Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1885, Image 8

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olipious Elevation of the Bute ol
Hobraeka by the Vatican.
pioroitoo to tlio Power nnd
fully ol'Jtlnliop O'Connor-
A. I'rlcst Inter
lrlerai ; > liie nniioiincciuoiil in Sat-
' Hi.t of Nebraska's crocllon
. ; to n
LSI' , wlfli llmlto ) ) O'Connor us bishop ,
eeeiuiiith especial tfratilieation
citizens of tlio state. It is the most
taut oerurreiico of religioui inter-
tich Into years have reeorded in Ne-
aatitl siH-nkhnsiiiucli as anything of
( Ivaluing iiiiportniiue of this great
porter for the IJr.i : called Sat-
at tlio bishop's residetieo , but
p O'Connor had nn hour previous
10 city on ono of his customary vis
its through thu state. Father Cole-
ciiully assumed tlio task of giving
uilH of inforinalion as tlio public
nil in this event and made a thor-
exposition of the facts. As tlio
11 anmniuecinetit , however , has not
; aehcd la-re , the ! H not ready
press himself upon tint full elleet o'f
'wii/je / of ohttreh Koverniuent.
eluef Hiiriillicant faet.s iiro that his
jf mill dignity an ; elcvatud , the iin-
iiieo of Inc. stnto augmented , from n
iate it become * a dioeesonnd Bishop
nnor its vicar apostolic is created
, understand how in years past
jp O'Connor has held that title , f-oino
ods of church government must bo
rslood. It will be a matter of t-otno
C even to the educated public to
that Bishop O'Connor has held
lular ( dignity away over in Persia ,
> undent land of Zoroaster and the
a Vestasvhcro the lire worship of
most prehistoric u e has been dis-
1 by the invading hordes of Islam ,
that land of stony legend and ior-
n lore , among the barbaric horse-
) f the southern .steppes , where his
lias ni'ver rested and his thoughts
M'Iduin turned , Bishop O'Connor
tad his diocese. lie has been the
p ot'Debona , a J'ersian town , now
lid front tin ) chart of the world , but
0 once in the early Christian eeiitnr-
10 trim cross had been raised in the
t of a devoted following. In after
1 the Jani/.ary vandals of Mohamet ,
idingtheir bloody conquests through
east , drove out this nuelos of
itianity nnd upon the pillaged
) of church and chapel reared
mbattled minarets of Moslem nios-
The lirst hope of Asia was blighted
ho hpark of eivili/.ation quenched
n her borders , never , until mayhap
e yel to conic , to bo relumed. Many
nces of this character , leave the
d of the lirst futile efforts to spread
knowledge of Him who taught the
rs by the star-lit sea. The memory
use early struggles is prenetuated in
ties of churchmen of to-day and in
person of Bishop O'Connor , the
'r martyrs of Dcbona arc copimcn-
is state of Nebraska and the territory
yoniing which enter under the bish-
mmediato charge , have heretofore
iluted merely the vicariatc of Ne-
ca and the hishop'strtie otlicc , in cf-
was that alone of an apostolic vicar ,
'panic case finds numerous ilhibtra-
. : for in&lance , liihhop Martin is
sly the vicar apostolic ot Dakota and
shop , by title , of Tiberias , a small
go on llio shores of the .sea of CJal-
) . .So , there siill e.\ist the bishops
'urthageAlexandria and other places
; since lost to Christian control. Such
oprics arc , as known in the Roman
loltc church , created inpurtibits ii/i- {
, or in inlidcl parts. This term
given application solely to the re-
s under ' 1 conquest , and a few
ths ago.uuder prqtestfrom the porto
biiltan , the pope abolished the ens-
of preation. and thus no longer
the feuds of faiths bo perpetuated ,
nstanco is cited where this custom
operated to n peculiar and une.xpeet-
end. There was once : i bishopric
Igeria.but it as others fell beneath the
) armg soimitar of the Mussulman
was lost to the church. The title of
ibandoned see was given then to thor
r aposlolio of Sweden , and there red -
d as years passed on. In the. early
of this century , Catholic Franco
her legions of troopers from thee
o to tin ; Ithinc , conquered the
of Ishmaol , annexed the territory
er domains , and replaced the cross
t ) the dnsl-triulingcrw-cenl. In a
yearn a Christian community made
lands from that African shore for the
! Jul _ establishment of the church ,
in it was discovered that a bishop
iiuly existed for tlio new diocese ami
vicar apostolic of Sweden was taken
n bin northern piim and lit * and given
i'lH titular charge amid the palm and
e. l y a titidden growth of tlio church
nt the ancient Mto of Debona , within
; nt mouths , it might have occurred
. Bishop O'Connor would have been
; n from the loving and respecting
IOB of his Nebraska homo and sent.lo
duties of his mythical tec.
