7 § 1 11 i TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , OQTOBEK G , isss. i IV \M \ ! * . UATYItBTIB Hog oliolpr.i In raping In Union county. " * Onn dnr l t nock n Springvillo , Linn cotitil v , iirm mndo : i sliiiunuiit of 51,700 putinus o ( butter. 'J'lio jobbers of Davenport nro making ft vigorott * wnr on llm failroiul.i for dis- crinilrmtinc Aj.aitiHt this lo\vn. ( Snbo Davis fntnlly shot Jolin Sltofllcy 111 I'ACohior , MiiluiAk.i cottnly. Duvis' wlfd wna the uomnn in tlio cwo. : 1'ho notril rx-dnvcrnor I'lieknrd , of Ixitlstanti , huslK'iit"d ( In Collar Kitplds , nnd will atir up politics in Unit propin quity. Tlio ManOmlltmrn cnnnlng works Imvo clo.scil down for tlio Henson , with ti rucord of OB'KX ( ) pound * of corn and peus ; cnnnoil Willlnm JoflVny nnd Henry Oallo , of AliiRU'orlh , Washington oonitty , Imvo linrvt'Hted a croof ] l-M nitllivmukcs this Clirislian I.nml ) , ! tirnctiostl op ] onont of prohiliition , rolled oil'n box-car in llm railroad ynrd.q in llnrlinglon nnd nmlnrcd his copper-lined digcstivoappiv- rnltifl. A cpHifllpn of Iratni occurred on tlio Milwaukee roatl near Itlooinlicld during n fog Friday. Tito crown jutum-d antl OiUV.il tltrniHulvps. CotiHldorahlo Kindling nnd old Iron now tnark thn spot. 'j'lto ooal | lgfi'r.i in tlio ! ninc" at Angus hold : i niafls meeting laU Saturday , tlio ohjcct of Trliiuh w.tw to a.nk an atlvatico for mining coal. It h tindor.slood that Iho companlea will pay tlio prieo do- niandod. Henry TI. Gray , a prominent attorney of Wayurly , commillod miicido Wedtuw- clay night b.v lioolmg. I To was Hliort about $ < ! , ( H)0 ) in inonov duo his cliontfi. It In roi > ortud that his lifo was insured for $18 , < K)0. ) ( r. W. Jnme.1 , of Maple Valley , Iltiona ViKla county , g'vos Him as a cortnin pro- Tonliillvu and euro for hog cholera : Ten fcvnin.s iach ; of calomel and copperas as a dose to caeh liog , given oetwmoually as a provoiitntivo and ually as a euro. Another C. 11. ft Q. hrakoman inet n flsul falo hint M-oi'k at or near Hastings , Iowa. Ho N said to have loKtli'w hahuico and fell bolweeu two freight cars. Tito wheels passed over 0110 arm and ono leg , nnd the unfortunate man died a Bhort Umo afterward. Mrs. E. Ktnhlcman , of Chnrlcslown , Lee county , was found dead in the woods near her farm Monday. Her neck was broken and there were other marks of violonqo. It in the supposition that she Vf-M killed by a vicious bull at largo in the woods. Matrimony has just struck Pacific Junction a resounding blow , no less a than the mayor l > qing laid out y tlio force of the visitation. Mayor ( .corgo K. Cole rcturnod last week from Kimsns with a liridp , a former Mrs. Coojc of Hint .ili t . Altai rs of state at Pacific Junction innst Uko euro of theinselvcs for a whilo. Arliclos of incorjoralion of the World's Industrial Accident association were tiled ut Uuhuqtio last week. Tito nrtiolos were subscribed to at Webster City , Iowa , but the principal place of business will bo Dubiunio. The bcnelits will bo paid by assortments. The iucor- ioi-ator ) are C. H. 1'aiks. 0. II. Ehert , II D. [ axranjo , J. V. Koarus and J. 11. llungo. The huge elevator belonging to Poor- inan & uo. , sit Atlantic , was burned Thursday. In the elevator wore 0,000 bushclt ! of oats. 1,000 bushels of corn and 500 bttrthels of wheat. Total loss , $ JO,000. This is the fourth elevator burned for Pooi'iunn ' & Co . during thn past eight years. It will bo immediately rebuilt. C. W. Gould , a telegraph operator at Lowland , I'ottawattamio county , has discovered Hint ho can receive messages faster and niako a more Icgiblo copy with the typu writer than with a pen , anil has discarded the latter method. Ho says that Wiinro upend , ossn and legibility aru considered the pen is no comparison to the type writer. How about the con fusion of ticks ? James Fenton , living nonr flare , Web ster county , met with an awful death last Monday morning. He look a dose from n bottle with a kidney label on it , sup- losing that was what the bottle con- i aiuod. Instead it was carbolic arid which hin wife had purchased a few days before , > m.l placed in the bottle without removing the label Mr Fouton expired in the grrratcst of agony a few hours after taking the fatal dose. A moivster serpent has boon reported us tearing at otinil in Appanooso county during intirvals for the past twenty-live years. A Kirk wood man tells that hit HIIW , the monster a few days ago. lie describes - scribes it as being about , forty feet long nud us thick us : i young trco. It makes a truck in tlin dust as wulo as a man's two liaiula rami's its head up four or live foot as it travels , with a tongue protruding a , yard in length , and emits a sound like the roaring of n train of cuy. : r.sby WM ilcV , vn ( cars tier Castorla , VHien oho WM & Chllil , lie cried fiir Caxlurla , li v When ! > IxM-.nuo jl | 4 , xii citing ta O aturla , V/kcii > ioU lUUUdraa , ihojavu Uioiu Cistotia , The Ptory ol' n Grnnlc. Piiy..viiKi.iMiiA , Out. 5 , The pollcoplnco no ruUanco In the utory of intittlcr told lu riil Wo yehterday by Wllwui. The chlof nf deteelivenhtnUii lltiit no sucli nui.iler as that claimed hml liwiu nmiinltUd lierr , has over IMVII n'jMirtcd , nor is there any misHliiL ; man immud Dale , 't'he cliief is conyliutrd Unit Iliiintlifo-u-liin l valtieiusH , itnil bulioves that NVilfcon husUJicr liu > uiiuor winhca * lioo jioilntion The Great Invention , frqrEASYWASHBNC , OS SO T , HOT OR COLD WATER. : lI rtiL i * i lie famd/ t leu * t poor , Hhonld bo wUhout It , ttoiJ liy all ( Jnx'ota , but broure ot vllo Itnl- I'RJ Hllli u tuouutacturua O PYLE , NEW YORK < " 5'iKf any a Lady lu * ri y Js tgauiiful.'il ) ! hue l > Br skin ; antl nobody liar ever told " 'r' \\u\r \ \ t--asy ic is to put ' tile j.Kiu is NOTICES. Advorllsomonta tinder tills bond lOcenlspor line for the Jlrst Insert Ion , nml 7 cents Tor cncli urtreqiionl Insertion. 