Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Customer" ) Practice Sttulloil Neglect
and AIIJ hotly Can lie n Harbor Now.
Now York Sun : "Do 3-011 wniit 3011
Imlr dressed * " asked u tmrbor on IJront
way n tiny or two ago after ho had linisli
tid Mmvinff lih customer
"Yes , ofcouTHu , " suiil the customer.
"Yon will excuse mo for nsking. " sni
the barber , "but I suppose jou know tli
style Jus changed now , so that tint bm
beriiiK business ain't what it was b
about 800 per cent Our swull Customer
lon'tliii\o lliuir heads dressed at all
Tlioy simply run a comb through ij
iniike a hal'f-way j > nrt , and lot it 1m ns i
\ \ 111 It looks kinder careless and distill
guhhod , you know , anil not as thotij ? !
gulli'ii up for tilts occa ion. A few of on
customers huvo lliuir hair brushed dr
und parted accurately , but they tire ii
thuvory small minority. As for oil , w
no louder keep it In llio shop : though <
luivo ulittlo greufio constantly on liam
for the old-fashioned customers who lik
it. As near as [ can understand fron
what our swell custom era say , they hat
lo Hindi as if they'd como from a bnrbc
nliop A tfopd many club men who com
lioro just nave- the razor passed over thi
face once , and do not have bay rum pu
on the chin or on the hair. It looksprel
ty well , too , to my mind , bccntisn peopl
wear tlieir hair short now , and if the litij
is out flhorl anil allowed to grow as i
will , itis apt to give the appearance p
the head a hotter outline than if the hail
is oiled and plastered down solidly.
"Jt is the same way with men who wea
boards. Only a few ycar.s nto customer
always had a little something putoi
their beards to make them stay rijjht
and they took kindly to a spray of per
fume after the work was done. Nothinj
of that sort goes now , however. Hoard1
are usually trimmed close and brushei
dry It's a lif ? dilVerenco from what i
was when T went into the business , A
Unit , time customers kept bottles of lav
under water at the shop , used KrrilHn
cosmetics , and coloring matter , insistuc
on being shaved olos-o to tlio chin , anc
when they wont out of the .shop ant
walked abroad anybody know wliuri
i they'd boon if he didn't come within tor
fci fool of them Any man could bo a bar
ber nowadays ; but it took an artist to sir
rive at any eminence in his profession
when I stalled in. "
Tun r.u'oitiTi ? Washing Compound o
the day is unquestionably JAIME !
rYLK'fa'PKAUMNK. . It dispenses will
the necessity for beating or rubbing tin
clothes , anil does not injure the fabric.
Time to Call u Unit on EXistin ;
Chicago Herald : "I think , " said ai
cv-Hiillor of the army of the Cumber
land , who was on his way from Gram
Jtapids , "that it is time to call a lialtoi
military titles. Now , I can stand til
most anything. In time of war , when
the pa. > master was known to bo coining
the sutlers wore not stingy of titles
Privates who weio in debt became 'cap
tains , ' etc. , etc , and wo never lost u
penny where we trusted a man as a pri or corporal , and afterward began Ic
rcolleel his account as a 'captain. ' "
That is the experience of people con
nccted with the army in time of war ,
The great trouble is to keep the social
'designation of colonel , major , and so on
, Vithm proper bounds. As a rule tin
{ title of general has a foundation. The
Jinan has either been a general or lias had
ov brovt'l 'Colonel' is a little shaky , be
cause the colonels of the Avar are either
brevet-captains or else were on some
body's stall' The majors are the ones
who in civil lito are hold to represent
tlio rank anil file. Everybody who cvCi
cnriiod a musket , and chooses now U
nc'oont tlio title , can bo known as
. "major. " It has long boon a joke nl
' MrtyVlULslb'it tiWj olL4'W"\Yi"f-m7aiorsr1 | '
Away oil' In Southern California the
Sturgcs heirs , of Chicago , once bought n
great ranch , and pent a Chicago boy
tjmiucil Durfeo to look after it. Dtirfp'e
was a good deal of a humbug IIo
worked the big ranch , drove his team ,
fhcssod like a bucket-shop man , and gen
erally made himself conspicuous in. the
rural community. A newspaper man
ono day , in iv spirit of fun , spoke of Mr.
Dtirfen's arrival at the hotel as the up-
poaranco of "Maj. " Durfeo. That was
enough. Mr. Durfec laughed at it and
good-naturedly took the newspaper man
to task , but in less than a week after he
bad registered his own name ns "Maj.
Dnrfeo" and family. That is the way
bogus military titles are made. To this
duy JJurfecj is known in Southern Gal-
ifornia as "Maj."Dnrfeo. Keal soldiers ,
genuine soldiers , genuine sailors , and
,111011 , nho smelled the i.moko of battle and
" /in" of the bullet do not crave titles ,
: vnd particularly do they reject those to
( which tlieir military position did not en
title them. To go about a soldiers' re
union in these days is for the genuine
Foldier an experience of a good deal of
regret , .sorrow and disgust.
r The simples in llio laboratory of nature
nro health giving. What can bo more
rovhing than the odor of the pine for
es U. if And when it is reincmbeied that
St.jJacobs Oil has in it the essential olo-
monls which give this life and sliongth ,
"it can well be understood what a boon it
is to the allliuted.
AJDi'iiniinor'fl Vluwn of Drummers.
OiiK'iuuati Enquirer : "l'lip.s-ril , | | fi !
your paper wilh fuels enough lo knee
you silly. " , iii ( | < a
' 'Lot ' "em . " ,
j go. u i A
" \Voll say , 1 I'm n. traveling ' ninn
comniori'inj lourist.Vo luivo two or
three associations. I belong lo 'em till
Wo number 150,000 and wo'ro kicking.
Kiuklng about sleeping-car porters.
Wtiit until you sue wiuit wo will do about
it tit our nu.xt mooting. Wo'ro uohitf to
rosolso not to pay "uni a cont. Nwv.look
liprc. Out of our 150,000 , two-thirds of
Us , or 100,000 , tiavol ' . ' 00 nights in the
. Ain't that ? Well thoro's
year. so , 100-
000 on HID roiul to-ni-jht They'll tfivo
llio ] ) oitors a quarlor oacli ; lhat's Jf'5,000
niiKlil'OOniKlits ) ; , 5.000,000 u year The
flluopiuK-oar compnnies have figured on
this and only pay tlio poi tors $15 n
month. Thuy'rolly , and mind you this
tloosn't poiint in other travolois. Put
that in , will you ? Say , \\horo did you
jjot taut livo-eunt torch , auyhowv Iloro ,
UUp a oed one , , 1'vo got a box of 'cm
olmrged up as ullowanoo on diunnged
Is AVomnii. "
* TJiat she Is frnll. often in both- .
" Tin triso , 'tis trno 'tis a pity ,
And pity 'tis , tis true "
Dr. Vieice's "Knvprlto I're.seriptlon" is
the best reslorativo tonio for physical
frnllty'in ' women , or female weaknesses
or deiiingements. Uy druggists. Price
reduced to one dollar.
IIo KIHSW W''ro "o Wns Ilalhrd.
Qjson had failed to see his landlady
MIO. called , and it had not Improved
n.impor or her linaneial status
. V\nill"shoisaid \ angiily , "all I'vo got
j , ltti , say is , you juo no gontloman. I'd
jiisu llku to know whore you were born
und raised "
* " 1'eaH ' tell you that very easily , mad-
'nni. ho said sootliingly , "I was born
.in Kuntneky and 1 was 'raised' in a iiokor
a-di/m on Vine Mreet last night. "
* f1iu accented the amendment and ho
pjvi l his bill witli interest the following
ivc'OKfIMerchanlTravclor. .
VU *
i-s , worn out with caring for
siekly children , have been and
bo relnrni'd , lor the relief and
tisleep which they ami their babies
received from Dr. Hiehni | '
ervine. $1.50 at
Adtortl etnontfl under this hond 10 cents po
line for the first Insertion , nnd 7 cents ( or end
Biib'ciiucnt Insertion. Seven words wlllbocounl
iil to tlio line ; ( hey must run consecutively run
mutt bo paid In ndvnnec. All advertisement
mu t 1)0 handed In before 2 o'clock p. in. , nm
tinder no clroumstnncos will they bo taken ell
( ll eontlnuotl bv telephone.
I'nrtlcs ndvcrtl liifr In tlicso columns nml lint
Ing the answers nddrossed Inrnio or DUE , wil
plon o nsk for check to enable tlitnn to got the !
letters , ns none will bo delivered except 01
presentation of check. AH answers to ndver
tlscnients slionlil bo enclosed In onvcloprs.
' . Tolnnn. Tlio Omnlm Financial Hr
MONI'.V , LVtiraiiiiun street iiiv-stnliYi.niiiko !
lonns on nil cln os of security iroin nfloelmt
tul lonn to f Hume on rcnl eotiilo. Wo mnkolontif
tit suit nil nppllcnnts on low or phoittliiio on
linpio\ed ienl ostnto , Iniul eontiacts , leasps
buildings on leased land , securpd notes , collator
nLi , chattels , or good sccmity of nny kind. l.ow
rntps ; oasj > terms. Oinnbn Financial EtclmiEO
IfXtl rurnrin street , nit-stairs. B4.Hf
riio LOAN Money In nnv nmotint on real PS-
JL tntoeccuilty. 0. E. Mnjno , 1Mb mid Tar-
TO LOAN C. V. Dnvls k Co.
