TTTR OMAHA DAILY BEE. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 6. 1885. 3 OMfl JOBBERS'DJRECTORY Agricultural Implements. J4NIMJKH AM15TCAI.F CX > . , Wholesale Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Offlcu , Corner fith nnil I'nclllu flic , Omnhn , Not ) . ' pAiu tvTorfiwiJoHKr & MAHTW , WholccAlc Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Wagons mid lltiffglofl , Omulm , Neb. Booti and Shoes. \V. V. MOllBK & CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1111 Fnranm Street , Oinahn , Nob. Manufactory , Bumtnor Struct , Iloeton. Carpels , B. A. OHCIIAUD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Multilist , CurtAln Rood * . Ktc. , 1423 Farnnm Btrctrt , Oranhft , Nob. Coal , Lime , Etc. JV.VV W. UEDFOUD. Coal , Cole , Lime and Stone. Office , 213 S. 14th St. Omnhn , Neb. YnrdJ.flth anil Davenport Btrcotg. COnTANT & 8QUIUK3 , Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal , Dc t vurlctlcfl. Ortlco , 213 8.13th St. Ti loiUonq | No. H * ! , Oranhn , Nob. . NRIIKABKA FUKL CO. , . Shippers of Coal and Cole , 514 H. 13th St. , Oultdm , Noli. Oco. C. TowtK , President. OEO. PATEHSON , Foe , nnd Trons. 3. 11. IIUMIKUT. V. A.IUMJir , Proprietor. Mnniigcr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NKIIIIASKA. 'Ofllcc , 217 8. lath Hit-cot. Tclupliono 40. OEO. F. LAnAnii. 1'rcn. C. r. GOODMAN , V. Pros. J. A. BCNuiiiii.AKD , Kco ami Ticas. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lima Company , Jobbers of Imnl unit soft coul , 2tfJ S. Mu St. , OniiibnNuli. OMAHA COAL AND PHODUCU CO. Hard and Soft Coal. I'.rcliif ivo iloalurn In ItoulUur , Colorado Coal , 717 Potilh 14lh Bt root. CofTee and Spices. CLAHKi : IHtOS. & CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Tens CofToos , Spleen , IlnUliiK 1'uwtlur 1'Uvorlng Uxtiuute , Laundry lllue , Itilt , etc. 11U-M iioy Street , Oinuliii , Nob. Commission , Etc. IIHANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 1121Minium Ht. , Oiiiiiliu. Applca-Our own puck- Ins l > hitt&n'H Tijjcr llninil OjBtcrs.lJulter , j'eaf , ( Jaini ) , 1'oultry , Potatoes. JOHN F. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , I'joilnco , PiovlMoti" . Krulln , Flour nnil t'ecil. 105 B. Htli St. , Oinnlm , Noli. Couslgniuimtb bollcltcil. Kctui us iiimlo promptly. _ LOUIB lir.M/KK , Jobber and Commission Merchant. Chccso , Fmirnigr-i. Krulls , Ilutcliors Tools nnd Supplies. Wifi.Joiii.-B 81. , Oiniihu , Neb. 1IOI18T A : General Commission Merchants. Bl'KClAlvms HutUT , llKRfl , roiohni mill Do mestic Vriilts , 112 S. Htli. , Oiuuliu , Nob. 'JU-lo- No. 3t5. pliono ' | _ _ _ _ _ _ I ) . A. XUItl.RV , Commission and Jobbing , ilultcr , KfK ( n l Proilui-o. A full Hue of Stono- wnro. CoiielKiiuionts eollclteil. 111 ! led ) : o Bt. , Oinnlm. K. MOKONY , General Commission Merchant , Iluttcr , KITK * . Cliuoso iiiiil Counlrj' I'roiluco gen erally , Ml 8. K'tli Bt , , Oinnlm , Neb. WcSHANK & eCHHOKOKH , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Ilofrltfpmtur mid Pacltliitf House , Htli & Lravcn- worth Bt. , ou U. P. H. It. Ti-aelt , Oiimhn , Nob. EituullHlicil 1870. IIOHEKT PUUVIS , General Commission , 211 S. 14th BtOuiulin , Nob. Specialties Uuttcr J-KBS , I'oultry mill Uaniu. PKVCKE IlllOS. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , I'roiluco nnil Provisions , Onuilm , Nob. A. 1 . 6CI1ACK , Wholesale Commission Merchant , FrultB.'BocdH nml 1'roiliico. No. 213 S. 12th Street , Omulm Nebraska. THOXBLL & WILT.1AJI8 , Storage and Commission Merchants. FruilB , Flour , Applet ) , Stonuwiiro.Clilnr.VliinKiir , firausBeetls , llutter nnil KUK * . SKI and 1115 South 13th street , Onuilm , Nilni"l ! > n. WIUDKMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry. lIuttLT , flaino. Fruits , fitu. XS. ) lllh Ht. , Oiniihii , Nebraska. Crockery. W. J * WHIGllT , Agent for I lie Miinufucturcrs nml Importers Crockery , Glassware , Lamps. Cblninoys , Kto. Ollioo , ! 117 Boutli 13th KlitotOnmliii ; , Nob. Drugs , Etc , H. T. tiM\iTiK"uHun COMPANY' , Wholesale Drdggists , Bobbers of ViilnlH.OIls. Wlmlow Oliiss Kto. , 1114 Iliirnoy Hlivct , Oiiiiiliu , Nob. 0. 1 * . GOOD.MAN , Wholesale Druggist , Anil Dealer In I'lilnls. Oils iind Window Glnse , Onimiii , Noli. , Dry Goods. J. J. 11HOWN Ar CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and notions , \'JZ1 DoiiKhm Btrcot , Onmlm , Nnb. I , . O1NS11KKU A CO. , Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , , I.iioos , rinbroldory unit White GooJs , 1UU ( DouuUm bluet , Onmlm , Engines , I1IOWNUI. ( ( < * CO. . The liaker Automatic Engines , Ettnlloiuivy olid p'Mlublo oilKliiou , bollvrvmid lii'nl Imii tua-lc , MHUOIIM. iiuiluiiltnrul linple- p niiecie. Ji'ini'15 : I.uavonwoilhBi. Fish , Etc. ICKKN. 8IKM8SKNCO. . , Wholesale Fisli Dealers , Imporlere of I'orulvn Fhli , Nos. Mini : ! Oonea Bliuctniiil U , P. Truck. Omulia. Neb , Flour , Etc. ivw. I'liusics. 01:0. : Iticn.MinsoN. WM. IMHlTilN CO. Y/holesale / Floar , W , niu nnil 'I : I'ivn-n hi m.i.Oi.mlm , Noli. " " "l \ , 6TKWAIIT .V OL , Wholesale Flour pealers , j\iu ] lutiiiiiun.uui'.f "I in'iiiiliiailiij'nud LuUrl- l fur J. ( . lli'lln.iu r .V I'll. , Manufacturers .of Hlghrtf Grades of Flour Il > in U ro-iu Htli Ltiili. li'i 'itrW. ' . 1.1 J ii > Miit.UiLiLn | , Ni.lj , JOBBERS' DIRECTORY W. J. WK1H.\NS A tU , Wholesale Flow , Feed and Grain , Manufncturcrflof W. J , WrlMianft A CO.'H Quick HnlcliiBIhickwhcnt flour nnd pmin-letora Omnlia City Jtllly , cor. tth ntul Kumain Streets , Umaluu Furniture , UUWEY A STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Fnrniture , Fin nnm Street , Oinohn , Nob. Groceries , u os. , Wholesale Grocers , * 1110 nnil 1112 Doiiplan Street , Omnhn , Nob. K. II. CHAI'MAN & CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Totmixo nml Bniokers' Articles , LJ17 llowaril St. MlIYint & UAAl'KE , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Bplccs , CJirars uua Tobnccoi. 