Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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Advprtlfcinuiits under this hr > ml lOccntspor
line for the nrpt Insertion , onil 7 tcnta for each
tubMMiui-nt lueyrtloti. Pc\en worda will lw > count-
CH ! to ( ho line ; they must run consrouthely ami
miift bn I'filil ' In ndvnnco. All nd\crtlwment
must lie handed In before - o'clock p. ID. , ftixl
under no clrcmnMniicca will they bu token or
dlKontlmu-d I > T telephone.
rnrtlesndvcrtMnRln these columns nnd hr .
Inir tliu answers nddrewol In euro of lli.t , uul
plcnfo nek for check to cnnblo them to gut their
letter * , n none will t o delivered except on
jircfentntlon of chock. All answers to tuhei-
tlnoincntH should lie uiclo'cd In cnelopes. .
MON1JV To lonn. The Omnhu Financial Hx-
chnmrn , l.'Xtl Knrnam * ( r ( t , UM > talrf > . makes
lonns on nil clauses of eecnrlty fnmi iiflOcliat-
tPl lonn to flO.OW on real c tnte. Wn mnko lonns
toiiull all applicants on IOIIK or Miorttliiiu on
Improved n-al oMnlc , Intul contracts , lcn e ,
tiulldlmtft on b-nseil hind , M cured notes , coilnt , r
nlschattels , or KOIM ! K-eitrlty of any kind. Low
rntoscas ; > terms. Oinaliii 1 Imuithu Uxchrngc ,
llittl 1 - . fa5Lir
arm-in streetup-stalrp.
rpt ) LOAN Money In iinv ninount on renl e -
JL tntc pc-cuiHy. C r . Mane , Kith and l-'ar-
num. WO-o-15
num.M ONiV : TO LOAN tj. K. Jhivls .t Co. Hcnl
l > tnlo nnd ) xiin iiKcntif , 1JU5 Karnnm 81.
M ONKV TO I.OAN-On chiltti'l" . Wooley k
Iliirrl-on , itiom ' . " 0 , Umnlin National hank
M NKV TO LOAN On rcnl estate nnd cliat-
| UH. 1 > . K TlioiiiUR. Ka
MONICV I.OANI'.D-On clmtteN ,
H. tickets bought and told. A. rormaii. U
B. 13th SL K > 1
MONiV : TO LOAN In Slims of fWOnnd U | > -
wards on llr l- < > lii H lenl estate scc-urliy.
1'ottur Jc Cobb , 151. " . I'ariiain M. K >
ONKY I.OANIMI lit C. V. llccd .t Co'
oi on furnltiut' , pianos hordes
) > crf > oiiiil propvrty ol all kinds and all other a
tklcK oralne , nlthoiit ri'inoval. Oxer 1ft Nat'l
Jlank. corner llllh and Funiuin. All lin iiiuil
Btrlctly tonlldonlal.
loan on eliatlel menrlty tiV. . U.
4 , Wlllmell biillillntr. N i : . miner lutli and llnr-
ney. Allotjt'iiiK of ovperlencu anil a c.irefnl
stnily of Ihi' liiiNlnvs ol loiinlnw money on per-
roiinl properly , 1 lm\u at l t iiuilcctruii cjstpm
whutHi ) tliu pulillelly ii.-iiiilin Mieh cn-et is
donoaway ullli , and 1 am now In n poMtlon to
meet Ilio demands of all who become tuniHir- |
nrlly ninlmiiii'-Ktl and ileMio to lal.-o money
wit t limit delay and Inn qnlut manner.
) iee | 'in , | ) inli-loiKil Ki'iilli'inen , mechi
otliern In Omaha and Council Illnirs , can obtain
BilMinies from * lllto } lKil ( ) on Mithciirlty
n H hoiihuhokl finnltiiio , pliino , machinery , lior-
Pt'iviisons , u m iilionw ) rccoiits | , peon red Holes
of hnnd.etc. , vlthoutiLMiio\lu t < mmi lioin own-
ITH reMdenc o or plnco ol buslne-n. Alto on line
Watches and Dliiiiiomlp.oni ; ot tlio iHUantaRes 1
oiler IM tlial. an > paitol any loan can ho pnkl at
any time which will rcdmotlii > IntcrcRt pie intii
nnd all IOIUIH renoniil at Iho original iatr ol' In-
tcipct. 1 have no broliiirsln connect Ion with my
olllto , lint pc'ihonally snperlnteinl all my loaiH , I
lia % o prh nto olllcus ixmnoctctl w Ith my Kenei al
ollli'i ) M > that onstome. do not comu In con
tract , with each other , cotiM > ( | iiently innklpKall
IrtiiiMictloiiH Mrlctly prlvutu. w. IL Cioll.
room t , Wlthnell Imlldlnur , N. I' , coiner Ifilli ami
Harnoy , Omaha , and ' & 1'ciiil St. , Council
) N'pat joillljrirlil to a III film-
V\ | 1ol two. Ciood lioinu for no. 1MO
California M.
ANTUO-Kltchcn Klrl ut iia Houard.
, VNTii-lrl : forliousunork. lit : . ' ! llowani ,
hot. l'k > ii"iiiit and 1'ulrvlcw. lll-'J *
WANTii-A : girl at Kneturii Ilotrl. 1011 ! S.
lOthHtn-cl. WHO *
V\7"AIsTii : > A KOO < ! cook , ono competent to
' act as hoiiHcltuupur ; good wages. AddlCJJ
II. i N , , Ileo Ollico. Wl
WANTin-llrl : for honsoxxork. Uavi'iiport
und iKith st. II. Mailin. 111 11-11
WANTKD-fJood liouso 18.1 WebMur.
Wugus f J pur week.
TTTANTKD-Ghlfor houi-o work , 24U Capitol
WANTI3U Indy HKOiitB to i-cll entirely new
iiibher undcn.'imnont ; e\elii .I\o lor lo
males. Maduni I. Little , boH.I , Clilcago , HI.
WANTIID A neat ) omiK Klrl to nsslnt xvlth
hub ) . B 8. anil St. 73S _
WANTnD IJidy HKcnts for "Onlay" Skirt
nnd stocking wipportcr.s , shoulder braces ,
tiopoin 101 inn , Du-Sh Shields , rubber -liigliiim
lilbs , aprons , Hlcux-es , Inliintx dlaiiers , .Ve. Our
j.OfXlaifi'iit Hiiro mukliiK monex fast : w > can ) ou.
vVdilre-s with Plump , II. II. UAMI'HIM.U .V t\ ) . ,
484 W. Haildolph St. , Clilcilim. 7ll-l ! p
i : A rhl lor Bc-neralhout-uxxoikat
t > 07 South 20th St. M4
. , - . , . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , } , , ' < Kood coatmakciN ;
* i ooil piku" , tlcadj' xxoik and piompt iiay.
AddrchS Win. U. Mason , Slonx Citj , In. 112-12
M/"ANTii : > Txx'rnty men for irack-lajhw ut
St. I'uul , Neb ; Hhln Sat'iidii ) ; frconans-
Jioitatlon. Apply 1UU llarney Fticct , K. H. Ir-
wlnA-Co. 1112-il
WANTHD Men for daliy xxoik. .1. f. lloch ,
! , mllu noith Dual .V Dumb Institute.
WANTti > AKcnls to fell our adding ina-
chlne.s , niailo In brass and nickel ; no toy ;
fells inpldly lo liniikeis , incichiintH , bookkccp-
ri H. etc. Adtliti/jM / nt once r. V. Oaklii ) .V Co. ,
Ballmi , Kan. _ _ IttJU _ ,
WANT1M ) Good eanva Rori < . 111 paj. Iln-
tL'i ) > rl < u lion WoikH , Noith Omiihii. Goods
unplo as In cud and butter. _ tw is *
WANTKD STionipcntors. Apply at 'JMh and
l'iiiiiiiiii.81iuwxriulili _ 7IS-IIJP
Kitty "CIIIIMISSCIH. Uidles unit
i L'eiitlemen uiu making till per day sellimf
mir "Kltibon Queen. " Aililioss , with Mump ,
Klmpfon \ I'nrsonsTool Co . I ) lloanl of Tiiulu
'Inlldliifc'.St. raniMinn. . Mnnnlactoiy. l.oucll ,
JIups. lil-2T )
VyANTKl ) Muttret-a inakcra at Dnwuy
Stonu'i" . Itlil
W ; ANTiD : Stcnoumphcr. Huxi , Omalnu
I"'TiI ScU'llr ' ( Missouri cteain xxaMier
A innkn bl r mimiiy. J. WOM. : , ClL' Miuiulno-
Hirer , St. Louis Mo. tHWdroit | > _
WANTUI ) AKimtfl. Addiess Kleelrki Ijimp
and Stoxo Co , St. Ixnils Mo , lor eliciilur ,
rut and terms ol M cnndlo puxxcr Maihh Kleclrlu
Ijimn. liiS-pcllilii
iTrAK'i. . " 5J'"ntl n hy u competent jwiwr
V dlUKKlstt H"1 ' { . ' " "illlll , had tlvi'xc.lla'
i ; liertol icteiciiccs.
ciuool' Ilcu ,
WANTED Situation n < t coiuhnian hi n jnlv
nlolamlly by a man with eiv ' u\i > cil >
cnco. Addiis C.lHio Olllce. Ul-'J'
"Vl/'ANTUD Situation by jonnv coloied man
Vi nsconcliinan or Kcnuinl hutisu iul > . Ad-
archil , c. , iicuoiiuu. isi-n
WANTit : > liy n jounjr imiii of IT. n job
lluhthitf Hies and taking euro ol IHIISCH ,
t\nd maku hlnit-cll uucl'ul. H. H. , lieu olllce.
