Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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mZv U , . IHIB.I , * . . I II.I * ! , I ! . ! <
llUtirnron * vpll M dl trtttrut oranpUlnt. If
ncgli'crM II Undt 17 tmt'ttrli n nutrition nd de-
prrvint Hi * tanx ot u / ttu , tu prep t the w 7
fur Hipid I ) chn >
QolcVlf ni1 enraplel-tr ( "itrr Ily iricp ln In H
li"fomn. llrnttniirii , Dclrhlnr. Tii < lng the
I'nnrt. Ac. It enrtche i > hd tnirltix thn hh id. Himn.
Ut > i4 thi tpr tltn and nidi ( h ) & * nirtiiiat n of food.
XlPT. J.T Knumirit. lh ti'miirrd purtor of tin
tlmt n forni l Clinrrh flultlmora lld.narii
"lt tln uurd linifii'n IniD Ilitlfrs for lj > rp U
And Indlx' tlnn 1 tftkR rr * * t plAititiirp tn rpcom *
nd lnriinrtrirj nnd jn tire thptilne ' *
< ! * mlriii ii > ahnra tiiidp rn rk Anil i ro pri red line !
' .T lii > no nllirr.
ANI COOK u l nnd attract ltf .con
tftinlnff ll"l.f > f vr > ' tne r r/nnatl n at > out
colnn t , rlTcn Avar hj ! la tnndicine , of
i 617 IS .Cht\vIc ( ,3ru.
1 rpi1trtrt < lQtt * of two Uidleat CAlt r * . * B * 'Q IftDftr
i KhKfd U Ibeipeeiat irfttmtatof CH mie , Niirnt7i , HUM
hd Bt to PIIIAHBI tliftn ulif oth r PhTileliD l&Sl. LeQU ,
urlf i pen ibow ind nil olilr ldenliKiii > w
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mr-rcurlal anil other Atltc-
lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , > r trr > t j with nn [ > tiiitiJ !
tvtfefnvn Ittfttirl ntlBe prtnclptri.Sftfelr. Prlvattlj.
Diseases Arising trom Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , hie ! > predate .cm. or u.
following cHcito utr > o .nclt , dtMlllj , dlmncn or ilihl
nddefcctlrr memorpimplei on th f cf , phrilcxldeetj ,
Tfnlon tolhr weletjof females coofuiloi nr IJeii , etc. ,
rondorliiK J.I.irrUeo Improper or unluppj ,
rrrn Dntl7 tortd. rBtnphlctlSft ptfMf > o tbekboT , f nt
Inmlxliirr < jp , trrtlviuj xljrrti. CntiinllXloaUof-
Of orbriiilM/ri. Inrltert .ruUMcilj tionj.nllil.
A PoiltlvB Written Guarantee cirtn in titrjti.
r bla At . Medicine a0at vcrjrwtiirej ! mill arupren *
Sno PAGES , FWE TLATKB. tertut el th io > l gill
bindlt f , icilcd fnrCOo In | oiiiforrurr acj. Orer ntij
vondrrrul i > n picture * , tru t lite } trtlelMctitfaa roUowInc
t wh m y intrrj , who n t , wliy ( mmnhooj , WODIBU *
bTftrtl d ciTefrcoti orerllbrc ; aD < l zffiitbe pbji.
rrprdncion [ , nil m ny r . Thoi tnirrlrtt or
ntrnpHMiig rn rrldft eh tihl rrd it , I'-nrUr edUIoD
tt ptper cDf r,33o * JJJrtnii t pr TThlUJw *
Friglilfal Gass of a Colored Han.
I continclod n ronffnl cn o of Wood potion In
tPKJ. I < ttcuiLMl by 801110 of the lirst phj M-
oinns In Atliintu. 'j'lioy need tliu old luincdloaof
iiuironry mid potnsli , nlilctt tirnn ht ( in iliounm-
tlbiii and iiiiinlrc'd | my ill rostlvooiKitif ) . Evury
joint In inn wns swollun nnd lull ol piitn. AS lien
1 WIUH given up to dlo , my pit ) pintails thought It
Vfonlil lie n Kood tlniu to lest tlio virtuoso ! !
Snlft'sSpocll'u. WliL'tt I coniniL'ticL'd takings.
R. 8. tlio pb > siclan told 1 could not ll\o tuo
\\oohf * under tliu or.llimry truutmuitt. Ho com-
roonccd to i-'ivu tito HID nuidlcino strictly iicooul-
Injf to illricllon ) , vrltluh 1 continued lor xovontl
ntontliN. I took nntliliiK cKo and commenced 10
Itnpiovnio ttoin tliunrf llfnt. Soon tlio rhoii *
nintlsin lolt mo , tny iipin'tltu bcuuniu iilliK'ht ,
nnd tlio ulceis. ulilcli thu. doctor Mild voio tlin
most trlffhttiil ho had ever soon , buirun to heel ,
nnd by tlio l t of Ocrobur. lt > M , 1 wits a oil mnn
nyiiln. 1 inn Mtionvi'r noiv tliiin i oicr uus bo-
foiu , and cltli ! inuiu.
LnM Mcflpnilon bus bonti In tlio employ of
tliu Ulie ? Cullty Company tor boino yoara , and I
know the ubovu Ktatc'iiiunt to bu lino. At thu
tluio bo bes'iii ' tnkhmSw tit's Spcc-itlu lie wim in
a burrlblu eonditloii. 1 lojaid lib uuioitiul-
most inlrac'iiloua.
W. n. CMOS vv , > fnnnccr ,
Clic = s Ctilloy Co , Atlanta Uhisiuit.
Atlanta , Cu , Api II is , lb.v > .
t Chartered by thjStatecfllll-
i for thrcxprcsjpjrpose
givincimmcoiate reliello
k nil chronic , urinaiy and prl-
vate discuses. Gonorrho-a ,
j Gleet andSyphiltb m al ) their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin nnd
BIood promptly relieved and
rermanently cured by rrme-
dits.trstedino ruitul'mm
_ K/ifrnil 1-ruitirr. Seminal
\Vccknci3. Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FJce.I'Oht Manhood , J < f /jlre/j/rnr / . Thiie
It no esiirrhiieiitltui. The appropriate remedy
u at once used In each case. Consultatijns , prr-
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
Iclnes lent by Mall and Express. No marks on
packtge to Indicate contents or bender. Address
Dn. JAMES.No. 2C4VashInglon SI.ChIcagolll.
