Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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Agricullural Imphntents ,
J..MKor. ft l.TCAU' (
Dwlara In Hgricullnral Implements.
( in ie. c nrnw Wii nml I'nclno HiOmalm , N'ol ) .
Wholcwuilo Ilc-nln In
AgricDltaral Implements , Wagons
mid lltippie" , Oinnlin , iNeh.
Boots nnd Shoos ,
.v co .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1411 1'lunam Street , Oimthn , N'eb. Mnnufiictory ,
BimiiliorBtrict , IloV.on.
Y/liolesala / Carpets , Oil Clotiis ,
JIntlUi M , Curtnbi Oooilo. IIic . 14 1 I'nninm
Blrtct , Uliiulin , NnU
_ „ _ _
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
.t.nMv.nur : < mo ,
Coal , Coke , Limo and Slono.
Ornee , 81.1 B. Dili St.Oninhn.Ni b. Ynrdfl.OtK
nnd DnviMiport Streets.
COtrrANT fe MUInr. ,
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
llestviirlettcs. Ollleo.ari B. llllb SU Tclepliono
Ko. 14K * , Omnlm , Nob.
" "
Shippers of Coal and Coio ,
' 14 8.13th BL , Omnlm , Nob.
duo O. Tovvtj : , I'icslilcnt.
Oro. rATriiPO.v , B < P. unil Tieus.
i ) , H , IIur.iniiT : , r. A.
l'roirlotor. | Mini user.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Onico , 217 H. l.ith tillcet. U olcphono 10.
Clto. V. IMPnu , Pics. C. ! ' . UonuviAN , V , 1'ieu.
,1. A.KU.swiii.VMi , Sco unil Ti eus.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobtiura ut baid nnd noli ml , XM . J.Klibt ,
Oinnlin , Nob.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Excliwlvo denlen In lluuldcr , t'olonulo Conl ,
SIT Huuth 14th Mrtut.
Coffee and Spices.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills.
Tcac , Cotrees , Spites. llnLinifl'ox.ilcr Klnrorlng
J'-AtmdH , l-umdiy llluo , InU , etc. 1U1-1U llur-
noy Htieet , Oiimlm , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
"ilKANCII A. CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits Produce
, , Oysters ,
yi"Itarnam M , Oinnlia. Apples Our own pnck-
Mnir l'lntt& ( o'fl TIccr llrnnil Oyuteis , llutter ,
' ( rg8 , tininu , 1'oultrj , I'otiUoes.
i General Commission Merchant ,
i yroduco. 1'i-ovlfloiiK , HuitH , Hour and 1 ted , 103
I H. 14th St. , Omnha , Nob. ConslKnmonts bollcitod.
I lieturim inado | iionitly. ]
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Chcrs-o , FauHUKOS. 1'iults , llutchora 'Jools and
buppllei ) . U15 Jones St. , Oiiiabn , Nob.
General Commission Merchants ,
HrrciAi/ni B Hutter , Kirpn , rorclirn and Do-
neHtio rniilH , 11B. . 14th , , Omaba , Nob. Telo-
Vhono No. iW" > .
D. A. HUUL12Y ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Duller , JTt-'KS and 1'rodiico. A full line of Stono-
varo. CoiihlgnmentM Millclttii. 1414 UoJ o Bt. ,
' _
General Commission Merchant ,
lluttor , KISK * , Clieoyo and Countiy Piodlicoseu-
crafiy , ikw B. l th fau , Omaha , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
llofrlpcrator and PncklnffHou o,14iii . 'Bl/cavcn- '
\vorth Bt. , on U. P. H. It. Truck , Omaha , Neb.
CoiahllBhcd 1870.
uour.itT puuvis ,
General Commission ,
11 S. 14tu St. , Omnha , Nob. Sccialtic9 | Butter
Kge * , Poultry und Gumo.
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
Ptoduto and l'ioIpioin , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Conimissioa Merchant ,
limits , beods and Pi odiieo No 'J1J S. l'th btreot ,
Omaba Nobiaska.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
rrnlts. rioiir. Apples , Btonowaro. CIdor.Vlnejrar ,
< 5iai > 8 Bcptlfl. lluttoi ami IX'va. 313 aud 315 South
l.'iUi btreot , Omaha , Nebraska.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , llutter , Gaino. I'liiitf. Kto. ii'O 8.14th
bt. , Omalm , Nebraska.
\ \ ' . U WHIQIIT ,
Agent for tm ! Manulactinois and Importers
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Cliininoj-B. Kto. Ollli n , JI17 Boutli I3th
bticot , Omaha , Nob.
Drugs , Etc
Wholesale Drdggists ,
( Jabbers of Piilnm. OIK Window Ol 3 Etc. , 1U4
Jliunoj btroot , Omnha , Nob.
Wholesale Druggist ,
And Dealer In PiilnlH. OH * ami Window nines ,
Omaha , Nob. ,
Dry Goods.
j. j. IIHOWN & to. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1JJ Douiflim Btioot , Oaiahu , Neb.
Wholegaln DoalciBin
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
L1nen , iJioos. Kmbrolilcry and Wliilo Goods ,
lltXI DouglaH blroot , Omaha , Nub.
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary and portable englnoH , hollers and
flii-ol Iron woik , VIIUOIIH , iiKiicultuitil Implo-
inentK , jiuiiipn , etc. ITU-U'lj Lcin rimorth Bt.
" "
Fish , Etc ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of 1'orclirn rich , NOR. UHfllJ Jones
btix-ot and U , P. Track , Omahu , Noli.
Flour. Etc.
Wholesale Flour ,
HW , fiio mid bK PJcrco Bti cct , Omaha , Neb ,
U A. BTr.WAHT & CO. ,
Wholesale Flour Dealers ,
And mixnulnctums of Illnuilimtlntf und Lubrl-
catlnjf Oils.
AK < lit for J C. Hotfina ) r & Co. ,
MEBufdcturers of Highest Grades of Flour
. ' * ! l i II" luriiliiiiit n' it8. U'au'lioutc ,
J -
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Jtimiifnctiircrsof W . ) . VVi'Minn * .V Co' Qnlelt
Rnl'Intr IhieHwIifotfloiii nml proprietors Oinnlm
City Mllln , our. Mil nivl itmmin Stieeu , Onmlm.
7fn\V 12 vTlSTON K. '
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Itarnnui Street , Omnlm. Neb.
Groceries ,
AU.T.NFTmos ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
lllOninllll : Doiijflns Bluet , Utnnli'i.Kcb.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
ll Bmokirs' AillcUs" , U17 llinrunl Kt
11AA1'KI:7 :
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , Clwri nml ToUiieeo , 1.117 nml Ull ) DOUR.
las Sti eel , Omnlm , Neb.
> IeCOm > , IlltADV & COMPANY ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th niiil 1'immm Slipetfi , Omnlm. Neb ,
1'AXTON , OAl.l.AUHKK A. CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
os 7uT > , 7u" , 7iX ) ami 711 S. luth HI. , Onmlm. Neb ,
Hardware ,
\\"j. 1IHOATC1I ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Springs.VIIKOII Stock , Ilanlnncxl Lumber , etc.
KIM nnil 1J11 Jlurncy Mt cct. Onmlm , Noli.
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And fnu Intro Wood Stock , Iloavj Hnnltrnre ,
llic. J.'ITunil 11U l.cnv can orthSti cct , Onmlm ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
MpelinnlM * Tools ami Ituiralo Scnleb. 1105 Doii <
IIIB bticut , Onmlm , Nob.
. \ co. ,
Jotters of Hardware and Nails , Tinware
Bhcct Iron , Kto. Aircntnlor Hovrr Fculos uuil
Miami 1'ON tier Co. , Onmlm , Nob.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
JInntles , Grates , Jliass trnoiK 1381 unil 1LXJ I'm1-
limn frtieel.
