Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Tninhlln , niioUltiRlinni lllulno nni
[ Jo1m B. 1're noli .Snrgpnt-at-armq of tin
TJtitti ( I hitei Senate Irom lrfH to im ) li
jii n n-c nt nrt tie , wr.ts. . i ho Intognti
uul ex ill ( I t' of the Senate list1
r > ecn c h c'ly ' ass.uiltcd through the cor
rnptiisiiof fcilernl patronage In Ihnbe
" ' iifc I'm Senators worn llm chosen , so
il in'ti of tlio 8tut"s Hut In linu
fmropigml s in stall snianshlp , support
tiul intiK r.s in thu nriny of professtona
[ loliticmiiP , through llio doxlcions use o :
jl.iee , dug tlu-T wav to tliis high place.
,1 horn wns Mr Ilnmlin of Maine , f
.lotibln exumpl" of thu sneress of th ! <
jlass of men Ho was very Img ( in tin
( Sontito , and a substantial innii in MHIIC
Jireetions but known chiolly for his suc
cess in procuring ollleo lor the people ol
the I'cnohst'ot. Ho raised this ollloi
lrok ) ( rage almost to an art , anil by hi'
lomr sorvieo nnd grunt success alnioil
jtn > d i it respectable. And he reaped hj. <
reward in repuuU-d elections. .
It will bo luiticinhcrcil tliut Mr. Hamlili
hvas vice president during Mr. Lincoln's '
first term , but ho M > harassed tlio pa-
ptlcnc of that great man w.lh his eternal
clamor for putty appointment. * , while the
president was absorbed in the great issiio
of the xvar upon which trembled the life
of the nation , Hint Mr. Lincoln would
tiot consent to rctiontimUion when approached
preached on that subject until Mr. Do-
trees , Into L'nblic printer , had been sent
nn ( i confidential mission to the leading
republicans of thu heavy western states ,
Hind It was arranged tlioro should bo a
low iinmo foi1 th vico-prosidufioy. This
' . had from Mr Dofroos' owtl lips.
Said Abraham Lincoln lo a gentleman
[ during the war. introduced as a eiti/.enof
Connecticut , while Mr. luckinghani ! was
Governor of that state , the President ris
ing from bis seat and impressively plao-
j hl.s hand upon the Visitor's shonldor
'From Conueotiout ? JJo yon know
.whatagood Governor you Inivo ? "
Olio was a man of boundless generosity.
Lit is related that out ) day a Iriend called
upon Governor Buckingham , and found
him , who usually was tlio most cheerful
of inon , in deep mental On in
quiring the utilise , Mr liiekmgham ! ro-
iilicd that after a careful inquiry into lim
tnlsiiie.s.s all'tursfoi the year just closed
IiodiHcovorod ho hadn't opciiod hid
heart enough to tlio calls lor hlop !
Was there ever another man of such
tomlur chiirityy
Mr lllainu'R coming into the Scnato
cbamber was 1 ko a brco/.y March morn-
ing. Ho brought with his prchouco an
nir of fresh lite , the health of out-of-
doors , of tlio gruon Holds , of the busy
workshop , of the noisy os-ohango , of in-
turcourso with the pooplo. Ho made no
intimation of saying "Hvyonr leave , geu-
tlomon , " but uaino as by right , caring1
'littlo for the dignilicil and solemn \viivs
of thobo venerable Senators , but hurry
ing in as if it wore to a Manic town meet
'And in the same manner ho rushed into
ilob.itc right and lolt dealing hard
blows on all sides , and taking them with
out oven a murmur. The c dor Senators ,
shocked at his lack of dofcronco and pro-
voK'cd lit bis temerity , cudgeled him with
downright bitterness ; but never u bitter
" -word in reply but going right on with
the attack and in his own trco way.
" him " said a venerable aiid pro
voked Senator from Connecticut , "ho has
brought over hero with him the manners
of the House ! '
No man who over hold a seat in tlio
ecnnto , though no ono could have given
lens occasion , was siiUjectoil to moro in
sult than Mr Sunnier ; and it was not
'altogether conlined to political oppo-
'nc.Httt , lor sometimes his treatment was
cruelly indecent by the potty men of his
own party , utterly incapable of appreci
ating him , or of the jealous men who
chilled under his supremacy in the sen
ate and with the people.
A person by the name of Stewart , who
by Home ubanee held a scat Irom tlio rot
ten borough ot Noyada , rather cultivated
the habit of speaking of Mr. Sunnier as
"a nuisance , " and really took'prido in
niaking his presence in the senate oll'on-
sivu to the Massachusetts senator. One
day Mr Simmer had made a longspcech ,
in which he had taken occasion , with
honorable trankness , to discuss his rela
tions with certain leading men of
the party , then homowhat disturbed , and
when the crowded galleries and
( he'sennte itself had been moved to pro
found emotion by the touching p.ithos of
some passages of tlio speech , and a
gontiment of respect at least had been
"Awakened " in every manly heart. Mr.
llamlin , of Maine , called the attention of
the country to his moral and intellect
ual dimensions by calling out from his
seat IIH Mr. Simmer concluded , "Let us
sing 'Old HniHlred ! ' "
Purlfyiiifr iho Servico.
TheFecctniy | ot the inteiloi lias inndon
dcirit-ion upon ( lie appeal ot Luther llnni-
Eon. cx-n ! stiat ; coiiimlf-sloner ol the liinil
1 loin the or ( loot Commissioner
( liiiiyini , ' to him the liL-ht of
jmictlco us iittnruev befoio the Inteilor
department under the terms ol the net
' . Jmlo 1 , } $ ? , which luovldcH tliut it Minll not
: ' bo lawful tor nny PCIMIII api > olnteil aflr ( !
\ Juno 1 , IH72 , as nn olllcer , clcik or eiuplo > e In
' ( UiyMcpnitmcnt In net asemiiisel , ntjoiacy or
* UL'cnt lei the inoH'oiition of any ehilni which
wiit pending In the dep.utiaunt while ho was
such ollieor , nor to aid in the pioscuutlon of
uiiS'saeh claim within two years next aflerhe
Bhall Inivo ce.isoil to 1m nn olllcer or
ciiiploye. In his apjieal JIni il.son held that
tlio net applied only to the pioseciitlon of
cliihns tor iiioncy ; ( hat It had no application
to patties befoio the land olllco except in
riunwUivolvIni ; the p.iymeiit ol' money , anil
that In his case it him no application whnt-
overi because he was a tliliil olu > .s clcikat
tlio ( Into of the pat-s KO ot tlio net. lie de
clares that his employment \uiscontlimniis
till the l-t lust. , i\ltliou'li his salaiy had bren
InciciiHcil by jiroinotions which \\eio made
by .nuw appiopilallons. In his ojilu-
lonf after citing the net. the
i.ecrfuiry holds that It applies to
nil rtepr\rtnieiits anil to claims of every class.
Its dc.slgn is to elevate the public MM vice so
lliut.'lt'liiuy Insplio public eoiilulence. The
net Plainly Implies that It is not Miltable or
fcC ( nny for nn emplo.ushoitly niter his de-
IMijtiu jsli om tliuheivlcu In a ilup.irtiiiuut , to
llppeatbel'oic llmt department as piosecator
nl ( ilulnis iicndhiK tlieicln iiKnlnst the United
BtatcrtAvhlle ho wns member ot It. The mill-
cilt ) ) ) ot the. net is that nl | of the publlu MT-
vauts In the derailment , whether olllceis ,
clL-rurtor einploje.s , hhall obseno the condl-
tlph v ilch lit Icnsi tends to hinder them
. rrwuluuuppfntuncoof belli ) : placed under
Bueplcipn of hn vine had a con-
llU't between their duties as aftlccis or
publia ii cntit and as men , itnd as giving
jirnfciencu to the In&t. 1'or two yenis nfter
uieirre.liuitlon } | or illsiulsMiI they are iHwi-
bleu tor the im eciitloii ot claims amilust the
United' ' States. The M-cietnry also liolils Hint
cases inotlt'iiU'tl in the land olllco tor claims
to title uru not c.\ciiiptcd tioia the opeiatlons
uf the net , nml ho points out how nn em
ploye , If MI dlMioscd , ipliiht nliuso his oppor
tunities \\blloln the deii.utment to pumt
RM , lor liiHtnnce , to UK ) Ids time , not in the
fiH'celyjiiul just wttlcment of claims nttnliiit
Ifi4 iCTVi'iumcnt dmlni ! his teim ot
Diilco4U'Uut ; In picvenmnr biich MI tlo-
luujtU , oj claims und puttliiK them In
Mich u bliapo us to enlihlo him to leap n liand-
loino pioiit \ ) \ ( heir tiiijust tettli'iiient afltr
' ots leVJll'df oIllciiMinll have explivd. In coa-
J tljupeeieliuy holtUthnt the nctiiLso
. to Jje uim ] lke HnnlMUi who , id-
lholijli lu o fl Ice at the dido ot the iinssnxo of
aet-eived new appointments nml coin
nco that date , mid v\ho hn\e been
nominated ! > \ the iticshlcnt and coulnmed by
at seiiute. This opinion applies to nil per-
K'lft.ijjvjio liuve either rchlcncd or
M'cli ilNiid > hei | fiom nny deiiait-
Ment duHiiK the niociit ndmbiMintlon
UI toAtoMVy blow to iv LMisit iiuinber ( if jier-
\vliuhiivuemli.ul.iil lu the biislnei-N of
inbn-utiiiH clnlmsbcloiK the depaitments. It
VaHlulni > Ti | alter ( ( nisldcnillon in the i-abl-
un ) It'N to bonieMimed nlloid a put-
jt'/OJ'Wherenb ' | iet nllleei > lu jogulatlnj , '
lcb UoWro their d wi ( menu
li COPIIMjAIXTfi ciiied and pto-
'ented by Ji KK\'M l'i UK .M xi.rVniMii.v. .
