Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Ercrj ttrnln er coul atiaeVu ihnl we.ilc back
ad ntorl ; prodratei joa.
fltnnrlr * ,
Sln < tlr Ilir Nrrtf ,
ieniooil , OlrriArir Vlj or.
Dn H r Mpld I w prFi
i Irmi Hitter * U thalr > 1 Iron m dlf ln (
h r kn < v n ! mt W > * ' r nrllro I h'tn rmnil
it Ktwclill/ neiirl.l ! KArnmi. tir tihVfkil nili nn *
lion , ncdlm all linUIKilltx llm"nt Ihit l < iir wi
uoirllj un tk < t 7ii.U It f nmlIn miiwn lumllr. "
Otmilnu hu trmla mark mil r-n-ml rr < 1 llncw on
Wrapr r. Tnkr li lbn. U < dnnl > l > 7
nniMvn CIIFMIOAI. . , nAi.TisioiiK , MM.
I.AmrV llAXn llooc-uwihil ni1 llt rllre mm * of rlrn I < r nwlww , l fTraMl n ulnii.t
colni. etc. , lrn iT I r d ui > ra In tnwllrlna , ut
tnuled lotny * * * r ri , t . f 1inn
tnK. ( * l IB th p klir * tn Bkr CNkimic , Nfcivnu * . SKitf
oil ULOD Dixou lh r tlkcr Pbj.ltl.n UHUIxjiUJ ,
4alt7 p | ) r Bk * < ! ftll * | ( > iil. know
Nervous Prostration. Debility , Menial and
Physical Woakneit ; Mercurial and other AHfC-
Uons ol Threat , Skin or Uonos , Dlood Poisoning.
old Sores and Ulcers , art tr t i iii > unp nt ! i a
QecA.i , an U'cittcl'itlle prlaclplti.Safflr. PrlVBt/ ) .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vtlth i > r i ° e > om t ih.
hlltvtnii rticiit iei > . > - , , , JtHlllj , dlmneii or < l lir , pln.'l.i | atli ( | .trlc ldec ; ,
Ttnlon tolhi > .el l/ f frmiloi , confd.loi of Idnl. etc. ,
rendcrln ? Itntrltto Improper or unhuppr , ut
Krmuumij ur d. rinphlii(30p ( MI iilli lu i , IID |
letted ooreUpi * , fr la aay BdJre.s. Cou ullall eater *
fitter bf mttt fr * * , l rll d * 4 t < letl7 e Qilal1 l.
A Posltlvfl Written Guarantee itr la
table eufc UeJUlai
SCO PAGES , PIKE PLATK3 , lcrtot cloth tnd rill
frln < ltpf , piled f > rS o. t ( ' tntfeorenrreot.r * Of r litty
wonderful _ in plcturo , trut u lh ; trtUUi oa tbe following
bowl , fibril r&1 < * < ? , eO * U oreellbtt j * a < l touithA i lijri *
foloyy rrrnrt < ietf BftbilHftnjr nnr * . Thoie tatrrleJ or
doctaniplittlnc mtrUf * ikauld r nd It , ltirUr eJllloa
paper oor r(33o. AdJrow _ iM , * POnuuUr , *
A Case Resembling That of Gen. Grant.
r Bomo ton yoare nro I had n Ncroftilous Bore on
tiiy right hand which KIIVO mo Kroal troiihlu ,
nnd under thu old timuiiuatinoiitbealcd up , but
tt had only boon driven Into thoHyHioiu by the
U8OOf potash and ineiuury , and lu March , 1 SJ ,
tt broke out It broke out In my throat , and con
centrated In what i-onio or the doctor * called
Cancer , ontlni ; through my check , destroying
roof of my mouth and'ilppur ' lip , then nttucklnir
inytoiiKiio , palntoand lower lip , dosltoyhiff the
palnto und under Up ontlioly and half my
tongue , oixthiKout lo the top of my loll ohooek
liono nnd up to tholutt vvo. 1 could not oat any
oolkl food , but RiibslMcd on liquids , and my
Itonnuo win BO ftirtnino I lould not talk. Such
( Was my wiotchod , helpless londltion iho IIrut of
last October , ( IKI ) . wbou my frioudscommenced
giving tinSwift's Spocltlo. In IOKS tliiin n month
-.tho out I us places slopped and hoalhitf com-
{ neiiced , and the fearful apertino In myclieook
( bus bcon closed and ( Irmly knitted together. A
li > roco$3 of u now under lip Is uio rossln tlnelv.
lAud the toimuo whloh was almost destroyed Is
-liohiff recovered , and It scorns that imturo Is
Btipplylny R now tonvo I can talk po I hut my
friends can readily understand mo , and can al-o
oat solid food utialn. If tinv ono iiouht ilio-u
rncta , I uouhl iclor thoin to lion. John II. Trav-
lor , fitato suualor of this district , and to Dr. T. S.
ilnidllolcl. of LuUraiiKe. < > a.
IinOrniiBO , On. , Mny 14 , ItWi
Tim Swirr SI-EUU-IO Co. , Drawer U , Atlanta ,
Cn. N. Y. , 167 W. 'Ml St.
i-J ff-SUiU4J
noia ( ur tticexprcsap jrpoji
of Rivincimnieaiute rclletm
nil chronic , urmury ana pri
vate diBtusca. Oonorihira ,
OlcetaiidSyptiitli.mall their
complicated fornii , also ull
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly rrhcvcdund
reimaiientlycutcd by rcnie-
dtcs tested in o/-Vi-i/1 Viir.i
_ , „ . t > iirrintJ'rarlln < , Semirul
V/caknnn , NiTnl Lo iby Dreamit , Plmpltk tin
i theI'aco.LeMt WI vhondi > ' > ilUrfliiriiint.Tlii-ra
t tlurjtfvrlnir > in ii. The approprlnt remedy
II at once u d In cuchcase. Consultations , ner-
onal or by letter , ucrciily confidential. Med >
Iclnei sent by Mall anJ Exjircn. No markk on
package te Indicate content * ur sender.
DR.JAr.lES.No. 204Washnglon ! GI..ChIcaqol
ni f * ' ' , . ' * ,
" ' till- nT llliH
u , ! Wptnicm In m
" "i.iii > ' , rr ti - <
. * f , .
'Hit , 'A
! „ , < / >
111 f Sill. OrriUI AND ItiHIDIINCH ,
: i > ' " 'ftitpho\e \ No. IK.
( Succwors to J , 0 , Jacobs , )
11,7 r'urnam M. OnlcM by
I mid pmiuully utiunuud to.
5jia ! beautiful all buc htr
' .uiind nobody has t-vi-r toul
"li'er hv ' easy ic is in put
on iiic skin is Magnolia
w Dalin.
The I'rotty Kchool Girls.
In country latio or city ulrret
Ono iiut-lM Hit'iti fvorywliprft.
Tim | > rclty Fcltool jilrls , lillttm nnd
Wlio .i < - < 'in tioyond cnmpnni ;
Stioli lirlght , ttnponTloti.s ways have they
All ci'tiHiiro in tllwinn ,
Tlioliolil nnilfliy , lliouravnnntlgay ,
I : iclivllli n .sK-cinl | charm.
On Fohool iltys they to wloloin'a tloor
Serenely Ironpnloni ; ;
Or from tlioox | > n iioitais pour ,
A Kind mid riircln.sfl tlifoni ; ;
Wlilln Itd'IdiiJ'R ' bcliolil I Item umm , '
In frcrilotn iitin-stniliii'd ,
Or In the friendly Imuiuls of homo
To useful duties trained.
A nil throttcli tin1 Inun vnrntlnns Uicy
Tin ! fri-ituM rliarnm linjiart
To uumnlaiiH slili1 or brwzy li\y : ,
Wlu-K'oft the world-worn heart
( irous llulit In umil < tholr joy ttniiunt
Amlil inouil fi.--liliii'.H.s\\iy ! ( : ,
I.iko wild Hnwt-rs with exotics hlcnt
In fcoinu liuiiiunsu
I. 't tlio'Q who will tlm boattlltt ? vaunt ,
To Idli'iiiisfl constrained
In lin.slied trlreat ordtcamy lintint ,
Swuut-liiptd htiteiujily Imuned ,
Tlnwo Iti.itrltiiiH eyed fiiil useless pram
Of roinancu und of potm ,
What nro they to our hrltfht school girls
i > o happy , liravo mill fitruit ( , ' .
And that our ilnrlliipi lo o no charm
Who thus for iJtiowletlicoKlilvi ! ,
.Jtisl mails them IIM Ihpy hoiutiwtud switrni ,
Or household tail ; contrive' ,
Tlmmmlful uyu , Ihu bcattiliiK face ,
Th lirlcht , yet thoughtful air ,
The Hweot and lule.lleutual LT.ICU
That clothes Ihuia eyerywiieto.
