THE OMAHA t > AHM BEE ; SATURDAY , OCTOBER 3 , 1885. IOT HIMSELF IN A BAGNIO , : Allen Ends 'His Life < in Madam Loop- cr'e ' Assignation Uonsc. .ADY WINS A MULE AT A RAFFLE 2lilnninnn'H Telegram A fi-oMI Moutntm Arrcstetl Com- Hfiloncrfl Award Damages VnrloiiH Other Itcnm. Kntclilu In n Itn nlo. Jfack Allen , a hack driver , killed him- f in Madam Leeper's Thirteenth street ; nlo about half > ] ) ten last evening 'shooting ' himself through the head , t . eeniB that Allen entered the ice by a back door and called u girl named llertio Allen. As entered thn room Allen spoke her nnd then handed her ard. As she turned to read it she was riled ] > $ the report of a pistol , and kill" around yaw Allen fall to ( her > r with thu revolver in his hand. Her canm attracted tlio attention ot every- ly in the hoii'-e , and some one ran at en for a policeman. ItoundsnuinVhn - was found near by and hurried to the no , but when ho arrived the man was id. Ho placed a watch on the hoii'o I went to the coroner's olllco , but that cial was absent , as was also thu slier- A physician was then siininione.d , 0 viewed the remains , after which they retaken to the undertaking establish- put of Dre.xol it Maul. n the excitement attending tlio shoot- ; llio girl , ( .Sortie Norton , throw away 1 card given her by Allen , but later ft H found in the room. It was a plain Mncss card , on the back of which was Ittcn : "J.-D. BoHiiell , Canton , 111. " ( in is supposed to bo his right name , Jiough ho has always been known at plain hooper's as Allen , ( icrlio Nor- i was the only ono in the establishment /h / whom ho was acquainted. He had fin to sec her frequently at difl'erent lies , and was considered as her "best Bnil. " He formerly drove a hack for Jbaro , thu liveryman , but left the city lie time ago. going to KansusCity and In Moincs. Ho returned to Omaha last bdnesday and visited Gertie that night , { intended to go to Kansas City , so lie wined the girl , hist nightutli o'elpck , I when he came in she was surprised ice him. . number of loiters were found in the n's clothing , all addressed to J. 1) . en , most of them being from the girl , lib. They were addressed to 414 'West itli street , Kansas City , and 2100 Sixtli set DCS Moincs. is said that the dead man's mother dcs at , Canton , Illinois. Ho is about nty-oiglit years old , tall and has a it mustache. Sheriff Miller will act coroner nml hold an inquest this ning. A Mule Story. was dull in real estate Thursday and en Lou Hill's spirited horse shied at mlo on the streets , the dealer in house lots had Buflicicnt leisure of mind to dy the mule an instant. wasn't much of a mule to bo sure , fas little , lean and lank , the survivor a tougli experience. It was lent that the owner didn't lie much ' of the mule for Bind placarded the animal's back witli , large-lettered announcement. "For . " Lou Hill rein and o. pulled up obey- his bargaining instincts demanded of man what price he set on his bcauti- beast. How muoh'll " yer give ? Eight dollars , " replied Mr. Hill fora 11' , and what was his surprise when man led the mule over to him and iding up the halter said in tones of dent satisfaction , "the mule's yotirn , c jnoyor eight. ' ' hero was no Hying the tradOj so Mr. I cashed down and drove oil leading animal behind the buggy. Later the evening with tlio long ud "white " elephant" on s hands , ho led it around to Frank ngo's store and paraded it about to infinite amusement of the crowd that miblcd and the mighty indignation of Humge. When the sport wearied Hill stabled his mule and drifted tlio Puxtou hotel and meot- | James Way , tlio livery man , ad- sscd him : mil , 1 have a mule ; what will you i mo foi him ? " [ Ten dollars , " the horse dealer re ed and immediately started with inzoment when quickly infoimed that ilignro wan satisfactory. It was a bad gain , perhaps.but Mr. Way was equal ho situation , and put up the mule for .illlo , twenty-live chances at one dollar > oo. The list was quickly made up 1 the result shaken out at dice in the room. C. 1) . Woohvorh was the for ate speculator , and to bo fair lie put , ' the mule again on a $10 lo. Once more ho won , and keep up his reputation the square tiling lie started another ralllo , reserving two tickets for tlio ses Hunna , the charming prcslders at hotel news stand. Luck went again i Woolworth's investment , and Miss lie's ticket look the cake the mule , lor. . tlio IVircfl. horn was ti slight tempest yesterday liu basement of the Omaha National ik building , where Hollins & Mo- ortor , the grain commission men , op- to. The breeze was occasioned by the louncoruenttrom Col. J.J. Dickey , of Western Union , that ho had received / er from Chicago to discontinue the wU > wire that has heretofore con ed the market report from the Chiea- exchange to Messrs. Rollins & Me- lorter. J'lioro are four wires running n Chicago into the Western Union co hare , and onu of them is so con- ictcd with a loop arrangement that market reports can bo sent directly the oilk'o of thn linn. Of Irso the private messages which are ' over this wira are compelled pass through the ollico of IliiiH & MoWhorter before being re- red hi the otlico of tlio Western on. There are a numbyr of kelecrnuh operators , at " pros- [ nameless , who make the [ In commission rooms their head- rters during the day and , of course , have no trouble in reading tlio pri- . messages as they pass over the wire , H not Known that any private telo- 1114 have been given away in this man- but certain it is that the Western on has determined to remove the the "tickers. " ptation in taking out wire now runs directly into the main u , where the market reports are m down and sent. , to Rollins & Vhortor by messengers. Yesterday rnoon the market reports were dod - d several hours by the change. "A HHt In tlio Wall. " drunken man etaggorod Into the ollleo yesterday , and common- booking about him in n dazed stupid iner , as if searching for something , iyas about noon , and the corridors 6 full of those who were waiting for c r mail. The disciple of Hacchus 1 nblcd through the crowd , and dually \ r treading on about Boventccn pairs ' of ladles' corns.nnd jostling over n dozen or so of small boys , cuino lo .1 hnlt. A gcntlomnn stepped tip to him mid told him unh"q ! ho nad some business in tlto building , ho had better leave it nt once. "Wlin/ypr mazier wiz ynot" Wirieked the drnnkoit individual , ' [ want reel , some stamps , nnd < lnnehur forget itl" "li'.li can't nnd do winder , " "There is the window"replied the gen- tlciiiiiM , pointing to the very nurrow space nt the south end of the corridor , where stamps are sold. "Whow.or maz- zor win yoo , " hiccupped the intoxicated individual excitedly. "You think I'm a fool , chy Why 3-00. znlsnozzln but a crack in do wall ! " with a leer of satisfaction at his own brilliant joking powers , tin ) fellow stopped up to the window , pur chased ton cents worth of stamps and stumbled out upon tlio street. "That man is about right , even if ho is intoxicated , " naiil the lady at the stamp window to a reporter who had witnessed the ludicrous occurrence. "There is hardly throe fent of room in this stamp apartment , and 1 fool all the time Us though I was crowded between two stone walls. I wish the thing could bo changed in some way , " Itausoli's llnckct. Nothing has yet been heard of Ernest Itmitcli , the grocer who skipped out so suddenly , Monday afternoon , leaving debts and debtors behind. In truth , the ab eondor turns out lo bo a Smith on ti small scale. Yesterday morning the following claims were "proved up" in Jus'tico Anderson's court , and corresponding attachments \\oro issued : Willrollkt Hurgdorf , fiO.20. Louis Holler' f 100.08. MeLauglilin & Co. , $ ( (3.80. ( Kmil Herbert , $ ! ! : 1'arotlo & Swone.y , J10. < 50. Consolidated Tank Line , $28. John IMnz , $18.1)2. ) Clark Bros. & Co. , $180.18. R. Hingham & Son , .f-i'J.OO. Co win & Warren , $ -41. Michael Wallen/ , $100.18. McShanofc Sehroodor , $31.151. In addition , Allen Bros , have in tlio county court a claim for sjiiiOO. All in all , the claims , .some of which will never bo satislied , will amount