Ishop O'Connor's chief mission tone
no was upon this very quchtion. No-
ska , with her Dwelling pride and pop-
ion , aspired to the dijniity of a dio-
) and her pretentious have long hineo
n laid before the Vatican. It is with
ings of unbounded satisfaction that
Caiholio community receives to-day
tidings of the Vatican's favorable
i probab'o that Nebraska will como
or tlio aroh-dioccMiof St. Louiswhich
ady { collides Missouri , Kansas
Iowa , and over which Alt. Kev. Peter
rick presides , Ulsliop O'Connor re-
s his residence hero and will hold Ids
under the title of Omaha , lju has
* boon preparing for the erection of
ithedral in thouvtmtof the rualluvloii
IH ! hopes. St. 1'hilomoim is to-duv
ely of pro-cathedral lank and a full
CHlustieal temple has been heretofore
end the dignity of the city. It is now
ro than probable that liishop O'Con-
will cro long build on ground of his
t private property at the head of St.
y s avciniu a cathedral that will com-
t \vith the important of the now dio-
oof NeLraskaand the boo of Omaha.
A Itiiuoit tlio Kail.
, Individual , somewhat intoxicated ,
driving ono of Slephortson's livery
up Kluvt.itli htreot yesterday after-
n when t-io ! horse became frtghtonud
ran awixy. At the railroad crossing
liprso turned and ran up the track ,
Ing over the buggv and throwing out
urivur. * The horho then ran along
track to the Union I'acillu bridge at
rt > imth Mreet , and lUlempted to make
crofcslnjj on the ties. AY lion ho
cited llio middle of the bridge , ho\v-
, ho iniHscd uoniiectUiiiH undfoll , re-
Ing a number of cuts and bruibos.
\vus extricated with dilliculty.
A I'Voo DlKpenwary.
t n mooting of homoopathio pliyd-
us Saturday it was dooiilod to CHtab-
, { \ free dispensary during tl'c i-oiuinjj
tor for ( Im city'i ) poor , Quarters have
i loused at 11 ? < ) Dodge street for the
1'osu , and all the plans have boon per-
ril. In addition to the dispensary
a imnibuv of himil
will be fitted up for tlio purpose of re-
ce.ivinc lemtiorary patients. Jl is intend'
H to inrnish mcdtcino frro to all descry'
ing poor and to provide for any who re-
< : cl\e Injuries friiin Jtceidonts and arc
lirougllt to the dispens.iry for treatment ,
The physicians \ \ ho have fntcrcctcd thcln-
selves in this deserving ciitorpri is urn
] ) rs. (5. S. Wood , C. C\ Siirag'W. . II ,
Haiichett. C. M. iinMiioro. H. W. Connell -
nell , W , 11. Pnrsons. Mrs. Hreckcnridge ,
Mrs. Burroughs ami H. A. Worley. It
will be known as thn "Omaha City Free
DNponsar.y , " and will bo supported by
the proceeds of entertainments to bo
given by the managers and by any aid
that may bo given uy the charitably in
clined of the cily.
