Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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I < : DATT/5T BEE.
ll'DAV ' vtWVivr ; fir"UBU 2.
Or ; Zt.E ( Wo. 13 Toftrl atrtet.
I 11 i. . , 11 \ n 11 < r lii nny imrt of the city nt
< O ( i nt- i < i vi . U.
, V < " . Til ION , - - - Jinn-wet" .
( IIv M ir hal ( Juauellfl HOAV skips about
a do ; ' ( art
The police tire arranging for : i grand
ill on the . * .d
There were rventyix arrests by the
) liec here in September.
The rectory of St. Paul's church is he--
g repaired and improved.
Jacob llnwortli , of Dttnlap , has pur-
iusid the business of Sam Ford.
The decision in the Waltors-Kiehcr eon-
.st lias gone over until lo-day.
Kveavalions has commenced on the
tmdatioiH of the new eourl house.
Fall and winter clothing to order ,
oreno vV : Lumlhtroni , WVTMain street.
The Ancient Order of llibornltufs gave
grand ball iu Masonic hull < vvoiiing.
Justice Sehiirx yesterday married P. J.
llstrand to Misd Annie Iturggru , both of
Dr. Macrae , llin trustee of the driving
irk , has plaeed tlio grounds in charge
Dr. Wadi' Cary.
The city clerk reports ns his receipts
r .September , ? i,10J.H ( ! , of which ! # - ' , -
: ! ) .7 ( ) was from licenses.
He'mlar meeting of Fidelity Council
o. I'M , U. A. this ( Friday ) evening. A
ill attendance is desired.
The Acme club give : \ social this even-
igin Heuo'rt hull , which they have dcco-
iled attractively for the occasion.
Thieves got into Prof. McNaugl lion's
able Wednesday night and Mole a liar-
ess. In their liasto they dropped the
Ex-Governor Fairchild , of Wisconsin ,
to speak hero on the evening of Un
til , under the auspices of the ropubli-
in committee.
N. J. Swnnson , of the Swanson Music
mpany , is expected homo tins morning
om Missouri , where he has been for the
1st few weeks.
The first timbers on the nc\v building
deli Chris Struub is pulling up on
ain fit rout , for S. Groneweg & Shount-
211 , wore put in place ye.storday.
The first.letter bearing a special deliv-
y stamp has been delivered lo Mrs. A\ .
KobiiiMm , of this city. Tlio special
elivery boys went on duty yesterday.
The Sunday school workers of this
nnty are to meet in convention in
voca on tlio lUth. D. 15. Chirk , of this
: y , is the president of tlie association.
Mrs. U. S. Terwiligar would be greatly
commodtited if the Indie * * , who have
lisod fancy work for the exposition
Mild send it in not later than Friday.
The city council is to meet to-night
a board of health to consider the
cut market question , and all interested
ould appear prepared to .speak right
J'lie ladies of the Baptist church will
vu a hociablo tit the residence of Mrs.
right , 121 Blurt' street , on this , Friday ,
emng. They cordially invite till their
Miss Liraio Weiti : , who has been in
dcago for .several months past.roturned
st evening , and will occupy her old
osition as trimmer in Mrs. O. A. Itoger's
illinery store again.
The Avocti veterans have arranged for
[ great big whopper of a camp-fire this
[ veiling , and have invited some of Conn-
Hi liluns best oratorical powers Col. D.
. Dailey , Major Lyiuaii and Col. Kent-
Omaha attorneys do not seem to have
> o much conliifenco in Council IMuIVs
istiees. One of tliem came over hero
10 other day to try u case , anil not find-
ig any instice hero to suit him , went
ireo miles into the country with the
fTho report that Paries & Plainer had
old their business seems to have started
join the fact that two young men were
fegotmting for its purchase , but when
iey eamo to figure up they could not
'igreoou ' terms , and the trade loll through ,
iho firm will continue , therefore , to meat
jio wants and wishes of its customers as
A. W. Askwith , who has decided to
; ave tlio republican ranks , just after ( ho
jpnblicun ranks decided not to send
Jin as a delegate to the state-convention ,
/as in tlio city yesterday , and predicts
lie downfall of the republican party , ami
jn regard to his own change , remarked :
1 Yon know that a rat always leaves ti
inking ship. " Sometimes when the ship
sn't milking.