UKCTOIl & vVH.HKL.MY ( \ ) ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails
Emcieon BUol NalN. Cor. 10th and Haracy
btrcots , Onmlm. Nob.
Harvesters ,
Munufiictiiror of the '
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Wm. M. Ixirlmcr , ( ScncriU Agent ,
Omaha. Telephone til ) .
Iron Pipe , Etc.
. COWJNG & co ,
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Tobl.ors In Iron Pipe , Iron nttlugb , Iron and
UniBH Goodo. Kn lncerR * Su ) < pllOM. lUh uud
Dodiro Streets , Omalm , Nob.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Stonm , Wutor , UalluuyandMlllliiK'BuppllcFi , Kto.
fl 1) ) , i' nnd U-4 Furnam Bt. , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stpnm and Water Supplier , ilendiiiiaiicis for
> la t 7'oofit Co.'a Goods. 1111 rarnam Btrcot ,
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Sllvoinitio , Diamonds , Watches ,
Clocks. Jewelers' Tools and .Materials , Ktc. , 101
and hU , Ijtli Street , Cor. Uod o , Omaha , Nch.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1114 Jackson Btieet , Omaha , Noli.
Whole ale
Leather Hardware
, Saddlery ,
Baddlcty and Shoo I'lndln . Hidc . Wool , Furs ,
I'eltij , Grease , Talhin , lUc , , Omaha , Neb.
Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No "i anhitfo Chawed.
Clo otoU. P HildKO. Special accommodation
and a K' ' ' < 1 maiket lor hoif1. II. C. Cooper , Man-
auor. OIliLO , CUD South Iith Sttect.
Live Stock Commission
And ForuaidliiK AKontn , Fiilon Btoolc Yards ,
bouth Omaha , Nob. Tolepliouo W .
w. r. iniowN Aco. . ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Onico Rvelimiiro Ilnllilluir. I'nlon Stock Yards ,
bouth Oinaba , Nob. Telephone No. &U.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Block Yards , Chicajro , 111. , and Omalm ,
N < I ) J'Yanlc ClilttiMHlonMummer < Ijntilm Itumcli.
Ttlephono No. X'W. Kstubllelii-d IN ! , ' .
W. L. PATJIIC'K X ( X > . ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Addles nil comnuinlcal long to usiit Union block
Yards , South Omaha. AihiuucH iniido on block.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John I' , llojd , Bupeijntendent.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , Dooru , Ktc , YurdH Cor. Ttli and Douglas ,
Cor , Oth
nonN .MANurACTUitixn co , .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
a , Stitlr Work nnil Intuilor Until VVooU
I'lnlsli. JiiKt opencil. N. K. cor. btU mnl I.euvyn-
vvoitli Striets , Oiuulm , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
811 S , llth Btrcut , Omnlm , Nub. F. Colpotzcr ,
Lumber ,
11th ami California Street , Omnlm , Nob. il
1'lir.D W. QUAY. h
lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. J
Cor. Uth nnd DOIIKIMB Htuetii , Onmlm , Neb ,
010. ! A. HOA01.ANI )
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , V
Onmlm , " "
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wiiuon Ptock , Kiuicj' Woods , llildpe Timbers ,
&o. , H. W. Cor. Mil ami DOIIKIUBOmnlm , Noli.
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
llullJIntf I'll per , Utu. South Utu Street , Oinulm ,
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
I'uld lii Cnpltiil Slock.MQpopO. , . B
„ „ , und Mliolemlo donl >
. _ Mlllsnt Merrill , Win. Wliolemlo nml ictull
dietrlbutiiiK > " "I. Omuliu , Nvb. fill B , Dili BU
Dcaleruln All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale.
lEtu Bti cut unit V.I' . lt.lUt.TiuckOuittlmNob
M1 In Lumber ,
SAlli nmllzRnltrcot , Omntia , Nehrn kn.
.1. A. wAKiTin.i ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
Dullilinir I'npur * . Siwli , DOOM , llllml * , ) Inntil <
Inn * " , 1161. rt . l'o t ! . Linn1. I'lnt-tcr , llnlr ,
Cement. Ninth autl Jone , Onmlm , Jscb.
ImportciB iitul .lobber * of
Millinery and Notions ,
1211nmll2H HnrncySticcM
Musical Instruments.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Stelnuny I'lonni. Wolar , Decker , Unions nml
IrljrK * Plnno * . 1'ncknnl Urgnne , Clmtc Ownns
101 nnd 11H street.
Notions , Etc.
t SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Gooil" , Notions , fJcnls' I'lirnlriilntr ( Jcxvl *
Oooils troni Now York. Trndu snlcs dully. 601
nml fitw South 13th Ut.OnmhiL.
French and German Fancy Goods ,
nnd SlntlonorV Rinulrlos. 1U5 Knr-
J , T , liobinson Notion Company ,
n nnil 40Ti H. Ifltb Bt..Om lm , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Notions and dents' Knr-
nl-iliinK floods.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Rnsollnc , Mien A\lo ( lionfo , Hit * . A , H , Bishop
Manager , Omnlm , Neb.
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Oinnhn , Nibinskn.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onicu Union JlnrKct , 1317 Dotlm' Btrcut. I'
IIOIIFO , U. I' . . It. 'IVaok , Onmlia , Nob. Telephone
phone No. 157.
Safes nnd Locks ,
Agents for Hail's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
riio mid Ilunrlnr 1'rooC Snfoa.'riino J.o < 'ksVnulUi
and Jail ork. lUni'iumiin htitot , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Agricultural Vpzotobh1 , lite. Odd I'dlonM * Hi
N. AV. Cor. 14th und Dodiro St. , Omaha , Neb ,
A. F. HCTHGi : ,
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
Menth , Lard , Jellies Hiitter. Kjrirs , Chouse , Kto.
No. Hes. . mil St. , Oiuulm , Nub.
linos. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
140GDodpo6tiout , Oinaliu , Nob. Coiiblgnnicnts
Wines and Liquors ,
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
VMl nml 1M1 DonjrliiK St. , Onmlm , Nub.
Factories Nos. 4 nnd iiai , ! M Dlbt. N. Y.
Successor to JIuNAJi < n v .V ' tI OAN , Importers
and Wholcsulu Uonlers in
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
SU aud : : i ( ) B. 14th St. , Oinaba , Nob. <
Wines and Liquors.
Western Agent Jos. BoblltUrowlng Co. 71US.
Vth Stieet.Oinuha.
Wholesale Wines. Liquors and Cigar's.
1J1 Doiiftlas Street , Omaha , Nob.
1LKII & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Liu no is. Bolo mutiufactuioiMol KonnoOl
illlttcis. 11L2 Harney btivot , Oiuuliu ,
L. 1 > . I.AKSON & , CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
, and Gciuial A onts lor tlio Philip
Oelebrutod illluiuiliLO lloor , Oiuuha , Nob.
Harness , Ltc.
Jtiuinliiflui ors and Jobhcis of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turl OooUs , Jtlankets und Itoboi.
bticot , Omaha , Neb.
Coin Jlltrht'i and moderately active. ; o p
Ink' at
Oats bhado HtroiiKer : leccliits. 60,000 ; ex
ports , 7-Ti ; niKed vvtoleru , stXgtt-Jc ; vvhlto
western , ! M(2-lle. ) (
I'elroleinn ( julet ; united closed at SI 00V.
