r FHE EE. FIFTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , TUESDAY ] rf < jRNING , OCTOBER 0 , 1885. NUMBER 02. PARKEll AND PATRIOTISM , Unexampled Devotion of Irish Americans to their Native Laud. AMERICANS BACK TO IRELAND. Influential Americans to ( leturn to I > in to Work lor Irish Na- ( lonnllty at the Elections. Tim Trtnli Ifcart In America. Nr.vviYOIIK , Oct fl. A lai-ge meeting of gcnttcincn who have been prominent in IrMi National Letigiio matter * in this city nnd lliooklyn , was held this afternoon at the office nf .To n Kooncy , No. 145 IJni.ulway. for' the imrpo c of taking into consideration the best and most effective means of assisting 1'arncll In the coming elections for mcmbcis of tiai ( lament. John C. McHuIre , of Hiooklyn , was elected chairman , and ( icucral W. Kirvvin bccic- Itesolulions vvcic adopted , Felting forth that thn general election about to take place for mcmbcis of the KngtMi pailimiicut "ofters to the people of Ireland nil opportunity topiovo their lojally and devotion to liNi nation ality , seldom It evereoualled in thu history of'tlmt nnloi Innate , inWmciiu'd and IHMIC- euted counti v. " The ic-.olutloiis tuithci n- < - frert the sleadfast and uuswciving ndclityof tin ; Irish people to the can MI ot national Inde pendence and the meat tcMilts accomplished under the leadership ot 1'arncll nnd Ids associates : emphasi/o the oppression and depopulation tor Iielnnd thioiigh the system ot l.mdloidlsm ; give warning to Kngland that .she has not only depopulated Itclnud to deal with , "that over ten millions of her exiles ot the Iiish race on this continent look on w ith anxious eyes nnd w Ith strong aims and willing hearts to lender such nsslMniicc as may be needed by their brothers lu Ireland to accomplish this end. " They conclude us follows : "Resolved ; That wesend lilty of the lepresentatlve men ol our race lu tlio United States to assist , Hon. Chailes Stewart i'.unell and his associates In the hustings for the puipuse of electing the candidates selected and appioved of by that licorlc and trusted leader.1 Following Is n partial list of those who me named to pcifonu this service : Itev. Jus. County , Woieester , Mass. . Itev. li. O'ltcllly , Uetiolt , Mich , ; Itev. JM. J , Dorney. Chicago : Hcv. Ii. ( ! corgo C. Hctti St , Louis ; Itev. Father Cumin , UulTalo , N. Y. : llov. James T.ialTe , llionklyn , N. Y. ; lion. P. A. Collins , Boston , Mass , ; Hon. , | os. J. ( TPnnofrhiie , New Voik ; llon..lolin Hoylo O'itdlly , Uoston : Hon. .John F. Fincilv , Chicigo ; Hon. William K. KobiiisoijflJrook- Ivn ; Hon. M. S. Ulannon. Davenport , Iowa : Hon. Martin A. Foian. Cleveland ; Judge I'lerdergast , Chicago ; Hon. T. V. Powdeilv , Scnmton , IVnnsvlvanla ; M Alexander Sullivan , Chicago ; .InmcsMooiicy , Uuffalo , N. V. ; John Deiov. New Vork : Ii. William H. Wallace , Dr.J.'C. McCuiic , ( Jen. > 1. Kliwin , Ceil. Dennis K. Hiul.e. Miles O'lirlen , of New York ; John C. McGuiie. Michael Me.igher , P. J. llniwav and John JJooney , ot liiooklyn ; M. V. Wllhaie. Phila delphia ; 1) . C. Kecly , Kocliester. N. V. , nud lluuh J. Canoll , Pavvtucket. H. \ . The meeting adjouintsl biibjcct to the cnll of the chnli man. CIIIOAOO. Oct. ft Ex-Congressman John F. Vineily being asked to-night vvlivllier lie would accept tliu invitation teiideied him to visit Kiiglund and Ireland to woik lei the the Pninell party dining the coiiilui ; cam paign , said that he had leceivcd no lutlm.x- lion that any .Midi .scheme was on toot. Without giving any reason fm dcclluiui ; , Mr. I'lncrty'N.ild that lit ) should piobably uot be oneot the pioiioscd party. Of the gentlemen named thn following liavo already slgulticd their willingness to go : Kev. Dr. O'ltellly , Detiolt : Itev. M. J. Dor- ncy , Chicago ; Ucv. Dr. Ceo. C. HctLs , St. Jonls : ( ieneiul M. Kiivvin , New Ymk : John C. Mi/iiilie , Itrooklyn ; Ilimli J. Cm mil , Pawtnckcl , IS. L , and lion. Jolm J. Kooncy , New Yoik. Money for their expenses will bo forth- ing. t CJIIOAOO , Oct. ! > . A levnndei Sullivan , ex- jiresldent of llio Iiish National League of Ameiica , was seen lit his lioiur to-night bvan associated incss lopoiter , who showed Id m an account of today's juocecdlugs at the meeting of this New Voik lilsh-Ameiicaiib nnd asked him thn question jioint blank : "WlllvougoV" Yen- prompt ! v came then- ply : "No. I shall not go , LK.HIM ; 1 see no liencdt tolic deihcil to the movement lioui fiiieh.ilslt. . The K'tiplo ol liulatid are not fiiiircilng for oiatoiy nnd do not nied to bo mged to Hiippoi-t Parnell. They nndcutand tlio Iiish cause too well , and they rcalUc the necessity ol organi- 7ntlou nnd milted notion. Tliev need iiuu.d nnd ninleilid itld fmm their khidrcd In the United States. A much better MM v lie than visiting them in Iiclnud can be icmleicd to the Iiish ix'opli'by the gentlemen named In your list II they will pioceed toenlaiirelho membeislili ) nf thu leairnc In the United Slates and to lalsu funds to aid I'aincll , lust , in electing , and second , in compensating niembeis of his party alter thcli election. Aftei that , If we have surplus energv and funds , wo ought to old In establishing ait ami industiinl Fcliools , and by other means aid to levlvc tint indnsdies and commcicu of lie- laud. Thcie would linvu been somu courage in going ( iv cr dmlng cociclon di > s ami speaktngpl.dll KnulMi in blunt Amcil- can fitjlefoncciiilug tliu IJuglMi cow.udlce In siippifsMiig ficc hpeecli. Now. Iicl.md enjoys tree Hpeech when slitidocs. However juiorshels In all else , sins K alwajs ilch In oiiituiy. 1 fnvoi tlie policy of aiding hei in dllcttloiis wheiu shu | K piMir Hint inn be done bettci lu this tommy Hum lu licliiud. " An Afeiiiflujr Urothcf. CiiAin.Ksioy , N. C. , Oct. 0 , 1) . W. A. Ciilbreath , bi other of Culbicalli , who was murdei d by maskid men nl IMirelitld. has swum imtwniiauts tor lneniic.