Prpnintnr' Tli-rttii-j from orrnn or eiP < - i > 8 ,
I. oil Ton c. thrrairsof cln > K lilniM . Hind-
drr. iitirt CriKinif Clnnd T't ii : llhiiaf
r > l mMi > > i Y * < liritr > . ' th Murxton llo
tiaui iuit ti r rniinnent U
t i -AT-
. * _ _ ' . _
Tlie OrlfiliiHl nml Only < l 'iinlii - .
t r w rthlr * t
Ju4liini.M to LADIES. A k ; ur Druccl't M
-.JelircliT' * t.iiclUlr'Auit t kf oihrr. r liuUiM * i * .
( UHIT > UO u * for | rll.uUr < t'tlir ht rrttirn m IL
NAME PAPEn. Cklckwtrr rhrmlral < .
Malfi M JUon | .uu rc , I'LIUiiM. . l *
. .
r. ,
' '
Ill NOIITIl Ifilll & 1I1KJ.T ,
I h rolpuflllfti rviii Uy lur inaabtfr dt * 4 .br tu
In in ffic c ; iii i I u i Vei..ti > r'o i.o'm.l i 'f ' K * ! L
totlh r I" V * I.I'A HI K r UUATIbif an ihit J..w <
they know all about Mustang Lin
iment , . FH\V do. Not w kuow V
note have.
Or , tlio Story of a Great Minors' ' Strike ,
BY Kan Mi
Translated from the French
fli'MMAiiT ' or I' i _
Anton Lntitior. a ini'chnnlr , nimble to find
employment ut ms tnulo In Purls , drifts Into
the interior of Franco nnd brings iijintthu
Nontson rnnl mining legion. In curly sprint ; .
lieliiK without money he readily nccepts work
In thu Vnlttiro mine nml soon becomes nn
expert workman. Tlio low W.IROS of thu min
ers , a constniitstrticulo aqnin < < t litin ui , nnd
the miserable condition ot old and uaniir , ex
cites In him n Ituily Interest nml hu lupins
the study of methods tending to nllo\inte
their roiidltlon. ( lindmdly ho Impaitshls
Ideas to others nnd readily Fccures tlio sti ] > -
| ioit nnd cu-operntloii of the poor , stiusrpllnt ;
workmen , A saving fund Is started to which
each miner conti United , the iiinney thus oh-
tallied to bo lived to support the men In en o
of trouble with the coal companies. Hy thu
1st of November the titnd amounted to n con
siderable sum , mid the. inlneis , emboldened
by lids fact , determined to resist n new
ifiellmd pt payment Introduced by n imtjoilty
of tho'companies , which was to ire Into ef
fect ; oh tliUllrst Of December. The p/nn / of
the companies waitodlvhluthc ten centimes
paid for eoeli rnr" of coal , one-half ( o BO
toward paying turpumping In the dilltsof
Illumines. Thu woilcmcn , to fortlly their
] ) osilion In case of icuilt , worked hftceii days
under thu new system of payment , nnd found
that It was an Indirect but cnccli\e. method of
icdticiin ; their wnRes. To strike was the only
siltcriKitive. Meetlncs were hold nnd n dolo-
pitinn niiolnted ] ] to wait upon the mani lni ?
ill reel 01 ot the mines and laybcfoie him thu
dcmnnds of Ilio men the abolition of thu new
sj Mem of payment nnd an liieioaso of mo
centimes pci car. Anton's ability and saga
city made him nt onto the leader in the strike.
The Interview of the milieu with the mana
ger was without icsult , nnd thu men , with
vciy little hope of ultimate success , bottled
down to n Ion ; ; and bitter simple the stitig-
glu of povcitj tiKnlnst unlimited wenitli.
Tlio mooting wnsto bo held on Thurs-
dnj nt two o'clock nt the Hon-.Toyoux.
Tlie old woinnn was exasperated nt the
misery wliich hnd been made for her
ehildron , tins coil : men , especially ns her
saloon wns always empty. Never had
strikers been loss thirsty ; oven tlio drunk
ards fastened themselves in their houses
rnther tlmn disobey wise orders givei
tlium. The streets of Montsou wluol
was so crowded on fete dn .s now bore i
monrnflil air of desolation. No more
boor wns handed over the bars. Itoforo
the Cuosmnir and the Progress nothing
was to bo seen but tlie pale Ineos of the
snloonkeojiers , watching Ilio road , the
Enfiuit , TisOn , Piouettc , Tete-connco : il
wore , only Saint Elolw-lnoli was
frequented by tlio overseers , drinks were
still poured out. Even at the Voluai
which was kept by iv woman , no boiiui
was heard.
"Groat heavens' ' " cried old Desir
"The gendstrmcs would bo after me il
tiny found it out , but 1 must fool them. '
Sno had acceded with pleasure to tlio
demands of Anton. Her entiio honso
should bo given un to tlio miners , she
would lend them nor ball room gratui
tously , and oven send out tlio invitations
if they wished. On the tollowing day tlio
young man carried her fifty letters to
sign , which had boon copnul by the
neighbors who knew how to write.
These invitations were sent oT ! to tlio
delegates and tome other men whom
they could trust. The business of the
duy mimed was to discuss tlio continua
tion of thu strike , and as Phiehnrl was
expected they counted on ti talk from
him to win the muti over to join the
Thursday morning Anton became un
easy. Pluchart. wuo had sent : i dispatch
Siiying ho would bu there on Wednesday
evening , hud not yet arrived. What was
tlio matter ? Anton was in despair at not
being ablu to talk with him oofore the
meeting. At nine o'clock lie went to
Montson , thinking that tlie mechanic
hnd perhaps gene straight thuro without
stopping at tliu Vulturo.
"No , I've not seen your friend , " said
old Desir. "J5ut everything ib ready.
Como in and sco. "
Slio led him to the ball-room. The
decoration remained tlio same , garlands
of paper llowers reaching across tne
ceiling , but the musicians' stand was re
placed by a table and three chairs , and a
nunibur of benches ranged along thu
"It is all right. " said Anlon.
"You must m.ikoyourself at homonow.
Hnwl all yon plo.-tso. Tlio gendarmes
will have to pass over my body it tiiuy
como. "
Jn spite of his uneasiness ho could not
help smiling at her words.
At that moment Kasscnonr and Jonvn-
rinu entered , and when tno old woman
left them together m tuo gruat empty
hall , Anton cried :
"What1 you hero nlrcndy ? "
Jouvarino had como in out of shnnlo
curiosity. The machinists ot the. Vul-
tnro were not on u strike and lie was now
working tit night. Itassuneur had
seemed uneasy tor two days ; ins roiiiui ,
lut fac.1) ) hud lost its jolly smile.
