THE OMAHA DAILY" BEE , MONDAY , OOTOBEK 5 , 1885. THE DEADLY ELEVATOR. Our- Man Killed * ml Anotlicr Pntaltjr \Votiuiletl Through Thola Own ago TlrnriC I : Tlicro WPS n MI ! clo\ilor noc ilcnt yesti'ttlny i.t ( he In land hot ! , In winch DUO mini lust 1m lifo niiil jiuoMier reooiTi'iliiijiirawfrom wliioli ho Is n t c-xppctril to rwon-r. AtHboiit 4 o'clock in the afternoon , iv connln , of of ctiii1orV | ( ) cf thn house , munoil \ \ Illinm FoMt r .mil John McKillop , lintl orders to nuivo n heavy wtirtlrobo from tlm first to I'm nlxth lloor Upon their own roHpo-.ilnl.tT they look it to tint freight ( ilartitur , nnJ the cttjjti bislng l < > Htnujl to ire ivo it , thoj put it on top , tfi'ttiuj : into the i-nKn thrms Ivcs. ivntl HMrled nji They iv drntly forgot llio nxlni woijilit ) ii ( op of the cage. SIM ! thn IIIMIV.V fnrni- turn crashpil Into tlir bourns ot ihu roof from which the Wns mi.spunilod. Thn powerful onjrinr. kept at iU work , jind with n wn-ni'ti tlio two steel wire cabled raoh tlirro. qiinrtera of on Inch In dliinu-tT parted at the drum Thorn two Hnrie'w ' of terror , nnd the heavy tnaehlne. with HH Innnnn freight Hhot down almost like n ll litiiiiiK Ilium to the biisnniont , : i ( lintiiiiuoof ulioiit ninety feet , where it lay shnpeleHM wreck. Tim nion were qnit-kly oxtnented nnd worn both faintly moaning , though unconscious. They weru tsTkon to Jim count T hospital , whnro .fohn MeKllloji died in : v low mlnutoH after Ida iirnvaj. Ho wan nn Irialuunn , about a-i .yenra old , uniim rittil , and had boon in th's ' country only about ono month. His Injiiiles were internal iiml condition of the brain. William Foster had i'a jaw broken and Himtaincd a compound fracture of tlio right li'tf bra'do ether injnrie.s , from which ho Is not likely to rocovor. Ho in 20 yi'ivr olii , unmarrlgd. nn IrlMhmnit , ami had boon in this country about it ft jour. Air. Leland stated that thoelovatorwai ono of the iir.iku of ( ) t H TiiftH , had boon recently overhauled , vml never was in better Hliiipo. The neoid'Mit ' was ontircly duo to the enreh KHIU"-S of tlio men In not stopping ht-foro they n-aohod Iho top Coor The two citlihis that carried the clovator wore of tlm boat steel wire , thruo-fourthv of tin inch in diameter. Wlmn limbs arc Htifinii < I ncho with toil Tlio oure lio.i in St. . .Jacob.Oil. ) . AThy Pnlrjlnjf In Profitable. riiihulolphla Record : ' 1'ho dairy farmer - or , as a rtilo , is prosperous and lins fewer drawbacks and better re sults than llio fanuor who makrs a spocinlty of grain crop. ? , or oren general t-touk ram ng. The reason i.s that dairying onnbhn tlio fanner to doll bin crops in the s'lapo of manufactured product , thin by securing Letter prices ttianTlien llio crops are marketed in bulk. Iho majority of farm- on * , howorer , ham not reali/od the fact thai they do notdnrivo nioro than ono- Imlf the milk from their cow.s thai tho.y Bhould. rccoirn. There i.s a d'spos tioti to bo satisfied wilh wnatovor ijuan- tity cow may give , whetlior it bo great or small. While we have iu th country breeds of cattle that are superic r ) individual animals for milk-producliori , tint mals from Hiich giving over forty iiinit | of mill ; daily , yet Iho average daily qm n- tity derived at thn dair e.s is II-SH than leu quart * ) . And yet \r th thin small quant ty irom uach cow , dairying proves prolita- bio , and will continue to dp BO but tin e is no roasou why the prolilH bhould n t bn Creator. .Dairying doc.s not pav simply because the cows give milk but because there are several mattera conneetcd with dairying , which , taken as u whole , renders the business one that adds permanently to the wcaltli of of Iho farmer and inereaset- liis capital in ft manner not always ob served. The cows increaho the fertility of the neil , which produces larger crops and adds to the number of tlio animals that can br > sustainotl. In other words , dairying IB a system that tends to im provement MIK ! prevents impoverishment tlio soil. It must bo admitted , however , that in the course of t mo the olomei ts of fertility will puss away in the m Ik , and young stock sold on the farm , but fortunately , the majority of farmers are compelled to purchase ; bran , sliij'Btull and ether materials that supply t'u ; place ; of food that is not piotliieod ; .t home , which compensates for Iho hiss of that which is Hunt to niarkct 'I he rcaMm why dairying is prolilablo in bcciuiii * the farmer not only Keeps up the fertil tv of the soil by the use of stool ; but also l > ) the boiler prices obtained for IUH pro ducts tvs compared th general farming which gives him a surplus nml enables him lo expend a proport on annually t'oi food to bo brought on the farm. It'dairying , however , is prot't.iblo with Iho low average of ten quarts of mill , daily from each cow ( nnd the estimate i.- bigli ) , it cannot be denied that Ih" protih could bo mcreasi d if betlcr animals wor used , As long , however , as I'arnii rs pei ulst in tolerating tin- presence of th nenib bulls it is ] ilain thnt they must eon tiniio lo depend upon iiuiclias ng f rest cowa whenever the milKers beeomo do 'The jniclico of purchasing fresh co\v > will always retard ilairy'ng , a- no reliance can bo phieeil upon th value of Htieii cows ni.til they Imvi been lestBtl , whieh imiv show many o them to be. Kverv farmer can not breed cows to yield foi-'tv quarts o milk .t day , but every fermor can , bv tin U80 of thoroughbred bulls ot' tlio Holstoii > or Ayrshire breeds , so grade up his lion1 as to double the averagityield ami largely increase the prolit.s. A good covy re- qiilrc.s no more room than an inferloi ono , nor in the labor and cant ncccKsir.\ : in ( ho maiingement greater The c\- jitiiiHon trill b i but very little more , whih thu proliti will 1m much greater in pro ptirtion lo onpital invested \Vitli thode Biro to improve comes the Inclination o adopting butter systems of management ' which includes 'feivnr fenco.s , Hiuallei ftreas for puHtunt , ami larger lichl'i for cultivation , as well ns the ( arefiil saving of tlio manure , ami the sult-cl ou of the choicest and bent aniimils every season Jt limy b si'ggeHted , also , that' evou the UKUiii'ii'inrnt of the product ( milk ) will bfl so conducted an to imiirovo tlioquality of the butter , thereby ailding to the profit by incrmscd priors HH wi-ll us from tin largerqnantltr reaulting from improvo- n nut of the stock , DtAIARIA nrevrntrd and tlinroitclily rnulli'atej t > .r nt'Kfr'H Puif. Mvi.TVuis BT. Rccoiniiienileil by l-aillun p' Cold by druggist * mnl giorcr * . Joe JnflVtrnon'q Sn | , ' ,7qfTer ! on was pl.tymg ' 'Hip Van Win- Iclo" at Chicago : few years ' cl : when liiu follorrin" whimsical bml less tool : } ) | ucn : . 