Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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The tlosi IJnltlnjc Powder
Mdtohnnt I'nx iar ; Will Clo"t < ii n
Irntlifiil tr.-ivolor who ts nlnn-spntBcllinK
] ) o\v < lt > r. Not lonp nct ( Willinm ciillca
on n cusloincr in Northern Ohio , nnd
Wint < (1 lo sell him a cnso ,
"Why , sir. " SHiil ho. ' 'wo sent five Imr-
roh of it to 1'itl.sbnrK in IVhrnury of Inst
j-i'ar nnd that's what mlsi-d'tho nvi4 so.
Our liousn was 5n tlm Chifinnatl Hooded
district at the tlniu , but wo loft onl.y ono
barrel in tlio ( 'clliir nnd n"j .soon tit it { , ' *
wet it raised the house clear above the
water. His "
' "Hold on , " intcrrnplod the dazed mcr-
ctjant , " .yon nro the infernaloat "
"As I was 8.ivin # . " ho wunt on , "It li
tlio brst fiowdor in tlm inur > | ot.Vo se.nt
two barrels to NcW York in November
and rai.sud I ho Deinooratio majority
onou < ri | | o iiput Hlniiiu. "
"Well , I don't want such d "
"Of COIII-HO yon dotrt. Yon don't want
n bakin" powdur that will niiso enon K
nionoy 'u n day to pay for for HK
inontlin. No mini does. Why , sir , I "
"Doyoujtivu any tirnininms ? "
"Of conrso. Tlio bust ono la my new
WaKor. Kvory imrchasur of a case Kvte
ono. 'l'\\\n \ \ \ muelnne sir , is u fi' ' ( ! ( ! |
tubu , with the hours marked on it. Say
yon want to yet tip at 7 a. m. ; you load
the machine lor Unit hour , set it under
tlio bed rail and by 7 o'olnck llio powder
hii.s ralsud the be.d up and turned you out
on the Iloor. Then the cook tukus the
machine , empties the powder into the
bread pan and makes beautiful hisceit.4
for breakfast. No waste of powder
either. .See ? "
"No , but I hoar , " said the -merchant ,
"and you may send mo : i ease ; anil and
if your house hasn't got another liar to
take your place in case you should leave ,
it had butter put in some baking powder
to raise your salary and make : v perpet
ual contract with you. " *
AVlmtAVonro Indebted to the South
There npiir.irs In our rolnms to-day tlio ail-
veitlheinenloftlio well known ( aim univer
sally u ed In the Southern * Status ) Simmons
Liver IteKiilutor. Years mo it won Its way
into every household of ( ho South by pine ,
sterling merit. It tlieie takes tlio iilwo : ol a
dootor anil costly iicrhurlpUoitH. 'rliu inedl-
eine Is bteoinliih' wliloly known in tlm Ninth.
ami wherever used the demand for It Inn
Rtcadlly Increased. It Is a family nieiliriue ,
routainiiii ; no dameiiiiiH and duleteiions
quidities , but jiiuely vegetable , and so Kendo
in its action that It can bo easily given to any
jierwon , no matter what ago the centemuiiin
< ir the cniwiiiK youngster. Winking people
are often in that miserable state of health
which leally lemleis them uniit for labor ;
but thev haveu'U Ime to taUfi medicine anil lie
sick. Simmons Liver Regulator can be talcen
Nvltlioutcaiisingany loss of time , and the
system will be built tin and invigoiated by it ,
Tlio Uegnlator promoles dlgestlim , dissipates
nasty siisk heailaclie , und gives a strong , full
tone to the system. In initiations cllniatoi it
is invaluable , both protecting attack fiom Hie
disease and expelling the poison alter it bus
entered the system. It has no equal as a
propaiatory medicine , and can bo wifely used
when a doctor cannot bo called in. 1'eisons
of the very highest ehnractnr and cinlnenro
have given Simmons Liver Regulator their
cordial and hearty emloi-sement.
llouiid to lie Imlorseil.
Cbicapo ; Herald ; Air. Cleveland's ad
ministration is to bo indorsed in his own
grant Stain of New York , at any rate , no
matter who wins. The Democrats all say
that the election of Hill is neee.sfary to
sustain the hands of the President and
, make roeform movement ti svccess. The
Kupnhlicans , anxious to placate the inog-
wtimp.s , declare that the success of
Da'onportyill be a rebuke to Cleve
land's enemies and virtually : m 'indorse
ment of hia administralisu. The mug
wumps incline to this view themselves ,
uhd a BulValo newspaper avers that all of
Cleveland's personal i'rienda in that city
regard the election of" the Republican
. ticket as essential to the popular support
; of I ho President.
i From this it appears that whichever
- way the election may 0 , the Admisislrn-
, lion is bound to bo indorsed. If its own
party wiua its indorsement will be
claimed by everybody except the mug
wumps , who make enough noise for
Kcveral entire parties , will claim that it
has been emphatically indorsed.
No other Prosjdont ever had such a cer
tain ty of receiving a homo indorsement.
The only way in which Mr. Cleveland
oan bo positively rebuked in New York
is for the people to elect the Prohibition
Helpless Upon a Friendless Sea !
, The Traveler ; Who. in taking passage
in n ' 'feat trans-Atlanlic steamer , does
not fop I a tjirill of exultation over her
magnificent power ? Against her the
Storm King may hurl his elemental
forces , nor pierce her armor , nor stop her
onward course.
lint let inn describe a scene when , ono
morning in mid-ocean , there came an
alarm from the pilot houau followed by a
cry : "Tlio ship's ' rudder is lost ! " From
the confident expression , cousteniat on
'came ' to every face. The wheelman be
ing helpless to direct her course , tlio
, vessel \vas at the mercy of wind and
' 'Wave. '
The captain hul been negligent the
liaugiugs of iho rudder wore allowed to
wear and suddenly it bad dropped
doej ) into the sen !
Strong in intelleot , In physical vigor ,
in energy and in ambition , man cou-
, , fronts , undaunted , gigantic tasks and
commands applause for his mngnilicout
tichieveiueut.s. Hut , al | unexpectedly , an
ularm comes the rudder of his constitu-
i Hon is gone. Ho has been careless of its
, .nrosorvatioiii mental strain , nervous ox-
dlumeiit , irregular habits , over work ,
have dostrovod the action of his kidneys
nnd liver. This would not occur were
Warner's wife cure used to maintain
vigor. And even now it may restore
vitality to those organs and give back lethe
the man that which will lead him to the
heaven of his ambition ,
Death of a Prominent Colored
Hlano T , Joubert , the wealthiest and
itu > st influential colored man of Now
' Qrleans , died Saturday. Ho was a dole-
Kato In the Chicago convention of 1S08
that nominated Grunt and Colfax , nnd
was Roverul times u republican eleotor.
Under ( Jen. Urnnt ho become collector
of Internal revenue of the Now Orleans
districts ; He hold several minor o Hi cos
miller Ooy. Kellogg , and was treasurer
of the republican state central commit
tee. . IIu was very light colored , and be
fore the war shot iv man for calling him
, u negro.
CnstprlaU Ir ) , Samuel I'ltchor'a proscription
for luJtintH nnd Children. Its purpose la to io -
lulo tlio atoiauch.t and bowel * . It iloca this liy
ihoioiiKhly usMmlliitliip the food , ju-ovoiitlnir
L'ollo inn ! uuriMlpntlon , and kooplnjr o | > un tlio
poroanf the ( tkln. This Is necussury. Nearly
oiUMitiiirtor of our chllilroa illo liuloro they uro
\\fflyVHt old , unit oiio-hulf of thorn before tluty
mo llfioun , Nutiiro did not so Intend It. Im
" pptr ( ) food nnd nngloct of hutliliid iiinUo most
nil children elck nt times. They must liuvu rulluf
lroin..syiiipliiis Indlcutcd by tlutuloncy , voinlt-
lujr , juu-iiine , fuvors nnd coustUmllou. Tlio
. tK\uilix ! \ | of Custoda Is publishod. Liberal phy-
'jkiaiis cvorywhoro now n rue that It will noJOIH-
jjllsb tlil ond. Cnstorlu ID hnrinloji ; It does not
Contain a jmrtlcla of murplilno or other nurcotla
luhhliuici ) . TnruKorlo , llutuiniin'tt Drops , sooth *
fix hyrupg nnd ull other medicines for ohlldrun ,
) Oiitnli | opium In MJIUO ( vim. Ciu > torln basbcun
ni unvcr thirty : ( > , und during thnt thno
his cnrrlcil hopu line moru homos , provoitlni ;
Vvi < 3 lU'Otriiclod ! okiie sou nnd tudutcd tl t > ] >
lalliuy ilfiitli iulc luniniif Infanta und clittiliun
p uutcr tilt'iit lluiu ull uthur U
Atlsorll'otncnts under this liend lOcontai'Ci
line for tlio first Insertion , nhil 7 cents for onel
sttb'oquont In oltlon. Seven words will bo count
Hi to the line ; they must run consecutively nni !
inUbtbo paid In mlvnnco. All ndvortlsomcntf
mint be luitidod In before Z o'clock p. in , , IUIL
under no circumstances will they lie tiikon 01
discontinued by lelophono.
