THE OMAHA DMfcV JB15J3 , SATURDAY , OCTOBBIi S , 1S85. TMBDAJtjYBlSIfl. 'ninnv Orncit , Ko. Mil Ain TUB I'utNtu & NRW YOIIK Onignv , HrKist 05'rwiuirm HflJrfJJS J. 1'iililNliM n TTymonin ! , "ropt Rt ml " . Tlit anlf Motiilnj- morning | xjicr | iuUIHh < t la Uii TEN'H nv it.Ut. : rw Year. . . . . . . .tlafti.llm Mnnlli * . l 8IifMmitlis . noOOm fwill . IW Tun VniTU.v tin1 , l'uliHli ( l llwiy Wo-litwny ! TMUS.O , fUSrrAIli , Ono Vnnr. with picmlu'i . . . .T-1H flnn Vnrtr , irll limit uromiutn . 1 . Fir Mont li- , without propiluin . . . . . 71 Onr > Monlli.oii irlnl . It CO7.1i ! : ! < w i > KM't : ! AH mtnmtinScnllntK rvlntlnrr to n ( fl unit Csll' torinl ninllor * should I1 * ' iiilunwiit tn the All InifilitMS Icitiiiri ntitl nv | ! t.invi ( s'iMiM IK : nflrtcwrtxl to Till ! rirV IMw.tsniHfl < Visir\NV , ntMitA. UrrtlM. cln-ck * nml ( > < > . < iIHp < > union | wl'ntlo lotli ontnr of UIQ company. m m poflwiMc mmi mnium. K. ItOSr.VVATKtl. KltltOlb _ _ KMJP tint bull rolling. 1'ilo tip tlni brink ami mortar , : uul lot llio boom go on. Ax oltl newspaper correspondent nl Washington predicts Ihul Ilio next eon- ffftatu will contain ns many drinking men mulld Ilio historic. This Is welcome nowfl to Ilio Wunhlngton gin-milts. building has collapsed , this limp in Chicago. Some of these day.s there will 1n > : t universal clamor in Oma ha for a rigid supervision of buildings tnulcr course of construction. 'J'nn democrats generally tire HO innolt opposed to civil pervioo reform tluit I'rcs- idonl Cleveland will probably find it dif- flcull. loRel n democrat to accept the place vacated by Commissiimnr Gregory. SKtfivroitMAiiONi.s : bad boy lias boon on anolhor spree , and lias been arrested. This limo ( ho old mun bhould lash the son with' that horsewhip V7ith which ho rccontly attempted to whip a young man for loading his boy nstray. Tins country is neb the only nation that him a Chinese reduction net. The Ilu- vriilian government bus paused o.lawlim itirig lo twenty-live tlio number of Chi nese wlio can bo brought into the king dom on ono vessel. This docs not inohido theSe hfivinjj passports , but the latter tire only issued to Mongolian inhabitants of the islands who desire to visit China. TT is a mistake to suppose that the .polygamous Mormons can find a refuge in old Mexico. Ji'lio Catholic church is the dominant religious organisation in that country , audits influence i.ssullicienl to prevent , polygamy getting any foot hold in Mexico. Already the Catholics Have raised their voice any in tended Mormon colonization and the granting of any lands for such purposes. IT was supposed that when the Venn- H.ylvania legislature passed ft bill against issuing atoro orders to coal miners in- .stead of p.iying them in money that method of oppression would cease , but Hiioh , however , has not been the result. The question has now gone into the courts , and it is likely to remain there noine limn in accordance with the proverbial delay of the law. The labor organisations of Pennsylvania , however , propose to see that the law is enforced , " and they are contributing funds to push the pending cases to a iinal decision. " .CAitr , " the Cleveland Lender's Washington - . ington correspondent , is authority for the 'statement ' that the I'orty-oighlh congress I was not a pious body by any means , and f one of its most brilliant western members - bors was seldom ficon upon the lloor ex- I ooptunder the inlluonooof liquor. Whom i ° does he refer to ? Wo knowaovoral west- Lorn members who think themselves among P"lho most brilliant , " but whether any of | them will put the above coat on remains f to bo fioon. CoHiT\iN"r is general in the oily of the nnncccHsurily slow schedule time made by the cura on our street railways * . Many of our merchants decline lo use the cars in reaching their places of business in the morning dimply becanso they can itinko the trip faster on foot. This is es pecially true on the Park Avenue , Eighi tconth street , and the Ginning street lines. A reform is needed which , if of- footed , would certainly increase the rev- the company. STATUS consuls sometimes Iiavo soniQlhing else to do to relieve the Iwllinu of existence limit , writing consu lar reports for the ntito : department. jThu oonsul at Genoa has just secured the release from : i lunalio asylum of an "Amoflean girl who married an Italian * count wiino years ago , and who was in- ouroemUul when hiinu by her husband. An American railroad king beats a foreign count nine times out of tun as a matrimonial venture. - ( iiK , Mtucs expresses the opinion that it Is tllnoor the government to do some thing toward faibing New Mexico out of the condition of barbarism in which HIO ! lias remained so long. The territory , ho .Hays has been the haunt of outlaws , n -"block in the pathway of clvill/.atlon , " mid the causa of enormous expense to the ! country. It is now in order for the Now Mexican newspapers to rake ( Jen. Miles foro-itnd-uft , as they did Senator Marnier- 'BOM , whose opinion of Now Mexico's con- illtion coincided with that now expressed by ( lun. Miles. Tim republican county central com mittee which meets to-morrow , Rhouhl give the voters a fair chance for full op pression at the primaries. Wo under stand Hint It is proposed to have only one voting place in every ward , That would hardly answer. At the regular election , ' when ten hours time U given to the i voters two polling places are kept very busy in sivcral of the wards. At the primary election only two or three boms MM given and in that lime It Is expected to poll nearly one-half of the number of voles cast at two polling places in a whole day. There should be as many voting places at the primaries n * their fn nt Ilio regular oli'i'tion , even if for nn I other ivuKon than toaecotnnmdaln vnti > i > who roililn nl n givat Uiitaiiuo from the ' . Cl-MltOI lt til v\lCll. A. ltf Mroal to ( lie Norlhwnot. Atl ntlofi Is Invite4 to the loll r h-oiv one of pur ttiMt prominnat biisincA ) tnun prinlKl * l owhoro in thbt Nine , willi ri gard l < Ilio necwsslty of prompt aelson < ui the parl of Omaha to m-ur. * dln-cl rail xvny ronnocllon with tibrHuuiMcrii Hw linmka. ft is nil very well lo have hull' reel communication with lhat