. ?
Larjo flat httttons arc again In use/ .
Draperies , as well as bodices , show rcvors.
Ijlnlc bmceliit-s are Hiipurscdlng banglas and
Algerian or woolen ribbons are growing hi
Kmbroldcicd Jersey cloth bonnets aic
Swlma arc fastened on the right side with
largo bueklefl.
Itlslt blarney cloth conies among other
Kitigh woollens ,
Pelerines , this season , nro longer Minn
those of liust year.
Hrowu , olive , bronze and slatoaro the chief
coIot-H In ribbons.
Navy blue and brown are the leading colors
for winking drcsscti.
ICIlt skirts aru the favorites for llttlo girls
and young girls under 15.
Little waiters of polished brass or copper
aio iLscd Instrad of .silver.
Ilibbons with Itoman stripes lu plush or
velvet wilt be much worn.
'Drunken 'voinen In I , nudon are more fre-
q tout than ( Iruiiku.i in n.
Small pulls me irnaiontly used Instead of
the piottctivc tK ( > t plaiting ,
The three daughters of Banker Dioxol will
Inherit about 30,000,000 each.
Blue brocade combined with bronze velvet
Is worn by cldeny persons.
High collars have n fall of lace , ubovo
which tlio lint , n collar appears.
FhiKcr glasses of heavy cut crystal are now
tt ed fu luel'erenco to any others.
Lumps for tleeorativo purposes will bo
largely ased thu coming season.
( iold and silver tinsel Is again brought out
in milllnerv , biu Is In subdued effects.
Colored glassware Is discarded. Cut crystal
Is the correct and beautiful substitute.
Woolen hosiery in black , crimson and
brown is very fiwlilonablo lor fall and winter
Small bronze buttons In Imitation of an
cient coins und white lloral designs , are fa
The borcri slice In faceted nail head heads
Is a favorite decorated for the drowns of
Sklrt.s corded at the top , Instead of havinc
n belt , \\rif protorred by short-walsted and
Mont perMius.
EjParisiau curiosity-hunters collect hats.wlgs ,
bliiHi buckles and ijiockings bulouging to cul-
cbialid IK-I > OIIH.
Jackets and bndlrcs of wntcrnl silks arn
worn with laeobkirtd und also with thoao of
other inaterlal.s.
Sumo of the color combinations In the
checks of the rotmh blarney cloths are
highly artlstie and effective.
Ice cream forks are no longer trim forks ,
but a Miit of trident , pos e.ising partly Iho
nature of Iho fork and spoon.
Woolen matetlals have bauds of embroid
ery \uncn am tiM-d lor Uimmin0' umslcirt
and lor outlining Iho plaited vcat.
Table linen , napkins , doylies , and table ,
sideboard , and cupboard Fcnrrs , como in Uyz-
untluo broeho boulei's and htilpes.
An Iowa woman has named her twin
daughters ( iasolino nnd Ken eno. This is
making light of a .serious matter.
"A chair of matrimony Is talked of at Vas-
par college. " Of vourxi It will be a big rock
ing chair strong enough to hold two
Vchl.s of canvas , with collars and cuffs to
COIIO.-IXHHI , aiuemhroideied with beads and
silk , and are wet n with any bodice.
While woolen dres.sus will bo worn indoors
during the autumn , a touch of color lieiug
given by the voivot collar , cults and ve > t.
A novel and pretty fancy for a line screen
l.s a big hnivs bin lei Ily with the colored .spots
01 eyes on the wlugif > formed of btained giavj
jewels in Imtlcilly coloi.s.
Linings of China , silk or Fatln surah give
n Mitt , rich , comloitable look to gunnents
inndo of the rough , Imucle , houreltu , and Irish
b.atney cloths MI popular this lall.
A woiiiau asks : "Why does the average
girl aiwa > s. stultify herself by nmriyinghomo
luol of a nmn' ' " jiay it not bo bccaubu that
U thu only Mud In the maikutV
The very latest style in ladles' hosiery i.s
imuleof the unest silk , with a yellow , erim-
HIII or hlaek Miake a luilf Inch wide , twisting
iliiwn thu trout until thu adder-like head icsw
dhectly on the instep ,
I'aney fealheix , encrusted with melalllo
ihtit in all L-olur , and made dicssy by bead
aigtettes lepresoiitlun RoJilcu orhli\cr wheat
and cockle , are seen in umlle.s.s vailetyiu
lull millinery stock.
Homnn stripe hose , with horizontal bars of
Irreguiar width , in pink , blue , gold , purple
and ytihow combination , me among the new
lall fashions. They ate worn with bright
morning toilets and have n striking elTcct.
Mikado writing paper Is a novelty and Is
"so Japanese. " Another new paper with a
linlsh like parchment ami Imvlnsj plain ami
ragged edgi * Is tlio " .shagreen. " V [ siting ami
eoi respondents cards are shown in the mime
btyle ,
A wealthy Now York Indy'.s will provides
that her mum. runs dogs , cats , and hints shall
Im cremated and that their allies shall he scat-
ten d upon lur gtave. Thu neighbors aie
eiu'er lor the piovmluns of the wllfto bo ear-
rud out ut once.
( irvduully wmuun are entering those de
partments of Industry tlmthavu long been
Louer.itly ( Kftipietl or entirely nionoioll/ed |
hymen. An enterprising young \romanin
Michigan , a lew dati a o , htailtd out In thu
bu-iuew < of horne .si
I'eusint w\lsta : of let net mid entire bodices
ices with long points back and Iront , no
HiftiviM , and a .Mixljc-ska oiniulng on the bust
Hro among ln-ml novelties lately * seen.
The. * * ) mi-u-utorled of thu toilet brighten up a
dull or did t-ONtume wonderfully , und make u
new ouo ilrty lit-yond measure.
The late > t rrencli ftushlon In stationery Is
the "mouchoir ' note , paper ami envelopes ,
the shtx-t largn mid Niumi | and looking vety
much llku a "heuotiiehi-it' ' | > ockot handkcr-
elili-f whiiii open , the iliiliiilou lulng luiiher
cat i lid nut by an initial letter In onu corner.
The siiiinv weather has not bit-u coti-
ditehu In tin aip ] < arauou ol autumn c s-
ititiiis , a though iuiUi > JiomebpuiH are K on.
On iiiuditvis ilKht Mimuicr tuiiets ate Mill
hugely WHIM , with otiiy here and theruiinitnf
muit'Mimbiohuo. Tin iv Is Jmt chill enough
hi the air latolit iho afternoon to render the
u-eiilu luslolul ntiintle or raH | ) acomfoit-
ahieiuljnnet to Hie nnriago costume ,
A prUe light was urr.inged In'tweon two
young women In Australia. The puglllMH
c.iine up tleuaiit and jaunty for the iu.-t
loitnil.hleli endi'tl in a mutual knockdown ,
tueh UHU'lvinga h.ow siiiaiely | on the uitM > .
Al ( he t-Npiralion of tl.wiillownblo Inteival
lint ii'letee called "Time. " but theautago-
n ts hail lost all Vim , und both weiu weet > -
lug over tin * | Hi--ibL' ( iiriireiiient , of their
Inccs- ealaiiillj eouiiated | with which the
Juvi uf the tight \viis imthlng ,
ui stiirer fiiiiu IIMIMMICSS of the binvles
lUutiHiil stitely cnu1 you ,
lt.-\.iri'in euitnierieiiMtiid a k your
i rdru ; i t lor tuog-niiiii' * article pi ul
Ut , J. d , J ) . ieh'ett ibuns. \ .
Adrortl oiiient under Ilih hi'iul 10 cent.i poi
line for thollrst liisoitlon.iiud 7 cents loi-o.icl
ubetiOit | Insertion. Hovoti words trill ho count
cd to the line ; they must run consecutively am
must bo | ind ! In ndvnuce. All ndvnrtlfomcnt !
must l.clinndcil lu before "o'clock p. in , , nm
under no circumstances will they bo taken 01
ilUcoulliiiied by lelcplionn.
MONIJV To loin. The Oiinilm Klnaneial 12 *
rhiitipn , I.V < lI''iii-iiiitiii > lii'itupstiili-Kliiniki
lonns on all cltiFFOi ol i-cc'iii'lty 1mm a fid omit'
tot Ion u to flii.'Mioii ' rcnle-'tiito. Womalvoloan <
to pull all applicant ! * on ioiur or Miorttltmi on
Imptoxod iwil oMitlo , land contriicts , luiu-cd ,
liiilldlnuH on h-n'ed land , Kiourcil notes , collator'
lily.rliiiltoll , nr > ; OLl Pcrurlty ol nny kind. l. < nv
rates : easy lorins. Omnhit l-'iniuioial
15i 'i I'munn Htrt-ottip
rill ) LOAN Money In any amount on real o *
X tatobuemlty , 0 , K. .Mayuo , l.'th and Far-
-1- !
