Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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    : i
Agricultural Implements.
LIMNUKlt * MKTCAt.f ( .1
ttoalsrs la Agrioitlnral Iropjoi
Offli c , ( iirnt rltlt . " . " ' ? Vneltlq Si" , Oi
ATh'ilii nlo Dealer * In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
mm llntfKios , OmaliH , Neb.
Boots and Shoes ,
w" , v. Mo'itsr. & coT
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
11111'arimni Street , Onmlia , Noli. Manufactory ,
Hummer Slreet , IJoston.
s. A.7me
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Hatting ! ) , Curtain Qomls , Illc , 1LT1 Tariinni
Ktiect , Omnlm , Nrl ) .
Coal , Lime , Etc.
Coal , Coke , Lime anil Stone.
Office , 213 K Htli HI. , Oinnlm , Nob. Yards , Olh
and Davcnpoit flreels.
1 Ac
Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal.
Hcst varieties. OIIlcc.21'1 a. Illlh St. Telephone
No. Kiu , Umaha , Nell.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
1111 S. llilli St. , Omaha , Nob.
( iro. U. Town : , 1'icsMcnt.
Clr.o. ] 'ATIIISON , Sea and Tieas.
3. H. Hm.maiT , F. A. lUixjn ,
Pioprictor. Manager.
Hebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Onieo , 217 8. lllth Snout. ' 1'elephono 40.
O no. V. iMHAnii , I'res , 0. V. GOODMAN , V. 1'rcB.
.1 , A. KiNiiia.\Nii : , Hee and Trcaa.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
ol' 1 ui ril and milt i > oal , VJ S. Utli bt. ,
Omaha , Keb.
OMAHA Hard and Soft Coal.
'Hrcluslvo denlei's la llouldur , Colorado Coal ,
17& > ulli 14th street.
Coffee and Spices.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
ToneColfccx , Bplcei. IlaUlnif 1'owilor . , . . , . . , „
IKxtracls , Laundry llluo , Ink , etc. 1411-11) ) liar-
noy titieot , Uinaha , Noli.
Commission , Etc.
" liUANUH & CO.T
\Vbolesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
3121 Varnam Ht.Oinalui. Apples Our own jiuek-
JiiSf I'lattjci o.'s TlKur Ilnuul Uysturi , lluttcr ,
jjrjs ( , Gaino , Poultry , I'otatoes.
J011N V. FLACK ,
General Commission Merchant , *
JTodnee , I'ttivKloii1 * , I''rults , I'lour and Feed , 10j
H. lltli St. , Omaha , Neb. Cunsih'inneiiH Milielteil.
iJctorns iniiilo promptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cheese , SausiiKes , I'rnltM , Hoteliers Tools and
Hupplie.s. 1-15 Junes St. , Omaha , Neb.
iioiiST & iiiuiiiuJ ;
General Commission Merchants.
BeroiAi.Tii.B Hotter , KKHS , roieljrn and To- )
miwtlo KruItH , 112 ti. llth , , Omaha , Neb. Telu-
Iiiiono No. : K.J. )
1) . A. IIUltl.KV ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Jlntter , L'ais : and Produce' . A full line of Stono-
\varo. CciislKiinioiit.s bollcitet ! . UK Docile bt. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Uutter , IBS : , Cheese and Country 1'ioilneu gcu-
urally , atW S. Ktli St. , Oinalia , Neb.
* MCSHANI : &scuftoiTDi3iT
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Jtafrtrrorator and J'lickins llou > o , 14th & I.eavcn-
worth Kt. , on U. I' . It. U , Truck , Omaha , Neb.
Established 1870.
General Commission ,
Sll S. 14th St. , Onmlia , Nob. Specialties Mutter
Itors , Poultry and ( jaine.
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
1'imlueo ami Provisions , Omaha , Neb.
VJhoIesale Commission Merchant ,
XVnltH , Seeds and Piodnco. No. Ula 8. l-'th Street ,
Omaha Nebraska.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
T"ruta | , rionr. A pplos , Stone win o.CIUer.Vlneirar ,
Orass t eedn , nutter and Kirirs.UU and iJlo 8utith
3.1th tilreet , Omuha , Nebraska.
' WIKUn.MA.vlfc" ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , IJutler , ( Jaiiio , Fruits , I'tc. 220 S. llth
tit. , Omaha , Nobrabki : ,
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importeis
Crockery , Glassware ,
Jiiimpq. Chlmnevs , ito : , Ollleo , : )17 ) South 11th
titieet , Omaha , Neb.
Drugs , Etc ,
iticr DimH
Wholesale Drdggists ,
fiobliorsof Taints.Oils. Wlmlow ( ! la s IUc. , 111 !
Harney Htlcet , Omuha , Neb.
' C. V. (1001).MAN ,
Y/holesale / Druggist ,
And Healer in Pulnts. Oils ana Wlm y Glass ,
Oinalia , Neb. ,
Dry Goods.
.1. j. nnowN & co. .
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
13.3 Douglas Struct , Omaha , Nub.
1 , . ( IINSIIIMIG & CO , ,
\Vholcddo Deulci-3 In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
s , Luces. Kmbi-oldery ami While Gooili ,
JlMO Iouila ) Street , Oaialia. Neb. _
, , v.
iiHoTvNEhT. & 7:0
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
titntlonary and portable engines , hollers ami
eht > et Iron work , vairons. atfileiiltnral implo
tuuiiU , pumps , otc. 1112I5 Leaxuuwoith bi.
' Fish. Etc. I
. . .
_ " " ' , , . „ . .
"JCKUN , Sin.MSSEN & CO' ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Voiolun l'l h , Nos. U11HI3 Jones
Street aiid 11. P. Track , Omaha , Neb.
' Flour. Etc.
f _ _
Wholesale Flour ,
COS , CIO ami C12 Plerco Bti vet , Omaliu , Neb.
Wholesale Flour Dealers ,
And mtinul'ucturers of llluinlii.illnjfaiul r.iibil-
eating Oils.
Aju'nt for J , C. lloffinnyr & Co. ,
Manufacturers .of Highest Grades of Floor
Jly KolivrM und Ihuininim TweesVtuebouiO ,
_ _ _ JU1S Jones Mrey . Oitjtilia. NcU.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Mann fact urnr * ofV. . .1. Wi Ulmns .V Oo.'n Ouck !
City Mills , nor. Mh and Pat mini street * , Omnlm.
iVt'AVr.V .V STON'K.
Y/holesale / Dealers In Furniture ,
Faruam Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 ami 111' Ioiihi9 ( Slroot , Omnlm , Neb.
K. II. CHAl'MAN .t CO. ,
Y/holesale / Fancy Grocers , Cigars , .
Tobacco ami Sinnkovs' Articles , 1-1" Howard St.
MHYIIH St HAAl'Ki ' : ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
flplecs , Clsarn nntl Tohiifcnn , 1317 and 131U UOIIB-
las Street , Oinnlni , Nub.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th mill 1'arnatn Struct' , Omnlm. Noli.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Kos. 7V ( , TUT , TOO anil " 11 S. loth St. , Oinalia , Neb.
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
, Wagon Stock. Ilnrdn-ooil I.tunlicr , ote.
l 1211 Ilurncy Mrcut , Uiimliu , Ni-b.
KDNKV A : OllllON ,
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Carrliiifo Wood Slock , llunvy itaiihrnro ,
I'.tc. l lTanil l-'l'J l.ftvon\oitli ! Siieut.Onialiu ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' TooU anil llnllido hcalis. llfio Doup-
las Struot , OniiUiu , Nub.
inn , rui ED & en. .
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , rlu. Auenls for Hone Soulus and
Mitiuil I'ouilcr Co. , Uinidia , Neb.
JIII.TON ItOCir.HS & SON ! ? ,
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Orates , llruss ( . ' "oilf. 13'il and HJJ Par-
mini Stioul.
HKcroit & u'li.nnwiv"co.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steul NiiiU. Cor. 10th and Hiirncy
Streets , Ouiultn. Xeb.
.v c
Maiiuractnrcr ol the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
\Vrlto to Win. M. Lorlinur. fJcnornl
Omaha. Tek'iilione till ) .
