The Grent American Prelate Passes from tbo Scene of a Lifo of Hoaonblo Labor. CARDINAL M'CLOSKEY'S ' DEATH. He Dloil at 12"O : .O'clock ThlH Morning HuiTintmlflii by Grief Slrlokcn t'rlcmli niul Clnii-clinicii. Cimllmt ! McCloskoy's Dentil. NKW i'oittc , Oct. id-Cardinal McCloskey died nt t2M : this morning , peacefully and surrounded by relatives and clergymen of hU church. LAST nouns. Niiw YOKK , Oct. 10. Soon after o'clock p. m. yesterday Cardinal MeCloskey sank Into unconsciousness , and so continued through the evening. The gravest apprehensions were based on tills fact , and Monslgnor Kar- ley , Father I > oiibresse , nnd Mrs. John Kelly , who was nt her home , were hurriedly sum moned to the cardinal's house and bedside. About 10 o'clock those gathered about the bedside of ( lie sick man were of the firm belief that the cardinal never after would regain consciousness. The cai- dlimrs nephew had been sent for , he being In Philadelphia. Tor some hours prior to his loss of consciousness the cardinal had taken no nourishment , and those who watched felt that all that now that was left was tlie iuev ta bte , and speedy exhaustion of the unsupported vital forces. Hov. Father Doucey came hur riedly soon after 10 o'clock and jo ned the group of watching friends. It was yet thought that dissolution might , be distant yet from ten to twelve hours , but this was not to be. About midnight the lights began ( lashing from various rooms In the cardinal's bouse , and to the groups waiting outside there came thoeoubelonsncss tliat tlie unusual ac tivity inside was indicative of the approach of the closing scenes. At 120 : nervous twitching of the muscles of the dying man's face was observed , and the household diew nearer. The doctor bent by the bedside nnd constantly felt the rapidly flickering pulse. The Hcverend Monseigiicurs prayed fervently and repeated Invocation for the dying. At half past twelve , and tlie scene was one simply of waiting. On one side of the bed were the cardinal's nieces , Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Cleary , nud on the other side was Miss McCloskey and Miss Mullen , the latter another niece , lieliind them and standing almost In n circle , were Moiisigueurs Farley , Preston and Quinn , Archbishop Corrigan , Dr. McDonald , Father Donbresse and the assistant priests attached to the cathedral , reciting prayers for the dying. Dr. Keyes at the head of the bed , anxiously watched the ebbing of his patient , who , though unconscious , still held in his hand a crucifix , the emblem of his faith. Atl2iO : , the end came and so peacefully nnd painlessly that who watched scarce ly know that. Hie great change had come , un til Dr. Keys signified that all was over and that the cardinal was dead. Then the butler , Walsh , ushered forth to a cab the venerable Itev. Donbresse. The ser vant's eyes were wet as Dr. Keys , who supported the Ilev. Father on one side said to the waiting crowd outside , "The cardinal Ip dead. " Monslgnor Preston remained with the relatives and offered prayers for the repose - pose of the dead prelate's soul. The other dignitaries nnd priests retired after the death. The cardinal's remains will rest In the vaults of the cathedral. Interment will probably be one week from Sunday next. [ Cardinal John MeCloskey was born at Brooklyn. N" . Y. , March iM ) . 1S10 : ree.cived his eaily classical training in New York ; gradu ated at Mount SI. Mary's college , Kinmitts- bnrg. Md. ; studied theology in the Jtomun Chatholle seminary connected with the same Institution ; was oidained a priest. In Sf. Patrick's cathedral Xew York , Jan. It ) , IKS ; spent two years attending leclnres at Home , and another year In France ; became on Ills return assistant pastor , and soon after- winds pastor , of St. .Joseph's church. New York ; was appointed by Hislmp Hughes In 18-11 Hist piesident ot St. John's college , l-'ordham , N. Y. , returning the following year to his pastoral charged ; was appointed coadjutor to Ulshop Hughes November lit , 1MI ; consecrated under tbo title of bishop of Axlero III pniillnift lutirtcllinn March 10. IRsvf , and on the division of the diocese of Now York was Installed in September , 1817 , an first bishop of Albany , lie administered that diocese seventeen years with signal abil ity , erected a splendid cathedral , founded at Troyn well-equipped theological seminary , built n largo numlier of churches , founded many charitable and religious institutions , nnd Introduced numerous monaslie orders and lay communities. On the death of Aivh- bishop I liighes lie was appoint etl his successor , JIayu , KiSl , and took possession August 21 , Hlnce which time lie has repeated upon a larger scale the activity shown at Albany. To the completion of tlie mngullici'iit cathe dral on Fifth avenue be has contributed S10- 000. and visited Koine in 1STI to procure ma terials for it. liitl.-ccl to the princely dignity of caidlnal-pilcst March 15 , 1S75 , he u-eelved the hcmttti 111 May , after which he visited Itomo to receive the investiture. ] UNION I'ACIKIC. TIII : IIOAII'H I'iNAxcies. HOSTON . Oct. ft It Is reported that a hitch has occurred In the Union Pacific railroad negotiations whereby § . -00,000 was to bo bor rowed from a trust , company in Now York which had ? : { GO , < )00 ) of land grant trust funds on deposit. The collateral Is understood to be St. Josx-ph and drain ! Island bonds and certain parlies lu power are understood to have objected to the transaction ns having In volved too much risk. The Union Pacific officials here , however , deny all knowledj ; nf an > hitch mid say , in fact , that they have had no negotiations with any trust company InNewYoik , excepting to endeavor to in- iluco ono company to allow the advance pay ment of certain claims comprised in the float ing debt. It is oillclallv asserted that the Union Pacille company has now In bank ful ly Slr > oo.KX ( > , which "It will use with oilier funds whenever It can do so to advantage In making the advance payment of outstanding vial ms Till ! MI.VWIS' IIKMAXHS Dnsvr.i : , Oct. l-Smvlid ) [ to the HIK. : ] Tlm management ol tlm Union Pacllltt Is doubtless by this time in receipt of a Mil ol rrievawc ! ! , rcpiVMinting the demands and omplalnlKof ( Im company's miners at I took .Spiliigs , Kvaiis-ton , Almy and Caihon , in \Vjomlng \ , nt Louisville , In Colorado , and in Jaet at every mining point of the road. They demand eeiTuin Improvements in the manner