Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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OZFXCL' : ITo. IS I'crxil ntrcot.
7' ' < vr rn 1 v n\rr' r in nny | > nrt oMItoclty nt
IVOI 1 } ( lilt | IT HI lie.
tl. AY.1'u.i ON , . . . Manager.
. /iilcr rents are now duo.
lit UT , tin tailor , fur fall good ? ,
i Fall and winter clothing to orilcr.
port in ; Lawlstrotn , 805 Main street.
I 'J h i o ! ' rd folk" are togivo a dance
JH I'l.itui r - hall to morrow evening.
I 'Jin lire nl.irnt just before noon ycftsf-
II ij i.itiHi'd ' by two crossed wire.s.
| ( > < t V'Uf hat.s curly and come prepared
lo earrjjiU'ny thun'm : at thu hntcarnl-
Tin' ' 'K. C. " evening train now leaves
Iho loc-nl dej.ot nt'.iOS p. m. , and the
lriii < sf < r i.t Jti5 } o'clock.
j The Hull' child of C. I ) . \\ator. ! < , whil 5
p < nli d1tt the table yeMordny , pulled over
h ti tpot and was collided quids seriously.
City warrants were being bought up
eMetdn. ; at luventy-lKo cents although
fi fi-w were sold for eighty cents on the
The display nt the exposition fs worth
loiihlo ( lie price of admission. Como
arlj nnd Memo H'ntH for the entertain-
unit. Itcfrutlmionts at all hours.
J. L. Cohonn , of this oily , special agent
for Iowa , of tin ) Dwelling IIouso lusur-
hnco ronmnny of Boston , na.s bi'en aNo
pippointi'il uu general agent of Nebraska.
The Hollywood company last night in-
riled tlii' ohildri'ti of the homo of the
friendless to attend their onlcrtainnient
free. TinHol'i woods remain this after-
pioon and ovening.
f NoNt Monthly evening ox-Governor
Fnirdiild i.s lo speak in Masonic hull ,
in'IT ' tins auspices of the republic. ) u
committee. Hon. M. 1) . O'Connell will
n\bo \ address the meeting.
Tlio city inny not bo making ninny
Ptri'ct imjirovemonls , but when as at the
Bust meeting of thu eotmcil n monthly
Dumber bill of about 0500 is prcsonteil ,
the people wonder where it is all going.
I" The care of \ \ hitc vs. the C. 15. & Q. : s
Ilil ! Inking n ] > the lime in the federal
court. 'I ho court will not adjourn before
this hist of next week , and will then meet
Bn Dos Jloinen , where Iho li'jtior cases
pvill bo taken tip.
I I'owder is being used in blasting off
fecetionsof the bluffs , it being eonsiilem I
li cheaper and quicker way of getting
Boose uirt than by shovel and pick , but
Iho council looks askaneo at the powder
'bills ' , when the city is called on to pn : a
certain price per load , whether the uirt
Is blown oil or picked off.
I Two hard looking follows were before
fho police court yesterday on a charge ol
being drunk and peddling without a
license. They had a lot of cheap jewelry
In thuir possession which they were try-
Bug to disposd of. As they had no money
| o pny their lines they were locked up.
IA follow iinnicil Irvin was yesterday lined
for being ugly drunk. He tried to hi'- ] ;
bfl'on the plea tlmt while at work in a
mine soiuu years ago a lot of dirt fell on
pis head , and ever .since that injury onu
telnss of beer would hot him ern/.y , and
imulo linn wild. The excuse would not
pvork , and he went back to his cell.
By some oversight the bills of labor
Rlouo under the direction of Supervisor
Vo&s , were not ) ) itt in nt the last meeting
of Iho council , and consequently the
workmen have to wait for their ptv. :
Carelessness on somebodv's part has
greatly inconvenienced tho'lnborers , who
ire certainly worthy of their hire.
The police foreo is making great prep
arations for the grand ball to be given in
thoUemple hall on thu&'d , and imrpobo
Jiiakiiigittho most enjoyable allnir of
the kind this season. Field's orchestra
will furnish the music , and every detail
of the arrangements is being so carefully
Booked alter that the baU'eaunot out be n
( CreatfiueceH.s.