-l of tuentv- four pei sons In the sin'alled Iv ndiluir , iiidud- ing Memphis CulOuMtli , sou ut tliu muulcu-d wan , ew Liglit. h Oct. ft. A Sun special fiom ( re < 'ii Klver Mys : Some testimony of a Murlllng character. Klvcn to the guild jury to-day , is < alculated to tlnovv now liirht oil tiaiisaetions nt itock Springs dm Ing the re cent riot there Tlio Ilev. Tlumtliy Tldrlo- wav , Conuregntlonal minister , who icslded at ItncK Sprlucs with his family dmliii ; the ilot , iiiadii a norn Mntcineiit Miow Ing that ihe Chincj-ect t lire to their own limiM's in oidi-i topivvtut the white men fiimi Mililiim ; tliim of their money , which we , bulled in thu giouiul undeineath tlieli dwellings. Sul c- ( jueiitctriitnlmt column this was the tan1 , lei as WMIII as the nduamen nliiiucd to Hock hpilnps thev commeiicod excnvailuir under the niliin ami In one Instance rcco vend ov w r sfntxx > . _ The Kleollons in ] ' 'nuicc. PAIIIS , Oct. . The H'Mills of tlm elections thnumli TraiRw jcvtrrday , for members of the cliimbcr of dtpiillus "sofarns oniclalli" leportediiptu noon to-dar , Imvw crenlrd n gtc.it diirnrhc , and plujrlii amonp membrrs of the rabliut und tlich eolleaeiirs. The eon- tervHtlTrs en the otlici hand mwttd with itnthiiMa m orrr the fact that they Miumicd In polllm. nsuch lnr rr vote tlian thr must kauKiiliie until ii > at d , iiiaLInt : rliauves in thr tnblnet iciuixUe. Kriurii i-lunr tl-at . chty Mats in J7of the ucrartuirnts und have aio beaten two cnb | . MCk mlnUter * nud md * A seiond IwlUit nee- cssiiry ted f dethefnteof'tuo othns , The leMiltn of the clrctioii * lu Lille , MaisellK-s nnd ParlH lian not vM lif-eii didaicd. VAKIR , Oct. S.-M.rtultfht.-In ilithtr-oun ( H' | iriiuinitrt IMciiiHtTVutlN.- HI icpult- jlcaiisliivve i < en vlw ten. Tim iou vuathif haxoralni'd iiluetj-ilia'Uf eiit- and li t llvu. It will be uvccMJiy to luwo 'JW .second Ul- lots , LuMioTJ. Oct. r , . The Pail * . loriMpimdtut of the Dally New * for -nxti lb i * letiou nf JXKI roulliin andlCO nidli-aU , thu i I 'Clemenceau Is lendlnc the solid rndlcnls and becomes a political power nf the nist uiairnl- tuilc. No i ejmblicnn government Is possible without him. ' ' tPvttis , Oct. 5. The Orleanhls elected yes- terdnv wern chosen on the b.isis of promises of protection ngainstAmciic.ui ccieals and bacon , OAI.VKSTO.V , Oct. S. A dispatch from IJusk. Tex. , to the New Fays : Yesterday nt ( lie terminus of the Kansas City Aulf ! Shore line , near Lupktn. Tex. , sixty con victs working on the rend mndo a desperate bieak for liberty , Just as they had Mulshed their supper. With a deafening shout they stalled up in a bodv and lushed for uelnh Ing woods. The guards opened lire on the lleeing convicts with deadly effccKl Last rciwits say that twenty-live of them weio killed or wounded. Tim prl oncrs run lu otic large body nnd the guards simply emptied their rcjicaUng lilies nud small arms Into the moving mass. Itmnoisof an Intended mu tiny lu this , e.imp have been rile for some w i cks past. TliCMi i iimors w ere. sti cugtheucd by the tacUhnt many convicts were seivlug lite sculeuces and weie known to lie desper- nto clmrnelcM , nud extm precaution * were' bolng taken. Kvery means possible Is tk'Iug used to iccnptiue thu twenty-live who Micccedcd In eluding jlie rllles of the guards. All avenues of escape aio being gitaided , ami posses : uc being omanlzcd to scour the coun try. The scene of the ottlbicak is some miles lioui any telegraph ofllce. Political ICscltcincnt , In Denmark. Coi'ixn.Ui.v : : , Oet.I. . The diet opened to day , and it Ispiobablc that the session will bo tlie most slot my that the people of Den- maik ever witnessed. The relations of the contending parties aie "trained to the utmost nnd violent scenes mo anticipated , ns an at tempt will l > o made to force the king to com ply with the vote of the diet at the pievlous session to foico Ids obnoxious mlnlsteis to leshrn. His majesty will also mobably be the subject of a serious discussion for having levied taxes by lojnl dccieo when tlio diet ic- fused to vote them , and saying that he was determined to continue so to do until tlio repiescntativcs of the people ictuin tea sense ot what he conceives to be their duties. The people throughout Dcnnmik me gieatly ex cited at the aibltrnry action of the King , and mayors all over the country icfuse to levy the illegal taxes , ami numerous political pi os- ecutlons resulted from dcnonstratlons agalust the government. " The PltiKiioiti Canada. iM Oct. r . There were thirty- seven < leaths from small-pox hero Saturday , litty-nine yesterday. A VICTIM'S nr.r/nmous Fiti.VK. MOMIUIAI , , Oct. 5. Braneau , who was se- cently taken to the hospital juuipr'd tlirouuli a window last night nnd mil thioiigh the stieets with only his night clothes on. He ran Into a p iss.igcway and commenced pounding on the door of a .icMiU'nce. The inmates lieeominir nroused went out nud gave him a beating. A constable Bonn arrived and piodiiced n light when to their horror they saw that HID man was sullerliig with small pox mid that their bands weie covered with blood llowlm : lioin pits on his face. Tlio medical health olllcci was telegraphed tor. liiancnu was can led back to the hospital. Tom Bowman's I toward. COUNCIL ULUHI-S , la. , Oct 5. [ Special to the JlKi : . ] A dispatch was received In this city today fiom Congressman Jere Mmnhy , of Diibiupie , stating lliat Mr. Thos. IBovruian h.id been appointed postmaster of this city , and that the formal announcement ol the lact would soon bo made. The removal ol the present postmaster , Aimour , will doubtless be laid at the door of "offensive partisanship. " he having accejitcd the icpubllcan nomination for ( ouuty sherltT. Armour jumped at the first chance for another oil ice , believing that his icmoval fiom the postolllce was only a question ot time. Mr. liimmaii Is a civil service it-former of miituic ugc , and editor of thu Globe ol this city. _ ironic Itule or Rlooil. l oxnoN , Oct. fl. Painell , speaking nt an open ah meeting in Wioklovv , said tliathoiue Hilc would stop all the disloyal pro ceedings nnd oulr.iges and thirst tor ( lisuiiioii. The Irish , he dalmcd. would then become like their countrymen in IJritNi ctilouics loyal eltUens and piojis tu the constitution. An lush parliament would be compelled to protcit native ludus- tik's u aln.st kngland in order to obtain to a fair start , hut nidi piotcctiun would not last loin ; , probably not longer than two or tluce yc.us. H - concluded by warning Knglnnd th.il unless liouic tide was granted , llic lilslmicii vvimld Miunt-r 01 later have ic- vcine and would help in dcMioj lug the Bilt- Ish Emplic. "Cheers. " Rome More Appointments. WAsm.NOiorf , Oil. 5. The jiiesident to day njipolutcd tlie follow lug postmasters : Kilvvurd T. Uesh , Ncllgh. Neb. ; Fone-t L. Whcdim , Yoik. Nib. ; W. N. Swall. at Helvi- deie , 111. ; Peter MiC.imley , ( Jiaud Hapids , vVis. : 'J'liomas How man , at Council Itlulfs , vice Philip Annual. sii i > fiidt'd ; Chn . ( i. Law lei , aUMpcndul. Tun UOUMKLIAN nivor/r. DI.I.AVIXO uiKKr.ir.vffs. Co.vsr.v.vrisoPi.K , Oct. ft. The dois jebteril.iy held a conleieucixm thu Iton- ineliaii iiicstlon | , In tim ; a few hour-t. The dl-ciisNloti took a vvido iaiic'u tli.invas an- tclpatedaml provoked oinc dirfcieiue of opinion , vvlucli has not .Act In en v. ttlcd. 