Utoiiniu'iiiltd h > lenilinj ; > . huh ;
iy di
Advortl'cments under this lionil 10 cents pel
line for the flrst Insertion , anil 7 conta for onoli
Mibppqtiem in ertlon Poren words will tie count
cd to tlio llnoj they must run consecutively nn < ;
must ho pull ! In ndvnnco. All ndvortlsoincnt'
mtiot Ijclmniled In hcforo 2 o'clock p. in. , nnil
junior no fclrcntuMaticos1 will they bo taken ot
ill'contlnuod hy telephone.
MOXKV Totonn. Tlio Oiniilm I'liinnclnl Kv
clmmro , I5UI Knrnntn street , tistnlr | .iiinkw
lonnson nil cln * osof wcuilty Inim a flu chat
tel lonti to $ ln.iKjnnii ronlostnto. Wo mnko loans
to null till applicants on lonif or short tlmo on
Improved i OH I o"tnlo , lit nil contracts , leases ,
bulldlnsrs on longed luiul , Fccmod note * , collator-
nK chattels , or Rood ppcurlty of nny hind. Ixiw
m ten : ensy terms. Oiniilm PJnunclnl r.xchrngo ,
' ntiuni mieet.up stall * . tm-tr
rp < > LOAN Money 111 nnv amount nn rciil os-
JL ttito security. 0 * K. May no , Kith nnil Par *
nnm , IHPO-o-15
M OM'.Y T ( I. ) AN-0. F. Dnvls Co. Hcnl
l tnto und tomi iitfcnta , 15 < C ) Kiirnnin St.
H.VI1Y TO r.OAX On clmtlctn , Wooloy A
Harrison , mom 'M , Ouinhii Nntlomil bnnk
IONKV TO t.OAN On icul cstnto mid oluit-
M tcls. . t ) . Ii. Thotnns. WXI
Mt.ViV ( ; I.OANii : > OnchnttoU , cut
K tickets bought nml solil. A. l''onnan , lJ
8. liltli St. rl
MONIY : TO I.OAX innumn of $ sxi nml up-
ivnnls on flrHt-elass rcnl estiito security.
I'ottcr & Cobb , 1515 I'urnnm St. iV :
I.OANii : > ntU. V. HecditCo'g. Txjnii
olllco , on liiinlturo , pianos , liornoa , wn ons
t orsonal piopcity of nil klmlimiil nllothor nr-
tlclen of vnliio , without rimiovul. Over Ibt Nat' !
Hank , coiner Clth nml Fiunaia. All bn | n
contlilontul. r > M
lonn on chattel security by W. 11.
\Vlilnicll Imllilliw. N 1 ! corner ir > th mid lliir-
noy. Allor > om a of experience nml u enrol nl
Minly oftlio business ol loniilnK1 money on per
il propeity , I lm\o nt Instperloeloiln nysiom
tcliy tlio pulillclty usnnl In xuch cnc8 is
ilonomuiyltli , und I nm now In n po-itlon lo
meet tlmilcmnmlsof nil who bccomo tompor-
Hilly omhmincil mid ileslio to rnlso money
u It limit delay nnd Inn ipilct mninier , llono-
Keepers , pi olossional Kontluimm , mechanics * anil
others In UmnliamiJ I ouucil IllnllH , cnn ohtnln
nilMiticcH Horn fin to ( l.iio on Mich M-euilty
IIH liousohoM luinituio , ptniios , innchlneiy , lior-
MJS , minims , wninlioiiM ) loci'lpts , Denied notes
ot liiinil , etc. , Million t inniovliiit mine liom own-
r-is losliloneoor pliitoof buMno-s. ANo on line
Wntclioniiil Diamond-- , one ot tlio advantages I
oiler N that any pint ol any lonn cnn lie pnlil nt
nny time which \vlll uiiliico the Interest pro intn
nml nil loiins lenencil nt the nil lnnl rules ol In-
tcrct-t. 1 Inivo no biokcie > in connection nlth my
ollice , lint poixmnlly Hiipciiiiteml all my loans , [
lm\o pih'nto iillluNconnoctoil with my Kcnoinl
ollice MI Hint cuMonicis ilo not como in con-
nnct with encb othnr , toii'-ciiuciilly inuklti iill
tnui'-notioiis ttiIcily pilvnte. W. 11. liott.
loom 4 , Wlthnoll bullillmr , N I' , corner lath ami
llniney , Uinnbn , nniliu 1'enil St. , Council IIInil3.
r-AVTUn A ( fill nt Knstoru Hotel , 1 \ < \ S.
lOthctreot. ' .Hl ! It ) *
WANT.I3D Flvo KOOI ! feitmlo cooks , peed
ati > 8. Cull lUMFurnixin St. UW
TANTI3 A Kill < o do hou o work nt I
l Webster St. Ueiinan prulorrod. l'M-8
ANTI'.I ) ( Jill lor hoii'-ottoik. Dnvonpoit
nnd ItiJtli Ht. II. Mai-tin. U10-1,1
W Good house ghl , l'J.4 Webster.
Wnyes $ jor ) cok. 1 > UI
WANTKD U Gcrmnn jrlrls nt once : plncos
Kivon treo. Call I1J IGtli ht. , Crouiibo lllock.
yelimakn l'iiiiloyiiiont Agency. tA7
TTTANTKIJ Oooil Bills nt once for llrst nml
VV second work KooU tvugosiilliilni ; itjoin Kills.
Cllll I.- I Kill Illllll bl. b.V >
WANTllI ) A Kooil K'rl ' lo ilo Ronernl hout-o-
oik ; no others need npply , 4uti WnlnntSt.
WANTriD-Glrlfor liouso woik,24UCnpltol
3-Olrl nt iniT Clilcuso St.
"YVANTRD Lndy ngonts to .foil entirely now
Vr iiibber uiulorunnnont ; oxchi'-lvo lor le-
umloH. Jladam L I.lttlo , box ii'i , ChlcujjO , 111.
_ T-iVUp _
WANTED A nont young girl to assist with
Imby. Wtl SJ.'Oth at. _ 733 _
WANTI3D Lady nffonts for "Daisy" Skirt
nnd stoel.lnir Riipportoi'S , Bhoiiklor braces ,
bosom forms. Dress Shields , rubber L'ln lnun
llbs , aprons , plcovos , Inlant.s diapers , vc. Our
I.IHKI iiKinit.s are iiialdnir monov last : so can 3011 ,
Adih ess with stump , 13.11. CAMPUKI.I , .V CO. ,
W AXTKI ) A phi for general lionjeuoik at
tKi7 South KOtli St. B51
WA > Tii > Twenty men for traok-laylnw 'it
St Pnul , Neb ; ship Snt"rd.ij ; liuo trans-
IMirtntlon. Apply 10U Hartley street , F. IM r-
wln.VCo. " lia-u
W ANI'KI ) .1 Honors at onco. 13. Rnviiiro
Uth and Hickory sts. U7J-b
WANTKO A poodyook , one compo'ont lo
net us hom-okuopcr ; good wngos. Addiuss
II. .V N , , Uoo Ollico. VJl
WANTJ3W A cnrpolitoirnta40 S. 15th st.
_ II7.W1 _
\VrANTJ21) Forty pooil men for truck luvinir
iiiilbpll > olnirumlindlmfnuii0 | 1,75 nmi iilJO
ror'dny. 1'ieo Iriuisporuitlon. Cull ut once ,
11 11 1'ninum St _ ma
WANTI3O Two llrst cl.i s wood-worklntf ma-
chine hunilH Immedlutely. John F. Cooto.
WANTI3D Tin co peed coat mnliora to ( jo to
Cliu > cime. 13miulio ut M. Jlcllimui Ic Co's.
WANTI3I-JIon for dairy work J. F. Hoch ,
\'i mile noi tli Dcaf Uuinb Institute.
_ _ _
W ANTD-nood hnsholmnn , W. It. Olbfon it
Co. , UI1) ) eonth 15th St. ir4 8
'ANTin : ( Jooil ( lermnn cnnvii'-sor. Apply
ntU'JlJ N. IBtli Bt. fllb-8 [
'ANTIil ) fiooil lioliunilan canvasser Ap
ply nt WW N. lliili t-t. 1117-8
WANTKD Aponts to eell our milling mn-
cliiniN , iiiiuio In Inas.s and nickel ; no toy ;
FcllsinpIUly to bunkeis , iiieiehunts , bookkcop-
OIK , ote. Addioss nt ouco P. 1Oakley .V Co. ,
fcnllnn , Knn. iri a *
A'ANTinnvo cnrpontois. Apjily 1) . 1.