'elf ' rson ha.l been out , , ull the day , and was MI tired ho could i" o'ily orawi upon the stage , \ihcn tin " cnr'tuin risen on tie third net , of course v Hip i' HiipjMwiul to lnt liiils'iing ' h's ' sleo | I .qf . iwanty yearn. J.-tiersou , t'red out \ ' ln\'d \ gone to sle p In real' y , and then 1 rvnlh a rtniiaUdy | liiiig sta n wait Tlu > H ttupo nunager / ; < puy./.led at this now I' ' lAti * ess ; hut MippoM'd ihu actor knew 1 ' wliMt ho wim . hoe ; I'm ihu gn < N got r "tle.-w mid impatient , ami o m of them ca led out'Ms ilieiD cJ ' t ( ' > rnothi'i twenty jear. ' sire , IT ' Tin. pninmler wai- in * t lidei. ; for j" l a * , that moment Jul. Ctbon d'i red uudhdy. * Ho .opened a small trii : , beldm1 ' .ho actor and iirodd.d hii.i , when Jit cisoii. liiinblirg in hit l > jockut * f for : r.iil\/av ticket , mut „ " TP.II I- ' . ' h r ht , cond'.i tor : I m goin ; " 'v. ' nr u"1 * ' " Tin * was : i. v.ii' lh > I'trr ' look -i pin suii' loin lied nn Hi' ' l rxkly | JeTer' ; i\\oku and M ; - - inI mon'ont bow nvittii"4.t'iid acd'Au , ' ' crlnd l > v Intr-idui-t'on i > t VU"S J'KAHI.iyi : , . ! - in tii' uudi'v M 11n. . t , t > in > l ili I cat-j'i- " M w bu'.l ' ; . > T K I Ailvotilfcmonts mnlor ttih liond to coats per line for tlio flrnt ln ottlnn , nail 7 cent for OHoli ( "iilKojucnt ln eitlon Pcren wonts wlllboconnt- cI In tlio lines Ihojr taint run imlil In nilvniico , All tip liiuiilotl In liofoioSo clock p. m. , niul iiiulcrtio clronniMnncris will thojr tiu tnknn ot < llK"oiitlmHil liy lelfiplionc. TO ONUY-To limn , aiio Omahn llnnnclnt Hx. clmnpo , IWKI'nnmiiiRtn'et.iip-stntrs.innlica heciirlty Irnm n fill Clint- lollonn ID fl.i.iuion itnile tnto. Via nmUolonn.1 in s\ilt \ nil iippllfKiils on | OM or xliort tlino on liiiiuovoil rmJ ostnto. liinil wmtrncta , Ioa. e- ) , biilldlnpHon IUIIMN ! liind , Feonruil note , collnlor- ' ! * . rliiiltch. ( irKHil ( Mjciirltr etna ) ' klnil , Unr ntlox ; cnny R'l-iim. ( liiinhik I'lnulicliil Uxolirngo , i street , tip Mtulrs. M8-lf fpo l.HA V Money In liny nmounl on rent os- Jtnlobocmlty. . 0. H. .Mnyne. , tilth " iiinl " I'nr- nnni. ONI'Y "riTTitA V 0. 1' . Hfivtft Co. Heal M Kitittonnil Ixjiin ii ontH , l."X " > Kiinutin Ht. Til MIAN On chntteK Wooloy A MOVI5Y , room 'M , Oiiiahu Niillotiiil linak IrtillilliKf. r.H (1NHT TO M ) VN On real ostalo nml tihut- I\L \ toll. 1) . l > . Tlmmiw. CT > 0 Mfl.VKV I.lANKIOn clmttolv cot nito , It. It llchow l)0ti ) lit niul noli ! . A. L'orninn.SU B. lth : ) Su f > > l ONIVTI I.DAN ItlMltiM Of $200niul np- M wnnH on'lns < ) rout ustuto stourlty. 1 otter .V uilili , t : > in Kitriitua .St. i" J I.OANKH ntO. V. lleeilAOo's. MONKV ollit'o , on ( iirnlturii , plniKH , licir m , wiiiin I oi-Konlil prn | crly of nil kliuH niul nil ether ur- llcliiH ol viiliiu , without rninovul. Uvor 1ft Ntit'l Iliink , fornnr ISItli nail li'iiriuim. All biiHnosi oliictlv oiiiilliloniul. f > l M ON KYI MONliYM fllONHYIII Jlonoy to loint on chnl I ol ncoorlty liy W. 11. Crolt.vooi * 4 , Wlilinell linllillnw , N K enrnor ir.tli iitnl lltlr- noy. Alior joni-H of ovpurlunoo niul auurot'nl y or the lioslnoH < i of lonnlner inotiuy on IT- l i > ro'urly. | ' I Inivu nt limt iiorloctoit n nyslom iby thu piihhi-liy usuidla Hiiuh cn. cs U ilonunwuy wltli , niul I inn now In u position tu iiuMit Ilin iloinnnilrt ( if nil who Ixtcoino toui | < or- inlly oiuliurriLs 'il niul doslio to rulsu inonoy Mllhdiit dL'liiy niiil In u ( | iilot nmnnur UOIINO- lieop iri < , prolOMiliuiiU noiitlonion , mechanics tun ! oinni-s in Uiiuiliiitina uninoll llliitrH , can uhtnlii liuvniK fa Hum Slutn fl.u-O on Hiich houurltjr IIH lidiiMihold fornttiiro , pliino , machinery , liur- MW. WIIKOIIH , wiiiohoiiw ) rccoipt.s , Fooinnf iiotivj ol liiinil.oto , without loinovliiKMiiiioltoin own- DM KKidoncoor pliivu < if lin liiiws. Al-o on line \VntuliOMiind liinnoiuliuno of thoailriintiiKtM [ ol oi' N that liny purl or any limn fun bo pulil at liny tlinu wliiuli will roilnuo tlio lalorout pro rnta niul nil loiinii'iionod nt llmi > ilnnl | riitoxol In- leiO'.l. 1 liai'o no brokers in connection with my ( illiro , tint pnrMUinlly Hiiporiiilonil nil my limnt liiiv ( > | irit'iiieiiinfotvuniiootoil with my tjouoriil otliuo MI Hint uiihtoinoi-H do not oomo In con * I1 not with ouch iitluir , uiu-fiUL'iill.v imilvlf nil tninsiioiloiiN Htrlotly prlvato. W. K. I i-olt , iiioin \Vithnell liiuldln , \ . 1 } . corner 1'ith tuul 11 n i noy , Uiinilia , anil : u 1'onrl 8t , ( .ounell Il KM WAlTTED-rEMAlE HEtP. w ANTID : To lot contract for trrndhifr. OCo-3 Mllllnor I want nn oxpcrloncert irlmmor ; poniiancnt titimUon. Addu-- T. O. Hilton , lllillr , Nob. DM ANTKIi Dro'Vnmlior or ono to nssNt In W wjwliitf , hLi N. 17th. Ildl-Cp A inlddlo-nnod wonmn who nn- WANTKIl dor-minds ( joitorul bousowork ; wiuro.s $3 > cr week , In Inuiily ol' t\\o , nl friulh Oinnhu. 1 nqnlro at Slouno s store , or nddrosa to IloxU ) , Son tli Oinnhn. 041p WANTHIJ A K\i \ 1 for eononU lionsoworlc lit tfi.7 South a.lh bt. ( iC4 "ITTANTKIl A coinjiotont jrlrl to do ( fononil > r liuiiMmoiK. Goimmi piolonod. IbK ! Wob- wor St. C'Jl-5 \\'A > 'TKIl Ifl'rhonBlrl l.'iSJ Iloivmil street. ' ( iorinnil pioloriod. TAI W'ANTKl ) luiuiodintely , - tjoodgiils nt No. Mi South llth Ut. 560 \yANTHD A Blind Rlrl for KOIionll hoiixo- > l work ulieionniitlior ylrl Id Kept. iiJ Dodge Ktli WANTKIl Oiioil Birls , llrst Hint homnil work In ( irlvnto I'niiilbuH lor dliilnir roomUltclieii mid bolol it oik , MOoil wnxos. Cull 11X11 Kiiniiun M. , Oinubn l'iuiloyinunt ! | Huroiill. 4 V > WANTUD liuinixlhituly , n Ilrnt-chws huly cook nt the Wu-ibiiiifton llouso , Lincoln , .Nob. fi" " ANTJCO Kltclioii Kirl. 1513 Howiml. wANTJCO ANTHO A rlH thnt can cook , wash nnd iron , at lull Wohbtorstiuct. 47f > w ANTiaNni > p ( rirl , S. W. corner lllth mid St. itary'w uvciino. b."i HELP. WAXTIIII l nniodiiitoly lKood nowmiironlt. ' . \pply , 1'Y.uiic.J. ' Hull' , O fdoa lloimo , Ooiin- Oil Illllllb. 7i.V"l ) WANTKI I'lfly crnTivwrsi. IdlM nnd lionlloinon ate miiklim .TIU per ilny j-ollln mr "Kilchon Qiioon " Addros-t. with stump , > lnipnon A 1'm-sons ' ] 'ool to . t'l Hoard of Trtiiio liillilliifr , St. 1'iiul , Minn. Miinnlnclory. Lowell , Mns-s. 431I-S7 WAN-run rllit ! flr .t-cl.iss carpentora. loK ! s&IIlll. ttH-IJ ' fio'i'l , reliable boys nt American WAVTI'Mi IJlaa-ict TolOKt-aph ( Jllicu , i , l Doinrlus Bt. " ! ! ) Tiillorrt ! lt Vaiior'ti , ICth btreot. WAXTI C-jM' > p WAyTKI > Yonnjf man IIB ns lstnnt book- Keeper , uboiu 111 yours of HO. Addro.