'ililsin.i ) dcl.iv the delivery of the Identical note to beuldiesHd to the povveM and nltci- waid lo be submitted lo the porte. A Stx-Ilouml tttioek-Ont. SvK.vci'i. , N. Y. , Oct. 5. A piuo fight took plmo tldb evening between Jolm Slieil- dan. of Chlinuo , and Thomas ( illlesple , of l'lillaih > liliU | , on the bink ol Hie SCIIL'C.I ilvcr * neai 1 1 en' . Six idliiidi neir lunulil. .Shell- dun was knocked sen eleIn IR. | inst round. and tinlij'ht given to ( iille-iilc. Uuth cuu- weio b.idly puubliucl , Oulj Doycottln u Woman. Dirm.ix , Oct. S. Notice was pnsted yester day Ht thu fates ot HIM. Moigan O'Counell's homestead , Kildysart , oulci ing members of the league to shun her at inn * . * and not Kit In the same palleiy with her , Mis. O'Ctiniifll nttemltd maraud was sole occupant ot live Tliu IMttblmrc Uollor Kx PirrMii'iion , Ott , 6. Jacob hinder and Cnvvle > fttelu. Injured lu Kilday's boiler ux- plosluu , dlid last nljcht , luaklntc four druihs o far. Twotitht'is aiu Ttiy lunr and nr * not expected to live. Tlio Itoumellan Itevolt. LONIIOX , Oct. 5.A dlnpatch fiom Htilln to Ihe iSlaudaid fa > K that the powers have all uuim-d to aiUlt-t the poite to ucopnUe Ihu uiiiun ut Kuumvlb ntitl Uulgaila under the j > iuualultv dt thu sultju. Tliu Uilke Scundul. LOKDOV , Oct. 5. Thi' ( Jlobu tonlay denies Out thuMSOof Crawfoiil versmSlr Chailes Dilkeliai been dioi ) | > rd. Thr tiial , It eajs , nill juubixlily louuulf in Unuiulitr , Itnslneaa rnilnre. t'wirAtio , Oet. 5. lUirivk A. ItlolnnUou , u hardtnup dralci > 5 LakiMiect , uudv an a- xljcnmtnt lo-d.ij. LUibllUiea Kivtn ut fatxi 'UOO. Xivr : VIIHK , Oct. 5. Julius MendeUohn , fins , no.slgiud tinliiy vvltli The CUulcrn , tl t. fi. Tier1 ar * 1W uen MVO f fiii u i < i ' * 4--oll flfclii this tllsra&ii r n pul tctl 4i i * i.- . .KJ , ; r tf rdjy. WIRED FROM WASHINGTON , News of the Past Day from the Seat of Na tional Government. SPANISH-AMERICAN COMMERCE , Tlio Internal Alabama Commission Monetary filiovv of Hotter -Times Increasing Cus tom Duties , Ktc. WAHtijtoTos , Oct. f . The treasury de partment Is receiving an increased dcmnud for small currency , which is rcgnided by the ofllclnbj of that department as a sign of a re vival of tlio business of tlie boitntty. The commisioncr of customs lias instructed the customs ollicen to make n ictmiiattho closu of end i quarter of nil the uncl.timud merchandise in the public stoic , bunded wniehotibis or customs house. No sudi 10- tm us appear in the accounts of collector as now rcmlcicd. Mr. A , H. Dickeisoit , of New Jersey , lias been appointed chief of division in the olllco of the coiuptiollcr of the ctiricney , vice F. A. Miller , lesiu'iied. Mi. Dlekeibou wsvs recently appointed chlct ot division in the sixth au- dltot's olllcc. The court of commissioners of Alabama claims met lids morning after its summer ic- cess and resumed the consideration of current business. Judge Ilurlan , piesltling judge of thu com t , made public announcement ot the icceiit decision ol the first comptroller of the treasmy that mimics of only such cmplov es as weie named in the oig.mic net would bu al lowed in Buttling of the pay accounts of the court nnd said tliat tlmieloio if the other einplov es continued In their pres ent duties , It would be with the e\Hetation | ! that pmvl'don will be made for their pay by eongiess. The icgulor toices have notified the court that they v lll continue In their present duties with that undcistaiidiug. All the principal attorneys tor the claimants before - fore the court have signed nn ngieement to pay certain sums of moiic } to loan or advance to clerks or other employes ot the court , not to exceed the amount duo to such persons ns salary and nutliorlrcd by existing law. This action Is taken on the ground that the ex- hitherto inclined by the court mo In 10 opinion of the attorneys just ami icasoiiable. such as thocouit was authorised to Incur ; that all such expenses will mst bo deducted from the money now in the treasmy befoie the balance will be apportioned among their clients ; tiatbyiea- ! ot such fact such expenses aio in tlio end to bo paid tlich clients , and that unless omo provision is made foi paying clerks and employes , the court will not be abln to dispose of UsbuM- and the IntciCbts of their clients will suffer. WASHINGTON , Oct , 5. The postmaster general has made pi ivate Inquiry into the an tecedents of Mr. McKnighl. w ho was iccently appointed to n position in the postal caul azmieyatCastleton , N. Y. , and hnsaatlstied himself that he Is not Identical with the con traction ol the same name who , it Is alleged , has been guilty of Irregularities in this city. WASHIKC.TON , Oct. 5. Minister Foster called nt the state department this morning and spent an hour with the secretary nnd assistant secretary of state. The exact nature ol his errand cannot bo learned from official sources , but there is iea- son to believe that ho has come to WashiiiK- Um toieport what the Spanish governmentls w llling to. do In the matter of u purely com mercial treaty nnd that ho has not made or entertained on the part of this gov ernment , any proposition fora new recipro city treaty. Ut is known that Secretary Bayard thought thu reciprocity treaty which failed was onesided attnir , which proposed among other things to teiiiit 82.5,000,000 of revenue annually on sugar alone without , In hie opinion , securing any adequate nd vantage in compensation , it being nlso Ids belief that the price ol the commodity would not be materially i educed in American markets. On the other hand he was nlivo to annoyances to which merchants and shiji- ow tiers uie subjected by icason of the Cuban onerous regulations and excessive taxes and lines in the ab encoot any any commeicial ticaty between the United States and Spain. To inilifaU ; these annoyances , lessen the tun dens upon shipping and geuerallvto re duce the friction ol our