Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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    * ' L JL
_ - * . *
Advertising Client * ! ! !
"II hits bccomo so common to begin an
article , in mi elegant , IntereslinfrsUln ,
llicn nm it into omo wlvortlsohiont ,
Hint wsuold all such , '
' 'And Himply call uttoiillon to the merits
of Hop Hitters in as plain , hom-st torina
Tin possible ,
"To iiiilttco pcoplo
| \ \ "To { rive them ono trlnl , which so
proves iholr vnlno Hint tlit'v will nuvcr
m vise anything oho. "
"Tun Itr.MKiiV to fnumibly noticed In nil tlio
pnporH ,
linlhrlnngnnd f > r.ctilnr , h
"lint tup 11 liirtfo ulo , nnd h supplanting nil
fttlior medicine .
Tlioio 11 IHI donylui ; tlit > vlttoosof Ilio Hop
plant , mid Urn proprietors of Hop Illltoit luno
filmwii Kif'ntfliMUlMi'--iiii ! < l tilnlny. * * *
"In compounding u twiili-lnn MliOHi virtues
nro so | ilpitl > 1i ) lo oo'j one a observation. "
Did She Lie ?
"Sho lingered and ftiflVrcil airing , pin-
hip away all tliu time for j ears. "
The doctors doing her no jjootii"
"And nl lust wns enied by this Hop
Illttor.s the papers say HII much about. "
"Indued ! Indued' * '
"How tlmnkftil wo Hhonld bu for that
mcdieino. "
"Klovon jours our diUijjIiterMifTored on
n bed of mi-sory.
"Krom n complication of kldtiev , liver ,
rliounintiu trouble niul nervous liability ,
"Under thu euro of the bo-i phyHidnn.s.
"Who her diseut-o vurioius
< Kiivi - IIUUIUH ,
"But no ro.lief ,
"And now .sho Is restored lo us lu good
hcullh by n.s si in pin u remedy ns Hop Hit-
term tlintwo hnd fihunno.d foryeursboforo
using il. " Tin : l'AUi.Nrs. :
I'roHocinc tlio Kwlnilli * ! ' ! I !
If when jou cnll for Hop HltleiMtsio irreeu
clllftorof Hops on the while liihcb llioiliiiKKlst
Iuind8out nuy other ftull culled 0 I ) Winner's
Uornmn Hop lltturor ! wllhothor"Hop' ininiii ,
refuse It nnd xhuu Unit drn Kt us jou oidd u
vlpor.nnd If ho bus tiiKim join money lor the
Atulf Indict him lor the Ir.iud urn MIO him lor
the ilmiuiKi's for thomvliidlonnil is < M > ill io nid
you llborully lor the couvlcilou.
An tti llfni ' ' * ! ' } * ! 1) lfilnUltf nf ntwv . -
1u > l watt I. cum 111 rrhr v. ( tit AIIJ Atu. , ! &
4Uuritnvllb * li.fiiUtOr I. A ! > dropliat rtftdcl .l9UCatr > r
trt RlM > f cUinp { iw > i > al la U utnu.rr .IrVu TIT It < !
l ar ef rmiBlfr'it ! < jc tf pw f i r fM for UiVp-uuu *
xUtlsUAnuT.rturrJbr I'll , J U U I . fllrH't-M ) " I
' ' ' " " " " '
ci jjj'oi'iraiJ ! , . "i' .
tSuccossorf to .1. O. Jacobs , )
At the old stand 1-M7 Vurniun St. Onlers by
Mollultod mid pi-omjilly uttumlt'd to.
Tolopliono No. S i.
Omaha ,
Council Bluifs
And Chicago.
The only roml to tnltofor De" Alnlnin , Jtar-
Bhiilltouii.CodiirltnpidH.lllntoii , Dl\lo , t lilon o.
MIlniiuKooHUdiill polulxoiiit 'lo Ilio poopluof
Nebrut-lcii , ( ' 1)1(1111(1(1 , Wjoinlnif , Utiih , Idaho ,
Noviulu.Ou'KOii , Wiivhlntrion and t'lillloinlii It
oirorsHiipor or iidvtintiiKi * not i > o-iblo by uuy
otburlluu. *
AiuoiiK u few of the ninnoioiiM i ilnts of siino-
rioilty onjo > oil by tlio pnli-oim ol tliN Kiudlio-
twoon Oiiiiiliu nnd Clilcuiro , mo it two tiuinsu
Uny of DAV COAl'lll which 1110 Iho lliuot Unit
and - HH 1'AJ/-
hiniHin art Inuoiniliy i-im civntu / -
ACK Biii'JNO [ : : CAltS. ulilrh nm uioiltils of
TOinfdlt nnd oloKiuu-o IlH 1'AHI.DI ! DKAWINfi
IIUOM OAKS , niisnrpui-Fod by nny. niul Its wldo-
ly colobuilixl I'AI.ATlAhUJNINO CA1IH , lliu
ixjunl of whloh ciinnot bu louud dlMUrhoi o.