- . iiox , City. ( 1 up WANTKD Mitttios.1 mnkors lit Downy .V Slonos , Mil WANJ'III ) All pncnmtlo j oiinir man ean nb- tain a iia.vinjr IniHlnoM by homJInir hli ad * dresa to It. , lice Olllco. MMJp \\TANTKI > A wood boy nt S. R. Lohmnmi'i ' < L'mar nnd Slntionory and I'rult hlKio.fitwS. lllthBt. licriiian proiurrcd. r > U.Up \\'ANTii ; ) oOiiion for truck work nt Chadron , t Neh UoodMIHOH ami Iron trmiHixii-lion ; III Khlp Monday moriihiif nt 7:45 , October Atli. tall ut Omahn Kinjiloyment llurciui , ItAJVur- mini bticot. VV'ANTKI ) Stouognipliur. Uox IKT ) , Onuiliru \\TANTKI > Ton ciirioiiti | < n > . Apply at 1,1th , < l Ixjtween ] ' 'nriuitn nnd ilnrnui' . Kl'iiiji \\TANTKI > Snlosincn In this Btnto ulio ropro- ' ' soul luatlioi , boot nnd shoo Joldieruor niiin- iifnotniorii. tocnrry n line or iiibbur boot und hhiHi Hinnplod nnd neil on eoininN.Hloii. These nl- ienily f-ollini ; rnbbor.s not wnntod. Fond lOl'er- uucon wltli uiplicntlon | , X. 1Chlungo. . 3 perrona lo Instruct In liook- WANTKO keeping. Tin mi > , V > down , mid S.'J soon an llnullon lr > tiirntbbed. I. It. Smith , lib Farmim. AOKNTS Felllnif Missouri stcnin washer miiko hlf ; money. J , Worth , Solo Mainline- tnror , Si. I xi uls , Mo. UukJeullp WANTKD Avonl8. Addriww Hloctrlo Ijuiip und Slovu Co. , St. Ixiuls , Mo. , for circular , rut nml terms nf M caudle i > ewer Mnrnh Hloctrlo i -imp. _ luivoctltlp CITUATIO S WAUTED. ANTI5II A not of Ixioks to W rcM ( i. ( ! . , lleo Olllco. U XJp - na cleik or 'driving delivery WANTKD-Pltnallon ; tour jonrn' o.xporl. unco In Jiurdwnro. Addrons t' . W , Illeo Oltico. _ _ 04J-3P _ T"\/"ANTHI > A Nltnatlon 114 nsi < letnnt book- 1 KrciMir or Khlppln cleric by VOUIIJT mini ; Umt of rofoi tncei given. Address II. Cuse"ll ) r-'outh lUlh St. C4.-7p WANTICD-SlluiUlim by young plrl to dn b < mkkcopiiijror cop ) Ing , Address "A. II. , " lieu Olllco. IHlKIp WANTI I ) lly n huly , pnnli'on Iti un oil co nr u-liiilewdo hou o. Audiusa J. 11. , lleo Olllco. Ulrt-Up . ) A jMiflll n no ioh nn In n W.VNTKl lo lamlly ly a innrrleil man ot ox. porlei eo : lie t riieoinrieiidMlloiis. t1 , a. , " iio < - oiiico. us-fiii \ \ r AXl'li- ; iiuiitlnn In t.1 ro In Neb. , t yearn ir c.xpcriomo ; H.'irouKhli no-smilnied ullh -'l ilii.oiU ; ivi i n | r'.crcncvjjiven. AdV - : V > . Vlllliiui. liiwiu MlI Op \\'ANTii : III n nomnn , ( .Ilimtlon us lidl M IPral Sorth Ifith. _ _ _ 6HMip * 'l--l'.y HKen'loiiit'a , rmiiii pud lMinr < l WANT . or # T p col > , vfuM iif 3 > lh fnd onlli ir Kiii'iiniii. I'efnuiiiee.i IT iii-inrcd. At oOniie. HA-Oit " , \ Mur--ij , ) Tlonnl In rrlvnto fntnlly for pen WANTHI . . four yours idd. whore tliociill , cnn lie ( iropoily tnken cnti ) of. AddrosM , A 4 llKHUIIt'O. "lir'ANTI'.n Tw'o Indira nnd ono ytiniir men > > tn Icnrn Ix > ok-J < c < iplnif , pny wfifn * ittmlloiM nro fnrnhthcxl. l t Ifnnmm. .1. II. Smith , OiTT-Rp ANTI : D t or two imfm-nidlicd rootn ncnt W IllKh School. Addri'M X. V , lire onico. ( S -T WANTKO lly n nlnjtlo ccntlcnmn n com- fortnbly furnMied room In n prlvnlo fam ily without chlMron ; nl o on snmo pteml os , burn room for ono hot-Mi nnd bnirfry. Terms unlit bo ronfonnblo nnd Inoluuo llio nnd light , Addrcw * 1C. a 11. , Hco Ollleo. - - rANTIJH At nr , titno reoil tenon for firiulliiRi jiooil WHSCS.'all lit lUiii Knr mini At root. Kit a rcfldonen worth fitni $ rt.OW to ITTANT $10.iUI mid Hiitnirhiiii property us nn Inroit- nionl to llioiimntint of T.M.IKI , nil lorcn.ih Ail- I. U. SHUT , City , llo.x 411. MIT TA > fTKI JlnttrcKS niakor lit llowpy & ' ' ' WANTKI ) A foil lot eeir Ibo elty nt l\ rev Boiiuhlo price Sliiio price , terms anil lo cution. AililroKS'.1. N. O. " llcoolllco. i WAN'fKO To trndo irooit ( K'oonit hiuiit plinio. or a tuu-bO niul bnuay. liniulro at IMIiolm A KrlckMin. I'.U _ ron KBirr-nousBS AND IOTO. T71OH HUNT Honro of three room * SM anil J1 ( .lurk oirootH. Inipilro north otut cornur ir > th mitl DonuliLs , ami 1. < 5I Jurknon St. nsvl POH ItnNT A Rtvtil lioti'o , 7i7 I nvenwortk Ht , bolwoou 7th und Mil. ( IT/KIp > OU HKNT SstorojonntJi nnd tenromTortlt Ii 1 bta. 1 Bloro nn South inth au Iloth llrsK-huia liusl- ne-o loonlloiu. Also houses lo i out. A. Modnv oclc. IWI POH HUNT HOIIPO with B room1 ! , clo ots nml jinntry , city wntor. stnldn lor ono borzoi cornel' or 10th mill IlloUnrr Htroott. U. Alulfootii UniuUii SnluVorlct , oren piMJ MJ Up HRNT a mom rottniro with Pinniiior FOU , uisiorn , well , hownnl tn-ot hot. duiipboll niul liuno btiiHit , blooka from em's. _ W7Bp ; _ ? OIl HENT lottaco nn Slnl ftrt-ot , tictwooa ] , Chlcaifo and t'niw utrotn : NIVOII loomt ; cliy "liter iitnl ttouor fomipoiions : $ : ki n montii. Apply to Airs. J. W. Buvuso. 4U Norlli ii-'njl St. > OR HUNT New hniirn. 11 roonm.olty wntor , IJ Imlh room nnd all modem ( oiiTcnlencc-t ; now htroot ( su1 line , on Cumins nnd Hiinnllnil u-oota. Apiily loJolin II , JCixit , 015 North llith. _ _ _ KW-8 _ ORHKNT A line , now honfo. clwlit room * I and tlo-eH. hiy : window , Kiuih nnd oust front , and linn flow mid n timid burn , and H ooil lor ; Tory solttibla lor n Imully Unit keen n liurM ) . Mont , J.l ) per tnnnth. lniiilro | nt liUholin le ii , opp. potilolm-o. ISa FOIt KENT Thtcon-roomcortnpptnt IHpor montii , cwh ; I'liinck Avo. mid ( 'unipUill St , JiKpiiro at corner liotibu lor jinrtloulors. ItKNT A new 9-nMim lu > iiiH ) , ono FOU ' cur. on d St. ; SIJu ixsr month. C. II. Mnyno , l.'itli und l-'tinnuu. f/k' > H15XT Id-roomed lieu o. 2 lilockn from FOU | t otllcn. and wnno of the lurnlturo tor lniiiiioiit | 111 N LilliSt. SUn\i FOU ni'.NT Cottnso , ! d and Mii-on rtts. In- ( julro ITi/.l Jnck.MJii bt. iViKip T71OH SAI.K Ilonso , 3 rooms , U nerolnml nenr J-1 iilst mid Ciiilloinhi Sis. lininiiii U. .V M. Lmid Olllco , K > 0 Kit h St. "T711IU UI5NT IlniibO ol' 5 roonia on Montana -i ? stioot , $ ! " > per month : line reiddoneo on Cummlntr Htreot. 12 nxinn. modern linprovo- tnentH , bi Mnblo , SIO per mouth Inquire T. H. Krck. Itth bt. , or 1J. & M. Lund Offi-o , KM 8. Lull St. HUNT HOIIFO ID nxims , modern 1m- POIt ' * , 7U N. uth Htruou U. M Con- ! lti . u''J HUNT Wnrn houf-o COxlOO on Itull Foil tniuk. lniiiiro l .l l nvontrortb SL FOU KErrr Ahouwjwlth ( I room * , pmitry clOfOt.s , u < MHt and ci-iorn : ( i u month. AddrorwNUS.'loth stioot. . &liK > p T71OK ICBMT C4)tt Ki' 6 rooniM.ltoiisn 10 room.-t. JJ. . 1'Uippi Itoo , Somira uud C'tiiiipboll. _ * KM _ OK ISHXT Cottno of rotimt , S clo eto. T 1 iimilry mid collar , iMl y < iiitli ailh. CullutL'17 couth lath Ntruotor on promises uller 6 p. m. HKXT OK S.VI.K A hoiii-o , mini forJ3 ! POU \ ; end 4 lot * lu WnlnutJlill ; mid. S > ln | Kir nionlli. Inqniio Jmnoj LlH-isiiun.