> iliiyileuSuumlers bU , between l ikonml
Willis u\o. IKl-b *
WANTfin Oooil cnnvnsmrs. III ) ? pny. Iin-
teiprl-c lion Woiks , North Omnlin Roods
Btnploim lii ouil nml butter.
WANTKD SSoarpontors. Apply nt SHIh nnd
lnrmimShnw _ _ & Field. 71K.op |
f Fifty canvassers. Ladles nml
f I Kcnllomen uro making $10 per day tolliiij ;
our "Kitchen Queen " Aililiess , with gtnmp ,
Simpson &l'anoii Tool Co , 4.1 llonnl of Tiinlu
llnlldliifc-St. I'ntil , Minn. Manulnclory , Ixmcll ,
SI nm. 4JJ---7
'ANTii : > flood , rollnble boys nt Amorlonii
District Teleunipli Ulllce , IM Doimlns St.
( J50-8
'ANTin : Mattress mnkcra at Dewey &
tone's. ma
WANTUi ) Stoiictfrnphcr. Uox K5 , Omnlm.
AOKNTR Solllnir Mlwourl etcnm wnshor
ninko lilif innnpy. J , Worth , Solo Mnnuluo-
turoiBt. _ Uiuls , Mo. UOOileellp
\\rANTii ABoni . AiMiCKs Kli-ctrlo fjinip
t nnil Stove Co , St. Ixnils , .Mo . or elreiilnr ,
cut unit terms of CU uuiUlo power Jlnrsli ' " ' -
'V'irA'STi ' : ! ) A CcinniiPKill wnnts n Kooil ,
nLS.l1'1'0 ; ! ' ' ? to B0rk l" | l'luuo ' ws'lx."l W5-10' ' -
WANTKD-positlon bv oypcrlcneed
iiL'raiiher and onico clerk
: rofoiencos. Address -
dross W. H , Cunningham , DcsMolnos , loun.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
WANTKD A Blluntlon to cook , wnsh nnd
Iron , or Kcneiul boiisowurk , by inhldle-nued
Indy. IUIOHov nrilt. Uto-b
WANTKD lly n Iftdv tstunrmrnpher , a post-
lion in nliiw ) cr' ollico or uholosnlolioubo.
Itcfui-cnees iflvoii. Addiessll. , Ute Olllco.
VJb-10 *
VtMNTKli A bltimtion liy H Kentlemun of
i cvperlcnce , In a sioioor ollleu. Can siicak
Knullsh. ( Icimnn und llohcmlun , Addicss-'lL ,
N. t' , , " lieu Olllco. ( IKII-IO *
\\7"ANT13D A hllimtlontiy a trooirbnker. Ad-
i dress UniU Sclbcrt , I'ni-incw Douse.
' " ' ' U4J ! ) ! !
jV ; _
' \\'AN'TKIi-ll > McudyVn ? ( uMiIoiwboy. ihieo
n fnmlly I eiu ho pirn muUq himself uso-
1 ' " ' 1TS 1 Itih. tJi t > *
" \\rANTFD Shuntlon l y n-onntf inaiiushoft-
i lercnjjcncral IIOUMJ uik. Apply J , U. ,
lliuolllce. bih- ' . '
W AXTHD-SUuatlon by llrst-cinsscouclnnnn.
Addi CM A. W. , lieu ollitu.
WANTHD liy n womnn.cltuntlon ( is hou c
KccK | > r. liuiulrollS noilli Vth. Mrs. Ar
nold. -
\\TANTUD Situation by n miller , of
] ierienco In llnrrmnl Holler process ; mnr
rlcd. peed habits , licit of testimonials. Adilrcs !
0 Jl. Wood , llushvlllo. Nob. _ TllMU _
WANTKh Ily n Indy , ' Ion In nn olllrooi
wholosnlu house. Addro'-s J. II. , Ileo Olllcc
_ _ _ _ _ _ 4Ilp
WANTKD-Sltuntlon lii Mori In Noh. , flyenr
etpeiletiee ; boi-oiiKldy acquainted will
ironrrnl dry Roodi ; bcvst ot loforunco fihen. Ad
die s box ; tW , Vllllacn , town. MMOp
> Ono JOUIIR mnn to InMriict In
T bookKeejilng. J. II. Smith , 1 ! Fnrnnm.
Kff-lO *
\\'ANTK1 > TO rent fuinlthcd rooms with
iKiiinl. Apply nt Mrs. .1 , T. McOnltroy's ,
701 S. IMlist. M7-U'
" \\rANTIJO Anew milch cow nt KM 1'lcnsnnt
8U KVM'p
WANTl'D Hy n Kenllomnn , room nml bonrd
nt $ n or $7 per week , west of Sllth nml
Fontli of rnrnnin. lleforencoslf iciiulroil. Ail-
n cnr , HeoOflleo. IMS
WANTl'.O llytno jounir irenllemon , mom
nnil bonnl in prlvnlo family wbeio them
mono lionnlnis prelericil : best of roforontos
WANTKD Itonnl by joumr Konllemnn In
alt let ! ) prlvnlo fmnflv : nlco nccommoiln-
tlons. AilUross It. II. , Ileo Olllco.
AVTcama. . 'i1. Murray.
WANTI'O A joiinjr mna who lum n plon nnt
nml eomloitnblo loom , would like n room
mnto. ( 'all nt No. I'M Cnpltol nvo. Itoforcncos
exchanged , till
ANTI'O l or two unfiii nlshoil rooms nenr
Illtfli School. AildiossX. Y. , lice ollice.
I WANT n icslcleneo worth from Jil.fU ) to
f HWXiil nml Buburbnn property as nn Invest
ment to the amount of ? > < > , l > t > , nil lor cash. Ail-
ill ess 13. G. Stm r , City , Ilex 414. NTT
NTii > MuttiCbS mnkor nt Dewcy
Stono's. IWJ
W ANTit : ) A full lot noir tlio cltynt n re.i-
honnblo price Slnto prlco , forms nml lo
cution. Addicss VI. N. C. " lieu olllco. 'M
WANTIH ) To tniilo n ( rood second hand
piano , or a hoi so and butfuy. Imiulro ut
Kilholm .V l.ricl.Mm. \M \
FOll SAI.I' 7 room liouco on I'limnm St. ,
unod order. Hplcndid locution : vooil burn ,
lot ( li.xlll-1 ; pi Ice JsK ( ) . without bullilhiffs fT.uX ) .
Ames , IfiOT rninnm Mroet. l'ii > lU
i' Hi\T Tluco noslrnblo liou'cs. uui-
leu lios.il7S. : IJthst. UUU-10
IIKNT XovTlTll tlrstelasHroom ( (
iriOIl - -room cot-
Jl tnjellro ? ; lucid Inn ; by S. T. Peterson , 8 o.
cor. loth uml Uou'ln | ? . Ijl
FOIl IIKNT r > room brick lioitso , Cl'l Hickory
St. Imnilioon promls-ea. inu-lop
TTIOIl IIHN'T New hou o with Bcvcn rooirf )
Jt ? loroneortwolnmllie . IniiuliolMJ Pneillc.
llTMu *
p 1)11 IIKNT Cottiuto. Kovon looms , Puilt
I 1 avo. O. K Dnvla A : Co. , UO'i rnrmim st.
Jj'tHl KI2VT My residencecontaining-cloven
looms nnil bnth room , -1st nml St. Mnry'H
nvo. Win. 1'ioston. OCO-liJ *
OK ICKNT Honeo No. filS N. 17th St. :
house W. Oiiinliu , $1S. 1 > . O. Hot 71.J.
FOlllir.NT Fnrnlsliod cottiiBO on sticot car
line , ( O'Noith 10th street. ine-is
T-iOH 11I3NT ACioomcottasro , 1511 California
Jc btrcot. hS-ijp ! )
F IOll 1U3NT Now (1 ( room cottnfro , cheap. Ken
nedy .V ( Jllburt , Wlthnoll lllock. Wil-b
FOll III3NT Furnlshod lioii o , Rlv rooms ;
peed tollnr , closets , outhouses , ciatoin , etc.
Ust st , uotncon l.oiu'on orth nnd MIL-OIL A | > -
ply to II. It. Hudson , l i ! Douglas ht , b'Jl-sp
FOI H13NT Iloiiho4 rooms , well , cistern Xe. ,
1 1 Hurnoy St. 8S1
FOll Itr.NT In ! omont of ! ! looms. Inniiiro
corner 2 ii mm CUM. MiU-Sp
FOltltnNT Tno nowiosiiloncesO rooms oncli ,
cottUKO n roomsliuuso U roonia. - J.l'hpi > R
Hon. aVi
FOIl Itl'NT TnoBlory lUvollliiK1 , 7 rooms ;
liooil locality. Apply Cor. 14th und Hondas.
( J.T.Tn > lor. 715
FOIl I1ENT House of three rooms Stil nml
Hark Ktieets. Tiuiiilre nortli-oust coiner
1.1th nnd Douglas , nml li'Cl JuckMin St. yji )
* HUNT .stoics on fit h nnd Lenveiiwoilh
1 store on South liltli Rt. lloth flrst-cln's busl-
nci-s locutions. Also houses to lent. A. JlcGnv-
ock , d'f.\ \
< Oa Itr.NT HOUPO of ! ) looms. Apply Cor.