At Council IllnttH tlm iinliiM of the Union I'ucl-
Ho Uy. Cdinu-cl lu I.1 11 Ion Down with the u of the
Chicago & Noillu\ffliin ( Ity. In Chlcuifo the
triilim of this line iiniko ulono rouncmiou lth
tboboot all oiistnru line * .
Kor Dotrolt , ( 'oluiiitiiw , Indttuiupolls , Ciiicln *
lint1 Nliivniu 1'iillH. llnlliito , I'lltMbui , Toronto ,
Wintr il , lloston , Nutv York. 1'lilhululphlii , Hid.
tliuorv Wiibhliiclon mid nil iMilnts in thu oust , u k
thu tiuUot UKfiit lor tiuUiix vlu the
If jou wiih tho.boit uccoiiniiodiitlons. All ticket
UKOlltrt Mill llokOtd VlU tUlb IlllU.
if. iiuoiiirr , u s. IIAIH ,
Qoourul filiuuigor. Oon. I'tiss. Aifont.
Don. Airont , lit' Knniuiii 8t. , Oiniihu , Neb.
Hoveuloon Vwiiu' liaporluiuo ,
. nropOKttU will lu ix > c < ilvo < l by the
SKAI.IU1 ( irmid Uliinif. Neb , , until u aVhxku.
m. , Dot. ( itli , iw-fi. lor tlm turnbihlntf , urocliiin-
uud completing of H H > M < im of wiitor works liuv-
JDK u onpaclty ot 0110 million triillon.-i pur dny lor
Uiu City of Uruiid iHluiul , Nub
oiitd ( ijHlinn to Lu rurnlshoil mid built In no-
oonlunco with tbo iilnuHundHpevltlcittlonH In tlm
oilH-o of the City I lurk of ( ! i mia Inluiul , Nob.
iioh propo wl must bu umUo Bunurato on tlio
folllutf ItriiiH , vU :
l-lmt KurnUhlny nnd building ongluo nnd
boiler liauto niul IIUKC of tower
Sooonrt l irnlnhiinf nuil ijnlUlliu Dtniiil plpo.
Third I'm iilchiuir uud tottliitf up umohliiory ,
bollur nnd ciiuiuvtluK up wells.
TUurtK Furiilsliln * nnil hiyinif cant Iron plpo
inuiim , Hpoclulii , lidninlw , yuuw , tu All luiU
for f urnlihliDT nnd lui IIDC plpo , bliull htnto M.I | ' I'-
utoly nuiountw ) < < r ton of oncli lor tlio dltluiont
Sl/oM of 4 , 0 , b nnd IU Inch plpo
Iftli Kor tiirnUhliifr unil pnilliiRilown smlls.
The coutmct pmo or Hld x > t.iiuii ofuilur
vorkH compltilo not IOI-XXXH ! the 311111 of thitt-
tour lluuii'iiiHl dollnix f H uiu >
ThoOlty Council i o-i'rvfM the rlirlit to injixrt
ujivrn-nll ) uuy piuti. of lilili. All lilild
vrlu l > o roqulrwl n > Mit'u ii.xpllcltly thu kind of
tniklcriu ) lo Lie tiiHiiUlioil
? ropoituU uliould 1 u nddixisHxl to the City
Clurkof Ciriind
posuU for wiitur woik * '
Hy tinier of Iho City Council of ( liuiid Mtmd ,
Kiib. , tliln lilh Uuy ol Nii'tciiul-ci- I ) . IvCi.
JOHN UMKANtt , Mu > or ,
II. U. Curioni ) , ( "ii } ( lurk.
and Jafl Work ,
1 0"0 l-'uruuiu btruut , Uinuhti , Nob.
Or , the Story 'of a Great Miners' Strike.
MIMMAIIV or I'linrr.inxo eiiAi'Tttic : < .
