FIFTEENTH YEAK. . OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNENG , OCTOBER 8 , 1835 Report Prom Chicago That Mr , Max Meyer Ha3 Boon Seized by Custom Officers FOR SMUGGLING DIAMONDS. ICr. Jullnn Muycr Bcouta tlio Idea , SUUInj ; That His ItrotliRr Huu Already Proved Ills Itinocuncc. , About 11 o'clock last night the nsoool ntcd press telegraphic report brought the following telegram : CIMCAOO , Oct. 7 Customs officers here to-day Hci/cd $1,000 worth of diamonds found among the oll'ects of a member of thu linn of Meyer Bros. , leading Omaha imvolora , wlio had just returned from itiropu nnd was stopping at the Tro moil t iiotiso. From remarks made by follow passengers of the man from whom thu diamonds wore taken , the ollieers suspect some $7,01)0 ) moro of smuggled goods have been consigned to parties at OniuJia , and a representative of tlio de partment was dispatched to tlutt place to-night to investigate the matter. JULIUS MIYIK'S : : STATr.Jir.NT. Upon receipt of the news a reporter called upon Mr. Julius Meyer at his room on Karnain street. ' Tito hour was late nnd Mr. Meyer was in bed , but upon be ing told the object of the visit lie admit ted the reporter , with the remark that the news was over twelve hours old. "I hoard of it this morning , " said Mr. Meyer. "A dispatch came from my brother from Chicago saying that he had been followed by n custom nflicinl nnd his goods searched. The dis patch ulso said that nothing wrong hud been found , ns my brother hud no ilia mends or other dutiable goods with him. When in Europe ho purchased $ ! ? 5,000 worth of diamonds ami they are now in the store hero. The duty on them was all paid , and it is foolish to suppose that ho would attempt lo smuggle $1,000 worth. Ho has never done any smug gling business. " Mr. Meyer also stated in answer to a question Unit ho was not avvaro that his brother had purchased diamonds for other uartic.s in the oily , and lie did not believe ho had. Ho arrived in New York from Europe Saturday , and was ex pected in Omaha to-day. "I believe there is some mistake about the matter , " eontinnod Mr. Meyer. "I do not believe that Max has bcon ar rested , nnd I think that the report arises from the fact that the customs oflioial followed him to Chicago and searched his ofl'eets. I think it will bo explained to-morrow , and tliat everything will be found satisfactory. " Murdered AVI I'D and Mothcr-ln-Liaw. GKNKVA , III. , Oct. 7.-Special [ to the Bnn.l Albert Cook , the young farmer who , tluough unjitstiliahio jealousy , deliberately shot his moth r-ln-law , killing her instantly , nnd then fired live shots Into his wife's body , nl Crampton , III. , ntti r which he lied , is still nt large. numbers of citizens nio in pursuitand scouring the country in all diieo tjpns In search of the mindeier. A number of persons are Inclined to think that ho did not wander far liom the scene of Ids cilme. mid that Im is still In biding or else boarded a freight train and loft tlio state. The lather of the mindcrer , who is heie , regiets his ac tion in releasing him fiom jail a few days ago , nnd talks ns though he would not at tempt to Intei I'm o in his son's behalf , should ho bo captured. Mm. Cook died this tutor- iiuon. M"cxlcnn Border Plundering ? . KAOI.I : PASS , Tex. , Oct. 7. Itcports have been hi ought to Monclora by ficlgliters from Balsa Mlplmi mines , to tlio effect that one of Huston's bullion teams in cliaigo of a Mr. Moirlson. had been attacked by jobbers while on loute from the Sleria Majaido mines to Pairat station on tlio Mexican Central railway , whence Iho bullion was to lie shipped by expiess to the United States. It Is icpoitcd that tour of the o-cort were killed , and It is feared that Morn [ mm , who was well known heio , is one of the victims , as ho has not been hcaid fiom. Fielghterssav that after inut- Ini ; the ivscort , the lohbiiis diovo oil the pack mules laden with bullion. Mr. Houston pur chases bullion fiom small miners , and makes weekly trips to the nearest railway station from whem Itciin bo I m wauled. How much bullion there was on the mnlo train is nut known. _ lie Tapped the Packages. CnnAii ll.ii'inp , Iowa , Oct. 7. Kmll Miitchke , nn express imisscngcr on tlio Chicago cage .t Noithwc.stein railway between Cedar Baplds and Council IIInlfH , was taken at DCS Monies lust night by Siijieilnteiidont S. ( i. Seaton for alleged pllleimg of money Irom expiess packages. Tlio amount said to have bcon stolen Is mnall , since only n low dollars weie stolen at u time. The Krlanfjcr-Leonnril Shooting. I'nii.ADKM'iiiA , Pa. , Oct. 7. Leonard , the victim of last night's shooting , was able to walk away from the hospital this morning. A o , Oct. 7 , [ Special to the J5F.r . | Arnold Pleice , a newspaper man well known In Chicago , made himself conspicuous In Philadelphia ycterdy by cowhhllng A.V. . Cooper , of the Times stair. Piercu lelt Chi- i o nbout a year ago , and lias of late been L'niploycil on the Philadelphia Times. Last Thursday n woman called at the district telegraph - graph ollk'o In the Times building ami font a letter up by the messenger addressed to Pierco. ' Presently the boy returned and said that Plcre wis : not in. but added that n man who u'pifsfntcd him would HHIII lie down. Cooper appealed on the scuno ami said to the woman : "Kxcnso mo ; 1 thought the hand- wiltipix on Iho letter wius that of some one I knew. " He then wllhiliew. Pieivo ijeclaivd Hint the Tunnnn was Insulted by Cooper , vvlille tlm I t > r denies It and says Im mistook thohaiidwrt Ing on tlm envelop ) of a inutunl fileinl. Cooiu-r ww badly lacerated about the face with the ( .ow.ilde , Inflnntluldn nnd fiulcldc. UIIIUN-A , ( ) . , Oct. 7.-Mrs. Win. McClosKey Inst night gave her babe inoiplilno and Uiok some herself , nnd to-day both died. No cniiso has been aislgned ( or the mother un- nutural act. _ Civil Servlcn VISIHIII.VV'I : Ai' Avsinxiiiov , Oct. 7. 