C. A. ( Jrccn , deputy hhorin" of Clay
Centre , Knn as. writes to Marshal Cummings -
mings asking him to find .Ionics Breek ,
who ran away front ( 'lav Centre with a
Texas pony wliieh he huil stolen. Breek
i > -b elicved to bo in Omaha.
II. I' . Connors was arrested last even
ing by Ollieer Carroll on a warrant
charging hint with petit larceny. It is
claimed that ho picked the pockets of
several people during the day , taking
bimply their handkerchiefs.
Charles Parker , William Peterson ,
Charles and Kdward Until , four young
lads , were arrested u terday for throw
ing stones and bricks in the .street and
disturbing the peace. After a. short con-
linemen ! they ucn ; leleu.-ed.
A telephone message was received at
police headquarters yobtord.ty from
Sin-rill' McDonald , of Sioux City , asking
that Frank Trae.y be arrested. The police
failed to lind the mnii last night , although
ho is supposed to bo in the city.
General order No. Tilt , by the command-
cr-in-ehief of the Union Veteran Army
of the United Stales , announces that
.Brigadier Oeneral J. Kd. Smith has been
promoted to major general and appoint *
commander of the department of Ne
braska. Ho will assume command at
mice , and as soon as practicable estab
lish his headquarters in Omaha.
.In the list of candidates for justice of
the peace , as published in the Br.ic re
cently , the name of Soyinour ( j. Wileox
was unintentionally omitted. Ho is si
republican candidate for justice in tins
third district , composed of the Fourth
and Sixth wards. Mr. Wfleov is a law
yer who has resided in Omaha for two
years , having come hero from New York
state with excellent recommendations
both as to character and ability.
The inquest on the body of J. D. Ios- ?
neil , who committed suicide in Madam
Leeper's bagnio Friday night , was held
Saturday , and was in accordance with
the facts as already related. A telegram
was received by tin * coroner from the
chief of police of Canton , 111. , asking if
tlio report wore true that DoMicIl was
dead. On being replied in the aHirma-
live , C. A. Hess , a brother-in-law of the
deceased , living at Canton , telegraphed
to have the remains buried hero nnd the
full particulars of the death sent to him
by mail. The interment will take place
to-day from the undertaking rooms of
Droxcl & Maul.
Cant. Sullivan , in conversation \yitli a
pcribc yesterday , entered an emphatic pro
test tigajiibt tlio way the city council is-
neglecting the garbage ordinance. Ho
.says that the garbage is accumulating
rapidly in tlio streets and alleys , and that
complaints thereof como oouring in
every day. Of course the police are un
able to do anything about the matter ,
while Peterson , the former scavenger , is
not to bo blamed , because his facilities
are too limited to handle the accumula
tion of refuse matter. C.ipt. Sullivan
expressed it as his opinion that there
should be at least MX or seven carls kept
it the work of removing garbage all the
The Man AX'Hli a Cross "Wife.
Tit is man may have high ambition and
noble aspirations , j'ct he cannot be ex
pected to enjoy very good health , cspeci-
illy if the lady scolds him while : it meals.
This is enough to give any man chronic
l.yspopsin. if ho takes Brown's Iron
liitters he has a splendid chance of re
covery. Mr. ( J. A. Wighlman , Thomas-
ion , Conn. , says , " ] used Brown's Iron
Hitters for dyspepsia and have been
greatly benefited by it. "
f\el > rancji Appointments.
New York World : Mr. J. Sterling
Morton , of Nebraska , was at the St.
Jame.s hotel yesterday , Mr. Morton has
been the democratic candidate for gov
ernor of Nebraska on several occasions.
Under his leadership the democratic vote
in the state has increased until it now
promises to overthrow the republicans.
" 1 have been up in New England , " ho
said , "and shall go west in a day or two.
