'HE ' EE , FIFTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 7 , 1885. N UMBER 03. FORGOTTEN FACTIONALISM , Allen Q. Thurman Koplies to Senator John Sherman's ' Speech at Mt. Gilead. TEARING THE "BLOODY SHIRT. " The Wnr AVnn TouKht I.OIIK , I he J i/'ro ! / Is II'I-OP , nnd the Konth l < < t'ros- ' \ IHM-OUS. Thurmnn's Uoply to Sherman. Toi.i'.no , Ocl. ' ! . ijoniitor Allen ( S. Tlntr- man was greeted .at Wheeler's op. ra hou'-o tcHilghtwlthacrowd : tint was only llmlti-d by the rapacity of ( he house.lie appeared In good volco , allhotuli fromu'iitly Intel- ruplcd by coughing , and alter apologizing for wiltljig Ills speech , re.ul fiom a printed ropy , ficitueiilly slopping to ndel oxti'iiiporanfous romarlttu Jle was listened to with gix-at at tention. iHfiMANt : < si > ir.rir. : Judge Thnrman , on bolug Introduced , be gan his Hpecch by leleroiico to the Mount ( ! lltnd NpVi'cli ' of Senator Sheiman nt the opening of the campaign , which ho said was nn Indictmi'iit of theSoutli , and a revival of the charges of ciimo and outiago made in years gone1 by. Unquoted the words of ( iar- mild lu opposition to a revival of sectional hatred and said that lie last presidential campaign was opened by the republican can didates on the tariff as the chief issue , but be- lore ) llio ( ampali ; ! ! closed this vuis dioppcd and tlio bloody slilil lalscdas the bauiifr ot ceitaln republican vh'tory , but vjlibn tlio Miles weie counted the banner was found trailing In Hie dust. Particular stress was laid on TIII : SIIXTIMK.XTS or fiiiA.vr that the passions of Hie war were at , an end and ania/.ement was expressed that a man fipeaking over his tomb si. mild be so au dacious as lo say that there Is no recouclli- 11,1011 , ; that rebellion b not at an end ; that Jno only effective way to suppress it is to send tlio "llojs In liluo" lo put It down. noting from be-nator Sherman's speech , the Fpeaker .said : "Now It is Impossible as It BI ems to me to understand these expressions. Tlmy aio intlammatory declamations Kiicli as no man of Hie ability of Senator Sherman or in his high station could indulge In without disgrace , or that , they are his leal Heulimentsuml mean , when thoroughly ana- ly/.edthat It thori pub. loan part ) cannot obtain power in any odier way , it shall obtain and Iiold it by the sword. I know that such an Idea , if you do not ivllccl upon it , Is calcu lated lo e-xeH your dirislon. Out stop and rellcc.t. It' the great stale of Ohio can Iw car ried by SUCH AI'I'IIAI.K TO I'AhSlON nnd pnji uiiiuh Mie-nmm is making ; if his w ajions shall lu sullliicut to thrust from ulllcc men whom two jears ago youe.ccteilif they .slum pavotlie way to a nlth term in the win1. * " tor their author , they will become the creed ol the republican party In isfcS and the doctrine of hate wilt bo. sticmgly if not per manently established in llio. land. " Judge rhiu-man said Hie Issue roused by Mr. Sherman Is a dangerous one to the busi ness mid prosperity of the American poopio , and an elioit to blow into Maine tat ! dym.r embers ot civil strife. It should be frowned down by all loyal people. The speaker next pioceeded to answer the iiruuments of Mr. Sherman concerning the grievous condition of TIII : coi.omm IIACT. IN TIIK SOUTH , claiming that they were now in Hie enjoy ment ol greater prosperity and greater civil rights than were ever enjoyed on the globe by an equal number of their race , lie cited the prosperity of that section lu li" > , wluju the dcmociais came into contiol and radical rule and carpi.t-bag government ceased. At HIM end of ( en jears It cannot bo sal'iily al- nrmcd that tharo is not an industry in tlio south but is moro prosperous than it over was in Unit region hei'oio until now. They have In many lints manufactures wbji'huio becoming rivals of tlio mills of the * eastern sintf * . The speaker Bkelehcd brielly the numerous enterprises and developments of the south , free schools lor the co.oicd youth , the con tentment which exists among tlie colored pco- ] ) Maiid the tact that they have not mlgrutcil to any o. el Irco state anil all this was argued to piove'tlmt they won ) not discontented , mur- deud and deprived of their rights sis depicted bv Sheiman ami other republican orators. 'Jlio colmeel man seemed to piei'er living witli Hie white mm of the south , even though they lie democrats , than dwelling in the tents of radli'iils , oven though they bo Ints. It was argued that all thc.su.tliings. ' .oulit not bo so if 1lio negioesof Hie souih were in tlie state of wretchedness which has been so often assorted. ROiTlliU.V | : STATlfiTIOS. Judge Thurman hero ciuotod at length from the tenth c'l-iisiis , IvUstallslics , in proof , of the ussoi Ih us which ho had made , the prin cipal point OL'iiu' that th.i colored people are In iv iiiajoiity In but two of the smithern states Soutli Carolina ami Mississippi and liOc'imiincd his argument to the census of those two states. The object In tlio ligures \va < apparently to show the ilopiessibn in all viiiuis in the period coveicd by republican ri iu > , and Hie advance of all matciiai Interests mnlor democratic government. Alter dis posing of a wilderness ol' ligures in regard to the condition ol Smnh Carolina , the speaker summed np by sajiug : "In short , every thing that feeds or clothes HID negro in that st-'to ' is within ids reach to a do.- giro Unit h nev r know before- . Now , once moio , 1 hiii it m you , could this lie the case if South Carolina is In the lawless condition that ludleal speakers represent It' ' No , my fellow eiil/.oiifi , ( Ids continued stream of nro.siiorlty under democratic rule proves that It Is.bi'iieucent ; and Iho quiet. Hint prevails in tlie state piuvo.s that the people of all classes there a iv coiitonlvd iiudtT their govern ment. " \Kijitms sinAM. . mi'iiii.irAX : ; * . Jtidi'oTliurmnn ' denied tlio assiiiuplloii of Senator Slieiman tliat all colored voters in the South are republican. * , mid would vole ' tlmt llcl.et II not terrorlw-d. llo said : 'If it wi'ip. It would bo a M'llous question as to wlii'tluT iieojilu no sciyili' and cowardly me lit tooxir-iMu'lectlvolraiichl.-o , . ut for ore 1 do not believe that they are so utterly ele1- basc'd. ' 1 believe' that' having pond rear-on fur not voting the republican ticket , they abstain fiom dolmr Mi.in yieat numbers , or vole Hie ilem cnille tliket. I ! ; no\v very well that under ilio niiiuipulatlons of the 1'reediiie.ifs liuieau agents , teen alter the war. the colored jn'opio of thii South were , to n gicat itxtcnt. dniwn Into lepubllcan Mid'ed ' union lo miles ami were taught to bcllevo that If the iem" > ci-atie party siici'ccdod they \\miid bo oiico moro i educed to slavery. 