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobliiirs In lion 1'ipc , lion llttliiH ; * , Jion and
lli'ass Ronils. J'.nL'ini'i'is' Kupplli . lltli and
JJodKi ; SUi'ets , Uniaha , Neb.
A. L.l'uvNGcl I'ANV ,
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
6tcam , Water , Hallway nnd Milling Suiiplloi , life.
' .MO , UK mill i 4 riirmim St. , Ouiahii , Neb.
CilUHCHIJJj 1'UMl' CO. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Slcani and Water Siiiille | | . HiMulquarteis for
Mast 1'oost Co.'s CoixU. 1111 l-'urnnm Street ,
Oaiiilin , Nub. _ _ _ _
ED11OLM x"iOI'KSON : ( ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silvern arc , Dliiniond' , Watolipe ,
Clock * . Jmvulors' Tonls nnil Matiu'luU , lite. , llll
anil IIW , 15th Street , Cur. iJoiltfu , Uinaha , Nob.
Leather. Hides. Etc.
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 JacK on Stiuet , Omaha , Neb.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware , .
Saddlery and Shoo I-'millii ) ! * , Illtlos , Wool , Kurt ,
I'elts , Ciieaso , Tullon , I'.li1. , Oinalpt , Neb.
Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yin-dago Cliawd.
Close to U. I * . IlrldKU. Special aironiinoilnlloii
anil a good market lor hojfM II C. Cooper , Man-
niiur. Ollice , UU'J ' South 5tli hlreet.
A ; nuitivi- : ,
Live Stock Commission
And Forwardlnsr Atronts , ITnlnn Siook Yards ,
South Omulm , Nub. Telephone 5yl.
W. l' . lltO\VN ! .V ( O. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ollleo K.\ehano Uulldliur. 1'nlon SloeU Yards ,
Soutli Oiiiahu , Neb. Telephonu No. ( XII.
Live Stock Commission , .
Union Stock VnnlChicu o , 111. , and Omaha ,
Neb , 1'rank Cliltlontlen.Miuniii.rOinilui llranuh.
Telephone No , "si. ; lOstabliAhed le'l' ' .
W. I , . 1'ATH1CK A : CO. .
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
AlclrcM all communications to us at Union Snick
Yards , South Omaha. Advances imulu on Moek.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John ! ' . lloyd , Superhituinli'iit.
Lumber , Etc.
' " " " " " " "
i.uis uHADroui ) ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Sash , Doors , lite. Yards Cor. Tth anil Douglas ,
Cor , HUi ami Douirlas ,
lA N Ul'ACTU I U NJ CO , .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Monlilln > .rK , Stair U'urk and Interior Ilnnl Wood
l-'InUh. Just opened , N. K , cor. * th and Lcuvru-
noilh Suceu , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
bH S. Hth Stieut , Omulm , Nub. K. Colpelzor ,
C. N' . niCTZ ,
Lumber ,
nib and California Street , Omulm , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. tlth and Douglas SticctB , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
CHAS. it. LII ; : ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Stock , Fancy Woods , Hi-ldpo 'J'l
. , S.V. . Cor. t'tli ' and DouglasOmaha , Neb.
0. V. M'MAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
, ite. : South 13th Stioct , Omulm ,
Nebraska Lumber Go.
I'ald In Capital Stock , .
-t.iiiaiiu liictnrors amitholcsido deal-
era. MllUat Muulll , WU. WliokNiilu nnd reliill
d , Oimiha , Neb. rd I S. Utli 8t.
CO. ,
Dealers In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale.
18th Sin-et ami y. 1' . U. U. K , Track. Omalm.Ncli.
Y/holesale / Dealer in Lumber ,
HOIli nnd Iziml Pticets , Omaha , Nebraska.
3. A , ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lafli , Shingles ,
Imllillnir 1'apoM , SaMi.OooM , UllniU , Mould-
Inns , Pickets , ro t * . I.lmo , I'lii'lor , llulr ,
liincut. Ninth ami Joticn , Onmlia , Nob.
Millinery ,
" " " " " "
i7oiiiHnii : : ) ?
lmi > oi' > licrsor
Millinery and Notions ,
12l3nmllSUHniiiorSlicctiiniIirtXol ( > .
Musical lnstnim nts.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Ktolnwiiy t'lonaVclcr ) , Decker , llnliioi nnd
1'liinov rnokinil Urtjans , Clmso Orran (
101 nnd 10J l..tli
Notions , Etc.
jh IIUAN'TltUS .t SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry ( loodi , Notion * . OcinV rurnWilnir Oooil ,
( looils Ifom New Yoik. Tnulo ales dally. r > tO
iiiul 'M South Ulli St. , Omnliu ,
c. s. ( iooimcit it ro. ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
lniK ) lsts' mid StniiunoiV Sundries. 1115 Tar-
niim , Omaha , Nob. .
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4BI nmHu'i S. lOlh HI. , Omaha , Noli.
Wliolesnlo Uenlci-a In Notions ana ( iuiits1 1'tir-
illshlnK ( JooiN.
Oils. Etc.
CON. OI.lIATii : ) TANiri.INI ! CO. " ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Caroline , Mica A\lo fre.i-e. ! I'/.c. A. IT.
Mamircr , Onmlia , Nell.
Pork Packing.
.IAMKS i : . no VD ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omuha , Nebraska.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
onlec Cnlon MaiUrt , l.'ilT lloilw Klrcct. I'aeklnir
hinive. I' . I1. It. It. Truck , Omaha , Neb. Tele-
jihonn No. 157.
Safes and Locks.
" " "
j. , HOYnit , c co. ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
Tire ami Kurvtar Tioof Safix.TIino LoeU1-Vaults
and . .lullorlc. . lO''O r.irnain stieel , Omaha , Neb.
" _ ' _
.1. i\'A\s : ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Agricultural Vi-jrrtulili' . lite. Odd Kelloni' Hull ,
N. W. r ir. 1 Ith and lolje ) St. , Onmhii , Nub.
A. K HlU'llOU ,
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
Meats , l.uid , .li'llle * . Hatter. Kirns , ( IIUOMJ , lllc.
No. : tii' > & . l-'th St. , On aim. Neb.
\ViSTK : KliLI ) 1IKOS. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
HOC Dodfio Street , oninliii , Nob. Coii'-liMiinunts
V/ines / and Liquors.
" " '
FltANK Dr.I.LONK & CO. ,
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
IL'O- . ' and 1-W Doiurlu * Ht. . Onmlia , Nu.i.
ruetoilc No4 and. ( ! . Jiil Ditt. N. Y.
ur.o. w. jjrxi'AN.
Snet'e s"r to Mi-N \ M.IJ.UrM'XN. .
iiiul Wliole-alii li'iili'r < In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
2H anil ' 'It ! S. lllli St. . Omulm , Nob.
it. (
Wines and Liquors.
Western Agent .los. SehliU * llrcwinjr Co. 719 S.
Uth Street , Oinalta.
i '
Y/holesale / Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
1IM DoimhiH Street. Omaha. Neb. \ co. ,
Distillers and Importers of V/ines /
And I.KIUOIS. Si.lti miinntirliir : ( rs ol Kennedy's
Kuil India Illlten. Jll' . ' Hiirncy M.ieet.Ouiiiiia ,
L. I' . IAItON \ CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
, And Gi-ncial Aji nts tor the Philip
i He-is' ( Vlcbriilcil Mllw iiik-c lloer , Omaha , Nel ) .
Harness , btc ,
wr.i.TV .v LAxnitonc ,
Maiml'iU'diiei * ami JoliboiN of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Tort Gooil , HlunUi't-i and Itolii'111 : . ' Farimm
Mu.'Ct , OnuilKi , Noli.
Jfmv Vork. Oct. ] . JIo.siv : On cal' ' ,
Pi ! \ at 1' " ! ' . percent.
I'nnir I'-M'TI ; 10' " ) .
i\rii.\xiii. : Kn.i.-i Dull and nncli.iutjeil at
Sl.S ! f ; ( Icm.illd , 4.\ > ; .1 , ' .
( ! ovin.\.Mixis : : Dull anil linn ; .Ts ami
coupon 4's in n quoted ex-lllteiv t tiHlay.