of workinir thu mines ; that the com pany iiiu t phu-.o all nccossarv timbers In or it working lull1 ! or pay the miners one dollar per lineal yaul extra tor placing the timbers ; llmt all whltn Chinamen ( meaning objeutlon- nble white men ) , shall bo discharged , n list of whom will be. given to the company when limy request settlement ; that no focal settle ment tm made , but Ilia t n gem-nil settlement uf Uuck Sprlngi' grievances a.s well as those ut Louisville he made ; that all grievances now existing or which may hereafter arise bo etted ) by the conciliation Uuul , the decision of will bo binding upon all tlm miners nnd company alike. Temple , of tlm Knights of l.iliur at Cuilum. states I hat It * niemners will not go to work until every riilnamaii In the service of tint I'lilun I'acllu- Is discharged , and every white man who Is not found guilty of any uilmo against , the- laws of Wj'omlni ; bo iviusUilcd , ami that the Union Pacific shall cover nil connection with Heckwlth , Oulnn & Co. , nnd that James Tis- dale shall bu discharged. Tlie miners of No. mine send n resolution nl = o demanding the discharge of nil Cliinatimn , and also the dis charge of Tisdalu and \V. U. Turner , and thai all white men against whom no cilme Is charged bo taken back. TUB COOK DUF.LLO. TWO PIltl'-BATINO HL'Tllilt.Niirl ; : ! INDl't.Oi : IX A I'lSTlCUIT I'KOM WHICH TIIBV WII.I. API'KAI. TO A IIM1. LvNciiiit'iio , Vn. , Oct. C. [ Special to the HiK. : ] There Is talk to- < lay of u duel Iw twecn Frank S. Hlalr , republican candidate for attorney general , and A. A. Phlcgar , A well-known democratic stump speaker. The twoBcnllemcn met each other In joint debate at Appomat ox Court I louse yesterday. Al though the speeches were of n fire-eating or der , no bail blood appeared to be stirred up. After the debate lllnlr approached Phlepar. greeted him familiarly , and asked "what ho was doing there ? " "Oh , " replied Phlegar , pleasantly , "I came here to watch you , and to see whether honor will buy n breakfast vet. " This neltled Hluli'i who sharply lelorted that be had never said , ns the democrats declare , that "honorould not buy a breakfast. " Hhilr's manner and Words seemed to.alfiont Phlcinir. who us- sei led with emphasis that Hlalr had made the remark at Bland Court. House. " 1 Is a llel" exclaimed Uluir. Phlegm1 thereupon struck Hlalr , and several blows \\ere passed before friends separated the men. It is said by those present that Hlalr struck Phlegar in tlie face while the toiler's arms were being hehl , and that Hlalr was knocked down for this by another man in thu crowd. Mi'H Congress. Dis : MOINIIS , Iowa , Oct. . Tlie third and last day of the women's congress was marked by increased attendance. Mrs. Lucy Stone , of Hoston , the distinguished sulfragist , was present to-day and addressed the congress. In the afternoon the following papers were presented : "Women physicians in hospitals for the insane , " by James McCown , M. 1) ) . , of Iowa. "Justice nnd not chailly the need of . . bv Mrs. Imogen 0. Fales , of P.rooklyn , N. Y. At the evening session these papers weie read. The congress adjourned at the close of the evening session , having held one of the largest and most enthusiastic Hirelings in its history. Several new members of the associ ation were -ulded this vear , and increased impetus was given to the advancement of women's work. Tlio Cimrult In Polities' . i.iN , Oc.t. ft Cardinal Mannings arti cle on how Catholics ought to vote in tlie coming election has appeared In the Dublin Iteview. The cardinal defends parliament on tlie constitution , even though depressing Catholicism. lie praises liberalism which Is devoted to the care of the poor. In change of laud laws ami the enforcement of local op tion. Ho strongly denounces secular educa tion , and urges Catholics to place religious questions foremost , anil to support only those candidates who are in favor ot placing volun tary schools , a vital question in Christian ed ucation , and of appointing a royal commis sion to examine the education question. Glandei-.s in Knii c Horses. CHICAGO , Oct. 9 , Daily Xews Hushnell , 111. , special : Horse breeders in this vicinity are considerably alarmed over observing that the glanders exists in J. II. Freeman's herd of range horses. Two horses of the herd have died within a week , and live out of the remaining fifteen are siilVcring from the dis tressing malady. Dr. Paaren , the veterinar ian yesterday examined the diseased animals and at once pronounced the malady glanders. The glandered horses will bo shot to-mor row. This herd was shipped from Montana hist June. Nineteen of the number went through to Trenton , N. J. , where two weru discovered to have the glanders and were shot. Dr. Paaren telegraphed from here to-day order ing tliat the car load of horses just , received at tlio Chicago stock yards from Montana be quarrantlncd , Capital Notes. WASHINGTON' , Oct. ft Col. Thomas F. Harr , deputy judge-advocate general , and Col. Asap Hlunt , have been appointed by the secretary of war to represent tlio Fort Leav- enworth military prison at tlio meeting of tlie national prison association , to be held In Detroit from the 18th to the iilst inst. Col. Harr Is ono of the commissioners of Ihe mili tary prisons , and Col. Hlunt is tlie com mandant. The postmaster general to-day appointed L. J. Sacriste postmaster at Lagruuge , Ills1. Attempted Suicide at HASTIXOS , Neb. , Oct. U. [ Special to the IJui : . ] W. F. Ollard , formerly Hurlington & Missouri ticket agent at this place , attempted suicide last night by taking hydrate of chloral. Dr. Stcele was summoned , and after working all night succeeded In saving the unfortunate man's life. The cause is sup posed to bo on account nf n love affair , lie Is still in n critical condition. The " \Veatlier. WASHINGTON , Oct. 0. Upper Mississippi : Fair weather followed by local showers in northern portions , southerly winds , becom ing variable in noi them portions , slightly warmer except In extreme northern portion , stationary temcratnre. Missouri Valley : Fair weather followed bv local ralns.sou'therly winds , becoming vari able , followed on Saturday night by rising barometer and generally cooler e.ithur Smi- day morning. The French In Madagascar. PAWS , Oct. ft The war office has received a despatch to-day , dated Tamatlve , from Ad miral Mlott , commander of the French forces In Madagascar , stating that the French and llovas has an Indecisive light on tlio1th ' of September nt Passandova bay. Tlie French lost 21 killed and wounded , ( ho HovnsSOO. Local .Elections in Connecticut. IlAiiTKonn , Conn. , Oct. 8. Nearly full and otllcial returns from town meetings In state Monday last show that In HVj of the 107 towns 7 ! ) are republicans , 55 democrats , and JS equally divided. Last year the standing was almost exactly the same. Tholl. & JM.'s Notice. ST. P.u'i. , Minn. , Oct. 10 Formal notlco of the withdrawal of the Hurlington & Missouri fiom ( ho transcontinental pool was received by President O.lkes , of the transcontinental pool , this evening. Tlio Cholera. HOMK , Oct. 0. Tliero were J05 ; new cases of cholera and 5S deaths from that disease at Palermo yesterday. Presidential Pardon , Toxcoim , Oct. ft Henry S. Davis , of Washington , 1) . 