Ono of thn aldermen sagely remarks
that the ! 0 collected from lines last
month in the superior court doe.s not go
Very far toward paying .a $700 poliee bill ,
to hay nothing of nieeling Iho bilks of a
judge at Spoiltn ) year , a elerk , and mar-
nhii ! and witness t'ees. The cash receipts
of this justice mill are not extravagant.
The temporary appointment bv the
council of Charles Sanderson as eliief of
ho lire department , tmlil a regular chief
sail bo elected , is considered as another
ipteleher for the 111113 or , who is getting
, .01110 . hard raps Inti-ly. Ho tried to snvo
l.wnlters , and it was reported that the lat
ter was yeotoi day boaMingthat ho would
appeal , where , no one heimicd to know ,
[ lint some of his best friends said the
thing ho can do io to quietly submit to iho
; Thooilyniithortiesdoiiot fieem over-
'pleased ' by the experiment of bending to
Chicago to get a lauey priced engineer lo
make sewer plans for the city. The city
ilias alread paid § , ( 0 for the plans , and
they do not seem to be what i.s wanted.
Jim engineer from Chicago wants the
city to pny him u claimed halance duo
iliim , and the eity by its council has de
cided to invite him to como here , and
make the plans more satisfactory , thn
city to pay him his actual cxponius , and
ut that time the balance claimed will bo
talked over , and adjusted if possible.
A sirango revelation was made at the
council niiMiting Monday night , Thn
bonds of .several police were presented ,
and this led to the inquiry as U how the
bonds happened to ho just handed in , the
men giving tliii bonds hnvingbeeu serv
ing for some lima on | lie force. It leaked
out that the bond business hasbcitn neg
lected , and 1iow ninny morn men there
are herviug its polieemeu without giving
any bonds , the mayor only knows. It is
certainly n way of conducting a
poliro force , and if Mich carelessness was
hhowu in any other department of the
eity government except that over which
the mn.\or elaims Mipreme jurisdiction ,
it would havn called forth the vilest
nlniso from him. U'liiln ho is spending
his time ( lulling fault with the city engin
eer , the. city nUoiuoy , and the auditor ,
thu mayor .should ! m putting in a little
tln > i ) In lindiiigotit how many ot his po
licemen have given hond'3.
I'ri/o Tor Furinc-rn ,
A jirnmiMin for the longest oar of corn
from this year's crop. For parlienlnr-
call on or address .J , V. Fuller , buyer and
Miippor oflient , com and onts.'Xo. U'J '
I'enrl Hroel , Council 1)1 ) " '
Brbstautiul abstract of title mul real
Vstuti ) loans , JV. . & K , L. Squire , 10. . '
Pisitrl street.
' Konmys on drnunht mvl by thr do/.on.
Finest tnvam soda with Iruil i rnpf ut
Leslld tVs Moiri'll's Central I'hiirmaey.
BiMeenth and ! ) ndgn.
If you wisli to nmko legitimately from
Ten jo Fitly dollars pur day wri'u to
Jinln vS : .Sn'itli , Xn. lit Fomth ctreut ,
Jilnii .
Hat Carnival.
[ " ' U'lu ) following is iho progi ammo for
i Ihu entertainment at thu u\poilion tu-
I night
I Musii'Jbvn'liin band. Illustrated
i/ending - " 'I ho lint" MUs Cnrrlu blov-
'MIR. ' nlei'ihls > ohn Wedding Mar li
llnvnriuii Iniiid ( iraiidVeildirj ; I'to-
i > ef. m I'i'il ' Tnlilrnii. Hni ( . 'nrnivul and
' ! ir : ; Td Mir < h ! ' < ! by the wedding party ,
fe'ji liih en i..ouo joliin , wearinrr thnir
invi'l I'l'foi'i iho > > Airs L.
| V 'I'ulh v , Air * 11 S. ' 1 .u i r. Mrs.
ni i lor > . .Mr. K. i : JS't , . ! . . . - , .Mr.