1 do not deny that great effect was produced upon their minds by tlicie t'aisii pretenses , but wo have good reason lo In-Hewn that year by ye-ar thcso Jaisoiiupiossmnn have grown weaker and MiMkcr , and they have to a great elegreo Jem-nod the truth.1' The speaker hern quoted nt length from a letter printed in the Cincinnati Knquircrof .Septeiulior.il. Irom It. M. Davis of Columbia , S , C. , which gavo. a brief history of llio carpet bag government of that statello Imped that everyone lu the audieiuvcould read the letter in lull. JndKf Thurman tlion turned his attention to Mississippi , and loud fiom Iho American Kiicyclopcdla for l i'i tlio piiicccdings of HID tax-pa ; conyi'iitlKii of Hint state , hold at Jackson mi January , Ihi.'i. v\hou It was slioun that the lust hrxldeli In isi i was 10 ri'iits on Ilie * bundled dollars of the as- He- cdidiio of lauds , was four limes ; as great In lsi ; , el ht and one- luilf times as great in l Tv' , twelve nii'f a lull times in. .meat in ls ; : i nnd fmir- tcoil tmioxas n-at Iulsi4. At Iliesamotlmo thmissO'siuonl nf prup.-ily . irivntly exceeded its marl.ol value and iho public debt h.id boon IncriiiM'd nvi-i > wi.iuu : iiiinnally. The sumo o\lravaui IN-I- \\ii- ; > lnnn In Hio management of I'liiinl.n ulfuirs. lie staled that \\lien I'm iti inucnil-'r.iiili'd Ml-sK ippI In \\t \ \ hvas said II Ind been doiii ) Ihiougli loriurNiii and fniud. Tills \\as latt-i * and ho ivad a letter from 1 idled Males Senator lievels tu the pli.'sldelll ill SIIiHil | | | n | ' lll < a. erlloll. A "ni 111:1:11 : : MIN AIIIU'S vnws : , Ho piviaivd Us ivadhu by Mating that Itevuls uaMi I'nloied iidnislerand a n-ni.b- llciiu. Jlo bad M-ncd in tliOM-miin with him and loiiiul him ID dr u man nf nlia-aiii'ii ' ami re > | iicii'ii'iu. : lie \\.is a rep'.itilir m but h's I \\i hi.-.s were for H.- ' . .1 IHIM llo Ilien n-ad Hie lottc-r whlph alter statins ilu > blacks won1 imtunliy Jvp'iiiMcaiu ' , sai'l ' ( hey had be--u lmpo i-d upon and robbed liyi ct cif scoundrcilH and unprincipled adven- tur'T-t until ttioy had rhcii In tlietr might and oveithiown thi'lr npprcors. . The letter closes us follows : "TinblltcrriMS ntvl linlo c rented tutlio In'o civil strlio liuvo m my oiiinion. been oollu-rntod In this % tniv , except. perlum * . In om < ; locnl'tleji ' urn ! unit Id luivo lonir lueo boon nntlicly otrnctM wtfitIr not lorniuu unii'mcl | | < lixl men who would koett ulivc 'liebltteruo of tliu past nnd Inculnitu n hntrol lietwcvn tlio rue" ! In onlcr Hint they itmv nifarnivllite them olvp i by ofllce unit Its < . ' ! n'lmni'iit > - 'n control my nr-oplc , ttie tltccl ol which Ii tn deiri-nilc thorn. I iriivo you tnv opinion Hint hud iur iiitc iiilmhilstrntlon iiillivixil ID t-opuiilicnii prlnolilc | einil stooil by llio iilnttnrin upon tvhtch It wnn ole'Ctod. Mio sttiH'o'Jny would hnve- been on the lilirhvriy * o pi-u < | iDHty. If the itnti-niliiihil tritllnu liiul n'l- vimecd patriotic incii > i'ii- < > . nppoimoil only lion- u t iimlcomiietLMit itifti 10 otllce. autl o-jirht to iwtnrc coiillilonnibttwnon HID rncu , blocvl. shinl wniili ) hnve bc'i-u unknown , pencil would Inirc | .rcvnll i | , re-Uoi-ul Intcrfcrcncu bce-o xin- HioiiL'ht nt.-iiul harmony. li-lcnilMil | > , imd iiiu- uiul c'lntiite-u'-c would have inken the place ol thebayonet. . " . . . . The speaker tbou read drain's liiAtinrssnire lead Ids Nooua. as to couipanlons-lii-arnis nt III. , by Colonel 1" red Cinnt. and closed bis speech by saving : "I have not time to speak of stale politics except to say that I believe a good license law would be tlie best solu tion of the llipmr question. In ISM I voted against tlio provlMon In the constitution forbidding license ami I have tint changed my opinion since. A wend you have n state ticket composed ol competent men and dial was fairly nomin ated. I iMiuestly appeal to you to give to It your warm support , and I think it Is your duty to show by your voles that you Inivt ooiiiidonce In Hut existing administration ot tlio federal t'ovi-rumont. In a wmd , elo yum duty mill your whole duty , and never dcspalt of success. " Kastern "Train AI.TOOSA , Pa. , Oct. 0. As the rcgnlai train from llolldaysburg was n oar ! MX Alle gheny furnace this morniii' ' , four men took possession of one of tlio crowded cars. While three of them Intimidated the passengers with revolvers , the fourth went through tlio car and lobbed such of Ilie occupants as he chose toM'le.-ot. Ono of Hio passengers made a show of resistance , but he was attacked with a knife and cut , tliroiurh the baud. The conductor lie-it grappled with one of the io ! > - bers and was dragged out to tlio platform of the ear and beaten with a revolver handle. The robbers then pulled the hell rope and jumped oil , escaping to Iho woods. The I'l-misylvania railroad company has bent out ofllcers In pmsuit In all directions. NO WIIOUSAM : : uonnmiv. PiTTSmtno , Oct. ( I. An Alton special to the Dispatch gives the following account of the light with Hie robbers on tlio liain near Allegheny Furnace this morning. An un known lady was robbed at llolidaysburgde- iiot this morning of her pocket boou conlain- luga small amount of money and her ticket. The lady was on her way to Altoona , and Hie discovery of her loss was made when the conductor asked for her ticket. A young man on the train-told a companion , Peter Hradloy. that ho know who picked her pocket. ni-.nllay 'informed Conductor Knep- per mid they started back to Hud Uic supposed robber. The man was found in Hie rear car and accused of the theft. A tight nsucil and In the struggle which followed , Bradley was stabbed in the baud by the sup posed thief. The fellow then called on his companions , three in number , who came to his rescue witli drawn revolvers. Tlio conductor desisted In his attempts to arrest the man , and one of the outlaws pulled the bell rope , stopped the ( rain , and getting elf beat a rapid retreat. The train came on to Altoona. and a posse was sent out immedi ately afterwards but no traces of them coitHl bu found. Female Gallows Fruit. UTICA , N. Y. , Oct. ( ! . [ Special to the P.i'.s.J Mrs. Druse , who murdered her husband with the aid of herson , daughter and nephew In Warren , llcikimcr county , last December and cut up and burned the remains , was to-day sentenced by Judge' Williams to bo executed on Wednesday , November 25. No woman has been executed In central New York for over forty years. Tliecourthou.se was crowded by people of both sexes and all ngcs. At 0 o'clock Mrs. Druso was escorted Into the court room by Olllccr Wilson. She looked haggard and worn. On the opening of course Counsel Luce made a motion fora new trial which was denied by Judge Will- lams. The prisoner was then told to stand up. She arose and Judsro Williams pro nounced MMHOIICC. Mrs. Druse never tlinclied nor Allowed any emotion until site was pass ing out of the court room when she burst into tears. Counselor Luce will secine a.stay of pioccillngs and appeal the- case on