HE BEE FIFTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , MONDAY KQ OCTOBER 12 , 18S5. NUMBER Off. Nebraska Stands Pirst Among the Com States In tbc Estimated Yield Per Acre. SATURDAY'S SPECULATION. The Week's Closing .Mnrfcota Various Mnttorn nf Intel rM In AKi- rnl , Hpeonlulhi- Ilvc Stock Afl'ntrs. Coi n , Cotton niulVhont. . v , Oil. 10. The.department of ngrictiltuiu reports that the jiuld of wheat per aeie for the area liaive ti-d IK 10 % bushels uml only nlno on 40,030,000 acres. The area hincrtletl will mil exceed ! HKK,000 ( ) acrew. Coin Inillcallons point tea > leld ol ! iOJ bush- olftpe'r acie , whhh would give a yield ot 10.003.000 bushels. The oat ciop exceeds r.00,000,000. Tlie condition ol cotton dioppcd fiom 8 ? to TRpei tent. The fiojt lejioit.sot the de'paitment of agrl- eiiltuie S.I\H tin- high condition ot cotton In June anil .lulj was not maintained In Au gust and September , hev ciestoi ins and e\- cea-Mvi' laltis prevailed , liiisl has dcsliojcd the foliage and wonns have Injineil the linit Avinsc than foisi-veial JIMIV. Another fall In the ave-rage c ondltlon occmeel from olghtv stiven on the 1st ol heple-mbei to eighth-eight. The avei.uo in October In the census vear was b.l , the ulti mate vield ot fem tenths of a bale. ' 1 his .vear the gieatest decline' Is in Uio region of the highest i.ifo ol j leld , In ducing lolativc modiiction. The de-p n tiiient estimate of Ihe Incieise ol area since 1ST' ) is ! Mpei cent. Uctuins icl.ite both tea con dition and to lespcctive jield ] it > i.uieiii hnndreillhs ot a ba'e. ' The figures must not bo ( ujnsldciicl tlnal us the date ot killing liosts and autumn wi-.ilhei mav easily cause a va riation nf a tii | iitet ol a million nt bales. It Indicates a million bales mc.ie . than the list jcil'4 crop , subject to nii'teoiologlcai con ditions. Theeirn crop is made' with v civ little In- jurj fr mi frost and with a vie Id slight ! ) above the avenge. Tin- gent nil aveiage ol condition is tlie same as last month , nine ty-live a liifiiii1 not obtained In Oclobct since IHT'.l. The vicld pei airewlll be ictiinicd next month , but piemen ! Indications pulnt to lull ) tvve-iil-slx anil one-halt bushels poi acie. Ncbiask.i slanels highest , onlv Wisconsin , Mlnne.ota , Kalis ts , Viigini i Ninth Caiollna and the I'.iciiie stntc-s fall below ninety. lUtinns foi wheat r.ie on the basis of the yield per aeio lei the aiea hnivested. The average is iihoul 10' ' ; bushels , it is only nine-busiicls on thi ) area so\vn , which was nc-.tily 40,000MX1 ae-ie-A. The aiea haivc-stcd is notpieiistly dcteimintd , but will piolmblv not exceed . ' .1,000,000 at ic's. The st.ifes avei- injlng foui to six bushels are : Virginia , the Caroliii's. Ceoigia , WestYiiglnia. Kcntiickv and .Missouri. ' 1 he letuins ol eight bushels uml over : Ohio , \l ; Illinois , < i'j ; Califoi- nla , a/i / : I'eniisjlvania , 10 ; Indiana , lO.b ; iuvva , H..Mimicota : and Mainland , 11 f > : Wisioiisin , ll.i ) : Texas. I'JI ; Nc-vv Vcnkand Oregon 155 ; Michigan , - ' ! ! ; Colonulo , Jlon- taui , llah and Washington Tenitoiv.SI to ! ) busliels. Ol i'je the average is 10.1 bushels , ncaily ! 5 bii'-helb shoil of the vield of issi. The aveiage jiclcl oC bailey is about 2'J busliels i > ei acre- . 'llio condition of. potatoes has sciionslv decllueil on aciount ot thepievalein-i-ot lot in vaiiousdistiicts , 'IhetleclinerioinSeptem- btr wan 11 points. 'Hie avenge .vield ot octs Is about 2S ' ' instiling a ciop ot GOU.OW.CO'J Clilc-a/jo liUp Stock Market. CIIICAOO , Oct. 10. [ Special to the Ilr.i : . ] CA iTMJ Receipts ol c attlu lor the diy -f.OO , ) , against llr , > " > list Satnrdaj , anil for the week 4'i.TS1 iigainst U.-O" last week. Tlicieweie only a few carlo ids of natives on sale , and thej sold at about tlio simopiioc as yestei- day. Texans ami i.ingeis foimed the bulk of .supply , anil diesscd bc-cf opei.itors owned half tlio Te-xans on , hiving bought them in Kansas City , and the lemaineler sold toi about thc" > amc as Kilday. Ono Hi in had sixty caisof i.inge cattle on sale , and up to a late bom wcie not dlsposetl ot. The salesman , in an Interview vvitli a icpoitei , said he would cany the lot ovei uiilcshe could getasgood range of price's as vesteiday. Taken alto gether , trade is slow , and pikes , as eoinpaieel Avllh ji'steidaj , lathei weak. Join thousand cattle is a linger number than can he com fortably disposed ol on Satmday vvitli ship- out of the maikcl. Shipping steei.s , Iiern ! to 1,000 Ibs5 ! ! ' ! ( ! 5 00 ; l.'OO to 1,8.10 ItH , , $ -tr,1ri0 ! ! ; UIO to l..W ) Ibs. , 5't7,1@l-IO ; Htockeis and feedeis. WJIOCidSi ; cows , bulls anil mixed , 61 bM.'l' 0 : bulk , k'i ' ijO@ ! so. Tinougli Texans sold at f--'OivdJcX ) foi cows , and SJ.7fiC'.t.40 forstccis. 'NVestern rangeis s lathe i weak and about 10e lower. Native tive- , and halt bleeds , fc..Hli { . ( ) ; cows , ( (1(1.75 ( ; winteicd'l'exaiis. S'OOv/i'Wd ' ; sales til 1M ! ) Coloiiido Texans , 1,0H ! ) Ibs , * l.05 ; sj Wv- oiiiinir , 1,01X5 Ib-i. : i.T3 ; ( Xil .Montana Texans , 1.0'U Ibs , : ) 0 ; : w Dakota , l.K.s Ibs ? Wi ; 11J Wjomliig , 1,114 Ibs , 54.35Jl ; Wyoming , l.till Ib4. . i , 'JT Wjomlng < ows. J,0lu Ibs , yxiijjs ; ' .r Wjoiuingcows , i.orsibs , si oo. Hems-I'e'celpls ol Imfes lei the day were 10,0(10 ( iipmi , against 1 l,4."i last batuiday , and linHX ) lor the week , against ! Ubl 1 lei la .t wi'ek. AVith big in a inn bight forlo-day ami next week , salesmen concluded ft was no lime to dally with buveis , po tiiev "let 'em Hllde" at a sluip down tuin of about 10e on medium to good soils , and about TH-on best. ionili { odds and ends soldaslowas tlIOi/.V ! ; ) . and bin stiings of , ordinal v paeklngMnts at i 170yi.l.to , anil best , W nssoileil ht'.iv ) at J.l.Kl.cM.o"i ( , J.ugelv at * : i.H ! ) . ' \ Lluht soils sold at S-WHa ) ! ff > , laigelj at S.t.so A oritiAij ; SI-IN-SATION. BIATKSIh.XT OK A PI.II1OI s IIIU'KI CIA HUN IN 'uii : ( jt'Vi.irv OK AMi.nioAN vvni\r. : CIIK At.o , Oct. II. [ Special to the Hi : : : . ] In an edlloiinl this morning thu Tiibuno w > : "A note fiom a Minneapolis miller tea a gentleman In this city states ( lint wheat ground by him lust week jlelds only about thioo-cinaitersas much Horn as that ot last usir. TliMsti Mtrpilslitg slatement , as it would I iidleato the necessity of the consump tion of about bushels of wheat foi each bairel of flour , that would mean ( lint thu wheat ciop of ! Jd7,000,000 mcasuied busbe-ls. wlile-h appeals to lie thu latest goveinmeni estimate , Is only itjunl to about STi > .00 bushels good wheat for thopnulnc-tlon of jloui. Wo need not say that this would leave' us In the position ot not a single bushel nf wheat to npaiu lor e\- jioit , civini iifli'i cuuntliv In the sin plus 10- inalnlng fiom the eiop ot listve.u. Wotlvo