MONNV To loan. Tlio Oinalm Ktnnnclitl ! ? *
oh IIIIPK , IWB I'm mini Ml rout , u II-MII Irs , tnnko *
loans on nil cln os or security Irnin n ( II ) clint *
trl loan to $10K l on ronl oMIilo. Wo innlio lonn <
to stilt all applicants on kmir or ritorltlmo on
Improved i oiil ostuto , Innd contracts , leu es ,
ImlMlmrsoii lotiMid Innil , pccurod nolo * . collator
nKclinttols , or Rood scent Ity of any kind , Ix > w
mint ; mgy terms. Oinalm financial Kvolmigo ,
IfiU ) Fnriuni Htioot.tip-Htulrs. M3-U'
rpo I.OAX Money In any mnoimton ronl os-
JL tnto seem Ity. 0. II. Mnynu , 15th and Far-
imm. IWo-l.j
M' & Co. Iloal
Kstnto nnd Ix > im ngunts , l.Vlu Farnani St.
f > 47
TO r.OAN-On chattels. Woolnv A
MONKV , room 'JO , Omnhu Nntlotml bank
building. _ M8
TO LOAN On real ostalo nnd ohnt-
MOXISV D. I , . Thonms. C-V )
) : l.liVNit-Oitchnttols : , cntrnto , U.
MlNiV bought und hOkl. A. ] ' 'ounan , U1J
H. llilhSt , , Wl
oxiV Tf > r.oAN-lu Kiuns
M vrnnls on ilrsNi'luss nmt estate teenrlty.
1'otler & Cobb , 1515 fui naiii at. 653
ONUV l.VNii : > at 0. K Heed & Go's. Ixjun
ollico , on furnltnu ) , pianos , horses , wagons
personal piojioity of all Idnilmmd nllothnr nr-
tli'iffs of value , without rimioval. Over 1st Nat'l
111 nlc. coiimr ith : ) and i'luiiuui. All bnsine
btrlctly contliluiitiil. 6M _
TNKVI ntoNi'.vn niONKVitt Money lo
-I't limn on chilli olfoonrlty by W. U. Ci-olt.toom
4 , Wllhncll liullilin > r , N. K. corner U > th and liar-
ii'iy. Alior years of oxporlonuo anil acarufnl
f-tnilyol'lho biifiino sot loanhw moimy on por-
fconal piopoily. I have at last porfocti'dn y tcm
Mhuicliy iho imbl Icily iimndlii mieh ca es U
( lone uwnyvltli , und I inn iiouIn a position to
moot tlio iloimmilsoC nil who beconio tumpor-
nilly and doslro to lalso money
without ilulay nnd Inn ipik't imimuir. lliiuso.
licopcrs , iirolosslonal KcntluniLMi , mochnnles and
ot hurt In Oitialmun.l Lonnull lllnlly , ean obtain
ndMinres tioiu Slilto Jl.wn ) on such Hxjnrlty
us hiiiisoliotil furniture , pianos imirhlnory , hor-
be , watffln.s , receipts , heourod notes
ol hand.oto. , wllhouLiuniovliiKMUiin li-om own-
91 H u'sliluiK'O or phipii of hiislnoMi. A No on line
\ alchos anil Diamonds , onu Of tliondvantiiKCS I
c lor N that nny put t of uny loan can bo paid at
liny tlniuvliluh will roditco llio I nl crust pie rut.i
mid all loans ii'iunieil at tlio original iiitos ol In-
tenijit. I have no brokers In connei-tlonxvlth my
- all loans , I
ollii'o. bntporsoiuilly Mipm-imonil my
have iirlvutn allicos uonnuotiil with my penerul
DlllfuM ) that iiUHloiiiors do not como In con
tract with each ether , Liintoiiutntly iiiaMnK nil
trnti'-aotlons strictly prlvnto. W. It. tiolt ,
loom 4 , Wltlmnll liullillntr , N. U. corner IHth und
llm-uoy , Oiimlm , aiuliUl'cnrlSt. , Counull Ilinlls.
ifTTANTED Five Kooil fomnlo cooks , peed
VV wugos. Cull U2Furnnm ) St
T\TANTnn Afflrl lode house work at 11
ii Webster St. Gorman proton-oil. tttl-H
TTTANTHD Dinimr room pnls. NorriV res-
W tmirunl , 10th , between Dodge nnd Doug-
las. f.kl-7 *
ANT1JD Gill for housework. Davonpoit
nnd UAth lit. H.Martin. OHV-ia
WANTED-C.ood house girl , 19.1 Webster.
Waxes $ .1 per week. Ml
14 German plrls nt once : places
WANTED . Call 111110th bt , Ciounso Hlock.
Nebraska HniiloyiuuntAKUiioy. | _ Sh7
Good trlrls nt once for ( list and
WANTKD work good wiiiosdliiliij ; { room Hirla.
Cullli8jFm _ _ mini hi. bw
A ( rlrl lor { rouorul house work. I5 J
_ Howard alrcct bffl
ANTHD A Rood Klrl to'ilojoncial IIOUMJ-
work ; no others need apply , 4UO \ \ alnutSt.
TTTANTKD Girl for houbo worki4tJ Capitol
W _ uvo. bSWp
WANTKD A shl for'pcnnrnl hou o woik In
fciaiill latully , no S. SHU near UoUijo.
"VyANTED-Gtrl at J0i7 ChluifiO St.
WANTKD Lady agents to poll entirely now
rubber iindoruarment ; oxchfivo lor lo-
nmlos. Miidiim 1. Ltltlo , box 14j : , Chiunyo , 111.
7 Vllp
WANTED A nent jotmg girl to as ist with
baby. WX 3. f-Oth t " ' > *
" \\7"ANTIJI > Lady nuonts lor "D.iisy" Skirt
* l and stockimr supporlcrs , ehonldor braces ,
| H > "OIII lorins , Dross Shlolds , rubber ( rin ham
bibs , aprons , Dlcovos , TulimtH dlupers , ie. Our
I.IHHI iij > onlK are milking money fast : so CUM jou.
Address wilhbtimip , n. II. CAMPHKLL & CO. ,
4S4 W. Hiiiulolpli St. , Chlcugo IlllL'lIl '
w A " ; A frhl for general housework ut
DOT fcouth aitli St. O.M
An inlelllKciit and ncllro youiv-
man , for delivery and iiunciul ntmo woil , .
Ouu who talks ( jcrmim und Is lU'ipminlud In llio
town , und with Iho Kiocory bii.slnc.s-prelcirod ,
J. C. Wlcmora , S. W. Cor. , iBth and Chlciiuo St.
" \ATANTKD Portv irood mnn tor truck liiyln
tmdt'piULMiijf midKrmllit .wiiKos l 7rnmil-iO (
per dny. J'roo titui'-portatloii. Call at once ,
liL'0 Vanillin St B4'J '
Two first class nood-woikinpr ma-
ciilno hands Immcdiiuuly. John K. CoutH.
ANTIID Three good coat milkers to jo to
Cliojcuno. Eiiiitiiiont M. Helhmm .t Co's.
TTTANTUD-A tullor nt BiwIoricKs , lilO S. lOth
W St l J-7i >
WANTKn Mon for dairy woik. J. F. Hocli ,
V- mile north Deaf A ; Dumb liibtltuto.
W ANTD-nrmd Imshohimn , W. H. Glbfon &
Co. , DID South IDth St. IC4-8
' Oood German canvaiisor. Apply
lit -M N. 18th at. C1H-8
jn Good Uohcmltin cunvasser. Apply -
ply nt SOU N. Will st. UI7-8
WANTKU AKontfl to soil our iiildinjr ma
chines , niado in brats and nickel ; no toy ;
soils rnpldly to bunkers , laeichantH. bookkccp-
ors , eto. Address ut once V. V. Onkloy te Co. ,
Snlimij Kun. _ _ U-J3-U *
WANTlilt rive onrpontnrs. Apply D. I.
Ilnydeu , Bauudors 6t. , between Luke nnd
Willis t\\o. _ 021-B * _
Y\7'ANTRI ) A rcHubli ) man who underdtands
> to handle boor. Apply hi por.-on between
Z und U o'clock u. m. Thurtiduy ut Frmu I'ulk
Iluiwlnt ; Co , , Howard st. V1U-7
WANTIIT ) A good boy ut 8. K. Lehinann's ,
Miaa.lQthBt. Gorman prolou od. UaU-'p
WANTED Good canvas'ora. Ills ; pay. En-
terprli > o Iron Works , North Oiuuhn fJouiln
Btnpla us bread und butter. tWJ-j.