to about $ J,000 , while tin ) stock and fixtures appraise for about $1,100. Judge MeCulloeh has issued a special order of vondi , and tlio stock will bo sold by Constable Edgorton on October IS. A Cliinnmau's Telegram. A Chinaman entered the Western Union ollleo Thursday and after standing about a few minutes , attracted the atten tion of ono of the gentlemanly attend ants. "Well , John , what can bo done for you ? " was asked. "All , yah , clickcty click click , " exclaimed - claimed the coolie , nrightening up and tapping the counter to illustrate the hand movement of telegraphy , "telleo Wun Lung in Linkum gib mo lail load tiekeo mo come. Sabee ? " "You want to telegraph One Lung at Lincoln that if ho will send you a , rail road ticket you will come , is that it ? " "Yah , Yanallee samee ; Clickety , click cty click click , " and the coolie oncu more rapped the confer and grinned expansively. "All right. What's your name ? " "Wu Siii. " "Konol Wash High ; thirty cents. " "No , no. no. no payee ; lleo country : two cent , " and the Cliiniimiin produciul a two cent stamp. However , after un derstanding that liis message would not go without tlio thirty cents no reluctantly paid it , and left , muttering something about "going out to Lock Splings and hangeoMolican men totelcglaph poles. " A Montana Man In Trouble. Yesterday Mr. Cmnmings received .a telegram from Deputy Sherih" Fail-field , of Mel rose , Montana , asking him to ar rest n cowboy , G. W. Groves , who was wanted in that city for obtaining money under false pretenses. The telegram stated that Groves had purchased a limit ed ticket to Sioux City , and would proba bly go thcnco to Omaha. During tiio morning , Ofliccr Horrigan was detailed to watch the Incoming Sioux & Pacific train and at once spotted a man who answered the description of the telegram to n "t. " He admitted that his name was Groves , and was placed in confine ment to await the orders of Deputy Sheriff Fairtiold. Groves claims that the only crime ho committed was to go oil' without paying for a suit of clothes , hav ing promised , as ho says , to pay the bill in a week or two , when ho could raise some money. Inasmuch , however , as ho had over $1500 in his pocket when arrest ed , the olllcers are inclined to believe that the story is a fishy one. n o nt Commissioners' Jloport. t The commission appointed by Judge McCulloch , of the county court , to assess r damages on property condemned by the 11 Bolt Line railroad for right of way , made 11r their report yesterday. The following r are the iliimiiges allowed : I ) . T. Mount , land 81,30070 Miirthcna Saumluis , land 785 20 Maithunii Biuuuli'is , buildings 400 ( X ) .liunes . ( . Drown > 20 Mrs. Adi-lla A. Whitney MX ) 00 John I ) . CiclKliton l , o 70 Mrs. MarthaICcdnmn < > SO The commission appointed for similar purposes for the right of way for the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway , assessed damages to the prop c erty of August Benzon , bwnn G. Johnson d and John H. Hazard at $11 ; to property of Henrietta M. Caldwell , August Ben- fi /.on and Swim G. Johnson at $ I7.'J5 , and fit to property of A. S. Paddock , Grace t V street , at $ .5. Took LOR lint ) . A gentleman named Daniels arrived in a Omaha yesterday from Creston , Iowa , In search of u man mimed Joseph Lois. It seems that Lois was arrested at Crest on some time ago and was released on bail , Daniels becoming his surety. Leis then came to Onuvhii , and Daniels , fearing he would forfeit Me bond , came hero to in duce him to return. He met Luis about noon , and it watf agreed that the men I1o should go to Creston together last night. 