tills ttatement without Indorsing It. That thn average bushel ot wheat of the ciop of ' 82 Is not ciiil | to that of 'M , dls.ipju'ais tiom n glance at the statistics of dally inspection In this and other mail > ets ot thu unmtij. Hut the ictlucthni In value may prove to bo Jar less than nbovo Indicated. " Ooverninent CmcAtio , Oct. 10. Thogoveiiiment'o Octo ber crop it-port estimates to-day gavu the "hulls" In the wheat pit the Hist real set-back xvhlch tliey have icccheil since the pie.scnt Vudgo began , Mhp icpoit got along about noon , U was something In Iho nalinoof u jiuzj'le , and at Hist no t\\o biokers a''ieed on V hat amount , but it was finally flguie-tl that Instead of the I0iwooyo bushel decieaso Yvhlch the ( rade generally expeoli'd , a 0,000,000 bushel IncieaRO was shown , uml .straight way the wheat maiket biokc. Tievioiia to Ibis tliu fe'ellnghad be-entnin and gooilbny- liiit bv HaMei and Wootllmry .t CounseJmaii , nnd In Iho news that , iiotvviilM niiling iho ittvnt blood eil the heal tlisnatt lies limn the Nmtliue- Minneapolis millers , at olio of ttie-Ir "bv nlghl" siiilngs , iiad vvoil.etl up their puielmsiiii ; pikc ! > to le , nviendin0' to Rraele. K was reiwrtcd ( hat 100,000 bushels of wheat had been posted out of condition nt Haltlmoie , nnd a small lot at New York , but buying orders accompanied both reports , and they hnd llttlo effect. All cstlmilea on the government rates were favorable to all the way down. I'lieeselroppcil l&c fiom the highest ixiint , andelosed iitthe bottom , le nndei jesteida > 's figures. To-night the feel- lin ; Is rather easy. It is generally believed th.it the \islblo supply has Increased at least a million bushels this week , but on any bicak caused by this tioluU are given to buy. October corn followed wheat , opening nuiet , adviniclng fractionally , ami then breaking 1' ' c. Futuies weie sto.uly till clay. Iho talk ota corner was not so conll- ilent as yesterday , and of the opinion that the nuvv- crop Is too large nnd too near to make such a movement a success. Trade in pro visions was time. Increased receipts of lm s , ami lack of cash demand , was tlie depressing liillucnces , and pork lost "e , and lard and ribs 5c. _ Coal OH In KIIIISOH. LA CvnNK , ICas. , Oct , 10. IViiy Cllno , a gentleman well known heio and in this vlclnltj , to-day brought to LaCjngo information mation of the dlseovciy of coil oil fifteen miles east ot this city. The oil Is on the farm of Kll Henderson , a Quaker ininistci in Hates county , Mo. , about four miles east of Dana , a place for a number of jears known as West Point. The dis covery was inaelo In drilling lor watei ut a depth of 117orllS feet , and at a depth ol VMS leet coal oil Is being lemoved by a slow and laboi ions process at the rate of. some-lhlngovei llftv gallons a dav. In drill- lugathiit.v-sK Inch vein of coal was pnssed through , another indication that the vein of eo.il nuclei Ij Ing Lacjgno extends not less than fifteen miles east of this citj. In eonse- iiueneeof thecoal oil dlscovei > coiibideiable intt icst is likel > lobe taken In the eounliy siirioiiniling it. TUB STUKHT OAH STUIKU. QLiir : iti.si ( > iiinmi : ; wonic OF nincoM- jin inn of AiiiiiiKAnoN' . Si. Lotn , Oct. 10. Tliis moinlng's devcl opmcnts in the stieet car stiike aie much more quiet than was expecled after the tu multuous pioccediiigs ot jcsterelay. There had been no ilotlng dining the night , a1- though thcio had bi-en a demblo jilatoon of police In waiting all night at tlio station. This moining the business men's committee' , appointed toaibitiato between the stiikeis and sheet cai piesielonts , met at 0 o'clock , and at ! ) ; ! X ) they were met by a committee mitteo of live liom the Kniglfls of La bor , headed by Caspei lleep , secietaiy of the executive board of that oigani/ation , who have been piactU-allv manning tlie sliike since Its inception. The stiikeis' committee said that thi-i would adherti totheii demands , especiailv Unit of demanding tlie twelve limit rule and the pajment of twenty cents pei hour lei exti.i woik. They further stated that the Knights of Labor took no account of the eainings of aiiv load , but demanded living wages lor all emplovt-.s undei all ciieumstunces. Hecp submitted a table showing the street cai lines in tlio town , and showed that the men woi keel on nn average of 1GJ5boms pei day , and that duvcis weie paid on an average $1.50 aiiilecmiluetoisSl.75 pei dav. Thcj now ele- iiiinil twelvehouis lor a tlav's woik , nnd the conductors bo paid 2 and cliiveis S1.7X llio street cur lines weio all running at noon , most ol llio sti iking lines liav ing about two thuds til tlio usual numbci of eais in oiieiatlon , each managed by Iwo policemen. There has been some rioting to-clav. The mi > or and police he-Id a meeting at noon to svveai In lne bundled special police. 'Ihe prcsliimit ol Clio I'cojuo s lallitnia cautu in and lepentcd that u mob was irathcring at his buns and intimldatlni ; tlie tliiveis. Chiet of I'ollcellairigan immediately telephoned them toiiintlnoiigh.no matter now many police would bo leiitilicdto piotcetthem. A num- bei of spec ! il policemen wcie bvvoin In and sent out on duty. The inquest on the body of Johnllavey , who was shot and killed vesteiday bj I'o- litciiian Hannun , will begin to-moiiow at 10 a. m. M'MIAY DISTUIHIANCnS. Si. Lot'is , Oct. 11. Tiio most sei Ions event which took place to day in connection with tlie stiike ol the stieet uii men was the stop ping ot eit'lit cats on Ihonoith end ot the lioil\\a\ ! ( line b > tlio mob and the eliiving away of Uio conductois anil thivcis1. 'llio police weie soon thenami about a do/en attests weie made. Some locks weio thiown at tlie c.us but nobody was hint. On tht'southein end of the same road , a lot of biick and bonldeis and two 01 Unco sec tions of "ixtoen inch lion watei pipe weio plated on the track. Tliecais weie stopped and iigic-atciovvdgatheied but noliaim was dime to anvbodv. Tlnee anc"ts weie made. 