Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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Agricultural Implements.
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Corner Qtli nml I'nrltloStP , Omaha , Nob.
1'AifUN , oFlll.NDoft 1'i * TitAHTIN ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , \Tagons \
" , Omalia , Nub.
Boots and Shoes ,
w. v. Monsn & uo. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
HI1I'nniam Street , Oinnhn , Nob. Manufactory ,
Hunnnur HI net , ilo ton.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain flood * . KIP. , US1 Vaninm
Krwt , Omiiiin , Neb.
Coal , Limc Etc.
1KF1MV. UKDroTlI ) ,
Coal , Coke , Limo and Stone ,
Office , 21:18. : Hlh Rt. , Omaha. Nob. Yards , nth
uiiil Diivcnport streets.
Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal.
BtM vurlvlii R. Onirr.SI.1 K. Mill St. Telephone
No. UlC.Onmlm.Nob.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
2H S. 13th Pt. , Omnlm. Neb.
( Ho. ( Vl'ow i.i : , I'roRlilent.
Ono. I'AT-n.iifON , Sec. mill Treat" .
J. It. 1' . A. HAIXIII ,
I'loprlctor. Jlamigcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OniceM7S. : llthMrect. Telephone 49.
O. Y. IMIIAOII , l'n > 8. C , K. ( lOOIIMAN.V. 1'reS.
.1. A. Hl'MiKiiiiANii , fee. and Trcus.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hnnl and soft con I , SOU t } . Mill HI. ,
Uiiiiihn , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
EieluMve dialers In llouldor Colorado
ninth Hlli Htreut.
CofTec and Spices.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
T < us Ooireos , Spleen , i ttlnw I'owiler M.tvorliiR
KxtmctH , I-iiuniiry nine , Ink , etc. . 1414-10 Hur-
iioy Ritt-t , Oninlin , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
ilHANCH & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Funnim St. , Oiniilnu Apples Our own ] iiic\-
1ns 1'lntt V ( os * TlRer llriinil OjMors , llntter ,
1'pgp , OIIITIC , l'oultr > , 1'otatoeH.
JOHN 1' . 1'LACIC ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Vrortnco , I'lmteion * . Fruit * , Vlonr and IVcd , 10T
H. Htli Ht , , Uinulia , Noli. ConsigmilL'iiln bollcltcil.
Itoturns miulo piuinptly.
Jobber yd Commission Merchant.
Hungup. * V.'l ' % " { chcrs Tools ami
islft Jones 2'- '
General Commission Merchants.
Ri'F.ciAi.Tii llntter , llgfrB , Foreign ami Dome -
mo tlo Fruits , 112 a. 14tu. , Omaha , Nob. Telephone -
phone No. ! i 5.
1) . A.iUKLTJY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter , KfrffS and I'rotlnco. A full line or Stone-
wiiro. Cotiblgnmuntti tullcitoU. 1411 Dodge St ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , KKW > , Cheese. and Country Produce Kim-
erully , WM S. 12th St. , Omalui , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Jlcfrlpcrntor iiuil I'aL-kliwHouPo.lJtli &I/oaven-
worth St. , on U. 1 > . It. It. Truck , Onmlia , Ntb.
etunlshe. ! 1870.
iionnuT I'uiivis ,
General Commission ,
Bll B. Uth St. , Omaha , Nob. Hpc-claltlcs-Huttcr
ml Uaniu.
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
I'roiluio and I'lovlslons , Onmlia , Nob.
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
enls uncl I'lodneo. No. sn S. l.ith Street ,
Omaha Nobiuska.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Frullc , Hour. Apples Hloiiownio.Cliler.Vhiiwir ,
( liiiHHt-f'tiki , llutter and KWRS , 3W and 1115 South
Uth street , Omaha , NL-lniiskii.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poulliy , lUittir. Ciiuiic. Vtultw , Ktu. ! U8. Kth
Ht. , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
B , l.nnl , J < > lllcH , Ilullnr , V.KKH , Checie , Kto.
No. illVi H. lith St. , Omaha , Nob.
u > iiuos. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
14M Dodtfu Ktr < Ht , Omnlm , Nob. CoiiblgnmcutB
Agent foitlio Mnmifiirtmors and Imporlois
Crockery , Glassware ,
Ij > mji9 , ChlmnnjH , Dtc. onion , : I17 South 13th
i , Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goods ,
, r. , i. IIKOWN & co. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
it : ) Dmitri'Htu'ct ' , Omnha , Neb ,
L. ( UNSllintO & CO. ,
Wholetalo Donluinlu
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
J.inrim , Ijiccc , V.mbiolileiy nmlVliltu G'joils.
JOtJU DoiiKliiH tjrm , Oinnlm , Nob. _
bnglnes ,
imowNirjj : A co. ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
6ltitlonniy nnd porinhlo uiiKlncs , bollurs nml
llici't lion Morl > , IDIOIIH. iivilunltinal Implo-
nent LuiinjiBjLiilc.lJlW3IS Loftvc'iiwortli St.
1CKKN , SlUMhSBN & CO. ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importois of roicuni I'lsli.Nos. DI1013 Jones
Sticut ami U. I' , TiauU , Omaha. Nub.
Flour. Etc.
_ _ _
W > l , VHKSTON & CO.
Wholesale Flour ,
bdi , BIO And El4 ! I'toito Siu'Ct.Onmlm ' , Neb.
Wholesale Flour Dealers ,
JlnJ niKnulnoturou or Illuiulinuliii ; nnd I.ubrl-
nitu.N'b TxscnrcK. Jit. .
Acrnt for J. C. llntlmayr & Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
lit llulkrMHid lluiiiiiiiuii I'rixi'f * . Warvhuuiv ,
) * UJmv ! biii' l , OjnuUii , Nub.
W. .7. WRLSIIAN8 d CO. ,
Wholesale Flonr , Feed and Grain ,
Mnniifnctiircrftof W. .1. Wehlians A. Co. ' ? Quick
Knl lnrltuclnvl > rr > t Hour find pioiirleloisOinah.i
City Jlllls , cor. t-th nnd I'limnm Stirotf , Utnnlin.
Furniture ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
I'lirnani Street , Omalin , Neb.
Groceries ,
" '
AI.I.KN nnos
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110anil 1112 DoiiRliiH StreetOinahn , N'eb.
K. 11. CHAPMAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco and SinokcrV Articles , 1J17 llo\\anl St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Bplcc" , Cigars and Tobnecot , V1I7 and 13111
Ins Blirut , Onmlia , Xeb.
MrCOllI ) , SiiAirv A. COMl'ANvi
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th ami 1'aniam Streets Omnlm , Nob.
PAXTON , aAM.AqillUt At m ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. TIB , 71)7,700 ) and 711 K. 10th St. , Omulia , Nob.
Hardware ,
" "
w. 3. iinoA'i'CH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Fprlnps Wilson Stock , llnrduood Lumber , etc.
lam nnd 1211 Ilatni' } stn-it , Oiuuhu , Nell.
Y/holesale / Iron , Steel , Y/agon /
And rarrltiKO Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware ,
Klu. 1217 and 1-1'J ' l..ii\enwoith ( Htiec-t , Omaha ,
Accii A , TAri.oii ,
Builders' ' Hardv/aro / ,
Jfeolmnlcs * Tool < nml ItulTalo Se.ilos. HOT DOUR-
las btieet , Omaha , Nell.
iiinuni : ) x w. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Shout Iron , Kte. A cnt- r Ho i Stales nml
Miami I'owilui ( o. , Oinnhn , NLJ. !
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Orates , llnist yooils 131 and 1J-1 l"nr-
nam btreut.
HlXTOll 6 WILIir.LMV CO. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emuison htoel NalN. Cor. Ifilh and llarney
htiei'tf" , Oninhii , Neb.
