THE OMAHA DAILY BE 1C , WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 7 , 1885. JQBBE DJREGTORY Agricultural Implements. JK & MirrcAtiP co. , Wliotpnlo Dealers in Agricultural Implements. OITico , turner Bill uuil 1'neltlo Stf , Uiimlni. Ncl > . " PAHUN. 6lUNIXltKK ! it MAUTIN , Whnlernlo Dcnlcrs hi . Agricultural Imploraents , Wagons mill 4 , Omnlin , Nub. Beds and Shoes , w. V. MORPU k oo. , Jobbers of BoDts and Shoes , 1(11 rnrtmm Htrtet. Omnlm , Nob. Jlnuu factory , Piiniinor.'itrert , lloMon. Carpets , _ _ n. A. ouciTAiTi ) ! Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , JttUtlliRS , Curtain Uontlt. Kit1. , 11 1 I'nrnnm RticM , Omnlin , Neb. _ _ _ _ Coal Urns Etc , , , _ " " _ _ jf.ri"w."nnDFonD , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Omco , St. . ) f * . lltb Ht.Otnnlia. N'ob. Yniils.Oth nnd Davenport Streets. _ Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. IJrstvmietle * Ollleo.SIH H. 1'ltli Rt. Tulcpliono No. UU ( , Omitlia , Nob. _ _ NiiMASiCAT'l'Kl : ? , CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , ' 'II a lath 8t.,0itinliil , Neb. Clr.o. C. Tow i.i ! , 1'reslilent. Ono. PATIUISOS , Pco. mul Tiou * 5. It. HUMIRIIT , ! ' A. III.CH , 1'iopt tutor. Hcliras&a Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. NUIlltABKA. OIJIco , Z17 B. llltli Stieut. Telfpliuno W. r. t.Atuiiir , Vtvi. U. ROOOIIXMN , V. I'ics. J. A. SU.MIIHI.\NI : > , beu itnd Tiuns , Omaha Coal , Goko and Limo Company , Jobber. ) ul bind and Mill ical , "O'J ' S. Ilitli St. , Oinubn , Neb. OMAHA CO A rAN U PHO II l/C 12 CO. Hard and Soft Coal. o di'iilurs In llonKlur , Colorado Coal , tioutli Colfce and Spices , CLAKKK lillOS. XCO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Toes , Courts Hi'lci-fl. llt'Uln 1'owdur riiivorlnjr liMiiiclx , l-nuniiiy llluo , InU , elo. 1I11-1U llui- liey tili'C'Ot , Uinalia , Net * . _ Commission , Etc. ISUANUlt & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 1121 Kill-mini M , Unmlin. Apples Our o n piiclt- Inn I'Jait A. ( o > * Tliser Imuid Oysiers , liutter , Iltrttfi tiiinio , 1'onltry , I'otiuouj. JOHN K. KI.ACK , General Commission Merchant , I'roduco , I'tovlslons , Vrults , Flour nnd Teed , B. lllh St. , Omalia , Neb. Consljjnniunts Bolloll r\ liuttirns imulo | ivoinjtlj" . Jobber and Commission Merchant. Cliccso. friimnt'i1 * . I'rult" , lliitchers 'Jools nnd Siipplli" . l l'i Jones St. , Oiunlui , Nub. " HOU5T & UIDDKU , , General Commission Merchants. 6riiAi.Tis : ; : lluttcr. lljjfrs. Kniolttn and Do- mcMIc Trulls. 112 S. Hth. , Omnlin , Neb. Tclo- jilionu No. Il'i.'i. i ) . A. : ( uurrY , Commission and Jobbing , j/- Jliiltor , UffRa ami 1'iwluco. A full liuoorstoiio- 1VIUO. COUiilHIItllCtltlj bOliC'ttCli. HU IdJO ) ) ( bU , V Oinalm. K. MOltONY , General Commission Merchant , nutter , I'nuf , Checso mul Country 1'ioduuo jrcn-'JS. UtliKt. , Onmlw , Nob. MCSHANK & SCHUOKDUH , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Kofrlfforntor nnd I'liulclntr llouj'o , lltli tt r.oaven- worth St. , on U. 1' . It. U. Track , Oimilut , Nub. Established 18T1) ) . HOUEIIT I'imviS , General Commission , 211 S. lllh St , , Oiu.ilia , Nob. SpeeialHes lltittor Vggfi , 1'oultry mid ( iiiuio. nuos. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , and 1'iovIMoiiH , uinnbii , Job. A. I' . KCILlCIC , Wholesale Commission Merchant , , 1-i'etlnmidI'rodiieu. NoUS. . IJtliBticct , Uiaahn Ncbriibliii. THOXUI.r. & WII.IIAMS , Storage and Commission Merchants. R , Klonr. Applns , Sloimwarii.Cldor. Vinegar , ( IrnfHHcfd ; ' . lliuiur and Ktiizs.'JVi nnd 1115 South JDth street , Onuilin , N Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Untter , Uaiiio. Vnilt * . Etc. 2.-US. llth St.Jinnha , Nolnaslvii. Crockery , Agnnt for tliu Mamifnutiiiers nnd Importers Crockery , Glassware , ? , Chhnnoys. itu : Ollii-it , i)17 ) South iJth : fc'tieoi.Oiiiahii , Nelu Drugs , Etc. 11. T. CI.AUKi : DllUn COMl'ANY , Wholesale Drdggists , Sobbcrsof Tnlnti".Oils. Window Ol s ntu.,1114 Jliirnoy Slre < : t , Onniliu , Neb. C. V , ( JOODMA.V , Wholesale Druggist , And Dealer In ralntP.OlM and Window Cllnsa , Omulin , Nub. , Dry Goods , J. J , 11HOWN & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , ! ? ) Douglas Stioi't , Oumlm , Nub. J , . ( IINSIIKIKJ Jl CO. , Dcntcititi ] Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Luces , liialirolilvry mill Wlilio , Omaha , Noli. Engines , llltOWNI'.IJ , fc CO , , The Baker Automalic Engines , - Hlntlonary and poiiab'.u fnglmlollors and I'nocl bun vtoik , v\aiiiis. iiKrlcnltund hnplo- imiutu , piiiup.s , utu. UU-L'15 l.uiuciiMOiih tit. Fish. Oc , K'KUN , SIOISSKN & CO. , Wholesale Fish Dealers , Intporti'is of I'omUii rish , Nos. U11UI3 d U , I' . UVuc'.i , Oniului , Nub , Flour. M , I'llKSTON. nt : < ) . ItlCIIAIJDSON. WM. PIIKSTON & CO. Wholesale Flour , H .f > | Onud.1iai'li'ivoSti-c t.nmha.Neb. t'\f. A. 8TKVVAUT&U ) . , Wholesale Flour Dealers , AllO lllHIUll\.UIITIS ( III' IllllllllllUtllltr lllld I-Ubl'I- IIHl'.NO 'IV.SCIIUCK , JIL , for .1.1' Iloirmayr&Co. , Manufaclurei's ' of Highest Grades of Flour It)1 la < iifiniul | litni.iiriiiu I IKCC.SB.Viiifliuti u , lil.i Joiu-s Mi fit , Uuiuliu , Neb. OMAHA JOBBERS1 DIREGTOjjY " " "w. j. wiiaiiAN8 : & ccx , Yfliolcsale Flour , Feed and Grata , MfimitHttlirursof W. J.Vcl lmti8 , t Co.'n Qtilefc HalfIni ? lliickwlicnt Hour unit MonrloifirnOiimhu City JlIlls , cor. tth nnil l..muunPlrcoti , Oiimlia. Fumilure , DXWBV&STONI : . Wholesala Dealers in Furniture , Kurnam Ftrcot , Omalm , Xeb. Groceries. " _ _ _ _ "AM.K.V iiuos. , Wiiolssalo Grocers , 1110 nnil IUJ PotiirliiH Street , Omnlm , Neb , fi. II. CMAl'MAN&CO. WholesaU Fancy Grocars , Cigars , Tobiiceo nnd Smokers' AitlclM , U1T Howard St. MUVmt & UAAl'ICK , WhoIesaU Fancy Grocers , Teas , Bplctw , Clgiu.i mill Tolinccon , 1317 niul Ul'J ' Dong * hw Stieet , Uinnhn , Koli. MCCOHI ) , IIIIAlYfc COMPANY' , Wholesale Grocers , Corner lOtli c.iul J'nrnnin Streets. Omnlm. Noti. & : CO. , Wholesala Groceries anil Provisions , Not. 