" ' -
mini ,
Tt MM N-0. 1Dm It Ii Co. Itcnl
Loan nm-nt-s , 1'ntTi L'arnatn St.
MONI5V TO I.O.VX-On clitittclR.Vooloy ft
HarrUon , room l , Omaha National liimk
liulldlmr. Mi
M ONKV TO LOAN-On real cstato unit chat-
toll. I ) . I , . Thomas. Kid
MONI4V I.OANIIP-OnclmttcU , out rate , U.
U ticketa bouitht and Mild , A. 1'orumnU
S. Uth 81. TM !
MONiv TO LOAN III winm of { Utnnnd up
wards on tlntt-claM leal ostalu soonrlty.
1'otter i.V Colili , luiri Karnam St. iVtf
MO OAClin : nitOTlIUHS-InvcMmontllnuk.
era , opposite l > o. t olllce , Omaha , uoffotlaio
tnorlKUKU IOIUMOII tlrst-clas-i MXinrltyat rullnir
ruliw of Inlciost. 1'arlleH iloslrln to liorrow
on Impiovod city or country roiilostalofor irom
one to llvoyoai.s , win Ui atvomuiodiiU'd piempt-
ly. ilcCiiguo Ilrothuts , Imnkora.opp. Test ollico.
MONKV LOANKI ) ut 0.1' . lleod & Co's. I/inn
ollico , on lurnltuto , pianos , hoixis , WIIKOU.- )
peiMOiial praporly of all kluiLs and all other ar *
lido * of value , without removal. Over 1st Nat I
Hank , corner Kith and Karnam. All hiihiniwa
btrlctly coalldoiuat. 5.VJ
MONKVt MONr.VIl niONKVlll Money to
loan on chattel acoiirltyhy W. It. ( , roll. room
4. Wilhnell linlldlnjr. N. Ii coruor ir > th and liar-
noy. Alter .voars of oxporioaco and acarnful
study of the hnnliioAs of loaning money on por-
Komil pniperly , I huvo at last perfected a Hysunii
whorohy the publicity usual III Mich CIIMM Id
Uono away wltn , and 1 ma now In u position to
moot the demands of all who Iiecomo temporarily
arily cmharrast-cd and dtvlio to rnl > o money
without ili.'hiy und Inu iiilot | inanpor. ll ( > ii < i-
keepers , ] irnlos.slnnalKoiulomen , moclianlcs and
othoi-M In Omahu anil Louncil IllullH , can obtain
ndvancertliom $ lute fl.UJi on filch i-ccurlty
ILH hou-ohold furniture , pianos , machinery , hor-
so.s , WIIKOU.S , wiitohoti.Mt iccolptK , Kccuted notes
ot hand , elo. , without remox'ItiK Hatuo tnun owners -
ors residence or plnco of bit : > lne-A. Al-o on line
Watches mid Diamonds , one of the iidvantjifjas [
oner It that any part of any loan can l > o paid at
any time which will reduce the Interest pro- ram
and all loans icnoMod ntthooi'lKlnal ' iiittM'oL' In
terest , I have no hrokors In uonnoctlon wild my
olhco , hut | > eixmall > ermienil all my loan * , I
have private oltlcosc % uotodwitli my Kciioral
ollico ho that ou.sioiiiwd do not come in con
tract with each other , coiitciiicnlly | nmklnfrall
transactions strictly private. W. It. Oroit ,
loom \Vlthnoll liuildln , N. R , corner 15th and
llarnuy , Omalia , 1'c.ulSc. , council lllullu.
WANTKD Acoinpotont Rlrl to do Konornl
houseuorJx. Uuruuui pielortud. IMu JVob-
stor St. 5'JUri '
\\rANTKI ) One or' t o more dlnlnjfrooni
fjliN nt Norrls Itustnuiiint , lUlh Btioot ,
liotwL-un Dodge ana Donning. Utt-Sp
\rANTKD-Kltohon Klrl 1K3 Howard pt root !
German piotonod. fitu
ANTKU Immediately , a good Kills nt No.
luC South llth St. ted
\ 7ANTIl A Rood Klrl for Konoral liouso-
T T uorlc whoto auotacr yl'-l Is kept. . ! >
W ANTKU fiood vMk , Ufft niiitpcoicl | wdrte
In prlvato tamlllos fordinlmrooai.kllehen
ind hotel work , peed WBKOS. CtU ) 1UV Furnuui.
5L , Omaha Hmploymoui''Hnroau'.lM ' " 4 *
WANTKI ) Immediately , n Indy
cook at tlio Washliijjion Ilou&e , I/lncolu ,
S'ob. futVoilp
WAN'TUU KltoUon jfirl. lit ) Howard.
4l o3p
WANTKI ) A irlrl that can cook , wash and
iron , nt 1'JH Wobalor sticct. 47
WANTii-Niu- , 8. W. corner ISth and
St. Jlary's HVCIIUC. b > fl
"Y\7"ANTKI > I jrood rnrpontora ut onco. In-
IT qniio ut l ll ) 8. Comer St. tfllSp
\yANTMI ) A wood boy at H. K. I hmann's
* ClKar and Stationery and l-'rult tuoio. Mia S.
lOih St. ( joniiau pro erred.
I Tailors wanted Three ffooil coaN
milkers at < iuco. Sleiuty place , iiluniyof
work and ooo.l i > riroi pul.l Apply at .Ino. N.
Bcholf14 4th St. , Dos Mollies , In. r , UJ
\\TAN riil > 'JOiiieii for track work ut Chudron ,
* Neb ( iooduiyos and lieu tran-piiftion ;
will ship Monday mornliiK at 7:15 : , Ooiobtirilth.
( .all at Oiaulia limployuiout Iluiuau , IIX'J l-'ur-
iiaia Hlrcet. - Ml
WANTUU Stenojrraphor. Box ( K5 , Omaha.
W AN l'ii ) A tn > t class liiirtior. Imiiicdliitely ,
at 1 iiciLu lioubu t > hop , Coun
\VANTio : Ten carpenter" . Apply at l.itji ,
' bet eon rarmiiii mm Hurnut' . K.VIlp
\ VMNTKI ) Falosmcn in this ptalo who repro-
Mint leather , boot and hhoo.toblioi-sor man-
uliictiiioi-s , to carry a line ol' rubber boot and
phou Mimplos anil i-oll on cominissiou. M'ho-o nl-
it'iuiy MilliiiK mid era not > tiuiied. Send i-olor-
ont-e.-t wltb application. X. 1Chluaxo. .
" 1\'ANTIJI > Pervlcoi of a lirlxht , InlolllKcnt
' man of { , oed aiidiuaa. Auuio-n. . ! 11. , i' .
llo.v SJn. fiH-sp
WANTKI ) 3 peixins to Instruct lu book
keeping , 'loniis , . 'xiown , and J''IKHOOII a.s
situation H lurnUlied. 1.1) , tiiiiitli , 1 { Fnrmim.
WANTI5D Traveling salesmen. Address
with stamp Mmp-on iV 1'arronn , Tool ( o ,
4.1 , Hoard of Trade , rit. I'aul , Minn , factory ,
Lowell Jlnss. 43l-o-a7 )
A4IKNTS Pelllnjr Missouri stcnui washer
liiako MX money , J. Worth , Cole Muiiuiuu-
tuier , St. l.ouLMo. . IXxaooltp
WA fTKI ) Autmts. Address Kleotrlo
and Slovo Co. , St. IxuiKs , Mo. . for clraulur ,
cut and terms of M camllo power Marsh Klociriu
Lamp. _ pyb-octlbp _
WANTKO A iHislilim iu coachninii In n
private Ininlly by n married man of ox-
perlonce : be t revomineudnilons. Aihlross
' c. u. , " iioo onico. -
WAXTIIO Situation im n stationary
ulncer. Aildross , 0. II. lice olllfo. I&
WAXTI1I > Situation In storu In Noli. , H yours
oxuflrlonc-o ; tboromchly luxiualntud wltb
IxmoriU dry ( roods ; of reloruncoKlTon , Ad-
UIOAS box JJ , Villlscn , lowu. Ml-Ijp
M'AJfTKi ) Urn woman , ultuutlon a. honso- ,
Ikooper 4JU North 15th. ' CltWJp ' '
WANTKI ) Ily n nlnjle Kontluman com
fortably I'urnUhod i-oom In a private fiuu- !
