Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Agricultural Implements ,
Dealers In Agricultural Implements ,
OITIco , lorMTdtli nnil I'nciho blu , Oiiuiliii. Neb
s , oltitNnoiuT & MAIITIN ,
Whole iilo Dealers III
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
imil IHigBJcs , Omnlin , Nob. _ _
Boots and Shoes.
W. V. MOH3H & CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
14111'imiain HInol.OmiiliH , NVIi. Manufactory
Summer Street , llostnn.
Carpets ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
MattliiK' , Cnrtidn flee < l , Illo. 1131 I'lirnnii
trcc'l , Oiniilm , Nob.
Coal ) Lime , Etc ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone ,
Office , 21.1 a. Hlh St. , Onmtin , Nt-1 . Vnnls , Oil
nnil Diivciipnrt Streuts.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coil.
" Host VIM lotion. Olilfo , IMS 8. 13th St. To1oi > 1ion <
M'.IIUASICA 1'imcO. .
Shippers of Coal add Coke ,
2U 8. inth St. , ninitlui , Neb.
( JKO. UTOVVI.K , 1'rosldont.
Oro. I'ATTKIISO.V , Sec. and Tiuns.
jTll. HUMIKIIT , r. A. 11 ,
1'iopriotor. Jlmmjrer
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OtHco , L'I7 tf. I.Jtli Ptl ect. Telephone 49.
GKO. V , LMIVCII , Pios. 0,1'.GOOIIMVN.V. 1'iou
J. A. HiiMirni.ANI ) , Sue. nnd Ticus.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Limo Company ,
Jobbers of bind nnil Milt coal , U/JS. loth St.
Unmlm , Nub.
Hard and Soft Coal ,
ICxcluBlvoiloalorstn lionldur Colorado Coal , 2V
toutli Hlli snoot.
Coffee and Spices.
cLvitKK IIHOS. &coT
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tew , Collcus , Splcct. linking 1'owilur Klnvoiliifl
Hxtriiotw. .Jxundi.v liluo , Ink , etc. 14U-1U Hnr >
ney Sticct.Onmhn , Neb. _
Commission , Etc. _
'lIUANCH S ; C (
Wholesale Frnits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Fiunain ht , Oiniiliiu Apples Our own pack-
liiK 1'liitt it ( 0 'n 'llKiir liiiuiil Oisturs , liuttor ,
Uuimi ' I'otntoos.
1 , , I'uultiy ,
JOHN ! ' . I'LACIC ,
General Commission Merchant ,
I'rodiico , 1'iovlblons , 1'iults , rioiirund 1'cod , Iffi
B. Ittb SI. , Oiniilm , Null. t'onblgnuiuiitB solicited ,
ItetiuiiH iiiiulu promptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cbcc"o , Snn iu03 , I'm It. , llutcliora Tools and
Hnppllus 1J15 .JontH St. , Omtilm , Nob.
General Commission Merchants.
SrrciAi.TiKS Iliitu-r. KIOTO , roiolvn mill Io-
iniisllo frnllH , 112 S. llth. , Ouiulni , Neo. Tolu-
l > hone No. : M.J.
u. A. : ITJIUUV ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Iliittor , r.tfK * anif 1'ioihico. A full line of Stone-
\vnro Consignments tolicltod. 1414 Uodgo St. ' ,
General Commission Merchant ,
r , lw ! , Clioe.-caiKl Country Produc
mall } , 'Ml a. l.'tli St. , Oiimhn , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Itofrlfforntor anil PuckliiK lloui-o , 14tn & Loavon-
woith St , ( in U. 1 * . It. It. Tiuck , Omulia , ob.
Hstnhllshcd 18TO.
General Commission ,
111 8. 14th St. , Oinalin , Neb. Specialties liuttor
S , Poultry nnil Giune.
IU103. ,
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
1'iodiico nnil Provisions , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
Frult8 , Seeds nuil I'mdiu-o No.US. . UthStioot ,
Onialiu Nebraska.
' .riioxr.M , & WILLIAMS ,
Storage and Commission Merchants.
I'rnllB. I'lfiiir. AppItv.Slononmo.Clilor.Vlnoirar ,
II nuw Hoods , Ilnltor nnil Hints UU ) and U15 Bonth
iith : btroot , Omaha , Nubiiiskn.
wii'.ni'M A N a- reProduce
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Hotter , flame , I'liillH , ite. : 'OS. Hth
St , Omaha , No
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
HeiitB , I.anl , .Tollies , Ilutter , Itacs , Choose , Etc.
No. : WT > S. l.'th St , Oniiilia , Nob.
WKSTKltni'LU I1HO3. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
HOODodKoStiuet , Oniiilw , Neb. Consignments
.Crockery ,
Agent for the Miuuiructnrois iinil Importers
Crockery , Glassware ,
tamps , Chlnineji. Kto Ollloo. 1117 South 13th
SUL-ot , Omaha , Nob.
JDty Goods ,
j , j. nitowN .v cu ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
K .M Douglas Stioot , Onmlm , Neb ,
L. ( iiNSiinua & co. ,
\Vholchiilo Doiilors In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
i'H , r.inliiolildiy mill \Vhlto Goods ,
KUDoiighisStu'i.t , Onmlm , Nub.
Engines ,
lUtOWNKI.I , & CO. ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
fHqtlnimr ) nnil | ioiinlilo iniKliie , boilurniuul
' lion vunk. vtn > ; iiit > . iiifiiculumil Iniplo-
, | iuinp8 , etc. U'IJ-1-ir , l.eavunv > oith bu _
ris EtcT "
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
s ol roiuurn l-'Hi , Kos. V110III Jones
btieot ami U. P.Tiiick , Oniiilia , Noh.
t > Flour. Etc , ,
Wholesale Flour ,
608,610 ami ISIS I'lya-eSiicci.Oiiialiii , Neb. t
' . [ ' Wholesale Hour Dealers , . . ,
'iifiitniiuluuuicrs ( or Illiiiiiliuitina ami I.uUrl.
AiMit | ( lorJ. ( ' . lliillina.M'Art'o. ,
'aiiufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
anil Illiiifiiiitill I ltc > . tt
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
MnmifiU'tim > rfl of W. J. WnlMiiinn St t'o.
IlnlPlngr Iliu hwhonl Hour nnd proprietors Omnbi
City Jlllli , tor. till nnd rnrniini StrtioU , Oninhn.
Furniture ,
Y/holesalo / Dealers in Furniture ,
rariuun Street , Oninhn , Nob.
Groceries , .
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110anil 1113 Doiiplns Stioot.Omnlm , Nob.
15. 11. CHAPMAN ( t CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobaceo anil Smoker * ' Articles , 1"U llownrd St.
M"IVIU : : i"nAATM < r5i
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Splcoji , Clgiu-H ntiil Tobmwt , 1317 nnd I31U DOUR.
laa Street , Omahn , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd Hirnnm Hlreots. Omnlin , Nob.
& CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
No . 7UT. , 767 , 7U1 ! mid 711 8. 10th St. , Uiiiiilin , Neb.
Hardware ,
\v. , r. nuoA'rcli ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
m , Wimiin tock , Hniilwood Liimber , oto.
JM > nnd 1-11 Iliunoy otiect , Omnhn , Nob.
r.uNr.Y & ainnoN ,
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And CnrrliiKii Wood Stock , lleuvy lluiilwiiro ,
itc. : unuiul Dill' ' lvn\onuottli Street , Onialiu ,
Nob. _
Builders' Hardware ,
Jloclmnlcs' Tools and Ilullulo Scnles. 1105 Doug
las Street , Onialiu , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , llio. Awnts for llo o Sviilud and
Miami Powder Co. , Onialiu , Nob.
MILTON uocjuna & SONS ,
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Grates , lluiss vooils. 1321 mid 13 ) 1'ar-
iinin .Street.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
llinorwm Steel NnlN. Cor. loth nnd llnrnoy
Stri'CtN , Omahn , Nob.
WM. DP.KUINO &c6."cmCAUO ,
MnnufactiiieroC the
Dcering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. IXH liner , Oenoral Afent ( ,
Omahn. Telephone UK ) .
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
.lotiliOis In Iron Pipe , Iton tlttlngt < , Iron und
Hi ass Hoods , llntrlncers' Supplloa. llth mid
Dodge Streets , Omahn , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Stonm. Wnter , Hallway uml Milling Supplies , Etc.