Did'you ' know that Plnehart hn n't
como yet ? " said the j-onnjj man to .inn.
lie turncU his taco aside , and at hist
replied between his teeth :
" don't astonish mo. I don't ex-
ncct him. "
"Why ? "
Then looking the ether in the fnco ho
replied with a oravo air :
"JJeoausu 1 wrote to him , if 3-011 wisli
to know , and in that letter I begged him
not to come. Yes , I thought you ougnt
to attend to your own alliurs without ask
ing strangoib to help you. "
Anton , trembling th rngo , stam
mered out :
"Yon did Unit : yon did that ? "
"Certainly , 1 did that ; and yon know
moreover 1 have conlidonco in Plnchart.
Ho'ti sly , but a person can get along witn
him. Bill your iduas would make ono
crazy. Politics , government all that
sets mo qra/y. What I want is to sco the
miners butte-i'treated. I worked at tlio
bottom for twenty years , and MiH'orcd so
much misery that 1 swore to obtain some
easit for tliu poor duvils who nr.i llicro
still. I know very well that you'll ' got
nothing at all with your foolishness ;
you'd make , tlio life of tliu workmen Mill
moro miserable. When hunger Jorces
thjmi to go back tp work they'll be
ground down still niorn , the company'll
pay them back with blows like an es
caped dog which has been made to re
turn to his kennel. I want to pruvunt 1 et.n. Do yon understand ! ! "
His voieu prow louder , ami his enlm ,
roasonablu nature clearly shown out in
his words , which cnnio freolv. without
oll'ort. Was it not stupid to'think that
they could ehango tlio world in a mo
ment to put the workmen in tliu placu
of aristocrats and divide tlio money like
a lot of npplc.s ? It would take thousands
and thousands of years to do that. Why
did they ruin their pencu ot mind by
talking of miracles ? Thu moit stupid
person should know better than that.
Instead of making fools ot themselves ,
why did they not endeavor to lead thu
company by their good conduct to make
a butter condition of things ?
Anton , tillixl witli indigimtion , allowed
him to sneak on , then he cried :
' 'Croat heuvuns , have you no blood In
your veins1' '
To resist n temptHtlnn to strike him , lin
.wiVko.d..UP ; "I'd ' down I.m room wih | great
strides , occniiomilly s.tting down on onu
of the benches ; tit hist lie opened thu
door leading to thu bar room.
"Shut tint door , " said .Jouvarino , "Wo
don't want people to hear us. "
1 Oi ) ciuuing in the engineer hnd seated
himsolt nn onu of tliu chairs buforu tno
de. > k. After rollingit cigarette he watched
thu twootlmrs wth his keen , yet sharp
oyes. his lips curled wan a slight smile.
"It docs no unod to get angry , " ru-
"Isuw from thu first
Hint you hnd some peed sense. It wns
very wise of you to take command of the
filrikcrti , to force thorn to remain nt
homo , using your wisdom to obtain or
der , but now you are trying to got them
into trouble. "
At each of his turni Anton flew up to
the saloon heopor nnd taking him by the
shoulder shook him , crying his replies In
the man's face.
"Yes , I hnvn imposed discipline on
them. I still advise them not to give in.
but it was not necessary for you to mnko
a fool of mo in this way. You pride
yourself on keeping cool ; ns for mo there
are times when I fear I inn going mad. "
Ho mocked at his first impressions ns
those of a neophyte , at liis religions
dronm of a plnco where justice would
soon reign between men who had become -
como brothers. Let them cross their
nrms nnd wait if they wished to sco
until llie end of thu world men devour
one another like so many wolves. No ,
they must take things in their own hands
or injustice would bu eternal , the rich al
ways sucking the blood of the poor. Ho
could not pardon himself for being fool
ish enough to have formerly said that
they must , banish tiie political from the
social question. Ho was ignorant then
but since he had read and studied his
ideas had become matured ; hu now
boasted of having a system' However ,
ho explained it badly , In confused sen
tences which still kept a littleof all the
theories gone over andsnccussivoly nban
doncd. At tliu head remained the Ideas
of Karl Marx , that capital was tliu result
of spoliation and that work had the right
nnd should enter into that stolen riches.
Only things became confused as soon as
ho pnssed-on to a practical programme.
At first Proudlion had tempted him with
tlie chimera of credit , a vast bank of exchange -
change which would abolish all others ;
then lie fancied the co-operative society
of Lasallo , cndowc'i by the common
wealth which little by little would trans
form the earth into a single industrial
town , then the question ot honest , man
agers and the dillictilty of control had
disgusted him with it , and he had paused
for a lime nt collcqlivciipvldeli de
manded that all the instrum * * , of labor
should bu rendered up into u collection.
His rallying cry in the strike was : "Tho
iiiino for tliu minerl" Ho did not yet
know how to realize his now dream ,
which again brought up scruples as to
its being sensible ) and right , lie simply
said thai it was tliu question to take pos
session of thu government beloro nil.
They would sec.
"Hut why have you changed ; why have
you gone over to the owner H side ? '
continued ho , returning and standing
before tlio saloon-keeper , "You havu
owned up to it yourselt. "
Kessoni'tir slowly reddened.
"Yes , L said so , nnd I'm no moro of a ,
coward than any other. Only I relu o to
bu with those wno gut everything into a
mess just to make u position lor Ilium
selves. "
Anton appeared nncnsy. Tlio two men
became disagreeable , their sullen rnairy
gaming on thorn. It was in the end the
question of persons winoh angered them ,
throwing one into a revolutionary o.\ng
gcrntion and the other into affected pru
dcnco , carrying them away in spitu of
themselves above their true ideas into
these tatal roles which they otherwise
would not think of choosing. And Jonvn-
rinc , who listened with discrete curiosity ,
showed upon his blonde , girlish face a
contemptuous silcnco , the overwhelming
scorn ot a man ready to give his life ob
scurely without even posing as a martyr.
"You mean that for mo , do you ? " de
manded Anton. "You re jealous. "
" .Jealous of what ? " replied llasseneur.
"I don't jioso as a great man , nor do I
try to form a society in Montaon to be
come its secretary. "
The ether endeavored to interrupt him ,
but he. added :
"I5u frank now ; you're only using the
International ns a pretunsu to play tno
gentleman and commence n corres
pondence with tiie liimous council of tao
noitli. "
A silence fell : then Anton , very pale ,
replied :
f'l never thought to bo reproached by
you. I have always consulted 3-011 , for "I
know that you fought here long buloro
me. But when you would allow no ono
to say a word but jourself , I acted alone
Irom that time on. And from tlio lirst
I warned you that thu mooting would beheld
held even if Pluehart didn't come ,
and that the mun would adhere in spitu
of you. "
'They haven't done so yet , " murmured
the saloon-keeper ; "w.ut until tia-y are
asked lor an assessment. "
"Tho International don't comnol
workmen on a strike to pay their dues
at oucu. The can pay later on , and the
society will come to our aid at once. "
linsscncur suddenly became furious.