JIM man
Tie Mayor's PromiinptiotiB Lf7j on the
Oity Exohofiner Nervy Bill ,
The Clty'H I'limncrs-Tho I'n Hl y-
( oi'lnti WomenSi MxpottltIon-
Cost of Street ri
'i'lio Mayor's Cml .
When thn mayor was justice of the
peace ho managed to well his fee bills
te n goodly HUM. ' , and on every occasion
when he gets n , nibble ivl th" public crib
ho takca big mouthful , and sometimes
bites oir more than ho can chew , though
never lest , lie Im-s lately been trying to
gel the city to allow him n lot of old fees
wliit'h ho charged up in poll tax cases
when aetingas justice. Failing in tit's ' , ho
| ) iv ents another elaim for $535 for of-
lieo rent , attendance upon oIlieepoMago.
etc. , largely "etc. " In this amount was
? ! ( ) lor oflice rent , but us the
eity provides in its building an otlico for
the mayor , the council has \uoly deeid-
ed that the mayor ean occupy that with
out expense , or at least ean hardly expect
the city to jjay the rout of n building
which ho claims to own. and which he
uses for a.private business of his own.
If his business unturo is , as appears , a
losing one. In1 can hardly expect the eitj
to foot the bills and to draw Irons the eltj
treasury pa. > for throw ing mud at respectable
spectablo citizens. The council has lopped
pod offlhN $ ieo claim.
The other part of thn claim wasfoi
. ' KM for postage , "attendance on olliee , '
licl , etc. While not slated in thn bill ,
Iho . * . " ) N supposed to bi > for postage , fuel ,
etc. , anil tlieiJKiU f ; > r''ollieo attendaiieu. '
Iu > t wliat the ollifo attendance means i > >
i mystery. Ilu bus M-voral olllcn boys ,
large .si-/.e , looking like men , and noting
Ilku children , un < l perhaps this is tivpny
them off. but as they are at work mostly
on hh .smut mill , and doing but little or
nothing for the city , it seems that I hey
should bo paid out of thu
Ijroeeodq of tun mayor's gigan-
lie business , but i's the bill 'was
audited by Alderman Mynster , and as
the mayor's salaiy is not very large for
( he right Kind ot'a , council
did not want to establish too small a
precedent , and so fn\oied this minor by
allowing him to t.ike $16."i from the eity
treasury. Thi.s will doubtless cover the
expenses of the mayor's peculiar olliee ,
as the olliee is S' conveniently located
Vint the eity clerk can be drawn on direct
for envelopes , ink , pencils and stationery
needful for the mayor's business.
The City Purse.
The finnm'ial condition of the city is
shown in detail by the following quarter
ly report of the city treasurer :
roiicefimd s snr.s
Old huwnnmo . l .r
Cr.ule . 27S.-J5
I'.nk . 1.3T.
Mliiary . (
Levee . .T > ! ) .fiO
.luiknient . Kl.r ) : ;
CinbiiiL' . I1' . . . ' > S
Dlstl ict No. 1 , paving . 12.1KO. 14
ypcolnl nssesoincnt , sewer . 4ii,4S !
Council lilnirs wntur woiks . 10J.-J7
Total . S'J7,4T..y7 (
Concrni fund . 3 7.V- ( ] >
tntei i-tlion paving . 4jiHM
Dlstilut No. 'J , paving . .V'A.y :
Jlstiii't No. : ) , paving . l)7.tii )
JnttTocctiim sewer . : ; ( H.4i
Tolul . SlS.l.'M.TO
linlancu c sli on hand . Sll,2i0.53
at I lie Imposition.