0. , a policeman , who was committed to the Now Hampshire state prls on , December i'l , rsSl , for two years , for assault - sault upon H woman with Intent to-kill , was pardoned by Piesident Cleveland and re leased yustvnla ) . The ground for paulon was that Davis was intoxicated when ho shot the woman. _ Tiunmuur unit Irving Hallo. Niw : Yonic , Oct. U Irving Hall was waited on to-night In the convention by Tammany's conference committee to meet'Iammnny and the factions. TURBULENCE AND TERROR , The Street Oar Strike at St. Louis Assumes Riotous Proportions. DESTRUCTION AND DEATH. Street Cars Overturned , People In jured , nud One of the lllolcrs Killed by a Police- man. Tlio Strcct-Cnr HtrlJte. Sr. Louis , Oct. ft The situation regarding the strike of the strect'cnr men presents no marked changes from that of yesterday , but there is a feeling of great nncertalnPy and expectation of a repetition of last night's scenes of violence. AH lines are. running some cars and several of them me doing nearly full service. . ' > i\- * I inn I tl t T niiWf tllliil * ' IIH 11'III V.VM 111 the city , and which has been practically sus pended since the strike , began to send out a few cars this morning under protection of the police. The police were stationed at nu merous points on the streets occupied by the railways , and officers hnvo been placed on the ears o I some of thu other Hues. Nodistmh- anee.swere icported up to noon , and It Is hoped that the large display of police will prevent further rouble. The arbitration eommilteoclaims tube arranging plans for the settlement of the trouble. motors ot'TiiitKAK. ST. Louis. Oct. ft The imtelof this mornIng - Ing was noi long continued , for soon after noon the strikers beiwn to assemble in knots In various parts nf thu city , and things pre sented an ominous appearance. First a riot occurred on the Cliouleau avenue line , and several cms were dumped into the gutter and the conductors and drivers severely handled. ext a big crowd of strikers attacked several cars of the Union Depot line on the. Twelfth street bridge , within a square of tlie courts and police headquarters. The drivers and conductors were badlv beaten , one being rendered insensible. The rioters were in such a hurry to tip over the cars that the passen- gere weie not allowed time to get out , and two ladles were badlv bruised on tlio Twelfth stiect bridge while leaping from a car which the strikers had already tilled in tlie air. Mavor Francis and Chief of Police llarrigan vtlth a squad of police arrived on the briilge soon afterwards and made some arrests , the rioters dispersing. About 'i o'clock a not broke out on Cass avenue , the crowd extending from Ninth to Fourteenth streets. At least a dozen cars of the Cass avenue line \\ere laid in tlie gutters between the streets named by the mob. All the conductors ami drivers were beaten roughly , and the teams turned loose on the streets. Shortly after tills another riot occurred on the tracks of the Union line on O'Fallen street near Tenth street , one block from the scene of the riot on Cass avenue. Hero the cars were in close proximity and soon united. Some two or three thousand people filled the adjacent streets and prevented trallic. 1 n a few minutes another mob began to overturn the eats on the Liinlell railway ou Eighth street and Washington avenue. Heie. too , an immense crowd gathered. Up to 'JX : : ) ] ) . m. no one is reported as very badly injured but serious trouble may occur at any time. The first really serious event , and one in- valving loss of life , occurred about :5 : o'clock this afternoon on Stoddnnl avenue. One of the cars of the Union Depot line was coming U ] > the avenue in charge of Policemen C.rif- uilisaud Hnnnon , and when near Hickory street It was surrounded by some fifty men , who began to cut the harness and make other demonstration ; ) . The officers twice ordered them to desist , but they paid no attention to tlie command and assaulted the ollieers with sticks and rocks , llannon was struck with arock , and ( irillltlis was knocked down by a man named .John Harvev. While the hit ler was beating ( irillitlis , llannon drew bis jiistol mid shot him in the head , killing him. I he body of Harvey was taken to the morgue ami Hannoii went to headquarters and re ported thealfalrand was placed under arrest. Four of the rioters in the Twelfth street bridge nffnlr , four of tlie Clioutenu avenue gang , live of who upset the cars on Washington avenue , and six of those who stopped the cars on O'Fullon street , me un der arrest. William Jackson , chief clerk of the Arling ton hotel , at Hot. Sp ings , while going to the fairgrounds in n Cass avenue car , was struck by a rock during the riot and hud his jaw badly fractured. Henry C. Ynger , n prominent citizen , was also struck In the face with n rock and re ceived a severe wound. SPOUTING HVKXTS. A RJIKAT STAI.UON TIIOT. Niw : YOIEK. October ft Isidor Coanfeld has accepted the callenge of John Murphy to trot the stallion king Wilkcs against any trotting stallion in the world for 81,003 , and names his stallion Maxey Cobb to take part in the race. Coanfeld has deposited with tlie Spirit of tlio Times , SfflO as forfeit. The event is to take place before November 3d , to come off on a good track ; the winner to take the entire gate receipts. I.ATONIA I'AIIK HACKS. OiXf-i.v.VATi , Oct. ft The weather at La- tonia could not have been fairer , while the track was gootl and the attendance very large. Fifteen-sixteenths mile Simnldiii ! ! won , Elsie H. second , Hosier third. Time , l : s. Three-quarters mile Porter Asho won , Uiiclo Dan second , Sir Joseph