THE DAILY FIFTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , FJUDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 2 , 1885. NUMBER HAST AMONG GENERALS , Iforaorial Services to the Dead Oommander Held at the Nation's ' Capital , A TRIBUTE FROM GEN. LOGAN. 1'lic DocdH of the Departed Hero Viv idly Vortrnycd A Masterly I nlojy Trout nCoinrndo in Grntit IHcmorlul nt Washington. WA'HIIINIITOJ ? , Oct. 1. Services In memory of General Grant were Jield bore this mornIng - Ing tinder the auspices of the local command- cry , Grand Army of Uio Bepublle , in the Metiopolitan chtitch , at which General Grant was a regular attendant during his presiden tial terms. The auditorium , onu of Uiu largest In thu city , was crowded. Funeral chimes were rung from 7 to 8 o'clock , and followed by an organ voluntary by Dr. J. W. BIscholT. A notable feature of the ser vices was the chanting nnd singing of war songs by thu St. Cecilia ladies' quartette. Thu meeting was called to older by Uio department commander , M.M.Brooks , and after prajer by Dr. Hiintley , tliepie.sent pastor of the church , Gen. Logan , oiator of thu day was Introduced and warmly wel comed with clapping of bands by the audi ence. His speech was frequently inten upted by the plaudits of thu audience , which broku out at the mention of the names of favorite commanders , and allusions to the more con spicuous events In the btory of General Grant s career. General Logan's addicss embodied a recital from thu standpoint of a peisonal observer of thu mllltaiy history of General Grant. He began with his own first meeting with Grant nt Springfield , ( III. , ) vvhuro the hitter was assisting the governor of his statu to oiganl/u volunteers under thu Hist call of President Lincoln. He touched In telly and with little elaboration or comment upon the steps in thu upward progress of the subject of his eulogy , the batUes fought and won , and the cam paigns planned and carried out. Ho alluded lo thu jealousy and littleness ot Geueial Hal- leek , when Grant's suiwrlor in rank , him almost n prisoner at Fort lleniy , to Hallcck's dilatory movements ; against Cor inth , lo hfs disregard of Uie advice and Information mation that the enemy was escaping , and to the fntitless outcome of thu campaign , the effect of which , however , was to restoio Grant to the command of his old ai my of the Tennessee , Hu described the failures of Grant's first movements against Vickslmig. threatening a loss of confidence on the iiait of the people and icsultlng In clamors for his removal. Thu presldent'seonlhlunce , ho.sald. was however , unshaken and ho to trust Grant a little longer. Grant's next plan , Uiu speaker said , was recognized by the mllltaiy authoiities of Uio country as wholly unmllltarv and dangerous. They believed it was military suicide and against all science of war. It was , however , full of audacity and in Its icsults showed the genius of thu man who planned It This was the campaign which lesulted in the fall of Vieksburg. lialleck had dhcctcd Grunt to leave Vlckbburg and move down to Port Hudson and assist Hanks. Banks , be ing Grant's superior , would thus bo in command oC thu combined lorces. Hal- Jcok suggested that after Port Hudson should fall , Vieksburg should bo assailed. Hal- leek's letter came too late. Five battles had been fought Grant was already moving on to Vieksburg. Pemberton was driven within the walls and lockid up with only sixty days rations. On the Fourth of July , IbUJ , the long and bloody siege came to a termination and Grant at the head of his victoi ions army entered thu city and placed the old Hag upon the court house. It was the largest capture of men and munitions of war ever made In any modern war up to that time. In the campaign the enemy's killed , wounded and missing numbeieil more than Grant's entiru effective forc . Port Hudson was at once biniendcrcd and thu bnckbono of the rebellion was broken. The orator touched upon thu w ithdrawal of Hosecrans within the lines of Chattanooga where ho was cooped up , with Bragg in possession of his com munications. Jtosecrans was , ho said com pletely encircled and apparently in a position where he must sooner or later sur- lender for want of supplies. Giant was or dered by the president to take command of that department , and his act was to as sign Thomas to command in place of crans. Chattanooga was subsequently ie- lievcd by Grant nnd thu battles and victories of Lookout Mountain and Mission lUdgo followed , having defeated Bragg nnd driven him from his stionghold. Grant now commenced maturing plans for his gieat linal campaigns. His idea was to move tiom Chattanooga to Atlanta and thencu to Mobile , unions something should intervene in thu meantime to force him In thu dliectlon of Savannah from Atlanta. In a letter written that winter Grant said sharp lighting would occur In thu spring and if the union foices were successful the war would bo ended in a year. Grant was now made lieutenant general and placed In command of the aimlesof thuiepuhlle , but one person , Gcorgo Washington , has ever held thu posi tion before. ( \ \ Infield Scott meicly had a brevet ) On the 3d day ol Miuch , 1NH , ho was ordured to Washington. Ills intention at thu time was to leturn Irom Washington and lead the armies of Shciman , Thomas and Scholield to Atlanta. Unforeseen events changed his Intention and torced him to thu east but his campaign was can led almost to the letter by others. Having assumed supreme premo command on the 17th ot March hu at once proceeded to establish his lieadquaitois , in Uio field at Cnlpepper. Heretofore thu campaigns of the different armies had been conducted without any ref erence to each other. Grant purposed now that all his campaigns should pioceedwith onu common end In view. Ho wouldcom [ bine all of his available vu\stcrn foices under Sherman and those of thu east under Meade , and move the two great armies towaid a com mon center. Sherman was to move against Johnston and hammer nnd pound and iollow him until hu was destroyed , captured or dilven back to Itluhmond , when both rebel armies vyeru to bu crushed between thu two great armies of thu republic. Meadu was to advance upon Lc and strike him wheiever bo could bu found. The plan was carried out successfully , end during its progress victories were achieved which eaved tlm republic. The speaker described briefly but In glowIng - Ing terms Uiu events of Grant's civ 11 career and thu honors showejcd upon him by our i > eoplo nt homo and by men and nations abroad , "From Del- inont to the siege of Yk'ksburg , " said Gen. Logan In his summing up , "I was near him in nearly all bis marches , campaigns and batUes , being txirmlttid by htm to tiku pos session of Vieksburg with my command on account of Its having approached nearer to tlio enemy than any other. During my term u.i commander of that city I was with him uluiost every day , and fiom the time when at the head of that glorious old army of the 'Jonnessce , of which hu was thu nrst com mander and 1 Its last , 1 marched by ills ic- vluvvinx Bland at the national capHol , down to Uiu last painful dayn of bib memorable life , I was with him very often , Dmlng all this while-1 was a close obsei ver ot him. Grant was usually known and rccopulml a.s a ijulct anil silent man , but when wigagcd In conversation on any subject In which he felt an Interest them were few who excelled him as a eonveisatloiwlist He wrote twwly and well , and at times most elo- < nicntlv. Thu nation was at dlfleient times thrilled by his , rplgraiiiumtlo sentences. "When ho wrote to Buckncr , Uiu commander at Fort Donelson , "No terms other than an unconditional and Immediate surrender can ) K' accepted. 1 propose to move immediately ilium your works. " his words burned with a jrlow of patriotic lire Into the heart > f every loyal f iceman. When ho had JouL-ht tlio battle of the Wilderness uuil wioto to thepresident. . " 1 piopoM ) to fight it out on this line If It , taucti all Hummer , " hu Infused Into thu ptoplu and his troops a part of his own tenacity and lalth iu final In his short speech to thu commit tee who awaited upon him Informing him of tlie nomination , iin > t mailu by thu icpubllcans tta u candidate for chief magistrate , hu -V , the memorahlo woids In bis conclusion : "Let us have peace. " Thes-e words fell upon the people with electrical effect. Ills cool ness. hfs perception , his aptness In using right words In the right place , and doing the right thing at tlie right time , were at the bottom of ids success as a civil m.iglstrate , Just as his great faculty of doing tin1 rlcht thing at the right time and place , and some times In the most unexpected manner , wasat the bottom of Ids nillltarvsuc < ? es. . The speaker de ciibcd the subject of his eulogy as a man of gieal strength of intellect and iciimrkable common scu e , coolness , self-possession and tenacity , a true filend to those worthy of bis friendship , and the kind est and best of husbands and fathers. H lias been said that ho was not a strategist. In the si > eakers belief he was without a ilval either as a strategist or a commander. Ho was greater as a military commander than \\aslilngton , Napoleon , Wellington , Mail- Ixiio , Uio prince ofi Orange , uFredeilek , Charlemagne , Hannibal , orSelpio Afrlcana" , and In the speaker's belief coming centuries would gl\e him a rank equal , if not supeiior , to.lnliitsC.usar , and when the mists tlnown around his civil administration by partisan enemies should bu dispelled they would iqual In gloiy any administration of the past. Duly was with him a living principle. .Nothing could swerve him from a ho believed to bo right. Ho was conscientious , jiHt , truthful , ; eoiiraccous and magnani mous. He stood by his friends and forgave bis enemies. Uu fought , not for glory , but to save his country. When ciiticlscd and cen sured , when tlio clouds of calumny hung about him. he stood with folded aims amid the thnndcis , witnessing the wrath of his enemies , but lie spoke not In his own defense. Time finally dispelled the clouds mullet in the sunshine of honest judgment. Then his heart was- found pure as a dewdiop which hung upon the lips of a velvet rose. Ho be lieved in the justice of God , and that sooner or later , Ho would by some means guide him us the commander of ouraimles to the line wheiu justice would take the place of wioug , and "man's inhumanity lo man" bo propeily icbiikcd. "But , " continued the speaker , "his lace has been run. Great and good men went upon mountains to die. The attention of the wholoelvlll/ed world was directed to the. spot. His glory was not that of his count iv alone , but of the civilized races ot man. When the news of his death went tiembllng over the wires to thu innermost parts of the earth , the people of every nation and tongue stood with bowed heads. Grant had in life as cended to the topmost heights of mortal fame , His gieatest lenown was the glory of a man's greatest achievements which shone around and about him. God called him and he stei > - ped liom his high pedestal on this earth into the pieseneo ot the great white thione. where he was crowned with thu Immortal glory that shincth on forever. " The sen Ices were concluded with bene diction and a concert of patriotic uiis upon the bulls. Political WASIIINOTOX , Oct. 1. A. very large crowd left hero to-night on the ( ! :25 : train to attend tlio republican meeting at Alexandria. Among the passengers vveie John S. Wise , lepubli- can candidate for governor of Viig'nla ' , who was to addiess the meeting , and John Ambler Smith , a claim agent of this city , and formeily member of congress fiom Ilichmond , Va. , district For sometime past there lias been a bitter lecling between these two gentlemen. They occupied adjoining seats In the smok ing car. When about two miles from Alex andria they became involved in a wrangle , in which Smith called Wise a liar. He had no sooner uttered tlio woids than ho icceived a stinging blowin the mouth fiom Wise that drew blood and knocked him down. WIsu followed up his attack , but the crowd interfered and stopped the row. When Alex andria was readied Wisu went to Aimory hall , whom tlio meeting was held. The meet ing was noisy fiom thu start , and when Wise appealed on the stage and began to speak ho was interrupted by fi lends of Smith , who had assembled in large numbers. with all manner of Insulting icmaiks ami was finally lorced to leave the stage and hall and the meeting bioke up in d bonier. Chinese Immigration. WAsmNfiroN , Oct. 1. The regulations governing Uie immigration of Chinese ic- cently adopted by tlie Hawaiian islands have been tiled with the scciutary of stte and are in substance as follows : Not more than twenty-five Chinese without passports will bo allowed to land on the islands from any onu vessel at one time ; passports will be giantcd by thu loieign oflico and by Hawaiian consular ollicers at Hong Kong , Shanghai and San FranclFco to any Chinese now resident or who mav become residents of tlio Islands ami shall have engaged in trade r so'mo Industry for a yoir prior to leaving thu Islands ; also to any Chinuso woman