The second annual exposition of the
Presbyterian Women's Kxehange has
fairly opened , and will be continued for
a week or more nt the skating rink. The
exterior of the building has been decor
ated by streamers and presents an at-
trnetivo appearance , so that even the
stranger who chances that way cannot
miss the place. The interior is indeed
like a small but genuine exposition , and
while other expositions may have a larger
number of exhibitors , yet few can equal
the taste shown and the variety
of attractions. The Women's Ex
change was orgnni/ed for the
purpose of helping build ami
tnruish the new ehiiieh , and the ladies
have not ceased their labors dining the
pn.stycar. but have done nobjy in various
ways , and make this a crowning effort to
secure the necessary means for furnish
ing the church with pews and other need
fully. This organization is officered by
Airs. ( lOorgoT , L'hcliis , president , Airs I.
A. Miller , viee-pre-iilent ; Mrs. K. 1) . V.
Fisher , secretary , and Mrs. W. U. Wirt ,
The exposition is certainly worthy of
being visited by every man , woman and
child in the city , and 11111113' train outside ,
and especially from Omaha , arc expected
to attend. A number of the merchants
have made very line displays , creditable
to the city as well as lo themselves. The
Chicago Tea company , under the man
agement of , ] . ,1. .Melntyrc , has a very
pleasing oriental sort ol a display of
their goods. The Boston Ten company
has arranged about sf-J/jOO ot groceries
and oilier goods In their line , and a liner
arrangement has never been seen here.
Mr. Mornlos has lor twelve years nr-
r.tiigcd exhibits for the St. Louis e.xiiosi-
lion , and he has brought to bear nil bis
experience and UMu , and the showing is
certainly ouo meritingaltcniion. J. A.
( iorhnni , the photogiapher , has a very
attractive booth tilled with art trom his
gallery , photographs and crayons main
ly. Mtsoman , Itodda & Co do credit to
themselves and to their I'eonht's
store by tv rich slfowiug , especially
of cloaks and winter garments.
Mrs. M. Heifer has n verv
line display of millinery goods. Molcttlf
HUH. , without doubt , have the richest
showing of any. It consists largely of
tins , from almost e\ery ellme under HID
sun , and in endless variety. Their booth
is made of fur ? , side * ami ceiling , and
earpeled also with turs They also have
turnished furs enough for the trimming
ot the booth occupied by J. M. Phillip * ,
the boot and Miuunsnn , who makes a very
pleas-iii" display of Ids goods. The
Council Ulnlls Carpel company has lilted
up an elegant booth , and the showings of
window draperies , rugs , curtains , etc ,
is very rich nnd lusty. A dog guards iho
goods with apparent eaie , and proves a
surprisingly trim representation of the
canine species.
CoekovV : Morgan , the well known dry
goods men , have a booth which attracts
.special attention , for it contains a full
the "I'uritaii. "
nugcd yneht , ingeniously
formed of good in their line. Next to
ihis n real on/.nr appears , in which the
ladies of the exchange offer for /-ale var-
im.b fancy articles. This i.s one of thu
most attractive plnces of all. There is
also a lloral display , nnd ( lowers offered
for linlo. This f i in ehnrgo of Mrs , ( ! len-
sou , Mrs. Will llardin and MUs Ll/zlo
llardin. Then there is the hwcet booth ,
In which homo made caudles are to be
had , It being in charge of Misses Ida
Ciisady. hou Mlllnrd , Jennie Hnrdin and
Miss Ulnndnml. One of the most at
tractive showings is that of the jolllcsnnd
preserves , pickles , eU. , which are also to
lie MiM , Mrs. Kariisworth , Mrs. l-'rcil
Hill and Mrs. Phil Armour nro
in cluriro. Airs. Charles 1'ar-
nnilen has ehnrgn of n refrrRlnns
lemonndo booth , very nicely arranged
and ndorned. Several of thenooths-h.ivo
been furnished with drapingsnndenrpcN
nnd eurlains from llnrkncRs Uro , . ) . 0.
Dixby makes n dn/.y.ling showing of gas
lixtnres and nrticlcs in , tlmt fine. H.