-L'n , IT. 1 * . Krt'lftht olii . ! iT7 o ffip 71 Oil UKNT A now lieu In Arlington mldi- I . tion ; 4 rooniH , cflorn mid btitblo : two blocks trnm Htroot car Jnqulio of M. O'Horn , L.iUo und iloLlullun utrooi.s. Aocii'Jp ' ( ) i ; UF.NT Hotiho on SW und CltirH St. In- JJ qnlro at l.'iil Jiwkt in St. & 17p .1(1 ( II ItKMT House , 5 rooms. Inqniro Ed- J 1 helm A Urlckwm. Txti Got. Irtt , or nflcr , n dwelling TMMIUKNT 1 ImtitHi roomM. nleu ynr.l. OHtorn , witior , $ : J IKHmonth. . Applyllll 1'nrk Wdtl uvo. , or .Ino. vr. lloll , drujftfut , Jj Souta IJth St. fi.tJ ; " " F ) ItHVT Ntcn cottage 1U1J South lllth St , Iniiilieof | C. A. liuldiu. FOU IIICNF Choup.ono riroom brick oot I ivia with moi.orn Inipiovomcnis. luruo yuiil. bth and Hickory bircots liniiilieon pioinlwos _ _ _ _ _ 4 1 o-ilp _ UK NT Ono 3 room lioiico No.aHSill - Foil Hlicot. nml onoil room houie. nor < h- n t comer Jlsi an I Wo.ntoi' liniulrcon pie n- IbiM , or oi 1' . .1. Cieodon , 7lli and VV'obster. 4IJ KENT HOIII-O II looms $ ' .1 per month ; Fott ii'iit pan. O. K Thompson , d. W cor. llth and llnrnoy. _ _ 1-0 _ 71OIC IlKNT Tlio hoiiM ) nnd burn on corner i'lith mid I'lcrce St. liiiino ( | at llosion Dry 1411 _ _ _ IlKXT nroom cnttuso corner I'oppln- Foil and Sheridan St . ? ! , " > . C. K Mayno. S. W. corner 1Mb and Karnnm , _ 711 ' _ ' roa BSITT-EO oaia. HKNT A doslrahlu tiirnlslied IXKIIII lor FOH rent , leli Farmim St. ( k'N ) ! HKNT Lnrro fiont room nlcolr fur nished : privilege of baih riximm.ltnblo for two rerr < iiin ; live minutes walk tiom I' . O ; one block Irom btieot cur lino. Address 1' . O.I ox yj . 7ixJ * FOH HRNT I nr-ro f mulshed loom forpren- llemun mid wile , or two gentlemcui , IHU - HUNT A line unite of furnlidicd roonm , FDH window , bath , oie. ; tonns iciisomible. t''iIB UoiiKliH BliiHJi. _ UJ7-'J _ HUNT One Inrp-o. nnrnrnlHliod , nlcovfl room , with buy nlndow and tirnlo , and nil modern Improvement * , on 0t'btreot , nonr St. Mnry'i nvo. Inijulio nt S. W , Cor. lUlb und Dodye. U- < ! 7IOH HUNT Two nlcclv filnilMind rooms In I ' IIOIIMI with Kiu'bnth mid tiinmce ; on HtrwH - I OH HUNT Two nlcrlv f nriiNlioil rooms on- F Biillo , H. H. corner IMh nnd Uuvoiipnrt. T710H HKNT Torco now worn rooms unit thrco Jj roaldoucOH , nil In iiiod locHlliin , H. U. I'nt- lurxon , lillh nnd I'liriniin. I7.X1 oil IlKNT A ule ly furnished room ; mod F ern c < invcnlenecs , 17JO Cupitol uvo. K.4-ap ? Olt HKNT Ilooma , furnished or unfiirnleh- I ' IMI , am North mill su _ UI'.NT A nice , plcnrfant rtHim , furnish- FOH or luifiirnlsou. Inijuho al l.'ilJ Ij'nven- worth Hlrcct. _ 440 _ _ KKXT Fni.iNbed rent room with board , buy window , brlok lanibo , IKI North 17th. _ _ _ ! M4 Lp TmOH UKNT Hooms with board , Uoslrubln for -L. mimuicr. Apply at St. Clnirlt-a lloiel. r > iil l OH UKNT Tree | , furnUhcd roomH. with U privJleiJC of until room. 5ID I lonwint Su TMW UNT : Kurnl d from room with 1' board , Imjulro Mr * . 0. U. ilooro , 13H Dodyo PI reel. 4i rrtou KINT-I : ; finnixhed rooms on I' htir'it. l > et ween nth uud block i-outh ol the II. 1' , depot. 4JJ TTlOlt KINT : A Ticiit ntint ino'mr norlhi'iibl -I ? MII for of iTth und Chlciib'o. _ 477o.'ip TnoitltKNTTnn nicely fnriiMird rnonm mi * J.1 lioinil If dojlrtii. 7IOS. Ilili fit , 4t > frJp FOU HUNT With bouid , nbily 1'nrnWio.l i-.Ki.ii4. 17 10 CUM > St. 4L.lolp : riolt ISKNT Nicely fiiinlshed mom with ' , bath uud _ T. .1DII HKNT Icdv fnniMicd room , S. W , T.i' cor. 1'ith and Ki , Mary it live. I IT -0 II ii\T : : l'lcawtnt fnrnisliod i-oom. 1707 TTlOlt IIKNT-N1 ilyfnrnWiul fi-ontroom to t1 ucinlcmiiti i'ii , ; , , it ' . It. cornet S-'in mid MJ IOU1U' T nrnUhcfl mom. Inquire N K corner * . . . nnd HodHcPl- ' . IWt 171OU ItKNT A snlto or nfcolr filniWiwl fixml JL' rooms for t ti nntloneo : , 1711 .InoK-oi' ' ftipot. nonrionior ot 17th slreft. Kolcronotu ipqtiired. > M 771011 UUNTiiornnlly fnrnt < > ' ' tl sliiRlonnd on Hiiltf , nt 113 L'tiss , V. Poi : iniNT-lfiirtbdio rwim fo ImiiiKikcopIiig , lii llvomor'B Mock , cor. Mil mid I Ion mil , 71 fJIOIl KUNT-Two ionm ndjolnlmr. with JL1 bratil ; front loom , 1U4 Wet > tet Ktreot , _ _ PM IpOJl IVT 1 itton < int po'itli f rout rooms S. ' W. corner 13th and OnvbnK | > rt , 7iXJ TTI OH lXT ! Two nlcolv fntnl hnl rooms. N , J0 W. cor. tf 1st nnd St. Mary's nveiino. 4ml ron _ _ B III.I , A < M'OA mIHirri.llDodBO St. , offer 5pocl l linrwnlno Hoii ! o. 7 rooms , nonr Pt Mnrv'n , . fr..OOl Tust front , ( VnHitn hotii > a. Ml St . JJ.tKX ] Hoiifo , 10 rooms , Cull lot. Divvonport St. , clo o to btiKlnosi , rety onsy lorms . . . . P.tioo ItotiFO , 7 tmnn , WjiMo. uto. . Doiiulns St. . . VM IJi-lck house , " Flory nnd biifemiml , nit model n Impioveinent.s , nenr St. Mary .t 10,000 Ilonso , H looms , nil conveniences , Daven- tKirt . n/XXl Klennnt ro-ldenco , Inrso lot , houth front , on Onvonporl. St . (1.WX1 ( Hoiifo , 'i let , UlilcnRii St . 1JXX1 Houi'o.d rooniH , hot nnd fold water , 2 lol.s corner Iitrk Ave . 7.01 > 1 f-Mory bon-o , Shlnn'srtdd . , ( iil House and one ncro , chenp . " ( ! HoUhO , II rtHimn , und ono ncin . l.'XHl ' Hoii'.omidHlol.s. Wnlniit III1I . l.l.XI Hnilbo nnd 111 ncres , well locuttil . 4l l Very do-ilrublo lot , Shlnu'ii ndd . 701 ! } acre , ( llso Hdd . . 7IHI ' 5 aero. Tnik I'liMio . Will lcslriible lots , Umvonnorth St. , SW to. . 1.101 Slolsln llnrrOnk . 1.IMI lolslu Ilmiscom rinro. fSOO to . IfM 4 iH'iuitirullot.son UlthSt . JIJUXI lUnere.son Ixjnvnnwnrth Stnt . l/iDfl Acixi proixirty In Cole llrllllmit und olbor adill- ttoiiH ntJi to fllKJ. lloll ft McCundlHt. lull FOH the txwt bnt-RiiliH In lie > i os nnd lots , Cuniilni/lmui A Iheiuinn'H ll > t. YvKt 1710H 8AIlV-lnuTlocir if uitinnd with re l- -I dciico. POH SATiK n room brlclc lieu o nnd ' 4 ncrn I. mil near St Mnry x uvo , $ ; ! ; ) ! If lukeii ut once. CuniiliiKhiim A llttninmi , 1D11 Dod o. I7\OH \ SAI.H-Klj.-ht. trnctii r. ncrca enol. , only 1 5'5i"i ' lor ruicri'H ; will Inci-ciiMi llvo hundroJ per cent In llvo yours. Itnjfipt to Hill. Ii70-i : $ line : win buy 5 ncres bind nnd irooil hoiii = o ncnr Die oily. Cunninuhnm < Se Droi.mui. l.'dl Pill 1AI.K Or rout , on : t or i" yenrs , u clinlco fnrni i f > fl aero * , Wl ncrcs luird wood tlm * bor. ! > ; > ucresj ) stiiio , und bnlnuco under culti vation : Imllofnini Stuck Turds nnd 4 mllni from Omaha. Thu farm U O'iulm > eii with llt-t- chiKs Imj rovomoutrt In or ory re iK.Ht , nml ono of the I < Ht rarins In DoinrliLs countv h'or fnrthnr pHi-tiouhirsnpply or nddie .s Chridlhin Sautter , Omahn , Nob. ' 8AI.U A few nlco I < it I'arlt nvo. JT'OH ; 81m down , monthly pnyinont.s. ( Jun- nmtihiim .V llrennnn , 1511 IhidKo 7t--i ( ; OH SALK Klalltfurmb r.ogipt ft Hill IP 1 fititKJ "I7fHSATK | ) Tliodni-ist rpslilont lilnok of two K ncics weDtof thi'ulty : miiht bo sold. It. C. I'litterbon. lllth und Karmim. 