1' ' Hnt when the time arrived Leis failed to 1'li 1'a show up , and Daniels is of the opinion li that ho will svo his face no more. liJ liT They Obeyed Orders. J. A pair of mules and an ambulance | c from tlio fort created considerable ov cltement on Douglas street last night by running away , The driver had left them untied while ho went for a drink , and t < thu mules couldn't wait for his return , j ] The crowd on thu lower part of the street a ; yelled "whoa" as the outlit approached aS preached them , and in trno military [ manner tlio mules obeyed the order and cumo to a standstill. The driver oama pulling up in u few minutes , recovered possession of tlio animals , gave thorn a good pounding and started for the fort , v loi1 Forgery. ' * 1 ! A man was arrested nt the Arcade last evening by Detccjfyo W , H. Turner , of Kansas City , on a warrant charging him with forgery , and taken to tlu > county jail. Tlio amount involved Is only , LOCAL BREVITIES , W. W. Halvln. who lost his satchel on the street car has had it returned to him. The old No. 2 hose earl , ti relic'of old tire days , is being repainted and refitted and will bo used for the now No. 5 engine house. John Howard , gen of Gen. Howard , is still quite ill , tillering from a severe at tack of pleurisy , but is believed to bo out of danger. CountyTreasurer Hush was busily en caged yesterday in checking up the do * linriieiit | taxes lor 1831 , which are quite numerous. The work of relaying the street car track on Thirteenth street has com menced and it is thought the rails will all be in place by Monday. Mrs. A. Huclili , the old lady who loft home Sept. SH'tli ' , has not been heard from yet. Information should bo sent to Drug store 111 ! ) South Oth St. Mrs. Turtleson , an old lady living on Sixth fitreet , between Pacilie and Pierce , was bitten on the arm by a big dog. last night , The savage animal was shot at once. The sewing school for girls opens on Saturday at l a. in. , in the basement of tlio stone church , C.iplttl aveniio nnd Eighteenth street. Busy mothers , send your girls. Jack Kirby , the hack driver charged with robbing the Iowa granger of agold watch on Monday , was tried yesterday in police court and acquitted. Ho man aged to make pretty clear proof of an alibi. Hichard McCormick is having Archi tect Vos-s draw up plans for a brick block of four stories to bo put up near the cor ner of Thirteenth and Howard , ground plan to be BSxGfl feet. Work will bo com menced this fall. Marriage licenses were issued yester day to Patrick Carroll and Mrs. Catharine Ganee , Wilholm Krambeck and Miss Annie Sehlopkol , James E. JSl'rios and Matie J. Potter , and Henry Liindwelr- kamp and Catharina Haior. The city marshal of Neosho , Mo. , writes to Marshal Cummings asking him to arrest Jake Pccora , an Italian gam bier , who is wanted in the former place for "jumping bonds. " Pccora was formerly a well known character here , but. left the , city some time ago , and has notsiiico boon seen. Geo. V. Martin , of Murengo , Kan. , has Written a letter to Marshal Cnnimings asking him to arrest Theo Shutl'iiss , who is wanted in that city for some alleged criminal operation. Shaft'uss left Wamcgo about September U. Ho is about five foit eight inches high , well dressed and a line talker. County Commissioner Tim mo came in from the country yesterday with a curi osity in the slmuo of a branch of an apple tree , eighteen inches long , from winch liung eighteen apples. The fruit was of good medium sr/.o ana so ripe that n sud den shaking of the branch severed the steins. This is conclusive proof that Ne braska is a great fruit growing Mate. A meeting of Bohemian citizens was licld last night in Ilofman's hall on South Thirteenth stives for the purpose of or ganizing for the coming election. The meeting was called to order by Louis [ Jerka.Esq. ; F. W. Handhauer was elect ed chairman and Jos Palik , secretary. After the object of the meeting being was stated bv the chair , the following gentle men addressed the mooting : John Ho- sicky , Frank Kaspar , Geo. Hofman , Jos. Kovan and Louis Uerka , The mooting was well attended. Mr. Barbpska , the tower clock builder of Iowa City , who has received at tiie state fair a diploma on bis clock and some weeks asro took measurements of : he high school tower , has bent in a prop osition to the school board to supply a clock for the high school. Ho oilers to 'urntelt the clock with a four and a half 'oot dial , black witli gold letters , for $00 and one of larger