THE OMAHA , i ) AT rn ar , OCTOBER 24 1S85. LINCOLN OS THE MOKOBT. Tom Kennard'a Gauzy Bohemo ' . ) OfttLer iu a Eoll of Wealth , THE RAILROAD BOND SCHEME , A Kllnisy Ilei'ort ' Frftiu Iho J'otlco Uoiiiintttco N'oloc fiom Ilia filn- I'oln Htoolc Xm-ils Uuiin < HorsoTlilovcs ( Mly Ilcuiw. TUB HBU'K [ .IVCOI.K tHmiur.1 The proposition to vote $ . * 0,1KW , ( enslhly as a donation to Ihe Mi I'acille , is now helng agitated hy the real parties in interest. That MIUVO and genial gentleman , Tom ICmmiird , is de voting his energies In Iho task of con vincing the pcoplo of Lincoln that if this Ins peculiar propo-tilioit is carried , tlio ell > will have immediate and direct connection with the immense piuo forests which surround .Atchixon , Kansas and other prairie towns , and that coal will bo dUcovored every three or four tnile.s hetueen this point and Ihu niiiiu stem of tlio road near Tom is In favor of some connection whiith will furnish him relief , his swamp land hill in the hust legislature Inning failed to satisfy Ills natural cravings after some thing. Tlio proposition provide ; , that thor ? r 0,0M ( in bonds shall be issued within thirty days after the woikof construction commences and ho placed in the hands of a trustee to bo agreed upon by Iho mayor and the lailroad company. Tlio trustee clause Is the important feature which endears this proposition to Iho "real parties in intciest. " The trtisleois not required to give any bond ; Iho Imnd.s are to be negotiable ! on dclivoty , and commence to boar interest eight , inonllis before the road is required to bu com pleted. fn 1871 Lancaster county \otcd $100,000 in 10 per cent , bonds as a donation to the Midland L'.ieilio railway company , for the purpose of aiding in the con struction of a line of from Lincoln to the. Union L'.ieilic. Ity tlio terms of the proposition the bonds were to bo delivered to two trustees and Iho load was to bo completed HI as to have trains running thereon in tho. ye-ir 187'-J. and the trusteed were U ) dolher $ tOCO in bonds to the company for each milts of completed road in sections of live miles ; the machine shops of Iho company were aNo to bo Jo- nted at Lincoln and to bu potmanently 'maintained hero. Among other tilings , tlio proposition contained this provision : "Ttio said trustees shall .surrender all ofsaid bonds to the county on the 1st day of January , 187 ! ! ; that Iho said railway company is not entitled to receive the bonds only hy viltuo of : i full and faithful compliance with the terms and conditions of this proposition. " The bonds wore > olcd , issued , and placed in the hands of IMO trustees , ono being the aforesaid Ken- nard , and the other S. C ! , Owen. Under ( lie proposition il. was Iho duly of those trustees to hold the bonds nnlij the 1st of January , lSt : , and if at that time the .road was not com pleted to turn thorn over to the county commissioners to bo cancel led. Not halt' : i milo of road hud been completed on Iho 1st day of January , IB ? ; ) , and certain prominent , lax-payers commenced an action to restrain those tiuslecs from de livering the bonds to the railuav com pany. Hut the trustees had , on the U7th day of December , 187'3 , delivered the bonds to the railway company. The company wild Iho bonds to innocent pur chasers and the county has paid interest at 10 per cent since 187U on these bonds , which were delivered by "trus tees" in direct violation of the . vote of the pcoplo. Tom IConmird doubtless expects thai ho will lie again unpointed , trustee if this propo sition curries. It is the evident , intent of the parties engineering this sohomo to got these , bonds into the hands of a .so- nailed trustee , and when this is done it. is immaterial whether the. road is buill or nof ; the trustee can deliver ( lie hondxas was done in 187tJ , and "relief" will be ob tained. The pre ont proosition | from the Mis souri I'acilic , as readily bo seen by the facln hero given , is precisely .similar to ( hat ono made by the Midland J'licifio company , Under the piesent ordinance passed l > y the city council , it provides tlmt if tlio road i.s not completed by September 1 , 1880 , Iho bonds will be delivered totho mayor to bo can- colled. The hitch in this arrangement might easily bo the same as the Midland I'acilic , and the bonds being in the hands of innocent purchasers , the taxpayers can seek the same "relief" they dfd in 187J5. The same old story may ho. again told by