AV.M. DHUUINd & ( XL ,
Jlniiiifuctiiici-if thu
Deering Harvester Goods ,
AV'rlto to Win. M. Jorlmer. ficnoral Afjcnt ,
Omalui. Telephone 1110.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Job ! . era In lion ripe , Iron tlttln H , Iron and
Ilra'-fi ( looiH. KiiKlneerd' Supplies. Hill and
Dodge btirets , Omaha , Neb.
Pnmps , Pipe and Engines.
Fteam. AVater , Hallway and lllllinir Supplies , Ktc.
VM , i a und tMl Kainam bt. , Omaha , Nub.
TL vfiiv ro. ,
Btonm nml Water -
JIast Koost CO.'B
Oinalm , Noli.
whoiesaie JeY/elers. /
Dealers In bllvcrwnro , Diamonds Watehos
Cloc'kH , Jowelers" Tools and Mutorluli ) , Dto , 101
nnd HO , Kith Stioct , Cor. Dixlfiu , Omaha , Nob.
Leather. Hides. Etc.
L. cTin'NTINr.TON & fiONT"
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
llllJackson Htrect , Ouiahu , Nob.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Saddleiy nnd Wmo Kinillnuii , Hides , Wool , Finn ,
I'ults , ( Ireate , Tallow , itc.f : Omaha , Nub.
Live Stock ,
Tridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yunlago CIuiiKed.
CIORO to IJ. P. Itililu. ( Special accommodation
and tx Kood nuiikct , loiIKI H. K. C , Cooper , Mau-
a or. Ollice. OBJ South . Street.
M. mjllKP. & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Ueo , Ilinkc , MamiKor ,
Union Stock Yiiiila , S. Omaha , Nob. Tilo. TA. .
w. r. nuowN & co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
onifo Kxclunuro llullillny. Union Stock Yaids ,
Boutli Omaha , Nob. Tclupnunu Xo. G03.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yard ? , Chlcaffo , III. , and Onmha ,
Nell , rranlc Chltleiiden.ManaBPrOmaha Iliancli.
Tclephono No. " ) . IMubllshcd lbir .
W. 1 PATltlCIC X CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
AddiowallcommunlcatlonHto UK at Union Stock
Yards , South Omaha. Advances iniulo on fitotk.
Union StocK Yards Company ,
Limited. John F. lloyd , Superintendent ,
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Sash , Doors , 1'to. Vnulri Cor. 7tb and
Cor. Uth
Manufacturers of Sasu , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Btulr Work and Intoilor Hard Wood
Flnlub. Just opened. N. K. cor. till and Lcuvtn-
worth 6tieet8Oiiiiilia , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
8H S. llth Bticul , Omaha , Nob. V , ColpcUor ,
Mamiver ,
c. N.
Lumber ,
13th nnd California Street , Omaha , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Cor. 6th nnd Douglas Streets , Oiniiba. Nob.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oiuuhii , Nebraekn.
" "
Ilardwood Lumber ,
Wacou StocX , Fancy Woods. Hildiro Tlmbnrs ,
&o. , B. W. Cor. Dili and Douglas , Omaha , Nub.
G. F. LY.MAN ,
Dealer In Sasli , Doors , Dlinds , Mouldings ,
Uulltlln ? I'aper , Ktc. Sontli Uth titrcot , Oiuutm ,
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
I'ald In Ciipltul Stock , f , 0,000 ,
Ix > 2ers.iimtiiilU'urcrs ! nnd wliolvsnle dent-
cis. Mlllml Mculll , Wl $ . Wliolesaluund rctull
Ulsttlbullin ; jiiid , Oinalm , Nub. 511 S.Ub St.
Doulcrt In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale , ,
UthSuetiiuiJ U.I' , It. II. It.Tmck.OuiuLaNeb
onitMAN 1) . WYATI' .
Wnnlesale Dealer in Lumber ,
SOth and Irani Streets Omaha , Xulim it.
57A ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
ItuiKllnir Pin-ors tfa h , DoorIlllml * , Mould-
itiKH , PickelH. Po'tH. Lime. Plniior , Hnlr ,
Cement. Math and Jones Ouiahu , Nub. _
Millinery ,
l .Inhlins nf
Millinery and Notions ,
Ullinul 1 14 llarney Ptreet.Omnlia , Neb.
Musical Instnimsnts.
tnillOLM A r.UICKVON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Sti'lnntiyPloims Welier. DeiKer. lla'.ni" ! and
llilp-p * Pianos PiU'Uaid Oiwui" , t h tso Orjrani
Notions , Etc ,
" j JT nitANMJir.3 SOM ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Trv ) flee < l , Nollonx , ( SentViinilohlnir floods
HooiN from Nrw Yoik Tiadii alcs datlj. fiUtl
nndiVlSijouth 1 Ith bt , Oinalm.
French and German Fancy Goods ,
tfglsts" and Stallone r < umlilcs. lllu 1'ur-
imm , Omaha , Nob.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
C1 and 4V ( , f 10th hi . Omaha , Neb ,
Wholesale Dcalen in Notions , ami tlcntb' I'm-
Oils. Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
, Mien Axle Clii'ii p , lite. A. II. HNhop ,
Mamwref , Omalm , Noli.
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , NchmKa.
& risiuit. :
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
OHlce Union MaiKet , 1117 DodsoStioet. Pneltlmr
hoii'-e , U. P. It. It.rack , Omaha , Nob. Telo-
phonu No. 1,17.
Safes and Locks ,
InoYKit x co ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
rim ami Itinul irl'ioof S.ilcsTime LocksVanlta
and Jail > \ork. ItCO I'lUniim pticct , Omaha , Neb.
J ? IJYANs ? ,
Y/holesale / and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Atrrleultuial Vpirrtnlilo , lite. Odd IVllonV Hull ,
N. W. Cor. lltli ami Dodso St. , Omaha , Nob.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Drdggists ,
Bobbers of Paints , Oils , Window ( ! la s IUc. , 1111
Hai noj Street , Oiiniha , Neb.
C. 1' . GOODMAN" ,
Y/holesale / Druggist ,
And Dealer in Paints. Oils nnd Window ( ilass ,
Omalia , Neb. ,
Wines and Liquors.
THANK DKLI.ON ! : & ro. .
Dealers in Liquors and Cigai's ,
ISiU und 1M4 St. . Onmlia , Nub.
r.ictoriO ! , Nos. 4 andiMi.Jid Ulst. N. Y.
puccetBor to MoNAM All t X DitNUAN , Impellers
and Wholesale Dcilei : s in
mSwUnm * an(1 (
211 and UllTs''Hlh Sf. , C,2
K. 11. OHOTTK ,
Wines and Liquors.
Wesl- . . \KentJos. SchllU liro-ving1 Co. 710 S.
Uth Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Y/ines , Liquors and Cigars.
KC-'l Douglas Stieet , Onmha , Neb.
1LK11 & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Liquors. Solo manufattiirors of Kennedy's
Kiiitliulm Ilittei-s. Ill" Harncy Btiett , Omalm ,
L. P. LAHSON A ; CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And Cluars and General AiiontH lor Hut Philip
Itests' Celobiated Mllnnukeo lleer , Omaha , Nol ) .
Harness , Ltc.
Mannj' and Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Tuif Goods , lllankets and Kobe * . HI-J'niiuiiu
btreet , Omaha , Noli.
Now Vork , Oct. 10. aioxr.v-liisy at
_ -Dull and Htroiif , ' .
K i OPKH Business was unusually laige and
\vell disti United. Thenmiket was homevvhat
Ii regular and at times leveiisli lor homo of
thu aetivo stocks , but the net Jesuit of the
day's operations Is a general Kali ) ot to
ovei 1 per cent , with exceptional advances
for giratt'i amounts. AIMOIIK the latter
Wc-itein Union was prominent , galnlni ; " ) ? .
I'aelhe Mail , which was heavy most of tlio
day and In modeiato business , closed with a
decline ot yt.
iljlrent bonds. . .