I'-etion < < l the slnlc ihroiigh ( ho vvtenshm of the MljwottrS Pacific. n < ve alrcml.v Imvo b thn rn sj'Slem , Thai N heller than nolhing , but it will mil bo of m.tle- rlal benefit in the building up ot Omaha. Tie ! ( ( vtimiicmof tin ; Missouri I'neilie to nOrthwcsLn-n Nebraska Is not what we wunti It will simply bo lo Oin.ttm on the west what the Uurlington ( < on thn south ami lite Northwestern in on ( ho norlli. It will p' ' in1 Omaha in th ) fionUir of a Iri- aught , with brnnohos running to the trunk llnOH forming ( Uti sulo.s oV that trl- anglo. This ) point Is Avcll taken and ex plained in our corrcspondtmt's lellt-r , which should bo carefully roail. Wlnit Omaha doo.s want la a direct reid : to tin ; northwest , owned and controlled by Omaha capital. Nowi.Mlhe lime to'net in tlii-f matter , and it in lo he hoped thai , our hiiiinc men will til once tnnefnnd dismiss tint project with tMlowof thirl ing thii ontorprisu in the immediate future. It wlrilie-S us lhat the board of trade should tike hold of this i-o Voting on the CUy Hull. The llnis .s.-\j ! that Ilio 1'hrtM U iiiislnKeti In It * nsMUthm Hint Jfayor Ito > il'n pnivUd In llmJIjvis ooiilmct for city hall pluus " \\ill delay action unlit after the novt smliip elec tion , unless a spcclnl election is'iintcreil. " TlieKtt \ \ finthur says tlie iiewnlutu-e of the iiliins ran bo voted for at the nest lejfiilrtr clccllon on the lii t Tuesday in Vovcuibcr. Tlielliii. , having , U Is ronccihul , thelicsl bili'iesbt of the project fit heatt , lUlttll ( tuovo sluxvly , or , at least , cnutioti < lyf lit thisitlVuir. In the lint plare , the suliiil < slon ofr.iti'li innt- ters to a vote of the puoplu .shutild ftoutr at a clnu lor uh'cllon. The one trt lie Itelil Novem ber : i is nol -sttcli aH one , liul alale elooltuu , duly luoel.iimwl by Oov. DaH ( . lulhi-M.'C- end | iliirc , in order to Icgnliru tlio b.illiiii east for the pm pose miller debate , Ilio sisuiikMiice of the mailer would have to hu piochilnied ! > * Uie mayor. The simplest mode of puiccthtro ami Ilio mosto\iieillent would be lur Jfayor Uoyd to will a siK'pial election nt which l ( vole on this snlijwt , said oleollnn to bo held the sjimo day as the pcncral election , Tuesday , Novi'inlior " > . The irf.ritlil docs not wish toob.ilruet it Is ? only aniumtcd with the desim to blunders that inlsht Invalidate hiib prorocdl mr.i.Z Icnilcf. Theie is no danger lhat any procedure looking to a submission of lite proposi- erect a city- hall nt the general election in November .will bo invalid. The charter gives the mayor and council power to erect public building * ami the only restriction is the clause lhal pro hibits any .such improvement costing in the aggregate a sum ftrenler than ifTi.OXX ) , until the ordinance providing therefor shall bo submitted , to and ratified , by a majority of the legal voters of the city. The charier doe < ? not require Iho submis sion of the proposition at a regular city clcclion. It may bo voted on at any time , cither nt a special election called for that purpose or at the general stale and counl.y elec tion. AH that h requited to carry out the law is the psis : tgo of an or dinance containing the proposition and the publication thereof twcnly days be fore the election. Wo have on various occasions voted on improvement bonds and other questions affecting this city nt the general elections for county and slate olliccs. Such elections usually draw out a much larger vote than special elec tions and for that reason are preferable if it is desired to get a full vole on a matter of great public importance. Of course , voting upon n municipal propo sition at a county and shtto election is virtually a special election so far as that particular issue is concerned , but it does not involve the same outlay , aa the rcgis- Iralion for the general election answers also for the special election. The cost of registration is more than three-fourths of Uie onliro election machinery. TUB Ohio campaign Is glowing at white heat as election approaches. The HalsUiad episode does not appear to exert muchInfluence _ in the canvass and the question of John Sherman's return 10 the senaU ) btcms to bo the most import ant before the people. Republicans fear more Iho ulleot of the stay-al-liomc vote which in off years is apt to bo large es pecially in Iho Woslcrn Heservo. IT Uikes a very largo tole.scopo nowa days to discover any appreciable growth in the New York Grant memorial fund but the committed professes Itself confident that there will bo more than enough to pay for Its secretaries' .sala ries and tlio necessary expenditures for office rent and stationery. INVKSTIOATIOXS of democratic appoint ments in Indiana nroshocklng the nerves of tie | administration. The postmaster of Terre Haute Is discovered lobe Iho keeper of a low dance hall , and other iioinlnco.s of the Tall Sycamore of the Wnbiifili are found to have oven worse records. Turn the rascals in. DANIIH , O. FINCH lias been appointed United States district attorney for tlio southern district of Iowa. Mr. Finch lias long been a prominent member of the DCS Moine.s-bar , and it. is to his credit thai bo claims no political connection with General John 1J , , of Nebraska no- loriuly. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUB alarming discovery Is reported lhat there are now one hundred thou sand practicing physicians in the United States , 75 per cent of whom carry and dispense their own remedies. This ac counts in purl for the steady increase in our annual death rate. Mit , Ilt'.XDitiCKS has been addressing the Now Jersey firemen. As no refer ence to politics was made In the nddicss , it is generally considered the bc&t speech he has made this season. AH there are to be only three justices of the peace elected this fall they .should bu the very best men. The shyblurs and barnacles should bo given a vacation from the bunch. Tin ; ralhvny conunls.