Ily wlihoiit chUdiun : also on siimo proml H ,
Imrn room lor onu hoi > o hint butrtry. Terius
miiKt bo roaMiuublu mid Include IHo anil Ili
AddlUsS K , U. 11. , lieu Olllcu. M7 < i | >
) At once , nlno : oed tcnina for
uiudhitf ; jiood wanes. Call ut ILfli l''ur-
111111181 1 OUt , 1'L'
I WANT a rcnldcnt-o worth from f , noi ) to
tlni > ( kl and HUbiirban pi oporiy IU n Invest
ment 10 ihu amount ol ftoMi , all tor , cuah. Ad-
ilioai i ; . 0 , Stiirr , City , llo.x 411 , U7 *
"tiTANTKn Ily a irontlomnn , rooin with or
it without boanl. Must bd ' near U. ] 'i ilvi'ot. ' '
Adutu i lor llneo iln sT. II' . N , lliu { < oilco (
- *
xx'ANTKl ) Ily an oxporlencort youua Pcnn
' ' itinnvliin , a porlllon In a prlvniotiiimly to
takociueofloi | > od. tlcod iclcimicua. Addles
I' . , Hue Oll'.co. jBIMp
_ _
\\rANTii : > Maitrca iimkor ut Bewoy *
Stotui'u. , 'M
ANTUU-Tcams. TMurray.
WANTKU-A full lot ncnr the city nt n ron ?
bomiblo prlcu. titiiiopilcicrm < nnd lo-
cullon. Aduroo * J. N. ( J. " llco onico. 'Jurt
WANTliD To iitidu n ( teed uicimd hand
pliiiio. or a liui-M ) uud bui y , luuuliu ut
ron csira-irotrssn AJTD Z.OTS.
lir.NT-rollnRf on Slrdstrcdl.lKlwem
Hilcnifo and i iuw stivls ! vovoii moms ; cltj
wnter and Minor" connection * ; ? ' ! 0 n month
Apply lo .MM , J. VT. guviigo , 11J North and
"I7 < OUU1NT ! A nlro c-ottn > rt > . IHo rooms. In
J1 qulinon Idaho 8t.,2d house from Cummlntr
east t > ldo of struct. , KO-S
tpOll HUNT Now hotiwi , It rooinn , cltywalor
1 bath 100:11 : and all uiudern convcnleuro *
notr streetcar HUP , ori Citmltiir nnd Ilnnnlha
stretls. Apply toilolm 11. llrck , IS North 16th
' WiiVS
FOH IlKNT A find , now IIOII.M ) , cWit room
and clo'eli , Irny' whidow , miutli and ea t
Iront , nnd thuMltitr-und unood bat n , and nirooil
lot ; very nultablo lor n family that keep a hot > o ,
Kent , 20 per monlh. Itniiilro nt l.dhohn to
Kiick'ou , opp. poslofllco. ( US
1,11)11 ) HUNT Thrco iVroom cottages at fW pet
X1 mouth , cash ; Patrick A\o. and Cauipboll St.
InrtulKintrornorlioiifiolor pntllculai-s.
IjiOll HUNT A now 0-room hou o , ouo block
1 ftom Htroc-t car , outi'd St. ; ( JO per month ,
0. K , Mnyno , 15th nnd l-'arimm. ( K >
l.ll 111 JNTUMwimcihou o , 2 lilocks f t om
V po t onico , and wuno or the luriiltiiio for
Palo. InqttlfontlUN. liltliSt. W .Wp
TTKUt UKXT-Cottajro , aid and Jln on Kts. In-
JL1 qulro 17i l Jiichson St. GVKljt
HUNT A very nlco Bmnll sloro ( now !
J. with uleKiint looniH tn Fecond story nell
adapted for any Ilwht business ; $ : V > per inoulii ,
ulttiiit/Hl N. W , corner of luth nud Dodge Ht.s.
' TiKlp
FO It HAI.K 1 IOIIPO , ! ) r' ) tHB. H aero land ncnr nnd California St.s. Iiuiulro II. fc M.
Land Oll'co , KO Kith St. HOKp !
"TTIDIt HUNT Hbtifio of A rooms on Montnn.i
X1 Pttoct , $15 per month ; tine residence on
Gumming snoot , U rooms , modern improviv
incuts , bltf fittiblo , 810 per month. InnulroT. II ,
Krck , lUtli St. , or II. & M. Laud Ollico , rcS ) S.
luth tit. CU'J-Sp
TTUMS HUNT ItouFo 10 rooms , modem Im-
JL1 piovemouts , 711N. i.'Uthstroot. 11. M. non
ius. . ru
HUNT Ware hoitt-o COxlOd on Uall
Itoad track. Iiuiulro 1 1 Lcavonworth Bt.
"TTIOIt itnNT A hoiii-e with (1 ( itroms. pantry
JL' closot. " , n good cellar and elslein ; f-i a
month. AddroMsHSiS. ISthstieot. . 5liKli *
Tmoit HUNT CottiiKO 0 rooms.hou-so 10 1001113.
X J. I'hlpps Hoe , Suward and Campbell.
_ _
HICNT Cotla o of 4 rooms , 2 closets ,
1 pantry and collar.twl South ttith. Callnt-17
Eouth tilth street or on prombas alter U p. m.
IMS HUNT Oil NAI.IC A houpo , burn for-ii
cows ; mill 4 loin In Walnut Hill add. $ li ) per
month. Inquire James Christlau-cn , U. 1 * .
) UKNT A now hou = o In ArlhiRton nddl-
1 tlon ; 4 rooiiH , clstorn mid Mublo ; two blouks
liom Htreol car. Iiuiulro of > 1. O'lloru ,
and Metlullan Htrcots.
1 ? OH HUNT-Houpo on ) d and Clark St. In-
J quire ut littl Jackt-on St. r > l7--'p
J 71 Oil HUNT Hoiibo , 5 rooms. Inquire IM-
1 helm & 1'rlckbOn. 5UJ
-I.-AOIlltHNT-Oct. Iht , or alter , n dwolllna-
I' hoi o 5 ixiomtt , nice yard , cistern , water , $ .M
per month. Apply 1111 I'ark Wild uvo. , pr.Iiio.
\V. Hell , drusfKLst , l J South 10th St. RIB
HKNT jftcjicpttago 1U1U South tilth St.
Inquire of UVAiioMlii. 4jJ ) op
"ITIOll HUNT lilionjj ! one f > room brlek cottmro
X with modern Improvements , huvo yai-d , Gth
and Hickory strofcts. 'lniulroou ] premises
FOH HICNT-OnoJl room house No.sailCall-
forniu street , and one II room hou o , norm-
ostcorner Jbit and Wobstor. Imiulrcon piu.n-
liVH , or of P. J. C podoji , 27th and Wobstor. 411
FOH HUNT I'tvoptorios on St. Mary'n nvo.
$ i" > per mouth , cuch. Ono desirable lor meat
market. ' '
For rent Twri'now houses SI2 nnd $11 per
month , lospi-ctlvoly. locations desirable. J. D.
Itiloy A ; Co. , 15 tiO'iith 13th St. LMD
FOH HUNT no'U * oirrooind $ , ij per mouth ;
will tout part ; , OIU. Thompsou , a. W oov.
llth and Ilarnoy. 1-11
ItHNT 0 < # jv1BOV 4 ro < un hou o ; Jld
Foil iMoriti , . ? . Kiwr sticct cur. J. K. Itiloy la
Co..158.13th St. ' - _ * 11)00
T71OH HUNT Now hotiM ) , east ft out , porch ,
X1 cistern , veil mid out houses ; dsirnblo louu-
tiou ; $14 per month. J. B. Itiloy & Co. , ' 15 S. liitli
Street. ; 100
HUNT The houpo and barn on corner
"lith ami Pioreo St. Inquii-o at iiiutou Dry
Cooda store , S. 10th St. ! M
FOH ItllNT o room cottajjo corner 1'opplo-
tou und Shoridrtn St , $ ! . ' ) . C. 1 ! . Mayno. ii.
W. corner liith and Fiiinam. T14
IT'OH KENT Two conncctliifj , uufiirnlshod
rooms , 1TC4 Webster Mtu-et. ( SiiWp
\ KKNT A nlcomilto of furnished room" .
1 corner 10th and Doduo. Apply to Andy
liordou , Union Ticket Olllco. ir.i-s
Il IIIIN'T A niooly fiirnlshod roommnd
IJi oru coiivonieiicoM , 17'u : Capitol avo. KM\ \ >
. IlKNT Hooiii . Jin-iiLsIied or unliirnHh-
I.ioll . : na Konii loth fct.