de siring to immigrate to ( lie islands , and to Cidr ncBO chlldiun of 10 years or under w ho may have patents In thu islands , but such pass- poi ts vv 111 not be gi anted to Chinese laborers leaving the Islands. Passports entitling the holder to enter the kingdom will al o be grant ed at the foieign oflice to such persons ot Chl- nesu nationality as thu minister oC foielgn af fairs may claim It proper to admit to the king dom. < Capital Notes. WAsmxn-roN , Oct. 1. The piesident today appointed Iticliard J. Ashby postmaster at Chaileston , W. Va. , vice A. F. Gibbons , sus pended. Attorney Geneial Garland has icttimcd to Washington. Secretary Kndicott was the only absentee from the cabinet mcetlni ; to-day. Among the questions conshleied at the mteting was the pioposcd leoiganbation of the civil service commission , and thu vacancy inthuofliiu of superintendent of coast and geodetic survey. Thu dccieasu In thu publioNlcbt lor thu month of September Is stated at about 5J1-- 600,000. This will bo i educed , however , by payments of about SS.GOO.UOO , to-day , on au- count of Interest due on bonds. Thu postmaster general to-day appointed the following fourth chiKs post masters : Ill inois At Bichvlew. Lewis L1. Preston. M. W. Wines , chief of thu miscellaneous division coast and geodetio survey , has re signed at Uiu icquest ot Secretary Manning. IteforinN Ordered. jf , Oct. 1. The committee ap pointed by tlio postmaster geneial last August to Investigate the methods employed in the Kevv York and Brooklyn poMotfiees has made a report. In which It condemns thu manage ment of thu Brooklyn olllcu as Incom petent and a disgrace to the depart ment , and highly praises that of the fttiw York Institution. Itccomniendatloiis am made for the improvement of thu service lictwrcn thu cities , and It Is advised that nn Inspector be detailed to see thu proposed le- forms carried out ; also that Biooklyn bu al lowed twenty-live and New York fifty-two more curriers. It in al.Mi recommended that weighing bu substituted for Uiu Hlovv mettiod of counting. Thu postmaster general has issued an order putting Into elfrct thu com mittee's recommendations on November 1 , next. The Commissioners' WASIUXOION , Oct. 1. Civil Seivlco Com mander Gregory has not jet heard from the president ns to what action will bo taken upon his icslgnatlon. Commissioner Thomun Is In San rranciseo , whcio ho Is lioldlng civil sci vice examinations under dhectlon of tliu commission. He will start for Washing ton next Butuiday , and is expected to icach this city about thu last of next week. It Is not known whether he will tender his resig nation or not The Public Debt. Oct. L Thu public debt statement Issued to day shows the decrease of the public debt during the month as S 12,757- VXVi , and cash In thu trea.smy available ( ot re duction of the debt as S2401'7,074. Pay ments ou account of interest nuo on * oiuLs amounted to about t7WXX)0. ) ( ) This reduces the ilecieabo of the debt to about $ > , ? 50,000. o Took Ilia Own Mfe. llEsMoi.NKH , Iowa , Oct. 1 Frank Ilcbus- cluulcrs commuted suicide early this morning by taking ar&cniu iu a tit of temporary in- fctuilty. CARBON'S ' COAL DIGGERS OUT , 'Three Hundred "WhiteMinors Strike Agaiust Their Pig-Tailed Brethren , THEIR DISCHARGE DEMANDED. The KnlglitB ol * Ijtihor at the Back ol' the HtrlkcrH The -Sympathy of the Coiiiiiiuiilly AVIIh Them -Their Dcmniuls. Tflic Miners' Strike at Carlion. Cinn ix.v : , W. T. , Oct. 1 , [ Special to the llii.J : : All the mlnei-s at Carbon , Wjomlng , wliero ! ! 00 men aio at work , went out on a strike to-day. This action Is taken In accord ance with a i ( 'solution adopted at tlie meeting of I'logieislveasvcmbly , Knights of Labor , of Caibon , as follows : "That noinorucoal will be dug liy the miners in Carbon until eveiy Chinaman is dismissed fiom the Union Pacific liailway company's seivice ; that the company leinstatoeveiy white man nut found guilty ot any criminality dlsclmiged on ue- count of the riot at Itock Spilngs ; Unit James M. Tlsdel , assistant superintendent irf ( lie coal department , be removed , and that the litm of Hechwllh , Quinn it Co. bo compelled to sever all connection w lib the road. " The mines at Caibon supply nearly all the coal used by locomotives on the Union IV eille , and theiefore tlie stilke is the moro serious for the road. From thu careful wordIng - Ing of the icsolution and thu formal manner in which it was apupted , it is believed heie that the action is taken in obedience to orders from the executive committee of the Knights ol Labor at Denver. If tlio company should attempt to put Chinese into the Caibon mine It Is piolublo all Knights of Labor on the Union Pacific sjstem will immediately strike. The .sjmpathy of the public of the whole teiiitoryis witli the white miners nnd it is probable all striking emplojesvvlllbe assisted in the evcut of u prolonged stiuggle. Kvery- thing is peaceable and no intimation of trouble. OIUJYUNM : , Wyo. , Oct. 1. At 0 o'clock all coal mlneis in Carbon stinck and all work ceased. The Carbon mines aio owned by the Union 1'aeilie and iuinish an inferior kind of coal. No demonstration or demand was made by the mlneis. Everything is ijuiet It Is understood the present course lias been adopted by the miner's union at Carbon atthe instance of the union at Itock Springs , repre senting that the Caibon mlneis kept the Union Pacific running. Now tlie only coal obtained by the Union Pacific in Wyoming Is mined by tlie Chinese at liock Spiings. The Union Pacific lias on hand u sixty davs bup- ply of coal. KOUMEMA'S KU'ENKI ) KOAV. A Iiivply Time Threatened OH the UanlcH of the liluu Damilic. 