WANTHU Olllco or Moro dntloM by oxiicrl ;
( mciHljomiminuiot 20. . \dilicts"A. II. , '
Ilco Olllcu. 1U-10 ; )
AKTKU A "Tim nraTi iflll xxnnlii n Kond ,
Htcmlx' plnco to xxoik In pilxato liunlly. In-
VX/'ANTIJH I'osltlon by cipciicnced tten-
T > ii iaiilierttudOlllco tlerk : icleiunc-ei. Ad-
OiessV. . II. ( 'uiinliiKham , DCS Molnoa , lox\a ,
Wl-10 *
WANTii : > Hy u lady -lenojriaphcr , n posi
tion In iiliixxjci'MUlltuorxtliolcsalnhoufro.
Itofcii'iiiTdtflvi'ii , AilJlCkS H. , lleo Ollice.
UTC-10 *
AXrii : > A sltuntlnn by u ccntlonnin of
M uxiu-ricncc , In a were or ollice. Can opcnlc
I'.uullsli , ( Juimnn and Hoheinlaii. Addies"H.
N. U. . " HouOlllie. tttil-lo *
' ii-A : ftlluntlon by u need hahcr. Address -
WAN'I l/ouls bcllcit , l-'annciii HmiMt.
\\rANTip : Hy ttoady , Indnftilinis boy.placo
\ In lamlly xx IICIP liu can ninku hmhclr | UMJ-
In ! . IniiuliuK-TS.lMli. IC--'J'
"i .TT.iNTKD Sit Ion by n j oiiiiir man us host-
Vi ler or general liuutu xx oik. Apply. ) . H. ,
Ilco ollltti.
TTTAN'I f.ll Slinallou by nrsl-clasacoiiclmnm ,
Aan , , A. . . .iunuc.wu . , , .
Hi a ixoniaTr.TTrmilioii a- >
PIT. lii'iuliui'i * uoilli t'lh. ' Mil * . Ar
y A.viru X I ' I l" , Of " > | I ! f\ .
11 III' I I ll I I I ' f mar-
ll Cl ill ll I V-'llll-fS
M \\i. < < , . II i Ml
\MI rctir
A\ llLl" .
nil to u.w
W A NTii Situation in floro In Neb , fl y ( nn
mportcncd : horouirhlr neinialntrd with
pi ncrnl dry Roods ; best of reference plven. Ad-
( Ires * bo i fen , Vllllpcn , IOWIL Ml-lOp
" \VMNTin : A pnrtnerln the fred nud prod-
nco bupnc | 9. Capital nijulri-d. nlout
< 4f)0. ) C.D.UmiihnNVb. 13.MO'
WANTKIl A pnrtnor with Mtmll cnpltnl. for
talc Krenu iimnfif. 20th .V I'lcreo 1 P"-llp
WANTK ! ) Uttlu irlrl in ndopi n oxvn child ;
nni'l lie under two jonri of ajfo. Addtcfs
I'.Jpnucn , 1110 I'm nam st. 120-12 *
" | \TANTin : One ) ounji man to Instruct In
V > bookkeeping. J. U. Smith , 1222 Knrnnm.
' \\TA Tlll : To rent furnWiid rooms \xlth
iMinnl. Apply at Mrs. J. T. MeCnlfrcj's ,
701 S. Ifcth ft. WIT-U *
"IX ANTUD Anew milch cow nt MO I'leasant
V1 St , ' HuO-Op
" \7"ANTii : ) Ily n ncntlrnian , nloin nnd iKinnl
nt $ tt or $7 per week , wul of 20th and
Fonthof Kiirnnni. llefc'rcnees If miulivtl. Ail
ilri'os Ofinr , Ilco Ofllci * . 1M5
w 1ANTiu-T : UIIIK. T. Murray.
WANTKI3 A joiinir mini \\liohn < < iiileiiciint |
nnd romrortalilu KKIMI. would llko a room
innto. Cull nt No. I'llS Capitol live. Hcfi-rencus
T WANT n residence worth from fil.noi ) to
.L fld.iMl and Mihurhan proport ) as an Inx-e t-
incut to tliumnnuul ot $ JOOc > , all lorciHi , Ad
dress u. 0. Stair , City , Hey 411. K >
nVANTY.IMattrcss makerlit Dewry k
> \ Stone's. ilOO
WANTiO : A full lot near the c-Kyat n re-i-
ponablo price. Slatnpilce , terms and lo
cation. Address " , J. Jf. 0. " Ilco Olllco. 2OH
WAT < Tii ) To trade a wood Pcoond hand
piano , or a horse and buguy. Imiulro at
IMIiolm X l IcliMiu. \V \ )
ros nrijT-iiousEs AND LOTS.
FO ItlvVr Store room on 11th ptrept nmr
.tones ; U looms upstairs ; II rooms i oar and
xmall barn ; all lor i.V > per month. Ilnmlln &
llroxvn , illl S llth "licet. H7-14
ITXOUSAI.i : 7 i-ooin IIOUPO on I'ninam St ,
1 ( rood older , fplcndld locution : wood bum ,
lot Bilxl tti piled JKUH.xxllhout ) liulldiiiKH ST.'XV '
AIIIC-M , 1MI7 I'nrnnm Mreet. ( MHO
\ HKNT 'Hired Deslmblo boii'cs. Hal-
1r\Oll ' Ilius.HITS. Uth fit. 10KMO
\ HINT Nox1.1 , a iir t-cinss IMoom cot-
17\ou ; line location ; by S. T. I'ctersen.R. e.
cor. ir > tlii ' "
IiMlK KiNT n loom lirlcU IHIUM- , nil lllc kory
St. liiUlio ( ) on picmlsu" . tCW-ini |
KiNT : Nuw IIOIIFU with M'ViMi rooitH
for one or t\\o liunlllea. liniuho 11)10 ) 1'aolllc.
1)71-10 ) *
< OIt KIJNT rotlnjre. poxen rooms , 1'nik
17 a\i > . O. P. Duvls > V Co. , ] joi ; rniniun t-t.
Foil KKNT > ly iceldonco.coiitaliiliifr eleven
rooms nnd lull h 100111 , " 1st mid St. Mary's
Win. l'ie ton. IWO-ID *
lilt ItlJNT HOIISU No 1S N. 17th bt. : nNo
Flilt ) W. Omnliil , $ IH. ] ' . O. Ilo71 ' . IHT.T-10 *
F I OH HUNT ruinl lit'dcottHBO on stieet rnr
line , H > 7 North Soili Mici't. Wfi-l'J
FOH Hivr : Two nc\rresidences0 rooms eiuh.
tottaKo/i / roomsboiiee 10 rooms. J. I'hipps
Hoc. Kij
FOH HKNT Two-story ilxt t'lllnif , 7 i-ooms ;
Kooil locality. Apply Cor. llth and Doiiiilus.
C. T.Taj lor. 715
_ _ _ _ _ _
FOH HUNT HoilMi of thrco iixims S'id and
Chirk streets. Irinlro ( | north-east corner
15th and DoUKlas , and -M.Iackpon St. ) ' "
"f7OU HKNTiTstorcs on Pth ami I.wivcnworth
A1 Fl .
1 MOID cm South 11th ft. lloth flirt.-c > ] iiFs biinl-
ness locations. Alto IIOUSCH to lout. A. .McJav- (
oek. t > ' l
IH'.NT Hou-o of n ioom . Apply Cor.
llth and DoUKl.f. ' . T. Tajlor. 740
FOK KENT Seveial ilxxplllnes. Apply Cor.
_ 14Jh iiii < l DoiiKlns. C. T. Tajjor. _ 71li
ITiOIt Itr.NT A fine , new hou-c , oljfht rooms
and cloi-ets , bay window , smith and tnst
fi out , and line \lc\r and a ( rood bain , and IIKOOI !
lot ; xery hiiltablo toi iilamlly that Keep a her c.