8oon words willbooount- i * . * > the line ; they must run consecutively nml rnuf-t l > o pnld In ndvnneo , AH ndvortlsomonlfl must IKS handed In lic-foro 2 o'clock ] > . in , , niul tindorno circumstanced will they bo taken or discontinued \ > y telephone. TO lOAlr-MOZTEY. MONI5V To lonn. Tlio Omaha Vhwnclnl MX- uhiinpo , tfm Hi mam stioot , tip-stnlrs.irmkcs lomiHon nil ( Infixes of Mcurlty from u $10 chat' < cl Innn to Slo.flUHin ronlostnlo. Wo mnko loans to suit all applicants on lontf or tdmrttlnio on Improved rnnl estate , Inml contrncts , lenses , biilldlnpH on lonooil hind , scoured notes collator * als. chattels , or freed Mjcuilty of any kind. Ixiw rates ; unsy terms. Onmlm Financial l-.xclirngo , 1MI larnrm street , u | > stubs. B4.T-IT rtVJ r.OAN Monov In any amount on real os- JL Into socially. 0. H. Milno , 15th and I'nr- num. ( AW-o-13 ONUY TO I.OAN-0. H. Davis.t Co Itcnl M Kstato nnd LO.UI ngonts , liui Km mini St. in t MONI5VTO LOAN On chattels , Wooloy ft Harrison , room SO , Onialiu National liank billldlnar. 513 MONUV TO LOAN Oil tent cstuto and chat- loin. n. ij. Thomas. r : io MONKY lOANKlOn clmtlrjls , cut rnte , H. H. UckoLs bought and hold. A. Format"U ! B. litli : St. r > ' , l ONI1V TO LOAN In sums of S-tX ) ntiTi up- wnrds on lli t-4.1a.ss leitl cslulo buuunty. Potter & Cobl ) , 1515 Fimmm St. Ka OXIIY l.o.vrt ii > nt 0. V. Heed A Co'a. I.onn olllto , on Itirulturu , pianos , horses , watroiu por.soiml property of all klmls mid all othernr- tides or value , without lutaoval. Over Int. Nufl Hank , comer 13th and Km num. All business 5.VJ . i jtin.virn nioNHYin-Monoy to -Li L loan on clnit I el KPPUI Ity liy W. It. Crolt.rooin 4 , Wltlinell bulldliifr. N. H. corner K.tli and liar- noy. After yonin of orporlonco and aoaroCiil Btndv or tlio buslnos.'i or lonnln iiionoy on per- i > emil pioporty , I bavo nt last porlootocla sysilom wlieroliy Iliu publicity usjiiil In sitcli casei li donoiiway with , and I iiiiLiioir In a position to meol tlio ilcinandsoC all vvbo become tcm | > or- atlly umbiiirtuisud and tlunlio to rtUso inonuy without doliiy and In a iiilot | nmnnur. HOUMH l.cepof * , pitilusHlomil KCiitlumcn , inocltanlcH anil otliurs In Umalia aii.l Council ItluirH , cnn obtain nUvances lioni ? IlMo fl.inio on mirli wonritjr a lion-ohulil furiilturo , pianos , macblnory , bor- hos , wagons , wiuolionsn roculpts , secured notei ) ol band , uto. , without removing sumo lioni OHTII- an roildonco or pbico or bnslni"-B. Al o on tlno WutoliUM anil DliiiimmlM.onoot'tlio mlnmtUKiH I ntlor N Unit any part of any loan can bo paid at any tlmo which wilt rnduoo tlio Inlornsr pro ratn and all loam tenured at tlioorl liinl nit on of In terest. I bavo mi broilers In connect lonwIUi my olllco , hut iicrMinully Hiiiiorlnlonil all my loitna , I liiiro | > ri\rntoalllcoiiconnoatod with my Kcncnil olllcuto Unit cuttotnors do not roino In eon- tiaut wltli ciuoh oilier , tonwMiuontly tiuikltiKiill truiu-fiiclioiH htrlutly private. W. H. liolt , room 4 , Wlthnoll building , N. H. corner l.'lh and liiirnoy , Omaba , unduJ 1'uurl St. , Council llluirs. HELP. W ANTRIJ A plrl for conoral bouio work In email lainlly , uu S.ilh near DodKO.7ui7 7ui-7 ( | W ANTHIJ-Oltl at 1017 Cblenso St. 7 3 WANTUD Olrl for general lmupc\\nik. In- ( | uliii nt u'4 1 Iloivardst. , botueen 1'lonsunt st. mid Falrvlow avo. 757- I'ANTTJn A girl for liouso work,3iiR Caliror- nla street. TL'Kp WANTKD Ulnlnff room girl. 1019 Capitol nvcnito. 71H-Op "TJtJTANTIJD Ijulynuotitato soil entirely now f rubber undorjrarnient ; o\cluxlvn lor I'o- m /fn. ! Madam 1. Little , box 443 , Chicago , HI. _ 7 > -ilt > _ WANTKD A nort yoiinsHlil to assist wltb baby. _ OOS S.Spt li St. _ _ _ WANTKD-A Rood prlrl. pnmll family , no clilldion. Apply Sll Oililoiuia 8t. WANTBO Iudy nironts for "Daisy" Skirt anil stocking uupporlei-H , shoulder bracou , lmom forinti. Dresn Shields , rubber ( rlnjjham bibs , uproni , aleoYOH , Infants dlapon , .Vo. Our i.iHD iiKontH uio makim ; inouoy last : no can you. AUdrovt wllhhtninii , K. H. CAMl'HHU. & CO. , 4M VT. Handolph St. , Chlcnso. "I H'Jp 1CX7"ANTHD Milliner I want nn oxpcrloneod T r trimmer ; permaneut bituation. Addie- T. C. Hilton , Blair , Nub. IJ'JI u W Dressmaker or ono to nMst In r , Hia N. 17tb. GhHip WWANTUt WANTUt ) A rlil for fronoral bousowork at tt/f South a > th St. C.M WANTUD A competent prlrl to do uroiiorill boutowoik. German piolonod. lain \Vob- Plur St. _ fi'll- . " , _ WANTBD-OooiI phis for all kind.s of woik mo wanted at the N'olu uskii Employment Asronoy. I'biccs Klvon fieo. Cull and sco hJ Ciounco's lllook , lutb at. and Capitol aro. Mid. H famitb. . 747 WANTKO Good plrKflr t and pecond work in privnlo lamdiiM lor iluilii-r loom kltulion nnd lioiel ttoiU. uoo l tvnucs Cull 11JJ Kitriuiin St. , Omaha lmplOment ! lliiro.iu. 4.vi \\rv\THD-.v ( jtrt Hint can cook , wash nud > r Iron , at \V'eb-terstieet. ' . 475 WA'TP' ' > ( iQod enurnwer' . Hlur pay. In- ! lerprl-o Imn Works , North Omaha flondj BUip'o as biu.id and butter. KU-iw * . WANTRD Tluinbers wanted at onco. O. II. Wood & CoM N. I lib. - 711-Dp w ANTHD-10 carpenters , liases k Hill. 71M5 WANTr.D-'Yuiicu for H. H. work : tniokbiy- liitf. Cull ill onoo IIM rarimm Ht. 74'l W AN'I HO A tinner ut ouco. K. Sav.iyo , Mi buulh ith , St. 7.7-"ip TY "ANT1JD JloJsonsor boy. Tbo Hrndstroot Co. 7i5p TYW W ' 1(1 ( carpontors. Inqulro nt llth ! iiiiclCulironiiu.su. 7.SI.'p WANTKI ) SJo.irpouleis. Apply nt esth nnd I'm imm. Shaw A Field. 71S-lip WANTKD Immedlntclr , 'J3 mon for track luylny lor St. Paul. Nob. 1'roo transporta tion1 ship Monday i-voililiiT. Apply V. KTlrivin & Co. , IUIJ Iltunoy St. 7ii-fp ) WANTKD-Vify cunvHwi-eiu l.ndlca nnd Kcntlemon HI a inaklnv * in porcday Milling our "Kitebun Qiicnn " Addrn < M , with HIUIIIU , Slmjwon it 1'ar-oiu Tool ( o , 41 llonrd or Trade Ilulidliijf , St. 1'uul , Minn. Manufactory , txiwell , lilt * . * . 4.N-27 W ANTICD flood , rolinblo boys at American District 'i altigraph Olllco , iWl : TyAJXTUI > Tnllora Bt Vapor's , IBtb iitreot. WANTKIi Vouu.'f man us aaslsliiat Ixxik- l.eopcr , about 19 jonn of ayo. Aliiro ( a iti.L-iiii , ritr . r.