13iiti.ix : , Oct. 1. The lesult of the iccent interview between M. Degiers , Russian prime minister , and Piince Uibiuaick , will be to re strain Seivia , Greeoo and Montenegio from attacking Tin key , otherwise Austria would , It is thought , make n bold strike fo Halonica and possibly for Constantinople , causing a bia/o in Kussla which would end in : m European war. MALTA , Oct. 1. It is euncntlv repoitcd here that the British ot Kiuiuiior in the Mediteirancan have been ordeied to Turkey. LONDOX , Oet. 1 Thu Times Constantinople ple coriespondcnt thus summari/ea Turkey's position : "Turkey has no army ready to inaich , no stoics , no money in the tieasury. and no administrative energy. She muse submit to the inevitable. Co.vsTAXTixoi'i.i : , Oct. 1. The ambassa dors meet to-day to consider the Houmelian question , but adjourned without transacting any business of an important natuie , several of the ambassadois having not vet iccelved formal Instructions fiom their icsjiectivc govern men ts. Thoporto sent a eiicularto the poweis protesting against the recent action ot Piincu Alexander in disarming the mussulman inhabitants of Koumelia. VIKNKA , Oct. 1. M. Kratuilo , lioumanian prime minister , who had an Intel view with Empeior Kiaueis Joseiih and Count Kalnoky , the Austiian foieign minister , lespecting the attitude of lioumanla in the event of war between Tmkev and Uulgaila. lias lelt the city to confer with Hismarck , alter whldi he will visit the e/ar. His mission is for thu purpose of having Houmanhi considered in violable and accorded rights similar to those enjoyed by llelglum , It hostilities break out. Thu opinion gain giound that the cilsis is ex tending and that unless the powers intervene at oncuwar is inevitable. The porte , as a piecautionary measure to prevent a i eduction of supplies in the event of war with Bulgaria , Issued an order piohlbiting tlio e.xportallon of ceieais. J'liiMPPoroMR , Oct. 1. T'rinco Alexander Isactlvelj engaged In pushing lorwani mea.s- nrrHlor tlio defence ol liulgaria. Troops fiom Sofia aio taking the places of volunteers who have gone to thu frontier. All strategic positions and passes arc being rapidly forti fied , and military posts aiu being greatly strengthened. The postal telegraph tailtt of Kastern Itonmclla. has been assimilated with that of North Bulgaria. Si. I'r.nutsnuna , Oct. 1. The Hiisslan journals expicss the opinion that the con- feience of ambassadors at Constantinople on the Itoumellan question will bu re- bidUess. LONDON , Oet. 1. The powers have resolved to compensate Ken-la If the imrto accepts the union of Bulgaria and Itoiimclia. NihbA , Oct. J. King Milan held a recep tion at the royal palace heio to-day. He was hailed by thu populace. Pilvato conversa tions with the membcis of the Spupb > clilmi. which wcro opened to-duy by the king , leveal the fact that they aru unanimously in favor of thu extension of .Sen la , CONSTANTINOPLI : , Oct. 1. An hide has has been Issued ordering the Turkish Hoops to mass at Adrianoplo , Laige numbers of Russians ate crossing thu fiontler to join thu Bulgailans. LONDON , Oct. 1. Tlio .Servian government lias Nl.000men underarms. It Is feaird the king must attempt a coupe do main before the conference Is concluded the finances of thu country aru unable to stand the present heavy drain. The people of Greece arc sending petitions to King George asking him to puisne a vigorous policy in connection with thu JionmeJian revolution. DPAitiH. Oct. 1. The Temps sa > s that Kus- sia decided to iccognlzo tuu union of Bul garia und Houmclia , that German ) offered no opposition to thu union and Austria makes coiujK-'iisatlon of Kei via and Greece n condi tion to her assent. AMONG TJIK The Trunk Un 1'rostilont' Other Ituilroad XCVVN. NKVV Yoinr , Oct. 1. All roads except the Lt-lilgli Valley weie present attho meeting of thu trunk line railroad piesldents to-day. President Huberts , ot the Pennsylvania pre sided. There weio also piescnt , Pn-sldcnt King , of thuKrlo ; General Manager Hick- Mm , and Trafllii Manager Baigeaut , Grand Trunk ; Piesident Dcpevv , New York ( 'entral ; and 13. A , liegeman , Laclrananna. The fol lowing was passed : llesolved , Weheu-by pledge ourselves wo will not allow any variations to bu niiido fiom cM.iblishcd castbonnd rates either by dlit'ct dtduction on tlio sum of local latcs by any 6tllctr , agent or cmplovr of our lines , and that upon the rcnum of the , when evidence hatlsfactory to him has been pn-scnUul that established rates have been cut liy u connecting load or Its con nections , even though the reduction may bu mudu In Its or their own proportion of rate , wo will withdraw nil prorating arrange ments , und will not accept from such con necting mads tlnouKh bills or through cars , but will caui-e icbiliing and transfer of iirop- eityaUulltiullI laiesfioju jiuicUon and we further agree that tiny aient under our control who may lie shown lo be quoting less than , or Instrumental In cutting , eslal > - IMied rates either by rebates or otherwise , si' lbedlschaiged ; piwlded that any line mny wllhdi-avv Irom this resolution upon ten dny'rt notlco to the commissioner or notice given at thu picsldent's muetlng called for the purpo o. HeVved , That.until October 15 freight In transit lit lor to October 1. If so noted on the way bill , will bo accepted by the tiunk lines at contiact rates but on and after October 15 , no way bills hall bo passed at the tiiink line western teimhmls at less than lailirrates. The trunk line general passenger agents to-day agreed to have a gross cash pool on lirst and second clnss emigrant rates If the committee could see Its way clear to a plan. The committee was also to repoit on the emigrant question south of Baltimoio nnd lioiih to Quebec. The lestottitlon of the emi grant pool from New Vork and Boston was al'Jo agreed upon. NKVVIII nun , N. Y. , Oct. 1. Judge Brown of the supreme cotiit rondeied a decision of foieclosuiu In the suit ot tin- United Slates Ttust company against the New York , West tJlunoA lluflalo railway and entered a du- eieuof foreclosure and sale. A. S. Cassidy. of New bingli , was appointed leforeo to sell thepiopeitj of tlie road. Thedecieedliects that the iiroperty be sold lor not less than S .WW.OOO. Niw Vonu , Oct. 1. The Missouri Pacific eompanv leaded thu Ci-ntnil Bniiich ot the Union Pacine road , the lease to run twenty- live > i'iir > i. No details aio as yet made public. ClitrAoo , Oet 1. A meeting of managers of the Southwestern lallvvay association to- daj discussed the nito war between the Mis souri Pacific ami Atchtson , Tojieka A ; Santa Fo loads in livestock tralllc in thu Kmporia dlslilct , and subsequently placed the matter In the hands of Commissioner Midgley and the height agents ol the loads Intetested , with Institutions to try and reach an amica ble arrangement. Commissioner MIdgely was also Instiucted toau-ango fora nnitoim peiecntage on si > aboanl business between Chicago and the Missouri rher. The Kplscopal 1'rayer Hook. Ni.w YOIIK , Oct. 1. At thu centennial diocesan cesan convention of the Protestant Episcopal chuichoftho diocese of New York to-day , Hcv. Dr. Thomas Hichey oll'ercd a resolution that It Is not expedient for those present to proceed with the levlslon of the book of com mon prayer further than consideration of long stand Ing and general acknowledged er rors and defects , and a concession ot greater freedom in the usu of the hortatory portion of the dally ofllcu and tlieollico for holy communion. A