VM , IK unit ItM Fainani St. , Onmha , Neb.
Y/holesale / Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btcnin nnd Water Supplies , lloadquiirtors for
Mast roost Co.'s tiooda. 1111 Kurnuni Street ,
OniulmNub. _ _
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Sllvorwnro , Dlamondi , Wntchos ,
Clock * . JOH oloi-s' Tools nnd Materials , Kto , 101
and Itti , luth Stieot , Cor. Dodge , Ouiulni , Neb.
Leather. Hides. Etc.
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1114 Jiickton Stioot , Omahn , Nob.
Leather Hardware
, Saddlery ,
Saddlery mid Shoo riiuiliiKM , Ilidos , Wool , I'lirs ,
Polta , ( lioiiso , Tallow , lUc. , Omaha , Nob.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yardage ChaiKOd.
Clopo to U. P. HrlilKO. Special aceoininodatlon
and n Rciod inarki't lor IIO H. II. C. Cooper , Man
ager. Ollieo. WJ South 5th SI i eet.
Live Stock Commission
Gi'O , ItuilvO , Manimer ,
Union Stock Yaids , S. Omaha , Neb. Telo. W2.
W. P. ItHOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Odlco i\cliatiiro : llulldini ? . Union Stock YauLs ,
Sou Hi Onialiu , Nob. Telephone No. UUJ.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yunl , Chiciiifo , 111. , nnd Omaha ,
Neb. riaiikCliltlcndfMi.MiiuauurOiniilmHiancli.
Telophonu No. 'M. K tubllitlied INU.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
AddiosinlleoniiiiunlcatloiiHto usnt Union Stork
Yai da , South Oiimuu , Advances niado on btouK.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Llnilteil , John I' . lloil , Buporlntendent.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bimh , Itooi-tf , YaiilH Cor. 7th uml Do
Cor. llth nnd lourhi.s.
Manufactnrars of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MouMinu- * , Stair Work and Inteilor Haul \Vooil
I'inldli. Just opened , K K , cor , Bth and Louvun-
w 01 th Sti eels , Oinulni , Nub.
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 8. llth Street , Oniiihu , Neb , ! ' . Colpet/or ,
o. N. Diirra ,
Lumber ,
iith : niul California Street , Oninhn , Nob.
Fltl'.D W. OUAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth mill DoiiKhiH Slroule , Oninhn , Keb.
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
Omaha , NobrutUu.
CHAS. K , iin : ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
% Vniron Stock , 1'iiiicy AVoods. llrldtre Tlinhers ,
\u. , S. W. Cor. nth and Doiiglns , Onnihu , Xeb ,
O. V , LYMAN ,
Dealer In Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
Uulldlnt ; Paper , lite. South Utli Street , Omulm ,
Hebraska Lumber Go ,
I'alil In rupltnl Stock , foOl.OOO.
TxiKuci'x.iniiiiiifiictuixM-d uml.tvholeuilo . donl-
cm Mill * nt Moil III , Wfi. WhohtMilonml ititull
lUlilliiillinf ) mil , Uninliii , Nul ) . fill S. Vlli 8t.
] ) oiiloi-d III All Kliulsof
Buililiog Material at Wholesale ,
IfitliMu-i.'tiiuJ U.I' , It. Jl.K Tniek.tlnmtmN'bb
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
SOIh nnd lnrd Streets , Omnhn , Notinisltn.
J. .V. WAKKnr.LD ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
llulldliiir Pnpem , Siiah , Door ? , HlliuN , Mould
Inirs Plekct * . Po tp , Mine. PlnMer , llnlr
Cement. Ninth nnd.lono , Omalm , Neb.
Millinery ,
Importers nnd Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
121.1 nnd 1211 Hni ncy Strcot , Omnhn , Nob.
Musical Instruments ,
. .
* V * * * * * N -t * - - - " wkW V *
r.DHOI.M ( i KltlCKPON" ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Steln ii'I'lnnnsVober , Decker , llaluosnnrt
Pianos , Paeknid Organs , Chase
101 nnd 1W1 l.-.tli Htreou
Notions , Etc.
j. i. . iTitANUius & SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
DrV Ooods Notion * , Oonts FiirnNilnir Hondo.
(3oods from Now York , Trndo siilcs Unlly. nun
nnd DM South l.lUi St. , Oniiihu.
cTa noouuicu ft co ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
and Rial loners' Sundries. 1115 Vnr-
iiiiinOinalia , Not > .
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
W anil 4K > S. 10th St , Omnhn , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In Notions nnd Gents' Fu
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gnpollno , Mlon Axle Grca o , Kto. A. H. Ulthop
ManilKer , Omnhn , Neb ,
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omnhn , Nebraska.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onico Union Market , 1,117 Dodtro Hti < et , PnckbiK
IIOIIPO , t ) . P. It. ILTinolt , Omaha , Nob. Tele-
plione No. 1ST.
Safes and Locks.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
llrn and llunflnr Proof Snfes.Tlino Uick'.Vini
and Jail \voik. KC.'U Fai'iiani sttout , Omnlm , Nob.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Agricultural VtiKOtnblo , Odd FcllonN' Hall ,
N. W. Cor. llth mid DoiUo St. , Omaha , Nob.
Drugs , Etc.
II. T.
Wholesale Drdggists ,
Bobbers of Paints , OIK Window Olats Etc. , 1111
lliunoy Sliect , Oimiha , Neb.
Wholesale Druggist ,
And Dealer in I'nlntx , Oil * and Window Glass ,
Omaha , Nob. ,
V/ines / and Liquors.
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
liiffi nnd OM Douglas St. , Omahu , Neb.
I'actoilos Noa. Dial. N. Y.
Suecoseor to MONAMAUA As DUNCAN , Importers
and Wholosulo Dealers in ,
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
i-'lt and i.'lC S. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb.
It. It. GUOTTK ,
Wines and Liquors.
Western Agent .los. Sohlta Hrowln ? Co. 7199.
llth Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors' and Cigars.
] . ' ! DoiiKlax btieet , Onmlm , Nob.
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Ilinoi.-i. | Polo mniuilnctmorsot' Konnedy'H
Kniit India lilttors. 11U llainey fatieot , Onmha ,
I. . I' . LAUSON & CO. ,
Y/liolesale Dealers In Whiskies
And rijmiit , and Geneial A'onts ( lor the Philip
Uests' Celebrated Mllwuukco lloor , Omaha , Neb.
Harness , btc.
Mnniirucliiiois and Jobboi-i of
Harness Saddles Hardwars
, , Saddlery ,
Till I Goods , HIiuiKolb and KobiH. 14U I'lUiiuni
Miiut.Oinalia. Noli.
Noxv York , Oct. 0. Mojfiiv Easy at 13
1'nivii : I'AIT.I
KxciiANtu : Uu.i.s-Activo at 84.833 ; demand -
mand , Jfl.Hj ) .
( ioviiNMi.VT.s : ! : Dull and stoutly.
Sioriis LCMS dolnj , ' . The clos'lnu lijnie.s
xhovvKoneral modeialo advances. Tim lea-
tmi ! was tlm coiupaiatlvo activity in Jlissonii
I'.idlio ami It.s net naln oi 'Jj pur ei-nt In
mice. Amom , ' the other ( iould stonlcs I'nuLic
Mall exhibited dwlded HlieiiKth , closing \y
jier cent Idshiir than j ostuiday.