1317 nuil 1319 Doug las Kt root , Umiiha , Nut ) . lIcCOHD , 11HADY& COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th niul Kurnnm Btrccls , Omaha , Nob. 1'AXTON , OAMiAOIIEK & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 7B ( , 7U7,7iW and 711 8.10th at , Omnhn , Nob. Hardware , W.T. " ? IOATCH , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Springs , Wnpon fltock , Hunlwooil Lnmhor , olc. lz < W nd 1 11 Iliirnoy etrcut , Omulm , Nob. KDNKY * GIIinON , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Carrlniro Woort Stock , HonvV Hnnlwnro , Neb. Kto. 1217 nml 121'J l.eiiVunworttiStieotOmuliu , IIIMKIIAUOIT & TAVIX ) , Builders' Hardware , Meclmnlcs'Tooliaml Ilutralofc'calcs. 1403Doug- Ins Btreut , Oiiiiiliu , Nub. LniJ , FIIIKD & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sliuut Iron , Utc. AKontd for llowo Pcnlua mill Mliuul Powder Co , , Onmlm , Nub. "Mii/roNliooins : & SONS , Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , , Guiles , llrns poods. 1321 and 13J3 Fnr- naiii titrt'ut. KECTOIt & WILIIEIiMV CO. , Y/holesale / Hardware and Nails , Emerson Stcul Nails. Cor. HUli and Hartley Streets , Onmlm. Nub. Harvesters. Mnmifucturor of tlio Deering Harvester Goods , AVrllo to Win. M. Lorlmor. Ccncrnl Agent , Onmlm. Tclephonu tilO. Iron Pipe , Etc. COW1NO&CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jobi.ors In lion Plpo , Iron littlnifH , Iron nnd TlniRS RooiN. Kiiirliicers' Supiillcs. Hlb and Doclifu Strcuttt , Onmlm , Nub. A. L. STIIANU CO.MPANV , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , \Viilor , Iliillivny nnd Mllllnjr Supplies , Etc. IKO"J nnd IKM Fnrimni St. , Onmlm , Nub. CHUUGIIIU. 1'UMI' a ) . , Y/holesale / Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Etoain and WuturSupplies. Humliiuiuters for > last Foost CO.'B Goods. 1111 I'lirimm Street , Onmlm , Nub. Jewelry. Y/holesale / Jewelers. Dealers in Silvoi-wuro , Ulninonds. aci. Clocks , Jon-cloi-H' Tools nnd Mutt-rials , Etc. , 101 nml l f , lutb Stifut , Cor. Uodgo , Oinalui , Neb. Leather , Hides. Etc. L. C. IIIJNTINOTON & SON , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , 1114 JacUson Street , Onmlm , Neb. SLO.MAN IHtOS. , \VhoIo ale Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Enildlory and Slioo Klmlluiro. lliiloWool. . Furs , 1'olts , Gruiiso , Tallow , Etc. , Omulm , Nub. Live Stock , Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Yniiliipo ClmiKCd. Closnto II. 1' . IliMtro. Special uccommodntlon and a enoil ninrkut tor IIORH. E. C. Coopur , Jlun- uiior. Olllcu , WW Soutli 5th Street. tlltEEN & IIUHKE , Live Stock Commission Anil Forwarding AnentB , Union Stock Vards , South Onmlm , Nub. Telcphoou 6 . ' . AV. V. 1UIOWN & CO , , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Olllco li\chaiunj Itiillillinr. Union Stoek Vards , Soutli Onmlm , Neb. 'J'uloimonu No. COJ. ! MAMXHY , SON & CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Sleek Yards , ChlciiKO , III. , mid Onmhn , Neb. Frank Clilttendcn.Mumitrer Onmlm lirmiuh. Tulopliono No. si. Uatubllsheil 1HW. w. L. 1'ATHICIC .V CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Addles * all communications to UB nt Union Stock Yards , South Onmlm. Advances rmido on mock. Union Stock Yards Company , OK OMAHA. Limited. John I- ' , lloyd , Siiporlntondont. Lumber , Etc. HHJ13 IlHADKOUl ) , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Basil , Doors , Wu. Yauls Cor. 7th uiul lougla ) ; Cor. 9lh and DouKhM. 110IIN MANUrACTintINO CO , . Manufacturer of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , Moiildhuw. Btnlr Work nd Intorlor llnul Wood Flnlbli. Just opiinoil. N. 12. cor. tHIi and l.unvon- woilli StruotH.Onmliu , Nub. ClYlOAGO I.UMIIEIt COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , 611 S. Uth Strt-ul , Oinahn , Nel ) . V. Colpctzor , Miinavror. C. N. Ill ETC , Lumber , " Uth anil California Street , Onuilm , Nob. 1'IIKl ) W. 01IAV , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. uth mul Douvlus StrcctH , Oinului , Nob. OKO. A. Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omulm , NelimsKii. " CHA8. II. I.I5R , Hardwood Lumber , Wntron Stock , Fancy Woods. Hrldiro Tlmbcra , MC. , S. W. Cor , Uth and DoiifliisOnmlm , Neb. . K. I.YMAN , Dealer ia Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , llulldlnx 1'iiper , Klc. Finilli Uth Street , Onmlm , Nebraska Lumber Co. I'nlU In ( 'npltiil Block. . . x > ssiiiifiii fucturera ami vlu > : c.alo ilcal- < -ts. MIIU tit Merrill. Ws. | Wliolesulo ii-iJ iclull iil.Clumhii , Nel ) . Slia.Ulli BU * ' OMA lAIU.\lKlt { CO. DcaliTi In All Klmlnor Building Material at Wholesale. . U.I' , U. K. JOBBERS' DiHEOTQRY (1K1IMAN ( T ) . Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , SOtli nndl nnlStreotg , Omatm , Nfliri'- J. A. Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , nulldliiif Pnpcra , Push , lx > ors , Ulliulu , Motild- IIIKH , 1'lekMc , l'ost , I.Imf , 1'lnMcr , Hair , Coinent. NInlli nnd Jones , Oiimhn , Nrb. Millinery. I. CIlKRKKMlKU , Importers and Jobbers or Millinery and Notions , 1213 nml 1214 Hnrney Stieet , Omnhn , Nob. Musical Instruments. Wholesalers of Musical Instruments- Btclnway Plonns. Webrr. Decker. Hiilnimul rlpu * Plntio * , Puchard Organs , t'luuo Owns. lui mill ua I5ih ttroot. Notions , Etc. J. f , . HHANWK8 * SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Ooodi. Notions , Gcnt ' Fiirnlfhlng ( Joodit. ( iood. from New York. Trade silles dolly. fHW mid 504 .South 13th .St. , Onmlm. os. aooiticn French and German Fancy Goods , mid Stntloni'rn1 Suiiilrl'- * . H15 1'ar- nnm , Onmlm , Noli. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , 403 nnd 40. , 8. 10th St.Omaha , Ndli. Wholesale li > nlers In Notions uml dents'I'm- nlflilnjf ( JooJs. COXSOLinATED TANK I.IKE CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , , Mien A.xle Orensn , Ktel A. II. IJ Miuiai < ur , Omnhn , Nfl > . Pork Packing. ' ' Port Packer and Shipper , Oiiiiiliu , HAIUUK Packers and Provision Dealers , Ofllco Union Market , 1517 Iixl.w ) Street. I'aetUnir house , U. 1 > . H. ILTinuk , Omulm , Nob. Tclic phone No. 1.17. Safes and Locks , rnara co. , Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s Mro nnil Iltiwrlur Proof Salpj/f nno l.octsVnulti ! nml Jail woik. Ut-M I'lirnaui i-trcut , Oinahn , Nel ) . Seeds , J. 1'A'ANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Agricultural VcKCtiihle , Ktc. Oilil VollowH' Hall , N. W. Cor. 14tli nnil Uodjfu St. , Omnlia , Nub. A.F. HCTHOI : , Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits Jleuttf , Liml , Jelltoa , Ilutlnr. IIws , Clmcao , Lie N0..3M 8.12th St. , Oiuahil , Neb. ll 1IUOS. , General Commission Merchants , 1400 UodKu Street , Ouiulin , Nob. Cousliriimciits Sollclteil. Wines and Liqoors. " FnANJOK.IXNi : & CO. , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , K1K itud 1204 Doil Um St. . OmitliM , Nub. Factories Nos. 4 neil 003 , Oil Dlst. N. V. OKO. W. DUNCAN. Successor to MONAMAIIA & Drr.soAN , Importers mid Wliok'SiUo Doalon In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , S14 uml 210 S. 14tli St. , Onmlm , Nub. It. It. GHOTTB , Wines and Liquors. Wcstorn Agent Jos. Scblltr. llrowlne Co. 719 H. lltli Street , Oinnlm. IIENKY IIOIINHKKOEH , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. l&l Douh'hiB Btrcot , Omulm , Nub. 1LEII & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines Anil Liquors. Solo inaniitiictnron of KunncilyM Kiibt Iiulln Biltors. IllIliiinuy Snout , Oinalui , Nob. L. V. LAUSON & CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies Anil Cteai-s , mul Oononil Aircnla lor tlio 1'lilliii Ht-its' Celebrated MllirauUco Hccr , Onuilm , Nub. Harness , Ltc , ' Mnniifacturors and Jobbers of Harness 'Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turf Goodb , Ulunkets anil l ( < ila-s. 141S 1'iirmim Street , Omalia , Nub. THE MARKETS. FI.V/VNCIAIj. / Now York , Oct. 4. Moxuv Easy at l@t : percent. K.XC'IIANOB Uii.i.h bullatg-l.KiJfdemand ; , * ( IOVCUNMK.VTS Dull nnd fclroiitf. . STOCK * To-dav'.s hpecial featuic was the if'iiiaikable aetivltv and advance in hacka- wana , stock opened unuliiini.'eit at SlO'iX , ami on heavy buvliiB and only modcratu reaction loie lo SIji ( ( > i , clixlnsc ntSKWH. ltn f-ales HL'ie'atiiiK ( 114,000 cliaies , overfM per cent ol thoday'ii businchs in all stocks dealt in. Itcpoituii ! neatly unanimous that a iiioiu- incut bear ojier.itor nnnauiL-d was uelng STOCKS O.V WAT.Ii HTHl'.KT. : m cent bonds. . . H # C.&N.W . ' iirefcrred. . . l o New'-I'M ' 1'-- N. V. C HW I'acllleli'sof ' (15. ( I'jsu Trail. . Central r.milic. . : iT > < I'aclnc. C. iteA ! ' 1' . , I ) . A-K 15 } . pIcrciTLHl. . . . 1W ) IM'.O li'J ) C. , ft , itO 12IK Hot-k Iblanil. . . . 1WJ. I ) . , 1 , . itV lOS.'jISt. ' L. .tS. F. . . . 19 > f 1) . it It. G II | prel'eirc'd. . . jjljf Kile . 17KC.M. * Sl. P. . piefcued. , . . priiferrcd. . Illinois Central. . 131 % SI. P. &O J. . JJ. AsVV . 14 preteiwd. . . 04 > < f Kaiibas.tTexas. 1M Texas Paeille. . . W/t LtikuShoru . 7. Union Pacliie. . . 60tf L.iV. N . 4 \V.SU L. iV-P. . "iX -Mich. Cential. . . . 07 prefeired. . . 1" % Mo. Pacific . IMJf Wesii-rn Union. " , ( ) { Noillicrn I'IKS. . . U . Jt.iteN . , til piclcired. IMtODUOK. Now York , Oct. B. Wheat Ka.sler ; re ceipts , 105,000 : uxjiort.s , lOU.ooO ; ungraded icif , TSgino ; do. , ( ! . f. and I.O-'c : No.'lied , US9le ! ( in elevator ; No. ' red , U7e In eleva tor : November closing at WJfp. Corn I Uglier and closing easv : receipts , 13,000 ; ovpoilM. 1W,000 ; nngnidcil dKc ; No. y , I'sffc ' : No. s , 'lyUfe-HiWc in elevator , 60K@.Vjrn ) afloat ; November closing at-l'JMc. Oats .Moderately active ; icculpU , 'iil.oOO ; ex mats , ! ! ,000 ; mixed \vcbturn , ' Xii .V ; uiUowct ) > k'rii,3440e. , IVtioleum Steady ; United closed at 81 01. Kgijs Steady ami demand lair ; iccclptd , 2'iVj packages ; western , llk < i-0t' . I'OIK Dull and weak ; mossupot , SOW. Lanl Lower and letis ucttvo ; contnict gnulti B ) > ot quoted at SO i | ; November , i't ) ' . ' 3 ( 'li. . Uiitler Unchaiised , Firm and in talr demand ; western ' " , Oct. S. Flour Steady nnd llrm. Wheat Active nnd nnscUlcd : opuncit } < c lower , ruled steady , and nddenly ad vanced % c , declined xc , ruled iul | t and closed tfc under Satnid.iyt XOiV c csi li ; WJ o October ; bfiwviKe ( XoveiulK'r ; HSM $ S > > Kc December ; M ) ) e. January ; U5 > JeU5Vc Jlay ; No. 2 red , OOc. Com Only moderately active ; niled higher and closed linn ; 4''c cii.h : Wip-\lX ( \ ( ; ( ) cli > - bi-r ; : iS > u November ; Ur > 4a7//u / year ; 87Jfi5 ( SiSc Slay. Oath Activii and llrm ; ruled hl-her , es pecially ( or near futures ; 2Mj ( < . fSV ! | ; i'/vc Ueliibfr and VnvemtK-r ; 20diiif4f M.IJ. JlyiSti'iiil > atWe. . U.ii liy r"rimolhAbout nnrlntngcd t Rt , . - Active ; mod IriTsnlnr. ircllned 10 ( Jiawe and cloTd steady ; ? 8 63 I0 < 8 1'j OctoluT' ms > < 6t r r j S ! 00@flt > . V January. I.nm lintfcwtcly actlTo and easlci ; do- ellned ' .Vfrf' . ' ) ' nnd closed steady : 3Wii ! } sin m li , ( Vt.A r , November and UeeX'iuber ; M m year ! R.iyijT..WJanuaiv. ! ] Jtiik3Ie.Tts-Shon'dcr ' < < . ftn fife : } 7,1 ; shoit elcar , ? . 