Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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Jud o Mitchell's ' Official Being to bo Qnw-
tionstl in Ilia fiupramo Court.
Blr. nntl Mrq. MnUlimvsoii In Ilin In-
snno Asylum /ItiiMim-iiMm'.i lunv-
jcr ArrcMntl rjlnonlti
Information A aln a .Jwlso Mitchell.
An iuiorlniit | ) proceeding wa = t hogim
! n Iliofliiprptno court to-day by Hon. V.
Vft Haiwom nntl Mr. Watson , of Ne
braska Ulty. It was tlio filing of an in-
Cormaliun against J. L. Mitchell , now
noting ns a district jutljjo of the Second
jndlolnl district by virtue of nppolntmRiit
by Oovornor H.IWM , who auU-tl under lliu
authority of an act of the legislature )
ptiswd anil upprorud March 10 , 198.1 } .
This act of HID logiiihitm'o it generally
conceded to bo in violation of flections 10
and 11 , article 0 , of Ihn constitution , fit-
titled Ihu Judicial Department , provid
ing that , the member of judicial ( lislriuU
and judges might bo increased in
1831 , and no oftunor than
onoo in four .yoar. Tim law
in regard to the fding of tnformiUon : in
the mipremn court in sitoli matters as
tliis , provides that the filing may be done
by the attornoy-goncral. Mu sivi. Uansom
mul Walsh requested tliu altoruey-gtju-
oral to lilo tliis information , but ho re
fused ; thunMipon thi-y , as citizens , did it
tliemsclviiS. Altornoy-Genenil LCCMI was
nasured by these goat lumen that the ma
jority of the citizens of Otoo county
wanted this question settled , but never
theless hu persisted in a positive refusal
to have anything to do witli it. .
It is generally conceded by all the law-
yew who know' anything about Ihu mat
ter that the law Is clearly uncon
stitutional. There is no more HSU
for two judgo.i in the second district
than tlioro is for a liftli wheel
to a wagon. It entailed an extra o.vpensn
of § 1GW ( for the judge , and $ lfit)0 ) for the
reporter , makinir a total t > f § 1,000. It is
Htippo't'il that Leesc'.s action is duo to
radroad nressurc the samu thai in-
lluoncod Governor Dawes In appointing
Mitchell , who is known to bo a railroad
attorney and as chairman of the committee -
too on railroads in the legislature somu
years ago rendered the railroad com
panies valuable service in defeating all
railroad legislation. It may bo possible
that the Hupromo court will endeavor to
dodge tlio I.N-HIO on Mime technicalities ,
bntifMilfhell is held in his phieo , the
tax-payer. ? of that county will enjoin the
payment of lufl salary , and then ( lie
courts will have to meet the issue .squaw-
It will bo remembered that about , two
month. " ago Governor Dawes appointed
Mrs. M'llthew.son , wife of the nupuriii-
tnudent of Pie insane asylum , matron of
the same institution. This action on the
part of the governor was not concurred
in by the board of pnbiclands ] and build
ings , to whom , in conjunction with the
governor , the matter was submitted. An
object , on was made to Mrs. Malthewson's
appointment , ami the governor was
asked to withhold it , but for some
reason hn refused to do so. The affair
rested in that way until last month ,
when the board , which is composed of
the governor , Secretary of State Hoggon ,
SUite Treasurer Millard , Land Comrnis-
fiioner Scott and Attorney General Leeso ,
met to audit and allow the accounts of
the asylum , The voucher for Mrs. Mat-
thowFon'H salary was not allowed. The
last meet hit : of the board was held on
Monday ot this week , when the
Kimio uourso as last , month with
regard to Mrs. Malhowson's pay
was followed by the majority of the
board. The principal cause ot disagree
ment has licon a conflict as to tiio propnr
jiower to appoint. The governor claims
that it is his right , while the balance of
the board say that it jays with them.
Yesterday after some discussion it was
decided 'to submit the question to the
Hupromo court for an opinion , and ac
cordingly the ease was filed.
Seorct.M'y Hoggon is firm in the belief
that the board has the appointing power ,
end this iwlmnenl is backed by an
opinion which ho obtained from Hon. O.
P. Mason , which reads as follows :
To K. I' . Hoggen. SeeroUry of State ,
and Members of the lUmrd of Public
Lands ami IJuihtings. Gentlemen. In
reply to the question , "lly whom inuM ;
the matron of tlio Nebraska insane hospi
tal bo appointed , " I have this to say :
Section U of chapter 40 of the compiled
Statutes of Nebraska , entitled "Insane ,
jingo lliH ) , " reads as follows : "Tho board
of trustees shall appoint , upon the nomi
nation of the superintendent , u steward
and a matron , who , together with the
superintendent and assistant physician ,
shall be styled the resident ollicers ot the
hospital , and reside in the same , " etc.
It this state is constitutional , the an
swer to the question seems to bo plain ,
that it is tlio duty of the superintendent
to nominate , and of the board to appoint.