Kgtjs Dull and lower ; lecelpU , 1,700 iiack-
nirc'.i ; western , 10@10X < * <
Poik Dull ; mess nuoUsl at ? 9R0@lp00for
Lard la'.ss active ; western Blcain siwt ,
SR'-'rj ; November , SOli ge-JO.
lltitfer Quiet aud about btoady.
Cheese Dull and eohlei.
pciiicliinntl , Oct. 2. Wheat Fair tie-
nnind ; No. '
Com Active and linn ; No. 2 nihed ,
Oats Weaker lint active ; No. 2 mixed , !
Itye-Slrnily ; No. 2 , fi-Tc.
Uarley- Dull : extra No. ! ) fall , 82c. <
3'ork-Dull at SUOO.
Laid- Dull nnd easier at 85 00.
0 * ;
J a , . -I on 01 ( M. *
MlnnOATt ) > 1 , ' , : Ocf. 0. Wliont Rlcud.v ;
No. I hard. OrvibR-f i V : November. Pie :
IVvpm'xr. ' "VNo. : . 1 northern , October , Me ;
NoM-mber H-'VO ; DccfMibOi , Sp.
l'oiir--jnlet ! ( hutnfmlv held ; piitcnts , SSsO
C"in . bi k ( r . " 4 WUA
ItppplptAVhfflf , 3V,000. )
bliliuncnjs-- Wheat , 1T,000 ; flonr , rfl.001.
Ttlihviiuhoo , Oct. ' 2. AVhent Weak ;
cash , s"j'4P ! NnvcmUfi1 , be : December , JM C.
Corn Mcad > : No. 2. 41 c.
Oats1'lrm ; No/.W e.
llvchlp d > ; Ni > . 1..WV.
llailpv-Wpak ; No. i , Al' p.
1'rovlslons Oulet ; mecs | iork , cash nnd
October , SSS7 ; Novpiauer , 5K. .
! * t. I , til , Oct. 2.Vhpnt Un rttlcd nnd
lower , closhnc aa'p IHSOW ! vpstetdav ; tur5 (
We cash : Wi ! e October ; Ki > < e November ;
U' 'e lc embpr.
Coin- Slow lint Meady ; 4 dH\c \ paMi ;
SSJ4v October ; . ' J < p November ; MXcjcar.
Oats Very slow ; 24 jVftJ3c ( cash ; no op
tions sold.
WhKky Steady nt SI 00.
UiitU-i Kasy nnd slow ; cieamerjlP(221c ( ;
dairy , 13 < yM7o.
Ai-TniixooN IJoAiii ) . Wheat l-'lrm ; } i < i
Corn No salps ,
Oats Firm ; October , SMtgei.V ; scar , 2lc ;
May , 29Ve.
KnnsiiH City , Oct. 2. Whpal Weaker ;
eash , 770577 ; November , 7P@7o ; Doceiuber
M < jWU4'e.
Corn Weaker and lower ; cash , ROJ p bid ,
. * S e n kM ; November , 20c bid , 2J > c atkcd ;
jear , 25 < io , bid , iM' o nsked.
Oats Nominal ; 2e ! ! bid , 2-lc nskpcl.
Ijl\crt > eel , Oct , 2. Wheat Firm ; now
No. 2 winter , 7s 2d ; do Hjirliip , 7.s Id.
Corn Steady to linn nt4s 7d hpot ; 4s Od
October ; 4s6)f'd ) | Novpniber nnd December.
Toledo , OcL 2. AVhcat Closed n Muulo
better ; llqht business ; No. 2 red , lX ) ! < fp.
Coin Dull and In in ; c ish and October ,
Oats Quiet ; c sh and October , 27e.
Chiunito , Oct. 2. Flom-Q ietlmttlnu ;
DWlieat Killed active , unsettled , nndopencd
a Hun if higher , quickly ndvaiioed } { c more ,
declined lc , Improved fee , ruled Iiregular ,
closed ytv under } oleidny , ; W ClJ Ke. cash ;
W'fTc October ; Hi ' ( ff'iOo ; ? November : W e
December ; bfK@a ) > 'io ' January ; Uo'f@)5c ' ! )
May ; No. tiied.Wc.
Corn < Juiet but stionter ; closed Bteady
nnd Mmdc better ; 41 ( < NlJ < c cash nnd Octo-
bei ; ! X'ai9e ' ( : ( ; Novembei ; ! i7c ycarJ ; ; { < eJIny.
Oats UniiMially dull , firm and sliiihtly
lietter : 2-V ecash:25J.5Xc October ; j'i %
" 5j-'c November : i8Xi ! ( ! Jc Jfay
. tyc Dull nt 50e
Uai ley Quiet nt70c * .
i Tlmothv Fairly active ; prime , 81 M.
PUxsoeil tf lowei ; No. 1 , 81 20 .
Rj'ork Moclcratelv nctive , c-aslc . uv craped.
2' ( Sr.clowei. plose'd tarn ; S8 ! ' > , jffi840pash ;
S8tt@837.V ! October : 5Hy7 < S8 40 November ;
88 .T.J 3 car : ? ? 9 iWfiU 27U .Tnnuniy.
Laril Vt-rj" O'llct , about uncbaiiKcd ; 0 00
cash and October ; ffl 00@fl 02f } Novem
ber ; W 02 ' December ; SO 5@3 'Jr > i foi the
jear : 8007U(2010 ( January.
HulkJtcaCs ShonldeiN 3rt M5 ) ! 75 ; short
cU-ar , 8."i 75 < it5 bO : phort ribs , S5 4x@5 50.
Whlbkj NoniinaU > at SI 10.
Butter Quiet and weak ; good to
fancy creamery , ! Ca.21c ( ; good to choice
dairy , ll@17e.
Cheese Fairly nctive nnd steady ; choice
full cream cheddars. . 7@vS > c ; Hats , 9' * ®
OJ/c ; Young Amerleab , 0@10 > o ; skims ,
's-iie .
Hides Steady and uncliantred ; heavy pi een
salted , fully cured , IN ; ; light , 8Kc ; damaged ,
fie ; bull , Ocdrj ; salted , ll ( < 5ll c ; call skins ,
Sft)12 ) < - .
Tallow Steady unchanged ; No. 1 ,
country , Cc.
Ifpceirits. Shiiiment.s.
Flonr , bbls . H',000 ' 10,000
Wheat , bu . ' .51,000 , 20,000
Corn , bu . 2IM,000 2.V,000 )
Oats , bn . 18.-i.000 142,000
Kj e , bu . , 10,000 Jl.OOO
Bailuy , bu . 03,000 45.000
ClilcuRO. Oct. 'A The Droveis' Jotnnnl
reports : Cattle Receipts , 0r 00 : quiet and un
changed ; extra cattle , go 15 ; flipping .steers ,
gacogoOO : .stoukrn and feeders. Sa50ffl 80 ;
cows , bulls aud mixed , 5liOO@-100 ; bulk ,
< ( X ) @ : ! 75.
tJHtil | r JH. * Ullti3i * | W\fV * ii tt j 14 % * M
ehanged ; natI\esS2CO' < < . : ) COestejn ; , i:50J ? : (
I ! 50 ; UVxaiih , SI COfea ( X ) ; l.uubtf , per head ,
81 fie < a : ! oo.
Kansas CHy , Ocl , 2. Cattle Receipts ,
aX 20.
HOKS K'eceipts , 5,000 ; fchipnicnts , IfM :
firiuoi nnd 5u hlsrhei , closing weakci ; peed
to choice , SttiwfSauri ; common to medium ,
Sheep iteceipts , 12 5 ; shipments , none ;
steady ; common to good muttons , 150@
St. Ijonls. Oct.2.-Cattlo-Ilecelpt.s , 1XJO ( ; (
shipments , 500 ; oed local demand nnd pi let's
him ; common louhoUc nntivo steuib , Sli" >
( ! ? o75 ; Colonidos , ; fl 00a5JO ( ( ; native butchering
stock ' " ' 00 stockei.s and Iccdci-s
ering , S'J"S-l ; ,
82 50 ( < jJ : 75 ; Indian steeis , 4,3 , ro@i : M.