"Well , wo'il see ! I'm Imio and I shall
speak. I won't let you turn the heads of
.A our friends. I will enlighten them
upon their tr.10 interests. We'll .sue whom
they'll follow me , whom they've known
lor'thirty years , nr you , who have turned
everytlii'ng upsde _ uowu in the one year
that you've lived here. "Xo ; give
mo peace , and we'll soon sue wno's tor "
And lie went out , slamming the donr.
The garlands truniiiled. tno shields
swung to and fro on tlio wall. Then tlio
great room iijjnm fell into its pt-acctul
Jouvarino was still smoking at tlio ta
ble. After having walked the tloor tor an
instant in silence , Anton burst forth , Was
it his fault if tliu people had left that
great fool to como to him ? And ho du-
tended himself lor having becomu popu
lar. Ho did not even'Jviiow how it had
como about , this good leeling ol tlio
whole alley , tlio confidence of his com
panions , the inliucnce which ho now had
over tin-in. Ho could not oiiduro being
accused of working lor ambition , for his
heart was as pure ns an infant's. Ho
grow indignant protecting his iratorni-
Suddenly , ho paused before Jouvarino ,
crying :
"If I was to einso a friend to shed ono
drop of blood , i would go to America at
onco. "
Tlio machinist shrugged his shoulders ,
and a flinilu again crossed his fnco.
"Hlood , " murmured hu. "What dif-
foroneo deus that uiiiku ? Thu earth
needs it. "
Anton , watching him , became calm ,
nnd seated himself on thu opposite side
of tint table. That blonde fact ) , with
those thoughtful eyes , sometimes made
him Hush no with uneasiness , while it
actetl singularly upon his will , Without
ono word from his comrade , conquered
bv that silitncu alonu , he felt himself
calmed little hylittle.
"What would 3-011 do if you were in my
plneo ? " ho asUod. "Am I not right to
wish to act ? It's best , is it not , for us to
join that society ? "
Jouvarino alter having blown out a
jot of SUIOKO replied by using his favorite
"Yes , it's foolishness , but the Interna
tional will soon spread out. He's becom
ing interested. "
"Who ? "
Ho pronounced that word in a low voice ,
with an air of religious fervor , looking1
toward the cast. It was of tlio master .
liu spoke' ISnkotiuinu the Exterminator.
"Ho can do good , the other- ! are
all cowards , " continued ho , Hoforo three
years have pas > ed thn International un
der Ills government should overthrow thu
wholu world , i
Anton had beeomo attentive. Ho
burn ed for instrnrltor. to coinm-xhoi'if.
that jiass.on tor distrtiction ot'wnion tne
liusjdaii Hnoke. of in nut ti-w words ns
thoiiira wishing to keep tnu mvstery t < >
. "But osphiiii It to me , what do yon
Wish to do
"To dtuttoy all. No moro nations , ' no
roorrtpoverntnpiir. . no more proprietors
ni ) more Ciotl nor joHcion. "
"I understand. 'Only what will tlin
bring .von to > " *
" 'Jo the common plncn without form
to n now worhl't6'H rucommunccinunt o
nil. " i
"And the mpsuisjof execution , how doyen
yon expect topi $ > them ? "
"lly lire , lnfij | > Uon , by the knife
rigands nrc tif tfcio heroes , the poptilur
nVengera , the verilablo rovolutionlsts it
notion Hhont phrase * learnt from books
It will bo necessary for a series of terrl
blis occm-enceH'toxhiippun in order to
tiirrify the rich win awaken the. people. '
In speaking , Jotivarino beenmo terri
bio. Ho rose from his chair whilou mys
tical llfinio shot from his clear eyes ant :
his delicate hands were pretsed apdns
the table aH though to onHi It. Scim
with fear Anton watched him , thinking
of the tales which ho had been told In
confidence of bombs thrown into the
palace of czar , police chiefs beaten down
by blows of a hammer like wild boars
A mistress of lhl4 limit's the only woman
ho had ever loved , linuM at Moscow one
May morning , while in the crowd he
kissed her o es for the last time.
"No , no , " mill-mured Anton , with a
gesture as if toward oil'thcsoabominable
\isions , "wo haven't comp to that yet.
The assassin , the incendiary , neverl II
Is terrible , it is unjust. All the miners
would aid in strangling an assassin. "
Ho did not understand. His race re
fused the somber dream of the extermi
nation of the world , mowed down close
to the ground like a lield of rye. Hut
what should they do , how beat back the
people ? Ho demanded a reply.
"Tell mo jour iiltiur Wo want to know
what to do. '
Then Joitvarino , who had resumed his
cigarette , said quietly , with a lifeless and
lost look :
"All reasonings upon the future are
criminal , bocauio they prevent dcstnm
tlon and impede the march of revolu
lion. "
Anton langhcd in spite of the chill
which crept over him at that reply , and
ho willingly confessed that there was
homo good in all that ; ho already com
prehended more and more , and perhaps
later on ho would believe. Only that
would give too good a chance to Itiis&un-
eur if he related these words to hLs com
panions. Ho tried lobe practical.
Old Desir entered to invitit them to
lunch , They accepted and passed into
the saloon which a movable partition
separated from the ball loom during the
week. When they had finished their
omelette and cheese , still an hour re
mained. Anton was uneasy for lie had
counted on L'liichart. At half-past one
the delegates had commenced to arrive
and ho was obliged to receive them , for
he wished to watcli the entrances , fear
ing that the company would send their
usual spies. Ho examined each letter of
invitationlookingeach person in the face.
Thos-u whom he. know , even though with
out invitations were admitted. At two
o'clock Kassenuer. who hail been quietly
smoking a pint before his own counter ,
it-turned. That sight unnerved Anton
all ( lie more , especially as .some fellows
had come there bimply for fun , Zacharie ,
Moquet and some others ; thcsu boys
laughed , at the strike , thinking it nice to
do nothing , and sitting down at. a table
spent their last two sons for drinks.
They laughed at their comrades , telling
them they were.g/fing to do some loolish
things. *
A quarter ofmn hour hail passed when
Jouvarme camu out to s.iy tuat the nion
were growing jmuatient. Then Anton
in his despair ibeeamc resolute , and ho
was about to follow the machinist back
to the ball room , , \vhe.n old Desir , wiio
had been watching the road , cried :
"Here's your gentleman. "
They Hew ta-liio. door. It. was really
Pluchart. Ho hudardved in a. earri-igo
drawn by a winded horse. He immedi
ately jumped out irpon the pavement. He
was slight , insipid-looking , with a large
square liead , looking like a well-to-do
workmen dressed in his Sunday best.
For live years ho had not done a stroke
of work.and he took great care of himself ,
beiiif * particular about the manner in
which his hair was combed. His limbs
were still' and the nails of his large hands
had never grown again after leaving oil'
work. Very active , he rendered an hon
est sumac to hisambition. beating about
the provinces without rest to advance
his socialistic ideas.
