Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Ori'ICE : Ko. Ml r rt 0trMt.
11 ! ! in ( in-ic r In nny part of tlio city r
fwi nt.f . i lit'- ] 11Tttk. .
II. NV.'JII.ION , - - - Manager
'Pit' < itv rotnifll meets tliii evening.
'I In- \ \ , li.i'ti im.y cm1 made a trip t <
tlii nt > s.itimttiy.
In the federal rourl the cafe of Kgbcr . ' \ thc < \ , H. fcQ. Isoutiiiil.
John Nicholson's "Ileeeher" won i
li.ilf n ili' rneo in MiMouri Valley Friday
There wen1 U\o lively lights on uppw
IJruiiihu'j : itui < lny night , but no arrests
Tony Deniei ' llumpty Uutnpty troupe
i' . to bo at the opurn housu nc.Nt Friduj
1 heinnyoi lias been iuterviewfiiisihll- |
tlmtu h a telephone. Ho usually use.1
only a hf-s InniMiiitter.
' " "he Ifollvwood opera company arrived
pt he I'udlie jesterclay , and will nppt < : u
at ilu ) opi-ru house this meiiing.
"Mr. ( . 'liiirh i Fox anil ( iuoryo HuKliej
liau returned from Chicago , v.hero thoj
purel'i = d a laryo stock ot goods for then
Jttdgo Ajlesworlh has just found out
that tin ) lire department has no head to
if. That is just what a < jood many others
ha\e foil for fomo time.
fleorge John oii and Miss Nettio Mil
ton , both of Oiiiiiha , wore on thU side o (
tlm rim1 Satnrduj , pelting a permit to
filter the Male matiimonial.
The police arc no longer allowed to go
over on the dummy train without ticket
or pan. nnd they are rumbliiif ; at thin
ctittin ; * down of their privileges.
The grand jury of Mills county did
their work in n rush. In eight days they
had found twenty-four indictments and
lini.shcd up Saturday for adjournment.
John Hates has boon added to the niar-
deputies , and is .sonin as city
jailor , while the regular deputy , Ktl
ll.'tes , IsH'tviiijj as bail ill' in Undo Sam's
' 1 here were Feveral false alarm * ! of fire
.Saturday night. It is .strange that for
we ks SUm day and Sunday nights arc
the only ones whin thcbo false ringing of
lii'lls aic to be heaid.
KintKleef arc lixing up No. 1C3
} ) rnadway for their new grocery .storo
and will open up the latter part of tlio
week. They piotnlso 'omo line novelties
and expect to nave a line establishment.
Olliccr O'Brien yesterday captured bore
a boy named Ivugeno Hughe * ; , who ran
away from the reform school at Kearney ,
Neb. , a lew days ago. He IB aged about
38. He will bo taken back to Kearney
to day.
A lev of the balonn men have paid
their October license and others promise
to settle to-day. Those who have not
paid by tomouow morning- arc to bo
coiuplaiained of and costs will bo added
to the regular § ' . ' 5.
There , is quite a lively demand for
f.peeial delivery stamps at the postoiliee
he-re , much livelier than was expected ,
but there are not many letters being ro-
eeived hero with Iho special stamp oil
J. J 1'assel was arrested Saturday
night on a charge of a aujting bomo one
in the vicinity of the California house.
Ollieer O'Biicn liad quite a tussle with
him and thinks of charging him also with
resisting an ollieer.
The police fmce have been set an ex
ample bj the chief , ho having arrayed
himself in a new uniform. The new
clothes have less buttons on than the old ,
and Skinner looks le.ys like a major geno-
r.ilhnt more like business.
0 Mr ; Hough , of Crescent City , was here
Kntunln.v on the hot track of sonic horses
biipnoscd to bo the ones recently stolen
in Onawa. Marshal Guanella aml'Deputy
Mullen followed up the trail to Omaha ,
and theio lound the horses , but they
proved not to bo the ones wanted.
A team at the C U. ft Q. depot yester
day morning became and
l > roko into a liv cly run. The wagon had
brought to the depot three ladies and a
irmiK. Two of the ladies had already
got out , and the trunk was being re
moved \vlien the train started. The Ihiid
lady wa.s thrown out , but not seriously
ii'iuied '
n the district court at CJlonwopd ,
which closed Saturday , there were nine
indictments found against parlies for
selling intoxicating liquors , anil in four
of the cases thorn wore pleas of guilty ,
and fine * imposed from $ .111 to fflOl ) , they
being new men in tlio bus'incis , anil
therefore lot ofl' light.