MX ) ; .shipments , 1,200 ;
M-iiu-uiiiHi nun ; common lo choice muttons ,
SI 75 © ) SO ; lambs , § 2 Wi" < >
| J { SlOfK 1 .VIWR , S. OVIAIIA , )
Friday Evening Oct. s. f
The cattle nmiKet rnnged about the wtmo
to-day nsjesterdny. Tlio demand lor feed
ers i.s Mill active. Them was a leelini ; that
tlio hoj ? marUtt was n little lower , and bny-
eis nttemptcd to buy foi less money , on ac
count ol tlie lull In eastern maikct.s , but hales
weio made nearly at yesterday's Jignres. Tlio
icceipts of cattle were Jn c.xcchi of any day
this vvcul ; .
Cattle 1700
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
$ aoo
aooHOflH. .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. ' *
78 Sia KI.45 72. . . iJIO
07. ! l.55 ! .D7 t'.W '
nocs I.IVK souiui ) .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1
11(1. ( . . 815 - '
115. . .
1'oor lo Good to
KKHCllH-riO.V. Jlcdliuii. Kxtra. diS
S (
Cattle \i (
1,500 Ihs and over. 75 85 @r 50 \ )
lj.jO : ) ( i,600 Ihs , 4 ( XWM 50 4 fiOMS 00 i <
s ! 1 50u00 ( | ! 1 7&4 2.5 c
I4 l coders - ' / - ' a as S
Stockei-8..i. . . . , , , * , oo JI2.5
Jrass Texans | . 'J50 3S5 > , "
Wc-stuiii Hangers i 05 U 75@-l 50 fl
Native Cows IS 50 ii 00
Hulls a oo UM )
, . , Mixed a 10 vv
Pncklntr and Shipping. : tara > : t 50 12M
. a to : ino
I.lfdit weights
. . . .
oi.l. 111
37 I ! 00
Thecxtieinorungo 'of prices for roncli
mixed , packing and shipping and lightweight in
weight hogs lor elx tlay.s Is shown below : bi
Duto Hough il'iickiim- & l.lvht la
' , Mixed. jjilipplng. [ Welulita laHi
I'rlduy In
Huturdoy InD
Jlonduy 0 0X10.15
Tuesday s tutu un Iflo
WcdnosU'y 010401 5 tiim
Tliurbduy a. TS&.I w a MXM ui m
Krlday sA to it
DKSTIXVTIO.H 01' flllll'-MCNTS. nut
Showing the number of cattle , lious and
sheep bhlpfM-d from South Omalm diirluc the
jtast twenty-four Lours , und their points ol IS
destination ; CATTI.K. 1 ?
No. ll't. Dest , 1 (
0 Mil. Chicago ]
iioas. up
No. ll't. Dcst
00 N. W. Chicago 70
Note All sale. ? of block in this mjikct are
niaUuiH.Tuvvt.llvo weight , wiled * othwwlso K"
rtnted. Icillin i < ollat1e j > Cr Ib. for nil
\tclahts. "SklnVorhortvvoliimn Ipmtiian
'M ' HH , no v nine. I'nwiwnt sovvs rb dockud
Lire Stock Xotcs.
Tlie Swan entile eontpinv had 3.V ) enltlo at
the Omnlm rds jpsterdny.
11. 11. Mills Incl RT cows on the markclnt
the Onmlm stoek jnnls jwleidny.
A train of entile was uwlved at th"yanN
ycsterd'tv nfternooii , vcv eais of vhlli b
lonxed Keel V Co. , Uvo ears lo Heel AlJoscli-
dnlc and elpht cars to ,1 , M. KlrXendal.
C. f. Nelson li.ui JO entile nl the > ards j PS-
Ten eai-s iH'loncIntc to ( InloHros. , ten tnrs
to Illinois MVP Seek Co. and nvo to Now
I'lKland MVP Sleek Co. veto halted at the
DltilN yesterday for feed.
Ullss.viHllw of t'ehu.vler ' , John Wlnjlni
and 1) . AinleiMinof Columlmi , V , U.Tieekill
ot Cortland , hnd hoirson the maikut jwtcr-
day nl the slock j aids.
About Ilfty thoii'and head of pattlo hnvo
been chlpiied from Colorado since -May and
It Is estimated that twice as ninny nioio will
bu shipped dining thu ue.xt tlucu niuntlis.
Krldnv Kxcnliiff , Oct. 2.
Cloncrnl IMnrlccis.
Tdns Sales to-dny were : luado ino&tly nt
ICc : a IPVV vventevpii hlphc'r. Choice table , IKTMfie ; fair to
good , iVi'l''c ' : Infeilor , JHitv.
Cinisi : : : There Is quite likely to lie nn nd-
vnncoon prices In n shoit time , nt present
.stock Is selling nt tint following nites : Knll
ctenm pheddnr , Setenib ) < 'i , lijap ; full cream
llnls , Septemlier , lOJfe ; full eieun Youiij ;
Amerlp n , Septc'inbcr , 11 'e ; Swiss , fnncy ,
! < ; Swiss , eholce , l-ltwlOc ; brick , I2e ;
bnrcer. 10c.
I'oiu.iriY The ( .etison for diessed poul
try Is clo'-o nt hand , mid the maiket
will open at about thu follow Injj quota
tions : Live.sprliiKchlpken1 * . larce. { f2.2. ' > ( ( f2.ryj ;
soring rliickcni , small , fc2.00@i'.2. > ; old dilpk-
PUS , fc2.75 ( < ? ; t.)0 ( ) ; duel ! ! , S2.nOvif3.75 ; chickens ,
ilujssed , choice , pel 11) ) . , lOp ; turkpyh , diessed ,
eholce , pel Ib. , 14ir > c ; ducks , diessed , choice ,
per Ib , lli$12e ( ; gcetc , diessed , choice , pel Ib. ,
I2ffii'i3. :
SWIIT : : POTATOES Choice laico ( inotnble
nt 2 > sK.fSe perlb51.00a ; ? .Kjjcrbbl. )
I'm MOI.S Shipments will Ix' iu coming
In .soon , as the season tor Inyinj ; In winter
.stock is raiildly nppionuhln ; , ' . Sorted stock ,
JXe ) ; mixed , 2T > c.
CAH'inns Standards av ; selects , 40c ; c.v
tin seJecth , 45e : counts We.
I : TcMluy's selling prices aic nbnut
mixed ducks. S1.25@1.75 ; jack rabbits , per
do-ten , 5-4.0ab.OO ; bmnl ! rabbits , S1.XK ( 1.2. . .
CAi.iror.NiA COMJI HOXIA 3 Ib. frame , 00
Ibs. In ease , per Ib. , 15e : cNtraetccl , 2 Ib , tin
cans , 2 doIn ! case , periloz , S2.00.
Ciniat- New York retined per bbl. , 7.00 ;
do hall bbl. . 81.00.
S vxiiu KIIAUT I'cj bbl. , SO.M ; per K bbl.