Kent , * .1l per month. Iminlio at l.dliolm &
lUlckron. ojip. poMollltP.
; OIt ItKNT A new U-ioom liuiihO , ono block
I 1 fioinMicct car , on&M bt. , ? .K ) pur month.
t' . 1 ! . Mnj no , llth and I'limam. Kfi
J'jioit KINT : OK SALI : A honsu. imrn for a )
1 coxvc ; uml t lots In Walnut Hill add. $10 per
month. Inqulio James riiilstlmisi'ii , U. P.
' - lcu. Ui7-o-l"j !
FOR HiNT HoiihC , C roonif. Iniiulio Kd-
liolin .V Krlcliton. UU
IlKVT Oct. 1st. or after , u ilxvpllltm
I1 hon n."i looms , nice Mini , cistein , xxatur. $ JJ
per month. Aiiplv 1411 I'mkAVilil uxc' . , or.Ino.
W. Hell , ( liutrKist.KM South 10th St. O.K !
FOKKINT : NicofottiiKo 1010 south I'.ithst.
InqniiiMil C. A. Itcldln. CxWIji
IT OIl llivr Hoin-u 11 rooms $ .T > per month ;
1 will lent part. O. U. Thompson , S. W. cor.
llth and llainey. ISO
KKST Tliu hoiisu and barn on corner
L'llth and I'loivnPt. Inqnlio at Ilofton Diy
( Joe lsj.toic.S. _ lilth St. 1KI )
IJIOIt KKNT 5loom c'olttiKO coiner Popplo-
1 loniiiidShoiIliiiiSt.lJ. C. K. Jlajne. S.
W. turner l.'ith and Km num. 711
Oll KKST I'lirnlHlicil room , Itffl IV run in.
I 11IM5 *
) K KKNT I'liriiWii'tl front joom and
F liuunl. IfillM'aiiltolaxv. UIUU *
Foil JIICXT Two C07i , comlortably fur-
nlshed IOOIIIH. suitable lor IHO or foii
HeniLii. Oihl IVIlows' lllock , llth and Dnilgu.
Jh8. Kendall. 11D-1U'
KIlN'rrninlshcd rooms with bath room ,
IrtOIl 1 for KUiitleiiiun , No. Kl'.l'i ' Cwnlng
Mri'ct.wc-ut Hat. A Knot ! rcstauiant In riuau
liulldlnir. 't ' l >
_ _ _ _
ItlJNT riiinlMicd liont room with
17IOII and dressing loom. Ill S. ISth ft.
l < tr > >
OK KKNi : l.'uinKhcd room. HI N..l"th tt.
IflOll KKNT A nicely nirnwis.1 | . . . . . .i lnl
' two sentlomcn ; modern coin enlencps. 17M
Capitol KM ) . ! HrL : ! !
litNT : l'iirnl lifMl loom with IIFO of tit-
H : mom. Iminlio 1)11 ) Harnoy , tkU-11
OlliKNT N'luly fiiinlblird luoni 1(117 ( Chi-
catjo St. I'M '
77i ( H HOT for. SOIh and WclistnrMicctH ,
j Ouooi t > * o rooiii lo Kontleinnii anil wltuor
On Mieet curllne. im-J >
HUNT 2 Mines 111 the liiiek liulldliir ) on
Frit bt. , bet KHIi nnd 17th , No lUlft and
1 I7. Imiulri ) at drmr stoio cor. liilh st. Wo
lir.NT Itooin , nno pleasnnt lurnKlicd
FOR xxlthpilvllcuuot bnth loom , at 7 ( llitli
sticet , near Webster , KM-l.'p
HC.NT With hoard , nicely fuinlMiod
rooms , 1TIU CtibS St. ail-Up
iriOlt HUNT I'mnlehed room. Inriuhu cor.
JL' loilimiil DoiiKliia 741
OH HKNT Nicely fuintelictl looms , KKI
1 Iui1vo. ? JiOp
FOH HUNT I-arffO front loom nicely fur-
nlslicd ; piivllcKcor bath mom : biiltahlo lur
txxoiiei ons ; llxomlmitcs xvalk liom 1' . O ; ono
block Inmi blrcct car lino. Addice-j I' . O , box
; tiw. 7U1 _
FOH UliST A"UIIH suite of Ininlslied rooms ,
liny window , bath , itu. ; terms iciiKinabh ) .
2. > IO Douglas Btrcet.'T'J
T710H HENT Ono Imiw , unfiirnlilKsl , nlcoxo
itmm , with buy window and inale , and nil
modem Iniprovenicntu , on Mill fclicct , ncarM.
Mary's axe' . Jmiulru nt S. W. Cor. llllh and
HUNT 'fnu nicely fuiiil ticd rooms In
liouto with KM , liuth and tin nucu ; on el ret t
HUNT A nice , pleasant room , furnUli-
FOH unfurnltcii. Jmiuliu ut I5U l.eavcn-
xxorth strcct. _ < } U _
Hi.NT : Itonnm with hoiuil , dcflralilu for
POIt . Apply at St. Chin leu Hotel. Ml .
InoitltKNT Nicely luinl licd fiont nionTio
1 trcnllc'imiii onlj , ut & . II. corner UUIh und
171011 HUNT A eulto of nicely fuinlehcil front
J roinna ror l o gcntlunicii , ITU JacKton
f licet , near corner of ITth fclrctt. lic-feroiucs
uiinirixl. _ Si _ _ _ _
1JIOU ICiNT : KurnUlieil looms for llylit
J' liniiRi kct > plnt ; , In liccinci'd block , cor. t < th
am ) llouaul. tt.l
I ilOH HI M' T " lodini adjoining , with
1 bum i. li'-i i ! < „ , , < , > i o.ti : . 1'JH Wclutir
> Oll ItKNT .1 fnrnlshpil roomi on Pnrlflc
17 i > tro ( I , brtxTccn Mh nnd lOth.ono lilwk south
of the. U. 1' . i1ciot. | _ < ' !
TjAOIt UKNT gii1rn Atil onth front nxitm S.
Jj W. corner lUtn and Davenport. TiX )
inoli littNT-Twn nlccl > fnriiMitil rooms , N.
.L' W. cor. 21st and St Mary"nvcntio. . _ 4 < 10
[ jVH SAM : At n hnrrnln , n flno tpmn of
-L ? hordes , xx elirht 2Mk ) Ibs , and a need M upon
and harness ; nil grst class. Inquire of Kdliohn
& Lilckoil. l.M-1 ; '
I7Mlt HAM : Ixas M feet front hy ITT feet
deep , nro pxtm I'TRC. ' You had better scv
thcc lots before the ( helm Is KOIIO , 1'ikes
tRV ) to 4) ) < iW per lot. Ames 1 Y)7 ) Kuril nil. 1JMO
OHSAI.K-2-Jfcct on Hnrncv street , JVirtO ;
or will trndofor Impiiixcd property. I'un-
nliiKliam \ Itreimnn , 1511 Dodiru. HS-U
77011 sAI.K-Chnlcu b1ocl < on Holt t.lne. $1.VM ) .
1 If 3011 liuvo any conlldenco In Omnha'x fu
ture , heiola a chance for jou. Amei , 117 I'm-
nain. iu-1U :
FOU SAM : A comer lot on DodRO street ,
' f I.IKK ) . CuniiliiRliam k llrcntmn , Kill Dodjre.
FOUSAI.i : I Miximuorth client lull In W ( t
Omaha , ixtiu sl/e , M feet Innit , IT" feet
deep , for UV ) to frNU. Ames , 1" > 07 rarntun.nwo
"T71OII SAKK Vine hulrl propeity piixlnir
JL ; HO.OOO n jeai net. 1'rice , $ .VniO. , in : >
turm .
1'orSnlo A few cholco ncio lots , $ iOto JIW )
I'o r Itnnt Tour nexx- Moro rooms and llxo
Tor Sale1 A line , lull cornpr tiiif.lno 4 lut on
Hoxx an ! street. Miii > t bo "old.
l' < ir Sale Ten ( iiltimps and llxo nvlilciu o
fnim f l/iliO to ? l' ' , < ioil. lny : terms. H. C. 1'aiter-
fim , Cor. Mill and Pannim , 1 > 4 !
FOU SAI.r-U IIOIIM-S and lot , HflvliW , on N.
irth Ktrcct , (4Xin. ( CuunhiKliani - \ Iliin-
nan , lull Dodrro.