17 14th mid UoiiKlns. C. T. 1113 lor. 740
) ll HUNT 0 room cotlnpo with Summer
I7 Mtclion , clstnrn , xell , Sonnrd stu'i-t bet.
Cnmpbell and licne sticct , " blocks from cars.
FOIl HKNT Sovonil dwolllnp-s. Apply Cor.
14lh and iJonplas. C.T. Til ) lor. 71H
JT'OIl HUNT Nowhonso , 11 looms , city water ,
1 bath room and nil modem conveniences :
new sticct car linu , on Cumlnu' anil Hannibal
bliects. ApplytoJohn H. I3rok , ClSNoilh 10th.
_ _ _ VM-S _
IJ'Oll HUNT A line , now house , eight rooms
and closets , bay window , south uml east
1 1 out , ami line view ami a peed bain , anil a peed
lot ; very suitable lor a lanilly that Keep a hor-o
Kent , S--0 per mouth. . Inquho nt iMlinha &
KilcKMHi. opp ] io | olllco. _ tu'rl
oil IIKNT A now I ) loom liouso , ono block
Ij lioinstieet car , on'J d St. , JU ] ier month.
C 13. Miiyno. 15th nml I'uinam. _ _ MI5
I neil ICKNT oil SAM : A IHMIFO , bain lorS )
coub ; nnd I lolh In Walnut Hllludd $ lil pur
inoiiili. Inqnlie .lames Cln-lstlan.-en. U. P.
1'ielnlit olllcc.
IMMl IIKNT House , fi looms. Imjulio I'd-
1 helm X 1'rickbon. fxU
- rC lllliNT-Oct. : Iht , or nftcr. n dwclllmf
I1 house 6 looms , nice yunl , cii-torn , wntor , iiJ
I'dmonth. . Apply 1111 I'm k Wild uvo. , or Jim.
w. IL ! ] | , drutfKist , bJJ South Uth St. [ M
- 1010 South lUtb St.
Imiulie of U , A. lleldln. 45J-iJp !
T71OU IIKNT Houni 11 looms pnr month ;
JL will lent part. U. 13. Thompson , S. W cor.
lllh mid Ilainoy. _ lai _
"TTIOIl IIKNT The houpo nnd hum on eornor
JL1 Llitliimil I'loreo St. Impiliu ut Hoaton Dry
. 8. luih st. m
Poll IIKNT 5 room coltiiKO corner Popplo-
( on and Slioildan Ht , f 15. C. 13. Ma > no. S.
W. comer IMh nml Fmnnm. _ 7U
Foic KKNT Furnlshod fiont room and
board. Ud ! ) CiiDltol avo. HlO-b *
I poll IlKNTFurnlshcd rooms with Imth room ,
suitable tor Kontlomon , Nn. 171'1'i ' ( 'iiinlntr
Rtrcct , west Cut. A good rostuiu unt In same
biilklliiK. I'Jl ' ! 10
ICKNT-Furnlshed front loom with
closet und dreeing loom. Ill S. imh st.
- *
Foil ICKNT Pin nlshed room by n Danish
liunlly. fl'J 8. 17th. U7--h
77 > OH llKNK-Fiirnlshod i-ooiii. 811 N. 17th St.
FOll HUNT A nlcclv InrnlHhod parlor for
tuo pontlomun ; modern convonloncos. IT A )
Capitol live. ! '
TTIOIl IIKNT Furnished room with use of sit-
JL' tliiKiooin. linpilioUU lluinoy , WMl
_ _
11I3NT Nicely iurnlshcd room 1III7Chi
cage St. 153
IJiOil IIKNT Cor. 20th nnd Wcb tor streets ,
onu or tno IOOIIIH to Kcntloinnn umlwiloor
tliiKlo eonllcmen. On street car Ilnu , lill-l-
rOU HI3NT Tnoor thrco hntofiiriiUhcil front
rooms. lUimillo orothuiwUo , lor ludy or won-
tleniun.115 California bt. b'JU-tl
Frit 111NT : Btoies In the brick bulldlnir on
Hownrdbt. , bet llllb nnd 17th , Ko 11)15 ) and
11)7. ) Iminhuat diiiHTstoie cor. 10th st. 000
TTiOll III3NT Itoom , ono pleasant fin nlshed
X1 mom uith piIvllcjju of bnlli loom , nt 7HI Uth
btieel , near Webster. b'JI-Up
Foil UKNT-Wlth board , nicely furnished
moms , 171(1 ( Ciitu St , HO-L'p
I neil IIKNT I'm nlshed room. Imiulio cor.
1 lath nnd Do UK las 741
) HUNT Furnished room 1th b. ( < no nnd
' closet , 417 Noi th 14th , bet. Chicago und Cus.s.
Oil 11I3NT Nicely furnUhcd roemo , iti l
Dodtu. 7-'t-itl | >
FOll H13NT Ijir > : o front room nicely fur-
nlrhcd ; privilege of bath room ; fintiiblo lor
iuopc ous ; ll\ominutes wulk liom P.O ; one
block [ unit street tur lino. Addict P. U. Ixix
TT'Oll IIKNT A flno sinto of furnished rooms
JU Imynlndow , bath , Cto. ; teuas loivonnblu
"TI10II I113NT Ono Inriio , imfnrnlMipil , nlcovi
JL1 room , with hay whitlow1 nml urato. and nl
modern Inipiovoments , bn 20th street , nonrSt
Mnrj's nvo. Inqillro nl S. W. Cor , loth nm
Doiltrn tsfl
3 7 > OK IIKNT Tno nlcoly furnished nwms It
1 hoii'o with BUS , Imlll and limincu : on strcei
curs. 2 7 DodKO. _ _ _
Foil IIKNT A nice , ploncnnt room , furnlMi
edor iinfutnlsod. Itiiiulro nt 15U Ixiaven
yortliMreot. 410
"TTIdll IIKNT Dooms with bonnt , do lrnblo foi
JU tntmnicr. Apply ntStCuirlos , | Hotel. Wil
iilOlt ItKNT Nicely fitinldhcd froiiFroom tr
pentienian only , nt S. 13. corner Lllth and
Douglas Strom. . _ en
"T7UMI IIKNT Furnished room. Imiulro N. U
Jl. corner gfith uml Doilyo sis. lint
Foil IIKNT A wilio of nlcolr furnished fionl
rooms for tno nentlomen. 1711 .Inckson
Ftrcet , nenr corner of 17th street , lielercncoj
leqnliod. _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ KW
-TTIOIl llKNT-FurnMiod looms lor llRhl
JL1 hoiicokcophur , In lleemor's block , cor. Mb
mid Hownid. 871
T7\Il \ IlKNT-Two rooms ndjolnlmr. with
JL' lioaul ; front loom boutli-cast , IDH Wobstct
sticct. fc50
17 > OU IIKNT Furnished front room with
1 I ward. Imiulio Mis. U. II. Mooio , 1814 Doduo
blrci I. 40 !
771011 ICKXT-S furnlshoil rooms on Pnclllo
J1 Btienl. between Dili nnd lOth.ono block south
of Iho U. 1' . depot. yn
IriOIl IIKNT 'J pleasant ponth front rooms 3.
\ \ . corner intli ami Dnvonpoi t. 7iH )
T71tIl IIKNT Tuo nlcoly furnished looms , N.
JL' W. cor. SMjind Stlnry's uuniie. . 4W
1p Oil SAM. I Ivo-roomed house nnd corner
1 lot , * I.IOJ. Will tuko In part piiymont u
team ol'horM's.
A line i esldoiico property , com nl.nt nbntmilii.
Five-roomed house nml full lot.fonth liont ,
on Hurt st. , Jx'.tKW.
The l-est two lots In Shlnn's ndd. for n line resIdence -
Idonc-o at iibai-fialn.
'Iho Ih-st impiovoil lot north of Farnnm on
; ! Hi sticot. Two houses cheap. Hiillou llios. ,
: )17S. ) l.lthst , 100-10
17'ou SAT.K-ixit.nnxHi , withn nowcotiwros ;
J lents lor J-5J per month , on 17th , near I.euv-
M orth , St/juU. A. ilcGnvock , ItOJ I'liinani st.
Ttoic S\Ii : Largo house , coiner lot , m rni > -
Itnl Hill , Srt.ujo. A. McUnvock , IfiuU rarnnm.
> I
I\OIC lai nciw. nenr city. Doslniblo
ncrq propoity In viulous localities. .1. W.
Jim-shall , KM Fui num.
FO It SA I1 : a house * nml lot , l&S loct Iront-
nuo ; lont-i lor f'KI n month. Plico. ? l "uO.