PHIS' FJIT : , Titii'K , KTC. Pigs' feet and
tripe per 3 < rbbJ.i'K ) ; do. U bbl. , 82.Mdo. .
pcrkitSl.IO. , lambs' tongues jtpi % bbl. ,
Sll.50 ; do. IK.T kit , &Q.75 ; do. quart jms per
do ? . , S5.M ; do. jtlnt jars per do . , J3)0.
rjusr.uvis. : JKI.IJKH , r.rc. Preserves :
All kinds , 20-lb. pails per Ib. , lie ; nssoited ,
5-lb. pails per dovS8.00. : .Icllles : All Kinds.
best pnulc , 20-lb. nails , jier Ib. , fcc ; all kinds ,
second crude , :50-lb. : pails , pprlb. . Oe ; Assorted
5-lb. pails , per doz. , Sr)0 ( ) ; do. 3-lb. tin palls ,
82.75 ; do. i-lb , 2 doin c.ibe , per P.ISC , $2.25 ;
schooners , 1 doz. in case , fc2.-l3 : tumblers , a
do ? , in , pcrenie , S1.40 ; apple buttei , 40-
Ib. nails nnd 3/bbl. , per Ib. 7 e ; plum bnttei ,
40-lb. pills , pel Ib. tJ ) o : assoitcd fiuit bolter ,
5-lb pails , per doz. , 8.7. : ) " : F.incy "Home
Made" catsup , 2 do/- pint bottles per use ,
go 00.
LKMONS JFe-sslna , jicr IHIX , S5.50.
PIACHIS : : Sllcliican , per basket , 'J0et < t$1.00.
Git U'K.S Concords. 10-lb basket , ( > < i70i ; ;
do. 20-lb basket , gl.'lo ; Malaga , per barrel ,
. .
CnKHEiiitiKi Hell and nuglc , per bbl ,
0.00 ; bell and ehcirv. IM.T bbl , 87.00.
APPLIS The tollowing quotntlons an ?
as ncaily con cct as they can be pi veil
undei tliopipsentcircinnstiinocs : York State
and Jlichitfan , binitlo barrels , 2.7rx : : i.oO ; live
barrel lots. W.fiO. Illinois , S1.75@2.oo , aceord-
IIIK to quality and number of barrels bought.
All elf stock splllin , ' at60e@Sl.25 jiei bid.
Oii.vxciijs The inaiketisbare. I.oulslnna
oranges expected to nriivo within thu next
two vv eelw.
UANAXAS TheicJs but a limited demand
at present and maiket rules low. Choiu ) se
lection , S2.rAi ! .rx ) .
Wn.ii 1'j.ti.Mb Arc \Iitually out of the
maiket. OKNIA KJIUIT Pears Wlntei Nellls ,
Keuiie , DIul , Lawrence , U. Uemie , ,
and otheivailcties , JUT box , 82.7.'KavJ.OJ.
liij.v.vs Good bright beans are i.caice and
in demand : dirty and Inteilor stock dull.
hand-bicked navy , Sl.oOcjgl.U ) ; hand-picked
nicdium , 81. " > 0@1.40god ; ) clean pountii , ftl.OO
@ 1.20lnfoilor ; , WXji)7c. )
PnovisioNS Hum , 10'iicbieakfast ; bneon ,
Oc ; clear side bacon , 794c ; dry salted sides ,
7c ; ; sbonldei-b. smoked , S c ; me"s pork , per
lim. , S1H.OO ; dried beet lianib , I''c ; lard , 40
Ib. cans 2 in Iwx. l\tc.
x Tim tollovvIiiR aio the prevailing
pilcesfoi tonlay : Coin , ! Mc : new oati , 2
J2e ; wheat , No. 2 , ( r c ; ne , U > e.
Fun it AND Mir.i , bTUKifo Winter Wheat
Finn ; best quality patent at S
.Second qiialitj fs2 50ft < : ! 00.
' iK iVhcntr-Uest quality patent nt ? 280
< ii'oo. :
Second quality SI 40@3 to.
Hian fiOeper cvv1.
Cliopped Feed Pi i 100 lb , Me.
CoinJIeal SI 00 < > 1 10 per cut.
Sciccning No. 1 , 7. > c per ewt ; No. 8 , 50j.
Hominy SI 50percwL
Shorts 70e pel c-wt.
( { nilmm a oo | .er ewt.
Hay Hales , fr(150@7 ( 00 per Ion.
Hiiis ) : Steady ; gieen butcher'H , 7c ; green
enicd , e : diy Hint , l'J@14c ; dry s-ilt. lOftBiie ;
damnged hides ( \vo-thiids iulc.o. TalJoH J,1
W.V. ( Jice'c I'll mo white , ! ! @fe. Sheep
wood , 4.r > e ; 4 ochilli , 4bu ; 8 onOe. . Navy
Cllpiiings , itfc. Klllikinlck , 4 oi , Site ; a o/ . ,
8cc. : Co'i Hard to Heat , 70e ; Chaimof the
.shoe , 4fo ! ; Star , 4c ( ! ; Siicaihcad , 4ic ( ; Our
Hone , nee ; Piper HeldsiekOn ( ; Punch , 40c.
S.VDDI.UHY H A jtiWAw : XO combination
loop hamc-s. § 5iH ; X X 1. O. T. Jinnies. ? 1.75 ;
var I , O. T. hamcs , 8J1.50 ; perfection pads ,
81.75 ; 47 ling bits , Me ; Ifaibouih No. 10
thieall , 75i ' '
breast htni
buckles ,
) ( * J 1 4 jvj i * jiftri' ( _ iiiui | t ( flumes * t ,
81.80 ;
S1.45 , fcl.40 , % Vl.40.
lliuvy JiAimwAitK Iron , nites , $2.15 ;
plow steel , special east , 4c ; crucible steel , CM- ;
cast tools do , 12 < > lf > o ; wagon spokes , per hul.
Jjl.75@J.K ; ( ) ; bub * , jiei set , , lelloes , sawed
dry , M.40 , tongues , eai h , 75c. , nxles , each , 75c ;
snunronnl.s ; , per Ib , , 7 ( < 4llc ; I'xillchaln p i llj ,
Wuil'Je ; mnlableHe : lion v\cdges , ( ic ; ciow- ; hnriovv ti'uth , 4e ; spilng slcel , 7 < 5 < V ;
Uurcien'H liorhti hhocs , S-J.a ) : Utirden's miilo
fhoes , 5UO. Uaibed Wiio In car lots , 5f 1.00
nor ( 100 Bis. Iron Nidlu-ltates , 10 to < X ) , S3t .
Hliot I Sl.M ) ; buckshot , 81.K5 ; oriental
jiovvder , keg ? , sy.f > o@4.00 : do. half keghS'J.X ( ) ;
, cnuirtcr kegs. 81.60 ; blastlni ; , kegs , 8H. : ;
fuse ! , per KX ) tcot , ) c. Lead , Uar , Sl.W.
Dnv PAINTS Whlto lead , be ; ncneh vine ,
: Paris vvbillng. ' Jc ; fc ;
vvhftlng , < 'om'l , l cilumpbliifk.tieimantovvn ,
< i ; lampblack , oidlnaiy , Idc : Piusslaii blue ,
, , iintramarine , 1H < > ; vandyke.blownt-c , ;
uinlicr , buint , 4u ; iimlier , law , 4c ; Hlcnna ,
burnt , -lc ; sienna , raw , 4o ; Parisgicen , genu
, liftc ; J'aiis giet'ii , common , -Oc ; clnomu
gieen , N. Y. SOo ; tinomogiceil. K , I''c ; ver-
iiilllion , Kngllhb. In oil asst , 15u ; ravv and 11)
burnt umbel1 , l Ib cans , l ° c ; raw and buint 2o
sienna , lOc ; vaniljko blown. 1 % ; icinud 2oSI
liiiupblaek , We ; coach black nnd Ivoiy blnck , SIw
; drnpblac ) ; , Hie ; I'nishlan blue , 4 ( > c : ul- w
tnnnnilnebliic , 18c : thromo green , L. , M. it 7c
, Ilk : ; blind and shutter green , L. . JI. .t D. ,
; Pails green , Itfo ; Indian red , lw ; Yenu- be
Han red , Uc ; Tuscan ic-d , : JJ ; American vermillion -
million , L. & D. , : c ; jellow ocliic. Oc ; L. JI.