'M , iu7 , ' ( / ) mill 711 S. lutli St. , Uinuliu. Noli. Hardware , \V. J. IIUOATCII. Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Pnrlniw , Wtiiron Stock , lltmlwooil Lumber , etc. IJi'J nnil 1211 Iliiriii'ysticet.Oinalia. Xi-li. iuNiv : & Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Oirri.iiio Wood Stock , Heavy llanlwnro , Tie. KIT iiml l.'Ui Lwwmvunth Street , Oiimlw , Nuti lIlMlIllAlidl &TAV1.01 ! , Builders' Hardware , 5fprhnnt ! ' TooU niul Iluilnlo Sc.ilM. 110.1 Dous- , Dinitlia , Nub. I.KI : , nuii : > i co. , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Sheet lin , K < v. AwnH lor lion o Hriilus nnil .Miimii I'ov.-ilei1 Co.uinlm ) , Nub. MILTON HOC : nits & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , lus , Unite * , llnisHinuHN. KU1 niul lo l 1'iir- imiu Mruct. HKrroii & WILHIU.MV co. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Steel NniK Tor. loth mul Hartley .Sticcls , Omaha , Nob. Harvesters. WM. DiYnitTNcfTc co. . CHICAGO , Munuliicturcrof tlio Deering Harvester Goods , Wrllo to Win. Jl. Lorlmcr , ( Iimonil Atrcnt , Onialiii. Ti'lopliono i > li ) . Iron Pipe , Etc. COWING & CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jolliers In lion 1'ipo , linn lilting , Iron nnd Jlrnss ( ioi > < l ! > . tiiifrlnoora' Bupplkw. Hill anil UotUio Streets , Onmlia , Nob. A. STUANO COMPANY' , Pumps , Pips and Engines. Steam. Winer , Knllu uy nnd Milling Supplies ntc. lUll , US. ii nil VU runmiii St. , Omuliu , Neb. CIIUKCH1LL I'UJIl1 CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Stcnni nnil Water Supplies. Ilomuaners ! ) for Jliifit roost Co.'a Goods. 1111 Kimiam Street , Oiiiiilui , Neb. Jewelry. EIIIOLM & liciCKSON. Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Silverwaio , Diamond" , Witches. Clock * . Jowelur-j' Tools and Muterliils , IIP. : , 101 niul UK ) , Mill Slieet , Cor. Dodge , Oiniilut , Neb. Leather. Hides. Etc. I. . C. HUiS'TJNC.TO.N' it SON , Dealers In Hides , Wool and Tallow , Jill Jaekaoii dticut , Omiiliu , Neb. SLO.MAN IIIIOS , \Vlioloulo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Saddlery and Hlioo KindlnirM , Illdt . Wool. Furs , 1'ultn , Oiease'I'tillovv , Etc. , Onialm Jfuli. Live Stock. Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Ynnlaiiu Cluiwed. Close to U. 1' . ItrldKC. Siet'ial | iieconimodnllon nnd a Kood niailiet lor IKI H. II. C. C'ooper , Man- Utliec , WJ rioutli Mb .Stieet. GltEHN 4 : I1U1IKE , Live Stock Commission And Fonvardlnjr AKOIIIS , Union Stock Vards , to nth Uinulia , Nob. Telephone us ! . W. P. UltOWN A ; CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Ofllee i\chnniro : Un'Ullnir. ' Union titock Vurils , Soiuli Unialm , Neb , TeleplionoNo.lkU. MALLUIIV. BON ft CO. Live Stock Commission , nnlon Slock VitiiN. Clilwiso , III. , and Omaha , N'eb. 1'iiinlt fblttenden.ManauerUinaha llmncli. Telephouo No 'MJ. Urlubllslit'd Is- . ' . \\Ti7T7\'riiicK Fcal Live Stock Commission Merchants , Adib tin nil eoiiiiniiniuttlon * to us at Union Slock Ytuds , South Omnlm. Advances made on atock. Union Stock Yards Company , OK OMAHA. Limited. John 1' . lioyd , Superintendent. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS IIUAUKOUI ) , Dealer in Lumber , Lain , Lima , 8nsh , Doors , lite. Vunls Cor. Tth mul Douglas , Cor. I'th ' mid Douula . 110UN MANUKACl'UUfNO CO. . Hanafacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulillntrs. Stair Worl : and Intel lor Hard Wood KlnUh. Junnpi'iii'il. N. H. tor. bill and l.oiveil- : \unili btit-L'ts , Uiualni , Neb. CHICAGO UJMI1IJII COMI'ANV , Wholesale Lumber , 11 8. Hth Suuut , Omaha , Neb. P. Culpctzor , C. N. Lumber , 13th and California Street , Omnlm , Nob. PIIKD W. GUAV. Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. bib and llouuliis Sticcts , Omaha , Neb. Gi:0 : , A. IIOAai-ANI ) Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omnlm , Nebrafkn. en AH. it. : , Hardwood Lumber , Wnpon Stock , roney Woods. IlrlUpp Timbers , iu. , S. W. Cor. I'll' ' ' nnd DouglasOmaha , Nub. 0. P. LVMAS , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ; UulMlatr IMpcr , Ulu. South Uth fitreut , Ojmtliu , NebuiFku. Nebraska Lumber Go , IMM la rnpltnl Slock . . .s.ui.iiiii I'lK'tiiitu'i mi' I Hlink'Milo ileal- ci-3. MllUut Men III , Wl . Wliok'MiluHiiil rulull illot rilJiitliitf j mil , Oin.iliii. .N'ub. 01 1 ti. Uth Si. OMAHA l.t'MIIKU CO. , Duiilcr * In AH Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale , , 18lhStreetuml U.I1. U. 1C. U.TruckOuiatal Neb. DIRECTORY " ' OKIIMAN 1) . WATT , Wholesale Dealer ia Lnniber , SOth niul lianl Streets , Omnlin , Nefontfkn. .1. A. WAKKt'int. ! ) , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , riullilhuf 1'iipors , SiwIi.Uoors , Hllniis , Mo hi ? * , Picket. , Post * , T/imo , 1'laMor , lltilr , Cement. Ninth mul .lone * , Otiialui , Nob. linj'Oilersatitl Jobbers of Millinery and notions , 1211 niul lit ! llnrncy Street , Omalm , Nob. Musical Instruments. r.DIIOLM & KltlCKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Ftclnway Plonii" , Wt-bcr , DciVer , lliilnpiaiiil IlrljW * Pianos 1'nckiml OW.IH , Chase Orjrnns. lol ami IIKI 1,1th Mrcot. Notions , Etc , j. 7 , . n ANnni : & FO.V , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Ooo-lq. Notion * . Gciit ' I-'tiralihlnir food ! . ( iiiods fnun New York. Triulu Miles ilnlly. T/jO mul 538 . outb lath J-L , Oinubii. C. S. (300DII1CH &CO. , French and German Fancy Goods , Druggists' and Stntloners' f-umlrles. 