MONUV und Lonn ngents,15051'iirnam St.
ONUV TO LOAN On chattels , Wooloy &
Hnirlson , room SO , Omahn National bank
building. 54H
TO LOAN On leal estate nml chat
MONUV I ) . 1 , , Thomas. f > 50
l.OANUO On thnttcls , ent rnto , It.
U tickets bought and told , A. rormnn.SU
8. 13thSt. 551
TO LOAN 111 minis of $200 and tip-
MONUY on ilrst-clnss real ostnto gccutiiy.
I'ottor & Cobb , 1515 rniiiam St. G53
ONUV LOANUI > nt C. 1' . llenl * Co'S. IXMltl
j\r \ olllco , on furnltiiio , pianos , . , wagons
ppisonal property ol all kinds and all olhor ar
ticles ol Miluo , without removal. Oxer 1st Nnt'l
Hank , coiner 13th and 1'uumm. All business
btiletiy ( .onllclontnl. 55-1
MON11VI chattel security byV. . H. Croft.ioom
I , Wlthnoll Imlldlnjr. N. E. corner 15th nnd Ilnr-
noy. Aftot .TCIUS ot oxpetlunco nnd n cnrofnl
study of the Imslnossot lonnliiK iiionoy on per-
boniil property , 1 hao at lust poi f eutetl n B ) Mom
whoicby the publicity usiinlhi micli 0111-9 Is
done away with , nnd 1 am now In n position to
moot thodomnndrtof nil who become temporarily
arily oiiibninwscil and dosho to inlso money
w Ithont delay nnd In n qnlot manner. House-
licopois , iiiotosslonnlKOiitlcincii , mcchimlcs nnd
others In Omnhn and Council lllnlls , pan obtain
luhancosliom J-lOto ? 1KK ) on such secnilty
us household rninltnio , plnnos , mncblncry , Iior-
pos , Wilsons , wntolionso iccolptH , sccniod notes
ot hand , ( tc , wlthouttpmovln snmo trom own
ers losidcnco or place ol bnslnp s. AlM > on line
Watches and Diamonds , ono ol the udvantiujos I
oiler Is that any pint ol any lonn can bo paid nt
mo tlmo which will icdneo the Interest pie tatn
and all loans renewed nttliuoiltrliml intosoi in-
tprost. 1 have no brokers In connect Ion with my
ollico , but porsomill ) snporlntond nil my lonns , I
linvepilvntoolllccsconnoctcd with my ( 'cnoinl
olllco to that cnstomcis do not como In con-
tiact with each other , coneoquontlv iiinklnfrnll
ttaiiMietloim btrlctly prUato. ' . U. Oiolt ,
room 4 , Wlthncll iilldlnir , N. fi. coiner 15th and
Haincy , Omnhn , and 321'onrl St. , Council Hlutls.
: Jllddlo-nned Ociman girl that
WANTi ( .owlna and lioo-ouoik.
Steady place nnd fair wawos to i Ight party. l\
lllckor , 170S St , Mtuy's nvo. 155-12 *
A good cook and peed ( till for see
ondwoikat Mrs. Chun Ooismunn , B07 N-
17th sli cot. 100-10
WANTKll Ono Indy to hiMrnctln bookkccp-
IIIB. J. H. Smith , 1222 I'arnam. lOMO *
TVANTUO A good kitchen girl at the Amci-
VV ionnCnfo. 50,18. liitb street. 1(11-10 ( *
A gill for liousoHoilc , 2115 Cnll-
WANTED . iM-10
TVNTiliJ-KItclien gill nt 1513 How aid.
-TVf ANTJi : > A gill at initoru Hotel , 1010 S.
VV 10th street. DC1-10 *
\.VANTED Good Gcimnn gills nt the Nob.
V > Emolovinont AL'OIICV. ll'.l llltli nnd Cnpitnl
fi oo , cull ut onco. * n i ' - ' "
WANTED Good gbl for gonoinl hoiisoworlc.
Cook , dining room girls chambermaids etc.
Call ll.01'ai mini St. 1G1.
"irrANTUl ) A good cook , ono competent to
ti net ns hoiieokcopci ; good wuge'j. Address
H. & _ g , , oo Olllco. { lilt
W ANTED Gill lor hoiiFCWork. Dnvonport
nnd IWth st. II. Martin.
W ANTED-GQOJI .houso giii , IDH Webster.
Wages 5) PIT week. 01
WANTED-Glilfor lionso woik,24U Capitol
n\o. Hfti-hp
I5I ) Lady agents to sell cntlicly now
inbber niuUirgniment ; o\cliisl\o lor fe
males. Mndam 1. Little , box 44. ) , Chlcngo , 111.
WANTKD Ancnt > ounrghl { to nsslst with
baby. U03S. gQlli St. TO8
\\7"ANTED-ndy ngonts for "Dnls } " Sklit
ii nnd stocking siipnoitoi-s , shoulder braces ,
l > osom lonns , DIOE-S Shields , rubber gingham
bilsnpions , slco\es , Inlnnts dlapctsc. . Our
l.flOO agents mo maUlng money last ; FO can \ < m.
AddiDss'vltlifctamp , E. II. CAMl'HELI , X CO. ,
481V _ . Haudolidi St. , Chicago. 7it-llp )
WANTIIH A gill lor genoiulhousewoikat
! H)7 ) South 2th ( ) St. ( 1
WANTED A llrst class wllcltor lor Hfo-sbo
ciajon poitinlts. Teriltory : Wostcin
Town. Apply at once to Collins , Shunt/ Co ,
1MJ Doughiii bticct , becond lloor.
Vf/'ANTEl ) Thlity good splknro nnd track
lajois , wngos J2 perday , will Milp monday
October 12 licetianspoitntlon. Cull lUol'ainiiiu
St. IK ) .
WANTED Immediately , ! ! good contnmkois ;
good pihe" , Hciuly woikand iuomptpny.
Addiesi Win. E. Mason , Sloiu City , In. 111-12
"VATANTED Good eunvnsicis. Illg pay. En-
i Ti toipiKo lion Woiks , Noilli Omnhii. Goods
, 4iplo ns bictid nnd butter. h.'U-i : ! '
2.1naipcntors. Apiily nt 2Sth and
Bhaw fv 1'lold. 718-lUp
JIulkllntr , tit , I'tiul , Minn. MniiulnctoiyLowell ,
Mass. 4.W-27
WANTii > Mattress imikeis at Dewey &
_ Stone's. _ 010 _
WANTKD-Stonogrnpher. llox Oil , Omnhn.
_ _ 511 _
A ( JIINTS Polling Mlbsourl Menm washer
innKo big money. \Voith , Solo Mnnnlac-
tmei , bt. Louis , Mo , ( KXidecltp
WANTIil ) Agents. Address Klectrlo Lamp
nnd Wino Cxi. , St. Louis , Mo. , lor circular ,
cut nnd terms of 50 candle power Marsh Kloutilu
WANTKU Situation by mlddlo-aged woman
to help In hoiivowoik , mind ehildicn.or
would wnsh dishes In n hotel or i obtain nut.
Kept pio&ont plapo ono your. AddiossL Cor-
bin , iu o.I. A. Hodger. I' . O. _ *
\\rANTin : situation by n competent jonng
II drugglht ; si ( > nkNaeiman ; had lUojenis'
evpcilpiice ; best ot lelei-cnccs. Addro > .s Dings ,
caieol llee. 125-12 *
" \\7"ANTin : Situation by joung cnloirdinnn
ll ns tonchninn or gonunil housework. Ad-
diobsH. C , , llceOllU'O. _ 124-KI *
WANTiiOlllcoor ; stoio duties by oxpori"
enct d young imin of UU. Audreys " A. 11 , , '
Boo Olllco. Itxt-io *
" \yANTii : > A Gciimill gill wnnts a good ,
I T bteiulv place to irotk In pilvnto tnmlly. Inquire -
quire 21)17 ) Cn > sbt. VJ5-10 *
\\7"ANTii-i'o ition by experienced bten-
' ' ogrnphor nml olllco cleiki leluienees. Ad-
diosa W. 11. Cuniilugliain , DCS Molnus , lown.
. -Hy n lady Monographer , a posl-
lion in nliujjoi'hollicoinnholosalohoiibo. .
Addicts Jl. . Ueo Olllco.