"All ! don't bear any ill will against
mo , " said ho , anticipating the question.
"Vesterday there was a mooting at Preu-
illy in the morning , and in the evening a
conference at Yalencay. To-day I was
obliged to meet Lauvagnat at March- !
onnes. Then I , was able to procure a
carriage to bring me hero. Hut I am
weary ; you can toll by my voice. Still
Unit makes no dillcrcnco. I'll speak all
the same. "
lie was entering the Hon-Joyous when
a thought struck mm.
" ( ir.iuioiitl 1'vo torgottcn the cards.
Wo must do things right. "
Ho returned to the carriage which the
coachman was already turning around ,
and he took trom the seat a little black
wooden case , winch ho earned under his
Anton , happy , walked behind him ,
while hassaiiiMir , ill at ease , held out Ins
land , winch the latter took , speaking a
nisty word about the letter ; \\liat a
Mrango idea ! Why should they not have
that meeting , they should always have
mo when they were able. Desir asked
lini to take a drink , but he refused , he
could talk without , drinking , and ho was
in a hurry as ho'must ' bo atJoisello that
night. Ho wished to have a talk with a
man there named Logoujonv. They all
entered tlie ball room together. Million
mil Lovaquo , who had iubt arrived , fol
lowed them in and the door was locked ,
n order to bo more private.
A hundred miners were waiting thero.
Heads were turned and whispers hoard
is the newcomers sat down in the ( imply
seats. They looked at the gentleman
iom Lillo.wiioso black frock eotit cuusuil
i surprise and uneasiness.
ISut , on the proposition of Anton , they
constituted the bureau. II called the
wines and the others approved by ruli
ng their hands. Pluchart wan made
m-sident , then Million and Anton were
ihoson Assessors. There was a moving
if chairs and the bureau installed itselt.
'or an instant tnif pnssidont disappeared
mder the table where he placed the little
m\ which hq had not yet let go of.
iVIion ho again' appeared ho struck a
ight blow witlt'his ' list to call the meeting
o orderthen hu began in a hoarse voice :
"Citizens. " . ; j
A small dofpMipVncd. It was Desir who
tad come uroiiyby | ; ) | the kitohuu bearing
ix drinks on a wa'iter.
"Don't disturb- yourself , " said she.
'When a person speaks they're bound to
bo thlr t.v. " jt
Jonvarine , sitting miti'dmo gentleman ,
ook the waikrivfrom her and set it on a
orner of the InbW , Pluchart could now
continue , hu thanked them for his good
ecoption , ol'U&jg himself for lining
ate , Minko otHiisjUUgUrt and More throat.
Then ho but down to allow ILissenuur to
The saloon-keeper hod already sta-
toned himself near the table beside tlio
Irinks. A tnrncd-ovur chair served him
is a platform ; ho was much contused
and coughed beloro letting out his tull
"Comrades. "
That wlnoh gave him power over the
miners was thu facil ty with winch no
sjioke , the good nature snnwn to them ,
without over growing tired , risking no
gestures , ho remained gravu yet smiling ,
astonishing them so much that th y
cried. "Viia , yes , it's trim YfiSi'r right "
Hut tills day fr u ; liis lirnt words lie lolt
a snll'j : ; opposition as ho prudently ad
vanced. Hu onTv' discussed the continu
ation of the strike , wuitin" to tin up-
) -n 'i'd ' betoro tlio Intern.t-
linn < '
Without dpijbt , honor forbudo them to
yield to the unreasonableness of the
company only what misorv , what a ter.
riblo fiittiro was before them if thny held
out longer. And without speaking of be
coming submissive ho weakened their
courage hy pointing out tl < o people in
the alleys dying of hunger ; ho wished to
know upon what resources ? they rounted.
The applnujo of a few friends only served
to emphasl/e thu silence of the greater
number whoso disapprobation bcenmo
greater ami greater. Then in dispnir of
vslnninp them back Ids rage enrriod him
away. Ho predicted unmippiness and
prlef for them if their liends were turned
by tlio words of n stranger. All arose in
anger , wishing to prevent him from sny-
ing more , after no had insulted mid
treated them llko children incapable of
taking oaro of themselves. And he ,
drinking gulp by gulp sonin drafts of
beer , spoke in tliu midst , of the tumult ,
crying violently that the man was not
yet born who could prevent him from
doing his duty.
Pluehnrt stood up , nml having no bell ,
ho boat on tliu table with Ids list , siting
in his hoarse voice :
" ( 'iti/ens ; elti/ons "
Filially he obtained a slight calm nnd
the meeting called to order. They took
tli word from Kassenuur. Tlio delegates
wlio had represented the miners in tin
interview with the director led on tin
others witli their ideas. It ended in a du
tcrmined vote to advance ,
"What dillcrcnco does it mnke to you ?
You've _ got enough to eat"yelled Le
vaque , shaking his list at Hassonour.
Anton , behind the president , was trying -
ing to quiet Million who had Hashed u |
with a terrible rage at that canting talk
while Jouvarino looked on little by liltk
becoming warmed up , a llnme at the bottom
tom of Ins clear eye * .
"Citizens , "said Pluchart , "permit IUL
o speak.1
A profound silence fell. Ho bcgnn
speaking in a hearse voice , but ho was
accustomed to talking and little by little
lie inflated his throat , drawing out some
jV'ithetio efforts. With outstretched arms
had tlie eloquence of a clergyman or lec
turer with a habit of letting mil tlio close
of his sentences of which tlio humming
monotone ended l > 3' convincing.
And ho began his discouro on the
greatness nnd goodness of the Inter
national. Hu explained its aim , tlio
emancipation of workmen ; ho showed
them the enlarging structure , at tlio hot-
t nn the commune , above that the pro
vince , still higher the nation , and at tlio
top of nil humanity. . His arms were
slowly extended , massing up tlio stories ,
uplifting the immense cathedral of the
future world. Then came thu interim
adminKtration. IIo road tlie laws , spoke
of congresses , the continual progre.- of
the work , the enlarging of tlio pro
gramme which sot out the discussion of
salaries , attacking now tlie social liquid
ation so as to onif with a higher salary.
No moro nationality , the workmen of tlio
entire world would unite in u common
wish for justice , sweeping away tlio rot
ten rulers , at last founding a free society
whore those who did not work could not
reap , lie cried out now ; his breath
seemed to frighten tliu very llower.s uu-
der the smoky ceiling.
They nodded their heads- some cried :
' "That's true. Wc'ru with you. "
He continued. Before three years tlio
world would bo conquered. Adherents
poured in on nil sides. No new religion
ever had so many followers. Thou , when
they could bo masters , they would dic
tate the law to tlioir superiors , they
should in their turn have their lists upon
the others'throats.