third. Time , 'Mlfe and one-eighth Kosclnsko won , Pink Cottage .second , Gray Cloiul third. Time , 'Mile and three-sixteenths Jim Douglas won , Malaria second , Doubt third. Time , 'JHV : ( . Oiio'mllo Xodaway won , Cuban Queen second , Little Fellow tlilid. Time. 1M5J. , ' . IIIIIOIITOX IIK'ACII. HinnirroN Hium , Oct.ft The attendance was large and weather line. Three-quarters mile : Harry lioso won , Fellowplay second , Hickory Jim third. Time ' Seven-eighths mlle : Diamond won , Jim Nave second , Holbox third. TimoUH. Mu- tuals paid Mile , forthiee-year-oldsaiid iipwardH : Hav- nimi won , Ticasiircr , second , Lcmun third. Time l.'IUK. Mile and one-eighth : Weason won , High light second , Olivette third. Time 1.5 ! ) . Mile and one-half , over six hurdles : Ecua dor won. Hminvlotla Second , Harry Munn third , Tlmei37. KT. I.OUIS KAlll HACKS. ST. Loins , Oct. ft This was another trnod day ut the race traqk and fair ground. The attendance at the fair was big tor a Filday amlneaily all present visited the races dur ing the afternoon. Vlce-Preshlent Hen- dricks was again present and was n promi nent figure in the grand stand and en the qimiter stretch. Class Jr.'O-Unllnlxhed : Hutterccotch won third and fifth heats : Dick Wright won lirst and second heats ; Iluttcrscotch and Felix ran a dead beat for first plate In tlm fourth heat. tlme/Ji'Sj . Class W-Dlc.k ( ) Stanffer won , Prince Ed ward second , Itoyal Mont thlul , llambals f out Hi. Heat time , S:2Hjjf. : HASH n A i.i , . At Detroit-Detroit : ) , Hoston 2. At Chicago-Chicago U , Philadelphia 13 ; ten Innings. At St. Lonlh-St. Louis 0 , New York 5 , THK riHST IOAV GUOAVL. NI'.W VOIIIv DIIMOCItATS lIKOINNINfi ON COI- I.KCTOIl 1IK1IIIKN TO KICK AT Till : AHMIM- ISTIIATION ri.r.VKI.AXO'si'ltKWC'ASIK.VT. Niw YO'UK , Oct. ft [ Special to the Hii.J ; Heforo long there will be a row about the wny ColhHJoHedden | runs , or rather does not run , tlio custom house. Tlio trouble be gins to .show Itself in complaints from mer chants , who say that Collector Hcdden does not attend strictly to Ids ollice ; that he is away much of thu time , nnd because he Is a dummy of Hulmit O. Thompson. The ap pointment of Hedden Is regarded as n direct blow to thu Winking politicians , and theio are n great number ot uemocrats who think the party in the state of Now York would hnvo been stronger Itt there had been no t change In the ofllee nf Willeetor of customs. ills blunders since ; ha has gone Into office are greater than would hnvo been made by the \vorst of the so-called professional politicians. There are a good many who think that the president should prefer men who work for ( lie party to men who do not , In making his appointments. Thev say that the president must take the condition of politics ns it Is , and not try to conduct it upon the supernatural theory of selection. Thev point to the fact , that Just as ninny blunders liavo been made In going out side of politicians as could bo made by keep ing to them. Thu president Is In an cmbar- nislng position , He still holds the theory that the Independents are iieuwary to the success of the administration. They have stood by him In every election of bis , and he hates to cut loose from them now that they are supporting Daveniiort and at the same time praising him. lloisphiccd between two stools : he does not core to do more than to express his desire to have Hill elected , be cause he hopostobavo the independent vote with him again in some election where ho Is personally Intel csted. A WOMAN AM ) A XKWS 111:1,1.1 : : iiovn ALIAS " .TIII : coxruiiKUATi : SI'V" SUKS TIIK CHICAGO TttlltUNK l-'OIl ! . Illin. . Cmavno , Oct. ft ( Special to tno Hir..l : A woman who can relate as remarkable a life. history as any woman living , probably , ap peared before the Chicago public to-day as complainant in a libel suit against the Chicago cage Tribune. On September : > 0tli , that paper published a dl'-paleli from St. Louis stating that Hello Hoyd , "The Confederate Spy,1' had put up at Hurst's hotel but had gone from there to tbo St. James , leaving her trunk at the former hotel. The article did not state tliat she bad eluded her board bill but lelt that to be Inferred , and lictleiousy described the contents of the trunk which was opened by the people of the Hurst house. The mention of a pair of old cor sets , slippers , ping of Uibaceo , ami * " ( ! bless our home motto , tft the only contents of the trunk Incensed Ifi'r and she sued for { 5,003 damages. Hello.Hoyd , or Mrs. Ham mond. tor that , is the name under which she bilngs the suit , was seen this morning by a reporter. She is a woman of tall and grace ful form and a face still youthful , bearing much of Ihe beauty it poscsscd when its owner became famous during the war. ' "lam opposed , " she said , "to newspapers publishlnt : my private affairs with the object of making me ridiculous. Not only has that story which was entirely false wounded my pride but it lias done me great injury here and el-cwliere. If lam poor , It is not my fault , It was n matter between the hotel people and myself. " GATE'SJDOOM. Tiiu fiiin.vT Kxi'i.oaioN TO ocr-uu - AT riKVi.v : O'CLOCK THIS MOIINIMI. Niw YOKK , Oct. 0. The great explosion of nearly : XX,000 ) pounds ofdynamitc which is expected to shiver Flopd Jtoek and < lear Hell Oato channel is set for to-morrow morning at. It o'clock. The woik of clearing awny the machinery , buildings ami other valuable property was completed to-nighl , and all that remains are tlio elevator-Umbers over the main shaft , and tlie little.'tool shanty , which having been cleared , out and fitted with shelves , holds the < ; ells of .the great battery which will cause- theexplosion. . The thirty-six wires running to the de- torators in the mine are hanging in a bunch awaiting .the time .when Lieutenant Deiby will omncet. them with the battery , which willlie the ( last work done on the K'ock. Sin o early this morning two elghteen-lnch syphons have been lunning water into tlie mine , and it Is expected that the whole will be flooded by (5 ( a.m. to-mor row. It has been decided to locate the land battery on the old Astoria steamboat dock , about 1,21)0 ) feet from the Hock and the wire to complete the current will bs run across the channel to-morrow. Cordons of police will keep the crowd at a respectful and safe dis tance , and owners of buildings in tlie imme diate vicinity have been nutiiied to stand from under. Steam launches from the gov