The provisions of thu constitution re
specting the appointing power are as fol
lows :
' 'I'ho governor shall nominate and , by
"and with the coiihent of the .senate ( ex-
"pressed by a major ty of all senators
"elected , voting by yeas and imyr , ; , ap-
"point all ollicers , whoso olllcos established -
' tablished by this constitution , or which
"may bo created by law , ( and wluHo ap
pointment or election is not. otherwise
"by law , or herein provided for , etc. ,
"etc. " )
See si'o , 10 , art , 17 , constitution , page
21 , com ] ) , htalutes. The appointment of
a matron is ' 'otherwiseprovided bylaw. "
That the power to appoint : v matron coos
tlpos not lie In the governor is further In
dicated by the particular specification of
what ollleers o ( the insane hospital ho
may appoint. Section 10 , page iiOO ,
comp. statutes , provides that "tho gover
nor of the slate Muill appoint a Mipurin-
tondont , and may appoint an assistant
physician , e'e. , etc. The amendment
to this section taking effect June 1. IBtiU ,
does not eliangu Its character in this re-
spcot. There being a specilio designation
of the olllcera which the governor may
appoint , ho Would be without power to
appoint , any others , This principle of Jaw
' * ' lias become a maxim' 'i. o. "The express
mention of one thing implies the exclu
sion of another. " HoHpootmg thu Intima
tion thai the statute herein referred to ,
bavlugbeen unacted before the adoption
of the present constitution , it would bu
without ulfect until re-enacted , allow mete
to say that this objection is not tollable
for the reason that the constitution of this
htatu proudi'H "That no inconvenience
may arise from the revisions and changes
imitle In ( ho constitution of this state ,
and to carry the samu into effect it is
hereby ordered and declared that all
laws in force at the time of the adoption
of this constitution not inconsistent tlinre-
with , and all rights , etc. , etc. , shall con
tinue to bo as valid as if this constitution
lindnot been adopted , " Seo. 1 , Art. XVI'
pagns 5K-II compiled Matutc.- . .
1 am unable to discover a conflict bo-
twcen the M-ctlons of thu constitution
and- the Miitiiles herein cited , I am
thor'ofoiv uf the opinion that tlui power
to appoint tlio matron of the Nobntla
Insane l.osnlt ; . ! is vested In thn board ,
O. T. M.xsox.
hhortl\ after the convening of thu sil-
promt- court M-sti-nlay morning tliu Durr
ill biirniont ease was itikm tip and the
clnnf Jiisllcii roforroil the matter In n
committee of tlvo nttornevs composed of
the. following gentlnmou : J. C. Cowin ,
Omaha , olmiriirui ; M. L. Ilavward , Nr-
broaka Cllyj N. S. ilarwoo'd. Lincoln !
John Koiiziin , Having * , mid Mr. Kvvinjr ,
( .t'tilral ( Mly. The committee has not
yet HigmOil when It will mrcl , but prob-
s'bly thp time will bs set for to-day or to-
morrow. The investigation or hearing
will Uko plnco in the railroad commis
sioners'room and will bo attended only
by thn committee. Ihn attorney general
and the attorney for Defendant Hurr.
Ai stated In ycslcrda's llir. : , the atlor.
Hey of the Tenth district , which includes
litiffaln county , where /Immerman's re-
lea o was made , was in the cltv on bus
iness connncteil with the ease. Ho wouhl
not. at the time , deviil e his business ,
but It transpired yesterday that it was
for thti purpose of causing Uurr's nrro'-l
and iittdiultincn at Kearney to answer to
the charge of aiding a criminal to esonpo.
The M arrant musthavo boon scuved on
Hurr yesterday , for ho went , to .several
parties for bail. Thn Capital National
bank has n correspondent at Kearney ,
and it h understood that. Hurr went to
the cashier and requested * thnt lhet llicer.s
of the bank of Kenrnoj'bo communicated
with so that upon Ida arrival there ho
could furnish bonds for appearance at
the. dNtrlet court without di-liiy , Hurr
finds him elf In a dclcmnia which ho
hardly expected to got into , and it is
.said ho is greatly disgusted and worried
over ( lie prospect ahead of him.
A. G. Hastings , thodopulyUnitcd States
miuslml wht ) served the writ of habeas
wirpiu on the .sheriff of Buffalo county
was seen. He appears to take the mat
ter philosophically ami from \\hat hn
faid lie must expect also to be indicted.
The interest in the outrageous affair
remains unabated in Lincoln and there
are but few gentlemen at the state capitol -
tel who have a word to say in defense of
the lawyer's action. Ho lias always been
regarded as a sharp praotioncr , but Ids
most intimate frionus never thought him
capable of an.v such a brazen action as
tlint now put down against him.
Mi\llurr was not seen on the streets
yesterday afternoon and it was currently
reported that he left on the Hurlingtou &
Missouri train for Kearney in charge of
an olllcer , where ho will bear company
with Saviilo , who is already under arrest.
Later Investigations by the ltii : : reporter
led to the information that Hurr really
had been taken by the sheriff , and he is
now on his way to Kearney to meet the
consequences of his act.
Wild rumors that he would be lynched
lloateil around the streets of Lincoln
after it had been whispered what had
been done with Hurr , but there is no dan
ger of an.v fiich lawless course being
taken by the residents of Buffalo county.
Wore it'to Mindcn , where Zimmerman
was tried , that thn oflicorwastaking Hurr
some little apprehension might be lelt for
his salcty.