'Jiiet track of the Hello Fountain road vv.is also obstuieled but the cai men weie not in- terfe-iioel with. More than a do7en toi pcdoes w eio put on the Ollvo stieet track west of tlilitj-lnst stieet after ! ) o'clock tonight , anil their explosion by cais parsing ovei then caused some flight among the passengeis niitl thie-e ladles fainted , butth.it was the oxtentof tlio damage. The executive committee of the Knights ot Labor offei ed thu sei vices ot the Knights of Libor to the police authorities today , us special policemen to assist in piesoivlng the peace. Thej have not > et been accepted. OIIUKOII SCANDAL. riu cincAtio mini M.iitYiva 10 HOOM A HUM , viovnvinxr. Uosiov , Oct 11 [ Special to The nii : : . ] The opiionents of Hev. W. W. Downs ( ho scandalized pastor of Dowdoin Squaie IJap- tcstel.uiclupioposo to await no longer Iho slow motion of the contts and have tletei- iiiinetl to push ( lie offending ministci to the wall , ei ) at least to find out whether ho had Impioiiei ii-latloiis as allege-d , vvitli Mis. An- iri Tabot. b.itinday , when the legiihu chine h piajei meeting was in piogiess , sixlj-eiglit iiieinlicis ot the society who na\o been le- centlj alienated by the iiastoi's iieeull.u con- duet , ni.nchcd In logethei. Theli spoke-s unn , Deacon Wiibui. made a pioposltion foi an Investiiratlon. and it was voted to beiin tliuinepiliv next 'llmisii iy niglii. Tlio ilos- ton Ne ith liaplist asso'Iition. In which the ehme'i ' belongs , is also consldei ing tlio ciies- | tlon of linesilgatlm . Downs , nnd it is oxioctedth.it tiom this final tei eamo Die in spiration of last evening s action. Thu cilni- Inal chaig ) against Downs and thoelivoico suit ot Tabm against Ids wlto aio both to coiiic up this week. NolnilKku Citj'w Ice NnniiASKA CITY , Oil. II. [ Special to the llii : : . ] The new HuilingtoiiitMissmni pile Inldgoacioss tlioMIssoinl wascoinilcted ) lo- eliij and the lii&t ixgulai train uosu-d ut ( I o'clock. _ An Hnrthtjnako Shook IAXCIHII no , Oct. 10. Tlneo distinct shocks of eaitlniuako weie felt heio last , night between 11 and 1'o'clock. ! . A loud tumbling sound picccdeel each shock. Thedliectlon ot thuelistuibuut ! was due noilh nnd soutli. Mniiv people weio lilghli < ned bj thu nolso and ihoshaklinrol' the windows anelluinl- liuv , anil luclieel Into the ! stieet. This U thu liist shock felt In tills vicinity lei ten > eais. crri I'ostiiiasti-i' . Sl'iilNdi'in , ! ) , Neb. , Oit 10. [ Special lethe the Hi.r. ] 0. K. .Siciiniinn | , postmastei nt Kpilnglic Id , who icsigncil last sjuing , and lias been tijlngeve-i sineeto get ilel ol the ollleo , was iclleved tothi ) bv the appointment - ment ol Di. Itogcis loinieil > ot tills place , now ol lU'iiKIeman , Neb. A GhftiiiKo Kiilcltlc , Cm , voo , Oct. 10. The body ot W. KA- moiiHiii , of Ksdaille , cleik lei Itobt.Vaiion \ iV. Co. , who has. been mMnu lei thu past wte-k , was found on tliu lake ) shoiuthN inoiiiiiig. lie is siipiHise-d to have committed suicide. Had \Vhent. Uvi.llMOIir , Oel. 10. Toel.l ) JOT.OOO bushels - els of wh'vl ' in llio Canton elovalor weie as hot and out 01 condition , BEYOND THE BOUNDING BLUE The Old World , lia Diplomatic Wrangles nnd Its Events of General Interest , THE EASTERN WAR CLOUD. The LttilK-nii Difficulty thisolvctl Glaelstono Iieatl.s the IilbcrnlN Ilr It i li Ducket-shops Other Matters. The Kui'opcun War Ghniil. LONDON , OcU 11. [ Special to the HKK. ] The IConniclian situation Is little altered bc- joncl tlie hoinly lncreasing anxiety regardIng - Ing the attitude of Sci via , Thonnlvarsal im lircsslun Is that some of tlio great powcis arc secretly backing the smaller states In intciest to make some foi waul movement ncxtweck and thus decide ut once -whether there will be peace or war. Thetrlplo alliance is sustain ing an enormous utrain and tlie ties whkh bind it togethei may snap nt any monieiit. The iccent tnivels of Jt. Dcgicrs , minister for foreign affairs , plainly Indicate the sense of dnngerfeltatst. Pcteisburj ; . ltlssu petted that a OiceU , Servian , or Monlenegiln out bieak I't hoped for at Vienna as tlie most piomislng and natural preliminary to com- jilctetlie leairangementot the Balkan states. That this biispicion is shared bj tlie Marcnils of Sallsbmj is well known , and It H al e > well known that ho Is piepaied to act as Jlrltlsh Inteic'sti , dicl.tte , nnhampeied bj pie- vletiis alliances and iiiiileistamlinKS. The mlddle-cla&s men and men ot no particular jiaity , who lealue tliegiavlty of thobltuation in the east , aie prajing for a stionir eou'in- ment , and the'j would mthei have the toiies whoalwajs n lit moie eneigeticMlly than eithei the wbigs or radicals when Ihivlaiul's KnroiHMii 01 Asiitie piestige Is at stake. The clnonie. meddlers of the peace sodetv baveuddiesseil iilongiind chcekj meinotial to the Servian , Koiimenian and Guelc mlnlsteis in London m-ging that theli pcn- einments shoulel at once stoji theii warlike pieparations and devote theii elfoits to the jnc'seivatloti ol peace. The only one of the fllplomats\vholiasjctreplied te > the memorial Is the beivian anibassailen. JIo has sent a dignilleel bntsatcastlc ipply in which he sajs that hiselaimsaiostionwrand moic urgent thanthosoJtoumclla ; that fceivia's pitnotic tlesiie must be sitlslied , nnd tint the pe'.ue societj would do well to nuo the 1'oweis to satisfv them il it isieallj desirous of avoid ing bloodshed. Gladstone to IJcnil the ! jilcrils. I ONDOV , Oct. 10. Mi. Gladitonc has open ly assumed the dlicction of tlio liberal cam paign and ho has ah eady managed to com pose the difficulties between Loitl llaitlng- ton , leadei of the vvhigs , and 3Fi. Chamber lain , leader ol the ratllcalB. The lattui was making such headway that Lord Uaitington became alarmed and tlneUeiied to witlieliavv f loin active management in the campaign unless Mi. Chaiiibeihun was so lai embed ut lenst as to bo unable to commit the whole liberal pait to his .sc'iemes of radical leform. 'I lie evpiemier summoned theex-piesidcntof the local gov eminent on bond the llawaiden and he went andcon- lenul vvitli .Mi. Cladsione. Tlio icsultof this meeting has been that Mr. Chamberlain lias nitiecd to modltyhis piogiamme of icfoim duihiKthc campaign , at least , and the evolu tion ot a plan foi dealing with the rnaliies the djffuicnt camlielntp.s. . 'I'lie Knfnnn , tlif > vohslifriS ahet othei Ii/ailniK / clubs liavo joined in the appointment ot a general iitbitiation committee. This body is to have the paitv power of dealing with all tlioso cases wlieicin two 01 mine liberal candidates cmle-av 01 to contest for their con stituency , and the livaliy causes in such div - v isions us are likely to aid the chances ot tlie conservative lamlidatob in the same temi- toiy. Tlie lubitiation tommlttec 1ms al- icadj done a eood deil of woik , and It is noticeable that in eveij e.i-e in which it has chosen candidate. ) , this l.uvo In\jiiabl > been modeiate liberals. So lai the action oL the committee his been conciined in by ( lie defeated persons anil no signs ol lebellion have been manifested in nnv ( inaitei. Tlie cominltk'O is composed of twelve pei sons , thieeliom cacliot thelour frieat liboi.il clubs the National Liberal , the City Liberal , the iieioini and the Devonshlio so that ail shades ol political opinion aie falilj lenreseiited in its constitution and Judgment. Mi. ( Hailstone has ndvl'od ( lie atbitiation committees not to impose an ) tests upon the candidates but to leav e them as open u plat 1 01 in as possible. The wisdom uf this ad < Iceisvuy apparent. The question of lemalo sulfrane. lei instance , has taken a sttong hold