Antuii Limller , a > oiin.i : mechanic out nt
worl. , rencluM the coal mines of Monston ,
1'iniiL-c. ' cold , litiinrry and iK-nnlless. The
dcntli of a minor nmkes \nrancy ami he M -
fiirrs oinplii } Miont In the Viilltue mine. Mil
lion , ono of the miner * , unil Ids daughter
Ciitlu'rliK' , explain tlioorl ; to him and ns-
sl t him the lirst tiny. Ho hears the mutter-
Imrs nt the miners auabist the loumuiy nnd
tlncuUof nstilkc. riie art Ions ot ( liosu | > er-
Intcmlcnt and the siimllnucs receUed goad
the workmen lo the vcrpo of ilesixratlon nnd
iui\ed tho\\a > to the coming sfritirgle. Mil
lion nf'aln hefriemls Anton , ami secures
IndgliiKH lor him at Kassatietu's a tippllm ;
house near the mine. Anton's ik-lei mlimtion
to lea\e Is inerromc by the kindness of the
MiiiLX'llm : miners and ho decides to bnttle
\\lllithein. The owners of. the mines revel
In luxury , mid tarn a deaf car to the appeals
oft ho slat vhiK families dtlho vuiikniunlin ,
In debitor food ohl.iliicdduiliiciutrikotliirc
joins previous , nie liaiely nblo to seciue sufll-
cient ioocl to sustain life.
It was the last Sunday in July , the day
of tlio "Ducasso do Monston. " On Sat
urday the good housekeepers had washed
their rooms , with pail after pail of wa
ter thrown with gioat rapidity upon the
hearth and against the walls. The lloor
was not yet dry , in spile of the while
sand wild which thcynad sprinkled il ,
an expensive luxury tor Ilio purses of the
poor. The day commenced very warm ,
with one of those lowering , heavy skies
loretolling si thunderstorm , which in
summer , deluged , drowned those flat
countries of HID noitlt.
At Million's they io > o later on Sunday.
This morning after smokinga pipe in Ins
garden , the lather entered the house to
I'ut n slice of bread and butter all alone
\\lido waiting for the others to comedown
down stairs. Ho passed the morning not
knowing how to occupy his timo. Ho
mcndoiitho leaky tub , and put up under
the clock a picture of the Prince Imperial
which some ono had given the little ones.
At lust the others cumo down , one by one.
Old Bonnemort look out n chair to sit in
the sun ; the mother and Al/.iio busied
themselves with preparing the morning
meal. Catherine appeared with Lcnoio
and Ileury , whom site had just dressed.
Klovon o'clock struck ; the odor of rabbit ,
stowing with potatoes , was already
Idling the house , when Xachario and
Jolmnio came down at last , their eyes
swollen and still yawning.
All the alloy was astir , while in holiday
attire they hastily ate their dinners and
started for Montson. Bands of children
played around the doors : men , in their
shiit sleeves lounged about lazily enjoy
ing the day of rest. The windows and
doors wide open , gave n view of all the
rooms with their occupants , while the
hum of noisy voices floated out upon the
warm air. And" from one of the alleys to
the other the smell of rabbit contended
that day with tlio odor of fried onions.
The Millions dined at 13 o'clock. They
look no part in the uoiso outside. For
Ihroo weeks they hud boon on bad terms
with their neighbors the Lovaqitos on
the subject of the marriage between
Xachurio and Philomonc. The men were
friendly but Ilio women refused to roc-
ogin/o eaoh other. This quarrel had in
creased the intimacy with Mrs. Peters.
But the latter , leaving her husbandmoth
er and little Lydic , had set out early in
the morning to pass the day with a , cousin
at Marchionncs. The neighbors joked
over this for they know that cousin. She
was tiio superintendent of the Vulture.
Mrs. Muhon declared il was not right to
IC.WK her tamify on thu "Ducasso" Sun
j"n addition to the rabbit , which they
had fattened in Ihn coop for n month ,
and Iho potatoes , Mahon had a rich , beef
sou ] ) . 1 ho day before was pay day.
They never remembered having such a
treat. Even at the lust Sainto-Barbo ,
that fcto of the miners when they do
nothing for three days , the rabbit hud
not been so fat or so lender. The ion
sets of teeth , Irom those of Kstollo which
hud commenced to push through to old
Bonneniort with his few remaining
stumps , worked with such vigor that the
bones themselves disappeared. It was
good , but would bo digested badly , be
cause they saw it so raiely. Nothing ie-
mumed for the evening but a piece of
boded moat. So that they could add
some sliccsof bread and butler if hungry.