I'Yiedmnn has a display of millinery
goods , which attracts the attention of the
indies and exeilos much praise. ( ' .Do
Vol makes n creditable vhowinp of hard
ware and stoves. Van Briml , Thompson
it Co display 0110 of their finest car
riages. 1 osier , the tlorlft. mnkes n line
shotting in his line. Thn ladies , under
the MiiK'rintendeiiey of Mrs. 1'rotity and
Mr * . IJaymond , have a line showing ot
The nrt gal ! ry is of course thronged
wltlulelighled isitors Thu chief attrac
tion is thu lurgu nnd rich piece of tap
estry , the work of Mrs. H. H. Stevens.
Pome elegant pictures are furnished from
Chapman's art store , and from I ) . W.
Hushiiell's. There is n line crayon of
( Jarlield , the work of II. H. iituwnrt. Mi-s
Hohae has n very liuu painting. Miss
Holle llnteher has < imie excellent show
ing of her skill Miss Jcs \Valker has
a pair of Vunititinn scenes very picas-
nig. Kuv. A. 1C. Bates exhibits n crayon
of the Cornish eoast , the work of his s'.s-
ter. Miss Ilattie Knepper has some
Rtudh's from still life , which are excel
lent. Mrs. MeNnughton has one of her
water-colors , in which and in crayon she
is very skillful. Tl-e nrtgallery is under
the charge of Miss Carrie Steven ; , Mi's
Mnttie Baldwin , Mir-s Ollio Woodbury
and Miss Ilutchin on.
Among the oilier features of the exposition -
position is the dining hall , whore lunch
is served at noon , .supper from 0 o'clock
on , and oysters in all stylus .and at all
hours are to be bad , besides ieo cream ,
eofl'uo and cake , in faclall Mirtsof tempt
ing refrcihmunls. This is in charge of
Mrs. I. , Mrs. W. II. Hobinson ,
Mr * . Martha Knopper and Mi 3 Anna
As additional attractions entertaining
programmes are arranged for each even
ing. Ln t night there wi.s a Shakes-
perian evening , and lo-ii'ght i to be the
great hat carnival , which will be one of
thu mnsl novel entertainments of all.
( Jooil music ami other features make the
exposition one winch will be thronged
with visitors to the close.
Co it oTStreet
The bids for .street lilliug , which were
opened but rejected at thn ln t meeting
of the council , show considerable differ-
nneo between what contractors are will
ing to do work for when they nro to be
paid in cash , or when employed by pri
vate parties , and when employed by the
city ; or paid in warrants or long-time
assessment ecrtllicales. Theio worn only
two bids in , one ol Fred Klein , who
offered to till Eighth avenue Irom
Main to Sixth .street at : J,3 .cents :
intersections ! iO , in general war
rants , 21 in cash , from Sixth to
Seventh streets , ; V , rents ; intcrsi'olions
! ! . " ) cents , and for cash , 2S cents ; Seventh
to Eighth streets , ! 7 } cents : int'-i-scctions.
: iS cents ; ensh , ' . > ! ) eent-s ; Ninth avenue ,
Main to Sixth streets , 0.3 cents ; Ki.xtli to
Seventh , : )7 ) cents ; Seventh to Eighth3s
cents ; inlerseetions , same as on Eighth
C. 1 $ . Mitchell was the other bidder ,
jffid his ligures were about the same ,
they being in > ome iii'-'a u-es from one-
half to one cent lower. The council con-
eluded to reject both bids as being too
high to satisfy the property owners.
The " " .
"WIsliy-WiiMiy" Ordinance.
The mayor , in his war upon the city
attorney , has tr od to make a new point
againtthat oflicial by declaring tlmt the
ordinance crcntin < c the olliee of chief of ,
the lire department , and which ordinance
has lately been declared illegal by Judge
Aylesworlh , was drawn up by the city
attorney , and that the whole trouble has
been caused by his carelessness and
"wishy-washy" way of prcparinir ordi
nances. In the council meeting Monday
night , the city attorney got it back oil
Hie major in great shape. Ilo reminded
the mayor in dear English that the ordi
nance which had been so moutliilyealled ,
' 'wishy-washy" was not drawn by him ,
but by Alderman M > nster , and "that it
had been approved by the mayor. The
mayor could not rally enough to make a
show of refuting the statement , and find
ing that the ordinance was a child of his
own political family , lie tapped with his
pencil on the desk , and urged the council
to proceed with the business , and not to
spend time on this matter. The mayor
should find out whether any of his pets
have drawn ordinance1 ! before he pounces
on no fiercely. Otherwise lie oils hU
own nest.