IIJ ) cent bonds. . . 1011'iiO. itN.V 10T
U , . -lk'H 11 1 pioluiml. . . l.W
Now-rii IS-JM N. r. O IDO %
I'aolllc O's of "J j. lM ! Oicgrtrf Tian. . . 1M )
Centi.d I'.icilic. . 'My.I'aclnc Mall W
C. i\sA \ 1U ! i P. , 1) . iVK lil f
picfened. . . . IM ) IIM'.O VWA
C. , li. tVsO lUU Hock Island. . . . I'-i i
1) , , L. toV Ill | St. L. AS. R. . . 10
' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " "
Kile. . . . . . , . . . . ! . 1 J4 C. , iV.'Vst ! ! ' . . hO,4
pieferred. . . . > ta I nreteiicd. . . 110'f '
Illinois ( Vntial. . l J.VSt I1. AsO : iyj
L , H. itV 17K piefeiied. . . 'J'ir (
Kansas & Texas. Silii'Tovis I'acliic. . . 'Js ( ) ,
LaUoShoiu 1 ( > y. Union I'aciun. . . " '
L. & N We W. , tit. L. AI' . . .
Mich. Central. , . . W. iiieleni'd. . . 11
Mo. 1'acllic wesietn Union. 7U
N'oithein 1'ac. . . o. - - -
pH'lt'HL'U. , . .
ft"uvt Now mr York . . . . t < . , 4iiui1. Oct. . S . > . . . . . .1. Wheat . ii- . ii > . llccclpts . I.L.I. . . . . ,
, , ca. iirer ,
\\cuk ; Dxnoit mid mill , demand lij'ht ;
ijitlons opened miontf and later weakened ;
niBiaded ml , BUC'giKJL'f ; No. : i led. W < ; ;
No. ait'd , l'JJ/i41.0u ( ; * 1.01 > f dellveted ; No-
vemlier eloslnu' at SI 00.
Corn Spot hlilier and rather quiet : options
ripened hiuhei ; clOM'il weak ; advance biht ;
iceelpts , SM.OOO ; e.xpoilH , llKX ) ( ) : unuraded ,
lilJ < ( ! C'8ioNo.3 ; , 4t5 < ' November ; Xo.'J , rmfu ,
levator ; ftl e , afloat , November closing
it Ale.
Oat.s Opened linn but closed weak ; re-
[ eipt-s , Or.iKX ) ; uNpoitM , IIII.OOO ; mixed wea-
mn , H'G'JWc ; wlilto westein'ttj . ( 4Dc.
I'l'lioleum Finn ; United closed at
SI "L'g.
KjJBh Finn and fair Iminlry ; iccelpts ,
18 , ( KW paekaue-H.
1'oik Lens active and steadily hold ; mess
spot , fl H ) .
Laid Cash and ear'y months , linn : lain
iiouths. weak ; westein sto.uus mu onoted nt
Sin ( : ; November , ! ? 0 a .
Uutter Klimand demand fair ; western ,
r6 'i'c. !
Cheese Firm and rather quiet.
Milwaukee. Oct.Vhiat Weaker ;
, bS > ( , e ; November , SU u ; December ,
Oath-Film ; No. V-JiJ
Hie-Kiim ; No. ! , ( & ,
llai ley Lower ; No. - , fiivrc.
l'iin-nloiis--lll''la'r ! ; me s pork , tah and
S'uvember , > UW ; Januaiy , s'J 'At
Cincinnati , OcL , . Wheat Slronij nnil
hlchur : No. 2 red , Iw
Corn Henren , , lirjn and lilultcr ; No. l
inKe.l , 47QMV.n '
Oats-sironircr : NV.,2 mixed , 2' ( < ? JSi o.
Ityeionddemnim ( ; No.'i , ( Klk@tle.
-Stioiiqnvxtra ! No. > t , ! sJ 5lc.
Lard Stionv'nt. ; . .
Whisky-btcmiy at Sto. ; nnHicd
ba eden SIOJ. ,
KntiHns Clti-i iVft ) , I ) . Wheat Activt
nnd hicher ; caMi , RwsOke : October , ) ( (
Mt'fe ; Novembqj , stl'ft1 ' bid , KAj asked.
Corn Quiet ! , < 5nh , JNJ c bill , JSi o asked i
jear , ! ! " > ? , c WiV-ilie ivvked.
Oats Nominal ; 'Jlc bid.
Tolctlo , Oct. l v-Whcat Ole ed very quiet ;
No.'JHpotctish aim Welobcr , l c asked.
Corn InautIvn' ; vash and October , -ICc.
Oats Finn ; ca h and October , tiT'fe.
Tilvorpool. Oct. W.--Wheat Hood de
innntl ; new No. UvvIntel , nnd spilng. , 7M-d. )
Corn I'll m nnd Lt K'/od tlemand ; 4i 7'il
spot ; < ls7d October and November ; -IsO'-jtl
Chlcnt'o , Oct. 0 , Flour Active , 111 in and
about nncliaimed.
Wheat Active , evclled and unsettled ;
ruled Hlmiply hiuhc'c ; opened ? CVfe liiijliei ,
ean-doir / e and ruled hteadj , advanced
' declined , llttctnated nnil closed
over yesteiday ; SifJilX' ! ! ' cash ; Wo October ;
'i.H'fe ! ) Novemlier ; < 21 Jio DeeemlHir ;
WJicMayj No. 'J in I , l c.
( * ont Active and lirm. Imurovcd
Oids Ncardcllvorlc.s qnlet , dull and easy ;
May active and l c'tiC liiitber ; Dicta \ \ ' , ' > %
( J.'iJ < u October : a5J < c November ; 'Ma Uu-
comber ; "SiXfetfi c May.
Hytj Finn at ( Me.
Hurley Quiet at ( l 1.
Tlniolhy U'eaker ; pilmo , 5108@ICO.
] ' 'la\sced-No. 1 , SI 1 .
I'oik-iMotleraluly active and irregular : ad
vanced fie , declined 7K@lOc , and eio.sed
steady at medium lignum ; 5S "f 40 cash
mid October : $817) ! ) < ( | ( .8-10 November ; $8T !
jear ; S'.t"0ii'Ji ( ) Jiiiinnty.
Laid ( JitTct , wtciidy and a shmUMietlcr ;
Novembermid Dccuiubur ; SJ V > ycar'tuUO@ ;
OlU'x. ' Janntuy.
Hulk Meats Shoulder * , So r > 0@l 75 ; shoil
clear , ? 70if " > 75 ; shtil 11 ibs. SBK. .
\Vlilsky Nominally at SI 10
Unttor Steady nnd In lair tlemand ; uooil
lo fancy cicamory , ItXiJ'-Jlc ; uoud to cholcu
daliy , Il@l7c.
Cheese jModeralo demand and steady ;
eholci ) lull cream eheddaix , ! < 30o ; Hats , li1
f'l'J u ; Votinj ; Antciicas , 'J lUu ; skims , " ( < $
7L'c.Ksfrs In fair demand at lli@10' ' c.
IIide.s Heavyureeii sailed , iiiliy cured , 8n ;
Ilubt , SMc ; damaiied , He ; bull bitfcs , lie ; diy
salted , ll ( ! u ; < o ; dry Hint , ille. : ! ; call akins ,
10f < it'Jc. ) i
'fallow Stonily and uucliangcil ; No. 1 ,
counlo , 5c.
lleceipt1 ? . Shipments.
Flour , bbls ll.OJl ) 5JLOUO
Wheat , bit 70,000 JJ1KK ( )
Coin , bit 125,000 41,000
Oats , bit 101,000 107,000
Hj u , Im Iti.OiK ) fi.tXH )
H.irlev , bu
Chicngo , Oct. ! l. The Drovers' Journal
repoit.s :
Cattlu ItecolpU" " , 8,400 head ; nctivo and un-
Texans steady ui # 3t)0gi40 ) ( : ; western
iinelmiigfd ; natives and balt-bieeds. Pt40fg ;
( a4K5covvs ; , & 'JyOiij55Jvinteied ; ; T xau.s ,
ta logj. : ; so. i i
Hogs Uecclpts , 1 000 ; opened fa higher
and closed lowUr , lon h and mixed , s15
( fiitiri ; packing' ' anil shipping , Jtf 70@4 0 .
Sheep liecei tits , 4 , VX ) ; uoud ( ? railcs steady ,
common lower ; natives , Si sj ia'i ; we.steiu
SIUO&BI : : 7.- ; Texans , ol 75@i75 ; lambs , per
100 Ibs.
Kansas City , Oct. n. Cattle llccclpts.
3.000 ; shipments , Ul/00 ; market mm , but
slow ; exporters , * 5.'J.'X 5.IO ; common to
choice shipping. S4 f 0 ® > M ; stoekurs and
ders , Sia@Jaur'covv.s ; ) ) ; , glass
uvasher.s , .
1 lojjs-UeceirVts. 6.000 : shipmcnte , 5,000 ;
St.Ijoui.s , Out. ! ) . Cattle Receipts for two
days , ! ! , toO ; shipments , 1BOO ; stroiif , ' local
. , . ,
l < tl | . > ; MOCKC'la .11111 liuiu'in > - .juvit ; i * , ili-
tivo butchurlug stock , S'J5J@10J ; Indian- , ,
fe'J 50toi : Wi.
