Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Comlilnlng IROX irllh PUttK VKdKTAIir.K
TOXICS. qnlrMf nnil rmnptetMjr CI.KANSM
and KSnitHKS THE III.ODD. Qntrlirni
tlionrtlonoftliB I.lreraml KMnrp. Clcnrs tha
eora plexlnn , mahn the xkln smnnth. It IOM not
Injure the If fill , ciniohf il chi < , or proilac * con-
iHpMlon-AMiOHIKU tltO.VMKIIICl.MS l > 0.
ns KOI ! IrncKl ts oio'/ttbers reooinmen J It.
Hn Jf. 3 nl Miritn , Mi . "ipi ! ' . 'I
wconmsn I Hrr > i n' < Irin tUltort imrnln i > l tnnlo
( or onrtnhlni Iho liK > l in 1 t"T\Tin ill nffpcptla
uniptnmi It il n it li in tin tn th "
ln II H.DKtXfUi ltitmH < In.l , n ! "I
lu a preictllml llfun't ton UittnM In cmet nl
nn-amlt "nil ! ! . ! tll-nl cn l n when tnnia WM
eni i > nd It Im p-iroil tli-in'Ulilf inthtnclorf. "
MR.WV Ittnss MSt M rrSt Newrlonn Li.
njst "ISrotn's Inra Itltlort rollstel ln In ncane
ot Mood p.ilvinlna > nl t bcuillootmwmJ It to
Ta ( lunalno hu Tnd Stirk * n < \ cr < mt > r rt llnM
on trrnpixir. Tiiko no ntlirr. Miula nnlr lif
JJItOU.N CHf.MIU.VI.Cit. II.Vl.TlltOltK. Mil.
IAMTS' HAND BOOK nwfnl nd uttrnrtlra rnn
titnf rrl'M lurrwiiiw lnrmMt'n ( uliuiit
nto clTfn Kw r \ > r all il-Mli" In tneiUcia , or
017 .St.Cl > nrIc < i.S,5i. I.onls , JIo.
and BMtm l > ii * n tu&n anr othei rbyilefin In
Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Afire-
tlons o ( Tirroat , Sklnor Bones , BloodPoIsonlng ,
Cld SorOS an J UlCCrS , tro treated with uoparallelcJ
uee"i , n litest tcktillQo principle.Harelr.rrlrMtrlj.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , which preset tomt or th *
following eflcett i nervuu uet , dtUlltr , dlmoen or tight
Dtldefoctlre memory , plmt > 1ei6n the foce , tih/'tealdtca/ ,
Terilon loth * clet/of ffta . ! , eoafuilon or Idea * , file. ,
rendering Marriaqro improper or unhappy , in *
rmtn utlurgJ. . I'&raphlciiSR pngeijnn theB.l > ote , cant
r iictled eiT ) 1ope , frrato aoy ddre i. Conmlltlloaatof *
Beecr bf null fr e , Intltwd und itilctlenDdcntUl. .
A Positive Written Guarantee giren ID ewrca.
tktlectii * iledlcloeioattrcr/wherab/nitllorexprrai *
SCO PAQE3 , PINE PLATES , et Mit clolh nd fill
btndlcc. MtM rorBOo. ( u | ot ( toorturretiey. Orer flfty
wonderful p n picture * , trui ( a Ilia t rtlel > outb following
abJACliE who msjr tnirrjr , who not , why I manhood , wotnao *
loloj'f orrfniltictIoDr * ndmri7 tnnr . Thoie married or
coDtctaplsMug mtrrUc * ihtuUI rend It , lprUr < llt1oa
tnn , paper carer , SCq , Addr u > iabo U . WblUler , '
A Case Resembling That of Gen. Grant.
r Eomo Ion years nir < > 1 had u forofnlotis sore on
rny right hand which KUVQ mo Kieat trouble ,
mid under the old tlmetieatinont neiilcd up , but
It had only boon driven Into the system by the
usoof potash nnd moicury , and In Miuch , IS.v : ,
itbiokoout It bioko out In my thioat , nnd con
centrated in what some of the doctors called
cuncor. oiuin ? tluou h my cheek , dostroiin ?
roof of my mouth and upper lip , then attacking
my loiiKiie , palate and loucr lip , do-ttroylnK' thu
palate and under Up ontlioly and half my
tongue , cathitf out to the top ot lay lolt cheeck
liono and up to the lolt oe. I could not eat any
Bolid loud , but subsisted on liquids , and my
tonuno was so 1'aruono I could not talk. Such
was my wictched , helpless condition the first of
last October. ( It-Mi , when my Iriundscommenced
KlriiiK mo tjwllt's Hpocltle. In less than n month
tin ) uiitlnp places stopped and healing coin-
inonct'd.and the tcarlul npoituio In my cheeck
ling been closed and lUmlyknltled touother. A
process ot a new under Up Is Kionio-Kinjr llnoly ,
nnd the totiKUo which was alum-it destro > odU
buliiff iccoioicd , nnd It sconu that natuic la
ttupplylny a new toime I can talk so that my
Irlonus can readily undoistnnd mo , nnd can aNo
cat eollcl lood n aln. It anv one doubt tho-o
lacta , I would icier them to lion John H Tray-
lor , Unto senator ot this dlatiict , and to Dr. T. S.
Iliudfleld , of LaOuuiKO , ( la.
I.aQrnnRO , On. , May 14 , lbti.
THIS SWUT Sri:0inc : Co. , Driinor 0 , Atlanta ,
On. N. Y. , 107 W. 2JU St.
James Meal Institute
! > Cnanered by thjStateof 11II-
inoia furtlieexpresdparpose
/ofylvintjlmmcaiutc rcliclm
'all chronic , urinary and prt-
ivate itlscuscs Gonorrhcea ,
1 Gleet andSyphllia in all tlieir
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
( lennancntlycurcd by rcmc-
dies.testcilin a t'tirlH I'fiirt
I JljirrmlVnrffiiSeminal
Weakness , Nigiii Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Kjcel.ost ManhoodNlllt'r lyriittil. Tttrre
< j nu efiierlinrtilliiii. Tlie appropriate remedy
u at once used In each case , Consnltut'jna ' , per-
anal or by letter , aacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express , No marks on
package to Indlcntr content * or sender. Address
DH.MMES.No. 204Washlngton St.Chlcagolll.
I b T * potltUarnied | | > rlh AbuTeUUwbr Ul
tt thUtau < t uf e i- tl tti oiii alinl t > tl of fonj
luluJSolrytnTrj11 ! ! * ! Minll WoViilTruWVl B.
t9Xtb rwlt'i YAt.lTjit11KTKIU1ISUoiitlitidi MMt
t Auf UlT ir. Glviiirititua f II itdilr * ,
t T A dLUdUU ) Mrrl l , hw Y-vt
I'rrmalur TlrrtJnn fmnifrroirr * ! ( ,
V AMI lu0. ii < Rfte > ot III * ! dilni.VM Itliii * *
onr. ra I' ( Jlniul IMtlJI * ivllhuul
Miimv.'k K 4irihc > ovlh * Marainn liclu * B
ririicor nimi wiiUoul ui i.r I'rentlwand ice
i. ji'i * ! ' i | re. At : c. > rn POD < t nrc ccuortHiuiiLL
I'be OrliclHiiI rt Only
. A.k ; Ur itxl > l '
i U . .l rr , .r fi.U. . . U.
Nebraska National Bank
PAID UP CAIMTAI . S-i"iioocoo ) )
STiti'i.1 % May 1 , ivtt . .OOO.OJ .
II.V. . YATKS , Proslilmit.
A. E. Tor/.Ai.iN , Viou LVesiilont.
W. V , MOUSK ,
c JOHN S , COM.IN9 ,
00 Li'.wisH , UKBD ,
rtV. . II. S. Ili'niiKS , Cashier.