-ilonurd urn look- big over tlio map to find out u new route fur thnir next i loa mro trip. Wo would suggoftf lhat they go over the Omaha belt lino. TIIK best nvidonoo that Omaha'ti borin i < firi'Ulno is the faol that Tom Murray liH * > aln ) t begun lo ctouetrttct bis Four- icftlilh street block. hhows a gain of W3.0DO in ! ! n yt nr. . Thin is a little more than four limes Iho gnin in the population of Omaha during the same period. " ItunnAiibvfM.r. " la the tiatno of a Georgia rnllw.iy dUllnii. They ought to change Ihu name lo Tom Cum- ntingsvlllc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ _ _ „ „ M'tiK Apaches are still raising hair in tho'lY > mh. tnnn district and there l.s n universal call for Crook's famous Indian tpcellie _ „ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMUIV wants more pnHeemcn , but lio- foiv tlm force is it should bfc graded under civil .service rules. Tun park and boulevard soltenfu ifc not. dead. It Is only stooping. Dr. .Mercur should administer n stimulant. Tim Montreal anti-vacctnallon rifots Nronu'd lo have been caused by ft dispute over "Iho right to bare arms.1' Woodman linseed oil upon the troubled waters docs not seem to have a calming ofl'oot. Other Ijamls Than Oitrrt. 'I'hn rioting in Montreal which onlml- naled on Tuesday In llio of the mob by Iho Canadian militia ( if I or : > heavy destmotion of properly , furnishes nn in-Uttietivo commentary on Iho dm : gor to the .sinto iu allowing widespread ignoraneo on sanitary subjects to exist in any community. Filthy habits and Iftuoraut. opiHisition to vaccination wore ohiiill.y responsible for the foul opidornio whioh has been raging for weeks among Iho 1'Ye.nch Canadians and the attempt of ( he authorities to compel Vaccination was met by Ihc outbreak which wrecked buildings and destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of property in the city. Nothing is so unreasoning- ignoraneo nnd hence thu need to the stale of widespread education. Knowl edge i.s tlio peroquisito to obedience ; and enforcement of the law.s both civil ami .sanitary becomes a dillicult mailer when , ' ' find obstructed by 'ignorant prejudice fanaticism. " Latest dispatches from Houmolia throw no additional light on thu situation. The conference to bo held in Constantinople on Monday in which- representatives of Ihe various powers will participate , ia ex pected to relieve Iho tension which llus- rim and Austria are especially feeling. Turkey's hope of Englishs interference have boon rudely di&cip.itud and all de pendence upon her own resources has been banished by the pitiful .showing of the rottenness which pervades every portion tion of her military establishment. ThcivJ .seems now to 1)6 no doubl that'Ihe reyolt in Eastern Houmcliu Was jnsli ulcd , purely by Prince Alexander , and thiit , neither lliwsia nor Au.Urii' | ' is in Iho least responsible * lor1 the result- which all sides denounce- as nn unfoituiiate and uncalled-tor reopening - opening of the Eastern question. It is impossible to predict what may bo llio outcome of the present complications. Russia's race allihutton lo the Slavic people ple who surround her assures Russian sympathy to any outbreak on Iheir part against the Turks. The strongest pres sure is being brought upon tlm o/.ar to force him to extend assistance to the Uui- g.musis , iin assistance which it is known Alexander 111 would willingly oiler , if assistance meant permanent occupation without being u.s.sunllud at once as no cer tainly would be , a combination which vvoufd include Austria , Survia , Turkey , ( irooco , and perhaps Italy , leaving Eng land , France and Germany entirely out of llio question. Strong presiuro will doubtless bo brought to hoar upon the porlo to accept the union of Bulgaria and ItonmclUi without the arbitration of an armed conlliet which would draw all E.istorn Europe into the trouble. . The consternation into whioh the an nouncement of I'.irnelPs policy ban thrown the English political leaders has by no means subsided. Simply stated Air. Purnell's schema i.s the complete restoration of legislative independence to Ireland. This is an ola&tio term , which would naturally include full power of pas-sing every kind of measure relating to tlio internal condition of Ireland , but can hardly bo token o cover Such mat ters as the Imposition of taxes for the support of the army and navy or other imperial purposes , However , Mr. Par- neil illustrates his meaning by three ex amples. His Irish parliament is to bo competent to legislate regarding the land , the condition of tenure , llio lixing of rents , the buying out of landlords. It is to legislate on jmuuiition , which , next lo land , has been llio most vexed and thorny of all Irish questions. It i.s to have power to foster Irish industries , which seems to mean that it may Impose customs duties on goods im ported imported even from England or Scotland into Ireland , or. in other words , that it is lo have a budget and financial system of its own. Nothing is said as to the naluro of llm lie which is lo unite Ihe two Islands , as lo thu contribu tions for suoh common expenses as those of army and navy , diplomatic services , and so forth , but it may safely be assumed - sumed lhat Ireland , either through par liament or through representatives in some imperial parliament of the threw kingdoms , is lo retain bur right of ex pressing her will upon those subjects. To secure this fur-reaching rotorm Mr. Parncll proposes that parliamentary can- didatub train each county bo chosen by n county convention , that the present par liamentary chief be permitted to control to n greater or less degree the choice of the convention , ami that when selected the candidate shall take an "Iron-clad pledge" that he will always vole In par liament in accordance with thu decision of the majority of the purlv , or , if at any lime he docs nol do so , will forthwith re sign his seat. By this method Mr. Par- mll proposes to fen ma perfectly cohesive parliamentary party which will bo able to throw eighty votes in u 'body for or u gainst any measure according to the ( .MUCUS will. It is with this mighty club that the uncrowned king of Ireland is menacing English legislation in thu com. ing parliament and radicals , whlgs and lories alike are confronted with its lullu- cnce. All parties alike denounce osim- possible Iho Parnoll programme , but as Mr. Parncll has just reminded Lord Har- tlngton in a speech replying to Unit statesman , English miiiisturo have of Into you I'd done much for Ireland whioh they