As is well known in legal and political
circles the last legislature passed an act
creating the office of county register of
deeds , thus dividing up the work ot
present county clerks. Some techni
cality arose by the passage of another
act which throw a doubt on the validity
of the law. Some time ago interested
parties and candidates for the newly
created ollioo brought the matter before
the supreme court to test the act of the
legislature. AH yet no decision lias been
rendered. In nearly all of the counties
candidates for tlio ollico were nominated
by both the republicans and democrats.
In Nance comity thu nominating conven
tion refused ( o put up a candidate , and
yesterday Senator Moiklejohn , of Nanco
county , came to Lincoln to institute pro
ceedings auxiliary to those already com
menced to find whether the ollice is
valid under the law. It is umlortito d
that the inattcir will come up before the
court to-day.
j\ letter was received by tliu mayor yes-
ierday from J. H. Carter , mayor of Shon-
amloah , Iowa , asking information of the
whereabouts of one Charles Ilardin , a
readout of that place , who left home
some time ago , and has since left no trace
of his abiding place. His wife , who re
sides in Shenandoah , saw an item in the
HII : : some time ago of an unknown man
being killed by the ears near Lincoln ,
and th'j present communication was to
learn definitely whether ho was the lost
Ilardin. The police , from a description
of 'the two men , fmtl that they differ
widely. Mrs. Ilardin will have to look
farther for her husband.
The Knights of I'hythias are discussing
the question of tendering the members
of the grand ledge a grand ball in con-
iu.ietion with the banquet , at their moot
ing to bo held in this city , in a few days.
Several of the members of the executive
committee are opposed to givjng a ball.
The Lincoln exposition , which is aux-
illiary to the slate fair , held a meeting last
night , with.I. D. McL'arlandin the chair ,
the principal business done was a reso
lution passed increasing the stock of the
company four (400) ( ) shares , and a com
mittee was appointed to negotiate and
sell stock.
Col , Crabb and wife met with a
very sad accident yesterday while riding
homo last night , wlmn in tlio .south part
of the city. The buggy wheel went into
a hole in the road , tipping out the occu
pants , the horses being spirited and ran
violently , and the colonel and lady wore
badly mangled though it is thought not
dangerously. The horses then ran
agamst a telephone polo and one of them
was instantly killed , The buggy was
literally torn to pieces.
Col , Wilson and L , C. Hurr are con
templating building a live story brick
building on the corner of Twelfth and N
streets. This when .built will bo the
only live story building in the city. Tlio
ground which it is to oceuiiv is 7ii feet by
ll'J feet , and it is said will be the iinest
structure in thc o parts.
llou. H , C , Dawson , of .Jefferson coun
ty , Nebraska , and formerly warden * } } the
state penitentiary , was nominated last
evening by acclamation for candidate for
county clerk by the republican conven
tion o't that county. Mr. Dawson has al
ways been a strong republican , mid Jef
ferson was his homo in Nebraska.
Ho no doubt will make a strong run , as
ho Is very popular In that section of the
District Clerk K. R.SI/erdlstrlbnlodyes
terday u very nicely arranged bar docket
for the October ternof the district court.
It contains ! ! 0 ! ) civil cases , forty of which
are for divorce , and twelve criminal
cieo.s. ; It is a queer fact that divorce
suits urn increasing rapidly every term ,
and this term there are just twice as
many a.s there worn last term.
The committee of citi/.ous appointed to
make arrangements and draft an ordi
nance submitting to tlio people of this
city a proposition to vote > ; ! 0l)0i ) ) to the
Klkhorn Valley railroad , the extension
of thu Chicago $ Northwcstnrn railroad ,
called a meeting of the citizens last night
to discuss the teiiMbillty of giving such
aid. The general &ontmiont heartily ender -
dor os the donation.
The chief of police of Lincoln , who is
so terribly overworked , not having had a
vacation for two weeks , has obtained a
leave of absence to attend the fair at St.
Louis , and it Is conjectured that perhaps
ho will learn something of how to con
duct a police force alter Interviewing
the dandy cops of that city. The oilUons
art ) holding a prayer meeting In his bo-
Freight train No. SB , was wrecked last
night about four miles south of Lincoln
by H broken rail. Several cars were
thrown from the track ami two tramps
who wcro stealing a lido wcro probably
fatally injured. A relief train with a
doctor wax suntoutand thu wreck cleared
after eight hours work. The regular
overland pussuugur train which arrives
at Llnooln from the east nj t ) : & > p. in. d ! t
not ICMP for the west until morning.
A. Specht , J , H. Presson , D. L. Mer-
ria.s , P. Pollock , Omaha ? J. Popperhursj ,
I'latliminnth ! It. T. Dally. M. D. , M. K.
Lewis , Wymores S. H. Craig. Hastings !
U. A. Hatty. ( . ' . .L Dilworth , Mrs. L ,
U. Smith , S. I' . Anderson and wifu , J. P.
Hyan and wife , H iitrlw ) ,
No. 2 ovcrlnnd train from the west
came in yesterday with a hcVvy : load
of pastengers.
There will be a meeting of First ward
republicans at Turner hall on Thursday ,
October 8 , nt 7.00 p. in.
The tracks and platforms of the U. P.
depot arc being torn up In thn worlrof
laying a new system of sewerage.
Iler's distillery has resumed opera
tions with a new , commodious and thor
oughly equipped set of buildings.