Co. lilli mid rnrnnni fitieots
Many a Lady
is beautiful , all but her fakin ;
and nobody has ever told
her how easy it is to put
bt autyon thtjskin. Beauty
< m the skin is Magnolirj
Tlio Stnrs nntl 1'lnncls nnil Tliclr
Itclnllon to tlic Knrlh During
the jMontli.
fpuni-Aituii roit TIII ; HER. ]
Next to tlio onvlh and ( lie sun , the most
important of tins heavenly bodies in its
rotations to mankind is tlio moon. In
her movomcnU wo sco a boruiUfitl ilcsign
of Iho Creator for our comforts nnd linn-
plnofts. Inltor ijillnonco upon the cnrlh
she Is ronlly nn assistant to Iho snn , aid-
itiK him In the work of making tbo earth
fruitful , and swaying the atmosphere anil
tlio tides , keeping ( horn from stagnation ,
putrefaction and ( loath , when swooping
along in her monthly jonrnoy around the
earth , ai she constantly disturbs the mug-
netlc currents between us and the oilier
members of the solnr system. Hero wo
sec another beautiful design of tlio Cre
ator , the farther away a planet is from
the snn , the greater the number of as
sistants ho needs to influence the primary
bodies ; thus Mercury and 'Venus be
ing so near the solar energies
have ti shorter annual motion , and
need no moon. The earth still farther
away , and the solar energies Weakened
in proportion , has ono moon to assist in
giving it light , and making it fruitful in
t'io proper seasons. Mars has two , Jupi
ter four , and Saturn eight. That tlio
heavenly bodies inllncneo each oilier
there can bo no doubt. In this way ,
Adams and Lovorrier worp enabled lo
discover Npptuno. Their difforcntcolora
indicate this , a fact evidently well known
lo the ancients , from the fael that , in the
old Hirs Ntmrond tlterc are what is known
as the Seven Planetary chambers , caelt
one of a dlU'eront color , and designated
for the planets corresponding in color , or
Iho supposed inllnenco of that planet ,
upon the earth. As thogod Saturn dined
or breakfasted on his own children , his
chamber is painted black ; his
inllueneeintist liavo been considered as
evil , such as pestilence , Hoods , wars and
Saturn is still regarded as an evil planet
by astrologers , and iixtro-motuorofogisU
always look for sharp atmospheric or
torrustial disturbances , on account of his
high electric condition , when the moon
comes near him , as site does in her hist
quarter on tlio first morning of Oclo-
ber. On the 3d the moon will
bo nearer Mars , and in perigece ,
near the earth , nnd on tlio
( ith will pass Jupiter , now a moving star.
Passing Uranus and Morcnry on the Tilt ,
tlio moon reaches conjunction wilh tlio
snn and becomes "new" at 1:07 : on the
morning of the 8th. On the 1 Ith Venus
and tlio now moon will bo seen in the
western sky , if it is not too cloudy. On
tlio ir > th Mercury goes beyond tlio snn ,
superior conjunction , and on the Kith
Venus is aphelion , farthest from the .sun ,
and the moon is apogee , farthest from
the earth. Tlio moon is full on the 23d ,
between 'J and S o'clock. On the tMth it
is near tlio planet Nuptnno ; on the 28th
again near Saturn , and in perigee ( near
tlio earth ) and on the evening ot the 31st
it is once more near Mars , and together
they will match "tho fairies and the
witches" before tlio dawn , as they sport
themselves on Halloween , to tlio discom
fort of careless or belated mortals.
The principal features of the month
are the two conjunctions of the moon
with Saturn and Mars , and the two peri
gees of the moon ( near to the earth. )
Tills in the summer would indicate a
disturbed condition of the atmosphere of
a highly electric nature , and it is likely
the mount will be stormy and unsettled.
A great astronomical event happens
on tlio 10th , 20th , 21st. This is the
perihelion of Saturn , and on ono of these
dittos ho is stationary among tlto stars.
The perihelion ( near the snn ) of this
planet happens once in twonty-nino and
a half years. His rings are open , and lie
is well Used for observation , where ho
can readily bo seen in the cast between
10 o'clock and midnight. Ho is in the
zodiacal sign Caneer and tlio constella
tion Gemini , ( the twins ) , and once .seen
with a telescope lie can bo taken for no
other star , although Aldobaran in the
Hyades closely resembles him to the
miked eye.
The perihelion periods of Saturn tire
always regarded with dread , many at
tributing tlto prevalence of epidemics ,
storms , etc. , to his intlueneo upon the
earth , ft is true wo now have epidemics
in Kttrope , and something closely re
sembling ono in America , while a storm
of more than usual lemrth is predicted
for the time of the month when the
planet reaches its perihelion. Is the in-
llueiieo of the planet black , like Iho color
of his chamber in the Bits Nimrottd , the
site of the ohlest astronomical obsurva-
torv in the world ?
This dread of Saturn's influence had
boon revived to some extent of late by
the great earthquake at Krakatoa in 18Hi ! ,
when the planet was in conjunction with
tlto moon. That great electric energy is
at work in Saturn there can bo no doubt ,
the mighty throes of the planet chang
ing it into 'square shoulder shape , "
its powers must bo inconceivable and
such a thing happening on the earth
would sweep away every vestige of hu
man life.
Tim nioterology of October as given by
Mr. Walter H. Smith , of Montreal , indi
cates the entry of the month as "cool
ami frosty changing to line and warm
for the season by the end of the week. "
Second week Stormy , unsettled and
high winds in many sections. Kino ,
mild weather toward the close of the
Third week Opens cool and showery
rain , sleet anil wind. Showery , south ,
snow Hurries north cool and frosty at
the close.
Fourth week Mild , muddy wonthor ,
rain in south , snow Hurries or sleet in
northern sections week Is likelyto end
col i .mil wintry.
Close of the month : Fronts , foggy nnd
nmiy in many sections , stormy , unset
tled , with snow and wind month is
lilaily to end linn.
The winter constellations are
now advancing up the eastern
sky anil some of them can bo readily seen
at early bed timo. First comes Aries ,
then ( ho Pleiades , ( thtj BOVOII stars ) tlio
Hyades ( the figure V denoting the bull's
head with Aldobaran IIH the eye ) , the
Twins , Orion , Caneer , the planets Saturn
nnd Mars nnd the beautiful stars Capella
in the northeast , and a litlln later in the
evening , Sirius in the southeast.
The new Mar in Andromeda tmpoars to
bo fading , It is easily found. Casslopia
is the constellation in the Milky way in
a northeasterly direction.near tno Zenith.
It resembles a W , something like this ; ; ,
about ten or fifteen degress east of the
upper 1of tlio-s the star can bo foil nil
by looking through a good opera ga ! .
It is claimed the Nulnihv in Andromeda
( the lady in chains ) is .so vast that a Ihtnh
of lightning traveling with the velocity of
lights , cannot pass through it in less thtin
four months ,
\VTien JUby was lck , WB R T her CM tori a.
When alio WM a Child , aha cried for Lusturta ,
When ah became MUi , aha clang to Uutorla ,
Wkeu lUo bad Chlldtcu , oho care them Cutorla ,
One hundred and twenty-five feeders
w ru shippi-d yesterday to'a point near
Car-ion , lu , trmn t' ' ' * ' ' > : i stock yards ,
St . . id for beauty ,
s > gin > i. in t
U. ) . , II- - . . - < l.- _ I > . , .J-
Advoitlfoinents under Uil head lO
line for the first Insertion mul 7 u-ntu for each
subsequent Insnrtlon , Tfrnuta ta tliollno. Mint
run consecutively mul must bo paid In mhntu-o.
All niUcrtliomonls must be In before 2o'clock
p. in. , nnd under no clrcinnotimees wlllthoy betaken
taken or discontinued by tolophono.
$2r.oiio To lomi lij mi oiiitern pmtj nit Ili-st-
plniwclly prox-rty | In minis to Emit * Inquire
of 9. Lehman , llus Fmimm. "Gl-tf
MONr.V ToloTinT The Oitinlm litinnrlnl lit-
clmnpo , 1WU fin nmnHtreut. , up stnlm.innko's '
lontmnn nil el * ( . - of mmrlty fiom nSlOt-hiit-
tel loan to f 10,01)0 ) on roul o tato. Wo mnko loans
to suit all iippllcantH on IOIIK or fhoil Ilinu on
Itnnrufoil ion ! oMnto , land contracts , leti'ei ,
ImlUlltitrs on loftf-od hind , M-enrod note * , collator-
nK chut IcK or oed wcnrlty of any kind. lx w
rntoi : cn y terms. Omaha riniiricliil Kxehrmro ,
1.VU nirm in street , up-tttnlrs. S4J 1C
rpo l.OAX Money In nny mnoiint on rent ( ?
JL tuto bccuilty. 0. i : . Mnjno , 15th and I'nr-
. . . . . . WO 0-13
M ONIV : TO I.OAX-C. r. Dais & Co. itont
Ustnto anil Txiiin HKcnts.l.W . rntnani SI.
MONI'.Y TO I.OAX On cliuttoU.Voolny .V
Harrison , room 'M , Uinnhii National bank
bulletins. Jii8 .
MONKV TO LOAN On real e lnto anil dint-
ti-ls. 1) . Ij. Thomas. WO
MON12V I.OAXIM ) On chattels , rut rate. ft.