Cuban trade were the purposes with which he icopcned negotia tions through Mr. Foster ut Madrid. WASHINGiow , Oct 5. The commissioner of the land office has been informed that the operations of 11 , C. Hloumlield , an English man , manager ot the Arkansas land and cattle company , recently convicted nt Denver of piocmlni ; fiaiidulcnt entiles upon public lands , weie ot the most audacious character. All or the cowbojs In his emplov were forced to make entiles In his behalf , and then he would Fet up "papermen. " or in other wonts , made entiles in names of persons who bad no existence. His conviction , it Is hoped , will haven wholesome eftect on othciswno have been guilty of like practices. WASHING-ION , Oct. fi. Commissioner At kins , of the Indian limcan , left this city to day on u tour of inspection tlnough vailous Indian reservations. As the lloluinn Investi gating committee is nbout to visit some ot the northwestern agencies , the coinmlsslonei jolnul tlio eomudttte , which lelt this after noon foi Indian Tciiltory. From the tcni- toiy Commissioner Atkins will proceed to San Callus , N. M. , nud make personal Inves tigation of tlio condition of aflaiis at that agency and of tlio tioubles that led to theueioiiltiioievolt. WARiii.vdiON. Oct , 5. It has been ascertained that nn engiosscd bill nuthoil/liig the nttoiney general to begin proceedings looking to thn annulment uf patents obtained thioiigh finud or mis- icpieseiifullou , together with all papers iclating to the mcaMuc , has dl'-appcaicd from the Ides of the srn.ito committee oil patents. The bill was passed last Fcsslon by tlm house of lemesentatives , and ictcned by thuseimto to tliu patent committee , but was not bifliight bcfoio the K'ntito foi final action. Senutoi I'lntt , dialimaii 6f the committee on patents , has vviltteu to this city rcmi sling a itioiougli investigation of , the clicumstanccs miiiouudim ! the dlMippcmnuco of thu bill. Olllu'isot the department ot justice do not uti.idi any Importance to the IONS , holdlugtlio ntttoincy geneial as ample nutlioiity under the existing statutes to Institute iiiltb to test the validity o thu 2 utents. Ni.w YOIIK , Oct. ! > . A special fiom Wash ington to the Post ttijs : Some of the leading fileiidsof the Hennepln canal pioject have leiently dlsclosid an Important feat me In their pioiiiinme ; for the coining winter. Their war ciy i to be. "No Hennepln , no ilvei and haibor bill. " Supporteis of the project iv cio las.t jcar cmlmimssed by tlm ( jueMlon which was raised In the house. The objection was that the new committed on ilversandhaibois had no juils- dlcllou over the subject of canals , and that ( unu'tuieiitlv Its leuuit liad no standing lu thtlaiu.se. The ) iiellmliury dcvUo that his been Hiitvcbtid as netcssaiy to ovcicome this difficult ) Ib to change the name of the imw m < i and liaiboi comiulttce to "the eoniinltteo on wati-rvTiiih. " Tlib , it is maintained. woulUt'he tlioconuiilttiu jurisdiction , Ho Helped Ifnnj a Jfan. SiiENAMioAit , lovv.i , Oct. n. C. I ) . LcMer , stoik dealer , eommlttid mdcldo to-day by Mmoting at Burlington Junction Sprinxs. lie wni a nell-knuwn man and an old filcud ot J'lcsUltnt Cleveland , having bum deputy slwilir of i : ie county. Wcvv York , whui Cleveland was shei Iff. No cause lor suicide Olil Hooslcr AVnr Horses. iNDiANAi'oi.is , Oct. & 1'iirMinnt to a plan Unit lion. W. JI.KngllMilian l ecii maturing for the past eight ycam , n reunion was held today of thu hiiivlrois of the Indiana consol- Idntcd coiircntlon of 1830. The body con- hUtidof lJ.Umcmbeis. . Ofthe , thirtj-tlneo aiejctalivk- nineteen aiiHireicd to thu roll rail. Piouilnentamong thorn were Vic * PiesUU-nt IK'udrlcks , Hon. W , II. EuL-llih , w'crolary of the touvciitiou. Hun. w. s ! Hiiliiiesf , ticucnd ( U'oigo WhiUm-JU fair , pusldi'iit of thu convcnuou , Uvuenil Williuiu Mckiw ISuuu , uf Wiuhimrtuu , JuJi , Uouta I * . Poole , formerly nt the supremi' court. Amonglbo enl ) ent nro ( Jcucinl K. II , Mil- loy , ot Wyoming tcrrltorj. tcncial ! A. I' . lloreynnd Clnistophcr U. ( indinin , of lied Wlnif , Mluti. Mr , Cmr presided , nud Mr. Knglfsli acted as sccivtiri. There was a pub lic meeting to-night , Inigcly ntteudcd , nt w hlch seventl addresses w ere made. A mom ; the spoakcii weio Vice President Henditcks. Hon. W. II. Kn Iisli , ( iciicral liimn and Colonel Klcliar dTaylor. Tw o Nuvr Om.KANSi Li. , Oet , 6. The depraved condition of the civil service under the pies- cut democratic i Ing ruleIn New Oilcans is shown in the indictment by the grand Jury of David llurko nud William Hrennan for stab bing wlih Intent to kill. The victim was an old negro preachci. w ho was on his way home from church. I3iukc. who was dtunk , jostled him off the sidewalk. The negio ran , nnd linrko nud liicnunn nud thu gam ; of hoodlums , of which they nro chief , overtook him , knocked him down , beat and kicked him , and then stabbed him nnd lelt him tor dead. Httrkonnd liicnir.ui nm deputy keep- eis of the Hoys' House of Itefiige. lJuiku is awaiting a liuvv tilal on n ciiiu : of buigiary. He escaped conviction by one juiyiuan holding out at the In.st term of court , since which time ho was detected abducting and Fcaiclilug one of the witnesses for the piosccullou. JJieu- nan , one Sunday morning last summer , shot and killed a ncgio He was gambling with , nud Is awaiting tilal lor nianslaughter. upon the arrest of these parties under their new Indictment their bond was piomptly signed by the Hon. Patiiek Mealey. commissioner of police and municipal head of thu coiiectioual and retoinmtoiy Institu tion' . . Somotlmoslnccnbodyofmor.il and icllglous gentlemen1 , ivp'cscntiiiK all jihases ot Catholic , Piotestant nnd llcbicvv laiths , oigauiwl as a prisons and nsv lums commis sion and petitioned the council to tmn the house ot ictiigu over to t ( urn , but the council liasielused togmnt their icipicst , as It would mateiially diminish thu pationagu of the department of police. The Institution Is elmmcteri/ed by the city papei-s as "Mealey'.s College ot Cilme , " nnd thu tacts lustily it. In the old times the boys weio educated and given their choice of half n dozen industries , and weio taught to support themselves ; now they play cauls and dice , nud when they come out aie haideiied sinnen. , lilted only for politics or the penitential ) ' . J nt Height on HoncJi. NIVT YOIIK , Oct , 5. This was a day of ehangc.s and tarptlsus at Brighton licadi. Favorites .tiled autocratic In some of the races , and disappointed their b.ickcis sorely in othew. Tlio track was lumpy but not sticky. Five-eighths mile , for maiden tvvo-j ear- olds Laura ( i.uiison won , Grace C. sCvOiul , L H. D. , thiid. Time , 1:07. , ThreeitiaiU.'rs of n mile , for maidens , all ages Kushbiook won. Whiston scumd , linniMOIIlelte third. Time , l:20Jf : Seveu-Ulghtlis of 'nt mile Pilot won , Nomigo second , Jo Muiray thlid. Time , MlTe Tom Martin won , Weasel second , Uavltebcl third , , Timb , . Mile and an eighth , .for . tlirce-j ear-olds King ( icoige won , Strabismus second , Lucy Lewis thliiC Time , ii DccrcuHC oT Niw Yoitu , Oct. p. The New York Daily Commercial Bulletin | { jf October Ctli esti mates the lirHoss of September at F0,52.5,000 ' , which Is less by 838700,000 than in September of list , and some SSOO.pOO less than tlie a cr- nge Septeniber fire waste of the past ten years. The Uulletih givesalist from Its own file ; ! , of Kio flre3.'whero tlm reported loss was 810.000 and Upward. BuUhere weioonly-hevciMirus of 5100,000 ociuore- ( Hiring the month nnd only one which ex-eccUe 5.3o6,000. The lewness of large lirps I8i consiriored tho. cause of so favorablo'nnd hopeful a sign. Tliu diininul- tion of jinx ! loss in.botlr , August nnd Septem ber Ls pioiiOunced ap encounigsng symptom. 'The Hnnic Old Accident. DES Moi.vns , Opt fi. Ycsteiday noon while Jolm nnd Henry Boi ton were hunting near Altoona , Iowa , the former was fatally injured by the discharge of the gun of the lat- tet. John had climbed thioiigh a baibed wire lenco nnd Henry waH following him , when thu gnu caught In the fence , being dis charged with the above lesult. The load struck the injured man In the right thigh. tearing It nlmost completely away. lie lived butal'cvvhoui.s. DES MOINIS , Oct. 5. Edwin Good , aged t ) years , was mortally wounded this aiteinoon near the International distillery by thu acci dental discharge of rnevolver lu the hands of n companion. They thought thu weapon was not loaded. ' A U\K \ Lnnd Suit. Oxroitn , Miss. , Oqt. fi. An important suit between Col. U. II. Evers , of London , Eng land , and Thomas Wilson , of Chicago , in volving the ownership of 1,000,000 neiesof land in tlds state , has been finally disposed ot in the United States dlstilct i unit heie b > a decieo of Jud'u Hill , In which all tue lands ai u awarded to nnd ruvert back to their oiiginnl owners , Col. Evere nnd associates. The Cheese Market. CHICAGO , Oct , 5. Intei-Ocean Elgin , 111. , special says : On tlinboaid of tuulo to-day thcro weie regular sales of C.100 pounds of checso at OJ © I ? c for skims. Kegular pales of butter nggiegatcd 10,7-10 pounds ntiile. Private sales of l.uas boxes ot cheese and I9 , ' 00 pounds of butter were made. Total amounted to SlO/JbO. .Uunicsslou In butter trade is generally rcgimlcd as unnccuu n table. ip. Union Paclltc Finances. UosroN , Oct. fi. The following is from the odlclnl statement of the earnings nnd ex. punscs of the Union Pacific railway for Au gust : E.uulm'S , J.yfiliK ? ' ; , a decrease of SHl.ViT > eomp ired with the same mouth last year. Kxiwinses and taxes , 9ttU7lHt : , an In- cre.tsoof iH,5Tl. : ! Surplus cam Ings , ? lo\ > . ! , . l M , a dcciease of S2.J1,143. For tliu eight months to August lilst , carnlnKS , 81fibOOivj } , an Incieasu of 007l-'l ; surplus c.unlngs , t.ail.lW ) , ivdcciua 'Mif 8K5-V1U A Iti CUnnl. Dnrijoir , Oct , 5. The custodian of the Sault Ste , Marie canal reports to Gen. O. M. Pee that tlm hiiHlnussof the canal was greater during thn mouth , of September , tlian any month in its history , exceeding that of the previous month by more than lfi,000 tons. An liiteic-it ng fact in that connection IH that the tiu.tudllu | lor tlie month named cxcmtid that ol the Sue * caful nearly ; UuuO ) , tons. i The' TVcallior , WAHiiiNfiTOH , ( ) ct. ? . For the Missouri vallej : Fair weather , slowly i Ising tempem * tine , variable vvludK , geucially shitting to south nnd nest , mid lower b.iumietcr. Mo.NiooMKiir , Ala. , Oct. 5. There was a light f lost licie last 'night. linuir , Oct. 5. Snow lias been icjiorted from Maiehall , in the lovvei part of this .state , " o A Hlnza on tlio DooUft. Jiusrv : ; Cirv , Oct s. Fire bioke out to night lu Taylor'd inncldno shup and HIOII couimiinicatrd to N. iV H. O'Dounell's < ooi > - crane wiuchoiine , Coky'n dry dock and Jones A Whltmuie's diy dock , Thu lots vrlll tuob- abiy itach KnlKhtnof Lnlior HAMILTON , Out. , Oct 5. The annual gen eral IISM mbly of the Knlgld ? of L-dior opcurd hero to-day. Grand MuMer Workman Povr- deily , Of fjciantop , J'a. , pu lded. Theie weiu over 200 delegates nt thn Altar. SAN KiiANr tisro , Cal. , Oct. 5. The Sjdney ( Austi'alla ) IIerld annourn-efl the munUgti of Dion liunccU'-auU to M s ThuindvKt ! uu ScpU-mUer U. nnnc AtPiil' ii ; ( lpliU-Athlrf . Al 1. I > . .i : , L A Full Complement of the World's ' News Exclusive to the Beo. CURBING PAPPA'S "ASSIGN. The Cnpoi'Dl'Throo Hloh Young Men- A Sutisatioiuil Dhoi'co Onso lu CliiutiKu I\Ils- \ cellany. Slirarlnj ; an n , Oct. 5. [ Special to the Ur.i : . ] Saturday afUunbon .loliii A. 1-5 ncli , Jnmcs D. I , > nch and Thomas Ljnch , the three sons of Tliouus Lynch , the rich distiller , weie ar- re.sted at tlio ln ( anro of Lena ll.uu , awoman living at Ml Wells btrect. The evening bc- fitro these young men called at her hou e , and foiclngentiauee , cut off her long blonde half. Various nud coulllctlnj ; lepoits have appeared ill the p. peis , but the leal facts In the case weiojJIVen to the Hni : icprcti'iita- ll\c this nioinlng by one of the bons. Said he : ' "Wo ha\e known for some time that father was paying considerable attention to this \ummn. It annojed usgHMtly , not for billy ieason advanced that wofeaieda step- niotlier , and in conseiiuence a smaller dl\i- hion of the estate , but because she Is a di- voiecd woman and u woman of no standing whatever in toclety. Wo continued to suffer this annoyance , recognklng father's pcifcct light to choobe Ills own companion audio enjoy her boelety as he pleased without a word ot intcileienee lioin us until when , the other day , woreccUed a letter written as we lei'l i-atlsiied at the instigation of the woman , in which it was intimated that she or the writer posseted u knowledge of l.icts