8 UK us The only really active Mod : : to
day was l.nK-f .Slime , which closed \\illi a not
Kaln ot ' ( , per cent. Othei- shares generally
Kcoicd about an : ulvinec. St I'.uil , an
exception , U per cent low.-r. lrnlon I'a-
cilic was conspicuously weal. In the ullei1'
noon , until niai Ihe close , when It r.illied u
.small fraction. It was anmmiii-cd that the
Mlvioml racllie had leased tlu ecnlial
br.inch of the I nlon I'acllle Tor a term of
tweiity-li\e > car. . Theioml hah been oper
ated lor snmotlmo by the Missouri I'aeillc ,
but in niakinia IOIIK lime the "Miccl"
Infers that iho JMIsMiuri I'aclilo is rcai-hlnn
outlorDoincr In ipio.sltlon ) ) to the L'nlon
STOCKS ON WAI.T. 8Tliir.T. :
n-flcent loiiK. ( . lVC. ( ) : | i\ : > > ; . \V MX
U.S.-I'/s ll'i-U incfonud. . . 1'Stx
Ninv J's < > l'X % X. V. 0 ifcv'J
I'aclllpd'hiit ' ! 0. lih ! OITKOII Trail. . . . 21' ' ;
Central I'lieille. . : ' , : I'aeiiic .Mail t \ %
irelened. . . . IWi HM'.O Id'JiJ '
T-l'jlUiiionl'acIlie. . . ' .M ?
h. At N fijj W..SI. \ , . iti' . . 7'J '
Mich. Ccntinl. . . . M .irelerreil. . . in
Mo. I'aeille . m Western t'njon. r..i
Js'oi Ilifj in I'iju. . . 'J1J ; 0. It. * .V
iiiefenvi . . '
_ _
No.yjed.Hl o ; Xo.'ied , 07ftT 4 In ct-l
vator , iijo delivered ; November cloned at
fS'u'e ' ,
Corn Spot inoderatlvely netlvo : oIoima ] ) (
Miado easier ; eloM-d linn ; lerohits. 107,000 ; ex-
] iortVJtiOO ! HliKnuli'il , 4Sji40i4c ; No. ! ! , . } 7'-c ;
to arrlvvjI4e ; So. a , 4u fii elevator , 4W U o
atloat ; Xoveniher clo.sln > , ' atJSkp. .
Oals Moderately active ; icceliits , l'i'1,000 ' ;
exports , 1U. , ( KXI ; mixed westein , SS@t.'c :
vhlto westein. @ 41c.
1'etroIeuui-Stcaay ; tinited closed at
S Finn and fnlr request ; receipts , 2,447
package * .
' " ' 1UlL ' IUt JlCltl film'
eift'.fel&i11" t. ' , Iness. .
$ ! i rAtlto ( X ) for InsinTted.
Laid Cash unit Octoher a shade hetler ,
later inonths quiet ; Meant Bjiot , 8J17K@ (
' '
0'J7iNoveinherSiJU.'i. ;
Jliilter Quiet and rather weak.
" falr ln < llllrj" WCst'
MllwauUee. Oct. 1.Vheat Stronj : :
cash , b5 u ; NovuinU-r. * - ( ; Dect'inber !
Corn-Steady : No. 2 , 4-J . .
Oats Finn ; No. VA ? v ,
lye ! Tlrm ? No. 1 , rfc. , i
lUrlej Kiiin ; No. 3 , OIK\
Vrovhioii' ' tiniet ; mrixirk , cnsh nnd
October , ? S'ID ; Novemher-$845.
( Mticliinntl , ( kt. ? 0. - 'hel Firmer ;
Xo. a red , w.Mr. i- >
Corn Heavy mid lowr : No. 3 mixed , -Utf
( ? H4 < , i' . * '
( ) a ( Finn ; No. 3 mixed , yr ( Xv. )
Ifyo liasier ; No. a , O&v
Uarlcv llravys rxlmfjo. .1 fall , Ste.
I'orU-Jlnletnt Slioo !
liiitd-bi-aivp and linn ntS' > 05.
AVliNky ( Julet nt Stl ; linlMiod { .roods
based on 31 1 .
Chcjis ! t Oct. 1. I-'lonr Modeifitely ne-
tlvo nnd utieliaiiKedhnit : Hour. # 4oor : i2i ;
fontlieni , 'tfitxsrnixi ; WS-ron-ln and Mlelil-
uan Mifl snrhiKlieal , 53fidytl2. ' : Jlinne-
wtn baki-rs' ? : iWVA-lHi ; iwteni , S ! ) of450 ( ! ;
low L'radpW * 00w ( W. '
Wheat Fairly aotlvo , nii'si-ttli'd nnd
Ftronper ; opened , ' ' ( 3je over jeMoiday , d-
vaneed ? < e more , later ih-ellned * jc. but ad-
Milicod a > , ' .ilii ? 4 < S nnd eloscd about 14 ' ( !
over yesterday ; NlKQ.111 ' ea li : WkU'c
October ; h7Sfi878ie ; ( November ; wl.'sft' ' ' . i !
December ; IKiae.Mny ; No. a led , KV.
Corn Kalily netlvo and iliinei ; year elosod ; aj dfi'iM'1' October ; aj.'iC-J'J.Vic Novem
ber ; 'Jbaxc'-s. ' ' < i' l y-
Hyi ( inlet at We.
l aili > > 70o.
Tlmotliy Steady ; inline , -SI 00.
Flnx'-ced-Actlvo and steady ; N'o. lS12t.
Voile Moderately netlvo , unsettled and
irregular ; rally advanced WiT.V1 , later Ini-
iirovemontlosl ; closed steady outside : t.s. > ( )
< iT8 (10 ( cash : SS rflow .v ' Octoher and Novem-
hci ; SSOOthe year.
Laid Only lalily aetive , and jirieos a tnlle
over yesterday ; si > Oi\f5rt o-J eash and
detobor ; i ( K d'nl m November. # 5
n ( ) < : Decemhoi : r > 1I718' ( * W the year.
liuIkMealH-ShonldpiP. : ) 'J.zi : > : s
clear , S.I 7i > ( ( i s Ml ! Mmrt i lln. Sr > ; ? , ; ( ( 5 40.
\\rhlsy-Nomtnally ! ; at 81 10.
r.ntter ( Jnlot and ceneially easy ; jrood
to lanev creamery , ( X "ile ; good to ehoieo
dairy , Iirtl7c.
C'heose Moderately active and firm ; choice
fulloicam chcdilaiN T. CiMjc : ilati' , li cjg
lUfe ; youiij , ' Aiueiicas I'ltflO ' c ; sliims ,
10l < ie.
JJifLS-Quiot-at 17ir ( ( , ' .0.
Hides htendy and uiu-lmnBod : heavy ureen
halted , luliy cuied , e ; lli'ht , i\l.c ; damaged ,
Cc : hull , ( ic ; dry .salted , IKjiUJ u ; call .skins ,
1'a How Steady and nnehnnged ; No. 1 ,
country , r > c.
Kcceipts. Shiiimeiils.
Flour , bbls . U'.OvX ' ) 11,001) )
Wheat , bti . 71,000 'JOKX , ( )
Corn , tin . ' . ' . \s.XK ( ) 271,000
dats- , tin . i < .yooo
ItM'.lm . 4,000 UKK , ( )
Uarloy , bn . V.i,0l)0 ) : . ( Ra )
tit. liOiiiK , Oct. 1. Wheat Fairly active ,
linn and higher , closed < f.\c \ over yest rda > ;
U' < rf ! > 5oeisli : ; l ) : { c October ; ! Kc ! November ;
USi'iJe lieepinhor.
Corn Firmer but slow ; 40J @ile ensb ;
tt i'e October ; : ! 0c asked lor No\oinbr.
Oats Very quiet ; 243 14 00 eash ; no ( ) ] ) - _
lions hold.
Ityo lower at .Wo.
Whisky Steady atSI 0.1.
IJutter Easy and hlow ; cje-.tmeiy , IC lc ;
dairy , l ! ' > v < 2)17c. )
AKriisNoo.HoAiii : ) . Wheat Opened bet-
trr lint clou'd about. .Jsc off.