II. S.-IK's prefeired. . .
New 4fs 1W N. Y. C .
r.icilleO'sot 'IK , 12h' ' < Oregon Trail. .
Ceiilral 1'acllle. . I'aellic .Mail 62)
C. ASA. I * 1J iSsK. . . . 17'
prefcued. . . . 150
' " "
( J. , IJ. VsO 1J50 I'ock isiaii'd ! ! ! ! vTi"
] > . , L.v us St. b. AS. K. . . . 1 ! )
] ) , itu. ( J is % | _ jiiefeiied , . . .
' ' C. , JI. .tSt. 1 > . . . 81
pr'e'feVied prefciied. . . Ill
Illinois Ontiak. 1 , St. P. fcO ! ! 7
] . , U. ttW 17 ] < ; i pieferied. . .
Ivansas it'lVxas. 2J ( ! < Texas Pacilic. . .
LaknShoie . Union I'aellic. . .
W. , St. L. & I' . . 7 > ' ,
Jlich. Central. . . . 72 pieferml. . . 1-1
Slo , Pacltic 100 Western Union. 75
Noitheni 1'ae. . . " JUfcN
New Yoi'lc , Oct. 10. Wheat Low PI , clos
ing barely steady ; icceipts , bO.OOO ; expoits ,
29XX , ( ) ; ungraded led , b'JcOSliW ' ; No. 11 led ,
IM ; No , tt red. OS > < Jc In elevator ; November
closing atWXc.
Coin Lower , closing depiessed ; lecelpt.s ,
144,000 ; exports , U.OOO ; unuraded ,
No. a. 40 < 40ji"e. lor November : No. 2 , S2@
In elevatoi ; O'lJ W c , alloat ; Novem
ber closing
Oats Lower and Icis active ; receipts.
21,000 ; expoits , 170,000 ; mixed wtt&leui. % @
2e ; white webtein , : Mat"c. "
Petroleum i'limer ; United closed nt
$ l OI-'B.
Kggs Steady and in fair demand ; iccelpts ,
3,100 packages.
POIK Steady and moderately active ; mess
spot , SOM tor inspected ,
Lard Higher hut dull ; vvcstcin steam snot ,
0:10 : ; November , SO S-VSOSS.
Hutter Finn and i-atlier quiet ; westein ,
Ulipuso Quiet and very steady.
Milwaukee. Oct. 10. Wheat-Weak ;
rash , ttTKc ; November , l > S o ; IJecembcr ,
Coin Kasler ; No. 2 , 4-tc ,
Oats-Tamo ; No. 2 , ai
Hjo Tamu ; No. l.COc.
Harley Weak ; No. 2 ,
H Lower ; mess noik , casli and
November , 130 ; Jammiy. &U15.
I Cincinnati , Oct. R Wheat Good do
inand anil ca lui ; No. 2 mi , Uic.
CornTasler atjd lower : No. 2 mhcd. 47e ,
Oats Dull nndvfuTrr ; Xo. 2 mixed , 27'tl
Iyo ! Quirt butshnn ; No. ' . , . . .
HuloQuiet bulliim ; extra No. fl fall , H'
< / ? % > . t * i
IVik-Quletat 3 $ TT .
Lnvd1asier at , So W.
Wlii.vkj-Quiet1 "nt " St oUnMiod ; good-
bated on SI wi.
Mliiiioaiiolls.Odl 10. AVheat Unsettleil
nnd easier at tlift close : No , l bant. ih ,
tt : > jc ; Oc'tobci.WJft1 ; Novcmber.O-.Ve : Decein
bcr.JUe : May. Pfftt'i. ' No. l not them. s'.i'y ' '
easli and October ; w o , November ; We , Oe
tentbei ; use. May. , .
Flour Finn : patents held at S"3."njj5 50 ;
bakeix Pto. r (4W. ,
HtwlptsVltpnt , 211,000.
Slnpnientfi-Wlieat , : I2.VM ( ; Hour. 2(1,000. (
Iiivci-pnot , Off. 10 , Wheat lloldcis olTei
fieei\ ; new winter , and spilm ? , 7s-Id.
Coin Spot oiler d fioelj and futuics p7i-
llinh ; 4s 7'idsiint ; 4s 7d October and No
\einbcr ; JsU'jtl December.
Toledo , Oct. 10. Wh'Mt-Closed easlel ;
No.2solt nnd ea-h. OTiiitil' c.
COID Steady ; Xo. 2" wish and October ,
Oats riim ; No. S cash ami Oetolior , 27"V.
Katisim < 'lty. Oct. 10. - \ \ heiit Sleadv :
CT.II , so11 , bid , Nl1 iisked : Oclolx'i , Ni'to ' ;
November , M'he ' bid , 812,0 asked.
Com Quiit ; eaMi , and Oetoln'r nominal ;
jear , Si'iJt.e bid. Wjciiskcd.
_ . Oct. 10. Flour-Steady and
Wheat \etlve. oicned easlei and
7MW ,1
and elo-cd le unilci jestenla.x : S7V.4l < < 'M1
cash ; hT c October : " -s' o November ; IXP . ( it
Wfc Dceeiuber ; V' w Slav ; No. 2 ivd , IWe.
( inn I'uir demand and weaker , closlin ;
? 4'6filp innlet vestenliij : c.ssh : H2'e ' , Octo-
br : lO&flOJsO November ; itt'& jear ;
tisc May.
Oats-Dull and quiet , declined WH'c and
closed Inside ; 25/iM4i ; ! hi1fe ; } October ; 25se
IN'OV ember ; aWc May.
Kyis Dull at tH'e. '
Hailev Quirt atUc.
Tiniollij Weaker ; piime , < 51 ( / ' ? ! CM.
l'la\see'd ( lOoddemaml ; No. 1 , " * l 17K.
Poik Verj iiuietaud cvsv : , declined T'
lOc , and closed steady : . jsxiSi'i : ( ( ash ;
"S271i'i > tJo : October ; * s.Xnsi7)i : ! ; ) No\cm-
bcr ;
October ; .
December amicar. .
liiilkMeaU Shoulders. ; 1 MoiJl 7o ; short
clear , 5 10v.rt" > 75 : shoi ) rdn , lr4r > .
Whiskj Nominally at SI 10.
IJnttei-Steady ; thoieeto fancy cieamei > ,
17rt.V ( ; cholco daily , lOc.
Cheese -Ouiet nnd stead.v ; choice full
cream eheddars , SHodkilafs. . ! ) | 4 < j . ' . > J1e ;
TiounjiAnieiicas , f\iIO ; < ' : skims , 2ijic. (
KCKS-Unchanged at HK'i'lO'/c. ' '
Hides Unchanged ; he.ivv ( 'ieen sailed ,
fully euicd , Sc ; lii'lit , hKc ; damaged. Go ; bull
hides , ne ; dry salted , lli UJjc ; dij Hint , l K" >
ll.-ealf : sklns.lOftrl'.V.
Tallow Unchanged ; Xo. 1 , eounliy , fie.
Jtceclpth. Shipments.
1'Iour , bbls 21WK ) 20,000
WheaMm 77 , K ) M.txxi
Coin , bu 171.WX ) 112,000
Oals , bu 15U.OOO ] SO,0X ( )
ll\0,1)11 ) S,0v)0 ) ! ! TIXW ,
Dailev , bu f.2,000 None
Cliicaso , Oct. 10. The Uiovois' Joinnnl
rcpoits :
Cattle Keccipts1,0JO ( head : natives un
changed , and wes'tcinn , shade lower ; slnj > -
pliiK steers , & : i7fi'Et ) 00 : stockeisand f cvlei-s ,
825 ( ) ( 'ih."i ; cow.s , bulls und mixed , SI Niw
: ! bO ; bulk- ttj50friythrouu'h : Texnus " 'J 0u ( ) ( >
! 140 ; vvcfetein rangers , weak and lOe lower ;
natives and hiilt-bieeds , SlMO Xif-ldo ; cows ,
S : ooftis 75 ; inteicd T xuns , sfH 00f < t , : ; so.