which , if m.ulc public , would Miiliih the tame and good name of our niothci , nowdead , and that this stuff would bo d M-lo'-ed if we did not encourage our father's attentions to her. That letter of course made usery angiy , and we determined at once to .see this woman. We were placed in it delicate position , and It was agreed that the woint we could do was to cut oft her hair , asaiciuinder of our determination not to have our mother's name carelessly handled. It Is a matter of deep and sincere icgrct that two u&u were foioed to take any .steps in this unpleasant affair but mother idolized us bojs , and we In turn reference her memory and will defend her name against the woild. " James D. Ljnch is widely known and well received in the best social elides of Chicago. In his manner and bearing he Is pollbhed to a marked degiee , and his accomplishments are many and vAi led. lie has good standing in business ciicles. .7. A. Lynch Is engaged in the commission business on SouthWater htieet , and has been \cry successful. Thomas Lynch , Jr. , is a gentleman of Icisuie. Mis. Banis a dhorccd woman. She lives in the lower part of a two-story brick house that is sadly in need of repair , at No. 521 Wells- street Wlicu t isltpd this .morning she re fused to open her'door , but"shouted her re marks through it. . As near as could bo learned , bhqfiaid : "AValttill'rbursday ' afternoon when tliocn.su comes up before Justice Kcrnlen , and1 jon will see the hand I hold. " An T mhczKlinK Spouse. o , Oct. 0. [ Sjiwlal to the Bin : . ] John C. Whlto , in former years a piominent citizen of Chicago , but now a resident of Kio Janeiio , Drazli , in his capacity of secictary of tlie legation for the United States go\ em inent , is the principal defend nit in a suit be gun to-day in the superior comt by Ids wife , Susie C. A. White. This lad > is residing in Uassett , Neb. , and is a daughter of tlm late Thomas Ashley , of Westlleld , Mass. The parties Tvero mauled lu New York October 12,1870 , and she s ys that she then was jios- hes.-cd in her own right of about SM.OOO di > - rhcd fiom legacies. She further statesth.it she lived with her huib.tnd oh. and on during tilps to Kuiojie , biief bta > s in this country , and also in the capital of li.\ ! yll , but she ins been sejiarated from him for the past twelve months , ouinic to Ills alleged ill treatment of her. No siiccl- llc acts of cruelty arc cited. Some j ears ago , she claims , her husband induced her to in trust him with the investment of omo of her funds. Yielding to his glowing descilptlon of the ] ) iolitnblu nature of the purchase of real estate on thu north Mdu ol Chicago , she ays she gave- him LOT ) foi that purpose , and ho assured her , she asserts , tint tlio value of this land would double \ciy shoitly , hu being well acquainted in Chicago. Shi ; says that she believed her husband , and also that ho had bought the land in her own name , as well as some alleged government land bOO acres to buy which , she claims , she gave him 2OOJ , and n scties of additional smaller sums altcnvaid. Lately , she sajs , she emue heiself to Chicago to Investigate and found that her husband had misstated things to her. Instead ot "on the north side" tliu land was located in Lake View and was not nearly so valuable. Itvvas rccoided In his name Instead of hei's , the title being clouded besides. .Sho also claims that ho mu't Imvn appropriated to lilb own pi Ivato nso rm of the s 1,000. Ho had tal.cn a Uussiun fin' capo and MHIIO oil iiatntlngs which had been her own pilvato property in jiaymcnt of that sum. As to the govern men t lands , film found things still worse , she says , uceilalnVllllatn C , Kvying holding th.it in ti ust for her hush mil. I'raycrn Against tlio I'laKi'V- ' I. , Oct. . ' * . [ Special tolliuDr.i : . ] Iteterrnce was imulo to the small-pox epi- demlo In fce\end of the Catholic ihuichcs of this city jeslcidaj. I'llc ts earnestly en treated the people to submit to the counn'h of the medical nuthuiltles and vatvliulr at once. At St. Jamci ilmich Futhfr Flllatuult dellverrd a foicihle uddu. * ; . lit .said ilut , althougli lioliail attended liuiuludi of snull- jiox patients during the last fourUcn JI IH , hehad nevrrciintMtttd thrdl ea c. He be lieved it was owing to lih having lircn > wcl- iinltil. Theaddicvi nindcaKicnt iiiiiiic Ion in thccongicpntlon , whldi Is thearlMocintlc French congregation of the ilti. Hun dreds rxprtsird thdr intcn Inn of git- ting vatfluated at mice , and a heavy niln "si 01 m prevented an out door procession of the Catholic congirgatlons to Invoke the intercession of the A'iifcln Miuy toKtaytho progress f ( lie ejudemlc. The pioccFslon took plaie , howercr , lusido the Ficnoh palish t'huich on Notre Dame sticet whli'h was crowdtd , fully 10,000 people liflng present A statue of the Virgin , which wan carried in the piwe lon , Is a u'ly old it-lie belonging to the seminary of St. bulplee , and vras brought fioui Franco early in l.'io elgh- tceuth ( Ciitury , and has h''ii used for onu hunditd nnd iltty jear in tliucn of nj > eclal rvlurnlugof tlianUs tor uiecluruucli. . .ifvd. Tlie jiroixn&luuMIS pn lunled ' < > Uis ! . mllv uf the church , vvlthscvcral nssistants , all in their teuleounlfoiin. . Stolen Art Treasures. HOSTOX , O-t. B. [ Special to the Ur.t : . ] Some tlmo List night , burglnra entered the house of Fied L. Ames at North Kaston nnd stole from his art gallery four of ' > 's ' most \\litabiu paintings. Ono wu.s the woik of MejerAron Uruiucr ; another by.I. P. Millet ; the thlid by Thcodoio Uon eau and the lointh by Xebee. They weio all removed fiont their fiames. Tim plctuics aio well known to aitKts and buyers , and U would ' o useless to try nnd dispose of them in tin country. It is thought they will bo carried to luiopu ? and suld ntsomo nut of tlio way place Mr. Ames went to New Yor'.c Suiul i.v nisli and ho is the only one who c.xn give any in foimatlon as to their hlstoiy and real value. A Pauper PlUVrer. Si'iii.N < iriii.n : , Neb. , Oct. ft. [ Special to the llii.j : : Last night one of the paupers In the S.upy county poor house showed his great usefulness to his keeper , Mr. S. C. Spramie. by sidling f 10111 the liiuiily two oveieoats , tlnee suits of clothes , one satchel , watch , pair of boots and about S17 lu cash , thu whole amouutini ; to about SIM. llo was traced to Spilngtiold Sunday nioiningheio It Is thoiiilit ho took the ir 5 tiain tor Omaha , making good his escape. Ijiitonin 1'ark Itnces. CivciXN'-VTi , Oct. r , . The track was heavy nnd the weather cold. The attendance for the opening day was large. Seven furlongs K.ltor won , Lady of the Luke second. ( Jrcv Cloud thitd. Time 10. : ! Mutuitlsjuld JSH/i.1) . Mile Ii Mi I/ms won. MeHovvlIng second , Mocking Ilirdtliiid. Tlinnlis. : Tliiee-qmuU'is of a inilo O'Kallon won , Sir. Joseiilt. second , 1'oiterAslie tlilid. Time 1:20. : 1:20.Mile and one-sixteenth Mira won , Little Fellow second , ( Sujdette thlnl. Time 1ri7. 