his motion lor u now trial. A Tragedy. Oil' the Hoards. Pim.Ai > tii'iiiA , Oct. ( ! . H. O. Leonard , of the .lanish dramatic company , now playing In this city , was shot this evening by A. L. Ki Linger , manager of the Dagmar company , which is to open here this week. At the time mentioned , .Airs , l.conaul , .John llave- lin and Mis. ICrlanger weio In the hit ter's room at the Continental hotel , when Leonard came in and iinincilhite.lv assaulted ! iliinu'cr witli an umbrella. A light eiiiiied during which Erlamer shot i * i-naiii m mo "ide. The wounded man was convey d lo Hie hospital and ICrlanger arrest- id. Leonard's wound Is not daiigoioiis. Tlio trouble- grew out of the separation of Leonard and his wife MJIIIO time ago and the c i | liiyuiriit of the latter by Krlamrcr. I oeonlly Leonard thrashed Krlauger In New York. Horrible Wife arm-dor , lIonoiciN , N. .1. . Oct. 0. ticorgo Disquc , n saloonkeeper , surrendered himself to Hie po lice lo-day , saying ho had killed his wife , ll's story Is that ho went homo this afternoon and found his wife drunk will ) n strange man m t u ) hous" , wlio hastily left ; Hint a quarrel nio-o ; that Ids wil'o tried to kill him with a knife , and In tlio struggle for Us pus-session the weapon accidentally entered her throat. Tiio wound Is oluht Inches long , running from ear to oar. When the police vu-n ! to tlio place they found the woman dead on the Hour ami her Mven-moullis-old ! babe dabbling in her blood , which stood in pools. The dead woman leaves two other children , aged and J.yours. Insane jealousy Is believed to hayo caused the act. liny fitnto IloitrhoiiH. Woitri-.sTiu : : , MAS.S. , Oct. < . There Is a good gathering hero to-night of delegates ( o to-morrow's democratic state convention , a-nl nn Interesting contest for first place on tne ticket Is in progress between Urn friends of Kilwaul A very , of Ilralntroo. Frederick Prince , of Uo.stim , and .las. S. ( iriiinell , of Cicen.ti'hl. A combination of the A very and ( Irlnnoll forces in .support of tlie one- who shows the greatest strength Is talked of to night. Duller men are being cordially wel comed bad ; . DomoHtlo Troulilo and n Tragedy. Cmr-Aoo , Ot-t. . The Dally News' Can- Ion ( III. ) special says : Albeit Cook , who for somoolfoiise had been sent to Jail , was re leased yestoiday. * llo went to his homo early Ibis morning , Mint his niotlicr-ln-law , killing her instantly , mid then shot and killed hl.s wlfo , then disappeared mid has not yet been found. Domestic trouble occasioned Hie tr.tjedy. > AGrent ItulUvny Suit. .SANTA Itos.v , Cal. , Oct. ( ! . The opinion of Judge .lacks-oil Tomiilo In the celebrated oa o nf Mrs. Klloii M. Colton VH. Lolaiid Stand- ford and other directors of the Central Paciiic railroad , wasiiled this mornlir , ' . Judgment U uulered lor tliu tliu defendants. Graul'a Fleecer. ' Nr.w Vniiis , Ocl. O.-Judge llarnett to-day In tlieeouit of oyer and lei miner lixed the iri.il of l-'cidlnand Ward for the lUth Obituary. I.own.i. , Mass. , Oct. o.-Kx-Coyeriior ! Tnl- lux d.- > l .it 1 THE WORLD OF WORKERS Developing Bestless Spirit of the Laboring duress Throughout the Country. ST. LOUIS STREET CAR STRIKE The National Convention of Knights o lnbor Numerous Other Meet ings The IJIuht- Movement. Street Car Strlkn at St. ST. LotM . OeUO. At a meeting o'f the executive ritninltlee ) of Hie Knights of Labo tills attctuoim Itwusdeehled to order n gen cral strikcof street car men to begin nt tlirct tills afternoon. Promptly : it the appolntci tlini'tlie men on Washington avenue Lunici In. and at this writing the Mrlku&ccms to betaking taking shape. Hy 4 i . in. the strike was well under wa > and tliu tunning nf the cars was almos totally suspended on all roads In the city ox coptiiigon tliu Olive ; street and Market streo lines , and tliu South St. Louis road. Tin strike ) was made In aeeordanc'o with an ordii Issued by the executive boaid of tlie Knliilit.s of Labor Into whose hands the sliect ertr inei have placed their affairs and who claim thai the men wens ordered out because the olllelals oftlm car company failed to m-ot then or ( ven notice their Invitation loaihlliatctlic. ditl'erenres between the men and thociun pany. Some days auro they drew up a set of irrhivaucos and made demand that twelve , hours .should coiistiluti1 u day's woik , that eoiidueloi's should reeelvc two dollars per daj wages and drivers 51."i , and that drivers ol Ixib-la I ears should reeelve the same as con ductors. This , the executive eommitieo nl- lo c , was sent to the jiresld nts of street-oat companies , and they also say that the\ specially Invited the presidents of the compa ines to meet them and three prominent mem bers of the Merchants' exchange , who had been selected lor tliu occasion , at the knoll do hotel to-day to consult toirethei ami arbitrate matters. Only ono pro.sieleiit ic.spundcd to the call Johnson , of ( he Smith St. Louis road , who acceded to the demands of Hid men , and his line was Immediately ex empted , but on all other loads , and In opposi tion to the advice of the leading merchants , whom they had called t < their aid , executive committees ordered a strike and tlie men went out except on the roads above mentioned. Thous ands of people visited the business part ot the city to-night to witness the parade of Hit Veiled 1'rophets mid were obliged to travel without the aid of street caw. What the outcome come- will be no one can tell to-night. I nlior Meetings. Till' ' NATIONAL SOCIALISTIC COXOIITIBS. Cixnxtf ATI , Oct. ( I. At to-day's session of the socialistic labor party congress resolutions favoring the eight hour movement were adopted. 11 was decided to instruct the na tional hoaid to invite Ucbell andLeibuielit , mciiibers of the Oeriuan reichstag , for lectur ing tours throughout the Unite States. DIIMOXSl'ItATlOX AT DKTKOIT. Dr.Tiiorr , Oct. ) . To-night a labor dein- onstiation was made in this city which was a great success. About ! iOOU , me were in line , composing nvo divisions and twenty-live or ganizations , and embracing all kinds of labor. The demonstration was or derly throughout. Upwards of one hundred transparaiicies were carried , among- mottoes being the following : ' 'Convict contract labor must go , " "Kight hours only fora day s work , " "When capitalists conspire , poor men must combine , " ' 'The employment of child labor should be made a state prison olfense , " "Kqtial pay to both .sexes for equal work , " "Itcnt , interest , and protit , are robberies , " "Agitato , educate , organize , " "Tho land for the people ; not another aero for railroads , " "Child labor Is the product of our , boasted 'civ ilization , " "School for childrenwork ; _ for men. " "Employ the unemployed and reduce the hours of labor. " Similar mottoes were printed in German and Polish. NATIONAL COXVKXTloy K OF I , . HAMILTON , OXT. , Oct. (1. ( The general as sembly of Knights of Labor reconvened this oioiuiiiL' . Master Workman 1'owderly , In his address , said he had prepared a draft of a bill to be presented to congress which will , if adopted , prohibit the employment of In mates of state or county prisons on govern ment work of any kind. He recommended that congress should bo asked to incorporate all Hip trade and labor associations in tin- District uf Columbia and territories of the United States , also to amend the bill passed last session -to prohibit the employ ment of foreign labor under contract. He said that'Somo postmaster who oiut loyed labor intercepted and opened communications between omcors of the assembly. This remedy was to prohibit employers from acting as postmasters. Working people of the states should demand of congress the passage of n law e-n-a ting postal savings banks. The passage of Mr. Oates' bill , introduced at last session of emigres.