TTiOll HUNT A nice , pleasant loom , Jnrnlsi-
JJ od or unturii ed. luiiuiiu at l.dJ Leiivun-
oi-lh street. 44J
HUNT Furnished front room with
boaid , bay Mimioir , brlulc houbo , r 4l Norm
17th. : ! Up
Foil HUNT Hooins with board , ilosirublo lor
btimiui-r. Apply at 6t. Charles Hiuot ml
FOH KKNT Tlirno furnished looms , with
privilege of bath room. IJ1J I'loiu-nnt nt.
> OH HUN'T KurulHlied Iront mom ulth
boiiiu. liiijiiiio Alrd. Li. 1) ) . jtlouro , ioH J ) < id0u
Street. ! . . )
ITUMI IlKNT : i finnishod looms on I'licltlo
I1 street , between Uth und lOth.ouo block Ki'n.i
01 the U. 1' . depot. 4J.1
T71 ( > 11 HUNT A neat front room , northeast
JL' cornoroflTlh uud Chicago. 47oTip
" | 71KltiNTT\to ( ; nicely furnished looms and
JL1 board If dusirod. 7108. HlhSt. 4nCoJp !
Foil IllSNT-wftirboard , nIcely furnWiod
looms , 1710 Cius St. 4II4oLlp
- > OH Jtr.NT Nicely furnished room with
} board , uus , bath and gnu"i > oil o St.
_ Ui'
oil KlCNr-NIco furnished room , .VJ
FOH HUNT-Nleoly furuNhod room , 8.r7
cor. Uth ami tit , -Mary H uvo. 4U
TTiOH HUNT Two nice furnished rooma and
X1 ono larKO nnfiirulsbed alcove room wlili
liny windovi and frruton ; bath loom on name
Coor ; yuth Htrcol , near St , ilary'B uvonuo. Jit-
quite 8 , W. tor. Jtlth nnd Uod u. iL'il
TTIOH HUNT I'lt'iisant furuUhod room. 17OT
X1 tiusa btreut.
Foil IlIJNT-Ijflcery'furiii.shod ' front room tn
Kimtloinuii o ly , at > . Ij. corner iXHh and
' n43
Foil ttK.fT ifnrnlMiod room. Iiuiulro N. 15.
corner Ih nidl > < Hlgo Sis. W > 4
Foil ltKNTi-Blos ntlr furnlli < xl rooiim.
ultitflo and efi aio ; nt I71S Ciiru St. UOJ
TTIOIl HISHT AsullBof nicely furiilrtrslfroit
JL. ' rooiiK ) for tw ( .ifiinllomon , 1711 Jnckron
HK-OI , near corner of , 17th btrcot. Itorerunuod
rrxiuliod. I . KM
Foil HKNT Fuj-'rilshcd rooms for Unlit
houFekeojiltifr , In Jlcemor'a block , cor. eth
and Howard. j ; b71
T71OII BKNT Twij rooms iidjolnliiK- . with
J iKianl ; fiont room bouth-oast , iJll Webster
si rent. " ; * s i
JTlOll KRNT VwoUfurnUhed room for - ' iron-
JU ilemcn , IW. ) FnniHin HIICOC. oii | > o < jlo ( loin
Hotel Apply at room 4. or utVat > boriuan X
lluniott.-b IJth utroct. 7) ) ' ,
inoil HUNT 3iilenKiintrouth front ronmssl
JL'V , corner 10th and Davouport , 7uO
ITIOIl UKNTrIlRiiilmiiiolliiruUhcHl rooms !
JL ? | 7u4 Capltul avouiio. [ &i
TT1OII Icr.NT Two nicely /iinilshed rooms , N.
JL' NV. cor. Sldt and St. Mary's avonuo. 4'H ' )
, > OU SAI.K ThiTO houses und lots on
J uiHuirih Htniot.
Two lots on Chinch sticct.
Thrco now tioiiMtx.oii ii.imilily piivmcnt ,
easy way to iioi u MMHII.OH r f ,
( o. ,
$ iio : < > uill Imv ru
burn. Irit in i cmi
unih r-'ic
nan , l | l ! ) <
$ 1,0II u
TTlOll MAT.R Txitii on licit t.lno for { SOrt to
J ( : KX ) . 'I hpso tola will ilntiblo hi Miluo In lo < i
than twelve months llmo ; now Is the tlmo to buy
Omahn property. Araos , 1JW rarnatn.
If OH SAMAt ! n tmi-Rnln. a flno
ilcnco , twnlvo i-ootni , clfctrio l > ells nnd nit
modern Improvement. * : "comtnnndluir n flno
view , " with th 100 lotsnnil Inrno nnd llrat-clnM
I'litn. B.T
( " l.ono will btt.v n flno fix room hon o nnd Imrn ,
P n jtrocory xtotti doliift n ( rood business , nnd * i
ncniol hind , ouo block from St , Mary's uvonuo.
Kn-sy IcruiH. ThU Is n bariraln not often titfcrcd.
CunnliiKhum & llruunau. 1511 Dodge , next ! > . O.
JT'OH SAT.I ] A peed 0 i-oom hoimo and lot
? rx.\llu ) < iu ( ) iith istli Rtroot , fruit anil ahniki
trees , $ ,500. C < unlniliam & Ilroiiiuiti , Kill
" 171011 SAFi-A : flrst-clnss hoiiK ) nnd lt ; Just
JL1 liultt ; corner lot , east fi-ont ; IIXI feet from
11 s I pi It-o , SV"WJ. AIUO.S , 1607 Karnam. fiOfl-fi
Foil MAI.i : 2 lots north Omaha , M\IK. $ ' V )
and tiKicnch : S.V ) down , bnlancoRitlt pur-
chiiKT. Call 1MJ Iturnuy. & 4.VCp
17011 HAI.i : Very hnnd'omo rc < iiloiico | on
I'm U in ontio ; very Inrco lot ; excellent IIOIIRCJ
prlce$8t OJ.-casv terms : f , UOOdownbuIanco lonjr
tiuio. Ames1 , ISUTFnrnam. ft/J-r >
SAM1M < ) , n barffnln.two lots KXK.IT
J' fnclnirmi Hnn < coni pnrk , Uottngoft room *
if wild nt onco. fl.tnn ) will take It. O. K. Mnynu ,
! ; outh-u est corner 13th nnd Karnam , AOl-o-ii
TTIOIS SAT.i : Choice aero lots ; when you buy
JLncro lotfl you Kottho Bround , nnd that IA the
thliiK to ilo Inu city Ilkn Omnliii ; prices $ \M to
C -Vi per lotAuios' , ISoT Kurunui. CoS-5
THOU H.VLK IIoii'cs and lots on monthly pny-
X.1 inputs. I ) . I. Ilaydoii , Snundors , befvcen
I.iko and \VII1H nroa. 5.W
T710U HAI.K-In Vratt's mibdlrlolon olcirnnt
JL1 acrolotHnt ym tn $71X ) per aero. This
property Is unoxcolletl lor a suburban re ldeuco
location. Amos' , 1MT Karnnm. OUWi
. for liuprovcd property ,
V./ will tiaiumo inortraiod or pay dlirorcuco In
cash. Turtles wishing to trmlo better call nt
onco. W , H. Urcen , ever 1st National llnnlr. 171
IjlOH HAT.K In houses and lota an unenuulod
' ll t or places nt prices nnd terms ren otml > lo
nnd fair. Amos' , ISt/r L'aruatu. ( XW-ft
T710R 8AI.K 12'Mi'iOon ' ricasant nnd Daven-
X' port Hticcts. west Omaha , nlco4 room cot-
IHITO , n hnrtmln tor cash or on payments. Cul.
Martin , 108 S. llth St aao
"T710H HALU-ood aero lots In Hyde I'aik and
X1 Cote llrllllautu lit $1511 to $17r > per lot. Acre
lots nre nstfood nil Investment as joii can Und ,
and now l.s the tlmo to buy them. Ames. 160T
1'iirmim. oiU-5
FOHRAI.U Full lotauduood bonce aloiiK St
Curlluo on pouth itli : : street , very cheap and
must bo sold. l > rieo $ a&o , terms easy. It. C.
I'uttorsoii , 13th and Farnam. 451
FOH SAI.U An an Investment , nritio bettor
than lots In lli-talitou. Those aciolotHiiio
choice. 1'riro ST ( ) per lot leinoinbor. f''iDIor
im itcro lot that will double In vtduu lu 12
moiitliH. Ames , 1H07 Farnam. till-r.
Foil SATii : 11 ucrosflnoost minion nnd fruit
laud In the sunn , nnd U miles from Omaha ;
have not the tlmo to look after It. On tlmo or
lor cash. L'ul. Martin , lixl South 14th St. U71I
$ : tifO : ) will buy u 0 room brick liouso on half
auto laud on JJld street uour Lcavonworth.