-.u ; . . W - maUori nt Downy * Hlono'n , C4U WWANTKD WANTKD An enorjretlo younir mnn can ob tain uimyimr Imalnosj by mdlni ! his aU- IL , I lee l Olllco. U4u-p ! ! WANTKD-Steaojfraphor. Hoi < K5 , Omiiiia ! Ma _ i _ ' \\'VNTKI > Pnlr men m till * Hlntn who rnpro- 1 ' tout IcMthur , boot nnd hoe Jobl > or or man- iifnotiirprn. toenrry n line or rubber boot nud bhoo ktimplo * und Mil on commission. ThoM nl- leiiily Milling rubl-eri not wnntixl. Pond rorer- onco.1 with npplicntlon , X. U , Chicn o. f > ( l-op AdUNTS-Selllnff Missouri stenm witslier make t > l money. J. Worth , Solo Mnnutiio- liucr , St. iJniU , Mo. VOUtleulli > WVNTKD-AireiitB. Addresg Klecrle Lamp nnd Slovu Co. , St , Ixiiih , Mo. , for circular , cut niul leriiu of fxi candle JHIWOT ilursh Klectrio SITUATIONS WA1JTED. WANTI'D ily a winmn , Hllimtlon n lifopoi' . liiiilru | | id north Utb. Mrs. Ar nold WANTii-A : ) Hltnatlou of ny kind yoitiur imm ( villi lair business UnowloJno nml not tilrHld of work , V , M. , Heo Oilier. - " \\rANTI'.D Situation by a practical cutter with no\ end jcni-s' uxporlonco. No ( ibleo- tlon lo uu to country. Adding "J , K. , " Ileo nll'isn. _ _ 7i4-Tp _ _ WkNTl'D-A Mtiintlon by n. c-oini > tent drii - KHI | , MHcnlly liom hvw Votk. ( ! ( Hid ro- tuiomos. Drujr , Heo Olllco. TJl-tip WA ; . . 'Ell Siliintlon by n miller , or perieniK In HtiiruiuL lUiller pit > ucM > ; mar- liiul. oed ImUlu. IK-SI ol loatlinonlrtU. Adilicat C. M. Wood , Ilinhvlllu. Nfb. "JU-U \VANTKD A > iiunthm n MU innt l > ok. I' Kivpi'iir vhlppim- clerk by ) ounir man : l0t if lOtflHIC'C's * fc'ULMI. AUdlt ! i ll.CUMl , iU Mi1U Kill St. Ctli-Tp WWT fi-ly | n b\y | , iltlnn i in nn onieo or uiuutaif IIOLK ; AUtlibu J , 11. , life Dili to. WAJNT1I ! > A fO lllon nfl conpbmnn In n private family liy n ronrrloiT mnn of ex perience ! lm ° t ; recommendation1 * . Address ' ' 0. 11. , " Ilco onico. DSMp T\rANTID-Sltuntloii In sloro In Neb. . 0 yenn oxHjrienco | : IhorotiKlily neiiunlntiil with eonornl dry poodm test of reference glvmi. Ad' Ilross liox & 8Vllll ( cii , lowiu 5ll-10p Urn womnn , Mtuntlon nslioiiso- Keeper 4 1 North 16th. _ WAHT8. W ANTIM ) To lot contract for rrndli HOBJTS & Hill. 74JI-T. WANTUD Hy n penllcmnn , room nnd Imnnl at $0 or $7 per week , mtst of i-llth and Fonlli of IVu-tmtn. Heforonces If required. AdOres - Ores O ear , IH > O Ollieo. T. Jlurrny. TTTANTUH lionrd In prlvnto tuinlljriiir nont W nnd child , lour years old , whore tbo child cnn bo piopeily Inkou euro of. Address , A 4 , HUH Olilce. HUM" . 'ANTIIO 1 or twnitnrurnlshod roonift near Hltfb School. Address X. Y. , Ileo onieo. CSi-7 "lyAITrHD At oneo , nlno peed tennis for ' uradlntr ; ( rood wane * , Call atlLM 1'ur- limn street. KB I WANT n residence worth from { Jl.ooo to $10,00 ! ) and mihiirhim pniin-rty us an Invest ment to Iho amount of SuM.Uil , nil f.orcah. AU' ilress it. 0. Stnrr , City , Hojc 411. wrr W .V > TTHI > Mattrcs * maker nt Dewey tt Stone's. KM WATTTlin A nilllotnonrtbo elty at n ron- M > nablo | > rieo. Slaloprlco , terms nnd lo cution. Address V. M. U. " HOe onico. ti WATTrKlTo tmdo n wood seeond 'imnd pluno.or 11 horse nnd biifvsy. Inylllro ut Udholin A Hrleltson. Wi * ron nBNT-uousES AMD I.OTO. J10H HHNT 1 bouses In Omnlm View ; lowest 1 rent In tbo city. Ho jpjA Hill. 7r.M TmtHl HUNT Cottoiro , SSI and Mimqn BLH. In- JL1 ( ] iilro 17IW Jnckwni st. tel Cp FOH ItHNT Two- tory ilwelllnjf , 7 rooiims peed locality. Apply Cor. lltli and Uouubi * . ( J. T. Taylor. 71 F HUNT llouso of tbrco rooms Sd ! and 1 Clark Htieots. Inqulro north-must eorner 1Mb and Douglas , and 1521 Jackson St , O.S'i-1 ! HUNT U stores on Oth and Lonvonwoiili FOU HIS. 1 store on South Mill Rt. Hotb llrst-olnss bu l- nosM locatloiLS. AI boufaos to rout. A. JleOav- oek. CW 77 < OK HRNT IToii'-o of B rooms. Apply Cor. JU 14tb and Douitlas. C.T.Taylor. 74J FOU HUNT llou owllli 5 rooms , etocets and pantry , city wiuor , stable for ono horse : corner or Ifitli and Hickory streets. Inrjiilioor U. Andruon , Umaba S.ilo Works , oren proinUes. * - - OH IinNT ' 1 room eottairo with Summer I71 Idletien.cMforn , well , Seward ttroet liet , CamplHill and Iiono streeta bloekd liom eats. lill-Bp FOU HRNT Povenxl dwolllnp . Apply Cor. 14th mid DounliiA. C. T. Taylor. 718 OH ltU rr rottaao on 5rd utreot , between I7 : Cbleaifo and Cass struts ; Koron roouit ; city water tmd sewer connoonons : $ . ! i ) a monlli. Apply to Mrs. J. W. Savasti , 41J North ! nd St. FOIl HUNT Now boii'e , 11 rooms , city water , bath room mid all modern ceiiTenlcnros : now Mitiot car line , on Ciimimr and Hannibal btiuets. Apiily to John H. Kick , (115 ( Notih 10th. 51HW FOH HHNT A line , new bout-o , cbtlit rooms niul co ! * t . bay window , outb and east fiont , mid line view and n frocx ! burn , mid anooj lot ; very Mintablu lor a family that ktxip n hor-o. Kent , ifc ) per month. luijuiiu at bdbolm it Krlckf-on , opp. poslolllco. I'd RKKT A nowO-room bouse.one block Foil stio t oar. on 2'rt St. ; $ ju \ > cr month. C. H. Mayno , l tb and Karrcn. i" > ! ' " > DIt ItB T iD-rooinetl IIOIIPO. " blocks from IJ post oll'co , and Mimn or tbo iurnltiiio lor alo. liKiulrout HIM. UlliSt 6'JKip 11ISVT Wait ) hoiiMi fflxlOO on Hall FOK tr.iclc. Iiiuuiro Ltl ; Lcavouivorth St. 'M-i-'p OH UI { > fT Cott t'C 8 mon .hou o 10 rooms. P J. i'JiipiH How , SowarJ and C.impboU. " T7\OK \ ItKNT Cortasc.of 4 rooms , 3 rlootH , I1 pantry and cullnr.nul South ath. CnllutSlT south l.itb air cot or on promises after 0 p. in. 467 FOU UKNT OR HALM .Vbouio , bain rorSJ cows ; mid 4 iota In Walnut Hill add 3lilpcr month. Iii'iulio Jauiej ChrUtian'Cn , D. 1 * . Fiel bl office. 1177 o-2f > p OK RENT A now lion e In AilfiiKton addi- I 1 tlon ; 4 rooms , cistern and famulet n o Wvoks from Btifnt car. Inquire ot M. O'Hern , l.nko ami McUelian Bli-ootii. JCKNT llouso , ! > roxjms. Imiulra I'd- helm A Urlekson. Mfi KENT Get. 1st , or niter , a dwelling TIOR 1 . " ) rooms , nice yard , cistern , water , S-J i or month Apply 1411 1'nrk WIU uvo. , orJag. W. Hell , driltfsMt , U rniuta Uth Ht. 5.UJ UKMT Nice cottnjio lulU South VHh St. I InipilieorC A. Hcldin. 4. > Kkp "ITIOK UKXT OnoJI room hous-o Nn.Sj ! C.ill- J lornla utreot , and mm i ! room hou-o , norii- | west corner Jl t an IYo I ! > 4or ! Iniitilicon pie n- ibfs , or or I * . .1. CiooJon.-rtU nnd WobMoi1. Ill KKNT HOUFO II rooms ST > per month ; FOR lout part. G. U. Thompaciu , 3 W cor. lllb nnd ilarnoy. _ . la < _ HKMF Tbo bouse and barn on coi-mr FOH With and I'lorro St. lniiiiro | ut ll ( > tou Dry OooilnMtoro. a liithSt. < * lt _ IilOR ItKMT Tiroom cortiyjo coi'nui * I'oppio- ton and Shorldnn St , $ lj C , li. Mayiiii. B. W _ . corner 15tU nnd Pnrimm. . _ 711 _ FOIi RE1TTBOOSE3. . TjlOH HUNT VurnUhod loouiB.