dimensions for r)00. ! ) The proposition will be laid be- 'ore the board at its next meeting. The shooting gallery on lower Farnam street was invaded Thursday bv Lieut. Merriam and his brother Col. Merriam. of Cheyenne , both of them crack shots of the army. The proprietor of the gallery opened his mouth considerably when Col. Merriam stopped up and niade ten bulls-eyes out of cloven , nnd his jaw fell still lower when Lieut. Merriam scored eleven bulls-eyes out of twelve. Hoth gentlemen came and went incognito , leaving the astonished bystanders to wonder who they were. The next day both gentlemen returned and lircil twelve shots apiece at the target. This time the bhooting was exactly reversed , Lieut. Lewis Merriarn scoring ten bulls-eyes out of twelve , and Col. Merriiun cloven. Personal Puea A. II. Necdig , of Norfolk , at the Pax- ton. ton.J. . 11. Hunter , of West Point , is at the Paxton. Carl Garver , of Valentino , is quartered at tlio Millard. J. H. Alter , of Grand Island , was in the city yesterday. A. C. MeCnrcle , of Superior , is stop ping at the Millard. A. Harry and W. T. Shiland , of Fre mont , are at the Millard. F. H. MOWCH. of Pacific Junction , is registered at the I'axton. Mr. I. W , Lansing was in the city yes terday and made a brief call at the BKE ollicc. C. E. Lord , baggageman at the Union Pacific depot , leaves for St. Louis to-day to sue the Veiled Prophets. Mrs. Ira M. Davenport JR now in the city visiting her brother , Mr. James G. Carpenter , on Farnam street. Mrs. Harriet N. Simpson , of Mont- clair , N. J. , is visiting here at the resi lience of N , J. Hnrnham. Mrs. George Canfii'ht has returned from Hocklord , Ills. , where she went to place her daughter. Miu.s Lii/.io ; in school , Coroner Drc\ol , C. J. Mentor and a number of other sportsmen started last evening for | Ior.Ko Shoo lake on a fishing and hunting expedition. C. II , Mc.Lcan , of Now York , is in the city on u visit , and h the guest of Frank J. Itiimgo , with whom he graduated from Harvard college in 18.V5. E. G. Hvloy , grand roproscntativo to the I. O. 0. F. grand lodge held at Balti more , returned from that place after making a short visit to his old home. Mr. Crane , who took the part of "Pip- po , " in the "Maseotto , " at tlio opening of Hoyd's opera houpis by the Fay Tom- pleton troupe , is in the city. Ho IK now traveling salesman for a Now York house. James Younp , Fremont ; D. S. Draper , Phittsmouth : 1) . A , Lord , Columbus , E. . Flaniig.ui and wife , Missouri Viillc ; Win. Hall , Pierce , F , L. Larrabue , Man chester , aruat the Cantield , YcBterdaj-'fl Fire Alarm. About 8 o'clock yesterday some ono took fright at the spread of the llamcsln the rofimo which is always kept burning nn the garbage dump near the bridge ind turned in an alarm from box 10 , Sixth nnd Pacific streets. Tlio services if the department were not needed how- iiver. One of thu horses In the hook and ladder team fell on Tenth street while lolloping at full syced and was severely liurt. "Hunt's Kemedy is valuable and its liencllts are permanent. Cured mo of kidney disease. " SULLIVAN FENNEK , Providence , U. I. Hunt's Remedy , cures speedily bilious headache , costiveness , dyspepsia , strengthens tlio stomach , nnd puritictitho e blood. FAVOIIITE HOME JtKMEDV Is wnr- THE run I oil not to contain n tlclo of mercury or any injurious sub- MmiCO , but IS rCHBLT VKOKT.UIt.K. JT VTIU. CfllB ALI , DISKAS.KStAlM : lit nr.IUNdKSIKCT OFT1IE UVKll , Kit ) . NETS AMI PTOMXTir. If your liver Is out ot onlrr. . then your wliolo system l ilcrmifrpil. Tlift tjlorxl is Impure , llio lncnth offensive * you Imvo lii-mlnclio , feel liuiiruld , dispirited nixl norvous. To prevent n moiofftlousoon- illlloti , tnko nt once Slminous T.1VRR JlKQUIuVTOlt , Jf you lend a wvlontury uuuil liro.ormirrcr with KID.NKV Arramo.Ns , nvoM Ftlmulnts nml mho Simmons LUcrKcuu- lulor. Sum to rellovo. If you liavc entrn nnytliliiff him ! of ill- | tc < tfaii , or fool licnvy nflo * mcnta or Floppier nt tily lit , tnko nh > yo nnd > ou vill feel relieved nnd clucp plcnsnntly. If