list of al- teiations to icctify the most glaiing liturgical blemishes In the prayer book Is submitted , and Includes permission to use the apostles' creed ( unbracketed ) in the olllee lor morning and eveningpiav crs , and the leeitation ot the nicene creed in its proper place alter the cos- pel in the oflice for holy communion. Tlie resolution also provides lor a committee composed of men learned In liturgical science to be appointed by authority ot the general convention whose duty it will be to leport to thu same fiom time to time , and whoso rec ommendations be accepted or refused by that conv cut ion. These suggestions w ere ordeied printed and made the special order for to morrow. A Canadian 3 > ounyt > rook. ' Br.i.i.'s COHNKIIS Out.'Oct. 1. This after noon while a fair was in progress a number of men who had been drinking got Into a dispute and a light ensued. In a short time 130 men became engaged in combat Stones flew in all directions , and men wcro seen hurrying away with bleeding heads. A number of persons were seveiely but not latally injured. Thu causu of thu quarrel was a discussion as to whether or not Kiel should suller death. After the disturbance had been quelled , one of those engaged in tlio fight went up to Sir John Mau- donald and said : "Aio yon going to hang Kieiy" Bystandersshoved thu imiu aside , whereupon Sir John s < > : u : " 1 am not the hangman. " ' Civil Service Examination. WASHINGTON , Oct. 1. On the 9th hist , the civil service commission will conduct an ex amination heio for the selection of persons to fill places in the new intelligence bureau of the war depaitment. This division is to be similar to the one already in existence In the navy depaitment. Tlio examination will test the knowledge of the candidates in mlli- laiy affaire. The division will bounder tlie direction of the adjutant general and in a general way it will oe thu purpose to collect Information In regaid to strategic points near the coast of thu United States , at places for Instance like Cuba , the West Indies , etc. Salvationists Fined. Wn.KESiiAiim : , Pa. , Oct. I. Officers of Uio salvation army of Nanticoke , who were ar rested Tuesday last , had i healing this after noon. They vveio fined # 2.00 each for ob structing the highway , and as they refused to pay their lines were bcnfrito jail for six hours. A howling mob surruunJed tlie prison and endeavored to tear It down. The whole po- llce lorce was called ou and with dltllcuity saved the building anil dispersed the crowd. Tlio Salvationists vvciu released this evening and paraded tlio town with near a thousand follow ers. ers.A A Grccnliaok Ontherin . MAKSIIAU/TOWN , Iowa , Oct. 1. The straight greenback statq convention to-day nominated a full state ticket as follows : Governor , KHas Doty , ofCedar Bapids ; lieu tenant gov'ernor , J. K. Olaik.of Mount Pleas ant ; supreme judge , M. B. Karnsworth , of Cicsco ; state superintendent , J. D. Outline , of Oskaloosa. J. B. Kckert was ehoien a member of thu national committee , and a lull state cent ml committee was unpointed. Besolutions approving the Indianapolis national platfoim ot it t and denouncing fusion with democrats weiu adopted. Fatal Collision. IlAiTm > iu > , Oet 1. A train of the New York & New England railioad struck an om nibus In New Boston this morning at 8BO. : Tim omnibus was tilled v\lth children on their way to school. The driver oj the omnibus. Charles Dyson , and his two Mstcis , aged 111 and IS , were badly Injured. Onohassincu died , and the other i not expected to live. The second bister died soon alter the ac cident. Burri will piobably livu only a few hours , lowa'n 1'opuln.tlon. PIH : MOINKS , Iowa , Oct. 1. The complete census returns of Iowa by counties give the state o total population of 1,763SO , ! ) , a gain In live years of IBtl.UOO. Polk county leads in the list with a population of 61,007 , a gain in hvu years of tOH ) ; PotUiYuttauilo comes M'e- end With 45.100. a gain of o.Olo ; Dubuquu third , with ,4'JO , a gain of.600 ; and Scott fourth with U.UWl , a gain cf CW ) . o The First ofHfr Kind. Nnvv HAVKN , Conn , , Oct-.l. Miss Alice B. Joddln , of Coldwoter , Midi , , u graduate of the academic and law ilcpartmeuts of the unlveislty of Michigan , cntcied Yule law school to-day. tShu is , the iiistlady evei en tered in any department ol Vuie , outside of thu art school. An Kditor Sulchlcn. ST. Levis , Oct. l.-rTl.u Post Dispatch Quincy , 111. , special ; j M. 31. Wood , city editor of tlio Sunday Topic , suicidal last night by shooting with a revolver , The caubcol ttiudccd Is unknown. He- was thu son of wealthy and highly respected patents living In lilknton , 111 ? . The Kltimtiou'In Montreal. MoNTitiui. , Oct. l. 'orly-four deaths line from small-pox jesteiday. The health de- pnitinent now refuse * to fm iih ) statistics of adjoining municipalities on thu ground that FOIIU < ot the nuwtpapeiB have included Uieni lu the city proper. CHAMPION WILLOW WIELDMS The White-Legged Players of the Garden City Win the Pennant , NEW YORK'S GIANTS DOWNED. A Frantic Audience of Ton U'lioufmml I'eonle Now VorkMnlccstlio Poor- cut Showing of the Scries Sport liifj News. Chicago Wins tJio Third Rninc. Ciiic.vno , Oct. 1. 'L'hc Xuvv York giants wont down befoio Ilio powers of Chicago again to-day. Whllu there weieeiiors com mitted they wciushaied very evenly by both clubs , and the defeat of thu visitors was inoro complete than the two preceding games. Their famous batsmen nude only three lilts during the game and for a total of only three bases , while the Chlcagos batted Welch for a total of ten bases. The Chleagos nmdo their display of batting strength in the ninth in ning , when the K'oiostood4 to 'tin their favor , w ith JsTi > w YuiklumcUT , to follow them at thu bat. Thu Chieagos piled up tour inns , decid ing the contest bejond per adventuie. During tlieprogiess of this inning the audi ence , which had kept up to this time In a btalo of nervous doubt , on Dalrymplo's clean dilve Into right Held enabling two men to eio s the home plate , bioko into tlitindeious cheering , the conta gion appatently leaching to everyone present save thu hnmi'diatc supportois of the New York nine , and even some of those appeared to catch tlie infection. It caused playing to cease for a iiioiiient , as the sound was so mighty that It drowned everything within Its read ) . Mature men tluovv their hat.s in the air and .shook hands and fell into the anus of poisons unknown to them. Some one tan up the championship pennant of 185 , and theiu was another scene of trantie cheering. It