- * , prohibiting aliens from holding hiixo tracts ol land , should be in-lsted upon ami tlie a.ssombiv should go further in demanding that all hinds now held lor .speculative puipo-es be lestorcd to the public domain. Ho discountenanced the proposition to iimmruiMto a strike for the es tablishment of tlie .short hour plan on May 1 , is.sit. Ho believed an annual convention should bo held In every state , territory and province , to lie composed of representatives irom all labor organizations within the boun daries of each state , territory and province , to discuss all matters pertaining to labor lu te ie-ts. Uo.irds of industry should bo organized In every muniuijiaiity , which should keep watch over the desiiiiie.s of workers. Workliigmen on the continent of Xoilh America , hesaid , must lake .some action looking to the preven tion of immigration during periods of depres sion. This country can no lonucr bo called the woikshop of the world , Kvery step to make it the poor house of the world should bo resisted. Ho then touched oii Imvco.ting , and said that when the end sought tor had been accomplished it should bo ills- coir limed. Drunken iicsswhich was prevalent during strikes should be punished uy expul- son. llo pointed out weal ; spots In cooperative ative and tliu mutual bjncilt organizations. Ho suggested that n similar co-opera 11 vo movement to the ono located In Covliutou , Ky. , be inaugurated in every iocalitv where tdero is an assembly. Tins plan , ho haul , binds the working man and his employer together in a movement in which their Interests aw identical. Tint assistance fund should bo abolished and another plan substituted. Wnrkingmon liavo comotolook upon it as a fund lo support strikers. This was not true : no strike should bo ordered wltlioiitthcBaiictlnn of the general executive boaid. and then only after overv otherolfoit had failed. The oxooutlvo boaril should act as a national boaid of conciliation ami MI hi I ration , llo thought U time for the Knights of Labor tobomout careful about championing thestilkcsof other organizations. It had brought odium on It- sell In the past In bomo Instances lor Its 'ciieroslty. Heforo taking Hides hereafter it should bo fully convinced that mere was right on the hide of the laborer. " , llo hoped that the statement that theHrotlu-i- mod of hnglueer.s was opposed to tliu Knights of Labor was not true. Jlo di.seonr- agi'd the lorniatlmi of any moro national tnuky assemblies as u step backward. Coolies HiintliifilVorlc. Prrrsnuun , Oct. o.-Lco Wall , an intelli gent Chinaman from San I'ranelsco , arrived lero this afternoon and left for the Connell.s- vlllo foko regions to-night to negotlato for employment of Chinese labor In that district. Leo Wall Id ono of a coinmlttco of blx appointed nt a jccent meeting In San Fran cisco to visit various Industrial renters hroughmit tlie country to establish Chim-so olonk's. The movement grows out of HID ate Wyoming massaca . Horcpoilshaviiii. net with fair sucei-xs at Cincinnati and other localities visited , A Permanent Crisis In Franco. Loxuo.v , Oct. . The Tlmi'4 I'.irls cmrcs- londcnt says : "Owing to the number of cabinet ministers defeated nt the elections for MMtiJii the chamber of deputle : , It will bo necessary for Hio cabinet lo bp TO modeled or resign from tdllco before the chambers meet. If the radicals ally thorn selves with the members of Ilin right. lho > can overthrow ministry after ministry , leav Ing Franco In a permanent crisis , which wll seriously jeopardize the existence of the re public. 1'Aiit" , Oct. c , . Tlio Iloimbllmic Vnuicuis-e ? speaking of Iho result of llio election la < .Sunday 'say ? "ovorone-thlul of the members of the chamber of deputies arc conservative- * This Is auctions evil. It then implores the republicans to 'unite on candidates In dls trfets whore second ballnu arc necessary ant preserve the Integrity of { ho republic. " I'AIHS , Oct. 0. Manger , Wohleck , lions- M'mi , Lei ! rand and 1'eranlt who wore do- teated in election have resigned their Heats In tin-cabinet. _ The Itoiitncllan Problem. . 'tm.t.tpot'Ms , OjU U. Tri tlio.is.itu ! vol unteers for service In Micedonla haso been concentrated In South Ihilgnrla under gov eminent control. COXSTAXTIXOPU : , Oct. IX The icwrt ; of the ambassadors to the powers on the linn mclian dfllicultv Indicates that the tenor of the communicalton to bo addressed to Turkej and Ilnlgarla will prevent a contllct , leaving to the powers the duty of solving the dilll- cully. "TO .unts run onr.r.K I1' ATimxs , Oct. ( I. Tim remainder of the army reserve has been called out for Imme diate service. service.OX OX TO TltK KIIONTir.lt. Ur.uiAnm : , Oct. 0. The remainder of ( he reserves have boon railed out. All military surgeons have gone to the frontier. . AfSTItlAX AK.MH. VinxvA , Oct. ( ! . The war olllco Is making preparations fora partial mobilization of tin army on all the Hungarian state railways. Preparations are making for transportation of troops to Xomlln , a fortiiied frontier town in Hlavoula. The Austrian navy will also be mobilized. _ A Howl nt Pni'iiell. I < oxno > f , Oct. ( ) . The Times to-day , com menting on ParnolPs speech at Wlcklow yesterday , says ; "Tlie cabinet which meets today must consider the situation In Ireland. His impossible to disguise the fact that the government of Ireland has passed or is rap idly passing out of tlie bauds of her majesty's minister. The hitter must defend their policy of abandoning the bill for the renewal of the coo eion act. I'arnoll's demand for home rule Is only a preliminary lo a further effort lo complete the sopcratioti .of Ireland from Uroat nritaln. " _ _ _ j _ Itiotiotis Montrcnl. SroxTitEAi. , Oct. n. About .00 rioters at tacked the guard at the exhibitions grounds to-night and threw stones at the cavalry , whereupon a full guard of the mounted garri son artillery turned out