T710H SAM : I'liifnxlim lotnSfi"'tolVl. Ppe
JL ? clal Indneciiieiil for tliuoxlio \\ant nxnlo
investment. Ami's \M \ I'm mini. liii-in
SAI.i : I'lxc-roonu d houco and coiner
1JMIH , iJI.Cll ) . Will Inku In pail pa\nicnt u
team oflnn ( .
A line ic ldcncc property. cenialal a lun-fi'l
llxi'-ioomed IIOIIMI nnd lull lotHiuih liont ,
on Unit st. . V-.IUM.
Tlic lie t txxo luts In Slilnn'ri add. fora llnu res
idence at abaiKiiiii.
The thst impioxeil lot noith of 1 'arn am on
IlOth sued Txxo houses chop. Hallou Itiux , ,
: IIT s. nth st. iiii ) )
FOUSAM : ShiniM-M and lots lor fi'W , A
vooil InxcstmcMit. Cnnnlnirliam X lln iinnii ,
1511 Dodtte. I Till
17XOH sAl.i : Conn1 ami sti1 tl.t'besi | < itm > x-er
olleii-il In W ( st Omaha , .it fiJVl to SSIHI p-i-
lot. This is i-h-Kiint piopeitj. Conic mid see it.
AIIMS lr > 07 raimiin. USD-Ill
FOi : SAM : lotrK4lxxllhl ( | ! now cottage. . ;
u ills liu ? ' , ' ) | ier niontli , on 17lh , near l.cax-
Moitli , jl/idO. A. MifJavoeK , ItO1 * I'aniam s | .
37'OH sAl.i : I iiDrcst si/ei lots In thlsiltx.ln
Weft Omaha , at JU.V ) to ? HlO per lot. on ei : y
terms. .Macs l-r ' 7 I'arnmn. 127-10
17MUI sAIiLarKi - lioun' . coiner lot , on Cini-
llallllll , , OilO. A.McOaxoik , IWi-.l I'm nun.
lis |
SAM-I.ntx M mid ITT at ? IW1 to ? - ! .
The-c nr liundsonu'st lotIn West Omaha.
tciins Amen , IMIT I'arnam. l.'h-K )
SAM : 120 inn- , near cltj. De-ii.ible
-I1 ncio piopotlj In MiiiotH localltirs. „ * , v.
JIni shall , 15110 I'ainam. iMI-lt
IT ( U s.l.t : Clmciulon und Ailhitflon Mill ot-
J1 fei fine lots lor pintles uantin homo- ' .
Thc e. lots Hell ( in enti'i inn at Sl" > 0 to 8.VJI per
lot. Sdmols , chinches Mines , caii me ah only
on tin M' txi o additions and the Miles In t laicu-
( Inn and ArlltiKlon Icrlti ila.\- < past aio the best
ox Idcneu ol their pijpnhulty. AineH , l.ViT I'ai-
iiam. 115-1 i
JT1OU SAM : Stock of iienernl ineix-1 . ll-e
JL1 and bullillnif lor runt , -\ddiess II. S. P. , lice
ollicu. ( is < i-4p ]
1OU iAl.i-'oiiier : hit , IKMOO , 1'opplelon
Jl1 axe. , ni'iir I'aik ; ea-t and noilh liont ; S2'jO ( ) .
A. Mca1.W1 ! ! rarnam gt. 1'bT '
FDltsAl.i : Ijnt * 111 Mcli ( ) - ( , on belt line.
ThH is as llnoa chnneo to ilonblo money In-
. Wu fell llic-c lots
mm at 5 0(1 to $ .1(10 ( ; they xxlll oell lor t\x [ < i > us
much in K months. Amen , 1.VI7 l.CMO
II1' } on xvanl u cheap IHIUM > anil lot ,
11 jon xvant bnshiesrt piopc'tlx ,
Tl jou xxant unlmpioxiil ic'sldt nco pioperty ,
It juu xxant aero piopcitj ,
II jou xxant tomalioaKooiIlnxcstiiicntinanj
lilndol ical cMnto ,
If you xxant tostll any kind ot real f"a'ii. |
Call & llieiinan's ollue. r.ll
, nc\t I' . O. .c > i
FOIC SAM- : ! lots In KhkMood adil. cheap.
A. Mctiinock , I'm I'arnam i-t. 'JMi
POU SAl.i : Ncxx ! < t > lo hiatlns ttoxcciy
cheap , 1WI5 Capitol me- . 'Kti-lbp
FOU SAM : Lots in xvcut Omiihn , on I.eiixon
xx ( ii Hi lii ct.fftotl)0perlot. ; ) ) . AIIIOH. llj"
Fin mini Hticct. IL'l-lit
$1IO ( ) Hoiisooflhrco looms on Halt lot , "V
hlocK Irom Miundci-s , txu > blocks liom ear
line ; $100 eiibh , 512 per month. JI. 1' . Scars.
F OH SAM' Tor homes I'lalnvlcw Is tin-
place Splendid locntlon : peed
noKiadinjr. I'llcep , { r.'i to $4"0 per lot ; ICIIIH
to suit biijer. Ames l.'dJT liu num. tic-s :
OH SAM : Nexv llxo-ioom cottnyc : lot 4 \
LSI ; W. A. Hi-dlck's add. ; SI.KX ) . A. Mid.i-
FOU SAI.i-ili : ( ) 4 lots In Miinn'b.'id add.
Jft ) .
( lK ! ) II lots In llanwom place for fc..H' ) . ) .
( lll'i't ' ) I lot In HlmolmiiKli plnco , 1,1'rJ.
( lH ! ) > / auro In ( Hsu add. $ ili .
( Illl ) I lot In Shlnn'H 2d add. 4-7'0.
H2T ) i lot In Shliiu'H 1st Tiild. .V > ( i.
lilli ) Honso nnd lot on Koxvunl i-trwt , lot
, new limif-e.r > roonif , tie s < te , SI.OV ) .
Lot In I'm lieis add. ? iHV ) .
lim ol land In Mcnick < o , nt f l per acri * .
fl.txiu acies In Maneo Lo , 5.1 M per aero nnd up-
ittllncirs in ( lioclcy Co , M60 pcrncie.
WXI ) ( acii s In MndiHin Co. Jl ) lo Ji'i per ncio.
fi , ill and : . " 0 acio tiacts near thu city iM per
( l noi cs In nort'iico , line loc.ulon , f ( sj.
Taciesln rioicneo , cheap , f.VK ) .
HI ncies adjolnlntj Kloiciu e , ? T5 per ncio.
1'irfet inoitKiiKCH on impimcd lainiH In thN
Mate , hcailnjf U to iDjiur cent Interest , unmlm :
1 and A J cm s. Kach nun tifairu H about M ol the
Miluo ol tholarm. IIanilln& HIOXMIIII ! South
iltliHticct. 7a-iU )
; -or < 1.i lotjn KlrhHOO'l ; iica-sU mid time.
f ) M.g.Scni" ? . _ _ _ . _ ! ! i' ' " '
OUSAr.r-Hoiippsand lots on monthlvpnj-
niunts. D. 1. llajden , SainidtriImtxvcou
aku and Wllll * avus. fi'l " ' 1 *
B IM.I. special & SfC'ANDMSIl bnrfralns , 1511 Dodge M. , offer "
House , 7 looms , near fit. MaryV .
iust : liont , 0-iooin IIOUM ; , Ji't ' , fct . -
Ilou o , 10 i nnniD , full lot. TaxcimoitSt. ,
OtB to bn iivif | , % rry TOdy tcriiH . . .
Ifouso , Tiooins , stahlu , do. , DoiiKlas St . ! l'j"0
Ililck noiiFo , Hoiy and basement , all (
inixlcin ImpioM-mcnls , near St. Maiy'ti 10iWO
House , Hi oonirf , allconxenleneuci. Daxcn >
POU . . . n ; , )
Kletiant rc ldcmo , IIUKO lut , njuth liont ,
on Daxunpoit St . fV fc )
House , Vt lot , L'hlciiKO St . 1..VM
Houi-e , 1) ) roomti. hot and cold water , 2 tola
coiner Pail ; A\u . , . 7,1x111
2-sloiy hnu e , HIilim'Hadd . ll/Mm
1 loui-u nnd ono ncro , cheap . N |
HouFU.UroouiH , andonu ncio . ] , i H
lloiifto and 11 lots , Wuliint Hill . ] , ! ( )
Hoiice and lOaeicH , xxell located . 4 , ' * l
Vuiydeslmblo lot , Hlilnu'd add . Tul
14 ncio , ( lino's add. . V l
aeie , I'aik I'lncc
Dchlrablit lots. LeaxciiHorth Ht.fNXI ( to. .