It , tlckots bought uuU sold. A. Funnim , JMi ;
8.13th St. * f l
ONiv : TO r.OAN IiiHuniH or2tKandii ) | ) .
w u nli on llrst-cliiss leal citato huoutlty.
1'ottor A ; Uobb , 1'ilu rartinm St. i > o"
OAHUK HKOTIinns-liivPstnioiit Hank.
ois , oppo-dtu 1'ost olllco , Oinnlm , liuKollulo
inoitKHKoioiinaoii llrsK'liw Rt-oiuity nl nillnn
lutes or Intotest. I'nrtlui doilrhw to bouow
on ImpioUMl city or cs > iintry teal estato.for ft out
OIHI to the joins , ciui bu ncL-oniniodatod picuiit- |
ly. McUiiHiio llrothun , bankers , opji. l'o- t olllc-o.
MONUY I.OANIIO ntC. K. Iti' l&VH. (
olllco , on fiiiiilliitu , plnniH , lnnsou URDUS
pcisoiml piopoity ol' all Idndi nnil nil otla-r ur-
tlclos ot Miluo , without removal. Over 1st Nnt'l
Hunk , coiner Kith mul I'mimm. All liusin
Hnetlv conlldiintnl , f > . ' > 'I .
l AlOKKVII aiONiYltl : Money to
J.'lloan on chattel eecuilty by Vf. II. CrotMoom
\Vlthnelltiiilldliiir.N.K.rorner inth and Har-
noy. Alter yeuiH of uxpurttmcn mul aeiitolul
ptudyot the bii'-lncssot louuliifr money on por-
soniu piopeity , 1 huvoiitliwt j > oil'pctoifnH > ' tuin
ivheiub > lliu nubllclly lisiinl In hitch cases li
tlonoaua ) with , mul 1 mn now in a position to
meet the doiiiaiulsot all who become tompoi-
mlly ombmia--ed mid dojho to ruNe iiionoy
without ilulii } mul in u iiiilot imuinor. llnu e-
Keeperi , piolcIoiuil iron ! lonit'ii , ineehaiilcs and
others In Oiniiluiiin.l ( .ouneil lllulls.cjui obtain
amamos liom ? lnto J-1.UKJ on such t-cciirity
IIH household lurnltmo , piiinos , luachlneiy , hor-
eomiKons , waichou o loiolptt * , heciiicd notoa
of hand , etc. , without i unloving wuiio Iroui onn-
oi-s teshlonc'o or pliieo of buslno . ANo on tlno
WutchOM and UlninoniN , one of the udvuntiutos L
oiler N that nny pint ot any loan eun tie paid at
nny time which will reduce the Intuiest pie uitu
mul all loans teiumed at the oriRlnal rates ot In-
teie-it. I have no luokcrs in connuotlon with inj'
ollite , but pofMiually siipei Intend all my loans , rIme
Im\e pUniloolIlcosconneeted with my Renoial
olliuo M > that ciiMtoiiioi.-i do not como In contract -
tract xvith cnch other , contequcntly milking till
tran-MiotloiiH stilctly pilvnto. Vf. H. Crolt.
i-oom 4. U'ithnell bulldhur , N. K. coi ner 15th and
Ilaiuoy , Omaha , uniKt : . ' 1'enil St , Counell Illulls.
irANTin > IinnitMliutoly , ' , . ' good gills nt No.
> 1UG South Ilth tit. MO
A\ , 'ANTI3I > A gooil gill lor Konoial house-
i r ' uork whom nnotlior irlrl l Kuit. ± ii"i Dodco
\VANTii > Competent ffiil In Inmlly of tlueo
at ll-'St. ilaiy'snvo. o J-li |
WAXTii : > Good phi * , first mm second work
in ptlvato lumilio.-t I'ordliilMKiooni.kltclioii
and hoiol woik , uood wiifjca Call 1I-U Karnuni
St.Uinaha KniploynuMit Huioau. 4o8
WAXTKI > Iinnictllatoly , u il t-chHi lady
cook ut the Washington Houso. Lincoln ,
Nob. GUj-o-Up
_ _ _ _
'ANTii ; > Good ( jhl lorsoneral housework
In himill lamily. iSil'JSt. Maiy's nve. b'l
WAXni : > A Kill , n ifonoiul terant In n
binull lamlly ; uood plain cuok. Apply I'.llu '
ANTiu-Kilchongiil. l.'jlS lion-aid.
ANTI5I > A ciil that cook , wash and
Iron , at 1914 Webster sttuet. 475
WAXTII > Niiuofflil , S. W. coiner llith and
St. Mary's avenue _ _ _ _ iS" " ' _
no men for trad : workatChndion.
Neb. Oood wasos and III-H tiuii | i ( > itlon ;
will bhlp Monday iiiornltH ; nt Ti"i : , October Mh ,
Call at Omaha Employment lluiuuu , 1UM Kar-
nam htieot. . ! > DU
T\ANTti : ) Klvo carpontcid. Apply at Stock
> V Ym < ls hotel. f > 7M
WAXriiStenoj'riphcr. : : . I5ov 023 , Omahu.
AXTii : > A llrot-cla = 3 baibor , immedlatelj- ,
at 1'acitie Ilouso shop , Council IIIulls ,
I'AVTUH T n ciirponlois. Apply nt 15th ,
> botttuon rmiiiini anil Harnov. n-JKlp
\\rANTICD Salesnum In this state who idpio-
T sent leather , boot and hhoo Jobbers or man-
iitactuiets , tocany a line of inbber boot and
fhoo gamplos and hell on couimlsHion. Those al-
leady helllnif rnl'hois not wanted. Send icier-
dices with nppllcation. X , 1Chicago. . 5.ll-r > p
\\'ANTiu Services of n Indent , intelllifont
'i man of tjood uddiea § . Addte , .I. II. , 1' .
Ilov Wj. 614-V ] )
WANTKI ) 3 pci-Miis to Instruct In IrnoK-
keoplnx1. Tei ms , $5 down , and $2U soon as
situation Is turnishcd. 1. 1) ) . Smith , I Tin num.
WAJJTK1) Tinvclhiff H.ilosmon. Addioss
with stamp Simpson & I'anonTool Co ,
4 ; ) . Itoaid of Tiado , St. Paul , illnii. Tactory ,
Low ell Muss. 43-J-o-iT
AUKNTH Selllnir Jllssourl steam washer
mnko MK money , J. Worth , Solo Mnnuluc-
tutor , hi. Louis , Mo.
W AXTI3 Aitonts. Address Electric Lamp
nnd Steve Co. , St. T.ouls , Mo. , lor circular ,
cut nnd terms ot 5(1 ( candle power Marsh lUocttlu
I.umj ) .
ANTKD Situation us n Btntlonnry on-
Kluoer. Address , C. II. Iloo olllco. M4-2 *
WANTKI ) Sltiintlon in store In Nob. , n yours
experience ; thoioiiKbly acquainted with
ffcnoruldry Koods ; bcstof lotcicucoglvon. Ad-
dios- ) box 1U8 , Vllllsca , Iowa. Ml-llp )
WANTUU-l'osltlon as tutor In private family
hyyoniw man with H jcars exporlenco ,
compensation ; board and good homo. Addiosi
'J.D."tlilsolllcu. 630-cUp
\irANTlCD lly a womnn , situation nghouso-
V > keeper 433 North 15th. DltMjp
\lfANTIJO Situation by Rood cook In private
V ) lamlly. Callut 151B Cullfoinln. < 3-lp
WANTKI ) lly ft irontlotnon , room with or
without boaid. MuKtbonour II. P. depot ,
Addioss , lor ttucodaysT. H. N. Iloo ollicu
WANTin : FuinUlicd room by Kentlomnn ,
not fur ft oin street cars , atlito prlco. Address >
dross "Mao" Jteo oltico. B13-1
\IT ANTI3D By un experienced yon UK Scan-
TI illnavian , n position in n pi Ivatoiumlly to
tnko raiool'horbcs. Uood fofcicnccs. Addiess
I' , , Iloo Ollico. 612-2p
\ VJrANiKIWltbln : four or live block of Hlftli
It School , nil elKht or ton room liouso , bath
room , hot nnd cold walor.t'nrimro ; j Hinnll I family ;
i-elercnto tflvcn If doslrcd. Addic-ss btatlnjr
teim 414 , Duo olllco. 473-o-lp
W - maker nt Dewey &
Hlono's. uw )
W ANTKU-Toams. T. filuirtiy.