1115 n r- niim.Uinnhu , Nub. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , < m nnd 4fVi S. 10th St.Omnlm , Neb. WImlesulu Denim * In Notions and Uuntb'l'ur- nlsblnt , ' Ooodi. CONSOMDATIIl ) TAX 1C MM3 CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gnollne , .Mien A.\lo Orra'p. ite. : A. II. Ulshop , Jlannuer , Onnbt : , Nr-b , 'irk ' Packing. JAMiwIS. Tiovb. f Fork Packer and Sliippsr , Oinnhn , NVhra-dui. HAKIMS i risiinn. Packers and Provision Dealers , Olllte Union MurUot , i,17 Kixloe Street. 1'iu'klmr IIOIIM ; . U. I' . U. H. Truck , Omaha , Nub. Telephone - phone No. 1.T7. Safes and Locks. Agents for Hail's ' Safe & 'lock Co.s I'll" unit Itiirulttr 1'ioof Snfcs.Timo LouLsVaults mul .Jail vvoik. HMD Vnrniini Ftiei't.Uiiuihn , Neb. Seeds. .T. IVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu Seeds. Agricultural Vegetable. Utc. Odd Fellows' Hull , N. W. ( .or. lltb and Io-J o St. , Unmliu , Neb. A. R lllU'IIOU , Yftolesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits , ' , I.ard , Jellit'S lluttcr , K KS. : Chouse , Ule. No. atf S. l th St , Omaha , Nob. WESTKHKIKW ) IIHOS. . General Commission Merchants , HCO Doilyo Street , Omnlin. Neb. Consignments Solleitod. Wines and Liquors. rUANK Dl'lllioNn A ; CO. , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1202 nnd IM4 DoiiKlns St. . Oinahii , Neb. Fattorlcs Nos. 4 nndk : , ild Disc. N. Y. C.iO. : W. DUNCAN" , Successor to MON'AMAHA * DUNCAN , Importers and Wholoalo Ieulii > In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 214 and 211 ! S. 11th St. , Oiiiuliu , Neb. K. H. oiiorru. \Yines \ and Liquors. Western AKCIH Jo- . SclilltHrenlnjr Co. 719 S. .ith Street , Omaha. IIOIINIIKUG13I1 , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. WJl Dou 'lni Stieet.Oinalia , Nob. JLUU .V CO. . Distillers and Importers of Yftues And Liquor- , polo imtiiutnctuit'rsuf Koiinedy's lliist India Itlttuia. 1112 Hiiiuey Stiect , Oiuulin , Nub. * L. P. I.AHSON & CO. , Wholesale Dealers iu Whiskies And ( "lirai-H , nnd Oenenil Awi'ntM lor tlio Philip Hosts' Celebrated MIHvauUcu llcur , Omaha , Neb. Harness , Ltc , WKLTY A : LANUltOCIC. Manuracturci'S and Jobbers of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Tin I' GooiH , Illankets and Itoties. Uli Karnum Street , Omaha , Neb. THE MARKETS. New Voi-lr. f Jet. ( ! . 5toxiv : On call , easy at H < i'i per c nl. 1'iiiMi : i'Arnit io < f > . KxniiANuu BII.I.S Dull atSJ.S:5) : < ; demand. " ( ioviii.\Mi.N"rs ; : Dull anil steady. Siorus UYio irregular ami not active. Closing about an equal iiuiii- her of advances and declines , hut changes with a lew exceptions nxJKencially ( KHU I'rf & : < H per cent. Union I'aclac led the list In point of activity , tliu total hales hcliiK Oil blinics. Tlie > liick was .stionir , .sclllnj ; up to 51K during the toienoon , hut lo-.l the advance later in the day , and closed with u nut guln of only ft jier cent. STOCKS o.v VVAI.I. srntiiiT. nVJcent honds. . . NWJtf C. itX.V \ 102 > U. S. 4 4'a > ll'J ) * ; ! iiriifctied. . . i : ) New 's Ittyj .V. V. C 'Mtf I'acllleli'sof'in. jasu Oiewm Tntii. . . 2-J Central 1'acilic. . 7 % I'acine Mail f.'J C , tVsA l.'W I' . , I ) . itlC 10 jiicfcricd. . . . ! ' > < > .P. . I'.O iM : c. , n. &u I''UK < Hock Island. . " 1) . . I * , VV 1US iSt. \ , . its. F. . 1) . it U. ( i \\\i \ : \ \ preferred. . . Kile 17 C. , M. iViSt. ] ' . . . prefeired. . . . ! 17 iireferretl. . . Illinois Central. . Wl St. P. itO 1. , H. .vi\V ll4'i ! * prclerrcil. . . Kaii.-as.tTexas. ! MJiTexas Pacliie. . . LaUeShoio 7 : > ' 4.11 nlon P.icillc. , . - - - - \v t L. iVI' , Mich. . iirufeiri'd. . . Mo. Paelile \Ve > lein Union. Noilliein Pao. . . U. Jt..V jiii'fcncil. . . PUOI1UCK. Xc\v York , Oct. ( ) . Wheat ] 'lnu and higher ; bpot .steady ; options linn ; receipts , 'JU.VUXJ : expoitH , noun : uiiKraded led , blftj SI 01 : > < ) . : ! leil.lUn : led , UTe In eleva tor : Noveiiihcreloiins at OS e. Coin Illuher ; eloped very Meady ; ro- ccipts , S1AKJO ; exjioilHJSJ iOO : ungraded , W/t iu elevator , .M 'e alloal , .OOuc , I. and i. ; No- vuinbiT eloslni ; at Sl , ' < e. Oat.s liiu'lier and less aetivu ; reecltits , I'Sl.ouo ; exports , Uixx ( ) ; mixed western , 37 ; < J \\bltcwe.stern.JMQflOe. / : ! ; . Petioletim titeatly ; United closed nt si ooc. KKBS Steady and fair Inquiry ; receipts , SWXKI paekawsestein. ; . llki IUj/c. Polk Dull : -oiiH'uliat nominal ; metst-pot , fjiiotcilatS'J.VijftlJOO. J.anl Lower and moderately actlvet sales we.stein steam snot , SO 'Mi November , 50 10 lluttcr Quirt and weak ; vve > tcru Clieeso UuchaiiKcd ; western ( hit , Milwaukee. . Oct. ( I. Wheat Weak ; cash , W&C.J November , 87 40 ; Ucceinbcr , blk' . Corn Finn ; No. 2 , c. Oats Steady : No. ' . ' , ti-l c. llye ( Julet ; No. 1. .VJe. llailey Weaker ; No. 2 , 57p. Piovlslons Steady ; mess poik , cash , Qclo- bcraud November , $3 17 ; .lamiaiy , &i'J-\ Cliiuliiuatl , Oct. (1. ( Wheat In f oed de- uiand ; No , 'Junl , uXu/.O. Corn Se-.iice ; him and higher ; No , % mlvcd.HWc'M V. Oats-Mtroiii-er ; No.2mixed , 27(337Ka ( lfv. > _ ilnl | . V , < iIn In fair demand ; extra No. Bpjirlnjr , We. * ' ' Pork-Heavy at SS 75. t Ixixl-Diill nnd dmoplnt : ntffisa Wlilxky Steady atflOj r ; nnWted goods ba-edon $ K . ChlenRo , Oct. O. Woiir Steady and.nn- chatived. .Wheat Aetive , un clllfd and lilalirr : opened a shade caolprfnilvnncwl le , deellned IV , ndvanenl Jic , llttotna'&l. and elo-'Cd l' < c liver vcMcrdnj ; Mr y ra liS.V ; < n ( Mo- bor : 67L ( < 7'fu : < ! Xitvoinlhir ; w-V'tW-Ho DC- cenibcr ; lVive Jtn > : No. V