&M N. I'tl St , ' 7IOH lirNT Viimlilictl room. Iniiilro | cor. F lOtli and DoiifflM. 741 FI poll UKNT A nlcplr furnished room : mod I ern convenience * , 172U Cnpitol nvo. & ! t-ifi | . HHNT PiinilsbiKl room wltb hlovo and I.tOH , 417 North 14tb , bet. Cbicayo and Gan. ! . 7iU FOH HUNT-Nlcely lumWied rooms , ma Dod e. 7Cp FOH HRNT Lnrjrn front room nlcoly fur- nUhrd ; prlvil i > of linlh room ; iiillablo for t o pursonn ; five miautei w lk Irom I * O , ; imo blixjk Irom Mtieet cnrliue. Addro ± < 1' . 0. box uiA 7U1 FOU HRNT Lnriro furnl be < l room for iron * llomim and wllu , or two KOiitlemon , Illlj ChlciiBt ) . W4-ti _ _ _ TTIOH HKXT A flno nullp of f\inil bed nunni , .1. bay window , butb , ute , ; torma reiuxumblo , Vilt DoujUa utroot. H < T-'J FOR HUNT One Inra-e , nnfiirnlHlieil. nlcovo room , with bny window nnd KHIIO , and till modnrn improvonmntHon UOth utreot , noaiHt. . Mary'i avo. iniiuiio at ti. VV. Cor. lutli and Iodfe. ( _ CoU ( RKNT Two nicely furnlshpil rooms In J7Olt 1 boiiso with lira , bath nuJ furnnco ; ou Ktrcet earn. Sii7 IXxltfo. FOIl RKNT Tw nlcrlv fiirnUhed rooms on- biilto , S. R. corner loU mid I ) ronport. _ _ BWWip _ TTtOR RENT Teree new iloro i-oomn and three X iniidoncei , all in tfood location. It. ( J. I'ut- lerwiu , ! ( ( and Fnrnam , UVO FOK RKNT A nice , plensnnt room , furnish ed or unrurniMtd. Inqulro ut 151J I mvoii * worth btrcet. _ 4-10 _ T710U KKNT-Rooms with N ) rd , desirable Tor JU uuiunier , API'ly ' t St. Cbarloj Hotel. M\ \ TTIOlt K KMT Throe furnished nwims , with JU prlviloyool1 Imtii loom , GUI I'luasant St. ' inoil HiNT-l'uriiIsbod : front room with I' board. Imiulra Mr * . C. II. Moore , mil Do Street. _ 435 T7 > 0tt nKNT-s'l furnished rmima on IMoltlo 1' btienl. between bib uud 10th , one block wiuth of tbo U. P. depot. _ 4'JJ ' T71OK IlKXT A neat front room , northeast JO corner of 17th Hml Chicau'O. 477o5p For. KBNT-Wlth bouid , ulcoly furnl-ihoj rooma , 17JU C M St. 4Uloi | HliNT-Nieely furnUliFil room wltb board , tu , liatb und ( 'nttn. S > Dod 'n St. F lUt HKNT-NlrelyfirnUhed room , H. cor. Utb unJ rit. Mary a uvo. .417 FOUUKNT-NlcelyfurnlnhPil front room lo uuutlemim ouly , at S. li. corner SJtli mid ell T71OU ItU T KuinuJietl nuira. liiijiiito N. U. JO corner u-iu and U ( Jyo Sts. _ W4 P OIt HKNT A suite of nicety fjriihhcd front rooms for lun HUnMo m'f , 1.11 .litehMiii > m' < 't. otiir ctiuoiut' litti ttitct. i.c TT1OII 11I5NT RleOTiitir furnlshcit rooms , JL1 slnjrlo mid en sultq , ntl71S , C. > s33t. P.1J TjlOU KIINT l.'urnlslipd rooms for . . „ _ . . JU housekeeping , In Iloimor's block , cor. 8th nnd Ho ward , 4 ' 71 Poll ItKNT Tim-rrxmi ndjolnlnr , with Ixumlj front room eotitb-ciut , 1P14 Wobltor Btrcct. _ . i KV1 "T71OII 11KNT 2 p1oti = mit"south f rent looms 9. JW. . corner 19lh nnll Dnronport , . TOO T71O11 lll'.NT Two nleelr furnl lied rootn.s , if. JLJV. _ . cor. aist nnd St. Jlary's avcnuo. 40 _ _ ! " TOR ; 'I710U SAI.llHiin 4 loU In Slilnu's &l ndd. each . a lots In Itan'ooom plnco Tor $2s < M. lilVJ ) t lot la lllniolinucli plnco , $ l,4.W. ( i 'i i' , aero In ( llso adm $ 'in. ( toil i lot -Shlnn'H ni ndd. $ TrjO. ( l-TI I lotlnHlilnn'Mstiutd fViO. ( iil ; ) llouso and lot oa Sotvaul Mreot , lol COvioT > , noir IIDIIPO 5 rooms , trcm cto , $ > ! , UJi ) . ( l l I/it In ll.rkeiN add Xl.tiW. section or land In Monink Co , at ft per ncro. nl W aeivt lu Miuieu Co. $5 GJ per aoio and up- HID aero * In 0 rccloy Co. JS HO per aero. fiotii iieim In Jlmll in Co. f'l ' to $ ! . " > per aero. B. n ) mid 'M acrotraotsno.irtbu city floJ per nci c. li acres In Floionco. Iln6 loontlon , $ I"W. " 7 iiotvi In Kloroneo , ebo.U' , S'1"1'- ' M acres iidjolnhiff KlorC'iico , ST3 per ncro , 1'lrat MiorlKiWH on Impi'onMl iarnm In tliU state , livaiiiu ; mo iU ) > orcntit tnloro-tt , rutinhw 4 and 5 year * . Much morlitaKi ! It about 'i or tlio viUimoi'thu furm. llaiuHUiV Urou-n.rur youth HAM' ! n room brick boiiwi nnd ' { ncro J land near Kt. Mnry'nuvo. $ JM ! ) . Heio IH n iiu-o elmnio to Invest. Cmmlnahani & llronmin iflu "l7ir > K8AI.l ! R ncro * Iniid , ffood bouso nnd liarii -L1 near tlio elty , $ ifw. Tl5 "T710II 8AT.U t aero land on soiitb iRtli street , JLndnilrably adaptud lor inurliot RardoiUiiK : Ixisold clioAp. ( Juiuiln ham n Iliuiinaii.i5ii no. 7.W. IT OU 8AU' n bouses clienp , or wllltrado for ' team &o. 0. 1' . HocUhml , coiner Nleliolus mid llltli hi reels. 7i up TTJIOH SAI.K 8 acr"i land on Ixsnvonwortb St. , JL' < | JJ mi aero. Unnnlnlium ! it Itionnan , i.On Ltodjo. 7 Ul-5 BUM. ss M'OANiu.i.sir , ir.iiDMieoSt.oircr upeclal banralns HoiiM ) . Troonm , near St. Mnrv's. , . $ fiooo Hast trout , O-i oem bnncn , T't ' Si . Jl.UOl ) Iloiiso. Hlrnomt , full lot , Dnvcnixirt St. , eloso ti bu lne < t. very einy term * . 8,000 IIoiiM,7 IIMIIIW , Hliihlo. nlo , DouuliH St. . 8,500 Itiiel ; IIOIIHO , - story and haMiment , nil moilorn Improvements , nonr St Mnrv t 10,00(1 ( lloii'o , Brooms , all eoinnnioncoH , Uaroa- IMirt . fifM DleKimt ro ldenco , Inrao lot , bout b 1 rout , on Davenport St . . n.r > 00 HOIIM ) , it lot , Cblcngt ) S t . 1/iUO Hon o , ( I rnonis , hot anil cold trulcr , 2 loU cornelI'm k A vo . 7W ( ? -Htory bou = o , Sblnn's ndd . U/XK ) HOIIM ) and ono acre , eboap . NX ) HotiM ) , UIPOIIIH , and ono iicro . l.lHn Ho o ami : ) low. Walnut Hill . 1.4 M Ilonso and IMiicio , well locnloil . < , mKI Very domrultlo lot , Sbinn'd add . 7IT3 14 aero , ( JNosadd . 7l " , aero. Park llneo . HOD l ) iiinblo lota , Loavenwortb St. , ? HX ) to . 1.1XM Slots in IturrOAk . 1,1X10 Iot In llan rom I'laco. 5SIWIO . 1/410 4 bountiful IOIH on luth 8t . Ji.iXA ) 1U aeroa on Ixmroinroi-tli St at. . IJUtct Aero proixirty In Cole Krllllant anil otlior addi tions at $ > b. & to fluO. hell b ilcUuullNIi , 1511 IJoduo St. HVl-'l ' p HRAT IJAUGATNIn Omahti View lota to VT ihoso who will build yvod honsoj. Houm & Hill. 7M B "TT11H SATii Or rent , on nor 5 yonra , n eboleo -I ; Innn ol'LW ) acrot riO aciw bard wood tlm- l > or. SDiuirc-t i > iuturoi and' ' Imlanco under culti vation ; Inillo from ,8look V'ariU and 4 inlhH IromOnmba. This farm I * c uliipcd with llrst- cbiKH Improvements In overr rerticHjl. ) nnd ono or the bo.Mt fivrius lu IXiuubiM county I'or fnrthnr purtioubim apply or uddrbixi Clirlstlan Sautter , Omaha , Nob. / tlIHAI I.OTS-IVnbcniic | < Hot8 In Umnha for \J worlinsn > oa. Uu ! M a Hill 7B.M SAI.K A 10 room fiousonnd lot on Citll- FOU lornia'vitreot , near iVlh : will l-o w > M lor $ uOUU. Uuiuilnslmm ti llrbiimtii , I. " > II Dodito. 