interested parlies lo confiding voter * . Unit the. trustee was not snllicienl- I \y advised as to Ids legal and moral re sponsibility as a trustee and cili/.en. There is , any way , no possible neces sity for voting the bonds at all , and if it isilono the money will ho thrown away. The Missouri Pacific wants to enter Lin coln any way and the paltry Mini of $ .r > 0)00 ( ) to such a corporation would not dolor it n moment. Tom Ivunnard and thu other men who are working the hchomc wilt endeavor to show by the Miphislry usually employed by sued per sons that tlia.MlsMMin 1'noillo's only roa- non for coming into Lincoln is lo secure the $50,000. , Intolligontvotorsrihould not bu led auuy in such a manner. Lincoln is an important point for the Missouri 1'aoillc , and every ono can rest easy that tlio road will como juxt the same as if tlio inonoy was gien N'o correct estimate can bo made of what proportion of the money tlio road would got and what proportion thu ' woikers ' would receive for lludr inllou- eiico. The tdeetioij will occur Iho 10th day of Ih H month , and all who desire not to wink ( ho oily under an overwhelming debt .should vote again M tlio bonds , miviin : KWASU roMMimi ; ; , The citj council met WcdncMluy night and thcicportof.thocomndttcoim police nvestigalion wnS taken up. The report was given in yoslonlay'ti Hr.i : , and , iii > jrcdictc.d , a general application of white wash was given to the majority of tlio 'tolieo force. Still they had to make > omo showing , and accoidingly. without any Miecilio- recommendation from the committee , the mayor took it upon him- a'lf to discharge 1'olicomnn ICiihlinan Hid Moore and Special I'olieonmii 1'homphon. The report of the committee is looked upon by the clli/.cns hero us a general ilnding that the Lincoln police are one and all a pack of celebrated boiunambiillsts , and that old Morpheus has iv contract with the whole gang lo have them > pond 'heir time while on "tho bunt" in dream- anil , so that the midnight carouser as ho < ottoii * homo singing the inevitable "Wo won't go home till morning , ( do , " nmitfccftldnisoif by "pinching" Iho stars and disrobing the " perl lee In the 'and , ' while they are dreaming of c.olo- crated arests in tlio dark and quiet hall vay of the Young Men's Chris- Jau lussociiition It wns claimed jeforc the council that ono of 'ho police was actually going o light his superior otlicer. und the look nf surprlbo which covered the countc.- . nnneo nJEvuUr pUvl'MUjyiislndivcrl lniurh > Jnp Afift of Iho 'OK-O sufficiently awnk i to llyht iitivl'odj. On the wlude'thc iiction j ot { It-citr council in thi ? innltT H ml ltl lle by t o best-clliwiif. and the genn'ol 1 i-Ucf i > that the nuirc force , with one or tun oxcoplions , f-hould liv bounced mid iu w and I'liergclic meii should be put in. In relation to the jiiil d'tllvcry thi-iincsfigatingcommilloc said ( ha ! tin ' 'oui-'do guard" of two men " .should IIMMI t'l'i-n placed iiroundllilijall the .same as the prior night. ' This calls to mind the hHiman Who surrounded a regimonl , and brought it into camp. The iduti of having a jail which needs .Mir- rounding is of ilnolf Hiillicienl pioof of theilercbction of tlic cit.\ government The furtlii -t'lcment. . of the committee Ilia ) Iho "onl\ perfect cafcly against a brrak of this jail is a good and sullieicnl inter guard , and Iho Tail keys in a few safe hmd \ is lidiuuloiis in thu extreme \ \ ptoti'clion a few old ke\- < in the hands of an j body < 'an lie to Hie oily jail the citi/cns would like lo know. Perhaps tlio committee have a nijWsrinklo that llu-.v do not Tv-anl to give away , and possibly this new kink in protecting jails was disclosed to them on the "dead" by the two hundred or more crooks who visited Lincoln dur ing Ihu slate fair , : ill of whom seemed to tindcrxfanil thu ait of evading deleelioir or men I'nplain Von Courville , the pho tograph fakir , might haves \ \ \ \ \ \ this very \ Uiand anslnlo commitlcc a pointer imj.iUhirds. Whatever this new nuithod of pKilectiirg juils by "keys in tlio hands ot n few , " tnay be one thing Is certain , it remain-u professional secret with the committee. It is ndmillcd by the committee that it , has in day.s imst and at the present been a common amiisemi-nl for "enterprising prisoners" to "bii1" ! that jail , " and therefore bav ing been in tins liabil of being burstcd none of tins "police" should bo censured because il was Im-ted again. In other \iords , the citi/.ens mii-i CNpccl that wiicn diitorpii.sing crimiinds \isit our city they liuvu the iijalien- tiblc right in their pursuit of happiness and plunder to knock down with it erovt hai uhieli is politel > handed into the semi-incarcerated , and no ipies- liolis a-iked or cross word spoken lo the gcnllemiinly ollieurs , and if criticisms are made plcnlv of caKoudno is on hand , nitlia dunning committee lo cover up tin' spots. Jmt it must be understood thai no immunity or courtesies are to he shown to nnenltyprising criminals , as is evidenced ly the retention of the com mon drunks and petty thieves in "that jail. " One of the citizens asked yes- torda > what had become of all tin- goods taken from prisoners , and why il is that mtn.\ : men arrested and started lo the cooler both in tlio day anil night lime never i each there , and nothing is beard of them again. What is it that oc casions they are discharged ? Mn.vor IJnir cannot appease the just demands of a long snftering and injured public by removing - moving three of the most InofTcnsivo and litiu- . ! objectionable of the force , and re taining lii.- > political henchmen and ward strikers. ICAVSVS I1OK.SK TIllLVliS. A. A. Green , a deputy shorilV from Alton , Osborno county , Kansas , was in the city ycsteiday. It will bo rcmcin- betcd that a short time ago ollicer.s in Lincoln were notified that two men named Fred and Joe Reynolds were ex pected to pass through the city with a. stolen teiim and a buggy from the Kan sas town. The vigilant police iiero were not successful in catching them and it wiis not until they reached Tekemab that they worn arrested. Green then went alter them and brought the two men to Lincoln , whore ho spent two days. in getting his requisition papers. During this time Green heard lhat an olliecr from St. Paul , Howard county , was after the Reynolds tor steal ing a team of mules in that county , and that the olliei \\onld use every cllort to get thu men a\vny trom the Kansas olli- cor. ( tiocn hastily left the city with bib prisoners , and lakin" them about two miles out of Lincoln , llaggcd the pas on- ger train and got away. When ( Jreon leached Altoii.Kansas , tnore was a. crow def of about ! ! ( ) ( ) citi/cns awaiting him. They desired to get his prisoners and lynch them , but they \yero tinally safely lodged in the county jail. The object of Green's second visit to Lincoln is to get the team and buggj v\ Inch ho loft here , and take them back to their owner. MOCK VAIIDS A $ ; ! 0OUO p'ant is being made at the Lincoln stockyards for manufactming brick , Mr. Galloway , ono of the proprie tors of the establishment , is from Pull man , Illinois , where he manufactured ( iOliUOMM ( ) brick for the building of that city. Specimens of his work ot common a nil ornamental brick are on exhibition ut llio Comineieial hotel , and il must be said lhat they are very lino. Mr. Callo- way has ordered a seventy-live horse power engine , and also 110,000 brick for JiU building and smoke slack. Tlio con cern will bo so arranged that the making of brick v\ ill proceed winter and summer. This uill Inonu of tlio beit acquisitions Lincoln lias obtained of late , as about 100 men will bo employed the j-cur around. linllding is still progressing at the stock yards and the Exchange hotel is being pushed forward toward comple tion. 'I ! K ; management now announce to the public that they are ready to receive Mrook. Though they have plenty ot water , at present some dispute lias arisen between tlio well contractor , John Lan- liani , of Gr lc , and the managers , yet it is of no great importance , mi : nuitit CASH , The Imrr contempt proceedings in the .supreme court ever the Zimmerman release - lease was continued until next Tuesday , the court adjourning until that timo. United States district Attorney Lamboitson , when asked whether bo would make cllbrt-s for the capture of Xlmmorman , said ho did not believe ho would ho caught , Mr. Lam- bort.son gavo. no reason lor thjs but ho u\idontl > thinks that Zimmerman had things MI arranged beforehand that ho will get out of the vyay. AIIOUT TOV.VH. The hard glove contest between .Jack Driscoll mid O. II. Smith , both well- known pri/.o lighters , which will occur at Iho city hall to-morrow evening , is exciting - citing- great interest among sporting circles , Manager Fred Funkois booking a largo number of popular attractions for tlio opera honso , and the .successful season thus far ( cads him to believe thai it will bo the most profitable in Lincoln for ycai s. ( ) lllccrlobii Driscoll arrested a desoil- or from company I ) , Fort Hussell , W. T. , and turned him over to Sheriff Mollck , by whom ho will bo taken to the west. 