W ANTKD 8ft onrpontors. Apply nt Sflth nnd
I'urimin. Blmw & 1'lold.
. ,
llullcliua , St , Paul , Minn. Munutiiolory.
Muss. 43U-JT
"ITr. VNTii-Good. rellablo boys at American
> V District TolcsruphOIlIco , JUM UoUKliia
W Mattress makers at Dewey &
Btono's. U4d
W Ilos tt5 , Omnha.
AtiKNTS Sclllnsr Missouri btenm wmhor
mnko blx money. J. Worth , Solo Mnnufnc-
tuior , St. Louli , Mo. UOUdccl4 | )
WANTKU Auentfl. Address J'.lceti lo I.unip
and Steve Co. , St. Louis , .Mo. , for clruiilur ,
crl und terms of M cundlo power Murnh
W NTI'D A sltmilloii by n pond bukor. Ad
dress I.ouU Helburt , Purmen llounu.
rANTIJIi lly steady , Indiixtrloua boy , pluco
> In fumlly where hu can nmUo hlniMill use
fill. Imiulio TS. It-tli. VV
"V\/"ANT1'D Sltuullc'ii liy n jountr mnn ashost-
TI lor or guuciul hou \vorU. . Apply J. It. ,
lice ollico. bi"-9p
'ANTED Situation by flrst-clnss couchman.
Addrobs A. W. , Hue oitlt-o. t I-t.'p
\\rANTED Ilynwoinnii , ( situation ns housekeeper -
keeper , Itujuliu.ltiiioith Dili. Mrs. Ar
nold. TasMOp
" \\7"ANTED Situation by n miller , of long ox-
< i puriciico In llurrnnd Holler iirocoAj : mur-
rlt'd , ( rood h.ibiib , bc t of lestiiiiomub. Addru a
C , M , Wood , liiibhvlllu , Kfb. 710-JU
" \\/'ANTID A sltuntlon ns n slrtm > t book
' keeper or Milppitiff clerk by yotniB man
lxi t of re-fercncos Klvt'n. Address II. Cnso , BH
i-'oulh imh St , G4-7p )
' \\7'ANTI5I > fly n indy , iiopltlon In nn oTllcFol
> wholesale houso. Addrnes ,1. . , Hep Omoo
C43-lp !
WANTIJU Situation In fitoro In Nob. , 0 yent-
oxperlcnco ! horounhly acquainted will
ronornl dry goods ; liost of roforunco given. Ad
( lro > s box ! SM , Vllllscn , lown. fill-lOp
TVANTUD A now milch cow nt J 50 Plcnsunl
\ \ St.
\\7"ANTII > fly n trciillcmuii , i-ootn nnd bouri
> nt $1 or $7 pnrux > k. west of Mlll nni
Fouth of rnrnnm. Hiiferenoos It icqillred. Ad
< ird s O'cnr , Hco Ofllvo. 01"
WANTKD Ity two } ounir Bentlomim. looir
nndbonidln prlvntn family uluun then
nro no liontileix prolurrodj best of lulurt'iiciv
AddteiiH At II. , IhlHolllco. Hi7--i |
WANTIM > Ily yoiimr mnn , loom with bonn ,
in n good ( ionium family. Addiuss H. O.V )
HcoOllloo. i a-7
WANTED Hoard by youmr gentleman In
Htrlclly prlxiito famllv : nicu uti-uiiimodit
lions. Address H. II. , lite Olllco. UfcJ-h1
ANTUD Teams. T. Murray ,
! H3
WANTHD A jounir mnn who tins a ploasitnl
nnd comlotlublo iiinm , would llkou room
inutn. Cull nt No , I'M Capitol nvo. lloloinncci
\ \ 7"ANTii > I or two unfurnished rooms nont
> > HlKh School. Addiosts X. Y. , Hco olllco.
I WANT a residence worlh from $ H,00) ) to
$10.000 nnd suburban property us un Invest
ment to the amount of ! J'J,00. ) all lor cash. AB-
dicss U. G. Starr , City , llox 41,1. 597
\\rANTUO Mutticss lunltor nt Dewey &
I S to no's. aw
WANTKI ) A fulllotiieurlho city at a rea-
Rotmble price. Stuto prlco , terms and lo
cation. Address' J. N. C. " llooiifllco. < M
* To Irado a good second band
piano , or a horse and butrgy. lii'iulro at
Kdhohn & Frle ! ( . on. led
FOHHKNT rurnlshodcottaKO on street rnr
line , 107 North Lth btieot. lliia
-rnOIl ItKNT-A D room uottujje , ir,14 Callfornlu
1H fctrcot. bUSp
HUNT New ( I room cotlnso , cheap. Kennedy -
nody .V ( Illbci t , Wlthnoll lloul ! > . HJI-8
HUNT l-'iu-nWioil holi'o , fix rooms ;
FOR rollur , elu ptM , oiitliouso'.olateru , etc.
Slct fit. , liutwcon l.oavonwoith und Mitsou. Ay. |
ply to II. II. lliidson , L'Ji Douglas st. b''l-Sp
FOK HUNT House 1 rooms , neil , cistern Ao. ,
Ml ! HarnoySt. sst
lir.NT llasomcnt of. 3 rooms. Inqulro
fornm-iMtlumd Cu.s. . htXr-J-p
TT'Oll IiriNT Two nnwriMldonccsG rooms Oiioh ,
S ? COttUHOOlOOIIls.llOUSOlO 1-OOIII3. J. PllippS
Kim. . r i
TTlOi : linNT Cotliuro , ffid nnd Jla'-on Ms. In-
-L1 tuiro | 17IHI Jackson st. 5sHip
HENT TM o-.story dwollliiK , 7 rooris ;
FOR locality. Apply Cor. lllh und llomrla.s.
0. T. Taj lor. 715
HUNT TIoitM ol thri'O rooms SSJd and
( lark stii'i'ls. Iiiqiiln * iioith-vnst corner
1Mb and Dou lns , nnd 15 1 Jackson St W >
OIt HUNT 4 stores on Bth and I.cnvonwortli
i 1 HIS.
1 slot 0 on Fonlh loth St. Hotli flist-clHaa bnpl-
ness locations. Also houtos to lout. A. iMcOuv-
ock. 6)3
> 011 HUNT lldiiso of ! > rooms. Applv Cor.
I7 IlthimdDouulu * . C.T.Taylor. ' 74 ( )
? linNT : t room cottapo with Siiininer
IOK , cistern , wnll , fktwnrd street ' 1 ot.
Cnniiiboll nnd Irene btiuut , - blcfuks Inim cars.
_ MW-p _
HUNT Several rtwolllnjrs. Apply Cor.
FOH 1 in id Douglas. O. T. Taylor. 710
? OH HUNT Now hotipo. II rooms , cjtywntpr ,
I1 lititli room mid nil modem coiivi'iiloncfis :
n-w stitetcur line , on , Cumlmr and IJunnibal
stiocts. Apply to John 11. Un.k. C15 NoitM l th.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! _ P"0-5
OH HUNT A fln'o , now house , cl lit rooms
TJ nnd ulosuld , bay window , south nnd oust
limit , and llnu vlotv und URood barn , und iiKnod
lot ; very sxiltablo lor n family that boon a hoi o.
licut , ; , . ' ( ) per month , liiijuiio ut Kdhidm k
Krlclthon , oj'pro ' lolllco. _ I"H
> lt HUNT A now 9-room houso.onii block
17 Ironif-tieot car , tin .X'd St. ; $ : M per uionlli.
C. 1' Mnyno , jTilh and l''arnaln. f < % _
itHNT Wnro house GOvlin on Hall
Ipim track. Inqulru l JlLoav ( > n oith St.
_ ] _ , M4-7p
| 7\UJ \ JiKNT OH SA1.I' A Iioi"-n , bnni "fora )
JL i-ows : mid 4 Iota in Walnut Did tidd. 41H pur
nioiiih. Inqiiiio Jam OH Chrbtiunsnii , U. 1 * .
l'i ulKht olllto. sn-0-y.p
KICN'T HoilbO , G loonifi. Inquire Kd-
helm * ; UricUson. IMS
oil HUNT Oct. 1st , or nftcr , n dwelling
I7i hoiiM1 ! ) rooms , nlco yanl.olstorn , water , SiJ
iiiiriiumlll. Apply 1411 Vm-k Wild uvo.or.Iuo.
W. Ilitll.drilKSint , SJO South lUth St. , BW
IiNT Nirocottniro 101U South IDtb St.