2Jntslu Itui rOali . . .
l-ots In HaiiK'om I'lnco , $ KW to . ISM
4 heantltnl lotson luthht . ll.uoo
lUaciuson Lcaxunvxoith Ht at . } .M ) I'
Acio propeity In Cotullillllant and other addl-
tloiirt at ? U1 to { 4UO. Hell , \ ; McCandlMi.1511
10ll SAU-Splcndld residence In heart of ]
Unit uci o und line residence on dimming St. ,
Lots In 1'atrlck'g Smtitogn addition , f OO to
Iot | i | HlmchnuRh'H addition xery cheap ,
l-'heacus In rimunco.
Tx\cntyucies near Irvlnglon , f 1,0X1. A Inir-
Splendid stock farm of IWI acres In Sarpy
county. J W. Miutlmll , I'M Kurnum St. ( hi
7T < Oll SALII-Rost ncio lots In imukot.
.I1 Prints Sub-division two to two.
( mo Hi illlante , flM.
This piopcity U xunth look I up nt j comu and
Inxctiljjiiio. Ames , I50T I'm iium , ! tX-S )
Trj > Oir8AlTK OnoiirTiiniiM > > t icsldcncu prop
" cry , ( illd-rdyu locntlon. t-plcndld xlciv , cast
trout ; modern Impmxcmcnu , ica onablu piice.
Addics < t W. K. , Iliu olllcu. 7U7
1 SAI.K-Al n li.inr ln , a Him new ic | .
denci' , | t\ ( Ixu rt'omv. c'c niri't \ am ) a | |
inihlein impiiixeiiu n " itnnind ; a llnu
xlow"wllh thu i > i I ' i i IP 1 1 1 > . ( la s
Uiin , JiHjuiivul I " > .ji . | nt-k ! > ui. . C.'J
ONI V.Vllottlotmilofor Improvctl proportv ,
\xlll iissumo inorlKfiffr-i or pay Olllerenco In
tn h 1'artlf xvlfhlnji 'to ' trndn licttcr rail nt
onco. W H. Own. HeM t National Hank. 174
J .lJ Hou o nml lot and ten lot * ninr
1'arkax.Oiiue. cliunp , on ( > it y totin * . (1 ( I' .
f tcbbltis , Itcom 31 , AJrUijeton IJIock. t'l'nox- ' ; *
FOH S Vt.t : 11 niTP flneost imnlon and fruit
land In the plates nun 0 miles Iroui tnmha ;
haxonot the tlmo tV look nllerlt. On time or
lor cash. Ciil. Martin , HHJ South 14th St. ! ITU
ir\OU \ SAM-Ono : of the finest ifsidcnco propT
J1 crllc < In Umnlin. tKfuv. C. K. Majiip. lath
nnd I'lirnam. ' irifl _
FOH SAM : OH HUNT iiriek homo. MX
rooms corner lot. Shlnn'sadd. Will cll on
monthlj pa ) incuts. C. U. Ma } nc , l.llli and 1'ar-
nntn. ' : IT1
OU SAMf flutTniinxfottninM , tlx-o rooms
each , In Walnut 11IIIS ( rood cellars , rhwts ,
; txvo hits xrlth each cottiuro
. , f l ( l down nnd fJO per mouth. C. K.
Mil ) uc , l.'illi ' and I'm num. ! )7,1 )
FOH S.VI.i : llenutlful ncropi-opcrty 2 lulled
fnini city , nt $ li" > lo $ .K l per acre ; easy
tcrniH. H. C. rattcixm.porncr loth and rnrnnm
_ _ _ _ 'ltl
fTMill SAM ! Miutnlflcunt hou oatid lot xxlth
JL1 ( iimmodlonslinrn onCnlllornln meet near
IMh , Himli inmt. fil/rti.
1'or Hilo I'nll lot > tHd ( ) tnoMorr Rronmhonou
on Cnllfoinla , lociillon very deslr.ible , J5 , ( l. J ,
) : . Idle ) -t Co ,2iri outh 1.1th street. 224
ITIIIH SAM : ITIotnon fleorirla and VliKlnln
1 axes , Hodlck's add. ( Iii0 ; to fl.VW each ;
eaiy leims.
dlHi ThntipntP tcottnKo In Omuhn , uexr , all
modern lonxiMiloiu-os , lleoridaiivo. , f-I.KM.
(2lVi ( ! lloanl Ifnl auro lot and liou-o laclnp pro-
pn--nl Jloiilexmil , Wevt Omaha , V-l/RW , easy
WiT > fineirs xxlth peed houin. etnblc etc. , 5
miles fiom I1 O. HJ W pnsy terms.
(2I ( ( ! > Nexv lottafroGfoonis , ( rood barn , corner
( Inii'il uml Tier bticets , WgiM , monthly pay-
liient" .
( IT1) ) I.ol fuuliitf llan eom park onl'nik nx-o ,
$ , ) ( ! j ti-nns. U. i ; . Majnc , loth and rar
nam. 117-
K1OU SAI.i ; N'exx hou o , 7 rooms past front ,
Jl lull lot , neM to nnYy , on Sniindurs meet ;
lot iilonr xxoith nearly all that U asked for II ,
} 2HM. ( .1. U Hlh-J \ Co. , 211 S. llth St. KW
'Tj1Olt' > -Txxololhon : n corner , txxo blocks
I fiom rarmim , ( Kith lor JIA" > i ) . poiltixelv
chiap. .1. K. Idle ) & C < i.,2ir , J'oiilh 1,1th M. 2i : ;
l,1OUSAI.i--OiiCoiixcnl : M.lot4U\lli ) ; hotiso
1 ilrooni" near stix-el ear llnu , iJMJc.i- . J.
U. xiai"h.i ' S
IjlOU SA l.i : I'nll lot. south iron ! : very ik-slr-
JL ? iihlo proper ! ) .on nnl ear line. This l < \ ury
cheap at 51 , UW. .1. II. Hlley V Co.'n5 bontli 1,1th
Ml eel. 51
TTlOlt WMI-t lieap. 11 line lot In llan-com
I1 l'Jiuo. _ A.ldicusN. 1' . P. . Iteoolllec. _ IM _
FOK s M.I ; We haxe lots on Vlnton. Cum-
IIIKS ( ii-oiuin axe. , lea\cnxxorli ! and other
( ireets , Tarinim slice ! bii-lm-ss piojiuitx. J.
H Hil < > > A. ( o . 2l1South 1'ith Hrect. _ _ " 2tl _
rriOH SAM : Lot on l-arnnm , .VMKi , "Sflo'lPH ,
L xeix deslrablo tor rt-hlileme. ' 1 his xxlll be In
the nun kclonl.v u Inxxdujsaslt Ischoap. .1. K.
Hilcj M o. , 2l.'i Ninth Will striiet. 2I i
JriOlt SAM : KiilUinin-r lot t luce blocks liom
stieet nut. ; licantllnl amiIj htly location ;
x.VA- hrfir iWlon llnli- . This is | in-lti\cK a
'i.iutaln. .1. iHilu : _ ) Co..2TiS. l.lth St.m _
IriOisAM-A : txxo stnij.S.'vliD. liame build-
Inu. HiiltablK for u htoii- , near lllth and I'.ir-
nani Ms Appl ) at this olllce. 'JIT
1j1 ( i ; SAI. ! . ' 1'nll lot xx 1th nexx house. 4 looms ,
piuitij , cellar , cistern , poieh In liimt.
blinds ; less than I luce blocks fiom icd ear line
hiiproxpiiu-nts xvoilh oxer NK ) , all lor ? ljirpi
Ki'sx piixments. This is al.-o a li.utrain. .1.1 : .
Itilej , V Co , ' .Ti S. nth Miett , H
J71OH sli : At iibiuxiuu , lot. xvlth 2 lion i's
- II and 7 miuns , , xvull , cistern , lurn. Ac ,
2iith and llarney. Impnivcd jirojieity taken an
juiit pa > . Win. l./Muniou , i > th and Douglas.
Foil SAM : On TaiVxhmft.oncot Iho hn-t
m i a lured and best bnllt cottnucs In thu city ;
iirnonis.all on one Hoer ; t clusuts , pantr ) ; l-
H < ciliiitfs : tnni'-oni oxer uvei x doni ; IUhcmcnt
and xvn-hiooin unilcrkltc | > ben ; $ .lijOU , half cash ,
iMlmice to H per cent. Verj deshalile.