Johnnie was the lirst to disappear.
Boboi t was waiting for him on the other
side ol the garden. Lydic managed to
slii ) away Irom Mrs. Brnlo , who hud do-
out d not to go out and to konp the child
with her.
When she found that the litllo ono hud
gone , she screamed with rugo , while
Peters , annoyed by this outburst , quietly
wont otl'tor a stroll.
-Finally Bonnemoit started forth , nnd
Mahon also decided to take the air , attor
having hrit asked his wife if she would
go w th him. But she could not. it was
real dgiulgory with the little ones : per
haps later on she could join him. Onl-
sitio , ho hosilatod , then entered his
neighbor's house to sco if Lovnquo was
reuiiy. Thoru ho found Zaohuno wait
ing lor Pliilomene ; and her mother again
begun on the eternal subject of tlieir
niiirringo , saying tlmt they imposed on
her , she must have another talk with
Mrs. Mahon. Was it right to keep her
daughter without a husband and thu
children without a father ? Philomono
quietly put on her hat and Kachnriu led
her away , saying that ho was willing
whenever his mother was. Muhon told
them to talk to his wife and ho also
wont ol ) ' . Bonteloup , who was eating a
piece of cliousu with both elbows on thu
table , obstinately refused his oiler of a
drink. He preferred remaining at homo.
Bv degrees the alloy wns vacated , all
the men going oil' alone , ono behind thu
other , wlulu the girls walked away loan
ing on thu arms of their lovers. When
her father had turned the church corner.
Cathurlnu , perceiving Chaval , luistoneil
to join him , tuking.tlio road to Monston.
Thu mothers rumainod alone among tlioir
disorderly children , not having the
strength to loavu their chairs , and pour
ing out cup after cup of Goll'oo which
they drank in little swallows ,
Mahon , thinking that Lovuquo was at
l'Avantage , slowly wont oft' toward Has-
Honour's , In the garden behind thu shop
Lnvnquu wns ono of a party nt skittles ,
lionnuinort nnd old Moqnu stood by
watching thu balls , so much absorbed
that they could not keep their thoughts
to themii'lvcs , A burning sun shonu
down , and the only spot of shadu was
aioug thu tavern , where Anton sat nt a
table drinking his beer , weary 9f the
book which Jonviirino had lout him to
tnktt iin in his room. Thu mnchinist
spent almost ovcry Sunday reading and
1 Won't you play ? " said Lovaquo to
But thu latter refused. Ho wns warm
and almost dying of thirst.
"Itiihicnuiir ! ' called Anton , "bring us
n drink. " '
And then turning toward Muhon :
"This drink is with me. "
Kassunuur seemed to bu In no hurry.
They called three times , and then it was
Madame who , with her polite air , carried
out thu wuim , insipid boor. The young
man complained ot the houso. They were
good people , no doubt , biitthuirbeer was
bud und'the soup cxccrnblo. Hu would
have changed bib boarding-houso long
ago , if he hud not dreaded the walk to
and fiom Montson. Souio day hu would
try to find a Inmily in thu 'alley to taku
V"es"r.tit | Million , in his slow wiiy ,
1 d bo butter oil' inn family. "
Htitlrtttghs broke out. Lovnquo hnd
won the game. Moquo and Honnoinort ,
with their noses townrd the ground , in
the midst of till the tumult , maintained
tltcfiloncoof perfect dignijy. The laughs
grow louder , ns they perceived nbovo the
hedge , whleh surrounded the garden , the
grout jolly fnco of Moquctte , who had
heon l.\lng there for nn hour , nnd wns
emboldened to nppronch on hearing the
nol e.
"Howls it you're alone ? " cried Lo-
ynntie. "Where's jour beiiu ? "
' 'I ' " . "I'm
lmve.n't nny , she replied.
looking for one. " They all oll'erod them
selves , but. with a shako of the head , sliu
refused , laughing loudly. Her father ,
meanwhile , had not taken his eyes from
" ( lo for him , " continued Levnquo ,
throwing a glance toward Anton. "Hut
I don't think ho ' .
wants you , 1115' girl.
You'll linvtj to get him by force. "
Anton laughed , shaking his head ,
amused , but not having thu leiiil wish to
make Itn e to hor. For home minutes she
remained behind the hedge , watching
him with her great , dull o\os , ; then she
slowly went away , her fnco suddenly
sobered , ns though overcome by the hoi
In a low voice , Anton had resumed the
explanations which ho was giving to Ma-
lion upon the neecssit.\ for the coat min
ors of jMontson to establish nsuving fund.