Water fioxo hero to the thickness of a
quaitorofan inch Saturday night , and
homo damage was done to plants and
Jlowers. Mrs. li ! > n Marks lost nearly all
tm ! plants in her front yard , slio being
away fioin homo , and expecting to re
turn before frost aiid have the plants
placed in a greenhouse.
1 In connection with the services of Si
I'anlVehuroh , held in Masonic hall yes-
leiday , the choir gave hpecial music of
unusual'merit. In the morning Frank
Itadollct accompanied with the llntel'iof.
Lipfort on the organ. The evening ser
vice wa.s entirely musicaj , and OV. .
W'lllry led tin ; congregational singing
with his cornet.
There was a lively Saturday night
racket at a dance held in the vicinity of
the Kighlli wind school house. Win.
IMartin has been taken in as one ot the
participants , and has a bad wound on
tlm head , apparently struck by a billy era
a buck , 'Iho officers arc a'ttor Andv
Davy , Jeffries and some others , who will
probably keep shady until the affair lias
blown over a little.
At Ihe. eamptiro at Avoca Friday night
Council Hlulls was well and ably repre
sented , Major Ionian , Colonel ICcatloy
nnd Colonel D.H , Daily vvero among the
orators in attendance , and Sheriff ( initar ,
, County Auditor Kirkland and Captain
Kusscll added to the onjoyabilitj ot the
occasion. The visitors were mo > t hos-
jiit.ibly entertained. Colonel Daily'a
little daughter , Mio.s Frannio , accom-
] ianicd her father.
( ieorgo W. Scliindcliut Co. tire prepar
ing to open up a lirst-elass steam laun
dry to 1m known as the "Homo , " the
location to bo No , MO Broadway. Mr.
Schindclo has been in the business in
Chicago and ho IB ihoroughly experienced
in its line , while by his former residence
hero he has a largo cirelo of acquaint
ances ami friends. The enterprise is
quito an addition to Council IHtiB's , and
it lb believed will bo successful.
W/INTKI > Information of a young lady
whoso name is May Cummins , mid who
arrived in Omaha about Angiiht 28 , Slio
is 1 ! ) years old , brown hair and .eyes ,
about f > feet II inches high , and weighs
about 1pounds. . Siio bad on a brown
dress and black hat when she left Kear-
jioy , Js'ob.j $ 'i.5 reward will bo given for
any information leading to her recovery.
Aildress T , J. Cummins , Council Ulnlls ,
Substantial abstraot.s of title and real
estate loans , J.V , & 12 , L. Sqniro , lltt
IVarl utreet.
Lumps chcnp at Homer's , 2 ! ) Main St ,
If yon wlblj to make legitimately fron
Ten in FifU dollars per day wiito to
lu'l.l A- smith , No at Fourth street ,
, tm 1 IMi. ! .
The OISc Bains Dec.larod Vacant , the Karc
Opening of a 1'fllatlal 3)ry Ooods nnt
Clothing ICMn'.jlinhineii ! Ullohic
Jolim tlio OtJicrs In Cnntttln
Tlio llnul of the l 'lrc Department.
A few dajs ago the UKI : predicted thn
Jndgo Ajlesworth would decide tha
neither \\raltors or Kieher had beet
legallj' elected chief of the fire depart
nnsnt , and this prediction was verified
Saturday by his rendering just such n
decision. The gist of the decision in thai
the stale Itiw gives the city the right li ;
create the oilico of chief of the lire do <
pnrtmcnt by an ordinance , del'ming the
duties , etc. , and fixing the term of olliee ,
which must not exceed one year , Thu
city council passed an oruMnuiU'0 Airtual-
ly fixing the term for life , or at least
until the chief was removed for cause.
John Teniploton was chief under this
ordinance , but Walters and his friends
howled about this ordinance being
illegal , and Walters was elected chiet ,
and the ordinance was amended
BO as to make the term two years. Wal
ters was made chief before this amended
ordinance went into effect , so that , in
the opinion of the court , ho was not
elected under a legal ordinance. There
was another piovision of the amended
ordinance , which intimated that the chief
could not hold the olliee two years , if the
council at its regular annual organi/.a-
tion should choose to eleot a new chief ,
and interpreting this to the effect that the
council had the right to elect a new man
Kieher was elected. Walters ictuscd to
, io up the olliee and hence the contest.
Now tlio judge decides that both the old
ordin.mco under which Walters was
elected , as well as the amended ordi
nance under which Kieher has been
elected , are of no account , as they
do not IK a term according to the
state law , which provides that the ordi
nance mtist fix u definite term not to ex
ceed one > car.