WAMTIIO October 1st , n 10 room house ono
on or nenr St. Mary's nvo. matomxl. Call
oraddicjs J , U llruudcia SiSonjOcfi und 608 south
UtllKllCUt. -ti-
WANTI5H A full lot near the gltyat n ion-
bomible prlcu. Klalo prlco , ternu ) nnd lo
cation. AUdiubs ' , J. N. C , " lloo Qlllce. 'Mi
WANTlil ) To trade n irootl second luind
piano , or a horao und liugg ) . Iniiulro * ut
Kdholm i. ErlckMJii. WJ
F oil HUNT Thii'oIt-room cottages at $ ! ! > per
JL monthca h ( PutilukAve , an ( Cnmpbull St.
' .
T7I3K HEKT Caitcac , aM nnd Jtnjon nts. In-
JU qiilro 17P .TcckFon M- , Ml-flp
Foit UITXT A rery nice ttrmll store-
frllh eU'Ciint toonii in Keonil story well
nilrp-wlfoi'ony lU'Iit hii'lm * * ) $ . " , ptr mr < ntb ,
sllnntt-d N. W. corner of loth nnil Doilno M .
17IOH SAM : Itoncn. : i rooms. U i" tolnml nonr
JL1 : ii t mill Oiiliroitiln Bis. In.uiip it. S. M.
"TTtOll IIKNT lloiifco ol fi rontns on Montana
JJ Rtioot , f 15 per rnonth ; flno nwliloneo on
CtnnmlniT otiexit , 12 loonif , modurii lmpru\o-
inents lilir plnliln , J 10 per month , InqnlroT. II ,
irck : , 10th 8t. , or II. & M. Lnnd Olllco. KM S.
i ithst.
"Ijiolt lltSNT llnnco II ) rooin < i , modem Im-
JL' proveincnts , 714 N. 2Uti ettcot. It. M. non-
111 ? . ml )
ICIIXT Wmo hoiiin TOvlOO on Hnll
Kond ti nek. Iniitltto 1-il I.eiif onwoith BU
' iMt-'p
"Tj tlll UiNT : A hoiido with n looms , pnnliy
n KWid rcllnr mid clsteins ? i'i a
innntli. AddteM b ± J H. ISthsti-eeU. M'l-'i ' | >
" 171OII IlKN'T t'ottnffp 4 roomo , elo eti , Rood
1' ffiilcr , Lonvcmuirth , near vM. Apjily Mi
South X'Oth. fAi-lp
'ITtOH HUNT Coltnirc ioomahon o 10 rooms.
J. J , 1'hlpps Hoc , Somud mul Ciinipboll.
OH HUNT Two small totluiros , ono with
1p 1 tlueo rooms nnd ono sU , both on Ohnilos
street , Hemheml of St. JImy'fl nventinj lonl
fl.'Nlnnd frljpm1 month. Wnrion Snlt7lor , lil
S. HlliSt. Ml
TpOH It iNT : Cottiiffo of 4 rooms , 2 clo'ota ,
JU pnntry nnd collar.fiOl South IWth. Callnl'JlT
sotitli lath street or on piemUcsnltur U p. in.
17IOH HUNT Oil SAM : Ahon e , bntn forUO
JJ cows : mul 4 lots 111 Wnlmit Hill mid. $10 per
numtli. Inquiio .Imnes Clirlstluii'-on , U. I * .
1'll-iKllt OlllCf. ! I7"K--J1 >
JTfOll KINT : liouso with two rooms , $ t per
1 month. Imiulio ntlWS. 14th St. fill-Op
1 ? ( > H IUNT : A nmv house In AilhiRton iidill-
JU lion ; 4 looms , cistern mid Mnliln ; t o blocks
1mm dticutcar. . Inqulro of M. U'llcin , Lnku
mul AleClollan titicDta.
( Htt INT-HOII : O on SM mid ci.n 1. St. in-
iinltoiU. IKUncK.-on St. nll-'Jii
KUNT lloutc , n loom * . Inqulro IM-
771011 KiNT : Oct. 1st , or niter , n dwolllnff
I1 notion 5 rooniH , nlcu ymd. cMorn , water. ? xll
iK-rmonth. Apply Ull Park Wild nvo.orIno.
W. Hell , druggist , ttiO South 10th St. 6.W
. Nicocottnffo 1010 South llith St.
1 Inqulto of lA. . lloldln. 450-aup
ITlOlt HKXT Chonp.onofitnom bilcccottn ! o
JL ullh inodoin lmpi < nomcnts , larmi J'tud , bth
und Hickory streets , liuinlioon piomiMH.
.AOIlltr.NT-OiioU loom house No. UJ Call-
- ioinlnstieotnnd ono i ) room holl-o , noith-
west corner -Mst nnil WolHter Inciiilieon pi-cm-
isojs or t I' . .1. Cioodon , 7th and Webster. 4IJ
"I71O11 ItHNT At-ottiuroliiKOod location , $115
-U per month. A. Smmdors i Co. , H04 Vuv-
nmiihticot , opp. 1'n.vton. IUM.1
171011 UKNT 'IVo htories on St. Mary's n\-e.
-I-1 $ Ti per month , eiic-h. Onudosiiablu tor
Tor lent Two now house * $12 nnd $14 per
month , lexpectlvoly , locations ilusitablu. .1. I ! .
Uiloy & , Co. , fl.'i boiitii lilth frt. Mi )
FOK ItKNT IIoiiM ) II rooms S-.i per month ;
will i out pint. G. U. Thompson , sV. > . cui.
lllhmul Umnoy. 1-0
FOR KiNT Rood new 4 loom hon-o : $10
pei month. Near stiuot ear. J. K. Hilcy to
"TTlOJt KI3NT Now house , east trout , pmch ,
-U uNlein , well mul out hon-os ; d > li.ibe ! Icn.i-
tlon ; ? 11 per month. J. U. Hilc > & to , , Klj S. lath
Hticet. 100
_ _
"ITIOll KHNT T.Jm house nmlbiun on coiner
JL ! > 0thiind I'leicoSt. Inquiio at Uoston Dry
Goods btoro. S. lUth St. Uu4
Foil KICNT S room cottaso corner Popple-
ton and ShoridamSt. , ? ! " > . C. I } . Mnyne. S.
\V. corner ir > th and Fiirnam. 714
f f
JjT OIl HUNT A nice , pleasant roomluinl h-
Jj eilor unlimited , liuiulio at 15U I.eavon-
worth stieut. 411) )
"I71 OK linNT Fiinllslind front room with
Jt ; board , biiy'-window ' , lit Id ; house ,
17th. t : in-ap
TTI Olt ItiNT Konrps with lioaul. closlrnbhi for
Ju hiiniinur.Appl _ ( ut St. Cluulet Hotel , fitil
"TT1 OH KI5NT Tlaco furnished rooms , with
JJ inIvileHOot butlt room. ul'J ' IMoiiMint fat.
lilIXT A nicely fuinl hf-d loom : mod-
JL" oin conveniences , 17-M Capitol are. ttit-lp
KKN'T t clmmlrars convonloiit for
Foil keopiiur to a mini and wllo without
c'hlldien ; front and roar entrance , 'J blocks liom
1'ost ollico , : ) li ! Noi th 17th - > t. JiM
J KKNT t'urnlsliul loom. Inqulie Driljj
htoio , 10th and BoiiKliis. 4U1
lliNT : Ii'iiniMicil fiont loom with .
J1 boiud. InqullO Jlra. U. 11. Mooio , IdU Dod u
fetiect. 410
. / IinXT ! 1 liiinbhod rooms on I'ncitlo
J.n/ik exit , between Utli und JOth.ono block Miulli
ot the U. 1' . depot. 4J.J
, OIt IJl'NT A jilciibiint loom , Ininhhcd or ,
unfurnished. Imiulioat 1. > 1J l.cavomtoith
stiect. 4'Jiolp
FOR Itl'NT A nenl fiont loom , multicast i
corner of 17th nnd Chicago. 4T7oji | |
TTlOKUIlNTTtto nltclv fiunNhod looms und I
JL1 boaid It deslioil. 710 S. Hth St. IhCoip ,
ItHNT With boiud , nlcoly tnrnWiod
rooms , 1710 Ca-a St. 4bloip |
OR RKNT Nicely furnished loom with
F board , fits , bath iindKiuto. - * . ' 5 DOIKO ! St.
40.- ,
TTt ItHNT Furnished rooms 1418 Dodwro St.
JJ 411o-lp
JtHNT For small f ' > 'ir iinl'nr-
iihlfW'Oiii.sHso ) ( ) close th loom ,
LOiiJIiiinoy. : ouDolp
I OK JtKNT NIce luiuishod room , Z
F DodffO. b'Co.'p
T71OR RUNT Nicely furnished room , S. W.