you nro n ml cniblo suircrcr with CONSTIPATION , I\srKrsiA nnd IliuntTA- MSS : , R'ck tcllof nl once In Simmons l.lxcr Hcuuliitor. It iloos not icnulru i-oiitlnnnl do-ilnj , ' , nnd costs but n trltlc. It will euro you. If you wnkoup'ln tlio mornlnff with a bitter , bad tnsto la jour montli , niJ/P | Simmons Liver Ilciriilnlor. It corrects inivu the lllllous Blonuicli , Sueutcns tlio llrenth , nnd C"lunn us llm Kurrcil TOIIBIIO. Cmi/- niiKN ot'ton need FOIIIO pafo Cntliuitiu nnd Tonlo to ux'rtnppronchlni ; flckni"n. Simmons Liver ItCKUlntor will uilleVii Colic , Ileiidncbo , Sick Stomach , liulitfo tion , lj sent cry , und llio complaints - plaints incident to clillilliood. I reinont vs. Oinnlia. All arrangements are complete for the game , on Sunday afternoon , between the Union Pacifies nnd the Fremont Gray * . The contest promises to bo u close and interesting ono. The batting order : ntUMo.vr iiiiAVH. rxio.v p.xni'icH. Sevenmce Vlrst base lloekwell Iiiulwlg Center lielder. liandle Molli'r Second b.ise Van Dyke Doimherty I'itelier Sallslmiy lo\\ilMi ! Short > tti | DoimlicitV Lamr Thlid base MeKelvey ( iiiodeniitiih..Center lielder..Lawiene VelMiin Lett fielder Hmnill Wood UlKht tti'lder. Cnmleld The Athletic bnselmtl club has entered the tournament at Yilliscn which take- , place Oct. ( i and 7 , and is priming to show the Hawkeye men how baseball is played in the Nebraska metropolis. Parties intcrcMcd in the regatta are. ar ranging to have a tub race on the pro gramme next week. Ordered Out of Town. Business in Judge Slonberg'.s court was very light yesterday. William Green , a frequenter of gamb ling houses and a. tough character gener ally , was arraigned for vagrancy. The judge sentenced him to CO days in the county jail , but suspended sentence on condilion that he leave town within an liour. Green picked up his hat anil started at. a dog-trot gait for the Bluilu. John Maher , a dilapidated Hpeeimcnof manhood , barefooted and clothed in rags , twirled his Jiat nervously as ho stood before the judge to answer to charge of vagrancy. He said ho was go ng cast to look tor wock , and nccor s- nglv ho was released oq n promiuc to Kkedaddlo instantly. A New AVnrp. General Tratlle Manager. Kimball , of the Uijion Pacific , baa inhis oflico two specimens of a new pottery ware pent to lim from Denver. The articles are a drinking goblet and a miitclt safe. The ware is very pretty , resembling cut mar- jle of a streaked white ami purple drab color. It is claimed to be made of smelter slag and glass , and II. II. Tain- lien , dealer in curios at Denver , las the patent. Mr. Guy C.'Barton has seen a quantity of tiie stufl' bqth in west uid east , but is not prepared as yet to > ass fjvvorablo judgment upon it , nor Iocs he credit that it in made of smelter slag. It would prove of great value in- Iced to Omaha if a process could bo dis covered to utilize the refuse from the city's lartro smelter , and the merits of his new "wareill bo closely investi gated. The Union PnclJlc Comptroller. The announcement of the appoint- nent of a comptroller of the company nnd the selection of Oliver AV . Minck for that ollicc as it appeared in the BKK ees- torday aroused considerable comment and created no little stir at Union Pacifiir headquarters , The intelligence is half credited , half doubted and all through tlio auditing department a small Hurry of excitement prevails in expectancy o' ( changes which may result from the now departure. Absolutely Pure. TliH ponder Jiovrr vnrlo * . A inurvel of ptu-iitftli und w Iiolot-oinono-is. Moru tvoiiuiiilcul tliiin tliu onllmiry klmln , imil uuiinut bubolil In txiiniirtitloii with tlui multitude ) utlnwlofet.Mior : Ufllflil nml iilionlmUi | ) powdeM. fold only In CHIH. Hoyul linking 1'OKdcrCb. , UU WiUl ttrcct , ornMiu OVER 4OO.OOCFSJN..U3E. . HAMBURG -AMERICAN 3aclrct Ocrripcuciy. A DIRECT MNK iXlt , Franco & Germany , iis of Oils "t.'ll hnnwn UIKI nro nil oflioii , In alcr Unlit coiiiparlinuut.s , iindio- lunilflicilritli everything to uuiku Iliu i > ui : i o both Hflfo and UKi'Ci-nlilo. They curry thu