To the BII : : ; Notice is hereby given
tlmt thu people's meeting ns called for
next Siiturdn3- in no wisu authorized or
connected with smy labor organisation
now existing. This assembly will hold a
meeting of its own and in the interest of
ill men favoring reform in politics nnd
liromoting thu cause of labor. Meeting
lor members every Thursday night in
Uloonii i.sdn's.hull. . .
Jens SHOUT , Chairman.
Mrs. Moshcr. wife of Dr. L. Mosher ,
committed snichlu yiMerdav nt their
lomu nuar Walnut Shu took a dose of
rough on niN about It ) o'clock a. in. , but
it was not discovered until about three
liotirs nfterwnrds , when her two littlu
boys noticing that she was very sick ,
went to town for the doctor , AViuin I lie
loetor arrived it was too latu tosavu her.
Shu died at ( I o'clock. Ilerago wnsnbout
j" > , years. She and her husband had not
lived together for MUIIO timu , and they
iul : ipiarrelcd a good deal as tovh : >
.liould have possession of the children ,
Hid they had quitu a stormy Interview
tvllhin a day or so. This trouble is suj-
) oscd to bu the uaii e of her net.
Mrs. L. S. Amy and daughter. Sadie ,
, vlio havu been visiting friends and rola-
ives in Colorado thu last , four week * , ro-
urued hoinu yesterday.
Waves , Frizzes , Switches , Etc ,
iHAMrooixn ,
AND currixa.
laugsunt I'.nnpiulour , I.unirtry m * Other Slyles.
MHS. c. u Giu.irm : .
VJ Main St. , Council II lulls.
R. RICE , M. D.
"r oilier tuinora leniovrd without
| lie knlfo or iirnwliw of blood.
JHRONIC DISEASES or < ui hinds n
Over thirty yenra' urocilcnl experience. Olllco ,
o.ll I'eiirl btrcot , Couni-U lllilUj.
NOTICK Srcelnl r.iHfrilfrinentP , fiicli ns
1 oft , round , I'o I/inn , Tor Sftlo , To llcnt , Wants
UoimlliiF , etc. , nlll lie In'crlivl In tliU rohnnn nt
tlio low i-ntu of TUN' rEHTs * " P15H l.tNI ! fur the Inscitloti nnit riVIVJUJTl-S 1'KH LINK for
cnch t > uljcHucnt ln ? 'rton. ! ' Leave oilvcrtlo <
ur ufllco , No. | U.ronrl street , nonr
If ) ur.NT A new fo\on-riloiihoiiso. ! Itaqnlru
FOIt HKNT A fh-ronni liouiio , ten
wnlk tium lint-lne-- ) , cllywntur , well nnil civ
ti'in. For i out theiitt. '
nut HUNT No. 1UJ Ifnn1 on stirrt , tluro
iiioms. McMAliit.v * Co. ,
4 1'eatl Micct.
rou SAI.I : , rou IIP.NT oil i\ciiANni : .
RIO. W for fnlorrnntnii ( ! very llticral loiin .
li Thu Council HiiilN I'liper Mlll.coinplutn , with
IjOaixllllg InillbU Ullll tlllOU IICIUS Of
No. i'rt A lii liii < -t jiropprty In Clioroltrc ,
riioioljcii county , lowii.n 111 tr.ulo lor ucgtcni
lnnrt . Vnlnc. ittxuit { .4'KV ' ) .
No TO A lirwitirnl iiomn In tliotown of ltn.t-
lnir , Mills umnty , loun , for Nubrnslax liuiil.
Vnliiu. "W.i'i'JO. "
No 41 A aood lti < tno property nnd nl .o n
pnod lu-ililpiirc piopcMty In the loun of Clicnvn.