'I ho department is thus loft without any
legal chief. Walters w ill continue to act
as chiet until the council can take some
action , and that for fear that he mijrht
not liuve his authority recognised he gel
his friend , the mayor , to appoint him
\esteiduy. The council will without
doubt quickly disappoint him , and will
hasten to amend the ordinance so as to
make it and then pioeeed to elect a
chief. It will take several days for such
an ordinance to become of force and it is
barely iiossible that tlui ma. > or may feel
like helping his friend out by playing
with his supposed veto power.
Thousands of people are dailv taking
advantage of the great ' -"tminlowpriic- .
at Kiseman , lloddu ti Co's Peoples'
"Wniits to lie Henntoi1.
Major A. U. Anderson was badly
downed in attempting to carry himscif
into congress with a boom , but his polit
ical aspirations have not been altogether
quenched , and lie is now on the track for
the senatorial nomination -Fremont
and Page counties , which form one sen
atorial district. Fremont county has
Holeoled delegates instructed to support
him , but although Page county has not
instructed its delegates , yet it is under
stood that they will suppoit Senator
Clark. The convention is to bo hold at
Shenandoah next Thursday , when the
eontest will be decided. As Fremont
county has but ten delegates , and Page
county fifteen , it looks as if Anderson
would again be defeated , unless he can
succeed in makin" some inroads on the
Page county delegates , and breaking
their apparent unanimity for Clark.
The crack of doom awaits all opposi
tion to EiAoman , Uoddu iV Co.s Peoples'
Store to-day , lor they will place on halo
over $10,0.01) ) worth ot new goods which
have just arrived.
A Dazfllng New
Another establishment has been added
to the list of those to which Council UlnlFs
may well point with pride as being equal
lo any found in any city in the west.
lleferonco is made to the largo and now
establishment of John Ucno < N ; Co. , which
is now open for business , although lack
ing afow _ of the finishing arrangements.
The linn i- > one wlw-o name is so closely
usioclatcd with that of the city iUclt that
the two seem inseparable , and the people
Ihioiighout western Iowa have for years
i ivon a liberal shaie of their patronage
to this house , their confidence being con
tinually strengthened and increased by
the constantly lair dealing and popular
policy ot the linn. It is a sou ice of grat
ification , thercfoie , lo l > o able lo announce
to their many customers that they have
now established themselves in as eotnnio-
ilious and attractive quarters as are to bo
round in any metropolis.
As many already know , Mr. 1'eno is
[ ho owner of the north half of the large
.mil elegant llono & Shugart block , ex-
lending from Main to Pearl streets , along
I'irst avenue. The linn bus moved into
.his block , and now occupy the main
lloor , which has two entrances on Main
itreet , Nos. ! ! 'J and ! ! ! , ami fronts also
with two entrances on Pearl street , Nos ,
W and ! JO. The main lloor is ll.xiW ( feet ,
ill in 0110 great salesroom. This has
Doen fitted up in really elegant style , as
ivell as being entirely now in design. The
'routs and entrances uro finished in pearl ,
ivlilte and old gold. Full French plate
let the light pour freely into the- store ,
uid at night fonr of the largest electric
.ights . pour brilliancy all over the store ,
< treaming out into tlio straits , attracting
ho attention of every one pasting within
light of the place. The interior arrange-
nontsthroughoul arc elegant. Through
he center of the spacious room is a row
) f handsome iron pillars , tastefully dec-
) ratcd. The walls and ceiling are inure
> uro white relieved by neat trimmings
if fresco work. The shelving is of the
; ind known as the ratchet bar , the mm-
ion being of light , graceful iron work ,
ind all the shelving being adjusta-
) lo. The woodwork is dark , presenting u
leasing relief. The counters are finished
n rieii cherry , and the old-time .show
lasqs have been supplanted by counters
laving French plate glass top.s and
routs , so that the richest goods can be
ully protected , and at the sumo time
asily inspected by all. licsidcs the in-
ircused convenience , tlio appearance of
; oods thus displayed i.s decidedly attract-
vo , and a happy ohungo for tno better ,
ivnv the Pearl street entrance is the
ounting room , and cashier' * place , the
iluce being set apart by a batik style of
inish , being light , airy , attractive and
This beautiful and almost nnunmoth
ajesroom Is made to appear like some
; rout exposition , or fancy biusnr , being
died with goods in endless variety of form
mil color , and very tastefully displayed.
) n the north side are tlm displays of
! rc s goods , hosiery , ladies wear , in fact
s fine mid vailed u showing of dry goods
f all sorts u.s is to bo found in any city.