"Yes , yes ; they will fall. "
With a gesture ho demanded silence.
Now he was approaching the question of
the strike. In principle ho did not approve -
provo of what they had done , for that
was a slow moans which 011)3' ) aggravated
more tlie bufferings of tlio workmen.
But. on understanding that it was inev
itable , they must make tlio bust of it ;
they at least had tlio advantage of disor
ganizing the capital. And in that case
held up the international as n providence
for tlio strikers ; ho cited some examples :
In Paris , at the time of tlio strike ot the
broir/.u workmen the owners had sud
dunly agreed to all , seized with terror at
thu liows that the International was send
ing aid ; at London it had saved the coal
men by sending back , at its own expense
a gang of men from Belgium , sent for
1)3' tlie mine owners. It sulliced to win
them over , tlio workmen entered into
( liegrand army of workiugmon. decid
ing to die for each other sooner than remain
main the slaves ol a society of capital
Applause interrupted him. He wiped
his lauo with his hnnilkerchiot , refusing
the drink which JMnhon passed him.
When ho wished to proceed new applause
cut short his words.
"It's till right , " said hn to Anton.
"Quick , hand me tliu cards. "
lie plunged once moro under tlio table
and reappeared with the black case.
"Uiti/.ens , " cried lie above all tlio noise ,
"hero are tlie cards of membership. If
your delegates will ennui forward I will
give them up and tiioy can distributu
them. Later on we will regulate all. "
Hn.sseneiiiarose to again protest
Anton was agitated fearing lie should bo
compiled to speak. An cxtivmo confu
sion had come upon him. Lovnque threw
out his lists into the empty air as if lie going to beat himself. Standing ,
Mahon wan speaking without being able
to hear a singln word. And Jouvarino
lie accompanied bis s-entonees with a
singular movement of the shoulders , lie
at last interested , knocked on the tahlo
with both fists trying to assist Plucliarl
in obtaining silence.
Suddenly the little door opened. Desir
thuudorcil forth :
"Bo quiet for God'H sake. Hero are
tlio goiiilnrmos. "
It was thu commissary of that district
coming to break up tlio mooting. Four
gendarmes accompanied him. For live
minutes the old woman had kept them
outside licr door , stiying that she had a
right to entertain her friends. But they
had thrown her aside and sliu hnd run to
warn her children.
"Yon can all go through here , " she re
sumed. "Thoro is a gundarmo guarding
thuytird ; that makes no dillorcnco ; my
littlu woodsliud leads into an alley , so
make haste. "
The commissary was already rapping
the door with his lists , and when they
would not open hu threatened to break
it in.
Jn the hall the trouble wns augment
ing1 They could not run away , they had
not even voted either for tlio adhesion or
the continuation of the strike. Everyone
ono tried to speak at onen. Finally thu
president thought of a plan to vote by
acclamation. Arms were raised , tlio
delegates hastily declared they would ad
here in the name of their absent com
rades. And it was thus that the ten
thousand coal mnn of Montsou became
member : ; of tin ; International.
In the meiintimo tlio light had com
menced. Pioteeting the retreat DCMI-
leaned against tlio door while the gen
darmes clubs shook her back. The
minurn jumped over tlio benches and How
through the kitchen and woodshed. Has-
sonoiir was onu of tint lirst to disappear
and Luvaqiio following him forgot his
anger so much as to ollor him a drink.
Anton after soteing hold of the little
case , waited with Plnehart , Million and
Jouvarino wlio felt it was honorable to
bo the last to leavu. When they left
Desir turned the key ml the commissary
found himself in the pro e or the old
woman wjj- , -vns all nlono
"You did n big thing to break into my
lioiisu , didn't you. You sou them's no ono
burn. " , ,
Thu commissary , a slow man. who had
become wwirv from MMIIU drinks hu had
benn taking , simply threatened to put her
in prison , mid wont oil' to draw tin it ru
jioit turning around Ins four gendarme *
vvuo vvuru ol uo usu to him now " - * < <
tlo nnd Morptottc * , standing outside
laughed at this armed pai ty.
Outside , in the alley , Anton , Incommo
ucd by tha cfi o. Hew on , following the
others. Suddenly he thought of Peters
Ho asked whj he had not been theream
Mahon , still running , replied that hoa
ill a good illness , the tear of compro
mising him elf. They wWied to detail
Pluchart ; but , without pausing , lie lie
clared that he must set out for JoUelU
at onco. lyejronjcux was waiting then
for orders. 1 hen they wished htm i
pleasant journey , and did not slaekci
their speed , \\ith anus.swinging , all in h
ing from Montson. Some words wore ev
changed , Intersected by their panting
breath. "That hits commenced to make
progress , " said Jouvarine , amused at tin
departure of la { ceneur. Anton and Ma
lion lunched with confidence , certaii
now of triumph , when the Internationa
should have sent them assistance. 1
would be the terrified company that
with clasped hands , would beg them It
gb back to work. And In that ray of
hope , in that gallop of heavy shoes
sounding upon the paved roads , then
was another thing , something gloonn
and fierce , a violence with which a bread
had cnfevcred the alleys at the four cor
tiers of thu country.
[ TO IIK coN'Twm-.n MONDAY , !
A. Few Knot * From flirt Tire of Wyom-
lnj's White Slaves.
Cheyenne Sun : A careful compnta'
( Ion ol the pay rolls show that the aver
age month's pay ot these hard-working ,
skilled miners is small. In .Inly last the
average was $ iil : to the man , and in
August $ il. ! From thin a largoileduelion
must bo nnule , as the miners tire required
to furnish ( heir own drills , picks and
shovels , nnd to buy the powder and fuse
tiny consume in mining ! also to pay for
sharpening thciiMlnlls and picks , which
is a daily expenditure. He'must also buy
the oil that he Uses to enable him to do
bis work. After making the deductions
from his meager compensation , there are
matters ot more consequence to be taken
into consideration.
There is not a ilrop of water nbout the
place , except the sluggish , muddy alkali
stream , known as Hitter creek , that a pig
would not wallow In , and the Union
Paeilio takes advantage ot the circum
stance to charge the minor'
thirty-live cents lor each barrel of water !
If the miner's cabin Hhotild be near the
entrance to a inino ho is charged § ) . ? iO
per ton for coal ; Hour ho is obliged to
pay from $1,00 to $ , r > 0 per sack ; for
potatoes SI.BO to $ ' ) . ( ) ! ) per hundred , and
lor the poorest outs of meat liltoen cents ;
and these supplies , if ho lives at mine
No. ( i , be is obliged to pack on his back'
two miles over a rough alkali country.