'I im poNinm lrr- penenil tinliiy apwilnti'd | the follow Ing foiulh- . llllnols-AI Teehorn , Thomas A. Con- t.iliii : ICHIeivlllo , A. < ; . MeCr.ix : Scaton , Wlllmn 1-Vr iiMin : Snle.tile. John ltt' < > mt > en ; llmdbiirx. li's.rt-v ' II. llnssell. l < i\v --AI Kunlt'tiioti * . John II , II Dwell ; Nnrlli Hiam-li. II. I ) . Shoesiiillhddlson ; , li. U CruiUvhulik ; DiuldIt. . Mai Uun ; I'n- il rwiuwl. Itnlx-il futile : liUlx-UxlUc , Jnlm P \ moi \ i n1. ' 111111. K < ' t ii Ntl > i.iU At\VhHoUiihl'U ' A I'tK U ; Dale , Itobcrt J. Kelly ; Courtland , Lorcnzi A. Simmons. . . . roii run HI.OCK TIIII MONTH. WASIMNOTON , Oct. 7. During the proven niDiith the commissions of prosldcntla postmasteis will expire In the following named towns : In Nebraska David Oltvnnd Lincoln. In Illinois-Cm lyle. , Glrntd Knoxvlllu. I'nna and Paxton. In Iowa Perry and Vllll-ca. vASIIINOTO.V. . Oct. 7. Tim president ap pointed Jabez M. Ctiny , of Yligtnln. to bi. envoy extraordinary nnd minister pleiilpoten ti.uv to Spain , vice Fuitoi , ie.slgned : Charles /olllnucr , pension airentat Indianapolis. rrniFotm : WITH A vnvcin.vri : . Ttrrso.v , Ariz. . Oct. 7. The United Slate ura'id ' jmy to-day picscntcd liullctinenti against J. A. Xabriskle. United .States ills met attoiney ; Uoyal A. Johnson , Unltei Mates .surveyor : Gen. L.Vollly , deputv L lilted Statin suivcvor , nil tniiler the civ I service net for political contribution In the last campaign. F. A. Tiiile , pnvcrnorof Ai (70110 ( , scut his leslgnatiun by mail to the pre.sld nt to-day. How tlio "Saints" Squirm. IjonA.v , Utah , Oct. 7. At the Mormon general eonfeienco heio to-day n genera epistio to the chuieli was lead fiom piosldciits John Taylor and George Q. Can nun. nun."Time "Time 1ms revealed , " says the epistle In re- fenlng to tlio pending piosccutlnns for polygamy , "that the Edmunds' law was not enacted in the interests of morality , but wa1 ONpresslv designed to destroy the piinchile ot thu Mounoii lollglnn. The giossest fih < iiioralltle on the pint of non-Mor minis , flourishing under tlio very eyes of tlio laws' administrating aiovievtcd with Indiireienco It commlued outside lite miitilmonial lelatlou. Moimoii' leiimmciim' their icllglnii aio then uinno tested. " The epietlo cnntinucsVo did not leveal celestial maiiiuge.Vo iMiinot withdraw or renounc" ' It. ( ! od revealed it , and has pumdscd to maintain and blc.v those who obey iu Tim only course to pur sue is to main tain the covenants and trust In Cod. " Thoiccrnt ruling of the courts Is declined most e.xtraoidinnrv , allowing an Indictment for eaeh day lived In illegal cohabita tion and icndcilng po--.sH ) o lilo Im- piisonmuntnnil an enormous tine to each in dividual accused , whcicas the law .s | > cciucs only six months' imiirlsonnientand S"M line. 'I'lio apjieal leceutlj made to PicMdent Clev > - hinil in H'li'iud lo and the hopu uspie.sscd that he will M > OII ghe the matter attention as the lights ot people bilm ? giossly tnimp'eil under loot. Moiiiuin motives for c.spoiMiig l > linal mairiagc are declined to bo generally misiiiulerhtood , the institution l-eing accepted only inuinsideiiilion ol its huing by divine umimand , which tilings damnation it dis obeyed. The tie ! el is piot'es.scd that tin ; piesont cru ado will convince tlio people that theio la moie In polygamy than is Tlio FamoiiH Illlnil T.nnCawo. . Nuw VOUK , Oct. 7. [ Special to the 15ce.j A dispatch to the Woild fiom lUchinond , Va. , b.iys thocasoof blind Tom , thecoloicd pi an 1st , known to the \\orld over , w.isup In the United States Couit thcie ye.steulay on a mi lion for tliu appointment of his mother. Char- Itor Wagglns , or some other suitable pcison , as Ida guardian. For twenty yeai-s ( ! en. Uer- thunc , of that .state , nnd his MIIIS , had charge of Tom and exhibited him pveiywheie to au diences. What Tom has ever icwived lor his wondertul peiloimances bejond mcio Mippoit Is not shown by the Beitlinne fainllv. Last year jouni ; Heithune was killed and his tnother claimed Tom. The widow ot de- ccaieU Bei thune , v > Uh Tom's motlicr , ni-o now try ing to tut contiol of tlio i roitlny. Ciun. Lleitliniioaudson , and the widow Hcrthuno wen ; in com t. Theioimer weie rcpie ented by Beach , of AIuNamliiu , and the lallcr by U. I'age , of Itiehmond , and Lawslie , of Hil ton. I'ago's siwcch beloii ! the com t In behalf of Tom'h mother and in tlio name ot i' < mitv as against the Ueithiines , chaiged that it was a case ot .slaveiy ot the \\oi > t kind in a time ot fieedom ot every other .subject of ihe United States government. Tom is held by a decision of an inleilor Viiglniacouit , and Judices lioiul and Hughes will , it is thought , decide nirainst Ucithuue to-day vheu the case Will bo disposed. The St. Ijouls Street Car Strike. ST. Louis , Oct. 7. The executive bo.ird of the Knights of Labor of the.itieotcar strik- cis was In session this morning. They hay there are new developments which make the strikers sanguine of success. The otlleUls of the road are engaging new men , and sent out cars under them , and such of the. old em ployes who aie willing to work if assmed of protection. The cais on Olive and Market Mi pets and Fiauklin avenue and South St. Louis lines , \vhleh aie not alfected by the Mi i Ice , me miming legnhuly and cais aie being sent out on other roads ns fast as men can bo obtained to run them. The union depot line was equipped at noun , and the Mound City line had eighteen out ol twenty cain running. The railway m uiageis fayallio.uK lie at work beloie uLlit with tull t ni cos. They look lor a sieedy | tei- minatlon of the tioub.e. and declare it now pi.ictic.illy over. No violence has yet In en attempted , and the men say none will be A Dam 1JI - Day. PiTTsnmiri , Out. 7. This been the big gest day in I'lttiburg liKtory , ni'iiking tlio licomletlonnnd opimingof the Davis Island dam. the const ) iiction of which was begun by the Unltul btate.s government seven jeais ago and which cost sa.OiW.on ) . Fifty tliou- s.tnd sti.ingi'rs weie heio to witness the cere monies. At U o'clock. i procession of titty KteamboiLs , gaily dvcor.itcd , left the Monon- gahola wh.ii ? lor the dam. c.iiiyliiA among other august bodies , the Ohio river cnminlv sion. I'onnclls of 1'ittsburg and Alleglieny , chandler of commerce , membera of the pe- tiolenm , grain and tin nltuio exchanges and Invited guc.slH , liichiding inemhcis of the state Hiipii'mo eoiut and mcmbeis of the rheruliit h.ulmr committee of At the dam at Davis Island , n\o miles below the city them was M > cuhiiml ing , Inspection of machinery and tlmoi klnus of the dam. etc. riioceiemonie > wind up to-night with a dis- | iUy of niO'\\oiks. Now Yorlc Clcnranca Niw : VOIIK , Oct. < ! . The annual meetlns of iho New Yoi I ; cleai linr Ixniso iibsoclatlon inlay elected ( ! , 0. Williams , president of ho Chemical national bank , chaliman fur the ensuing year , inplneuot IMuaid II. I'.irkeiN , I r. , inosident nt Hie lmpnrtei-.and Tradei.s > .inlc , whoso term exphed. William A , Camp , was elected manager. IOWA IythlniiH. Iis ) : Moi.vr.s , Oct. 7. The grand lodge of \nlghtn of Pj IhUs of the