"ho other side of the gieut store is do-
oted to clothing , gents' f mulshing
oed , huts , cup , gloves , c'o. Hut when
no II.IK ga/.ed , and wondered , and ; ul-
mired , still the l.ilf lins nrf lic n " "fi ;
The hn emcnt which is ns litfht and nl
lraflivojn a first Itoor , is nl o filled wilj
ffoods , nnd is oonnecUM I\velevators wit !
the mnin llrxir. Itislhunnin extent n
the mnin floor , nn.l line are kept area
cnspq of duplitalf gooiis. and tilno a larg
and well uipplnjed slock of boots am
It is impoMiblc fo pirc an ncrurnt
idcn on paper of the extent and uttrne
tivoness of Heno's new establishment
11 is one of the fuchts of Council Ulufip
and not only will the old oustomeifl o
the Jinn improve the earliest opportunit1
to visit I lie now < pi irter , but ninny ncv
fact s will be FOPII gft/ing with tuhniru
lion at this establishment , which is sue )
a credit to the fiim and Mich a cause o
justifiable piide on the part of the cit
Bens. _
Down they /ro / ! What ? Why , under
wear of every description at the spooiu
great sale to-day at Fiscman , Kouda t\
Co's People's store.
OH' for Canada.
Jerry llitehie , who recently creator
such a sensation by being discovered
"knocking down" in the store of D. W ,
15u lmell , whcro ho had been emplo.v'l '
and trusted for years , is said to have de
purled for Canada , where he will remain
for a time , The shoitugo bus been
settled , as already made public , but it i
said that ho does'not feel any too secure
from being arrested and prosecuted , and
therefore moathcs easier to be on foreign
soil , There are whisperings that an
attempt will bo made by his friends lo
undo the settlement of the alleged short
age , and that he fears that in any such
case his prosecution would naturally re
sult , lie will find in Canada plenty of
The whole community seem agitated
over the big drives in dresgoods , cloaks ,
llanncls blankets , etc. , etc. , thut.ure rep
resented in the immouM ) stock of Elbe-
man , Koddn & Co.s Peoples' store.
Arrested for Murder.
About two j ears agn there was a sen
sational shooting affair in Glenwood , in
which \V.Wallace killed John Clinger
smith , to whom ho was related by marriage
riago and with whom ho hud hud several
qtiirrols concerning family matters.
Wallace claimed that he shot him in self
defense and Mrs. Wallace was the enl }
witness to the affray On the preliminary
examination before a justice Wallace
was -churgo\ ( \ . and he has since been
going about his business , that of pho-
togiapher and painter , and been Ihing
right along there without any molesta
tion , and the sympathy of theeomiminiU
seemed to be with him. The grand jurj
has just been inquiring into the case
lunyevor , and on fiutnrday they returned
an indictment against him charging him
with minder. Ho wa.s arrested and
locked up , but will probably be admitted
to bail. It is claimed that when the
shooting occurred the doctors thought
that one bullet alone luul done the work
but that since then the body has been
taken up and the discovery made that
there were two bullets in his head , and
it is urged that in a ease of real pelf de
fense one bullet ought to have satisfied
Wallace , and that the second one was
maliciously fired. It is claimed that
some of the evidence now gathered up
will inaKc it hard for Wallace to show
that ho acted as purely in self defense as
has generally been supposed.
The "Favorite" corset at Harkncss
I'ri/o for Farmers.
A premium for the longc t ear of corn
from this year's erim. For particulars
call on or address J. Y. Fuller , buyer and
shipper of wheat , corn and oats , No. 89
Pearl street , Council Hlullk
Thorough Instruction on the Piano
ami Organ
Persons doth cms of rocpl\lnpr Instruction Jn
MioaliosoIIL plb.isu cull on or uiUliusj
Prof , G , B ISpfert ,
No 520 Hist A onuo , Council Ulufle , lown.
Justice of the Peace.
Oilico Over American Kvpres' ' ,
No. nri7 Droiuln i\y , Council lllutH.
Hair G-oods of all Kinds
Made to Order.
Hair G-oods of all Styles
Ready Made.
No. 337 Broadway.
Waves , Frizzes , Switches , Etc ,
Inngs out 1'aiupuilour , iJingtry or Other Stylos.
sins. r. i/ . . ,
i Main St. , Council IJUUtfi.
lldut't Hiul iiuilps coiii-luiitly on luuiO , for Mlo
t luliill or In I'arloiul lot * .
All etnok win i-untoil 113 icini'scntocl.
Wliuli-MitounU lOtalltloalL'isln Kiiiln nnil K'J-
( limy. I'l'lcco iciiMiniiljlu. Eiitlslui'tlon uui
u-ctl. BCHI.UTKIt A : IIOI.IJV ,
Cor , nth Avo. nnil 4tli St. , Council UIulTB.