FOIt quuool' ( . A. Ilcldlu. 4-VWjp
HKXT Iloiisu 11 rooms SM pur mouth ;
Irmil ' tout part. IK U. Thompaou , S. W. cor.
llili nml Hunioy. _ Kl ( _
1OII UIINT TliiilioiiMi and barn on corner
I ajth and 1'iercoSt. Innulro ) \ Iloston Dry
UomN morn , S 1.1th St. _ < Vt _
KKNT n loom cottu o cbrnor 1'opplo-
POK mid Shurldiin St. ? IJ. C. K. Jlayjio. H.
W _ corner Kith und I'm mint. _ _ _ . . . , . ' '
RENT Nicely furninhod loom K17 Chi-
FOIl '
caaoSt. 10. )
Ij OU PwBNT-Cor. ! th nnd AVolxti
J onn or two looms to gcmloDmii umlulfo or
ttlnxleguntlumon. On Btroct cur lino. ' .Hl-l-
< lt IliNT FuriiKhed tiont loom and
1 i 1 board. Ilil ! ) Cnpltol uvo. l'4o-7 ' *
HEXT-Twoor three luriro furiiNhcil front
FOH . Eiibiil'o ' ( r othorwlso , tor lady or KOII-
tleinun. ai5 ! Callfoiniu bt. bW-8
HENT 2 stnros In the brick bulldliDT on
FCH Pt. bet lUth und 17th , No 101. ' ) nnd
1UI7. lii'iulro at driij , ' stoio tor. HIth ut , 0 > XI
llENT-Hoom , ono pTeiiMint fnrnisliod
loom with privilege of buth loom , ut Tfii iJlh
blrcet , near Webster , SOS-l-'p
UUNT With board , nicely furnished
i corns , 1710 Cuss St. bU5-lp
F OH HENT Furnished rooms , 6 'i N. litli Pt.
1TIOH HUNT Furnished room. Inquire cor.
JL1 loth mid Douglas 741
HUNT Furnished room with Move und
FOH , 417 NOrlh 14th , bel. Chlcugo und Cuss ,
OH HUNT Nicely furnished rooms , iffisi
Dodge. 7iiM6p
KENT Lnrjro front room ptcoly fur
nished ; privilege of buth room ; eultrblefor
two persons ; IIvo mlnutrs wulk tromP. O. ; ono
block ti-om btioot cur lino. Addioss P. O. box
UU1. 7UO
"T OH HUNT A line sulta of turnlsbed rooms ,
JL' buy window , buth , eto. ; tornu leusonablo.
' iMroet. tW7-'J-
T7 OH KENT Ono larjro , iinfimilshed , nlcovo
J- room , with buy window nnd urnto , nnd nil
modern improvement * , on Oth street , nour St.
Mnry'd uvo. Imiulro nt 8. W. Cor1Mb anil
fat )
MM HHNT-Two nlooly furnlshivl rooms In
' house with gits , bulh und Juniace : on utreot
_ UiC-18p
IlKNT A nice , plea nnt room , furnished
ed or imfurnUed. Imiiilru ut 15W Ixsnvon-
worth oirnot. _ ' 44U _
TTIOlt KKST Rooms with bonrd. rfonlrnblo for
X1 fcummcr. Apply ut St. Churles ilbiol. Ml
KUNT Furnished front room with
board , Imjulro Mia. U. II. Moore , IttUDoduo
Street. 4Mj
KKNT-J : ruriilHhod rooms on 1'ucina
moot. IHHUI.CII . mh und lUth.oiio bloclr fumii
ct iho U. I'.tlepot. 4'.U
POH HICNT-Nicely dirnltilied loom , SV. .
cor. IVdi and Su Mary's avu. 11T
FOK KKNT Nlccy | fuinUlied front , iooa to
Kemlcuiuu only , ut S. K. toruur"utu and
jougliia < trnol. _ _ _ _ W8
TTlOlt UK > T KurnUhod room. Inquire N. K.
JO corner S5tu mid IkHJjie ( its. _ xn
FOH HUNT A suite ofnlcoly furnlihqdlront
rooms tor two b'l-ntlemon , 1711 .Incu ou
Mroot , ui'ur icrnor of Htb titrcut. Hofm-encos
_ _ _ _ _ _ . _
-TTIOIt IlKNT-lfurnUhed nioms for l ( ht
JL' housokoepinif , In Uccuiur' block , cor. th
uud Howaid. b71
poll KiST ; T o rooms ndjolnln ? . with
I hoard ; iioat loom t > uulb-oa t. 1UU
btrout ,
TJIOn HUNT 3tlCl ! nnt fonlh f it > nt rooms
X1 W. corner Ifftli nnd Dimmport , 700
JT1OH llls > T Wo nicely fimilshed rooms , ri
JL'V. . cor. 21 t nnd St Mary's nvomio. _ 4C
" 7 dH BAT.IJ Lolshfjlolroso , " ( > iror 9i > boln ! ml
} 1 vnntnttostrHhnmvc toron nceounl of U
enllon , price iindtnrms ! now folthuf nt SWO
PI-X ) per lot. Amos , 1&G7 rnrnnm ,
IT you wnnl n ehenp lum o nnd lot ,
It you wnnf Ini.'lnoos property.
If you wnnt unlmliroved re fdonoo proporlj
1 f j oil want ncro ] iropot ly ,
Ifyon wnnt loinuKuufroodlnvc'ilinontlii nn ,
Kind of rtnil oitato ,
1 f you wnnt to tell nny hind of real nMnto.
Cull nt Cunningham & Hremmn'a ofllee , ID1
Iod 6 , no.xtl' . O. 1C. )
FOIt SAIiU If you prnfor to ptTiiorlTi. 1'lnln
vlmv lots ollor the fsi eatHt Imducomonts n
42Mt > $130 ulnt. This tnoperly U A 1. Com
nnd K ) It. Amos , 1W 1 imiiun. ( O7-8
$1,000 Hou'oofthreo rooms nn hnlf lot.1
bloek Irom Saunders , two blonks from on
line ; f 100 ousli , fia per month. M. V. 8our- .f
iruMt SAUI-IM Trot"on Harney otrnoN ? .W )
-I or will tmdo for Iniprovnd city property
ln hnm to llrcniinn , loll Dodiri' . ! " - . < -
place. ] iinndld loentloil ! good ilrnlmttfo
no unidhiff. 1'rlcc's , Sra > tol"i0 per lot ; ttiim
to biilt buyor. Amos , 1M7 Karmiin. CM-iJ
3710U SA 1,11 ( ill ) 4 lots lu Shlnn'.s oil add. ouul
1 f.'Oi ) .
( inr > ) ! 1 lots In Hntwotn plueo for JS.'W.
( HVi'i ' ) i lot in HlmohauRh place , $ liJO. ,
( iU : ) U aero hi ( lisa add. * ( li ) > .
( itlt ) i lot In Shlnn'fl Kd add. S7 < jO.
(127) ( ) i lot liiShlnn'sKHtndd $ V > 0.
( liil ) HOIIPO and lot on foward hlroot , lo
CO.M'.l' ) , now hoiis'O 5 rooms , trees die. Sa.tXJO.
( l * ) Lot In Parkurfl add. Ji.inO.
Heel Ion ofhind In Mnrrlok ( % i , ntStpnr ncro
II.Wl auros la Maneo Co. f-'t.M per ncro and up
14 10 acres In Orooloy Co. $ .ri fiO per noro.
nun ; ) auros hi Mudl o C < i. S'l ti > & 1" ) per aero.
fi , lUiuul-j acre tracts near the city $ i5J poi
nci o.
0 notes In noionco , flnt1 locution , S13D.
7 ncrcM In Kloroneo , chonp , $ . " > 0i ) .
W ) ticroi adjoining Kloroneo , $7" ) per ncro.