seemed tor the liiht time to affect the steady neivcsof the New York fielders , who had shown themselves throughout , as dill their antagonists , Impervious to any of the influ ences which summndcd them. A study of thu it-core shows that In to-day's game the visitors weie defeated at all points , and on neither side was. a question raited as to anj ol the decisions of the uni- piie. The attendance , notwithstanding another very threatening dav , was 10.0Q ) . liotli nines weie handsomely cheered as they appealed on the giound , and every good play thioughout the game was applauded.Vil - liams-ou ojiened the last Inning for Chicago with a llyeaptmed bv Connor. Burns made a base lift and McCormlek made another , and both wen1 advanced abate-by a passed lull. .Sunday went out on a tout lly to Connor , Dalrjmple then made Ids famous drive Into riglit-venter-Iield vhich enabled both Hums and McCormick to scoie , Dah.vmplu reaching second base Goic made a base hit. enabling Dalynnple to score , ( ! ere reaching third base on a wild tinow to home plate to head oil' Dulrymple. Kelly struck to second base , vvhien Ward and Gerhault fumbled between them , allowing Goie to score and Kelly to reach lirst base. Anson Hew out to O'ltourke. For New York Giliespie Hew out to Dalrymple , Dorian went out from Pfelfer to Anson , and Anson took Biehardson's lly , closing the game. The following is thoscoru : CHICAGO. All. II. III. Til. I'O. A. E. Dalrymple , if f 1 : i 4 : i 0 0 Core , cf 4 1 1 1 T 0 0 Kelly , e 5 Ansou , Hi 4 0 0 0 11 0 1 PJeller,2b It 2 1 1 4 C 0 Williamson , W > , Burns , ss' H 2 1 0 1 McCormick , p 4 Sunday , ri 4 U 0 0 1 0 0 Total 37 8 8 10 yt 10 8 NIW : YOIIK. AII. n. In. TIL i'o. A. i : . O'ltourke. cf : s i l i B o i Connor , Jb 4 i a 2 1:1 : o o Evvimr , c 4 i o o 4 o a Gitlcspie , If 4 o o o i o o Dorrau , rf Biclmnlson , Kb 4 Welch , p a 0 0 0 1 4 a Geiliaidt , 21) ) B 0 0 0 3 S 2 Waul , ss ! ! 0 0 0 1 ! i 1 Total : u : i : i a 27 11 11 8COKP 11Y IN.Nl.VOP. i 2 : i 4 % o 7 8 o Chicago 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 8 Kew Yoik o 0 l o o a o o 0-u Ht'MMAIlY. Knitted runs Chicago a , Xew Yoik none. Home runs None. Two-base hits Dalrymple 1. Tlnee-base hits None. Passed balls-F.wingH , Kelly 2. Wild pitches None. Fiist base on balls Chicago 2. New Yoik ! I. First b.use on rriors Chicago ! ) , New Voile" . .Struck out Uy McCormick none , by Welch : t. Double plays Burns-Alison , llmpiie ( furry. Time 1 hour 45 minutes. ' .Turf JSvont.s at Jerome 1'tirk. Niw YUIIK , Oct. 1. Tlie weather nt.Ieromo jiaik was line , track fast , attendance' light. In the second race , a selling race , Pierre- Loiillard 'entered Politico , half-brother to Ponthic , at fcl.MO , lie won easily , and tliero was great competition when ho was put up at auction. The price run up to 815,000. The claim is made that this bid was on lichalf of J.oiillnnl. The judges then proposed to put tlie hoise and sell him again , but a stirnnous objection was made by the gieui crowd sing ing around tlie judges' stand. The decision wasnnally defened. Milo and one-sixteenth : AVallflowcr won , Stonebuck second , Bleu third. Time , 1:5 : % . Gieenllcld btiibt a blood vessel. Three-qimiteis ot a mile for two-jrar- olds : Politico won , Bordelalse second , Lulu thiid. Time , 1:18. : Mile and three-quarters : Deb Allies won , Boval Aich second , Pontlau third. Time , H:12. : Jlilo and a quarter : Strategy won , Parole second , Heel and Toe tlilrd. Time , 1 ! : ] } . MUo Tin cu > ear olds and upward ? : Val- Icv Forgo won , T.ibata becond , Sapphiiu tlilrd. Time , IMS. Steeplechase shoi t coin se. : Bepeater won , Jim MeGowan second , WellliiKton thiid. Time , a ; H. . . .i. . , O Otlirrllull Gnnu'B Yi'htorduy. At Detroit Detroit 10 , Trovldenco ( I. At Baltimore Daltliunu ; 1'i , Louisville 8. At Philadelphia-Athletics 4 , PittsburgU. At Biooklyn St Louis 7 , Itiooklyn b. At Boston Jloston 7 , Buffalo H. At New i'ork Metiopolltan 6 , Cincinnati 1. JSVvv York Niw YOIIK , .Oct. l..Much less Interest was taKcn in returns displayed on newspupci bulletins to-day of the New York-Chicago base ball game at Chicago. Local enthusiasts at last acknowledge their U-ain beaten. AltncUlnjrthol'nMor. Divrisoir , Kept. ! ) , ( Chicago Times SlM'elal. ] James ( ' . .Smith Is Urn colored pas tor of the XIoii Methodist church in Windsor , and llus about six blocks from the ilver , lie has n family and Is much respected b ) his parishioners1. Last spiing ho entered into iiriangrmenU with John Chambers , a neigh bor and one of his Hock , to plant and take eaio of crop ? of corn on land owned by .Smith adjoining their i c-iidonces. Chambeis owned a team and tiiullh v/as / to have the life. of U part of the time to cultivate. It wus not Ionic before ho liegan to liuil fault with Kmtth'H use of the horn * . Tills morning .Smith taw Chambers going Into the lot with bcveralof hl.s chlldien , all aimed with eoin- nilters , and begin cutting the corn. lie- went toward him and oidcicd him to get out ofthcluL ChambeiB niaito lush for him , nnd Rwlnglngn piece of wythe fastened Into n handle brought I. acioss Smith * abdomen ifls clothing prevented n very deep wound. Ima wai followed Immedlatelj by many slashings , the scj the striking Smith across tlu > slum tier , In the side , and nnally four or live tlmei about the head. Smith is a small man , but grappled with Chambers and tlnevv him on the giound. Chambers still hold the com- knife , and used It on .Smith's brad. He called to ids gill , about 15 jeais old : "Kill him ! Kill him ! Don't leave a breath In his body I" The gill attacked Smith with her knlle , but theairlval of belli saved Smiths life. The nhl tied. Chambers ran toward his house , shouting to his wife : "llrlng mo the shotgun I' ' A gun was handed to him , and ho went to load It. When the gun was loaded ho again stalled for Smith , who re mained In the coinlield , sin rounded by friends , too weak liom the loss of blood to walk. A.s Cham bers uppioached Mrs. Smith placed herself in hunt of her husband , exclaiming : "Shoot me Ifjoit vvantto , but don't shoot my 1" Cfiamber'fl blood by tills time was somewhat cooled , and he went back to his house. Olllcer Commit nne.sted Chambers. ] lu was taken to the lockup , and his examin ation frt for Monday. Smith is very weak irom tlm loss u blued , and his injuries aio very serious. * A Comuililul Young Couple. 