IIos ! lceeipts- ! r 1(1,000 ( : brisk and 5 ( IOe
lower , rotiKh ami mixed , J5H40 < rt5r ; ! ; ; jiaekinc ;
anil shlpplnt ; , 8itj.X ! < fr > 4'i ; skips , 82 oOiWUi1) ) .
Sheep Itcvcipts , 1-00 , ; fairly active and
unchanged ; natives , SIf,0 ( < 'l70 ; western ,
.fi : 00v'i 00 ; Texatw , &lCO < rJ75 ; lambs , per
100 Ibs. ? 375jiJl)0. ( )
ICniisas City , Oct. ' 10. Cattle Receipts ,
1,000 ; shiinnents , 'iioiii ! : steady ; cxpoiters
5.250715.40 ; eomiiiQii to choice shipping , S4 M )
( S52Q ; .stockers andleedeis , S3 " 0&.4 20 ; cow.s ,
fc200u20. ( : !
llo'S ; , Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 2,500 ;
\veak. audCty/lOclovver : ' common to choice ,
SJi 15T ( : ! bO. ' ,
Sheep Iteceipts , 70 ; quiet ; common to
good , glBO@325.
Bt. Ijouls , Oct. 10. Cattle Iteceipt.s , 150 ;
' liinments , 1,000 ; supply very scant and only
i sin , " 'oiialtnulodone ' ; pi ices steady : native
shippi'iii : ' stern ? ' i4"5@500 ; native butchei
stock , S250&4't)0. )
Sheei > Itc-ceipts , r 00 ; smpnirnts , J. Wj
titeadv : common to fancy muttons , fc200 ( : ) 50 ;
Iamb ; . S2 OU@i ; 50.
Traclo llcvlow.
The past week has witnessed a faitly active
demand for all lines ot meiehandiso and an
npvv.lid tendency in a reat many. The lead
ing jobbing houses report \eiy satisfactory
business , and are well satisfied with the pros-
peel of the future. The grocers begin to feel
the result of the suwll pack of PCI tain canned
goods , especially tomatoes. Prices ha\e ad
vanced considerably bejondtho opening lig-
nIPS In the spiing , and theio is a tendency on
the part of western packers to hold back
canned tomatoes. The produce maiket is
moie active and prices aie stronger than the
week befoic. Eggs have gone up and aie
seal ce at any pi ice. Young chickens , which
have been a ding in the market , are beginning
to bo better appreciated. Shipments of live
chickens aie received from Iowa and even
Kansas as well as liom Nemaska. The ; poul
try business is assuming large pioporlions
In this city , and the amount ol business
done is a surprise to those engaged
hilt. J.lvottnkeys have put in an aimeai-
aiieo in tlio market and sold leadily. 'Iheio
Is little or no change to note in the butter
market. ( Jood butter continues to Iind u
ready maiket. while tlio interior giadcsaru
not wanted at any price. A gieat deal of thu
butter leeched is or a most inferloi finality
ami is not lit lor food or anj thing else. Coin
remains at 2 > < c and is not likely to go any
hliihcrby icason of the. new eiop and its
abundance. Tlio commission houses aie be
ginning to handle potatoes , and the receipts
aie expected to iucicaso rapidly as the sea
son advances. The mevalling warm weather
keeps back gaunt ami verv little is coming in.
Theio is a leeling of confidence in all
blanches of business and mc'ichants aropio-
dieting a good tali and winter tiade. The
coming week will no doubt witness an
Incieased demand tor most kinds of countiy
pi od uce.
Satmday Kvening , Oct. 10. t
The eattto maiket was falily active. Theio
was a veiy lair demand-lor good hutcheis'
stock but Infeiior stock % veut slow. The de
mand tor fcedeis lemains good and a laigo
number are changing 'hands , The hog mai
ket was lower to-day lliit ( rvtiiytliliiK on the
market sold leadily , The demand lor hogs
Is gootl.
tShowIng the nnmiwr of cattle , hogi ami
sheep slilpi d I nun South Omalia dining tlio
past twcnly-loiti' hems , and their points of
destination :
No. U't. ' Pest.
120 Mil. Chicago
300 C.
No. in. Ie l
X ) 1 ! . I. Cliicsm
M C. H. A : Q. Uhiai t
iMVni'.or ritici's Knit non .
I he extiemc rangi ) of prices for iou li
iiiKcd , iMckini ; und shipping and llRht
weight luus for seven days is sliowji below
" "
uait. I I ! < "IKI ! "li'neklntf .vi , hl
Sal m day ! ! lO w : ! 2"- > : ? i\jil : - ! " * ! -t.V , > K
Monday a ( KVf.l 15 , a 2.'n t 101 : t40m t : t .V
Tllesd 1- U ( Ktfri:1 : l.V ! J \ , , . } -10 -lOjil I ! M
\Vednesd\v : i tK\/t ( : iv : t 2.- , l r. : : : ; / < ; -i :
Tlmisd iy '
ftldav ! ( KV'i ' 'Jtl i ! 2."iii ( ! ( I ) :1 :
Saturday 20 , : J l.V : i , 2X < ' " -
Vote All snies ollock In lids maiket an
made pei ewt. live welulit , unless olheiwlso
slali'd. Dead ho-rs sell rtt Ic per lb. foi all
welulils. " .Skins. " or hogs weighing less than
100 11 , , no value. Pregnant bow s are docked
10 Ibs. iind sla-js so Itis.
lilvo Stock
The icclpts ol cattle ol the South Omnha
stock j aids is Incieasiii ! ; of late and the ) mi
bids fair to keep up late.
A. M. Jackson V Co. sold a train of catlle.
over three bundled head , fm feeder * jestei-
uu > at the Onuha stock .vaids.
C. C. U'uile. of Itoik Creek , had lilt head ot
tattle at the Omaha jaids on Satntday.
Among those having hogs on the Omalia
inailxt't on Salnidaj were : II. ( SilinoroA ;
.son. David Cilv17 hogs ; R Hay. Sllvet
Cteek. 7iliogs ) ; D. Anderson. rlaiks'W ' hogs ;
Hliss.vililss , Sehnjlei. id IIORH ; Virgin A-
Ni'lson , .si lio.s.
A. Haas , of Hitter Cieek. sold a tiaiuot
rattle. 2 * . ) ! he id. at the jards , jiMiudny at a
good , round llgtiie.
Itcil * Itoscndale. \Vateifall , had an
other train ol cattle al Hie jiudson Saturday
and A. H. licit 100 cattle.
A tiain of callle. belonging to Davis .t
Henkeliiiaii , was im ived on Nituiday tiom
Slioshone. The stock weie In vci } good con
dition in sjiitoof tlicii IIIIILT Iriji.
K. H. Divskell. IJicen Uiver , had 2C.O licad
of cattle at the Omaha yards cm .Ndurdaj , .
The Auglo-Aiiieilean Cnltle companv have
sold tlnir 4lXi-acn' laiieh inn ( h ol this cit.v tea
a .Mi. .1. Pit , icccnth tiom Holland , u young
capitalist ol considerable means and a seiy
pleasant gentleman. The sale was ellccted
Ibioiigli the apencv of Messis. West > V Schlot-
Icldf. He is slocking It with Iho onghbrcd
cattle ol all kinds , having pmrluised i."J (
Hercroid bull , n numbei ol Pollcd-Angus ,
and seial other btecds of caltle , and will
make considerable Impiovcments about tlio
piomlses. ISidne.v Jndependent.
. ) . SI. Carv lias a tiaiu of ! ! 5S cattle at the
Omaha stock 3 aids.
Satindar livening , Oet , 10.
Gonc'i-al SJarKots.
n < , ( , s Tliu leeelpts ol eggs were liberal
to da.v and the market weaker , the pievailing
pi Ice being U-e.