"Tho company pretends to leave ns
free , " ho .said. " " 'Whntdo you fear ? I
know it gives pensions , but they are only
according to their own fancy , without
nny rofcrciico to our needs. Now , it
would bo prudent to form a mutual aitl
association , upon which wo could atleast
count in case of homo immediate want.
And ho entered into details , discussing
the organization , nnd promising to taku
upon liimsolf all the labor.
"I'm with you , " said Mahon , finally.
"If you can only get the others. "
Mahon refused to take n second drink ;
they would POO each other later ; the
tltiy was not over yet. Ho hnd been
thinking of Peters , where could ho boV
no doubt nt the smoking-room , nt the Kn-
fant , and Lovuque , Anton ami himself
sot out for Montson just ns a now party
of mon begun a game of skittles.
First they entered the saloon of Ca.ssa-
mio , then the ono called the Progris.
Some comrades culled them from the
open door , and , iinnblo to say no , they
went in. SSueh time it was a beer , two
if they retuined tlio drinks They re
mained in each place ton minutes , ex
changing n. few words nnd then going
auay. At the Infant they found Peters ,
who hud linished hit , second drink , and ,
rather than lofusu to touch glasses , wus
hiking n third. Naturally , they drunk
there also , and went ofl'to see if/uchurio
wns not nt thu saloon Tison. Tlintioom
was empty ; tho.y "cullcd for boors , saying
they would wait : i while tor him. Finally
they thought of the tavern Saint Elvi ;
they accepted tlieio u round ot diinks
fiom the superintendent , Richmond ,
niiil- alter that , they went Irom saloon lo
suloon without purpose , merely for u
"Left go to the Volenn ! " said Levaquo ,
suddenly. And so they accompanied
their comrade into tlm niulsl of the lively
crowd of 11 fete day. In the long ,
straight room of tho' Volean , upon n
stagu erected at the lower end , live cafe
singers , the trash ot Lille , were singing
songs. All the youths of the mine were
gathered there , drinking moro gin than
beer. A few old minors weie also seated
at the lubles , laughing at the rough jokes.
As soon _ as their party wus grouped
around : i little table , Anton took posses
sion of Luvuqtie , explaining to him the
saving fund. He had the firm faith of
a new convert who feels ho has a mission
lo perform.
lach ] member , ho explained , could
well give twenty sous a month. With
this sum in four or live years Ihcy could
have a great capital , and when they had
money they would be strong , would they
not ? no mutter what happened. Well ,
what did ho .think of it ?
"I don't know. " replied Lovifquo , with
an absent air. ' 'Wo 11 talk over ir "
IIo interested in a largo blonde ,
and anxious to remain , when iMuhon and
Potor. > . after having drunk moro boor ,
wished to go without wuiting lor u second
end song.
Outside , Anton saw Moquctto who
seemed to have lollowud them , bho wus
always watching with her dull eyes.
Hut the young man laughed al her , and
she wont oil'in a passion.
"Where's Chavalv" asked Peters.
"I gnoss he's at the Piqnotto , " said
Mahon. "Lei's go there.
When they arrived at the Piquetfe the
sound of a light niudo llicm panic. Xuoli-
aric was threatening to strike a little na.l
maker , while Chuvul , with h s hands in
Jus pockets , looked on.
1 btop' ' heio s Chuvul , " said Mahonniii-
clly. "Ilo'.s with Cutherino. "
The girl and Her lover hud been walk-
jug Iho streets for live hours. In Iho boil
ing sun , along Iho Monston ro.ul , a con-
stunt stream of people moved on liku u
train ot busy ants From the dry black
earth Hie dust arose in lieuvy clouds. At
each side of tlio ro.ul , with open dooi > ,
thu saloons invited ono to enter , uhilu
tables were ningud tii fur as the pave
ment , beloro which street-vein lors ds- ,
playing , their w.iros , Imndkerciiiofs , c.ips
and mirrors for girls and knives lor Iho
boys , while bon-bons and c.ikos were too
numerous to mention. Huloro the church
they weru slaying archery ; at thu coal
yards u guinu ot spittles wis : going on ;
and on the road to Joisclles , in an in
closed lot , they cumo upon a cook-light.