Some thief stole a set of valuable liar-
nifs from Hit ) barn of Hruno 'IV clmek ,
Jr. , on Twentieth and Fnrmim streets ,
The new police station hou e on Cum-
lug street has been occupied by two pris
oners hlncc It was oneiicd , one Sunday
night and one last niglit both drunka.
The transactions in real estate aVe very
largo-just at prcsont , the rush of deeds to
be recorded in the county clerk's ollico
keeping that oHlctal and his assistants on
the jump all day yesterday.
Commissioner Corliss went out to Valley -
loy yesterday to superintend some
grading which Is going on there. The
county now has two perfected grading
machines , one of which is in operation
near this city ami one near Valley.
There will bo a reception nt the First
M. K. church on Davenport stVect , be
tween , Seventeenth ami Kightuculh
streets , on Thursday evening , October 8 ,
to welcome ami gut acquainted with the
new pastor , thu Ucv. Dr. MoKaig. All
members and friends of the church are
cordially invited , a.s an enjoyable time is
Messrs J. A. Freyhan & Co. , thn whole
sale liquor dealers , ami the Fran/ Falk
Hrewing Co. , will build a three-story
structure on the. southwest corner of
Thirteenth ami Leaven worth streets.
The plans are now in the hands of the
architects , and Messrs. Froyhan & Co.
expect to occupy it before ninety days
roll by.
On Saturday last Miss Gertie Ohlhnni.
of Dallas City , Illinois , and Mr. Ilichard
Anderson , of the auditing department of
the Union Pacific railway , were happily
united in marriage at the homo ot the
bride , the Ucv. Har King oliicialing.
Tim wedding was a very quiet one , none
but the relatives and a few intimate
friends of the family being present.
Dan Shandy , an employe of the Union
Pacific yards , met with an accident Mon
day which will probably cost him his
right oyo. Ho was wrestling plnvfully
with u follow workman , when the latter ,
in fun , of , sei/ed a tall oil can
and commenced thrusting it at , him. It
slipped and the sharp point of it passed
into Shandy's right eye.
Harvest supper in the parlors of the
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational
church nc\t Friday evening , October
flth , from ( ! to 10 o'clock. A line supper
for twenty-five cents. Handsome par
lors , good company. The season will be
opened by the very best the ladies can
provide. Strangers and friends equally
welcomo. Come directly from youi
ollieo and meet your friends hero cvo'i
if you can spend only thirty minute i.
Ilcmnin throughout the evening if yen
I'MViilsh on TFonio Talent.
To the Editor : .Tustnt this tjm6 when a-
great deal is being saitl pro imd'con as to
the action of the city council in securing
Mr. Myers as architect and superinten
dent of the proposed city hall , ami in
view of the position taken by local
architects , ami the apparent hue and cry
that has boou raised by them for the en
couragement of "home talent" in this
direction , it may not bo ami s for the
writer to give to the pubjie his observa
tions gained in a practical way as to
the encouragement given to local talent ,
enterprise and industry by the architects
of this , city , a class ot men with but. few
exceptions whoso ndvont into Omaha is
of but , recent date , and whoso methods of
awarding contracts anil deceiving
patrons are of the most unscrupulous
kind. I speak now from a knowledge
obtained by experience. It is not o
much the purpose of this article to defend
the action of the members of thooommon
council \ \ ho voted to award Mr. Myers
the contract for making plans
for the proposed city hall , ( a
very wise and judicious selection , )
as it is to show a confiding public the
absurdity off the pretensions made by thn
pretended "home talent. " The policy of
this homo talent "outfit1 is that of the
dog in the manger. They wanted the
people to give them a helping hand and
some encouragement when they cnmo
hero , Now that they are in a measure
established in tills city , they are unwil
ling that thu like assistance should bo
given anyone else. The plea for the en
couragement of homo talent , emanating
from the source itiloes , is all bosh. Their
profession is insincere , ami calculated to
deceive , How much money , let me ask
the building public , has boon sent out of
this city to Chicago and other cities lor
iron work ncocssary in thn construction
of buildings since the advent of those
"homo talent" architects , ami how much
for iinsafo and "gingerbread" torra-ootta
trimmings ? Is it not a fuck that the
owners of every large building erected
within two years have hail to send to other
cit es for their iron work , solely because
"home talent" architects , of foreign im
portation , luivn seen lit to throw cold
water on honest homo industry ami en
terprise. Not alone this , but they seek
to besmirch tlio reputation of honorable
ami representative business men by
howling fraud , corruption and riiiglsm ,
It comes with ill grace for
"homo talent" that is comparatively
unknown in this city to try and injure
men that have boon lifti-long residents of
this place , men that havu grown up with
Omaha ami been honored by its citizens
with positions of trust , men who by hon
esty anil Integrity have endeared them
selves to all classes , and who have never
been found wanting in their support of
the worklngmen at homo , notably thu
chairman of the council committee on
publio property ami imnrovemcnts. The
cry that has been raised by tho'io archi
tects that a ring has been formed to shut
out competition by "home talent" on thu
city hall remimS one very much of the
old adage adopted by tlio tlilcL who , to
distract attention from himself , the real
culprit , started the cry of "Slop thief ! "