Coin Finn and unchanged.
Oats Notldnp done.
KIIMHUH City , Oct. 1. Wlieat HlRlter ;
oasli , 77e ; November , T''j ' sx ) ; IJeecmbei ,
eash , lh'ebid , , iKJoc asked ;
vear , 2."ijfi'20o. (
" Oats-Nominal ; saebtd.
tiivoi-pool , Oct. l.-J-Wlli'at Steady ; nev. '
No. a winter , fs ) , d ; diprlnu' ) , I'u lid.
. Coin Soot , steady at 4s Td : Oetooer. ten
at l.siid ; November and Deoeuiher , 4 . > ji , .
Toledo , Oft. 1. Wheat Clos-ed l.nua- ;
li.cht business : No. 2 rod , l e.
Coin Steady ; canh nnd October , II" .
Oats Oulet and easyisfsh ; nnd O tebi-r ,
MinncnpoliB. Oct. ' . 1 , Wheat Rtron < : ;
No. 1 haul , O.-iober , Hie : ' November , so ;
December , s o ; No. 1 tiorthern , IWe ; Novem.
beUUj'c : December , lfJ.liiv.
Flour Quiet but iinnly held ; jiatcntH , 530
( n. : 40 ; hakei.- I 20rt 40.
Keceipts- Wheat , Jiw.OOO.
Klilpim-nts Wheat. IT OO ilour , : ; , r-00.
v . , i , , , , ; , , , Oct. 1. The Drovers' .Tonrnil
icporth. Caitle Ilecelpt.s , 7,700 : slow ami un-
ch.uificd ; shipping .steeis , c. > . * > " iK > ; Mociosrs
and feeders , quiet , 83.V ) ( : i 71 : cows , bnllS-
anil mixed , js'l Kiii'3 ) tt > ; bulk , a.'tluCn/lM ) ;
Titans , 111 in , S'.J7. jiJiiO : : \\i\--tein nin ei- ,
hru-U and nnclmiiKid , t" ! ! ! OC . " > 00 : cown ,
t7.X"i ; > ' ; winteied Toxaus , fr-Sic ( .l 7.1.
llojjs licccipts , l.rUO ( ) ; active and re
higher ; ioiifh and mixed. 63.-i3 ( < iJ fcu ; pncl'-
iiif ; and t-hiiiin ] ) ; ; . ti : IWte l 'X ) ; liht ; , t : > Tui5 (
i : r > ; skips , w siVittJ ' . " > .
! ilicei > licceipts , : ! ,0K1 ; nclhe and un-
ehau id ; nalivt.s , SI CiOot'JHO ' , moty2 ( ! 7.\ ?
: ; ; ! ( ) ; western , ? : ; < xx ' ! i- ' : : Te\an.i , 51 > o i
'J 40 ; lambs per head , -l.vT'C.iS ' tU
St. LoiilK. Oct. ] , -Cattl-Ieeeipls ! , MX ) ;
shipments , J.K ( ) ; .steadyith fiood demand lor
all cnid'-s ; native < . | ) ) ; hl.'eiH , S4'f - 'i.'i ;
Colorado' ! , S40t\.i. iiKi ; n.iiive iiutcln-rliu :
titoek , $ } ' > ( < & { ( X ) ; sloelicrs and lecder.s , SM
C'i7r ; ; > ; Indian steeis , 5r'J.75CL'i.h : ; > .
dblieuj ) I'ecolpti. , 'J.-iOO ; Milpmentf' , 1,700 ;
In Kooil ( lemnnil ami Mron cr ; eoinmo'i ' to
choice , VJ.H ( ) ( , : > 50 , liincy would biinjj.J7j : ;
lambs , ? -iOOv.rt.Jno.
03 > IA1A IjIV13 .STOCK.
Thur-day livening , Oct. I. f
As a general thing the market was htionger
than jc.slcrday. Fcederh , however , \\eio
.slou and not many Mild. Tbo dciiiaixl i.s
good , but the buyers and hollcis fail to eonui
together. Those MIO ! liavo feeders on the
nuiikot hold piice.s up , while woiild-bu ] ju > -
ers call tor lower prUon. Theio was not
iiiuch call tor buteherh * .stock to-day , and
then- was very Jlltlo on the market. The
hog market was eonsldeiablo .slionger and
the demand good. Kales \veio made at about
Cattle . 'J . 700
Hogs . 400
Xo. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
hi l"tfS 8100 7'J ly : f-KKl
711 I.'SIT100 SI 1'JoT100
57 lir : 4 00
rzr.Biii. : ! )
Xo. Av. I'r. Xo. Av. Pr.
fis iiws SD.IW.
Xo. Ay. _ Pn No. Aj\t Prv
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
in' . . . . . i5ii \\A \ \ < i. iV. . . . . . y.w "iwrJ
70 SJJ1 'W. . 78 ! ilS
I'linvAii.i.xo 1'itirr.s.
Poor to Good to
Meilium , Kxtr.i.
Catllo- , , , ,
1W)0 ) Ibs nnd over # fie < tf4 7S
Ibs U ( Xiw-l 60 4 bo r , oo
U fiOfM ( X ) a 74 ti'i
Feeders P i ii.1) ) 800
.Stockcrs ! I 00 o o -
( ! iiss ! Texans 60
\Vcstern lui ! : iu-.s 3 75@J )
Xativo Cows il UU
Hulls s o 2 60
II 1 -
llonijTi Mixed ' ' 10
Packinirand Hliiiiiilni : ,
l.lBht Weights. . . ; . . . . .
75 ! ( K )
i\Nii : : OK lunci : ] ) rAh HOHK.
TheextiemeraiiKe ofpr.ieoH for IIMI U
inixeil , jiacUliiK anil wii | > i > iii ( , ' ami ) i lit
\\elglithogii lor blx days Is shown below ;
VM , | . ' ? UT ! ' | lf * i f'A'l
Mixed. I Hhlppliiy.
JVlduy a 4i 'i. )
Hatiiiday 8.4V.S.J.3U
Xonday . u : ntfc..ra )
Tuo'-day S'MViM U 4wi U.ll
Showing the nttmber of cattle , hogs and
sheep .shipped front South Omaha iluriiiK the
past twenty-tour bouts , and thuir points of
destination ;
Xo. n't.
Wl Jill. Chlc'go
W N. W. Chicago
N < ) . U't. .
i _ , N. W. Chicago
Xote All sales of slock in this market uro
madopcrcwt. llvovelght. . nnlews otherwise
itateil. Dead IIOKH Mill at Ic i > er Ib. for all
lyeiKhts. "Skins , " orhogsweiKliliii ; less than
oo Ibs. , no value. Pregnant wnvs aio docked
T.lro Stock \ ( ) < oi .
In Jti'tlep to Mr. 0. I ! . Craon , of tlw firm of
( Jreen * Hurkr , connnl lon men nt 8otttli
OnmTm , It may bo nhl that thow U lie appar
ent riMwn for lils linxlnjt left town. He
boimlit a bunch of DrcRon enttlo for A\liich bo
tieived Jo pay lee nuieli , l.ut the nmltor wni
promptly .fttledb > t lie rtnn to the full mtls-
InotloiioCtlir muier * . After ( lint Sir. ( In en
left Onmlia , accompanied b\ his \\lfo , for Knit *
MI City , nnil fnmt there to rhlenjto. It Is
mid thai heent ontohlsod ! home In Miehi-
an , Imthe 1ms tiot sent nny word , and Ills
IKirtiUT Unol A iiro of bis jirestut mldret-s.
As he leaves no ( Ubls nr unlnlillled oblisa-
lions of any kind , it Is ilnlliK him nil Iniu t-
k''toMuhe mil a\\ay. The linn n.uao
ban not been channeil us staleil , anil l.ininess
Is still done in tlic name of On en & IlinUe.
j\ great deal of fault Is fonint ! ) > < liippers
In the mnthwo'itern potilon of tu ! stale with
the rallioi'il eom-aiiv. ] The principal eauso
of complaint se'ius to bo Hits iinjiaicntly un
necessary delays on the road. Sir. ( 'mniMI ,
vho rtuno In fiom .Stiiuit je terday with cat-
tie. was slilcttnckrd at Illalr for ll\e honis ,
W. lHiown , of the commUshm Him of
w. F. Hiown \ : Co. , South Omaha , has ie-
turned fiom Chicago.