A situation by n guntlomnn of
. ' oxpoilonco , In n bloio orolllto. Cnnspenl ;
i'u llbh , ( Joiiiinn and lioliuiiiliin. Address "IU
N. V. , " Heo Olllto. IKll-lO *
WANTED-SIUmtloii by Hibl-clUbS coiicliimuu
* _ _ _ _ AilU ( QiwA.V. . . lice iilljti _ bHlip
\VrANl'EI > II ) n woman , situation us housol
II Ucepcr. liiUlie2jSno ( ] lh utlu Mrb. Ar-
WANTEn-Sitnntlon by n miller , of loiigexi
pi-ilciKo In Iliu rand Holler jHoeons : imii.
ru > i'- ' H',1.1 ' 11",1' ' " * , ' ' " "t "t it'Slliuunlul * . Addicbs
C. M. Wood. lliij.lullle. Neb. _ 7iu-m
WANTI5D Situation us viibtotu cutler by n
, joiiiig man ol eAptilcnuu. Addti-bs O.
Itj lyitk , VU U cot Conyicts St. , Doliolt , Mk'h.
WANTUn-Sltuntlon in store In Nob. , B yent
experience ! ! horonghly npqnnlntpd wit
goncrnl dry goods ! best of reference given. At
tlioss box823 , Vllll cft , lown. 541-10j >
anBccii&AireotTS WANTS.
V\rANTU A child to board. Will hnvo a goo
i f homo nnd cnro. Atldross Ii. W. , cnro o
Letter Carrier 8. HMO *
W\ A pnrtnor with small cnpitnl , fo
\ nAle ( frcnso iimiifK. 0th & 1'lorco 13S-llp
WANTKD-MKloBirl to adopt ns own phlld
must boiimlortwo jpixrsof n o. Addrcs
1' . Jensen , 1110 1'nrimm st. 120-12'
i Ono > oiiifr ninn to Instruct Ii
boolikfC'plng- . 11. Smith , 1223 Farnnm.
I ) Hy n ( rpntlpinnn , room nnd Ixmn
ntfllor f7 pnr wpok , flpst of 20lh am
Koiith of rnriinm. Hofoiuncos 1C required. Ail
clto 9Oscar , HcoOIIlto. WIB
" \\rANTl2U-A pnrtnor In the feed nnd proil
II nc o business. Cflpltal leqillrpil. nbou
$4 j. o. n. , iico onico. ii9-io !
WANTlCU-Tciims. T. Jliirrny.
_ _ _ ffiS _
TTTANTHt ) A yonnpr man who hns n plonsnni
W mid eomfoilablo loom , ivould HUe n UMIII
nmlo. Cull at No. 1013 Capitol nvo. Kuloroncos
v.\chmiRcd. till
I WANT n rosldonco worth from fB.OOrt tr
$10,01X1 nnd HUbmbun property as an Invest
ment to the amount of $20fK ) , all lor cash. Ail-
dioss 15. 0. Starr , City , llox 4t4. 5 7
Mattress mnkor nt Dewey
stono's. aw
: A full lot noiirlho city at n ton-
WANTin prlpo. Stntopilcu. tonns nnd lo
cution. Addross'.1. N. 0. " llcoonico. 203
VV7"ANTii : ) To trndo n , peed scrond _ blind
piano , or a hoiso and buggy. lniilro ( | ut
IMholm A , Urlckhon. SMI
HUNT Store loom on nth street near
Jones ; ( ) looms upstairs ; ; ! looms tear and
Binall burn : all for $ - . " > > per month , llamlln &
lliown J111S llth street. 1U7-14
SALU 7 loom houfo on rnrnnin St. ,
1 good older , splendid locution ! good barn ,
lot bOxl.U : price without buildings $7,000.
Amos , 1507 rninam street , M.H-10
Itl'.NT Tlupp Dcaliablo honsos. Ilnl-
rou Hi os , 317 S. 1.1th st. 1000-10
JIUNr Nov. I , n first-class 0-ioom pot
tage ; line location ; by S. T. rotcisoii.s. o.
cor. 15th and Douglas. 101
HUNT 6 room brlok house , 511 Hickory
Foil Inquire on promises. 0KI-10p !
HUNT New 11011 = 0 with seven looms
Foil one or t o lamilles. liiquho 1J1IO Paclflc.
' .174-10 *
HUNT Cottage , seven i-oonis , 1'nrk
FOU . O. r. Davis \ . Co. , 15051'arnnm nt.
J7 rooms and bath loom , 21st and St. Mary's
avc. Win. 1'ipston. 000-10 *
77011 ItKNT lionso No. CIS N. 17tlist. ! nl o
JL1 hon o W. Omnhn , $18. P. O. lox ! 712. UO-HO *
rmnlsliodoottntro on strpnt car
line , W)7 ) North 80th sticot. DfMS
RENT Two now residonppsO rooms oaph ,
cott4igo5ioomshonsolOiooms. J. 1'lilpps
lioo. 555
HENT Ti\o-story dwelling , 7 rooms ;
EOIt locality. Applj Cor. llth und Douglas.
C. T. Ttij lor. 715
KENT House of thiro rooms KM and
Clink stieots. Inqnlio north-oast coiner
15th mid Douglas , nnd 15 J Jackson St. MCJ
KENT 2 stores on Oth mid Lonvoiiworth
1 stoio on Pouth 13th st. lloth nrst-class luisl-
ness locations. AHi houses to lout. A. JIcHav-
ook. 09,1
HENT House of n looms. Apply Cor ,
FOH and Douglas. O. T.Tnjlor. 740
HENT Several dwellings. Apply Cor.
FOH und Douglas. G.T.Tn > lor. 710
KENT Ono two story bouse , 0 rooms ,
FOH block ot car line ; W. Enquire nt 1LJJ
Capital Avti. Alto bath room and all com en-
lonco , ono cottage 0 rooms all conveniences ,
now bouse. Knquiioatbiuno place , cur passes
FOU HENT A line , now house , eight rooms
and closets , bay window , south and east
front , nnd flno view nml ngood bnin.nnd ngood
lot ; very suitable lor u fnmlly tlmtKoop n horso.
liontM per month. Inijulio ut Edholm & :
Eiic-Kson , opp. jiostollico. 028
NT A now 0 loom lionso , one block
from street car , on 22d St. , IJO per month.
0. E. Mn > no , 1.1th and I'arnnm. 5'J5
on KINT on SALI : A hont-o. barn 101-20
cows ; nnd 1 lots In Walnut Hill ndd. $10 per
month , liuiuiio James Clnibtlanspii , IT. 1' .
1'ieiKht olllce. 377-o-R5p
Foil HUNT House , 5 looms. Inqulto Kd-
holin It EUckton. 502
FOKICKNT Oct. 1st , or after , u dncllhur
IIOIIFO 5 looms , nice ynrd , cistoin , water , &JJ
pcrmonth. Apiily 1411 I'aikWild nvo. , or Jno.
W. Hell , iltilffBbt , 820 South 10th St. 5I0 !
FOKKENT NicocottnffO 1010 South llltli St.
Iminlro of 0. A. lloldln. 410-iO | )
T71OK ItKNT HoiiPOlliooins $25por month ;
JL1 will i cut | ) iut. 0. E. Thompson , S. W. cor.
1Mb and Iliunoy. 120
KKNT Tlio IIOUAO and bain on corner
aith and 1'loicoSt. Inqulio at lloston Dry
Ooodssloto , S IDtliSt. 1101
FOIt UI3NT 5loom cottiijro coiner Popplo-
tonaiidPhc-ildanSt.fll. C. E. JIaymi. S.
W toinci 15th and I-'ai num. 711
> OIl HUNT I'liinNhcd liont loom and
bonid. IGlUCaultolllNO. illU-l *
HUNT rurnlbliod loom , IbO-l rnrmiin.
1 110-15 *
TTIOK HUNT Co/.y , eoinfoi tidily furnished
JL1 loom , siiltnblo for two or four gon-
tlemnn Odd 1'ellows' lllock , 14th nnd Dodge.
MIH. Kendall. 110-10 *
POIt Knvrnnnlshed looms with bath room ,
miltnblo for gpiitlomon , No. 17111' ' Cumlng
Btieot , west Hat. A good restauiant In same
building. iMMO
HUNT Furnished front 100111 with
cldEOt nml dieting room. Ill S. 1Mb t-t ,
! 8-12 *
Poll IUNT riirnlshod loom with use of sit-
tlngioom. ln < | iilielil | Hiunoy. ( Kj.1-14
FOH ItENT-NIcely fuinlshed mom iMTCIil-
cage St. H55
I ; > Olt HUNT CoFraub anir'M'oirstorTtieot i
ono or two looms to gontlomnii and wild or
bhmlo gentlemen. On stiect cnrllno. ill US
FCIt HENT SMnics In tlio lulak building on lUthmid 17th , No 1015 mid
1017 , Inrjuliont diugMtoiocor.lOth bt. Wo
FOH HENT Itoom , ono jilunsant iniiil-liod
loom wlthjuiUlcgoofbuth 100111 , at 7 > Xil9th
Jticot , nour WobMor. bUi-t-'p
FOIt HKNT-with board , nicely fuinlshcd
looms , 1710 Cnss St. W-l.'p
POIl HENT rurnlshcd loom , Imjulio (
10th nnd Douglns 741
P "oi HENT Nicely fuinlshod looms , 103
Dodpo , 728-ilIp
FOH HENT-Lnigo fiont loom nicely fur
nished ; pihllcgoof bath loom ; fanltnblo lor
.woiioit-ims ; five minutes wulk jioml'.O. ; one
: iloiK 1 lorn btitot car line , AdiliOSH 1' . O. box
m. 71111
POll HENT Ono lingo , unfurnished , nlco\o
loom , with liny window nml ginto , nnd nil
iiodcin ImpiovementH , on 20th blioa , iienrht.