Four boys were arrested Wednesday
Jghtfor disturbing the peace of the
udieneo in the opera house , they re-
iiainiiigon the outaldo and indulging in
fat calls and other annoyingelocutionary
i.Norcises. The arrest served to holier
Jiiim up , and make them promise , to ho-
uvo themselves in the future , mid may
erve as a. warning to other yotithfills.
In the United .States court yesterday
10 case of John llorsley vs. the Kansas
; ity railway was given to the jury. Tlio
aso of McClollan vs. the same road was
whig tried before. Judge Lovu. The
aso of the Aultimm Taylor company
gainst J. C. Yet/or was ueiug tried by
ury bcforo Judge Shims , both judges
eing busy.
An old man , an apparent wreck , claim-
ig to hail from California , has boon
ausing much trouble to the police for
wo or thre days past. He seems to
ave heart dioeaso , and falls on tlio street
s though dying , but soon recovers and
iroceeils lo'beg for whisky from hnloon
0 saloon. As soon as lie gels drunk
gain the Ills return , Ho was yesterday
joked up again near the tank line yards
ml taken to jail in a wagon.
Yesterday was the time for the saloon
nen to come lo thu front again with ' . "i
aeh for the October licence , but out of
ho llfty-one who paid hint month , only
no droiiped into the clerk's ollieo and
jidd. Two now men took out license ,
nuking three in all who have paid II-
cnso tor this mouth. It is probable that
hey will drop in , however , within tlio
loxt few days , thus avoiding tlio neces-
ity of another proclamation spread.
The superior court docs not seem to bo
1 money making mill , even if It is n mon.
iy saving one. The oltv elork's report
* September shows that" the cash re-
Sr f.iom cily criminal cases was only
4u , and from state cases $2 , and from
Ivil cases , sfl-l.tC ) , When it is considered
hat it takes a f..OOO judge and a fOOO
: lerk , and numerous fees for witnesses
iiul otlicers , the cash receipts do not loom
in very big. It is claimed , however , that
f the court was run on the justice of the
loucoplun , tno oosls according to the
isual ices of justices would amount to
nough to build a court house every year.
1 If you wish to make legitimately from
'en lo Fifty dollars per day write to
mid & Smith , Xo. Ul Fourth street ,
Council liluns.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
istato loans , J. W. & K. L. Squire , ll
'earl street.
I , . . * T
" *
lrlo lor Farmers.
t A premium for the longest ear of corn
Irom this year'n crop. For particulars
all on or address J. Y. Fuller , buyer anil
hhipner of wheat , corn and oats , No. ! W
IWirl * itv i ruuiicll lilutt's ,
t a
A Yotag M n of Pawma , lew * ) Arrwlea
oil 'n SeiiffUH
The Apprnfacr'ti lt * i > oi'fc ' on Oj ; nlnK
l lrnt Avenue A MnrvelotiH
cat Pnmlly Xiuca nml
Arrcstctl for Arson.
Tn accordance with n telegram from
Panama , Deputy Marshal Hates lias ar
rested hero a Doling man named Charles
K. Pratt , who is wanted there on a charge
of arson. Young Pratt , it is claimed , had
a grievance against an old man named
llubbard , living near Panama , and ho
hired a boy to hot tire to llubbard's barn ,
the granary , bcvcral outbuildings and
sonic stacks of grain being burned as
the result. Jluch indignation is felt
iu the vicinity , and there < * have
been talks of taking the law
into their own hands , if Pratt is brought
back there. The lire occurred last Tues
day night , and Pratt claims to have como
to this city on the morning of that day.
The Bin : man interviewed Pratt in jail.
Ho seemed very reticent , and would give
no information , except in direct answer
to questions. Ho denied that he had over
hired anybody to .sot lire to Mr. llub
bard's property. Ho said that he had
conic to Council Hlnll's to look after some
business in the United States court , ho
having been arrested for selling cigars
without a license. When asked if it was
a fact that llubbard was a wit
ness against him , ho .said not
that ho knew of , and denied
ever having had any dilllcnlty with Hub-
bard. or any occasion to feet sore tow
ards him. lie said ho had hail dealings
with him. He said ho had heard that
one of the C'raudall boys had confevs-d
that ho had been hired by him to set lire
to llubbard's barn , but this could not bo
true , lie knew the Crandall boys , but
had never had any such talk with any
one. Ho had lived in Panama for aboiit
two years , and had not had any dillioul-
ties with anyone there.