' 1'nls i.s a Ki-oat Investment. CuunhiKham te
lliennan , 1'iU D-\KO. ) OT1
TTlOll SALU Oao of thellnostrosldonco nrop-
JL ? crtios In Ouiahu , 51.r > , lAW. C. U. Mayno. 13tu
mid Km num. m. * >
Foil SALU Host lots olTorod for the money
In Claiondon , school * , churches , cars cloo
at hand ; pricoa SW to $ CM. You should too
this property. AniostI3u7Iftirniim. 014-5
FOIl HAMC OH IlRNT-nrlck lioiiM ) , six
looms , corner lot , Shlnn'xadd. AVill soil on
monthly payments. C. I ! . Mayne , IGth and Kar-
iiaia. u74
TTIOIS SAT- : Choice lots In 1'lnlnvlnw on line
JLj of Holt line road ; thu e you can buy 0(1 ( oiuiy
terms at f l-r > to $ .VXJ u lot. Call and ECO the lota.
Anitw , 1707 Karnam , G\\-u \ \
Poll SAfE Ton cottacos and line house *
raiiKiuwin prlcofrom $ -.Vl ) ( to $ liOfl : ! ( oacli.
lioquliwl ciuh on Mime only f.'XX ) . All on otuy
tcrui. ) . It. C. I'atlcrson , ICtli and Furiiam.
_ _ . . _ : tu _
Foil SAM : ? f75 will liny n Koott lot Iii Ar.
Ilirgttftr'Whloh ' B ] > limdldly located
H'lorus , schools and oai-s. Now Is the tlmo to in-
\or-t. Lome and look thoiolot.s over. Ames ,
1.KJ7 Fariuiui. Ol.Vu
Foil SAI.R Three now cottagoa , flvo rooms
each , in Wiilnut Hill ; Kood cellars , closets ,
pantrios.clstorn.sotc. ; two lots with o.ioh cot ) aifo
? 1NW each , f Hx ) down and 5 0 i > or mouth. C. Ii.
Mayno , 15th and Fanmin. : i
FOR SAIK Shlnn's addition , the best lieu > - < i ,
lot , ham SIIIIK > L-IIMI. | This property Is an In
vestment worth looklutf alter. Amos , 1. > U7 Kar-
naui. i 'l-T >
Foil HALK Bountiful acre property a inllns
fiom city , at $ U 5 to flUi per acre ; on y
terms. U. C. i'.iuor oiiconmr , l.lui . and Kunuuii
_ 'Ml _
Tioil ! M.VMI 5lcho-o Hill lots on Holt line at
-I Sit ) niul S'hiu per lot. 'i'lio o prices are low.
} eio Lsaelinnco to double your money. Low
nt iho o prices hro an excellent luvo'lmont.
Amos , ] f)07 li'iirnnm. IK/WI
TTlOi : S.VM5 MiiKnlflcont hoiif-o and lot with
-i- ' commodious barn on Calitornia utiuot near
l.-th , eolith Jronc , ? ( iru. .
I'or H.ilo Kull lot irooil two story 8 room house
on Calliornla , location very doiirablo , K' , ! " " ' . J.
i : Itiley & Lo..ia : wiuth l.nli Hiroot. " 'd
TTIlHl SAf.K An clopaut IjulMlinr lot on
J-1 ( iooi-jriauvo. , tiiyt luet Iront. I'l-Ico , t-.l.CW.
jiinon , lruT Kurnam. iil.r-.i
PDIl SALU-1T lots on Ooorsrln nud VIrilnlii
avos. , Uodluk's add. $ ljjj to M.5JJ o.ich ;
cnxy torms.
ihiSi The nontoatcottaro in Oinnha , now , nil
Diodern'convonl , ( ionr Ia ave.l.ivm. . louutUiu.cio : lot i.iid houto lacing pro-
po'od Louluvard , West Oinnha , Jxi , , > Ju , uuay
( i'n'i r > acrns with jrood honso , stable oto. , 5
miles f loin 1' . ( ) . > 1C < 4) ) easy terniK.
< > lii ) Now Mtnj-'ufi rooms , need burn , corner
( iiiiiul nud 1'ier btreotD , ytXM , moutnly pay
1 1.1) ) Lot facing Hunicom park on 1'ark nvo. ,
S ! . ( < > joiu > y terms. U. K. Mayno , 15th mid Kur-
iiuia. , i7u
" 17 011 SAM ! An Improved aero lot in West
JL' Oinalm , $ lUuO. Lome and bee It. Amus ,
I.V/i Karniun. GIS-li
TnillHALK ( Xowhouco , 7 rooms , cast front ,
J. lull lot , no.xt to alloy , on Haiiudorrt MI cot ;
lot alone worth nearlr all that Is ii.-Uod lor it ,
; , vuu. J. K. itiloy A ; Co.M \ d. Uth at. r >
OH SAI.K-Phllllps' iiilQltlon , on luth .St. nnd
I7 HaiicroltSt. A rare chanea to buy on lav-
orablo tornm. Amos , 11JU7 Karnam , UIT-D
T7IOII SAt.I ! Two lotH on a corner , two blocks
J. Irom Farnatn , both lor 9l . " > U , positively
cheap. J , Ii. Itiloy & Co. , : U5 South Will tit. J7
T7ill ; HAM5 Some very dwlrahlo liuililhitr
-L lots on I'ark , ( ioorffiu and Virginia IIVOIIUOH ;
tuoKi are ehoico sites and will to boon out of the
market. Allies , 15U7 Furiiain.
Foil Convent St. , lot 40il40 ; liouso
I ! rooms near Htroot ear line , $ . ' .MO c.ish. j ,
AV. Murshall , KiUl Fat nuiu St 1 W
Foil HALK-Hoimn nnd half lot , 10th street ,
$1.U ) ; $1UUO cash buhuieo , to milt buyur.
Amos , 1I < OT Karnam. C1IK >
TTIOIIHAI.K 1'iilllot , onth front : very dpalr-
JU nbln proK | > rty , on rrd car lino. ' 1'Ms Is very
cnnap ut Sl.luO. J. Ii. Itllujr A Co. , 15 bouth LJIU
Foil B.VTI5 I'nrlcot'a addition , nU-room
hoiiRo , onu-hulf lot , Jl.iiKi ; ea y lorms ,
umiill cu-sh iiaymoutc. Amos , \yjfi Furmun.DIM.
T7IOH SAIK-Ixt on Fnrnnm , nnH7 ] , $1,110 ,
X' very ilo irnblo for toHldonco , 'ilds will bo lu
the market only n few days as It Is cheap , .1. U.
Klloy & Co. , ll > South lith : utreut. ZW
TOil SAM' Ton low In lloyd's addition on
J1 lomrlliuo at fiVjio tw imch ; they will
hull fOr'f.VH ) iiploto lu lean than n your ; yourown
tlmo on thorn. Ames , 1V/J I'arnam. ( Uit-n
HAIU-Full corner lot thrco blocks from
Poll ; boautllul and nightly locution ;
i. > on-illor .fi.Viiiii ) lliuu. TnN U posh' '
burxam. J. li. Klloy & Co. , 215 ti. lath St.
8AU5 Anuulmpi-ovodaero lot In West
I Ojmihu , j ftAW. , Amos , l.T Karuiua. t Ki
THOlt HAMC-rCheap , n line lot In HniiHcom
JU I'lacu. AddiossN. I * . 1' . , llcoolllto.
HA 1 , 1CVo liovo lots on Vlnton. Cum-
Poll , ( tcorelu uvo , Ixuivonwoitli and other
siri'iiiN , 1'ariiniit MI eut bimluoss property. J.
K , Ulloy & Co. , - l.jsoutli Uth Htroot. _ STJ
T UU PAI.H Two-etnry boiiHi , two KOOI ! lots ,
I ; > 1'iuk avciiuo , * ixi. Amos , IM/I Karnuiu.
TrHKAii \ ; A two ptory , xia , frame build-
I Inirkiiltahlo fora I.IOMI , near Juth uud i'ar-
I IIIMK APJit/ut this oltico. IM *
> H ? AI.Urtl- $ lVKcach ) , twri eleKiint | ol > > :
cii" ! limit. Hinwpui I'hieo ; M Hot liout ,
l I Icrt nct'i ; easy terms ; ( hesu lots aio A 1 ;
LXIIIIO aiiu bt-o ilium. Amcj , IjJV 1'urnuui.
Tnoil NAI.i : I'ull lot with now house , 4 rooms
JL1 bniitry , ccllnr , clMorn , porch ( n Iront
blltKls : ICAS limn tlirro block * fiom rc < l car line
Improvements orth over fstm , nil for fl .vi
V.Hty pin muni * . This la ulso u bargain. .1. II
uiioy & Co. , air. & inu : Rtrcot. an
.r At n Imnrlmi , lot with 3
n mill 7 rooinii well , otern ( , b.irn
Cfithnnd Hnruny. Improved property Ui
part pay. Win. Ii. Mouroo , nth ntiil Douglas.