Kental is quite nn item here , where the
company owns the houses.
There are unmarried men in this camp
who are practical miners and hard work
ers , who arc tiniperate and economical ,
members of the Good Templar organiza
tion , in good standing who , after three
years of steady work , cannot show .WO
lor their nrdous toil and frugality. The
men with families aio put to tne
test to make a livelihood , requiring- the
assistance of mother and older children
in doing such work as they can secure ,
such as washing and sewing. It should
be bornp in mind that there is not a
spear of grass within three miles of this
town ; no feed fordomestieunimals which
are ordinarily the poor man's main stay ;
and no possibility ol a gardcu.
Rlieumatism , Keuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , lleadichs , Toothache ,
. .
Ullrnx , SflllilN , Trout
A\n AM , uriirn ronit.Y IMISS AMI .
&old tj DrusyUURnd I ) ' itlrra uf ryw lieie. I njr Cvul * 4 LutUo.
Dlrertloiis In It I iii Ui 9.
THE ClIAKI.i : * A. A OUUI.r.K CO.
( Bu < UBiiuA.rOU U.ntCU ) Lallluuit , il.U , C. H. A.
"Wo do boroby rortlfy Hint wo Btipprvl o Ilio
ariaiifioiiiiinrsioriill llie Monthly mill tnil An
mini ( liuKliiir of the Loiil'lnnu htiuo Lottor.i
I onipiiny , and In prr'-ou nianitvn unit conliol
ths drinviiijrs thoni'-i'lvos , Htid Unit tlio pnuiuiiro
conilueted ulth honosty. liilrnuss nnd In Kood
lallli loward nil pmtfoB. nnd > MI niitliori7ii llie
eoiiipany to HMI this corttllfatn. with Inc-clinlkii
ot our slcnutuiud uitiicaua Jn Ita udvuitlmuunUi.
rnoorpot nted In ISfiS lorfil yonts by the toil ?
lalnie lor IMunitlonal iind I'lnirltnblo purpo-o's
ultli a capital of ? liKiXii ( ( ( > to Hliloh n lutum-
Itinil ot'oMir i'WD.Odd IIIIH Hlnce lionn lidded.
Jy ! nn ovei u lielinliiff popular solo IIH lnmchl e
MIIH made a pint of tlio preuont Mute constntloii
uiloptfil December ! M , A. I ) . IhW.
The only lotKiry iinivotud uu and cndorfod
by tlio people ot'anj btalo.
It Mor spalos or postpone * .
Itsuiand bln lonuinbur drawings tnlio plnco
A tti'iiKKnii ) OrroiiTtJMTVTn WIN- VOHTUNK
intli n i and Di-auink' . L'kish 1C , in tlio Aciiduiny ol
Music. Now Orleans , Tuouduy , Oct. llitb ,
Itith Monthly
00,000Tick , otsntrivo Dollnrs Rncli. Fractions ,
in riftlin , In I'Kiportlon ,
MMIIP ria/.i.n :
i CAPITAL riti/.n f 7.1,000 .
1 do do
1 (1(1 i\ { } "
si'iim : * OP ; . . . . . . . . ; . . ? n , < xvi
r , ' .IMO 10.WKI
in ( In 1,001) ) KI.D'IO '
1W Ull ( II
600 ill ) M
lUuO do
nAiijiio\lnmlloii I'rl/.ubor JTM. .
U tin ilo M ) . .
H do Uo . 'J. . . .
llt)7 ) J'rl/M. imionntlnir lo fatlWi )
Appliuioii ( lor tutct to clubs xlionld Im nnulo
only to ilio ollitu ol tub Louipan > in iSuit Oi-
l'illl" .
I'mother Inlm-umtlon wtlto clnailv , plvlmr
full million. I'OSl'.VI , NOTKS , liAptHM MOIKIV
( ) nlnra.or Now Vmli i\cliiintiu : In oi'Jl.nrv : hit-
tur , ciiriunt-r b >
Munis tit our u.vii'nUmtir : -id ,
Or M. A. DArPIIlN. XIIH Oili-uiik , U.
uuTbini'iiib ' Ht. , Wiiniihiutiiii. U r.
. O. Money Oiuou pal/ablu unit address
i I < it.
\o Oilcans , It
\ < > Olll'lllll ! ,
i .N ow Oiluiill
"Tt has become w common to hi c h an
nrtiele. in an elegant , Intertn ! > : -\l
"Then run It Into some ml\criis. . < mciit ,
that wo avoid all such ,
"And sinipl.\ cull addition to tlf IPI
of Hop Hitter * in asrtam , honest U
us possible ,
" To induce people
"To give them ono tr'al ' , which POse
proves their value that they will
use anything else. "
so fnuiniWy noticed In all tlio
I'llpOfK ,
lielitrlono nnd Meulnr.
"lliniMv H iitt > i > snIi la supplanting nil
oilier medicine * .
"Tlll'ic In lid ( It'll ) Illlt ttlO * lllllPMif tlio ll'lp
| iliuil , mill Die | iniiniinfv ) of Ho ; > Ililli-rs liuto
t-lxmnpiunt Mui'ndmxmiimliililllt } . *
"la ( iiinpoiiiKliiiK u tiUHllcttu' wnoM' Millies
In ever ) ono j > uosuruulou , "
1)1(1 ) MiolMo ?
"She lingered and PtiTered along , pin
ing iiwiiy all the time for 3 ears. "
"The doctors doing her no good ; "
"And at hist was cured by this Hop
Bitters the papers say sp much about. "
"Indeed ! Indeed1 !
"How thankful we should bo for Hint
medicine. " -
A Dnjijjliler'rt Hflsery.
"Woven years our daughter Mill'ored on
a bed of nlisury.
"From n complication of kidney , llvor ,
rheumatic trouble and nervous debility ,
"Under the care of the best pbyslolauti.
"Who gave her disease various names ,
"Hut no relief.
"And now she is restored to us In good
health by as simple a remedy as Hop Hit
ters that we hud shunned for 3 ears before
using it. " Tin : PAUIXIS. :
Prosecute tlio Kwlnillcrt 1 1
Tfntii'ii jou eidl for Hop litttcrH. ( ftrogronn
cluster of Hop1' on tlio whim luboh ihn ( tnitrtrlst
tmiulsout IIII.N other xtiitT rullisl U. n Wimior's
Ociniiui Hup Iltl tot ( ) ! Illi other "Hop" im'ne.
i cl u. n It nml slum llintilniKKljt usoti . uoiilil a
MiL | rntul If liu InH tnkotl jour nioiK'j lor tlio
Btull laitlt't lilin lor tlin fraud ant MID Mm for
tint ilmmtitfH Tor thn .sn Ittillo uiuliu \ \ ill run-ard
) iiu lltKiiully lor I IKI coin lotion.