'Senator (5.11. ( Van Wyclc was in Iho city yestcrdiu hluddng hands with his numerous friends mul admirers. Thu senator was on his way from Fairmont to Wahoo , whore ho will speak to the pcoplo. Tlio county political fight is gelling quite warm and the various candidates are bns\ working up their own matters. The Richards' brothers line new four- filory building is now up to tlio second story , and when completed it will bo the largest and most creditable business structure in Lincoln. &TATK AltlUVALS , Relit , Hewitt , Fromontj J. A. Cooper , Milford ; A.KwIng , Central Gity ; John r.ittor on , OontnilClfyj II. C.Vagner \ , liloomlngton. TUT. li.U.S5IIO IlHAI.INTr AKIl SOOIII INC properties of Samaritan Nervine are marvelous. "My brother , aged 10 , had tits from his Infiinev Samarium Nervine cured him. " A. W. Curtis , Osakis , Minn. $1.60. at Druggists. A bapny coincident occurred at Valentino IfM 1 HfuV A 1 * lit < * n < * lM * < r . * ' * fA.II ( n l ASI ) "ItfTMRKBT. " ( . ' . K. f-itn'iec | , of ( ho Itnrtiotii'Avphnlt 1 C'oinii.-ni ) , Delivers Ultiiuelf on ! TIlOFO .Sllt\OttS. | ! ' My theme tlif . inirning"sald C1. K. Spiiioof ! Iho Asphalt , company , nd- j dressing n 15ir. : reporter who had dropped I In for ] io * > iltln news , "my theme N ' &u - ! pieion' vvilh'interest'as .an alleiidont i lopic or eo-rolallvo issue , doyou see ? T 'don't ' know In what scriptures joujn-ill find the text , hut it isshoun jon every ' . the open gospel of hitman nature , ' ( tiw a d.ig a had namoand hang him. ' " The Asphalt man hero made geslurnl ipiolation marks in the nir iw a gtiarnii- toe that In- did not t'laim tlic loM utter ance as original , "Some rod-no'cd nnti- iiiarian | away hack in history made this retnaik and the potent trtli = m it contains : i.s still vvhooplng down Iho corridors of lime , ti moans in its liheral intorprela- lion lhat it is a tough lusslo to wro = l' your reputation ftom tlio grip of suspicion when il is on ft1 f listened upon. "Il Knii iimusementto mo to nit aloft as I do , iinlnunnu'lod by parliolpuUon in anv strife , and M/C tlioIDIIM that , common foil.1 : are kicking up helovv. I am not eorlain lhat it vvluilly please.4 me , a.s in the fiillnofM of mv feeling for nil mankind - kind , 1 pil.v | he lumgu'dancp ' of the per formances of the larger numher. Do you think the Harbour Asphalt com pany is : i charilahle institution and that il-s onlcmvt and cin- jilo.vcs are philanthropists * Lfavo yon an idea , my \ouugtriond , that wo have learned the knack of subsisting on God'rt free air and live along regardless of the prolits of earthly enterprises ? I.el mo ask you , does the notion possess you that when vvu make u conliact to piivo : t street , that wo run around and give away with a glad heart and free hand , all the margin wo have ohtained ahovo actual cost ? Do joii think , that Douyla.s street was given to Hen Smith , Dodge street to Max Meyer , Sixteenth street to James OreighUin and the. iulorsooting thoroughfares seattered ahoul into \auons hands just to earn the jo > oils delight of smearing a coat of as phalt on the streets and sucing our niggers sweat during the summer ? Have you , mv lio.v , such an idea ? Yon guess not : well 1 should not , myself. 'Interest' is ( ho basis of suspieion in all I his matter. Every man of prominence who has shaken hands with mo or ex pressed : i preference for asphnllttm pave ment , every councilman who has pre sumed to vote for asphalt , has on that moment been shorn of hi.s honor and gone away branded as an interested parly. Why , sir. there is an interest in the asphalt , paving , and that is the Har bour asphalt company , and if there h another man who Inn snared the interest , a ide from the protits that all derive from the sjjlendid sheets , show him to me , and bo quick about it Let me jret emphatic ; as long as there is u dollar of'the public funds to spare and anyone is hired to spend it , grim minions of suspicion will lake the trail and dis cover that the cashier stole that dollar. Look nt it , Mr.Voodinan and Mr. Hrunner , men Whoso honor and probity none dare question , at eaoh other's throats with bitter charges. I can not imagine si better solueted board of public