7Vl ( 7S : short rib , M80. Whisky -Xomlnnlly at ? J 10. JJutter--Qulot. and Mrany : L'ood to fnncy 'amery , in'JIc ; 1:001 to , choifo daliy , 11 ® CheeseIn fair demand : choice full crenin ehcddaif , Jfjis ( llit.- ! , l > si'ij ! V iunc Americas , skltif ' , Ksrira Slow at 17e. Hides Steady mut unchained ; heavy iircen salted , fully cured , So ; llgbf , t > Ue. ; daniaited , f > ; hull , Co ; dry silted , H&lUj'u ; calfskins , < ( < I ISC. Tnllow Steady and iinrhanged ; No. 1 , country , Be. Itrerlpts. Shipment.- * . Flour. bbs ! . ' -'i.OiH ! Wiwo Wheat , bu . ( ! 7tt IM.OOO Corn , bu . Wi.OflO -211,000 Oats , bu . HOW1 ( IH',000 ' Uje.bu . 8,000 1,000 IJarley , bu . 70,000 SO.ODO Cliiclnnnti , Oct. 5. Wheat Easier ; No. a red , ! > .X < ar , . Com Modvinlc demand ; Xo. - nil.vcd.I ! ) e ! 3 . O.its-Slcndy : No. S mixed. 27e. JJye In fairdeimuut ajid mm : No. y , We. Uarley Dull ; o\tra No. : t hiirtnif , Me. Poik-Neiticeted at f8 7.Y < W 00. Mini-null and lower at S587 Whldkv Steadj at 310 , " ) ; basis for finished Hoods , PI OH. iMIiineapollH. Oct. \ Wheat Steady ; No. 1 hard , October , SSc , Xovcinbcr. ! w , DucemN'r , I''c. > Iav IHc ; No. 1 northern , October , b3c , Noxember , B4e , Decemticr , 85c , Jlav , We. I'lour Steady ; iwtonts , ? fl 1025-5 ? bakers , - 7 - . lleeeipts , : ; : ilooO : Hour , 140,000. Shipment- Wheat , 21.000 ; Hour , : il,000. Wheat in .store , : i,040n4. Mllwnukco , Oct. fi. Wheat Kit in ; easli , SJK ; November , HO' o ; December , Corn Steady ; No.11 : 'fe. Oats Steady : No. ViV e. Itve-Dull : No. l.fiOe. llailey No. 'J , WV. Provisions Lower : mes poll : , cash , Octo ber and November , So 13. Kanwns City , Oct. C. Wheat-Quiet ; ( .iMi , 7r > )4e bid , 7tn ! asked ; market nominal ; December Wlic. ) Corn Quiet ; cab , JK c ahled ; year , " "o bid , VMi. ' e asked. Oats Nominal ; : . " , ' /c asked. St. Louis , Oct. r , . Wheat Unsettled nnd generally higher ; ! H.yc < ? tM.Vf for e.isli : U u October ; IKio November ; < .i ,1 SOSJH'e ? Dcoein- Ijer. Ijer.Corn Corn Slow and .steady ; 4i ( | < oj-li4'e ( | wish ; ! c October ; ! J5) < u bid for November ; 'HJJjo year. O.its Firmer : ilGi5c tor cash ; Blc year. J\e-Dull ntfl7Jifn573fc. ( \Vhl.skv IlialiiT at fi ort. Pork lul ! tit ? 'J m. Laid-Dull at S5 ! ) > . JJuttcr Unchanged. AKTKUXDON UOAIIH. Wheat was stionv nt the oiiciiiiir ( , but closed J.iGlJi'o lower than at noon. Corn Firm anil nndi.iiiKcd. Oats No Miles. , . r Ijivorpool , Oct. r > . Wlicjit Firm ; now No. " winter. 7s ! ! d : do Kjiriuir , 7s Id. Corn Spot , lcady at'4s ' 7d ; October , ( inn at 4s Cut ; November and December , firm at 4s 6 > < d. Toleilo , Oct. 4. Wheat-Steady ; No. 3 red cash nominal Com Firm ; cash and October , 44'c { . Oats-Quiet ; cash ancj October , B7/fc. / o , Oct. 3. The Drovca-s' .Journal lopoils : rattle Kcceipts , 8,500 ; active and generally iteady ; KliipjiiiiKKleers , 87r : { @ ; ! W ; stockers and f eders , S2 7M.'i'75 ; c ws , bulls and mixed , ? 200 ! fcOlwk ; ! of tales at SWi PU 40 ; TexaiiH , t'ioO ( < ii4 : , ' ) ; v.eitern ill huge Mipply mid unchanged ; natives and hall-breeds , i I0r < i00) ) cows , $ abOij3BO ( ; w Intcied T xans , SJi10 ( .3 75. cliaiiKc'd ; natiVes and'harf-bieeds 5 ( XXji'-l 00 ; we.slern , Sa 7. 8 50 : Te.xans , lambs , & ! .Vfei : 00 jer head. n City , Oct. 5. Cattle Itwelpts , 4,700 ; frhijiments , POO ; KOOI ! , steady ; com mon weak ; exporters , } ? .V.J.xij5.4ri ; common to clioico shipping , 34COii5aj ( ; stocKers and feeder , 8aBXnO. : . HOK-S Kecoipts , 4,700 ; Milpinrnts ! ! . : iOO ; . opened 5c lower , and elosinir weak and 10o lower ; peed lo choice , 5 ? ! ! 70ija ( H ) ; common to medium , SUrAnJI (15. ( Sheei > JJcceiptsf , none ; shipments , none ; steady ; common to good muttons , WOO ® : iOO. iOO.St. St. IniulH. Oct. r . - -Ilecelpts,2iX : ( ) ; shipments , . "iOO ; maihct steady , \\ith an act- tivo butcher demand ; nallvo tOdppini ; steers , S4 25ic5 ( 7.r , ; fair Ifl fiood Colonidos.S4 i'Xii'ft 00 ; natlvo butcheriiiL' stuff , Sa B-XiWOO ; Mockers nnd feeders , VJ 503 ( 70 ; Indian steers , 'J oodfi : ts5. Sheep Receipts , ROO ; shipments , 1,400 ; liim and active for good muttons ; common to choice muttons 5175&l'Jj ! ; fancy. S3.75 ; lambs , S'J COfe' ' * 75. _ _ _ _ _ O3IAUA WVK STOCK. U.Nio.N S-ionc V.nns . S. ' Jlunday Ku'iiing , Oct. c. I Theie vtero ) nero eattle In the yards to-day than on any oilier day thin year but lor all that the maiket ndcd dull. Theio is a good demand for lecdei.sand would-lio Imyeis are jilenty but sellern are holding block too hlili ; nnd in Ilioend thuy will ho forced to como down. \uvsconsiderablo inquiry for hutcheis' stock , but the market lemains niton t steady. The hoi ; maiket was badly de- moializcd to-day and i.s from.'us to lOo lower thiin on Satiiulay. and about \\lierc it was at the opening of last week. The leceipls ol heirs weio verv light but Iho demand was good us c\ciy thing oll'ejed was bought at once. Cattle .Tfl3 Hogs 'M > 1IK8TIN.VTIO.V OK SIIH'MCVI'S. Showing the number of ciittle , hues uml 8liiM'pshliK'il ] | from South Omaha dining tlio past twenty-four hours , and their point.i of dcatlmdlon ; o.vrn.K. No. H't. Dest. l&'A C. JJ. A ; Q. Chicago ax > 11. J. Chicago aiO U. I' . Chicago JiA.vrii : op VIIICKS i'oi : nofiH. Thi ) estienut tango of pilcen for ninuh mixed , packing and .shipping and lhht \\dglit hogs for seven dayj ? Is SIO\MI below ; Hough ri'acklnif.V f.IgliT WlM'il. _ _ Sldpplni , ' . Sfonday ? a OW-iH ISS.'I ! iV :5IS : < a ! < ; ) Tiie. day a K : J itji a .Vi < it a - UKci : ; Wi'ilneMl'y a inii i 'jc ; . - r cua tea ThnrMlay 8 W < C ? a 60 ' ; 5 txj Friday a UK" ! 