced that this com-
litteo would fix up a ticket at , his olllco
nil lot the public KUDU at some future
ay. Thus ended the. windy show.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
Unto loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 183
earl street.
iat Avocn.
AVOCA , Oct. 10. Kvorytlnng quiet ox-
fpt-elec'tion topics. Tim now familiar
reel scunu is : A well dressed gentleman
iccts ono who is at once recognized as a
iboring man , anil grunts him thus :
Why , hello , my friend ! ! " grasping his
nnd and giving it a heurty shako.
How arc you making it ? How's your
'ifonndbovf ' Well , I trust ? A remark-
bly bright litllo fallow , that boy of
ours ; you should bo proud of him. He'll
iako his mark in the world , Hut , I .xiy ,
hilci I think of it , how do ,5011 think I'll
niiio out this fall ? Of course , lining a
ii'iid of mine , 1 donond on you , and
'ould not oiler insult by asking \oiir
oto and inlluenco In my uuhalf , ami by
10 way , there's not a man in
nvn tlnit IIIIH more inllui'iicc than you
uvn. It's a fact ; 1 am thn laboring
luu'.s friend all llio tiiiui. You know
ml. don't yon * Of course yon do.
Ml , give usyourhand. 1 haven'timidi
mo to-day to visit , but will neo you
gain ( bnforn election , however ) , ( iooil-
, ) ( ! . " And hu Imrrli'S on , uhiht tliu hi-
oring nian goes on to his work , wendi > r
ig how it is thai lie has hi-cmim Midi an
niiortant and inlliiontial iiii/in in this
nil-dri'bsi'd gi'iilliMuan'h opinion , wlii-n
cvor before has thn oiinu * gontlrinan
roolnimcMl snc'li ntoadfast frli > ndhhip , or
vi'ii ' ruuogni/i-d him. U hy is it ?
Thn Walnut Dramatii * comiKinv nre-
> ntid ; "Among tin * l > rimKi'rV' to'a fair
ouso Friday night. Thu rendition was
bovo thn general avi-ragn of amalnur .
! . A. Wiltso. as "David Murray , " and
Irs. K. A. Wiltho. as "Motlu-r CaroN. "
L'si'i'vn special mention , while W. "H.
' < ? ' % * lrl "J > 5ltlt11'rtVilffn'Pli | ' ( , " .11111 : ' lln s
.iilii Jvnpford , as " Klarbright , "
vro thn right ones in thn right place ,
lipoaring purfoctly at homo. Come
" .Mrs. K , D. Iloopo'8 , who has for llio
: ist two months brim conlincd to the
oiiic and the greater part ot that time
) her bcdjisiibln to bo out again. She
: ving vibitod Council UluU's Friday , her
lany iriondi rejoice with her in her re-
nvery ,
Mrs. J. H. Jnnks was DCS Molnes
isitor Wednesday.
Mrs. II Khoades is expected homo
'uesiUy. She ia visiting In Marcugo ,
A. , this week.
a. O. U. Hni'dina , wlfo of our agent
a-ud bnggagemnslcr , vr turned this ev
ing fiom a lw < > wcek'H trip iglil-st'dli
The republicans are expecting u ri
( rent to-night in the hearing of J.
WHO will jjivo thi'in facts
lookat it. lie urTdivs.-ed a large ; ;
ajiprei 'ativo ' audience at Harlan Frid
night , the opera house being filled lo
utmost capacity. The opera hou-e hi
has been secured for the occasion
night. The colored glee club will fax
them with choice .selections , which
speaks good music.
_ It is rumored our postmaster has
signed. Ho evidently did not eare
hare the fate of the Council lllnn" * po
inni | r , and quietly stopped down a
out. conclusion. ( JupMiim W
will take his place ? With pluntv of s
plicants and prospects very lialteri
that nothing will bo loil by the chum
X. Y. / .
_ _
Lamps eheai ] at Homer's , SO Mn
Ladie , if you want the latest styles
French pattern hats and bonnets , xvi
i null Mrs. JJH returns from New Yet
then , x onrM ! be sure to get the vu
latest and correct
Ono Week Only.