In some constituencies. In the'o both the Iibei.il and tha coiibcrvative candidates aie found committed to tint bestowal of the franchise on women. Inothci constituencies thcie is a htiomr feeling in lavorof tiiennlal mili.iments. Mi. ( iladstono sees no objec tion to the liberal candidates pledging them selves on all such enicstiont if their nvalsdo It. A canvass of tlio coiinti > will undoubt edly Miovv that a suflic lent niimbei ot candi dates me uhcady pleadingdiecatiseot female Milliago to lahu that cpieslion to one of uigeney in tlie nc\t p u liana nt. Ilritihh llnolcet LOMIOV , Oct. 11. [ Special to the lHr. : ] The attention of the government has been diavvn to the cnoimous Ineieaso ieccntl > of outside stock exchanges , better known as bucket shops , and It Is lumoicil that a bill will bo intioduced during tlie next session of piillamcnt for the pinjiose ol placing this class ol stork speculates outside ( lie pile of [ lie law. The icgulai biokcis complain blt- leilvof the dhnlnlhhed business and vainly urge the stock exchange- committee to expel Ihu J xchango tclcgiaph compan > , whose tapeiecoids the changes In prices thiotighout the mctiopolls. All bucket bhoj > s are 8ii ! > - scilbcis for "tlckeis , " wifhont which their business would bo Impossible , but many members of tlie stock exchange committee. aioalsoshaieholdeis In the Kxchango Tele graph compan ) , and It Is said that theii ren o of iliity Is bomevvhat blunted hy a conflict of inteie.sts. Meanwhile this now scandal is glow in ; ; cnnimouslv. lliicltd-shops foatci ici.klc.-.s gambling by hjneading ninaeltast nllming advertlsi > ments in the shape of pimplilets and iluiil.ns , Knler u bucket- hhop at any time dining biLsiness houis , anil von aio certain to see sc oies of ladles watch- H\K \ the tape and sjieculating on all fancies with n lecHlessncss lrul > feminine. Mingled wltlilhe.se aio found many ol pcilupi the woist male Imiplcs In Komliiii , lull of pio- lesse > d linancl.il vvidoiii > , and ever icadj to t'niiiisli tips ami give advice for whatever thej can make. AtiMilii'H LO.SDON , Oct. 11. Tlio Vienna Fiemden- blatt , an evan of the Anslilaii government , wains Seivla and Gueco that It they com- mento vvai on theli own account they must expect no assistance fiom the I'oweLs. It Is believed that the wanting Is due to a hint ( torn i'linco DIsmauk who Insists upon the picsi'ivatlon of thu Htilln lieatj. The impiesslon Is InciiMsIng In tin ! niiiopcan cuiltals that illplomaev has lulled to au-ange that lioimiellan dlfllcnlt.v owing to tlto Wiiillko nttlludoot heivlaainl ( iiieie , both Intendini ; to light against llul- gailan clomlnuncci tiniest ) the statue quo bo lestoied. Thu Dncliy of HiiiiN. : ; Oil. -I'nncu ) Albiecht , of I'liissla , has been appointed legent of the clucliv of IliunswieK. Thn duke ol Cinnbei- lamllias picitestctl agnlnsl lhoap | > olnlni'jnt on the ground th.it ho U licit to the dnkctlum. D.il.-olu'H Governor , W.v * > iiiNf , rov/Oct. 10. lij peoileehlmtng ] lobe on the Inside it Is stale'el that bofoic : nc'st Tik'sflay doveinoi ( illbeit A. I'leieoof Dakota will bo deposed nnd his sii'ce&sor appointed. The probnble man Is not nnnicd bntSlcbach , who lias imvlo a liard tight , hut w 111 It Is said , not get there. This impiesslon prevails despite the flirt that 1'lciec had as surances from the president and seeietarvof the Interior that he vvoiild not be removed foi a j car. OV Tin : our.AT I\PLOFHON : OK JWO.OOO J-OUNDS or nNAMn i : U.NDKII JIKI.I , OATI : IATUU- DAY MOIl.VINO. I Niw : YOUK , Oct. 10 , Ifja. m. The 2sO,000 pounds of dj namlto under Flood Uock , Hell Gate , lias just been exploded. In order to protect ; life and pioperty at Flood Hock explosion to day the most careful ( ful and complete arrangements had been per fected. A foieoof 150 j police in addition to the haibor police wore detailed near the scenu of action. Ul.ickviclPslsland contained n detachment of one hunched men , while one hundred were on dtitj at Ward's Island. All buildings on the north end of Ulackvv ell's Island wereelearcd of In mates , including the ahnshouse , woikhome and lunatic asylum , who weie massed on the law us at a safe distance from the explosion and eaietully giiaided. In thepenltenthiiy the cell doois were thrown oiien and thepiis- oners conducted outshle. Tlie walls ot the prison weiesimouiidcd by police , while ti laigoloico was stationed among the con victs to prevent riot or escape. Ail points on tbc shore 1 nun which Flood Hock could be teen weie tlenselj packed with people. The police weie kept busj in keeping the eremd outshle the dangei fine. Hopes had been stietchcd aeioss theiivei above tuid below the place of explosion , and launches tioin tlio navy jaid pati oiled the rlvei tebce that no vessels attempted to pa s through. When the bell In the towei ol btanu'B school building stinck 11 , fifty thousand people weio wait ing expectantly lei the explosion which w as aelveitlsed to occur at that hour , but at that moment a number of people were still on Flood Hock. A few moments later , howevei , . ! tugboat took them off , ami then the spectatois braced themselvs lei the ex pected shock. Ladies and gentlemen in cai- i lages stood upon tliiMctishions and leveleil opeia classes towiud thtj Isiantt. A hushed expectancM tell upon fhe vast etovvd. The livci in tjioiclnit > of Flood Hock and llallatt's "point was now tleai ot CJl-els. At n icspoctfiil distance howevei , M'oies of excursion stcameis , jacht.sand tugs weie crovvelcd wlthjieople who waited lor the pleasing of the eicttiie button. At pieelsely 11MJ o clock the bosom of ilvei was pierced with amiihtv upheav.il ot locks and timber. Up , up , went tlie glit tering masses ot watei Minlil It ncemed as If It ncvc'i would slop. At n height of twolmn- clicd teet the nnlilted waters imiseel and tell back again to the ilCcr. Marv Newton , the 11-year-old daughter of Gen. Newton , touched the button which liictl theelectiie euiient tint eijiloded thehiih- maiine mines. 'J'hls Is the ; same child who C'xploded the fust Hell Gate explosion. Tlie shoe kot the explosion was felt onlj slight l > in the Astoria short ! . The noise itsembleel lai distant sutitenanean thnndei. When Flood Hock h id been exploded a m isof bioken wieck was seen on lop e > f it. The bier deirlck which had been left to lit. late tinned overon itsshle , broken. Tlie.hnge tank which had been lei t at the north eiid of the island , still steiod in Its place tilted ovei a little as it had settled when letdown with tlienngij vvateis liom its aeiml flight. ImmecliaU'lj titter the explosion a lire bioke out in the wreck and binned lustily amid the scethini ? wateis. l\m i instantaneous photogiuphs Avere taken by tlie olliceit , of the eoi'ps of engineers from the liringpointat Astoria. As fai as , was possi ble to judge 1 10111 the position and ajipeaiance of the wieck , the ex ] > lo"3jon was a grand suc cess. though lor the nrt'sent the vicinity of the blasted rock will be oven moic dangerous than heietofore until tlu'Mweck has been ie- ' " . . stiuctuie ticmbllngtor flv e seconds. 