state of Iowa , con vened in ( Ids eltv to-dav. About IOU delegates \\eiopie.seiit. Tlio pesslon to day wut. scciet , and devoted to the lmincss oider. D.iven- ioi t was selected M the next place of. mooting i year hence. Jin Ireland. DUHMN , Oct. . The D.ivitt land fiystem agltitlon In Ireland hu'iease > dally , "Moon- Igliteis" aio foiclng faimer.s hey will not pay their lent , Several f.nmei.s ueio waited upon by moonlighters" la t light and compelled to Uke outh to that ci- tccU A Nopro Ijynclied. Sr. Louis Oct. 7. The I'ost-Dispatch's Ntiwjioit ( Ark. . ) huclnl | fays : Ilmitley , the icgro who knoclcctl n young lady fiom her miso nnd eilmlnally a siiiltcil her near I'lK'keiniiin , has lH.'en lonnd hanging to a tieo dead near thin place I ) . & M. Finance. ' llnsTox , Oct. il. The net earnings of the Chlcau'ii , limllngton & ( Julney ndlroad for ciimpjied with the coneajiundliig miiiilh In Tlio CurUlnnl'M Condition. NVw YOIIK. Oct. 7 , Tlmcimditlon of Car- MiC'okey ( Is nbout the same as Inst BAY-STATE BOURBONISM , Tlio Democracy of Massachusetts llcots i Convention Yesterdayi F. O. PRINCE FOR GOVERNOR Otlicr Nominees nnd the I'lntnirin 1'olltlual Matters Klsowlicrc Iloadly-Forakor Debate To-NIhU | Convention WOIICKSTBI Mass. , Oct. 7. The demo cratic slateconventlon was called to order a 11 ; ! > 0 this morning. Tliu usual committee weie appointed. The committee on peruui nent organ I/at I on icpoiled iho name of Join K. Fitzgerald forpresldent. Fltrgornlil , npontaklng the chair , nil diessi'd the convention. Ho con giatulatcd the convention upon tin election of a democratic picsldent , nnd said "Whether our lease of power shall continui longer than four years depends upon hov well wo have profited by tlie lessons of the past , nud how zealously nnd honestlj we stilvo to carry out the piomlses made to the i > colp ] | In both our slate and national platforms. Ho strongly en doised the admlnlstiallon of Pi cshlent Cleveland land and commended him for his nppaicn determination to cany out the reforms prom tsed in tlio Chicago plat I'm m. Thospenkoi congratulated the countiy upon ( ho iiiimis takatilo signs ot the death ot sectionalism nnd said : "Fosslllsm ceases to incieasc , he il ilciuocr.itIc or icpuhllcan , and masqneindim , beloio the people in the ensanguined cloth Ing of thedcnd and bulled Issues , as Senators Hoarand Shcimaii aiedo'ng ' , is as ildlcii Ions a sight were It not unpatriotic am wicked as could bo the appearance in oui stiectof aueccentric Individual vvhoitdoptu in our day as his style of diess , that ol the Kli/ebetlian peiiod. " i Mr. Aveiiv ticmi the committee on rcsoUi- tions. presented tnoiollowing platform : "We , democrats ol Massachusetts , in con vention nssemhled , lonew our ndlieience to principles of democracy declined by Iho hrst national convention. Wo congratulate tin , people of the countiy on the election ami In auguration of n democratic president. We have lull laith in tlio piosldent , In Ids'wise caution , his tar-seeing sagacity , courage , lirm- uess and determination to administer th goveiiimeut in the inteie.stof the whole people ple , and his adhcienco to the lundamunUil piinciplesof tlio national democracy. We expect that under Ids adiiiinstralloii every tciium .icqniicd to make the government honest will bo can led into effect , so that thu liberty and rights of every clti/.en in everv section of our own countiy and on the soil of evciy foiclirn cmintiy will be zealously guaiileil and c.itcfully picsci veil : that section al prejudice and jealousy will disappear and the pa-vailing spirt of nationality vvll ! be teviveil : that that the civil service will be es tablished on ihe Ino.ul basis of justice and equality , seeming to the iidmiiiistiatlon olli- vial sv mpathy with Its policy not cteating an unofficial class , which shall lie above and l > o- j end the people , but giving to each and every citizen who is capable and honest tin : , light tones-elected lor public employment ; that will iccogni/.o tliat every oflleor of tiio public as a public servant , Mildly responsible lo the people and holding ollice subject to the willet ot tlio people : that the public lands bo lescued liom the hands ot squatters , sjM.-culntm- , mid lauded monopolies , nnd pio.scrvcd for the use ot the people , to whom it justly be longs ; that the principal departments of the goveinmeiit he so economically and honestly admlnisteicd a * , to impose the least possible burden ot taxation upon the people , and that conmltiiice in the people in their love ot lib- city , their ndclity to the constitution and their devotion to tlio union will bo restored. Wetheiefore pledge to drover Cleveland , picsident ol the United States , oui nafalter- iiusuppoit. We cainestly iciiuest that no cnudldato he nominated lor either branch of the Icgislatnio wlio is not pledged to support the following ineasuies : Weaiecainestly opposed to the payment of the poll lax ns a condition on winch tlie light to vote must depend. We believe In a fiee , honest and unobstiucted ballot ; that the right to vote should attach to the citi/cn mid not to do > lais. Wo me opposed to the competition ol convicts with the labor of honest people , and demand such legislation as will piovcntit. We believe that ueqiiciit payment ol wages enables em loves to live economically , and assures to them greater Independence. Wo deem It unjust to ictain wages earned to en argo or .swell HID pionts of Iho employer ; wo therefore aie in lavorol thep.issnguof a law leiiuiiiug corpoiai Ions to make weekly pavmont to their employes. Wearuln lavorot tlio immediate enactment of such hiw.s as will piovido tor tlie .settlement ot all dilleionces between the emplojed and the employer by a system of aibitration. Wo believe tliat the commcicUl InteiconiM' between tlio .several states Is ma- toi hilly Impulcd and ciicnmscrib.'d by the existing laws routing to debtors and cicditorH , which are dcttlmcntal to the piospcilty ot the en tin ! countiy. ami therefoie demand tlio Immediate enactment 01 a national naukmpt law. Tliat tlio importance of the Ameiic.m usherics ns a nursery tor our naval power , and the piotec- tion ot our coast and seapmts in time o , war. ought to icceivo tlio seiiotis consideration of tiio administration at Washington. The dcmocint ot Massachusetts with pio- lonnd soiuiw lament the death of the great soldier ot tlm union , UlvsscsS , ( jinnt. whoso ding messnge ot jieace and good will to this people , should Im cause lor bib name to be 10- veied tliiou'h