The people of Nebraska , 1 should say ,
have kindly feelings toward the adminis
tration. 1 believe in civil service reform
to the extent of appointing good men to
ollice. 1 believe when a republican is
displaced itjs the dutyof the appointing
power to put just as good if not a better
man in his place. I should not object to
the president's delay in jnaking appoint
ments if ho took the time to investigate
the character pf the candidates. It would
do the good men no harm , apd would pro
ve lit , many bad appointments. But to
judge from some of this m-e.sidont's ap
pointments he has not taken particular
isains to inform himself about the parties
beforehand. Still , I believe that the
president's intentions are all right , and
that he is trying to do his best.
"Tho president's appointments in Ne
braska have been very good. The ap
pointment of Mr. ( lardncr to bo surveyor-
general of the state was especially grati
fying to democrats , and will put a stop
to tlii ! gigantic land frauds that have
boon carried on in the state for yearn.
The ring wished another man appointed ,
pome one who was called a democrat , but
who would eonlinnii the old swindling
practices. For years the hitrvcyor-gon-
oral of Nebraska bus been a myth. A
ring in California has controlled the
ollice , and regulated things to .suit tliem-
.solvos. Yyiion Gardner was appointed ,
( Soorgo Miller , the editor of the Omaha
Herald , denounced it. lie was mad , I
Mipposc , the ring man was not
appointed , There have been the gro.s ° > ct > t
kinds of frauds in the government sur
veys in Nobrankn. Commissioner Sparks
has started an investigation. Thuro is n
rich lield for it. "
IMfjKSt : riMISl ! 1'HjKS I
A Mire earn for Blind. Bleeilliwr ,
ami 'Mferatt'd Piles lias been llM'eii'il by.
Dr. - > Illlanis ( ixn Indian remedy ) , called Dr.
Williams' Indian file Ointme . A M
box has cined the worst uluonle csu-cs ofM or
'M yoais Manilla ; ; . No one need MilTcr live
luliuiU ? . atterajtiilj instills wonderful Hioth-
ini ; ini'dli'liu' . I.ciinns and Itihtinmcntsdo
iiioio harm ( him goml.Vllliains' Indiiut
I'llo Ointment aliMiilis the tinaorh , allays the
intense ItthlUK. tp.utlcalaily at nluht after
WttliiK wniiit In bed ) , nets lisa poultice , ulvcs
Instant r Hot , and Is incp.ircd only for Piles ,
Ik-lit im of inlvatts nails , and lor nuthln else.
Dr. I'r.t.xU'r'rt. Mairlo Ointment eurus as by
imi''lo , Plnnile . lll.ick Heads or ( irnbs ,
Hlufehes nnd Knipttmis on the fare ,
thehkln dear unit beautiful. Also finesltch.
Salt lth > am , Koro Xlimlos , Koro Lips , and
Old Ol.stlimto . Ulivrs.
Sold by ihiiKt'lsts , or mailed on receipt of
60 cen Is.
Itetalled by Kiilm & Co. , nnd Schroctor &
Ikcht. At wholesale by C. F. Coodmnn.
You can buy fTirnituro cheaper of A.
L. Fiti : 1 1 & Co , , I''lh bt. , bet. Farnam and
Douglas , than any other place in the city.
1 will hcll'nt auction eight houses and
lota in block 0 , Wilcox's addition , near
the shot lower Small cash payments ami
long tir o- Hale on the ground Monday ,
October . ' > th , at 4 p. in. Take dummy on
U. K. H H'den ' run" every hour , and
get oil'at Slit'elev'a Packmir House .
J , C. WILCO * .
Varions Notes Concerning the Secret Orders
of This City ,
AVIiat , llio Pythian. KnlnlitH arc Doing
The Oild Kcllow ) Flying
tiont Hairs.