Sheep Ueceipts.V00siilpments ; , 700 ; linn ;
common toclioIcomuttoiib173nj-MO ! ; liuuba.
fc2 00iiiJ ( 00.
Fiiday Kvening , Out. ' . * , f
The Mock market piC'.ented alar mine ac
tive appearance to day than usual , and ncar-
Iv all kinds of stock changed bands lapidly.
Fcedeis vveio in oed deiuaiid and buyers
weiewell lepiesented. As tint season ad
vances the buyeis leall/e that tlio time lias
come to buy and aio moio HUMOUS than they
liave been the. past two weeks. The leedeis
soldweio mostly those that liad been
over Horn the previous day. The maikut was
htiong ate.teiday's juices. A very frond
class of teeuei.s nu coining into the maiket.
Theio was not much demand today lor
bulehoiV slock , and covv.s did not sell very
readily. The hog market was stionB' to-day
anda veiy little highirlt ; may bit said to
have piined flc iiithejiast twoda > s. 'ilm
opening maiket wasMioujter to-day on ac
count of tnvorablu advices Horn the east , and
under that stimulus all the lie .s in the inai-
Ketvveiosold icadlly. Later advices caused
a weaker Iccling , but no hogs weie oileied.
Catllo 40'
' 1
nii-nisi.N'TAi : : ivi : HAI.IIS.
No. Av. Tr. No. Av.
BUI . mi : 45 iioo
b7 .1115 4.5UiO UH I'JI.l
K ! . 10" ! UiO 1UI lll'J
KI 1008
No. Av. Tr. No. Av. Tr.
woo io-o ; su.oo
No. Av. Tr. No. Av. 1'r.
7:1 : 1117 aiKi sn : ) :
. : | ! ; t.40
s. o > o : t.40
> : ( ) 03 iii a.40
DI.Sl'IS'A'IKI.N or hllll'MKN'I.S.
Showing the number ot cattle , how nnd
; hccp shipped fiom South Omaha dm ing the
lust twenty-lour hom.s , and their points oil
jcatinatiou :
. .
40 K. I. Chicago
No. K't. Dcht
fXJJ . N. W. Chicago
Poor to Good to
DliHCllllMIOV. Medium. Kxtia.
1,500 ids nnd ovi'Jf:1.1.1. : . ' , 84 50074 7fi $ r a.- ? 1 ; no
lr)0@ir : ) < )0 ) His. ' . ' . " , . . . ' . 4 ( Kij4 ) 50 4 50il ( ! " > ( H )
, . . a OOWM IK ) ' . ' 5
I eedeis . , , , . . , 1 , . : HO il (
Stoekeis Jji : too il ! il
[ iiussToxniiH : i IK ) awm
VVcstei n Uar. s oo@t : m
N'atlvoCovv.s. . oo@tK a oo
HllllH a oo
ItoiiL'h Mixed , ! ) 'JO
'iicldiiu'iiml. i ) 10
Mjiht Weight a ir ,
iklIS | _ a 75
i.VN'ii : ( I : li'u' , Wic'i : s I'cnt IKKIS.
Till' 'lanu ! ot juices lor rough
' ONtKilUU
III' U > I 11 > 4MU ( tiiiMU i jiiii.1 f " imiMIt
nlM'il , paeKiusr , " mt shipiilnj , ' and IlKht
l 'ht lie s lor sovtin days Is .shovvji belovvj
Tl'ackin iV . .liiht"
Date LMKud. I Welsh H.
l-'ilduy Sl ; 10 ( * ! 1W
Nlouday il O0iii ( : 15
' i ) OOciT * ! ! . " >
1'iiday _ . .
--1 a .
"Noto Allsales of Mock in this market aiu
n.idu per cwt. llvo VuUht , nnle.v otheiwisu
itatcd. Diutd Jiou'H-M'll at Ic per Hi. lor all
iVeiL'hts. "Skins , " or IIOUHuiilillii , ' lis s than
; ( K ) 11) . , no value. I'li nuiu sows aio tloekcd
,0 Ibs. anil blab's & 0Ib
Iilvo HtouU Xoios.
IX Anderson h.ul * J hc.ul of entile at tlitt
> maha Minis je.stenl.i ) , niul Mfllndo or
ieiitun , Ji'ir.ittle.
.1. Dan'ev Mild II h'i--'s ' n' Ib" v uN veter -
IlIV. M.-lillo-ll , < > I ilMi-u 'I * (
11-,1-et , . N"illi Htlld , On li"0'r > , T
Rehujler , 71 hogs : \V. II. llnrveyt 1'ultorton
The pork packing e.slaMtihmenls n
Omaha aii- expected lo stall nji.soon , am
there vv ill be n geiter demand for hogs.
Krldav ICvenlng , Oct. .
Ornri-al Mnrkot * .
lee Thi U'celpts of eggsvvero llhcra
( onlay : md the market weaker , tlio pievalllni
pilcoluilng ls > ,
UtiTiii ) : ChoUo Is very scarce , am
peed cold Rtor.vjo .luno butler I
about Hie be-t quality offeied. rholeo table
Millie ; fall to good , lO ci'Je. ; In tenor , ftttH'e
cieameiy , 'JoYd-'ic.
Cnr.r.sK Pull cream chrddar , Seplembpr
lO e ; full eieam Hals , Septem
her , 10'tfe ' ; full civam Voiing Ameii
can , September , liwju ; Swiss. fancy
IOe ; Swiss , ehoiu' , lwl5e ; Inicl , , l'Jtfc ; Llm
burtf , 10\-
Pofi.Tiiv Laicn spring chickens wil
biingS'J.'J.V'.5i ( ) per do/en nnd extra sl/.e.-
will co above that. Old ehlekensS'i.7.V ; , ( ) ) ;
llvodncUsslownt S2.'J.V < W.7. * > ; live tmkejs.Oi
iierlbjilressed thickens , choice pcrlh.lUctnr ;
keys , dressed , choice , per ll . , ia ( [ U4e : ducks
dressedcliolceperlb , llfftl'Je ( ; geese , dicssed
choice , perlb. , I'JyJUic.
SWIIT : : 1'orATor.s Choieo largo qnotabli
nt a ytito IKT Ib ; S4.00JM.50 | iei bbl.
I'oiAions. 'I'he season for late potaoe- (
Is lulily commencing , nnd conslgnmenl.
cjui 1)0 handled to ailvatilaice ,
Wlillo receipts so far have nol
been heavy enough to fully test tin.
maiket , no doubt 85 40 els. per bush.
can bo counted on with safety lor clean ,
xv oil sussoited stock.
CtAMt : Prahle chickens are In stroiiu
request and will now bring bet
ter puces. Deer Carcasses , per pound ,
saddles , I'JftfUto ; nntelope ,
SAOOOja. ) : leal ducks , S1.X1.50 ( ) small rab
bits. sjl.oo@i o.
ONIONS Theie are. not many coming in at
present. Quotations are We. ) Mediums , i0c ! ; standards , K5c ;
selects , ; He ; extra selects , 4c ! ! ; counts 5ie. )
Ibs. In case , pcrlb. , 15e : exli-actcd , a Ib , tin
cans , adoIn case , pertloz , S-.00 ; l-lb. Irame ,
Nehinskn , 7e.
Cinrif New York rctincd per bbl. , 57.00 ;
do hall bbl. . b 1.00.
COCONUTS Quoted at 8I.OO@1.50pcr hun
SAUI-.U KU.VUT Per bbl. , 80.53 ; per > < bbl.
KI-.KT , T HUM : , inc. Pigs' feet and
I'nr.snuvrs. , . . Piescn-es
) IM.IIS : : , iic. : :
All kinds'JO-lb. pails per Ib. , lie ; assoitcd ,
5-lb. pails per doz.s.oo. Jellies : All kinds ,
bestKindo , 'JO-lb. palls , per Ib. , 8c ; all kinds.
scnooners , i noin case. $ " . > : tiimnicis , ado
doin per case , 81.iO : upple butter , 40-
Ib. pails and hf bbl. , pur Ib. 7 } c ; plum butler ,
40-1 b. palls , per 11) . Jl e : nsksnitcd fruit butter ,
5-lb pails , pei do8U.75 : Fancy "Homo
Madu" catsup , 3 do/- pint bottks per CUM ) ,
s Mcsslnn , per box. .