71(7-5 ( POH3Ar.lt The tlne t , ro-iidoiit block or t o iicics west of tbe city ; ' mi.Ht b < > uold. H. C. I'atrorhou , l tb ami KumrtJH. Kit poll 8AI.H SiilondldrcsidDiico In boart or I 1 eity. 1 .1 Hidr. aero and Ono resldonco On Cummin ; . ' St. , fi.DUO. 1M * in l > atrlck'8 8iirtlOT.v addition , $200 to $ ? > oich. Lots In nimohnufrh' * vddltlon vory.olio.ip. Iflro i roi in Floretuso 'IVonty ncros uotir Irrlnston , $1,699. A bar- hplondiil utoek fnrm or WO afrex lit Bnriiy county. .1. W. MnraUull , 1.160 k'mrunm St. OLW OH 3ALH Ono or the tJnnt ii > nldr < M ) prov ] IP ery.aiMeJao locution , hi.lonulil VIOTT , oik--t tnint ; utxiurn InipiovoniMUtu , ioL > ouiWo pnco. - W 1' . Heo olflce. 7U7 I SALR Stook ol' ) ie h frroioriot in n ri-ililn Nebraska town , inelnaltij Ktoro Itou-son lor M'llin ; , ' , other bi'Hlaovi Call oritddfiu * It C. Multr.uo , Comrul ( ; itr. No- hnukn. _ tffsC _ Foil the lx .t bttrpalns In bniiaes nnd InM. see ( Junnltisbnni A liremmn K Hal. 7IS.VS noli RKN f Coltimo , f > | i > oi'S , clo-ot. foliar , I 1 oiauoin , ( uu , J7i J ! > < JUjl.u St. ; reel ro.xii- nblo. t . " > ORPAM ! ' ' .TSi , Aero of ground with IIOUMJ r 1 In Wo < t Oinalia. $ .j. l nn , Now 0-rooni eotttwo , ball' lot.S-'OSo. I'-lb st. 9 V/.0 ) ( -i-ii , Hoiifo , 7 ixximi , 2 acioa on Ixmvomror'h ' Bt . Sl.JOO Uiu r lormi (1771. ( Three lotu In block T > , Hnnicoin I'liieo. , il7HTwololf ! ln nimplinng-li 1'lfco. . ( l"i Ttro IUDO lotx in blocks , Ilniuconi'ii I'l.icu , Vjr lnlii pf o . 4 MI oitoli 17 loin on Vlrrlnm nnd Oeorvrln nrnnnoi , In Itedtck a mldltlon. Jl.'i'm ' to M'J nieh. ( J J , . Miiymj , JfJtb nd Farnam. 70ri-d TiOIl 3ArK A full btt on Durnnpnrt t.tr''dt , T 1 jiiHt wont or Hlirh School , choap. Cunning- bum ft lireumin , iSn lode /iV.1 FOIl ft.VI.B I < it on Holt Mno for * .1 lo ? .Wil. Them lot * will ilonbln In ralim in le- than twelve n'ontbe time ; now In the time to buy Omaha property. AIIICM , l. 7 Knrnmii. ( UHI ) riOU HAI.Jf At a ImrzHn. H flno new roil- rionoe , iwelro roomi , olnetrio bolls nnd nil modern iniprorementb : "coiiinmidinf | ( n flno rlovr , " with three lotn'and ' Inr o and tlr t clii.sii barn. Inquire of Kdhobu A Urlekhon. K7 Tp. > B HAKK A Hi-Ht-oliW house nnd lot : just X1 built ; corimr lot , o t 1 rontj liw toot Irom prlco , SAJ. . Ameii , liWT Fnnmm. UuK ( > FOB HAI.l' n loin north Omnlm , MxMt. SOT ) nnd ? KI fiucli : K'l ilown , buluncomilt pur- call I..U Hartley. M.VCjj I "OK BALK Very li nd ome ipsldenoo on 1'wrknronuo ; r"yl r > lotexc ; < lloiit hotlne ; I > rloi ) , > i.iOipeay ; tor.ui ; J..HAiilon'ii.ljulniico lon limo , Amc * ' , I.VT Kainnin. Wi , , FOft HALH Choice norn lots : when you buy ivorit lotu you n t > h ground , and tlmt U tlio tiling lo do lu nelly Ille Omnlm ; priceiSI.V ) to (2JO per lot. Air.oV , l.VT Fiirimm. lk > vT > FOK HAT.K Hem e < nd lota on monthly puy- monrs D. I Hnydon , Suuudora , butwnoii Ijikn nud Willli nrns. li Fl > S.Vt.a- Prntfs Hiibdlviilon eleTtmt ncroloUat vvo to $7il per aero 'I'liU property U imoionllrii ( or it luburban reslilunco location. Anita' , l.V , Knru m. gjM Improrei proporry , \J will fuuumo moni jrsor rny riitToronco in cash Partiei wlshin ? tn ( rude better mil nt onoo.T. . H. Green , orer'Ut Nullonul Hank. 171 1/011 BALE-Prlco. > .t , )0. ) A ranch all com j idotolir equipped1 Ioi < winter ; hort born Mock ; unlimited territory , Hay In atiundaneo Addrcnu Fr > l Hlle r Aiicwworth , Neb. ( * W.\r \ AI.K In houw i nnd lots nn nnt-'iualo I J1 | l t of plncoj nt pricen und niul lair. Aiuei' , liilit'n ( | min. FtMl Hl.K2rx \ f on l'len nntnnd I.ivon ) < port btiiHdH. wc.-t Omnlm. nlco4 room cot- tiiO | , n bargain lor ciu > h or on p.i ) incuts Cut. Martin. W fl _ HlbSt. _ _ ifrO _ _ T71DU SALK-dood ncio loin' In Uyile ( 'ark nud JU Cote llrilllniite at JI.VJlo $17.1 per lilt Aeio loin am tu iood im iimwlmom us > ou emi Uud. and now lit the tiiuu to buy Miuin , Anny. 1VJ7 Furntiiu. ( i | l-fi _ _ _ F H HA r.K Vult lot nnd jrood hou > nlnnir St Car line on Miulli l lthMrcet. utry cboap uud miiMt IMJ wilit. l'i icn J-l.'i'i'i ' , tunas eoay. H. U. ] 'iitterM > ii , lulli and I'lirnmii. 4ol IrtOK tAl.K- nn lijvostmont. none letter 1 tlitm loU in Hiiifhlon Tl'o-u itum IOIN mo chokH > I'rltot-Vi | > er lot rein i Lvr. ) 'nJ Jnr mi aeru lot-iuut will ihiiiblo in vlu lu 1 , ' Amej , IW/7 iUrimiu , ( .11 J HAI.K-llncre fliifMt iiidpn > fd fruit Iniul In the I.IMIB , nU i J Iruu Ou-nu * . Imvn not tlm llm Id liMik MI frit l ) liM ur loroiab. ( ol purlin , I : l l Pt J.V IilOlt .SAI.K On * of I' t * .t r * . * r < i , . ertlrn in Umuuu , $ UvW. L. K fetyiic t-i and F < HMVIK CW | lu ( Iniriuiun oinnd' . ot rcn * > . < > io ut band ; ti'ic * * * > 10 f < u.v M fi jUucaM - IU .tli-o FtIl flAMI OH HUNT Ilrlok liouso. K rooini , corner lot , Shbin's mid. Will "ell on monthly imymcma. C. II. ) layno , 15tb nnd 1'ur- uam. ! 174 | .i OH MAI.lJ-tTlioico lots In 1'lnlnvlew on line I1 of Holt line road ! tboso you can buy on ens ) tnrtn.s nt $1-1 to $ Ti'JJ ' a lot. Call nnd see Ilia lots. Amos , 1707 I'ariinm. _ Ol.Wi _ TTHHt SAM ! Ten coltnites and flno hou os JL ? ninuiiirf In prlco from JJ/HX ) to $ litKlO each Itoqtiired oash on pome onlr $ HO. All on easy tcim.s. H. U. I'nttertfuu , luth and Kiirnam. _ | _ a i J _ TJUMl 8AM175 will buy n coed lot In I Ar- 1 HiiRtnn which Is splendidly locate. 1 no'ir stores , cebools nnd cars. Now Is the Hum to In vest. Come nnd look these lots over. Amos Irr7 1'nrimtn , C1.V5 "ITlOlt KAMI ThrooiioweoltnRes. flvo rooms JU each , In Wnlmit Illlli ( rood eell.irs , closets , imntrlpj'.cisteriis oto : two lots with o-ieh coltnini t-l.MM etieli , $ lJi ] down and f-\ ) per month. ( ' . K Maynn , loth and Karnam. H7l ! 