ml , J1V- . Coin Active and linn O'it-Moderalcly : nctlvo. Mini Him ; ' > c nplKlij'ivt'.tk1 October and ; so\emuer ; 5J'ic ' Mav. Hurley Steady t. . Timolhv Firmer : prime. SI 07(21 ( CS. ria\ . c'd-i.isy : ; No. I , Si It' ' . Jaid-Jiitct ( and easy ; $ r'M < ! ffiK ) and October ; WSJU'ftS IH ) Nn\t < mbci ; ( Jl UJ' ' < Deecmber : S , MiW year. Ihilk. Meats Sbotildi'iN. ts fiOini : 7pi ; sbojt deal , Sfl 7lK r 7S ; Mini t ribs , Sfl 1)0. ) Wlilsky-"S'omlnally nt SI IP. Utitter Steady ; uood tu itnicy creamery , lGrtileKoodlo ( ; dinli'u dairy , lliffnc. Cheese About unchnnKcu : cliolco full rieam elu-ddais K < 0Dc ; Hat * . "W'fVVe ' ; Yomm Amcrlp.T ! . t'lii'lye ' ; skims , acjST ii. l'-'s Slow at l"e. lliile.Steni'y ami nnchniiRcil ; heavy fn ecu halted , fully etfiedve ; Ili-'bt , M c ; damaccd , Ce ; bull , ( ie ; dry tailed , "KH c ; calf bkitis , BfrU''r. Tallow Steady nnd unchanged ; bo. 1 , country , 6c. ItecelpK fSblpmonts. Flour , bills . A'W ' - " . WIlPAt. bit . . . . 08.000 7tK)0 ) Com , bit . . . . 110,010 415.000 Oati > , Im . l. lWO , 1U1 , < KX ) KVO.DII . " . ( ) w 5 , wo IJfirlry , In . KJ.iXH ) 40.000 Kt. Ijoulx , Out. 0. Wheat Stton ,1ilKlier and imideratelv active : O.H ; lor e.if > n and October ; iXi'stS''CSjc ' ' November ; Obie Dee- ; T'l'e ' bolter , hut dull1C ; October : We Novemhcr. Oati bteadj and iiimj'MXiflA'Jc for cash ; no optiom. live Ottli'lat . " 5e. t - WhKky-Pl ( M. ' Poik Lowei at S ° . fvc/ZSSrj . hard-Dull at { ? : ? . " ( & w. Halt'r Unch in'c.l. Arritxoo.JJoAiii : : ) lins breti nholh'hcti dm inutile icmainilcr ot the week , to jjlvo metchaiiN a little more time to entertain vibl- tor.s nt the fair. Knti n8 City , Oct. 0. Wheat-Quiet : easily 73'.c ' ,1ml , ? 7c ! l-hl' ! < ' ' ' November , Vs ; ! , c T.lvei'iiool , Oct. 0. Wheat Firm : new No. a winter , 7sHJ d ; do spiinjr , 7s } * < d. Corn Spot , steady atIs 7d : October , hrm at 4 < ! I'd ; November and December , turn at 4a Vi'il- Vi'ilToledo Toledo , Oct. ( J. Wheat Closed easier and active : No. ' - soft cash or October , SUkc. Coin Higher and iitiiet ; cash and October , IS'ie. ' Oats Dull ; cash and October , are. IjIA'K STOCK. Chicago , Oct. ! . Tjiu Drovers' Journal repot t.s : bulk of tales at S'J'fiS"-1" ; thioush . 'le\- atis , unchanged. S3 C0 ( j ! tO ; , we.stein ranuers , active and unchanged ; natives and lialt- Jiogs Itcccipts. 21,006 ; fairly active and IOe lower ; lotmh and mixed , gilMtglirM ; packing and .shippinir. SatXi7M ) ( : ; light weinhts.SSMKVMO.'i ; hklps , Si ! 00 :5 : 7 , ' > . Sheep Hcceipts , 4,000 ; failly active and unchanged ; natives , 2C.X 3 7.5 ; western , . ij'JiOC'i.'jO ! : ; Texaiis , fclTfXarJ 73 ; lambs jwr bead , Sl50@-'iOO. Kansas City , Oct. 0. Cattle I5eccijt.s ) , 2,700 ; .shipments , none ; firm and active ; exporters , s5.2.'iab > .40 ; raniinou to ehoico .shiiiiiiiK. . S4BOT ( < " ' " 0 ; stockcis and fecdeis , § : J yUo4 ( . ' ( ) ; cow.s , & 'J OO : ! 'JO. Hogh Kcccipts , 0,000 ; shipments. 1,000 ; weak" ; nssuited lluhl IOe lower , mixed lti lower ; flood to choice , taXJ ( ) 70 ; common to medium. S ! ! 10 ; , .lfl > . Sheep Receipts1,000 ; .shipments , none : steady ; common to good muttons , SISOfci : ; oo. oo.Bt. Bt. TiOtiiM , Oct. 0. Cattle Receipts,2,100 ; shipments , sou : active and Him , with in cent local demand for peed biitchuiliip grades ; native .shippiir. ; .steers , S4 ' > ! < * ' > . ; 0 : extra heavv , S. " > 75 ; CoIoiadod.SJ''OfejOO ; Knusaa ball'-liecds , Sit70 ( 1 ; mixed butchering Mock , S'J il&M 00 ; stockei > and feeder.- ) , S-J .Wpfl 7.1 : Indian steer ! " , S'J MXR : ! S5. Shcei > Kccelpts.y.OOO ; hhfpments.MX ) : good muttons active and nrm ; common to choice , Juinbi,5S ! n STOCK. UMOK STOCK VAHUH. S. OMAHA , I TucMhiy K veil lug , Oct. t ) . [ The cattle mat kct to-day was lahly active mid prices mild Mcncly. The demand tor feeders was good and tlm receipt" , while not as Inrsro as tlio pievlouday. . vvcio ( pule lib eral. IJtivers appealed to 1m in a buying mood ami Icedeis clunked hands rapidly , ihe LMcatcr majority ol hale.s hc.iii } , ' made at b'-iM. The IIOL'uiaiket was a .shade lower but tlm demand was eijual to the day before aud all ollered vvcio readily sold. JtKCIill'TS. Cattle SOW ) llvsa 000 iii"'fsisTA71vi : : : : HAI.KS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. in im U lltfi : n mo 7 lira 3.00 HI 101B rs IIHI . " .CO 1 1100 40 11K1 ss ii r 40 Ilfi7 . n mi 27 l07 : 3.IX ) : KI " > .m 17 WH 3.70 i IXAN : . No. Av. Pr. No. Av.t Pr. SKI 10T5 SJ'.OO ' SO. Ou * > o . . . . . .JV/ lli'J ; > fi.OO f OVVH. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. jf..7rf 10 , 5-.MH ) IIOU.u. No. . Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 70..T. . 'Sti si. : : on. ' ' 5D.40 ( hi 24fi . . m 't.'IO 71 a.v ) ! ) . - ! ( ) aw 76 2i : ! i.40 ! riinvAii.iNO DCHfl.VATIU.N lF1Slirl'Mi.VTH. ) ' : | tShowlnj ; the number of cattle , hous and fihcep hhlipeil ] from South Omaha during tlm past twenty-tour hours , 'and their points of destination : ' ' CATTI.I : . ' No. U't. Dcsl. ISO It. I. Chicago J-sO NV. . Chleaco bW 0. Ii. ft ( J. Chicago HAXfli : OK I'lllPHS FOR HODS. Tlm cMicmu langt ; ot priced tor rntijxh mixed , pacMiiK and shljijiinp and llnht vvei bt hogs lor seven days is shown below : Date. FackTnlTS : Shlpphi } , ' . ! Weights. 'f'ue.