TiArius : Aii'ui'ttuig healco. Jllrhigans
fipllinirtHlayatSl ( 4' ) .
GitAi'i:1 : * Ciincunts , 1Mb liailet ; , CnjfTV. ;
Nnlaua , I'er ' baiu-l. S8.00. Duhnuiie , fl-lb. ,
b.isket.s , We ; Jcla\\Mie , 'J-lb. , boxts , pur cr.itu ,
( is bo.xea ) Sl.OO.
CuANKiiniiins Hell and DII IC , per bM ,
0.00 : boll and cliurry , | mr bbl , S .OO T.50.
Cuiie Cod , IIIT Mil. , M 1.00.
Ai'i' York SUite anil Ulichiran.
b.melH , Si.7. ! > C'M.OO : Jive bain-i
Jots , S2.rW.7r. ( ; Illinois , 81.7r ) ( 2.r [ ) , accoid-
IDK tcxiualTty nnd number of bands bought.
All off .stock M'lllnc at OOcfffiSl.'i ) per bbl.
OiiANOKa Louisiana , iicr box , 85.50 ; Ja
maica , pw bbl. , SU.OO.
BANANAS There is but a limited demand
at preMiiit and market lulus low. Clioico so-
Jwtion , 52.00 :1.110. :
OAUKCHINMA. KUUIT PiwrsVintcrNellis ,
Uuurre , Uiel , ljuwruiicu , 13. IJetirio , ,
nnd iilher vaiieties , jwr bo c , S'i.75a3.0 ( ( ) .
HBANS ( loot ! bright bcnrm ate scarcu and
In demand ; dirty and inferior stock dull.
banil-bleked navy. Sl.BO@l.iO ( ; hand-picked
medium , Sl.SOtjgl. 10 ; treed clean country , 31.00
© 1.20 ; inferior , 50@r3&
1'imviHioNs 11am , 10J < Tc ; brcaktnit bacon ,
Oe : clear side bacon , 7 ( : ; dry siltcd hides ,
7c ; .sliotildois. .smoked. SJac ; mess pink , per
bhl. , SHi.OO : dried buct hams , 12o ; laid , -JO
Ib. can.s 'J Inbox , 7jC. !
GIIAIN TJi < ' luilnwlng arc the ptrvailini ;
prices for to- < lay : Coin , S'-c ; now oats , I'c *
S0c : wheat , No. 2 , OJc : rye , " . . .O'ic. .
L Ki.ouu AMI Mi 1.1 , S rurrs Winter Wheat
Kirm ; bust quality patent tit S. ! OJvii'J at ) .
Second quality J-3 r uai ( : 00. Uest ( ittality patent nt JW SO
© : iK ( ) .
.Second qnalily S340@a 80.
Uniu Uuo per cwt ,
( 'bopped feed Per 100 Ibi , 8"xj. '
Corn ifiMl < l 00 1 10 pi-r cwt.
Kcit'cning-No. 1 , 75u pei cwt : No. 2 , 50c.
Hominy ? ! 50 perewi.
Sboils 70c parent.
Ciiilinm W ( X ) per cwt.
Ilnv H.iles Si ( 0100 per ton.
S.Moiu.Nii TOIIACCO ( J. S.,2.'c : ArecfHClianin
COc ; LoniTom , Oc. liliirkwi-lrs Dntliam , 111
o/ . , file : 8o5 > c : 4 o/ . , file : 'Joz. , < ! 0c. Seal
it Noith C.nolina , Hi o/ . , wood , < Ue ; 8o/ . ,
wood.I5c ; 4 ( U. , cloth , < lSc ; 07. , .We. N.ivy
Clippings , Uiu. Killlllnicl-l ; ; o/ . , Tc ; v ! o/ . ,
i > c.
c.FINT. Our Hard to , 70c ; Cliarni of the
West , ( > OP ; Fountain , 7Uc : ( iolden Tiitend ,
! 7e ; Favoiile , liOe ; liitds , 50c ; Uocky loun-
4iin,5Uc ; Fancy , -Ho : U.usy , 40e.
I'l.tid TuitAtco Climax , -Me per Ib : Horso-
F-lwu , ) ! ' < ' ; Star , 4k5 ( ; S pea i bead , ) ( ; ; Our
Kope , 50c ; Piper lloldsick , ( We ; Punch.Inc. .
SA inn , KKY ilAimwAiti : XC combination
Ill east sti.ipsiide , IOe ; IK X C ! ! looji eliamii T
buckles , .Sl.OV V& japi : roopeliamp'l'biiekle.s ,
UK ; ; IjJi X C ! i loop champ T buckles , sl.iJi ) ;
1 4 jap lonji chamji buckles , ol.'J ) ; cop
per nvots No. 0Oi ; ; HiiMol sntips , \ \ < _
S5.50i \ Sl.50 , 1 53.50 , % S : ! . . < 0 , X
S.50 : ! ; ( iciman snaps , \\t 8I5.0J , i f 5.2.r,0 . ,
1 S1.4.r ) , % &MO , i ol.4 ( ) .
JIinis : Stonily ; Kioen bulchers , 7Jfc ; t'reen
[ moil t'c ' : diy Hint , I'AgUk ; ; diy salt , lOu ;
ilanniKCd hlilos two-thirds pi ice. Tailovv > u.
Uieesu 1'iinio white , li lu. anucji 1'ollt
* ' '
'L'ATiiiii : : No. 1 Pllthlmrj , ' . ! . C. L. &Sons
[ ! le ; No. 1 PillsbiirA 1C. its. : il ; No. | Clnein-
nati , okn No. 1 lac'O leather , ( < 0o ; pimiu
hlatmiiter Mile leather , -To ; jiilmu oak ho.o
loatlicr. : ic.
Upper li-atlier , per foot , 2 Tle ; Horn kip ,
r ( < iv c ; oak kiii , Mui'.i'x ! : Ficnch l > ln , Sl.uUj. ( )
l.-ii ; Hum call , tl.OO UO. oak ca f , St.0 % )
l'J ; Flench < alf , Sl. 4l.i : > ; JIoiowo bioc
liv , iMdtfNu : Mmoccooll pobhlo , : & ( < $ e ; top-
pinu'sanil liiiiiiL-H tfiMXVUO. Ojiei t < u.
JlKAW liAittiwAin : lion , rates , $2,15 ;
plow hti'ul , Kpcoiiil east , 4c ; eniclblo bteel , lie ;
fast tools do , Tlbc ; wamm hpokes , jierset ,
1.7ri ( < tiO : ! ( ; hub > , per hct , Sl.i" , lelloe-s , KiWed
: lry , S1.40 , toii'ne.s ( , each , 75e , axles , each , Tie ;
jquaiennts , jier 1b. , 7illc ( ! ; coilchaln per li > ,
> i )12e ) ; malaulc , N ; ; lion wedges , fki : eiow- > ; lituiow teeth , 4e ; 8)irln ) ; ; .stio .T c ;
litndL'M'H linihii blioes , M.'oi ; liindens iiinki
.hoes , f > S. 0 , HaibedVlieIn \ cuir lots , S-J.lX )
HIT 100 Ilm. lion Nails Kates , 10 to 00 , § : ! . : .
Shot si. 5u ; buekhhot , s > l.S.'i ; oiicntal
ei , ICI-KS , st.50 : l.oo : do , half kojjH , S- .
lo , ( iimilerke s , St.50 ; blustlnKe s , iW : ;
use. ner 100 leut , 50c. Lead , , 31.0. " ' .
COAI , Antlnaclui cgx , &s. ' > : anthracite
lilt , &H.50 ; iillthincltu IllllBC , S8.50 ; low.j ,
> : i.50 ; Walnut block , S.7.-i : ) ; Illinois , fc-1.75 ;
Indiana block , S5.75 ; Foit Scott , S-l.ia ;
Kiclillill. Sl.iio.