Thuro were two big , rod cocks , armed
with iron spurs , torn by whloh the throat
of onu was bloodng. Further on ,
at Muigrat'.s house , ihoy were playing
chequers and billiards. Thu crowd'was
gutting bloated fiom Iho ellbcts of hour
and thu intoiiso heat , increased by the
puns of boiling fat in which potatoes
were frying.
Ohnviil bought a mirror for seventeen
sous and a handkerchief for three francs ,
which ho prtisunlcd to Catherine. At
uvory turn thuy mot old Moqno and lion-
nomorl , who hud como to thu fetu ,
silently walkingsitluby side will ) .swollen
jimbs. lint onu uxporionco madu thorn
indignant ; they s.iw Jolmniu inciting
Robert and Lytfic to steal some hollies of
Ifi iii from a little shop. Catherine boxed
u > r brother's ears , but thu littlu ono hud
already run oil'with n bolllu , These tor-
riblu children would end In prison ,
Whim before Iho saloon called "L.i loto
coupon , " Chovul insistud on the girls en
tering to waloli a "concoursdo ptn ons , "
which had boon announced lo take phicu
llieru ,
Some Marohiennoa nuilmukors had
brought a do/.en littlu cages in which thu
blind ( inched remained motionless after
being hung on a fence m thu tavein
yard. Thu idea was to see which onu
would sing Iho most-ill an hour. ICuch
nuilninkor holding a slalo , stoo.l before
his cagu marking and watching beta hm
neighbor's cagu and his own. The birds
vvuro ulurtud , thu "Chiclioticaiiv , " with
iU rich song , the "Hut'secoiiico ' , " with
its shurn ringing. At lirst all wuru timid
only risking occasional notes , ihon , littlu
by littlu , becoming excited , llioir voices
swelled oul until finally they were car
ried away with such a spiril of emulation
that they lull buck and expired. The
men hore.uned to ( hum to s ng moro ,
immi , moro ; while thu spectators , about
a multireel pursuits , remained Silunt amid
thu furious miislu of a hundred and
twenty Unenus , nil ropu.itlng thu sumo
thrills , A "butisecotiics" gained tlio
lirst pri/.o , a coliou pot.
While Chaval and Cuthorlnu wuiu
tluuu they MiwZacliurio and Philoniono
iliter ! , After shaking hands they ru-
mained togothur. Siuldonlyy.uohuriubii-
came angry at seeing a nuU-inukcr lunch
Catherine. She , blushing , made lum bo
silentfeuring an attack from all thu mill-
makers , who would throw tliom > ] vnij
upon Chavnl and her brolhi-r. Her over
only laughed , and all four loimii" the
place Iho affair seemed cndid. lint just
as they entered the I'iqtuitlo to drink a
beer , tlio man again appeared , insolently
taunting them. Then Zaohario , from de
votion to her shtur , turned upon the
saiit-v fellow. | J
" 'Hint's niv s ! tefr , yon pig ! I'll make
you respect her "
Their frieiidsthrew tlirmsph e s between
them , whiln Chnval Raid vorj oalnily :
"heave him nlone. This is my busi
ness , anyhow. 1 dotu't rare for him. "
Million , on arriving witli liis parly ,
quieted Catherine mil Philomeiio , who
were already in loars. They were all
laughing now : the nail-makor linil disap
peared , and ( Miaval , at homo. in thai sa
loon , treated' his friends to drinks.
Anton was compolltMl to touch glasses
with Catherine. All Uraiik together , the
father , the daughter and hnr lover the
son and his mistress. Then Peters
treated and they were nil happy , when
Znclinrlc again became excited on per-
ceh ing his friend Moiiuet.
"I want to speak lo him. lloro Clnivnl ,
take care of Pliilomeno. I'll bo back in
a minute "
In his turn , Million paid for the drinks.
After all , if his boy wauled to revenge
his sister , it was not wiong. Hut on see
ing Motpiot , Pliilomene shook her head.
Those two fools wont oil' to tlm Volean.
In the ovenlng , this felo ( lay niidcd
wjth a bull atlo Bonslo.vottx , given by tlio
widow Lisia , a strong woman -Klyears ,
round as a barrel ; but so ficsh-looking
that she still had siv lovers , ono for each
da. > in the week and the whole sion
Sunday , she said. She called all the
miners her children , having poured out
tlieir beer for thirty years. Lo Bon-Joy-
eaux had two rooms the bar , in which
was a counter and some tables , cui a level
wjth the great ball room , and ti great hall
with a wooden dancing lloor. Two gar
lands of paner tlowor.s were stretched
from onn end of the ceiling to the other ,
united at the center by a bunch of the
same design ; while hanging on tlio wall
were seine picture. * in gilt frames ; Saint
Kloi , tutelar saint of the iron men ; Saint
Barbo , patron of the miners , and others.