-ihiy 55 Wedned'y Thursday a 505 $ i m Kild.iy : \ M < h m Natinday ! ) 4-Vifa Monday 4V ( < ? n Tuesday 40(2j ( : Xoto All ealca of stuck in tlds market urn ! iiaih > i .T cut. live \veiuht , unless othciwiso stated. Dead ) IOIB sell at le per Ib. tor all eiubts. "Skins , " or hogs welfhlns I s thiin 100 lb < . , noalue iuo docked OMAHA WltOI.HSAIiR MA11KKTS. , Oet a uCotitlnue tobe\ery scnrcc. and un it" * receipts Increase the advance will proba bly keep on. Quotations are linn at ISc. Hfniit : IttTcipta are light and only of nuillumund liitenor Rnide- * . Choice is u-ry scarce , mid io il rod ! sti'ia < e .luue butter is alvmt iltobe * ! ( iitalit * . oftenM. Choice table , H.iliV ; fnlr tn ciiud , l tlUe ; Inferior , fi ic ; civaim-ry , aiv iWi1. Cm i -Tlieio Is ( itilto likely to be an nd- vancpon J'llcw in a slioil time , nt piescnt Mo1 U Is .cllingr.t Hie following nui-.s : I'tnl en am rheddar , Stiitcinln'i.U'/c ; lull cream Jlais Srptc'iibci1 ' , IH'M' ' ' ! full Youn Aiaciiran , Stptcml'cr. illi ; Sv\l s , faiic } , HV ; Hv\l . , choice , Ht'tliV ; brick. V. c : Llm- rofi.nnChlcketi * anIn hcttir demand and pri.-cs moie hrm. Large sprliiir chickens \vlll luiiitf 'i.r)0 ) N'riloren and extra sl/.es will fro oboviMhat. Old chickens , M.7.Vn'UX ' ) ; live ducks slow at S'-YJV'i ' . ' . ! " > ; chickens , diosscd , choice , jtcr II ) . , l"e ; tuikcys , dics'ed. choice , pci Ib. , rJ'fcCrn-lcjducks , dm-Md , choice , perlb , ll ( > lSc : ttccwe , reused , rholeo. per Ib. , I' t * PV. bwr.KT I'oTATot.H Choli'i' IniKO iiuoiablo at ty&iSe iK'rib : . ( KlM.wipcrbll. ) lNirATors.--The season for late potatoes is fairly coimucncl'iir , ii'id we can now en- couiiiKu shiphicnts. \ \ hiif ivccljits so tar liavo not been hcavv unoitcli lo fully test the mai kct , no doubt a > 40 cts. pi-r bti-h. can be counted on vvllh satcty tor clean , well assorted Block. Theic is no paitlciilar preference as to variety , lint pains should betaken taken not to mix dillcrcnt kinds , us it will always icdi'.u ) the viuiie of a lot. If not enough of any one hind to be had lo A't a car with , be sure lo separate different ones by boa it I partitions , OVSTKHS stntidmiK "le ; selects , 40o ; ex- tin selects.Liu ; counts top. tt.vvir. With the lower tempci-alurp of llic last lew days the demand tor all kinds has picked titi icmaikably. Knpcclally pialiiu chickens aie in stroll : , ' rciitiiM and will now hi Ing better prlcis. Cm cashes , IMT pound , deer , fyH'c ' : hatldlcs , l"0''i'e : : iinleuipe , si'MV sadillof , i'J ( iltc ! ; elk , 7ors > ; saddles , lOcnile : l'1-.sirlo chlckciif. per dozen. S'0 ; quail , jicr doen , Sl.S'Jti'.OO' snipe , per do/en , 7 n-c l.tx ) ; jack i.ihhits , per dozen , 1.00 : mallard ducks , fel.7ic 4iOi ) ; teal ducks , frl.flOisi'l.iij ' ; smalt rab bits. 5M..10. CAi.iror.NiA Cosin lloxKY-a Ib. frame , 00 Ibs In eu--e. ; per Ib. , Mo ; cxtnictcd , 'J Ib , tin cans , 3 doIn CUM' , per doz , 5 > , ' .oo. Ciiin-New ) : Yoru tcilncd per bbl. , SV.fX ) ; do hall bbl. . § 4.00. , S.vt'r.u KIIAUT I'crbbl. , S0..7) ) ; per } { bbl. $1.00. I'ms' 1'r.KT , Tutrr. rrc1. 1'hrs , ' feet and tripuprrh hbl. , s.1.00 ; do. i , ' bhl. , S'.W ) ; do. per kit , ? 1.10. LamlH * tongues per } bbl. , ti..VJ ; ; do. per kit , 8-.7J ; do. itiait | per do/ . , S.1.-10 ; do. pint jms per do/ . , ci.V : ) . . . All kinds , i.0-lb. pails per Ib. . lie ; abutted , Mb. pails pei do/ . . s-S.OO. Jellies : All kind. IKIUIU I ? > , LUII/ . . Ill ttl * . * . - . ! . 4.1II111JIL lat o/ , lit r.i'-i' . ] icrcaitrl.lO : nppio butler , -10- 1. ] > als ! nud 14 Mi ! . . IH-V Hi. Tj < c : plum ImttPr , JCV-lb. pnlh , jt > rlb. 9 } ' , c : a-'softeil fiuithuttor , 5-lh lulls , IIPI- { In/ . , S.'i.T.'i ; Kauoy "Home iAInilc" > , 2 AM. uliit bottles per CM-C , 55.W. ( Lr.MONs JFcRSlnn , iici' linx , G5..r.O. I'KArJilJSllchiKnii , iwrlmski'l.O do. alb Iia ! ! t't , Sl.-W ; Malaga , ] ipr barrel , 88.00. Delaware. Mb. , baskets , -lOcjr'iOc ; Dal- uwnie , ! Wb. , boxas , pur eiate , (1 ( boxes ) 53.7. ? > ( 1-1.00. CiiANitiKi ns nt'H and nitric , per hbl , ehcriy. i 'fbbl. 7.00yn..V > . „ Yoik "State a'tid Michigan. single b.mclfi , .S2.7.fiT..00 ? : fivi ; b.urcl lots , tS'2.WMlt2.7.'i ; Illinois S'l.WG--1" ' , accoid- in ; : to qualify and 11111111)0- ) banel.s bought. All off stock . ' ellimrat.'iDeOi l.-j per bbl. OIIANOI.S The maikct lias been bare for some little time , but fresh niiivals are ex pected tills week. Louisiana , per box , 5.50 ; Jamaica , per but. . Sll.OJ. UA.VANAS Thcie is but a limited demand at present and maiket niles low. Choice se- Icctloii , f'J.OOi'ilD.CO. WILD PLUMS Arc virtually out of tlio % CAuroitxiAFi'.T'iT Pears Winter Nnllls , r-Mirre , Did , Lawrence , K. Ueiirie , , and other vailctics , per box , S'.7orfi.OO. ( : I5iANX : Ciood bright beans are scarce and in demand ; ] Iily anil inferior Hock dull , hand-tucked navj' gl.SOgJl.fX ) ; hand-picked medium , Sl. Kt''l.-iO ' : good clean conn try , § 1.00 cVfil.'O ; Inlcrlor , K > 7ne. PnoviMOXK Ham , lOUe ; breakfast bacon , C.i" clear side hacon , 7Jfe : dry salted sides Tfe ; shoulders , smoked. fi-'Vij ' ; mess pork , per bbl. , Sl'UX ' ) : dilcd beef hams , 1'Jc ; laid , -10 Ib. cans 'J Inbox , 71 e. ( illMS Tin1 following arc the prevailing prices for to-day : Corn , -fa ; new oats , 17 ® aV ; wheat , No. 2 , ( k'c : rye , rajK'x. : FI.OHII AMiJIiM , STi/i'K8 Winter Wheat Firm ; best quality patent at $5 0 * % " > W. .Soeond quality s2 flOf : j 00. Killing Wheat-llest quality patent at S3 80 ( gi : uo. Hutr.s Stcailv ; preen butcher's , 7egipcn ; cured h'/c ' : dry tllnl , - ' © : ! ; dry salt , lOo ; damaged bides tvvo-ihinls price. ' 1'allow ! . ! . ( iiecM ! Piimo white , SaAc. ( Sheep Peitb wood , - l.'icI ; o . , cloth , - 4S2 ; oWk - . Navy Clliipliiiis'Oo. . KilliUiniek , 4 oz.7e ; a oz. , FIN-I : CUT Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of tlm West , ( Xc ) ; Fountain , 'iOe : Uoldeu Thread , Oic ; Favorite , ( We ; IJuils , 60u ; HoekyJMoun- tain.Wi : : Fancy , .He : Daisy , 40c. Pi.rci TOIIACCO Climax , < Hcporu ) : Ilor e- slioc , 4M ( > ; Star , -li'e : tjpcaihead , 4ic ( ; Our Itotie. WK ; ; Piper lleidhick , ( XJe ; 1'uiieb. 