works for Omaha , than one constituted of J. E. House. Clark Wood man and I1. C1. ISrnniutr , and they ought to know il themselves. It's none of my light , although I take a public interest in hav ing a board of honorable and capable men. I was pleased to sec Lenry thrown out , as ho made mo "leery1 of him at our lirst mooting oua day on the streets. He was too anxious to have me believe him , 'a .solid as phal ! tnan : ' one of those asphalt men wlio sit up nights and howl tor asphalt , and would drive ten blocks out ot his way just to drive over the dear , smooth asp halt. I told Mr. Boyd , when I met him later on , lhat Mr. Lear.v was alarmingly snick on asphalt , and if put on the hoard would work through some measure to pave thereof roof of the couit hounc or something equally dangerous to the. public weal. "No , sir ; there is no sense in the troubles created over these matters , and it leads to assaults upon diameters which are iu Jact irreproachable. The commu nity can lioast no moro honorable and . than Andrew Itose- pulIic-.siirited ] men - water , James Croighlon and Joseph JSedlield ; and yet they have suffered the. annoyance of contemptible slurs and cowardly thrust * . For the sake of the city's welfare , something should bu done lo stop these outrageous proceedings which servo naught but to create disicn- sion and undermine public confidence. I ha\odino. ( Seed day , " and the repor ter vanished from the premises. CAIA DAY. Sunday hist at Grand Island wns a big day. The Lutheran Synod supplied the several pulpits at t ! p.m. A largo jiudi- onro assembled at thcr rro.shvtorhm church to listen to tlio sermon by Kev. J. S. Detwilor , ofUmaha. The pastor was assisted by several of tlio members of the synod , conducted the opening semoo , at the close of which Rev , Detwiler was introduced and chose as hi.s text these words : "God is in the Midst of Her , " and as his subject , "Tho Evangelical Lutheran church. " Eor fort3' minutes the speaker hold the audioneo spoil bound by his eloquence. No abstract could do justice to the address. At the ( dose of this admirable address the andi- once marched in pioccssion to the fling ing : "I love ThyAnn Lord. ' ' At. the foundation another ilno address wan delivered by Ituv. C. Hubur. president of synod. The pastor read Iho well prepared history of the congregation , from its organization in Iho law ollice of ThnmmcUSiI'latt , March HUh , 188.2 , with four members , by Itov. . ) . W. Kimmol , of Auburn , until tlio nrcMint , with it.s roll of thirty-nine mem- tiers and Sunday school of I'M members. The usual articles worn placed in the corner stone and the saint ) was laid in the uamo of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost by Rov. S. It. Harnit/4 Wcston , secretary It. II. M. I'rayor nits ofTcicd bv Hov. M.L Wil. helm of Tokamali , "Kino foslo burg mien unserCJott" was sung in three lan guages at the same time by the largo iiud- utnco. An ofl'oringof $ 'U was inado , the benediction was pronounced , mid thus closed ono of Iho most interesting ser vices oor held in Grand Island. The beautiful brick and sUmo building is under contract , to bo finished by Decem ber 15 , mid \vill bo ono of the linest churches ucst of Omaha , and ono of which the people of Grand Is land may justly fool proud. In tiio evening the members of the synod again Illicit the pulpits acceptably. Mon day was again ilovotcd to the business of the synod. Carthage Collcgo was com- inciulcd to parents and young pcoplo becking mi education. A board of ( ivo trustees wns appointed to take into consideration the establish ing of a Lutlinrnn Orphans' Home somewhere - where in the territory of the synod , and the mtiny open fields and how to occupy them was discussed in a manner that showed thnt this body is fully nwnku to the grand possibilities bofoio them. The reports bhow an increase of over 1,000 members durlnir the past year and live pastors , and fully ten more pastors uro needed nt once to fully occupy the open fields. The frynod will continue ever Tnesduy. Judiciary Aspirant * . In the midst of the warlike prepara tions in progress for the county cam paign , it should not bo forgotten that the city is preparing for a now experience. _ - > - ,1 linv , tlio tumibBfi of hi tleds ot Iho peAce frt Omaha , lias IXJCH rcdiicisl to three , and ( he cit > districlfilf for llielv scleolioil. Tin- men arc chu - in th or linnry plcc- manner o | till public ollloi-s put