1'lrMt innrtiriiKOA on Improved lurms In llil'
fllnto , benrinif lito njpori'ont Intnrost , rnnnliu
4 mul r > > ears. Knob mortirajro Is about 'j of tin
value of the fnrm , Hainlin & Hrown.liii Soutl
lit list root. 7 tU
tl IBO Cor. lot In Klrkwood ; ! J cash and tlnm
J' M. F. Hears. U14-1-
K Vlnlnvlow lots arc aviiln In do
J maud ut Sr.Ti ? to S OJ per lot , on nosy term
This property is the Lout , lor the monoy. Come
and ecu It. Amos , If > i7 Knrmim. 1M2-S
Ft > l ! H VT.i : Houses nnd lots on monthly pnv-
mnnts. I ) . T * Hayden , Saunders , between
Jjiko und WHIN nvos. fiflj-SC *
BHI.r. .tt .trCANDLIKH , irdlDoilBU.St.oirci
special bargains
HoilHO. 7 i-nnniH. nenr St. Mnry's . $ "ir0
Hast Mont. ri-iHiin lioiijto , intSI . : ) , ( KH
llon-o , til looms , full lot , Puvoni'ort St. ,
elos.0 to liuslno- ' , very easy terms . H.flOf
Iloii'o. 7 IOOIIH , stable , eto. , Douglas St. . S,5 < X
llrick hoiiFo , 2 Htory and basement , nil
modern ImprovomontH , nenr St. Mary's JOXX (
Hon.uo , 8 looms , ull convonlonces , Daven-
l > ort . , . nWX
Klojrnnt lexldenei ) , lurjjo lot , boutli lioiit ,
( in D.ivonport St . O.ri0 (
HOIIMI , 'i lot. Chicago St . l.CUt
lloii'-o , ! l room.4. hot and cold water , " lota
corner I'urlc Ave . 7.0CK
2-story hoii'o , Phlim's ndd . U.OOf
Hom-o mid ono aero , chcnp . > * 0l
HOUMI , D room * ! imdiono aero . 1'XK '
House and Jllotji. Wylnut Hill . 1.4 Ji
Hou'-o and 111 nrros. well located . 4M
Very dotlmblo tot , Shhm' udd . 7K (
it acie , ( ii-o'.H raid , . , . 7 (
' , acre. 1'nrk riuce. . . WX
Ucslniblo lots. Icav6n orth St. , 8WJ to. . 1KK (
JMolsIn ! lurrOhk- . . . < < . l.OOt
lol.s In Hunscom Placo. $ MX ) to . IJHH1
HKKiutifui loih-ou lothst . , . . : i.oyf
lUaCK'Son I.c.-i ) Htiworlh St nt , . l.f > 0i
Aero propoity in Qilo lirllliiint und ether uddh
ttdiit. at $ tee U > iliW. liell i ; McCaiulli-h , 1611
DodsxjSt ' IJ6VJ
SAU'l Tots Hi t nan & Helden's add , $ * K
FOH $ l , < l l ; easy tjirins. W. T. ( iriilmui.Crcigu-
ton Block. 677-7
POU KAMI "Now jis I'm tlmo to buylolsiu
"Moh-O'-o" ul SJ O. ) to S-SJJ. J t in on licit Line
und will rise in tvajuo vnrrapidly. . You had
better see It. XijtKiM" Karmun.
tiR SAiiK-kWlfplt line Good lots In Plnin-
IT view lit f Uf > to 5500 i > or lot ; otwy terms.
Amos , l.W rtirnnm. K.1-S
Frtll SAI.H Or rout , on ! ) or 5 years , n choice
iuim of H ! uoros , W ncros hard wood tim
ber. U i nci 01 pasture , und balance under ctiltl-
vntlnii ; Imllofmm Stock Yards and 1 inlloi
from Omaha. This farm is equipped with llrst-
clasR Improvements in every rixpccl. and ono of
the best fni iiii'in Douglas county. For further
partleulars apply or uddross Chiistlun Sautter ,
Omaha , Nob. C U-8 i
SAJ.K A few lol nonr I'urnam st. A
FOH liirestmniit at juj'oach. W. T. Giu-
hum , Croinhton Ulock. 87U-7
T71OH PAT.15 If you want n pliiro to double
> our nipnov. buy In Moho-'o at $ i 0 to S'liii ' n
lot on easy terms. Amos , If > li7 Farnnm. 13M1
T. > Oil SAIiE Txits in Melrose , Ju ts.outhwpstojC
1' Hnnsrom Prrlc. Muiu Is a riml : chaneo tor
iii.ulo invottmont at pionent prices. Amo" . \ ! > j"
Kuruiiin. ' .HIS
TiOH SALE Splendid io.idonco in heart of
I * city
Hull' aero nml fine residence on Cwnniluir St. ,
S."i.iX ) .
1 ota In Patrick's Saratoga addition , SiJO to
5.Vii ) onc-h.
I > th In IMmobniiirVs nililltlou very cheap.
1'h o aci os in I'loi PIIOO.
Twenty ucroa near Irvinston , $1,000. A bur-
Splomlld rlook farm of WK ) ncrni In Snrpy
coiinjy. J. W. Marihiill , 1WJO Kiiriiiim St. tofi
I' OnlOth ntruet mid on H.-mcroft ,
lots In Phillip1 * nddltKin on l > to ii years time
mid moit llbcril torms. Como mid bee this proj-
orty. Amos , 15)7 Furimm. WJIWJ
TT'Oll BALK Hnrcalns in lota In Ihm om
J ? I Ineo. V" > 'i to $750 ; ousy lorn.s. Loin
hiroot car line , fciWJ to ? lBJJ. W. T. ( irahu n ,
CielKhloii niook. HTM
< OH SALi : rtint eie lots In market.
17 PnittM gub dlvUion Slwij to ? ; uw.
ltrhiht ( n ? - '
ir > iloPnrkl7fi.
( oiol illllnino , $ UO.
'J hi * property Is worth looklii'r at ; como nnd
liivcbliunlo. Airoi < , 1W/T I'urimin. KK S
. OH 8AT.K Ono of the flncft residence pi op-
J. erjj iflld odyq loi'iiljon , Hplomlldlew , ount
Ironti modern Improvements , leasonublojirico ,
Addiaii W. 1lleo Olllco. 7u7
"IT'OH SALK -A now o loom brick hoiiFo nnd 'i
J. ' ncro ni omul near St , Mnry'ii uvo..9.'iiwrnr )
u low days only. Cunnln uum to llionnuii , 1511
SALE A few ( rood lotH near HnnKcnm
FOH . J.W ) to * * riO , on monthly paynionts.
W. T. Ornhtua CrolKlitpn Ulock. E74 7
SALE (27S ) , Aero of ground with houbo
171OH Wcfct Omulia , $ : MJ.
(2WH ( , New li-room cotluao , half lot , KM So , 18th
st , $ -.iJuo.
CM ) } , llonco , 7 roomsS noros on Lonvonwor'h '
Bt , $1,000. Easy term * .
(177) ( ) , Three lots In block 6 , Ilunscom Phuo ,
f -Mlouch. l . i
( lill ) Tuo nts.ta Hlinoliiiugh Pluco , SI 400 each.
(176) ( ) Two iilculofn'lu block U , Hnnaooui's Placo.
i. . SWOpach ,
17 lots on Vfrclum and Georgia avenues , In
llodlck'a nddltUin , ' Sl.'iV ) to $ ! , euch. C. U.
Miiyno , i5th nnd Furniim. 70S-
TpOHSALE A 7 room house nour Park nvo.
J- $ iiO inouthlys'uyiaenta taken , Cunnhig-
buin & llrommi ; , 15J1 Dodge. lco-7
T7IOK BALE-I < ots In Hhlnn'a ndd. Fine cor. lot
J ? UU.ft , on Culdwell , $ l iiti. Bomo uimdler lots ,
555010 SHOO , for a bhort time. W , T. Grtibum ,
Ciolirhton Blifk. ) _ M3-7
* SAI.If At n bnrgnln , n flno new ro l-
I7OK , twelve rooms , electrlo bells nnd ull
modern Impiovomciits ; "cominundimr u line
vlow , " with tlireo lota nnd luruo and llrat-chib *
buni.l.iinulfo _ of Edholm & llriokeon. BJ7
SALli A few choloo lots In HunHTom
FOR , fCJfiMnthly paynioms taken. Cun-
nliiglimii & H naVn. IJilf _ Dodgu. U"J5-7
ONI.VM lots tAtrwlo for | mprovo < l proporty.
will iwsiiino mortKUifCJ or pay dllToioncoiii
rush. PattJtis wishing to tnulo butter cull uti
onco.\Y. _ H , Oroon.oyor 1st Nallonul Hunk. 174
T71OH SAI.K I2fix i0oii I'luninnt nml Duvpn-
JL1 port ptreotx , west Omuhu , nlco 4 room cot-
tuuo , a buryuiu lor cash or on puj menls. Cul.
Murtin , W S.J4th 3r. _ IKO
SALK JIou o und lot unit ton lots nour
Park uveiiuochoni | , on easy terms. G , I' .