Untied HlultM nnd European nuills , and luuvu New York ThurMluyK und Butiinluys lor I'lyiiionlli. ( LON- UONi , mcibiiUir.I'ARISnndHAMIH'RU ( ) . Itiilc's-riral c.iblu , $ UU-tlWJ. BU'i'rneu to New V n i k. _ Hoiice ! Notice ! Hofice ! TIIU IIILM.Klt. To all n lie nro dlrcnred or nftllrlcd. no matter how IUIIK III" tlnndhii ; , conio iiiul IK ) tiealuU. rviuuluillftiiRsrliviuiiHHllcincs lm > u Inltnl tu clvo t ollur , u Piurliilty. Cumo onu , coinu nil und lie hulled by Iliu Mnunctlu IH'idur , thu only uiu v l'orioiiuiny ' dl-eai-o. Tor imunlimllori cm- I'lmrVilim tl. for uucu trcutiuunt of U<utiuu , ii , in-ir.esti it'll ) 'And we invite your attention to our mention of special arrivals daily ; and if you interest yourself enough to give notice you will always find something in store for you at the Only Misfit Cloth ing Parlors , 1119 Farnam St. . we will have on sale today , the fol lowing special arrivals from the leading merchant tailors throughout the United States. buy a heavy Cassimero Pantaloons which was < made for . ' ' $ 1 00 , $ 4 JO Will provide you a pair of Pantaloons which can't bo made for less than $ 0 00 ; $ 5 00 I or : i p.iir of Pantaloons no tailor will make for loss than ' . . - $13 00 $ 0 50 Yli'3 pair of Pantaloons will no doubt prove your size , was made for $18 CO ! > ! this pair would not pay for the goods , was made to order for $16 00 8 < > ' . 'i is ans purely Knglisli , my boy , and was made perhaps for 3'ou for 319 O0j S ' > . . " " ' . . . " ' 'V'C-MVair.ia mudo from a French Fabric , as tine us is mudo for $20 00' ' ' ] .i1is jvgood Business Suit , equal to any you can have made for $2G 00' ' Tii'is ' a Fall Overcoat , very elegant , was made to order for . * $30 00 * 18 01 Js t'n ' price of that Cork Screw Sack Suit , nindo for . - 535 00 V" . ' ! bay tiiat New Market Overcoat made to order for $39 QO ' TiiN represents the price of that Four Button Cutaway Frock Suit made for § jo oo' ' $21. , M 'Vli'itt will buy that Prince Albert Suit made by n Merchant Tailor for JJ.JQ oy $15 20 I'v-r .1 Fall Overcoat made to order by a leading tailor for $09 50 $37 f.O T > ' .s will be found the price of thatRoafor Coat and Vest made for 555 QQ' $11 C ) l-.vr ' 'uit double Breasted Sack suit made of 'Scotch Cheviot , for gg QQ' ? : ; j 10 V.'lll buy that Overcoat trimmed with Fur in show window , was made for § gg OQ $1'J20 H movjiiLs the price of that Frock coat and vest which was made for § 35 QQ S3i 0) ) \ . i'i buy that Fall Overcoat lined through with Raw silk , was made for § ( jg QQ T .N it a Frock Suit , size J13 breast of cork screw worsted , was made for . ' § 03 00 Y > ! i will buy this a straight cut Sack Coat full suit lined with satin , was made for 505 QO $17 85 This is a. Heafcr Coat and Vest of fur bnver , was made for 5139 00 $33 00 Buys that Fur Beaver Overcoat beautifully lined and was made for $07 fit ) $ ia 20 Birys that Business suit in Frock Coat plain color , was made for $37 to , $03 00 Knglisli Mellon new Market Overcoat was made to order for JJQ 00 11 15 This H a Coat and Vest alonn in Suck Coat , was made for 39 00 SU1 U5 This birys that Full drass suit Swallow tail coat , was made for jp7o OQ § 12 80 That Youth Frock Suit1 , Button , cut away , made for j$25 $ 00 ? M -10 The other full dross suit Swallow tail coat made for * $53 oo § IC 70 The other Fall Overcoat made of Worstend cloth for $33 oo $10 00 Now wo come with a handsome Frock coat ami vest , was made for § 33 fQ S 5 10 Prince Albert suit as fine sis any man wears , was mudo for § 73 QQ # 33 00 Good enough Frock suit dark color , was made to order for $ | g oo $10 no . You must see this , an Overcoat was made to order for f 4jo oo $81 75 Full dress suit last received , Swallow tail coat , was made to order for , § 70 OQ We feel assured you cant pass us by if you need anything in this line we are styled , Omaha's Pride or the Future saving Enterprise for man , once you call you will call again . AT THE ONLY MISFIT - . ± 11 © srr. . , 111 © N" . J3. Yon are invited to Keep yonr eye on our us we make our changes daily.