Hi 1 11:11 : Choice Is \eiy scaice , and
good i old storaire .lime butler is
about the best ijuality olfercd. Cholco tables
IK'diic ; fair to good , 10C'il2c ; inferior , 'Xa'Te ;
cicameiy , 20f 22i .
Cm Kull cicam chcddar , Seiitembcr ,
30' ' jc ; full cieam Hats , Seplem-
IMT , 11c ; full cieam Young Anieii-
ean , September , HSc ; Swiss. fancy ,
Ific ; Swiss , choice , HVfilOo ; brick , 12'jfc ' ; Liiii-
bmg , lOc.
Pos t.Tiiv I.aige spring chickens will
hi ing Jf2.2. " ( 250 per do/en and extra si/es
will go above that. Old chickensS2.50r : i.O ( ) ;
live ducks slow at S2.2.IXT2.7. ? ' > ; Ihe turkeys , ! tc
per lb ; dressed chickens , choin1 per Ib.JOi ; ; tur-
kejs , dres'-ed , choice , perlb. , 12' ( a)4c ) ; ducks ,
dlcsscd , choice , per lb , ll ( .12c ; geese , dressed ,
elioici1. pel lb. , VJOdbe.
Svvi i i Poi \'iiiis : Choice largo quotable
at 2i , ( : ! e per lb ; H.OO4.fiO ( pcrbhl.
POIVIOIS. Tlio sejison for late potatoes
is fniily commencing , and c'onsignments
can lie handled to advantage.
While icceipls so far have not
leen heavv eunuch to fully test the
maiket , no doubt 85 40 cts pei bush.
can bit counltd on with safety tor clean ,
well assolted stock.
( AMI : Prairie chickens are in t > t 10113
iciiiiesl and will now bring bet-
ler piice . Deer Catcassps , per ) > ouiid ,
% Dc ; saddles , 12 ( iio : ; anteloM ] > ,
saddles , 12 ( 'lic ' ! ; elk , Tcu c ; saddles , IDA lie ;
Prattle chickens , pei do/en , S2.50 ; uuail , per
do/en , 81.50Cir2.00 ; siiijx > . perdo/eii,75c ( < li.oo ; ;
jack j rabbits , pel do/en , 55:1.50 : : mallard ducks ,
S-.00 < .I2.t)0 ; teal ducks , S1.001.50 small rab
bits , Jjl.00 ( < i'l.0. '
OMONS Thcio arc not many coming in at
piesent. Quotations are fiOc.
Ov.sirus Mediums , : ! 0c ; standards , Sic ;
selecl.s , : ) bc ; extia selects 4e ! ! ; counts 50c.
CAI.IPOIINIA Covin llovi v 2 lb. liaine , 00
- i'l case , perlb. , 15c : extracted , 2 Hi , tin
paiis'J iiiw. : U IX' e.1'ei ' do82.00 ; Mb. frame ,
Nihraska , 7c.
CIDI.I : New York refined pei bbl. , 57.oo ;
do hall bbk. 84.00.
ConiMj rs Quoted at 1M.OOi ( 4..0 per bun
K M nit K.HAUT Per bbl. , SO.fX ) ; pcr3i lib ! .
S4.X ( ) .
1'icis' KIIHT , TIIIIM : , r.TC. Pigs' teet and
tripe per > ; bbl. , W.OO ; do. ' 4' hW. , $2.50 : do.
pei kit , 81.10. ] , nnihs' longiu-s per bbk ,
S.5U ( ; do. ] icr lilt , 82.75 ; do. quart jars per
do85.50 ; do. pint iais perdu/ . . " ; ! ! .50.
J'tif-nnvi s. .11:1.i.n : > , i.rcv Ptescnes :
All kinds , 20 lb. pails pel lb. , lie ; assoitecl ,
Mb. palls per doSH.OO. . . .Ji'llieAll : kinds ,
bc t grade , 20-1 b. pails , per lb. . be ; all kind
" " " "
, ,
* ' 11' I Itlll t IIV * ll f * | * ' f ' J illll J l l irillVv
JIade" c.itsiip , 2 do/ , pint bottles per caw ,
fc. " > 00.
] , i.Moxs 3re sina , per bov. .S5.M ) .
1'i.AC'iir.s Are getting seduce. Miehigans
.selling to dav at ! OiX"1 ! 40.
( ! n\ris Concords , 10-lb Iwsket , tVXil'fie ;
Aliilaga , per band. &S.OO.
Ai'i'i.i.s Voik State and .Michigan ,
single banels , W.TfiOKt.OO : ( ivo baircl
lots , 42.fiO.ii2.7ft ; Illinois , Sl.Trwrt .W ) , accoid-
inir toqiialltj and number of banels bought.
Cii.\NiiiituiKh : Hell and migie , j > er bbl ,
0.00 ; bell and cheiiy , per bbl , fe7.00a7.W ( > .
CapeCod , iierbbl. , .Sll.OO.
< ) n\Nnis : Louisiana , per bov , S5..M ) ; , Ta-
mnica , JM-I bbl. . . " 511.00.
UANA.SAS There Is but a limited demand
at pii'sunt and maikel inles low. Choice be-
lection , b2.oo&ri.oo.
CAI.IKOIINI \ Knt'iT Pcais AVInleiXellis ,
Item re. Diel , Laurence , K. Heurie , ,
und other \aiietie.s , jier bov , $2.7fia ( ; < . ( X ) .
UiiA.Vh ( lood blight beans aio MMICU and
in demand ; diily and infeiiornclc ( dull ,
liaitil bieked navy. fH.Wil.M ; hand-picked
medium , ftl.HOGs.1.10 ; good clean romitry , 81.00
( al.-iO ; Inlciior K 7Sc.
PitoviMONh Ham , 10 ; breakfast bacon ,
1'e ' ; clear sldo bacon , 7Jfc ; diy sailed sides ,
7Uc ; shouldei.s , smoked. fiJii' ; mess iiork , per
bbl. , ii.X : ( ) : dried In-el hama , I2o ; laid , 40
Ib. C5inti2inhox , 7'rfe.
( Ill A IN The folfinvlng are tlio pievailing
pi ices tor to-day ; Corn , ' 'sc ; now o.itb , 17u )
20c ; wheat , No. 2 , Me ; rje , iXkjiiffn :
u Ki.oi n ANI > Mu.i , .Si urrsVlnter Wheat
I'llill i ! bestfiualllv patent at VIOOOiIt10. !
_ induualltv WWiyilliK ) ,
Kpiing finality patent at S3 60
: ! U ) ,
Second quality < ; 2 40 2 W ) .
Jlinn ( Wejicrcwt ,
< ; hoiiM | > d Ki-wl-1'er 100 His , av.
Corn Meal-fel 00 ( 1 10 jier e\\t.
Scieening No. 1 , Ifiu pei u\\t ; No. 2 , & 0c.
Hominy SI fiOpercwl.
Klioilw 70c tiercwt.
( Juihiim S'/oo per t.ewt. .
Hay Hales SO IXK'TT ( K ) pei ton.
SMOKINO ToiiArro ( ) .H.,2-Jc : S
. Me ; Long'l'om.KOc. Hlack wi-ll's Durham , 10
o/ . , file ; BofiTie ; 1 ofi7o ; 2 o0e. ( Seal
of North Caiollna , 10 o/ . , \\ood , I'Jo ; 8o/ . ,
wood. THS ; 4 Hcloth. . 4V 2 o ? . , av. Navy
Clippings , 20c. Kllllklnlck , 4 u2Tu ; 2 o . ,
2be.KINB CUT Ilaid to Heal , 70o ; Charm of tlio , fiOc ; Fountain , 70i' ; ( lolden Thiead ,
C7c ; Favorite , COo ; JJiuh. fiOc ; Koulcy .Moun
tain , GOo ; 1'ancy , 45c : Daisy , 40c.