The coiling was so low that the three mu
sicians , in their little g.illcrv , were
obliged to bend their heads. Coal oil
lamps were hung at the four corners of
the room.
This Sunday they began dancing while
the daylight was ycl entering thiongli
the open , windows. But at seven o'clock
tlio rooms tilled up. A storm was rising ,
blowing up great black clouds of dust ,
blinding tlio people and covering every
thing. Muhon , Anton and Peters ch
loral and lotind there Cheval , who was
danciii'r \ \ ith Catherine , while Pailomeno
Mood by all alone watching them.
Neither L-'vaqno nor Xacliarfe h-ul re
turned. As there wore no beats in the
ball room , after each dance. Catherine
seated herself at the table with her fatli-
or They called Pliilomeno , but siio pro-
lerred to remain where she was. It be
gan to grow dark. The three musicians
were doing their , but nothing was
longer visible but tlio moving tiiruresot
the dancers. A shout welcomed t ic four
lumps ; suddenly all .shone out upon tlm
rod and perspiring laces. Million , laugh
ing , pointed out to Anton , Moqncttn who
was v alt/ing in the arms ot big Wheel
er. She had been obliged to take a beau.
At a o'clock MIN. Mulion appear * d
with Kstello in her arms , lollowcd by the
cliildicn , Alxiro , Ifonryamt Lcnoro. She
had como .straight-then ! to find her hus
band without lert'r of being mistaken
later on t hey would sup , no ono was hun
gry now with thojv stomachs drone ie.1
with either collee Or beer. Other women
had arrived , who Mnlled on seeing Mrs.
enter l - Bou-
Lovtiqno nocofiipanied > \ -
toloup , who led by the hand Achillu and
Desiree , the children ol Pliilomeno The
two neighbors scented on very good
terms ; on the load t icy hud come to a
decision. Mrs. Maho/i / snddunl > bc
como rc&igned to the man1 , iu ot
Zacharie , worried < at'losmgthc ' w.igcsot
her oldest , but v.inipiishe I by the ng'it.
which she no lee or , could deny. Mm
tried to b oheertul.lirougli she. constant
ly asked herselt how she would muKetiio
two ends meet.
"Sit down , neighbor , " s.iid she , on
going ii ] ) to a table nuar where her hus
band was drinking with Anton and
"Mv man is not with yon , is he ? " asked
Mrs. Lovaqno.
Putting the two tables together thev all
sat down , culling tena new round of'
drinks. On perceiving her mother and
children , Philoniono oame lorw.ird , uc-
coptiiig a oh.ur. She seemed happy U >
learn they worn to marry her at last.'aml
\\hoiithoy looked aronnd lor T.M liara-
she said in a low voice :
"I'm wahing for h in llo'.s not here. "
Muhon hud e\chiingcd a glance with
his wilo. bo she. had consented. He became -
came Herioiis sm.ikiiig in s lence , like
her , tilled with aiunetv for tin1 du s to
como , and angered at the childum who
m.inied , one atter the othur , lo.ning
tlioir p.irei.ts in in s-ry.
' 1 lie d.incing was Htill goinon ; at the
close ot a quudiillo , tlm b.ill-room was
Idled with u. r , dd .sh dust tno wailn shooi ;
and the d.iiioers'canu ! into tao bar , cov
ered witu pcr-ijiiiMtiou
' ' . > .iy now , " uhihpored Mis. Loaquo
in Mrs. Million's ear "wnut was tnut . > on
said about str.inghug C.iliK'i'iiie , it sno
took a lover ' "
Chnval had led Catherine to the table ,
and tuoy both stood drinking bcliind Hut
"Kill1" replied Mrs. Million , with a re
signed air ; we all talk that way. J sup
pose I'll love her too. "
Jn the midst of all that noise , in a whis
per , Muhon communicated to Ids an
idea waich It. id como to him. * \'uy
Hliouldn't they take a lodger ? Anton ,
for instance. They liked li.m , and ho
was Booking a boarding place , 'J hey d
have room enough wnonaohario WIH
marriud. And the money winch tlioy
would lose on that side , they would re
gain in part on the otlior. Mrs. Mulion s
luce brightened ; that was a good nloa , it'
it could 1)0 settled. She seemed s.ivod
Irom hunger another time , and her good
spirits returned so quickly that she g.ivo
an older tor a now round of dnnkH
Anton , meanwhile , was talking to Peters -
tors of his saving luiid trying to obtain '
IIIH promise to join when tlio association
should bo formed ,
"And , il wo strike , ydn see how useful
that would bo. You 'ro one of us , uin t
Peters raised his oycs , puling at the
thought of compromising himself , llo
stammered :
"I'll think over jt , The best kind of
aid for oneself is ro btihavo properly. "
At that moment Muhon turned to An
ton and otiorod toRujdAhim an a loilg < r.