coming ane.s. Thoie-ohitlon was adopted by unanimous vole. The convention adjoinned at once tor an hour. The names of .InmisS. Grlniu'll , of Plain- Held. 1'udeiick U. Prince of Hoston , mid Ld ward A very o I liinlnireo , weio pro.sfnlid to the convention its candidates lor Iho gov- einoishlp. On In-half of ( irinuiill it was claimed that he would poll the full dcmocint c and Mugwump vote and the "Iln.vseed" vote besides. In buhall ol 1'riine It ua > > denied that he would be opposed by the ItntJi-r men. It was decided to pioceed to a vole. Hie bal lots ot delegates to bo taken as they JUcd ovir the plattorm and a commltteo ol one liom each t-onatoilal district was niipolntul to Mipi'iviho Iho counting of. tlio vote by the ollieers of the lonvontlon. A com mittee of niteon was appointed to smrgcst nominees lor the icmalndcr of iho state ticket. The nrst billet lor governor icsnlted as follow * ; Whole nmnbci of voles 1,1.0 , ( neces-iny to choice fiCO , ) Kdwaid A very , 1UI ; James S. ( iiinnell , 4'JiFiedeilck ' \ O , Pilnee , filU ; scattering , 'J. On the second ballot Pilneo was nominated amid much ciiihusi.isin. 'J'ho remainder ot the ticket Is as lollows ; II. H , ( iiimoie , of Cambridge , tor lieutenant goveinor ; Jeie- mlah Crovvlcv , ot Lowell , lor secichny of state ; Henry K. Uraloy , of Fall Hiver , im at torney geneiiil ; llemy M. Cioss , ot Nevv- hinypoit , tor ticasincrniid receiver Kcncml ami James K. Delaney , of Holyoke , for auditor. Democratic Litigation , Dr.Tiioir , Mich. , Oet. 7. [ Special to the BiiJ : : The Michigan Mipiemo coint , this morning declared the new I.'gan election law unconstitutional , and de nied the motion for an oidcr compelling HID Dctiolt common council to show cause why It does not obey the law , Thu full bench con curred. There la great exultation union , ; the democrats. I.A.TONI.V I'AltK IIACT.K. n , Oct. 7. The Latoula races wem well attended to-day. Tlio weather was n llttlu tlneateiiln but not cold uid the track 'was In Impioved londitiou. Seven fiiiluugs Katilno won ; Pink Cot tage ecciinl ; Jim Doughix , third. Time , ThreiMpiarters uf a mile Uncle. Dan won ; Llolse , Mfund ; May I uly , tldnl. Time , I jlsUf. Mile nnd live hundied yards Powluitan won ; A ole , M'coml ; Keene , tldnl. Time , Alllohrats , llrat heat J'otft-t won ; Arllno. second ; Irish Lass , ttdnl. Time. Second heat .1.11110 ns llrst. Time , 1 ; 47 , ST. f.OUI9 KAIll HACKS. ST. IxUis. Oet. 7.-1-Thero was a vnrjcrra1 crowd nt the fair gmuudjt to-day and n largi ) iroHirtloii ) of those presdnt witnessed ti races , one of which , the fico for all pacers , was a close nnd highly exciting contest. The weather was tine and the track Iu line condi lion. lion.Tlm Tlm unfinished race nf yesterday was won bvKndymlonSlstcr : Wllkesisecond ; Victor , ; third. Time , JrU The llrst race of toslny'a proerammo wa Iho free for all naccrs. mile heats : pnrM S'JX)0 , ( ) , divided Mike Wllke.s won ; Jowett , sorond ; Little Mack , tldnl. time , 2IOf. : Second race , 2W : ! class , purse SLOT ) , divided Chestnut Hey won ; Prince Edward M'cond ; O. F. C. . third ; Tom Allen , fourlh Uesttliuc , a'i8 ; . union TON IIHACII IIACIS. : Ilmotnox HKACII. Oct. 7. A ufood day nnd the track a tilllo heavy wore the condl lions tcwlay. Throe-iinaitcraof n 111110 1 3-ycar-otds flrnnd Unke won , General Pilco second OsecolathlKl. Time , liSOVf. Mile Vnllev rmrewon. Una B second Fellow-play third. Time , 1MOW. M llo and oiiiMMgbth Hob rook won , Lo- inau second , Harm ! third. Time , 2:0-Jf. : Mile nnd n half All nges : King B won , Noltln .second , Taxgntherer third. Time , SMiitf. SteeplPchasp Lone course : Kcnador won Hairy Mann bccond , Uangcnteld Ihlid. Time , fi : lt * n AST : HAM , . Dr.rnoiT , Oct. 7. Detroit , 7 ; Itoston. 1. Ht'rrAi.o , Oct. 7. Mornint'gamo : Buffalo , 0 ; Piovldence , 4. Afternoon game : Bnlfalo , 1 ; Piovl denco , < i. ST. Louis , Oct. 7. Sf , Louis , 1 ; Ncv Yoilc , C. A I'ntrlnolial Wll'o Altirdcrcr. BP.ATIIICI. . Neb. , Oct. 7. [ Special to the Dm : ] The district court Is now In scssoi | and engaged on thocasoof the stajc agalns A. D. tor poisoning his wife. Thonl legcd fnctsnrothaton JuneJTth Inst , his wife , Altco Afoise. was not fecllpg well , nnd she asked her to go trt tlie house of Mr Caipenti'r , n neighbor , and net her some salts. The hired girl handed Morse n teacup and he put In water mid something thomrht to bo the salts. Mrs. Mono drank it. In littcen uiinnti'sshe was taken violently sick with severe cramping of the limbs nmf stomach , and died iu torty minutes. Morse and wlto had several little dilllcultles In days gone by , as is usual when the husband 'is seventy-four and the wife thlity-thrce jears of ago as these were. The ueurhbois sent lor toioner Walsh , and ho with Dr. Waldcn , made a put-in nleiii examination , muling the body healthv. llcmoxlng the stomach Coroner Walsh look it to Dr. Maitln Claik , a reliable chemist at Sutton , Neb. Dr. C ark gave n rorUncnto that the cause ol death was sliychnia poisonlnir. The coionei's jury found him guiltv. Morewas then nri-aigned befoio Jiistico Hilland bound over to tlio dlsti let com t. The dial Is now iu progicss. The state li n tintscntcd bv Dis- iitct Attorne 0 < unod and Messis. Hazlitt ami Summcis. Jlcssrs. Co'iy and Bush n | > - ) ear torMoisc. Thopilsoner's two sons aio .fvlnglicio . , the other has ju t airived troni Calltornhi to attend this lilal. Mr. Wilcox , from ICm as , a biotlier of M is. Mmsc is lieio , also Mrs. Buchan , of Aurora , Neb. , a sister. Immense Flour Product. POMS , Oct. 7The weekly review' of the Minneapolis Hour product and market by the Northwestern SIHt r * " says : When we predicted that last vvet r. ' "ilour projluc- tlon would exceed nil Coinitr lecouls , It was liardly exported that this \\oulil bo lnni > hy nearly iXMKK ) barrels. Yet It was accom plished. Tlio output reached the stupend ous iigures of I7loro barrels against l'i'i.778 haiiels during the precccding week and III- 'WObanels lor the corresponding period In IS1 * ! . The largest amount of Ilour ever be fore manufactured in a week was less than 1.Wooo , hniiels. Indications Wednesday pointed to n moductlon for this week exceed- In ? ; even the lingc piopnrtlr.ns of last week's work. Many of the mills were ic n ting the heaviest i mis In their history , and nbout all seemed possessed with desires to squeeze out the lastbaiiel possible. Sinall-T'o\ Caiuula. SALVATION bOI.DIHKS SritHAl ) CONTAOIOX. ST. CATIIAKINI : , Onl , Oct. 7. Several cases of