JO cor , lUth mid St. Mary's avo. 417
T71OR RUNT Tluoo very doslrnblo roonm with
JJ prlvlle o of bath room , ut No. 7U ! luth
slieet , near Webster. 34Uolp
FOR RKNT Two nice furnished rooms nnd |
ono lurxo tinfuriilshod ulcovo loom with ,
bay window nnd piutus ; bath loom on eiuuo i
Iloor ; WJth btroet , ncitr St. Mury'a nvonuo. in-
quli-o S. W , cor. 16th and Dod u. Jl.1t '
T71OK KKNT I'lL'ftsmit furnished room , 170T
JU Cnmstiuot. e.'Uo.lp
Oil HUNT Nicely furnlstiLsl front room to
Kontlenmn only , nt H. K. corner > Utli ami
DoiiKlusstroct. Bid
TTIOK KKNT Fnrnlshod room , Inqulro N. 15.
JO corner 5th und lo < lgo Sts. Vtil
171 OK HKNT Elosnntly fnriilslied rooms ,
JL : " Bhujlonndon8iiltoLntJ7180u8sSt VM
F "OK ItKNT-A suite of nicely furnished fiont
looms tor t\\o gentlomun , 1711 Jncli. > on
Htieot , neurcorner of 17th street , liotorwicoi
rtxiuhod. " > * " HJJ
fTtOK HUNT Furnished rooms for light
JH housukooiilnt ; , in lleeuior'a block , cor. bth
und Howard. 871
T71OU KKNT-rTwo rooms ndjolntn ? . with
JU boiird ; front loom bouth-oast , lull Wotutor
sticct. KM
Foil KKNT l well furnlahod room for 2 iron-
tloiiicn , l.WD Karmini stieut. opposite Uoos
Hotel , Ap | > ly. ut mom 4 , or ut Wu ! eiimiu&
Ilnrnutt'Id IJth btruet , 745
FOR KIJNT-i- ' . ! pleasant winth f rout rooms S.
W. cornerUJtQ imd Iuven | > ort. 7UO
FOR RKNT Handsomely furnished rooms ,
1704 C'apltdlftvo
furnlstiod rooms , N.
Mary'a nvonuo. 40Q
"I71OR S/tl.K A 7 room honeo tint ! treed lot ono
JU block troui I'ark uvcnuu. 1'rlco , $ * > .
Very easy toi ins. Cunningham A : llrennun , 1511
Doiljstioot. ; ( 67S-1
, will buy n hou o mid corner lot on
$ which two other houses can bu built. Cun
ningham & Hi cumin , 1511 Dodge next 1' . O.
SAI.i : A few lots , one block from 1'nrk
FOR , $ iiJU : $100 down und monthly pay
ments. Cunningham & Uiennan , 1511 Dodio.
$1,000 will buy n fine six room tinti numl barn ,
a Kiocory cioio ilolnKtih'oo I hiii-iuo * * , and \
ncroot land , onu block liom St Jlai'l ouvimuo.
Kasy ( ei tun. TUN is a bargain not 01 ten ollt i cd ,
Uuiniint'hiiin i : Uiennnii , UllDodfo , nojU P. O.
IJIOlt SAI.IJ-3 loti north OmMii , MtlW. { !
* - nnil MOOench : fr.i down , balance suit p r-
ohtwer. Call 1510 Hnrntiy. M VCp
FOUSAU-flWu barpnln. two lots 100x247
fncliifron Hancom park. Cottnjrofi rooms
If sold tit once , $ ! , ( ) will take It. C. 12. Mnj no ,
South-west corner IMh nnd IMrnnin. fiOt-o-3
"T/1l l ! s7vii-Two : hoiisoa and lot WHIRS on N.
JL1 10th slieet , 4UuO. Thlslswoilhfoelntr.
CunnltiKham & Ibrennait ,
" | 7\OK \ S.M.lV-IlotiPosund lotion monthly pay.
JL. iinint.s. 1) . 1. Hnyden , Saunders , botwi-en
I/nlto nnd Willis lives. COO
ONLY r > 0 lolfl to tmdo for Itnprm e < 1 ( nopeity ,
Will nssiiino mortK' R.1s or pay dllleroneo in
eiush. 1'artles wisblnK to trade butter call t
once , W. H. Croon , over 1st National llank. 174
IpOlt SAI.I2 Lot , business honsn nnd Hvo
J. ihvellliif ) i. barn , cistern , veil nnd other im-
pn eincntfi , on sail , betw wti 1'lcn-n and I'ai-lllo
slreots , lucliiR ( inltstrrcts. Inqtlliu llrst hoiioo
north of sloio. 1'ilce , SIXM. ( 444
" 171OU SAI.II A few lota In llunvrom place
JL ? 7M ( null mi monthly pnj ments. CunnliiK-
hum .v llicnnmi , 1511 Dod o t' 57-l
"liflOU SAI.i-12.-Vrflon : ripii ! < iint an
J- i > oil slicelK , west Omaha , nice 4 tootitcot *
( amn liaivuln tor i-ash or on IMIJIIH-IIIS. ( 'al.
Mut tin , Itx ) i . Hth St. 01
"TTMJICSAI.i : I'lill lot and peed hoilso alontr 8t.
JL' Cur line on Mitith Kith street , \cry cheap and
mh tboMild. I'lleof'Ji'Ml , terms easy. H. C.
1'attoison , l.lth nnd I'ainaiu. 451
"ITltm SAT.i : 1 lucres nneostKurdon mid fruit
- Iland In I he male , nnd 0 tulips fiom Omaha ;
Inuo not the tlmo to look niter It. On tlmoor
lori-iish , Cal. Miiitln.liMl. South Hth St. ! 1J
$ : iion : will buy nfl loom In Ick IIOIIFO on half
acioland un ! Skl Rtiect near I.eavenworth.
This l.i a ( treat Invostmont. Cunningham .V
Itiuiinan , 1511 Dod KO. f > 7l
"IT1OR SAI.i : Ono of the finest lesldencuprop.
JU pities In Omaha , S15.IAW. C. 1 ! . Miiyno. 15th
mul Fariiatii. ; i75
17V > 11 SAI.i : A nlcocottnjo In splendid loca-
Jtlon easy paj mtmts. A. Suunders & ; Co ,14UI
I'mimm St. , opp. l'u\ton. ; ir >
Ij1OK.SAl.i-4 : lots.toKOtlu-r lor15' ) oiiehvery ;
( iliiiup ; terms oa y. A. iiaundeis Co , 14U1
rninam street , opp. Puxton. ; ot
SAMS 0)1 ) Rixr : Itrlck house , slv
JL' looms , corner lot , Plilnn'sadd. Will cll on
monthly payments. C. U. Mayne , 15th and Far-
mini. ; rrt
SAI.i : Ton cottages nnd tlno hou p3
jlnir In puce fiom * > : , r.iin to $ l , titxi eneit.
llocinliod cash on t-omi ) only f loo. All on uusy
1011113. It. U. I'attcition , 1,1th and I'm num.
T7IOK H.Yl.lI Thioo now cottages , flvo rooms
JL cneh , In Wtilnnt lllll ; jtood ci'llius , closets ,
pnnti los.oNtm us otc ; two lols with eaeii uottai o
SlHW oiioli. $ lixl down and fill per month. C. I ! .
Alajno , 151 li und Fiirnain. - ;
F OK SAI.i : A few very cholco lots on month
ly pa > monts. A. Suundeis ifcC'o. , 1104 Far-
imtii sheet opp. Paxton. ; u I
Foil SAI.i : llcantltul nero property 'J mlles
I'lom city , nt SI',1. ) to $ IloO per acio ; tu y
terms. 11. C' . I'uttcrbon.cornoi113tli nnd Kuriium
fTIOlt SAI.I : Mnirnlilcont hnnsoand lot with
Jcominodioii liiunon Culllorniu titicot near
IJjth , toutli troiu , ? j,500.
For sale Full lot need two story 8 room house
on Culllornia , location veiy deniable , $5,000. J.
13. Itiloy A ; to. , ! ! 15 south IJtli bticot. 8
TOOK HAMJ-17 lots on Georgia nnd VliRinia
JL1 nvos , llodiek's add. 8l.JjO to $1,50J each ;
easy terms.
( 17) ) Now cottnso full lot 18th sticct , 2d honso
north ot Itaiinmnn 8 Iliuvvoiy. S-iiOOoasy tormw.
( IDs ) Thonontoitcnttiiyo In Oninlin , now , all
mouoin conveniences , ( iooixia nv o. , $ I.biiu.