Mcl.onn county. III .low down tor c.iMior will
o.U'lmit'111 lurui'iti'in IntnN
No. I"J A t-plondhl tnrin , well Improved , 049
nuict In Dlokhi'on tonnty. town , jolnlnp llio
Ion nof Spirit Luku. 1'rlco , lur a fliort lime ,
$ . ? ' per nci c.
No tl ! ? to 1ST Arn four Inprovcd furmi In
I'lillllps coinily , ICiins.m , cnoh wltli it small In-
unmhianco. Tlioixiiiltai ulll bo o\clmiipoJ tur
unlncntiilcrcd wild land In NcbriKkii.
No. lii ; ; 4-dj iH-n-j In Holt county , Not ) . , partlr
Impiovod. ut lilt ; liiivjfiiln. Wants to exclninyo
No. 51 A line two story tjilok lo lilonen , OIIP
of tlmbcst locnttnn In Council Illull * , lll
lor irooil iiiilnrunliin-cil KuiisiiH or
Innd" . Vnluo. M.-i.UOO.
No. iVmiul II Aio tirontlicr boiuitlfnl
In Coiincll lilulliS , txliicli cash imymtmis will buy
ut u b.iiv.iln.
No. til A bcniitlful sulutrlian loc.Ulnn In lowix
Cllv. loxvn.iil u.\cliniii'o lor wi-'tcin lands.
Vnhte. $ . "i.H)0. )
Tln'iUuno urn oi'h n fmr uC our 8'ei'lal | ln r-
pulns. If you vi' not nnjthlntrto timlenr M-ll ,
oiMinnt to M-ll itnyii'iil vsiitle or lii
\M'li ( < IIM. Wo hnxcM-ieinlirimd r-li
to tiiulu for lands. BW.xN' , V WALK Kit ,
Council tUuila , ld\Mi.
342 end 344 BROADWAY.
Mens Fall a Winfor V/ear
Mens' and Hoys' Ilnvlnrss Suits.
Wenanil llovs' DirsiStilf.
CIilMi-biis' UVIMT Dny nnd nrc = R'llt ? .
( ) veicoiiM lor Men , Hoynnd Ciill-licn.
Miuclinnl TiillorSmtH. \
Meichant Tmlor O\ invents.J
Itcrclinnt Tailor Ti oxv er .
Kcjnul to the liu-t , to order , I
At bulf the pr'co. P
1'ut Mons' Suits nnil Oxi-i
Lean Man 4 * Bulls nnd Ov'
I'nt Muns * TI-OMS-OI" .
Seiiinle SlihH mill Tro ei > i4 In Scnleh wools ,
Medicated Sc.ulots , I3\tni llc.xvy Hiilln l raim.
Fancy Colored Wools und nilx&il unnlliies , Irom
2Cc each 10 S1..V ) .
FOR Tim FALL OP 1835.
G-loves ,
Suspenders ,
Handkerchiefs ,
And Cuffs ,
Of ( Irstelnsi imulliu [ < und reui-ontiulo prices.
at ! nnd 311 Hroiuluny , Connull Illim'n , Town.
Lamps cheap at Homer's , ! ) Main St.
* *
Sanitary Hydraulic ( Engineers ,
Public ant ! PnvaJe Systems
of Sewerage ,
Water xvoiks ami Vpiiti ation dcsiyncil
mil oonstructcil.
riumbin xvorU in all its brniiclies.Thls
iompany have ono of the best assortcil
.locks . of plnmhiiig goods in the xvost
Kstitnntcs fnrnislicil.
? ow York Plumbing company 552 Hroul ;
vay Council Ulufld. Tclcpliono No 27.
In Council
Fir ©
Amtnll inoilcrn tmprtucmuats , call belU , Uic
iilann lioltt , etc , , Is the
Nos.Sl ' , , ! J17 ami SIP , Mnln Strcpl ,
MAX MOIIN' , Vroiirictor.
r.vr ron
All sljlei of'dcrs conMintty In stncl ! mndo
lie in pprucn pine vhink. Tbu \ cry bat ,
'No. W Pearl St. , - Council Bluffs
Over IlnslniUl'H nook Store.