17 OU SAMi-Shlnn'o nddltlon , the best hoti - I1 lot , bain $ ltiOO cash. This pioporly M nn In- vuf-tmont noith looking after. Ames , 15 < I7 1'iir- num. b.1-n ITIIIIl SAMC HoHiitirulacio property 3 tulles JU ft urn city , nt Sl'Jl to WW per nero ; eas ) terms. H. ( ; . IMttor.son.cornnr 1.1'-i and I'Mrnam ' _ _ Ml _ f.iHSAM-Mplro : ° o Hill lol.s on Hell line at 1 $ J l and $ lixl txir lot The o prices are low , Hero Is iiuhanco to dotiblo your nionev. I > t.s nt thoMi prices aio an ovcellont liivostmont. Amos , 15'J7 Kariuxm. _ BJl-fl 37VUI 5TA.1.U Mnjrnlllccnt lioiiFomnl lot i\lth . commodious barn on Caliloriila btieet nUiu IMli.Miulli I rout. . - I'or wtto Poll lot irooilt wn story R i-oom bottso on CiUitornla , locution very doHrablo , $ Au . J , 1 { Itdoy ii Co. , 15 MiHb " 1'Hh utrcut , _ _ 'i.'S _ TJItm SAMJ-An. bulldlmr "lot JL3 Genrirlnu7o.Kii Icut liont. 1'iiuo , lt Ames , lii(7 ( I'lirimm. tdTi TTlDIt SAMS-lTloUoti ( leorjlu mil Viri-lnli JL1 avos. , Uodlck'n Rdd. 5I..IJJ to : jl , > . ) l each : cn"V torms. diirt ) The ncntestcottnL'f ; In Onmlm , now , all modern cotiroiiloncxH , fl 0 ' 'i ave , StKiHi. I'.IS ! ) Heailtittil ncro lot mm IIOIIMI lacing pro- ro'nd Hotilevard , West Omnlm , $ J,5UD , ca-sy teims. ( ! 7l C acres with ( rood 1mn o , stable etc. , 5 miles fiom 1' O. SMWiqasy term * . CMC ) Now mlhwoii rooms , oed burn , corner Oniiidand l'ier bti-oou , f."ui ) , immtidy pny- inentH. ( lilt Lot faolng1 Ilnnscom park on Park ave , tl.UM , easy Hum * . U. U. Mayuo , Iblb and 1'ar- iiam. : iJ I 1011 HA I.I ! An Improved aero lot in West 1 Omnlm , $ ( , OA ) . Como and bco it. Ames , IM Karnam. 615 FI K MAT.K Now hoUFO , 7 room" , east front , lull lot , next to alley , on Saiinders Hticot ; lot alone woilh nearly all that Is asked lor It , : , ou ) . , i. n. itiioy .vdo , u'i.s. i.itii at. .n ' ndnltlon. on lOlh St. and Itnncrolt St. A rare chance tw buy on 1av- oniblo teims. Amoi ) , 1507 l''arnam. 017-J PIt HAT.JC Two lolaon n corner , two blocks Irom rarnam. both lor l.- " > > . positively cheap. J. H Hiloy 4 Co , 15 South 1,1th St..IT IjltHl SAl.n-Somo Tory dcslnililo bulKllns JO lota on lnrk. ( loorsin nnd Virginia avenues ; Uioo are elioico itoa and will bo boon out ot the market. Amu-i , 1'xir Karnam. tJt- . " . T710 It S.VI.K-On Convent St Jot 4 Kill ; house JO n rooms near street car line , S.i"iJJ e.ish J. W Mai-bhall , 1 < V I Kiirnam St. _ bJJ _ SALE Hoiit-omid Imlr lot , 1'ith ' HtrecJ. .huu ; Sl.oiwcttsa balance , to suil buyer. , 1M7 Vtirnmn. GlUi FOH HA.r.U Kull lot. fouth fiont ; very deslr- able pioporty , on icd car line ThH Is very ohcnp ut f l.ljO. J. U. Hiley & Co. , " 15 South IJCh biicet , Uy : Foil H.VT.K I'nrker'a addition , fflx-rcmm house , ono hair lot , $ l.iUu ) ; eimy tcriun , btiiall easli piiymunts. Amcd , l.K/7 Farnuiiu _ til 5 5 T71OH SALE Ixit on Fnrnntn , WKH7 , SI.4W , JO very dONlrablo for i iilonio. This will he in the market only a low dnys as it is cheap. .1. U lll ( ( < y A. Co , : : li South liHb atrceU -W T.TO11 SAI.K Ton lots In Iloyd's addition on J' Ion ? timn at V ) to $ . * ) each ; they nill Hell lor iJi apiece In Icthiiu a year ; i our own time on them. Amet , UA/I l-'iirnam , l'iM- , ' > For. HAMS Full eorner lot three blocks from htrect cm * ; txmutiful nnd sightly louation ; $ . VioiHiior < ! > > lei limo. Tills Is positively a balwiln. J. HJUIoy & Co. . BL1S. l.ltli St. _ ZU _ I POll SAI.B An unimproved aero lot In West Umnhn , $ ftM ) . _ AUJOJ , 1VT Kuriium. KU-G 1711)11 MAM : Cbe p. n Cno lot In Iluoscoin JO l'lnco. _ Address rT V.V. _ . Dee olllco. li < Ff > K9AMS We linve lots on Vlnton , Cum- biKH , ( loorjrm nvo , Ixsivonwoitli and other SIICOIH Ki rnnm utieot business propoity.I. . Klley i ( k ) . SliSouth IJth street. --.U 7 > OIl 8AI.H Two-story boilM ) , two coed lots , 1 ' avuiiun , Sl.JjJ. Amen , Ktfl rurnam , F tilt MAI.lt A two ptory , ± ! xW , fmnio build- in : , ' , ult.ihle for moro , near luth and Kir- imm St.s. Apply at tills olflco _ _ I.TOH . SAI.K For tlv' * * onch , two eloirant lots ; ou-t tiont , IliinsoOni I'luto ; M leot tiont , lil Icetdeop : u.usy toruu : tiio-u lots aio A 1 ; comoiuid MJH tliuin. Allied , l. < 01 Kuriiani. _ _ [ _ ( Kl-r , _ F'H SA M' 1'ull lot with now Imiipo , 4 rooms , pmitrr. collar , cistern , pnieh In finiit , bbm ti : lo-a tlmn three block < lioni red ear line ; Improvement * wortb over $ > uu. ull tor 5 > l.i"i ) Kuhy piijiiionts Thia in nl-o a bargain .1. I ! Uiley A to , SI3 S IJth Htreet. ! MI P KS VI.U Attibar Kn , l c with 'I bonso ; i niul 7 rooms , wall , oiitorr. bin , & .o , i-itli MII : ! Hurnej Irnirort | > d propnrly taUcii us pan | iy. \Vi | ) . L Mpmoa , Uh and Douglas 3CSTAT2. FOIl LI3APB li rnium on 5 yenis. IJo ps lull 7i.ir > | ? OH SALK-Ilj A. McOuvock , I.Wi I'm mini St. I1 ! I lot idvl'iJ Hith'nuw-fi loom lieu e. lu VV. A , Itoiiick'Htiilil X lots f .xli each. Owl.bt & I.yimin's add. Jn. . cacii a loin Hark Wild nve. . lirj l ) ) , with 3 boiifes , 2 bat-its' , nnd other noc ary outbulldlinrH * * , ( } > > * lot Hood 1st mid on 4 neiir IJ.ivonp'irl , wlfh . rooni liouto and all necessary Improvo- tiienl. * 'i''W. 1 lot r .xl4'i , Kountzo'a add on Hith tieitr lliekory. 4lS i 1 lot fiXIxIA on Vlnton neftr intb St. 51,0 II 1 lotM'j ' l > 2 , llced'H Int add ; I'MOOIII bou-e nnd all nocoHMnry ImpiovuifUiiLs. ( In iavoiiiort | nenrs l r. fljui. luiuniulii Tutlle'h tubdlvlslen ; very clump ; 8ullnhlM < for ciinlRiiInff. I lot 4"il Hickory Plnco , wltb I ) room bouso mm tnu nioent. 'IhU le ubnrsalu. * l.i/o 1 lolf/nU4 , Kounl/e Sc ttuth a add. CIHI front , eonlaiimi ) new houp * wuiuli tent lor 5-n ) per inontli. On | jj ven ( rtli nojr 17th if I > AJ it lnt tMxii4 llonury Hill add on t'astellur nenr llitb. t-ViUf > 7eli. 1 lot 47x111 , Improvement Axuoelatlon add ; U-ioom lieu u.rronm ontli ; $ J-J ij lots. I'.irke I'lxco ' : trout on ( . ( ! - < xt $ .ViO o ich. t < irnor Int on I lik. uo at ; uwnboii'n \ nud bnrn , a very drcir blu locutloii. I block I nun bltfh sohool $ l\krl. \ Splundld Hock farm of MO acres in Dhnn O ) . 10 iiillBH soiith et of'1'oncn Will M'll elieapor nictumif * lor lii.prot'ed Oumhu mty piopeny. FOR SAI.K An ca of land ou l.'th Htroct.iul- miiHtile tulupKd lor mnri.ot giinloiilnfr. Will 1 wild onoiip. CuuiilnxliHia & Ilionmiii , l.'ill Itudxo. tut- . ) "T3115i"K linproreil ( iiiin .will triiiio for improve. ! JO nity property , W , il. Uruou , uver 1st N.I. tioiml Malik.