'Hie unginet'is , ol wlumi ( icnerat Newton was chief , did not , as was expected , make a thorough examination of the work done by the explosion tills afternoon. A tug boat with a lew persons on bond cinised about in tlie vicinity ot the place , but no soundings were taken. The work of surveying the bed of the river w 111 be commenced next week , and it w ill not be know n until after this sin v ej is m ule just what the effect of the explosion has been. One of the engineers to-night In speaking ot tliu work done by the dynamite and lond- lock , said that so tai as his observations had extended the explosion was eminently a suc cess. Flood rock was notbmicd out of sight. Itsankpcihaps tlnee or four feet and that 'koine had nfflimcil that the bed of the river would beso bioken and jagged with rocks that the mldelle clianuvi would become Im passable until the debils was removed. Such did not piovo to be the tact. The sound steamers expeiienced no dillienlty whatevei in making theii tiip tlinnuh the channel. AM. MAY J or HAVi : UMT.ODl I ) . If the work ot the ele < tiic euiient failed at au.v point to ili chaigo the caitiidgcs it was piobably nndei the lock known as "Nigger Uock" opposite the eluctiic light stand on Ilallelt's point. The keepei of the liu'bt who watched the upheaval ot the waters , si Id that the watei at that point was not ells- tuibcd. It might be.Jiowevei , that he was mistaken. The engineei felt confident ( hat an examination nt thu bottom ot thoiivci would show that the locks weie slmttcud. Captain John homers , ol the light house boat John Hogeis , attei the explosion , said : "We weie to buoy the scene of the explosion alter itoccinicd , II nciessaij. Wo lound at the south end ol the island six fathoms of water , on the west end three 01 loin tatlmms. Theie weietlnce 01 loin feet nt watei them befoie this. We did not Unit it necessarj to buoy the pbceatall , while tlfom iln channel isen- lh.l.deal . , so ( hat the explosion Is nndoiibt- ( illy a. success , antlessfls can pass without anj ftai. " i w JIA-I CAV TAIN jinncrit III.VKR. Cai > taln Meicei ot the United States engin eei coips , who loiiueilv had thaige ot the Flood Itotk w oik , said this evening : "Iain peifectly tatiblled. Tlio explosion was a suc cess. It has auomplishcd all that was anil- eidated by those in charge of tlio woik. Ot com so people who expected to see the whole nine.icics.ot lock blown skvvvaid anil tall back to the watei in cobble-stones weie dis appointed. We did not expect that to occur. In my opinion the lock Is in just such a con dition as will lendei its icmoval easj. Of luiiiM ) unt'l Ilu'.siuvejhiiio in.ulo it will not lie known wheie the inideip ills of the lock have been acted upon. 1 believe even pound ot djnamito was exploded and did ll.s duty. When I went on tliu lock with Lieutenant Deib ) 1 did not caie to stay long. WlijV Well , because there was no telling what might happen. It might subside. 1 would nolcaie tel > uuon ] ) itwhen It subsided , and no one knows what effect , the moving of the gases ami thu action of the watei mldit have upon the lower poitlons. Thu sni- luco ot the locic appealed to mete to bo eraeUd and llssined. This Is what was expected. JJIg Nigger Head still shows his eiest abuvo tbe'vvatei , but bow ho is below 1 cannot say. jlnmay chop out ot sight to-moiiow erne may ieo.nlio .mother blast. Little Nigger Head has dls.ippeaieil , bat a new lock appears above the vvalei. Tills must have been thiown up bj the explo sion. It eonihms my belief that the explosion hasnccomplMiitl Its purpose. Yes , leaving all these things aside , I licjlevo It Is a success , both tioin atcIcntllicaiieUenglneeiing point otvlow. " ronoK oi rim SHOCK. Lleulcnant Spcnoer , United Stales en- glncei , v\ho had c'liai-ge * of the detachments sent to I'ati-hogue , Hay tihoie , Jlnbvlon and IVaishall , which vveiocleliiiled tomakeobsei- vations with sisometeisaiiivid Iieieto-nlght , on his v\a > hac'k to William's point. He stated that the vibrations caused by the shmko ! the explosion won ) delected on the mciunv tluenmh tiaiiHllK at the sineial \ . \ - lions at fiom 11 , i5 to H" : " " a. m. The vlbia- tlons weio not peiieptiblo except by the ulel ol thoslseimeteis. ' Hepoits fiom WooeWde , f'oion.i. Hex'nsjln and 1'oit Washlngtem state that tlio shock was telt at thoMs places , iminj dwellings beli > 4 shaken and pla&tei Ix'lng knocked liom celling and walls. In that poitimi cif Long Island Mt > which Jieson thoild-'O of locks luiiiiing east and west from Hell Gale and about a mile and a lialffieun Flood Hock , thu shuck of toda.v'.s explosion was hit miirli moie than In pliui's ncaiei llic'ioe k. Tliu v Miration was suftlclent to taiiso buttles ami glares to ltd ) fiom shelves HoiiM'locUd i > i'nvilijl | | ) \oic'- ] ieut ot Ihu explosion u. ' heaid In tint ill- I eel iuii. MUTINOUS HOTTERINCS , The Growing Kick In the Democratic Work ing File Against the Administration. SO HUNGRY AND SO THIRSTY No Money for Virginia Democrats Virginia's Hxclting CampiilK" Other AflnlrH tl'1'olltloal Interest. . Oct. ll.-Spccal [ ! to the Uii.J : The Vhglnla Demoemtle associa tion held a meeting last nlcht , and Mr. ( ilascoek , of the finance committee , repelled ( hat ho had tried to raise money from District democrats for the \Miglnla campaign fund and had not been able It ) raNe a cent. Glascoek repotted the replies of a number of Washington democrats when asked foi money , and it should bo remem- bc'iedthat AVashlngton demounts have hltli- eito been exceptionally liberal In contribut ing to the Viiglnia , Man land and national campaign funds. Tlio icplv of a very prominent dcmocr.lt was : "No , I am tluough. 