No. 34 N. Main Street , Council BluTs , low.i ,
Tclcpliono No. til. All norlc wan-anu-.t.
I'ormrrly of Now Vorc ! ,
CutlhijT und 1'Ulliig r..Valjishiiirnt. |
l'o. 31 I'enrl Street. Council Illuirs , Iowa.
a. on'HT.u. M. xv. u. vt'ssiv.
, 5s PUSSY ,
PX 8 Q if IT
a n.
Thorough Instruction on fha Piano
and Organ
VOICE mm m mm
1'ei-ons desirous of iccolx'lnfr hiitriiollon in
thu nbovo will [ ilt'.iMj o.ill on or addioss
Prsf , C. B , Ifpfarf ,
NoKO First Avonno , Council IJhilVs , lo-.V
Justice of the Peace.
OlUccOx'or Ameilcnn Uvpro s ,
vr ,
No. n.'JT Ihoadwiy , Connull
Hair ( -foods of all Kinds
Made to Order.
Hair Goods of all Styles
Beady Made.
No. 337 Broadway.
Horses und iniiln * coiistiuuly on liruul , lor sulc
at letiill or In enrtimd loit < .
All slock wnumilctl aroprc cntcd.
\\'holi-iili' : am ] lelull ilo.ilnr- wniln nnd ti > il-
oil Imy , I'rlvoiiietx'niiiililiisiitUfiu'linn iniiu-tn-
teed. A , nni.r.v ,
Cor. Mil A vi. . nnd 4th St. , Council llluirs.
Our hnyf-r w\lies \ from Xi > ' Vork ttnit lin IK
HID lurKOslnnd oliolcusl line of
-A NO-
Krcrc > linn M In this city. Tlioso ( ? ooiU nro nnir
in riving dally nnd wo ! O-i > cctlully inrltu uvury-
budy to cill mid oou tlic-ni.
Oil Cloths ,
, Linoleums ,
Window Shades ,
Cornice Poles ,
Etc. , Etc ,
Council Bluffs Carpet Company
Wo shall ofler at ( HA3II .SALH , until sold , n Inr-o invoice of COTTON FLAN
NKLS at W per cent buloxv the prices heretofore asked.
10 dozen Blankets nt 'fl.M ' to S'J.OO , worth from $2.00 to ? 3.00. Thcso goods were
were bought at Auction Sales nnd will not be duplicated. 1'uiiuu will dt > wall to
secure thorn \vhllo hero.
Our now stock of
jjrioots ,
XDross 7'la/ii
Are unusually nUi'.vetivo : ind nuver sn cheap ru now oiVorjtl.
o rijaivj'l rttid our stock i.s well Kfsorled for hier'y Toll
TIGS i'y * * > * * > * S < . . * , l.y L.VJL. r . Ju tO - * - - * , JL , / .
1 ITS on "IT
Efo. 29 Blaia St. , Council Bluffs.
ll V a a
S jtL ,
Immense Stock ,
Eastern Prices Duplic
? ii for lltestratod
\Vniehon o nnd Salesroom , < l K. Mn > n St. , Council llli.ITs , low.v.
n 41 : : Iliomhaiy.
IIa\o roniorcil tothoir Ncu- Store ,
Nos.82&34Maiiiand33&85PearlSts ,
Wlii'i'o tlu-y havu put in a now stock of
Ladies' ' and Gents Furnishing Goods , Etc , , Etc ,
\vhicli nro the following lines-- :
Hats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens , Gents'
Neckwear , Gents' Und erwear.
TMdies' ( JJillflrmi's and Misses' Undcrwvar ,
Hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , I miles' Valises , Blankets ana
Flannels , Rockford Carpet Warp in all Colors. -
No. a. > Mini i'l Main 8lron ! . Council
No. DJ : ami il.j I'uurl Stnl. .