'i' ) ,1 , * { 3 W ) | Satin day a ioo jj : > a 'i.'H i ; r ! a 4 > i r.i .v. Monday . a" - a a ' ) wj ' - jo Note All wilrs of slock In tli s inntkct nro inado juTcMt live \\elijlit , unUvs ottii'nvlMJ slnlr < l. Di-ad liojis M-H nt IK prr Hi. for nil wlclils. "Skins , " or ln > \\clchlni ; Us than ion lli . , no viilnc , 1'n'iriiaiit sows nro ( loekvtl lOltw. mul slugs SO His. Jjlvo Stock Notes. . Cnttlo coniinuy ] liail J.200 of entile nl llm Oinitlut ynnls y * tonlny. I'nttt .fellrtiiis , of Clindton , li\il ! S4 calllo In tlm yanl-i Tcstrnlny , which li tin * Inrcost numlK'rnH'ci\fl itt Oinnlm at nny one tltim Iroiu Unit pin I of Ni'bnwkn. Inillciilu tliu Imtnlnir of n of i-.iiigft oIoiiK the ratlro.ul The fullowliiL' lioin tin ! Cowboy , Mivlo- r.i. Dakota , u-ft-r * lo tha * > auin tliliift : in several vlncronlnm ; tha wllronil Iho mngt > Id Imrucil , e ii'elally ) In the H.ul LiuitK From ubout tluce niilM the otlnr slilc of Anilivws nenrlv to Sentinel Hultviind north to Knutsion Cioeli the rntigu In nearly by Hie. Twenty ears of enttkvn.i rerrlveil itt Onia- liu ye.iteriliiy fniin thuUialiilla I'nttle Co. A Imnchof AOO cattle was at the Onialm jaitls yc tcidny belnntjlnt ; to 1 { . A. Fnny , of ltivlins. . Ne\er In nny fnunrr vearhns the fnll Rinc hocn In any botti-r coiulltlon for cnrrylnc all kinds of ll\o Mock iiloiitfinlo tliulntcr ( him It Is nt iiii'M'iit. Septeinbi'i hits 10011 * n warm nionth , v llh rain enough lo keoii the nxsi till the urnzlni , ' dlitiletruif the westei n conntn * . The conra'Quem'e l Hint If the usual Into lull and early winter ue.itlier rondltioiiH iirevnil tins farmers will bo able to enrrj the. nuxfof theli llvo ctwk on Ria up tonboutClirlstiiiaM. tlnw making the reason thoit lor loediiiK. Diovors' Journal. The visitors to the Oinahn ntorlc ynrdrt will soon have bettor railroad iind depot nciom- modatlons. The Union 1'aollievlllsliiPitly build u now depot at the ym-d.s which will Ixi H cront lniiro\cmcnt | over tlie present shnnty which l.s Imullvoithy to tweallodn depot. Tlio now ImlldltiK will have n double nulling loom , one for Indies nnd the other lor gentlemen , and n lame and convenient olllce for the btatlon ngi'iit anil Ills assistant. Anioni ; other juilles hnvhiR stork at the Omaha vnrds weio S. .Slater , lluwlln.s < < 0 eattle ; I.obiiian AIt. . ( iHTinvood , Neb. , a ) cattle ; V. Pr.iter , lioek Cii'cU. 110 tattle ; ( \ K. Xi-wton , ' llnttons , H7 cattle ; Qualuy lilii ! ! , IJook Uieek. DO eattle. tmAlfA WJIOIjKSAIjU MAHKKTS. Monday Kveninir , General rviurltetr * . KOIIS Thoieceipts to-day were very light nnd the demand good , v > lnch foixcd tlio price up to ifp. Jnriu-Choice ! : table , Hi/MCo ; fair to good , Wei l-e ; interior , fxrfc. Cniisi : : : 'J'hcie is quite likely to Im an ad- Minceoa piiees in a slioit tiu.e , at present stuck issellini : : at the following iatcs : J'ull ' cream cheddai , September , H.V ; lull cream Hats September , 10 } . .c : lull cicam young Ainoiiesin , Sejilembei' , 11V5 Htti.'S , t.ilicy , 1V ( ; SwKs choice , H ( If > e ; brick , I'J e ; Lim- I'ot'i.TiiY Theio were MMJ lew i-prim ; chickens in tlio maiket to-day. Uooil .si/.ed spiinir cliielteniill luiiijj y-J.'iX'i-S" , nnd small to fair , S-'J.OOO'J.-i. With tin * cool weather ihe's-i-il imulto \ > ill begin coming in , and will Mail in nt about the followIni ; jirlces : Chickens , dro cil , choice , ] > e.r lb. , lOui turke > s , dresfed , choice , peril ) . , HU15i ( ; ; ducksdri".edchoice , peril ) , , ll ( 'l'.V ; geeMre&M'd , choice , per lb. , ftr ( ' : ! c. SWKKT l'opATi > r < riiolce largo quotable at a tuiiu jier lb ; M.OS-l.uO ( ) per bill. VoTA'ions Tbrro is qnito a brisk demand for potatoes and nhlpixus of good stock wou ld rind icadj sale. ntX : ) ( < WOc' . S-IKIW Staiuhnds , : vic ; wlu tra fcelccls , 4Sc ; counts Wc. ) B Should the present cool weather continue , hluher jn ivmay Iw lookrd tor on prahie chiekeiis. Prohcnt iiuotations are as follows : 1'iitliio chicken , iwr dozen , 'iiBfiiiSO " ; snipe , per do/en , fl.hil.'J5 ( : uuali , per "do/.en , l1.7.Vi ? rt.W ( : mallard ducks , jier do/.en , 81.7oa.OU ; teal ducks ,'il./iO / ; nii\ed ducks ? 1.S.1.75 ; jack labbits , tier doont.r > 0a5.Ci ( ( ; small labbits. 5l.00uil.25. ( CAI.IKOII.VIA COMII HO.ST.Y a lb. irame , JV ) lb . in case , jier lb. , IPc : extracted \ lb , tin canp , S doIn ease , per do ; ; , .VJ.tXi. CIIIKR New Yoik relined per bbl. , S7.00 ; do half bbl. . . SAIJU KIIAUT Pcrbbl. , 50.50 ; per H bbl. IH.OO. PHIS' FJIT : , TJIIM : : , r/rc. Pics' feet and tripoperJi bbl. , Srn.OO ; do. U bbl. , SUM : do. per kit , $1.10. Lambs' tongues jtor H bbl. , WLfiO ; do. per kit , S'J.TTi ; do. quart jan per do/ . , S.1.W ) ; do. pint jars per doS.'i.SO. . irnv-Pie.-erves : All . Kinds , ao-lb. pails jwr Jt'.j lie ; assorted lt lb. ] ) ailHperdo . ,88.XJ. ( Jellies : All kinds , best giade0ib. . iinils , i > er lb. , Be ; all kinds , second L'nide , : KMI > . piil > , perlb.ic ( ; Assorted 5-lb. pails , iter do/ . , $ T .00 ; do. : t-b. ) tin lulls , S'J.75 ; do. 1-lb , adoin c-iiM1. per case. S'Vi1 } ; K'hooneis , 1 doin case. K"'X > \ tumblers , ado doin ease. pen.MM1.40 ; apple butter , 10- Ib. pails and ) i bbl. , per lb. 7' ' i : : plum butter , 40-11) . pails , jH-rlb. ! ij < jc : iusnoiled fiuit butter , 5-lb jiails. i > er do/ . , S.1 ! ) ; : Fancy "Homo Jlndo" catsup , a dojiint bottles per case , S.1.00. NS Jfe'slnn , per bnv , S5.W ) . ins : Jllchiunn , iicrliaFkelOcS1.00. ! ) ( ( ijtAi'jJN Concoids. 10-Ib linsket , ( i'i ( ? 10e ; do. 