Slaiy's nve. liujiiliu ut S. W , Cor , luth nnd
Dodge. tisi
IU5NT-Two nicely furnlMicMl rooms in
I' hoiito with gas , bath and liiinnco ; on stiect
; ars. 2227 Dodgo. 65U-Mi |
FOIt HUNT A nice , pleuFiint room , furnish-
odor untuiiilsed. liuuiire at 151J Lciivcii'
voi t hbt _ i cct 4 < U
Poll ItUNT-Hooms with boiu-d , deslinbloTor
Bummer. Apply at St. Cliuilus Hotel. 5fll
Poll ItlSNT-Nlcclj fuinlfcliedTumtTomnTo
gcntlcmnn only , ut a E. coiner 20th miU
) ougliisbtruet. sis
POll HUNT r mulshed rooms lor light
houecktcplmr , In llccmci's block , cor. Mb
indllowaiU. b7l
CilCJll ItUNT Two rooms adjoining ] with
' bouid ; tiont room t > outh-eubt , 4UH Wcbbtcr
tii'et. Ka
fjiOIt ltl T-a fuinishod i-ooms on 1'ncltle
I1 blicct , bctwtenllth und lOth.ono blockbOiith
if the U. 1' . dojiot. 4U )
01011 IIINT : pleasant south f rent rooms f
_ corner l th nnd Oncn | > ort. 70g
POIl HUNT TWO nicely furnished rooms , N.
W. cor , 21st mid St. Jlury'b mtuuo. 4U )
171011 SALE-llpmittfnt rosldcnco lots In Hod
X1 Icks addition or Virginia nnd ( Iporgla A\t
tiup . f 1T.10 to 11WO , lea T terms. Two lots 01
Vlrglnln Avenno nenr Mtl'lpasnnt St , fnnifincl
A ticnutlfnl lot near N W Cor. , Hnnscom 1'nr
f 1,000 pnsy terms.
Ix > ts In e\ery pnrt ofthoclly. If jou wnnt
lot no matter In whntpnrt of the city cull nni
bCP 118.
OJ'fl ) Largo tivo story homo nnd bnrn fill
lot Cnldn-oll St. , near King , f.1ooo , ensy teims
(252) ( ) Nlcoeottngo n looms huge barn lull lo
two blocks south of Rt Mnrys Avo. , $ ' ) ,1oo $25 <
cnsh nnd P2.1 per mrtntlu
(228) ( ) llon o 7 rooms lot SOxI'o good bnin , cn
fiont ntN W Cor. Hnnscom 1'nrk , $3,5oo , ons1
CSS ) Hou o 7 looms lot Soxl near N W Cor
ilnii'com 1'nik , vostTrOnt Jl.noo , easy tcims
this isn bnrgnln , , ,1
< 2o' Lot loo.tllo with small house on soutl
llth St. , nevt to HnMinnn school , ? 2ijoo $2 < V
ensh $2o iipr inontli , 0. E. Miijno , S. W. Cor
Uth nnd rnrnnin 1.17-11
FOH SALE -A now n room brick hoit o nnd ' {
ncro gioiind iipnrSt , Mary's n\p , ? lntMtoi
n few daj s only. Cunnlnghnm & llronnnn , 151
Dodgo. 1127-7
[ loll SALi : At n Imipmn , a fine tenm 01
horses , weight S.HKUbs. , nnd n good wneni
nnd hninoss ; nil grst class. Inqiilio ot' lidhnln
&Etlck < m.
- lots In Wnl
nut lllll } 2. > o to ( Coo each ; lo per cent cash
balance monthly payments. C , E. Majno , Agt
JTMMt SALi : Lots 5,1 foot fiont by 177 fpol
dppp , nio oxltn Inrpo. Von linil hotter MI
the o lots before the choleo Is gone , l'ilco <
$050 to $800 per lot. Amos , 1507 I'm mini. 1 , .U
: SALE Lots In Thornlmrg 1'lncc on lloll
J-VI.Ino $ JOOto $ . ' 100 ouch , monthly pn > iiipiits ,
C. 13. Mn > no , liHi nml I'uiiiiim. 103.10.
FOll SAI.U-Cholco block on Holt Line , $1,500 ,
If > on hnvo uny tontidoneo in Omnlm'H tu-
turo , tieiolaiicliunco for jou. Amos , 1507 1'ar.
num. liJJ-10
OH MALE llpniitlful residpnco lots In Wai-
nut HIM $25o to fdoii each ; lo per cent cash ,
balance monthly pnj nicnts , C. E. Maj no , Agt.
IIS 1 ! ) .
Foil SALU Lcavonwortb street ots In West
Omaha , extra size , 55 foot liont , 177 leot
deep , for $ B50 to $800. Amos , 1507 Fai num.
FOll HALU Kino holel piopertv pining
$10,000 a ycnr net. Price , $25UOO Easy
Per Sale A few cbolco ncie lots , &J50 to $100
1'or Hont four now stoio rooms nnd fho
goods houses.
Tor Palo A duo , full corner business lot on
Howard street. .Must bo sold.
1'or Palo Ton cottages nnd five leslileneon
fiom $1,500 to $ U,000. Eusy teims. It. C. I'atlei-
win. Cor. 1 lib nml Faiimm. KXi
TTHMISALE IlpnuHfliil losldonco lots In Will-
J- ! nut Hill JiiSo to $ Goocach ; lo per cent cash ,
balnnco monthlj puj meiitb. C. E. Mnjne. Agt.
Foil SAfiH An elegant housonnd lot'fiH117 (
one block Irom street enrs , $ JMW. Cunning-
hum , llioniian , 1D11 Dodge Btieet , U7H-a
SALE Lots In Thornburg TIaco on Holt
LlnoJMJOto < ! 00 paph , monthly pnjmenta.
O. E. Mnj no , 15th nnd I'timum. 11S.ISI.
Foil SALU-Plalii\Iow lots $4i'i to $150. RIP- |
clal indncomoiit for who want u sale
invostmont. AIIIOH , 1507 I'uiimin. 1SO-10
POHSALE Good lionso nnd lot in noith
Omaha , lionso Iui85 J.ugo moms , cnller , well ,
clstoiiielo otH , SlfSlp , fumy ttima. W. T. Gia-
liain , Cielgbtoii bloJk. > \ 150-3
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SALE Hoatliiru1rosllineo ( lots in Wnl-
FOH Hill S'ir)0to 31,00 rnch ; 10 per cent caMi ,
balance monthly paymeiits. C. E. ilaj no.Ags. _
MAI.U WvO-ioOmod hou o nnd corner
1 lot. fl.OOJ.V \ \ \ tujio in pint pnjment a
tonni of hoi -os. <
A line losldcncopiopcity. cuninl , at nbnignln.
riNP-ioomod hou&o and lull lot , tout h lionl ,
on Hurt t. $2,000. J
The best two lots mSliTnn's ndd. for n flno ios-
idonco nt n bargain.
The llrst iinprqyod Int noilh of rarnnm on
; ! 0th etrcot. Two JlpuSiis cheap. Bnllou Hios. ,
yi7 s. inth ht. ; ioo-io
( _
T710IISALUJlKllieos'lind lots for SSlrflO. A
-L1 good invostmont. Cunnlnghnm & . Hi eiinaii ,
1511 Dodge 00 , . 115-fl
'io 'foo Hcho"iof"conT cisi ,
bulanco nionthly paymi-nU. U. E. Mnvno ' , Agt.
SALK Como nnd sec the host lots over
FOU in Wa-t Onmlm , , it $ .151) ) to * SUO per
lot. This is elegant ptopoity , Como nnd M-O it.
Amos , 1507 Km mini.-- ltfO-10
T71OII SALlLots In Tliornbing Tlnco on licit
JL ! Line $200 to SJOIl oiicih , monthly pnj month
0. E. AIuj no , loth and Kill num.
TjlOKSALi ; .thoiiFOs and lot. 1S ( ! feet fiont-
JL1 agoiionts for $50 a mouth. I'llco. $1,500.
Cunningham & Hronnan 1111 Dodgo. U8J-8
FOH SALE Abaigaln for ashoit llnio in lots
In bhliins addition , Uvo cor. , lot UO It on
Cnldwoll bt. , lJOO , homo smaller lotb$5Miind 0)0. ( )
W. T. Giuliani , Urolghtou block- 15.J-2
FOH SALi : Ixit , COx.141 , with .1 now cottages ;
i onts lor $50 poj mctiith , on 17tb , near l.cnv-
woith , $1,500. A. iltGirTock , IJiO'J ' I'mnnm st.