0.1) . , 18c ; golden ochre , Ific : patent dijer ,
; graining colors , light oak , daik oak , walnut
, chest nut and n.-sli , 15c.
OILS 110caiboni > cr gallon , lie. ; 150 ° hnad-
light , pur gallon , lOc ; 1700 headlight , jM'i gal- 2x4
. .P. ? . . * " " . ! ' " ! ' > . .vw , S\tt 2x8
In , TV tur/usttllrw / , pcrgnHoJi.-lle ; imptlm ,
] CT i all i i 4c ,
VAiM iit : . MfliTfX ir pu'lon ' : Ktirrtt-
tnrc.cxtirt , $1.10 ; ntrnluiru , Nc. i , fci.oi ;
tvwch , cxlrft , * l.-W ; owich , No. 1 , . i.-.t ;
Dnmflr , Pttrfl , SI. 7 ; .Iftpiui ) 70e ; wniiaHnm ,
txim , 8.V ; shollne , $ .W ; litml oil imHi ,
Si'iiiiT < - Cologne Spirits isSp roof , $1.10 ;
t'o , Kit pronf , * 1.W ; sril ; ! , * < Htuul ijtn < ll > ,
lei proot , $1.11 : do. iss proof , 51.0 ! ' . Alpohol
lv * piiwif , sa.10 iR-r vine tnllon ,
ItpdNtllliHl vvliiskteo , St.OcVf t * > ;
Kin blendeil , f 1 Ma. ' .00 ; Konttic ! > > Itoni.i.m-s
. ( KViflcu ; KentucKy und ronnsyivaniv
ivi" < , . J.OOyft'ViJ. iinliu U slu'nf , bontbun i ii l
I'MvhKUIi J-I..VK-IMOO. HtMii.lies -
Imported , WOtVcri. " * ) : cloiuritto , M.-MUliH.
Oln.M-lmpoiUd . ' < 0.uiliinontli ; , M.H < $
! ! . * . Kiimi Impotteil. .iJvai.oj : New'land. SWKKff-l.OOj ilomritlp , l.fiOc IHI.
t bampatfiies Imported , i er ca i\ f-v .
SU.IM : Ameileali. pert-a-i' , s-UXWi
COM , Antlnadto ejrj ; , 58.00 :
lint. ps.2'i > atithtacHo inngc , f2.'i ; lovvn ,
W.2- , ; Walnut block , S-.7-i ; Illinois H.V ) ;
Indiana block , S5.7S ; I'oit boott , fcl. * > ;
iticbliiil , si.rr. : .
lit ii.tiixci .MA'irniAi. Innl ! bikl , , SlUX ) ;
nin of Kiln , S\W ( ; llmo ( In bulk ) pel lib ! , uv ;
limIn ( bbls ) fOe ; l.onisvlllo eemeiii , Sl.-VJ ;
TUIpa. AKion and Mllvvaiikeo cement , S1.-10 ;
Vottland iH'ment , KnulKh , M.tx ) ; sttu-po ,
Michigan , fc2.2j ; hall in paper sicks per bu ,
Grocers' IJst.
SroAisq I'owdeml. te ; put lonf , 7 < p ;
pi-iniiliitcl. ; 7confeplloneis' ; v , 7'4e ' ;
Slandaide\lat' , 7 > < re ; i-\tm C , < 7 c ; mcdl
\ wellow \ , 0\o : daik vellow , 0\c.
t'AXNKD ( JoonIhstprs . btundard Kr
ease. S..Ki ! ; straw hollies , U-lb. . percaso , 58. 0 ;
rnspbciikv. 8-lt > . , pci case , S'i.u-'i ; Callfoiula
pears , per case , $5.u ) ; apricots , per C.IM. ' ,
& -I.40 ; peaches , per e.ise , H.7. ; while ehci-
lies , per en e , StUx ) ; plums , per eas-u , SUM ;
vvhoitlebeirie. ' , per case , P2.40 ; egg plums ,
8-11) . , pel cas4 > , SiSK ) ; gieen ( raves , 8-lti. . per
ease , S'J.W ) ; pine apples , 8-Dj. , per cose , S&SUvd
fi.M ) .
Cornr.s : Ordinary grades OJ c ; fair ,
lO > C'Ile ; inline. liCtjU'e ; eholce. I2@l.c ! :
lancy Kiet-n nnd > pllow , 14i3)l"e ) ;
sper case oil above prlei"
in "HUSO lotM.
Tr.As ( itinpowdcr , fair , K < @ft ; tjooil ,
Wic : choice , OOpine ; good Impciial , 4A < t4'e ;
choice , w ) < ( ( > 70'j ( ; Youngll.v' on , good.Xiu4V : ) ;
eholce , fpOil70e ( ; Oolong , oed , H.X i-10c ; Oo
long. c'hoIec''lOeJOPetKnglibli P.ienUnstgood ,
Jfty-lOo ; ( liolcc , fiOfHtioc : Souchong , { rood , i Ki' !
iiTie ; choice , "VfMKc ; .japans fair. 8X > WIV ;
pood. JViowric ; choke , CXgi. * ! , Tea Dust , l.'xs ;
Tea lifting * . IS. ' .
CAMIY JllM'd , 103120 ; rtlck ,
twist -.tick , I0'4'c. '
tJoiiA In Hi papers , S9.25 n case ; sal oda
lpii per Ib , S'AW.
Vi.NMiAU Oniin I3@itx ! ; whlto wine , 15
< < ? 20e.
Pirui.KS .Aledlnni In bands , ? 0.50 : do In
halt bain-Is , NJ.50 ; small in buu-ls S7.W ) ; do
in half bairels , S.75 ! ( ; gherkins In b.incb ,
&b W ) ; do in half bairels & & > .
liici ; lAiiilsiana , prime to choice , f > @
7' c.
SOAPS Kiik's Savon liniwrlnl , S3 00 ;
Klik'swiflnet , : ! .15 ; Kirk's btandard , " " vt ;
Kirk's While llu-sliin , SJ.OO ; Kik's W.ilto
Cap , W.50.
Hon. Sisal , U Inch and linger , 8 > c ; iiuli ,
" " . ; y i'jch ' , / < c.
' ' "iry , „ . . . . . .
O ife ; Niaga
. .
SYJifi1 Standard C 20c , bills ; Standard-
doJ J'iillon ] ( ; & , 81.-IO.
hricj.s Whole JVjiiHT , l j ; nlspleo 10 < ;
clove.s , irxS'JUu ; casslii. 10ciintiiH'Kh. ; . 8U ( < i5V.
SricKS ( Sround Hlsitlt lit-'I'licr ' , bo\rs l
< ? t 5c ; nlsplcc , IfiCWOc ; cliinuinon iscriflc ;
cloves , iCfc'Jjc ; mincer , 15i"i ( > c ; iuu---tiul , 15 ( < 3
Djur.n FIIUITS No. 1 quarter apples , iwj
N. C. sliced , boxes , Co ; cMiitor.itcd , boxc's ,
none in Ihii maiket ; IMMCIICS. evapoialcd , 15'
< VJ17c ; raspberne.s , nuw. 8.X 'J7c.
CIIACKKIW ( larncau's .sod.i , butler and
picnic , 5c ; claims , ix ; ; ginger snaps , NJ ; City
soda , 7J < fc.
POTASH Penirsvlvnnia cans , ! cans in
ease. W : B : Habbitt's ball , a doin case , gl.'JO ;
Anchor ball , " Am in case. 81.60.