Btcbblng , HoomUl , Arlliitfton Ulock. W'novl *
T7\lU \ HA Li'-Good ncro Iota In Hyde Turk nnd
-I1 Cole UillllunloHt 1V ) 10 f 175 per lot , Acio
lots nro as good tin Investment us jou can Und ,
11 in I now ! > , the tlmo to buy thifin. Ames. VM1
Furimtn. _ < iliK5
! > Af.K IIiiciesfliieosKfurdcnand fruit
POll In ihnntulu , und 0 mlles fiom Oimilm ;
luivo not tholhno to look utlor it. On tlmo or
tor c ! i. Cul. Murtin , 1U ) boutli 14th bt. U7U
" 1711)11 S.VI.K One of the flne > t ruililoncu pri ) ) > -
J-1 ci ( ( ( . In Oinalm , Jl&.yua UK. Muyne. loth' '
and I'Mnium. . ! 7Ji
HAI.K Pit ItK.NT Prlc-k hniii > e , i > lx
InilK , corner lot , Slilim iuld. Will cull u
monthly puyiuenw. C. K. Muj uc , lth uii'J ' Kur-
TJT > n SAT.V ThrpoiiowcottRfre . nvo room
JJ onoh.In Wnlnut Hill : ( rood eollnrs , clo ot'
pnntrloael < "tcni < Pte. ; two ion wlthoaolicottutrr
$1HW ench. f 100 down nmf JGO tx > r month. C. K
Mnync , 15th und Fiinmni. GTil
fnOIl SAMV-llonutlfiil ncro property 3 miles
Jfrom. . Pitnt $ ! - " > to f.MO per ncro ; cn j
ter * H. ( J. Puttorson.corner 13th and Farimn
_ _ IIU
_ _ _ t
"I71OII SAI.K MmrnUlpont iiouomid lot will
JL' eomnioilioim burn on Ciillfornla stiout lieu
1Mb , south liont. Sfl tW.
For side Pull lot ( rood two Ktory 8 room house
on California , locution % ory dn lrablo , $5,000. J
K. llllcy & Co.iir , south l.ith Klrtiot. 8
SAl.t-l71olson : ncorRln ami
JJ nvcs. , liodlck'a add. ( Io0 : to SI.COJ ouch
oivy terms.
Thonento'tcottiuro InOmnhn , new , til
conveniences , ( luorttla nvo. , S-1,800.
lleautllul aero lot mid house facing pro
po'od llonlovnrd , West Omnhn , $ . .IlJ ) , ens }
(2T,7) ( ) Ii ncros with peed tioii o , olnblo etc. , T
mlltts Iiom P 0. } lMiO easy terms.
04tl ! ) Now ooltitjr" ft rooms , m > od bnrn , eorner
Grand nnd 1'ier stieets , ' , X1M , monthly'puy
(171) ( ) fxitfaelnff Hnnocom park onParknve.
$1COJ ( , ousy lurms. C. U. Muyno , 15th nml Far
mini , 117-
" 171OKSAM5 Now houpo , 7 rooms , cast front
Jlull ? lot , next to nlloy. on i'aundors jstrcot
lot nloiiovoith Hourly nil that Is asked 1'oi-it
J'-MM ) . J. H. llllny & Co. , S15 rt. Kith St. B
"ITIOIt HAI.K Two lots on n corner , two blocks
JJ from Vnni'im , both tor $ IX J. positively > . .1 , 13. Hlloy iVC . , 15Sonlli Wth St. ' il
TTIOU S.VI.K On Convent St. , lot 40x140 ; house
Jd 0 rooms near street car line , $ . { fWJ cash. J.
W. Marshall , I5ti ) Furntim SI. . l
I.IFull lot , Miiith front : very de lr-
nblo property , on icd cur lino. Tills is very
cheap ut $1,1JO. J. U. Hlloy & Co. , 'Jl. > South Uth
Mi cot. S l
T7IOII SAI.i : Chcnp , n nuo lot In Hunseom
- l'laco.Ailihoss _ N. P. F , . Hco ollleo. _ Uit _ _
yAI.i : Wo Irnvo lots on VInlon , Cum-
IUKS , Georula nvo. , Leavonworth nnd otbei
stieots , Fm-- mini sti cot buslnosH proporlj' . J.
IJ Jllloy Co JJ outliJltth htroot. _ Sll _
TTfoil SAl.l : U > t on Fnrntim , n\ttt7 ) , 51 , lint ,
JJ very iles'lrublo for rosldenco. This will belli
the market only a low days as it Is cheap. .1. K.
lllley & Co. , i.15 South lath Htieot -W
ITIOn SAI.i : Full corner lot thren blocks from
J-1 Mroot cars : beautlliil nnd .sightly location ;
$ " > 0oashor SUJoa llmo. Tills Is positively a
bui-Rnln. ' loS. li'.th St. SM
17i | > ie.SAI.K A two story , ! \UOlnimu build-
-L ? luif , HUltublo for a store , nciir luih und Fur-
iiuin Sis. Apply ut this ollico. 1)17 )
Foil SAM : Full lot with now house , 4 rooms ,
pantry , cellur , cKtorn , prreh In Iront ,
blinds ; lo-s limn three blocks from red cur llnu ;
Improvements north oviuSHJII , nil lor fUIM.
15n.--y paymoiils. This Is also u bargain. .1. 1 ! .
Hlley \ Co. , SIS 3. luth btreet S.H
"jjlOHSiVl.K Atabar'jlun ' , lot with " honsos ,
JI I ! and 7 rooms , well , ontoru , Ii ir.i , &a ,
Ifith und tlarnoy. Impioved property taken us
purt puy. Wm. Jt. Momoe , Cth uitd Douylas.
SAT.C 4 seotlons School lands Ut yours to
Jrun , ? l.fiil per aero. Vill trade for city piop-
orty. Cuaiiliiy Inuii V 1)1011111111 , 1-Jll IodKo
. SOncrosInHlnol'arlh Coun
ty , Minn , lor Omaha property , Douglas Co.
Heal estate mortitnuos Idr Omuim pioporty ; will
pay balance In caali. A. P. Tukey , W > 1 Furnuui
ttr ,
Tj'OH SALE flj A. McOavoo't , iri03 Fai-uam St
J. ? I lot 4li\lU with now 5 room houso. In W.
M lots fHixlifci Dwl ht & Lyman's add.
$ ; fin each.
\i \ lots Purl : Wild nvo , 100x130 , with 2 houses , S
burns , and other nocossaiy outbuildings. $ Haii ) .
y lot Iteod'H l-t add on 4 near Duvonport ,
.wit Ii it-room hem > o nnd till necoury improve
ment. $ 'J.MO.
I lotfiu.\14ii , Kountzo's "d mid on 10th near
Hickory. 81,200.
1 lot lOOviai on Vinton near Ifith t $3iW ) .
1 lotfft'-xl-K , Heed's 1st add ; 0-room hoii-o and
nil iiKeos'-iiry Improvomoiits. On Davenport
iicar-'ud ht $ - > . : Hnl.
In acres in Tutllo's subdivision ; very cheap ;
aultable lor gurdonlng.
1 lot WxllU , Hickory Plnco , with IVroom house
mid busomont. This Is a bargain. Sl liO.
1 lot TxixMI , ICount/o & Ktuh's ndd , cast front ,
coiuilins ! l now IIOIIMM which rout for $ . ,0 per
inontli. On Leavonworth HD'ir 17lh. St-r > uJ.
ii lots H ( Ml t llowory 11)11 lulU on Cuatollur uonr
13th. J3TJI eiUih.
1 lot 47x111 , Improvement Association ndd ;
3 room IIOUH ) , fioms onttitu. ijtM.
il lots , I'niko Place ; fiont on ifti-s st. fiiBO onch.
Corner lot on Chlcuuo st ; good hout-o und
burn , a very dn'lniblu locution. I block Iiom
hlirh Mihool S liWJ ,
Splendid stock farm of 5fiO neros In Dlxon Co .
10 inlJtjs Miuthwiwt of Poncn. W ill H > | | cheap or
oMihungo lor Improved Omnha city pioporty.
A. MuUtivouk. ( MO
Pl > ii : Improved fiirms.wilt trade for Impioved
city piopeity. W. H. Green , over l t Na-
tionul itiink. 5.y
TDK CA I-3IXSOXZ ! : > ZA2fXOU3. :
I : S AH : Now. hiiiulpomoly painted , spring
FO . Inquire ul N. W. cor. Uth mid Ciih-
iornla tits. ( Jol-'Jp '
IflOK SAfTK-i-A Bn"rroy , " oTtlHir with j'olo or
bhalti , s-Mo bi > r , with Tim * on patent upring ;
onlf used bineo hist surii'c : us good in now ;
prleo , 8110. Apply at ' . " 'Ij Webster bt HIM * *
11AGGAGE A lot ofunclaliiiod
UNCLAIMED bo sold at the St .Itiinos Hto ! ,
Omaha , Oeiobor ICtli , 1W , U o'clouk u m. h7-ip :
FOH PALR Fresh milk cow. Apply nt S.
.IncolisllliFiirmuii St H-a )
PAT.K The Killntfiii-jliimintol'a vulmililo
FOH el.Jm t-lx miles fiom H. It. Station In
Holt Co. , Nob. , lor full purtioiilurs , uddiis Hlco
DIOM. , Sliiurt , Nob.
SALE Furniture mid ( l.vtmcsof tlio host
FOH u day hotel hi Onmlm , cheap 1'or casher
or ttade lor other proporty. Cull or nddios.s
Goo. K GibsoniI7 a. lllh. 733-lJp
SALE A No. 1 drlvlnir or work hon > o for
' cash or on time. W. H. Ciol't , Itoom 4.