Talk about rings , I will relate a couple
of incidents that happened to me in an
architect's ollieo in this nity a short time
ago , then hit thu public determine where
rings exist , anil the Interest they take in
liomt ) talent and industry. I have been
working for a number of years in Omaha
as u journeyman at my trade. At the
beginning of this Benson 1 concluded to
Tsontract work in my line ( bricklay
ing ) and accordingly visited the
ollices of the various architects
and math ) known my Intentions ,
In one I bhl on two large jobs
and had the gootl fortune to be llio low
est bidder. I thought and hoped that thu
contracts would be awarded to mo , but
nhus for all my hopes. When the archi
tect discovered ( hat I , a new mini in his
ollico , ( though an old resident of the city )
was the lowest bidder , hu immediately
went to work to prejudice ( ha owner
against mo , and used M an argument
that I was associated with thu working
masses three years ugo. ami that if the
owner gave me thn job I would get him
into trouble. This is encouraging homo
I itcnl with u ( Venjjcancc. On another
orvasion a lirm'in'lhis city advertised for
bids for IIm orlH'rtim of u large slono
building , t went to the architect's ollico
to bid on the work , \vhon I wan told Hint
it would bo noii afor mo t estimate , n
the fiwnor hndHie man picked out to do
tlwwork bofcra hand ) other * were told
the .4.11110 tiling in order to keep them
from c slinaling. I have heard architects
say that I hey would never nllow certain
contractors to lijriirn on work in th ir
ollice. How Is thh.for rings and combina
tions ? Architect ; * of this city receive n
pnrocnfMjc" oiijthii oostof thn building to
nn nrcctoj as cVmibeii.'ation for their ser
vices In drawing rim plan , nntl often nn
additional jiorivqut to .superintend thu
practical construction of the
building , of which they know but
very little. This being tlio cast ) gen
erally is knot apparent to nil thinking
peopm that they are actuated more for
Mjllish reasons In having largo estimates
madn of the cost of construction than
they are in economy for their patrons ?
Of ) there are some architects in
this city to whom this does not apply. I
can cheerfully testify that the exceptions
have nix oyc Mnglo to the interest of their
customers , and that In their olllcos as a
rule work is awarded to the lowest re
sponsible bidder irrespcctivo of person ,
but as 1 said before tld.s is not generally
the case. Architects as a riilo are moru
the enemies of building labor than they
are its friends , for whenever this class of
labor seek an Increase of wages or a re
duction of the hours of labor they nro
met by a di'lormlned opposition from
them , a howl Is set up that it will stop or
retard thn building boom , andalfcct ttuiir
Interests by a reduction of receipts. This
Is ihn argument if selfishness and fcnr ,
but it works ng.imst the workingmen to
some extent. Most everyone knows that
no matter how much surplus money a
man may have or how much land ho may
own no buildings will bo constructed by
him until there is a demand for them , or
unless ho can derive a fair per cunt from
the investment. Men do not build hou&es
just to ndmlro their beauty and elegance
of construction. They build for
profit. or gain. 1 have animad
verted to this matter lo show
that their desire for home talent Is un
real , nml when used in connection with
Hie city hall , is done to retard and delay
work on that structure. The report that
If Myers got thu contract for making the
plans , convict ami alien labor would bo
used in its construction , was circulated
that a .sentiment .of sympathy might bu
created for the obstructionists. The pub
lic need have no fears that smh will bo
tlio case. The working people have a
staunch friend iu the chairman of the
council committed on publio properly
ami iniprovcments. Ho lias always been
identified with thu working masses. Ho
was a member of the first organized la
bor society in Omaha , and always iu
sympathy with Ihcm. When an attempt
\\s\a \ made in the council a short lime ago
to reduce llio wages of the city laboring
men , his voice was raised in opposition The public
interest is in safe hands when left to C.
S. Goodrich. Meanwhile , the building
public better * warch their own interest
by taking theiv , plans after completion
from tin.1 architect and personally receive
ami open the bids and give the work to
the lowest bitUlcr. Iu this way homo tal
ent wouhl bo encouraged. Omaha iron
foundries and Nebraska terra cotta works
would .reeeivu a.stimulus that would
place them iu the front ranks. The
money that is how being sent to Chicago
and other cities would bo placed in cir
culation right hero at home , business
would bo prosperous , and all would bo
contented. Kespc'ctfully , Hi ) W.VLSH.
Tin ; Jif.vsjitr.i..s ; TO-NIOIIT.
The boaids ayJoj-U's opera house to-night
aieheltl liy JEeXish , Jolmsoii & Slftvin. the
K'iutc niliibticl show of thusL-ason. The I'itts-
burir Dispatch says :
"The programme Is nMfTrrent from the old
style , Intrmluclng specialty business of a
higher onler than usual , Mich as the repre
sentation of famous stnttmrv l > y U'illinm
Alnliluon anil Charles \ \ ' . Mitchell , who
aio acknowledged to bn men of motlol
physique. Ot cmirso where there ate
such pei ons as Hob Slavin , Carrel ,
.lohnsoa , McNIsh , McAllister , and others of
their lilce , the siiifdn ; ; and actimr must neces
sarily hu uboto the n\ci.ige. Kvcryono was
highly pleased last night , anil theie is no
loom for womlciliig uliy thu audience was MI
l.uge. ft simply goes to pio\o that a good
show will do a good business.1
mr.Mi-TV nr.Mi'TV.