Diiv PUNIS Whltolead. 8n ; Ku-nrh/inc ,
I2o : Pails wliitiiiL''J' i ! ; wliltliivKlldcrH , le ;
, \hitliifcom'l , lUe ; lampblack , ( iVnnantown ,
I'-'c ; lampblack , ( iidlnaiy , 10c : Pitisslan blue ,
fcV. . nntiamaiine , Ibc : Vandyke , IIHUMI , c :
iiiiiM'i.imiiu , ! ( > ; uniiMT , i-.iw , 10 : HIUIIII.I ,
mint , 4e ; hleiinn , raw , 4u ; Paiisfimm , p-nii-
lie , -H' : Palis Kiui'ii , common , Ma ; chionui
'ieen , N. Y. ' ' 0e ; clnomo jjieun. K , 1'io ; ver-
nllllon , Kn IIsh. In oil asst , ISc ; law ami
mint nmber , 1 In cans , 10o ; jaw and buint
.ii-nna . , lOc ; \andyko blown , lito ; leaned
ampblack. Tie ; coach black and ivory black ,
tic ; diop black , U' > o ; Piiihsian liltio , 'I0c : ul-
ramai Inn blue , Itxi : cluomu gieen , Ij. , .M. &
) , , Hkt ; blind and shutter uicen , J.M. . .v I ) , ,
He ; Pails mi-en , Itnt ; Indian led , ! > ; Vcno-
Ian red , Ho ; Tuscan led , 2-J < : ; Aiuerlenn ver-
iilllion , L. it 1) . , MOO ; jullow oehro , lie ; I , . .M.
eO. D. , HxKoldun : ofhio , Hie : patent dryer ,
o ; K.ilniiucoloiii > , lllit { oak , uak | oak. wal-
Hit , che.stnut and asli 15c.
PAIVIH i. > OIL \ \ hlto lead , Omaha. P. P.
kj ; white lead , St. Louis , pin tS'U1 ' : Mninell-
esKteen , 1 to Sib cans , 'Jo ) ; Fieneh zinc ,
ifcii MM | , I2e ; Ficnch vine , led heal , lie ;
' vainishas-t.'JJe ; Kienehzlne ,
'H ; ; vei million , A mei lean , lt > e ; liidian. | uil ,
Oeioviplnl : > , lie : Venetian , led. CooKhon's ,
Jfe ; Venetian led , A met lean , IKe ; led lead , '
Y. ; chioniii .M'lluw genuine. 'MvI'liionui \
ellow , K , 1-c ; nelue iiiciu-lle , ic o lu < ) ,
'lench. ' xe ; ochie , Auiei can. ! < ; \ \ '
uineral. 'J' ' e l.i'hltih I ) nun , : _ vb
'joun- ' ; I'liiico's luinuiiii , c.
UOcarbon.perirnll'iti , tic ;
llfjhL jior callou , VJolltj * hwulll ht , perjil
Ion , i'Jct 15)0 u.iter white 15e : llnsied. ia\v
per irnllon , 41e : linseed , boiled , per gallon
4Te : lard , winter htr'd per inillon , wc ; N (
1 , fv.e ; Ni > . a , 4e : easlor XXX. per gallon
81.53 ; No. fl , fiAO ; .sweet , tier gallon , Sl.OO
sj > erm. W. It. , per gallon. tl.r,0 ; tIMi , W. .
l > erpallon , ( Vie ; neatsfoo ) exlr.i , ix-r
iOe ; rso. 1 , ttfi Inbrleatltneio , IMT ' '
SOe ; sumuier. loc : golden machliie , No''l , pe
uallon , : We ; No. a , y. > : .sperm , atonal , pei iral
Ion , 75e : tninentlne , per Ballonlie ; napliia
per pillion , ,4o.
VAiiNism : < < Han-els , per gallon : I'lirnl
line , talra , SLlo ; furniture , No. 1 , SUX )
coach , extra , 31.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.'JO
D.inmr , I'vtrn , SI.73 ; .1apan , 70c ; n phnllnm
evtra , av- ; shellac , SU ; > 0 ; lianl oil llnlsh
Si'iHITS Cologne Spirits IRSp ioof , gl.lO
tin , 101 pioof , M.I' ! ; spliils , second quality
101 proot , Si.11 ; do , 1S8 proof. S.0 ! ! > . Alcoito
\\liin gallon
" 11.50
' " ' " ' ' ' "
ije "vvliiskli ! Si.wii/iii.Vx ) . Htnndies-
Impoited , J5.H150 ( ) : domestic , SI.MKifH.tiO ,
( Slim liniHirtrtl , SI.MKWt.oo : domestic. SI.MVu
tUKi. Ilnms impoiteii. M.NK'W.OO ; N'evv
KtiKlnntl , SiOOCn4.00 ; doimibtie , S1.50 ( ' < : UN ) ,
Cluimpamuw Impoited , per ease. Siis.oxviJ
SM.tK ) ; Ameilcan , per case , ? 10.X&sir.H ) ( ) .
Him.DiNti MATIIIIAI. : Hind liriek , SlUid ;
run of kiln. S.s.00 ; llmo ( In bulk ) per bbl , eec ;
limo ( in bbls ) We ; Loulsvlllo cement , pl.flo ;
Utlea , Akron and Mllvvankeo cement , pei
blili. 81.10 ; in sacks , Sl.lft ; I'orl
land cement , Kiifill.sli , 81.00 : stucco ,
Miclilsan , J-'a.'A' ) ; hair III paper wicks , per bn ,
! .0c.
Orocer.s' lilst.
btinAits 1'ovvdeittl , t-e. : cut loaf , 7J < e |
pianulatetl , 7i e ; con feet ion era' A , } !
Standard extra C , 7Jtf : ottra 0 , OJ < c ; niedl
tim yellow , UXo : daik jellow , O. ' e.
OANNKO ( Joons Oysters , Sfantlard per
case s.s5 : ) ; stravvberiies , a-lb. , per ease , S'i. 0 ;
aspberile.s , 3-lb. , perca1S ' .fTi ; California
pears , per ca o , SS.tXJ ; apiicots , per ease ,
5 > t.40 ; peachts ! , per case , fcl.75 ; vvhito elicr-
rles , ( XT case , FO.OO ; jilums , IKT case , F40D ;
vvlioillebeirles , IMT i case , ? 'J.40 ; egg plums ,
B-lh. , JUT case , S-.1K1 ; green gatp.s , s-lb. , per
C4\se , 82.UO ; ] iinu apples , 2-16. , jier case , H'\M& \
CANDY Mi\ed , 10ffiil2estlclr ; , 10@lle
QBonA In Hi iiapers , $3. ' ± > a c.ise ; saKoda
e r per Ib , &S.25.
\ IMXIAH CtDKti UKglSohltowino ; , Hi
( ( i'JOc.
Pir-Ki.Ks Medium In bnrrols , 5(5.50 ( ; do In
hall bat re ) : ) , Jjy.50 ; small in barrels , S7.50 ; do
In halt b.uiels , ? : i.7. > ; gheikins in b-.uiels ,
S8.50 ; do In half lumsls. § 4.'J.- .
Itici : Louisiana , prlmu to cliolrc , 0 } @
"life ,
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Impel ial , S.1.00 ;
Klik's satinet , 83.1 5 ; Kiik'sstandatd , SH.50 ;
Kirk's Whius Uussian. 84.00 ; Kirk's While
Can , 8i .GO.
UOPB disal , yt inch and larger , 8)fc ) ; Inch ,
8Jfe ; } _ inch , Jitfo.
SAi.r Dr.iylojids , pprbbi , S1.5.V Asliton ,
In hacks. SVi ! ! : ; if hacks , Ashlon , We ; bbls
daily , S'J.OOC'rt.- .
SiAitrn N'iauara ploss , 1 Ib , OKo ; Niagara
bvutri' Standard C 29c , bbls ; StamUul-
do i-.callon kes , SI.-IO.
SPICKS ( ! i omul Black pepper , bo\e.s. 15
( ) J5c ; alspiee , ifigafe : cinnamon l rf0e ; ; ;
cloves , 15@33c ; ginger , ISfeiilc ; mustaid , 15j < !
5J7c.Omr.i ) FUITITB No. 1 quarter apples , 4' e ;
rvnpoiatcd , boxes , bl , < " fe ; blackbeiiies , boxes ,
IOe ; peaches , bow , "none in the market ;
lieaclies. evaporated , ] 5) ( ail7c ; r.ispberiie ,
new , J. > ( ' , 'J7c.
CitAOKiuts Ciarnean's snda , butter and
picnic , f > c ; cieams , ! HI ; gingei snaps , tie. ; City
soda , 7i < e
POTASH Pennsylvania pans , 4 pans in
case. § : ; . : O ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doin case , Sl.tK ) ;
Anchor ball , a doin case. St.50.