4oe. b.\ ) ) : : llAJiowAiii : XCeombinaiion loop liames. ? 5.2."i : X X i. U. T. luiines S4.75 ; plow steel , .special cast , 4e ; eruelblu steel , ( io ; mymalahlc1 ! ( : , NJ : lion v\cdfre.s , lie ; ciow- bai.s , ti ; liairow teeth , -U1 ; nprlni ; htccl , 7 ( j.Sc ; Uuiden'shoisn shoes , SI.'JO : Hunli'ii s iimlo hhoes , S-ViO. Ilaihed Wiie In car lots , i 4.K ( ) per 100 Ibs. 11 on Nal Is-1 tales. 10 to ( X ) . S5.S5. Shot'-Sl.fiO ; bucksliot , tl.b , " ) ; oiioital liovvder , kcL's SM.ry t-i.tx ) : do , half krgs , jM.X ( ) ; do , ( piartcr KogH , 81.00 ; blastliii. , UI-KS * : ) . : ; fuse , per 100 Icet , ma. Lead , liar , $ ( COAL Anthiaclte c-'K ( , ss.i'i : antlinieilo nut , S8.fiO ; anlhnicito range. SS.W ) ; Icmn , # 3..P5) ) ; Walnut block , Sa.75 ; Illinois , S-J.TS ; Indiana block , § 5.75 ; Fort Scott , Sl.'il ; Dnv P.uViK White lead. P < ' ! French v.lne , 12 : J'aiisvlillluir.i ! ) o : vvhltlnuu'lldci , ijjc ; vvhltliig.coiiri , I'jcilampblacli.i.ermaniovvn , Viis ; lamphlack , onlinary , ion ; Pitisslaii blue , &rx : , , uiilramailne , ltx > ; Vandyke , brovvn , be ; umber , bin ulJc ; umber , taw. 4u ; Kienna , IIIIIIIDII , JMIKIIhll , III Oil IIMl , | i > C , Jiiw illlll burnt umber , 1 Ib niiiH , IOe ; law and biiint slciuia , JOc. : vand.vke brown , le ! ! ; reiincd lampblack , l'e ; coach black and Ivory lilack , lilc ; diop black , Hie ; Piusslan blue , 40c : ul- tramarlnobliie , IKe ; cliiomo green , L. , M. & 1) . , UK ; ; blind and sliiiltcrgiecn , L. , M. > V I ) . , ice : PailsL'iceu , IH- ; Indian MM ) , K > c ; Venn- tlnn rcd.tio ; Tu-ican icd.--'e ; vermillion - million , 11. t D. , .Joe ; yellow oclne. ' . 'c ' ; L. Jl , to. I ) . , itxj ; golden ochreU/c : patentdrjer , ; giiilnlngc-olors , light oak , daik u.ik , wal nut , chc.stntit and a < > h. l. ' > c. IN on. White lead , Omaha. P. P. fie ; whllo lead , .St. Lotib. , pine , S'l.'i.'i ' : Marseilles les green , 1 t < ifl Hi cans 'c ' ; Fiench yinc , giceuscal , 12 ' 5 French ylnc , led seal , ll j Vivnch.Ini'.ln vainl.shasj.t.'JOc ; Fiiiicli/lne ) , 7."Kj ! M'liullllon , Amciicaii , IV ; Indian , led , I0ijro-o pink , He ; Venetianred , CooksonV , 2Jfe ; Venetian led , American , Ijjc ; led lead , 7Kn ; rhioiiu ) jcllow , geiiulim. 'M ; ; clitomu leilow , K , I''e : ochre roohclle , ! 'ef ochns , Krencb. 23fc ; oclne , A met lean , 2e ; Winter's mlnenil.-V.'e : Kehiuli brnvvn. 2 , ' < ro ; Spinltli brown , 2Ke : Pi InceV mineral , ' ' < ; Oil.s llOcaibon.per gall m.lle ; IM head light , perualloii , lie ; 175 headlight , jwr gal lon , Tie ; 15u water wh'te , ! ' ; Iliisii-d , r.ivv , IM.T gallon , 4)c : Unseed , boiled , per pv.lon , 4re : laid , winter , str'd , i > er trillion , 5'r r : : Xo. 1 , ftJc ; No.abe ; cantor XXX , IMT { r.illon , lWNo. 3. .H1.10suect ; , per gallon , si.lidj W. U. , ) u-r gallon. Sl. < ; nsliV. \ . II. . . . . . . . turpentine IH-I ; gallon. Me. \'AI.MSIIIK ! : llanels , i > er tallon : I'tirnl- tine.exini. ; imnlliire , No. 1 , S1.0J ; wiaeli , extra , 5 1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , Pl.'io Damar , e fta , fel.'o ; Japan , 'Uc ; extra , Me ; slirllac , S3.50 ; Imnl oil finish , Sl.w. Si'iltlTS-folotnc Spirits t 'p roof , tl.10 ; do , 101 pioof , S1.1-J ; splilti , spcoml quality. 101 pi < Mf , Sl.ll : do. 1\5 proof , H.W. Alcohol lt > S pioof , S'J.10 jier wine i alien. HeillMlllcil vvliNl'les , Sl.o-.Ul.Mi ; gin hlcmlcd , Sl.tM ' .ojj Kenluc1 < > hourlMins S.V.XX ( ti.tKl ; Kentucky anil Pennsylvaviix ives , 5S. 0ttHfiO. ( ( iolitcti shrtif , liourN u and tie wliNUIe M.rvvi.00. : : lii-andlcs - liupoitcd. $ .V ViS..V > : dimicotli' , SI.WuiO. ; ( ilni Im purtrtl , 5 J.iVK'rtjj.oOjdoiiiPsllp ' , n. i. Unuis-liiitKirltii. S4. . ' 7-s 0.1 ; Kngland , t'.ixii.0i ( : dotupftlp , l..v Chnmi'acnr.sImported , ler cusc. y ; American. INT caM , M0.ot\.n 111.0,1. , Hrn.uiMi .M.vrrniAi. Haul btlcn , 5J > .ix ) ; i tin ofklln , SVM : limn ( In bull. ) per mil. in- ; Hum ( In bls ) We ; Louisville cement , Sl.fK ) ; IJllea , Akit.n . nnd Mtlvvankci' eomcnt , | H'r bbl. . M.40 ; In sacks , Kl.l.v Pott- land eciiipul. I-lnulNli , SI.OJ ; stmri ) , Michigan , $ . ' . ' . ' . ; hair in paper sacks , per bu , See. * " CJrooei's' Ijlst. hfo.Mts Vovulcud , f-'e : cut loaf , 7'A'5 pittnutatcd , 7l c : confectionery A , 7'4e ; Standaid extra L' , 7'ie : exti.i lOXe ; mcdl uiuellow t ytcdai ikellovv ' . uiu \ , > / * * : MMI \ * iit'tt , O'vc. ' ( loops posters. Standard per c.T-e , S.N" : ! > ; .slri\\berries 1Mb. . peic.iMSU. . 0 ; in pbeiifcs. B-ib. , pcrp.isc.S5 ; Cailfoitna pears per ea c , W.iXi ; iiprVuls per ea'-e , H.40 ; pcachc- , per eaM11.7.1 ; vvhltu eJier- ilex , pei case , iYi.OO ; plums , percale , VI ( U 5 whortlcbpitics , per cave , M.-IO ; egg plums 1Mb. , per case. siWt meett ( 'ages J-lb. . per ruse , t2.UO ; pineaplcs | , 2-lti. , per ease , SV.'Ov.3 : ' 'Corrmis Ordinary grades $ ) & ' , fair , lei ( ii > ile ; piIIIIP. lI@V"c ; ; choice , i. ( > sr.c : tmicy giccn and yellow , Hofl c ; irovcYniuetit .lava , yOii'Aie : .Mocha , S-Jyi ) 24c : Arluicl.le's rouMed , l fc ; Mel-nuu'li- lln's XXX.X , toasted. : ) ' : . . , Hi/'it ' " I7'jc ' ; Dllworlh's li'.Jic ; Kcd Cioss. i'e : ! ; Me- Laiitfiillu's , Aibuckle'H and McLAuglillu s XXXX are Milil fiiH1 per c.uso oll'abovo pilccs > - . TiAs'-unpovvdcr. : ( ; fair , WPfl. ) ; good , ) . < < < ! f > "e ; choice. ( > ) ii ( , " > i' ; good Impcilal , .JO , M3o ; choiceXVWe ( : ; VoumrHyson. good.HOyi'rie ; CAXIIY JIi\nl , lOgt''e ; stick , lOQlle ; ( wist stick , linn * . SODA Iu ; [ Ib papcr.s 53.35 : a wise ; saisouii ] lcg : per Ib , ? 