1'l.uo Ton Af co Climax , 4 le per It * ; Jloi ne-
shoe , 4i ! < 5 ; .Star , 4fic ; Speaihend , 4'n'm ( \ (
Jtopc. fie < ; ; 1'lper Heidslck , OOe ; J'tinch , 40c ;
Young Kilt41c. .
KADIH.KIIV ilAitnwAnr. X Ccomblnation
loop hamcs. J5. S : X X 1. O , T. liaines. SH,7.r. ;
Ijif jap louii cliami ) buckle.s , Sl.'O ; 1011-
pcr rivets No. t , 20c : Hilbtol smuis , 1J $
i . .WX fc-1.50 , 1 fciLSO , % SU.50 "i
M.r 0 : Ceiman ( snaps . llrf \ KJIX ) , \\i \ s'J.Mi.
1 SJ.ll } ( bl.40J4' 4fl.40.
HIIIIIS Steadygieon ; buteheVs , " c ; green
ruied Ve ; diy Hint , l2fAiJr : ; dt > all , JOe ;
damaged hides tun-tliliils pilcc. Talo\\-5 ! < %
c Pilmohlte , SfiJIe. .Slu'cp i'elts
HCAIIII n-No. l Pitwmnr. ) . C. \ , , .sous ,
9le : No. 11'llUlniib' , K. & ti. : > lc ; No. Ctnclne
uati , Uio ; No. 1 Ucc IcaUicr , We ; prlmu
2Tcj prime oik sc
lentlipr. 810.
I'pwT limtlier , per foot , 2-3 < * -4e ; Hem kli |
7.X Ho ; oak kip. Sftnl ( > , V ; iV-lirh kip. * I.IK\ I
l.'iN ; llemealf. Sl.tH l.lO. oak ilf , * U\
! , ' . * ; I'r 'tuh calf , Pl/iV-tl. : Moiorro boo !
letr , iso'ii'f'e : Aidiore.i oil pebble , 'iyi We ; top
pings und Unities. SIUKV 10.00 per do/ .
Ill \v\ II MIIAtir : lion , lales. S2.1fi :
ptiw "teel , special east , Ic ; cuiclble si | > c | , i
iVnl2o ; malalile , K1 ; lion wedges , ( * : cio\\ <
bin- * ( , . haiio\\ teeth , 4e : sjuliigtii' ' , VnN- ;
Hmden's hoisi > slioiPV.t ) ; Hindi-it's muU
S'IOLM. .ViO. IJaibed WiroIn ear lot- * , ' '
per lOoil.s. lion Nails ltaleslotoiii\ ) r. ,
Hiot Sl.MI ; bucksliot , Sl.s'i ; inbntal
powdi'i. keg"Si.5 : ( > : 4.00 ; do. hall kegfj.o , ) ;
do. quailor kep , SI.50 ; blasting , kegs. * .W > \
fu-e. ner HX ) fcit , MV. Lead , I5ai. SM.uV
COM Anlliiaclle egg , { -\2"i ; aiithiacilc
nut. S\.Vl ; anthracite range. P8.iV ) ; Iowa ,
e . .M > ; Walnut block , M.75 ; Illinois M.U. ;
Jmllaiiii block , S-Vio ; Toil Hiolt , 4.25 !
Itlih lllll. 81.00 ,
Dm Purs White lead. & ' : Pieurh ? lnr ,
12e : Pails \\htlltiir.2 > , c : whltingL'ildern. i ; c ;
whit'l , I' ' c ; lainphlai k , ( ! eimatituvvn ,
12e ; lampblack , oidlnnrv. lee : 1'ii'ssian blue ,
Me. , nntiuiiiiirliu' , 1Svaudjko , biimn. sc ;
nmiii't. inunt , 4o ; ninber , niwto ; nienna ,
but nl. 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paiksgretm. genu
ine , 2V ; Palis green , comiuon , 2 < V : cliioiuo
giei n. N..20c ; chiomegH'en , K. 12c ; vei-
million , r.nglHi. in oil asst , l.V ; law and
blunt umbei , 1 lb cans , lOc ; law and buint
si ; nun , lOc ; vandjke blown , 1'ie ; ivllned
Imnpblaek , 12c ; coach black and lvoi.v bl.ick ,
l.c ( ; drop black , Hie ; niisMan blue , -I0c : nl-
Iramaiineblue , IK1 ; chrome given , K. , M. Ar
1) . , itn- : blind and shut ( PI green , L. . M. . .VD. . ,
It'c ; Paris giecn. IS.1 ; Indian iiil , 15c ; Vene
tian red , He ; Tuscan led. 22c ; American vei-
mllllon , 1 , . , t IX , 20c ; yellow oehnIV - ; L. M.
f : O. 1) ) , l"p ; golden oclne , loV ; iialenl diiei' ,
be : gnilnlng colors , light oak , daikoak , wal
nut , chestnut and ash I5c.
On.- White lead , Omaha , P. P.
fie ; white lead , ht. Louis , pine , Mi.7fi ! Marseil
les gnn n. 1 to fi lb cans , 20c ; I'tvuchhie ,
giccn seal , liic ; Kiiiieh 7lnc , red -eal , Me ;
Viencli zlne.lnainlsh iisst.-'Oc ; riench/im ,
7x'eimilllon ; , American , ISc ; Imllan , led ,
1Vio ( ; pink , lie ; CooUson's ,
' - " ' , < ; \ eiictian led , Alncrlcan , lJ4e ; led lead ,
7'e ' ; ihiome jellow , genuine. 'JOc ; chioinu
\ cllo1C. . 12e ;" lochelle. 'ic : ocine ,
ri < neli. 2"4c ; oclno , Ameilean , ' . ' ( ; Winter's
mineral.Vyc : Lclilirh blown. 2'c , ; Hpatilsh
hiown.2" " e ; 1'iinee's mineial , JV.
OILS-nocaibon.per gallon , lie ; l..0 he.ul-
llirht , pei gallon , 1''c ; l"i ° headllglil. i > er gal
lon , lv.v ; ir > n ° water white , inp- linseed , raw ,
per trallon , 4 le ; Unseed , boiled , per irallon ,
I7e : laid , wintei sti'd per qallon , r > "ic ; Wo
1. We : No. 2 , 4Sc ; castor XXX , IKT gallon.
Sl.fiO ; No. : ! . SI.IOs\\eei ; , jier gallon , Pl.CO ;
speim.V. . H. , per gallon. Sl.iiO ; lishV. . . ,
btiiii'K * f\-\ ) 4 * r * Wf Art/Vf nj'VAiii ) ni iiiiif l" i j-tii
Ion , 7.V ; tiiiiuMitlno , IM.T pillion , 41o ; niillii : ] ; ,
IK i Kullou , t-lc.
N'AitNibttKS Haircls , per pnllon : Viirnl-
tuic. oxtin , 1.10 ; fuinitnro , N'n. 1 ,
roach , c\tii , $1.40 ; co.icli , No. 1 , S1.20 ;
Jaiiinr ) , o\trn , & 1.7S ; .TntMii , 70c ; asphaltuni ,
o\tri , tvc ; bhcllac , fc.VX ) ; haul oil ilnMi ,
J Cologne Spirits 1SS ] > ioof , 31.10 ;
, 1(11 ( proof , ? 1.12 ; siiliits , second quality ,
101 pi oof , fl.ll : do , 188 proof , Alconol
Ibb piool , § 2.10 pw wine gallon.
Jicdistiiled whiskies. 81.01) ) 1.50 ;
gin blended , pl.5'\rf2.X ' ( ) ; Kentucky 11(111161)11- ) ,
V .00i0.fiOj ( Kentuckv and Pcniibylvanlii
ryes , 2.00 n1i.50. iJoldcn sheaf , bourbon and whiskie ? i.50Ci : i.w ) . llrandies
Impoitcd , S5.OOtuS.50 ; domestic , 81.50 ( 'U)0. )
( Jlns Imjioited , Sl.Mi ( < fC.OOdome.slie ; , tl 50W
: t.oo. Jdims Tmporlcd , S4.W'M.fX ) ) : Nevv
es Imported , pel i-.i e.