The past week has seen no transac
( ions of any importance in secret society
circles. All this lodges are doing good
work in the way of "building up , " botit
in point of membership and iinancial
The following very interesting sketch
of the services of fust Grand Chancellor
French is taken from llio "Pythian
Knight : "
"K. K. French. ( J. 1C. of II. .fcS. , ofthoJuris
diction ol Nehrnslca. joined the fraternity of
the Knights of Pythias in Omaha , Nebraska ,
In theeailj piiitof December , 1808 , toy he-
ciiinin a member of Xebraslta Lodge. No. 1 ,
ol'\\lilrh lie soon became Us competent re-
eoidliiKsctihc. Dtulnir the following winter
this loilKt * beoAino quite ptospeioiis by its
rapid inuieasc In nieinbeishlp , notwithstand
ing the outer was new In the elty of Omaha. "
"In the following spring several of Us most
no live , Intelligent nnd eiiteipiishii , ' ineinhers ,
ainoiifr whom was llio. Fiench , conceived the
Idea of starting another lodge , and for that
purpose wlthdtew from No. 1 , nnd petitioned
the stipicme chancellor , Samuel Heed , for a
dispensation to Institute Damon lodge , No.- ,
In the city of Omaha , "
On llio&ithof April , ISffli , that lodge was
Instituted , with K. K. Fiench as iceordln ; :
seilbe , alula , very prominent and clllclent
Pievious to the liistltullon of the ( irnnd
Lodge , tlitee mine lodges , Bellevvc , No. : t ;
Planet , No. 4. and Platte\alley , No. f . were
Institiiled with the assistance of llro. Fiench ,
\\lio was always willing and M OU ready
\\heiieverealled upon to ustlst In the good
woik of extending Pytliiaiilsin , not only in
Ids own Immediate district , but throughout
the wcstein jiuisdlctioiis.
Seiitembers , 1SCU , Samuel Ilccd , supreme
chaiicellor , when aceoaipanylng the Odd Pel-
lows to Han KraiK'Kco , met the Knights of
Pythias , of which llio. French was one of the
member , at their hall In Omaha , to exchange
congratulations with ( hem , and Mtggcst plans
for 1'atnrc operations and advancement. On
the lUlli day of September , ISi'.i , a meeting of
past chancellors was held at Pythian hall ,
Omaha , for the purpose of milking nielimi-
nary arrangements for the organization ot a
( iraud lodge , of which KID. French was
ehoseii secretary , and ua\e iiecnniary aid for
the imrpOM ) oC defraying the requisite ex-
pi ; uses.
On October 1" , IWiO , the ( Jninil lodge was In-
stltuttiH I l > y .snjircine chancellor. Sinniiel Itccd.
and llio. K. K. Ktencli wiui Installed as firand
recording scribe , which position he has held
until now. lie is the longest consecutive of
ficer within the jurisdiction of the Supreme
For many years ho performed a largo portion
tion of the general management and travel
lortlie tralernity , iR'Side.shls wpikof ( J. K.
It. S. , without comiiensation , and mostly at
his own expense of money and time , and now
does not get iay ; sutliclent to compensate him
for the loss of accommodating time.
When Damon lodge Miceiiiubed for want
of sappoit and encouragement , even from Its
own membership , llro. Fieiieh found it nec
essary to get back to his ln > t love , and there-
tore lejoined Nebraska lodge , No. 1.
lie 1ms officially and continuously held
clerical positions in preliminary , subordinate
and grand bodies , from the commencement
of his Iratcrnal existence until the present
lie is a past grand chancellor , and hcivcd
six years In tlio Supreme lodge as a faithful
and honoiediepiesuntathe of the .state of
Nebraska. "
Mr. E. p. Hyley returned last , week
from Baltimore , whore he has been for a
number of days in attendance upon the
Sovereign ( jrand Lodge , I. O. O. F.
"No , " said a prominent Odd Fellow to
ascribe Saturday who sought his express
ion as to whether the members of the
local lodge I. O. O. F. proposed to put up
a. new building to eclipse that of the Ma
sons , "we .shall not build next year , or
for a number of years to come. Our
present hull on the corner of Fourteenth
anil Dodge streets , is amply largo enough
and gooil enough for some time to come. "
Kcbekah Lodge , I. O. 0. F. , is prepar
ing to give a grand ball on October i.'S , at
Light Guard hall.
The new Masonic building will not bo
ready for occupancy before next year.