"I71OHSALE llonntlfiil ipsldonco lots in Wnl-
i. nut Hill Silo to $ lioo each ; lo pel cent cash ,
balnnco monthly pajmonts. O. E. JInjno , Agt.
1 > .11) ) .
FOIthALi : LaigcKtsl/pdlots in
West Onmlm , ut.ra ( ) lo fbOO pei lot. on easy
tonns , Amos , 1507 I'mmim. 127-10
FOU SAIii : I nigo IIOIIFO , torner lot.on Cnii-
Itlil lllll , Si,0i)0. ( ) A. McGiuock , 150 ! ) ruiniun.
FOH SALE Lots In TJiornbuig I'hice on Holt
I.lno.fOOto S.WI each , monthly aj niontg.
C. E. Maj no , llth and Kuimim. 11 1' ) .
Foil SALU A house-mid lotM\i2. ; ! on Chi-
cngo stieot , gl.llW. This is woith hi-clng ,
Ciiimlngham i , Hicnnan , 1511 Dod-ro btieut.
' tfcO-8
7 ? < OltSALE llemitiful loMdnnco lots In Wnl-
V nut Hill f2T ) lo JAiti each ; lo per cenl cash ,
balance monthly pujinputs. 0. E. Jlnyno. Agl.
FOll SALU Lots 51 nnd 177 nt $110 1 o $ MO.
Tiles-erne Imndsomiist , lots In West Omnlm ,
Ensyteims. Amos , 1WJ7 l-'ainain , 12b-10
Foil SALK Stnioliicontor of the city , with
lease , lUtiiios lor eako biiKoiy , Ire cicam
[ inilorand lostaiuimt. itont lnw. Addiets D ,
E. , llco Olllco. 14.MI !
I 7OIl HALE 120 acres , npnr cltjOesliablo
1 acio pioperty In vuiious localities. . .1.V ,
iiiahull , 150U Knrimm. liGO-14
ITlOIl SALE Lots In ThoLnliuig I'laeo on Holt
1 Line , (200 to ( lliX ) each , monthly payments.
J. E. Maj no , i.lth nml rninnm. 11H.1U.
FOH SALE Lots In Hnnocnm Place fiom 4K)0 ! )
to SIMJO. easy luinm. Lots on I'mk ami
Jioigla A\oniies § 1500. W. T. Giuliani ,
Jiolghton block. 151.
OH SALU Clniendon nnd Aillnglon still ol-
1 tortlno lotn IvivuliM ) wanting homes. ,
1'boho lots Kill on eiify nwms at 4,150 to $550 per
ot. School , ohm < , ] ) ( ! ? ; rtoi cs , cm BUI o nlicady
in tlie'-o two addltliViife , a lid the sales In Clm on
ion nml Aillnglon lorwrilajs past mo the best
iv Idonco ol their poiniluiity , AIIKH , IWiT I'm-
nun. Ir * -al JJ15-1
POlTBALE IxiisiitTlioinbiiig I'lnco on Holt
Line , $200 totniOi ) each , monthly pnj mcnis ,
J. E. Mnj no , )5th mVJ rartium. 1,18 ID.
Poll HAI.U Sti 'k o/i'geiioinl moichnndlso
nnd buililliif for icnti , . AddicbS H. S. I' . , live
illite. WU-Hp
_ , ffu _
171011 HALU-Coinor ] ( jt , lOOMOO , I'opploton
1 me. , near Taik : oiihMiml noithliont ; $2jUO ! ,
\ . MUlinoi U , 15(0 ( 1'liiiimii st. 1)67 )
| 7 < Oll SALU A goodllioiipe nnd lot on Call-
l' lornlastippt , .UOOi'.Ciiiinliigiiam & . Ilicn-
mil , Kill Ilodgo. ' ; il IM1-8
C10H SALE-A ioH'ToliTln Itiiitlotts addition"
U Hutu blocl.H liimut-tipetenr , $550 to t'W ) on
nontlily paj ineiils. ' _ JiV. T. Oiiiham , Cieluhton
ilock. i 15U
POK SALU Lots In Molioso , on bolt lino.
This Is us line a tilianco to doiiblo inoncj In-
eMe < l us wii8c > croirutnd. Wo nil UIUM ) lots
low ntfCOOto $ ; )0 ) ! they will hell lortwlions
iiuih In K montha. Ames , liXffl'aimiin. WHU
rl' sou wnnt a cheap house and lot ,
L It jouuint buMMd-H piopeily ,
If jou want iinlmpioted losldenco property ,
If jou wnnt ncio pioperlj1 ,
If jou wnnt toinako a good lines ! men tin any
.liul ot i ( Mil pxtnte ,
If jou want to sell any kind of rcnl oktnto.
Call nl CuniiliighunitS ; Uieiiiiiin'b olIUo , 1511
lfultMIlltlt 1 * (1. ll" . )
Foil SALU-3 lots In KliKwood add. ehcnp.
A ItOnuicU , IDWKniimiiiM. IW
Foil BALU-rNow fctjl licuthiff t > Unoury
cheap , 1U15 Cupllol life. W2-10ji
fJIOIlSALn A jffiod liiU-MniPiitlniifew lots In
I lliiiiMiiui iihuc-nl . uti , tut > liinib , W T ,
liulmm , ficurluon Jlloik , H'J.
TTiDU SAtiR tx > t In we t Omnhn , on I.oivei
JL1 north street : $050 to JMW nor lot. Aino ,
rnrnnin stjcct.
dr.r.o will buj n Inl ono block from 1'nrk nvi
P Choice lots In ] ! nn cnin 1'lnco , $7"iO : inonthl
imjments. Cunnlnghnm & lUcniuin.lSlI Doilg
tlfet _ _ _ _ irrs-s _
$ looo Homo of thn-o roomi on linlf lot , '
block from SniiniU > is , t-no blocks from en
line ; $1CM ciwh , flS per month. M. I' . Scnr- > .
"ITIOU lAr.i : Now n\o-room rottnge : lot 40
J-1 l.llsW. A. HoillcVs ndil.j $ I , W. A. McUi
votk. IWi ruriuim st. vffi
\\7AtNlT HluT nti $ r.O to ffioo cnchjl
> per cent rn h , linlnnco nionthly pnj mont <
Tnko n lido out riinilnjr strppt to Wnlniit 111 !
mid see the tine linilillnirs hn\o lieoi
eifflril this smniinoi. Strcnt pais Mill lie mi'
iilntr to Walnut Hill this Mint or. The Holt lln
lint lornleil ilcpot Kiounds on Wnlniit lllll. 1
yoiiw nut n choice lot cull nml liiko a ildn t
Wnlmit lllll. C.K. Miijno , S. W. Cor. Tilli ntn
ritrmim ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IV I1' .
3710U SAl.U-Ui ( ) 4 lota In Pliliin'Alkl mill , end
( iK ! ) ; i lots In llnn coin place for $ aROO.
( iv : > > i ) t lot In Illmcbiumli plncu , $ il > 0.
( lK ! ) 'i IUTO In ( llsn add. $1,0(1. (
( iflO I lot In Rhliin's mid. fT(4fl. (
(127) ( ) i lot In Hlilnn'a 1st mid. fM.
( HID HOIIMI and lot on Soniml sliect , lo
Cflvlil'i , now IIUIKO fi rootiK , trees etc. S'l.UUO.
' > < ! Ut ' mid. )
( l' ) ) In 1'nrkcis SMITH .
Scdlnn lit Innil In MmiU'k ( "o , at ? 4 per ncrn
aHK ( ) iici us In Munco Co. $ . " > uU pur net o mid up
Htl ( cio < i In ntPployCo. WfiO pornpro.
WCfl iicici In Mudl on Co. $ U to $15 per uoro.
r > . iOumU'0 iiuiutiiiota near the city $150 poi
11 iiproa In t'loi once , flno location , ? 180.
7 ncroa In riotenco , ohonp , $ VKI.
W ) iicu" ( iidjolnliii , ' J'loriMice , S75 per ncro.
1'list nioitKiiffes on ImpnncMl liiiina In llil
state , bciuliiK1 li lo lUjior cent Inloioit. rnniiliij
4 and "i j IMIW. Jlich niorluiwo Is about M of tin
\ nhio of the fnrni. llumllii i. lliown.nii Sontl
llthstioi'U 7 .i-lU
$ ' no Cor. lot In Klrkwood ; JJ ciish nnd tlmo
M. r. Scats. lill-ia
FOllSAIiE-Hemitirulrroldpitco lols In Wai
nut lllll ; 2oto fi'xKi ouch : lo iior cent rash
biilnneo monthly pnj monts. C. II. Mnyne , A t
TTIOlt SAI.K Houses and lots on monthly pay
Jinputs. . I ) , i. llnyduu , Snundui-s , betwpor
Lnko and Willis nves. COO-Sii *
FOH RALE Lots In Tlioinbnrs-l'lnco on lloll
Mno $ . ' ( X ) to J-.lOO oiiuh , monthly pnymonts
( ' . E. Mnj IIP , lijth utul Fnrniun. 1" > 3.1D.