City Finances.
The cily auditor , F. A. Burke , has pre
pared the following roportof the finances
of the city for September , which docs not
include special assessments :
I herewith report tlio amount of city
warrants issued during the month of Sep
tember , 1KA1 ; , and the total amount of
warrants issued for ordinary cily ex
penditures from March 1(1. ( 188-3 , to Octo
ber 1 , ISSo ; also report the amount of
bills audited and allowed by this council
during the same time for the same pur
pose , as follows :
For the month of September there were
Miud warrants for ordinary expendi
tures , $7.1-14.20 ; total , .fli,0)1.41. ; ! ! ) Hills
were audited and allowed during the
bamc time as follows :
For Sept. Total.
Police ilcim tinent . Sl.raJ.iH S ( ' .TtiO.-iS
Printing . IW.bO 1,000.10
1'arkfl . 'Jx)0 : ) ( )
( us lights and nil . SK.10 1,4S.-H !
City ciiKlneci's don't . : ( : ] , s.-.9. y
J.iiiiues ! ; . . . l.OTO.OO
Pile tlepmtment . 1.-IP0.03 .VHO
( Jeneral hind . ' . ) . - > s.-.y : :
Oracling . ! i,010.Sl
Hti cet.s and .alleys . 1,731.10 b.ssi.fH
City grounds . i'W.iiO ' UI'J.OO
Total . S7.151.VJ SB.OJl.M
Ortcnfiif ? Kirst Avenue.
For homo time there has been n pro
ject on foot for opening 1'irst avenue
from Main to Fourth street , so as to cut
that long block in two , it being very in-
conveiiiout as now laid out , especially
for residents on Fourth street , and for
business houses which need easier access
to their rear doors. The property
owners interested have .signified their
willingness to donate quite : i sum toward
meeting tlio expense if the city would
extend the street through. It is planned
to have the .street go through where the
coal yard now is on Main .street. The
commissioners appoiutped lo appraUo
the damages made their report jester-
day. They award K. Uoscerans , § l,7W.f)0 ;
M\ry : \ Myers , § 1,1300 ; II. S. Gallagher ,
! ? 18.r > o. This makes tlio total condemna
tion $7,010. The appraisers \\ero J. L.
Forman , W. L. Hrigg.s , C. C. Hoiin , L.
Hammer , Henry Paschel and M. I ) .
The Musical Family.
The entertainment given by the Mo-
Gibbony family in the opera hon o hist
evening was one of the most novel and
meritorious musical entertainments ever
given hero. The family is a remarkable
one , it numbering fifteen musicians ,
father , mother , twelve children , and one
young lady , brought into the family by
marriage with one of the sons , Frank.
The family presents an endless variety
of music , instrumental and vocal , and it
is real music which they give. From the
heads of the family down to the comical
little follow who beats the base drum ,
they all seem to delight in music , which
adds to the enjovability on the part of
the audienco. Thu programme- was a
varied one , and the departure from the
usual concert was refreshing. The won
der is that of the whole family there is
not one but who excels In music , and
some of them are really artists. Tlio
MeOibbenys go from hero to Fremont ,
ami are gradually working westward to
their oid homo in Portland , Oregon ,
from which they have been abiont for
ton years. ,
I'utOifu Train.
The cases of James ami Daniel Gilmore
against the Chicago & Northwestern rail
way company have just been decided in
the United States court. These two men
claim that they got onto a freight train
without having lirst purchased a ticket ,
and the conductor refused to let them
ride , and thu train clacking up a little ,
they were told to get oil'ami they
lumped , falling so as lo injure them ,
They claimed heavy damages , but the
jury decided in favor of the railway coin-
Dr. 1) . A. Shlley , of Bedford , was in the
city ye.storday.