On Fiitlav and Sntunlay evc-nings , Tony
Dcnlcr'.i gicat llumnty Dumpty troupe ap
A number of Omaha gentlemen , in
cluding. ! . II. M ( . Shunt ! , Joseph Oarneaii ,
Jr. , and Churchill Parker , have gone to
St. Louis to see if a number of g9otl
horses can be secured for a fall racing
meeting in this city. It is the intention
to have a first-class .ot of races , if the
horsemen can be induced to bring the
animals , the meeting to take place about
the second or thinl week iu October.
Those gentlemen will bo able to lully de
cide ( ho matter in a day or .so , ami if a
good speed programme can be arranged ,
the affair will bu boomed sufficiently to
insure its .success , witli line weather. 'The
funds scoured would be applied to the
deficit of the fair association.
In Nebraska and Iowa during the week
euiling October ! J , 1885 , furnished by
William Van VI tfck , of the poslotlico de
partment :
Established Fairview , Lincoln county ,
James N. Hichul postmaster ; Vet to , Dawson -
son county , Adam F , Votto , postma.stcr.
Name ami Site Changed Moaklan ,
Sheridan county , to Hay Springs , Mrs ,
D. II. McCall , postmistress.
Postmaster Appointed Kuby , Seward
county , A. V. Stillman.
Postmasters Appointed Attica , Mur-
lon comity , Joseph Jennings ; ICrio , Linn
county , Frank J. Woilishekj Grand
Mound , Clinton county , William Fitz
gerald ; Nashville , Jackson county. J. K.
llalloy ; Olin , Jones county , W , A. Miller.
JlcndriufcM us n Klreniun.
Washington CriticVieoPresident
Hentlrlcks attended thu mootiiii' of the
State Firemen * . ' * ' wlnlion of New Jor-
hey at Atlantic Ci , j.istorday ami made
the boys a short but highly complimen
tary and pleasant t.peeoli. What Mr.
Heiidricks tlon't know about "runninf ;
with the niudhino" is hcarculy worth
knowing. ) _
Ho OoulIu'c See Any lin"oronco.
Detroit Free i'ress : Hu came down a
jmbllc stairway , howling anil screaming
as if in thn greatest agony , anil of course
the nearest pedestrian asked the cause of
his trouble , y 'j ,
"S-sat down'on iv bnmblobeol" howled
the ' ' ' "
"That can't ' 'boso. ' . Tlioro are no
bumblebees thin tlmu o' the year. "
"Then what was itV"
"A tack probably. I wouldn'tory over
it. "
'Mehboyon ' wouldn't ; but a tack is so
near a bumblebee that can't scu any
d-diffurenco boo boo , "
Two Hours Slain witli Ono Itiillet.
Detroit News : James Farm , who lives
at Greenwood , In the upper peninsula ,
wants the broom for thu best hoar-shoot.
Ho WCH out early lastSunday. saw a largo
she-bear , ami , aiming carefully at a vital
point , fired. Tlio lirutu dropped , and
when ho got to the place wheru bho lay
dead hu wus surprised to see a cub be
hind her , also dead , killed by the samu
ball. Latter In the day be shot another
cub , killing that also with one ball. If It
had been any other day than the Lord's
Mr. Farm would have doubled bis al
ready good record ,
1liM ) > ciiliiKH.
Frank ltclint.ciuluj ] ! suicided al
MoinoA b.y Inking arsenic. Ho was nuf-
fonng from na aberration of mind.
Tlio second anmuil convonllon of the
nrotlturhood of Hallway lirukoman as
m-mblos In Uitrlington on Sunday , IRIli
infll. I'ropnvntlmis urn bolng made to
give llio wfii't'l twisters u warm roeep-
A lilrotl-gtrl frttnlmt IIMI struck Dos
Molnes , ami mnny of the mo tarUtooraU
ic ladii-s arc doing their own housework
because llicy can t help it. Onn lady of
fers § 10 a week fur an cxpeileneed girl ,
and thu .situation goes begging.
It is estimated that Dau-nport capital *
Isls have mink Sl&O.DOt ) Iu mines in Colorado
rado , from whic.h not onu dollar returned.
The litmnl.son Mining company , organ
ized In la\onport a tow years ago , is to
bo wound up , and IU § , .0,000 worth of
luaohiimry closed out at auction.
Hishop Cosgroio , of Davenport , nccom-
panliul liy Dr. Laurnnt , of iMtisoatino , has
started for Homo , Thn object of thu visit
Is said lo bo to secure the uonsont of llio
propaganda to the removal of the Kpk *
* ojml VeshleniH ) from Davenport toDea
Jiloitic. ,
A. If. Hning.trr , a brakosman on llio
Murlin'flou roatl , was instantly killed
ntiar lllllsdalo , Mills county , by fulling
from the top of a freight , car lo the
ground , lln was a re-mlt-nt of Alton ,
hlonx countv , where his body was taken
for burial.
A 2-year-old child of Chat-In * tMdlllpa
lull inlo a cistern at Des MolnuM , and
while the neighbors wcro gathered
around to adopt means for reselling the
little one the grandmother , 70years of
age , jumped into the cistern ami handed
up the youngster uninjured.