ernment vessels will patrol the river and prevent vessels fiom passing. Tlic nallcnn Affair. mil.OAKlAN PLVXlinitKUH. Bii.oiiAiH : , Oct. ft Hands of Hungarians have raided tbo Servian territory and plun dered a village near the frontier. A forces of gend'armes lias gene to the scene of disturb ance to drive out Ihe Intruders. CIIIH'KINO TJIK < iliiKS. ! : : , Oct. ft The ambassadors of the Powers are urging the Cheek government to stop its war preparations. nor.MAMA Ainnxn. HuntAHKST , Out. ft The Itoumanlacham bers have been summoned to meet ou the iirth inst. It is intended to mobilize the third army corps and n portion of tlie fourth. \VAULIKIJhiiVIA. : ! HULOIIADI : , Oct. ft The Porto having asked for an oxplanatlo i from tlie Servian government of the warlike attitude Servia has assumed in mobilizing her army and dis patching troops to the frontier , an answer was given to-day which was not considcied adeqn to by the Turkish ambassador , and lie has gone to Nlssa to demand an audience with King Milan respecting the matter. TlllllCIJY MA II AT sr.KVlA. LoN-nox , Oct. ft The./J'iirklsh minister nt Uelgrade has been rccallt-dto Constantinople. Tlio North Polw Problem. ANNAPOLIS , Mil. , Oet. ft Tlm United States naval Institute , composed of otlicers of the navy , discussed at the naval academy to night Lieutenant Danenbauer's paper on "North Pole Heseaiches , " In which lie lakes the ground that there Is no continent which Is yet undiscovered in the north polar basin , and that the only lands yet unknown arc the small islands nnd groups of islands , and the scientlllc knowledge yet to be obtained Is not worth the loss of life nnd treasure that will lie required for future expeditions. A letter was read from Chief Engineer Melville , saying he does not concur with D.uienhauer. Lieutenant ( lively also dissents from Dancnhaucr's views. Danen- liauer was supported by P/of. llonuk , of Swe den. Customs on tlio PANAMA , ( Yia ( Jalvcutonj , Oct. ft The decree establishing a , custom house on the Isthmus of Panama hat ; U'cn issued by the president of Colombia , ( i'liis decree Is Issued under the law passed , In JS8-I , Custom houses at Colon and Pnnauuv.thus , provided for , will charge Import duties , at the rate of fiO per ' : cnt of thu duties levied at other custom houses In the republic ( iivat excitement and Indignation uxlsta niuong the merchants who will send representatives to Intercede with thu government. ' , it Money. HKISLIX , Oct.ft-nTho National Xeltiing says to-day that Cermany will join thebi-metalllc eonfeu-nco when England consents to do likewise. * i Itrltlsh Cabinet , LONDON , Oct. fl. A cabinet council lasting two hours and twenty minutes wus held to day. The day was mostly occupied In the discussion of a If airs iir Ireland , Fatal lis : M"oixi : . , Oct. U. ( ieorgo John , living southeast of Unlonvllle , In Davis county , had his ncek broksirtiHlay bv a blowfrom the sweep ( if n eano mill at which lie was working , _ _ A AVUcwiiHtii Firu. ST. P.u'i. , Oit , ft Aj Chlppowa Falls , WK , sR | > cial to this Pioneer Press says : Ten buildings were burned here this aiternoon , Los * , 3 13/XU ; insurance , ( pniTrMixntniTr' 11 /M v i viitr'r' GOVERNMENTAL CLEANINGS , Yesterday's ' Occnrronoos in Matters of State and Civil Interest at the Capital , NEWS FROM WASHINGTON , Civil Rorvlco Slattern Tie ) Vnltctl Hlato.s Court l'rcsiilentlnl Ap pointincittH Tlic Tclcpliuito CIIHC , Ktc. StnteH Snpronio Court. AVASIII.NOTO.V , Sept. 11. [ Special to the Br.i : . ] The October term of the supreme court of the United States begins next Mon day. Its docket now contains 1,010 cases and others arc comlne In daily. The docket will probably number 1UH : ) cases before tlie end of the term. The court , by rea-on of its ener getic worl , during the last four or live years , has ceased getting further behind hand. Vour hundred and sixty cases weie dlspofcd of last year , which rate , If continued , will ad judicate the last cases on the present docket within three years. The. judges are all In good health and there will probably be a full lieiu-h at the opening. Kleven cases are assigned for argument on the tilth lust , and will be taken up in order as fast as possible. The most important among them are the railroad commissioner cases broimht up on aiipeal by the commissioners of ( lie state of Mississippi against the Farmers' Loan nnd Trust company mid Mobile A ; Ohio railroad eomiianytthat of (5. ( l > eras--ett Lamnr against Hugh of the treasury ; a long pending cotton claim in which the attorney general will appear for McCnllnch and ( ieorgo Tichnor Curtis for hamar ; the Texas eases of the Cincinnati , N'ew Oilcans it Texas I'acilie , Louisville A Nashville and Chesapeake A : Southwestern railroad compa nies against the commonwealth of Kentucky. YoHterilny's Appointees. WASIIIMITOX , Oct. ! , Jacobs , of Kentucky who was to-day appointed United States minister to Columbia , is about . " > years of age. He was a member of theeommnn coun cil of Louisville , and was twice elected mavor of that city. He was a prominent candidate for the gubernatorial nomination in 1SS4 , and received a respectable vote In the demo cratic convention. Ho is a lawyer of ability and high standing. lien"erson , of Arkansas , who has been ap pointed justice of the supreme court of Xew Mexico , is about -IS years of age , and has hold the office of attorney general of Arkan sas for four years. While Identified with the democratic iiaily of his state , lie has never held any strictly political ollice. Smith , tit Virginia , who received the ap pointment for attorney general for New Mexico , resides near Warreoton , and al though , comparatively speaking , a young man , he has achieved a tiue reputation as a lawyer. Ho is the son of ex-Uoveruor Smith. Charles Foster , who was appointed consul- general at Calcutta , was a clerk in the ollice of the slate statistician of Indiana for sev eral years. DmiiiL' the last campaign he was chief editorial writer of the Indianapolis Telegrnph , a leading ( ! eiman paper In Indi ana. He has never been an aspirant for ollice , nud his appointment was made in def erence to the wishes of tlm ( ieiman element of the democratic paity in Indiana. T'iirlell , the newly appointed consul at Dnsbou'dorf. is a native of New .lerse.y and he eamt ! to Washington in 'fit ! and entered the government employ ns a clerk In the navy department nt.fhn close of the war. Ho is now financeelcrk