and the mob .soon dispersed. Two cavalrymen were Injured , as was also Lieut. Howard of the garrison ar tillery. niSATIIR ritOM KMAT.T.POX. MnxTitKAi. , Oct. C. Tliero weio 1 ! ) deaths from smallpox hero yesterday. Of Hie SIS deaths in Montreal during the month of Sep tember , 714 were of children , 101 of adults. The Scandalous I'ucvin Politics. LoxiOXOct. ( ) . Sir Charles Dl Ice spoke at Chelsea to-day. He taunted Lord Salis bury with weakly concurring with Oer- mnii annexation everywhere and warned the government that France intended to dom inate liurmah. llo advised the cabinet to conforupon Ireland the widest elective self- government compatible with the integrity of Hie empire. It was impossible , ho said , to justity the castle systeiu. Price of Irish Dunu.v , Oct. 0. John Dillon , presiding at a meeting of the National 'league , warned all tenants who contemplate' ; ! the Immediate purchase of land not .to 'nay ' more than the amo nt often years rcntal'Vif the same. The people , ho said , must cither buy or light for the land , and the prieo 'liu ndlcntud was , in Ids opinion , fair compensation to the land lord. The UrltlKh CnWnet. LONDON , Oct. 0. The cabinet met to-day , and discussed the liulgarlan question and af fairs in Ireland. Salisbury indicated to the cabinet ofllelally Hie line of argument he would take In his ad dress which he is to deliver to-morrow at the national conference to bo held at Newport. Protection in Ireland. Diniux , Oct. 0. Tlie 1-rcoman's Journal supports I'aruell's demands that the Irish people bo permitted to raise their own rev enue and piotoet their own Industries. The Irish Time.ssays that protection is impossible without removing Ireland many thousand miles from England. Cholera In Spain. MAnin : > , Oct. 0. The cholera J'as ' appeared In the San Handllio lunatic asyluiftiat llaioe- louu which has 100 Inmates , boven easts and lour deaths are reported In the asy.u n. Belgium Intissiis ? , Oct. ( I. A recpntly published re- imrt that lielgimn had withdrawn from the Latin monetary conference is olllcialiy denied - nied to-day. " * Sporting Invents. T.ATOXI .V J'A UK ItACKH ? CINCINNATI , Oct. . The weather was de- Ightful , ami the track at Latonhi was fair , ) eing stilt only in spots. The attendance was very good. , - Ono mile Doubt won ; MoUowlIng , second ; Mocking IJird , third. Time , t.l : , ' . Mile and sixteenth Ilcnrdouo won ; Mudl- sou. second ; Xodasvay , tlilrd. Time , lM. : Mile and an eighth Ko < cinsko won ; Lady Wayward , second ; Kmm'.i Mauley , thini. rime , S : < il. ' ; Throe-ijuarters mile Wajldoll liryatit won , Silver Chmd becond , Orlmaidi Ihlul. Time , Ono and one-quarter mile , over Jive hur- llcs .Indgo Jackson won , Uny second , Dtitchnmii third. Time , ! itv : ! A HAD DAY AT .ll'.IIOlIi : I'AIIK. New YOIIK , Oct. (1. ( There was a dri/zlln ? : rtln all day at.leiomo Park. Theattendaiico was very Hilin , and the favorites were beaten n o.veiy race oxcejit the laut. ThrceHUiailew mile , all ages liuckstone vmi ; Florence 1C , secondTlnvo ; Cheeis , thiid. i'imo. lll > . Three-quarters mile , for twn-vearolds Pet- icoat won ; IttMlc.ss , second ; fJandana third. rimf.liSSK. Mile Col. Clark won : Slonebiick , seeond : lolla , Ihlnl. Time. 1 : WX , Mlle and a half Tolu wini ; Hob Miles , fcoc- oml : Tony Foster third. Time , 'JM7. Mile and a quarter , for ( hreo-ycar-nlds and iiwards ) Chanticleer won ; , Wandering. HCC- miUSovciolgii rat.thlid. : Time , : is1.1-1'- . hu.'i'jiltH-iiiiMi.slioit couive Jim McCowan , von ; Jack , hucniul ; Hory OUIoore , tlilrd. rimfin : : , ST. I.OtllH KAIlt HKCONI ) AY. ST. Louis , ( Jet , n. The weather to-day was ptitocoul. but it was Kiiiishliiini ; and pleas- nit , and the attendance at the fair was very argo. At the r.icocomsu tiw-was | a gicat rowd , the gr.uid stand ixilngiillcd. and the n > t turn of the track was lined with specta- , ors. The trotting 2:2"ielass : wfts tinllnlshed , the loelding heat going over until to-morrow , vlieu SWcr Wllkos and ICndymion \ \ 111 again diitost. Slhtcr Wllkes won , the iirst ami bird boats , Victor second and sixth heals , .mlvmlon fourth and m'tli * Heats. lu.-t } time , ! * ! * " * Second raoo , 0 > ago stakes for two-.ye.ar- ihlx Nutlnvak won ; Sphinx , fcccond ; oule , third , Host time , -J : : ! ! . HAM , HAM. . At.St. Louis St. Louis ? , Now York 1. At Detroit-Detroit a , llu'ston : i. At Chicago Chicago' ) , Philadelphia4. Tammany Hull. NKW YoitK , Oct. u. Tli3 Tnmmany Hall ouuty convention to-day lumilimtnt Judge Jairott tif-it-ciad hliusi'lf on the Mipivum M'lich , . - \ c-ino'itti'jf roillciiMcovil ; | llio itlm ! mi , r.iL ; Uutloi in ll.B ciy ! VMIS pp"'il. ' l. VP11TO VATPO i NtWS NOThS , Events of Yostcrlay nt Wosliington in Matters tors of State nnd Oivil Service. AT THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT The Chopping Itlock for orTenslvo Prti-tlaaus Vestcrday's Anpolnt- incntH Cenernl Capital Ulnttcr.s. Civil Service .Mutters. TIJKIlUfl.I.OIlXK'H WIIOI.KHAl.i : AVAstiixciTox , Oct. I ) . When the benati meets there will boa list of hot neon oOO am fiOOpostni'Vitera , appointed during the recess submitted for eonurmal Ion. In addition Ills estimated that during this session of congress tlieteimsof at least IWO poMiiiaslors will ox pile , K ) that nt loa-st the nominations of o\cr lnoo postmasters will come befoie the senate at HID nuxt.so.sslon. There are -VWi presidential postmasters In this country , and nt th ralo observed duihiL , the past six months all the presidential post masters wllHm chnligcd In biyears. . YisTl-ilAY'M : ; ! Ari'OINTMCNM'H. WASIIIXUTOX. Oet 0. The president to day unpointed Charles Doerr po tmastor a Fort Madison , Iowa ; Alon/o P. P. Shaip. at McCooU. Neb. The postmaster-freiieral up pointed the following fourth class poslmasteis to-day : AVIIIiam Van Walters , West , Kalom Wis. ; T. It. Shove , Oiialask , Wis. ; A. T. Simond , ( lOliim Juuctioli , Wis. ; Le\\ellvn S. Wa her , Plaiuiiold , Wis ; Lawrence M. Nash Central Iowa ; Wis. The president to-day mndo Iho following appointments , to bo aeeiveis of pub. it moneys : S. 1 , . Ollliort , Wichita , Kan. W. O. . 