iiilxMho lif hi by puil.v ; nomination , then to light It out nl. the ballot bov. A * the public Will have occasion to nas ? in judg ment upon the several candidates , an at tempt has been made to discover the sev- cial ambitious In the lirst dl.sliict , which includes the First and Second wards : I ) . J. Seldon , Wlio now presides in Iho Tliiileenlh street eonrl , is lir t among Iho republican candidates. The Judgei an honorable gentleman , homespun and without pietensioiis , although he owns no little landed property in the south end. IIo has Iho piestige of previous terms of good service. rxHiii Horkit , vvho is aKo n republican , \Tlll ask his fellow Itohomhms and other friends to support his aspirations before the convention. Cliarli's ' Hrandes , Hie. present Tenth street jurist , U a ( jormaii and a demo- oral ol ( he old lino. Ho has Wull sus tained his honor and trusts in years past , and will endeavor to retain the oflfoiiil' privilege to continue his work. I'hillip Andres , likewise a democrat , is a very popular gentleman among ( ieiinan oiti/.ons' . His oonrt on Thitleonth si reel is n tojnplo of true Justice and learned thought. Mr. Andres is concerned hi ninny public enterprises among the people of his nationality and will nnil < o u good light. In the Second district , whioli inoludc.s the Third and Fifth wards ; fj. U.V rigid , who has teen for omo lime a justice , seeks of the Itopuhlicans the authority for the retention of hi.s olliee. Mr. l.eo Hclsloy , is a cheerful excep tion to the general run of oandidates , in the fad that he. enters the race plumed for his lirst essay. Mr. Holsley is tlio present city editor of the Itepubliean and a gentleman of high attainments and uniuelioned | probity. He has a thorough legal education and the profit of some several yours experience in practice. As a journalist he is a vajucd and trusted member of the Uopublicau stalV , and is well accredited as a former attache of this journal. Ho is a highly educated , honorable , well rounded gen tleman and jinmon.soly popular among a large acquaintance , fie promises to make : t gallant campaign. The only democratic aspirant discover able is the piosonl justice , August Weiss. Judge WeKs , is a olieory , aflublo gentle- mnn who discharges the functions of his ollice with nn dentally pleasant , mien , lining Iho sole aspirant of his partv he will get the nomination front the convention. In the Third district , including : the Fouith and Sixth ward' ! ; Judge ( tiisUirc Audcr-on , with reputation - tation , unlainled b , > I'oproaoh in many years of robideuce here , come ' : before the republican convention. Judge Ander son isono of the most prominent Swed ish citi/ony of Oniaha , and has the re spect and coulidchet } of the entire Scan dinavian community. The judge i.n a strong caudidato. ' i Edmund Barthill , ulso rcimblican , now has his olliee in Cronuse's block on Six teenth street , arid is among the most OH- teemed of oili/A-rts. Years of experience have matured splendid attpiiiements and brightened an inlolluof ol great native .strength. Judj o Harlldt is. a peer auiong the ermutn minds of ttio commu nity , and has an < irreproachable i coord. There are tu > i democratic aspirants discoverable in t jin District. Out of this array of talent , the public will have ample foom to make judicious selections. . ; l > olloo * J > ctail. The police deifair for the mouth 'of October is as follows' ' : iv i Michael Whnlcn , Peter Ala I/a , rounds men. Thomas Cormlek , court oflicer. John Turnbull , city business. Patrick Moslyn , slrects and alloys. .lames Itrady and Al. Sigwarr , city jail. Patrick Hinchoy , Douglas , 'I'hirtcentii to Sixteenth. .Joseph Rowles , Farnam , Thirteenth to Sixteenth. Daniel Kennedy , Twelfth , Capitol ave nue to Douglas. It. Jnsperfaon , Sixteenth and Dodge to lisa rd. James O'Hoylc , Ninth to Twelfth , Fnr- ninn and Harncj . Riciiard ItuniiHh , Thirteenth and Ilnr- ney to bridge. John Hurry , Cuining street. Chas. Bloom , Ninth , Tenth and Elev enth , north of Dougliis. Patrick Horrigan , Tenth and Howard depot. NIOlll' I'OICl'K. William White , Si\k > c.nth north of Cass to 1/ard. PiUrick Murphy/J'hirtcenth and llarnoy to bridge . Kdivard Carroll , Douglas jaxul 'I'hir- tcenth to Sixteenth. M. Riley , Cuming street. Charles Donahiio , Thirteenth south of bridge. Dull' Green , U'welfth and Capitol ave nue to Douglas. ,1. J. Donovan , Ninth and Tenth , north of Douglas. Frank Bellamy , lower Itanium to Hnr- noy. Ninth to Twelfth. 