FOH HALl ; yplondld rpsldonpo In bcnit ol
Half aero and line rpsldenro on Cummlnjr St. ,
$ r > , iKX ) .
Lots In PntrloVs Sinntogn addition , S OO to
SJKtl pnch.
Lots in ItlmplmiiKh'fi nildltlon very chonp.
rhonpresin I'lotoiipo.
Ttti > nt > ncips uonr livliifton , $1,000. A bur-
K l" .
Splendid "loolc fnnn of 5W ) ncros In Sarpy
county. .1 W. Mill-shall , 1'iOG raimim St. 03.
XpOH SAM ! Ono ol the llnpst ipsldeiu-o pi op-
1 eiy , ( fl'd-pdtro location , splendid view , east
Iront ; modoin Impiovempnt * . tcnsomiblo prlco.
Aildioss . 1' . , lleo olllco. ,07
TTiOK SAMI Lots In TlioinlntitrPIaL'o on Holt
J- ' Line $2(1(1 ( ( to S.KK ) pnoh , monthly piijmmits.
V. K. Mnno , Kith and I'm num. l.V N.
T71OR SALi : lloiiutlfiil losldpnco loks In NN7 !
JL nut lllll ' J.-io to SUoo each : lo per cent tasli ,
balnnco monthly p.iymtnts. 0. E. Mil ) no , A t.
TI'OH PALI : At a bnririilii , n tlno now rc l-
JJ ( Itiico , tPMI ! tooiiio , idopttio bolls nnd all
inodei it ImpioMMapnts : "uoniniiindliiir n line
view , " with thipo lots nnd IIU-HO ami 111 st-olnsd
bain. Imiiilio ol Edholm & Eiickson. 127
ONLY r 0 lnt < < In trndo for Impioved piopotty ,
v ill tisoiimo innrtKHR-cq or pay dllloi euro in
puah. 1'aitios withinto } tnulo bcllor call at
oiicc.\V.H. _ _ ( ) iPPII OXor Ut Nntloiinl llmiK. 174
T71OIISAI.E IXtslnTlioinblirKVl.ifO on Holt
X1 Ino | joe : to f'loo each , monthly jaymonts.
O. E. Mn > no , 11th and I'm num. 118 19.
SALE Ilonpo nnd lot nnd ton lots nour
I'mk inpiino , choup. on onsy tonns. O.I' .
Stobbins , Itoom ill , AilliiBton lilouk. U11nov7 *
TTIOU SALi : UaciosmiPPSt Cftidon and fiutt
i * land In the suitu , mid 0 miles from Onmlm ;
luno not llio llnio lo look ullprlt. On tlmo or
lor cash. Oil. Mat tin , 100 South Illh St. 371) )
FOll SAI.K Ono ol the llnost rosldonco prop-
IM tlos In Omnlm , $10,000. 0. E. Mnj no , Hth
nid _ rariinm. | I7,1
TT1OJI SAL ! ! Oil IllJNT HilPk UoV'1"-.ialr
J ? li/mnr , nuiiui iuli3lllllll h IIUU. Will Mill On
monthly pnymonts. C. E. Mnj no , 15th and far-
num. 37i
E1 > H SALi : Tluoo now cottiiffos , llvo looms
each , In Walnut Hill ; wood pollars , closets ,
pantiics.clsterns etc. ; two lots with o.ioh tottiiL'o
$ IKM ) inch. S100 down and $20 per month. C. E.
Jlajno. 1.1th nml I'lmmm. 3"J
Foil SALI1 liuuntlfiil ucro propoitr 2 imloi
trom city , at $125 to S lOil per ncro ; easy
toims. 11. C. I'littcrson.cornor 13th and Turnum
TTiOltSAlJj Uonntlfnl insldpnpo Ioti7i'i"m ' -
V nut lllll Jvilo to f n < , o o.ich , Ioj > or cent cash ,
bnlnnue monthly pujmcntb. C. I ! . Jlnjiio. njrt.
118 ID.
TjTlOll SALi : Jlnpiiinpont lumen and lot with
J-1 commodious Inn n on Cnlilotnlii Btioot near
1Mb , south fiont , f > , n ( > 0.
1'or Milo 1'nll lot ( rood t o story R loom house
on rulllotnla , location % oiv doslinblu , tiG KM. J.
13. Itiluy It Co.,21,1houlh Uth htiont. 223
FOK SALi : iriolRon Ocoifrln nml Virginia
nvos. , Itodlck'b ndd. $1JVJ to $1,500 oath ;
cii'lornis. .
( I'.iS ' ) The nontost t'otlniro in Omnhn , now , nil
modern coiiM'iilpnuo * , tooi iu IILfJ.MW. .
< 2ai ) Ilpiiiitllnl net o lot and house liicinjr pio-
posed lloiiloxmdVo t Oinahii , ,500 , cnsy
(2.17) ( ) nncios with peed bonso , etnblo otc. , 5
miles fiom 1' O. $ ltKjO < iii'-y terms.
( Jtl ) Now ( 'ottaj-'ofi rooms , ( rood bin n , corner
riinnJnnd 1'Jer bticots , $ J,2UO , monthlj jiay-
(171) ( ) Lot fuolnjr Huiiscom park ouPnilcavo ,
fl.wx ) , ensj tcrnih. 0. E. filaj no , IDtli und 1'iu-
nniii. _ ; i"2 _
POKSALK Now house , 7 looms , east liont ,
full lot , mt to alloy , on Hiilimloin Mr ret ;
lot alone wtnth miHily all Hint 1 iibki'd lor It ,
S2OIJO. _ Jj : mio > A , ( 'o. , 2lfi ri. 1 1th fat. BJ1
7 > OHHAIE-Lot In Tliornbiiipr I'lncoon licit
J1 Line { . 'oo to { Joe p.-i'h , monlhlj inijmonls.
' . E. Mil ) no , I5th nml I'luiiain. I'l .l'i. '
Foil HA Li : Two lots on a corner , two blocks
tiom rarnnm , both tor $ l-Mi > , poslihply
jhonp , J. E , Itlloy iVto. , 21.1 Kouth Mia fet. 2D7
WA LN UT HI LL-I . < > s Kto W.oo
ppi cent cash , biilnneo nionthly pajmoiiK
1'nkou tldo out CnmliiLr hticci i Walnut lllll
iml n-d the line hnllillnxh which Inuobciii
iieclid this Biimmor Stipot CIIIH will bo inn
iliir ( to Walnut Hill thin wlntoi. Tim lUilt Line
nih located ilopot iriounds on Wnlmit Hill. It
i on w nut n choice lot , call nml tnKo a i Idc toVul -
intJllll. C' . E. Mujno , t ) . W. cor. 15th mid I'.u-
lain. _ _ L li'1 ! _
POKSALII-OnCoinontSI , loHfl\MO ; liousn
II looms nom-Ktioot ear line , $ -.r.OU ! t-iiKb. J ,
A' . MniHlmll inwilniimniHt. ]
l4i01tSAIiE-rx > UliiTlioinbuur I'lnco on Itrlt
I1 Line f oo lo irJoo each , moiitlil pn > meiili .
. ' . E. Mil ) ne , Illh nnd rninnm. IM id ,
[ TlOIt SALi : Tull lot , f-onth f i nuts very doslr.
L1 nbldi'iopoit ) , onu'd tnrllno. Thlh Ismy
: hc..pat JI.IUO. J. E.ltlloj i , Co. , 215 South Uth
P ( lit HALl -Chpiip , n line lot in Hnnscom
I'lnco. AildiossN. 1' . 1' . . llcoollko. 1 ! > I
I71OH SALE IxitHlnTlioinbuigl'liito on Holt
I Line I2oo to t ioo nuuli , monthly puj monts ,
> . E. Maj nu , llth und I'lininni ,
IjlOll SALU Wo Inuo lots on Vliilon , Cum-
L' Ings , Gpoigl.i it\o , l/onvenwoilh nnd other
licotB , rariiam Mieet Imolnuss piopoi tj. J ,
! . Illlpy \ ( 'n , 'l.'iSiiillil.ltliMieet. _ 2.1' )
mou SALI ; ixit on rninnm , nu\ibf , ti\w \ ,
II verj diislinblolorrosldeiico. Thin will IIP In
lie miuliet onlj nlew dnjs as It tachcap. J E.
Illey \ Co ,21.1 South HJtli oil cot. _ 2W
molt SALE f/its In Thoinlnngl'ineo on licit
I l.lno J-ou lo Jnioo ouch , iiiiint'ilj ' pajmonts ,
' EMiijnejJ1thjiiid I'm mini _ _ _ _ 1501' ) ,
[ 71OII SAl.i ; Full ( oincr lot thi < e blocks fiom
H stuetcms ; beiiiitltul nnd sightly location ;
.ViUo a-h , or f-iiiU on time. TliN is posltixelvu
iiiigaln. J E Hlloy.VCo. , 211 H. 1,1th H.H
IjlOll hALE A two hloij,22\liO , fiiimo build-
1 Ing , biiltnble toi n btoie , ueiir 10th and I'ur-
um bis. Applj ut thli olllio. _ 1M7
- ' - liiTboinbingriaco on licit
1 Llnof'Wto y'JV > inch , monthlj paj monts.
1 E. ilajno , llth nnd l-'anmin. ivs.iu.
71DH SALE 1'nll lot with now lioiiFo.4 moms ,
I pantijtellai , clslcril , poicli III liont ,
Hilda ; less than llm o blocks fiom u-d car Him ;
woiih o\er N J , all lor "
' , Hy | iaj inoiits ThH Is nli-u u baigaln. .1. E.