in that department. He is a democrat and was lecommended by Secre tary Whitney. Presidential Appointments. WASIH.VOTON , Oct. H. The president this afternoon made the following appointments : Charles I ) . Jacobs , of Kentucky , to be envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to the united states of Colombia. Charles foster , of Indiana , consul general of the United Slates at Calcutta. I ) . J. Partell , of the District of Columbia , consul of the United States to Dusseldorf. William F. Henderson , of Arkansas , to bo associate justice of the supreme court of the territory of N'ew Mexico. Daniel W. Maratta , ol Dakota , to ho mar shal of the United States for the tenitory of Dakota. Thomas Smith , of Virginia , to be attorney of the United States for the territory of New Mexico. _ Tlie Special Doll very. WASUI.VOTON , Oct. ' . ' . Prom reports re ceived thus far it appears that nearly all the postmasters speak well of the special delivery system and the business Is increasing , local matter equalling outside matter in volume. lieports show that , letters have generally been delivered with surprising promptness. Head ing , 1'a , , reports tlm average time to be nine minutes , while letters have been lecelved at ( lie department building in this city in seven minutes irpm the time they were dropped in the noatuflluv. Fdstofliuo Frauds. WASHINGTON' , Oct. u. The postmasters at Ashby , ( irnnitevillu and Shirley , small towns adjacent to Itnstun , Mass. , base been recom mended for removal for mailing matter at their offices that should have been mailed at Huston , In the ease of the Shirley postmas ter it is alleged by Inspectors who Investi gated the matter that the postmaster pah ! : ! 0 per cent of the vnluo ol stamps to persons who brought ( | iianlities of circulars to bis ollice for mailing. The postotllco department is determined to break up these irregular prjtctifi'h , and .small posioltfccs near large cit ies will received close attention. The Telephone .Suit. WASIII.VUTOX , Oct. 9. Attorney fJeneral ( "iurland , under date of yesterday , has written n long letter to President Cleveland in ex planation of his position relative to tbo suit brought by thu solicitor general in the name of the United States to test the validity of the Hell Telephone patent during the absence of the attorney general. It begins by advert ing to the fact that , on his return , after the suit hail been commenced , the president called his attention to what was being said about It In the newspapers , that tlm writer then informed th piesident that nil he knew about it was contained in a telegram sent to the New Oilcans Times-Democrat when the matter was made public , that the matter having since assumed general Importance , lie , tno writer , had thoiiuht it iiroiier on bis own motion to lay the facts lully befoio the iiicslilcnl ami cabinet on the current date ol'iliiistli insl. On further retlcction ho had decided to put the matter In wilting to be used at the p ' ldcntphinurc. . He then goes on to say that about thici- > cars ago , be fore he had an idea of being nrndo attorney general he joined with several others in or ganizing the 1'an-electrle Telephone com pany , of which be was made attorney. Everything in connection with It was done In good faith. Last summer Ca.-.ev Vonng , Colgcr , Mr. Van lienthiiv en and oflM-isi-amo cai iii ! to him and a-iked that the mill IK ) com- mciici i | in the name ol HID United behalf of tlm I'iHi-clci'triu company , to test tlm validity of ilu ; Hell patent * , Ho told them be could not consider ( > ' < ; mat ter because ho was n stockholder In anil attorney fur the i'uii-t-U-etrie com pany ; that this tact disabled him from con sidering tin : subject or giving any iuhicu about ttm matter , Ho heard no more of it until ho received a illxpalch from the Tlim-s- Dcmocrat , ho being then \il.ansis. . He did uol then know that tin- use ol the nniim of the United .States bad been granted. He then goes on in say that Milt as brought by the solicitor general , who under the law is not a deputy or agent of thu attorney general , ami who , In ihe abscm-0 or disability of the attorney tt'iic.rul ; , b cmpovteied nil the duties of that office. He adds : "Tlm disability Is not limited to the one orpin-st eal ability to perfotm the duties of thu ollice , but has reference to and includes that , us well ns mental incapacity , or llicnuacllyon account of Intcuwl in the subject matter. And In eases coming within tills statement tlu ! solicitor general acts for himself , llo Is not responsible to the. . attorney general , nnd the attorney general has no eoutiol over bis actions. So , In the ease pro.vonted , being dis abled or disqualified from acting , I , as attor ney general simply "sat out , " as It were , as the that n justice of the supreme premo court , and of other courts , does when lie has , previous to coming on the bench , or otherwise , been connected with the ease be fore the court. This IndeiH'iident character of the solicitor genera ! In matters of tins sort makes him even n cabinet officer In the absence of the attorney-general. ( See Klmer on Ui S. executive departments , bee. Os't. ) And this department , has plenty of evi dence of former solicitor-generals nellnir in cabinet councils in the absence of the attor ney-general. So that when it enmo to that the Van-electric Telephone company wanted to use the name of ( lie United States to test the validity , of the Hell telephone patent , 1. being disabled to act upon It , ns hereinbefore stated , the solicitor general was the proper person to act , whether 1 referred the matter to him or whether I left the parties ( as 1 did ) to seek him , or any other remedy , as best they could. The tact of my absence Is of no moment in this Imiuiry be cause if I was iljsabled to act here nnd at the department < f justice In per son the solicitor general could act. The at torney general then proceeded to cite a num ber of Instances in point , wherein solicitors general have taken independent action on matters coming within tlie split-roof the at torney general , but from which tlie latter was debarred trom considering by reason of being personally Interested. lie concludes as follows : "In answer to the question propounded to me at tlie cabinet meeting by yourself and others , as to the course of procedure governing such matters , 1 wish to say that there is a custom in this department not any ilxed adopted rule but n practice to have these questions all relerred , before they are finally passed upon here , to the department from which tlm original transaction emanates. Tliero hnvo been n few acppllatlons to mo since. 