vowed they would never do. and ccr tainly sorely disliked doing. Who can suy that thu limit of concession 1ms boon nmched , or will have been reached when the lord lieutenancy 1ms buun abolished ( us il apparently will shortly be ) , and when representative local governments have been established through thu rural districts of Ireland. In England th < political campaign has begun lo glow and'Oio' coming wool ; will MID Ihtt lomlor.itif kll ' imrtirs * nclivu on hunting * . In M > lft T3f Air. ( Jladslono's lirilllnnr p nttivil minlfrslo thf gaps in the bin rnnl h&rv'iiot entirely closed and the union t'f liio ' radieal aiid whig wings seem ulmiwVWfnroT ( never. The f.ars of ehttrch tl eHtalilh'itni'nt ' causes many of Iho whigslto staTid aloof While the radicals unite ? Ohnmberlain urn In open rebellion on 'the question of l.'ind purchase and nllnlinwil of farms to hibor- ers. Ujion Iho Irif-li ( tupstioti all factions are practloallvftgiotd in opposition to tlio Parnrll programme.Vhilotitellbonils arc difilrneted by a suprrabuiidauce of i.vttlcs which Ksom mtpossibUi lo bo reconciled to Iho diverging obmliiii' ) of the party loaders , the lories iiro t > uibstrfns ed by a laek of what In this country would bo called plfltfonn material. Hahabury takes the slump nctt v.'eek In an assault on present lilxiliil loiulers and past liberal measures , and Chuivhill is to dovotA his attention to political vituperation of ( ilaiKloni ) and Bright. 'Iho ostonslon of the franehiso tuakos nliy prcdieailnn of results impossible , but as a largo number ot Ihu new \oUn\s mime from liberal con 'Milnemccs ' the patty leaders ate encour aged lo hope thai , any disaffection from the mhldlu and tipper' " will bo more than tnadn up by the "new aecopslon.s froht the lower classes of Iho borotighs. The French olootlona will bo hold on Sunday , and wound ballots , made noees- sary by n failure to oil'eot a Ohoiec at the Irial , will be held on October 18 , Iwo Weeks lalev. This , il will bo remembered , is the ( hvt. general oleolion held under the new xys'tom of s-crutln do lisle. Owing to the local jealousies in the various depart- monUi , now fur llta lirst lime compelled to unile on n conusiou lieket , and owing aNo lothodiver'Tuncoof vlnws prevailing belween roiiubuisan and radicals ot various feohoolf , the republicans , on Sep tember lo , had been able to agree on ono ticket in only thirty-nine out of nluetyilopnrlmcmla. Hence , in a majority of dopartmeuM the republican srieiiglli will bo divided , and secondary ballots are likely to be ttecOMary in must cases. Owing lo this confusion , no e.sti- mafe ban be made of ( he probable result ot the election. It may be found afler election that "scl-ntclilug" has prevailed In .suoh an oKtetil in ( ho thirty-nine dc- ' where a tingle republiean lieket luii bron invsenled by ( he leaders , lhat day.s will lie required lo iir.corrii'm rhere.siill. i The trouble between Spain and Ger many over the Carolines lui.s been night dt' in the more pressing diliictillied in K-.slern : Houmeliu. lut ! it seems to bi > .Mutllcd jirobably ( o iVmco Bismarck's MilislaOlton. Tlio scleelion of the pope as arbitrator of Iho dispute was a direct concussion lo Spain , as I.eo XI 11. can haitlly help leaning toward the most Catholic .sovereign of the most CuthgJio milion in Kuroptj. It is intimated that this dispute was blirred up by Bismarck in order to settle it. in a way that would make the king of Spain more ( irmly his friend than ever before just as shrewd persons in society often olleiid someone slightly in order to rn\ku : \ a deeper iui- presiion by u graceful apology. Reports of llond airil ftormj In India give fearful details' of tlio disaster. wrought by the plements hist week in . l5en < pil and vicinity , the most populous portion of British India. The tloodof the. 'nd insl. , cohered an area of . ; ! oOUt ) Siiiaic | miles , aiid : i great amount of has been destroyed and limner - Eroperty lives losf. ) Many families have been made dcs'jitutc1. llousos , crops , uitltlc , and ] ioiihib'lo goods Of every description have been carried away by the flood * . The government authorities arc distributing provisions ami clothing and doing all limy1 etU : o' relieve the sut- fnrors. The mii nilie.ent , harbor of False Point was > slruelv by a storm wave last week and moat of its inhabitants per ished. Fi'oni Iho Tyrol , in Switzerland , como also sickening rumor.1 ! of disastrous iiiun- dnflons , imrliculurd of which have not comu to hand. A significant dispatch from E.irl IJulferln , viceroy ot India , in forms the. government that necessity has arisen for armed intervention , in BuVniah and that ho 1ms ordered the chief com missioner in British Burmah lo Solid lo King Theebnw u protest against Iho exactions - actions of the Burmuh trading associa tion. Tlio lenor of Earl Dit fibrin's ad vices points lo an early annexation nt' Burmah. The Burmese envoy at Paris in an interview said : that Iho sole object of his mission was to arrange a treaty of commerce with Franco and to resist the annexation of Burmah to India in every possible manner. The rock-bound island of Heligoland , which looniH ii | > from Iho storm-loosed. German ocean , is not of great value in itself , bill its possession by Great Britain since 1SD7 , at which date il wan captured from Denmark * has been , especially in recent years , a thorn in the llesh of Ger many. The island is triangular in shape and only a mile in its extreme leiigth. It is situated forty miles northwest of the mouth of the river Elbe and its proximity is regarded by Iho Germans as a standing menace to them so long HH it remains under the Hag of a foreign nation , for whose fleets it would serve as iv station in time of war. In these circumstances there is doubtless truth hi the report ! which is telegraphed from London lo the oll'eut that an ar rangement had boon agreed upon by which Great Britain will cede Heligoland to Germany and receive in return Ihu lands in Now Guinea which have been taken possession of by Bismarck in the prosecution of his colonization projects. While the Itoumo.ians are accomplish ing their political revolution trouble has broken out in another purtof the sultan's dominions. The