small-pox exist here. The disease was hi ought liom Montreal by n sailor , its nature being nt lirst unknown. The sulfercr was nursed by a member f the Salvation Army , witli the results of spreading the con tagion. Members of tlio Army Insist on vis iting patients and most of the cases aio those of pel sons who have b en attending the meet ings ot the A i my. The boaid of health Is now taking vigorous measures to stamp out the disease. A paper numerously stencil Is being chctilatcd pinylng that the Salvation Aimybairacks bo closed up until all danger ot Injection is over , Rumors are also nfo to the cft'ec ! that a band of cltl/ens has been organized to bum the Army banacks. Philanthropy for Ivo. LAIU : MOHAWK , N. Y. , Got. 7. The Mo hawk conference of friend , of Indian civil isation met this morning. Mr. Llnlcy , on calling Iho conference to order , explained Its oilgin three yea re niro. IJs object was to unite the phllantliioplc and Christian men of the country upon n dcuiiltn imlley , nnd lo ciealcn pnb'ic fcntimont in favor of such a policy. On. Clinton 15. fisk was chosen president of tlio conference. The special committee , nnpnlnt'dnt last year's meeting lo eonter with Piesldent Cieveland , lepoited that Its Interview with him was satislactoiy , and that Ids coin-so toward the Indians slueo assuming the duties of lib olliee , had caused them plcasine. A Political Donate. Tor.nno , Oct. 7. Tlio demociatlc nnd 10 publican committees met today nnd completed nuangemontfe fora joint political dcbato be tween Ooveinor Hondly ami Judge Foiaker , which will take place at Wheeler's opera house to-monow night. Tlm doois will be thiown open at 7:80 : and tlie debate will be gin piomptl ) ntu o'clock. ( ovcrnoi Hoadly will open the discussion , sjx ak'ng ' one hour , and will bo tollowed hy Ju.Uo Kumkcr In n sieechofun ] hour and a half , lloadly will close with a rejoinder occupying halt an hour. FiilltiroorPrlvnto Niw : YOIIK , OcU 7. [ Special lo the BII : : . ] Donnell , Lnwsnn A ; Simpson , bankers , sus pended this morning. Tlie linn was finan cially embarrassed nbout a year azo , but se cured mi extension to the 1st of Oelolicr. Falling to meet their paper today , a number ( | t attnchmi'iili were served UJKIII them , A statement ot the urm's biiblncis Is expected this afternoon. A ItallvvnjHnlo , , Oct. 7. The fyeVclnnd , Delphos & St. Louis railway , ruiiiilng .from Delphos , Ohio , to Cn ey , Ohio , was. to day sold by United States Marshal Goo < lnpeed for 8110- r 0) ) . the committee of bondholders represent ing the Plttsbnrc Interests. The mad will probably IM hioailcnul nud iclmllt , and will be used us an outlet to Cleveland of the Tole do , Cincinnati & St. Louis , nnd other loads The GnRc County Pnlr. BiiATinri : , Nfb. , Oct. 7-SM-clal [ | lo the Hr.i : . ] ( Jage county's best lair opened ycv teiday. To-mouow Is 'Beatrleo day. " Stems and schools will close , nml nil clll/ons will nllend thu fair. Pi of. ( ir.ivton. the leiomiut , will ascend in a balloon TJnuwlay nnd Fii- ilay. On Fiiday Col. Dntlcy'i'M : mare JMCCS ngniiist Kmeiy's Chnillo K , for a lUnlno'fl Claim. Ami'srA , M % , Oct. 7. The ICennebce Joinnnl of to-imnrow morning will HtaUt that IhiMvjiorl that Waller Iflalno has1 sued Iho I'nlied M f u h's ' > , ilirvus asilautoiin - M' | In the A < uxiui ico.itt TERMINATING THE TROUBLE , The Porto Snicl to Ilavo Yielded to Prince Alexander's Ambitions Demand , IF TRUE , THE TROUBLE ENDS. Oilier Foreign AfralM IJiiRlancPs Pro' niter Stumping for t he Govern ment Frenoh ami Irish Politics. Tlio Komnollnn Protilcin. ' TUP. SOI.VKD. Pnn.ii.i-oi' , Oct. 7. Prince has received a telegram from the sultan ac cepting thu principle of llulg.uian union. itcrourut ) SOLUTION AT LAST. PAIIIS. Oct. 7. A despiteli fiom Phlll ) > - popolls to tlio Temps says that the mayor has caused placards to bo posted tlnonghmit the tity announcing that in view of the wishes of the toieign ambassadors to Turkey the sul tan has nccopted the union of Bulgaria nnd Koumella under tlie lido of Pi luce Alexander. . . CONSTANTI.NOI'I , ! : , Oct. 7. The warlike nttltudoof Set vin has compelled the Poito to call out mom leseives tor scivlco on he fiontiers. The Tmklsli ministry believes tliat the Scivlan hoops will eioss thofiontler , a/tbougli / ccilain ol defeat. In older to raise the question as to Servta's lights. The Poilo has repivsented to foreign amhassadoislieio tliat nSeivlaii lesolutinn would lead to agita tion in Monienegio , Bosnia , nnd Heuegon- vlna , and that Austria and Kussia would eventually bo di.uvu into conllict. .s . . . The BulK.tilan delegates , PelrnIT nnd 1 cchanokoiV , who wei-o eommlssloned by Piinco Alexander to asstno the pinto Hint peace and oiierieigned | in eastern Houmella , anivedat tlio YildU Kiosk ami solicited tin liileiview witli the sultan. They weio Im- midiately nnosted nnd weie. subjected to nn otllelal examination. The affair has caused a sensation. Tlin 11U8SIAN AMIIASSADOIt. It Is stated that M. KelidoiT. tliu Itnsstnn nmbassador , has inl-ed a dilllculty In tlio Koumella coulcn'nce. He denies tliat the ar ticle in the Ucilin treaty Diving Tuikey the right to send tioops to eastein I'onmclla will benbollsheil in the event of thu union of tlio two Bulgailiis. The Premier on the Stump. LONDON , OeL 7. Lord Snllslmiy spoke nt the national conservative confidence at Xew- port to-day. Ho thanked the conscivatlve union for exposing the tine uiitnio nt the gaudy promises ol tlio seductive pioiriammo ot the liberals- . The piemler ivged his hear- cis lo continue their elloits In buhnll of con servatism , which , ho said , was glowing and had a glorious fntnie. Salisbury then proceeded U ) enunciate the policy of the consul vntlve pnity. ICeleiting to ( he distill bances in thclulknns ,\s it Is no part of the duty of British statesmen to Inteiteioln tlij'ajfaiis ofcastein Uoumelln. Tlfoticalyol lieilliihas not been lustinti'd nor has the San Stetana ticaty been icstored. Thonolicy of the government Is to uphold thoTuikish empire , and whenever it K possi ble to do so. { rcnnincly and licaitily to up hold , chrrNh and foster stiong self-sastaini'd niitlonnllties who have important beat ing on tiio future of Kurope. For the piesent 1 have hopes tliat tlio powers willconiinetlm di.stuib- nncewlthlntho torv. Husslan inllueucc would hnvo checked if the latter country h.ul iiiilU-d with Bulgaria In 187S. Hotavored n change in the present measures for local self-government. To decentralize authority In London was an Indispcnslblo