Oiinuinsh'im > V llicaiian l.'iii Uodjio. ! fc-S
IT * Oil SAIyi : r/ilH In Jtolro-o. olTor spoclnl nil-
vanttiHOd totholnvostoron account ol lo-
untlnii.pilcotindiurins : nowHollnitf utjO lo
i-IUJicrlot. Amos , 1 71'uinnm. Uii-8
Foil SAIjK Slock of ffonnrnl morphnndl'o
nnd buildlntr for lent. Addrosa II. S. P. , Hco
olllco. tMMIp
Ip U HAM : A rfooil homo and lotonCnll-
lornliistieotuuo. . Cumiliishnm li Ilion-
nan , l.'ill Uoil o. Dhl-8
17'OIt SAT.K Corner lot , ItKHlOoTpopi'lnton
J. ' ave , near I'm k ; ou l and north tiont ; S-"Ol > .
A. SIcCuvock , IMi Kurimin Ht. 1 7
II' ' you wnnt n cheap hilii'-o hml lot ,
II you mint Imilnoia jiionoity ,
11 jou wnnt uiilnipio\ed icsiilonco property ,
It jou wantiicro pmiiorty.
11 > ou wnnt to mnkonjjooi ) In Vermont in nny
Kind nl'ioal o ttito ,
Itou want to > ell nny kind of rcnl ostnto.
Call at Cunnhiffhum ic lli'cmiun'u olllco. nil
Dodge , next P. O. ! CJ
17'Ht .SAr.iAhoiisnnmllotCO.\lT- : Chi-
I1 CIIKO atieot , $ .lnui. Till * Is worth fcolu .
Itionnaji , 1J1J Uodgu btrcot.
. , uso-8
FOK SALI ! U'joii prbicr''topo ' north. Plain"-
view lots oiler the prcntost IniducomuntH at
t4 ito $ l.j0alot. Tbis tnoportyis A 1. Como
undbooit. Amos , 1507 I'nrmun. KJ7-b
I ! ) P -
"F"U ' 7A\T'I : S Int-i In Kitk wood add. chrnp.
- A.Mcl.avocivioirilrlmWBt. . lm
FniC SVT.T : Now style , hoatlnqr store very
cheap , I'Jlu Capitol nvo. - iMMup
FtU SAr.i : An clojrant hoii'-oand lot' rfiv47 ! ,
ono block fiom Rlieotcaix , JJiUJ. Cunuln -
1mm & IHonnan , 1511 Dod o hticet. < J7'-b )
( Houioof thrco moms on half lot , ' 4
P block Irom Snunilors. two MoekH liom car
linu ; ilUO c.ish , ( U per month. M. ! ' . Snar-i :
. " . .o will buy n lot ono block liom Patknvo.
Cliolco lots In Place , 575' ' ) : ninnthly
pavmonts. Cunmiitflmm & Hicnnan , 1511 Doilyo
P.ll 8AMV1'or homrw. Plnlnvlow It the
place Splendid location : jsood ilrtilnna-o ;
no iriudlnff. I'rlco , $ l'n to$4iO per lot ; tonna
tobiiltbiijor. Auius , IfiOTFnrmini. Cl.S
PilICKVLK Now Uvo room co'tnjto : lottlx
lltlW A. ItodlDk'B uJdbOJ. ; \ . A. McGn-
votk , 150J Fnrmim bt. lisl
POIl SALi : ( Hi ) 4 lots In Slilnn'sUil add. each
4 xxi.
( iPv'i ) SlotKln Hnniconi plnco for S..soj.
(1:1515) ( : ) i lot in HIiimbmiBh phico , 5t45J.
Wttt ' , uero in ( ! No mid. ? ! > .
lion i lot In Slilnn Hd ndil. 'I'l.
( iCT ) J lot in tflilnn'rt irit ndil 4.V > 0.
( ilin HOIIMI and lot on Sotvtml Ftrcct , lot
C0.\5 ! , no\v liou-o 5 looms , trees etc. Sii.OJO.
d& > Lot In I'm kei- < mid $ if'M.
Section of land In Monick Co , at $1 per ncro.
II.IKIU nctc.s hi .Mancu Co. $5 M per ncio nnd up-
v arils.
i4Ilncrcsln ) flicoloj- .V W ) pornrro.
UM nci oIn MinliMHi Co. ' ) to fri.1 | ) er aero.
5. ill und UJ ucru tr.iois near the city i5J per
nci o.
ii ucros In I'lorcnco , line lou'itlon , StSI.
7 nci cs In rioionco , < lionp , tVI ) .
r.O . iieios ndjolnlnv I'loionuo , S75 per ncro.
l'ii-t iiioitiininM on Impioxfil larms In this
Mule , boarinj ? ute n ) per tent Intuio-n , rnnnlnr
I nnd fi jears IJnch morltfiijft ) U about 'ii ol' the
viilnoot thu tarni. llaialui llrown , ! ! n South
IltllhtlCOt. 7J'.l-lU
FOICSAlj : c-jooin hoiifo.bainsiocory'stoio ,
H ncio land S hlooKt'liom ht. Mnij snvo. ,
$ IOOU , Cunningham & JliUiimm , 15111)oil < '
- li77-8
( ; or. lot in Klikwoodj ! > cash und time.
M. 1Sewn. . Ill 1-1J
/ SAI.K Tlnlnvlnw lots nro nsrnln In do-
J/iOK at SU'i to { ; 0) ] er lot , on > asy terms.
Th'H piojieity is the I est lor Iho money. Como
and tee It. Ames , IH)7 ) Kiirnnm.
P OK SAM : Houses and lots on nionthlvpav-
inoiitH. I ) , ] . IliiyUun , Sauudura , butnuun
Lake nnd Willis avu.-t. nun x'H"
B III ; , & M'CAxniasn , isiiioiisofat.oircr
Fpoclnl luiriniliis
llmiM ) . 7 looms , nenr St. Mnrv's . ( fi.fli > )
KaM liont. ll-i oem hoin-o , IHtPt . ilUUU
HOUPO , lUiooins. lull lot , Davenport .St. ,
elo o to bu lno-H , very i-nny tuiin < t . P.OOO
lloiit-o , 7 looms , MnMo. etc. , nouKlai St . U/KK )
llrlck hon.-o , U utoiy mid bncomont , nil
moilurn ImpiowMiionM.-ntiir St. Mnry'ti 10,000
House , H looms , nil convtlnicncos , Daven-
poit . CJ. .n- . . f'MO
iieKnntro : ldciico , laiHO.'lot.ionlh liont ,
on Davenport St . . . .j. . . , .
HOIIMJ , > , lot , ChlciiKO SLi . . „ ' .
HmiM ) , U looms , hot und cold wutcr , " lotd
tfirner I'nrlc Avu. . . , .i . 7.HOO
2-sioi-j hoiiM ) , Hiiimrsftiiij , , . . , . u.non
1 loiibo uml ono uci o , chdap. , . . . . MX )
lIoiiKi , Uiooins , undonoucrir , . LIUM )
HOIIMI nnd Uliitn. WnhnWlIlll . 1.41)0 )
Houhound 10 ncros , well 1outed . 4 ,000
Vci y dciHlrulilu lot , Shlnu'js ftJW . 7i l
! i ncio , ( iiMi'rt ndd. . . _ _ . . . . 700
> 't ncio , Pai k Plnco . „ , . . . , . KM
Uoi-lrnblo lois > , I.unvcnwAVth tit. , { boo to. . liM ( )
UlotHin llurrOnk .Im. ' . .in . l.oin )
l.otHln HniHCom Place , > 6MXl n . ] / - < )0 )
4 bonutltnl lotson lutliSt , „ . . , , . : I.IXK )
JUiicrtwon lAiavciiHoitlrStnr. ' . 1.MIU
Aero pi oiici ty in Coto'HVlMr.ilit ' nnd othrr nddl-
tloim nt * 1 5 to flW. tlUiWli SiLCmidlMi , 1511
UodfoSt. A ) . U5.VJ
POH BALK Now Is tlm'tluio to buy lots In
"Molro-o" at JJ'W ' to XW. It N on licit Mno
nnd iIII il'.u In Miluo very rapidly. Yon hud
butter bcu It. Ames , 1507 Furmuii.
SAI.K-On licit Hno-aood Jols In Plain-
Foil ut unto 5CW ] ior lot ; ciisy tcinu.
A men , 1507 rnimiin , iUl-u
Foil SAI.K Or rent , on 3 or 5 year * , n choice
laini ot ilnoiosr > 0 a ores haul need tlm-
ber , iWneios pa.itni'o , nml balanvo inulcr cillll-
vat Ion ; Imlloliom Stock YunU and 4 mites
liom Omaha. This I arm is .eipilpped vlth Hut-
data Impnivcmcnt.s In every ic pcct , nnd onu of
Hie l > el laniu in Dousdu-s county. 1'or linlhcr
partlcnlarHuply or uddietj Cliilstl.m Sautter ,
Uinuliu , Noh.
_ _ _
TTIOIl SAI.i : If you wnnt a plnco todniiblo
J- jour money , buy In Mclroso nt tsno to ! ) u
lot on eiuy turme. Ainmi , 1507 Fin-mini. Wl-,1 *
OIt SAI.K I/it In > | clro < uint unitluvestof
I 1 Hnnscom Pink , lloio Unn-iand chance lor
n Milo invcatinunt nt iiiu cnt inleoj. A HUN. 154
i'nrmuii. ' ' 'M *
: Oil SAM ! OnlOlh aticet nnd on llnncrort ,
I ' lot * In Phillips addit.oii in . lini yeiiin UMIU
nnd IIIOM Illierul toruiK Comu nml auu llupu > | > -
L-uy. Auica , I6j ;
1r > OH SAT/15 Splondia roslilonco In hcnrt o
1 city.