1 have voted the elemociatle tlcketevet since I hud a vote , but lam done now. " , Another slid : " 1 hive given for tvventv- Iive- ) cats , but now I'm elone wilh politics and am going to attend to business. " Another "aid : "I have alwavs given some > - thing , but I am done. I thought we ought to have * a change , but it is no better now than befoie. " Still another one said. "No. sir ; not one cent. The condition of tilings In the Dish let now Iswoisothin bofoie the elect ion. His allunceitain. There s noej-ilalntv tor those In in out anil It makes business dull/ ' Again , one said , "No , sir ; 1 have made a fool ol niVM'if , Inn railing foi the demociats , but 1 wouldn't walk iicioss the street to vote nnle-ss I were paid ten il. " Oneof the best known old time-is said : "I am sick of politics. Talk about tinning the iasealseiut.il man spends his time , mid gets no thanks , " but after a moment he said , "I'm foi Kit/ Lee all the time. " lUiOOUY 1'OMTICS. AX ii't : oii : or o VMI > AIONI\O iv VIHGIMA N'KOHOIIS AM ) SIlOTDt'VS. ioNi ) , Va , Oct. 10. [ Special to [ he Un : . ] Kor the tliiul time timing the campaign In this state blood was today. Tlio affair occurred at Williaiusburg , the home of Di. AVIse , the brothei of John S. Wi'-c , the republican c.in- ! idac ( foi goveinor. It occasioned considci- able excitement in the usii.ill ) quiet litllo ilacc. Mr. Brooke , a piomlnent democrat ot Williamsbiirg , was attacked by two Malioue negioes. armed w.tb tloiilile-bairelcel shot guns. They opened tne on Hiooke , intllcting l.ingerous wounds. Leandcr Smith , one of the assailants met Urooke on the street ot the village last night and insulted him. Meeting tins man upon the street to-da ) IJiooke calleel him to account , when the nc- gio and his eonledemto fne-d upon him. llev foio the affray began , a thiiel negio Joined the jiaity exclaiming : "The war was uc'gun and wo are ready for it. " Hrooke ictuined the die of his assailants with a small pocket pistol but the shot did no harm. The scene of this afliay is In one the gieatest Maliono stiougholds in the slate. NHGKO PERSECUTION. ' wno rotiM ) Tni.i , uANnnr.ous TALKS. NEW Oni.KANff , Oct. 11. A special to the Picayune fiom Aicadia , this state , sajs : On lie20th of September , at a point thirty-two uiles south of this place , neai the line of AVinn palish , fem unknown masked men en- cred ( lie houfeo ot Sampson Han is , colored , on pretense of looking lor another man , hue t is lepoited that on entering the house out > f the fem men bcl/eel Hauls , Paying : "You ire tlio man we want. " They shot him twice , ntlicting wcMinels fiom which 1m died. It Is epoited that Hariis was killed because ie had threatened to expose certain persons lei wliimiing some ne-gioes in that neighbor- lood. Tins affair of whipping negioes caused great indignation on flic part of miny white icople in the nelghboihood. The whipping it negioes and the minder weie reported to thegoveinoi who Instituted Judge Dievv to cause tlie auest of the persons nndei sus- licion , and vv.iuants weio issued heie last , veek. Four men alleged to hue been con- ceined In the miirdei of Hairis have been uicstiMl. Tlie dial will lake place Monday. riie > weie ket ] ) in the lockup until thiseven- ng when they weio taken to Minden lor safety. C.'inelhlatCH on Ijn ! > or. Urrr i.o , Oct. 10. The executive eommit- ce of tlio State Worklngmen'H assembly , ifter the two state conventions , submitted a series of questions to tlio nominees for gov- cmoi , touching theii attitude towaicl the winking classes and towaid seveial me'as- ncs now beloie the stale < le-gislatuio ol In- nest to woikingmeii. Theli leplles aie iiatle public to-night. Ii.i Davcnptnt , the ii'iiulilican candidate , declaies himself in laver - vor ol a law lor tlie good of the winking classes , but declines to pledge himself to sign inv hill , as he cannot know vvh.it icatnies It will contain. Goveinor Hill , the demociatle uidldite. declaies himself in lavoi of tlie > ills mentioned , but makes the ie-ci\.itlon that when passed they shall be constitutional. Itcnuhllcmi Delegates. h.VI.IM : COt'MI. Cnr.ri : , Neb , Oct. 11. [ Special to the Ui.r. ] A lousing icpiibllcan convention was leld at AVilber jesU'iday. A lull county .Icketwas nomlnaled. Delegates to state convention : K. McGlntle , M. A. Dougheity , lohiiTlilball , W. Staley , i : . ] 'isihurni ] > , M. Jackson , McKcene , H. Kliif , A. Moflllt , J. Vansljnc , A. Deidson , U. Dmas , 13. Metcalf , A. Ta > Ior. A icsolution endorsing hcnator Van Wjck , and denounilng coitain leptibll- can jonrnaisasattacking him in irtallation foi his light In behalf of the people against iionopolles , was fought dcspe'ralely by rilendsof Gov. Davves. It was c.nried two to one. jinnitiru rorvi v. ri.vniAi : < ( ! u v , Neb , Oct. 10-Special [ to The alte'iiduiie e w as lai ge. none , i. coi sn. Fni MONT , Nil ) . , ( Jet. 11.iSpi'dal tei liio ] Jii : . I Following aio tlio deli gale's | o the ie > - iitiblleMii convention : J. W Love * . S. 1. Mooie. 0. I ) . Man , Ji. Abliott. M M av.A. rauisli , A. 1' . Shenhaid. A. M. .spoone-i , John bie-le-y , d. M. Dodge aiiel Win. 1'ilttl. lit'ii.i.iicoi ' .sn. Dvvin Cn.Ncb. . , Oct. ID. The lepubll- cans held theii i ( invention lodt > , and nomi nated u e ounh tieke t , as lollows : Tieasinei , Jonn Haipei ; eleik , 1) . ( ' . Hev- nolds ; Judpe , A. ( Mingman ; sheiill , u. 11. Hiovvn ; smvevor , W. T. Hiilmielson ; siipei- Intendent , Aillini Hale ; eoioni'i , Ji. 1'olts. FMIIVIOSI , Ne-b. , Oct. 10. i'ho I'lllmoio county icpiibllcaii convention to-ila > nonii- the iollow Ing tic ke-t : Cle-ik , K. K. t'obh , ol Geneva ; lie isinei , Austin Adams , ot Geneva ; slieiiir. W. J. Casein , ot Falimemt ; juiUi1 , 11. K. hhlcklev , ot Geneva ; upcilemlent , . ) . II. huxton , nt Geneva - ova ; tommf'slimei , Clmile's.Milv > iol Gene-va pli' < lnct , Hepieheiilathis to fill vacancy cau-ul hy Ihoeleatliol William Itlaine , C. 0. Il.'liiiian . , o ( Geneva , 1IAM1I.10N rOUN'IV. AiutoiiA , Nib. , Oct. 10.'I he lepuMirans lie-Id theii convention In thSiount ) today and mailetliclollownig nomin.illnn ' Cnuniy clctkilllim 'Ihomii-uii In .iiiiui , llany Cole ; bliuill , F. 11 v.iUuiiiiu , judge , J. H. Lincoln ; commissioner. .Tohn T. Mattel ; "iiperlnle'iielent of M-hooN , K , H. Barton ; snr- vejor. M. M. Heleok ! coionei , George U. IJIakely. Democrat to Conventions. ADAMS COUNTY. HASTINOO , Neb. , Oct. 10. [ Special to tlie UIK. : ] The dcmoci-als of this county met In convention to-day , and for the lir < t time In the hlstoiy 4 this county had a full icpro Dentation fiom each township. It. A. Hull } and Dick Thompson , Miller's chief lieuten ants , were sat on hard. F.lght straight anti- Miller delegates weie elected In splto ol a ring that hud IKHMI formed in Hastings. All good democrats are rejoicing. OASS ror.viv. I'Arir.i.tov , Neb. . Oct. 11. [ Seelal | to the Hin.l : Following Is the democratic countj ticket : Treasuier , William Novllle ; MierllT , ( Jeorge H. iiabhitt ; county clerk , Joseph M. Kobin- son ; supoilntemlcnt ol schools , Otto Mill/ : county judge , C'liailes H. Klinr : suue'jor , I > . D. Gallagher ; coioiiei , Cluis. Koehnke. 111'ITAI.oroiiMV. KKAII.NTY , Neb , Oct. l-Tlie ( ) HutTalo county democialle convention met here today and nominated the follow Ing eountj ticket : TreaMiier , ( \ F. Uoi1in < : oii ; cleik. 1' , Phlllppai ; judce , W. II. l' mmlheillT. : . A. ,1 , lluiiows : supe-ilntendeiit , I'd. S. , lellc.v ; coronei , J. S. bi/t'i. De-legates to the slate convention W. G. Nve of Giant , John Iting ot Gibbon , J. it. Waite ot Kim ricek , H. H. Colbv of bliellon , Juan Hovle , W. L. Green and W. W. K. Smith ol Keainev , and W. llenme ) ol Centei. Doiieii : cot'.M v. FIIKMO.NT , NebOct. 