1'iiTsnvno , ] 'n. , Oct. , 1. lreenslmrg ! (1'a. ( ) social elides aio greatly agitated over the elopement and maulage of two eliildten , whose patents aio prominent members of ( iicensbnrg society. A strict license law went Into ell'ect In this stale to day , and tlie young couple , concluding to takn advantage of the two dajs > ' giaco allowed before the law- was operative , went to IMttnburg on Tuesday and weie mauled by a justice of thoneace. The liappv bildegioom is Willie .1. Coshey , lately a messenger boy for the llank- s' Meieliant.s' und 01 > V ; Telegraph company , the son of II. .1. Co hc\u wealthy liverviiian. The bilde Is the only daughter ot J. II. J aird , editor of the ( iieenslmrg Argus , and the adopted daughter ot the Tenth legiment. national guaids of Pennsylvania. She Is the voting lady for whom that legimenl nearly Ivnched a man at the late encampment at Conncatit lake , for Insulllnir her. It is not known what the patents of the chlldien will do in the matter. The combined ages of the couple could baldly icach thiity years. < SnakcH in HIM Stonmoli. ICi.MiiiA , N. Y. , Sept ! ! 0. [ Chicago Tiibuno Special ] For two years past John Long- well , of Charleston , 1'a. , has been subject to UN , being attacked suddenly and lying un conscious for hours. Witli n the last few months ho has experienced a cold sensation in his tlnoat occasionally , as If something was rising Into his mouth. This attainted with tlie singular feeling In his stomach , convinced him that there was something lying there. His physician was asked to give him an emetic , anyhow , and accordingly gave his patient a large dose. The lesult was that Mr. Longwell threw up two miakes. one about fourteen inches long and the other a foot in length , brown In color and both alive , and they are v et alive. This story is vouched forbyseveial who were about tlie house at the time , and the physician cxpiesses Ids be- lief in tlie incident Longvveil Is a voung fanner and a man of veracity. Mr. Long- well thinks that he swallowed the eggs which pioditced tlie snakes while earelebsly drink ing water irom u spilng. IVuiit the Trcnty Made Public. Niw Yonii , Oct. 1.The chamber of com merce to-day adopted resolutions requesting that the provisions of. the pioposcd treaty with Spain and the provisions of other tieat- ies be piade public at the earliest appropriate minute , and before action is taken by the treaty-making power , so that ample time may be had for their discussion and consideration by thoimblie in all their various bearings. A copy of these lesolutlons weie'onlored sent to Uiu mcMdcnt and sceietary of state. The lesolutions offered , deploring the gradual loss of our shipping interests , and Killing ( in the goveinment for aid by legislation , vere re ferred to a committee. The Charter OnU'n Trouhle. llAnrroni ) , Out 1. The hearing In the ap plication fora receiver for the Charter Oak life insurance company begun Uds afternoon bsfom Judge Grangur of Uiu supiemu court The application was made by Ephiaim Williams - Insiimncccommissioner , on alleged im- paliment of the assets of tlio companv to the amount , as ho believed , of more than 25 per cent. The hearing was adjourned until thiee weeks fiom next Monday , to en able the complainant to file specifications and the defendant to sceiiro witnesses to testity as to the value of their property. An Iowa Army Kcunion. MAIS.SIIAI.I/IOWN , Iowa , Oct. L Thu re union of thu Second Iowa cavalry closed heic to-day. Col. Kgbcrt , of Davenport , was elect ed president , and Chailes F. Codle.Muscatlnc , secietary. The next meeting will occur Oc tober 1 , 1W. Letters were received fiom former commanders of thu leglmciit Geu- erals Hatch and KHIotl , of the irgular army. There was also icceivoda letter fiom Gen. Sheildan. _ _ _ Killed l > y the ApachCN. TOMIISIONK , AilOct. . L A man minted Keating was killed by thu Apaches yesterday In White Trail ranon , San Semlon vallej. Tlio body was fonnd'half a mlle from his house. Ho was shot under the arm and his Iliad smashed in with stones. A man named Shanahan and Mis. Mack , tenants on the ranch , cannot bu found. Kcnl 'J'Jio fullowinjf transfers were liled Sept. ! ! 0tli with the county clerk , nnd reported for the UKIJ by Ames1 lleiil Estuto a-O'iiey : Willium Jlnck and wife to Churlos Ciriicnifr , lots il , 10 and 11 , block ft , subili- vision of John 1. Hediek's add Uinuhn , w d-5WO. : } ; ( DcxU'r ] j. Thnniny und wife to Arohor Eke , H 7 * ieet of w 110 feet of n 4 of liloek "Q. " Sliinn'H ld ! add Onmliii , cj u $ a < j. Williain T. Seaman and wlfi ; to .lames L. Black , loC'O , Allen's subdivihion of lot B , Jtnpin'H add Omaha , w d 500. Annie E. Gibson and husband lo ( Jeoro U. A.vres , jiart of Jot U , , John- hon'H udd Omalia , w d fS.GOO. Imac N. 1'ici-fo and wife to Clifton ] ] , Wayne , JotH 1 , 2 , U , 4 , 5. 1 ! , 7 and H , block ft , Jhuuu it Selden'o udd Omaha , w d IJIUKK ) . lion 1 $ . Wood and wife to Guy Howard. block fi , Hoyd's add Omaha , w dKM. \ \ , ( . Guy Howard und wlfo to Ben H.Vooil. . n | of lot 4 , block 61 , Omaha , vv d /XH ) . Cliuilcs C. HoiiEel und wife to Richard C. Cubbing , H J of lot U bile 1 , sub-division of lot 5 , Capitol ndd to Oinahu , w d $1.U60. ( ico. W. Amos and wife to Herman ( ' . Stnlit , lots 0 , 7 nnd H blk 1 , Driglitoii , Douglas county , w d $700. lli'iirv Jil. Hurlbut und wife to Coidcliu M. Hiirlbnt , undivided lot1 MI i of mv i MO : 'J7 , 10 , ia , 40 acres , loiifla county , q o $1. Cordelia J > I. IIiirlbut.sinKlo ( ) to Sara It M. Kitchen' undivided J of so i of nvv 1 sec U7 , 10 , 13 , 40 ueres , Dontrlas county , vs d * 1,000. * Ktinlco I > . I'ntteo and husband ( o Samuel 1) . Mercer , lot 8 block 117 Omaha Martin Dunham and wife to John H. IIiin < rate , lotH 2 , 1) ) , i and Q block 17'JOmu- Inv v < d-i,000. ( 1-Vi'd-riekC.Fosdikonnd wife to Ilattiii Webb , Hj of nof set of sw-J seu UJ-1S-1U 10 acres , Douglas Co. , vv d f 3.7&0. , UcoL , Miller und wife to Herbert J. Davenport lots 111 and 1-1 block M end ndd OjnuluC vv d K > 1,100. W. 11. J'artons , Ji M. , Homa-onalliist nnd Surgeon , ollice , rooicu 1U and 'M 1'ux- ton bloc ) ; opp. opera houso. A STANDING LIST OF PRICES An Almost Unvaried Eeport of Qnolnticms \ iu the Oattlo Trade. j HOGS JUMP A TRIFLE HIGHER. Continued War Humors in tliellulluiu Country Oho Novvldfo to Wliral The Other 3larki < tH Kenmlu Monotonous. Chicago Iilvo Stork JfurUot. Cnic.vdo , Oct. L ( Special lo Uiu Uit- : : ] CATn.u Becelpts of c.tttlo for the da > 703 against 0,4 ( last Thursday , making about ! KWXfor ) ) the week , against W.iW for thu same time last week. A slow m.uket willi llttlo or no vailatlon In pi Ices was iibnut thu icsult of to-day's opetatlons. A few loads of big pi hue heavy natives sold ntSri.Woio.7S