'oi-iltm , JIontMiiiiu-i-y , A In. Oliver S laimon. North 1'lntte , Neb. S C. ( llnvor , Vii'o'ittne. Noli. To brt rogixteis of land olllecs : \V. Novlllo.Novlli Tlatte. Nell. ( ' . K. lluitcli.Vuli'nthie , Ncli. A No the following : Fri'ctmin Uiii-niini , collector of Internal reve nue , tlr.M dlslrlct ol' Mlourl. . Wlllliiui ( ) . Anetln , HjuH-hil o.vinninor of ( Irnrrs ninl nirillclno. * for tliu illstrlct ol' Now Orleans. oxiOK : YISTIII : : : > AY'S AITOIXTKCS. WASIIIXOTOX , Oct. ( ! . Harmim , who was tcHlay appointed collector of internal revenue for Iho nrst district of Missouri , is a promi nent icsldent of St. Louis , wlieio l.o is en gaged in business as a manufacturer. lie has a ways been identified with the dcinocr.ulc party , but has not taken an active ] > art in pol ities of liiui years. Ho was strongly en dorsed by Sena ! or Cock wet -loprc.sonlallvc.s I ( llovrniid Cliindy and many of the leading business men of ht. L < us. : so JMTII ron nracixoirAM. IJtJKFAi.o , Oct. 0. Postmaster Ui-dforcl , of this city , was suspended to-day. The cause is not known , and his successor , so says a dispatch from Washington , has not yet been determined upon. There are said lo be twelve ornftoon applicants. Tim DKOAPITATIOX IlKMni ) . Itisnfllcinlly denied at Hie po.stonico de partment , that the postmaster at IJuH'alo was either lemovod cirsuspeiided. i''iiniiAij : .11:1101 : nusinxs. AVASIIINHTON , Oct. O.vTIiipresident has accepted the resignation of Wm. Fleming as associate Justice of tlip supreme court ol New Mexico , to takeefl'eet on the appoint ment and qnaliiication of his successor. ixsuiYrii : > ci.uvr.i.Axn. E.ilny ; < lcn , a S1-IOO clerk In the olllco , was dismissed to-day for using gross laiiisuago toward tim executive of the United States. The nd'ensu is alleged to have been committed while he wasiiding ina eiiriiago on Pennsylvania avenue , when it is said ho even en t so far as to wisli for the death of Iho president. Ilaydcn was ap pointed byP.residiint'Amiiu1 , but claims to bo i deinoamaKg : * - . - r t fTc.Qnoira'b'lo Chinee. WASHINGTON , Oct. 0. The secretary of the treasury to-day referred lo the attorney- general for his opinion , an Interesting ques tion In regard to the enforcement of the Chinrso restriction act. Ono of the methods employed to oyado the law was for emigrants to land iii British Columbia and eioss the border into Washington Territory. When such persons were found they were taken back into liritish Columbia and warned not to return to the United Slates. It is po-siblo that many Chinese ) laborers who had entered the United States in various ways were driven into Ilritlsh Columbia under the immvssion that they came from there ! . Mho au thorities of Hrili.sh Columbia protested against the practice , and called attention to the law imposing a tax of S > * j ( ) nr head on all Chinese who lauded In the Hiill.-h posses- Ions. Tlie collector at Port Towuseml re ported the situation to the treasury depart ment , and asked for iiistrui'tioiis. The secre tary has called on the attorney general for an opinion , and Ills likely that the matter will be biought before the cabinet at Its meeting. The President's Position. WARIIIXOTOX , Oct. 0 At the white house to-day It is declared that the letter printed by a number of papers this morning on the New York slate election , purporting to have been written by the president to a friend In Hnll'alo Is : i lorgory. The only utterance the president has made on the 'subject was an answer. which ho diclatu ! to C'ol. Lamimt , private scciciary , to lie made to the Inquiry sent him by a correspondent , and was as lollows , "The ] .icshknt Is a democrat and it Is strange that any person should question his position. Ho earmstly dcslics the success of his parly , in Hie pending election In Now York , as well as elsewhere , and any assertion to the contrary , Is utterly and maliciously la.sc. " A Cnl > ! ncl j Mooting. WASHINGTON' , Out. ( ! . A meeting of Iho cabinet was held to-day at which all the miuii- liers werpre.-io.ut ( ) except Secretary Whitney. Among the questions consldiuid was the Spanish c.omiiioiclal treaty and soyeiMl ap pointments under the treasury , the Interior and justice departments. Indian Supply Contracts. "WAmiixirroN , Oct. < > . The Indian bureau awarded contracts for Indian Supplies at the southern Ute agency , Colorado , us follows : N. W. Miles , Schuyler , Nclmtekii , ctijaia imimls of Hour tit ; > ; r > ; J. K. Hughes , of ll ughiM , Olilo , aifi.ooo pounds of beet at f-lM "Tho Hydra Headed Monster. " WASJIIXOTOX , Oct. < i. The Utah commis sion meet In this city on the -Mill inst. to pro- lain and submit to the Sccictary of Iho In- orlor their report upon the operation ol' the Mmiinds act in Utah dining the pa t year. Twenty Yo.-u-sf [ jeuso or lilt'a , WASin\GTON | Oct. ( I. The comptroller of currency to-day exlonded the corporate ex- hioueo of national bank of Neenah , Wia. , o Oct. W , l'JJ5. \merlcaii Mails in Hritlsli liotloniN. Niw : Yoiiif , Oct. I ) . [ Special to the Hr.u.J I'ho Tribune saysiSlnco Post master ( iencnil Vilas repudiated the action of last session of congress In offering him money wherewith to nuke equitable uiTaiigomoiils with Anieilean steamship liue.s for the transportation of United States malls to West Indian , Mexican , South Atlantic and Pactitc ports , a variety of 'xpcdlents has been rosortul to in older lu mprnvisu Mibsiltuto > crvh'c. He eagerly M'i/.odany kind of vehicle for getting Ills nulis to Uielr destination without much 10- raid to Its character or Its speed. The two picsllotiH that scorn to have determined his choice are ; Is there room for mail bags ind wll ) you Dually bring up at llio iropc-r pott. The Paclllc Mall Mcamshiii company , the nio.sl extennlvc and Indepi-iul- -ntof Aniorlcnn hlilpplng line > - , involved in mitrovoisy , has boon ronvoylng malls from Now York to Asplnwall and tlicncc by nil ! icross tliu isthmus. Them it dollvcrs mall for the .South American Paclilo coa l as far lown as Callao lo a llntUli steamer , taking ill Central American uiul Mexican Pacluu slope malls northward from Panama lo As nlnwall In Us own \osels , and from Sai Francisco It runs a mall line monthly to New Xcaland nnd Now South Widos by Sandwlel nnd Fiji Is'and.i. It also runs n steamship cvcrv thrco wwKs lo China and Japan Irom San Francisco. Since the refusal of the Paciilp .Mail Company to take malts except under arrangements au thorized by congress , Mr. Vims has been adopting any number of extraordinary expe dients for covering this great territory. Hi has two \\ays of celling mails lotho. Oriental kingdoms. The imlk of It Is scut from Now York to London , thence to Hrindl.-d , thcnc.o through the Suez canal to the Indian Ocean out Into the Pacilie ami acims to China and Japan. If the malls make connections ut all points along this circuitous route the ) reach their destination In iifty-tlia-o days. Nine limes out of ton , however , about sixty days are icquirod , and every mlloof It trav eled by Hritlsli voxels owned by heavily nub- Mdlml companhwvlio willingly fought to take HID American govcrnim-nln malls. chiefly as a mcitns of defeating an otforl. ol tlio P.iciuu mall company to loitlfy lUelf In the carrying trade. Cardinal JMcClo key Dying * Nr.w Yonic , Oct. c. . The following bulletin was Issued from Cardinal McCloskey's resi dence to-day by the clergy In charge : "Ills eminence , the cardinal , has had for over two days a change in his condition which renders bun very weak and apparently In great dan ger of denlh , so much so tliaUt Isdecmei prudent to administer to him the last sacra ment. " Itov. Thomas M. Preston , chancelloi and vlnar-gonoral of the dhuvse.admlnlsterci the last illi'M lo bin eminence. Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. ( ) . Tm following bulle tin was Issued to-nlirht by Cardinal McClos- kiy'ssoeierary : The cardinal to-day madi hl.s usual nrofo slou of lalth and ivcelvod Hit holy viaticum by 1ho ministration of Arch bishop Contain. Tin iv woio present tin l.'lght Uov. lllshop Laughlln , of Urooklyn , Jlonsigiuus ( Julnn and 1'arlcy. Itov. Dr. McDonald , lev. ! 1' . Doubt s e , S. J. , ami the cathedral piiests. A dispatch from the pope was received expressing deep .sor row and giving Ids apimsto'lc blessing. " Dr. K. L. Koyssuld to-nlgnl that tlmcaidinal was weaker than at the same time Monday i von- ing. Thepntieiit wascoiiseiims but unable to spcalc. He was able to take liiiuid nourishment witlmut dlllioulty. Th" doctor foil positive that the pnlient wou'd ' not die during tiio night. Three of ( (13 ( cardinal's nie c-s me watching with him. Mrs. Clrary. of Washington , Mi ? . John Kelly and .Miss Miller , a sister of mercy and an aged servant , are also in attendance. The rmhl of succession of the coaduloi | bishop extends only to the archbishop and not to the cardinal. Tlio Veiled Pronlicts. ST. Lot-is , Oct. ( ! . The seventh annual parade of the Veiled Prophets took place to-uiglil and was a , very billlhmt affair. It consi.-ted of twenty-two floats lopiesniiting and illn-strattiig about a dozen of the Arabian Nights stories , and was witnessed by an iuimon o croud of poo- no who packed o\ory available foot of snace along the line of unroll. Tlie usual ball in connection with this affair is now in progiossat the great hall of the Mer chant's ilxehaiipc and is attended by Iho elite ami fashion of the city. OverlOO.OOOstrangcrs \\eicin the city to-night. Premiums Cor Good Indians. TOMIISTOXK , AIIIXUXA. O ( . ( I. Cltlzous have created a fund ami oiler 55250 each for iVpncho scalps. ToMiisToxi : . Oct. 0. Tlio board of super visors of Cochiso county to-day adopted a resolution which offers a reward of live hun dred dollars for the apprehension of the Apache chief , ( iornuimo , dead or idlvo ; two hundred and nlty dollars for the apprehen sion of nnv one of the Ceronlnio band , dead oraiivo. The reward will only bo paid per sons not in the military service of Iho United States. 1 _ _ _ A Uich Crnnlc. Niw : YoiKvOct. ! ( ) . Ctiilsyppc Lombardl , proprietor of tlie St. Louis honso at SS lleod street , lilwauk'eo , Wis. , who was taken in charge on HwS th , Inst. , as insane , who had over ! .H,000 ) francs in money and deeds for 5l.VK ? ) worth of Wisconsin property in Ills possession , ami who was taken to Hellovuo hospital , was discharged to-day and his pro ] > - eity restored lo him. He has been taken olmigoof by a frlond named Tc-nutiiDaDunti , a hotelkceperat No. l-w Woobtor street. The Oregon Hcnatorshii ) . Nr.w YOIIK. Oct. ( ! . A Washington special says : An Oiegon republican who has just arrived says that llio govi rnor of that state lias not > et determined to call an extra ses sion of the legislature to elect a United States senator , and that it Is the impression in Oregon gen that If the governor is convinced that no sueco.'Sfni objection will bo imido to the ad- mi.-sion of u senator appointed by him , lie will not convene l he legislature , but make an ad Interim appointment. Contracting tlio Yarn. Ilrsic , Tex. , Oct. ii. Tlio icport that sixty convicts in Hie camp near Lufkln had escaped and twenty-live of Hie fugitives had been killed by olliccrs in pmsuit proves to bo grcatlv oxaggorated. There wore sixty con victs In the camp , all of whom made muti nous demonstiations , but only lifted ! had Iho courau'o to break through the line's and run. One of the latter was Instantly killed , several were wounded and seven escaped. Illsmnrclc Thanks tlio Popo. DCIIMN , Oct. ( ! . Tlie report published re cently that ( loniriny ami bpaln had eiffecteel i settlement of the Caro'liies elillluilty Is con tinued. P.lsniarck lias written a friendly lot- IT to the pope , thanking him in the iiamu nl' liermany lor the interest Ids ho ine > , : ; alien n tln > inu'-tlon. The agiuMiieut ] je olllelally announced In a day or two. An Absconding' Saloonlsl. WYMOUI : , Neb. , Ocl. . [ Hjieeial to the lir.K.J N. K. Curtis , a saloon 1st here , left suddenly this morning for parts unknown , caving a nnmhi-rot outstanding ahligallniiH. lleaiM ) apiirijiiriatod soiui ) cash not striully ilscmn. lie Is indebted to souui < : on.-ldoni- bie extent to the Om.ilia trade. i. 'J lii-i'i ! ComMiintloiiH. Drnrijri : , lo , , Oct. . Tim nafo of tlio ) iiliii < pie Building and Loan association was mrg'arkc'd ' last night ot aliuitW. \ \ . The mrglais opened three combination doors vlth ease. Set-rot Order Notes. P. P. Kills A. . O. U.V. . urnnil leetnror 'or ' Missouri ami Nebraska , li.m otnnii.'il from n visit m hi.s family mil will ut onoo enter Into n \Kwaiia \ campaign to put Nedmisku nto u seimi'iito htato jiirisdietion. I'ho lirosont lodges nin.st Iiioroaso their nitmliei'sli ! ) ) nnd now Judges will bo in- .tiliitod. . These iicrcoii , rosidcuts n towns where no lodjju of Iho Aiioiont ) rdcr of United Workmen c.sists , and lesiro that ono lx > o.stilbli llOl ( , will uil- Iress I' . J1. Kills ( i. L , , oaro 6i Dr. S. U. 'alien , Fivniunt , Nidi. Kvcry cill/on of Nebraska will rejoice to see n separulu late .jnri.-dictiiiii of ( his most e.Neelii'iit > rd > 'r ' , nt llio rarliost ilale pnictic.iiblo. The local lodjo of the Independent i'nai ii'rith will t'uh'ljrato Its lirst aimi- ei > ; ir.v on JMoiiiln.v. Octolior III. Tlio 'eiitmvh of thii frleliratiun lie spcali- n , nmslo and a Mii-iul I'litortaidnieiil for ho member * of | | n < | nd , ami ilu'ir f am- losiiml frioinls. An ollii-iont oimimilti'ii oii.-iMing of Mi-vn > . M. llnl man , I. ) bi'i'fililrr ! uiul A. .Mo.\i-r. bus lie.mi iip- minted ( o nfako necessary urraii ii- uent.s. Tim Kni | iiKif Labor hold : m Imiiori mil mooting lu-ni ht : U Ki l > > r'.s hail i'r { HID mmiii-ii pf i-liisin up Ilie ill-tails of the Inno rolnni/niiim si-hi-in < i , wh'cli ' * now on fool. Ii is : | - | iti-il that tin re will ho u lar o aUeiidaiH-e .nt'l an uittlm- u' J CHICAGO CATTLE AND CORN , Tuesday's Traffic on tto Baarcl of Tratlo nail at the Stock Yards. THE BEE'S FCCIAL ADVICES. The rutillshrd 1licnt ICsttmafo A 1'littlc ring ; Incicr.be Catt o iti Supply Jiml it ItottoiPiloon. . Chlim-jo . CitirAno , Oct. . ( Special to the Ut.i . : : . ] Wll CAT Chicago estlmatesol the visible supply - ply of wheat , as shown by tliu Clilca , o statement this 11101 nlng , weio usually olobo 10 the maik. The Matemiiit showed an incroahO bomewhatmoro Hum luo.too bushels , whllo the New Yoik statement was only a llttlo In excess of 400,000 bushels. The Immediate ef fect was to make an easy opening and HID November option began at tie , but it wnn ttmml that bn.