lierco Albanians are re ported by telegraph to have risen in re volt , anil to have nad several bloody en counters with the Turks. There will never be peace among the hostile races and sects that occupy Albania until one or Iho other is converted or destroyed , no niiillur whut may be Ihoir form of government. ' ! ' llorr Krupp Isito supply the porto with n largo mnnberof guis. | The order in for seven very heavy guns of iVfy centimuturs bore , each similar lo the ono already mounted at the DacdqnollcH ; 'JJ gnus witli a bore of tit r > 0 cdntltnulers , and -100 lield pieces and nioiiiMii ) ( guns ranging in cal ibre of 7 to U ccmimelers. I-our of Iho largo guns are lo detynd Iho Bosphorus , and Ihfou Iho , The others are intended for v.'trious fortifications along the coast , and lo bring up the arlil- lory uopartmcnlilif lire army lo a standard just determined , byi the Turkish war ollice. f t It is rumored 'thai 1.200 slaves have liceti purchased Of llul king of Dahomey , to work on the Island of SI. Thomas , a L'orluguorio possession. The Jew , Bitlur. nnd his wlfo , and ( ho iieasanl Stochlinski have been senlenced [ o deittli at Cracow , on the charge of murdering a Christian girl. It is be lieved Unit Ihu verdict will be sot aside , Murderous HolioolH. Chicago Herald : AH lite obleetlonablo feature's of American life nave been transferred to the school house , Children of tender years experience In those places the first tu-sto of that bitter struggle for supremacy which la going on in Iho world without. By an ingeniously devised scheme for pulling youth upon Its metal nnd maintaining a break neck race these schools have become murderous to n degree of which few people who have not given the subject altetilfon have any conception. Hundreds of children of dlffbrotit ages , difl'eronl temperament and different capabilities are collected logathor nnd rushed through from ono grade to another wllh a rapid ity which for HOHHJ Is easy , for others dilllcitlt hud for all dangerous in the degree to which they may bo injuriously Hflccted by Iho excitement of Iho process or by worriiueii ! over the pn4shlity ! ! of inability tomnlutaln Iholr position. The Humor Hunted. Philadelphia , Records The acnuillal oJ the Manmis de Moms by Ilio Dakota jury before whom lie was tried for murder shows that Iho Killing of a cowboy is looked upon by the frontiersmen very much In the same light us the killing of an Indian. On the strength of this vcr- diet wandering nohlovmm In search o ( adventure may Ibid a new oveilenuuil in luuillu'cowboys. ; Tim snort will bo Hid more alluring from thotael thsvlll. will bo extremely Uangorous. The cowboy is a sort of game tluit hunts ; the httntiu * . drcnt American Trnrcler. Chicago News : Daniel Pratt can take- a back now. Senator Maudorson , ot Nebraska , is tlio great and only American Traveler. Current Oplnlmf. Nc\r YoilvT mes : Mr. Hill's mmilnaron Is gr ctrt < Uli i nt usla-sin by Hi vly melv \\liiiweiolni-eiisedntlliflsiaiBhlCoiwn d < l vntlnnotUV c find to hi duty tnlhupublh' . His most aiilout admirers r the enemies lhat Clevi Kind nmdo. The newspaitcrs tliat oppoelthe lueHlituut. or ilnmngnd b m by laiut s pi-oit aintlm very oue.s 1 1 tnte Imul- est In the r pralsunC the slate llckel. The pnvsl eiit'ssliiMiestfileml-ftiul most. ante t "iipporlniB In thedcinn 111 io pnity have lieen disheaitened yth iic'tlftii ot a convention ( inlio ed bVth. ) methods vvhloh his catitlld-i- cv ami election Imd conilpnined. Umler tlm elrcumsiaiiros II Is ( lllllciill to pen how sup- ixntuiiil amunvul of Uui mlmiuislmlhm can bo lilenttlii'ulth the of the ( U'lmvt-.itiu piiity n this stnlA uliun il has put up a tic.lci't. thil : embridies hosliuty to the policy tch It was expu'.ssly cho.scn to cairy out New Toik Cnmmcrelnl Advertiser : 'Hiero ntedemorfats , weiejolee to l.'liow , who will no ( . Mill' lor 1 till , liul their number is com- IMiMtlvely sm.ill , and their nivoll. v\ill bo a ( mietoiic. They will not Uiitilc il necessary or wise to pwulo their virtue upon the stiect exu ucis or. In the event of republican sin'ooss , to r\"suino the Kunutialishlii ot Iho rmnili'.ic.ui ' piveiunr. For the test , Sir. Hill will reoeivo the vule of his putj ; , we think. l'o t : The eomiili'led dcinucratlc ticket one latrly good nntito upon It , tlmt ol Jfr. ( Miiipln , the iciuimltuitcd eomiitiollcr , but thnts ill bu : m hisiiillcitmt leaven for the salvation of the wlmle himii. Mr. Chaplii was sl.ued "to o" by the 11(11 ( WlnVmillrrH , but the ncccssliv ot mnkliiK some coueessloii to public MMitlment lllially coiupollcil his nomination. The remainder of the ticket is not h > lie cump.ued lor a moment with tlio s.imo portion of the il'imblieau ticket New York Heudd : The nomination of the Hill ticket \\-as a < lrolniitimi In the inde pendent voters of IhLs stale that those whrt eoiitiolli'il the cuineiiltnii. ami who , If they caii elect Mr. Hill , will coutiol Uin democtiitie p.xity in tin's "piviilal" Mate , < lo not want the help of jmleix-mlent voteis and will not tolerate their iniluonco upon the action of 'S3I1M3S. " Lot-d Tenneyson's tijiplo is Rrtoil old port. . Attouicv ( ii'iicnd Gotland lilcus a good ar- tieli1 of bonihiiii. Scmdois Fronnd lllalriuesidd to bo Uie only suiMloit who wo tuetot.dcis. TJumnan is vei > ' fond of gK ( > d old wine anil whisky , liit ) he never dtinke to owesi. Keiitucki.ius titti.illy talce whisky stiaUrlil , iiml WiMjoiisiiisaie loml of Ihoir own Mil vvaulieu l.ucr. Speaker Cai lisle is si peed juilfto ot liquors , ami lie niton takea u bottle ol wine with his lunch. ' 'I'rMrtpiit'flN'Vela'rtd ' drinks a ulass of lifer sometimes , ami of the mi'iiibers of Hie louvr lutiise tew of them am a\crse to a dram on the sly. Until Coami Dorshclmer like 'ood wine , ami ( "c-dlplomats , such as Hill , ot lllliuiK , soliloiueat without a boltloofiuo at their meals. Kiriiinr is sold nfc tlio cniiltnl as miipli as ever , ami j mi eau set a whiskey sti.iiitlit in either the senate or house rust.uuantby : isic- " . . " iu tur"cohl te.i. In no city of the United Stites , except , I > eilniti. | ? o\v Ui leans , is tliuie so mui'li WIIID ( liauc ) in iiiopiiitlou to the population as tlieie is InVti > . | iiiigtoii. > nmv of