J. W. Miirblmll , TKii I'rtiniiin. UMl
Flllt SAMOrient. : . 0111 or .Ijears , n eholcti
latin ol : . " ! > aeicsW ) rti-ics Intril xxood ilm-
lur. l Jiieicrt jin tliro , niiilliil.iiici : ) > under enlti-
Mition ; 1m I lit Irom Stock Vaids and 4 inllu-i
liom Omaha. This tin m iix iMiiilppcd > vltlilli-t-
( ! n-s inipioxemenlrt In , pxury i expect , mid one of
the Invt lai ins In ) ; ] , f > uiity. Cor linthiir
liaitiriilaiM apply or adilic s Chilstlan Sautter
Omaha , Ni b. ' ' '
J . SALi : Al 11 in out bin train , ono ol the
best Meek hums In Douglas :
lines ; S40 acids In pastille , 11 in blnu irias ,
lUiiunIn rnltlxatldii , M'st haj land : tiiftlpcr
acie. Cull t-oon. .1. W. Mai- > hall , l.Mnl r.iinam.
FOHUXCHANOi : Nlui'iesln HIiiuKiiilhCoiiii-
tMinn. . , lor Omaha piopeitj , Douglas I o
Heal -lalo moilK'imcs Pol Oimiha ) nopi > il ) ; will
pa ) halimce In cash. A. 1' . Tuko ) , lj | liuiuim
JJIINi ; hnpiox'id laims.uMI tiadii for impioxeil
cits piopcitj. Vv' . II. Gieeii , oxer lt-1 N.i-
lional ilnnk. . 'AS
J7 > KsAM : niii'lamllv hoi-n with hill in ss.
1 N. W. Cor. I'.llb and Callloinl.i.
AI.K-I'liiiio , cheap. ISoifjrHJv. Hill.
r 1I71-10
f. Hl SAI.I. New.handHiniel ) pallid d.i-pilim
wiitfon. Illiiliii | > nt N. W. coi. lUlli anil Call-
lot nin hi- . Mll-'lp '
J/\OK \ NAI.T. A SiinT < yrTifli : i wltli polo or
> -hiilts.sdij | bmullh TlmkiMi pati in t-iiin | r :
onl.\ used him lai jpilnuas ; jrood aIK ;
pilco.Mli ) . Apply HtSSIfi Wubsin st. HM-W
"ClOlt SAIII'liinltnro ! and IKtnir-ol thebesi
.A dollar n ihi } hotel In Oninh.i , cheap lor i a-li
ir undo lor ollnr pioiieity. Call or addicts
tieo. II. dill-oil , SI7H. lllh. 7rJilp
"ITIOII 8AI.K A No. ldilxim. r wotK | ioiofor I
i ca-li or on tliiiu. W. It. Cioll , Hooin I. I
Wlthnell llulldlii . 74J
_ Cheap , ( iinland b.nd coal Imimtr
Mo. ID. W. Ciaincr , It. A..M. Hcadiiiurti | rs.
7i7-7i |
O' : uoriiL riiiniiuro ior wiio
mid lioti I lor nun. Cull at ( Vcldcntnl lor
Inlormallon , iiirncr luaild llouaidM. i il
t bum. 'J"u per
W. .1. \ \ elhaiiCo. . , tlty Mills. IU
FOKMLi : Tuo lota'in I'clliiim I'liuv , ono
bind. liom tticct , LIUHack. . Impilru'JlKS.
lutliMiccU l > " >
"IT'Olt S.VI.i : Or would undo for ai-'ooil hoiro
, . [ . , . ' ' " " " " . Wui'i en In ( jumper count } . A | > -
"I71OK SAIiA : elwi ) , I10 t-lwk of KKKC'rlO" .
-i Aililross lloxitil. I'awnro City. Ni'h. W.l-lt
a" > 0 T. f nASiii-iM : : worth teed hinplo
liciicuil iiu'ichiindlso. will o\rr.iiun ! rnr
rood NcbiT-Kii or Kansas lands. Addiei-H llov
Ki , Wj iiiorci , Xcb. IWJ-'A"
FOH HAM : A l.mber shop In a Ihcl-clnss lo
iMtion. 1'or lianlculujv inlclichs H. II. , lleo
Olllce. 7 l.i |
J ? OH SAI.II fomplulo onlllt for
hoili-e , riiiihlMlnir ol IIII-KII III o and
pioot Mill ) , lion i ailing , clicirj lonnlcr , etc , all
new , \\oiildtiiulo lor Oinaliii < Itv prnpcil ) or
wild hinds. C. K. Mil ) nit , l.'illi and I'm iiam. M7
| 7 < OK SAI.K-Kctatl > tock of diii s and llv
J. tun's , all In liood oiilcr ; vuoil location and
n-.ido. AddtcmX. V. 1C. , Claik Di UK to. , Oinaliii ,
Neb , _ _ _ _ ftii
Foil .svir-rirhUlilss' iilul. ( TiouniU all
ImproxcinciitH , llxtini1" , liur &e.ln u KMI -
Intrclt ) . I'llco Vi" > ,0oolcims ; eas ) . Adiliusslt.
' . I'atteihon , Uth m id Karniim. 4VJ
ROOM and boitiil.fripur.weok ; best lo
cation. Itlll Daiuntiorpt. Ifroltp
WASTiiDay boa'nlou ut 71U North Hi
near Hurt. lU'inoxH *
rpllKW. C. MctziiurStovoHepiilrCo..lllfoiUli
JL Mlh St. between Dinlgo and l ) < m >
MADAM itliiSIA : ( : KICIIAHDSON.nircn-
oloKli-t xind Clalrvoxiint , points out nin-cun
uiivinli'H , color their uos and hull. Thu loud
lo success. l.i > \ o and Iniblness a f pceialty. Hliu
imslllxcly cures bilious licuUiicnt's , liidnctu.llicr
nnd ulldeninpeniintaol iliu lomaeh. dfsMdvc-t
rail frtniu'i , cnic" > c-utairli , Iho > un > T C-IIK. ot
iliouniullsm. Her nitthuU ol cnilnir ctilcnbu Is
nltli licrbxand ino-t complftc. Heals v.oist
Mirus In u inonth. Hir luatiiu'iil ol coins ,
lumlons. tender ltd iict hl-u admrni Mix.
Kldcliai d on comen xs lih nmnv i ccninmendiilfoiia
filial till' | " ( mind pi mile nnir Oiruiclclna -
led mid popular 11 ; uit uu.ivnli < U Not ill JLtU
.iiu IV.
/IKXTKAI.HOSPITAI.-Opon for tlioncxtun-
v/iiiixlfltlnn of the sick. Bnrirlcnl operations of
nil kinds skilfully perform wl. ll ) cii < s of women
n poclnlty s Indies In cnnllnctncnt ran hero hi\x o
nbfolulc privacy and the boM of at ton ! Ion. Cor-
reFpondeiiK" < ollcltixl. Aildrcfn Dr. J. M. S lt-
nain , corner l.'ith nod Karnam.or Dr. J. H.
corner 1 Jth ntul lanmin. Telephone KW.
Confoutlunvry nnd elfiur * nt 7lllN.
\J Ifcth Jit. HU-12 *
LADll'SIn want of ( rood plrl for penernl hon o
work Ac. , < anllnd them bx applln > r at Oiaa-
lnl I'mplojment Hilix'nu , I1SJ Kninam St. V47
AI.WA\Sonhandnt n bnipnln , No. 1 pec-utnl
hand carrhiffu phiietons and sldo-bar liujt- A. J. Simpson , IKXinnd 1411 DwltroSt.
_ _ _ _ _ M7 _ _
riANOS iiio\i' l and packod. Mcchan.tlU X.
lUthstieet. r4-Ui |
JAIilIN In want of itood Oonu tlo help run
I bo supplied b > callhiK' on the Omnhu I'.m-
plm niciil Olllce17 N. loth St. , up stairs. Mis.
J.V. . Morrison proprietor. _ 871
1JKIVV vaults and cesspools cleaned In an
. odoiloss way hj 1 * . U. Abel , 1 . U. Hex ! 17f. _
NO opuratlon or u closs triis < - < i. Dr. 31. M.
Moon24.t Wabash n\o. , Chicago. Will
1 u at Co7zciH House , October A ) , ono day only.
TIONAI.Isr.yuCrcnth btieut , between rainiun
nnd llarnejlll , with the aid ol KUiiiilliin
pplrllt , olitalnliiK for any one. a KlaniHi Intho
I > ii8t nnd iircfein , and ol ceitaln conitltlon1) In
ihofuttirc. lloota and t-lioen imulu to older.
I'orlwt xatl'factlon Kimranlecd.
Proposals for
RiAIr.I : ) piomtonlslll he leoeUi'il by the
unilei Mailed unltl II o'clucK u , in. , of Tlnirh-
ilay , tho'd day of tlctolicr , A. U. . IHx' . , for the
f-'nidlnjror the folkmlnw MI eels and allejsin
thoellyor Omnliil , as pet Ordlmuuo No .
nnd In aoeoriliinio with | ilun < < . pmllk" ) and spvrl-
lIcalloiiHon Illo In tliiMitllco of thu Itniiidol I'lih-
IIIWork" , vi/ . :
I'dimnnent ( Jnnle llnrnej tlicet , fiom 17th
toMtli MIOCIH ; 17th t-liiM.'l , liom rnimim to
llouniil itticets ; 1Mb Rti eel , irom I'anuiin to
llainuy l tici1t : IHtli Hied , Inim 1'ariiain to
Ilium.1 } ' stiecH ; ailh MICH , fiom I'imiiiiii to
llerilorde < tiL.ts ; litlitlt'i't ( , Inim Paul to tliaco
hill UK.