JM.OO ; A merlr.111 , per ca e , SIO.Xc ( ) ) Hi.K. ( ) .
JJru.niNc. .M vunti.MHard bilek , S'J.K ) ;
run of kiln , SS.OO ; lime ( in bulK ) iierhul , OOe ;
lime ( hi bills ) 'JOc ; Louisville cement , Sl.W ) ;
t'tica , Altion and Jlilwankce i-eiiient , i > er
bbl. , S1.40 ; in weks , SI. 15 ; Port
land cement , English , ? 4.00 ; blnrco ,
Jlichigan , 52.25 ; haii in papci iackb , i > cr bu.
Grocers' List.
t > t o A its Pinulerul , 8c : cut loaf , 7Ve ;
praiinlated , 7e ; eontectioneix' A , 7Vc ;
Mandaiil extia ( ' , 7c ; extia C , 0c ; mcdi
inn jcMlow , ti c : dail : yellow , ( yair.
PirKi.iih Medium in banels , ST.01 ; do in
lialf bairels , ! j . ( K ) ; t-inall In ban-cln , $ - . < 0 ; do
n half b.urels' . j-4..riO ; glierklna In bandy ,
-J : do in half lianclf , S3 00.
( loons OjMers , .Standard p * > r
a'-e. S.t.bTi ; vtrawbcrrli's 2-lti. . pereaM' . $2.h ;
ra.spbei i ics. 2-tt > . , perc.ise , 82. : ; California
icar.s , pei rase , Cn.OO ; ajirieot-s , per ease ,
S4.40 ; peaches , per CIH : > , $4.7n ; white ciler
ies , per case , 80.00 ; jilnnis , jicr case , Jf4 00 ;
\\hoitlebenies , JMT ca e , S2.40 ; egg plums.
--Iti. , iicr CAM' , W.iX ) ; green K.igiis , ii-tfi. , jier
. - anS2.LK ) ; iiine apples , 2-lb. , per c.i e , SU.20 ®
'Olir. y Jiixed , lOffiV-'c ; slide , KXiille
SOIIA In in puiictc-i -3 I * case ; Ki
, eg i ! r 111 , ! f2.2n.
KiNu.jin CIDIIK I3@18c ; white wine , 1&
JtR'i : ] , otiihana ! , prime to choice , fi c/g
'i f.
f.SOAIS Kirk's Sa\on Imperial. 5:1.00 : ;
KliIvS satinet , S.l.15 ; Klik's Mnndaid , : I..OO ;
KiikVU'hito Kussi.m , 1.00 ; Kiik'u White
Cap , S0.50.
Iccii'B blsal. ' 4 inch and largei , b ; c ; Inch ,
84e ; h Inch , OLe.
.SAII Dr.u loads , pel bbl , Sl.Wi ; Asliton ,
in sacks , Sl. : : backs , Ahhton , 'JOc ; bbls
Alien- Niagara glois , 1 Hi , flj < e ; Nlagani
1 JM , P yl . 1VIIII
ford's bulk. 4e.
ij\irp : Standard 0 We , bbls ; Standard-
do 4-gallon Kept , 81. - >
SrirKi drouml Hlack pepi > er , Iwxes. 1C
CV2.V ; alsjiice , ir > o/20o ; ciiiiiainon 18 ( : ! 0c :
c-loM's , llxu25u ; ginger , 15 ( < i25c ; miistunl , 10(15 (
27c.Ditini ) Kitfns No. 1 qtiaiter apples. 4'jc ' ;
evajioiated , bo\es , K' c ; black benicb , boxes ,
Kle ; peaches , boscs , none in tbe market ;
pcache- , . evaporated , 15 > ; ( ! i"17c ; rit > iihc.'riiotf ,
new , 2.X 2Tc.
( 'it \ ciu.nsiiinu'.ni's ( soda , butter and
picnic , r > c ; cieams , he ; ginger snaps , be ; City
Mida , 7' e ,
1'oi'AMi I'eiiiisylvanlii cans , 4 cans In ft.w ! : ; Itabbitf's ball , 2 doin case , Sl.OO ;
Anchor lull , 2 doin ; case. & 1..V ) .
AlAicjiKM JVr oadclii1 , ! v : round , il. * ( ,
4 )1' ; sijuaio cases , S1.70 ; Oshko-ili cahcs , gr , ,
cVNDi.ns IJoxes , 4 n > , Ids , ia' < c ; fif , 12'V ;
boxes , 401lj , KJ oOs , 12e , ' ; lialf box , 'MU >
Coi'riis-Oidlnaiy : :
lie : inline Ilifl2ccliolic ; , laCd'lik1 ' ; laneygiecn
anil ji'llow , 14 ( J.r eold ; goveiiimciit.laMi.WJ ©
'J > ! ; iiitcii'jr.liua , Hi' ' j ( J e ) .Mocha 22 ( ,24n ; Ar-
buckle's lo.ustcd. 1 e.McLauglilln's ; XXXX
loasted. 1 c ; Jllwoith's , IJIJfc ; Jtcd Cross ,
lUi"c ! ; Mcl.aiighlin'H , Aibuckle's and JMu-
J < aiiKnlln'H XXXXniuMihl fXc ) per „ . .
abo\e piiccs In 'l-c.isi ) low.
Si'lCKh Whole I'epjier , I'.lc ; alhiice ] lOc ;
( laiden allspice , 12 ! < c ; Xanibar eloM-s , ITicj
Ambojna clo\t's Wc ) ; , cassia , lOc ; nutmegs ,
UVnffn ;
'I'iAh : ( Jiinpowder , fair , .TSfitin ; good , 4. ' > @
file : choici' rXKy7.r > c ; good Impeiial , 40 ( < t-ni ;
choice , GOW70c ; ; Young HJMIII , goodt.iC'l.'M ; ( ) ( ) ;
cholu' , W ) ( iOe ; Oolong , good , ! i.w lOc ; Oo
long , choice , 40y < OOcKiiglish ; linuklatit u'ood ,
! i"iC'10e < ; eholce , fiOoldSc ; hoilcholig , good , ! WOJ )
: )5c ) ; choice , : irx' < M.rKj ; Jnpatm , lair , tS@ir ! ) u ;
good , itVi-4SL ; choice , ttifeTCe ; Tea iJiihl , 15o ;
TIM .SiltfnisB , Ibc.
Dry ( iDOilH ,
Ui.r.Arjir.n COTIOXH Humoro * Choice ,
0/c ! ; Caliol , n c ; Hope , 7e ; Hill 4-4 , 7J c ;
lnli ; < , ' % i KonbdiiK' , 6 ; I'ltilt , 8)4-0 ) i Wain-
hiilta , ioie. ;
Coithiu JKAVS Keaisaige. 7e ; Armory ,
7c ; IVppcri'lt , 7M i Indian Oichaid , oVcj
Niiiinikeag , 7c.
FINK Iluow.v COTTONS Peppeiell 1 { , OJ.Cc ;
I'eiipeicllO , S c , Atlas , iy4'c ; btiitito ol Lib-
eity , ( Jo ; Kainnnn H , 0 > fe.
nti.vrb-Metl Hlvci , Co ; American , We ;
Ainiilit'b' , Ik ) ' , Cocheco , ( ie ; Jluicicbtr ; ) ( ,
Iks : IAIIUUI , f > c ; ( Jloucestei. fiWo ; Dim-
nell Jac < iu.\ll , Re : Dunnell , ( % \ llama-
110 , H jc ; VndMl ( ) , QvI'aduc \ ,
wHrirniony \ , 4Kc ; Anchor iSliirtlngK , 4J
Mi'irlmnvk Klili tings , 4J c ; JJerwiek , 4e ,
- ey , . . .
and brown , . , , . .