"inoil HAl.U Or rent , on ! l or ft ycnr , n choice
X' farm ot ! X1 ncrosfid acies hard wood thu <
tierIKInores pasture , and balaiico under culti
vation : imlloliom Stork Yards nnd 4 inlloi
trom Omahn. tl'hls farm Is ennlp | > ndlth III M
rlnst Inn TOvcmoutfl lu ovoiy roji > ocl , mid ono ol
iho best hinns In Dotiwhis county , I'or furihot
imrllonlnm apply or luldrc.M t'liiHIaii Sautter
Omnlia , Nob. ( Joit-H
"T71INU Improvoil larm < < .wlll Irnihi for Improved
X' c-lly proporly. W. 11. ( Iroou , over 1st Na
tional Hunk. \yi
TpOH HALlf-Hy Paulson & Co.
Ixit IXhSOO cast front , IDIh , near St. Mary's ave ,
with oloffiuit in room brlek hoiibO mid all nocos-
tarv out liulldlnmi tW.
V lota In 1'elhiim aJil. near lied Car line , well lev
catod , IUOfitch.
Coiner lot 1 7tXliO ! , Tx > wo' add. $ Ti for lOdny.s ,
It lots In W. A , lledlck's add. at $ IV ! .
Well located lot on south aith , near Vlntuit ,
Ix > t ( Vixnoo , Callfornln near 03th , with it room
lioiiH' . $ iw ) . easy terms ,
Ixit ; 110,1'lciiMUit btreot. nonr Rt , Mary's ave ,
with 7 room house , barn , well , cistern , cellar ,
coal shod , Jul/ilKl.
83 feet flout on luth , near Plcrco with.1 n > om
IlOUCO , f.v'.iVKI.
I/it : xiI I III cast front , lth ! ) near I-tko St , , 4 room
house , ft/iOO.
Lot on KM near Davenport , cast front , with . "
room cottage , $ l,7Ui ) .
l/otllM.\I.V ) ) , Castelhir nud Klh , well located ,
$7iV ) ( or Klday.s.
10 auios , 4i ) toils east front , S ) . tulles from city ,
f 14(1 ( per act o.
Corner lot In Dn Itiht .V Tiymiin's add. f 11(0. (
" 10 aero loin , 4(1 roils east liont cashi : miles
from city limits. $ U.'u per acio.
ID acres hiKlily cultivatedHi mlles fi-om Fort
Omaha , Hplondldly located , $ -OtO.
6 netes In Hjdo.I'aik. fxw.
is and Mores lor rent. Paulson A Co. ,
until struct. 411.1-os !
fl OVKIWOI HNT I.AXDS-aiolcn tnu-ls Htlll
Vjr vni'iiiit In Clioyomiu county. For inlormn-
lion iiddKVKS . V. I'nlnu. Sldnuy , Nob. 4.VMU
? < M I'uvi ) rAISI ) huvo forsiilo n
low cholco tracts of land nonr Hlilmiy , at
$4.00 | xr nuro : $ l.iIO eaoli , bnlniico lout ; tlmu ,
Ii per cunt Inlorust. W. K. I'uliio. Sldnoy , Nob.
_ _
OIt MAI.K Flno stock mid fc-CMllnff fnnii of
550 ncrCM. Hlxtoon miles fi-om Omnliii Stock
Hi well oiiulppod lor Krn/.lii ) ? mid '
cuttlo ; well wuloicil mid plnnly of ( rood liny
linul. I'or inlco mid ( Io crlitionaildro3s ] (5. M.
HiirrlHJii , SprltiKlloliI , Kob. 5T7oa ( Wll.r , 1IHY a cninliiiuiil dlnnor and
Ion sot , line iMircdhila , NIUIU-O wlmpes , at
Moody'd C'hliui ijtoro , 10th anil Davuiniort.KWfi
I A coal WIIK-OII In rnnnliiK onlor ,
1 . . ' 5 ; : il North luth Ntroot. MD-Ap
17iOllHA.IiU Now , linnilROinolypnlntodHirlnir |
J xvii on. liuiiilio at N. W. cor. Kith and Cull-
lornliiSta. Wls'ip
EOK HAM' : I'ttoliiB lioi-so.liarno s.loiitlior top
phaeton , uto. Address 1' . U. box -77 , city.
OH HAIjK A Bilrroy , cltlior with polo or
MmftH , tililo-bnr , with Tlinkon patent
only usi'il oliiit ) InKt Bprlnir ; as iiood us now ;
price , J11D. Apply lit ! iJ15 WobstorSt. 47Mp ! !
TpOH SALTV- The only incrohnnt tailor simp in
J a llvo. Brow luff town. ( ! oed reasons for soil-
In ? . Addioss , Frank A. Andrew , Stioiii l > iiiXi
Nub. 5SO-2
EOK HAMi Uollor mid niifrlnoOhorso
I > owcr boiler and engine. In ) ; oed running
order ; want to cell for tlio reason that they ro
not lanro onoiiKh lor the now mttchlnnry which
wo will put into our now bnildliifron Hainny
Ktrt'Ot. Cliulio Uros. & Co. , U03 Douglas St. fitiJ
SAI.K A wrought Iron Van HIUIKU ut
1 Kill DodgoMroot. filU'p
FOK SAI.i : TlmrouKh-brod Jersey cow : boat
butter rooottl In I ho pinto. HW South
iivcnuo. 5'H'p
FoltSAt.K l.W head of two-year-old cattle ,
' hoil'ors and IK ) htnors ; niul two Niirnuui
hlull.on.s. It. Kill lor , I'lillerton , N'ub. , 47lo , " >
TTIOIt S/VI.i : Enwlno and iKiilprs fi-oin 10 If. P.
-U to M H.I' . Oiiiiilia Iron Works Co. , U. P. U.
It , , 17th and IMh Hliocl.s. ; ts."oi !
i : Iliickwlictit. bran. 2"K ) pcrlOOlhs.
F OK. SALIC Two lots in Polliam Place , oiio
block fiom Miuot car track. Jmiuiio lSS.
liilUbLlOOt , Kl >
FOR .SAf.K Or would trnrto for a peed hors-o
ntiil blurry , h" aero * In Go per coumy. Ap
ply to : . ' 18 South Ittth titrcuf. KIU
F OH SAF.K Complete ontllt for liniikln ?
of InrKU lire and l
pioot' pate , lion ralhnjf , cherry countur , oto , nil
new. Would trailo lor Oimihucltv projierty or
wild lands. U. K , Mnyno , J.MH and l < 'arnam. M
. - lor hino
and hotel lor rant. Call at Occuluntal lor
Information , t'oniur U and Doil o St. n.'i
WANTKO A linrty to buy u half Interest In
UKOod pavlmr patent , About $ . ' , ixhcapi' )
till. Addiuss J. li. Smith , Kluln City , Nob. ,
Jlox at. 6 i-7p (
oil SA rK Tlio boit loontod bakery In Oinn-
ha. Addio-viiU. , Jlceolllco. 5ll-7p
rtOlt SAMi Uotull f-tock of
- ilrnirrt and llv-
1 turoi , all In HOOU onlur ; K'x l location mill
nido , AUdiotjsX. V. / . , Clitri : Dfug Co , , Oaialia ,
Jsuli. '
Ji OU HAl.I' Now cherry boHtoad ( , Bprlnjjs
1 mid matttcs-i. 4Ji Aorlli 17th rit. Kil-1
SAI.K rirst-clnss hotel , ( -rouniU all
ImptovoiiicntH , Jlxturos , bur &c.ln a jn'ow-
Incity. ) . I'ricor-jri.ODu : terms easy. Address 11.
C , 1'atiei-bMii , l. > tli and Farnaui. > . " > i )
> ooil und board , $ . " > per week ; very bostlo-
cation. IMt Davenport bt.
CK.VTKAr , IIOHI'ITAI. Open for the nccom-
modatlou of the sick. Sur lcal opoiatloiis of
nil klndris-klllully performed. Dl.seiiH-sol women
aspeulalty ; laibos In contlncmont can hcru hnvu
iilipoliito privacy and the bo-.t of attention. Cor-
lo-pondoiico solicited. AddroM Dr. J. M , Swlt-
liiimxirner Iftth and Fainain or Ur J , II , Itulpli
corner luth and Furnam , Toluiihuao KI ) ,
oloKlAt and Clulrvovnat , polntA out unseen
Diiomlos , color their oyoj and balr. The road
to success. Ixivo nnd buAliutM u Hjmclalty , She
poiltlvely enrol billons heiidiicne.i , kldiiiirnliver I
nnd all ilurnnxeiiieutsof tbu slomaoh , dlsxolrus
fall Htoncs , uuros catarrh , iho worst cnsui of
I'lioiimalism , Her mothodof ciiriuif oiilouhia Is
with borbs , nnd most complete JIouU worst
-oriw lu u month. Her treutmont of conn ,
liuiiloim , tonilur feet nets llku n charm. Mr * .