The War Hounet t'atllo rompauv Unit 0 < 0
cattle al the South Omaha stock \aids jehlcr-
A ti-.Un of stock belonging to the Hay State
Cattle company was leivivcd at thu Umaliiv
yards yesterday.
Ten ears of Ohci fell & Co. rattle mid nlnn
enw belonging to .M. White .fc Son. of Salt
bake , \\eie taken to Council lllull's jc lculay
by mistake.
The following shippers had heart on the
market yesterday at the Omnha yanl' < : Win.
( 'omtney , Oweolii , 78 ; II. Ciliniirc.V. Son. ( VI ;
Dandelion , Chirks , 7 ; ! . A. C. Xash , lai : ;
Imrnhoiise As S. , ( U ; < ! . Keline and 1. . C.
Ualdwln of PinelShuTH , and W. II. Jlllli-r , of
Hitter Creek , had cattle on the market.
Thinsday i\cnlng : , Oett. 1.
ICr.uR The niajoilty of taU"eie ; made to-
dav : il Ific.
UtnTin : Demand for stiietly choice table
butter is ( rood , \\hile inleilor irradr.s aio not
uautod and ha\e to he Mild to pnckcii : at very
low licures. Choice table , 14a'lOo ( ' ; lair to
good , ll ( 12 : Interior , 6(1 ( N' .
Ciimsr. : Theie K quite likely to Im an ad
vance on prices in a Mioil time , atpiesent
Block K selling at the foIumlnK r.ite.s : Full
cream chcililar , September , Hhc ; full cream
Hats , September , lO'A1 ; lull eieam Young
Aiiiiricnn , Septeinber , ll'jc ; Swiss , fancy ,
Hie ; SwNs , choice , MjtlBc ( ; biick , l'-V ; Lim-
bmgcr. lc. ( )
1'ofi.Tiiv-jA little better feeling prevail
ing. Iteeeipt.sol live chickens not ti-J heavy
as about a week njio , and sales can bo made
to slightly belter advantage. The season tor
diet-f-ed poultry is close at hand , ami the mar
ket will open at about the tollowins : ( imita
tions : I.Ivo spring chlckciiH. Jarge , W.2X"VI ;
spi inc chickens , small , j.00 ( ' .VA'i ; old chick
ens , &i.r5aS.OO ( ; ducks , W.WKci'j.7"i ; chickens ,
diosH-d , choice. ] > erll ) . , 10c : turkeyn , dres-ed ,
choice , jier Ib. , 14rlSe ( ; ducks , divised , choice ,
per 11) ) . , llrfCe ( ! ; gcc-e , dressed , choice , ] icrlb. ,
Swtrr : POTATOI : ? Ill niodei.itc snr. . .
and talr demand and slightly higher ) ii ices.
Choice large quotable at L"j'i"e ( per Ib ; S4.1K )
( SM.60 per hbl.
OVHTUK.S Standards , " > . " > e ; selects , 40c ; ex
tra .selectsloo ; coiims fflc.
OAMI : The game tr.iihithus lar this .season
has been -veiy unsatislactoiy. Weather has
] been too \\aim to nil outside orders , and ar-
1 rivals wcie too heavy lor home consumption ,
A change ol tenmentturo will htlllen prices
materiallj. To-day's selling prices are about ,
! nslollo\\s : Prairie chickens , per do/.en , S'J.OO
i Oi iW ; snipe , ] ) er do/.en , $ l.Kfoi.UT ( ) ; > : quail ,
tier do/en , fs1.7.V 'j.PO ; inallaul ducks , per
; do/en , . < M.l.- > ci.OO ; teal ducks , SI/i MX ) ;
hiixcd duelis , Sl.-.X'1.7.j ! ' ' : Juck rabbits , per
dozen , S-l.60 ( < i5.00 ; small inhbiLs. &l.Kil.i-i. ( ) !
DC.u.iKon.vLv CO.MII HOMIY a Jb. frame , CO
Ibs. in case , per Ib. , lf > e : extracted , " Ib , tin
c-.ns , U doin ease , per do82.00. .
Cnii : ! New Yolk jciined jicr bb ! . , § 7.00 ;
do hall' bhl. , Sl.oi ) .
.SAUIM : ICitAur-Perbbl. , S0.60 ; per bbl.
i'Kis' Vr.r.r , Tuii'i : , irrc. Pijrr , ' feet and
tiipopcrj bbl. , ? . " > .0l ( ; do. " / bbl. , sSJ.SO : do.
lier kit , S1.10. Lambs' tongms ] icr % bbl. ,
tfiUjO ; do. per kit. W.7. " > ; do. quart jaw per
do/ . , & . .riO ; do. jilnt jars per do/ . , SS.50.
lljimnvr.s : , '
All kinds , ' . ' ( Mb. puil.s per Ib. , lie ; assorted ,
6-lb. pails per do/.SS.OO. Jellies : All kinds ,
be&t Krsulc0lb. . lulls , per Ib. , So ; all kiniN.
second tirade , HO-fb. pails , i > erlb. , Oc ; Assorled
.r-lh. ji.iils , per dotf. . i.00 ; do. : Mb. tin p-ils ! ,
t.76 ; , "doin , per case. .v . " .r > ;
schoouei.s , I doin case , fi.Vi'j ; tumbleis , "
doz. in case , per ease , 11XO ; apple butter-10-
] b. pails and ' ! bbl. , per Ib. 7' c : plum butter ,
40-11) ) . jails , ] ) , 'r Ib. It' ' c : assorn d finlt butter ,
B-lb palls , per do/ . , Si.K ! ( ) : Fancv "Jlomo
Wade' _ ' cat.suj ) , 'J do/ , pint bottles per case ,
LEMONS Messina , per box , S6.60.
PiArni.s : 3Iichi aii , per basket , ! Kc ) ( 51.00.
C.KAril.s Cnncoids 10-lb basket , 00c 70c ;
do. ! JO-lb basket , Bl. > ; Malavn , jier bairel ,
CiANiir.Hinis : IScll and buitle , per bbl ,
H.00 ; bell and eiiei i y. per bbl , .sT.M. (
Ai'i > The lollinUny ; quot.itlons are
as ncaily coircct as they be itlven
under the jirchcnt circumstances : Yoik htnto
and MIcl'iunn , Minj.e bitrrels , W.750W.OO ; u\o
bun-el lois. .s-J.-W. Illinois , a.i.7oifi.t)0 ( ) , aecord-
jn : ; to quality and number ot bauels boir lit.
All off ftoek pellliifj at r ei" . . ? ! . 1) per bbl. "
( ) iA ! ( iis : The maikct isbaiv. Louisiana
ornnucs expected to airhe within the next
two weeks.
HANAJJAS There in butii limilcd demand
sit jnescnt and market lilies low. Clmice .se
lection , s .MKitu.VJ.
Wii.u PJ.I.-JIS Ar. ! virtually out of the
( 'AurouxiA Fnvir Pea is V/iuterXellis ,
Jii-iure , Diel , l nvience , ! ' , . lienire. Vicar ,
nnd oilier \niIdles , per box , S'3.75 < t.W ) .
JiAN'i ! : ( iiHxt bright beans me scaice and
in ilciiiiinil ; dlity ami inleiior stock dull ,
liand-lilekcd navy , trl..lOi'/I.i.O ; hand-picked
iiiedltim , SI.0.40K)0(1 ! ! ) | ; ) clean country , 41.00
f l.t0 ; ; inleiior , 6tit roc.
10. C.IIIH : in nox , I'fcc.
( iKAiK The iollowing aio the pievallluu ;
j ) , Ices for to-day : Corn , IWc ; new oats , 20
tf.'ej wheat , Xo. 2.0-ic ; rye , : iOc.
Ki.ont AND Mn.i , hrrriAs U'inter Wheat
Ii'lnn ; bestiinalih patent at S3uug < ; > 3 uo. '
.Second quality W SOfii'l oo.
Spring Wheat Ucst ijiullty patent at . ? ' 2S ! )
Kecond ( | ualily SJ 10g2bO.
limn CUeiMjr cwt.