Hnlf ncro nml flno residence on Cummins St ,
ST..HU ) .
In Patrick's Snrntoffn addition , $200 t <
IllmehntiRh's addition very cheap.
1'lvo ncroi In I'loicnco.
Twenty ncicu ncitr IrvIiiRton , $1,000. A Imt
Hplondlil Mock fnrtn of tM ncrcs In Snrp' '
coiintj.1. . W. Jlnrshnll , 1500 KnrnnmSt , R >
1r < Oll SAI.K Host ncro lots In mnrkot ,
< 1'rattB 8ub-i1lvl ion $5UO to f000.
llrldiien { > < ) .
lljdoVaik , $1T5.
rote Himimic. JlfO.
'Jlils propci ty \\oith looklnpc nt ; como nm
I n vest lento. Aiu&s , IWV rnrnnni. mo-8
J7 < 0ll SAM ) OnoofilTn"iTnesTTc ldonco prop
ery , glld-oibio locntloti , splendid view , ens' '
Iront ! modern Improvements , ieaoiinble pi Ice
Address W. R , Ileo ollico. 7U7
FOll SAl.rA now n room brick homo nnd ' {
ncro timiind nenr St , Mnrj-'s nvo. . $ : , ' * oi ) fein
n few iht3n only. Cuniiln linm & lltotiimn , 1511
ITAOllHAU : ( U7 ) , Aero Of Kroiind ultli IIOIIFC
I1 In West Omahii , S. . .
KM ) , Now 0-room outtnffo , Imlf lot , 820 So. 18lli
8t . ? . ' , K ) .
( JWI ) , llou o,7 rooms , " ncroa on I.cnvonwoi'li '
nt . $ ( .OH ) . I5av terms.
(177) ( ) , Thrco lots In block ft , Hancoin Plnoo
1 1 ill ) 'IV o IrttB In HlniehnURli Plnco , $1 IrtOenoh ,
(175) ( ) Two nlco lol In block y , Hnnscom's Place ,
Vlnrlntii nvo . $ WO ouch.
17 lots on Viritliilit nnd Ocorphi nvonnos , In
ItiMllck's luldlllon. fl.iViU to fl.SOO each. C. K ,
Mn > no , I5th nm ] rnrmim. 703-M
17 < 0ll SAM2 At n bnrjrnln , a linn nowre l'
dcnco , Miolvo rooms , olee.lilo bulls und nil
modem Improvomunl ! ) : "coninnindlntr n flno
vlow , " with tliioo low nnd Inrnii nnd llrst-cliHsi
Imin. Imiiilioof IM helm ft Kilclt on. IU'7
O7 rYMIolRtotrndofor Impnivcd pniporfy ,
will nssnnio inortKiiKcs or pay dlllcrunco In
cn li. Pint IDS wUhhiK to Irnilo bettor call nt
01 1 co.W.l _ _ I.J hco 1 1 . oviir 1st N ntlonnl Hunk. 171
SAI.K \250on Plcn nnt nnd Davon-
J- ' port Ftieol.s. west Omaha , nlco4 room cot-
tune , n bnrvnln lor c.usli or on payments. Cul.
Martin , 1WI _ S.J4thSt. _ _ ! gl ( _
Ij OH8AM2 Hou o nml lot and ten lots nenr
Park inoniio. cheap , on easy tpims. O. P.
StebhhiH , llooin Ul , Arlington lllock. I'liinovT ' *
Foil SAI.K H ncrcBflnuosttnnlon ( nnd fruit
land In the stnto , nml U miles liom Onialia ;
have not the llmo to look nlterlt. On time or
lorcasb. Cnl Jlnilln , IiKI South 14th St , : I7U
I neil SAI.K Ono of the finest residence prop-
c'rtlos In Oimiha , $ I5UUO. 0. 1 ! . Aluymi , ntli
nnd I'mmim , ; i75
SAM : on ICKNT mtck lmi o. s\
i1 looms , corner lot , Shlnn's add. Wlll ullon
immtbly piiymunU ) . C. K. Jlnj no , loth uml I'm--
num. ; )7t )
FOR SAI.i : Thieo now collntro' .
each , In Walnut Hill ; vood cellars , closets ,
pantrlcf.elstenwotc ; two lot-s withoioheottiuo
$ .1 , 1X1 each. ihWdoHii nml sc'O per month. C , 12.
Muynu , 151 h nnd Km mini. : : >
Poll S M.I" IJoaullful ncro property J miles
Irom city , nt fl'i'i ID J Di ) per ncie ; eniy
turins. 11. C. Pattorsoncoruor 1 1th and r irmim
_ _
POIl SA.I.K Mnirnlflcont hou onnd lot ulth
commodious burn on Culllornln ttieut near
Ittli. bouth Iront. S-l/lKl. )
1'or milo Kull lot treed Iwo ctory fl room houio
on Cnlllotnlii , location \ nry ile lr.ille , iio.D'M. J.
K. llllcy iV Co.L'15 bonth Utli blieot. liiH
171011 SAM : 17 lots on ( leorsla nnd Vlrsliil i
X nxos. , Itodlck'a add.JM \ toMJ \ each ;
easy tcims.
(1HM ( The neatest cottnsro InOmnhn , now , nil
modem conveniences , ( leorffia ave , $ ls , i.
Mil ) Ilemilllnlucro lot mid house fticinspro -
ro--cd IloiilomrdVoat Omnlia , $ J,5tJ , o.tsy
li'i" ) C ncrcs with peed honto , Htnblo etc , C
mlles fiom P O. HU0 ea y terms
OMM New cottavro 5 rooms , iiood barn , eornor
Oiandnnd Pier sticuts , $ J iK ) , monthly pay
(171) ( ) Lot fncinsr Hnn com park on Park nvo ,
SI.MW , viay lornis. C. K Aluynu , U > th und Kur-
imm. : i7J
POIC SA1.K Now house , 7 rooms , east front ,
lull lot , next to nllcy , on Saunduis sticuc ;
lot alone worth ncailv all that Is naked lei It ,
fc-MWu. J. K. lliloy li Oo , U15 ri. l.Jth St. ZK
Foil SAr.K T o-lot9 on a corner , two hloclct
Irom r.iniani , bnth tor tl 5 ) , poiltlvulr
cheap. .1. 13 Itiloy & Co. , & 15 South lilth St. air
J7IOK S VIKOn Convent St. , lot I-K14I ; liouso
-L 0 rooms iiuut-kti out uur line , 0J.5JJ c.isli. J.
AV. Maisliall , 15UI Fill mini St. _ 1 Q
TTIOIC HAM : Kull lot , couth front : very iloslr-
J-1 able piopuity , on rod cur lino. This Is very
cheap at JliAJ. J. 13. Itiluy i : Co. , 15 Suuth l.ith
meet. utj ;
FOK SAI.K Clicnn , a line lot In Ilun com
J'laco Aildi e-s N. l K .Ileo ollico. _ IM _
TJ1OK SAMX-Wo Imvo lots on Vlnton , Cum-
JL Inss , ( iiior ia ave , I.o.uonuorth nml other
slums 1'armini btieot business piopuity. J.
1 ! Hllcy Co , _ ai"iS " < iiittil.ltli _ stiout. _ Jill _
"in > H SVM : l/t"on ) ifi mini , M\l-i7 ) , fl.lToT
J1ery dosiiublo Jor tcsldonco. This will be In
the market only n lew days as It Ischo.ip ,1,1) ) .
Ililoy i : Co. , S1.1 South liitli stioot. aw
POIl SAM : Full corner lot three blocks from
Mient cms ; hcautlliil andsUhlly location ;
S55.'ioiislior $ ) ) i ti no Tills Is positively a
.1 i : Ulloy .V C . L'15 S l.ilh St. ! C1
-1710KSA1.K-A two Mory.tUMK ) . tinmo bull I-
JIn , ? , stiitnblo fora t-loio , lulli und Par-
mini Ms. Apply nt this olllco. 1U7
PfMl SAM1 : Full lot with ncwhonso. 4 rooms ,
pantry , collar , cistern , pinch In liont ,
blinds ; los than three blocks liom led car line ;
iiiipiiivt-nients north over $ .S)0 ) , all lor fljiVI.
i : -y payments. This Is nlici n bargain .1 13.
Hllcy Co. , yi5 S. lilth sti cot. u.t !
"T7IOICSALK Atnlinrahin , lot with S hoii'XH ,
JL1 : i nnd 7 looms , well , uiitnrn , b irn , X.i ,
Sbth nndllnrnoy Imiirovud piopoity taken us
puit pay. Win. L. .Mumoo , Oth and.lJouslas.
1)30 )
"T7IOIC SAI.K On Tnlrrlow ( it , ono of the boot
- mranred nnd lio-t built totta ris In the city ;
( ) looms , n I on onu Hour ; 4 elo-ots , pamn ; ' -
fttolliius ; transom overovery door ; bi.i : > 'iient
\Mislnoom uni orldtcl ( n ; jtOUJ , hi ll'eis'i. '
balancii lo 8 it alb per com. Very dt i.o.