MA'iniKB J'cr cuddle , ! " > < ; lound , rl. case ,
4rm : biiuaie ca.scs , fcl.70 ; O.sbkosh < asesir.i
hi .20.
CANiu.ns Boxes , 401li , 10s , i2Xc. : Ss 18' ' e ;
ImM's , -lOlli , 10 oUs , , KMu ; half bov , 80Ib ,
Pry GoodK.
] 5r.iACiun : C < IJIONH Fanners' Choice ,
O' c ; Cabot , 0 = fc ; JIoiK.7e : Hill 4-1 , i \
llill % . lijju ; Luiiddale , b ; l-'ruit , 8Jjc ; Wam-
btitta , I0 < ic.
CoKsiiiJKANR Ki > aif > nric , 7 < - ; Ainiory ,
7c ; IVppcrell , 7 o ; Indian Ou-haid , O u ;
Nauinlveji , 7c.
PJNI : linovvN COTTOKS Peppcrcll 1 ! , ( i'/o ;
Pejipeiell O , 5fc , Atlas , tl c ; Statue 01 hib-
-rtv , ( ic ; ! H. ( J c.
PisiMh Steel Hlvei , > WAineriisin , , fiU'o ;
Ainold's' , lie ; Jlnnchestei , ( ! < ; Lynmn , c ;
( ilouccbter. 5 > ic ; Dnnnell .incipiaid , tie : 1)1111-
nell , 6J4j Itamaiio , .y e ; WindMn , lie ; I'.iciuc ,
< > c ; Haimony , l' < fcAnchoi ; bliiitlngs ,1 ;
Jleir'maclv Sliirtlngs , 4xe ; lieuvli'k , ' ( .
DKMMB HC.IVCT tieek AA , Ilo ; Heaver
Creel. , HH , 10o ; Heaver Creek CC. He ; .Itillruy
XX , lie ; .laflrey XXX , I''c ; J.iliiey 1) ) iV.'l\
I'J'-jc ; Colunilii.Mi , \ ACYoik \ , ic : ! ; YoiK ,
lancv , l"u ; Kvcititt , i.Jc ; lla makei'.s bum
ami blown.T.'Jc.
DtioK ( unbleached ) 8 or. Jlagnolln , lOe ;
10 o . AIngnolia , lie ; S o/ . West Point , 10'c ;
Wiu. West Point , 1-iye.
DUCK ( coloicd ) lloslon 0 m. brown and
dndi , } ? yv : Hoston O JI blown and dial ) , He ;
Hoslon XX bio\vn and drab , lUc : liostoii
XXX brown nnd dial ) , lit" Hobton O P blue. ,
HKe ; Win iun Tiicot , lie- .
linow Corrox l iwienco LL , 6c ; Shaw-
uiutLL , 6c : Heaver Dam LL , 6e ; Atlantic
LL , Cc ; Indian Head. 7c ; WaiiLhusset r.jJ.c ;
i'lown XXX , Ujrfc ; Clifton CCC , Oj'c ; Utic-v
C , 4fc' } Atlantic P , 6Jnc.
TifKiNciH Amoskeag ACA , 12)ife ; Tlioin-
dike OOO , 7fc ; 'J'hoindikiitnucv. H ) c ; York
A , lOUje ; York lancy , 1'J c ; .Millbniy , l'J' < e ;
I'eaif HIvcr , ll > 4c ; Hnmilloii , lu'o : b\\"iit
Hivcr , Mfc ; Sbetucket S , ( i c ; biiutueket hb ,
Sti-jc ; Moniauk A , 12c ; MonUul ; H , " '
CJIUVIOFH Anio < > lkOair , cheeksOXc ; Amos-
kt'atftMilpe.s , h ) < c ; blater , .stilpi. ' ? , t > e ; Kdln-
bniK , % ; U'hlltc'iidon , stil | e.s , be ; ( iien-
rosc , ilo ; Otis , eheckK , t'xe ' ; OtK , iitrle | ) , i'c ' ,
Hoval , i > ? je ; AmosKt-air , napped , lOke ; ln
lay , hook fold , r'c ; Oberoi ' ' ' ' "
ICndinance , book fold , 18c.
IK ) UlS. 1I.-S. 1I.S. . ] fw. kit-J.
) lee u. . ) fyj 40
SKOO 87,50 5INI ( P'l.flUO ) lKp. )
Coiii'isii Now } 'nrllsh { Mimnicr cm oil
wiiolueoil.Oc ; aib bik-ko , guaranteed , u4' ( > J
KMoicnn FIHII Halibut , new , 12' c ; nuvv
healed hei i Ings. 2. * > c.
\K \ ft n ft'in ' it i it'a ' ) n as ' ft
ll)7'i ' 1575 1575 1075 17.75 IH.7/1 / | ' 7i
15 iKi i Ilia lfiS.il7.tfi 19.7"il.l7
15.7515.75 l'i 75 10 7517.7518.7-1 II 7'i
Sfxlll. Ir.7r 1575r)7r)107'il77ii20.7'i2l57
BxK l'i751J75 157510.75 1775 I'l7ian.'i '
4i4-axB jii.11s4 la- ' ii.tfjin.iaina' go 7
Xo.lboardH , 12,14 and III It . . . . .S17.00
. Slicmiils , 12 , U and 111 It 1'idO
No.JIboaidH , 12 , UaiidlUU , W.'tt
No.-iboauls , 12 , HiindlOU U.uO t
l < trll n. , 1 ,14n idW Hit . . . . . .Sal.1 ?
-d Com , , M nd Itl fc ( . . . . . . ID.:1 ;
. , 14 H"iUrt f t . . .4. . 14.7Ti
llft ml l < ifH > t . . . . . . . . 10.73
N'\ ' 1 , J A t ) Inoli , l aiirt Hi'iX't , rriitli. \ . . t7-0
JCo. 1 , 4 Vr 0 Inch , JH twt , roiufli . l * . >
No , t' , 10 InHi , 1'3 nnrt 14 fort , Mii lt. . 1 . ' > 0
Xo. S , 4 A 8 Inch , in feet , ronjth . l.VOO
Sllll1 l.Vl' .
X . 1 , IMnlii , 8 or it ) Inch .
Xo. u , I'.nln , 10 Inrh .
Ko. 1,0. U .
l t CVn. . ; Inch , Nnnvny . .
I'd Com. , * Inch , Noivv v- . 11.50
Kt'Jd and 'id Clear , 1" " < Inch , " . 2s . S'.O.r.l
1 t. v < l and : < d Clem , l' ' nntl S ineh , s 2s fto W )
11 Select , I'i. ' 1 > * and vi Inch. s. 4 * . ! M.'O
K''dnndiMrlcur , l Inch.d.'J . 4iriO
A Select , 1 ' "Hi , P 1 * . 4D.W
11 Spied , 1 Inh , H. ' . IW.OO
riiioinxn. _
Ki Com. n Inch , whlto pine . S-W 0(1 (
.dCom.ti Incli , whltu pine . " > " > < * '
: : d Com. o Inch , whlto plno . . . . . 20 wi
hd. 1'incp , t ) Inch , vvh'te pint ) . 2000
Chicago Hel. KPIIPP i'loorlnj ; . . . 18 00
Iht ami 2d clear .vellow pine , M5 inch. . . 20 W )
Tlii' JMitiTliiKO Imvv in Now York.
Now York World : "Mock innriinKOH"
nti' not iio < .slbleln tlio Rtato of Now lork.