Astlima Cure.
This Invnltinlito Rpecinn rontUly nml perron-
tiuntly en 1111 till Kinds of Asiluim. Thu most
obMlmitnniul lontf tiuiilitir ( OHSIM jlultl prompt
ly to UK nomloiftil on 1 1 nfr ptoptiflliH. ll Is
ItiuiMii tliruUKhuut lliu Moiltl lei Itu uiirlvnluil
J. I. CAl.mVKT.L.cltrnr Lincoln , Nob. , wilfrs ,
.Inn. Hfi , ItvSl : Slncu lining Dr. lluli-H A tluim
Ctitu , lor inoio than oou join , in ) wllu hits lunin
cntltuly neil , mid not ovun u 6 > niiloin ol tno
< II CI-U ! llllS IIPPUIU I'll.
\ \ 11,1,1AM hllNMrrr , Hlrlilnml , InwH. wiltos ,
Nov. lid. ISM : 1 hum t'fuo ' iilllloled whit Hay
1'oM'r iiiul Astlium sincu Infill. 1 lollouod jour
dliiTtlons nnd mil Inippy to ? ny Unit 1 nousr
flopl bettor In my ll'o 1 nut ( find time 1 urn
ttmotitfthu ninny \\liiiuuii epuuk t > o luumilily of
jour louiiiillus.
A vulimliloM pitRQ Ircntlso roiilnlnlnestm'lnr
nvonCfiom ovoi.v MIUII In tltu U S. laiiiultittnd
uri'iit llrilnlri , will l > u innlliul upon nppltciittou.
Any cliiixKTist not huvinjr U la bioik mil pro
em u It ,
An rf1li
jn ioft'hiiiifff'uri'6rcl 'i"jrfrw ctrfni'Utp Ti < iiietou , fl vc *
v . ( ! * ( ' eh > Tw o , . uil tft ftll , uvnwr dnt.'u 7 , ' It ini ,
Chicago , Mil//au ! / / ! < 8B 6 St , Paul
: " ; r"
ancl Bast
From Omaha to tlie East.
Clni'ti ) . ! ) , JMinnuapolla , Mllwuukoo , f
St. I'niil , Oilitr linpiUj , Iu--onpijrt ,
I Union. Iuhiiuu | , lioukloril.
Hock Island , I'uiiipiiir , .IniKuvlllo ,
Uirin , MailKon , I.uCiosso ,
Ilulolt , Winona ,
And ullotliULInipoitnnl iiolnls Rnst , Noitlionst
Tlcltct office nt Hfll raiiin-n strout , ( In Pnxton
Iloiub , linn nt Union I'acillo Uu , ru
t'nlliiiiin Alt'Hjiura and rnu i < ini > st IMnlii r Cars
n tlioXoild itrn i tin on tl.o main IH.U.H o : ilio
'IIIO'Aii : > , Mll. AUKKI'4.VS'l INI I. Mi.HAY.UUd
ivory iitlrnilon H paid to pit-i-onBui by cuurio-
uusumplo > ( > iol tnuooinpi iv.
Jt. Mi 1. 1 , Hi , ( ji' .Mnn.ii.ur.
J. K TUI.KKH , Assiistitii. ( n \ \ ufArantiTor. \ .
A. V. II ( J uti'r-.wtu , ( l'uniu'ff mict
J'ielii't Ajont ,
liH ) h. llEVKFOItll , AsSlStlUll UuilUUll I'.UiOU-
1'n.kOi jioUiu.
Nebrask Rational Bani
biiii' , i.iy 1 , ii >
I. W. YATKS , i'l-i
A. K. TOU/.VI.I.N , V iuu
\V. V. iMoltoK. ,
JOHN a. Cuf.i.ivs ,
Li.wis a. ,
\V , 11. & . Caslilor.
Co. l"tb and Kill inun .Siututi
A GuUUnll iiUllutliM Jiu&iiiuao llfttuauUi
F ln'l tcil VlrH'ltr ' v.rivin
rftnimrc' liprllpnin VHH Krror * of Viinth MI | tm
nt ld tnl'frlc * r'.Hii'ttnir fr'im lnill r'rtlrin Mini nc
f t. | . hiioU for * v ( rT tn in vnnnv tnlf1 < 1)r ) iiirft (
nil oM It rontnln "I'ltirn'irliilliini fur ill iicntniuit
tirMiit'dl f'H"C HH'tiM"o of * ) il' Ii I * 'iir'it'iHtttfi ' <
niirul liv tlmmitluir w'm < i iitncrioneH fnr 'Jl juxrult
mliM i > rri'Hli'w iiHvnr li"fnrc full Kittm lot o ( tni
itivi"1riHir 'tfn tui"i' h ( i" fl tii iK'iutlf t' VtH r-h mini
n * > inhn ol ( cnvpr * " 11 vlt. ! < f'iininli'M < | to I * * H * ) no
woik In i'r lr * " ( " * tiicclinnl ij lltnrirv HT , < | itrftfot
tin-ill flmriiin ' < i"irr norV tn IliK rninilrr fur ' -.SO
r thi * n'i'i y wi'i IMAfn . M | in nvfry iiict'tni-A P'l-i
itv * 1 IM Tin' ' ' 't ntit(1 ( l'l'i tr < t ( 't IMIII > I * ' , < VIJ
cnft pnw ( JoM in"1' ' HWHr'ti * ' ! * * * itbor tiv th Vn
"Mill Mcdlud AHsocliitlon , to thu , Ilci'r iif which III
'llij- ( pl < TROf T.lfc ttimM | tin roil tir thn von nil fm
tiKlriKtliin mid lit ih < illlcl ] ij fiirrollul II will bum
t nil. hoiidnn Uinn-l . _ .
THnni l mi lai'iul'iT uf * n"lolv tnwhnnl IhrSclcncu
f l.lfKirilj lint linioHf id ulinlici "i oh , i/nreiitxuul
Inn. ln liiinloriir n'pruymmi AreiiuHiit
Ailli ( < ' tlie INMl.nMvcllui ! > InrilliiiH. nr llrY. . II
nrkcr. Nn. > lltilltti'ih Hici-l llmliin M wliinnH ;
'iMuimuUe ' > l ( in nil dliunteii rcuulrli it "kill nJ iiKpurt
Htllluil tliii-klllorull ( tliorpliHl.
Inn" . Mii'iiiilltv Btiolt ticii'iyl
iii-i'iiK-ltilly wIllKiut I'll Inntiiiii'H THYSELF
Miintion thin luiuuut
of liilluic pupor
llrcf liti'nl' Tluironubbrod ntid flurli
Hereford Jorasy
And Uuiuu und Juimy I ton bu Inu.