'rhoinas Poirroncr , Eleventh north of Douglas. i John Hrady , Faruam and Thirteenth to Sixteenth. Martin Shields , Sixteenth and Dodge to Cass. William Hayes. St. Mary's uvonuo. Andrew Crawford , Tenth and llarnoy to depot. A Temporary Insane AHylitm. County Commissioner O'Keofo in formed soribo yesterday that the county board would let the contract on Satur day for a house to bo erected on the poor farm as a. temporary receptacle for the oitv and county insane. Tlio building will bo a frame ono , and will not cost ever ! ? 000 or $700. It will bo used until a lirst class asylum and work house can bo built. " _ ; _ _ Trust in Providence and keep St. Jacobs Oil for pains and bruises. Itnolc. Prof. Walter F.'Smllh , president of Iho Aslro-Motcorologipal. association , whoso forecasts frequently njipoar in tlio Hii : : , is now liiisy on his ' ' 'Tear Hook" for 1880. It will not < jnl ! bo a continuation of tlio well kiiown 'V/eJinor's / Almanno , " but will contain ) computations of the wenlhor for the wholii'year ' , notes on the planetary conjunctions and other as- iiects , tables for tyu fanner when to sow Ids crops , cto. , etc. Among those con tributing original ui ( tales are Gen. K. F. Test , of tills city , who has ono on "Tho Firot Four Dnj's , " reconciling the ocrip- turn account of creation with the truths of astronomy , astro-meteorology and geology. There are also articles in the book by the well known astronomer Prof , lirooks , discoverer of so ninny comets ; I'rof. Mnnsill , of Illinois , on. the "Crop Producing Season of 1880 , " and communications from other well known scientists on Clinutology and other in teresting subjects. I'rof , Smith says that ho wants the public to read his book and is in consequence going to retail the work lit 10 and 15 cents n copy. It should hnvo largo sale. HOUSEICEEPKRS ( hat fall to acquaint themselves with the value of JAMES Pl'LE'S PEARLINE In the kitchen and InundrvMlonrivo themselves of tlio most Kiod MrVeirf HCYT tvstilonc in will cost $ ttWfi , A. trlejilionn linh Is to IKS built between 1'ieiiioiit nail Columbus. cAnnlnc ; factory Is in.-vsh- linf touuitoes by the hiuidml An cffoit Is being iiiiulo to form a slock company to biilltt a new lolle o at llomcr. , A. P. Chlhla , wlllororthc Wayne ( SM Ims Rued the clerk of Wayne count ) lihol. ThoslandpljH'tothe ( Jrand Island waterworks - works will l e lid feet high and twelve feet In diameter. The patrons of the Ilicntro in I'luttsmoiilli uLviilny preat taste in rcfus'lnK to enter the I iu ildl 111 ; until the orelu lm eoneliulos the oMirtine. A muniorliit window to the kilo lllshop ( Inikson ns phiceil In Iho llplseopal chureii at Ulysse.s week. It wns ( lonnteil by Mrs. Chiikson. Two joiiujr men of Highland. fJaee eoiinly , weie arrested lei ralilln nuiolouiitueh. They l.iliiidKulll > and the justice taxed them SM.Ts tor their fun. tustcr , of West Point , has biK-n arrested - rested tor lioiitlUR his wife. Thoenso Is llublo to bo u soitous one , lor It Is thought the unuinn will die. A street ndlwny Is to be built between Wjiumcanil HlueSprlnijs , in ( Jii ! { countj. Lhocoiitinct has been let , and Iho dirt will begin tolly this wwk. I ) . I ) . Thompson , of the 15. & 31. , nss ro.s the icstdentH of Xehr.i-.kii City thnt Iho jillo liihlRcou'r Iho MIs otnl there will Iw com pleted in li f ton dujs. The child ot Pom Hiniies of Palinyr.i , dur- lui : : \ ciMiuhlni ; SIK'U. expelled a kernel of corn limn its wliiilpliie , wheie Itlodued for live \\wks and the life o tlio lit tle one. Diek Kortiim. a ( ! nmd Tslntid iimnlne. at tempted to kill himself with a KIIII , but only Miefecded In wnklutr up the neltshliiirliooil. Ho will bo sent to the retugo of lunatics at Lincoln. Notwithstanding the fuel lhat ox-Treasurer KIU , < if MadNon county , has tiiiulo an ni- to settle his ciaberzlemeat of county funds by the payment of $1:1,000 : , the county will still be outi$7,000. Miss Mary Elder Is M > jr.irs ol ngonnd live.