'JO-lb basket , Sl.iM : Malaga , per barrel , J'S.OO. lela\\aie ) , Wb. , baskets , NVfUV ; Del aware , 'J-lb. , boxes , per unite , ( lb boxes ) M.W ) ( ft-UX ) . Hell and ounle , per bbl , 9.00 ; in-Hand cJierry , IMT bbl. .ST. . AiMM.usYoik Slate and Michigan. single barrels , i'J.7.M < KI.OO : live barrel lots , J52.Wft3.75 ) ( ; lllinol- . , Sl.7.V.i' . > .00 , accord ing to ipiallty and number of barrels bought. All oir slock selling at , riOec < iSl.i' > | > er bbl. OlSAMir.N- The maiket has been bniu for some llttli ) lime , but fir-li arrivals are c.x- iiected this week. Louisiana , per box , { ? 5.XJ ! ; Jamaica. ] > cr bbl. , 811.00. \XAK-Tlieie Is but a limited demand at piesetit and market rules low. C'liolco &c- Jeellon , P-.0i&i8.)0. ( \\'n.i ) 1'j.u.Ms Are vlitnally out ot- the ( 'AVii'OUNiA Fni'iT 1'ears Winter XellK Ueiiiie , JIol , Lawii.Mico , K. Jieiiue. Vicar , and other \aiictles , nor bo\ , S-"r < ijj.W. : ( HuANM Oood bright beans mo scaico anil in demand : dlilv nnd Intciior stock dull. band-bicKed navy , Sl.5ftwi.ixi ; h.ind-plcked medium , Sl. OC'I.-10irood ' : clean country , Sl.W QCI.'M ; inferior , fiO ( 75e. PnoviMoNrt 11am , lOJ c ; Ineakfast baeon , fe ; clear sldo bacon , 74c ; diy salted sides , 7'j'e ; hlionldeis. smoki-il. ft 'c ; ines- , pork , tier bbl. , Slli.00 ; dried beef bams , l'o : ; lanl , lb. cans" Inbox , Vhc. Firm ; iiualiH patent nt ti : w i : l : ; o. Second ijiialit j 'J 50 ( Jt ixj. SpiliiKvlteat15ct ! < jnillty patent at $ : i bO ( ii ; 00. .Second imality fit ! I0 < v7fiso , Ilnin iXieiKT cwt. Choiied ] | Fced-l'er 100 ibs , J e. Corn \leal-Sl W&W \ Scicciilng Xo. 1,7"M' per cut ; No , 2 , f llomlny Sl Wpurcwl. Khoils lOcperewt. < ! nihain fc 1 lay Hales , Pfl fXW < 7 ( X ) per ton. Jlinub Steady ; gieen Itnti'hei'sTe : giecn cured , * ; dry Hint , l iMo ; dry salt. lO lle ; damaged hides two-lhiids juice. Tallow } .f ( urn ; ( iieese Piiiuo while , Sd v. Shuun Pells-iV'- . .S.MOKiNf Toji.\rro ( ) .8.SSo : Jleeisrliainn HOc ; LongTom , : L' . lllackwell's Durham , in nt. . , Mo ; * o/ . , SSc1 : o/ . , .ITe ; - oe. . , tXJu. Seal of Xoilh Carolina , 10 o/ . , wood , r.'c ; So/ . , wood , - l.V'l ; o/ . , cloth.IS" U owv. . Navy Clippings , : . ' < ! < ; . Killililnlck / . , 'ire ; 'Jo/ . , " FI.VI : Ci'T Haul to Heat , 70c ; Cliaimof the West , fiOif ; Fountain , 70c : ( iolden Thread , ( )7c ) ; Favorite , ixic : Jiuds. r < 0c ; Itouky Moun tain , fiOo ; Fane ) , -l.V : Daisy , lOe. Pi.i/d Ton.\ i o- Climax , -We per Hi ; llor o- shoe , 40e ; Star , ) ( ! ; SjHarlaadtfio ; Our Itoiie. fXn ) ; Piper Jleidslck , < X- ) ; ; Punch , -OL- ( . SAIIDJ.KIIV II MUJWAKI : > C Ceomblnalion loop hames. $ fi.J.i : XXI. O , T. haiiieo. ft 1.75 ; va r 1. O. T. bames , SU.60 ; iicrlectlon pads , S1.75 ; 47 rlilg bits , S j ; liaihonrs Ko. 10 jap IIHIII chiiiii : ) buckles t l.'O ; cojt- er ilts Ko. , uX ; : llilstol snaps i.vw ) , i'j ' tM.5o , i sa.6o , ; < S-.UJD. $ a..V ) ; Cieiman siiajis , i' ' < j sa.oo , ij4' ti.iw , JIRAVV UAni > WAiih > - lion , rates , J-'J.l.l ; plow fctnel , spex' r.iit , 4c ; crucible hteel , ie ; east tools do , 1'tfilsc ; wagon sjuikes , i > cr set. H.7.V a.OO ; hubs , jwrhct , , telluv , saweij tlry.-M o , tonguex , each , 7.rM' , axles , each , 7&i ; hqnaiuniith , | > er Ci. , 7 ( > Mle ; eollclialn per ti > , ( VaT'e ; malahlo , NJ ; lion wedgc.s , ( ic ; eiow- ltars.'i ; hanow teeth , -Ji ; ; sjulng htecl , 7a.N ( ; ; Jluidon's horse hlun's. irl..M ; liiuili'n's mul ( < il wlio-I In car lots , Iron Nails Hates , 10 to no. 9i.a : . . hot Sl.M ) ; bucKsliot , M. i : oilcntal jiowdcr , kegs , tawxu l.go ; do. half kegs.S'.oO ; lo , ouurlw heirs , S l.M ) ; liln tlinr , Kegs. . ! . ; ; ruse per luo feet , Mo. Lead , liar , Sl.iB. COM Anthraclto egg , fcs.-'i : anibracltu nut , $ s-.5o ; autlu.ii'lto r.ingu , C .MJ ; Iowa , Sa.-O ; Walnut block , S3.7S ; IllltwK , * 4 * - Indiana block , J5.75 ; Fort Scott , $4.M ; "Ichllill. SUX ) . Dnv PAINTS White lead. & : French line , iec : Pars wne.cwnitgrr..i \\hltlnp , com'l , l > 4elamrblHck : , { nnniitown , I''c ; lamphlnck , ordinary , lOe : I'niwlnti blue , fiV. , nntramnrinc , IPe ; vnndke. brown , K1 ; uniber , burnt , 4e ; niubcr , raw. 4c ; flonnn , burnt. 4e : flenna , raw , 4 ; Paris urcen. KCIUI- Ino , sios Paris green , common , i.'Oc : umnno Krwn , N. Y. SOo ; ehrouiOKieen.K , 180er ; - million , English , In oil asst , KV. ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans , 10e ; raw and burnt sienna , 10o ; vandyKe brown , 13e ; ivimiyl lampblack , 12e ; coach bl ek and Ivory black , 10o ; drop black , IPo ; Prussian blue , v ; nl- ti-.ii'uiilneblne , I"5 * ; : chrome pieen , L. , M. t I ) . , KV" blind nnd shutter gieon , L. . M. > t 1) . , Ifn- ! Paris green , IPo ; Indian red , 15c ; Vene- llun red , tkj ; Tuscan red , e j ; Aiacilean ver- mlllloii , L. A D. , * ) c ; yellow ochre , IV ; L. M. V t ) . 1) . , ISc ; golden oehnIfa : luiient liyer , tk > ; gialnlngcolor.i , llpht oak , daik oak , wal nut , chestnut nnd ath. IV PAINTS ix On. Wlilto lead , Omaha. P. P. mineral , tij c : Lehlgh brown. "io ; Spanish brown , UKc : Princers mineral , He. Oti.s llOcarbon.per gallon , He ; 150 ° bead- light , per gallon , 18c ; 17r > = > headlight , porRnl- Ion , We ; l&oo water whlto , l.Vs ; Unseed , raw , pcrirallon , 44c ; lln.'eed , boiled. IH.T gallon , 4Te. : lanl , winter , str'd , per eallOn , 55c ; No. 1./We / ; No. 2 , 4Sc ! castor XXX , per trillion , 81.N ) ; No. 8.81.40 ; sweet , per gallon , 81.00 ; sperm. W. n. , percallon. SUJO ; lish , W. H. , per gallon , ( MO ; nealsfool e.\tra , per gnllon , iOc ; No. 1 , OSc ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo : .summer. tSc ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gnllon , SOo ; No.-2 , Coo ; sperm , signal , percal lon , T.V ; timicntiiu' , | > er gallon , 4lc ; naptha , per gallon , Me. YAIINISIIES Uaiiels , ier gallon : rnrnl- iuru. extra , 51.