; lley & Co. , 215 P. nth Mieot. 2,11
'TiOUbALE ' UiUliiTtioinhiiiKTi'acu on Hell
1 Line $200 to . ) ( nth , inonthl ) i > a > nioiitb.
. E Wujno , llth and I'm mini. IM.I'J.
71IISAM ( : At n bnrglnii , lot with 2 hout-es ,
' ! 1 and 7 IOOIMH , well , uirloni , barn , \c ,
.111 and Ilaniojlinpiopd juopcilj taken ns
111 1 | iuy. Win. L. Monroe , oth und Doujjlus.
jion SALI : On ruin low Bt.onoof the best
uiiuniud nnd best built cottages In thocilj .
KMims.ali 01 , ono llcior : 4 tlo cts , pnntij ; 12
elliiigs : trnnsomotci ou-ry door ; baspiiipnt
nd wabliiixini umlii klichen ; J.I,1'1hull ) cahli ,
ultimo to suit nt b iii-i ( int. Vviy dcgunblc ,
W. Mursliull , luU ! 1 ainuui. U J
SALE Apro lots In Hpllve < lPre. Just wei
EOII fort Omnlm , $2lMto.T)0 ) each. Those m
lienntlfnl lots and niolHiiind I o double In vnhi
In n phort tlmo. 0. E. Mil ) no , S W Cor. 15th nu
I'nrnnm. l5G-2t
\ \ , AI.NllT ttit.L-LolsdSi > otn&K > o enoli ; 1
IT PIT cent ca h , bnlnnco inoulldy tinj input' '
Tnko nildeoiit CiiiMlnir fttrpet to Wiilnuf HI
and fpo the flnp buildings whk-h hnvo lire
eiceled this summer. Stiect cars will ho tin
nlng \\nlniit lllll this winter , 'Iho Hell Lin
has located dp | it gioiinds on Wnlniit Hill. I
\onwnntncholrelot , will nnd tnlto a ildot
Wnlniit lllll. C. E.Mnjiio.S. W. por. 15th mi
I'mnnm. llio-li
Hi SALU AtlTgfont httTgmn.ono of tli
1 best stock fauns In Donglns poimly ; U
ncres ! 240 ncies in pasture , in In blue grnv
1(10 ( ncies In pultlvntlon , rest hay land ! $10 M pe
ncio. Cnlleoon. J.W.Marshall , 1500 I'm mm
FOIt EXCHANGE-BOncresIn Ilhie Earth Coiiii
tj.MInn , for Onmlm property , Doiiglns C < i
Itenl estate moitgnges for Oinnbn piojioitj-j w | |
pay bnlnnco In cash. A , P. Tukoy , 1301 rniiinn
INU Improved fnrnis.wlll trade for Impioviv
pity propeitjV.H. . Oioen , over IM Nn
tlonnl Ilnnk , 55S
1. to suit tindo. In luurelsor t-ncks. Our"jNo
llpndj llnlsrd" buckwheat Hour , wm routed bos
inndo , n k jourgioper lor II. Hlghost pi IPO pali
for bnckw heat grnlir W. \Velshnns \ Co
City Mills Omnlm. 117.
Foil SALU ruinHmo nnd lonco of hotel niu
bom ding-house. Address 1) . 1 ! . , HenOlllec
FOIlSALi : New , hnndpomcly painted , spi 111) )
wagon. Imuilio at N. W. cor. lutb ami Cull
lornlnSts. fiOl-Klp
Foil SALU Kino family horse wlthhmnosl
IiHjuho N. W. Cor. ivth nnd Cnlltornin.
114-12 *
1J Oll SALU-i'lnno , cheap. Hoggs & Hill.
J.1 071-10
Foil SALU rninlturoc omplolo of n ten
loom hou e , U block fiom postolllco
lionso lor lent , Sli per month. Apply nt 1521
IJodgo st. 145
TjlOll SALE Vnriiltiiro nnd flxtiiiosof thobosl
JL' dollar ndaj' hotel In Omaha , clump lor cnsl
or Undo for other piopeitj1. Cull or addies >
Oto. E. Gllibon,217 S. Illh. 755-lip )
"TjlOll SALE A No. 1 di Ivln/r / or woi k lint so foi
JL' ciixh or on time. W. It. Cioft , Itoom 4 ,
Wlthnell lliilldlng. [ 742
OCOIDUNTAL IIOTEL-T.uiiltllio . for calo
and hotel lei i out Cull nt Occidental lor
Infoimillion , corner 10 nnd Howard St. 0-.1
1011 SALU llnckwbtat bum , 25o p
W. J. Wolslmns & Co. , City Mills. 112
FOU SALU Two lots in 1'oUinm 1'laee , ono
block fiom btieot car tinck. liuinlro H3.
13tb stiect. Kl'i
FOR SALU Or would tindo for a good her o
and bmrgy , HO ncies In Oospcr county. Ap
ply to 218 South nth stiect. _ _ 5qp : !
Poll SALU Ach > nn , now slock of giocorlos.
Addioss ovtil ! , 1'iiwneo Cltv.Nob. 75-ll *
rpo UXCIIANOU-.V > 00 voith good stliplo
JgeiiPitil moichnnill-o. Will exchnngo lor
good NobnibKn or Kansas lands. Adtlicsn llox
65 , Aj nioi o , Nob. 05U- ; *
FOH SALE A baibci shop In n llrst-cluss lo
cation. 1'or piutlculai-s nddiess II. II. , llco
Olllco. B7I ) Up
FOH SALE Complete oiittlt for banking
house , consisting of huge ilio and buiglar
piool safe , lion Hilling , cberrj * counter , plo. , all
now. Would ti ado for Omahn clt v pioporty or
w lid lands. U. E. Mnj no , 15lb nml I'm num. 11.17
Foil SALU-itctnll stock of drugs and tlx
turcs all in good Older : good location nnd
trndo. Addicss X. Y. 'i. , Chuk Diug Co. , Omnlm ,
Neb. 5 ! . ' )
FOll SALU rii&Uclass hotel , giounds nil
ImpioveiiiontH , fl\lnres , bar &o , in u mow-
inircltj I'nco J o.OOO ; terms casj' . AddicssH.
C. I'ntloi oii , llilli and I-'anuun. 450
TioOM-and botud , $ "ipor wcokery best lo-
JLi" cntlon. 1814 DiuoilpoitSt. IGSolSp
ANTIU ) Dny boaidei-s nt 71 ! ) North Ititu ,
near Hurt. 105nov8 *
TIIU W. C. Mct/.norStovo Itopnli Co. , Ill South
IHh St. between Dodge iiml Douglii ! > .
MAIJAM UIKJINIA iiiciiAiiusoN.piuon-
elegist mid ( laliovant , points out unseen
enemies , color their ojos nml hair. The load
to .success. Lnvo nnd business n specially. She
positively einos bilious heuilncnos , ItldnejH.llvor
and all dpiangomontbof the btonincli , dlssolvos
gall stones , vinoscatnrih , the worst cases of
ihcumatisia. Her method of cuiiiig calculus Is
with hoibs , and most uuuploto. Ilonls worst
soics In a month. Iior ttoatmont ot coins ,
bunions , tender leel acts like n charm. Mis.
lildchnrdson comes with mniij' i pcommoiidations
11 inn thopiossiiiidprivato lndl\ldiiuls , colohi ti
led nnd popular bhoittimoonlj)2JNottli ! ) llith
stieot , loom 12.
_ . . an
tlio ncconi-
Wmoilntlimol the hick Suiglcal oppiiitions of
nil kinds hkiltullj poilormeil. Discti'-isol women
n specialty ; Indies In conllnomciit can beio bavo
nbbobitciii-lxacv nnd the best ol'ntlontlon. Cor-
lospoiidpiic'osollcltod. Addioss Dr. .1. M. Suit-
miniPOInoi 1.1th nnd ratmim.or Dr. J. H. It.ilpli
toinerliltli and Fainam. Tvlojliono5.W.
51(1 (
Cnoici : Confcctioneiy mid cljrntB nt 71' ) N.
l th St. 101-12'
IADlESIn want of good Kill for gcnoinl IIOIIFO
J v\oik iVc. , can Ilinl thorn bj applying at Ouin-
hn Emploj-meiit Iluicnii , 1120 I'linuim St , 017
ALWAYS on bund at a baignln , No 1 second
hnnil carriage plinolons ami hldo-bar bug.
glob , at A. J. Slmpbon , liU'J und Hit Dodge St.
mo\odund pucl.od , ; J N ,
10th street. 5iil-12p
LAUIUS In wnnt of good domestic help onu
bo suppllpil by culling on the Onmlm Em-
| ) loimcnt Olllco , 217 N , l ili St. , up stnlis , JIis.