Commencing thin morning you xy
haxe an opportunity of buying oil paii :
ing * at the lollowing prices :
150 oil paintings , all nexv tubjecls , MI :
able for any parlor , at S'.oOeachj fornn
price , sj-j.
100 paintings , ja.S , " ) ; former prlo < ' . ? ! J.7
10 do/en now si > le haud-iiainted ] ia
els , from 10c to sJl.W ) each , jn-t one-ha
less than ever before sold.
The styles of cabinet frames i
the market.
All theM' goods arc new ami must 1
sold at once. Every person invited I
examine my new slock.
W. W Chapman , 105 and 10 ? Mai
Our machinery being delayed on tli
roadt we are compelled to postpone tli
opening of the Hrnir. STK.XM LAin > n
for a few days. Due notice of the opei
iug will be given in these columns.
( iio. : W. SCIIIXDUU : & Co.
A New Jein.rtiirp.
On and after October 12 wo shall pn
prices at lowest cash value and soil fu
cash and abandon the credit system.
Wo have purchased our large and wel
selected Mock of goods _ for ( ho fall trad
with this purpose in view , and our price
will evidence a saving to the purchaser.
This will be to the mien-si of both on
customers and ourselves , llhavcsexpcns
to us and annoyance to customers. Good
nan be sold for loss , and it enables tli
purchasers to receive the best and largos
quantity of goods for the least amount o
money. HAUKNI-.SS
1'rizcfor Parmorfi.
A premium for the longest ear of con
from this year's crop. For particular
all on or address , ! . Y. Fuller , buyer am
shipper of wheat , corn and oats , No. ! ! !
L'carl street , Council Bluffs.
If you wish to make legitimately fron
Pen to Fifty dollars per day write U
( udd & Smith , No. & 1 Fourth street
-oiincil Bluff's.
NOTICi : . Special iidvm-tlboinunts , Buch ns
xf.t ) , Koiinil , To Loan , For Suh * , To Kent , Wants
- - Hueetc. . , will lie Intertoil 111 tills column n <
% U "NE for the
: : .P
.m-rnlO oT TBM .
rf-t lii.ortlon nnil FIVE CENTS PEH LIME riw
noli subBCijuout liit-urtlon. I.eavu ndvcrtlm-
icntsnt our ollluo , No. 11 I'curl street , near
lron < l\Miy.
WANTED A uood Klrl for Rcnernl liousc-
1 work ; No. ID1 ! Bancroft street.
* ' - house. Umiulru
O KENT A now Box'en-i-oom
HEK Ollk-c.
: OH IH'NT A slx-i-ooin house , ten minutes
walk fiom liiiRlm-ss , city water , well nncl elb-
; rn. 1'or vent cliotip.
Ton KENT No. 130 Harrison sheet , three
4 I'ourl Htrunt.
. Bl Tor palo or ri'nt.on very liberal term" .
The Council muffs ] > tiicr Mill , comjiletc , with
H > liinro boanlint , ' liouto nnil tlircu ucrt" * of
No. "IV A buHlnera property in Cherolirc ,
herokco cjouuty , I own. will truilo for wi'Stt-m
unit. . Value , utiout $4,000.
No. ! f.t A lieautitul homo In thn town of Hnst-
IIR , Milk eouuty , lowii , lor McbntsUu land ,
uluu , * lf.OO.
No. 41 A ( ? ooil lU6lneM ) property nnil ulso a
nixl reslili'iifo property In thn town of Chonvo ,
lulx'iui county , 111..low down for odhhor will
xehiuiKii lor wi'stem lands.
No. ITU A Hplciiillil furni , well linprovi-il , ( MO
ures in DlfUiiihon county , Iowa , Jolnlnj ? the
iwn of Spirit I.akt > . 1'ricu , for 8hort time ,
llii per nei o.
No. 1K4 lo 1(57 ( Aio four Inproveil fiirms In
hlllliscountv , KiuiHi1 * , each with a email in *
iliiilmincc. The I'qulUw will bo fUtcliiuiKLil for
nlnruniburcil lid land in Neliruska.
No. IU'1 4W acreIn Holt county , Nol ) . , parily
IIIII\ ) ] , nt n bljf biireuln. Wnnts to UXCIIUIIKU
> r nierL'liundl > e.