Hut when it is completed 'twill bo a
"daisy. "
The St. John lodge , A.F. and A.M.lield
their regular meeting Thurf-day night
, md among other business disposed of
took in four new members.
Covert lodge will hold a meeting this
week , when it is sai.d , .several new mem
bers will bo proposed for admiB.sion.
II. H. Vulton , deputy bead consul for
the Modern Woodmen of America , the
itew order which has just sprung into ex
istence , is in the city organi/.ing a lodge ,
lie. is meeting with good success. ' 1 he
lodge will start with a goodly number of
members. The order , as already intimat
ed is a new one , being home-
\yhat similar , though by no means en-
liroly so , to the order of Knights of
I'ytliias , or Knights of Honor , in charac
ter or purpose. The objects of the fra
ternity are .stated to be , "to promote
true neighborly regard and fraternal
love ; to bestow substantial benefits upon
the widows , children , heirs , and rela
tives of deceased members ; to care for
sick and indigent members , and to com
fort the sick by neighborly ministrations
in times of sorrow and distress. " Tins
order is rni > idly extending its branches
east of the Missouri.
It is suit ! Oiat the lodge to be started in
Omaha is the lirtit ouo west of the Mis
Nebraska Ledge , No. 1 , P. of P. , held
an interesting meeting Wednesday night.
After the usual routine business was dis
posed of , hi\ new members were worked
in tlio second degree , among them Drs.
DiitKinoro mid Mattice , who bore the
ordeal bravely. This lodge will BOOH
have an entirely nowset of paraphernalia ,
something badly needed. The now uni
formed rank has Inen ; nearly organized ,
though the name or details have not yet
been announced.
Myrtle I edge , K , of P. , held no meet
ing last week on account ot a bad leakage -
ago in the gas pipes , supplying the hall.
It is cpiito possible nay , probable--that
the Pythian lodges of tins city will unite
to give a series of parties this season sim
ilar to those of last year , which were PO
greatly enjoyed. Experience has proven
that mich'a series can be made a Iinan
cial and social success. It is to bo earn
estly hoped that the Pythian Knights of
this city will take hold of thu mutter.
Assembly UBIO , K , of L. . held an im
portant meeting Friday night in Central
hall and initiated thitty members.
On the last initiation night , fifty now
members "rode I Ins goat. " The order is
increasing very fust in all the lodges , and
especially so in No iiSin , whiuli'now has
over ' .UK ) members , Indeed in this lodge ,
it was found necessary to raise thu initia
tion fee in order to keep out those who
were anxious to crowd in , and make them
scatter among thu other local lodges of
the order.
A committed consisting of J.IJ. Ilrimor ,
T. O. Miigraue and E. K. Long , has been
appointed from Primroj-o lodge , Knights
and Ladies of Honor , to confer with "a
committee to be appointed from Friend
ship lodge , to tee about consolidating tin *
two lodges. The matter will be acted
upon this week ,
Use Dr. Picrco's ' "Pellets" for all bilious
I low I'reucliliiK' Afl'uolcil Them.
Kentucky Stuto Journal ; "An1 waayo
to church yesterday , Mrs. O'Haltorty ? "
"Sttro an11 was. "
"An'plmwt did llio praychcr praych
"Arrnb , an'why does yo bo n kin' mo
sch a question whin ye was there ycr-
sin ! "
"Suns nn' I was , but faith an * I lost so
much fdapo the noight before nnd the
praychor praychcd so musically lolko
that I whit to slape. "
"Arrah , troth , an' I donq the same
Ihlng mesilf. An' sure that praychcr
would put lite divil to slapo will ms sing
song 'God Is God' talk an' Biolt stuff that
ivery wan knows. "
" \ cr roight , yo nro. Sure an' he talks
as if some people believes God isn't him-
silf. "
"Will ye como ill the liottso an' have a
few drops ? "
"I will , thank ye , 1 don't falc well at
all this mornin. "
Death or an Kelt tor.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 3. A cablegram an
nounces the death of Hon. J * . llossaiirck In
Paris , Franco , this inoiiilug. llossaitrek hns
been for a long time inlnclpal owner and ed
itor of the Cincinnati VoluUilatt.