1 : . Mile and nuo-ounrtor Freislaud won , ConkIng - Ing second , Loftln third. Time 'J:1 : X. . - a. TlicSt. Louis Fair. ST. LotriM , Oct. 5. The St. Louts fe.stlval began tiHlay with the opening of the twentieth fair of the ngilcultural and me chanical association. There was a large at tendance. The fail excels any preceding one nud N especially stronir In the line of stock. The trotting races nt the fair giounds tiack tMln ( > although In high clashes , hi might out a number of irnod goers and attracted iiiueli at tentlon. The track was he.uy fiom the Lite tains , but will become hard and last with good weather. Tlnee minute class , mi cheats , tlneo in live , puiso Sl.KX ( ) , divided Dick Stauffer won , Hoval Mont second , I'rlnce Kdwaid tliird , Kuelid fourth. Hust time a:27 : > . . mile heals , puiso g .r > 00 , divided 7Clltle Killmru won , Li//io Wicks second ; ( ilndis thlid , Kcleivncu fourth. Beat time Sao : > 4' . t CoiniiiiitiistR in Council. CINCINNATI , Oct. 5. The congress of the fiocialistic labor party was opeiud to-day by W. L. Kotcubcry , secretary ot tlie national executive committee. About seventy-live delegates are present from all parts of the eountiy. The leport ot the national execu tive committee , showing tlie growth of social ism dnriugthe past j car , was lead. Tlio ic- mnlnder of the day was spent in considering n platform. Ono Hundred Miles Ilicyolfng. ' BOSTON ; Oct. 0. Tho-ono hundred miles bicycle race was won by George Weber lu ft hours and 57 minutes , boating the world's rccmd by 14 minutes , and the best Ameiicun iccoid by 1 hour and 20 minutes. A tier Weber , Ires came in second in 7 liouiN , r minutes anil 10 seconiU ; McCuuly thiul , 6 bcumds later. An Equine Obituary. Lr.xiNr.roN. Ky. , Oct. 5. W. II. Wilson's great dotting stallion , Indianapolis , died at C.vnthiana this afternoon. The stallion was shipped fmni 1'coiia , and by mistake was brought to Lexington instead of Cynthlann. Airiving licio on Saturday lie was led to Cynthiana , a distance or twcntv-six miles. Kxposme brought on inllamiition and liu died this nftcuioou. An Instruct Ivo Contrast. The weighty commercial disadvan tages under which any city labors , whoso jicoplo mo ruled by a few corporal jon influences , is well fihovvn by the Phila delphia Kccord in an article which we publish below. While railroad compe tition does not always compete , especial ly in a new country , combinations rare ly combine for any length of time to this detriment of powerful communities , able to throw their trulliu avvuy from linen vvliiel ) refuse to tieat them fairly. In cities especially , in ti multitude of railway lines undo difl'cicnt manage ments there is wifely : A Now Oilcans contemporary , trying to convince its reatjeisof tms necessity ol moiu adequate railway facilities in be- curing the trade of the large urea of country naturally tributary to that city , holds tip Chicago as a model worthy of imitation and Philadelphia as an awful ( ! \aiih ) | < , of tlie policy which should bo avo.ded. Althuii ; h Phlladi Inhiu li.iHim excelled natnrul advantag < > s for manu facturing enterprises and is favor ably located for foreign , coastvviso nnd interior trade shu line * hur.solf criilcd | ) ) iind hemmed in by rcitnon of insiillicicut lines of eoinmunicatlon noith , went , south unil southwest , Kite has two tnuik lines of railway , which own or eontiol all the shorter lines or canuls with which tlnsy might othurwlso compete. Philadelphia inturcMs am tlms inadi ! subuulinato to the interests of her railroad companies , and t-ho is nmdu to occupy u secondary posit on compared with Now York The oil trade hnsbcon forced away from her wharves Having gieat natural advant ages for obtaining cheap fuel she Is nevertheless obliged to purelniMi high- priced coal nnd line lost her distinctiu ! pliicu UP thu lii-ht miinnfucturing city in llio country , On tlm other Isaml , fliieHio ! , which started 1.7J years behind Philadelphia In the race for commercial importance , unil hit' ] no better natural Advantages , lias tvvmity-two independent lines of trunk railway radiating in every direction and including ncari.v ! K,000 ) niiles of tracks , Her luhiincuniunt IKOIUI of tlie marvels of moih.rn cirillra on , ivnil it in largclv dur to the fact tliat the han cnltivutitl rritli encigy , riirnr tnrsfl nnd foresight the development of eariying facilities for tlio < tiit < > nof tlifj UpperMlss'mippi valluv. .She iius built railroads , and the inihoa R have , in ictnrn. tilled her wundiouscn with tlio greati it ntoie of lrm jinidnu- tion to lie found gathured in one place in any pnrl of thu r > orld. Ii IK not to lo ) VTondcred at that the people ple of Now Oilcans nvu bid to look to Chicago and to look away from I'hilnd"- ! phia in eonsidering the futtirr nf that nii'troiiis ] ) ! , Hut Tflmt will our f ti'emcd eontemornry | ) on thr jnlf that , in thr opinion l our railway ofh- cials , Diilndelpliia has alrrmlj- too many rxi IVJITS I _ under a dirldrd control unil that ( hey mo M'h inni to brln nil the line ! ; iimkT one rnnnuKi'TIient t If our vontfiiiiorury ] luul waited a little loiiKrr to run its parallel between Cliie go , striding aliuad under t'io ' iuipnlhr of com- In i-ompar.ttivt ) impniluneu throu > ; li thu nmligii iiilhuiicc of railroad vomliinu tioiiD , it could liavu m u tin t'ic coiitnui nioro slur tin m .iiatynf million poo. t unit ii i i ilh-o.nl K n cnnoiu n : nninly > < "i ' ) ( < > ( thu CliiiutiK iT jiiro. BEEF AND BREAD BARGAINS Live Stock and Cereal Speculation at Oliin cngo Yesterday. GRAIN AND CATTLE MARKETS. The Day's Tcndo on 'Change nml in the Ynrds The AVhcnt lit Knullsli Orniu Trade. Markets. CmcA no , Oet. I ( Special to tlio Ucc.l Wiin.vr Trading In wheat was uii u limited scale to day niiil the