part of the new government's policy. The people having wealth should bear the bniden of the expenses of tlie coun try , not alone those having houses and lands. The piemier In answering n iiue.stion as to what extent local goveimnent authoiity should bo extended to Itclnnd. said : "The extension might give moie facility to the ma jority lo do justice to the ministry. " Conservative vative traditions , ho said , were clear. Ho re garded the integilly of tlie cmpiio above all other political considerations. Ho favored ( lie inuiciial fcdciatlon movement , but his p'ans in ward to tlio manner had not been tangibly lixed. A German Statesman on FYauoo. LONDON , Oct. 7. [ Special to the Uii : : . ] The Times to-day publishes an interview Its Paris correspondent had yesterday witli Prince Hohcnlohe , the Gorman cmbass.idnr to France , respecting the recent election for members of the Chamber of Deputies. Prince Hohenlohosald : "In my opinion theonly pos sible way , under the clicumslances , to foim nstabo government is by the union ot the two of the republican sections of the Cham ber , as I am afraid the radical left minority wi t not defer to tlm de.slie of the moderate lelt maforiry icraidlng the government incas- ines. Kuioim has hitheito been eiiahlcd to live on good terms with tlm Fieuch icpuhlic , but the republic of to-inmiovv may diller tiom the icpuhlic ot ycstcnliy , and il tlio conservatives use their comparative victory solely In the inteiosts of tlio country , they may easily cnutiibuto towards uiainuilnlm : , or even impiovinir tlio iclatlons of Fiance with the test of Kinope. It. howevei. lliev should use their Increased toiccs todistmb tint .situation and call into question tliees tnbllshed older of tilings , Franco would unto" into no end of tumble and ablutions , nnd1' would ivqnlro the elosast watching bv for elirii statesmen. Kvcry oscillation Iu Franco nt the present nioment mikcsn senslblo dlf- feienro In tliu political calculations which now occupy the attention of Kntope. " Downing the Drrvisdos , CAIISO , Oct. ( I. Olliclnl advices hnvo been lecelved fiom Uasalula , commander of the Abybslnlan expedldon maichlng to the 10- llet of the beleaguicd gaiiison nt ICaspala , to tlio elTect that after a severe liattle tlm Ali- jj-slniaiiK delentcd a large foicoof deivishes nnderOsiiinr Dignn , mid tliati,000 : of the cler- v I lies weio killed in 1 1m encounter. The Ahyssin'an ' geneial is now inpidly advanc ing on Knssnla. f Floods in Mexico , CITY OF Mnxico ( via Oalveston ) , Oct. 7. Heavy mid d imaging rains aiostlll icportol trom llm Intel lor ami the valley of Mexico. At Leon , ovvlngto tlm yielding of tlm ntscr- voh.s on the hills abnvo , the city Is badly Hooded , and ninny bouses v > ere swept awav. Tho.AIexIcan Central i-allioad is maiii ) badly Inundated. The bildgo at San Fianclsco has iwaln succumbed. The vicinity of Leon lor many miles In under water. Mall communi cation is again Interrupted , . Tlio Stephen * ) Fund. Dum.iN , Oct. 7. The fund for thu benefit of James Stephens , the ex-Fenian head-cen ter , amounts to H > 00 pounds. His fi lends nrb greatly disappointed at tliu meagiencs.s of the subscription. _ _ NuOHldUcd Mall Kcrvfoo , , LONDON , Oct. 7. The Xcw Zealand pov- einment has renewed mail seivicu be- betwoeh Ni'w Zoiiland and Snn IVanchcn. Thogoveinuientsol Now South Wales and Aineilcn will contiilmto their shales ot thu subsidy for kcejiing Uio fenice in operation. The PliiKiiont Palermo. B , Oct. 7 , There weio 10 now eases of elioleia and 'lOdeatlis ' fiom the disease icglt.- teiol jcatciday In Paleimo. , . No Cholera In Franco. MAIISKII.I.KS , Oet , 7 , N'ocases of cholera have been reported In thlscltv since the -ith Inst. Vessels leaving this poit mo now ( granted clean bills nf health. lH or Lalior Convention. ( HAMILTON , Out. , Oct. 7 , Tlio gt'iieral ns- senility of Knights of Labor resumed hiisi- ness this vMonilmr. It Is exiK'letl that the KI J'j.i will lv t nearly two ' - . - . Tie ! re port of the general secretary nnd treasurer showed n nipid growth of the order during Iho past year ; that the oiganlznllon had been lirmlv planted In England nnd lielginm , nnd thattheic had been a sUudy Inereasii In tlm numberof assemblies In the southein states. It leoomnu'iided Unit worKlugmen should woikouly elglit lurni-s. n > gardless of wages | itld. : The nuestIon of wages would right Itself - self In a low months In the. neci'Mary em ployment of surplus workmen In con o- nneneeoftho shoilenlng of hours of labor. The Inciv.ise In membei-shlp duilii } ; this year was 75 per cent. Following Is the statement of Ihngtowth of tlm outer dining the H'ar ended Juno ! M , iss.1 ; ; Assemblies organlred , 7,011 ; reonraulza- tlon , : il ; lapsed , mi ; district assemblies m- gntiUed , Hi ; lapsed U ; lowil u.sscmb.liw In L'ood .standing , l.l'.IO ; mcmlMM-s In KOOI ! stand- hn. . 101.014 ; in arrears' ' , 7WJ. : Toml , llttir : ! ) . The b.ilaucu sheet shows the following : Total receipts , ? 4sTsl ; total expenditures , SttVXJi ; balance oil hand July 1st , StV-'U , * Perils oT the Deep. Nr.w Yomc , Oct. 7J [ Special to the linn. ] Captain Oanglhi and thliteen ollieers nnd seamen , of the wrecked Italian "Talis man , " m rived hero ycsterdny on the ( ieimnn bnk"Louisa nnd Augustn , " by which they weie rescued nbout 750 miles east of Sandy Hook , September ! iO. Captain Oanglhr said at the Italian consul's ofilco : "Wu\veiofortj- elght days out liom Pcusacola , bound to Port Olasgow , Kngland , and on September ! * ? , tlio liaik spnmg a leak. We managed to keep the vessel comparatively five fiom water , until we were caught in n revolving hnnic.uio or cyclone. The ontbuitsof wind were night- fid , and rnmo fiom nil points of Iho com pass. The sea rose to a fearful height , so ( hat we wcio not 'only In danger of having our masts loin out , but leaicd wo should bo swamped by the SKIS. 