J. W , Maishnll , iwii I'nrnnm. OjJ
JTiOIt SAI.K At a r > oat bmcali' , ono of tlio
best slock tnimsl.i loiiflas ( county ; 41't
ucius ; illl ) ncios In pastuio , 4i ) In blue trasS
Iinincios In enltlviitlnn , test hnv land ; $ Iii5 < ) pur
ucic. Cnllt-ooii. J. W , Mui-shnll , 150U 1'nriiain.
. - . -
ly , Minn , lor Omnlia piopuity , Douglas Co
Heal estate monijimod lor Omaha piopeityIII :
pay bnlanco In cash , A. P. TuKey , 13 1 Puimmi
" 171 INi : Improved lainis.-nlll trndu for linpioveil
JL ? city piojicity. W.1I. Oruuu , ovur 1st Nu-
thmul llank. 558
T OST Lilian envelope mldiossod to N. 1C.
jJ Knlrbnnk A ; Co. , Chicn o , lll.s. Valuable ) on
ly to pai lien nihlrossnil Ono dollar reward will
bo pnld lor nilnin of Mime to Awat. P. M. Wood-
\\aul or N. K. Fall bank .V Co. WJ-Xp
, SAI.i : Piano , clioap , IloHKa * HI" .
1,1011 V71-1I )
7 ( ) it S.VIJ5 Now , hnmlMimoly painted , spring
I wiiKon , Imiulieat N , W. tor. Ufh and Cull-
loinlnSM. ttu''Jl-
_ _ _ _ _ -
T710II SAlTH A Surioy. ellhoFwitli polo or
Jsliults , eldo bur , with Tlnil.en pntent hprlnif ;
only m-ed elneo lust ( .prime : us ( rood ua now ;
lillco , $ I1U , Apply utK.15 Webster St. Ull-'J *
. - milk eoiv. Apply nt S.
.lacobs , 11U 1'ufilum St , tii I J )
SAI.U The rellnjfulshmontof a valuable
FOll ) claim six : miles fiom H. It .Station In
Holt To , . Nob. .tor full purllculurs , addie.s Kloe
llios. , buinrt , Nelv -
THOU SAI.K-nitn'ltuionmlllxtuiortof the best
J. dollur a day hotel in Omaha , chunp for cash
intiinln loi' other piopurty. Cull or nildrnss
( ieo. 13. ( ilbson , fl7 H. llth. 75. > IJp
FOIl 8AUJ-A No , 1 dilvlnp or work horco for
cash or on Ililio. W. It. Ciott , lloom 4.
Witlmeil Hulldlnif. _ _ 74J
Chonp , Ouilnnd haul coal burner
I70HBAU3 W. Cramer , 1J. &JI , Hcudiiuiiitcid.
cmilKNTAr , iiOTKL-l'iirnlliirn for Halo
nnd hotel lor tent. Cull ut Otcldentnl lor
Inlormntlon , corner IU nnd llouard St. it:5 :
SAI.i : iiuekwhent brim , 'J-Vi per 1U01M.
Poll J. Welshuns X Co , City illllJ. 4U
OIISAM3 Two lots in Pclhnm Place. ono
F block from bticct cur truck. '
IDthsticct , 5.1)
T7HII S.\I.K Or would Undo for a ( rood horse
I1 mid biiKKy , Wacres ) In Uospcr county. Af |
> ly tu14 South Uth Ktiect. IM
SAI.K A clean , new Flock of uroi cries.
Poll lto .iJI , Puwnco City , Nub. Vii-ll'
n-\0 V.XOlIANOK-fVM worth woil otnpl
X poncrnl meichnndlso. Will mohnnKO In
peed Nctirnskn or KntHns ImiiK Addrc s Ho
W , Wymoro , Neh. ftW-'jy *
FOll 8AT.K ItoMflurnnt nt n Imrunln , ncn
iMwtoltlco : iroixl inasons for selling- out , Vo
particulars call ll-M Farnamst , SSO
FOIl 8AIU A limber1 shop In n nn > t-clii s h
cation. 1'or iinrtlciilnrs address II. 11. , He
onico. B7 ! > U'p
TT OU SAl.K-Completo ontllt for Imnkhii
J' lioii o , conslsihip of Inrpo tire nml Imrpln
proof wife , Iron inlllnp , cherry counter , etc , nl
now. Would trndo lor Onmlm city luoperly o
wild lands. C. K. Mniio , 15th nnd rnrmim. ttl
i,1OH , HAI.K The best locnlod bnkory In Omn
1 hn. Address o. , Hco olllco. r > l.t-7p
I * * * * r4m i * HUI4UI nijvnn \nn i 41111 * n *
turns , nil In ( rood onlor ; ( rood locution nm
trndo. AddiessX. /Clilik Urmr Co. , Unmlia
Nob. _ _ _ „ _ . _ ria : _
TiMHl MAtili rirM-flnsi hdlcl , grounds nl
Improvements , llxluics , lmr&o.ltt n Krow
Injrclty. I'rlca KTi.Oiii ! ( : tOunseusy. AddiassH
U. 1'altct-Kon , Uth nml Dirnnm. 4n )
MM nml lionnl , $ ftpor week ; very
) cation. 1814 Dincnpoit.St. 1
P KNTK A 1.11 ( HI-1TA lOpcm for the ncrom
V-/mo < liillon or the slok. Surgical opDnitlons ol
iillliliHlssUliriilly porl'onnoil. IlKoiisiHoru-omui
iippcclnlty ! liullus In conllncmont cun heiu hnvi
nb elute pilvncy anil thu bostornttuntloii. tVr
ri pomlonco sollclteil. Aililro Hr. .1. JI. H\vlt
iinmcorner 11th anil Fnrmim or lr .1. II. Idiliili
eoinor Mill tintt riirmim. TcluphonoiViU.
Niw HOIN : INI-ANTS . . . . nml siiO'
co-wfully cmoil lor nt H Cor. of rrmildhi
nnil lionoSts
MAUAJI KUfiUNIA lIOIIAItlSON'l > | iruil <
olojl t nml t'lalrvovunt , iiolnts out im eon
onoinle- " . color tholr oyoi anil hair. The toinl
to SIICCONS. Ixivo mid business u Hpecl.ilty. Sim
positively clues lillloiin heiiilacncs , klilne s.llrui
unit nil ( li > rtuitiiiiiiit.4 ] ot the htimiuuh , illi-oiviH
jrall SIOIILH , einetCiitntrh , the uorst onsos ot
rliuiimnttsm , Ilor mothoil ol'cilrliiK unlunliH H
\\llh huibs , uml most complete. Heals uornt
POICS In H month. Ilor lientmont oC coins ,
bunion' ' , temler lecl ncls llko n charm. .Mrs.
liom the prtKS mill pil\'nto InillvldiniN , colobr.1-
ted nml popular shoit tlmu only. IKi Nurth ltth !
Btrcot , loom L. ,
lli : W. C. MetznorSlovo ItopnlrCo . Ill South
11th St. betnuon Dodjjo mid Ioii ) luj.
T A Dins In wnntof Koodfi-lil loreiicrnlliou'-o )
JJ . . cnn llnd I hem by applylmrat Oinu-
hn Ihiiploymont lluiean , 11-J I'ai-iiain .St. i'17 '
AIAVAYS on linnil nt n baiKiiln , No. T nocond
hiiiid eiirii.nio plinetons and hldo-bnr butf-
Klu * , M A. .1. SimjMii ) , 11JJ and Hit Do.l o SL
_ _ _ I'M"
IyiNOS moved nnd packed. JIoohnn.IlL1 N.
lutli sticot. fAil-L. | )
LADIl'S In want of KOOI ! domestic help can
be supplied by railing on tlio Oniulin I'.n-
ployment Olllco'ITN. . lUtii St. , up-sluim. Mrs.
.1. W. MoiriMm piopriutor. S74
" 13ISIVY vaults nml cesspools clonnoil In mi
JL odoilOM ) uuy by R O. Abel , I' , O. Uox i)7i.
NI opointlon or nsolcss tms os. T > r. M. M.
Mooio , " 4J Wiihusli uvo. , UhlcilBO. Will
Lo ut Lo//.un.s House , Uctouur - > , oiiu uay only.
"Pealod proposals xvlll bo rocclvoil nt the
n ID coot the Chief Knfrlnccr or the Union 1'u-
citlo Ibilliruy nt Omaha until Satimluy cvonliiK- ,
Uctoher ID , lor Kuullnir , hriilgrlntf , track liiylna1 ,
mid MirlHfln ; . ' ol iliu Donvcr , Mar-liull ) anJ
llonlilur H. U. between Donvoruiul Miu-shiLlI , In-
clmllns the lomljusitincntuml biirlacIiiKof the
poillon or the ttnck nlro.uly lalil. I'rolllut ,
HpeoMIrntlons and liHonnation can bo obtained
im application ut : tliu ChluC llnxliH'cr's ollluu In
Omtihu. S. 11 UAt.r.vv ,
Wo. the nmloi-'lirnoil , iloini biisin n under
the linn nnmool Cirun & Iturkc , Ihostookcom-
iiii-Hiiin , Sontli Oinahii , Noli. . Inivo Ihli iliyilN- :
Kh-oil ) by iiiiuiialcon-L-nt. All ac ount.s ilnu tlio
lu.ii linn mo payable to ( ieurao liuila ; , ut Union
uloiik.Min , touth Omuliii , Nob.