Absolutely Pure ,
Tills powder never varies. A ninrvcl of
Ftrcnjrtli mid wlioloMimuncss. Moio economical
tlian tlio ordinary kind * , mid cmniot tro sold In
competition with the nuiltltudo of low test , nhort
ivtljjlit nnd pliosplmlo po dor . Sold only In
cmi . Itoytil Uulilnjf 1'owdor Co. , 100 Wall street ,
lAp o ilinaris
Has received at tie
LONDON , iS8.j , the
" APOI.LINARIS reigns alone among
Natural Dietetic Table Waten. Jtt
numerous ( o.nfetitors have , oiu
after another fallen away. "
British Medical Journal , May3 * .
Of a It Groeert , DrMsw'tli , & It n. Wat.D * < Jtrt.
Eiulcnt Hiding VeUlelo made. "
Royal Kavaaia Lottery
Drawn at Havana , Cuba. Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets in Vlitlis. Wholes , PJ. Fractions pro
Bnlijcct to no manipulation , not controlled liy
tliu purl Ion In intoicst. H Is tlio fulrast tiling In
Urn iintino of clmnco In cxMimcd.
lutlckolH npply to SIIU'SIIV A CO , 1213
Huwdwny , N. Y I'lty : It. OTTKNS & CO. , Ill ilaln
Ktruct , Kiinms City , JIo.
A mitccT UNI :
England , Francs &
Tlio Mcmmr-lilpp of tliln well known line nro nil
or him , In wuli.'itl lit comtmitiuoiili ) , nnd re-
ImiiislKMl with cvcrjtlilnirtn iiiuUti llio pashii o
both mfo and n > 'i eetthlo Tlmy curry the United
hlntcH and Kuropenn nmllH , mid Icavo Nc v Vork
Tliiimltijmuid SiitiircliivR lor I'lvniniitli , ( I/ON-
DONi.UuulMiuir. ( TAIUS line ! IIAMHUHCI.
Itaic-b 1'irct ' uubln , J.W$100. . Stcoutfu to Ko\r
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Pau
' '
The Sliort "Line
and Best
From Oialia to the East.
ChlcilKO , Mill"ilpoIlH ,
Ht Clinton I'anl , , < i ' . il .i. , . . . iluplds . . . , , , Dlivonpoit Itoclilord , ,
llock lelnnd , l-'rci ) | irt , Janesvlllo ,
' Maill-on , La Crutto ,
licioll' , Winona ,
And all otlicr linportiint poluls Tlitft , Kortlioust
Ticket ofllcx ) at 1 101 Vanillin f ti cot , ( In 1'axton
Hotel ) , nnd at Union I'liclllu Depot.
rulliiinii Kloopora nnd tlio rincst Dining Cur ?
In the Woildaioiiin on tlio iniiln HIKM of ilia
( 'N ICAOMll ) , > VA1KKK&Hr , I'AUIi JlAII.WAV , mill
tiyury attention is piild to JIIUMJDBVM liy cuurtt
OHM iiinploj 03 of tliu commtiy. |
It. MII.I.I.II , ( irnt'iiil iliHuiKdr.
J. F. TuriCKit , Asclctanl-tlciionilMnniiKcr.
A. V. H.C'viirKNTKli , ( iriic-xul fimnoiiKcr nnd
J'lckcl Agont.
( iio. : K. lliArroiil ) > , Absifrtunt 1'iuecn-
jer and Tluknt AK'-'iit.
I bi o a [ Hj'ltlvo ruineUi l r li * bo illi mei ty t
lln5"l"te"lIi iiii'ici. ' .