'I ho leak Inn cased and for lorty-elght horns die men win Ked at the pumps to keep the vessel alloa . while unbroken volumes of seas swept tlio len.'th of the .deck , thientenlng to i-.nry overj thing Iwfoio them. Finally tlio gale bioKe , but our vessel was In a sinking condi tion ami our only hope was in being rescued. The link "LonNn nnd Augusta" was sighted nbout On. m. last Tuesday ami she answered our signals of dlstiess. At noon she was only nbout JOOleot liom us , but the weather wns so iotiirhnslo attempt to lower a small boat would bo dangcnms , and as our only alteina- tivowasto attempt to ii'leaso ourselves wo put oil in our long boat. In n few moments we were on the deck of the Column Our vessel was n peifect vvieck and was only kept alloat by her cargo of lumber. " Human Chnltel. CIIICAOO , Oct. 7. [ Special to IhoBnrv ) Last evening nbout sundown Police Otllcer iicaidnn , of the Central detail , brought into the station a small sample of human luggage labeled : "Henry Jnbobs ; shipped from Cranite Falls , Minn. , and consigned to the Home of the l-'ilendless Chicago. " The label was a United States express caid , bear ing also tlie inscilpllon : "Haggago masters please handle w 1th caie. " The poor little or phan evidently contained something mine pieclons ho had a beait tor teal's which How ed fast mid Ifurious when he was sKiken | to of his father and mother. The lit tle fellow said he thought he was ten joins old. Ho did not know where be was burn , or whether ho grew like Topsy in "Undo Tom's Cabin. " Last spilng no was ing horses attaehxl to a coin cultivator nnd hailing cattle. Alter woikiug there haul all summer , the stock laiser now sends little Homy back to Ids lormer home at the Ilome of Ihe Fiiendless , wheieho will make his w inter iuaiteis. ] Ho was kindly received by tlio million. National Women's Congress. Iis : MOINIS , Jowa , Oct. 7. The national women's congress met In this city to-day. Theie was n veiy laige attendance fiom all parts of the United States. Meetings were held this forenoon , afternoon nnd evening , the loienoon session belngouly lor members Julia Waid Howe , of Boston , piesldcd , and gave the opening address lids uficiuoon. Mrs. H. L. T. Wolcott , of Boston , read a paper on "Woik of the world's women. " A paper bv Miss Frank WHIaul , of Chicago , on the woik of the Woman's Christian Touier- | niicc Union was next read. Iu the evening Julia IIowo Smith , 5f. IX , of Chicago , nnd a iiapor on tlie need ot adjustment between business and social life. Aiming the prom inent ladles present , outside ot Iowa , aio Miss Ada C. Sweet , late pension airent at Chicago : I lev. Augusta Cooper , Bristol , New Jt'isuy ; Dr. AUDI O. Fieiieh. Ur. L"ila ( ! , Boded , IhiiinN : Miss I.Ha itaincy Savles , Conn. ; MissM. K. lllatchford , Boston ; Mis. Pauline Uerry , Bjston. < . Mcnicaii CoolloH. WASHTNOTON , Oet 7 The consul of the United States at Utmymas , Mexico , Infoimed the dcpai tmcnt of state that btateinentfi made in viiiions nuxvspipors that there mo thou sands ot Chinamen in his district and that the same aio helm ; Ruieptltloiisly iutioduced into the United States In contravention ot the iiisiiietmn net ofc'oimress. are iinlrue. as tin- total nttmher of Ch nanicn in that co'isular disliict , does not exceed ! - " > and tlieso mo ncaily oil employed in shoo nnd talloiiu < . ' Ini'toiies and have no desire to leave their piesent pi out able po-itloii" . No addlllon.s 1110 being made to their numbci-s. TIIR liUIlLI.VGTON'S nACK-UP. nni'oirr THAT ! UK n , * M. IBAIIOI'TTO wini- IMIAW I'llOM Till ! 'I ItANhCONriNnVrAL. SAN FiiANOisf-o , Oet. 7 , A diaft of Iho Binlluglon & Mls'souil Hlver niiiioad on the Southern Paclno udlioad compa ny , hai-cd on tlm nppoitlonment of ihe tianseoutlnenial pool business for the ln > tnlx mouths of this yearhasbeeii lelmned unhonoied. It Isieiioited that the Hiillnglon ; t Mls.somi liver intlioad has given the.iie I'i'ssniy thlrtv ilnvn' notice to withdraw fiom the tianscontlncntn pool , ninino Kncournues Kornkor. CiNfiVNATi , Oct. 7. Judie Foiaker lo-day received the following dispatch : AUCIUSIA , Me.Oct. 7 , IIou.J.B. Fornker : The Interest in your contest inpidly IneicasM In Ihe east , with stroni : conmleuce In vonr victory. I regret evliemcly that It has nut IMTD in my power to take pait In the Ohio ciinva > , . [ Signed ] JAMIS : ( ! . ULAINK. . No Indictments at Hook Springs , w OIIIIKN Hivcn. Wyo. , Oct. ( i. Tlio jrrnnd lurv. which Ins been In sr t-liin hero hlnre last Filday , enteied court this uftcinoon nnd iop"iled no bill ii'-'aln-t ihe "Ixteen persons ai rested In ronnictlnn with tlie Chino < iili > l 't Hock Spiings. About thirty have been e.\amlued , and the Jmy havobefii vmy tliouunli In tholi Invei-tlgatlon of tin * affair , but It Is rnmoird that tlie eases will bit taken int'i the United SUttej con it. Punhody r'durinlfonnl l nnd , Xiw ; Yom. . Oet , 7. Tno uiistees of the Pcjibody educational fund met to-day. The lepmlot tliogeneial awnl was rnillo voliiiu- Itimi- . It dwelt upon the rapid ndvaticem , which had IHTII made dining llm past vear in ediiealioiml methods In the Mintlicin s.iU | > s how pnblli'senlimenl had levolullonl/cd Iho public scliool Mvstems : hriw HIM ) ieo men mo now cn.oIIIL' . | manv school prlvlleuvs hltheilo denied Iliein. Tim sum ot fe'iT.ICTi loin thu tiinil wnpild out dining the past ) par In tin- states. President Cleveland was elected a mi'iiib'-rot ' the bo , ml nt' tlitsteeto MUHVCI ! ieneial Cninl. Hiid J. Plerieimnt Morcan lo mceivd Samuel Whelmondevn ed. In Iho evening the iiiinnal b.iminet vas at the I'M Ih A wnm > hoi.'l. I-X-I ii-l li'ni l.'n"e' .i ' H. ll < is , nnd wife , f oh vc-re nm < > ; ' ' > > rlit. . HORN , IIA1I AND HARVEST , Yesterday's Transnotiona In Cattle , Provi sions nnd Grain at Ohlaigo , ON 'CHANGE AND AT THE YARDS. Cnttln Slightly Share n. Gen eral Advances Wlicnt Taken For eign Strength Had Wrntlior JlooHls Corn , Kto. Chicago Stock Mnrkot CincAdo , Oct. 7. ( Siteelal lo tlio Bnn. ] CATTI.I : Iteeolpts of cattle for the day t ,000 against MiM ( last Wednesday , making about lorthe week so far against ! i ! , X ) for ( lies iiuo time last week , Pi line native steers were In active demand nnd again sold at n email advance , making nil advance of l.X& ' Oa for the week so ! ar. Sales this inniiilng In- clmini Mime us line and llnlshed natives ns have been on llu maiket. this season , nnd Mich wild for S3 W ( < ? o-JO for nvcingcsof l.oOO Ilisnud npwnids. Choice natives of l00 ! ! lo 1,400 Ibs Mild at So : , i'i M ) . Tlm oidlnary urn of sliipplngrnUlonnd such ns thu dressed beef npei-alont use , In Inct all useful natives , have not advanced with the best nnd me only In belter demand fo.llng at Sl ! 60 < $ ! b7 , ' < f. Te.xnns and runners weio quoted rather higher than yesteulay , jet extensive sales carefully classlifcd below show essential changes. Stocheis nnd feeders were slow , and the stock calf liiide was rather quiet , A cold , dilzzliiig ndn during the aftcinoon somewhat Intelfeicd with stockeis nnd the calf trade. Shipping steeis , Ia30 to 1M)0 ) Ibs , S5.2rCi .sn ; 1,200 to 1V40 ! Ibs , S-0 ) ( f0 : ; tV > 0 to 1 , ' X ) Ibs , S2.TxS4.0J. ; SlucKcis and feedeiu wcio unchanged nt f--'XXgtt . 