1 have been attorney general for the use of the name of the United States tqtest patents for lauds as well as patents for Inventions , and 1 have had them , In every ease , i of erred to the department fiom which tlie particular patent is .ssued for Information and sugges- lions before J ucteil upon tliem liually here. Not that any suggestion or advice from that department would be binding or conclusive upon this , but for the sake of n more har monious ami regular administration of the affairs of the executive department Is this custom practiced. 1 do not say that the action could not bo bail by this department independent of tills course , but in the few eases that hnvo been before mo 1 hnvo fol lowed the precedent , and within the last four days 1 have done the same in an appli cation for the use of the name of the United States to test a patent for an inven tion. Accompanying the letter of the attorney- general is the following Irom the president : KXICUTIVI : : MANSION , WASHINGTON , Oc.t. 8 , msr . Hon. John ( loode , Solicitor Oiioral My Dear Sir : 1 submit to you with this a statement made by Attorney General ( Jar- laud explaining Ills relations ( or rather want of relations ) to the action taken by you In his absence ( application to bring , in the name of the United States a suit to test the validity of n patent heal by the Hell telephone eoin- panv. ) I will call your attention especially to the latter part of tills statement In which ( lie attorney-general speaks of the usual proced- mo in tlie department of justice upon such applications. Ueteience : The Interior de partment , which lie mentions as an ordinary leature , seems to have been dispensed with in your treatment ot this application. This"omission may have been the result of a , lack of familiarly with the routine in suuh cases , or of a perfectly clear and satisfactory persuasion of what should bu done , derived I nun documents presented to you. Whatever the cause may be , and while such inference is not vital , of course , to the validity of your action , and though I am by no means pre pared to question the correctness of tlie ex ercise of your discretion in the matter , still the precedent calling lor a reference to de- paitmcnt with winch tbo matter is connected is well established , and seems to mo so well founded upon the considerations ot safety as well as prosperity that , I desire to suggest for your reflection , the proposition , whether such action on your part as will preserve and pro tect such precedent and eu.stom , could not well be taken. "Yours very truly , CillOVKIl Cl.KVKI.AJfD. " Solicitor-General ( > ooile.uiiderdato [ of to day replies , acknowledging the prevalence of the custom of reference and his omission of It and adds : "Tills omission was not ( liere sult of lack of familiarity with the routine in such cases , but of a satisfactory persuasion , dcrlvitl entirely from the papers presented to me as to what was right to bo done in tlie premises. In addition to affidavits which ac company the letter of the district attorney wlio made application for permission to use the name ot the United States in bringing suit , be transmitted , an attested copy of ail writings filed in tlie patelit ollices and proceedings had thereupon , which resulted In the issue ami delivery of the let ters of patent , to Mr. Hell. Alter a careful examination of these exhibits , which ap peared to be duly authenticated , 1 came to the conclusion that all the necessary informa tion had been furnished by the patent ollice , and inasmuch us the question presented by the papers tor my consideration was legal ex clusively , 1 did not deem it advisable to refer the application to the interior department for suggestions. " In closing , lie says he concurs In the sug gestion that the precedent Is a bad one to set , and that lie has accordingly written to United Stales Attorney MeCuroy , of tlie Western district of Tennessee , directing him to discoutlnuo said Mill. Kctlrcil Army Officers. W-vsiiiNfiTON , Out. Si. Lieutenant-Colonel Caleb II. Layton , of the Twentieth Infantry , and Captain William K. Mingsbury , of the Kli'venth infantry , have been placed on the retired list. A Territorial Attorney. WASIII.SOTO.N , Oct. ! > . The president flo- lected Thomas Smith , of Wuirenton , Vu. , for appointment us United States attorney for the District of Xew Mexico. TillS > rAT < Ij-POX. tiiAY's I I\TIIS : AT JIONTIIIAI : , . MOXTIII\M : | Oct. 0. There wore ilfty deaths In Montreal and adjacent villages from small pox yesteiday , * 1'ollois Court DocUct. .Tnd o Stonbertf disposed of the follow ing cubes in police court ye.storduy : Harry Ilotllo , tlrunk unil disorderly. if/iO / ami eosls , committed. Jacob Stonemuii , drunk anil ilisonler- ] y , $1 and costs. Fred Krickson , T. S. .Sterling , Kntn Fox and Albert Kichciibors , drunk and disorderly , dU-chargcd. Vullimi ; Villon , leaving team unhitch ed , $1 and cosU. ilnry .Monroe , Charles Iloir and 1'earl linker , grand larceny , committed to jail to await trial on Monday , October Jytli , John Maxwell , vagrancy , ninety dajH in county luit ; sentenuo Hiitijiendud on condition that ho leave town vt oneo. Charles 1'oluivm , vagrant , hold for further i-xiiminntion. A Qufol The reMilone.o of ( ' . H. Townsend , "iM ( U-orgia nvenuo , wiw uulorediy \ Imrglur.s night before lust and abontU ) in money tukon. The thieve.s nmsaukod tint whole house , going through the clothes of the occupants and taking all Hut money they could find. No other property \via touched. Tliuy worked so tiiielly | that they did not wako Mi1. Towimvnil , al though they entered the room vvhoro he was sleeping , 'j'hu police have been in formed of tlie mutter and will uul.u a Ecardi fur tUc thief. > * MEAT , MAIZE AND MONEY , Oattlo and Grain ou the Chicago Market , and Yesterday's Prices. THE DEE'S SPECIAL ADVICES , Cuttle ) Tnulo llrlslc anil Prices 1-Mrnici Ail Active Dny nit AVhout Klso No * Itiva Stock. CHICAGO , Oct. . [ Special to the HUT ! . ] C.VTTi.n-Hecelpt.stf eattlo 8 , 400 head for tin day , njiulust O.U.U ) last KrMay , making nbout 0,000 fur the week wi fur , ngnlnst. ns/ilfl foi tin ; Rime time last week. Trade Is brisk nnd prices ruled a Mnulo tinner on nil sorts , clthei natives , Tcxans or rangers , antl the yards were cleared at every liour. Owing to the light olTcrlnp.s of Te.