10. The democratic count ) convention nominated the following ticket tn-di > : Tivasurer , C. N. Morse ; eleik , L. Spear : clieiill , 'Ihomas Cinian ; e-ommlssloni-i' George Laiid ; siipeilntendeiit , F. C. Fljnn ; judge , J. J. laige. ? Delegates to the ' ( ate convention : .1.1' . Sheivln. W. II. Slumiri , M. Deiwllng. .V. W. Smalls , W. L. Ma > , Cluirles Sang. C. I ) . Gai danier , John Helmrleh , Thomas lobe--on ! , F. Spat 11. A icsolution was passeel endoislng J. F. . Slici v In as candidate tor coilectoi. D vie vie cot .sn. lArivsoy , Neb , Oct. to. The following are the dele-gates to the state democratic con vention tiom Dakota conntv : ( ten. Joseph Hollmas , John Haitnettaml Ilenu Ileivve-g. Alleinates Daniel Dungaii , C. 1) . Itjan and Tim Muiphj. Democratic countj ticket Tiea-mei , Thomas Vshford , Sr. ; eleik , James I1. Two- big ; slieiitf , D. J. Jl\an \ : sujici intent , ( Ju > T. Giaves ; inoiute tudge , 1' . H. Wiibui : coio- ni'i , Col. I ) . Hates ; commissioner , Thomas CI.ipp. noi.r COUNTY. O'Ni.u , Neb. , Oct. 10 The county dem- neiatle convention ot Holt count } v\as held lieietodaj. The follow Ing clele-cates to the state convention weie elected : 1'atriek Faliv , I. M. .McDonough , John J McC.illertj , Flunk Cnmiibell , J. A. Golden , 1 ? . 1 ! . Tebault , John Caibcirj aiidJ. A. Kobiiison. ni'Ki rou.N rv , TritAMAii , Ne-b. , Oct. 10. The lollowlng me tlie delegate to th'o state convention : A. II. Ch.ude , A. J. .Sheckell , Frank Giiflln and W. J { . Iletim , V. Newm in , J. 1' . Lotta , Geoigo D. Atvvater anil F. L. Lunge weie elected. oui : CUP. i HI : r vi , vn\ . ANOU.\CID : AS THI : CHAI.- i.i .soi : Hucci-si-oit TO 1111 : OIMSIA. : : Ni w Yonif , Oct. 11. [ Special to the JJKi : . ] A leltci was icccivcd by thcsccretaiy of the S'ew York jiicht club Thinsduy ficim J , lieaver AVehb , icncvvlng the challenge for the Ameiica's cup. Tlie challenge wasliist made st April by both cnttei.s , the Genesta and Galatea , and it was specified that the former yaeht"should lace for tlio cup during the sum- Vus reqiieUecl that the challenge be con- Inued open until next season , when the Galatea wouhl tiy her speed with the Ameii- can vachts. lieloru leaving tor J'nglanil Webb notified the jaeht club that the : : alitp.i would bo leidy to sail lei the cup any time next jear that the H-- gutta committee miglit fix upon. Webb pio- > oses fivei aces to be sailed and that the jit-lit winning tlnee bo adjudged the winnoi of the cup. It was further suggested bj Lieutenant lleiin , tlio ovv tier of the Galatea , at least two aces be sailed outside New pint. If. ] . , and the whole series be sailednslain in the season is piactleabh' . Webb , who is the designer ot mill the Genosta and Galatea , is moie conn- lint otllie ability ot the latter jacht. The ( i.ilate-a has aheaelv beaten the Genesta in several races In liutish vvateis. and has been it-Idas the last resent in caseSIi HIeh ml Sut- ton's cutter lailcd to biing homo the cup. Important KalUvay Ij.inel Question. AVASIIINI.ION , Oct 11. [ Special to ( lie Bun. Assistant Sccretaiy ot the Interioi tiny Jenks vvillicturn to the inteiior deput- ment next week , and immedlxtely attci his return , two veiy Important public land cases will be aigucd bsfoie him. The most Im- poilantof these 1s Ihei ca o of the Noitliein Pacific lallway against Ciiiilfoul Millei on an appeal fiom the decision ol Couimissionei Spaiks to the seerct.uy ot the Inteiioi. Com missioner Spuks decided that llieio was no antlioiity in law lei the withdiawal o ! land within indemnity limits liom settlement until alallioad company had com pleted its toad , ascertained its deliclcnc ) In the grante-d limits anil taken a portion of indeninil ) lands to make up'he ' eleiiciency. The piactlce lei many jc-aiH has been to withdiaw tlie indemnity lands fiom M'ttlement as soon as tlio line wasl'iiated , and millions ot acies ol land have thus he-en wilhdiavvn tiom settlement ten many )0us , while It was entliely mucitainvheihei any ] iul ol them would l > o needed to make up the ilelieic-ncv ot acieago wltliln llio gianleel limits , Coiiimlssloiu-i Siaiks | has decided that all acts of his mcdceessois with- diavving indemnity lands weie Illegal anil void. Of rouise the Noilhein I'acilic lallway appealed from this decision , No.uly eve-iy land giant lallioad in the countiv is Intei- esttd In tlie ultimate decision ot tills matte i 'I he- title tonianv millions ot iicies ot land Is Involved and mill1.ldiuln who have bought land of lallw.i ) companies within Indemnity limits aio also Intciested In Ihe ilc-islon. Tills Is one ot the most Important ouestions that has evei been aigucel lietoie fhosccielaiy ol the Inteiior. 'i be otlici eisc ( hit will ronto up for aigti- menl be-fine Jenks is the validity ol patent * toi tlm "lia < l-boiif giant" In Louisiana which .Secietaiy Tellei rushed through Ju > t before ho vvi'iitoutot oflico. HI'OIlTINfJ JJVIWJ'S. 1M1VI.IIS 1IIIA1S JIAIIItY WIl.KLb AND Jell DAV IX , Si Lot 18 , Oct. 10 , Theio was anolhei gie'.it crowd at the laecs to-day , but it was not so huge as on tlio pievionselajH. 'ihofite ten all was viy closely rontested hetwec'ii l'li > llls and Hill ) Wilkcs foi two heals , but aftei that the lattci gave out and came In last. The stake iaro was alto well eontesttel , and might have hi'cn won by Itele-ren.ehad ho been moio jndlclonsl ) dilvcn , ThonnliiiMicd ! i-'ii ) men of ) e'steiday was won by Deck \Vilghl. Timeiiai5f. : To day the liist meo , lice lei all , mlle he-ats , puise , trl/AK ) , divided. SUMMAliV. 1'hyllls 1 1 1 llaiiy Wilkes 'I U 4 .Ion iavis < ' < " Maiubiino biuiklo , 1 > : t Time , tl'.Wisiuijii ! : 'J-04' : | . Si com ! nice. Mlss | | pii ] stakes , foi l-.venr- olds , mile 11 en is , S7ri cniiaiiee , i7'Jj added. hl'VIMAIIV , I'lincetini 1 1 1 Hcfi-ieiic. ) " - | / ( jambelta Time , 'Ji.OJf , " . & ' , , --WJf. : Tlio Jli.sio : , , Oct. 11. 'Ihu leading clen'iig ' liuiiM'b ol Hie United htati-i lepoit that lint total ileuaiuestorthu week ending Oi tuber 10 weie sUiti ViOin."i , an Inm-asu ot JIO pel ii-nt toiiipautl with the eniu-aponding week last .vi-ai , MARRIED HIS MOTHER , A Modern CEdipus in Now York Tlio Tcr- riblo Discovery A Good Yam. A YOUNG SPENDTHRIFT'S SPORT. iH ofn JUcli llouc-A MIIII'N Ail- Tcnttiro AVith tliu CliostHOf JllB Donil AVIxcH At n Scuncc. MarrkMl Ills Mother. NiW Yoin : , Oct. 11. [ Special to Uio llKiii ] A iiniiviitto story ending with ti terrible discovery Is told In tlilH morning's Journal. It says tluil about twenty jeais iigo , Aniasa. 