R. M. RICE , M , D.
IHRON1C DISEASES of nil Mndi a Bpoolalty.
Over tlility icnis' imictleiil cxnotlouoo. Offlco.
io. 11 1'ciulStu-ut.Counoll lllulTd.
Wo Miall offer at CASH SALE , until fold , a largo invoice of COTTON FLA1
NELS at 8 < 5 per cent below the prices heretofore asked.
10 ilo7.on Blankets at $1.05 to $2.00 , worth from $100 to $ ; J.OO. These goods wen
wcro bought at Auction Sales and will not bo duplicated. Parties will do AVell ti
fcccurc them while here.
Our new stock of
ITrioots ,
Are unusually nttractivo and never so cheap us now offered.
arc received and our stock is well assorted lor the early Fall trade.
ft f j *
"inno ! / * \ "
5' ,
Immense Stock ,
Eastern Prices
for Illustrated Catalogue.
TVnrclioii'O nnil Fulesioom , 11 N. Jlnln St. , Council Dlufla , Iowa.
Oilico 11Jlro.ulwiij. .
Ho. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
fs " * * Ilnro raiifiveil to lliuir New Store ,
Is. 32 ; p Main and 33 & 35 Pearl Sts ,
> c y
AVhcro they Iiuvo put In a now slock of
, _ , . M |
Ladies' ' and furnishing Goods , Etc , , Etc ,
Among which nio the following lines :
ETats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens , Gents'
Neckwear , Gents' Underwear.
Ladies9 Children , ' * and Misses' Underwear ,
hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , Ladies' Valises , Blankets and
Flannels , Hock ford Carpet Warp in all Colors.
No. 8-3 and 111 Main Street , Council Hlntl's
o. 8J and 851'oarl Struct.
We beg to announce the beginning of a sacrificing sale in the Underwear depart
mcnt. Ladies' , ( Sentlcmen'.s and Children's Underwear at prices .which will please
S3 dozen Mnn'd heavy dray Undershirts and Drawers at 23c. '
C4 do/en Men's Wliitc Merino Shuts and Drawers , silk finished , at OOc , worth 75c
32 do/en Men's Fine Gray Merino Shirts nivd Drawers at OOc , worth Me.
21 dozen Men's Fine white Merino Shirts and Drawers , satin finished at OBe
woith Soc.
US dozen Men'3 All Wool Scarlet Shirts and Drawers at 7fic worth $1.25
42 dozen Men's Striped Fine Merino Shiita nnd Drawers at $1 worth § 1.50.
21 dozen Mien's Fine all wool Camels ll.iir Shirt ? and Drawers at § 1.23 cheap at
[ Ladies' Underwear.
S2 dozen Ladies' fine white merino silk finishrd vests and panti at COc worth 7SC
22 cloven Ladies' line white merino , extra line g.uuo vests and pants at 7oo
woith $1.
0 do/.cn Ladies' all-wool scarlet underwear , $1 worth Ol.fiO.
1 ! ) do/en Ladies' line cashmere white vests and pants at $1.25 worth § 1.73. ,
Childrens' nil wool seal let nnderweu" , 20c and upwards.
Children's mciino white underwear , 2oc and upwards.
Corset Sale
Ttlc Quality for 50c.
$1 Quality for 76c.
$1.20 Quality for $1.
CO different styles of Corsets ( o select from , miny of ftsa not oMataibly E133-
\Sfhite and drab , all sizes.
On our second floor , CMS and ifitaws at such low Driosj a ? ware never bafora
offered in Council Bluffs , Oar stock is now compieia and on exiiibition. Fancy Wraps
D all the latest foreign novelties.
, , . _ _ .
W * M5" A * ? " t TV "t * X Vl "vl * * * ? JQ "VKt * * ! 7v * T * "Hkl nnp * KM H MI MM
German Worsteds , Scotch , Spauisli , Gerraantov/ns / , Saxonys , Western and Eastern
Yarns. All colors , Prices the lowest.
DO pieces Canton Flannel , special purchase at Co , worth 8 i-3.
Linen and Honsejplng goods departimnt : CO extra quality white bed spreads
at 78c. BO extra quality , white honey comb , extra siza bed spreads at $1 eaca ,
100 remnants Table Linen , must be closed out.
Second week of the p
Ever in the city. Remember the prices this week will continna the sama oj
last week. W0 do this in order to give all a chiaca , One price to all.
Special attention given to mail orders and requests for samples ,
Oocke & Morgan ,