and a few loads of goo.l to choice natives at S.'i.OOug.VJ-'i. TheioX weiu no really pilnui 1,500 to 1,000 pound steers among the offer ings this forenoon and none that were good enough to bring ? or SO.OO and upward. Common and medium natives not anted , while low grade and sciubby natives WCM bard to sell for any pi ieo salesmen could gut , and a glance at classified salgs will show that such aio selling at about as low tlguics as for the year so tar. Te.sans ate making Si.00@:5.75 ; : and noithein range Te.vins Si''iXii ' ! Jt.SO. Half-breeds and northern rangers aio selling nt fiom S3.505.00 , a tntln of lowers & Ijowery brand belling this morning ' for S5.00. Noithein feeders uio making aiound about § : WO. Stockers and feedeis aio being Inquired for moro freely , yet the gen eral maiket Is slow and prices are veiy low. Beculpts of stock ca ves show eonslderablo ' . fulling off as compared with this time last J' ' week , and In a general way trade is lather slow , with lIUlo or no change In prices. Shipping steers , 1W ! ) to 1500 Ihs , ? 5.20 ( < r5.b5 ; I'JtXI tol.'BO llH , S 1.05(35.20 ( ; DM to liXK ) Ibs. Stockers and feeders quiet ac $2.r > 0iW.7fi ( : cows , bulls and mixed , . : i.HObulkn.Kfii.M ; ) ; ( ) . Through Texas cattle- firm , owing to small offeilngs : about MX ) on sale and demand active at { ? 2.75fiKX ! ( ) . About ; 2,000 western range cuttle were oiisaluiuut prices unchanged : natives and half breeds , &l.XW.OO ! ) ( ; cows , S2.7Qi.i : ! . " ) ; wlntcicd T \ - aus , S2.SOJ.75. ( ; ! Sales 2iVS Montana , lf-J ! Ibs. 55.00 ; tt liali-hiceils , 11 IS Ibs , ? : t.il5 : 210 Nebraska-TexaiiH , lour Jin , : i.5T ; 20 ! ) Mon tana , 12IH Ibs. SJ.G5 ; Jtttl Montana-Texan * , lOTit Ibs , ? : i.t . HoiifH. Becelpts for the day 15,000. against 20,701 last Thuisday. making about ( tt.KW for the week so far , airalnst 64b34 for the MIIIIO time last week. This maikct was again laii- ly active and piice.s also again advanced : i stiong Be ail aioiiud. Theru wote , however , it few loads on thu latu trains that salesmen , could noted eaily prices for , but tlm gieat ; bulk of sales show the advance noted. OdiP lotsof lough ends ot loads of common and rc-J lected stock generally sold at ? ? : i.OO@U.75j lair to good packing sorts nt SlVrOdftUX ) , nmH best heavy at P4.00LM.25. ( Common lo goodr lluhl soldatSU.70@-i.10. Yorkers , at W.'JWSf 4.25 , and singeing pigs , atS4.30@4.i5. ! Tlie T. As B sort cost $4.2d@l.35. Bouuh and mixed , at J'J.65 } < ra.'J.M ) . Packing and shipping , 250 to 850 Ihs , { SMXXiM.UO. Light weights , 1U > to HO Ihs , $ ) .70@UO ; ISO to 210 Ibs , SJ.15@l.a5. Selected , at § 4.40. Skips , S2.75rtU.75. ( Chicago Grain Market. CtiicAoo , Oct. 1. [ Special to Uiu BBR.J WJUAT : There was a stiong feeling iu wheat to-day , and considerable trading was donu on the cuib before the opening o 'Change. This was duo In part to a dcellno in British consuls , a dccicased amount of wheat on passagu for England und Uie. conti nent , and a growing feeling of uneasiness ic- gardlng thu shape of political events Iu Europe. November wheat , which closed last nlghtat bO hC , opened this moinlugal87camt sold up to B7.J-JC , a number of shorts taking ; fright at the firmer tone assumed by thu market OfTeilngs wcro heavy at outsldu fig- meg , hovvevei , nnd thu market : fell off to 70 0 , but on the statement thai Tin key was refusinir to allow oxporC ot any grain and that considerable wheat nail been tal\en for export In New York , prices losushaiply to h % < y87Je , where thuiuaiket icsted. On the regular boaid In Uiu after noon November sold up to 87c , but lull hack to STiic under heavy olfeilngs In the belief that the foieign situation was not so acute , and closed atb7'jc. Becelpts hoe con tinue fair and shipments moderate. COIIN Corn and minor grains attiacted- llttlo addition , and while ruling modeiatcly linn , showed little change in prices. PitoviHio.Vh Piovlsions lulcd firmer , mess pork showing an advance ot ISc. Shooting Hcrnjic nt Missouri Valloy. COUNCIL BI.IUTH , Oct. , 1. [ Special lo the BKII.I At Missouri Valley > esterday Mai- filial Kittrlngliam was dangerouslyshot In the stomach by an express messenger named Porter , whom he attempted to anest. Poiter , and a woman , both being under the Influence ol liquor , were raising consldciablu dlsttiib- ance , and thu marshal triad to uirest thorn , when Poiterleslstcd. Thereupon the mar shal used his clnh , and Poiter uiuvv : i iu > ol- ver and shot. Poiter is In Jail , and it is im ported tliatKittriiigham will die. The Weather. Oct. 1. UpjM'r Mlss-Mlipl ! | : Fair weather , northeily winds in southern , portion , winds shitting liom Minllnve.stto northwest in northern portion , higher barom eter in Mmthciii portion lolovt-il by lifting ? haiomcterin noitnein portion , slight change. * In tcmix'iatuie. Missouri Valley : Fair weather , ncaily stationary temperature , variable winds gen eially fiom inn th to vve t , higher baiometer Declined the Ch nil en { ? < - ' . COMIMIHJH , Ohio , Oct. 1. Governor Hinul * ly has challenged Senator Sherman lo iv joint debate at Dnyton Saturday , but Urn chal- Jengu has been declined by Chairman nell , on thu ground that as Ho.ully hud ro lused to meet Judge For.ikcr , his ilvnl , ho would not dignity his candldacv' ftr > Urn United States scnatorship by alluwltu ; man to discuss with him. The Tire SAN KiiANr'ifico , Oct. 1. The Immediate dellveiy servlco was tested by many nuti- c.liant.s tixU ) and w as found to woik ' ) iw- ally satisfactory , lie-ports fiom Intuiior ell ie.i speak fa\oiably of the service. tii'.w Vouu. Oct. 1. Tliu now > / * * tern ot Immediate letter delivery , whlijt wont into eflcct to-day , w as not taken advantage ot to an > gieat extent by thu public. HnUsil- tnto letter cairiei-b on duty for dellviuy pur- po.-es found llttli ! to do. Youthful Hmall Pox I'nttent * . Nr.w VOIIK , Out. 1. Isulons and Bi-itha Heibeit , aged u-sjioctlvJoy and 4 jearo , wcii removed to liivcrsldu hospital to-night , suffering fioiiH.mall pox * There have btitu recently several eases of thudls aso in thu vi clnity fiom which they weiu removed. Fatal Accident. CI.KVKJ.AMI , O. , Oct. l. To-day , whlhi a iang ; of men weiu loading coal on u vessel near the raltioad track hete , a tialn boclutil down killing Andrew Denvlr , W } ear * n'd ' , iatally hijming Patrick Manamun , and bmtly ci usliing James Guilty , KUNDHKliO G. P. Sundb rg , on of P. mid P. Sumlbeig , October 1 , nm-d H jeai5. Funeral will take pl.tco Ocmbcr 'J , nt 'A p. m from Ninth nnd Meicy sued , Filends .iro Invited.