- ! nt Itlulr. l.ustweek she hud a tumor , de- huilhed "as Lirpias a mail's two listf. " taken from the back of her bend. Site Imit worn It for lei ty years unit Is niiii'li plensed to be ild of it. it.Mrs. Mrs. Mnrthu , wife of ( Iwugo C'onkltii , of Nebraska Citv , sues tor a dlvoico and 3IOXXI ( t uliinonv. She claims thnt CJrori ; e-uessed i her with kicks , withuut tiiovoeitlon , aim , muliucdand mined her aftectlons with bis 1 tisr. tisr.Kd. Kd. 1 $ . Hell , of I'awneo City , fold his famous pacer , D.ut 1) ) . , forSlr ( X ) , mid tell HKo Icicldnp liiiusclt all over town when he IcnrncU that the new pmelinscr * liul : been oflcicd 810,000 for the animal bluntly alter the transtci had IMHJII made. "Otoo Chief , " the sivyeatMild steer ow mil by A lev. ( inuow , tipixd the biMin l.xst weex atfi70i : ! > oiiiih. It height is just il loot and tilth U feet , and lentil 10) ) < fret. It is it net a Inches acioss the hips ' ! feel " luclics between Uie foielens , 'J iwt a Inclios roun < l the foie leff , and 'J teet 8 Inches touiid tlio hind lo above thu { ruiubtel. When Alex bus this.steer u'iidy fc.t . exhililtlon 11 wilt be II luigest aiiiuul of the kind Iu the United Status. Iiivcr Complaiiil. Yes { yon may well say "complaint ; " for if there fa anything' makes .1 ijoo.- mortal complain , it is to have his liver out ot order. The liver is the great scav enger of the body. It gathers up refuse , works it into bile , and then works the bile off. It has a heavy contract ; and sometimes fails. Then there is a general disturbance. That disturbance is quieted by taking 13rown'n Iron Hitters. Mr. W. A , Urown , of Marsimltown , Iowa , says. "Hrown's Iron. Hitters iclioved mo ot liver complaint after oilier remedies had Jailed. " Tmiiibcrt-.ToIiiisoii. Mr. Edwin Lambert and Miss Fannie A. Johnson wcic married in tld.s oily on Wednesday evening , Sept. ! ! ( ) , at. the residence of Simeon Lambeit on the co nOr of Seward and Irene streets' , Rev. Charles W. Savidgo officiating. There were sevcnty-livo guests present. The supper served by Airs. Lambert was a most elegant spread. The ( lowers fur nished through Mr. Arnold , Mr. Dona hue and Mrs. Woodman were hcnutilnl , while the presents wore many and useful. ' O' ' Judge McCulloeh of the county com t , was engaged yesterday in trying the case of Senator Mandursoiiiind Gco.\V. \ Donne , Ktu. , against the Mericlo estate. Kac.i of these gentlemen sues for $ > < ) ( ) attor ney's toes , for services rendered in set tling the estate. 18 CONUUCTL'KD J V Hoyal Havana lottery ( A iNSTiiirrioM ) Drawn al Havana , Cuba , Every 12 In 14 Days. 'ilcltots in fifths ; Wholcis , f.1 ; 1'i-iu-IIoiift pro rum. Suhjoct | 0 no umnlimlatlmi. not ciintrollisl li } * ttio Imr"e tn Intun'st. ULstlio fnlrost thliitr In Illll " ' " . "lO ( if ulllUll'O til OMItUlltO. ( * nplyt < i8IIII > SlV&(1O , iaiJllioit- wuy NV. . Citr ; M. ori'KNS i , UK , Illll Mulii slrctKiuiiis ; Wty , Mo. ySlni&o&.ur Apollinarts NATURAL MINERAL WATER "Issues from a spring dttply embedded in a rock , and is lltcrefort of ABSOLUTE ORGANIC PURITY. " Oscar Liebreich , Rtgins Pfofcssot , Uni' trtilv of Jtcrliit. "The 'only n'aler safe for tht traveller to drink is i NATURAL MINERAL \VATXR" Sir Henry Thompson , KR.C.S. uond , England. ANN.UAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. OfallGrtKtn , ftrvafitts , & Mm. ll'nt. Dtaltri OF IMITATIONS WHAT WOMAN WATITQ IN SHOES : 1st. A Neat , Cfoso-fitting andGraceful * ckapod Shoo. 2tf. No breaking-in torture. Easy at first , and always snug and fianitsomo. ' ' AU.THESC DCSIDERATA SHE CAN FIND 111 The celebrated "J. & T. Cousins'New York'Shoos , " ofallktniffaniJinaieriula , iii 14 widthsantl 10 shapeiof toes anilheefsl 'lief will not ftp ; 'nillnofsllp at Wo hsl ; will not wrinkle , anJare _ the perfection of achievementTiTtho shoeinahr's'art. Look on Solo * ( or Ntm and AJdtojt ol J * & T. COUSINS , voitxc. DR. AMELIA BURHOUGHS , OrriCK AND KKSIDKNCH , 1B1V DODOEl E3t. 1513 DOUCrLAS STREET. LARGEST WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ART AND MUSIC HOUSE WEST Or VJUCAGO. 1 FINE STEEL ENG-BAVING-S , 1 ELE&ANT OIL PAINTINGS MOULDINGS , HATURAL WOOD , Plush , Oxydized Steel , Copper and Brass , . ItllONZIi 1'ltAMES. French Oleographs , Chromes , Lithographs and' Water Colors. iesi t I ARTISTS'MATERIALS ' , Y/c / liavo the only Complete Stock of Tube Colors , Windsor and Newton Oil and Water Colors , Canvas Academy Boards , Brushes , Setches , Boxes , Palettes , Draw ing Paper. Mathematical Instruments , n * 5nV0s > xJtc pS as. Trenton Ware. Brass , Wood , Papier Mache , and Composition , Plaques , Easels , Banners and all Varieties of Plush Novelties , Albtmis , Plusli Gases , Pianos and Organs. Kimball Pianos , Emerson Pianos , 83aei ! ! & Daves Pianos. $ I 0 wraps ( D DB rxva ( < BV * JJ/a/7. Owlwfs 1 * 0 I if i A. llospe , Omalia , Neb. Send for