JlAicms : Per caddie , il5c ; lound , il. case ,
4rc : square cases , S1.70 ; Oshlcosh cases , gr. ,
UANI I.IS : Boxes , 401h , 10s , 12) < fe : Ss , 12J " o ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Os , l e ; halt box , 20"tt
Coif IT.K < < Ordinary ( ; radp'.nji'cfair : , 1
He ; priniu ll ( jrJeclioice ; , I'J lHc : lancy green
an i yellow , lgl. ! ( > cold. ; government Jivu'JOi
'Mninii. \ . r a\.i , Hiuj ( o , ; Mocha UJ ( < fJ4R : Ar-
Imekle's loastcd , ! ! % < ; ; McLaughlin's XXXX
roasted. l ! ! Jc : Dil worth's. ! ! ! ' - < ; KedCioss ,
l3Xc : MeLaiiL'lilin'fi , Arbuckle's and Me
Lmigmin'.s XXXX arc sold 50e per case elf
HOVU piicesincise { lot-s.
SPICKS Whole Pepper , Ifc ; alsplco IOe. ;
( linden nllsiiiee. 12 e ; Xnnibar eioves , inu ;
Ainboyimcfu\ct ) , noc ; , cashia , IOe ; nutmexs.
TIAB Onnpowdcr , fair , 33@45 ; good , 45@
55c : choice OOi fl7.V ; good Impel ial , 40k l'ic ;
choice , ( iO(770u ( ; ; Young Hyson , good. : ! 0i 5c ;
choice . , r Uii ( > 70o ; Oolong , good , : ! 5 ( < $ ! 0e ; Oo-
" -
peed , _ . .
Tea Sittings. l ! > e.
Dry Goods.
Br.KACiiun COTTONS I1 Miners' Choice ,
Oifc ; Cabot , O fc ; Hope. 7c : Hill 4-1 , Ti-fc ;
HillJ ii e ; LoniMlalo,8 ; Fnilt.BKcVum ; -
htitta , W/ic.
Cdusi.r .fijANs Ke.irsarse ; , ,7p ! Armory ,
7e ; Peppuiell , 7 c ; Indian Oichaid , ( i 'c ;
Nanmkeaj , 7c.
FINI : UnowN COTTONS Pepjieiell It , O' ' c ;
Peppeiell O , 5 > , e , Atlas , OJ4'o ; Statue ot Lib-
eit\ , tic ; Saianu ! It , iit-/c ,
PniN'iH Steel Ui ver , Be ; American , 5V o ;
AinohlN , ( mCtx'heco \ , ( i ; Maiicliestur ,
lie : Lyman , 5c ; ( Jloticestoi , 5 > 5 ( ; ; Dun-
null Jaeiiuanl , ( ' * ; Dtiiinull , 5 i ; Kama-
po , : i/4o ; Windsor , Oc ; Paclnc ,
be ; llaimony , 4 ! c ; Anchor Shli tings , 4 > e ;
arcirimackSnlilinjjs , I' c ; Berwick , 4e.
DKNIMH Beaver Ciuek AA , He ; Beaver
Cieek , BB , IOe ; Beaver deck CC , He ; Jafliey
XX , lie ; Jalhey XXX , VJe ; .laltiey D A : T ,
\ ± yc\ \ Columbian , I'i' e ! Yoik , iic : ; Yoik ,
lancy , iJJ : < fc : Kverett , llicj lliomakei's blue
nnil blown , 73je. (
DUCK ( Uiimo.ieliPd ) SoMasnolw , 10' ' c ;
10 Magnolia , 12c ; a oVcst \ Point , lOJ e ;
10 M.Ve > t Point. liXu.
DUCK ( colored ) Boston 0 oz. Inown and
iliab , I'tKu : BosUm 0 U bnuvn and drab , Uu ;
Bos ) < i i XX brown anil > , lUc ; Boston
XXX blown and drab , H jo ; Boston 01' blue ,
HKe : iVarrtin Tncot , l" * ,
Bltow.v Cor i o.v Lawrence LL , fie ; Shaw-
mnt LI fie ; Beaver Dam LL , 5u ; Atlantic
LI5e ; Indian Head , \Vinplinsset ( l > , u ;
Clown XXX , ! ! > ; : Clifton CCC , 0 > e ; Utic.i
C , 4'4'c ' ; Atlantic T , 5 } < ? e.
TiriiiNus Amoskejitf ACA , 12 e ; Thoin-
illUoOO0.7cTlioindlkoliineyu ; e ; Voik
A , lOkc : Voik lancy , l-i' e ; Millbmy , l e ;
Peail Itlver , ll o ; llamillon. 12c : Swllt
Klver , ( % c ; ShelucketS , hi < je : Sheliieket SS ,
iKc ) ; Montauk A A , 12c ; Montauk BB , lO e ;
OnuL'aAOA , lilKc.
( ii.NuiiAMS-ltcnfiew , l@IO ) fo ; Amoskea' , DC ; AmoskeaK , bttipie , iyvIvanhoo \ ,
JKc ; Wamsntta , S > jo ; Nubian , Bko ; War-
ivick , \Vhittcndon ; \ , Va ; Hates , dioss , bo ;
liates , staple , ( i o ; li.uulolph , staple , OXc ;
Lansilovvne , 7c ; inotteisier , I'ssC.
Cnr.viors Amoskcair , checkso u ; Amos-
\w\K \ \ , stiipos , M < c ; Slater , .itiljics , He ; ICdln-
) iir , ! ' ) c ; Wlilttcndon , Htnpes , Nileii ; -
rose , tic ; Otis , checks , \ % \ \ Otis , Htrlpe.s , ' . ) ,
Itoynl , ( % Amoskeair \ , napped , liJ ) < o ; Lu-
jiy , book fold , l-o ; Obeion , book iold , ll o ;
l [ - -iifliiuiiiiM- , book told , lUc.
lis. Jin. Ibs. Ibs Ibs. kits.
IX ) 100 W 50 40
1 1 1.00 S7./0 ? ( ! .so ? : to. . $ : i.tO We.
COPHISII Now Kngllsh .summer cured
noloc.od | , lie ; ib | bilckn , guaranteed , ( U4 ( <
S\ioi < ii > KISIP Halibut , now , I'-i u ; new
calud hen Ings. 'J-'tc
Niw : YOIIK , ( ct. { I Kalinins tliHiuglioiit
lin country timing Ihu last M > ven diy'J07 ,
iralnst lMlv ! : > t vv eel ; nnil li " > lli" f , . put-
lotiN lo 'I'liu iuciiMsu ! > In UK I'.ieinc
ml western state * ,
Dry Iiiinilior
| 12 ft H ft 10 ft 18 ft SO ft 2Tfl SI f |
2t4 . ir.7f. ir,7r , ir,7r , 1075 17.7f , l . : r ,
stn . i : > 2.r , i5afiU'j5ifi.r ! , I7.fiiiff.7r ! > n7i !
S\S . . . IMIi I6.7S 15 7B lrt.7T I7.7T. KTf. I.I 75
JIII . If , 7. ' . I ' . 7fi IR 7' . lit 7.1 1 7.7T , ! .7fi 21 f,1
2x12 . 15 75 1575 15 7fl in 7517.75 1075 J-Mi
4x4-41x8 . | 10 . ' > IOW I0 17.W5 18.25 1(1 ( 35 ! W
No. I boards , 13 ! , 14 and 1(1 ( It . St7.0 !
No.'Jbnaidi , 13 , 14 nntl 1(1 ( H . 15.0(1 (
No. il lionids , 1'J , 1 1 and in f I . mi
No. 4 , iy , Hand 10 ft . 11.00
SIlll.Nd ,
IM Com. , 12 , 14 and in leet . ? 2I.7.1
'J < l Com. , 14 nnd ItUeel . , . . 10.7,1
d Com. , it and 1(1 ( leet . 11.7.1
en Kce , 11 and It ) feet . , 10.73
No. 1 , 4 &f. Inch , I'Jiind't licet , rough. . Sir.r.3
No. I , 4 AI ( I inch , 1ft feel , inimli . 17.50
No. a , 4 it ( I Inch , 1'J and 14 led , lough. . 1 1.5(1 (
No. ' . ' , 4 & (1 Inch , 10 feel , rough . 15.50
HllllLAP. .