\nns , cniinurs have hail to tnko native eow.s , nnil us n consequence , they are selling considerably belter than I'oi several months past , but s goon as Texnna begin to bo plentiful , cow .stock will a > nln bo neglected nnd will sell nt lower prlecH. Vccil. Ing and lulojjna bulls are selling at higher prices than for nweek or MI. Tliero wan a fair movement in Mockers nnd leedors , yet few big lots hnvo been shipped to tlm country to lind market. , , Stock rail' trade remains about the . amo as for the pto.vlous dnys ot the week. Steers , l. : 0 to l.faK ) His. , S5 I0 ( . < 100 ; 1,20 to i,8.v ) His. . sitO ( v > HO ; iwi to i.ytx ) His. , si : M < 3 tr.0 ; fttocltersand leederH , * : ! MKi ( : 7i ! ; cows. hulls and mixed , 81 T.X&HW ! hulk , it a. " > : thro\ih ! Texas cnttlo steady , sales ranged at wi W&M < > " > for cows and W Tficijl10 ! forMeeisyestern ; rnnucrs tiui'hanged : na- 1,101 llis. S-UKI ; SO Colorado eows , IDS Ibn , S-W"i ; Siil ( . 'olorndo-ToxaiiH , I , < IbH. S.7.r ! ) > ; liSCotorndo-TeMius , 8-iUbs , SU.IO ; ill ! .Mon- \Kst , su.iiir. .i. , , w. ; si.jr > . lions lieeeipts of ho IT ? for the day were 1)00 ! ) ! ) against Ui.Wit last. Friday , makingnbout inii.t-TJ for the week so far. against hO,70l for the same time last week. Tlie market opened active , with early sales showing an advance of good Tie , but towuid the close prices were rather easier , and later isales were at. lea-stfio lower than at the opening. Tr.ule , however , was bilsk , shippers taking their usual num ber , and everything tliat was useful was weld out before noon. Itotigli odds and ends sold around about S'ir ' > 0 ( > : ! ( W. and big Mrinus of fair to good packing wins bold nt S : ? B1 80 , with best packing sorts at StlSWOlO , nnd choice heavy at 4 0Xjl ( 05 , with light sorts at 5:5 : iW'04 10. One string of ordinary pack ing soils sold at , § : ii'JOa'5. ( \ ( . IJough and mixedf. : ! f.C < : ? . ; > : packing and .shlppine. y,10 to SflO Ib ? , SH.'ilXicil.n.'i ; light weights , WO to 170 Ibs , fcd.03aia.fi5 ; IbO to IJ10 lbs < . S-'i.SO ® . 4.10. _ _ Chicago Proiliicc. CHICAGO , Oct. I ) . [ Special to the BBB. ] Wheat Tlie wheat pit presented an extraor dinary scene at the opening this morning. There was a very largo attendance of tradcn- , and for the first half hour there was a desper ate light over prices. Transactions during this time were on a very largo scale. The encnlng figure for November was UOc , nnd during the first hour that option fluctuated between S'JJfc and OO c , broke olV to 8'JKe , then rose under largo buying orders to JWJjji' , fell back to OOe , and closed on the regular board at OOgftJOJijc. Cable * came In stronger , noting another ndv.inee of 1 pence for American wheat , and a linn feeling at tlio advance. The statement was made tliat Minneapolis millers bad again advanced bids for wheat and that a good milling de mand existed both at Minneapolis and St. Louis. IJuying was very general on local and ont-ldo account , while "shoiUs" be came alarmed at the strength displayed by tlie market and srmu'ht lo cover their sales. The feoliugwas excited and nervous through out and fliicluations were at limes rapid and , violent. The torn ; was a little easier In the afternoon , November selling off nt M e , but the. market closed for the day modeialeiy firm- at about yesterday's closing figures. Cons Speculative features other than wheat was icceived with very slight attention in comparison , though corn ruled firm and generally higher , closing .somewhat better than yesterday. OATS Oats ranged a shade easier. PitoviMioxs Provision- * ware firm but closed without any appreciable change in , prices. A WOMAN'S CKniR. sin : puors A oini.ii HUOM A THATN. OuioAno , Oct. 'A [ Special to the Bi',15.1 Yesterday afternoon a woman whoso name nnd residence is as yet unknown , boarded n train on the Northwestern road with n ten * day-old bab in her arms. After the train was under full way shn was discovered to en ter the toilet room with the child nnd after mime timi'Mie retuined without It , though no one In the ear seemed lo think this fact very remarkable at the time. At the next station she left the ear ami disappeared. Afterward it was learned that she had attempted to throw the infant under tlio wheo'f. ' ThOi bridge carpenter , however , saw It fall from thocar and picked it up. It was ntlll living and betook it to Khuhurst , where it mibse.- nueiitlydied. The woman left tlie train at Lombaid nnd took the next train for tlio elty. C'attlo Qiinrantiiiea. Dis MOINKS. In. , Oct. li. ( Jovcriior Shop man to-day issued a proclamation rnlHingtlio iuarantinoagainst | tlio imjioitatlon of cuttle Irom Illinois iiiul MliMiltn.Tho iinjs-.laiiia' tlnn states that from reports of the htiitu" vet- eilnarian the governor Is sat'Slied Unit lid contagious eases of plcurii-pncumonla exist' among the eattlu o f tlumu slates , Beware of Scrofula Scrofula Is probably more general than any , other disease. U h Insidious In character , and manifests Itself In nimilni ; snroii , jm-UuUr eruptions , bolls , Kwclllngs , enlarged joints , abscessessoroeyesetc. Hood'stinrftiparlUa expels all trace of scrofula from the blow ) , leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy , "I wasbcverelynflllctcd with scrofulaa tl over n year had two running sorci on my neclc , Took flvo bottles Hood1 ! ) Barsnparllla , ami am curcil , " C. H. Lovnjov , J-owell , Masii , C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me , , bad Ecrofulon * sores for MVCII years , fcprlni ; nail fall. Hood's tSarEapitrllla cured film. Salt Rheum Is one of tbo most disagreeable diseases nscfWHi by Impure blood. Jt readily cured liy Ilo > xl' b'i\rsir \ : > arlli ! ; , the | ; rcat blood purifier , William Ojile3 , lllyrla , O , , Buffered Greatly fr m erysipelas ami salt rheum , eniisi'il liy handling tobacco. At times Ills fumU v.'otild rraek open nud Mi-cil. Ho tried various prop * nratlont without alU ; finally took Hind's Bar- . bapnrllta , unit r.ow gaya : " I anentirely : well. " "My Mm had salt ilicum on ldsliamUnn4 on the calves of lil < j legs. Ho teed lloml'j Kanii ! | > nrllla nud h entirely curcil , " J. U , Btaitton , Jit. Vvriiun , Ohio. Hood's ' Sarsapai'illa * KuldbynllilnifrgUU , gnix \ ; furfi. Jbila utj ! > ) ( ' . I. IKIOD.V Cl.AiwlliiM'ark'il- ( ) i.lfl | , ( OO Doses Ono Dollar , f