'rurnur uml Sanmntha Waitllo worn m.urled ne-ju Am- Inn si , Mass. MHs Waullo was scuieelylO at the time. A 011 was bom some months atlei- \\iuil. While lie was still nil Inlunt , Tornei Kiit adlvoico finni his wlfoand took htscldlel \\ltli lilin to Mexico and liiully to California , \\liciu ho lomalncd until no died. Ills divorced wife nnrili'd Sjlvcslei doodle , of Canidon , N. .1. He dlcelsoon aftei. leaving hrr qiilto n foilunc. Him 1ms In en living In this eltj foi sevotal > tvrs , and iccently met llairlson Tntnei , of Kan Francisco. Neither knew the relationship then existing between them , mid us Mis. ( ioodlo liuil lefulncd her j imth and beauty they wore eventually mauled , Tlirh duo position \\as revcaletl to them only a fovv iln\s a o. The clleetati tenihle. 'I holi lileneU ( | iilckly hmiiedoiui id them oil toJsoulh Amoile.i and the olhos to lanopo , and ovei.v iMHsIblo means Is being made to hush the m.itiut up. A VniUTAIUiK U. O. T. A men -vot'-so noui..s < : . .v.riuhiiu : in- * MO.VI'.Y VV1 > .V VVOMA.V. TKOV , N. Y. , OU. 11. [ Special to Urn Hni'.J llonrj It. Welles , aiic-phow of the Lite ( Jidcon Welles , Lincoln's se-cretaiy of the na\j , In- liciitid alaigo foitune liiiiu his nnele. Hit had not been hifuvoi at Ids homo In Hartford foi some timobefoie his unclo'H death , and spent his time In thu Vitnl as a cowboy. On obtaining the money ho began leading : i fast life nnd rivalled Hnny Wall , I'tho King of tinDueles. . " Ho met Mis. James renliss.Ji. , In New York In Pulmnrj. \Vt-l les bought for SAOOi ) Uio lines ! mansion in Washington county. It , was located in I'amhiielgo , wheie tin ; couple went to live. ' 1 heoiitin Is the d lighter of tin J2plscop.il eleigiiuan olNova Scotia. She-sajs that 11 mock mat lingo- was performed hy a fiiend oC Welles diessc-d us u iniiilslci. HoclaimH that they \\eio novel mairicd. She cost Welles thousands ol dollaih. Dining his absented fiom homo hist Wednesday night th& mansion WHS thn scene ol wild lev- eli\the woman being the oontci ol II nil. Wine llovvul like water , mid all the stiorl.s of the Urn neie then ) . Dining their drunken tape-is the building took lire and binned to thcgioiind , entailing u loss of Slfi.OOO. Tim couple had moved In the highest social elides in eastcin Now Voile , but In the jmhlli1 prlntf yesterday he ( lenoiinc"d her and cast hei olf. llei demand toi S10KI ( ) vsas refust < ! . She ha-i fcr.1,000 win th ot diamonds. Counsel h.iHbeen ( ngaged uml a light Is coming. The woman's found' husband h ts IK en lound. AMUClI-MAItUlii : > MAW IIKlltAlKli IIX HIM * Br rr M > jj.aj > H JLHUKU nnAn WIYKS. . * " " " * " " fsKiuilol In IKo t > l vn Aii evening papei liHis a good stoiy about liovv a would-be exjioser was esjiosed at a spiritual seance at South Und u dav 01 Iwo ago. A dollar a head "seance" had be'cn in incyie-ss sometime wilh the usual appear uncesof spiiitfoims , but without nn.vthiiig of fin ( her note excejil tlio Incredulous snllfp ) f a middle aged ikeptio who occupied a seal in tlio seconcliow In compinywith u femilu > ounger in age and .seemingly a belie-vcr in : licsuiiciiiatiii-al. Then came the tinnoiince ment liom the nieeliiim , "A Hpiilt is litiewho wishes to see John. " The female In the eeond it > w giaspeel hei companion anil wliispere'd , " 1 guess it's foi yon , dear. ' 'hurt ! enough it was. ' ] he maslei ol ceiemoniesin- dlcatedasinuch.asthomlildlougedpirson with situs of skeptical leluctiiiice arose and steppe i towaid the cabinet , fiom out ol whoso cm tains there iitlvanrni the lonvcn- tional spiut in white. 'Ihero vvaseml allies- menl in hisniaiini i ot ne-ognlxlng this\lslloi trom another woild. huthisi-i olness vv.is not diminished when llie wiaith spoke : 'Don t you know me , jour wile- , John ? " hkenlie its lie was. John uvnic-el nniblo to denj the re lationship , and he-i'l his hc.ulltli .mp.ncnt. unwillingness to ne-eivo the in.ultal mlnto ujon ) his cliecl ; , win n the voice eif tlio me dium vv.is again lieaid : "Anothei spirit wants to find John , " and asecoml veiled lig- 111 e gliding out ol tlie din knov , floated up to t itpali , and embiac iiu lot , spok < - in a fai- away voice : "Deai John , elon t jo" know jour wive1).1" A groan , .is If ii-sistlcris convlcflon weie teailngont iinbi-IIe-1 lij the loots iiom his soul , cline tiom John's bu-ast , and the voice fiom thoeabinet spoke"He : ro Isaiiotliersiinit who says who wantN to see John. " Simultmicoiist ) advaiu-lng and speaking si thiid Hphit tiinoatiel-ald , "Deal husband , v\b me.all hi-io ; don't von know ; lib.1" Jlut.lohn hioku away liom the lilpnlo Cmbraco wblih imiieneled , not waiting lei ihej fii'ntcnco to finished , and with u look of lioiiilied conviction , which was vbiibh : even in the daikne-ss of the stMiice ehtimli-r. ) c-aught up tliei littio woman In tin ) se-conei low , now sobbing , and mtulu quick exit , Sat in elii ) 'K Appointments. WASIIINI.ioOil. . 10.-The pit sdent ! made tliu following appointments lo-daj : To Im United States maisliiils Di. 1 ! . Wnte-io , of Michigan , fin Ihe vvestein disliietof Ilehi- gun ; Kdw. Hawkins , of Indiana , ten Ihu ills- liie t of Indiana , vice Itobt. T. Foster. Navy -Commodoio btephuii 15. LIIUJ to be rear admiral ; Captain David It. Hurmnnv tohu comniodoio ; Lieutenant Commande-i Dickens to becoinmodoie ; 1'a n-d Assinlant Knislueei John A. btott lo bo dilot engineer wilh lli lelativoiank ol llouleiiiintevmimandei. Beware Scrofula Scrofula Is prolnbly nioro itcnoral tlnn any other ellscaso. It It insidious In cti iracttr , iiiid manifests Itself la running BOICS , jinstiilar c millions , bulls , Hwcllliii ; ; ) , enlarged JnlatH , alscui c-sioioiciiclc. ) 1 Food's r nrsapnrlll.i cxpc-H nil tiaco ot scrofula fiom thu blood , leaving It pure , enrlclicil , aii'l buillliy. "I w.ts severely allllttcil with sciodiln , and ov cr a j ear bail tw ruimhig tnron on my nctik. I 'J ook flv u bottles Hood's H trsnparllla , and am curcil. " 0. i : . Jo\ .JOY , f/mcll , Mass. C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , li.iel simfuloin sou's for cveu jc ars , bjirlnt ; anil fall , lloexl's harsapai Ilia cured him. Salt Rheum Is onoof the most tllsiprocablo diseases rniiscel liy hiiiiiru | Mood. 1 1 Is ict.ullly cm cd by JliiaU'u Bars ipai Ilia , Die jjre at Wood pinl/ler. / AVIlll.iin hi'lt" ) , J.ljila , ( ) . , iinTcrcd greatly from erFlpelas and Ball ilicinn , fniwil by handling tnli-irco M times hi i b mils wcillUl ciack open anil bleed. Iln tiled v.alons pieju nratlonsultliuiitiild ; fliially tonic Hood's K.ir- ai.irllla | , and now si ) a : " I am entirely vvrll.1' "My sun hid sill ihcuiii on lilshamUan I ( Hi thu c-ahts of lih legi , IIu tooil Hcjoel'-i h luaparllU and Is fiitlrely cuieel. " JH JJ , Gtanton , Ml. Veriinii , Ohio , Hood's SarsapaHIja ldliy ililiiiIili. | fl.tUforff. MieltQIil ly I I IHlllllA I < i . IOO Doses Ono