0U ! FOH SALH 3omo choice IO'H nour t bo Srcred Hfiirt Acinlomy. Ixiw iirico. easy termd tiinnliiKliam & llrominn , l.'ll lodf.'o 7uli : 9AI.K Splendid residence in heart of 17IOH 1 city. Half ucro nnd Uno residence on Cnmmliifr St. , 5..ii rt. I otn In I'atrlck'H Sarutotru addition , JUOO to p.i" > u ouch. Ijits In TTimubmiKirR nildltion very ohonp. 1'lvo acres In I'loionco Twenty nctos nour Jrvlngton , $1,000. A Imr- Kniii. hplendid stock farm of W'T ncros In Sarpy county. J. W. M\r lmll , 1MO Kuruum St. i > .J > OH 8AIJ5 Ononftha flnoot rehldunco prop- 17 1 ory , Kild odKU loention , Hplondid view , oat front ; m < lcrn ImproTeniont-s , leiiMinnble price. Auiiros.4 W. 1) ' , lice oltlco. "iu7 I.HA9K Snroml line fnrms for tlvo I7IOH . Rofe'H4 A Hill. Oflft- ; ! 7T OH SATE Kldlots south l th Mnyjta to J1 fcJWfor choice ; cuoapootloia In Omutm $1J iiown. U7741 OH BALK Stock 'of fiosh crocorlos Inn I7 llonriHbinx Nobrtuku town. Including atora biiildli ) ! ; . Itcnoon for Killing , other business. ( 'nil ornddioss It. C. Moltrwo , Central City. No- bnwUii. _ : _ K'Ji' > fi _ J/OH SAI.K Tliriio IIOIIBOS and low ou Louv- onwnrtli Hlrwt. Two lnt mi Cbu'rcti stroot. Tluco new bongos on monthly payments , isn easy way to not n jtood borne A. baninlors v to. , 14ul I'lirimm ulreut , Opji. I'uxton. tstl-Ji HKNT Colt iwo. f' rooms , clo-ot. cellnr , 1 cistern , oto. , i7i'J Douxhu bt. ; rout ro.iMin- nlilo. ' T7I 1IISAI.W 'fin lom In Oinnhn Vlmr. opocl-it I1 luirirnliiri to nil wlio will build ; 310,0 toM \ > , lo Iiloneo. Hok'iiH tV Hill. l > 7n-U TTiOll S.U.V ; CV . Acioof Kroiind wltli hous-o V In Wo"l Ointihn , 'J. i lOTi , Now ( J-rooni cothujo , hnlf Irtt.KO So. 1Mb St. . S V"1- C-'ivn , IIoii ° n. 7 rooms , - ncros on I onvunwor'h ' Bt.lHin. JIIMV ! lorms il77 > , Tlneo lots In block ft , Iliuix'oin I'lnco , 117fll 'I no lots In llltr.ohneirh 1'hifii. $1 41X1 ench. ( I7ri ) Two niee lo'.i In Mock - ' , Iliiiiaeoin a 1'lneo ' , Vir liii.i nvo . ? ' i o.'ioli 17 lots ( in Vinrlnlu nnd Ooorsrln nvonuos. In liodiok H nddltion. fl. : i to ( > ltvO O. K. tiny no , Kith nnd Ftiniuin. 7UH-H 77i'Il HUNT 4tJploinllil now limit-os In Omiibn I View , ) to 7 loonn onoli : eloretn nnd Hitiblos nil ! bo buill lor m > od lonnnin Sl'l. ' $ t' . fil nnd iit pnriiioiith by nil odd * llio oho.ijiost rout In llio cay. UOXHS& Hill. tU7-l ! C ' ! ,4jno will buy n 7 room lionrq mid peed lot 1' onn block IKIIII 1'urk uvo : monthly I'liyminiU ' InliCn CiiiinlnylKini .V llruiunin , 1..I1 Uou o. SAr.U l/iti nn Unit I.lnn for ? 1KI lo POU t.KKl. 'I lic-o lotn will donlilo in vnlno in lo < * tlinn twelve months tlniouow ; M tlm tlmo to buy Oiniihn prupony. Amos , I.u7 Kiiriiiiin. l'i l ) P IOK 9AI.K IWlotsfinr fl lilocks fro-n Ftroot enrsori Knrnnm. loujtln.s and ! > < > rtj'o , Slli/0 / to $ llxX ) . HonKt & Hill. U7'J-i ; PAI.K At n tnirrnln. n flno now ro-l- ITiOIl , twelrn reemit , oloctrio li ll < and nil modern improvements : ' conimundmyr a Una viovr , " with thrco lots and lurgo und nrst-oliuj barn. Imnilio of Kdliolm A lirlektou. ( U7 TiOH 8AI.1 ! o liotiso mid corner lot. 1 1 purl of olty , $7AU. HoiTffiiA Hill. ,0on will buy a linn clt room honiwnnd Iniiti. $ n grocery Htnre dolnsr soo.l hmliinM. nnd ' 1 acre of hind , one block from St. Mary' * ureiiue. Kiuty terms Tills l.s u biir tiln net often offered. t'uiiidiiKhmu & llroiinun , Kill IHuluo , nott I * . O. _ _ r.70-1 _ ' FO'lt will buy brlrV block ; reiitH lor S- , ( * J per year. Ikwpi & Hill. Ii7l-i : FOU HAICIt A ItntrhiHit hem > o nmt lot ; jnxt bnlltt corner lot , e,4stiront ; lui teat tiom earn ; price , $ . " > > * J. AmoJ , l.V/7 Vurnuiu. 17 ( m SAI.H-l'Ino rosldoiico , JlJ.OiW. oi r < & I' Hill. . B7 l 17OIIHAIK AlotlWiliM near HoHcnlVH pnrk. I1 Jl.l < > , monthly piiymcnu tuken. Cunninu- hum A llrennan , l.'dl iVoiI u tV U 77IOH HAI.K 3lom north Omiihn , frttlltt , tlHH - ' and $ fcirt each : J.U down , bitlunco suit pur- chiisor. Cull lrlJ4Iuruuy. &I.VOp FOU RAM { Coi-nur lot on upper IKidtro St. , f l,7l , worth .twice Unit amount. Uoxxt A Hill. _ f L . i _ _ U7w : 17011 HAM-yiiry hnndomo rr ldnnc on I'nikHrpiinc : vrrjrln ( run tut ; I'xrpllPiit IIOIIBC ; prlco.J .KVuciwy l.onuii > ! , < MJilowubulmici > IOUK llmo. AiiH-a' , vjfft l'\puun. | \ Ik/7- . ' ) T71OU 8AI.U SIKI tirtjM'H and loin on monthly J.1 pnymontfv houHOs will Hi built lo order on any ol our lota M fiuu'u ' * wmnod. llon-K . * * Hill. TTlOlt HAI.K-/I.W / , if Mimiln.lwo 1' liu'lnwon Iliiii-K'inn pnrk ( 'ottuxu.r > IIKIIIM IfHildut oni'ii , t4.wlll tnko It * C U Muynu , " ' L-bluinHV ITith nnd Km nnui. fHl ; InOHSAI.K I uul'nhivit iMirxiun la tlio Minn ; 1 l-ticie-i ) iu < Kr 4(1111110111 ( , only JWJ pcrnc-io , vunMlim. , . .J UI.VJI "ITIOH HAMChnl : 'o'ncro ' loin : when yon buy V nere lotH you xci > cioinid. and that ! * the thliiKKiilo In uclty . * * * ' ( laniliii ; prices $ I .VI lu ij&Vl j > oc lot.' , l /l ruriium. " FOIIH4 ' -Iloun'iund Intaon monthly pay. menu ' I lluyuuu , buundor'i , boivreen l.ako and \TilllJ live * . jVxi ( 1710K H\lK-In I'mtfn MUlKll'Aon le/nnt I1 nero lot * nl * V4 | to $7,0 j'oi ' ucr Tin * lutipi'iiy U tiiiexc-tllrd lor n suburban rn. ldento locution AtnOi 1 , 7 y'urnwm'J Motn ! lo ti.idt for ImproTOl prnfrlv , ONLY tissnn r mnr ( ! ' * i-r | > ny ( ilf r'uiiciIn iish. t'nrup" r i * "IK in IriHii i < 'r lull HI JIILU , VT H i'ii' ' ' " < cr ! t Ni i. ' ' U u Ii4 I OH BAI.W 1'rlco , f7.nno. A ranch nil i-om J plp'ply pqulpptM for vlntcrj fhort liorti MwK : tiiillniltiil tnrrttory. liny In nbiinilnnco Addrt'js Kriil lilies , AitiMMorlh. Neb. IMmrH olithor ton pnr tlomrlfih tn write In ptirohnnln * ono of the IhumttnKt'nTirroiitiil In tlio olty , well putting frtvn ( A. KU l SA.IKKI nnd enlerlni ; with mi ncreo mcnt to linlld IIOIIWM worth not ln s than $ ldtn iinohwo hnvo Just tlio rlnht ploco of ftniiitnl ; fT will pot itlKint IliiC'O lots worth lieu < r < i Ajini. _ ntui _ "irioll HA I , KIn hoiwimnl lotsnn i i ll t of plncos itt iirlcoH unit terms ron mnblo nnd fnlr. Alnea' , ir 07 I'm num. 17IOU SAI.K IsnxSTiOnn I'lpitsnnt n JL1 | Ktrl ht'ct . wc t Omnlm , nlio4 room cot. tnjue. u Imnrnln lor oas'.i or on payments. ( 'uL Mnrtln , li 9. UlnSt , _ _ -T ? " _ Foil SAI.i-Oood : HPIO lof In Itj-ilo Turk nnd Cote Hrllllmito lit 9I.V1 to fl" per lot. Aciu lots nitus KtiiMl mi Investment no joil cmi Hint , und now Is the time to liny them. Ani"s , 1.V1 I'nriinm. ' " 1T1OI1 1 Vt.H 1'nll lot nnd prood hnii'-o nlonir St , JL' < ir line on fontli inth trcol. very ohonp nnd most bo "old. 1'rlco yt TiO , lermsoafly. 11.0. I'iitter oii , Dili nnd I'nriiiim. 4il ! 