'i. Cows , bulls and mixed , frl.tti > ( * 4.00 ; bulk , S'J.7n@Vi" . Tlnough Texas cattle weio unchangedsales ; , l.OOOhead : S2.7I ) lor cows and su : > 0 < . * 5. 10 for steers. Westein langer.s wvio active and un changed. Natives ami hali-biccds , WJA ® fc4.hO : cows , { J.NXJKl.riO : wlnteiod TOMIIIS , S.ltiit'l.sri. : ! ( ) Sales of northern rangcis. Ills Colm-.ulo Texans , I.OiS Ibs , at S.'i.-Ci ; H Color ado Texans , itM ( Ihs , SJUiTi ; KM Colorado Texnns , ! , ( ) : Ibs , S'Uio11 ; Colcnado TCMUIM , lub : ! Ibs , # : : IM Neluiiska Texaus , 1,0(15 ( Ibs , Sil.KO ; v48 ! Monliimi , IU > 4 1U $ . S4.SO ; 10 Montana cows , 1.1S1 Ibs. s.M.iX ) ; : ' ( M Dakota , ! , Ibs.m \ \ 114 Wyoming , 1.171 Ibs , Sl.JW ; 147 Avondiig. . lteO ( Ibs. H.-'O ; Ki AVvomlnir Mivv-fc , OlMbs , iSSAM W ) Wyoming cow's , 1OW Ibs , S.1' ! ! ; 75 Wjomlng , l.ltr. UN , S1.IW. Texas langeis. 24 , .Vc ! usJ.M ) ; sw , same , : : Vli cows , Wl Ibs , Sl.lO ; : ( il eovvs , 7.VJ Ibs , S.10 : ( ; ll.'i cows , KT , Ibs , : > ; l y cows. M)7 ) Ibs , Si.if : , : IM : cows , 817 Ibs , SH.15 ; : a rows , S71) ) Ibs , { tf.40. lions Iteceliit.s of boss lor thodayworo ± 3,001) ) , atralnst ( s.074 last Wednesday , making about i ; ! ' , ll.'i for the week so far , against -l.S.s ; for the Mime time last week. Trade was active and piiees nitlier iiregular , yet taking tliu aveiago them was little or no change. Bough and odd lot.s sold aionnil about $ : i.4Uftii.riO. ( ) Fair to good paeke.iti , SH.I15 ( if-1. ir , mid choice heavy. t > : i.N5 ( < > 4.03. Llglit soils weie quoted .r > c liigher. and sold within the range ol SU.U.'XiiM.u.'j. 1'igs that woio not above suspicion -sold as low as $ ( , . Ke- cclpls. iiono. ! itoiitrh nud mixed , S.IW@M ; ) : ! ( ) : iincking and Miliipiutr asu tonro | | H. M.ilO ! MB ; light weiglns , JM ) to 170 Ibs , S = t.50@.7r. ! ) ; IbO lo S10 Ib-j ) . Skips , & . ' , r&lAQ ( Chicago Grain nnd Provision. CIIICACIO , Oct.7. . [ Specinl to tlio Uni : . ] Wheat Theio was a slioiig feeling -wheat to-day , the resu't ' of lirmer cables and an advance - vance In quotations nt Llverjiool for all guides of American wheat. The inaiket hero opened } & higher than lust night' * closing. at SIB for Xovemhcr , with n few sales nt StiJiCc. Some big lots changed liniidsat these llgmes , but after the lust half hour dado was less cx- eited , and under some prcssuie juices fell tucktobT c , with n few sales at Mbc ; ! , but rose again and closed on the legiilar boaid at hilXS 'Ke. ' Kcceipis weio generally lighter I him had been anticipated , and the demand for domestic milling pin poses wns good. There was steady bti.ving thioughout the en tire sexton , with a stiong fei'ling nealn In the altei noon. November closing at 'vsas ' ; the latest trading liu'ino , or neatly the jirieo cur- em rent at any timoduiing tlie entire day. COIIN Among coin tiadi is the talk was that n continuance of the present weather would woik against nny veiy InrKO receipts In the immediate future , and this uniiBiuil stienuth to iie.u In ines. October ndvnnclnff to 4Hi'c ' ) and closing at outside ligurc In latest Inidliu icceipU , ofoats weio light and thera was miner 111:11 : ket. due In ji.nt to strength shown In corn , chulng iicmus wcio n nrao- tion hlL'her than yesti > ida > , Pnov'isio.vs weio. steady with an ndvaneo of 7 ( i'l ( ) < ! lor poi k. Lvnn In laid there was very urgent de mand for October delivery , prices innnlng up to Iffrinjfc , while other fuiuiiw vveio2J < fa ( 5c higher. Innocent Hljjaniy. CINTKAI.IA : , III , , Oct. -.Special ( to HP BII : : . ] Several years ago a ( ieimnn emigrant settled In Maillion county , Illinois , having lelt Ids wlfo In the o'd eountry. Alter a while hos.Mit for her. but shcicfuscdtocmno , and In.- , tea I t' ' o ( f.'rman'i s s -lii-law miiiro thoviyage. and whuii tho'Cerman leained thai his wife bad infused ( o come , humairlid his slster-ln-law. Soon afteiwaid hli liist wlfoiinlved. and the ( ioiuriu allowed her to laKe her piopei plneo In hl.s home. The second end wile mintfesled no III will , and matters 1 would haviigoiiuoii .swimmingly hid not the uclghhois Inleifeied. The ) ean"ed Ids aiiest on lh < < charge of sii'taluln r maiitnl relations wllh hiith ol Ilio iilsieis. The delendimt gnvo a di tailed ac'-ount ' of Ids doings , nnd con vinced the c mi t that no offense against tlio lawn was iiitoud d , and ho was allowed hhi lieedom again on jiiomlNlngto keep only ono wife. The lamil ) l now iulto | niimcuni.i. Collojjo Ha/Jn-r Iiiillfjnlllen , ( lAi.i.situno , III. , Oct. -Special ( to the ! ; , . ] No llttlo excitement exists licro In college chcles because of the ha/.ing of a. student named A. J. Slngsen , who Incinrrd the eninliy of several Knoeollegii boy Fri day night la-'t by helpiii'- the janitor detect Ilium wlilloeiiuM''dl in mNcliicl. Since then his loom has Intel ) tinned up hldo down ; n holllo Idled with vlln .stulf has be.'ii liiiovvu thromrh his window : he lias been hung in clllgy and semilloiis liiindhllln. iH-arlng tomb- .stones , Nkitlls and a versa dedlesiled to him , hnvo bo MI posted generally over tin ; college Imildlinrs. SluuKeii is mad nnd now lliiun ) of wilt'liting his wtoiii.'rt Imfojii the grand jury. The faculty , students generally and public sentiment hein back him up , Ho la pour and woiMng his wn.v Our Oratory Won't Krrvo Ireland. Hosro.v , Oct. 7 , ISpecial to the Hcn.J Upon Ihe commlltei ; appolnlcd at Iho llronk- Iv n meeting oi Iii-ii i .viiipatliizcrs to go'to ' Ireland and asslit in Ihe campaign of I'.mutll nud his associates mo Coiigicssimtn PI A. Collins and John lloyl" O'lteillly. of tliju city. Neither o ! these geiillrnun laver the inojed , boll vlng U entliely iiiinccoHsary. an Paini'll clii-H inn iiei'dassistiiuettof Unit kind. Mr. Ciidin * KI d. when asUed if he would'go ' , ' \o. iioi'an > linit ) eNiIf they want to ilo nn > thiii. ioi ihcraii-e. why don't they do as otlicis mi ) dolnn' , > i-nd ovei moiievV' A nilllnnlNl'H Mni'i-la . > ; o. > CiiirAini Oct. -tspecUl [ l i thn HiB.l The m.tnlago of ( ienige F , Sluvon , thuc ham- pinii loiirleeii-liieh bilk lint ) billiard plaver ol the v\m Id. and Miss Nellie Foli % dnuiihter of Thom is Fnlcy , look place Hilt e\enli.kC ut the p.uochlal lesldeneo iif Iho Cliiiii-liiii thi'llo , . S'ami' , A inception wuf hrlda the I eix-uf the bilde's father , nfKiir v\lii' ' fl ! < ' . " fur * < i I mils. Mkiiy Im I ' i sh vchwen reu-lud.