lliecnmmitti'i ! looms nt Iho eiitol ] * coatabi dining a session a choice aitlcle of siunis , null ( lie iiutM'iit minister to Iti'iliu , Mi. I'iMiilloloii , was mil aveis-e to tieatitig his UitiiiiLs ol the suuate now mid tltun. Oeorpo Uanerofr7 the hiRUirian , will eclo- br.ite ills olghly-iiftn bli tluluy at Kewportou Sunday. J'ix-l'reslilcnt Arthur has rented a pnwfor the winter in the Church ot Iho Heavenly ] ! i"-t , New York. The only finniicinl failure Hoswcll J' . Flower ever niaile was an investment in Union Piiullic at pur. Coiiul Leo Tolstoi , of Ttussia , has not be e insane , as icimitcd. He has just liu- il anotlicr novel In an ouluily imiuuer. Hlllsou HuU'hins has niailo over 8103,000 by felling out his share in the new type-netting niachiae , which , however , I.s not yet a suc cess , f The nmshleiit Intended to ( , ' < > toVortil - iiuinl , Mil. , last .Smutiiy. to the Fishing oluli poutnl- . , but his sister , Mrs. Jlrtvr , suddenly m lived and he hud to RO to church. The Tj.'iHt HtrtiKjjloof the KonliuiH. Justice McCarthy in United Ireland : The lust struggle nt the Foniun Insurrec tion of ISi7 ( was made in England , and that last struggle forms the saddest-ehap- ler in llio whole story. Soon after the rising in Ireland the Manchester police arrested on suspicion two men. The prisoners proved to bo Colonel Thomas ,1. Kelly , who bad taken n conspicuous part in th6 leadership of , the Fenian movement after Stephen's arrest ami escape , and Captain 1 lousy , another piogiiiont Fenian. The sei/uro was a grunt gain to ( lie goverhment and a great mow U ) Iho Fenians. The members of the organization in Manchester met to gether and resolved upon n bold attempt to rescue their oaptivo leaders A bouy of men were told oil'for the purpose. As usual , some inkling of thu Fenian pur pose reached the government , and Homo precautions were taken by the Manches ter authorities. On Wednesday , the 18th of September , Kelley and Deasy were removed in Ihu prison van from Ihe court to bo taken lo the county jail at Sulford , The prisoners were handsiilujd in seimr- ale compartments pf Ihe van ; a guard of twelve policemen accompanied it On Ihe road llio van was stopped by a body of annei ! Fenian" , "who move oll'moit of the police and allcmpted to break opim the van. The policeman inside the van , Coiheant Hrolt , refused to surrender the keys , and the Fenians , driven by lime and dreading ro-enforcemunls for Ihu police , resorted lo the familiar expedient of blowing open the lock. This was done , and Ihe shot thus lirc.d accidental ly and mortally wounded Urett. Duo of the women prisoners inside Iho van took the keys from the dying man's pocket and handed them out to the n selling party. Tlih van was then opened , en tered , Kelly and ] ) on y wurubioiiglilout , and heavily manacled as they were , were hurried away by some of their rescuers While all this was going on the majonfj of the rescuing party were engaged In keeping oft * with levelled revolvers Ihu police who had returned and Ihe large crowd Ihut had rapidly formed. .When Kelly and Dcosy wore .safely out of Ibis , this little riii" of men about the van broke up ami each sought safety for him self. Tlio fugitives wcro hotly pursued and several of them were raptured and savagely bandied by the crowd. It is worth while noticing that noiio of llm armed Fenians used their weapons in their own defence , The only shut lire.d was liivd With no deadly purpose ; the death of the Viillcbiiititt vyns absolutely nn accident. Whether the msctior-s would or wquld not have taken lifn ifthoy could uotufi'eet their object otlinrwW is mallei of opinion ; their justification in so doing h matter for argument ; the feet remain * that the solitary shot tired was llred lot Ihu purpose of breaking optm the van door , and Hint Sergeant Brett was killed byuist-iko. Yet lor this bhol three men were hanged. _ fluIlio Suulio. Run Vrnnoiscn Clit-otilnlo ! Ho got on n "bust" once , and when ho came to the end of his lelhor he found himself sober ing up in Carson. llnvlny ; but one ftiH of raiment , hn hutitf tip his shingle outside - side the door of his room in the hotel .and Wetil to licit while liU costume WHS being renewed for Wear. Ho Wis : in tliodutdlm of slumber when A kmieli arouned him. Ho requested the knurl er lo enter , and a Carson man , In Homevvlot rough Hltttv , walked in , "Are you a lawyorV" "Yea , ' be answered , from Iho pillow. "I'vo gel a oaMi fur you. " He sal up in bed , drew llio bedclothes around him In an in.slunt and tismnncd nn i i"Slate " your ease. "Well , you see , I rented a lield for. grazing from n mntt. t put a Itorso on it and thu horse died. " "Indeed ! Well r" HWoIll Hain't I got n on so against that man V" "Unquestionably. Bui , toll me , what did till ) die. of J" "You see , a lalllosnalui bit him and he died. " "Ahem ! " "Can't I sun the man for the viiltio of thai hoiMo ? Ho hadn't any business logo and rent me a Held \villi a rattlesnake in it , Imd heir" "Ymt're right , sir , perfectly right. Do ymi want mo to take tip the cnt.o ? " "Yos , of course I'do. " "Ahem ! what amount what fee do you propose to offer ? " "Well , I haven't got. any money , I'll give you -I'll ' give you half the Value of Iho horwo. " "Very good. Wlml , may t usk whal do you'cotisidcr the valtiu of the beast V" "it wasn't very young. It had been kicked by a , mlilu. and the gophers had nibbled at it , and il. had fallen down a shaft , and it had been fifteen or sixteen years drawiiipr quart/ from ti mill. Well , it wasn'l well , 1 should say It was worth about $ ' . ) . " The lawyer gonlly lay down in bed and prepared to go to Bleep. Ho gave one hist look at the client. " ( iood morning. 1 nm engaged for Iho snakol" Ilo Took the Ollicrs. Youth's Companion : Ayentlemon who paid the best price for Tils provisions , and Who liked to live as well u.s did his neighbors , was onoo deceived by his poulterer in the ago of some poultry he bought. MeethiK the dealer n few days afterward ; ho w.ukud up to his wagon and : nquired : " ( Jot any gccsn lo-dny ? " "Oh. yo , " said the poulterer , " n h'no lot. " "How ninny hiivo you got ? " "A diuon nice emus. " The customer hinted them over and then he added : "Now , you see , I've got a pesky lot. of fellows ut my house , an 'they ' cat : i great deal of poultry. Haven't jou got any lough onus ? " "Well , yes , " said Iho dealer , picking thorn over. "There's out- ) two , three , lour , live of 'enl. " "Is that : nil the tough ones you've got ? " "Yes , yes ; tmt..s ! nil , " s.viil the seller , separating them. 