I. W Moiilhon puimletor _ 871
J311 IVY vaults and cesspools cleaned In an
- odoilcsb wuy by K 0. Abel , 1 > . O. llox ! l7tf.
VTO opoiiillon or useless trusses. Dr. M. M.
! - > Mooie , ttll Wnbtish nvo , Chicago. Will
10 nt LO//UIIS House , Octoliur „ " > , ono day only.
I'lONALlSl' , iiUI'Ionlh SI i ( ( ( , botwcen raimim
UK ! llainoj , will , with the nld ol guaidiun
pliits.olitnlnlng lor nny ono a glaum In tlio
HIM and piosont , and ol cm lulu conditions In
lieliituio Jtools nml shoes nmilo to oidci.
'cilocl hiitlslaetlon giiainnteed ,
IToticn to Graders.
lllds will boieciihcd at the olH i of Mendol-
olin \ I'islior , Aichllecls , until Oct. 12th , IbM ,
01 tvcaMilliigWliljiiiiUom-tli innioor hi s fiom
ho piomlmtidii South fcldo of Leuvcnwoitli St. ,
lotwecu Ulli and llth bis. oel-7-dlt.
npllnl . . $15n,000
labilities of btockboldoiH . : JOO,0 < X )
amps K llojd , I'loslddit ; Win. A I'nxton , Vice
1'Uhldont ; L M. Himnntt , Managing DI-
loutoi ; John E. Wilbur , Cli&liloi.
Uth qunitcily ttnlniiifint of nxf-ctH and liabili
ties nt close of liiMiio s , bejit. W , Ibti5.
tnns , Hal oMnto . ? l1ln.ii M
rfians , collateinl . 4HtM uo
lends . . . . . liH.iM ) W
I'liiiantH . 5'HH ' | j.l
leal f > tate , K nnd 1' . . , , , „ . . , . 21W IM
Ixponso , . 2,1117 VJ
' ' In banks . , . „ , . . " , , . 57,11i 8(1 (
abb on hand. . , . , . , . . . 1 1 * 15 Oli
npltnl pniil Inr. . , . I'M.OOO 00
fndHlded puultg , not Inclitdlng nccli-
iniilatcit It. E. lotmn . KO.'im 41
icjioslts . 51 .2:1721 :
Niimbor of ac < oitntn to dntu ,
2TATE 01' ' liUIIAhKA , I ss
3 COIIM > m Uiitmi < iH < f
I. John l < Wilbur , cathlcr of Omnlm Hnvbigfi
auk , ilo fcoloinnljwcai thai lluiianni ; -
iciil It tine to the l > t ol my Kiiouhdgo mid
pile ) JOHN' I' VII.HEIt. . Cn lilei.
iSiihu-i llxd iiii'l Hwi'iu lo bcloiu mo this loth
n > of Oololiei , | f"Ci r.i'UMinS lt\tf
utnij 1'tilillo in and ) oi J/uiijiliii / lotinij , Neb
Billiard Tables.
THE illiUNSwIClC'llAtiKtXwfinKNnmi A Oo
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
Ami Snloon , Olllco mid Him * rutiiro * .
nml Huron Sts. , Chicago , III Onmtm ollloo , Ml
10th HI.
Book Binding. Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And IJlnnV Hook Mnmifnclurois , No * . 100 mid
las South 14th Street , Omaha , Neb.
Butler Tubs.
Manufacturing of Butter Tubs ,
M Ib. It'O ! 40 ft , ! IOc : C5 Ib. ! MP ! 'M Ib , S2i | KM It ) flrk-
ln * , IKK ) . IPth mid Horeo fit , Omaha , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX MEYI'.H .1 ( X ) . , '
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Guns nnd Ammunition. " 1,1 to SlSouth 11th
Stieet , Kyoto llttl rarnnm Slicet , Omahn , Nub.
WUST & ritrrsnujH.
Manufacturers of Flno Cigars ,
And Wholesale ? Pouters In Tpuf 'robiiii-os. Nos.
UH niut 110 N. 14th Htrui-l. Omiilia , Nob.
Eagle Cornice Works.
.Tolin rponutur , I'l-omli'tor. Miiiiiifnctnrpr of
Onlviinl/pil Iron and Cornice lUI Dodeo , and 101
and 10. ) North lOtliStreet , Omnlm , Nob.
lUTr.Ml'INCl & HOI.TI ) ,
Mnmifnctnroisof Oriinincnlnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , rinuN , ISthSt. Woikilono
In aiij pait orthoeoiinlry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Sl'ECIlT , 1'i-opilolor.
Onlvnnl7od Iron foinlpos , , Speoht'slm-
piti\ed I'ntent MolallleSUllBht. Cas and 610S.
12th St. , Omnlm , Nob.
Doors , Sasli. Etc.
Miinufacliiiprand Dealer ( n
Doors Sash Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
Etc. Stair Italls n cppfinllj. Telephone No.
Ifith nnd Maicy bt , Omnlm , Nob.
Electrical Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
L. W. WOLKE & CO. , Elpclriclang ,
MiiFonlo lllock , Omahii. linrKlnr Alarms , Holts ,
Klio Aim ins , Eleetiln Mnllhu , SnoaUInif Tubes ,
Gold , Sllor and NIokol I'latlntr , Etc.
Iron and Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Tire Nails a Specialty. Omaha , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinoiy , Castings , Steam Engines , imllorfl ,
Areblli ctinul lion Woik , lion HililKos , Mftilnjr
and Mill Machinery , Olllco and woiKs , Union
1'acillo It. It. , 17tb and 18th Streets.
WEAHNE & HltO. ,
Foundry Works.
for. Uth and Jackson Sts , prepared to do all
Kinds of lion and Hiaps Castings ; also , O , 0.
Itannlstor's Kockliitr ( Irtito liars iminnfnotiirod
1) ) . M. HULSK ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnniifnctmliu" Jlattipssop , HoddlliRFenthor
1'lllowH , ( kits , Etc. 1200 nuil 1208 Uoutflns Street ,
Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcnns runts , SbliIs , Elo. , 1102 iindllM Douglas
Street , Omnlm , Neb.
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
100 S 14th St , Omnlm , Neb. Ordcisby mail BO-
Ilcltod and will icteivo prompt attention.
Omaha Safe Works ,
M nnitfiiclnroror li'lionnd IIuiKlnrPioof Snfoq
Vault Doois. .lull Woik. Shutters and Wlro
Aoik. . Cor. llth nnd Juckfaon Sts. , Omahn , Nob.
Soap ,
] ' . .QIIEALEy ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Ofilco nnd I'ncloiy , nciir 1'owder Bfiifin7lno. :
_ Omaha Nob.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
nilinndl.117 Hiirnoy Btieot , Omahn , Nob. Solo
i Nobinslia tor Jones' Colebiulod Split
EstJibllshpd iai8.
A. J. SIMl'SON ,
The Leading Carriage Factory , Jr
HO ! ) and Mil Dodge Struct , Omaha , Nob.
JVhite Lead.
Con odors nnd fiilndeiBoC
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Dmnhn.Noh. I nvl Cmlor , 1'icis j 0. W. Menu
Vice ] 'ios.j JI , W , YutuB , boo , und Tioas.
The Mlllard ,
i. Shears , J. I ? , Mnrkol.Tlins. Swobo , Proprietors
Qmiilm , Nebraska.
Arcade Hotel ,
JnnioM Cii oy , 1'iopi lotor ,
1215 and \i\l \ \ Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb.
hopationagoofcoiiunoiclal men lospeotlnlly
MillclK d. They will llm ! this the beat ti a duy
houbo woat ot Chicago ,
The Cozzens ,
I' , llnmsoy Si Co , , 1'roprlotors ,
ales $3 do per dny , no dink i minis. Also I'uloco
Hotel Santa To , Omahn , Neb.
Canfleld House ,
or Ninth nnd raimim Sts. The beet $3 per
ij hotel In Onmlm Itomodclod. Hiliijiilsi ,
dopiatpd ; ono block fiom army hoaililinrters | !
| iioslln | Dnlon I'ncllle Iiradiiiiutors | ; btieot cars
iths tlio door ( icoi e Cnnlleld it Co , pi opi Io
ns Also Union btotlt Ymds Hotel , South
Hotel de ( lees ,
1' , OOOS , I'loprlvlnr ,
nuropcnn Vlan. Tlio ( inly conn ally lornted 13
diiv liimsu. Tliieo ilooiH fiom llojd's Opera
om-onnd ( iiid-lmir block li'oiii ' llm 1'ostollleo
id I'llVDIIII ' IluitbU. I'M , 1J10 , 1D1J i'aintllil
Planters House ,
q B. n'.ititis , I'ltoi'itiirroH.
llnlnt , * 1 Jl per day. Mud caib Irom U. P.
p i nlililii HUP blue ) , ot IMIIIDU. Coruor
Ii > lhbtiiet8 , Oiuuhn , Nib.