(5. ( O. Kirby and wife , of Dunhip , were
in thoeityychtorday.
Mrs. J. A. Gorhiun loaves on Monday
for Uololt , Wis. , to visit her old homo.
Gcorgo Rudis lias returned from Bu.fVa-
lo and will now start out to see his Iriulu
again ,
Kgbort White , of Farrngut , Iowa , was
among the lowtins who visited the Bhills
Ed. C. Drake came in oft' the road yes
terday and will remain nt homo thu bal-
: mco of the week.
L , L. DoLano.of Atlantlo , was in the
Blntl's yesterday , and dined at the Ogden
with Tom Bowman.
J. J. Anderson has severed his connec
tions with Dell U. Margin CoM und-U
now with NK. . Shoppnrd , the druggist ,
on Main
Air * . T. A. Clnrk nnd daughter , who been mitnnierln in Hi * mnimtniu *
C'w ! , III' ' . " ' ' ' ' ' ' " 'iied to liioir home
mro ? in Conm-ii 'Bluffs.
W. IW Klnm vcBtflrdfiy returned from
enstern Iowa , where ho mi been oil bu l-
ness. When he nrrivrd homo hfi found a
young Klam boy of to ! usual niro. I'-d '
cmilpH all over w hen asked how the young
one ii nml is unmuallv happy heVrlKvii
married t u years ami is now for the llrst
time a father ,
Lamps cheap at Homer 'a , S3 Main St.
A Daily Donitcntlon.
The lion. John Kelh-y , the head and
front of Tiimnuiny Hall , a man of strict
integrity , indcfatiguable worker , early at
his olllce , late to leave , so burdened with
busines-t that regular meals were seldom
known by him , with mind in constant
tension and energies steadily strained ,
finally broke down.
The wonder is that he did no ( sooner
give way. An honest man in all things
else , ho acted unfairly with his
resources. Ho was forever drawing upon
this bank without ever depositing a col
lateral. The account overdrawn , the
bank suspends , and both are now iu the
hands of medical receivers.
It is not work that kills men. It is
irregularity of habits ami mental worry.
No man in good health frets at hiwork. .
15ye and bye when the bank of > igor.sus
pends , these men will Wonder how it
all happened , and they will keep won
dering until their dying day unless , per
chance , ( ionic candid physician or inter
ested friend will point out to them how
bv irregularity , ny excessive mental
ell'orl , by constnnt. worry and fret , by
plunging in deeper than they had a
rijihl logo , they have produced that loss
of nervous energy which almost invari
ably expresses itself in a deranged con
dition of tlio kidneys and liver ,
for it is a well known ract
that the poison. which the
kidneys and liver should remove
from the blood , if I.1 ft therein , soon
knocks the life out of the .strongest and
most vigorous man or woman. Daily
building up of then1 Altai organs by so
wonderful and highly reputed a Specific
as Warner's safe cure , i1- the only guar
antee that our business men can Inn e
that their .strength will be equal to the
labors daily put upon them.
Mr. Kelly has nervous dyspepsia , wo
learn , indicating , as wo have said , a
break-down of nerve force. His case
bhould be a warning to ( fther. ? who , pur-
Miing a. like course , will certainly reach a
like nsult. The Sunday Herald.
NOTICi : . Special ndvcitlsuniciit" , suoh us
J.o t , Voiiiul , To Loan , J'or fsilc , 'I'o Itcnt , Wiints
Ilnnrdliig : , etc. , will bo ln ortcil In thiscoluinn at
Iho low riilo t TBN CUNTS IT.H LINK for the
ilrr-t iiipcrtlon and I-'IVK CKXTS PUK LINK lor
racli sul ) eiiucnt Jn crI ( < in. I.onvo uihcrtlsc-
inonta nt our olllco , No. U l't'iu-1 stu-ut , nutxr
Iti oulay. : .
fANTED-Nurso Kill : itK.1 Siltli moiiuo.
ltlSNT Nrnr High Puliool. hoinu convon-
iiMit.clicnp liouocs. It. L. Willliuus , IS N.
Main St.
SAIiW rimiitino. rood us now. llsod
only u luw n vuks. Will -cl ! nt eaorilice.