Un < l.irtri l *
inii mc. .ti' < 4ti i i i
t K'tl r llfl TI.IIAIIt.Kl HEXTIfcKou tbl dU w
" " "
% > ir r. i"ttli ) 'i'M"fM V rlBt > '
Many a llLady
is beautiful , all but her skin ;
and nobody has ever told
her how easy it is to put
beauty on the skin. Beauty
on the skin is Magnolia
3E = C
And we invite your attention to our mention of special arrivals
daily ; and if you interest yourself enough to give notice you will
always find something in store for you at the Only Misfit Cloth
ing Parlors , 1119 Farnam St. . we will have on sale today , the following -
. -
lowing special arrivals from the leading merchant tailors
"throughout the United States.
8 3.00 Will buy a heavy Cassitnerc Pantaloons \vhioh was made for , 5 7 09
§ 4 80 * Will provide you a pair of Pantaloons which can't bo made for lets than ij 9 00
? 5 CO For u pair of Pantaloons no tailor will make for less than $13 00
$ 0 fiO This pair of Pantaloons will no doubt prove your Bize , was niaile for sjia CQ
$ 7 33 For this pair would not pay for the goods , was made to order for. . $10 00
f 8 45 These are purely English , my boy , and was made perhaps for you for $18 00
$ 0 75 This pair is made from a French Fabric , ns fine as is miule for $20 00
$12 00 This is a good Business Suit , equal to any you can have made for ' 535 00
$15 00 This is a Fall Overcoat , very elegant , was made to order for § ; ) Q QO
§ 18 09 Is the price of that Cork Screw Sack Suit , made for ' . 35 QQ
$18 75 Will buy that New Market Overcoat made to order for ' . ( j g QQ
§ 20"80 ' This represents the price of that Four Button Cutaway Frock Suit made for . ' . ' $ .JQ 00
$21 55 This will buy that Prince Albert Suit made by a Merchant Tailor for . $45 QQ
$15 20 For a Fall Overcoat made to order by n. leading tailor for i | 539 JJQ
$27 90 This will bo found the price of that Ileafer Coat nnd Vest made for $55 oo
$14 60 'For that double Breasted Sack suit made of Scotch Cheviot , for $30 00
$150 10 Will buy that Overcoat trimmed witii Fur in show window , was made for / . 03 00
$10 20 Represents the price of that Frock ooat and vest which Wiis made for $35 00
$31 00 Will buy that Fall Overcoat lined through with Haw silk , was made for .foo 00
§ 13 80 This is a Frock Suit , size 33 breast of cork screw worsted , was made for $28 00
$33 25 Yon will buy this : i straight eat Sack Coat full suit lined with satin , was made for $05 00
$17 85 Th'iH is a Keafer Coat and Vcht of fur bover- , was made for § 33 QQ
$33 00 Buys that Fur Beaver Overcoat beautifully lined and was made for § 07 50
§ 13 20 Buys that Business suit in Frock Coat plain color , wat made for 537 GQ
$23 GO English Melton now Market Overcoat was made to order for § 50 00
? M 15 This is n Coat and Vest alone in Sack Coat , was made for ' . ' § 30 00
31 05 This buys that Full dras.s Mlit Swallow tail , was made for $70 OQ
$12 30 That Yyuth Frock Suit , ! Button , out away , wan made for , % > * { , 00
$ 25 40 The other full dress suit Swallow tail coat made for 53 00
! ? 15 70 The other Fall Overcoat made of Worbtead cloth for * ; + 33 QO
SflU 00 Now we come with a handsome Frock coat and vest , was made for $33 grj
535 10 Prince Albert suit as line as any nian wears , was made for $73 00
$23 00 Good enough Frock suit dark color , was made to order for $ jrj po A 1
$10 30 You must sec this , an Overcoat was made to order for , 510 00
! J31 75 Full dress suit last received , Swallow tail coat , was made to order for , 5170 00
We feel assured you cant pass us by if you need anything in this
line we are styled , Omaha's Elide or the Future saving Enterprise
for man , once you call you will call again
. i . - . : "AT THE OFLY MISFIT .
11 ± ± 9
N. S. You ewe invited to Iceep your eye on < mr space an wa emaJso
our cJHMiges daily.