ChopjCl ( Feed I'erlOO Ib , R"it' .
Coin Meal .SI OOfijl 10 perewt.
.Seit'cnlnjj No , 1 , 7'x'porewt ; Xo. 2 , "iOc.
Jlomlny SI 5ujcrtwt. ) a
.Slioito 70cierewt. )
( iiuliuni $ " 00icrrwt. |
3 lay Hales , SU 60C ' 7 00 ner ton.
Hnii : Steady ; { 'rcen bntehcr's , 7c ; Kreen
.cured , 8c ; dr ) Hint , l-J'toHo ; dry salt. ( ) ( ' lle ;
damaged hides two-Ihiids price. Tallow'l.j
( rf.V. ( iieese Pi line white , ! J@lc. Hliccp
S.MOKI.NO TOIIACCO O. S.,2.'c ; Jfeorschaum
Me ; Long Tom , HOC. Ulaekwells Durham , 1(1 (
i/ ) . , file ; H o/ . , .Vxl ; l o07o , ; " oOOc. . Seal
of North Carolina , hi o/ . , wood,4-'c ; So/ . ,
wood , -lie ; ! oclolh. . JSo ; a m. , MV. Navy
Clippings , : 'Cc. Kllllkinick , lo/i7c'o/ ! ; . ,
Kixr. CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Cliaimof the
"West , fXM ; I'oiiiilalii , 70i ; ; ( iolden Tbiead.
07o ; Favorite , ( Xc ) ; Hiids , 60o ; JJocky loun-
lain , 60 ( . . : Fnncyi.kj ; Dal.sylOc. .
Plain ToiiAcro Cllmax,41cperltilloiM ; > -
hhoeWo ; Star , < ( ! c : Speaihcad , 4 e ; Our
] tonc , 60c ; Piper lleidslck , ( Wo ; Punch , -JOc.
SAiini.cilV H.MinwAitn X Ccombinatlon
loop hames. S5.i' ! ) ; X X 1. O. T. hnmci. S1.7.1) ;
. . . .
" i.-l , iill.Ml.rii , t v. Ilirjl ItL-tlH10 ! u ,
barH,0 ; liairowtiwlh , 4c ; spiing htcel
IJiirdenMwtM \ \ shoes. S4.20 : Uurdcn'H mule
bhoes , i5.20. Uaihcd Wiio In car lota , 1.00
w100 Its. lion Nails - Hates , 10 to CO , S2.85.
hhot-Sl.M ) ; buckshot , ? ! . ( > . - ; oilental
jMiwdcr , kegs , $ U.rxKu-l.oo , do , half kegs , S2.00 ;
do , ( | iiiirtcrkcg.s , M.fto ; blasting , kegs.
, , iiiiii.uiiiiiiiiiviiii ij
umber , buint , 4u ; ninbci , rtw
lfi # , 9So ; Pi > is KIWI , wwinnfi , Sto
jrm n , N. Y. ! e ; chrome ftnvn , K , i5c.
million , Kngnsn , In oil nssi , J./c ; ' mw and
burnt timber , 1 Ib cnn , loc ; rv and burnt
fVunA. lOc ; Vandyke brown. IP-O ; mint it
lampblack , We ; conch black and Ivory blaeh ,
Pie : dropbtiwk , ! ( " < ; Prussian blue , -KV : ul-
trnmnrineblue. IHC : chrome crcen , 1. . , M. &
1) . , We ; blind and shutter ereen , L. , TH. * D. .
! ' ' < ; Paris Kreiii , Iso ; Jndtanred , IVcne ; - red , IV ; Tii'can tcd.'i-V ; American u-r-
inillion , L. t D--JCc ellow ocha'j 5H' ; L. M.
Ai O. 1) . , ! " ( . ' ; xoldcn ocluo , l'c ' ! ; patent dijer ,
K' ; graining colors , lllit ( oak , duik ( mkal , -
lint , ehcstnntand ash , ir e
On.s llOcntoon.pcrmdlon , He ; l" > 0e bend-
light , per gallon , rlc ; 17. > headiijsht , jierjtal-
Ion , Vic ; l" \\atcr\\lnte ' , 1'nlln ; icd , niw ,
iKruallonlie ; linseed , boned , per gallon ,
J.c : laid , winter , sti'd , ju r irallon , MV ; No.
1. : ; ! < ; No. U , 4-c ; csislor XXX , tier gallon ,
# l.o ( ) ; N ( > . ! ' . $1.40 ; sweet , per gallon , gl.dil ;
speriii , W. H. , per gallon. tt.ilO ; Ils-li , \ \ . 15. ,
per gallon , CMC ; ncatsloot e.\lra , per gallon ,
idc ; Xo. 1. < > N. " . lubrieattnj' , y.oio , i > er gallon ,
! > 0e : summer , l.r > e ; golden machine , Xo. 1 , per
gallon , SKV ; Xo. 'J , U.V ; Hpcim , signal , iiergal-
Datuar , extni , SI.75 ; .Inpan , 70e ; nsplialtniu
t \tra , S.V ; .shellac , S.V ; ! ) ; haid oil iiulsh
Si'iiiira-Cologuo Splrlts-ISS proof , SI.10
do , 101 pioof , 81.12 ; spliits , second imality ,
101 proof , SI.11 ; do , ISs proof , . A Icohol
ISrt proof , tx'.io per wine gallon.
Hedlsllllcd whls'des ' , Sl.Od t.W ) ;
gin blended , St.r,0 ( < WoO ; Kentucky bouinons ,
S2.00jnuxi ( ! Kentucky and Pennsylvania
l \ e.s , ; ! .00u0.r ( > 0. ( iolden she.if , lioutbon and
rvo wldskle Sl.f > ouuw. :
Kngland , S2. ( ) ( < H.H ( ) ; domt'stlc ,
Champ.igncs Impoited , per ease ,
ttl.oo ; Amei lean , per case , tfio.oo m. .
COMAnilnaeite egg , Sb'.oo : antlintclto
nul , SH.25 ; nnthr.ielto range , SS.2.1 ; low a
S.2. : ! ) ; Walnut block" , Sa.7.1 ; Jlliuois , S4..V )
Indiana block , 5J5.75 ; Foil Scott , St.25
Klehlllll , Si. 15.
llfjuiiNd MAI iniAi. : Hard brick. SI'.OO
run of kiln. SS.OO ; lime ( In bulk ) per bbl. ( Hie
lime ( In hbls ) We ; Louisville cement , 81.WI
Utlrai , Akion and Milwaukee cement , SI.40
Poitlaud cement , Knglisli , S4.00 ; stucco
Michigan , 82.25 ; hair in paper sacks , per bn
Grocofs1 Ijlst.
SroAiis Powdcied , ( : cut loaf , 7Ke ;
criinuhucd , 7' c ; eonfmloneiv A , 7' ' e
Standaid extra ( \ 7'i.c ; extra C , ( % c ; medl
urn jcllow , Mini dink vellow , 0 < e.
CAX.M'.I ) ( ioois ) Oystcis. Standard jier
. . . . . . .
Jll. , Jill 11 1u. n' , Jillllll ? l > \ i * .loS.T.VW
whoulcliciiies. ] ier case , fc2.40 ; egg plums
2-lb. S2.W ! 2-ll > . ,
- , jiereaso , ; gieen gnges , per
ease , t2.H2 ! ; pine apples , 2-lb. , per case ,
. > ,
Coi'rr.Ks Ordlnarv grades , Oj c ; fair
10K ( ' 'llc ; piime , li&12e ; choice , 13ite :
lancy giecn and jcllow , HfiflSc ; oh
government .lava , 20c < ? 2tie ; .Mocha , 22ig (
Jlc ; A i buckle's loasted , ISJfe ; Me Laugh
lln'rt XXXX. toasted. lliVe ; Java , 10& ( < fil7 4C. *
Wilwoith's , lillo'c ; Ited Cioss. it : > rfe ; Ale.
l.aughlin's , Ai buckle's and HeLaughliu't.
XXXX : ue sod ! fiOe per case oil' above prices
incase : ( lots.