I'l'inporaiy tirade Hint Ml cot , from ldstioH
ton point KM leet wit of HUWon t-tioot.
UliU to lie imide upon in lull < l lilmiks Inrnl-hed
liy tlin lloaiil ol I'linlluVinkH , nnd to bo nceoin-
iiiinlcil by u lerllllid < licck In tint sumo ! the
iniiiilKil dolliiihp'i.Mililo to the eitj of Omnhu as
an Ktldoiiri * ol oo.l lullli.
'Ihn lloanl ot 1'nlillpoiK s rp ri\i's the rlj-'ht
to i eject an ) 01 all l > ! d . .1. 1' . lloi'SK ,
Chalrimin H < mil of IMIillc Win 'KM.
0 ( UMiMIM7
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tliu only mad to tuhutnr DCS Molnc , Mar- 1
blialllou'ii.I.edarKapliN. Clinton. Dixie , Chlcajfo ,
JIHuiinlicu and all points exist. 'I'o the people of
Nt'luavka , Coloiaifo , Wjoniln , Utah , Idaho ,
Nnaila. . Orotfon. Washington and ( 'allfornln It
otlei'ssuppr or advantages not possible liy uny
other linn.
Aiming u few of the unmorons points of MIIKI-
rloilly enjoyed b > the pultons or this loiicllie-
twei'ii Oinnhii and Clilcairo , me Its two trains a i
il.iv nf DA V COACHES which in u the Illicit that
human att mid Immunity can cieato. lt I > Al < -
A < i : SI.lini'lNO CAKS. which in o models of
comlorl and ekwinco Its 1'AHI.OK DUA WING
HOOM l\\ltH. nn nriiiF-eil | bv mix. mid Its w ( du
ly tPlcluilloil 1'AI.ATJAI , DlNINti CAI1S , the
mum ) ol which cannot be loiind elsuwheiu.
At t'oinu'il Illntrs the trains ot thu Union I'acl-
lie Itv connect in Union Demit with the u ol thu
( hlcnuOcV Noi llnv t tei n Jv. ( In ( ! ilcao thu
Mains ol' this llnu make cloi-u cunnection wllh
llio-i-of all caMcin hues. 1
Kor Detioit. Columbus , Indianapolis , rinciti-
imll , Nl.ijfinn Tails. Itiillnlo , IMttsiui | > , Toiiinto ,
AJonlieiil. lloston. Now Yoilc. Vhlhidelpliln , Hal-
i inioic Wiislilnirlon and a II points in the cast , ask
the ticket IIKCIII lor tickets \liiiho
ll'xon x\hh thn best accommodations. Alltlckct
HIM nts M-ll lickutsxiu this line.
? I. IIMilllTT , Jl S. 1IAIH , i
Ui-nurul .Manager , fiuii. I'u-ss. Ahciit. I
Gen. Atjont , 1IIJ Vnrnmn M. , Omaha , Nub.
bi-xeiilc-uii Vcais' i\peilcnco : ,
A ni liner I.INI : ixit
England , France & Germany.
Tim steamships of this well l.mnwi llnu in it all
ol , n n. In w.i'ir tisln ( ( im.irlnicni8. | andie-
1 in III-IH d v nh i' . " tlii'i. to iiiaku Ibo pni-sn ij
Imilinil' uml , i"t' > ' " ' " I'hcy carry the I idled
Mali -ami Kuimi' i .m- , mid Ic.iveNow Yoik
Tlniisiiny 'ii. d * . " . .tinlor I'hinontli , iI.ON-
DUN ) , I lierliom < .il'MtsiinlHAMIHTIti. | , ( )
Kalis I'nsi Liibiu , V'J t'l'KJ. ' ' httei-JBO to Nuw
Gocoiitrlulty In I.iincti.
HV liiu , NVK.
Over nt Ka olrt Junction the ollior livy
I found a living curiosity , lie wus n
limn of about uitutiuiu lici ltlli , jiorliaps
fnrty-livo years of ago , of : i quiut ilisjio-
sition , and not noticonbli1 or in-culiar in
hisKciHTitl inaniiM' . lie nius tlic mil-
road cntinp ; house nt thnt point , and the
one odd oharncteiistio which ho has
makes him wi'll Known all through thrvo
or four states. 1 could not illnMratu IIH
i eccentricity nny better than by relating
n elreuni'-tanco that occurred lo inn at
the Junction last week. 1 had just eat-
i en breakfast there and paid for it. 1
stopped tip to the cijrar cnso and asked
this man if ho had a "rattling U < > < > d
1 ci ar. " Without knowinc it I struck the
Mry point upon \\liieli this man .seems to
bo : t crunK , if joti will allow mo that ex-
Jre iioll , though it doesn't lit vorv well
in this jilaee Ho looked at mo _ ln
a sad anil subdued manner and said ,
i "No , sir , I haven't a rattling good eliar ?
in tie ! house. 1 have homo cigars there
I that 1 bought for Havana lillers , but they
are mostly Tilled witli pieces of Colorado
rado Mudm" oxernlls. There's ' a box o\er
Bender that 1 bought for good , straight
ton-cent cigars , but they are only a chaos
I ot hay ami tlora , line and damlino , all
I soaked into a Wisconsin wrapper. Over
in the other end of the case is a brand of
cigars that were to knock the tar out of
all other kinds ofeod.s , according to the
ttrhann rustler who sold them to mo , and
then drew on mo befoio 1 could light one
, of them Well , instead of being aline
i Colorado Cluro with u high-priced wrap
per , they are Mitenno Minharos in a.
Mother Hnbbard Wrapper. The commer
cial toniist who sold me those cigars
nntl then drew on mo at sight wa < ti
good deal better on the draw than his
cigars. If , v > n will notice , jou will see
that each cigar lias a spinal column to it ,
and this outer debris is viappcd around
it. Ono man bought a cigar out of that
box last week. 1 told him , though , just
as 1 am telling yon , that they were no
good , and if bo bought one ho would n1-
giel it. Hut lie took ono and went , out
on the \eranda to smoke it. Then ho
stopped on a melon and fell with great
weight on his hide. When _ wo picked
hjm up lie gasped once or t\\ico and ex
pired. We opened his vest hurriedly uml
loinui that in falling this Dotninet do
. ( iluofactoro cigar , with the spinal col
umn , had been driven through his breast
bone and hail pe.netrated his heart.
The \UMppcr of the cigar wa n't s-o much
as cracked. "
"Hut doesn't it impair your trade to
run on in this wild , rrokh"-s way about
your cigars.
"It may be at first but not after awhile.
I alwajs'to.11 people what my cigars are
made of , and then they can'l blame mo ;
so after auhile they get to believe Vth it 1
say about them. 1 often wonder that no
cigar man e\er tried this way before. 1
do jtist the ame way about my lunch
counter. If a man stops up and wanU
a trosh ham sandwich , 1 give it to him it
I'M'got it , anil if 1 hau-n't ill toll him
so. Ifon turn my sandwich over you
will liiitl the date of its publication on
ever ) one. Jf they are not fresh , and 1
have no fresh one.s , I tell the customer
that they arc not so blamed Iresli as the
young man with the gau/o mustache ,
but that 1 can lemcmber very well
when they were fresh and if his artificial
-tuoth lit him pretty well lie can try one.
Its just the same with boiled eggs.
I have a rubber dating stamp , and as
soon as the eggs are turned over to mob
b\ the hen for inspection , ! date them.
'J hen th03 * arc boiled , and another date
in red is .stamped on them. If one of my
clerks should dale an esrg ahead , 1 would
ihe him too quick. On this account ,
people who know mo will skip a meal at
Missouri .Junction , in order to comu hero
and eat things that arc not clouded with
nustcry. 1 do not keep any poor stun"
when 1 can help it , but if 1 do I don't
conceal Ihe horrihjo fact. Of course a
new cook will sometimes smuggle a. late
dale on lo a medin-val egg , and sell it ,
but he lias to change his name and
floe , 1 suppose that if everv eating
house should date everything , and
be square with the public , it would
be an old story , and wouldn't
pay ; but as it is , no one trying to com
pete with me. I do well out of it ; and
jieonle come here out of curiosity a good
deal. The reason 1 try to do right and
win the public e tecm is that the general
public never do mo any harm , and the
majoritj' of people who travel are : i kind
that 1 maj- meet in a future slate. 1
should halo to have a. thousand traveling
men holding nuggets of rancid ham sand
wich tinder my nose through all eternity ,
and know that I had lied about it. It's
an honest tact , if I knew I'd got to stand
tip and apologi/e for my hand-mailo. all-
around senmloss pies and ouarantincd
cigars , heaven would be no object.