No. M A line two Mory lirlck resilience , ono
f the best location * * in Council lllullH , will tnulu
> r KOI" ! unlncunliered Kiuiwis or Nclirui-Ka
mils. Value , $ l.rX)0. )
No. Wi ami 11 Alt' two other Iicautiful hnmea
i Council Illtin'H , which cuth paynieius will buy
t u liai'iralu.
Nn. Wi A bountiful Mibtirlmn location In Iowa
ity , Iowa , will oxi'hiuigo lor weeturn lands.
niu , Sfiixn.
Tln'aliox'o uro only si few of our special liar-
Hint. 1C jou'X'OKOt iin > thinw lo trailnor M > ll ,
i * want to M'll any real estatu or ineri'hnnill- ,
i Hit iif. XX'o have t-ovt'i n ] Rood htoekx of KOoiln
) trndu for landb. SWAN .V ,
Council Illutfri , Iowa.
J. L , De BEVOISE , Agent ,
No. M"i HroiKlwiir , Council DhiltM.
Railway Tiu.3 Tafcle.
Tlio fnllnwIiiK N th tlino ol' nrrlvnl nml
i > l > iirtiiii ! of ir.iliiH liy oi'iitral t-tiuidiinl tlniu , lit
in loml d ( IHIIH. 'I'mhiA Iciivn lraiiblcritciit | ) ton
ilmitr.s i-ui-llcr nml urilvo ton niliuitcs later :
iL'iA. : M . Jlitll nml ixii-if : | > 6. . . il : . " > 0r. n.
JHOI1 , > l . Acc'iiniiunliiUoii , . l.rJII' : . M.
ii'iJOl * . M . K\i fH . UQ.'iA. .M.
niir.Min & HOCK ISLAND.
; jr > \ . M . . . . Mull iiinl H\ii'M | . a Air. M.
:16.t. : M . Aci-oiiuniHliitloii . 'il.rir. : n.
, M.
rmuAiio , VIII.WAI Kr.Kt HT. t'.M'i , .
; - A , M . Mull nml I\PI-CHS : . UMl : ) > . M.
; * 'Sl'.M . Kxpivgn . HU'i.M. : .
; 40 * , M . . Mull mull : virib.s | . 7:10 : I1. M.
ills i > . M. . Ivxpio H . HWA..M. :
XVAII.XKII , HT. l.firiHft 1'AI'IHC.
: I5 I' . M l.oi-fll St. UUi i\iiit"-s : Lociil .
. ' ' - . HiKlivTruiHlft'.il-tl : * . i
l l r. M.'I'iiiiiHiH-St. l/ < ) : - I
KANHAd CUV , hT. ,1OK & rOUMiI : , 11 I.I' Ft H.
) : lilA.M . .Mull nnil llxpros . 7iir. : ! M ,
iKVil'.si . . . express . U iA. M.
hiniix ciiv & iMCi
iirH. . .t-Moiix < : iij- Mall
; Wi ) ' . M .St. I'.llll K\lli | d . hiWA.M ,
UNION I'.vcmu.
ln.\.M ! . ncnvi'rlj.xpri'n-i. . 4l5i ! * . M.
llt : > r. M .Mniolii I'II-H. . Din. A ; ll. \-JSf : > i' . M.
'Hr \ > . > l . OviirlillUl r..VlU'BS | . BiWA. .M.
Lonvo Council IllullhM ! : ! > . V :
MU u. in. ; lUJirt.ItHOJr.'S : : ; : - : , : * .
M j p. III. I.L-IIVU ) ninbii tl2 ; , 7i" : ( HW 10:00 :
! im. in : 13M-SM ; : ( J : '
Justice of the Peace ,
0 111 co Over AmcrlcHii Hxpreas ,
1 l
Wo shall offer at CASH SALE , until sold , a largo invoice of COTTON FLA
NELS at 25 per cent below the prices heretofore asked.
10 dozen Blankets at il ,2r > to $ J.OO , xvortlt from $0.00 to .fll.OO. These go'ods xvoi
xvero bought at Auction Sales and will not be duplicated. Parlies xvill do well I
secure them xvhilo hero.
Our now stock of
Trioots ,
, IEto.