Wllhnell IJulldhiff. 74.J
7 0H SALE Cheap , Garlnmi Inud coal burner
1 MoIJ. . W. Cramer , H , to M. Houtlauurtors.
r\ccinHXTAT , IIOTMI. Furniture for paio
Vy and hotel Jor ront. Cull ut Occidental lor
Iiilorirmllim , coruor U nud Howard St. U2.'i
Tm < ) lt KA1.K lluckwhoftt brnn , ffio porlOntbi.
JJ W. J. Welshima Ji Co. , City Mills. 4U
. - lota in I'olhum Haoo , ono
block iiom biieut cuitrack. . Inquire -18 d.
S < VI > IC Or would triido for n ( rood horKo
und InuBy , sil ncic.i In Oospor county. An-
lath Mroet. KJl
HAI.B IlnstRiirnnt nt a Imrjrnln , uonr
FOK ; peed reusoas for bollhitr out. I'or
piirtlcular.s call 1UO l-'Hnmiii bt. bi'J
TT'OH 8AI.H A Imrbor Hhop In a tlrnt-class lo
J ? ciitlou. For particular * luMtoss H. 11. , lloo
\\7".iNTl-i : ) A party to buy n half Intnrcstln
T a rood paying put out. About t-ot j capl.
tnl. AJdioia J. ii. Smith , Mainz City , Nob. ,
SALE Complete outfit for . _ . . _
FOH , eonsMing ( if largo tire nnd lmr , ' < lar
proof sitrn , lion rolling , cherry counter , eto , ull
now Would trude lor Omahii oily projiorty or
wild luiifi * . C , K. Mnyno , lolli and Furiiimi. C.J7
OK SA1.K The best looulod btikory In Oma
F ha. Address O. , lloo ullleo. &l.Kp
I7\01t HAr.K-Hctrtll pluck of druifs and flv-
J-1 lures , ul | in uood aider ; u ( ) d location nml
trttdo. AUUios .V V. Z. , Cluru Uruy to. , Omahii ,
fi j
_ _ _ _
betel rounds ull
HAUC-rFlrKt-clius ,
Improvomontu , llxtuios , bur & a frow-
nir city. 1'rico l-'oi J ; te
J , I'uttorsoii , 1'Jth und I'lir 4 < * > U
Two cows , ( western ) ono rod ono with
IOST lionis and the other , rod und u hltuxpc'ck-
eloi < with iHiih horns broken oir. 1'luiuio notlty
lostnr 1'iickliu liouho , on third uml Wulnut
btici.'t and iL-ceivo roMiird. nW-"p
11 OOM mid bonnl , tf per week ; very
cation. 1HU Davenport St ,
j IIOSI'ITAI Open for the
l'in of tlio itlcte. Survloul operations of
ull kinds fckllfuily puifoiinril. DUo nm of wornon
n hpofJully liidius In eonllnu.iiontuim hure huvu
uuxoluio prlvucy nnd thu bet of nttontion , Cor-
ri'upiindencohiillelted Addrosj Dr J. M. Svvit-
iani.orner ( l.ttli ami Kuimmior Or J II H.IJI | :
corner Uth mid Furiium. Toluphonu fM.
\ri\V : IIOltN INI'ANTH iiropcrly nnd no-
J- > ci'---liiih cuicd lurut a. 1. fir of liunuau
UUd Ill-ll' oli. tif > 'Jjl ' >
MAltASt lUtOKNIA UIOHAUl 1'1Vrhron
oloel < it nml Clftlrvovant , points otlt unscoi
oncmles , color their eyes nnd hnlr. The roii :
to RIICCOHI , Ixivo nnd ImMncw * n speolnlty. Shi
po ithcly uiii-ci bilious hoadaeno , kl < lnoy , llvt <
nnd nlldorniiBcmontsof llio slomnch , dKnoh-o
j-'till clones , ciiMH ciitnrrli , the wor t ca os o
rhmimall in. Iltir mot hod of curimr onlciilus I
with horb.a , and most complcto. llonM wors
POICS In a month. Her Inmtimmt of corns
ImnlaiK , tender foot nets llko Mrs
Illdchai-tlooiu'oinoswlllininiiyiceomr.'jondnlloii :
Irom the pro nnd pili-ulo ImllvldtmN.colohrn
toil nml popular short tlmo only , itii Not th 10tL
Mfeot , loom 1 : ! . *
_ _ 817
ii i : W. 0. MetrnorStovo HopnlrCo. . Ill Smitl
IllhSI. between DodKO and loiiulu < .
L ADI US In wnnt of ( food will for ( rpiiorul himsi
work , Vi . , can llnd them by npplylmr lit Oitia
1m Kmployimint lluionif 113) ) I'nrnuin Ht , DI7
ALWAYS on hand at a bargain , No. I r-eeond
hand eiirrla o plnirlons imd xldo-lmr biiir
, ut A. ,1. hlmiwm , ll.i.l and Ull Doduo ; St.
_ tul
IANOS moved mid pncko.l. Moolmn , JII'J N ,
luth tstrcet ,
"TDKIW vimlts nnd eosspoob cleaned In an
- * - odoiloss wuy by iU. . Auol , 1" . O. Jinx Hi' ! ) .
NO oiiciatlon or useless trussns. Dr. M. M ,
Mooie , ll Mnbn li uvo. , Chicago. Mil
I o lu to/.Min.s HoiiM. ' , uclinor D , ono uuy omy ,
DisTiticT tw Uot.DMiit.i , WiithliiKinn , ion ) astU
Ht. "I HI ! l hu/MiB. " A I'oaiuluir mid uuy
uuiiooliuryuiiiiK luuii's. lii'iiKiiiniiiy Kiimuud
ou uuuiitOtutvii Udiriiu.M. I.ar8o KrotiniH ; NU-
uuvuiiuiaL's. Alias l'.im.i : .
Tinloeo of IJfptlinnlil Irorcul liv tlm vimnc for
InM'iiclInn unit liy HIP iinilrtcil for relief. It will bone-
lit Mil. IxHHlnil l.H'ICI t.
Tlinro l no member iifeorlptr to whom tlioRolonco
nf T.lfn will nut Im u efid. wliullier j onlli. pnrnnt , innr-
( linn. InMn'Ptoror rlrniTninn Arcimmit.
A''ilrp llirIV' niW Mcrtlnil lnMltnl . or Ir W. II.
J'crl'cr Vn t llull'ltirIi ptri'rt. linstnn. Muss. , who limy
l > o voii ! < uUcit nn nil discuses ruuulrlim "kill nail uvrl | -
"Feulod propowiH will bo received nt the
olleooi' ' the Chief Uiifrlnnor of tlm Union Pu-
cillo Huilwav at Omaha until Sutmday uvonlmr ,
October 10 , lor grading , bridging , titiok lavlmr ,
and snrlaclng of the Denver , Marshall iinii
Houldor H. It. between Douvor and Marshall , in-
C'lndlng the loadjiistnient and surfacing of Iho
portion of tlm track uhonily laid. Pmlllris ,
pnoolllciitlons and Information can be obtained
on anplluutUm at the Chid1 Engineer's ollico in
Omubu. S. It. Uu.LiWAY ,
Gcnl. Mniiuger. "
THE rMipafiirrAM : ir "
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tlm only road to taltofor DPS Molnos , Mnr-
BlmllKiivn.rodiirltupliN , rifntdii , Dl\io. CiiiiMiro.
i'll\vuukro : and all iinlntH oait. To the people of
Nebraska. I olonufo , Wjoininxr , Utnli , idalio ,
Novudn.Orajfaii , Washin tim nnd Cnliforula It
nfloiMHiinur or ndrautuuos not possible by any
other lino.
Aiiiomr a few of the numerous points of supo-
rlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this wind between -
tweon Omaha nnd Chic.uo. 1110 its two trhlns n
ilny ot DAY COACHli- . which nro tlio llno-t that
human art and imroii'ilty can cio.ito. ItHl'AI.-
ACK HIKii'lNJ ; CA1W , which are models of
L-omfort and olojranco. Its PAUI.OIl DRAWING
ItOOJI CAltS. nnsuiim"fiod bv IMIV , and Its wide
ly celebrated PALATIAL UlNINd CAl'.S , the
uqunl of whloh cannot bo lound ol-owhero.
At Council Ilhnr the trniiiH or the Union Paol-
llo lly. cmmoct in Union Ucnot with thoi-o of ( ho
rincajjoA : Norlhwesturn Ity. In Clncairo the
tiulns of this llrio iuiko : clo.-o connection v/lih
tho-uof nllonsti'in limn.