The value of an endorsement is known
to those who do business in the commer
cial world. The endorsement of public
men to the ellicacy of Kcd Star ( 'ough
Cute ought to lm\o their weight with all
thos" who winii si cough mixture I hat is
prompt in its elfecls and contains no nar-
colic poisons.
Or.O. HL'IlKi : , Jlwwjrur ,
ItlTKIlKNtTfi : Mcrchnnlmind I'mmi'iR1 HanK , DinliJ City , Nub , ; Keainny National rinnfc
nc.x.Nch ; Columbus Male Hank , Colninbim , Neb. ; McDumild'rt Hunk , Noith i'lattc , Neb. ; Omaha
National Hand , iminh.i. fu li.
Will IMIJ cntonicis' di.itl xx ltd bill ol'hiilliwiutachcd , for tx > o-llihds valno ol' slock.
Missouri Valley Bridge aiiCl Iron Works.
llfev wVouVlulroTSteerH / e
* | 2 < Tinea mid Combination
I'or Itallioand and Highroads.
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Rock
Trusses , Piers and Sub
structures ,
A. MtWrTH. * II. A- WISH
AKcnta. j
I'lcan ceiul iii-xxoidoi nil binlgt Hoik to Ut. Conceiouilcnco | eollcitcil Horn u
or Full Particulars about Free and Cheap Lands in Western Nebraska. Address PATJEHSOh
& WHITE , Real Estate Agents , North P/atte. Nebraska.
Coiiinii nci y : to plvi' : i iii Watocljiirry Wtilchr * . frui-.t riflolu'i" Jbl unit )
ry M ( < \ , \ , ci ol 15 x\uith of jooil
IWl ! ' . - ! 4 ' ' 1 i'i ' ! 'of Kill'
Billiard Tables ,
Tiiirimr.vswii K iiAi.MKxu.i.oiwiiTcTi |
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables.
And Saloon , ontcoand Hiink fixture * . Mnrkij
and Huron St * . , Cliicaso. HI. Omaha oince.M
S. loth St.
_ _ _
Book Binding. Etc.
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illniik llii i > < .Mnnnfiieturcrt. Nm , 10) ) mil
los south HlhMii-itOmnhn , N < b.
Butter Tubs ,
Manufacturing of Butter Tubs.
' ' '
Ins , Kx. ' . 1Mb midVleivi'SlOimiiia.'N li.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX .MHVIill A CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
( Inns and Ammunition. "IS to IS. " ! South lllll
Stteet. litM to lit'4 I'm tiiiin St reel , OinatiU , Ncln
! .VTi.u-Oi.'f-\s CKIAII r\cri > uv.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Whole-uK' Dealci-w In Leaf Tobaccos.
UK1nnd 110 .N Itlh Olivet. Omaha , Ni It.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kppin miProprietor. . Mmiuliu'tini'i of
Oalxanl/cd Iron and Cm nice. KM loiUt- ) , mid til
llllU 1U3 North 10th Slreot. Olllllllll , .Nub
UUliMl'INd A , HOl.Ti : ,
Manufactui en of Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormsr
, finals f.'e..ihj s i.'th s .
In mi ) pint of Hie counti j.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SI'Kriir , I'roiulcloi.
( lalxanl/cd Iron Coinlcos , lite , t-'iieolil's lm
liroxcd I'atent Metallic. ShllKht. Mis and .MO.H.
lu'tli St. , Omaha , Neb.
t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ | | i
Doors , Sish , DC.
Mauufac-tuier and Dealer in
Doors Sasli Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
ICtc. Stnlr Halls a hpoclally. Tea phum * No. Oi
l.'illi and Matey St , Omnha , Ncli.
Electrical Supplies ,
Electrical Supplies ,
i , . \ \voirn jc co ,
IllocU. 0inuli 11 llnrglur Alnrui > -
Vlio Aliiiins , I'.lc'OtrK1 Mnllliu , Ppp.ik
( Sold , SIlMTinid Nii-'kiO I'lullinr , Klo.
Iron and Nails.
' "
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Tire Nulls n Specialty. Omiihiieb. .
Oraana Iron Works Company ,
Maclilneiy , Cnstliir . SH'iim KiiKlm , Itollors ,
Aivhltectinal lion Work , Iron Hildjjps , MlnhiB
nnd Mill Machinery. Onico and XMirlis , fnlun
1'aclllu It. It. , 17th and mil Stieots.
HAHNU Jc llltO. ,
Foundry \Yorks. \
Cor. llth and Jackson Sts . picimicd lo do all
kinds of lion and lliass ( asliiws ; al-oO , ( ' .
llanni-terV Hockln'f Grain Iturs maniiliiutiucd
i : . M.
Mattress Company ,
Mnniil'attnilnir Mattresses , lltildlutr , IVathor
1'illous , Cols , Ktc. 1JUV3 uml 1MB Doiifrlit * filixul ,
Omaha , Nub.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'aiitt , Shli ts , iic. : , lilt ! and 1104
Sticul.Oiiialm , Neb.
Paper Bozcs.
j. L. WII.KIK ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
JOCR IJthKt. , Oinaliii , Neb. Oideisliy mail to-
llcitcd and will lucclxu piomplatli'iitlon.
Omaha Safe Y/orks / ,
Maniifnetuipr of I'lioanil lliu liir 1'ioof Snfos ,
Vault Doois. .lull Woik. Mintteis and Wlro
Work. Cor. 14th and .lackf-on SlK. , Omiilia , Neb.
Soap ,
. .1. QUIAMV : : ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Olllco nnd 1'actorx , near I'oudor
Omaha Nub.
Wagons and Carriages.
" " '
( iitA'rroN it uitUM oNrf
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
niriamlJ.illlarney miect , Oinnhii. Nob. Solo
AKUIIIHII | Nebraska lor Jones' Celcbiuti d Split
Blwlt Sulkies.
A. .1. SIJII'tfON ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
Holland illl DodKoStivc'iOmaha , NU > .
White Lead.
CoiiodciH and ( hindersof
Perfectly Pure Y/liilo / Lead ,
OiiHilin , heb. lexl lailfr , Ties ; { , ' W , Mead
Vlcu > 1'ies. : H. W. Vali'ri , See. and TICIMead
The Hillard ,
U. Shearc , J. IJ. Mnihi'l.Thiii , Kixoho ,
Arcade Hotel ,
James Ciisoy , 1'iopi Ictor ,
1211 and U'I7 DoiiKlas.St. , Omalni , Neb ,
5 < L' nationa .ri' < il rommciclnl mun n's
Milloltis. ' . Thc > will Ihnl thU thu hunt
huiibuxxciii i.i
TJia Cozzeas ,
I' . Hlimsrj ) &
Hales-'no per ihi ) , no da i k looms. A Ho I
Hotel ei.iiil.i rc.Om.ilia , Nub ,
CanDeld House ,
Cor. Ninth nnd I'mimm Sis Tlio bii-i % i per
day hotel In Oinaliii IK-moiU ltd , lului hWiuJ ,
n ( louiincd ; ono bloi It tiom mmy headipiaiti n :
oppoMlu I'nlon I'aclllu liciidiiiiiticrs | ; i.ticcl cait )
PHI'S ihe door , ( iiuivc Canlii Id > \ Co , piupno-
torn. Alio Union htm i. Iniils Hold , ifoulh
Omaha ,
Hotel de Gees ,
1' . ( iOOs , l'iiiiin-ior. |
r.nriiirnii | I'lan 'I'linonly ( run.illy lounli'd 12
ii day lion > o. 'I'lncc iloiuIriim lloxd'D Opont
lliiiiM'mnl onc-liall block Irom tinI'oMoiliutl
and the Conn , 1'iiO , 1'itJ I'a i mini
$ l,0nmh.i , Neb.
Tup < ' I\rhiinvc1 . ; * , * < -ll nnd
liniiKC' and Imiii-i ot all Adill
hlciiKO i\cliau : c , loiiiiiii 7 > : und 77 , .l.ip.incic
Planlers House ,
( . . i : . 11inn.- i ( .ni ; ii-ioi ; . ,
ltilc .tl MI in i il.o " > nil ' /on liwiili Hi I' .
| IIHII | "ii uilliii , HIM I'll,11. ii *
JOlll' , l.t i .l.ll ll.lvll , t. Xli , J