4\M ( As mi Investment , none boiler Foil lots In ItrlirliKin. Tho"O ni'i-n lol.mire choice 1'rice SiVI per lot lememher. .Titllor nn aero lot Hint wilt double In vuliio In U liioiitli . _ _ Amcvs , 1507 Farnam. _ lilt- . ' , _ 71OU SAI.K It aero * flncost piinlpn nnd frnlt I Innd In IhoHtato , and U miles lixim Omnhn ; hnvo not llio time to look niter It On tlmeor lor CLSI. | till. Martin , lu > South Hill St. id'U C : i7ito < i"nlll Imy a 0 1-ooTu Tbriok"Imniia' oii TiiiTf I' nciohuid nnId street near Keuvonwnrtli. This Is n creat liiTostuiunU Uiinnhiplmm & llrennan , lilt LKidua. ( > Tl "T71t > U HAtjlt Ono of thn tlnost ro-tliloncn prop. J-1 ortloa In Omiilni , jllA.ouu. U It. Mayne. l.'illi nnd b'uiiunn. ! i7. Hvri : lto toU ) offered for Iho money FOU llaromlon , Hchool' . ehurchos , curs clo o nthand ; prk-o * VU to jfiM. Von Bhould s-oo tills pitporty.AjueJ5uI Vnriiinn. Olt.'i SALU < ) U ItKNT llrlck liotlM ) , Hlx POIt . , ( oinor lot. ! 3hlnn'ntidd. Will -oil on monthly paymeuU. 0. Ii. Muyno , 1501 und Knr- nmn. yil > tJl SAr.n-ClioIco lots In Vhilnvlow on line 17 of Holt linn rontl ; tluwo yon can buy on oaiy terms at ? U > to $ .VXJ u lot. Cull mid tee the lott * . Amoj , I7i/r I'lU'iintn , Cl.l'i TjlOIl SAI.K Ten coltaues and thin holism -U iiiiiRliiKln pi'iooftom 5..JiOOt ( > $ I .UvU e.iieli , Ito'inlred ' cash on yomn only' ' . All on oiL-ty lei-ma. U. U. I'uttur.ou , l&tu and Farmim. ilU SALB-JITB will buy n ( rood Inl In Ar- lliiKlon wliiuh U splendidly located nour mores , MClioots and can. Now is Iho time to In- vcwt. ( onio mid look tkoto lott ) over. A mud , l.'K,7 Knrniiiu. Bl.Vu TTIi ) It H VI.K Thrco now coltapf" ) . five fixi'ni JL piich , In Walnut Hill ; KOIV ! collxrs , clo ots , I > iuitrliMCHtpriiH etc ; two lol.s with o.iuli eottiwn llu < ' cacti , SI il down nnd f.'O per luunth. 0. 1 ! , ilayno , l.'itU nnd Barnaul. iJTil ITiOll SAMt Shtnn'aiuldltlon , the 1-ost honsn , lot , burn fl.nuo cosh. Tills i > rex > rly In unln * vcHtujoiit worth looking' niter. Ames , l. > 7 l''ar- num. Kl-r > HAMC Beautiful ucro property ' 1 mile ) Frill from city , nt 81 1 lo SJ.W ) Xr iioro ; easy terms. 11. U. I'attcrMin.coruor 1'ltb and I'1 irnnta _ an _ | -iKSAI,15 Melro o Hill lota on licit line nt I $ , .1H nnd tytt per lot. Tlu o prices nro low. horn Lsaouanco 10 uoublo jour iiionoy. Uts Rt tlic-o jiricos are an excellent Investment. Ami ) * , l."i > )7 ) Itanium. iX)5-fi ) " | 7) > > ll it.\TtK MujfiilCcont hou.-oaiul lot witli oJ commodlona barn ou CalifornU ulrcot ne.u- l.-tll , fOlltll iTOIIt. frl/l-ttl. For Kilo full lot oed two ntory 8 room liouso en UilUornin , locution very desirable , y. > , UOJ. J. H Hiloy ftto.-'l.south liithbtrcot , _ ZX _ 771011 MAJ B-An olcjrnnt btilldlnjf lot on J-1 Ucoi-Kln nro , ! 4 Icot Iront. I'nco , lr W. Amort , I.r j7 > 'uinuia. Ol.K'i . - - Ocorirln nnd FOItS.VLK-niot-iOti $1.J. > J to $ U'nJ ouch ; cnxy terms. tl'.WI The neatest cottfttro In Oniulin , now , all modem conveniences , ( leer hi avo. , ? .lSii. t-K.i lio.uitltiil borolot and IIOIIMJ Hieing pro- po-cd llonlovardVoat Omaha , $ JOJ , eiiMy terms. Ii"i7l r > noro.l with [ rood IIOIIFO , stiilducto. , 5 rnlkw Irom 1' . O. <u > cnusy terms. ( .4' ) ) New o UHtft > r > ruonis , unod burn , corner Gr.uid und l'ior btreow , $ J uU , monthly puy- inent.s. mil Ixitfuolnff Hanscom park nnl'arknvo. , Sl.lioO , oiu > y toriad. C. Ii. Mayno , l.r > th und b'ur- uum. U7J FOH SAT , ! ! An linprnvcd acre lot In Wont Omaha , $4UOO. tome und boo it. Amos , IMl Vurnuiu. Ola-fl "ITIOlt SAT.B Now benne , 7 reomi , oiwt front , J-1 tiill lot , next to ulley , on baiunlors itticoi ; lot nlono ' ortli Hourly nil that i.s n ked lor it , S-.UAJ. J. K. Kilpy A U ) , - ! . * > S.-l.itli St. TriOllSAUC-Pbllllpn' nrt<lon.on IDtirst. ami JL Itimcrot t SL A ruro < iluiiL'o to buy on tay- oiablo terms. Auitm , ir J7 Kuriium. II17-T ) HAI.K Two lots on a corner , two blockt FOIt Karmiin , both tor $ \ , > > . p < isitivoly cnoaii. J. U. Kiloy & U ) . , W > SouUi llllh at , Ml , > USArK-n CdriYentSt .lot HxlH ; house P (1 ( rooms near street cur line , f-/ijj c.uli. J. \ \ . Muihuall , I.Kb Furuum fau 1.J5 JTIOK SAI.K Honso mid hnlf lot , littli olrcot , 1 tfl.lXjii ; I.Omciuu IndaiiLO , to bull liuor. An oi , 1.JUT Karnaiu. GUI f > fTloTTsAI. ! : Full lot , Fouth Irom : very ikwlr- -I nlilo pui | oriy , on red car lino. Thw is very c cup ut 5-1l j. J. U. lluuy A ; co , 1. " ) bont.'i bllOUt. . ' 1 "IjlOH SAI.K I'nrkor'H nddillon , six-room J. iio'iuo iino-htdl lot , $ liii.i ; oimjr lernid , biaull c-iu.i piiyiiiunia. Amoj , lijf I'urn.ini. ' _ _ _ _ OUWi POU SAMC Txtt on Fnrniun , MIxl-T. $1.4(11 ( , very ilolrnble for i ntldunoo. Thh will l/o / i'l ' lno iiuirkoi only n tew iuy.t iw it iauho.ip .1. Ii. Idloy A. Co , l.'i Niulli llb irent. J ) OK SAI.K Ton loin In Moyd'i tuhlilioii on J7 lon llnio nlnlo J - i e.iolij llioy will M.-I1 lor fi"i npioie in lo"H tliiin n your ; yonrovra Clnioon tboiii. Amort , l.n/7 Knriuun. UAKi ' ) H \ l.r Full cornnr lot Ibroe blocks fmm F'K Htreot cnrn : ; benuiUiil nnilHUnily lomition ; l.i'i aii-iiior ill'mi 11 no , T'lU in positivolv n bnrrfiun. J. 12 Hiluy Jt Lo. , i ; > d. IJlli bt. "M . ) H SAI.U An nnlmprored ncro lot in Woit I. Ollliilitt , $ -'A J , AIIIIH , IMI Kiirnillll. I' ' " " I.FOH FOH H.VI.U Chrnn. n fine lot In Hmihcoru l-liico. AdUie N. Y. V. , Iloe olltco.A \ ft UlHAI.nTo hare loti nn Vlnton. Cnm- Inu'j , ( itvirxin avn , Io vnnorlh nnd other 'urnam Hired biiMliKMs property. J. H Itiloy I * Oo. , 15Soutli Utli Mtrool. \l \ TiOll SAI.R Two-Mtory hoiiN ) , two Rood lott , I 1 I'ai'k avenue , ( t jU. Anton , 1. > U7 I'urmiiu. POUHAr.r A two i tory , S..xiiO. frnmo build- Ins , Hiiltnblo for it more , neur Ibth and I'ar- nnm 8ti. Apply ut thli olllco. M7 T-iOH SAI.K-For HV onoh , two clnxnnt lots ; J ea t front , HaiiHcom I'lneo ; TiO foot front , 171 lonidoop ; etuy termj ; tno.- lot are A 1 ; oomo mill ben them. Amen , IMl Farniim. HAf < K Full lot with now botiso. 4 rooms , POIt , collnr , clM'orn , poroli in front , blind * ; letK thnn thrrn blocks from n l carllno ; iiiiproreinflnU worib oror JHWJ , till lor 31 1. En > y pnymont * . 'I'll I j Ii nlx > u biirtfiiln. J. II. Kllny * Co. , ill 9. 13th itroflt. U)4 T7IH4.VLK | At tmrirliin.l'il ' with ' 3 hoimn" , -L1 ! l mid 7 room * , well , oiiturn , birn , * o , U ih und llnrnoy. Improved pi-oporty inkou ILJ Iiurt pny. Win. L. Monroe , tsth and Uouulns. Z3TATC. OH BAM5-IIJ A. McOnvock. 1 J'arniiin St. I7 I lot lnxliCl with novr fi room IIOIIMI. In W. A , Hcdlck'H mid - IOIH lnx\.U \ ( Mich. Dwlaht & Lynmn'rt add. t 5 1 each U IOIH I'nrk Wild nve , innxl.'ii ) . with ! 2 hoiiMis.2 bnrns , mid other nccKssary uutbiilldliiun , * " , ' ' . ' lot Itced'n 1st mid on 24 near Ilnvonjxirl , with J-room ImiJM ) und all neccnwiry Impioviv inont. V 'i'U. 1 lot fj.