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach , extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1.20 ; Damar , extra , 81.75 ; Jaiian , 70c ; lusmmltum , -\tni , 85c ; ehcllnc , W.60 ; hard oil linlsli , Si.r-o. Si'ir.iTS Cologne SpliIts l$8p roof , gl.10 ; do , lot proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality. 101 proof , Sl.ll : do. 1SS proof , Sl.Oli. Alcohol ISh proof , S'J.10 per wlno * pilion. Kedislillcd whiskies , $1.0ll.fiO ; gin blended , Sl.M .OO ; Kentucky bomb ins , S'.J.tXVifl.ofl ; Kentucky and 1'ennsyiv.inla rvcsViOOvn.&o. ( JolileirRlie.if , bombon and rvo whiskiu Sl.fiOifra.oo. llrnndles Jntportcd , S5.00@a.60 ; domestic , Sl.50yia.00. Cins-lmiiortcd , S-l.50fefl.00domestic , SUM ® a.oo. Kums Imported. s4.50 < a8.0J : New b'J.OOO4.iX ) ; domestic , Sl.I .PS Imported , per caso. Sii S4. ( ( i ; American , per case , hlO.X\ll.X ( ( ( ) . lU'ii.iN ! .MATiniAr : , Hard biick , 80.00 ; run of kiln. Sy.OO ; lime ( In bulk ) per bbl. ta ; lime ( in bbis ) UOe ; Louisville cement , 551.50 ; Utiea , Akron nnd Milwaukee cement , P1.40 ; I'nitiand cement , , S4.00 ; stucco , Michigan , Si' j ; hair in paper sacks , per bu , Grocers' TjSst. bffiAUS Powdered. e : cut loaf , 7 , ' < c ; irraniilated , 7) ) < c ; confi-etloners' A , 7'.fc ' ; Standaul extra C , 7 > < e ; oxtni < \ % ; mcdi inn yellow , ( ! 5 < c : dnik yellow , C' e. CANMI > GOODS Outers. Hlandard per case , SH. > V5 ; strawberrlwi ) . , iiore.xse , S'-'O ; nispbeirlcs. a-lb. , pereast % $2.85 ; California pears , jcr case , i'S.R ) ; upricot.s , | x'r cae , Sl.40 ; peaches , per case , S4.75 ; white cher- tics , jiercase , So.OO ; ) ) Iums. per case , 54 ( X ) ; whoitlebcrries , per case , * > 2.40 ; egg jlums ) , 2-Jti. , per case , 52.00 ; gtecn ga < tMu > . , per ease , Si.ou ; ] iine apples , _ -lb. , per case , 5:1.20 : ® 5.50. 5.50.COKKKHS Ordinary grades , 0 ; c ; tnlr , 10l c < tlle ; iirime , ll@l'Jo ; clioice , I2@iic ; : laney green and jellow , Hrfl5e ( ) ; old government Java , UO iOc : Alix-lia , JCn > 5te : Aibnoklu's roasted , ine ; Mclaugh lin's XXXX , roasted. ia3ic : .lava , 1017K ; DilworttiV , l > . /c / ; Hed Cioss. iau : Mc- Lauglilin's , Aroucklc's and JIcLaugidju's XXXX ar sold 60c per ease otf above prices in a-caso lots. Tea S. , OANWV Mixed , 10@12o ; stick , 10@llc ; twist stick , . SODA In lb papers , 83.2.1) a case ; salsoda keu'.pcr lb , t'-ViS. VixiuiAU CIDKII 13@lSc ; white wine , 15 ( i < i20c. J'irKi.KS Sredium In bairels , S0.50 ; do In halt bands , Jji'.SO ; small in turrets , S7.50 ; do in half barrels , si.75 : ; gheikins in barrels , 88.SI ) ; do in half barrels , sJl.'JS. Jicioulsiana , pnmc lo choice , OJ O 7'i'c.So ' So A i s Kirk's Kavon Imperial. SM.X ( ) ; Kit k'.s satinet , SH.l.'i ; Kiik'i.slaiul.inl , SiJ.50 ; Kirk'n White Ku iaii , Sl.X ( ) ; Kuk'a While C'.ip , Sl..r)0. ( Jloi'i : Sisal , ft inch and larger , 8 c ; Inch , c " ' , e. SALT JJmv loads , per bbl , 8J.55 ; A.shton , in sacks , S3.:55 : ; ) . ( backs , A.shton , Wc ) ; bbl dairy. si JQW.7.j. STAIICII Kiairara iIoss , 1 lb , OJ o : Nlagaia gloss , a lb , Oc ; Marar.i { Klos , lb , < e : Xlaijaia corn , 1 lb. 7c ; KiiijThfonl's corn , 1 lb , b ! < [ ij ; Kin sfoid's' ( 'Ioss , 1 lb , 8e ; Kin sloid's Kloss ( ilb. b' e : Kingbfoul'ti pitro , : i lbc ( ; Kiiis- ( f oid's bulk , 'ic. SYJ TI > Standard C COc , bbis ; Standard- do 4-cnlIon keK's , J51.-10. Srinjs ( iroinid Ulack peper ] ) , boxes , 15 ( JWfic ; nlsjiicv , 15@20e ; cinnaiiton lbatO ( ! : < i ; cloves , 15fe'J5c ; ginger , Ify&i'ie ; mustard , 1-V . Si'jcis : Whole Pepper , IPc ; alsplco 10c ; cloves , iMiteiOe : cassia , ll ) ; nntinugs. rad&Vic. JJIIKI ) Fjtt'iTH No. 1 iiuartcr apjileslifu ; I'vapoiated , boxes , bj e ; ulnekbenics , boxes , lOo ; pcjiches , boxes , 110110 in tlio maiket ; peaches , evaporated , I.al7c ( ! ; raspberries , new , trxiKiTe. ( iarni'ati'H soila , butter and picnic , Ac ; cieams : , t > c ; { jiUKer snaps , So ; City soda , 7) c. I'orAsii Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans In ease. Sa.ffi : Uabbilt'H ball , 2 doIn ease , tfl.OO ; Anclior ball , ii doin case. SI.50. MA'iniKS Per caddie , : Bc ; round , rl. 15c : sijuaro ca es , S1.70 ; Obhlco.sli cases , 40Ib , ifin , 17 < c : 8s , rJUfc ; boxes , -lUlf ) , 10 oi , ( is , l'j ; < fc ; half box , 20Ib , Dry Ur.KAcnni ) UorroNS Kaimers1 Choice , n''c ' ; Cabot , OJj-c ; Iloc. ] ) 7c ; Hill 4-1 , 7fc ; Hill Jic ( ; l.oiibdale , 8 ; Fruit , Bu ; Wmn- Milta , Kihc. ( 'oitsi'r : JiA\H-Kcaisarge ; , 7e ; Armory , 7n ; Peppcrell , 7 o ; Indian Orchard , tyjo ; Naumkeai , ' , 7e. KIXI : liiW.N ! : ) COTTON'S Peppcrell 11 , DJi'e ; I'eppercll O , We , Atlas , ( ijfc ; rilatuo of. Llb- eit } , lie ; Saramuj 1 ! , % e. ] 'IIINI t > Sleet itiver , n e ; American , 6j < c ; is' , ( if Alancliiisler. Uc ; Lymaii , < > u ; ( iloiicc.-lrr. ! > MvDunmill \ Jaciiuaui , Oo * Dun- nell , r > ? 4 ; Itamapo , ; jjic ; Windcor , nc ; Paclnc , He ; Jlaiiuony , 4Mo ; Anchor Shilling.1) ) , 4u\ \ MeiiimackSldrlings,4J < e ; Uciwick,4e. Drr K ( ijnileaohcd ) 6o/ . Magnolia , lOe ; 10 Magnolia , HoHoz. ; West Point , 10 > ; o ; 10 o/ . West Point , lUKc. DITK ( colored ) JJoiton U oz. brown and drab , it : , ' c : lioston 0 H brown and dial ) , Ou ; IliiMnii XX blown and drab , lOo ; Huston XXX brown and diab , lie ; Uoston 0 P bine , ll'/.c ; Wairen Tilcot , I.'KJ. IJiiDWN Co'i TON Lawrence LL , r > c ; Shaw- nml LL. fie : Heaver Dam LL , V ; Atlantic I Ai , - ' > c ; Indian Head. 7c ; WaiiclniRset i'o ; Crown XXX. ( l ) e ; Clifton CCU , 0 > c ; Utlca ; Atlantic J I ill 1 J til 1 > J * * Il't Jltlllllllt'lli - * V * J tt II V Klver , n > 4'e ; Slrctuckt't S , H < c ; Slirtucket SS , We ; Monlaiik A , Uc ! ; Montauk JJ , wy \ Omega AC'A , W'tfe. ' liiMiiiAMb llenfruw , f@10ko ; Amo.skea , diess , ! 