CMlleautltuliicio } Intnnd hoiieo niclnjjpro.
po-od lioulovaid , West Onmlm , $ .loUO , easy
( . )7 > 5 ncros with jrood house , stnblo etc. , 5
miles fiom 1' . 0. $1,000 easy terms.
CMlii Now cottiijro. " > looms , ( rood barn , corner
Grand nnd I'icr btreots , SJ ui ) , monthly pay-
(171) ( ) Lotfnclns ; Haneom pail : on 1'iulc nvc. ,
$1M ( ) , ciuy tuiuia. C. 11. Mil } no , luth mid Fur-
nam. ; i7-
" 171011 SAr.i : Now house , T rooms , cast front ,
JU lull lot , next to nlloy. on Saunilein surec ;
lot alone woith nearly all that \ * iiskud lor it ,
{ -.OOil. J. U. Klloy AL'o. . , 15 5. 1,1th at. ii.i
"T71OII SAI.i : Two lots on a corner , two blocks
JL1 liuin Farnam , both lor SI.-MI ) , poMti
clioap. J. K Itiloy & Co. , 21/i / South uth bt.
TTIOK S.VI.i-On Convent St. , lot-tUvHO ; house
J-1 n rooms near stioet car line , jJ,5uU ctisli. J.
W. MiUblmll , 15M > Faiiinm St. l.U
771 oil S.Vl.i : rulMot , south tiont : very doslr-
JL1 nlilo propelty , on leil car lino. This 13 vuiy
cnonp ut $1,100. J. K. Kilo ; & Co. , 15 South loth
Btreoc. yj. (
Foil SAr.i : Lot on Farnnm , r,0\187 , $1HK ) ,
very desirable lor residence. This ill bo in
tlio marliotonly n iowdas as It isuliuap. .1. U.
Hlluy Ac Co. , 15 South loth&ticot. 2Jti
T71OII SAT.i : Full corner lot thioe blocks liom
X' stieutc.irs ; boiintltiil and bl nily location ;
SuioOon-jh ir OJJon timo. i'nis is po iilvelv n
biuguin. J. U. itiloy A ; Co. , 215 S. Utli fat. ! 'JJ
TTHMl SAI.i : Cheap , n tlno lot In Ilnnscoin
JL1 Maco. AildieaSN. I' . 1' . , lleo ollico. IM
PiKSAI.i-Wo have lots on Vimon , Cun7
Inga , ( ! ooirii : nvo. , J.eavoinvoilh mul other
nm.'OiH. Fainnn street biisliio1piopeity. . 'J.
I ! Itlley A-Co. , lOSoulli Utli btieot. 39
T71OK SAr.K A two story , 2-'xliO , Iramo linlld-
JL1 Inif , auitahlofor a ptoio , near 10th and 1'ur-
nam bis. Apply ut this ollico. HIT
Foil SAI/i : Full lot with now house , 4 looms ,
pantry , cellar , cMcrn , poich In liont ,
bllmtb ; le stlmn tlueo blockb fiom icil car line ;
impiovoincnts woith over . M/u , all lor $ < l. , iO.
Kaiy piijinontH. This Is aUo u LiiiiKulu. .1. I ! .
Ulley iM Co. , 15 S. 1,1th Hti cot. ' 'Jt
Fojt SAM : At nbaig-aln , n houte of 1) ) rooms ,
oxory loom heated by liminco : hot mul cold
wuter , bath , lot II4\I4 ( ) ; near head St. Mmys
nvonno. House cost $ lflKi ( ; lot Is woith J"riOii.
U Mild nt once , will take $4fOJ ! for the place. C.
j ; Miiyno , Ifith uiul Furnam. 777
P OK SAMAt ; n barslan , lot with 2 lioilbos ,
3 nnd 7 looms , well , cUtorn , b.trn. Ac ,
"lith nnd Hnrnuy. Impioved piopcity taken as
part pay. Win. L. .Momou , l/th / and
EIXi : Improved larms.wlll tiado for Impiovod
city piopoity. W. H. Green , ever 1st Na-
tlonul Unnh.
rp oic SAMJ-liy Paulson & Co.
IxtWx200 ) cast fiont , luth , near St. Mary's nvo.
with elomint ID loom buck hoiibo and all ncco * *
ui v out bulldliiKH $ NX * >
2 lots in I'clham udd. Hed Cur line , oil lo *
cmoil , ? 4looach.
Corner lot isiHxi'M , IX > WO'B add. $ " > tor 10 dura.
II lots IiOV. A. Ucdlck'u add. nt i'W ) ,
Well located lot on fcouth 20th , near Vlnton ,
Ixtnr > x300. California near 3Jth , with 3 room
honto , $1 ' 1M } , easy terms ,
IfilliMW , Pleasantstieot , near St. Mary'snvo.
with 7 room house , bain , well , cistern , cellar ,
Coal Nhed , $ 'U > 00.
2S toot tiont on 13th , near PIcrco with 3 room
, ,
Ixit ; ixl4fl east front , 10th near Lake St. , 4 1 oem
Ixt on ! Rd ! near Dnvenport , oust front , with 0
room rottiiKO , $1,70)1. )
Lot lUMxlfiO , Ctutellar nnd tJth , well loentod ,
$7ft ) forlOduys
10 acres , 40 rods oust front.UH miles fiom city ,
f 14u per iioro.
Coi ner lot In Dwlght & I.ymun's tulil. $100.
- lOacru loin , 40 toils cast Mont cashU miles
from city limits. Jl''j porncio.
10 ncicd highly cultlviitcdl > 4 mlles fiom Fort
Onmlm , gplendldly located , $ . ' , GuO.
6 iHMi-a in Hyde Pink , fsxt.
Hdiires nnd stores lor lent. Piiul-ou & Co , ,
1513 Funmm btroct. 4 H o-a
Foil HAI.U I linvu two townships of land
l > Ititf south of I'luttn river , in Lincoln coun
ty , thut iniiht bo wild In u body , and tor tills iou
fcouwill tiiko u prlco vray holow thonmiketlf
taken hoon. Correspondence Bollclted. J. W.O.
Marshall , 1500 FuinamSt. 615
: LANDS-ChoIco traetH Btlll
vacant In Cheyennu county. 1'or Inlornm-
tion oddiebS W. F. I'ulno.SldnejsNub. 45'Jul ' _
) IAMH-r have for siilo n
low choice tracts of hind neurhldney.ut
? 4.00 per acio ; fl.IJO cneh , balance lontr time ,
ti per eont Intelest. W. F , 1'nlno , Sldnoy , Neb.
T 1ST nnd description of real ostuto lelt with
J-J niu vvill leculvo piompt nttenllon nnd ad-
vertlslntr fieo , Flint class city properly Millcit-
od. J. W. Mmgbull , teal estiito , IFM i'uinum , UT1
TT1OK HAI.K Very eholco farms In most of
JJ thocountloiln na.toin NehruHka. I lm\o
Hininucinuiils with reul estate men by which I
cun supply ull cuntninors lth ell Improved
fin ms nt pond infos nnd easytoims. I can nl-u
tuuilsli raw limclHJn liutro lots suitable lor stool :
rnnthus. ,1. W Muralmll , 1500 Faiii.iui St. mi
FOIlSAI.K Him etoek nnd fcodlnif fnrm of
CAUnciv Hlxteen mlles liom Onmlm Mock
YiiuU ; wclieiiulppud lor gi.uliiir und leedhu
mlllo ; i > ll vtateied and ptonty of KO < M | hay
land Forpilcu nnd iluorl | > tiuiiiitIUiu4it ( J M.
. , ,
' ' ' * ' ' ' r. r <
- . i m' top
J'l. t . Lnuiion , i-tu. AtUliub31' , u. U < u s ucUy.
Poll R.VT.K-A Sitrroy. olllicr with polo or
slinfK MtlMmr , with Tlmkon pntcnt pprltij ;
wily nwil tlnoo lnt Ftirinir ; n nooil ns now,1
inli-o , fllO. Apply nt 2215 Webster St. 47J-V
"TT'OH 8AI.H Tlio only tucrotinnt tnllorfliop In
J n Hi ( i , UrnultiK town , ( looil ronioni for noll-
Atldu-ss , I'liink A. Antliuw.