No. 1 , Plain , s or 10 inch . $ IH.M
No. 'J , Plain , 10 inch . . 111.01
No. 1O.(5 .
IM Tom.V Ineli , Notvvay .
V ! < 1 Com. , ! | 8 Inch , Norwn > . . . ll.DI
1st , 'J < 1 and Hd ( Mear , li , ' ineli , a. U.s . S50.5 (
1st , 'Jd and id ! Clear , \ } < nnd a Inch , a Ss. 50.5 (
n Selecl , pr , m ; nnd B inchJs. . . . : uu >
1st. d and itd Clear. 1 Inch , s. a . 4'i.r ,
A Select , 1 Inch , H. L's . , . 40.5 (
1) ) Selecl , 1 Inch , K. 'Js . ! ) .o (
KICom. 0 Ineli , whlloplne . SJiS 0 {
'JdCom.r. inch , white pine . : i5 (
rid Coin , fl Ineli , whi lo pine . 'J4) ) 0
Sel. Kenee , 0 Inch , white iilnu . 'JO 0 !
( Jliic\L'i ; ( Sel. I'Vnce I'looiliiK . 1801
1st and'Jd ele , r jeilow pine , 4-0 inch. . , 'JO 5f
Kvory laily uses IV/.xnnt'H l Iuilitiated
Coniploxion Powder. It is n household
treasnro. The inadamo lintls it imposai
bio to fjo down town vvilhont first riihlnn
il on , If the bnby cries .sho gnus for Ilia
liiill'-box. If tin1 old man comes hoinfl
milled or chaffl , lieeanso business is
tlnll , ete. , Po//oni's Ptivvder cools nnil
nllays Ins troubles- Then sill is ilntlsonic
joy. No family should bo without tt.
Tlio night of * ItrciulVliinorH. . '
Laramie liootneraiifj. The right of
lireatl winnor.s lo slriko is no lonuer
( | tieslionedtven ! by confederating capital ,
but in tin ; esereibi : of this right an intelli
gent holf-hitorest , nul a wrong-houdod
iinptilsinuglit to govern , ( 'apitnl is Bul
lish. Labor is sellish. lint capital it
cold , calculating , wary , bloodless , while
labor , Int-kiiii ! the butler tirgauixaliun ,
lose * something of its power of fidf-pro-
lection it is passionate nt time.i
nnd unreasoning. In a give-anil t iko
world it it > not vviso : ihviito , slaiul upon
the extremity of one's' riglit Circum
stances must L'overn. U is frequently
tlisereet in tlio employer lo yield : i point ,
nnd Ihe employe otiglil always seriously
consider whel her IUH interests will bo
promoted or retarded by resorting to a
.strike , which must necessarily involve
some jirc-Reiit deprivation. Can he bet
ter his situalionr That is tliu question
fov bis solution.
Turn the VtiKt'imlH Out !
The weak stoimich is said to bo tha
lodging house of many vagrant diseases. can be turned out bv lengthen
ing the stomacli , uml tno digestive
organs in partnership. There is no
stroiigtliener like lirown's Iron Uitters.
Safe , speedy and miro. Mrs. llonry
Corning , llartl'ord , Conn. , says
"I5rovvn' Iron Hitters relieved mo ot
genornl weakness and dyspepsia , and
uiado mo strong. "
vr. r. Jon.Nsoy , in\v. IIAMTUUI
F. j. scnuvixit.
Vif. F. Johnson & Go.
Commisson Merchants !
Kocelvors of Oniln anil SeoilH. FutiirosboiiKhl
mid Solil Special munition to Milo liy Hun
iy IMunrU ilia Ion , Lincoln.
Railway Time Table.
All truing in rlvu nnil ilopnrt fiom Omnliii hj
Central SUiniliiril time.
'J i ulna ot tno C , Si. I * . , M. . % ( ) . nrrlvo nnd ilo
pnrt 11oin their depot , corner of Dili nnil Web
M or 811 eels ; tiainxon the II Ac M , < J. , 11. tt. ( ) .
nnd K , U. , SI. .1. A : U. 1) from the It. & M. depot !
nil otliriH lioin tlio Union 1'iiuillo depot.
n , dully ; li , < i\cijt ! | Siittinlny ; ( ] , oxciit ] Suiidiiy )
(1 , except Monday.
Depart. WIHTH'AHI ) . Airlvo.
A. M.ri' UNION I'AUII-'IO. A. M. I1. J r
. . . .1'nolllo Kvpioss. . . . '
Dunvor i\iiiHs. : . . ii'lOtl
| O. it ltii : > . VA1.L13V.
0Uin'A. : 2:10a :
I It. &M IN Niil. :
SWa : .Mall mid I\IMO-H. : .
0Uin' : ) '
Dopnrt. SOUTIIWAHI ) . Arrlvo.
A. M. I e. il. Miasouiti t'Acirio. A. M. i e. t7
JlUOn : . . . .Day IJ\p ( iOUd ;
UiUUb . . .NlKlit Kxpro&H 7:00a :
K.G. , ST. .1. , V C It.
H:10n' ' KM ] "
tCfiUn ! 7 OU1 : "via ronncll lllnllri ! ! 7:6U1 : ,
8iDil ; ! | .Kt Ixiiils HxpiesH. . .
DepjiU KASTWAIIO. Arrlvo.
"A. H. r. C. M A : ST. PAUL A. M. e. M.
. . . .Day lixprcxH " '
. . Is'lljflt KxplllMH. . . . "ti45 : < i
( , ' . It-l. &PAOIKIU
Hirc : , . . . .Day KXPIOHS 7aV : )
. . .Nl 'lit Kiprosu. . . . U:4.rHl :
. .Accoinnioitntlon. . .
O. k N-W.
8:00o : . . .Day Kxpioss 7:03a
C. II. & 1 }
nsaiii KorChl. vlal'laltsm'th 7n.r.n :
iSUiilKoi-Chro via U , lllnllH U:45ii : V
Dojiiirt. NOUTIIWAKI ) . _ Arrlvo
A. M. I r. M. I (3. ST. P , M it O. I A. U : I I1. "T
hfHa : ) . . .1 Sioux City Kxpross. . I riio :
| D:10o : Oakland Accoininod'il
ilOVVA 1)1V. ) S C. it I'.l
GIOa' : ' I'uiil Day r.x | > ni9j. |
I li:5iiu : St I'uul Nlglil ) J.\piiwn !
DIIMMV TIIAINS Leave Oniiihu lit 0 : ' . 7:3.J :
RM : , ] UU : > , llBu. ! : in. ; J2fiO,8Ui : : , UM ) , 4W.4fliS : (
r.Viiiiiil Ililo p , in On Bnmhiyti the 7't : > mil
111:11011. : in. , und-MX ) nnd 4UU p. in. lining < lo not
Ienvn Council HlulTH ( Ilrondwny Donot nt7tt ;
liw : , : .t.l , IIIH : : 11:4J : n. in ; lu ; , S.lJ : , JISIJ , 4.J
C'niliSiwul llir : > p in. On Humliiyn the H :
mil lihllOa. m. , uiidiw : ; unil 4IMp. : in. tnilns Wit
TICANMPKU TIIAINS I/rnvo Oiniihn nt 8:00.8:5 : : ]
i. m , : l : ; i'i , : -i,4.-0. ) li-.iMliiiid 7u : ) p. in. dally.
ArrivoiituUDnna 11:15 : 11 , in. ; l'M : , U:4J : , 7M :
iniUili5p.m. : _ ,
To anil fiom ChleuKo viuTilparllte Aillnnco.
Tlino tnlilii of piisMiiiKor lnibm
) IIIMIII | iinU Union .Stock Viuiltl ; in effect Woi )
ll , ! :
Co. Oinulm'II.U VnulH No. l/.H. YiirdH OnmhiT
A. M. / . M. A. > l. . it ,
81' ' 11:40 : TJf , Hio :
4:1 : moo 10:41) : )
11 no 1' . M.
11. IXI 080
. . 1' . M ,
41 I'M IHrt MO
4:10 :
ftS8 4:40 :
Oh )
Tialn No. 43 , dully uxcojit Bunduy. UlhM
rains run Uuily.
tairsSafesVaulisTimeonck !
and Jail Work ,
1020 l-'aniam .Stntnt. Oni'Uia , Neb