'e ' ; AniDskea , btajiU1 , 7 o : Ivanl'oo , Uko ; WaiiiMittu , b uj Nubian , Hko ; Wai- wick , Do : Whittendoii , I'e. ' ; Kates , ill CM. Ho ; Dates , staple. i > % u ; Jtandoljih , staple , O c ; LaiiMlowne. 7e CiuvinH : Amoskeaa , cliecksHXc ; Amos- keag , stiipes , tMc ; hl.iter , snipes , IHJ ; Kdln. burg , I' ' c : Wbitteiidon , stripes , N ; ; ( ileu- , Uu ; Oils , checks , ! l > ; c ; Oils , MilHS | ! , He , Itoyal , Cc : Amoskeag , napiu-d , Hi We : Lu- ray , book told , l ' - ' . < ; Obcion , book fold , ll > ; u ; ICndnr.ince , book fold , l'-c. ! _ _ I.AKI : i isn tlr * : * C'nlcli.i l"'r ' ; < } > ' ! , , _ , „ | NoTI wuiio Kisif.T. , niair , 4oavj ; * 7g i m M .s , . > t > w < ! ' . ) cj I 7. ' . Kuunlv " . uiaToi > i * w M No , l Trou i .4/ < ) ( ii- : i - i/ , No , I 1'iut. .il . , iUJ.ii- ' .i MACKKKr.l(1P8.V Now Jlsh. IIM > . n lf BMs Qtr Jllol JllolIll" llontrrM ! * s. 1U. KH. 1 Hli'r Ho. 1 Phti Jleil. No iJirgo Kmnlly I'M - Hiniill " Hlillt No. 1 I-nli l OH 504 I.VJ . : ) ! M W lincllsh do LAI-ITII . .17 , VU sal T4S 17 1 tOI AT uiirtxsi in no .1 to a i i t ti , v > ! M ni.ooi ) iun : OAt.iron.vtA NVI.MON. Ibs. Ibs. 11 . Ibi. liu. kits. coo ioo to r ) 40 SHOO S7.50 f .Ki eato IKV. Uonnsii New Knillsh .sinnmi't- fined wiole | cod , ( < o2 \ lb bricks , iu.inintcctl ; , 'i. ' C" ' SMOKKII FISH Halibut , new , 13 } . 'o ; new Ecaled herrings. 2.V. Itry Immlicr. 2x4 15.75 IMS IS n in.75 1T.7S IN..I t'.l M 2X0 1S.2. ' , lirr IS SS 111 ii lUffi IS.T.'i Ut 75 axR 1S75U.7S1S.75 l .7.i IT,7ilS.7ft H75 axlll. I1S.7.S IS.15 1S.75 IH.75 17.7ft a ) 75 SI fl7 X12 15 75 IS 74 IS" , 1(1.7' ( I7.7S 18.7.1 SI ft IIOAIiDR. No. 1 Iwards , 12. H and t < 5 ft. . SJ7.UO No. 2lK ) nls , IS , U itint m ft . . 15.00 No. : t iKiards , 12 , 14 and 10 f t . lil.lW No. 4 boards , li ! , 14 and lit It . 1UM 1st Com. , 12. 14 nntl ia feet . r-M.M id ! Com. , M and 10 feet . .10.75 fld Com. , Hand'lOTcct . 14.75 uiKce , Mnnd 10 feet . 10.75 KttNCINf ) . No. 1 , A & 0 Inch , I'J and 14 feet , roti-li. ; .817.50 No. ] , 4 & ( > inch , 10 fiTt , rough . 17.50 No. - ' , < & 0 inch , I'J andU fee.t , rough. . H.f 0 No. JJ , 4 A ; 0 inch , lOleel , lo.igii . 15.W Rill I * I.AI- . No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch . 8IH.OO No. U , Plain , 10 Inch . " ' .00 No. 1O. U . 1S.0 1st rom. . & inch , Noi way . 15.W ) ad Com. , ? inch , Noiway . K50 KI.\ISIIIJO. 1st , Cd nnd .Id Clear , 1'f Inch. s. ! ) . S.W.M ) 1st. 'Jd and M Clear , lk a l - l' ' i'h , s 2s. 50.5(1 ( 15 Select , 1L' , l tf nnd a Inch , s. 'is . : KU,0 , 1st , td ! and : ld Clear , 1 Inch , a. 'J . -I-XM A Select , 1 Inch , s. 'is . -40.BO JJ Select , 1 Injh.s. Us . : ! 0.03 . 1st Com. 0 Inch , while pine . S. ' < 8 Oil ad Com. n inch , whili ! ] ilne . . ' ! 5 0. ) ! ! d Com. 0 inch , while nlno . U > 00 Hei. Fence , 0 inch , white l > lno . WOO Chlcaito Sol. Fence Flooung . W 00 Iht mid ad clear yellow [ line , ! - < ) Inch. . . W ) 50 . T. J01I.VBON , CIIW. IW.MT.MHT r. j. scm'yi.tnt. VF. . Joh soi ! & Oo. isson Merchants ! 218 1.A SAI.U : ST. , CIUCAOO. Ilpeelvois of ( iinlnaml Scod.t rulurusboiiKht anil Sold. Special attention lo Milo by Faiiiiilus. M'iittyl liy IMward ilnrtou , Lincoln. Time Table. All 1 ruins arrive nud depart troin Omulm by Ceulral Stiindmd time. TruliiH of tlio C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. tm-lvo nnil iln- imrt from their depot , corner or 14Ui and Wcli- MerHtiPtitV trains on tlio H. & M. , U. , II. , t Q. , mid K. C. . St. J. & C. 1) ) . from llio II. i II. depot ; all ii i otliers from tlio Union I'nelllo depot. a , dally ; li , oxceiit Saturday ; o , except Sunday ; (1 , except Monday. OMAHA nitmOK TRAINS. DUM > IV TIIAIKK I.uavo Onmlm at 0:115 : , 7m : , 8Mlimi : ) : , 11:15 : u. in. ; lJMJ ; : , : UJ , : iuO : , 4K : ( ) , 4B5. : Bfift : nnd 11:10 p , in. On Buridiiyu tliu 7:115 : and lUiiKJa , in. , anil ii:00 : and 4U ; ) p. in. tnilus do not run. run.U5HVC Cniiniill Illuirs ( Ilroadwny Depot at 7:05 : , . ( ! : > . lirlWM ] ( \ 11:1 : J a. m. ; 1 : ! ! . , S.U : , UiJIJ , 4fM , f , 5 , ( ii" : , and 11:45 p.m. On Sunday * Dm Hll ; ( nnd M:3Un. : : in. , and LMJaiiiid 4 : S ji. in. Imlna will not i run. TIIANHI KH THAISS Txiavo Onmlm nt BflO. : 8:5.1 : n. ni. l KnS:2a : , 4-0. : fml ! : anil 7J. ) p in dully. Arrivoatu:45nnd : 11:15 a.m. ; lM : , ! ) : , 7U5 : and tio5p. : in. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SUNDAY TUIAlNfl To nnd from UhkuiKO rluTrlpurtlto Alliance. BTOCIC YAHUH TltAINS. Tlmo tiililn of IIIINCIIKOIirulns liutwpnn Omaha nml Onion SlocU Vnnts ; In utrccl ncMlay , Aut'U8t > Utli , Ibc5 : "WKSTWAlliri-IlAlNS H KAf.TW.Mlll TIUINH. ' .Train No. 49 , dully uxcopt lliiiii'.ay , Otlici- luiliib run dally. Milwaukee & St , Paul The SI and Best Route FroiOfflaliatotheEast. TWOTUAINS DAILvTB-nVUHN'OSIAIlA ANH MlnucniiollH , JIllwiuiUoo , Bt. I'nnl , Ctiliir llupUs , lavuii | > iirt , i'llnton , Iiilniiuu ) | , licxk Islaiul , IVeeiwirt , Jiuinsvlllf , Ulirln , Maill-un , llelolt , Wliiona , Amlnllotbur Im , | iolut8 i : t , Ilcrlbcrtst Tlclau ualce nt 14UI KU-.IIMI MrH > ldn I'nxtou Jlmeli. mul in I'nloii IVcllie Itnpul. I'nlliiiiiii SIceiiL-it. iin-l die l'iiii"t Ili.n | CHID In tti i < World Hit- inn nil llm iniilii line * of llm I'll ii'juin Mii.WAri.r.i : * . Si. I'M i , llni. AV. i e\eiy iiiienlliiii U imlil in ) iii > rtiji r DIIX cinployeh of llu < roni | > aii > . K. Alll.l.l.liieil iil : Miiiuucr , J. I' TlVKKH. .X l-nini liinii-rul Mii .r-.r. A V II < ' HI'MTM : , leiii ! > " , > l I'li i'ii/nr Tlclteiuinl I.HI I lKt ) < iiii > , . . < l < laiu Ciiiirnl