2.ii. , \rixiiiAis : Ci ii-lSiSl8c ( ; wluto vvine , l > " ' - . - . ' , .e0.iV ) ; do 111 half bnirels , f3.5i ) : muall In Ivirroli , S7.'iJ ; do in half lunvis ! : } . ? : > ; gherkins in bairete , SS.tlii ; do in half b.incls. S1.25. KICK LuuiM.uu , priuiij to elmlce , f > h& 'boAi'R Kiik's Savon Iiurc.'inl.fJI.OO ; Kii k'.s satinet , sa.I."i : Kirk's -taiiilard , ri.'ii : ) ; KiilvV White iu.-.hian : , S-J. W ; Knits White lloi'i : SNal. ) ! inch and larger , S.'fo ' ; incli , 8-je ! ; ' - . : inch , uCV. , SAi.f Diay loads , per bbl , Pl.55 ; Asliton , hi sacks , Sl-tt ; } + sicKs , Aslilon , ( Wit ; bills dairy. .yl r loid'.s ( iitlk , Je. ' Svisrr Siaudard C 2'Jc , bbs ! ; Standard ilo.4jjnllon.kegs. . . . fcl.W. Si'ifjjs ( tround I'litek jirppcr , boxes , 15 C't'ioc ; aNpice , Muf'-Oe : e.nnamon . IS iVY ; cloves , idis-'Jc ; lnivr ' , l.VjJ'Mc ; mustaid , l-X'5 "ie. SPICKS Whole Pepper , I''c ' ' ; alspico IOe ; cloves. Mlti'Ma : eassja. IOe ; nutmeg. fiOfiftlV. DniKi ) i'lttriTs No. l ou.irtcr apples. J 'c ; evaporated , boxes bs'e ; nliickbcrrles , noxes , liV ; peaches , IIOM-S , none in tlm mm kct ; peaches , evaporated , l > X& mspbciriia \ , new , 2X " * e. . Cit.vruiis : : ( Jariicati fi soda , butter and plcnie , 5ecreauH ; , fco ; ginger .snaps , tc ; City bodu , 7) ) < e. POTASH Pennsylvania cati , 4 cans in case. tj. : : : liabbltt's ball , 3 doin ease , bl.OO ; Anchor hall , - doin ease , SI.-10. MATfitns lVre..ddii % , : i > c : round , rl. case , 45e : squaio eases , 1.70 ; Oshkosh , 81.-JO. ) : Boxes 401h. 10s , 1 0:83 , iS'-jfc ' ; boxes , JOlb , it ) at. us , U o ; ball ! box , 'Aiib , Dry Goods. I5in.\rini : > CoTroxs Farmers * Choice , 7c ; Peppciell , 7J < " c ; Indian Orchard , (5'fc ( ; Niiumkenir , 7e. FI.M : Bitow.v COTTO.NS Peppcrell I * . (5V ( < c : Peppeicll O , Jijff , Atlas ilj cs ; btatiie of Lil > - ertv , tic ; Sanuiac JJ , liKe. J'IH.NTS Steel ltiver.r > Ke ; American. fiMc ; Arnold's1 , Ik : ; Miuclic.stcr. : Oc ; IMS' Uloiicester. r > > 2'c ; Dunnell .lacipiaid , Oc : : Dun- ncll/iJi / ; lamao ! ) ) , : % e ; Windsor , tic ; Pnclm : , Ce ; Harmonv , 4Uu ; Anchor .Shiriings , Merrimack Slilrllngslics ; Uerwick , Jc. DIIXIMH Heaver ( icel ; AA , lie ; Jicaver and brown , 7 > ; c. Duru ( bnblcachcd ) SoJiannolla , 10c ; 10 ut. Magnolia , lie ; Sox. West Point , K ) ) . ; 10 oz. West Point , ISKc. DUCK ( coloicd ) lioiton 0 oz. brown and drab , iJ : ! < c : ISostoii O II brown and drab , Uc ; lloslou XX brown and drab , 10 ; IJoslon XXX in-own and drab , He ; Huston O P blue. , li'/c ; Warrcu Tricot , 15c. liiiovvN COTTON Lawrence LL , Cc ; bhavy- iniitLL , fie : lieavcr Dam LL , no ; Atlanlii ! LL , ( > c ; Indian Head. 7c ; NVaiichiisset ti , , c ; Ciown XXX. il te : Clilton CCC , O c ; Utuu n. e . Kiver , tiie ; .Slicluekct S , b' e : Slictucket SS , HKc ; Montauk A , r.V ; Montault U , lO c ; Omega ACA , W'-re. ' CiNuiiAiis lientrevv , ( i@loe ; ; ; Amoskea , , Oe ; Anioskeag , Ktnple , 7j.fe : Ivaiilioo , ukjij ; Wamsutta , h e ; Nubian , HkeVar ; - wick , t'e ' ; Wblltendoii , He ; Hate.s , , H ; ] ! ate.s. hiaple , 0 > o ; Uamlolpb , btaple , ty.Jc ; Lansdovvne , 7e. CIIKVIOTS Aiuoskeax , checksOJfe ; Amos- keag.stiipes , hke ; Slater , tiijius , tkj ; Kdin- bur _ ' , ! i > . \Vlnttemlon ; , Htripe.s , b'c. ; ( ilun- lose. He ; 'Otis , checks , ll e ; Oll.s , striiH > .s , DC , Itoyal , ( ijfe : Amoslteag , naiijicd , lo o : Lit- nty , book fold , I''p ; Ohcron , buok fold , llu ; Kndmance , book fold , I'iv. i.Ain ; nsn il.siS catch. ) No. : No. a i.i an in a : w a mi HI 1/ji iii j | y ' ' IH2 71) I NI 1 ry ) A ) NO , iTiout ; ; , ; ; . ; 'iw\MUMSu ' \ | . . . . . No. l Piukuriil 14 w > : i M ; . ' : uii tu | ot iu .MACl > lllii ! : , ( ISVi PATCH. ) Now Klsli. llhls. Hall Hbls Qtr r j ; ; : , u. ) i.s ihi in ; > , * > n o.7 ; i 11 m llv. No. 1 .Sll'r , ; .M ( r : fid II .U ! W5 Ml 41 No. 1 Shoie ui ( vi in w ) u ft i r , ; u i : u ijo i Mr < l. No 1 hhore. . i : , in n iki 7 - > t ii5i : : n ir > iu u ) i > r > a n KI HI ; : ) > ' 70 J'ut 7 W ) , ! l l ! t 113 IB 1 .0 5'i Hum ! ) r > ( ml : i Mv \ : : > l M.I ; w' ' i IIK.IIIIINOS _ . ui'i. irfinvOc. inu KIH KCW FISH. K ) KM M M 411 I tl ) NO. i i/iii Kiij4rU4 inanuiK ) i Knjilisli do J.Jiivu < 7 fill I - , ' : ' , : > " . 17 1 Ml. . 'n ( Jibbed 'n ' IKI aw a mi i Hjir/u [ M iii.oot ) nr.ii SALMON. His. Hi- ; . lln. Ibs jb.s kits. iilK ) 100 SM M -10 SI 1.00 $7,50 Ffl. 5.sO. : ! $11.10 Oflp. COIIFISII Xew Kir.'lisli Mimmer cured wilole cod , ' 5e ; iilb bricks , guaiintee < l , < J , ' . , ' ( i > 7e , 'Jvioicr.D I'isii Halibut , nuvv , J'JKuj now waled liuu'liifs. 2K- , Dry lumber. AND I i i i i i i 12 ft 1 1 ft 10 a is ft aa n - - ' n ai ft . "Ml . 1. ' , , .1 15 . ' . - n X , IIIJ.1 17.'ir. t'1.75 ' 111 7.1 x . ttM 11,7.1 1.1 7fi III 7.1 177.1 ls.7ftH7.1 aID . 15.7.1 15 7 < 1 r > . * .1 111.71 1 7.7/i / 3I.7IS ' . ' 1 .17 L'xU' . 15,7.1 l.Vtt M.7.1 HI 7.1 17.7.1 1U.7' . 'Ui 4 1 : l-8\8. _ . . . . . . . 1U.-M It ) : .M IUM 17JM lH/.Tt UAiauaT 110AIII1S. No. 1 boards , 12 , 14 ami 10 It . S17.0) ) No. iihoaidi , Ii , H and 1C It . l.r > .00 No. ilboaids , U , Hand Hilt . n.Ti No.-lboaids , K' , Hand ID It . ll.U ) MIHNd , IMCom. , 1-J , 14 ami ill Icct . , . S''l.n id C < . , 14 nnd Hi teet . . . l.7.1 ! ' lid Com. , H niul IU lift . 14.75 enFce , Hand Ulfei-t . , . 10.J1 I' I N < IVIi. jVo. 1,4 &n Inch , Uaiul lllcct , iougli.SI7..V ) No. 1,4 , v n inch , lujei-i , iimu'ti . . . . 17.---0 No. > , 4 Aii Inch , t'i .nul H If l , iimull. . M..V ) I\0. ' - ' , 4 vV * > Illtu , 10 li'i'l , lou ll . , , . 