Arc unusually attractive and never so cheap as now offered.
c recaixrad and our stock is xvcll assorted for the early Fall trade.
, ,
(1 ( ? B 0
Emmense Stock ,
Eastern Prices Duplicated
Send for HSusirafed Catalogue.
Wtt-oliouf.o nnd Salesroom , tl N. JIntn St , Couacll muffs , Town.
Onico 4ia Hioiulwuy.
No. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
"VST. F ,
lirlck builillngfi of nny JUn J 'f nlswl or moved nnil Bixtlafiictlon { ninrnntotxl. IViimu IIOUECH inov u
i l.ltllu ( jliint tniolis tliu bu t In tliu woilil.
1010Oth ST. , COUNCJI , lll-UFl'S , IOAW.
200 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each ,
Clirnp Cook Rlinra anil ( Icn&rul llo\it \ < i , Including Now nnil Kt'cond IIuuil I'u
tuic. " '
No. 34 N , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Telephone No. 111. All woik wnrrnnttU.
III Council HlulTfl luivlng
A ml all modern Improvoraciitii , cull belU , 11 ro
ulurm bells , etc. , UUio
Nui. 215 , 'JIT nnitZlD , Mnu ! .Street ,
JJJLX WOI1N , 1'roiirlctor.
B. BICE , M. D ,
or otlinr minors lomovml wltliout
CHRONIC DISEASES or mi ku i. u
Over thirty years' nructlcul oxpcrleticc. OJIIce ,
No. 11I'cnrl Slim , council llltiue.
THOB. OKHCEn , M. W. H. 1'UtJKr.
Establiihvil , IMS.
Wo bog to announce Ihe beginning of a .sacrificing sael in the Underwear dopurt
ment. Ladies' , Gentlemen's and Children's Underwear at price- ) which will plca.-n
28 dozen Men's heavy Gray Undershirts and Draxvers at 2.1c.
04 dozen Men's White Merino Shirts and Drawers , silk finished , at 50e , worth 7.-i
32 dozen Men's Fine Gray Merino Shirts and Draxvers at 50c , worth ? < jo.
S4do/.en Men's Fini ) white Merino Shirts and Draxvers , .satin ( hushed tir-y
worth 85c.
TO dozen Men's All Wool Scarlet Shirts and Draxvers at 7no worth $1.J5
42 do/en Men'd Striped Fine Merino Shirts and Draxvcrs at $1 xyorth $1.50.
21 dozen Men's Fine all xvool Camels Hair Shirts and Draxvors nt $1.25 choir ] ) at
Ladies' Underwear.
83 dozen Ladies' /ino / white merino silk finished vests and pnuts at 50o worth 70c
22 dozen Ladies' line white merino , extra fine gauze vcsU and pants at 73o
vorth ? 1.
80 do/on Ladies' all-xvool .scarlet tmderxvear , $1 xvorth § 1.50.
4J ) dozen Ladies' fine cashmere wnito vesta mm pahfa at $1.33 worth ii.-wr
Childrens' all xvool scarlet underwear , 25c anil tipxvards.
11 Children's merino xvhite luulerwear , 25c tmd upxrurds ,
Oorset Sale
76c Qnality for 60c. , :
$1 Quality for 7Bc.
$1.25 Quality for $1.
50 different styles of Corsets to select from , many of tharo not obtainably Elss-
White and drab , all sizes.
On our second iloar , Clorts anl raps at sucli low prices as ware never before
ted in Council Blutfs. Our stock is now complete aaJ oj axj ibitio n. Fancy raps
all the latest foreign novelties.
German Worsteds , Scotcli , Spanish , Germantowns , Saxonys , Western aud Easfern
irns. All colors , Prices the lowest.
60 pieces Canton Flannel , special purchase at 60 , worth 8 1-3.
Linen and Housekeeping goods department : 60 extra quality white bed spreads
75c , 60 extra quality , white honey comb , extra size bed spreads at $1 oaciL
100 remnants Table Linen , must ba closed ont.
SecondweeK of the
Ever in the city , Remember the prices this week will continue the same as
it flick , Wo do this in order to give all a chance. Ono price to all ,
Special attention given to mail orders and requests for samples ,
Cocke & Morgan ,