SAI.i-tr : rpnl , tlio tiirnltiiro in tlio Oo-
I1 clilnnlnl hotel for mlu , mul the hotel for
rent. Inquire on promise * . Ml
171 Oil SAM : llollor nl
A ! power boiler nml rimlno , In irncxl riinliliitf
onlpr ; wiinl to Ml for llin innpon Hint tlioy nru
not Ini-KU ( jnntiKli for thu now nmolilm'ry whli li
uoulltpnt Into our now bnlUllnuon llnincs
street. Clnrko HITH. & Co. , llrtl Douglas St. n U
I OH SAM : A umuglit Iron Vnn Itiitnw nt
' mil Dixltfostreut. Cilii-l.'p
1 poll SAI.i : Thai ouRli-tircdJoripyctm : I
lintter lucoiil Ifi the stuto. 1 H South
nvmino. KlR'p
JT1 ( > USAM : ] , W heml ot t o-yenr-old cnttlo ,
JL.1 4D liolfot-s uiul w fttcers ; mul tuo Nornnin
stallions. K. I'nllnr , rnlleiton , Nob. 4T4o3
TTIOUSAI.i : Knclnonnil liolloM Irom loll. I * .
JO to no II. I' . Onnili.i Iron Works Co. , U. r. It.
H. , 17th mul IMli MUK
ITIOKSAI.II-lluckwhoat limn. B3o per 1U1H > 9.
JU W. J. WrlsliniHiVC . , Clty MllLs. 4U
17A\ > irs T.K HVolotinii""lVlliiunI'liii'c.onii )
.JL' block ti-om uticot car truck. Imiulio'Jlsy.
MthMrcot. IM
IpOUS.VI.i : Orwonlil trnilofor ujmod hor-so
1 nnil hujruy , Nlncii" ) In Uoipur t-onnty. AI > -
ply to U1H South llllh Micot. KM
. . _ . „ to buy n half Inteiett In
' ' nKood pavlnu : patent. About $ J.i Wcniil-
ml. Addiess J. II. Smith , Itlsliiff City. Noli. ,
Ito.v M. 6i3-7p
SAI.i : Tim host lo ( atrd bakery In Omii-
ha. Addioss O. , lluo olllco. f > IJ-7p
Foil SAI.K itotiill stock of tlniRS mul llv-
Hired , nil In KOIH ! otilnr ; irood locution mul
timtu. Aildicss X. V. / . , Lliuk Drug Co , , Uimiliii ,
Nob. fc" >
SAM ! Now t-1ie.iry lioilottMiil , sprlntfs
mid nmttie H. V.4 Nouli Kill St. 5'CW
\rANTii : ) A IniHlnuM mini tilth cilpllulto
' toioscnt | ) nn oiHlcin company ; no compe
tition : KOOil luollls ; ijlllLk bilk's. Aldri'.v.l. ( It. ,
Jtuo Olllco. fill-lp
) SAI.i : Hotel , lurnltuio nnd fixtures
complete. Will bell tor cost Lenin frlvon.
A Rood clirtiico lor n llvo man. Addiuss , Jos.
Kiebuck , Illiio Spring's , Neb. 4Slol
Foil SAI.i : I'lral-clnss Imtol , Kioumls nil
Impi-ovoinonts , ll.vtnios , & n ( ? iow-
Ingclly. I'licnjfiVHKi ( ; toiniHoiwy. Ailihnss
U. I'attorson , l.Hh nnd Fm num.
ROOUmid lioaul , jwipor week ; very host lo
cution. IKIl Dtivonport St ,
DK. WAKU , Witlmcll block , 15th nnd Hnrnuy.
/-IKNTKAr , lIOSIMTAlj Opnn for the acconv
\-/iiioilntlon of the sick. Surirlcal opurntions of
nil kinds MKiltully perlormed. Disoa c.s of women
n specialty ; ladles in conllncment can heic have
iiliMilnto privacy nnd the bo'-tol'iittontlon. Cor-
lospoudunco solicited. Addioss Dr. .1. M. Hwlt-
imm.coriipr 15Ui und Pimmm or Dr. .1. It. Ualph
comer lilh nnd Farnam. Telephone 5JU.
MADAM i : GiXIA : UtOlfAlin.SOX.l'hron-
ole lst and Clairvovant , points out unseen
onomlos. color tholroyos nnd hair. Thu load
I o succors. Love nnd business a specialty. Shu
positively euros billons headiicnes , kldnov'H.llvor
nnd id ! deruiiKomonts of thostomncn , dissolves
( rail Btones , cuioscatairh , the worst ci--os o [
rhoiimiitlsin. Her method of. curing calculus is
with hoibs , nnd most complete. IlonU worst
pores In ono month. Her treiitmont of coins ,
bunions , tender tcet nets like u charm. Mr.s.
Itidohai-dt-on comes with many recommendations
trom thopiossandpiivato indivldimlscululiru-
ted nnd popular Blunt time only. li- Noah Kith
sticct , loom U.
n i : W. C. Mot/nor Steve Itepulr Co. . Ill South
14th St. , between llodgo and Douglas.
A \VAVS on bant ) at n bmjraln , No. Ipecond
hand can laifo pluietons and phlo-har IIUK-
bric. , at A. J. himpdun , 140-J and 1411 JJodju St.
I > 1ANOS moved nnd packed. Meehan.yiJJN.
luthstieot. [ M-U ] >
IAIIiS : In want of ffood domostio help can
i bo supplied by culling on the Onmlm ICin-
Iilovniont ) illco , " 17 N. Kith St. , up-stmrd. Siis.
J. W. Moirlson proprietor. 871
PHIVV vaults nnd cesspools cleaned In an
odoiless way by 1' . O. Abel , P. O. llox .flA.
NO oporntion or ii'elo s trusses. Dr. M. M.
Mooio , " 4 < J Wiibii li ave , Olilnifro. Fend
Biamp or choular nt Co/zons Iloiisu , Omahu ,
overyfcOdii > s.
TIONAIlsriUTenth ! Stieot , tmtwcnn rnrnnui
mid Iliunoy , will , with the aid ot p-iiaidhin
cpnith , obtaining lor any ono a planui in the
piisland piesiuit , mid or eeitnln conditions In
tlielntnie Hoots and shoos nunio to oidur.
1'erlecl hatlslaetlon { fiiaranlced.
To whom It may concern :
"XTOTK'I ! Is liornbr nlvon that the capital Ptoc'c '
J-i ot the Hces I'rintlnsf Co , loinalns the MIIMII
nnd the IndelHednnss or corporation at this daiu
amounts tos.ltiiiUi7. S\M r , Hhi.s.l'ievident.
Master's Sale.
In the Chcnlt Court of the United Stntes for the
District of Nebraska.
Hannah K. Motc.ilf I
vs v In Chancery.
John C. Webber , j
puni.ICtiolleoln hi'iohy Khon that In pursii-
X ante and by vhtuo of a dccrconlettdln
tiio uqovo caiiso , on the th iluy ot July. ! * > . > . I ,
Kills L. Him bower , Special Muster In Chanrcrv
In said eoiut , will , on the 10th day of Oi-lolu-r ,
IJCi. uttho hour of ten o clock In the lotunonn
ol the mid day , ut the liont ( north ) iloor of tun
t'nlted Slates court and post olllco bulhlliiK , In
thoeltyof Omaha , Douglas < onnty , httitu-and
illstilc-t of Nobiaska.boll nt auction thelollowliitr
Uosi'iibed pioperty , to-wlt :
' 1'lia northmwt qmuter of reotlon twelve(121 ( ,
township bK ( Ui , noitli ; and the i-oiitliwostqimi--
terot'hcc-tlononn ( H , lowiiKhlp live ( north ) ; all
In ran u eltfhth ( ) , west of the fith I' . M. , In thu
county ot Clay and state of Nohiuxkii.
Ilr.r.m I , . llmm < nviit ; ,
Special MiiHtcr In Clinneory.
I ) , II. UiTtctf , Solicitor lor Complainant.
Master's Bale.
In the Circuit of thu United Sliitoa for the Dis
trict of Nebraska.
Susan A. Small )
vs. JIn Chancery.
John C.Slairord.ot ul t
foiiKci.osiini ; OK JIOKTOUIU.
"ttUttlilfi notlco H hereby that in pursimnco
JL and by vlnno of ti docien entoiod In the
ubovo ran 0 on thu "d day of July , IW.1,1 , Mlhs
L Illoihouor. .Special Master In Chancerv HI
mild couit , will , on the luth day of October , IH'fi ,
at the hour of ten o'clock In the torunoon of the
fciildduy.ut the lioutnortlidoor ( ) of the Unlic'l
Stales court hotibO and post p Hco biilldliif ! , In
the city of Omaha , DoutrlaH county. HIIIICI nnd
district of Nnlnaska , Hell ut unction the tollow-
IiiKilesoilbed piopcity , to-wlt !