THAN ( iimpowder , fair , SKKjW.'i ; good-Jo ®
We ; choice , ( W ( i r > c ; good Impel lal , 40fte4e ;
choice , tXKfMOe ; ; Young Hyson , good , liOfasl.'c ;
choice , r > 0C7'e ( ( ' : Oolong , good , : tt ( > 10e ; Oo
long , choice.lOfvfiCc " ; English Bieiiklnst good.
C.An > v-Mi.M'd , 10@i2c ; hllck , 10llc ;
twist stick , 1'itjc. '
SODA In Ib papers , 513.25 u case ; salsoda
kci : per Ib , R2.2,1 ; .
Ari.NriAi : CiDKU liJifflSc ; white wine , 15
PIPKI IH : jrcdinm In barrels , SO.M ; do In
Jiali'baiiels , W.W ) ; small in barrels , ? 7.rdo ;
in halt liaireK fri.7. : > ; gherkins in barrely ,
5JS..VJ ; do in halt bands , S4.25.
Jici ! : Ijouisiaua , ] iiimo to choice ,
Kirk's Savon Imiierinl. : ! .00 ;
Kirk's .s1tinet , S.15 ! ; Kirk's Standaid , 5:1.50 : ;
Kiik's Wliite Kusalaii , ft UiO.
i : Sisal , U inch nnd larger , S fe ; inch ,
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , S1.55 ; Ashton ,
in sicks , $ : i.Vi : ; K hacks , Ashton , .We ; bbls
dfilrv , 2.iO ( < Vt4A75.
( > Ib , si , < : Kingsiord's'pure , : i ib'o.fc ; Kings
foid'n bulk , Ic.
Sviiri1- Standard C , Sde , bbls ; Standard
do , 4-gallon kegs , gl.40.
Si'ici : " Whole Pcjipcr , IRe ; nlspiec 10 < r
cloves , I5c0i' ; cassia. lOc ; nutmegs. M@Me.
Srifis : ( iroiind Itl.vek iiepper , boxes , 15
( tlx. > c ; alsjilce , 15ft'lc ( ( ; cinnamon IbddiOc ;
cloves , l.ViJ5e ; ginger , ISfVfti'ie ; mustard , 15 ( )
27c.Dnir.n FiarrrsNo. . 1 quarter apples , 44'c ;
X. ( ! . .sliced , boxes , Ce ; evn)0iated ] ) , mixes ,
, S3"C ; blackberries , boxes. Klc ; peaches , boxes ,
. none in the maiki't ; peaches , evaporated , 15 > j
® 17c ; laspberrieH , new. 2"H""i7c.
CKAfKi.iiM Cainean's soda , butter and
picnic , ftc ; creams , Sc ; gin ; er snaps , i-c ; City
wida , 7'ic. '
Por.vsn Pennsylvania cans , -1 cans in
e ise. & ! . " 5 ; Uabbitt's ball , 2 doin case , § 1.90 ;
Anchor ball , 'i dor. in ease , bl.50.
> ! vi rms Per cuddle , ifxnmnd ; , ll. fa e ,
We : KHiaio cases , fcl.70 ; Oshkosh cases , gr. ,
' " '
CA'MDI.JS : ] 5oe401f. . , 10s , 12Ke : Ss , 12Kc ;
hoM.s , 401 ! . , 10 or , Js , I2 > tfe ; hall box , 2011. ,
12 ; ! c.
Dry Goodq.
Bi.r.Af'iri ' : ! ! ( 'OTI-ONS Fanners' Choice ,
O'/e / ; Cabot , fif-ic ; Ilojie , 7c : Hill 4-1 , 7'Cc ' ;
IIHI ; { , , ( ( ; ; i.oiiMlale , B ; Fruit , B ejWm-
sutla , 10'jc. '
CousinIAT / : > , S Kearsargc , 7c ; Armorv ,
7e ; Pcpperell , 7j < rc ; Indian Oiclmrd ,
iNiiuiiikcag , 7c.
FINI : KIIOWN COTIONI Pepiieiell It. fi'i'c ;
Peppeicll O , ft e , Atlas , 0 fe ; Statue ol Lib
erty , lie ; Suraimo It , liKc.
PUIN-IS Steel Kiscr , r.2'c ' ; American , 5Ke ;
Arnolds ( ; ; Mniiehcbtcr , ( ie ; I.ymaii , t/u / ;
Olouce.stcr , f > V.'e ; Dinincll Jncquaid , Oc : Dnn-
nell , /r'j / ' ; IJamapo , il c ; Windsor , ( ' ; Pacinc ,
Cc ; Haimony , 4Vu ; Anchor Shlrlings , 4 > ic ;
Jlerrlmack Shirtings , 4i c ; Herwlck - .
DK.M MS- Denver Licek A A , lie ; Heaver
id brown ,
DUCK ( Unbleached ) 8m , Magnolia , lOe ;
K ) m. Masnollix , lloS o/ . West Point , lOkc ;
10 , Point , 1' Ke.
DUCK ( colored ) Hoston 0 o/ . blown and
drab , ll'oj ! , ' ; Uoston ( ) II hroAvn and dial ) , 'Je ;
llosion XX brown and diiib , lOc ; Hoston
XXX brown nnd dial ) , llo ; P.o.iton O P blue ,
ll' < e ; Warren Tricot , inc.
JfiiowN Corro.v Lawrence LL , Cc ; Shaw-
miitLL , r c ; JJeavcr Dam LL , f < c ; Atlantic
A , WKS ; i on : ancy , rwe ; Jlllllmry , la o :
Pearl llher , ll e ; Hniullton. I''u ; Swill
Hiver , mtofilictuvKt'L S , fa'Xe ; Slielticket S3 ,
u > jio ; Moniank A , We ; Montaulc H. I0l < c ;
Omega ACA , l We.
iiiiuvi , Mupa ; , u
Laiihdowne , 7c.
( JiiKVioTs Amohkeag , checks , ! " . ; Amos-
keag , siipes.Hur ( ! ; hlntcr , .itripc.s , t'uICdin \ -
b"'J ' ? ' , U.W ! J . < lo.t ! ! rtflW1U' ' -
ifi ( m IK IK ) PI 25 n ur > 7 : n 111.5
V.X.KH IHIi'r "l i i 12 to 11 ; io u ; w r > u i 40
No. 1 Hhoio w mi , 10 to , u nijfl : KH ; m'o
> lcd. Kn. 1Shore. . in w , no , 7 > 4 Ofi U : U. Ik" ) 1'amlly . . . . 10 1)0 ) n no r wj MI a if i vu
j-at : , . 7 ( i m adaitt , ! 70 r/ ,
Hinall " n oo : iou Jt v \ tf \ \ : VA w
M.H * KIKIF . | l l B , Ji IllliitJl , iinoiii
j jjyy Jw ( jy fjj 4J ( ( | ( )
Kpiit No. i uib Is WA wi'i ioa ai i w ISO
l.iipllKh . do Lar r O 17 604 * " 5'a ' 753 ! 17 1 W 67
( r
* i i * iyt1'
f4 | bv 1
fltoor > imt > cAi.iFonMt.v SALMON.v
Ib * . Ibs. DM. it * . llw. kits * .
< 0 1 ( jC no -10
814.00 $ T < fc > tO.SQ $ y.80.SR.U ) HV.
Conmit--Xr\v KitRlisli Mimtnrr cured
wjoto coil , iks ; a ll > bricks , jcu mnh > ed , ( " < ( ( < * >
SMORRP Fi nt Halibut , new , 13J c ; now
scnln ! l '
1 12 ft'll ' ft'lrt ' ft'ts ' ft'sO ' ft'ftJ ' ft U4 ft.
a\t . . . . . ] . . Ism IVTT. "ISM KW > iTiro KTT , Tow
a\n . I5.2o 15 u. * . ift1. ; . in a . K.aft I0.75 ta w
j\x . i.Vifi iMd 111.75 17.75 18.75 it" " 75
J.MI ) . 1.-I.75 13.11 15.75 10.75 17.75 20 71 ' . ' 1 67
a.12 . ' 1.1.7ft 15 75 15.75 111 7. . 17.7.1 . IP 7. ) M > ) ift
4\l 8xH.'l'1.2fi _ _ _ _ ' ' ItlOl 1(1 ( Sti 17.-I IJJSi IB.1 a 7
Xo. 11)0.11(1.4 ) , 13t-lniil ( Hilt . . . .S17.00
Mo. 2 boards , 1'M and I" ft . 15.0(1 (
No. HlmaiiN , 12 , M find 10 ft . 1JVW
Ko. 4 boards , 12 , Hand Kilt . 11.00
HI MM ) .