&M fl\IH Furniture n < 1 lUtuirnof thebo t FOU n ilny hotel in Dmnh.t , ohinip lor oinh or Irmlo lor other pioporly. Call ur nddre > t Ceo. li flb ! onU7d. Hlb. "M-hp FOIt SAI.F flmnd qunro > 7W piano , nearly a * KOCH ! i * iiotr ; j-'UJCiiali will buy It. llo A Hill. 71IW j HArn A No. I drli'lnjror work hor-o lor F cii'li or on time , W , IU Ciotl , itooin 4. Wlilmell lluildlnif. 74J _ FOHSALB Cli np , Oiirlnml bard coul burner Mo 4)V. ) . Crnaior , IJ , & M , Hondiuiirtu | . 7H-7p _ _ FOU 8ALK A $700 plano-nearly nu ii-ood its now : * .11 en h luLoj It It old In- rllllltor , ItOjTrfl & Illll. ' HOTKl.-Furnltiiro for suln Ot'CIDHNTAL mid hotel tor tent. Cull at Oucldoiital lor Information , corner IJ und llovmrdbt. ilii T OIt 8 ALP A good N . X Clmrtor Oak Move , I1 ulmo l novr. Iiiiilre | | ut HJ DavoniMut. Mi Up IjiOltSALK Aconl wajfon In running order , _ > ; : ( U North luth .trout. UIMp f -\lll ( SAI.K Now , Imnd < omely p'llntod , sprint ? w.woii. luijuireutN. W. cor. lUUi and Call- l Pti HAI.K-I.W bend of two-jc-nr-old euttlo. < j bullernaiid IM i-irer < ; imd tuo Norman iihllioiu. K. Kiiller , Kulluiivn , Nub , U4ui T.1DK H.VI.K Iliickwheut briin , iVi per tuilt > i. JL1 tr.jr ilnu.ACoCily Mill * )1J ) i.1lN \lK Two loU in Pdhuiii f'liicc. ono 1 I l.nk liom kiiiiut cur tiuuk. irt'Ht sAl.ltOr whuld triulo Tor n srnod lioro I nnd b uxi. vluc-rca in Ciuijiur LObuty , \ ; > - jdy tu.Usouin l * b meol , t i BUDIUESS CltAIXOZS. \\rAMTKU-A pnrty to buy ft hnlf Interest I t n ) x > d pa ) biff putont , AlHiut JJ.HMeai in Int. Addicss J. f ) . Smith , lUslnjf Cltv.Nob. , HoxRI. _ I > $ l-7p I poll BAtiK Comptota ontnt for bnnklnjr 1 hoiifo , conslstlnir of Inrpo llro nnd burglnr proof fnto , Iron rnllliw , cherry counter , oto , nil now. Would trrtdo for Omnlm ell v projiorty or nlldlniuls. U H. Muyno , loth and Rurnam , 0.11 SAM-Tlm : b bn. Address O. , Heo odlco. C4t-7p iriOH SAI.K-ltotall Block of drum nnd Ilv- JL1 lures , all In HOIK ! order ; Rood locution and trade. AddiosHX VX.Clilik Drug Uo. , Omaha , Neb. fij.- . 1710H SAIi-Flrt-clnsi : liotol , KniutnU all linpnnomeiil.s , n\tiiti > 4 , lmr > Vc.ln H irrow. Inirclly. Prlco SJfiX ( ll terms onsy. Addie sll. U. Pattot > on , Mill and I'tinnim. 4 , " > J BOAKD1I7O. K < > < > it iiiul lionnl , & " per weokj very liootlo cution. 1M4 Iavenp ) < irtSt. PKYBIC1A1I3. t Tor tbo nccom- V/moilatlon or Ibo lck 8ur.tlo.il oporatlqiH or all klndtulillfullyperformed , llixo.i't" * oru-omen a Hpnelally ; Indies In eonlbieniont tun buro have iibiioluto prlvaor nnd tlm licit nfiiltotillmi. Cor- tnspoiidonoooMlclKHl. Addum Dr. .1. .M. Hwlt- limn , corner l.'ilh anil I1armiin.or lr . ! > II. corner illlh ami L'urnnm. Telephone &W. PUHSONAr , A youiitf uonlloman n In tbo city would HKo to form tlio aeiimln- | tnneool a jouiitf lady. Addru.vi "J , A. " Heo olllco. 71"iji < | MAD.vni iiinNtA : ( . oloi'Nt and llalrvovunt , points out ini-eun onemloH , color tlielroym and Imlr. Tlio imtii to MIICCOM. l.o\'d and buslnosi a i-iJix'iiilty. Him IKwlilvely cures blllotw beadncnos , kldnoys.llver and all ilunuivomonli or tbostomaob , dlvsolvus wall Ktono , cm us catarrh , tbo worst O.IMM or ibeiimatlsni. llor molliod of cnrluw ( i.ilonliH is with herbs , nnd most eomploto. llunls worst Hires In n month , Her liealmont of corns , bunlonu , lender leot lulls Ilko auliarm. Mrs. HMclmril'on coimis with munyreetnumeiidatloim lioni the puns and prlvato Imllvlduals , eolobra- ted and popuUr short limo only. 3.2 North lUtb htii'ut , loom 1J. _ 317 _ -l-iKSXAr-Sin.Mnillboy ; ( a combined din- L nor and tun ml , line poieelaln , HUtue | ( bapetf , at Moody's Uhluu Store , ItUli and Daxuii- IK ) rr. KJj > " > AT1J\V ISOItV INI'.VNTH properly and RIIC- 1 > ccssfully caiud lor lit a. H. tor. of 1'Yanklln and lionoStd. &i > j-8p STOVn ISBPAIR3. rpllK W. 0. MofrncrSrovoUopnlr Co. . 111 South JL lith St. bunvcea DodsoanJ IJou lns. _ HOST. LOST $ b" Saturday nlBht. Heward of $ " > on tetm-nlmr to"\V. A. , " Oianlto llloc'i ' bet. Km n n m and llarney. 71'JH BIIGCBLSAITIIOUS. A f.WAVS on band nt a bargain , No. r second hand can iiiu ; , pliaclons and nldo bar .s , at A. J. blmpaon , MJJiuid UU P I V > 'OS moved and puukod. Moohan.nUN. lulhhticol. ; , til-l- | > LAOIKS In want or peed domestlo help em be supplied by eiillin ? on tbo Omaha I'.m- tilovmeni Olllco'JIT N Hilli St. , up-atalri. Jlrs. .1. W. Minn-boil Jiiopriotor. 84 PRIVY vaults and cesspools cleaned In an oclbiloM way by V. U. Abel , 1' . O. Ilex U73. ' OTTRHD. NO operation or useless trusw * . Dr. } f. M. Mooio , li WabiLsb ave , Chicago. Send stamp or circular at Cozzciu llouao , Omaha , every IW days. MA01STUH Ol' I'AI.MYSTK11Y AND CONDI- TlONALltil1 , iin Tenth Street , hot ween F.irniiin nnd Ilarriey , will , with the aid or ( runrdl in splril.s , obtnliiiiii ; for any ono a Klanco lu the [ iiHt : mill pio.onr , and ol certain conditions In I ho future. Boots uud shooi miulo to order. I'ertei't iittsfttotion : jfimranteod. Tliomostco'nplctoTrftftttsoon ji'ibiUhc.1. ' Lu.tiUns f.iU dln-ctlnn r. > r Vienna Brofvt , luf ! iat ( * , Fr ucu . , . . niaimuurofMt.r'aul Rvllar rilllii , t.fiiul , ill in n. , ana rj-'Wu la return ti Or a Jilo" > inu CIKI ; Hook I or , biy o 6 < ' 'c of Orjii u Hiusaom vour rr.x * r t i'l < * p'r , ri , * f on * . * * f Hebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. P.\n > U > 0 M-ITA t 5iV.ooooi ) Kittfi.t'.s , M.ty l.J j ' -.OJU.OJ II.V. . VATKS , President. A K. TWXAMN. Viuu L'roaidoat. \V V. MoiisK , JOHN S. I'or.i.ivs , Lt\vib : S. lli.ni ) , W. II. S. liioiiE < j , Cashier. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK. Co , Ulli and Farnnin Street * . A Ooncial HmiLin ; . ' Itiioiuc.Tiai ) . - > iicl(3d. Ss MAIJI , , fois to J. Q , JnuobsJ UND BUT A 'KER S , AND EMJULMKRS. At llm old .Hinnil Ili7 I'arimm SL Orders by tele"iaph i-oliuiicil mid prumi'lly tiUcniUsI to. telephone No . ' . > . I * * CHICAGO A 1ST 4 ; AILV/AY. THH I1H3T HOUTK A.V11 Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. Tlio only ronrt tn tnke ror DCS Mnlurn , Mar- MiiilMuwa tVdnr Kapld * , Clinton. Dtiic , Cllcio. | MllnniihiHt nnd nil point * tut Tallin peoplnor S'ebnikii. ColornnoVomlnir , I'tnh , Idilio , Sev.ntii , Oregon , VVn'hinvfoM nnd Cnlirnrnln it nlTors Miper or adrcalnun not ( xnrlblo b > tiny other line. Amnnx lew of Ilia ruimoroin polnti or xititft- rlorlty calmed by the tutioin or IhU lend bo UIHMI UinsliA Mint ( 'IniMiro , rn It" tun irnmn n lay or DAf iXAt'HB-J ) Thlch nre tbe nneit tluu Imm. in in I mid hwrniilty run vii'Atc. lltl'AI.