Tliev e\i > .t . only in Ilio iinii iiuition of
novel writers Every intirrlit u corci-
ninny in thin Mate , wlintovcr its nature ,
and ovei v sifjiveinent to live toyothor nd
man iinififo isalui , jiroyldinjjtlio contract -
tract iuj ; parties uro iiiiiilUicil ntiil the
contract can be proven when
qiicxtinnctl An iirt'lilnnliop IIIH no inoro
Ju al autlioritv to "marry lu-oiilo" than
n newsboy. AlurrliiKu is n t-'ivil contraet.
llvory pi-r-on pn" unt other Ilian the
] ) rineipals is uu-relv a witness. A cloi'ffV-
nmn's et'rtiiieatc tnnt Im "hath jolnpil"
A nnd H is inncpni-ite. He. joins no ono.
Ilo is ono vvitne'-s merely , with other wit-
m-Mi's , of u rontraut which in law
lill > rs in nn n-sjiept fioni a contract to
buy a , except that it can inn for no
Mated titnu ami mi .t bo "for life or clur-
hchav o . "
. r. r.ovr.
r. .1. BCUUVI rn.
W. F. Johnson & Co.
Commisson Merchants- ! -
3 | llccclxcrM ol drain and Bootls. Fiituto * boiurhe
mmold Hpt-clul intention tosnlo bj cn
] { ciit | < M > iiUilti > Kdwiuil Iliirlon , Lincoln.
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tlio only ioml lo tnliofor Dos Jfolnnc , Miu-
clmllioH n.tumriliiplilHClinton. Dixie , Chicago.
, JIIIumiKeo nml nil points ciit.t. To the ) icoplu oC
Tsebnibkn. C'oloi.iiio , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho. '
Knvuilu , Ori'irnn , Wiiphliurton nnd California It
otlomsujjur or udviintnjjca not jiotbililo l.v any
other lino.
Aniuiuf H few of tJio Humorous point * of anne
yioilty eiijovcnl by tlio pntroni or this rouillio.
tnccnOninliu mid Cliieunn , tire its two trains it
< m > of DAY rOAJHr.S ( which uio thu Illicit time
human mMtml Ingenuity cnn oionto. llnVAl -
Afl ! BI.iii'IN : ( ! UAUS. which mo models of
< oinloi t nnd ulcrfnnco. Its ] > AHrAJC 1)IIAWINC
HOOM ( V\ll , niisiiriin'fiMl liviuiv. nml lt wiile
ly coInlmitiM I'ALATlAI.DlNINO CAHS , the
oqmilol wliluh enimot lie ioiioil elsUieie. .
.M Council llloUs tlio tiiilim ol ilio Union Punl-
fic jly iniiiiccl in ITnlon Henot with these of the
rii'cajroi ' , Northtt extern 11 v. In C'hlciiuo thu
tinltiH ol this line iimliuclosu connection v\itl !
the > -ool nil tntteni llno .
For llotioll , Cnlmnlins , Indlnimpollg , Cincln *
null , Niiiirnnt I'lilli. Iliillnlo , I'lttslmr ' . Toronto ,
JIon'H'il ' , llo-ton , NIIW York. I'lilliulelpliln , Ilnl-
timoicVa8lilnfKni nml nil points in thu cnfct.nslt
tlio ticket iiKent tor tleliets vin Ilio
" N ( ) i t n i-wr..sTi : i IN. "
3 r.MHI vl < - ] > the liostiiceoiiiiiioilatlons. All ticket
adonis hell tiokela via tlila line.
JI. IltJCiniTT , 11. B. HAIIl ,
Uenornl ilnimjor.CHICAfiO ( Sen. Pi
Ccn. Apent , H12 rnninni SL , Onmlm , Neb.
Sovi'litron Ytiiih' j\iorit'ice ; ] ! ,
Time Taitole.
All tnilninrrlvo nnd dcpnit fn > ni Oinnlinliy
Centnil Btnnilnid time.
'Jinliisol tlio c ; , t I'.JI .10. nrrivo nnd ilo-
7)iit ! 11 oin their ilojiot , toioerof 14th nnd'nl > -
ncrmteth ; trains on Ilio II , V M , < ; . , II. ft g. ,
iinilK. J.C I ) liomtjio II. A ; M. depot ;
nil ollinih liom tliu I'nlon 1'iic'ltlo depot
n , dully ; li , o\eept bntuiduy ; fo.\ieiit Hnndny ;
il.r.Mcpt iliindnj.
piirt. WlJSrWAIH ) . Arrive.
. . M I UNION . , .ui. , A. M. P.M.
: & . ' . . . . ' ! ! Kvpross
11--M.i Denver lApioss " Vj'ida
I O. & HIM' . VAU.UV.
l:20n : . . .M ill nml Kviiro-is. 2:10a
M. 11' . M. MlbMIUIII
Will" " . Day I'.vpii'ss. . . . .
. . . .NItffit llv resi fWa
K C , ST. J. & C II.
7 : I'd ) Vln 1'liiUhinoiilli. .
7l : b VI i Council ItluflH
WAIIASH itoun :
. .bt lAWl *
1U pni t. KASTVVAUD. _ _ _ _ Arrlvo. _
A l 1' . M. C. M A.HT. I'AlflT Af. i : M.
biro ; . . Dny H\pie-s . .
. Niilit i\pm-H : . UM'n
. . . Duy lUpietts. . . . 7 : o
. Niviit Mum'- , *
U.lUc. ' . . . .Aecoinmoiliillon. .
U. A. N-VV.
B.OOoL. . . .nay lixpiess. . .
U. II. & 0
P ' . ' ( la r > : : 'ifln Hn Clii. vln I'lnitxin'tli 7:55(1 :
J utlrorC'lil'o via O. illuirs
llcipiut. NOltTlIWAllI ) . Arrive.
A M. I I' . M. I fi. k'f. J' , M , A , 7) , I A , > l.
tl"1'11 , " . : . , ' ' ' . ' ' " A'V ' nxi'MWH.
fiiltoOnkhiinl Accoiiiinoirn Ihixic
ilOV/A D1V.H ( , ' . , V I1.
fi:40n' : ' . . . . I Hi. Paul Diiyl'.xpiOMM.
. . _ . _ . . . _ Jisf/ia St I'nnlNlKlitJHxpVe'.i )
AHA niuncii :
l.cavo Council HIiitTn ( llroadnny Depot jil 7fi' : .
8os.u. : , iuu : ; llIJ : a. m ; 1 : ilt , 8 : I , : ! ! . ( , 4 : ' 't
fii'fSHai : and 11:1" : , | i in On Hnniliija Uio .IW
unil JH-Hii ; in , , and-iJ.uiH. : ; ( H ) , m. tiiilnawH
not urn
TIUNHKIIII TIUINB Leave Onioha nt Hm.8iW
a. m. ; U''i : ) , ' . U , 4.U : bailaii < l7irjii. : in iiuliy. *
Aul\oatU4'itnd ; 11:15 : u. m , ; IfM , ilW.,7 : : ;
' > l
. . .
mnlh.l..p. in.
To and fioni CliltiiKo vlaTiJiiullto | AIManeo.
0-2 *
h- : !
Tlinn tntilo of piifonKiT tiaiim betitenn
Oiuiilpi nnd Union Block VnrUri ; In dlfcet WH |
iic-Hlny , AiiKUiit Viltli , l < vo * :
lVfAI TIIAIN _ > l. 'I '
Io , j'ji ViiuU No | * , H. VlfrUB Oiuitliu
i A. M. A. M. I A. > l. A. M ,
1 i < :4J : BCI IM
a-4l 1U-IU
III 41 ll-ixi I * . H. VJ-M , '
11 M OSO l..Ul
41 1:5 : ! ) VllO
ON' , MA
Utiy 0 > iM
11 J )
i aln No Ci , dully tiwj.t Otliur
truma i un vlully.