ficllng was generatly rosier , There vvius expectation of nn increase of from 1,000.000 to 2,000,000 bushels ill the visible supply report nnd a huge 1'oitlon ' o ( tlio tr.tders seemed Inclined ton wall Its publi cation befoie taking mo hand In tlio market. Foreign maikctsero leported vciy llnu vv , h nn advancing tendency , but this was coun teracted by u fear of Increasing tliu stocks. The nmihet opened at bO c for Nov. ember , soldolfto Mihc , iccoveicd to BCj&j on fair bujlugand the wiong quotation of British consols on the "ticker , " opening with nn nl > - parent decline to We. causing the mmkct to forgo < nilclly to We. When thu consols quo tation was toieicted to read OHJfc , thcro fol lowed n sudden ic.ictlon and before the dovvn- waid com so was Mopped , Novemlicr Imil again touched W ! , ' c , It milled wiiiuw hat nrd closed on the icgular board at 8f. < e. There was an easier feeling In thu afternoon nnd the nun kct closed } jc lower , llccelpts were free at noithvvc.stcin points and receipts licro for to-iuoriow weio estimated larger tlian usual. Conjf Thcie wnsa stronger feeling in coin and oats and prices \\ere advanced u frac tion. PROVISIONS Piovisions ruled very weak \eiy gcneial selling pressure. Pork closed NXgific lower than jestcrdaj' Whllo laid was Oo lower , Chicago Live Stock. CIUCAOO , Oct. G. [ Special to the Uii : : . ] v avm.i : Thoieceipts of cattln for the day were 8XX , ! ) against S.U.V ) last Monday. Trade was slow and prices lower on everything ex cept Hist class loin native steers andlirst class grasvfcd langers. Second class com mon natives wciubtiong nnd lOe low 01 than on Friday and Tcxnns were 10@15c lower es pecially on ( .aiming sorts. Among the ofl'ci- ings Unlay weie 5,000 to { iGOO , Texnns unil westerns , about half and half , which would leave about 3,000 natives of nil sorts. Ono train of prime Lingers "aveiaglng about 1,200 , sold for 85,00 , equally as good n price as at any time last week , nnd a few loads of prime , 1,400 to 1,500 Ib. natives hold at 85 83 , Thesu were the two highest bales of the day and they represent the two host lots of corn-fed nnd grass-fed cattle on the market , A'fowj loads of good northwestern Texans made nearly as high "prices us last week but there were exceptional sales and pick of stock ottered. were of lo\y fprfdai -Native stocks such as COWB , bulls and Bero' ] > by steers weio not wanted unless at extremely low prices.There was u fair supply of stoblt-1 * ' ers and jearlingH but llltlo ortib'domand. There weie only live loads of stock calves 011 sale , and the , chances weio that tliey would sell equally as high as last Week. Choice- corn fed natives , averaged 1,500 to 1,000" pounds , S'i.7.1i@rj.B5 ! ; good 1,800 to l' , JO pounds , P5.oo@5 rx > ; fair , 1,000 to 1,800 pound ? , 54.00@-1.60 ; common grass , 1,100 to 1,250 pounds , SaarKi .OO ; cows , 800 to 1,200 pounds. GU.2rx3tf.GO ; fat western native * , 1.900 to 1J ! 0 pounds , S4.-iO@.i.SO ; fair llc-shy , 1.100 to 1,200 pounds , ? 3.2.jJ.7'j ' ; fat western hnlf-hiccd's , 1.100 to 1,300 pounds , 84.00@1. ! ; fair lleshy , 1,0V ) to 1,200 pounds , S.1.25@iJ.75 ; good west i l ( > in Tc.\aiiH , 1,000 to 1,000 pounds , J3.-10@y.75 ; fair 000 to l.OCO pounds , t2.22@3. < 0 ; caniiern &TO to 1,000 pounds , S2.75@3.35 ; shipping j Btecis , 1,350 to 1,500 pounds , Sr .15@5.85 ; 1,200 to liOO ! pounds , SS.WXgl.lO ; MO to 1,200 pounds , S3.7r@i.oo. Stockers mid fecdcm sold at sa.XKiKUO. Cows , bulls and mixed , S2.00@0.bO ; bulk , S2.75@3. < 0. Thiough Texas cattle , about 1,500 head , cold at S2.GO1.10 for cows , and nt C'J.ti3 © ) . for steers. Western rnngcm wcte in largo supply and pilccs weie unchanged. Natives nnd half-bleeds , S3.1035.00 ; cows , $2.bOg8.80 ; wlntcicd Te.xans , SD.ltXg.5.75. Snlcs-lMO Montana , Wil Ibs , SS.OO ; ISil name , 1200 Ibs , 4.i5 ( ; 212 Wyoming , 1211 Ibs 154.00 ; CO Wy oming < ows , ! > T5 Ibs , S3.00 ; DO Wjoniing , 12CO Ib- . , SUn ; 2.-'i Nebraska Toxaus , 10VJ Ibs , SU.A ( ) ; ISO Oiegon , 1110 Ibs , S-J.BO. nous. Itorriplh of hogs for the tiny were 20,000 against 17,51)7 ) last Monday. Tlio market waH falily actlvuand pilees rathnr Iriegulur , but In : t geni'i.d ' way a big 10u lesser nil around. At the cliibu about all were sii'd , butthcroVIIH a weak and uiicrii.Un undcicuiixint , nil an ticipating a big inn and lower prlceu for ( hu lemalndci of the week. Itough nd common Fold at pil.50fiM.Wi ; fall to goiMl pwkliic port1 , .i75ftC'J.M ' ! ; cliolco heavy , 8M : > * > 3MO. Wliun fclllni ; nt the outnldit thu lot wun ninlnly made up of 'jhoU-e I'lillailclpliiaa end market pigs. Light sold at st.l : K < iUO for ordinary and SI.1-Vu > t,20 for singeing jilgu. Ilouglinnd mixed , fcil.W Kpaeklng ) ; mul shl plig.y. ) > 3 to.'STO HIM , S.iy ! ! < l,05 ; light wclghta , ' ! . ' ) to 170 Ibs , tilHOdW.l'i ' ; UO to 2.10ltk \ , ta.E00a.65 ; okips , { ? J.75 ( < .I.50. Bonio Collrotivo Cinr'Ado. Oct. 5. Tlio folluwln/ / ; taken fioin the ofllelal htnt'imi-nt f the boaid of tiadi ) villl he ] ) o tcd on 'clansa to niorrow. 'I'll vrhowtho amount of grain In . * > ight in the unll'Ml Hlati'Hinid C' n\dn * Siitutday , Octotx'i . ' ! , and the Amount of lncrv-win- ; . uieaAt ! ortr llui jiKctdlng week ; In slcht. Jnrr o n. Wheat . 45HOOOl twyv.vj ( ' ( II II . 4C2IBUS : 1 V.II7 Oats . ' Uarlcy . 405.WT 3JUo , : * lf ) 'ira'n. Amount ot gialn in stoio In dat nami'il ; Wheat . 1V'1"OIB ' Coin . MJ.WW Oats . 10S.I1U Hye. . 171,071) ) Bailey . WjtOO Grnin Tratlo. N , Oct , 5. Tin * Maik of thf Knxlioh itln ; tridr , ra.ro. | Mlf of nlud bare prtwkllrd Mvilh In lint pouth anil fiiovy lu the 'north. A iniitcilal poitlon of the hMTMi in the niirtli nf Kiiglatu ] and in Scntlai4 outi < l4ndiiig. ' 1'lik Ml r > ot Enrlni dining tlibrrfc weio VJ.4W ut Uls ft ) .vullir.t TH.'AII ijiiai-m nt . Us 4d timing the r -tfAiidlu } ; Hkfk U jc r. Trdr in Nwirljfji In Muvr And > Aliu f < re njfninat Knytrfi. Oil cd.i'l ti.uli1 | l loTr ; ix rar < ( r Wat * itrrhi d ; IT , u ruifoi'n n ri' Kiilil , four v < nv r.-ttb < ( riwj : , 4iid hint ri'iiulintJ , liulipll < x two of fnili- ) mul ol ) ' . Th ruM - uia unit 't : m ruMloday TV. * * tinlt and di nixilullii | | < . tiiifikt i T.ln.iU wcr. ' nut of luiidllliiu. mid kii > vw V IMIH. _ , uitiifll Kuuir Tr.iH lr d ) . C-r- * * * tl ( > ndy , i i'u ' > i < udt' dfalt'i O./K v rriitui ; A 11 ii i ii , n