1st Coin. , 12 , 14 nnd 1(1 ( foot . S21.7S
1M Com. , 14 and NMVet . ll'.T. ' " .
M Com. , Hand 1(1 ( feet . 14.7.-
Fonoo , 14 and 111 foci . 10.70
Xo. 1 , 4 , fc (1 ( Inoli , 12 nnd 1 1 foot , rough. . ? 17.M
Xo. 1 , I Ait Inch , W loot , tough . 17.50
Xo. ' . ' , 4V,01neh , 13 and 14 leel , lomjh. . 14.50
Xo,2 , I AI ( I inch , H5 foot , lough . Ifi.W )
Xo. 1 , Tlntn , 8 or 10 Inch . S1S.OO
Xo. 2 , Plain , 10 inch . 10.0W
Xo. 10. u . iaw >
1st Com. . a { Inoh , Xorwny . 1B.N
i.M Coin. , " „ ' , Xorway . 14.W )
. .
1st , ' .VI and : M Clear , l i Inoh. P. 2 * . s.O.M : >
1st , 2d and Sid Clear , IK and a inch , H 2s. W > .M
31 Select , IK. IK and u Inoh , K. 2.s . 'M.W
1st. 2d and : iil Clear , I inch , s. a . 45.5 <
A Scloot , 1 Inch , ft. 2-4 . 40.Mr
1) .Select , 1 Inch , H. 2s . KO.OO
1st Com. 0 Inch , while vine . SW ! 00
2d Com. 0 inch , white j > ino . . ' 00. ,
! ) d Com. 0 inch , white pine . 20 ( XV ,
Sol. Fence , ( > Inoh , whins pine . . . . Hi 00 , I .Sol. Fence Flooring . W onj
island jdj'loar yellow pine. 4-Q Inoh. . . 2UQ ( ;
v. j. scntm.Kit.
W. F. Johnson & Go.
Cominisson Merchants !
218 LA BAU.i : ST. , CHICAGO.
ftceclvcrs of Ginln and Seeiln. Fiitxiroibouitht
and Sold. Special intent Ion to Milo liy cample.s
Hopicfccnted by Kdwnnl llarton , Lincoln.
All tialns arrive and depart from Omaha by .
Cent nil Standaid time. (
Trahifi of the U , St. 1' . , M. & O. arrlvo and do
jiait from their depot , oovnrrof lllli nnd Weh ,
MerstKots ; trains on the II. .t M. , C. , II. & ( } ; , .
and K. U , St. .1. 4:0. II. liomtlio 11. .t.M. depot1 ;
all others f 10111 the Union I'aeilio depot. (
a , dully ; b , oxeept Saturday ; c , except Snndaj' }
de.\ccp'l Jloiulay. <
Depart. SOUTHWAHD. Arrlvo.
< h
Depart. IJABTWAUD. Arilva.
.M. C. > t..VKr.l'AUI , Jl. V.M. .
BiloC Day KMIICPH. . * .
. . . .Nlirfit K\piih < i. . .
O. U.-l. . 'c 1'AL'JKIO
8lCo : Jay Hxpress. . . . ' : tlSo
"iVlUc . .Aeeoiiimoilatlon. . .
8:00c : . .Day r.xprcss ' .KM
.Nlint j\irc : | < 3. . . .
C. H. & Q.
8:20a : Gi0a : ! Kor Chi. via I'lattsra'th 0da : ; )
l 'OM l-\ir Chl'o via C' .
Depart. NOltTHWAltD. Arrive.
A. M.T i : M. l C. ST. 1' . , Jl. & O. | A. st. i' . M.
I .Sioux City V.\press. .
6:4Cc : Oakland Aucommod'n Il:0llu :
iIOWA DIV.S. 11. ti V.
0:40n : I.St. 1'iiul liny Kxpiess.
r. I rutfM Sl.l'nulNlKlit Kiprn-H
DWMMV 'J'iMiNS Leave Oinalai at fln : : , 7iVi : ,
5ri.'i'and : 11:10 p , m. "on Vundayti tbo 1.ii : limt
JiOUn. ) : in. , anil ; : : ( ( : ) iiiul 4OU : p. m. trains do not
Leave Council IlinllH ( Ilroailway Depot at 7:0.1 : ,
Htisuw : : ; , 10 : : > 'l 11:10 : a. in. ; lajJHHUO-I- : : : ) : : . ' ,
fiff , , ii : . "i and lll : ° i p. in. On iJuiuliiyH Iho HIM :
ami I00a. : : ! m. , ami : . ' : I'J ! and I-4 : p. m. trains \vlll
not run.
TIU.NSKKII \ivs-I.eavo Omaha at RiXl : , S1 :
n. m. : UB : ! , " : " ( ) , 40. : il'i : < ) ami 7:00 : p. in. I'ltliv. '
Arrlxont li:45nml : JII5 : a.m. ; 1:80 : , ! lil : , 7:01 :
and bl5 : p. in.
To and from CldeiiK" vlu'J'rljtnrtltu Alllaneo.
rT p
tn &
'M 0-27 II )
Tlnio talilo of pusccnircr traln.s liolween
Onmlia and L'nlon ' Ptoclc VardSj in elfoct. M'cd
licMlny.Aiiisiibt UUtli , ISM :
No. Omaha. | U.S. Ymdh No. urs. I'
' A. M , .A. M. I A. Jl. A. r ,
81' l40 ! ; 7.yi : ( MM 7:5,1 :
4. ) KMU Ob 11 lU-5 ; Juiio ,
IK ( ! ln : :
osr , ncr , niim . .
" ! ' ' O'J ) K-M T-i'r' '
"j I-'M. I''M.
11 ) . : ) ) - ' 2 : It ?
( is ; ! jiino 4 [ if. 4illl
( It ! ) ] fiU'5 ! 4 MO
Train No. ID , daily e.\cept Suuday. Other
liiilna run daily , _ _ _
rill ! 1IKHT ItOIJTK AN'l )
Council BMs
And Chicago.
The only road to taUo for DCS .Molih'o ,
iptT or lulviintiitret not poselbly by any
other lino.
AnmiiK a few of thu luminous polntx of omio-
i-lorlty enjoj ed liy thoiatroim ] of this luttdbu-
twocn Omaha and ( 'lilnino , mo Its tn'o lraln a
day of DA V COArlU'.S uhich are the Illicit Hint
liuinan ait and Imiemilly ran eieato. Us J'Al >
ACIJ HI.IIKPJNO CAIlri , wlilfh aui models ol
eomfort and olcxmiit * . | | x'AHUlHA\VINi ) {
ItOOM L'AHri , nnsurjiasK'd hv any , anil UN wlilo-
ly cclohratod PALATIAL DlNlNO CAKS. thou
u < jiiul of which cannot lin fouiul eUuwliuio.
At Council illniN the tialns ot the Union Paul-
1o Hy. connect In Union Depot ulili tlior. ) of ( Liu
: tilo.i o.V Noilhwohlern lly. In DileaKO iho
iitlns ol IlilH line inaku clo o conmH.'lIoii tilth
thono ol all ciinleiii lines.
1'or Dnliolt , ColimdiUK , InillumipolU , Cmeln
nit * Nlntaia KallH , Hullnlo , Plltbbury , 'J'oloiilo ,
Mi ntr vd , lloston , Now Voik , rhlliuU-Jphln , llnl
n. ore 'iVatihliiKlon and nil iiolnlti In thu oasl , nuk
he liu.tut auum for tlekeu via the
- ,
f jon wUli iholichl aceonimoiIatloiiH ,
IKIIIIU null tickets via tlilb Una
ji. inioiirrr , it. s , HAIII ,
Ueiieml > Innnjer. den , I'UM , AKbiit ,
Oca. Agent , 1112 Varnani bt , Omulm , .Neb ,