'Well , then , 1 reckon on the whole , " concluded the biiyur-u'll take the other lot. " The peddltU- looked thoughtful , mul , like most thoughtful people , was silent. - Hadly Mixed. A recent number of the Paris Figure coiitaaied an arliclo on Ohio polities , ot' which the following is a tran.slation : "Tho news from the Ohio , which is one of the towns prominent of tin ; America , arc of one naiiire most diMonni > ; mg. Under the leadership of Ihe leader John Teeiiiu-ch Shormliu , the lust , rebellion has burst oul unovv and threalens to in gulf the counlry whole. The Ceiieral hlicniiiiii w.i.s coiumuinlant at lieorgia in the south , and more recently was minis ter of Mio hnances under the governmeiH national. He has been reinforced by the general of Massachusetts town , which is i the cup lil : of Bo.ston , ln-vvil , the Oorgo Frisbyhorr , a warrior of talent ami to fear. The reason of the sing is for to jirevcut the rccslablishmont of slavery in the south and thus also tlio reduelion of the tav on the shiiep and Iho cheese , in- diislries our.upying ll\u \ rank Ihu most high In the town ot the Ohio. " There's n Good Tinlo Coming. Baltimore Herald : Fool is cheapen ing , mills are resuming operations. wages are increasing anil business is enlarging. These , sighs point U > arotiunot pros- lierity. It does not neem thai prosperity will come in the shape of a flood , but ( ho imiieut ions of a steady business I'ovivul are daily growing slroiiger. MUSICIAN AXi > UUAB1ATIC. Ttomonyl , the vlollnlti , is ( ; lviiiR eoncurLs in China. 1'i'Jom tile season closes Iliookljn proiwr will have ciKlit theutuu. Lotln will oitun lit the Chestnut slrex-t < ) pcm bouse on Monday , October 1" , In "Little Nell , IheMaicliioness. " A icalisticblooilhouUdbltaii actual piece out ol the Mais ) ; in an "Uiiclu Tom C'.imu , " ami theuetor is in an Iowa hospital. Itallnii opera , by leiil lluliiins bus niiiile n decided HilccchM lit ban I'lancihWi willi Uie pilco ot mlmiiHloii only Iwenty-livu cents. .lulus Levy , the eornetlst , Is lo glvou seiics of | ieilormiuices in the principal cities of ( icimany. T'he tour willlii''in | In A pi II next. Thu Klrall'y Itinthui-H iile mulling Kicat preii.irallons lor Hie , production of their musi cal piece , 'The Hat Catelier , " at .NIiilo'H Uar- duii IMI November " . .Madauui .vrodje.skii , who Is tit Slamfoiil , has thcui lieKitu IIIT rchcaiMib. 'J'he leading 111:111 who will appear wllh her is 31 r. Vuiuluifult , a yoiiiit ; ncU'i ' tiom ICngluud. Ills Jixeil thai MlM Anderson shall open her New Yin J- season ut the Slur Orl , lii w itli "An Vim I.IKo It , " in which she has been lately liybi her abilities as Kusullnd in J.u- liunl. On the occasion of Miulam .Mnile. Iiom'.i late Iinal iippemaueo hi Dublin , slut was pie- heated on tlm stau" with a supi'ib dlil biaee- let , bealin ; ; in richly chn-cd einniicied lelleis Hie word H'ulmiiU , " which Is llm uiiuk-uL lilsh lor "lemembei. Ciiil Hosa's KiiKllsh Opera t'oinp'iny , willi Mine , Valleiln , luoihu'ed A , doling Thomas s new opem , "Nmlcsha" nl IJiun l.une llieatie , I.oiiilnu , with K'eat ' Tlm subju-l is Uiisslun , the NTim belli ; ; Inhl In MOMOW : in the reign orCulhiiliie I ) . The sc.isou at the New Yoik Afelioiollnn ] ! npeiii house will bo complete .sueee.v , 1'iiilly. All the up ] > er buxes an- sold bill inm nml the pilce-s they have biouu'ht mo nnpii- ) L'cdcnled. Theiuisuii oiler ol r'ii/uu , ( or one of tla-Mt reiiuiiiiiiiK upjier boxen. Miss MaruaielMidlicr , a jmiii who i-njoys popiiiaiiiy In HiKtmi ami othi-i ciiie- . , Iml who lias not jet been MUCH upon the New YoikMiujo , w'illhe bi the ic umr MMSOII al Ihu Union HIIU.UU thi'nlie on Tmwil.iy evu- illiiK' , Octolni ; 1:1 : , appealing us Juliet. JIl s Kllen Teny Is sai < l to > H > veiy iiusloiis to levMt tills eimulry , Thin. | , eih.ipi. o'w. ' plidim Iho Mntemenl iciu'iilly iiiiiilu Mr , Henry Iivlnj ; . notwIthstiimlliiK his evn- liisiiuK l.irewell of last MMMHI , will piob.iluy uliiK thu loii'imi cumpnny heioiij'alu dmlii the seiisou ol lbM-7. An udmiiiiit ; Colonulo erllin lately wiole if Ncvuiln : Tiom hei clear , biid-llle ; up ) > er Kile.s she would caulcr away di'\vn ' to tlui iaMi-mclcct , and then ciihhiiin back to u soil if Hphilaal lieble tli.iliu.ule every mun in the imlleiice iiaa/lmi thatc\ciy h.di of his , vus : the golden stiiu ot a celcsthil hiiiji , iver which uuKelie IIIIKCW vv o uwn'1'ins. " Mr. lulugiduilutfliUieccut vlail to Get- MOST PERFECT Mroncwt Kutnrnl rrnld V.inllla , Ix-mmi , trtitf. ) | ( Almontl. tqi : . e nnvnr us delicately rtml naturally ra tbn fcult , PRICE UAKINO TOWOSR CO. , cntPAOo. or. lusiny , "has bml 'Ihe'fniiiifuellou Irf ntKin sitnKi ettlnRof "Faust" by (5oetho ( hl The author ot "Faust" uwl Co stilirHn thesliijai nfniniioim-nis \V6lnmr t with civM enii1. If .Mr. living iMU udtipt Htiiri Mlnm Irani the Ide.isof ( loellm lit Ills fmthcDiitlita tuoduelliiii of "Faust" ho will not ne leot Ute opportunity. ' ? K ( lkn ( ioinUn- ill m-a'.cul In notoKiihniM will snil for this emmlry trorn Ruulhnwptfln Oct. si , neeompniiled by her huibaud nml t'hllil. Her pomtvuuy will coustM , luXshtrt her- soif , of Sltr. tlahissl , Orl.tmJo. Hmley , a now Ametieuu tenor ; Mile , l.nhlnrho , tiliuorn ; Seeeolnt. haiplsl. unit Slg. Sepio. | | pianist. The eottmniiy will nbpenr tlt t In lloslon , nl hull , lu Novemii . II appears Hint Helllul Ponl/elll and even Hiwlni niuiU last lo be shelved ; for ot tlio thirteen operas to lie produced al the Nn\v York .Metropolitan opor.v hous ilurlrtK the eomlin : season , there me six by Wnpner , while Menu biH > r , ( lolduiiuvk , ( iounod , Von ehleJII , Veidl , Bizet mill llaluvv urn " repn nenled cneh by one upeia. It' Llmln fiuola ami all Iho lest of that xweelly lenifid brood are to 1mseen nir.iiu , Maplci-oii will Imvo to InUK ! them over. The elVoet of muuie Is isiirliiiwly llluslrated Ii\ the keeverof u reslailinul t Theodore IhmiiiMi'rt recent emu-erU ) id Clih'iigo. Ho si.