[ sUiieUJ OEO. HUHKK ,
U. It. lilt ! K.V ,
DiitodOotoborV , 1885. iwt
TIIR nrsT iiourn AND
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tlio only road to tnko for DPS Moltim , Mnr-
thullloHU.Codar llnjilils , Clinton , Divio , Chlenpo.
Hilnaiikeu and nil iiointsuast To the ) ) coplii > f
Nebraska. ( oloinilo , W onihur , Utah , Idaho ,
Nevada , Orniron , Wnshlnpton and California It
olleiH super or nd\nntnycs : not pecbible by any
oilier line.
AmoiiK n few oftho nuinorons points of siipo-
rlorllyonjoji'd by Iho pillions of tills inadbo-
tueen Omaha nnd Chlcapo , 11113 lw two lialns a
ilny of DAY COAtlllia wliich mo llio tlno-t that
human ait and Inuonnlty can cientu. ltsPAI < -
A ( 13 SI.IIIII'INCl CAItS , hkh aiu models of
comfoit mid clepnmo. Its PAIILOIl DltAWINO
ItOOM CA US , bvnnv , nnd Its \ildo-
ly celcbiated PALATIAL DlNINO CAMS , tlio
eipinl of which cannot bo toiind clsowhein
At Council IllullH tlio Indus of the Union Pact-
flo Ity. connect In Union Depot with thounof Iho
ChicapoA : Noitliwestern fly. In ChlcaKO the
tinhiH of this line ninko cloto connection with
thoHiol nil custom lines.
For Dntiolt , < olumhuH , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Nlai'nia Fulls , llullnlo , Plltshurp' , Toronto ,
Momici.l , llo-lon , Now Yoik , Plilludolphla , Hal-
tlmoie WnslihiKtciii nnd nil polntslntliuouat.nsk
the ticket UKUiit for tickets via the
If j on wish the best iiccoinmodatlona. All ticket
iipentx hull tickets vlu this line.
w. nuanriT , n. B. HAIII ,
Ucncrul Manu or. ncn. Pass. Axent
Gen. Apont , 141" Fnrmim St. , Omaha , Nob.
Seventeen Vcaia1 Kxpcilence ,
Two Years
TLo "CANori" HiiEEtn Co , rlvo n Li
Scr iban can bo obuilncd claewlKro for ( ho .
iiuney , with thulc frrcat Improtrmcnt of Ilia
liODlll , ] ; THICK IUI I. . The cztrn Ih'i-ki r. , ot
rubbt-rrluht unucr the UtaiJ , gli p IVL'UJ.l ; H Kill.
Ask to see the "CAMIEE" Dmillo Thick Hall
( tubbcri In Jioou ,
A Common Sense
Billlird Tables.
THU imuNswicK-itAijKfrcoi < M&bn1i& Co
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
AiiilSnloon , Ofllcnnml llink : Fixtures. Mnrkoj
nnd Huron SU. , Chlcnsro , HI. Uni.tlm oDIce , &JI
a. 101 h St.
Book Binding , Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And niniit ; Hook Miinulncturci No" . IDA mil
_ jus South Hlh Sti-eot.Oimilm , Neb ,
J _ Butter Tubsi
Manufacturing of Butter Tubs.
M ft , ! KOI 4(1 ( n > , : wcs y."i ib , yio : i tti , 'os I M
IIH , W < - . ICtli nml I'loreo 8t , Oamlin , Nob.
Cigars and Tobacco.
> IAX MI : vine Ace ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nuns nnil Ammunition. "li to L l South llt'g
Btioct , KCOto Ht'l rnrmimSticot , Oniiihn , Nulx
W1WT ft Kllt'l'SCIinit.
Manufacturers of FIne Cigars ,
Anil Wlioliisnto DdiiliM-.M In l.tmf Tobnccix. No\
IU8 nml IKi N. llth Street , Onmlm , Neb.
Cornices ,
Eagle liornico Works.
John Hpnnoior , 1'minlotor. Miiiiurnctiiror ol
Oiilvunt/i < il lion nnil Oornleu. t1Uoiltro , nml Ul
anil la'i North lotli Street , Omuhn , Nob.
mm.Ml'INO .V IIOIiTti ,
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Window. * , J'lniiN , II c.ill : > 8 Uih.S' . Work done
In any pin tof the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPIirilT , I'mprlnlor.
flnlrnnlroil Iron ( Virnlco , Kto. Spcoht's hi-
protcil I'litontMeliillluSKyllsht. CU ) uml DUS.
rjth btOmaha , Nub.
Doors , Sish. Oc ,
Mannrnctmcrnnd Donlcrtn
Doors Sasli Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
I3lo. Slnlr Hulls a Npcoinlty. Telopliono No. nj.
15th and Almcy ht , ( linalia , Neb.
Elcctricil Supplies.
T , . \V. WOIiKK A. CO , nioctrlclnnq ,
Sfnponlo lllock , Onmlm. llnr , ; ! ir Al inns , l ,
Viro AliniH , Clisutrio Mntiliu , Snitulnjr Tube .
GolJ , Silver nml Nickel I'hillnjr , II o.
Iron and Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
riro Nulls a Specialty. Oaialia , Neb.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Miichinory , rnnlmr" , Sleam Unvlnos , Ilollors.
Architectural Iron Work , lion Ilildros , * llnln ; |
nml Mill Machinery , Olllco aniloil.s , Union
I'nulllo U. 1L , 17th mid Isth HlreuLs.
Foundry Works.
Tor. 14th nml .laek on SH , prepared to do nil
khi'lH of lion nml ISia n CaMinss ; nlso.O , C.
Hannlftor's ItocklairJr.ito HIM m.niiifiiuturol
Mattress Company ,
Mnnitfncliirlnir JIutlio KO' < , lle < ldlnp. Tonthoj
1'illow H , Tots , Utc. l-'UU and t-W Douglas SUoct ,
Omnhii , Neb.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , .SlilrtH , iic : , lift : nml 1104
Street , Onmlm , Nob.
Paper Bozes.
.1. L. WU.KIB ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
100S llth St.Onmlm. Neb Orders by mnll so-
llclled nnd will locolvo piompt nttentlon.
Omaha Safe Works ,
o. ANniini'N.
Mnniifprtnrnrof rimmiil Hnr"l ir Vioof ct"'Viq ,
Vni'lt I'ooia. .lull Work fln-ttcrs nnd W'io '
Woik. Cor. 14th nnd .lacksnn StH. , Omalm , Neb.
P. J
Soap Hanufactnrar ,
Offlco nnd Fuctorv , near Powder Mn n7lnc.
Onmlm Nob.
V/agons / and Cirrli es.
Manufacturers of Fins Carriages ,
331,1 mid liilf Hume/ a leot , u.nului , tvob Solo
Ani'iilrt in Nebi.islvii lorJouei Cclebiule.l Split
' ' "
bill !
A. .1. Sl.MPSON ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
lllHinml 111 ! Di/iiuubtiuci.Oiimmi , .Mil ) .
White Lcid.
( 'onodors nnd ( irlndeiHof
Perfectly Pure Y/iiito / Lead ,
Omnlin , Noli 1 ovl ( niler , 1 ic ; C. W. Mead
Vlto 1-io.s. : II. W. YIUU.S , tec. nnd Tiem.
Tfi3 MillarJ ,
8.Shout8 , J. E Muikol.Thos Swobo , Piojirletora
Omaha , Nehnuka.
Arcade Hotel ,
.Tames Cusoy , Pioprlnlor.
1215 nml UU Doiiplas St , Oaialm , Nob.
Thopatromipooruoininuriilal IIIDII imjieullnlly
Milioltod. They will Had this the bust t. . . ' uil.iy
liouto west of Chlcaao.
T13 O1J313 ,
I' . Humsoy .t Co. , Prorlotor ; .
Itnles J' ! 00 per day , no dnrk IOOIIIH. Also Pnlnca
IIoiol ri iiiui Fu , O.I14U.I , Nub ,
for. Ninth and I'limam MM The bent f2 pot
dnv hotel In Oninlin lloinodeled , leliiinls o I ,
inlociatod ; ono I.loi k lio'ii iiimy he.idipinri is ;
opponlto Union I'ncllle licndiimuierH ; bin et unu
pu-iS thu door ( icinxc l unllold & : ' . o.
tors Alvo t/nJoii .Stock Vaidi Hole ) , Hoiith
Umiiliii. i
Hotel do G093 ,
P. ( JOOS. Propilotor.
Hiliopenn Plan The only ivintr.illr lofn'ml $1
inlay honso 'I'liieo doors liom lloyd's O.iuri
lloiisiinnd ono-'iiilt' ' blou'c lion the I'mlollju
und the ( 'ourt liouso lj)1 , 10IJ , ] .1Li F.un.un
Ht , Onmlm , Neb.
Notice ,
The Chlcnvo Hvclianxo buys , golU nml ex
L-hanue-j land and lanuu of all lilndJ. Adilioii-i
I lilciiuo IJxchniitfe , roonii 70 und 77 , Jupanen
inMhits : IN
Snl'sSafesVaut5Timeoacks { ! , !
and Jail Work.
1U.V Fanum btrout , Uiualia , Nub