- A ( li SLKEI'ING CAKS. xrhiuli nru moilrln or comloil nml driiuo III I'Altl.OH UHAU'l.N'd HOOM CAMS. nn < urpa wl bv niif. uud Its wlilo- Ij eclobni ivl PALATIAL ( JlNlMi CAIIS , llio ennui of whil'li enutidt be found rl-oivlicro At Coiuieil lllutTs 1'ic ' tialniot tlio I'nloii I'acl- Dc Ity couiieut in L'nion lci > ot with tlioMiol the . 'hicupo Sc. Nortliwc-.toin Uv In I'hicMiro tlio Iralm ol ibis Him in.ik * cio-ai connection with lbo.M | > r nil i < ii > tern lme . I'or Don oil. Columbus , ImllniiapolN , Clnoln- null. Nl.r.-iini I'lilU. Iliitrnlo. I'll loliurir. Toronto , Moil1 MI > l lloitoii , Now Vork. Philadelphia , II il > tluioie WaxbliiKtonniidallpoliitMl llio llcLct u unt lor tickets \in the . If > ou wNh I IKI bait auuonimodiitlou ) . All llukot lUOIIls hdll llcUUI ) VlU tllli llllU. M. iiutiiirrr. it. s IIAIII. ( Jenor.U Jiluuu tir. Ocn. l'n > w. N iiAiiroric. Con. Airont , III' I'nrium Sl.Omn ° iia , Neb. SoMiuict'il Vi'Ju' Ktpiiiiuicu : , S. H. ATWOOD , PLATTSMOUTH , NEB , Ilrceder of Tlioroiuhbroc ! and Hlwh rjrado Hereford ant ! Jersey Gaii'e ! Ami Durou iwul Jet * . > Itcd Sulac. Ul.sTIIK r IIY C'lLl'MIII V , WMSlllll 'Illll , I'JIli St. ' fill ! IKi'Ut A ixiMll" ! ; nm | il.ij hi-hoiil lor > ( ) > Is Hci , Deli ' t Hy jinn i I | ' < ir i- v i l | 'H * liitrn < ? i r > IN u- OAHAaHUFAGTUHERS. & c Manufacturers of Billiard A Pool Tables A ml Saloon , Ulliconnil llnnk 1'tnrc.H. ! . Minka tuiil Huron 8t . , Olilcutfo , 111. Oimihn olllco , 50 S.lDthSt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Book Binding , Elc. _ _ WJHd X 'I'-NT 1 N 0 CO . Printers , Book Binders , And Illnnk Hook Manufacturers. Nos. 10(1 ( nnl ItW South Htli SI root , Uniulin , Nob. Duller Tubs , J. Hi Manufacturing of Butter Tabs. fin n > . ia ! id m. : wo : sn . yio ; su it > , 2 0 : lui tt , iiri ItirfKV : . Iftli niul 1'ioivo St. . , Onmlm , Null. JDigars and Tobacco. MAX Jir.vnii & "c67. Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , linns mid Ammunition , St. to 2 l South 11H Street , liKUtnlltM rurnam Stioot , Omaha , NeB JNTHII-OCHAM Cm vn I-'XCTOHV. wusr & iriirrsuiiiiii , Manufacturers of Pine Cigars , - And Whnkisiilo UonluW In Ixjaf Tobaccos. N'oi ItkS mill Hi ) N. Hill Street , Oimilm , Nell. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works , John Npimotor , t'ropilolor. Miinul'ncturoi' n ( Inh-itnl/ril lion mill Conilro. ' . ' - ! ) > odiu , and IJ anil U" > North loth Street , Oimilni , Kul > . HUHMl'lNO & UOIiTH , nuractCT'W of Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Khml . Hie , niO H. litli Hf Workilom In niiy parlor thocoiintiy. Western Cornice Works , 0. ai'nCHT , I'roprlotor. Onlvanlred Iron \rnlros , r.to. 9peobl'slm prou-d rHUint..MolnlliutiljllKlit , COS and Mild . , Omnlm , Nob. Doors , Ssh , Etc. Hiuiiiracturor and Donlor In Doors Sasli Blinds , , , Mouldings , lite. Stair Hails a speciitlly. Telephone No. 151 b and Mnrcy St. , Omaha , Not ) . Clcclncal Supplies , Eieclricai Supplies , I , . W. Wt > rl''H St CO , Mlootrlotmn , Sfnoonlo ISlock , Omrv'.ia. Hur Hr Alarma , Hnlls I'mi Alarms , HlooH'io Malting , H | > iiclu'i'ubol ( joldSilvor ami NioKol I'liilin , Kto. Iron and Nails. OMA H A NAU"jrA Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire NalU a Specialty. Onuibii , Nob. fimalia Iron Works Company , Machinery , CVistimrs , Steam Kn rlnos. llollora Aruhlteotural Iron Work , lion UridKcs , Jllnlni nnd Mill Machinery , Olllco and works , Unioi I'acillo it. H. , 171 li and Ihlb Slicota. I tt HUO. , Foundry \Yorks. \ Cor. 14tb and JnckMJii Sts. , mopiirod to do of lion and 1 truss cUsiiu'js ; also , O , U llannl-tur's Hookluu Oralo Hiri 111 iirll'iiotnroj Mattresses. K M. IUJLSH , ' Mattress Company , Jfnnurnctiiriii ! ? Mattresses. Hoddlnpr , Vcnflia Pillows , Cots , Uto. ljO uud 12US Douglas Street Omnlm , Nub. Overalls. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jctuis I'ants , Shirts , lite. , 11UJ and 111/1 Dougla , Street , Omabu , Ni.b. Paper Bozes. J. K WIMvIH , Hannfaclure ? of Paper Boxes , 10SR. I lib SI .Onmlm , Neb Oidersby mall so belled and "ill rcceim prompt attention. = 1 Safes ! Omaha Safe 0. ANDHKHN. Wnniifpetinerof Mi o nml Hurplir Proof fifes v-i"lt PnorH. Jnil Wet It. plPMtviH nnd Wlr Woilr. Cor. lltli uud .lackson Rts. , Onmlm'Not V/agons / and CarrhgeSi GHA'tTON & DHITMMONO Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , niul l. < li iliiuioy .tn LIU , Onniha , Neb Soli Nobru u.i lor.Jiincj' Culubrated Bjill Sh A. J. 8IMI'-N ( , The Leading Carriage Factory , ill ) OiKUt ! riuui'i , Oamii.i , ; > cb. Wiiile Lcid , > . OJIAHA WH1TK I.KAICOMPA7ri Corroduiw und ( Irlnden * or Perfectly Para Widte Lead , Oniahn , Neb Itvi ( mill , liri- ; ( ' VMen / Vice I'IOH. ; H. W. Vulim , r-ro andTretw. mm HOTEL The Hlllard , a. Shears , .1. 13 ) rnrkolTlioi Htrnbo , 1'roprlotot Uniithu , Nubr.iki. Arcads Hotel , y , l'roiiif'tor. | 1:15 And 1:17 I > oiirtM } | Si , ( lui.iiia , Not ) . Thn pitroniiiro of com.riuuJiid mo I lospeuirilll , HOlli'lted. Tliuy will lliid tUU tlu * bo t $ , iuda , boiibo wo t of CliKmito , Till ) COZZ013 , P. ) | iim ay A ( Jo. , Pci | irlntori. Itatei ? ! .00 per day , no dark'rooms. . AUn Pnlna Hotel ri.iiua 1'u , U.n.Ui.i , Noli. Canflold Hoasa , Cor. Ninth nnd Kiminm SU 'Hie lw t f2 po dny hold In Omnhn lleinodrlr I , trim nl-l ol rcdocinted : ono block liom urniy licudiini'ili ' n opH | > > ltn I'nlon 1'iu'lllo hciuiimiiei | | > > . uln ui oiir IIHM tlio iloor ( Iporve rinroil | > V to . i r"i { loi.s AI-.U Union St' > uk Vuid * lloiol , fc'out Omitliu. Hotel do Go93 , P. IJOl ) . I'l-oprio.nr . miiitr.illr lo-n'fi-1 $ H'troppitn ' Plan Thn only n iluv Imilso Th roe doors from ll'ivd'x ( ) ivn Hou Miid ono-'nilf blouV fixi u llm 1'u IM llcl nml Iho Cuiirt HoiUiv ijJj , | jJ | , I./U liilli.ul isOmalia\ul | > . Notluc. Tlio riilenirn Kiohnnifii buvs , KC ! | < n d u\ land mill fur nf. of all kln.U Addiu < minuB , roo.u 7J imJ 77 , P. EO'YE'R ' & GO. lit. il.K.I.S J > cfid Jail tt&rhi IOJU r.irn UH Suva. O ii i'i' ' . No j