No. llCSTlilnl a\c'iino , Count * ! ! lllutT-i.
i'O HUNT A noiv Ruvcn-iooni hou&c. Ilnqulio
t Jlui : Olllce.
ItnNT A Fivinoin lo * -r , ton minutes
Foil ftom liU'-incss , city \ > . HILT , veil nml clh-
tcin. 1'or lent fhu.i | ) .
I'ou JJcvr No. TJi ) Ilniii on sticct , tluoo
rooms. JIc.MAiio.v is Co. ,
4 Peuil btieet.
vou SAM : , I'oii I : NT ou i\tiirANdi : : .
. IV ! I'or wilooric'iit.ou vt-ry Hboinl turm < < .
The Council llliilln I'npiT Jllll.tonipleto , with
the lunro bouuliiiK1 lniiuu und thicu acios of
No. " .it A linsinp" > s propri'ty In riicioKco ,
Chcrokru county , loun , will trade for estcin
land.f. Vuluo , aliont Jjl.OiM.
o. ! ! ! ! A lieaiitllul homo In thn town of Knst-
linri , .Mills county , lowii , lor NubrasKa liind.
Vitlnu. ifJ.WXl.
No 41 A [ sootl iHisltipis propuity and nl o n
peed ii-sldciK'O pi-oppity in the town of Chcnvo.
Mul.i'itn county , III . low down lor cu li of will
ovchunco tor wustoru 1'iiid" .
No. ITU A siilciulld Jnrm , well inipiovi'd , fM
lien's In Ulp'fiiison county , I own , jolnlii * ; the
to AMI of Spirit Luke. 1'ilcu , lor u Mioit liinu ,
No. ! > ! to IK" Aio four fnprovcd Ininis In '
l'hillln | < oiinlv. Kiuis'is , ciirh with a small in-
uiiiiiliiunvc. The ouiiiiiis will bo c\clinntro < l lor
iinlncuinbcredwlld litnil I'l Nobnislui.
No. l"i : IHO DC its la Holt c'l.inty , Nrl > . , pnrtly
lniinfil ] ( , tit a lte ) bi'.rtrain. Wants to i-velianjro
lor iniic'hnndl c * .
No.fil A tlno two - tory brick rpstdcnuo , ono
or tliobc.-t locations In Council lilutls , will trade
lor ( rood tiiiliiiunlK'icd Kansas or Nubraslui Vnluo. Sir. , m.
No. Mand 11 Are twoolhcr lii'iiiillfnl liomm
in Council lllulls , hluli ca li iniyincnis will buy
at a luir alii.
No. nil A bPiiiitlfnl siiburbiin locution In Iowa
City , low a , will oAclnuiKU lor western Jamb.
Valuu , ( . 1,1)00. )
Ttionho\o nro only u fuw of our spi'cinl tinr-
KUlns. If jou'voKOt iniytliliifrtn tnulcor t-ell.
or ant to f ell liny teal c.stato or nii'iclmndo ! ,
tulto IIH. Wo have to\Pial Kood htoclvK ot'Kood
to tiado lor l.uuls , . SWAN .t WAI.ICKit ,
Council Dliitln , Jou-ii.
B. M. BICE , M. D.
or otluir tuinoiu removed without
CHROHIC DISEASES of all Unto . speelaUy.
Ovorthlity jours' practical oxpurionce. Olllco ,
No. 11 Pern I Street , Council lllutld.
* 1'ltt.U.
No , nonirondwny , Council
Bailway Time Table.
The followlnir l-i tlio llnin obnirlvnl nnd
departure of trains liy eenirul stitndiird tluieu
tlio lounl depots. Trillin leura trun-lordeiuit ten
jnlnntcs muller nnd nrrlvu ten inliiuloi Inter :
CHICAGO A. MlTll\VISTiitN. ! :
n"i : A. M Mull nnd I\preis ! 0-Mv.ii.
12:41) : ) p. M At'unniinodiiilun < : f > 01 * . M.
CUO ; i' , > i ' . l'\pi ( > -s. . . . . . . . . . .0:05 : A. u.
I:23A. ) M W till iind K\irtt | ! > lV ! ; ) r. .M.