\ing orders on the lloor wro larger than usual , and under a good demand there was a steady advance to Sto , ufler which the market sold oil' to SO c. The cables repoiled nrm foreign markets , and an advance ut Liverpool tor all kind of American wluat. Under this impulse buyIng - Ing became rather general , and November was carried up to fcTJvo , iviioted to M'e. ral lied and o.loseel on the legmur board at i dQ 7.e. ! The tone was a iittio easier In ihoui- ternnon and -prices fell olVJVo November closing for Hie day at STtiAsi . licoolplfl continue tree in me noilhwcs but. show ; v lulling off at nearly all other primary points. COISN. There \\as a boKor market lor corn in every way Hum lor seveial days past. Theic was buying on largo sca.e by MUIO ) heavy local houses , and tno mailed ruled stiong to the close , shoing mi advance ot'fi ( ! i > ; ioior the day. 1 UATH. Oats were strong In sympathy anil ruled about ' .jo higher. PuovisioNs. Provisions iiilcd dull , the price snowing little cliaiue LAUD. Lard foil off . . ' . Tjivo Stock lUnrlci't. . CiticAoo , Oct. ( ! . ( Special to the JJnt.J lecells ! ] ) of c-attio for llio day were SMO head , against 5,000 last Tuesday , making about 1(5 ( , OIK ) for the week bo far , against lH,8'.kJ for the same time last week. Natives were scarce , and sneli as exactly suited the shipping ami tlio dressed beef trade sold a shade stronger , and good to prime corn-fed , MOO to lfOU pin ud steers , may be quoted ll'cftlOc higher than last week. Common and medium grass natives , however , remain at fully as low pi Ices as at any time this season. Such linvo to compete dliectly with Ti xans and rangers , .selling ut about the same prices. In fact , raifgers arc better cattle for slaughterers than poor grass-fed natives. Hutclicrs' slock , in- cluellng cows , bulls and f-ciubby slcors , Is se-lling at very low prices. Many lots hero last week , and so far this week , have not paid e.'Xi eiiFC.s. Ktccl.cis and kedeis icmain did ) , and continue to tell at extremely low h'iures. Distillery m-ii are lilllng their orders out of well bn-d and line rangers no\y airiving. There wcie t n loads of stock calves on sale , and maiket for week so far rather dull and onlv one load sold yesterday and none lo-day up to hour lids report c.losedV Tc.Nansweie not plentiful to-day and in a general way sold n shade higher. Kaiifre.ru iileiitilul mid buyers making a .strong eli'ort to get them cheaper. Common native cows and bulls tf a OOcJ-i UT > , best cows SHOOg.'HjO ; Ktockei-s S'JOOuiJJtH ; Texans , S'J70@'i.&o. fr ) those from northwest. Itango cattle from Montana , Dakota and Wyoming selling within wide rantc of Siirit.uiriijO ; commoii grass fed natives may bo quoted at $ ! i'JO@ : j .5 , and lair to good at S-iUu@-l.iU ; prime , 1-lOti to lJiK ( ) Ibs. coorn feel natives are sellini : at s. " > tiOt't'i W ) . and oxtia lots might sell for so.tu and upwaids. Kalr togood 1'JOO to IIIUO natives4 , MKg. > . * . ; , and eng there. Stock calves have be en helling er head for poor to choice. Shipping hteers , iKiO to 1UU lls , 5--llit'K ? ! ) ; l 'OO to UIJI ) IbM , .l.ij.yirt.n. ' ) ; : , ( j to voj ; IDS , st.8.iil.r : ( ) .it Stock- crs and feeders quiet and nuchaiigcd a't > .5.5 II ( itij.iiO. Cows , bulls ami mixed , Sl.7rxVti.75 : : ; bink , SiT.VcrtJ.l.'i. Through Texas caltlo un changed , about 1,1:01) head , averaging ( ! 7U Ui IU.0 los , so d at tWUO. : ( ( ; : . Westein rangerH active and unchanged. Natives ami half- breeds. { jJl.yrKitl.50 ; cows , W-sOfeaW ) ; win tered Texans , 5Ofefi.M : ! < ) : ) . Sales-i7 ! Wy oming , lltir Ibs , S.4i : ! ) ; llo Wyoming Texans , lOrt ilw , sJ.in : ; ! ; ! .Munlana Tuxiius , 11 ! JU Ibs , S.75 : ! ; D-ii Montana , Uii'J ibs.s .uii ; lOii Wy oming , mi Ibs , c.'i.'l" : l-'il Indian , lese Ibs , ยง : | .s : . ; H ) Idalio , 10.KJ Ibs. Sil.iW ; an Wy oming , 110:1 : Ibs , eiWi ; l'i-l ' Wyomln0' , laiJlbd , Sl/J-i ; 117 wuiio , lllJ Ibs $4.\J. \ IIoos I'l'celplsof hogs for Iho day were Sl.oou , against M.W17 lu-t Tuesday , making about l.ri > -n for the week KO far , iiiiiilnst'i1.Wl : ! tor tlio same time lust week. This market was fairly active anil about lUc lower than on Monday , and since a wirok ago lo-elay thcro has b.-en a decline of0'c. ! : ! per IX ( ) jioundK , ihedioj ) being mainly on nudinm and pack ing soils. Vc.stcnhiy and to-day big strings ol oidinary run of packing sons , aver.igtng ai itot'TU Ibs. , lat and tisoiul , svcio iimdo up betwceiii a range of S.iW and SU..1) , wiH lough Jots of odds and ends selling as low nn fc.'V.n , the best c-voii and cliolco jiacking wills making tt.U..KH : ! ( ( ! ) , and pilmo ssorlcd heavy fcM..t.'Hi l.U. " ) , light pricis lor HID past week. ; Pi ig. ! that show mplonis of cholera or njclc neis have sold as low as S---"K - ' ! . . Itougli and mixid , > ViiC. : ; . : , : , . packing ami shipping , AiO 1 1 rfu Ibs , t.iAJCai.i. : : : ( ' ) ; light /ciglits , 1:50 : to no Ibs , fi.waH.u ; ) ( ; , ; Mi to .io i.- * , H..O ; skills , t\\.MfC.\ \ \ ( \ . ' , : , , Tln. C ld AVjivc * . ST. PATI. , Oct. . The .signal ofllccr Lyonn reports this mornliig that killing frost ; ) ex IcmhdMmlhuardlast night uslar us norllj.ern Missouri. Tlio reports irom Wiscomln and Ni'liraskaaud Di-nvcr tlidw the : temperature ) to Imil'i degrees. Thee-u'ii ' w.ivo Is gradually crotiiiin himihward ami receding from the northwest. _ Hell Gnli'ri Doom. Ni-w : YOKK. ( ) ! ( . n.T IIHJX ilo nlon of IJio mines at I'lood lok ! < in tlei M\4 river lias been lixod f'ir Sa m\liy no .t : u U a. m. Causes ltd vie-thus to bo iniscrablo , hopeless , confused , and depressed In lulu I , very Irrltji- Mo , liingulil , ami drowsy. It It a dlscasa \\ldcli iloes not get well of itself. H rciiulrcii cure-fill , persistent attention , ami a iciueily to throw elf the causes and tiiiiu up Iho diges tive organs till they perform their duties vihiily. : ; ; Hood's Hirsapa'ilila has prenw jiiit tlm required i onicuy hi luii.drods nf cases. " I have taken Ifnmr.s frirnnvarllla for dysr la , fnuii wlilcli 1 have MifTereil two years. > o satlsf.irtory us Jloni''i ' TIOJ\S : Cooif , Dnuli icclrio ; ! Light Co. , Kew Vurk-CIt- } . L Sick Headache "r r Hio jvkt two yean J have 1 cn nfjlli-tfd vlih M vi-ro ! pr.il.ic-lic.n ami Mi. I Viis : I : liM'-i'd t j I y Hood' * ; : ; M-.il ) i : vi f.niiiil cn'J.t relief , ; . . ; ) iirc.----.d : : it tn all. " JlllS. . I' . J5r. % ? I.ny r , ! ! : idih , wan a iil.'n'r / ' ' 'iiii' ' ' ! iu'l.i ! . Wo : t' I * tvui : < l it the best reniU' ) " * li ever inseO. Hood's GarsapariHa TOM ly . M di'irr ! t * . t' Ci.'y I-Y ' ' . I. II'H)1 > C : ( . > , . l tri'll , MUM. IOO Ono Dollar , .