\Hi ! , Kniintzo'a "d ndd on inth ncnr Hickory. t\2H \ ) 1 lot liKliia on Vlnton near Ifitli * i. 5'liV ( ) . 1 lot riH.xl.t4 , llocd'H M mid ; ll- room houro ami nil niKOn-iir ; InipruvuiiioiitH , On Davenport Hour.l. ! l. f.UHi. iJaoiiHln Tutlle'n HiibdlvlHlon ; very cheap ; uultut.lo lor KIII denlnir ] hit -t'nllu , Hickory I'luce , with il-nMiiu hoiibo Him liiiMimout. 'Ibis isHliurKiihi. $ liKl I lot fkii 144 , Kount/t'iV Until H mid , fu t front , mnlalii * ; ! now IIOUMI which rent lor J. " < J | > or nioiiih. On UiHit'iiworth noiir Utli tt- ' i. ; l IOIH.HX.H lUnviu-y Hill nnd on t'aaicllur near Hih t-Vi. . ciieli. I lot 47x111 , Improvement AB.-K'lnlion ndd ; 3 room IIOIIKI , IroitiH on Uoth S f i : i ! oi3. 1'iu ku t'lace ; Iront on tu i hi. ? .ViO ouch. Co n , or Uu on I blcuiio Hi KOOI ! boum mid bin n , u very ilocirablo Invitllon. I block Irom hltrli whiHil % > , i w. Splendid Meek liirin or WW norcH In I ion ( o. . Ill imlui'i-ouilmcni of 1'onea. Will mil luienpiir hunto lor ImpioveUOniubnclly propel ly. 171OU SAI.K An ncic of hind on 1Mb Mreot.iid ; P IIII-M | | Ir luiiipxtl ior inurhcl KuritenliiK1 Will I e Mild uhuiii. tniiiiNi hnm & liicnmin , "T71INK tmpm\iM lnrm . 111 trndo for lmpro\p < X' elty pniporty , W. H. Urpen , over 1st Nil fs tlotml llnnk. _ _ - Tfou rnul cn & Co. Ix > t fiOxeoo mil front. iPth , nonr St Mnry'n nro with rlrminl lii room brick lion 3 nml nil necos Hiryoiit ltiilldliit | < iViU. ! J.IOIM In I Vltmin mid. nour Itod Online , well to cntinl , ( ornor lot l TUxISD , Ixiwo's ndd. $ .1 for 10 dnys : i lots In W. A. llcdluk1 * ndd. nt $ mi. Wi'll loiiitod lot on ninth ! -Vth , nonr Vlnton fttu IxifOStlMn , Cnllfornln nenr "M\ , with 3 room lioiird , f i ; V > , cii y lei m < . JxitilUHJ , I'lertMuitHtiiHit , near SU Mnry'.snvo nithTrixim lionec , burn , well , uLstcrn , crltnr . Sfi Icet Irontoii ISIh , nonr 1'lcrco with a rooir otiMi. tijton. Ixit Wv I U cast front , IPth nenr ! Ht. , I rooti hon. e , $ l/Mi ) . Lot on ; ni ncnr li vent > < irt , oust front , with f fnnin coltmio , SI.7U ) . ' Lot iJSvlW , Ciwlollar nml 6th , well locatoJ ' . Ill nnros , 4t ) itidij cnst front , SSI mllca from city Jlltl per ncio. Corner lot In Dn tslit ft Lymnn's ndd. f.llX ) . "lOnciolo. 4irniU oust Iront cu.Hh'l miles from city llmli * . 4lio per ncro. Ill itpfos liliihly cnblvntt'd.I'J miles from Korl Omnhn. pplomlldly lee ited , * ; , : * * ) . fi aeicM In ll.\do tin k. SUM. lloiiKM uud stores for tout. I'miben fc Co. Ifdl ) Karitntn HI rent. I U o-J /-10VHKNMHNT I.ANIM-OioIco ImCtR Htlll VT vnciint In Cheyenne county. Tor Inlormii' ( Ion nddrOKi W. R 1'nlne , Slduey , Neb. 4.V.I-U1 ' * IANtis-l hnvo for sale n UNIMI'IIOVKI few i-liolco tracts of hind nonr Sidney , nt i-I.O ) per nero ; St.iitl cn.-li , b\lmico : IIMIK time , ( .percent Inleicst. W. R I'lilnc , Sidney , Neb , roit FOH PAt.H A $71M jiliine nearly ns Rood IM now ; $ " . . 1.1 c-i h tnKu * 11 , if told III' t-lnnter. HOURS & IHU. ( XitWI . IIOTHr.-rnrnllurn for wild OcmnKNTAr. nnd hotel lor rent. Cull nt Ocoidnntnl lot Inferinntlon , coruor lu und Ilownrd St. fii , SAI.K A peed No. H Chnrtor Oik stove , ' almost now. luiiulio ntKllj DnvoniMirt , . till lip FOH9AI.H Acont irntron In runnlntr order , fX > ; SHU Nortb Uilh utieet , liltVup H.Vl.H Now , linndiomolypiilntcil , spring Jpou Iiuntlro nt N. W. cor. IWt nnd Cali fornia Sis. lVI- ) , " > i > H.VI.H I'luiln tiorMi.tinrnosrt.tpiitlior top Irioit , olc. Addron-S I' . O. box i-TT , oily. UH-ip ! ; Foil HAM -A Surrey , elthor with polo or HliuflH , Hiilit-bnr , with Tlinkini jiatont vprlinc ; only used Hiiico lust Hprinuin ; ( rood iw unw ; liriL-o , $110. Apply at SI5 WobstorHL 4r'.l-U'p FOH 8 A Mi The only inerRhnnt tiillnr chop In a llvo. urowlnjf town. Om > d roiuxim for mll- Inir. Addiasd , I'runk A. Audroiv , Sli-oinsbiir , Nob. MJ-a HAT.T4 nnltnr nnd HnarltiP 33-hor- FOU jiower boilortind engine , In jfood runnlii ! ; order ; wnnt to Kill for tlm HVW-OII Unit they nro not huao nnoiivh for the now timnhluory whioli wo will put Into our now building on Iliirnnr street. L'hirku Itros. 4 ( ; < ) . , Ililt Uoiiln : : St , 5tli HAM ! A wrought Iron Vim Itmitfo at Foil DodKO Htroot. MtWp . . ; DM boiwl oC t old enttlo , PDUS.VI.i lit heifers and ! M Htcer.H ; nml two Nornmii Btnlhoin. U. li'iillor , Fullortoa , Nob. 47lo."i T710II SA.I.K Kuoliwhuiit bran. 2-To per IlHllbs. -L1 W.J. Wolshims A ; Co. , City JII1K . ! Two lots m Polliinn I'luou , ono FOU.SAM lilook Item btroot cur truck. IJIth stroot. "TTIOH HAf.K Or would trndo Tor njrood boran J.1 and biifffty , SO nci-CH In ( Jospor county. AIH ply to ai South l tli KtnfCt , KM EU3HIH33 > OK SAT.K A nlco cloua ilrutf stock nt u bitr- 17 ' train , or will trade for NobruaUit InmH. A. D. Wlllcln.Hon , Crouton , 111. 0VJ-lp ! 8AI.U Complete oiitllt for bunking IfiOIl ' , coiiNiatin of lur o tire and burffltir pnxif wile , iron riiilin , cherry conntor , oto , all now. WouM truilo for Omaha oitr pntporty or wild laniK 0. U. Miiyno , l" > lh and raruuni. KIT A pnrly to bay a half Inlorcstln WAJfTHD iiKood paying juitent. About $ . ! , txM cnpl- tul. Adtltod.1 J. II. Smith , Kbhig' t'lty , NOD. , liox KS. rk > I-7p F OU SAM ! Tlio bc t located bnkory In Oinn- lui. Addrorvi O , ) lee olllco. M-- \ > HAM : Ilotnll stock of ilriiBS and HT- FOU , all In HTMII ! orJor : nooil loc.ifion and tr < o. Addi-usaX. If. / . , tiiirlt Drug Co. , Ounilia , " .iOIl SAM ! Mow chnrry bodstoiul , springs 1 mid niattrosri. Vl Mortli 17th St. Klt-1 Foil S.VI.IS Pint ckisi hotel , jrroaadi all Improromonti , H urfM , & n niw- Inir city. 1'ribu 9..r > , ui i ; toritis Aditross IU L. l'atloiiu , Utli und Purauui. 4.VJ OMI and board , . " > per week ; yory bt"t location - cation , loll Uuvou | > ortbi. ll > . lii | CKSTIIAI. IIOSIMTAIOpen for the nccom- mod.ition or tlio Hick. Hur oporatloys of ull UmdanViinMy ; iKirlormed. Ui-eu-f4 ofHiumjii n specialty ; lud.oi in conllacinotit cm here h.ivo pnvui-y and the bo-it ot uttontUm. ( 'or- losMiiiloiU'OHoliciti.l. | Addro.-rt Ir. J. M. linm.cornoi' l.'ith uu I Kuril. un or Dr. ,1. 11. Italpli coruor I.nh iiiul li'urnam. 'JolophonoiMil. MAO\3I KUCKVIA IlICIIAIlDSOM.I'lllOil- olo'lft nn 1 ( lairvorcnt , [ Xilnis out nn.