7:15 A. M Aeeiiinniodittloii .ril."j ; r. w. <
& : UU l * . M i\piet-s : Ute : ) A. Jt.
cmc.uio. MII\\AIIKIK : & ST. i * A tit. , j
! ) :2 : < 1 A. M .Mull iuul Kxpicfcs IM ) ; i > . M , I
6'Jj : i > . M Uxpreis l'05 ' ; A. M.
CIllCAdO. lltllll.l.MlTOX & IJUINCV.
i:4 : < lA. > l MiillnndKxpuss 7:1011. : M.
: ! : ! . * > I' , M.lxicul St , Louis Kvprcss | .oeiil
UCni : i * . M.TrnnDfurBt. Loulg lx.'J'raiisler.U- ; : ! ) > . M
JOslOA. M Mall mid K.\ncb3 | 7'Jj : | ' , M.
UiOJ I * . M i.Vll : | ) > bS ( llX'J A. M.
fiioiix CITV & I'ACinc.
7:1MA.M Mall for Blou.x City. OtAOiMr.
755 ; l * . M Ilxjiress for bt. i'aul U : oA. t.
11:00 : A. u. Denver Kxprcss 4till p. M.
1:0. : , i > . n.l.liiroii ! 1'nbS. . Om. A : It. V..JJ.11 ! : ! * . M.
T.Vn'.M Overland i.xpiesa : 8ti : < JA.Ji.
IIUMkiy 1HAINH70 OM illA.
LcavoCounull lHnirs-7u- : -7M-0:30-10iO- : : : :
J1MO a. in. ; l:30aJaau : l:28'iSlJ:23 ! : -
JUVSn. in. Ix-iivo Oniiiliu-4I : < -7:25-8:50-10:1)0 : : )
11:15u. in : Ui:60-SOu-a:00-lpO-li5-6i'i. : : : ! : ! '
Men Think1
tlicyknow all about Mustang Lin-
iment. Few do. Not to know is
not to have.
HE m
, /UB /
Sanitary Hydraulic Engineers ,
Public and Private Systems
of Se\yerage , , \
Water wotks and Ventilation designed
, . t
and constructed.
Plumbing work in all its br.inclios.This
company have one of the best av-ortcd
stocks of plumbing goods in the west
Estimates furnished.
Now York Plumbing company 5Vi Broul
way Council Ulutl's. Telephone No Or.
342 and 344 BROADWAY. , -
Fall S Winter Wear
Mcns * mill Hoys' lliiHn < ' < ; s Suits.
Jlcns1 urn ! Hoys' Ihusa yuits. S
Clilldrons' llxorv Duv utid Dross Sulls. J.
Ovdiroats lor Men , Hois anil C'liililiL-n. " - *
Morcliunt Tailor Suits.
Mt'ichuiit Tailor OMJICOHS. (
Ki'twl to tlio IHM , to cnilur , . '
At liult'llic pneo. ' ,
Put Minis' Suits nnd On-renalfl.
Lean MODS' .Suits and Oveicnat" .
I'nt Metis" TroiAM'rs.
Eemiiles } Shirts nnd Trow-pro in gooleli wool- ! .
Jlcdicutod Se.uli'ta , IJMr.x Heavy lliillirljrjj.ui- .
J'uney Coloied Wools nnd mixed iiuulltlo * ) , lioiu
io eiieli to S4..W.
' ' . ' . ' , .
I'Olt TIIR 1'ALI. Ol' 188.
G-loves ,
Neckwear ,
Suspenders ,
Haiidkercliiefs ,
And Cuffs ,
Of first clas * qualities and rcnsunablu prices.
312 andim Qrondwny , Council llliiir , Io\\a.
In Council Hinds Inlying
And nil modern improvements , eall bilU , tire
nhi rm bells , etc , , la tlio
Nos. 15 , 217 niM'19 , Main Street ,
'MAX ' MOI1N , I'joprlotor.
il '
Waves , Ffizze iSwitches , Etc ,
Hangs out I'amimtlour , I.iiugtry or Other Styles.
MHS. c. u GH.LETTI : .
SV Main St. , Council llluffs.