H has bi'im ' ascertained that. Daniel
Walker , of Liberty township , Cherokee
county , who Mi mysteriously disappeared
.soinu time ago , has become deranged ,
and has beun lingering around the
neighborhood Hleemng iu sloughs and
haystacks and subsisting upon truck
gathered out. of the lields. It is probable
mat ho will be sent to the insane asylum
at. Independence.
Amongtho attractions at the reunion of
the Benton county veteran association at.
A'inton last week were three rebel Hags ,
one which lloatedovor I'embt'rlon'H headquarters -
quarters nt Vickshnrg on the morning of
.Inly ! ! , ISO ! ! , and two others which were
captured at Mobile in 1803. One of the
latter bore the regulation stars anil liars ,
and the other , the llag of South Carolina ,
bore the erosont and'the palmetto.
Quite a row was kicked up in Grace
cathedral in Davenport last Sunday because -
cause the dean burned candles on the
altar. The Democrat says : "This is the
( Irst instance of the use of the abhorred
candles on an Kpiscopal altar in Iowa.
Thn cathedral is owned by the diocese ,
and it is likuly strong protests ngain&t
jicrmK-sloii for their use from inaii.v par
ishes will bo forwarded to the standing
committee , and that the matter will re
ceive attention at llio next diocesan con
vention. "
"Wo do hnroby certify that \vc supervlso the
niniiiKi'iiiuins foi nil tliu Monthly mid Semi-Au-
mud di" winr ; of the Louislmm htnlii I.otlor.- ,
Coinpiiny , mid In person imnuiRO mid control
thsdriuvlnufs thornm-lvc" , unit tluil the Miuiiinro
conductrd with hoiif-ty , Inlinc-.s mul in
Inlth l ) ) : n-d nil inn lion , and uo iiuthod/o the
to no tfils. certificate , with
of aur&lgnutmiMnttiicIicil In
Incorporated in 1NM foi 23 yours hy the ! ojri -
Infill l'lor liducatlomd and CMuirftnlilu purpmcj ,
\vllhiicupitiil ot SI.lKM.tJUJ to which a io or\v
fund of over f..Vii.WO hns shioc lit'cn added.
lly an ovonvhelmlnc popular votiUs iiiinchl o
WIIH madn a ] iii ; t of Ihu pic unl citato oonstiitlon
udnplnd December . A. 1) . Io7'.i.
The only lottery over volod on and cndorsod
by tliB people' of nny ftnto.
It not t'lcall's or po-tponos.
ItsKraiid-ilnicIoniiiiibur dnuvlnss tnlio placn
10th O rand Drnwlnir , Clnss If , In the Acnilomy oC
Miiiilc , NIIW Orloiin * , Tuusd.iy , Oct. lath , ISA't ,
liwth Monthly
00,000 Tick oM ut I'lvo Dollars Haoli. fractions ,
in Kirtlis , in I'lnpottlon.
1 do do . tir,0in ) )
1 do do .
1Sl' OV . $ iiiW )
r ,
1)1M ) do 1,001 * 10IKi ) )
M do fiOll 1U.OOI )
100 do WW W.WK )
: ; o < ) do UK )
nee iu no
1000 do S3
Al'l'ltOXlMATION I'ltr/.KS.
nApprovlinutlou 1'rl/iisof $7.1(1 ( . fl.TW )
9 do do NX ) . 4 , WO
U tlo do I''A ) . "
1WI7 Prize. " , iinioiliitliw to . y.'fl..Vl ) )
Appllnitlon Tor niloj to clulu Blinidit bo niado
only to tlio ollluu of thu coinpuny in Now Or
Kor other Information wrlto rlonrly , ( flvlni ;
full addi-as. , . l'OS'1'AI. NOTKS , Uxpro-n Money
OitluMMirNow Voik RxcliuilKii'lii oi'dlinu-y letter -
tor , uurrunoy by \pic > s ( all sums of ffi mul up.
u'nrJ.s ut our uxpcnidu ) uddro od ,
' ' '
Or M. A. DAIJI'HIN , NowOi-loiins. l.n.
( HIT Sovonlh Ht. . Wushlnirion , J ) . U.
Mnlto P. O. Jrbiiey Ordord pabablo mid nddroM
cttcid to
ns , La.
Now Orlcnna , La.
Now OilciiiH , La.
Now Oiluaiw , f.n.
" //7f acquired /fading place in
public esttcm throughout the vor/J , "
British Medical Journal ,
May 31 , 1684.
Oj all arecert , Drufeistt , ( r-Min , tl'at. Dtaltfi.
Epljopsy ,
Spasmt , Coimil-
elont , Fulling
Dance , Alco/iot-
Scrofula , Klnjt
Diseases ,
Wtaknux , Uiulu Worry , JHwil Sura ,
B11I0113HC83 , CoituenM , KcrvotislVoatratlon ,
Kidney TrouUw ami Jrrtgulartllts.
Who carps for llio doctors' KiierrswlifntliU
Inralllblu iciiii'ily 13 at liiimU Tlio aliiclct :
v.illllna Itlo lie acoiiitltutljlsiiccm \iiiul
a fountain of vitality undvlKor. us retrfslilii'- ;
mid exlilllratlnj ? us n cool , mis ilnjr spilii , , ' ol
witer to llio jiMrclicd and inlntliiK traveler la
Iliudi-sort. To tlerlinu
wlipn nick Is to court BufTerliiuuiulliivitffleittti.
fSf Cwrro ) ioudouco frculy amvvureil. fcj
lie k 8. A. BICDHOSDWiif KB CO. , Si. Jweph , Me.