Bltimlcd In the county of 1'rnnklln nnd Ktato
ol Nelnahka , to wit : Thf southeast < iimn < Ti > l'
Kctlon ! louilc-en ( It ) , township two ( . ' ) , noit.i
lange tourtcoiHllli wnnot ( < th P. M.
Ki.i.t.s I , , ! ! ;
Hpocml Master in Clinneory.
P. II. HTTIK.V , Solicitor for ( , 'omplalii.uit.
Alaster'a Sale ,
In the Circuit fVnii t of the United Stutca for the
Distilut of Nebtaska.
V. 0.1/mibitrd 1
vs. } In t'lumrory.
Thos. N. Hklunor ot nl. I
HiiiKCt.Osiiin : or NOinum : .
IDUIU.IO nolico Is huichy fh on. I Inn In pnrsii'
JL iiiu-onnd by liitnuof u dncieo omoiod in
Iho ahovo caiifo , on ( ho lith ilay of May , IM , " , ( ,
KlllH Ij. Illerhnuor , Speulal Maalor in ohamoiy
In Hiildcomt , willon the inth day of October ,
I-W. nt ihu hour oi ion o'ulooU in the joHumqn
< if the mill ilny , lit Iho tiont Inoithl door ol tco
I'nlUil Slates coin t IIOIIHO and post olllco build-
Iiiir , in the city of Oinalin , DouxhiH county , hico
nnd dUtilct of Nnbiuftku , ell at unction tliolol.
iowIiiM-duscilbed pioperly , tn-wlt :
Tlio MiiitlionKt iiiarter | of tccllon thlitj luor
pill , toivnshhi tvunity-lu-o 1 'Hiorlh , lanyoM-vcu
(7) ( ) . wcstol r M , , In tliocoiinly oi Itiiuno
undiilaleof Nohuicla.
Ki.i * I , , Ilir.iitiiiWKii ,
Ppechil Ma iirliH liuncery.
1) ) . II. UITIKN , Complalnunt'Mbollollur.
Billiard Tables.
TUK IHWNSwicK-IIAl.Kl-cbl.r.KNl ! > BIl& Co.
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
And Snlooiii Olllco nnd Hank Fixtures. Market
nnd Huron Sis. , Chloajfo , 111 , ' - - -
a. loth st.
Book Binding. Etc.
Printers , Book Binders ,
And IllanU Hook Mmiurnetuiers. No < . 10(1 ( nnil
Ills South Hth Street , Omnha , Noli ,
Butter Tubs i
, l. Hr.YMOt'K ,
Manufacturing of Butter Tubs ,
suato \ tt > , ; we. ; 85 . tie ! ; ai m , sio : li B > flrk-
IIH , ilk ? . mil mill I'lereo St , , Unmhii , Nob.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
"MAX Mimcu , v co. ,
.Jobbers of Tobaccos
. Cigars , ,
nnil Ammunition. SJIti to tMouth 11th
Street , UKO to 1K4 ( KiirimmStioot , Omnlin , Nob.
r\CTonv.'&ritiTSCinH. :
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Anil Wholesale Dealers In I/onf Tobneco . Noi ,
IIH nnil I1UN Hth Street , Onmlm , Nob.
Bagio Cornice Works ,
John Hpenoior , I'ropilolor. Mmiufncttiror of
( lalvmilml lion inn ) Oornleo. insi led ) u , mul 101
mid la" > Nouli Kith Kit-out , Onmlm , Nob. ,
ituiiupiNU A- /
MiiniifuuttiroraorOrmunpntnl .
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer , \
Window * , Klimls Rio. , Hill S. U'tliSf. Workilono
In any putt of tluuMiniitry.
Western Cornice Works ,
0. Sl'KCIlT , I'roptiotor.
fliilviinlroil Jrou Cornlco-t , Kto. Speolil'sl-n-
pnni'd 1'ntontMotnllioSklight. f > C8 mid ( MS.
1MSt. . , Omuliii , Noli.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
- - " - "
A. HOSr.NllKUY\-
Manufacturer mul Doulor In
Doors Sash Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
IUc. Stnlr Hulls a spec-laity. Tolophnno Xo. 03.
l.'ith anil Mnrur St , Onuilm , Nub.
Electrical Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
I , . Vf. WOM''U in CO. , Klcetriolnns ,
Mnsonlo llloolc , Omaliii. HiuglmAlnriiH , Ilolh ,
Klio Alarmliloatrlo Mnttimr , Spotikln ; Tube' ,
Gulil , Silver mid Nickel I'liitlntr , ito.
Iron and Nails ,
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Flro Naila a Specialty. Omaha , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Castlmrs , Steam Hujtlnos , Jtollors ,
Aiohlleotiiinl Iron Work , Iron llridjfos , Mining
nnd Mill Mnchlnery , Olllco and vvoikg , Union
1'aclllo It. H. , 17th and l th SlrcotH.
wiJAitNif& liny. ,
Foundry Works.
Tor. Hth nnd Jackson Sis. , prepared to do all
kinds of Iron nnd Hrass CnBtliiffs ; nlso.O , C.
' ' it's Itooklnjf Oriito Hirs inanufaoturod
Mattress Company ,
Mainifacfiirinst , Miittrcsses , nnildli. Konthoi ?
J'lllowo.CotH , Kto. 1 00 and 12U8 Douglas Street ,
Omaha , Noli.
Overalls. V
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
" "v
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jenns Pants , Sldits , , 11 ( nnd 1101 Douglai
Strootif Onmlm , Neb.
Paper Bozes.
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
IOCS. Hlh St..Onmlm , Neb Orders by mnll so- '
llcitcd mid will locoivo prompt attention.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnniifnrtnrpror Klin ninlllurfflnp Proof Pnfn ,
Vmilt Dcorn. .Tall Work Shutter' Jinrt Wlt'o
Woik. Cor. 1 tth and .Taokbon Sts. , Oinnlm , Neb ,
i > . .if
Soap Manufacturer ,
Olllco nnd Fuclorv. near Towdor Mnjrnrinp ,
Omnha , Neb ,
Wagons nnd Cirrhges.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
] ! iir > mid l < jli Iliunoy hiiooi , Oiniihii , Nob. fiolo
AueniK in Neluaakii lor Jones' Culoblutod Split
The Leading Carriage Factory , .
HIM and 1411 Jjoclgotiiruci , Omnhii , .Neb.
Conoilors anil OrlinlorH of
Perfectly Pure Y/hite / Lead ,
Omnlm , I tti I ovl Curler , } 'ios. ; 0. W , Monrt
Vice I'tou. : 11. Vf , YiuoH , heo. nnd Troae
Tin Millard ,
B. Shears , J , 13. MurkolTno * . Hwobo , Proprlntora
Omnhii , Nohrnsku.
Arcade Hotel , - -
James Oii < oy , Proprietor.
1215 nnd U1I Doiulm St. , Oinalia , Nob.
ThoputromitfooCromiiioroltd men
d. They vrlll Und tlild the bust tot u Uay
house west of Chicago '
Till Cw ni ,
P. KJIUWOJi. . , ProprlittoM.
Hates JJ.X ) jxir day. no durk inoiis. Also Pnlnoo
Hotel .SiiaLi 1A ) , 0n , thu , Neb ,
Canflsld House ,
Cor Ninth nnd Fainum Cts The bout $ ? prp
(1'iv hotel In Oiuuhn Komodolod , rofuml'il o ,
uiilooratud ; one block from urmy boidiiuurt' r4t
opposlln Union I'aolUo hcndiiuuriurs ; itrooi 0:114
pus * thu door ( inorwo I'uutlnld fc ( V > , pr .
torn Also Union .Slock Yards Hoiol , Hontli
Hotel da 6003 ,
P. OM , I'mprlo or.
F.uiopean Plan Tim only nonirHllr IotM * 3
ndaylmiiMj. Tliroo doors from Iloyd u Oiwirt
llooroan'i ' one-oulf block fro n t.iu mififlm
nudtliu ( Jqui-t llousy , 1VH , IjlJ , itiL ) 1'urnuui
bt. , Onmlm , Neb
The Chlcnuo Ilu'hinuo buys , soil * mid ox.
-haiiK < 'H land und lur'iis o/ nil IdniU. Aldro ,
lIxohuiiKU , rooms 70 and 11 , JioruiBiJ
t4 ,
< Stu-co irii ) to J , ( ] . Jacob * , ) "
UN1 > JR HTA KEJt 8 ,
At llKioldnluii'1 li t ami" , Orfirr Itj
t"1 ' " ' " " "