1J..VJ MltP 1. M' . No. 1 , PJnln , 8 or 10 Inch . S1S.OO Xo. a , Plain , 10 Inch . HVOO No. 1 , 0. ( ! . jaM n : iiNi. : I t Com. , Inpli , Nonvay . 1.XPO Sd Com. , "d Inch , XOIVVH.V . 14..V ) 1st , Sd nnd s < l Clear , I 't Inch. f. 0 . Ul. Sd and ! J > 1 Clear , I'V hud 3 Inch , .s ; > . 11. sdeet , IV. lUBud'Jltiob , o. as . 1st. sa and * d Cfonr. I Inch , .s. a . .V"n A Select. ' Inch , K. is . . . . . 40..10 15 Select , 1 I irh. . . Ss . P0.03 v/.ooinxo. U ! Com. Olnihliltepine . .rt 0" ) i' l Com. 0 inch , white puo ! . : Ci ( K ) rdCom. 0 inch , while pine . Ul 00 Scl. KOIIIT , n lui'h , white plnp . ' . < ) 03 Chlcaao fel. VVuce Klnorini ; . I Of ) 1st audd clear jeilow pine.10 inch. . . SO 63 Mlllptitliui TrIDei. Ainrrican Architect : Jlis. Alien l.o Plonjfcon vvritn a enrious iuroint. puli lislied in llui Seieniille Auuiriean , ol homo villases of pifjniie.s ili-seoveivd lj ) ner liiisbaiul nnil herself on the onsli'Vtt ' coafn of Vneatnn. . U is Mi nlur llml reeent ethnolo ieal di > eoverios in various pnrlii of tlio world Imvf related to ihvarf tribes , nnil Mrs. I.e Plonj'.eon , before ilpMM-ibinc tlm lilliputian tnvns ol' Yucatan , lYinimlH us that it number of utono tombs weni found a few vears.i o on tlio It.uilcM of what tint piin' ' . " > l ttecoilnl.s cull tlio river Merrinme , I'untu'.niiii ; adult lunnati .skeletons only three te < vt lon , nnd it. IM prolublt- that the ciilonixution of t1. ' ) ! ! ! Afrlua will show the evisteiieo of ninny tnlies of little ninn In Mexico , jinrlitu- larly in tin1 sontli ( he dwarfs piny a Inrijo part in the Mi'dit'ons ' of tins ntilixt - , who iittribiile to tlu'in the eonstrtielion of tlio ruined buililiiij ; . lounii thel'u , anil i-nino- times prntcss ii to have hoen them , or to have been disturbed bv the. sound of thuir hitninu'nii ut ni lit. The place most , fro- ttientedby | lliiulwarl's sueiu lo Irivo boon I'o/.umel island , a low , Hat reef , about , tveiity-tour milis in Ii nth ; , oft' thi < oasti const of Ytieiittin. On tins idnuil ulill e.\ist ( hi ) ruins of pijiniy cities of eonsltl- era bio iinjioit inoi' , > v'.th ' temples ImlltoC earefnlly hewn stone , tlio larpi nt o whieli if , foiiiieeii fei-t lonjj and iitno foot hijih , and IIM n doorvv.iy three feet hipli and eifcl'ti'i'ii ' inrlii's w-il < > ; nntl near by are well ron tnicted triumphal nre.hiin ninii feet lnjh. On tlm nniph- | /i < rnj ! ; coast are st'll to bu pcen the reiiiM s of vJI-ijjos , all tlm lioiiM's in wh'elt are of stouo , but f.osmall that no one larger ! in an ordtmiryehild of two years I'ou Id comfortably Kv' ' into Ihcm. There is some leasoii to . Ilint tin ) little raci' still .survives. Accord- in < ! ; to the Indian ; jiiidi ; ! who , led Pr. and Alr.s. J e I'lonp'on to tlio rniiiH , and who professed to liuvo s"en the dwarfs fro- iiitHll.y. | they urn very smajl and quite shy , appearing only at nijtlit , with lur o hat.'i on tiiuir heads , and never speaking to these whom they mi-lit. Many of our rcadora are old enough to Irivo seen tlio "Av.teo ehildren , " the diminnl'vo Hpeeinu-iisof ii race supposed to In- extinct , which wcro u\hiliteil alii > 'it ' tlm country twcnly-fivo years ago ; and it j- . not impossibln that tin : nminant of tribes vvliich occupied llui country ( lon C befon1 tliu Tollcii niiiy bis fotinil in tin ; valleys of tlm Oor- dilfcras .iust as rt'pruse.ntativc.H of nearly all Iho undent Kuropcau races are fomul .still cxistuifj in tlm nmioter Alptiio A'lil- Icys. _ _ "VTlinn llali.7 was alci , ire Rave linr Co ( orlo , IVlicn slin HIM a Chllil , she cried for Cnstnrio , When nlio Iirc-nno .Min , itho cliuig to Uaitoria , Wlicii alio had CLlldrju , abe giro them Caelorl.i , w. r. JOHNSON , r.nvv. TMMTHBT r. .1. fccmivi.Kii. W. F. tlcins9ii ! & Oo. Comnrisson MercbantsI 2181A SAIJ.i : ST. , CHICAGO. llocelver * or flrnln nnd SpedR. Fnturos Im and SoM .Spculnl ii.ien . lonioMilo by . * < : iniiilct3. by IMuard Ihutoil , l.Iueolii. Railway Time All train" iirrivn and ( tepart trom Omaha by Central Standaid time. 'aii.biMH'tlio C ,8t. 1' , M. ArO. nrrlvo nnd do- piiilliom thclrdoiot | , toinerol' lltb nnil W < > 1 > - Hui'Mieoti ) : triiln ii tlio Ii .V M , < \ , It. .V. ( ) . , and K. C. , St. .1. A C. U n om tlio 11. < V M. depot ; all others I mm tin 'Inlou I'aelliu depot. a.daily : b cept Saturday ; c.exeept Sunday ; d , e.scept Monday. Do part. Arrive. OMAHA IIUIlKJi : THAINS. Di'M.MV TII.MNS l.wivo Omalul lit ( l.Ti : , 7W : , FH ; ) . Makl , llsir u. in ; KW. : ' ! : ( , : M , ii > .tK : , rii.Viillid IIM : p , III. Oil .Sillldnyrt OKI 'i'A't : 11 ml IDitXj a. in. , mid -OJ : a'ld 4iiM p. m. tralnti do not run. J.cavn Council llhiir-f ( Ilioadwny Depot at 7M : , KHli.Ji.1 ; ( , , : , ! lll ; ) u , m. ; lll : , UiltlliJ. : : < : ' - < rc' , " > , lii iinul 11 : .1 p inOn SuudiiyH ihu Hirf : mid lnHii. : ; m. , mul : ii-i mul lr:3p , m. tralim will not run , Til .NHnii : TIUI.VH Ix'iivo Omnlm at 8:00.8W : : 11.111. ; liri : : , : . ' : ii , JJ.Hii-uuiil : VU.i ; p. m. dull ) ' . Airlvoat UMimid lll.'i a.m. ; 1-M : , : ) : ! ! , 7Ti ; nnil itiU'i p. in. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ht'NDAV T1IIAINS ' To nnd Irom ChlKi o \ iu'JVipiu-ii'.o Alliance , KPOI-'IC V.MIIH T'-im tabUi or iiiis-ciwor linhis Oiunlia ami U'uloo .Stud , Viutls ; lit elfcct Vi'cii- llltli , iMl : VVIISTtt'AIIII TIKe Ko , Oiiiiilui , ( . ' .S. YanlN No U.S. Viiulw OiniilmT .4. M. SI , ! ' A. M. A. M. li.l'l Hill ) 4' ) I-.IW HiHO IKI H-.V ) ' UMU 11.11) ) 51. I' . M. U lla II."i ! 13.11 f. H. I' . V. 41 l .1 M ; ! 10 us ; 4 10 f-.VJ : IM d It ) II HI1 'IV.tlil N'o 41 , Bmuluy , OUict uunid run nun/ .