Hold by nil DriiBKlvt * .
$1.M per bottle , or four bottles lor $5.00.
One oft/io Largest cuid Host StooJf-tt in tlto 77. S.
to Select from.
Mo Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator ,
Wlinluro tiin-d nirnr tlinronUifid tlcor mul iinwer. "l" r *
Ihlv UU.tltf.S mul liOSa US , wlio ivrnwrnk.
iiuill tor marilKfo. , . _ _
agosswhp fln t oirJPOWER
rHrly'Tulil'iV or KXCK Flti. c" . i'flt .iiim > illlmmiil InMltift
CUm : , NO matter ot Imw lo..uniillnc tlio fKininay bo. or nlia
tut Ullca to rurc.lif n few m-rfcl nr innnilii ti-c , , i ilir colelimtea
liompwiiliotttpxi'iumi' . n > I.n S llino. umlior l.hsS mo met lh
olhrr nietlio.l InllietrurM. W c V b rV , lioaiinaho , MIISHIONS I ,
lllMlllOOO I
Married Menortliosowlio intend + o worn/ ,
" nKMEMlH'.n. perfect cxinil olrcnrlli iiiMiim , hcallli. lBt > rrn otf ;
rt-lne. Inns Ulo nml the lor.-nn't ri > > | > rcl ni lilllirui wlfo. Wmk inrimliuulil ri-ilurtil toli'f.r A
buinhn iml ticforo m a rrlnee J'roofs. InMlinonlnla nml tMnnl'lc trcatl'e ) i RUIIII | | .
nifitab.1877. ) Address The Climax Medical Co , 004 , St. Louis ,
nr.I'Kltr.HCl3 ! : Mercluims mul I'urinors' llnnlc , Davlil City , Null. ; ICoiu-nny Nittlimnl Hnilli.Kou- :
iu > y , Neb. ; Columbus Stiilo llnnU , t-'oltliubus , Nub , ; MrDoaalU'ti Iliiulc , Noi-lh I'lultu , Nob. ; OiiUtlt
Nmlomil Hunk , Omliba , Nob.
VVII1 pay fiiMoinurV draft with bill ot'liullnjr ntlni'licd , fur two-lbtiils valno oC Hloolt.
or Full Particulars about //-co nml Clwap Lands in Western Nebraska. Address PATTER SOU
& V1H1TC , Real Estate /Tjcnfs , tlorth Plattc. Ncb.-nsiia.
Growers of Stock ami Ofcliers.
\vi : c.u.i. A t'r.-.NTio.v TO
It U tlio bp t nml oliciJDt"l funil for stock of any kind. Onniiiuul is emml to thipu iioiiiiils ot
corn. & : ock fed vlt i Uruuiid Odlluko Hi llio Vail and Vv'iiuor , Inslcni ot ruii'iim ilnnu , will til'
cun o In welglil mid bo In Kooilmnrki'tiitilodoiidlllon in lno. i < r.iv. liiiytimti ) : us uoll m ottitus ,
\\lio use-It.cun H'-tTy to Its inoi'119. Try It nail jiulito lor .M-'iu > i-.vti < . I'lluo SM pur ton , No
. Ad4ro s WOODMAN LINS13tO : Oil , > \OI'I S , Onniiiii , N'ujnnkn.
oa ( i-v-a
: < * * 3 "
Commencing to give away Wntcrlntrr.y AVatchcs , from October 1st until .fnmr
ry 1st , to every | inrcliasvr ot' § 10 worth of j
1001 1'iic run SMVI.I , ( 'ornor or Hl.i.
1 '
olovutor to all Hours. 1201 , 120t nml l'li ! ) Vnriimii Stioct.
es -
Klado In Every Style and Variety JCnown to modern c T- -
Cooking and Heating Steve and Raneo Construction. ( C r- -
CES FROBI $10 to $75 , C2JSX- ss
The a bore Trarlo Martc Is a Guarantee ilmt Every Article liearng it C ?
/A / ? esf amf Best that can bo mndo for iho price asked. T"
Sexvare of imitations. If your Dealer will not . = * & _ - _
/ * * > jr
furnish you with a "Garland" write direct to
The Iftfiichigan Stove Company C ! ?
, /r < 5S
A. TUI.HOU1C , tln - . and rfupt. 0 , p. aADDLIIU , Asst. Unir.
H. W. DIAMOND , Aa t. Booy.
Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron works.
H V.llU'.Mrn.'ltlHM JtKII IlL'IIIUnlOf
Wrought Iron , Steel , IIowo ,
Tnms mul Cnmlitimtlim
/ > " K J DUES
I'ir ) Iliilliinind nml HlKl'iomU.
Turn Tables , Dtavt Spans , Rock
Trusses , Piers and Sub
structures ,
I'iou-lotura. |
V Mi I.OI.T1I , A H. A. WISH
'lfiiso aotid us word of till brlj u wur * t > i < | ) ' iduuixi iolidir-d Hum unit ncci *