Itiduliardson iximes with many refomiaendutioiii
rrom the press and priruto Individuals , celubra-
led uud popuUrnhorc tlmo ouly , U i North lOtli
atrcct , loom U.
\ HOICK TNKANT.S properly nnd successfully
cessfully ctucd lor at .S , \ ' , . Cor. of FrankJlii
mU IronuHts.
lllli : W , 0. .MotznorStovo ItopalrCo. . Ill South
L llthSt.bum0011 UoiUouml Ihiuglus.
r , WAYS on luind nt a luiwiiln , No , I second !
A hand can luvo phuotous and nlililmr bug. '
ilott , ut A. J. Slinpsou , IIJJuiiil lilt li > ilu | Mt. I
_ _ _ : _ _ / ? _ i
IANOS moved and puckoJ. Mcolmti.U : ! N. '
lUlh street.
| ) In want of ( rood domostlo hclpean
LAI1N by ( - ' . .illmon im > Dinalia Km-
iloyiucnt ( ) illco-l7 N Mm tit , up-stiurs. MM. |
I. W. MoriUou pioprltMur , H71
OIIIVV vniills and rngapoola clou nod In nil
i. odoilovt uay by I' , ( i Abel , I' . O , llox U71
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Uli _
vro operation or IIM-ICM irn * * ' . Or , M M.
L > MIMIIC , 2M Wulmth ave , ( 'hlpn o. Send
iiuiip or clioulur at Loclu House , Omaha ,
Vt'rv ti.iilnyit. _
riONAI.Itil'.iJi'lTeiilli Sni'ot , b'clutcn'aniUii |
nd ilainuy , tiill , with Hiu aul ot Kmiid-nu
puliA , obtiimliitf lor any one u tilaacu in ibu
HIM uud prrnoiit. and ol ccrtulii ( ondliloiiii In
lieluiiiii HcBiH mid Hluu'ji mauu 10 oidur.
Vrii-il > > utlluclion uuuraiilcvd.
Billiard Tables.
Tirif7 TufNS > .UrKK-6M.iNlll ! ! { tt > .
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
And Saloon , Olllco and Hank Fixture * . _ Market
and Huron St . , Chicago , III , Omulm
8.101)181. )
Book Binding , Etc.
Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllank Hook Matiufactuiors No * . 1CW niul
liK UMtli Uth Hti-cit.Omaha. Neb.
Butler Tubs ,
Manufacturing of Butter Tubs ,
' ' ' ' '
Ins , UJc. ISth aud'l'ioi-c < rst.iiiaha'Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
" "
MAX MlYliU .V CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nnd Ammunition , U. > to SI South lllli
Slieet , llUMo llt.'l Farnam Sttoot , Oinalut , tsol ) .
lm.\H TlOTOHV.
WK3T & ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And WlioloHjilo Dealers lu Ix-af Tobacco * . Nos.
livs and 110 N. Ulhflicnt. Omaha. Neb.
Eagle Cornlco Works.
John Upnnoier , 1'roin loior. Manufacturer ot
Cliilvunbed Iron anil ( Wnlco. \ > H Uoduo , and 101
and lU'i North llilh tilroet , Omalia , Nub , If >
u HMW Nc&
Mnnufnoturorsof Ornameutnt
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , KlnalI1 P. , illi ) H. li'h : St. Woi kclnno
In any part of tlio country.
\Yestern Cornice Works ,
0. SPKCIIT , Proprietor.
Oalvanl7od Iitin Oornlcn < > , IHo. Spfoht'clii-
prou'd Patent Jlotalllo Skyllnht. MS ) and 51ua.
J ! . ' < hSt.Oiiialia , Nob. _
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Manufacturer and Donlor In
Doors Sash Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
Rto. Stair Halls a specially. Telephone No.
Ifith and Marcy St. , Omaha , N ( < b.
Electrical Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
, L. AV. WOtiKH ft CO. , Kleotrlelani ,
I Maionlo Hlook.Omaha. llurjlnr Alarms , HttlU ,
, ] -'liii Alarms , Klootrio Muttlnr , Sne.ikl
I Gold , Silver and Nlckul I'l.ltlii ) , ' , llto.
Iron and Hails.
Cut Ms and Spikes ,
FIre Nails n Specialty. Oinnha , Nob.
Oraaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery. Casllmcs , Stonia I'littlnos , llollnm ,
ArehUectural Iron Work. Iron llrldtreri , Mlnlnif
niiil Mill .Machinery , Olllco ntid workd , Union
Paellle It , U. , 17th and IKth Streets.
& 11HO. ,
Foundry \Yorks ,
Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , pioimrort to do nil
kinds of Iron and I trills OiLstuiri ( < ; nl'-o.O , C.
llannlsier'H HooUiur Orate IIiu-3 mamifiioturod
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mattresses , llndillnfr , Fonthnr
1'lllowH , Cots , Ktc. L.-UU unil 12uS Dongas Street ,
Omahn , Nob.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcnns 1'anta , Shiits , Kic. , llfti end llul Doug-las
Strout , Omiihu , Nob.
Paper Eozes ,
u * * * * * - - - \ -r >
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
100 R. llth St. Omaha , Nob. Orders bv mull RO-
llcllod and will reeolvo prompt attention.
Safes ! "
Omaha Safe Works ,
or Fii-'Mi'id HnrMir Proo" . " " 'ni ,
Viinlt Jiooiti . .IilV | | < irV linttors mid V't
Work. Cor. 1 Itli and .lacksou Sis. , Omuhu.Noii.
i' . .1. ouiiAuir ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Olllco nnd Faciorv , iif.mI'oudor
Omnha , Nob.
Wagons and Cirringes.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
iil. : iiiiii liaruey MI cut , uimiliu , Nub. Soli
AIJUIII.S In Nobrasuu lor Jones' Celebrated Split.
Shatt .Sulkle-i.
INtablislied Is > S.
A. J. SLMl'oON ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
miund Mil DoJ o.Slicut , Oiualia , . 'v
While Lead. J
Corrodors and Orlndorsof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omahn , hob 1 ovl < iinur , Tii' ; t. VV. Metul
Vice 1'ios. ; 11 , W. Vtitosffcc'c. and'Irons.
Ta3 Hlllird ,
8.Shears , J , 11 , MarkolTlios , Swnbo , 1'roprlotors
Omaha , Nuhruslto ,
Arcada Hotel , .
Jamns CuM'y ' , Proprietor.
131Ii nnd UK DoiiKlm .St. , Omulm , Noli.
The p.itronuiru of eoiniiierulul moil iini < ogtfully
wihclKMl. Thojr will Uud llib the * be.t .i u day
_ _
V , Hinuioy A Co , , Proprietor- ! .
lintos f2.M per day , no durU i ooma. Alee Pnlnco
Hutu ) d.iutu Ku , CMulm , Neb ,
CauQeld House ,
Cor.Ninth and Faiiium Bin The bret $1 rr > r
day hotel In Omaha Itfiiiodelpd , tolurnl'l o ,
ledocriittxl ; one block Irom army homlqimrt rs :
opiio-iilr Dnlon I'liclllu lit'iiil'iiliirKUM ' : Mrool
pies thitdoor ( Icor'i-I'umlulil & < o . pr <
lorn Abe Union Stock Yuulu Hotel , Sout.i
Diuaha ,
Hotel de GOJS ,
I' ( lOtrt. ) Proprlo or.
I'uropenn Plan Tim niily cir iv'lv ' 'nnn > n < \ f3
Hdiiv hoiii-o. Three dooii liom lloyd'a 0 > < ir.i
lloti-oiiii > l ono-'iiilr bluok IKIII 1,10 . ' > HUIU |
jtiid lliu l-'iiliri lloiHO | . | H , | ij | , ; Furn.iiu
bt. , Omulm , Null
.Notice ,
The < 'hIc.-Hir < > M.vclmfui ) u Cri. KilU and OY- .
'liiimd-H him ! nml lur IM uf nil klimx. Aiidnu , ,
, 'iilem.i Ktuuanxe , looms ? U and 1'i , Jii''iiiui ' > u
tJUlldlllK' , OUt-H
P , BOYER & CO ,
Ur..U.I.Ih ( l.x
! ! all'sSafc3VautsJImeoac-:3 ) ! :
and jail
1 020 Karnuiu blroi t , Oui.tliit , Nub.