\s : ; "On the nights when they play Was- tier's musie I sell three tlmeii nsmuoli lager bier us usual. On McmleKsolm nights nn- liodywnnW nnybniu t > iulvtlolies , nnd ns ] Keti'Ight.v-livu per ami old of them , I Ritwa I don't think much or Mr. MendeksoHn. blmusft is the composer to iimke the \vino uo oir. A mint feels well off while Ho Uptons tea a wait ? of Strauss , atul ho outers1 his bottle of chainpaKUu ficely.- " Nei'vokirt Debilitated Moil , You nro allow ed n frw trlut for tMrtu ffrtj/s / of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated voltaic Belt with Kleclrle Suspensory Appliances , tor llio speedy relief nnd iwimaticnt euro of Xei rats Debility , lo sofVllnllty and Mhn- hood , ami all Kindled tiolihles. Also for many othe diseases" . Complete icstnratlnn to health , vtaornnd manhoml. No risk lu In- etiued. lilusti-ated pamphlet with full InMf- m.illoii , terms , etc. , mailed flee by mltbosslng Voltaic licit. Co. , AfRislmll , Mich. IMIMKTIUS. Some sny that Shcollsa inncrnllloent dry piods store crow ( led wllh women who have uo money. IComler-.Iinirmil. Au Kufclish elelfn'nun advertises In a church paper his wiilliine ( . to exelmnpo n cassock , uenily now , lur a Dull-pup wilh a ( jooil iKtli iee. The luslor who after the summer vacation colues homo mid pleaches Ihe same kind of scimons that he eluded hi.s cluucli season with , is not a wKe man , ami dues not oh- sei ve the luw of the harvust. I The Imleiien- dent. dent.A A clcrgymnn in Brooklyn Is said lo bo Treating a sensation by lil.s skill In i tiling tbe bicycle. But the Urooklyn preacher who would preuto Ihe trieale-.t . sensation in thuoiio who will Jiomobiintlay preach the ffospi' , ! . . , r A Sunday school superintendent wishing to llln > tnito the Idea ot Ihe good Sltephi'id to thechildnui , said : "Suppose joa imiigiun youiAcIves littluslieep , what wou.'d I he'1 "A mutton hc.ul , " was thu le ponse.C l'itUs- burj ; Dispatch. The Jewish Standnid linn the following jn hull aedlumii of oilier sliullnr | iaratiiiplis : "U'hj is It tlmt whe.ii Jfr. Isaacs : is a inem- berol a down town oithodox school he illi- hesitatlitKlyullced iieioss the allies { iiul n dved Sir. Cohen for a ' tolt.ikand since ho luis JoiuM an up-towu icl'oim Icui- pe ! , his niKe. h.i.s lost all dc.-Jho lor litilatlon. " .Sam Jones , the revival elowii , and "Old .Si , " the humoilst of Ihe Atlanta Constitu tion , aic conducting u religious awakening at St. Joe. 3fo. Tin1 masses of the d haven't Botany too much inspect tor , ( in nt present , uml they an * not likely to liellllploVed 111 that respect by tllfi id tempt lieiai , ' made to ititiodtice tunny lupine.-- ) into pulillu worship. [ Frank Ilatloii. A minister of the Kosjiel In one of the counties in middle Tennessee Imideilugou the [ 'iimhcihiml ilver Uum lit he would try the ojin Jones' dodne on his eonureinillon ami see how IL would wmk. lie hull seen i tlm Ki > v. S mi use it wllh wonderful effect , ami he could fc.o uo reason why it Miuulil not ; piovo equally as rlfeetlvo with him and Iin uas h.ully in need ol it muclhiKU of somoBort to make his hi'.ireis.slick null ! he could reach the "lastl > . " On lluuioeiisloii lelimed to 1m asccMided thu plat lot m as UMial ami , niter the preliminary services , hislo\\ly icmovcd hl.s KlnssesiilulnlU'i Klaliisliii ; over hl-1 mhllciice , iciiiaiKed soluiiiuly ( bill he was going lit deal hi some plain , unvarnished jrosiiol truths to- di.and . \\iiild | try , the Loid Iieiii williiif ; ami helplu ; : , to expose the hylxicnu-y nC pto- les.slux Cliilstliius , ami if there weie an ) ' person or peisons pie-'tcnt who did not want io it limy bad an oppoiunity ( rlyht then to "i.iuk onl. ° To his utter sin pi Isc and eon- stei nation Ihu couKic&alion aiosua.s ono mun nml "melted. " KOW IS THE TIME TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN , * M.T WITMN. UT3 NoithToiitliBtrfOl.Vlill. W , n < lcl | > liln , ii'porlN ( lull ( moo ! ' liixciiMimotf < ( lined to Mini inulilonUilly tluit ho uu.s li-oliiitf MI M-cllmiil litnl Kiilnod nu'aiy-Mivcn pounds In thu lust > ( in- , till of u hlch IID in 1 1 ilnaeil m u HVHtniii. iillULuinvo ol tliuCulicuiiL HcMiheal , ulicl ! | lias pimod ulloctuiil whoa all olhur ieine < llcd lulled. 80IIIJ3 ON NKRIC. Olms > . IlnviljPoiiHirlllo , MIIR < . , wlio rofow to III' . . I. . I. U'oOil.llHIKHlal , < ll tlmt City , t-l'lllll U Mdllllell'lll CHID 01' I'llUllllltf MIUHOIIIIlU Mlilch hud lioou tio.ilixl li ) " hoiiiliil | pin sl Mlthoiit oinu , mul wliiuli yiolJoil cuiiijijoioly lo thu UHtuimi Itomcdlcw. CL'Itl ! ! ) JIV OUTICUKA. My Blclo ill < ; ai-o , whlili ifnlsloil Kiteml pnpu' Iin i-ciiicilicfi nml oilier lomciMiH luhoi ilseil lif luijhlfians , lam lieiiu cinu.l liy jour ( 'uiluiii'.i JloiiiuiiiH 'ihvy SMI pu nl nil' MKIM i-.uiiiiiuo ; u.\iK'euUnin > , mul riiifilU | eilecieil u cine. J. U. AliU.tiinii : , Viiiu'initi * , JnJ. KNOW iTti VAMIK. All of your CM I luii r.i Itt'iiiuillol irho very srool mil Hliicl Inn. 'I Im i.'iaiuniii I ctj. < ; i'itlliceiiai : - niciiil lor llm ilNeiiK'n lui1 ulneli U It UM'il. I l.uutv Inim pcrleaiio Us I'uliio. J ) . a. J. I'll * i-r , Montfllo , Win. A leclhw nf Hi-ntlludo InipoH inn lo iicl.amvl. ilse llietiicni nieillh ul jnni' Ciillniiiii , mul [ I'lilinlly jiieiiiiiiiK'iiil II lo tint , piilillutia uory uilullMu lumeilt , II , N. rowrus , < mm. Tor fiilo iiveiivhcw. . 1'rlco Ciilleiii : ) . llio * fli'til hUin cine.Ai ( 'lilloni.i Nun. . , mi UMilil- 'Hl'tWll ' lld.iulilltir i'rfi ( , 'lllicuiii IfexilU'lll.iliJ tow Illoi" ! I'liiiticr. tl in. 1'iciniMiii hy t'oniai imuo Mii'ui'Mimi.i u . iiiHiiHi , Mm * . , mi i llciiullllei1 mul NHI " * i'r WITH PUN" . "lint Hill UIHIK | liul | ij Mi'in tti > c t' ny in H.iinl up in nm tuiilt lieiicq - Mm * hii mi mul nine in iliu ii"il lici | ( il mil. iriii i ulleiini I'luMer 'in I lie IK wnp ii IIM mul luicU.lltiMt U in. I iiiiiu ul muKcle * , llio wire C-IIIM laiekinr i'iiili ( tuiil enij | nili | mul mluul < luih iml. iiiiuii'ieil nn clej.-iini mu | , „ t ( vi i > iiinliii ( > u Itllll Mil 1 IlllllllllllllllllMI. M . 'I U -I- i Jiu ui $ | i i uui If I iin Potter Drug and l UK tiiion.