Diirn { I'nbleached ' ) So/ . Magnolia ,
10 Magnolia , 12cH : < u. West Point ,
10 tu. West Point , rij c.
DICK ( coloied ) Ho- > ton 0 ut , blown and
rlraIyc ) \ \ { liiHton 0 U blown and drab , Ho ;
Hoitou XX blown nnd diab , lOc ; Iloston
XXX blown and drab. 11 s c ; Huston OP blue ,
JJWc. Wanen Tilcot , 15e ,
Hitiivv.v Cono.N i.avvienre LK , 6c ; Sliavv-
unit M > , 'K : ; llc.ivci Dam I.15e ; Atlantic
I.I/-V : ; Indian Head , ic ; Wauchus ut
Kivcr. O e ; RUctttpkct S , SWe ; Sheluvr | (
. , „ . Monlauk A A , ; Motitmi IHI ,
Omegii At'A , '
Hates , staple , ( I1ie ; llandolpli , .staple ,
hnn diMMie. 7e : nloiieeMcr , f'.e '
Om'\ IOTMAtuo Keaic , " .e' , j\mos
keng , .stripes. s'e ; Khtcr , .Miiu | > s , ( ; Kdln
him ; , ti'.eVliutendoii , sliipes , N'5 ( llen
i-ose , JV J ; Oils , checks. p\o : Otl , Mii ) > cs , JV ,
lloj ill , I' . e : Anio kciir ! , naiiix-d , lO' ' e ; lu
ray. li < iok fold , l''c : Obenni , book fold ,
Jnduranec : , book fold , lie
\Mole | cod , ( ! c'J ; Ib lirlckst ,
7c.SMOKKD l-'isit Halibut , new , Wfc ) ;
hwrings. O.V.
Dry Ijiinilicr.
imtiNH10NS : AMI lIMlllillS
12 ft ii rt in rt is it LM it's : rt 21 rt
i'\4 . ir , w is 75 ir > 7S in.7B n.jfi i n in 7r
' u7n ! irl.w irUr ! 111.75 i"fr ! ! t .7 ! ' 'ni7' ' > ' \
If , 7r. IA 75 T , 7 : , 111 75 17.75 LM 75 21 L , '
2\1. . . 15 75 15.75 15 75 111 T5 17,75 1 75 W < > '
j SAM ,10 - . - > 111..1 , " ) Ill JT , 17 ' 'i IA2o ID 25 20 27
No. 1 boauls , 12 , 14 and 111 It S17.00
No. Ulmaids , 12 , Hand 1011 15.00
No. 'Iboaids , 12 , 11 and HI H i.2. : ! ' ,
No. 4 boaids , 12 , 11 ami in ft 11.00
1st Com. , 12,14 and Ki feet t'21.7/ / :
2d Com. , 14 and 10 feet UI.7S
Hd Com. , 14 and KUect 14.75
enFee , H and 10 feet 10.73
No. , * Inch , 12 and lltect , rough.17.50
No. 1 , t.til Inch , liHect , rough 17.M1
No. 2 , 4 , tO inch , D mull ! iect , rough. . 14.50
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 10 feet , ronah 15.50
situi.vr. .
No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 inch S18.00
No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch 10.00
No. 1 , O. ( ! ltJ.50
1st Com. . V Inch , Norway M.fcO
2d Com. , > ' 8 incli , JS'onvay 11.50
IM , 3d nml rClcai ( \ , IV Inch , s. 2s SW.50 )
1st , 2il nml itd Clcai , 1''imil ' S inch , ys. flO.GO
B Select , l > y , I'rf ' ami > ineh , w. 'J.s. . JW.OO
1st , 2il ami liil Clcai , 1 inch , s. 2 4 i.ta
A Heli'et , 1 inch , s. 2s 40.50
11 Helect , 1 inch , s. 2s UO.OO
IM Com. ( Jlncliliiloiiinu ffl8 00
2il Coin. ( ! inch , \vhilo iiino SIS 00
: < ( ! Com. G Indi , whitu iiltiti 2000
Sol. Fence , ( ! inch , white pine 20 00
Chicau'o Sol. Feneo KIooi injj 18 00
1st and 2 < I clear > c-llo\v pine , 4-0 incli. . . 20 M )
vr. r. JOHNSON ,
r. .1. RClIUVt.Ktt.
V . F. Johnson & Go.
Comiisson lercknts !
llccnlvcrB orOrain and Soods. Fiitmes bought
mid Sold. Special attention to Milo by Fatnples.
Kcpretentud by Kduard Hurton , Lincoln.
UK.U.l'.llS IN
and JalE Work.
1020 Fanmm Street , Omaha , Neb
Railway Time Table.
All trains tirrlvo and depart from Omalia by
Cditrnl Standard tlmo.
TinliiH ol HID C. , bt. I1. , M. & O. nrrlvo and ilo-
piut troni their dejHit , corner of Hlli nml VVob-
r-lfr mcctf ; linlnt-on the II. ti M. , ( J. , 11 , & Q. ,
imil K. ( ' . , St. J. A.C 11. li-om the 11. \ Jll. < l | iot ;
all otlieiH troni tlio Union 1'acltkj ilepot.
a , daily ; Ii , except Saturday ; o , oicojit Sunday ;
ilincopt Monday.
A. Jl. I f. H.
7.VJal :
: J:10a :
n. i r. .
llWkl' ; ' . .
7Wf : (
7:51 :
t'lllu '
Depart. NOltTllWAltn.
A.M. ) . n. C. hT. I1. , Jl & . I J' . M.
Hioux f'ily lixputhH . . 5:30o :
cOiikliiinl Accommod'n 1
I1DWA 1)1 \ ' , H O. & . I' , )
040a ; . . . | , Hi. Paul liny KxpiohH. ! . , 7Uu : !
. . .lfiMubt : I'aolMfflit Kxpuv-s ,
DIIMMV TntiMi I.eayo Oinalm nt ( J..T5 , 7:45.
fllMI , 10.1111 , llslfiu , in. ; UW.2IW : ) : , K.IK ) , 4Kl. : ( < ; M.
r > : r > 5 and Hill ) p , in. On HiuiilajH the 7ir : , unit
lU.UOa. in. , iiiii':00 and 4UO ; p. ru. tuilns do not
Leave Council HluITs ( Hi end \viiy Dnpot nt1U' .
H.WyW ( : ! , 1U)0 : : ) 11:1D : a. m : IW ! , 2iO,8iii1 : : ; : | .
fiffi , ( l-r > iiiil ( IhTi p. in. On HiindiiyH itio HlM :
and Ul.iUla. m. , andiJiIWaiul 1W : ) p , m , trains \\lll
not run ,
TiiANsnu TIUI.S-H Ix-aui Omulia at .W. 8.M
a. m. ; li.-x''Jil : : : , l ij.n.i litiid 7UJ : p. m dully.
AnivuatU : imd 11:15 : a.m. ; li.M , UM. 'iX :
nnd 8:05 : p.m.
To and from Chlcuiro tlu'J'ilpartltn .Mliiinco
Tiino tiitlii of pasKoiiKor trains lu-ttvcen
Omalia nnd Union Stock VnrOv ; In ulluci Wocl-
iiceiliiy , AiitfiietUtltli , Ih&o :
No , Oinnliifll,8 | , Viiiils No "U.S. Ynuls OnniTnr
A. tf. A. M. A. M. A.M.
ei' ' n. nj 7M : 7..V , BilO
4'J HilHl h'J7 :
OKI il : . h.V : )
IILI'i ll.iiO P. VI , 1' . M.
11. 20 HM ! ow I.'SIC
) ' . U. r. M ,
41 l-M
&S7 3..V ,
( Jb'J I ; III
iulll No. OMieT
run ilii