-uu.i QIIOIIIKM. color tlioir eye * un.1 li.ilr. ' 11m rou 1 to NIICOO S. Ixivn nnd biinltio-n a Hpoclnlty. Him poltlroly cnrnlillnnu liruiliicntM , kl.lnny.i.llvin- nnd nil noninaomontnof trie Hioinnuli. dls olvm fall HIOMIH , thu wort OL-.OI oC 1-lmiinnUmin Her inoihod of onrmv culciilni \ With liocijd , und mo-it cuiiiplu.o lleaU wor. t wires In a month llnr iro.itmont or 001-111 , linnioni , lender rrot ac't ' llko : i clunn. Mr , ) tl < Uiliunlfon COIIKH "Hh muny rocoiiimondationi from the pro- * und piivalo In HvidimK coliibni- led mid populnr nhorl llmo only , ' i North liHh Hi cot , room U. _ 317 _ TiilSorfArJilo.,7) ) will buy n combined dln- X nnr und Uu flit , line poreohiln , MIIIIIO | hupcri , nt Mooily'sCtiiimStoro , lutli and Duron- jmrr. ttW-B NinT H0 y lNVAr TS prnporly nnd fmo- ecH-d'ully enroll lor iitU. K. Cor. oC KruiiUllii und IronoSn. CTOTH3 B2PATIJ3. rpll W. O. MotxiinrStoro Unpiilr ( > > . lllSouth -L I4lh St. , bottrtHin IHid o uuil Z.O3T. LOST-JI5 r.xtnrdnr nl ht. llownnl nf * 5 on returning tof. . A. , " Oranlto Hloek IxiU I'lirimin mid llnrnoy. 71.1-5 LOSP A Htimll Bootoli torrlorna \ ; hml on with Hinull hriinn prullnck. Any line returilntf Hiiiun lo Cantiold IIOUMI , or In- foriiiliiM : I'm ' iinUuritUiiHKl tu lo liU whuronUiuu will bo lilxirally revrnrdoU. Address "J. 11. L , " Uunlleld lluuso. Ull-ip ; A ! . VTA YA on Imnd at a bargain , No , I Heeond hand riurrUun pnotom und HiiKvhar bus- Blue , ut A. J. tiiuipson , It/J and HI ! Ditduo .St. P ( ANOH inoriHl mid pnukoJ. Meebua , ! IIi N. lUth Htreot. fxH-Up AOl In want of Kooil domestta bolpenn -J Ui supplied liy rnllln f on the Omaha I'.in- f\\nr \ neal OiHco , 'Jll N Mill St. , up-Ualri. "Jri. ) . < 'iton-l.Miii proprietor. H74 vaults und coiwpools eleunel In an PlllfV . way by V. U. Atiel , I' . O. Uox . ' 171 UI5 OUUBO , NO operation or u-elo-s trn- ( * . Ilr. M. M. Mooie , "III WubiMli nvo , ( 'lilrn o. Send .tamp or clruidar ut Cocns Hoiuu , Ouuilm , u\ cry Ou ilnyj. S. H. ATWOOD , PLATTSMOUTII , NEO , Ilrccdiirof ThoioiiKhtiroil mid Hluh nnnlo Hereford and Jorcoy Cattle ! And Dniouunil Juibey Itcd [ jotico ! Notice ! Notice ! Till' M. ( iNBriU UKAI.Klt. To nil who me ilbci'ml or iitlllciud , no r , uit r ion Inmr the Miimliiiiiimu nml ! l.u.ilul. I'Viiude ill-t'aat'H. wbuiu mi'dlcinos btivt * fall ! u ni ' ii'ht'l ' , n i * | cclnlfy ( nine onn. eome all t I'd ' e hcnled by the Mii netlo Hc-iler Utconly > < Hi rciipi' fiom luo ul ni'-e h'l' etHii'lintiiou ' i i i- hmvcnuir 1 1 li > rn i .1 tu iliu iil ul VIIMIH.I ! , V IC'I -I ' ' S fjj Bill ! vd Tables , - . Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tabto , And Guidon , Oltloott'id ttiuik KKturiM , Miir t > l nail Huron Si.s. , llilongt ) > , 111. Oiil.iliil S. lull ! St. Book Binding. Etc , IIK1W I'lllNTlNtJ IU , Printers , Book Binders , And ninnk IkHik Miiinifet'tnvors No * . IM and liti South llth SlreoLOnintia. Noli. Butter Tubs. Manufacturing of Butter Tubs. Mn > .woi4tim.Jiioafi ! ; ) ,8ioiaiii > .ar : tmi Ins , miu. IMli nnd I'lorco St. , Uinaliii , Noli. Cigars and Tobacco , MAX & rb. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , fluni nod Aininuiillloii t'lft tit yai Ntutli 11th , ltWto ) ht.'l 1'urimm Miruul , Onialia , Nou. iNTIIIl-OCHAN Old Ml W15.SI' & VlllTdCIIKIt. Manufacturers of Flue Cigars , Anil Whnlnsiilo Doiilort InAvit 'rolinwo * . No * . liU mill III ) N. Ulli Stii-dl. Oaiuliu. Nub. Cornices , Eagle Cornlco Y/orks. / r , I'ropt lolor. .Miinnfiiotiiror of ( liilvanl/itl tiiia anil Conilcu. I'M ' IXn o , mill lot anil hii North tilth btruoc , Uainlm , Null. Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Wliuloiva , 1'liinl' , H o..nilil | IJili Hf 'Worlcilnno In utij part of tluicniintrj- . Y/cstcrn / Cornice Works , O. 81'KCItT , IM- nntranlrnl Irtui Oirntan , I'.to. l-n- provoil liUont JlotlUllo Sl.yllKllt. CU ) anil l-lli bt. , Unuiliu , Nfl ) . Doors , Sasli. Etc , A. JTiinuraotiimrmiil Ile.ijcr In Doors Sash Blinds , , , Mouldings , Hlo. Stair IJiiih a spocinlty. Telephone No. OX I'.ih und Miiroy St. , Omalm , Noli. l Supplies. E > .tt'icai Supplies , It VT. WOni-'ll - A 00 , lilnutrlclnn < , MnRonlo HHok , Omiilni llnr l'ir Alarms , llplh , Kin ) Al'it-n : < , Hlootrla M ifl I.Hp j iUu Tuho' , Cold , Silver and Nickel I'lnllnKio. ; . . Iron nnd Nails. OMAHA NAnrjtAN'rTli'ACTDttrNW CO. , Cut Hails and Spikes , Viro Nnds a S | > orlnlty. Oiuiihn , Nob. Omaha Iron Worts Company , JTachinory. ( Mxtlivri , 3toun : Knirino" , llollors , Arolilrcctnml Iron Work. Iron HrlduiH , Mining and Mill Miuihlnery , OIlUo nndork.i. . Union 1'iiclllo 1C It , 17th and lath Slrcots. WHAIINK & Foniidry Works. for. I4th mid Jackson Pti. , proiinrod to do nit kind * of Iron and Itne-s Casting ; aNo , O , O. llunnlstor'rt Houkliu Ur.Uo ll.iri nmuufaaturo.1 Mattresses. H. M. , Mattress Company , Mnnnfnctnrluir WH , ItodiHnpr , KenHier n , < Vils , Hto. mid IMS Douylus Street , OiiKilm , Nob. Overalls. ' r OANKIRM ) MANUKA'SrUHINO CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , .TcmiB Pant.s , ShlrtH , lto. ! , 11W endlli ; ! Doutrlaa Btrcot , Omiilni , Neb , Paper Eozcs. _ _ J. \ , . wn.Kin , Hannfacturer of Paper Boxes , 1C(1R. ( llth St .Oimihn , Not ) llnloi-M by m nil BO- _ licit ml niul will i ouoiro prompt attention. Safes. Omaha Sife Works , f ! . ANIWKUN. Mmniri'otiiror nf vin. nml Ilnr lT Proof Pifei , Vin-lt 1'oon , .li l | \Vi - < ( Ml'"ttors nmlVlro Woik. Cor. Hth und .liiokson Sin. , Omahn , Nob. Soap. ! . .1. Soap Ilanufactiiror , Olllco and I'ticlnrv. win1'owdor Oiuuha Nob. V/agons / and Cirriijfes. A DUIIMMOND Hannfactnrcrs of Fins Carriages , ini5uinl l.l , s.ico. , Uinuliii , .Sob Snn ) Ak.ontM In Nobriiska forJouoa' Colobruiod Split buatlSulkiov Hitnblidliod W > 3. A. J. SIMl' O.V , The Leading Carriags Factory , Ilt/.i and 1111 IXiujjo &trui.-i , Omulia , I\ul ) . Vi'hite Lead. . OMAHA WHITE JK A I ) COM I'A NT , CorriMora nd Udednra of Perfectly Para White Load , Omnlm , Nib lurl ( nrlci , lion ; ( . ' . W. HctiA Vlc t'torf. ; H. TV. yuloj , too. aiidTiotu. HOTEL Th3 Millard , B. SUo.irs , J , II. M rkolTtiin Hwoho , I'roprlotoii Arcada Hotel , Jam t'a.M y , Proprietor. 121.1 ao4 UIJ Uaiuliu rtL , Om.ika , Neb. iiion ro-.ojtfulty wilioltoiL Tbuy will ( liul till * tinb < Mt * - ! u duy Tha Cozzons , I . Hurasoy St Oo. , Projirlotort. Rate * W"P rdny , nn d rk room * . AU Hotel aautu Vu , Oiu lia , Nob. CanOeld Hoase , Hnr. Ninth und K rn ' BU. TTio twit 91 pt-r Inr tiolol In Omaha llomodclwl. roliirnl 'o' ' , rf lcinifxl ; ne bkwk fiom iirmy hcnil'iuurl- ; upponilH Union fituitlo hi-uil'jiinrloiii ' ; mrool our * l > ttS4 ihu door ( irorf r CtuirtuM i. Co . pro o- lors AlM > tlniou Hloulc Yurd * Hulol , Buutli Dmulm. Hotel di Gees , P OiXS. I'miirin'or. Hiiro e n Hluti The only crntrallr liii'HtiwI f.t tilayhniisv Tl r iliKir * fiom llotJ't O.mri liiik | nau < l ono-iail blunl- fro u tlm I' II n > uiUllioturt lluiiau. l.Vl , UU , 1U il.OiuAhu , Nub. Nut ice , The ChlcAirn IC'tliana : IIIITB , prll * nnd c\- Ii IK * Und mid lnr'mt ' of aI Klndu Aidro | , M , IOIIIIW 7ll l.ll'l | | , JlUMIIIJS P. 3O 5TEB & GO. PKU.I.II.S IX i ; U'crk.