Kor Dotioit , ( 'oliimbuH , Indlnnnpolis , Cincin
nati , Nlairarn Kalis , Dutralo , Plttslniijr. Toronto , lioMon , Now York , I'hlliidnlphla , lld- :
limn' ' Wur.liliiHlcii and nllpohitBlntheeubtusk
the ticket aai'iit for tickets via the
"NOIU'II-WK3TiilN : , "
[ f jou wlsli the host accommodations. All ticket
ifen's poll tl'-kots ' via this line.
M. III'filllTT , U. S. JIAIIl ,
General Manager. Oon. 1'a s. Affont
W. N. HAllCOCfC ,
Oon. AROnt , 1412 rnrnnm St , Omaha , Nob.
Sovemi'on Yoms' K.\perionco ,
Chicao , Milwaukee & St , Pal
The Short T-ine
and Best E&oiite
Prom Omalia to the East ,
; hlca o , Mlnnoftpolls , MlUvnukoo ,
t I'uul , ( 'odur Haplds , Dawmport ,
llnton. Dubuipio , Hocktord , '
lode Island , Frouport , .luiuHVillo ,
iii : ln , Miwlli-on , J.uCiosto ,
ilelolt , Winonii ,
: Vnd ull ether Important points Hast , Northeast
am ! Southeast ,
Tlokot offlco nt I4Q1 Fnrimm strrnt , ( In 1'nxton
Hot nh , nml ur Union rneitln Depot.
I'nllmiiii Sleepers and the t'laost Dlnln ? Cui-t
n iho World mo mil on the inulii lines of tjio
JH i ( ; . ( ; oMii.w.uiKiKAHT. : 1'Aui , HAir.WAV , nml
y uttontlon IH paid l < > liustouyors by courto-
IIIH omployos of the company ,
It. MII.I.III , Gcnornl Munngor.
.1. 1' TnoicKii , AstNtnut GonorM Mmmiror ,
A V , II. ( Uui'UNTiiH , Gonorul I'asiunvur and
PRkut Aitent.
OLD K IlKAfroun , Assistant Goaorul 1'assoii-
ter and Ticket Agents _ _ _
Tlrpodorof Thoroushbred and Hlsh Grade
ierdord and Jersey GaiiSe'
And Durou nnd Jerboy Hod Swlnu.
I'lO.SAUHT , JWI Tenth Street , botwpBti rnimiin
mil Hurnoy , will , with the aid of iruurdlun
plntK , obtulmii ? for any ono n i < him < > In the
HIM nnd present , und of curtain conditions In
ho Inline lioot.t and nhoos imiJo to older.
'crfuot uutlsfactlon Kuaruiilood.
Nebraska" National Bank
S'l lll'l.l'DiMay 1 , iNvi. . . , . ii'i.O'W.OO
I.V. . VATKH , 1'ivsiilent.
A. B. TorxAi.tN , V cu
W- V.MoKsK ,
Lnwis S. HBII ; > ,
\V. H , S. lluoiir-s , Cashier.
Co. l-ib and Fuuium P
L Uanerul lluntiiiii ; lI
Bill ! wd Tables ,
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables.
And Saloon , Olllco nml Hunk Fixtures. Mnrkol
nnd Huron Sis. , Uhicngo , III. Onmhu ortlcoCJ (
Book Binding , Etc ,
HIES : piiiNTiNO co. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllnnlc Hook Manufacturers NDS. 1M anj
los South 14th Siteot.Oninlm , Nob.
BtlllCf Tubs.
J. simioi
Manufacturing of Butter Tubs ,
' ' " ' " ' '
his , WV. iMIi and'plei-co"si.iin'iiui'Nob. )
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Guns mid Animunliion. in to ! i l t-outh llth
Slice ! , Itn ) to Iit'l Farnnm Sheet , Oniuhn , Noli.
W1JST , I'ltlTdClinit ' ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And \VlmlosnIo Deiilors In Leaf Tolmecos. Noi ,
liw nnd Hi ) N. lllh Slieet. Omaha , Neb.
Eagle Cornice Works7
John F.ponnu'r , Pmpilolnr. 4Muiinfucniur ) of
Oulvunlrcd h-on iinil Cornice , nil Dodiw , anil 1J1
nnd liij North luih Struct , Oniulm , Null.
HU12MPING .t'llOLTl ! , " * [
Mnnufuo ! tilers of Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , FlmiK K o.lIilS ! liilh S1. Workdono
In uiiy put toftho country.
Western Corujco Works ,
0. Sl'liOIlT , Pioprlotor.
Onlvunl/od Iron Cornices , Klo. Spoolit'a Im
proved Patent Metallic Skyllaht COS utnl 5Ua.
12th St. , Oiiinliu , Nub.
Doors , Sish. Elc.
Mnniiiiictnror anil Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
Klo. btalr Hulls a specialty. Telephone No. Ot
16th anil Murey St. . Omaha , Noli.
Electrical Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
IT. . WOLF13 As CO. , Hlectrlplnns.
Maionlo Hlock. Oinaliii. Hiirfflur Alarms , Uqllt.
Flrn Alarms , llluutiii ) Muttlj-r , S \ali\f \ Tulioi ,
Golu\Sllvor anil Nickel I'hillnir. IJ u.
Iron nnd Nails.
Cut Kails and Spikes ,
Fho Nulls a Specialty. Onialiu , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery. CimtliiKs , Stpiim Kiu'liuis , Hollers ,
Arohltcotural Iron Woik , Iron Ilrld os , Alining
nnd Mill Jli'.chhiery. Ollicn und works , Union
1'acilio R. II. , mil imd ISlh Streets.
Fonudry Works.
Cor. 11th nnd Jackbon St-s , prepared to do nil
kinds of Iron and linies Ca.slln s ; also , O. U.
D.irs nuinufuatui'o.r
' Mattress Company ,
Mnmifnrrmlnir Mnttrupgolloildlnfr , - Feather
Pillows , Cols , lito. li'UU mid L03 ! Douglas Street ,
Omuhu , Nob.
Overalls. w
j _ _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pauls , Shirts , Etc. , IKK nnd 1101 Douglas
Street , Omnha , Nob.
Paper Bozes.
* WWWt w Wiw- -fhA
.1. L. WILKIB ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
ICO S. 14th St. Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall BO-
llcllod and will rocolvo prompt attention.
Safes !
Omalia Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Fli-n and Unralir Proof Pnfoi
Vault I > oorf > . .lull Work. Sl'iittors and W'ic
Woik. Cor. 14th mid Juekson otH. , Omnhu , Neb ,
Soap ,
P. J.
Soap IIanufact , rer ,
Oftlco nnd Fuctorv , near Powder Miifrnzlno ,
Omaha Nob.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
131.1 and i 17 llnrney uireot , Omahii , Null. Solo
Agouti ) in Nnbriibku lor.'onoa' Colobrulcd Split
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1 101) ) und 1411 Dodtjo Struct , Omiihu , Nob.
V/hitc / Lead.
Corrodora nnd flrlnilorH of
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Din film , Neb , 1-nvi Cuitcr , PIOH. ; C. W. Mend
Yiuu i'lOH. : U , W. Yntoti , Boo. undTioud.
The Miliard ,
3. Shears , J. II. Markol.Thos , Swobo , I'roprlotora
Omuhu , Nobruskn.
Arcade Hotel ,
Jnmos Ca'ioy , I'mprlctor.
Hin nnd UI7 Douiclux St. , Oniulm , Nob.
riiopatronHirnof cominurRlul men rospeutfully
bollellod. They will find tuU the bent &i n duy
hou&o went of Chlcuxo.
Th8 Cozzens ,
P. ItumsoyA Co. , 1'roprlotori.
Ir.tcs fJ.on per duy , no dark rooms. Abe I'ulaco
Hotel Sauial'a.Omuliii , Nou.
Canfleld House ,
> ir. Ninth nnd rnrnuni His The best { " per
lay hold In Oinnlm Komodolod , leluinls 10 I ,
iMKicitiiiiil : ono block tiom army luuidipiurtirs ;
ippoitllo Union I'Ht-ltlu licmliiinuturii ; ttluot curs
mjs iho door , ( looruo Cunllold If Co. . | ionr | o-
ors. AUo Union Block Vuids Hotel , Houth
Hotel do Gees ,
P. 0003,1'iopiloKir.
Hmoponn I'lnu , Tuuimly coin mil ) * located W
i ilny lioui-e. Three doom lima lluyd'a Opuni
linihoiuul oiio-lull bloeU fiom I In ; I'liUnllIca
md tin ) Court Hoiiso. I'aH , IJ1U , 1JU I'unium
it. , Omuhu , Neb ,
The ChlcntfO K\cliiuuo Iniyn , 8cls | nnd ox- *
ilittiiKi'b l nd Mild fHrma of all l.liuH. Addi ( 4S , f
'lilcuK'o I'.icliaiuo , rooms 7U and 77 , Japumiso
and Jail Work.
1020 I'&WiUil htruiit Omulto. N b