Our btiyoMrrlloe from Now VoiV tlmt lie lins
imrolinsod the l.uvMt ntul clidhrou line of
ivcr : < lio\vn In this tlty. Tlioso poodR nro now
ttrrlviiiE ilnlly nnil wo iespccttully Invltu v\cry-
body to cull unit sco thorn.
Oil Cloths , j
\ I ' Linoleums ; VJ
. *
- _ Mattings
Window Shades ,
Cornice Poles ,
Etc. , Etc ,
* .
< , ' ATropirr.Aii miens.
' *
Council Bluffs Carpet Company
4-O3 Jiroad/wcvy. - *
. . . . ' . ,
SSSi Ilrondwny , Council UlnfT ? .
Pianos and Organs
I Solel 011. S/EoK-
A II Kinds of icp.xIriiiKoii niiifciwil instruments
Thorough Instruction on the Piano
and Organ
TVi onsilc iious of rpoulfliifr instruction Iu
tiOiibo\c ) ill iilcuso cull on or mhlius *
Prof. 0. B > Lipfer ? ,
No S'Jorirst Avenue , Counull Hind's , Town.
lli.MUU : & SIIAHHiHT ,
No. 34 N. Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
'JVliMtliono No. HI. All wink wurnuucil.
" "
13. SCHUSS ,
Justice of the Peace.
Olllct0 \ or Amrric.ui i\prcsp : ,
rorxnii in.i'rjv , IOWA.
j llor-es and mull" ? coiistintl ) on hand , for Mils. '
at ii'lall lots.
Allftocl : wan anted a * icprescntcd.
WlioluMilo and letullnVulri sin uraln and lul-
cd liny. I'rk'u-jivasoiniliiii. Miilsiiii'tlon jfiia-
' iced. KCm.L'Tnit A , lltJI.r.V ,
C'or. 'tli AVP. and 1th Pt , , Council
Kounerly of New Voile ,
Cutllns : ami I'lttliiK INt.ilihKhini'nt.
No. fit Pi iirl Street. Councfi lilulN , To\m.
; THOH. OITKVII. 'I. w n. n'.si.y.
No. ! U : Ilrnailwny , Council Itlullri.
Hair Goods of all Kinds
Made to Order.
Hair Goods of all Styles
Beady Made.
No. 3
All styles of Ijulilers constantly in stock nmdo
from spruce pine jilatlk. Tlio very best.
No. 19 Pearl St. , - Council Bluffs
" 1
sria vy > i
Wo shall oiler nt CASH SALK , until sold , n largo invoice of COTTON VLAU
NKLS utsM per cent below the prices herctoforotnskcU.
10 do/on Uhinkols nt Sl.SS to $2.00 , worth from ' , ' .00 ) o $0.00. Tlic J goods \
were bought at Auction Sales and will not ho duplicated. } 'urlios will diMvelHo
tuciiro-theni while here.
Our now stock of
Trioots ,
Are unusually attractive and never so cheap as now offered.
arc received and our slock is well assorted for the early Fall trade.
Office Matting a Specialtv ,
< _ ? -fl. / V
! Immense Stock
Send for iHusirafed Gatal
Warehnueoanil Sfttc room , n N. .Mnln Ft , < 'oi'nc' . SH * . iTi > . ' - > i. . \
- \M )
No. 29 Main St. , Coimcil Bluffs.
. HP.
Hi hi ; liiillilliurH ol'nny Kind rnl > idor moved and fat'-'n ' 'tlo i ; . uarnniped. Kraino lioiiM'9 moved
on i.llllo ( Jlant trueuS-llic lic t In thu t\orld \ , - .
* '
I i ! * ia > . , ( orv IT , IJM7KF3 , IOAW. '
"nllOI.CliAl.l DKAI.Uil IN
Employ mi It ncllntr ujrcnt tlius huvlni : their expenses to euslomors.
Afunt tor 1'iun llubber t'i.iii mny. Wrilo lor j
3 Broadway , Council JHnffn , lotra.
200 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each ,
flu'np Cook Blovcs nuil Gcncial Hou'-e r p'H - < 'oo < u , inclmllnt ; New anil BeconU Jluml i
_ „ . . . . i 698 BRQADWAY -r Tfl'/vr// ' <