The voting man aqejlUid. Ho wiw > i-ry
desirous ot living in tliu alloy , wnuro lui
could sue. more ot Jiis comrades Lv ir.v
thing was arranged , MVn. M.iliun decl.u-
intlioy need only wuit for thu murn.ige
/.ichurlo. . I : L
At /uolu'rio..LyjLjiqiui and Moquet
arrived , bnng.iigNvitii them the odor of
tno Volcun , a snnm 9 gin. 'J hey were
very itriink , knocKingi cnch otners I-
bowHand laugliingiawthough at u nu ii
joke When no liuriyil
last consented to ; nljV | | ) bun to m.ury ,
Xucherio laughed HO hard that ho choked
hiinself Having no'ln'oro oiiaiis Boute-
leiiji moved oycr to sjiuru his Lovi-
0,110 , and the latter glad to sue tno family
tnoni together , culled fdr moro nrinks
" \Vo \ ilon't olten hnvoiigood time , " ho
They remuined tlierosix hours. Worn m
were coiistuiiliy arriv ng in join and
load aw.iy their husbands. 'J ii i IOKIII
wii.s so crowded that t. < os it Mimiidor lo
ihoiililcr Lang it.-r nMiimlu. . . tna
oven like beat and tlio v oint dmi , iu
sliooU tno bu Idiii' '
.Somo ono toid P. t is that Ins iluiu'liter
Lyd'o ' was 1 > ng UNO ! p at ros th | uve-
iniint .siio < ni k halt oi tile stoh n
bottl" of 'n jiii1' ' w is mtoMC tied , lie
wiisi'om n' ( i to cim lur ho iu < wh 10
Joiiiin i--rt lutiowoil n in t s.
dlstnnce , thinking it very funny. Thai ,
was the signal for departure. Mnhon and
Lovaqno decided ( o return to the nllov ,
while old Bonncmort and Moqnp also lofl ,
in thc-samo silence in widen they had
passed the evening. A thunder storm was
coming on ; it was very hot , though n
faint breeze stirred the ripe wheat. Mrs.
Peters had not returned homo.
iNoilher the Levnquos nor Mahons rel
ished their supper ; the latter c\cn wont
to sleep over the cold meat left from the
morning , while Anton led Chaval away
to have ono last drink at Rassanonr's.
"I'm with yon , " said Uhuval , when
his comrade had explained the atl'air of
the saving fund to him. "Give mo your
hand. \ ou'ro a good ono. "
Anton was beginning to fool the effects
of the beer. Ho cried :
"Yes , for justice I'd give up anything ,
drink and girls too. There's ) only ono
thing that makes mo happy ; it is that
some day we'll got the uesl of the
[ TO nn coN"rauri > . "l
AVuiitH it Uoitnocr.
Now York Sun : The bouncer is a pecu
liarly American Institution of recent de
velopment. The great need of to-day , in
American politics , is a robust and trusty
bouncer , to operate under the direction
of the democratic administration. Load
out by the oar the republican free-lunch
jicmls ! Fire the republican corruption-
ists ami plunderers ! Botinco the repub
lican partisans ! Turn the rascals out !
: mm P. UUMIIDY is war-
mrAvoutTi to contain u BliiKlopur-
Uclo oC mercury or nay Injurious sub-
Manco , lint Is runut.Y VPOI.TAIII.K.
IT CUIti : AM. WSKA8KS ( HtlShll 11Y
Tf your llvor Is out of ontitr. thnn j our
Tvholo sj > toiu Is ( luruniioil. The lilooil Is
Impiiio , the liraiitli ollonsl\o , you IKUO
hoiulncho , feel ItuiKUlil , ill plritiHl anil
norvoiis. To provonl n moro sorlouscou-
illtlou , tnkd at once Blunuoits
TIVP1 ? 1UOUI : < ATOH. If sou lend a odontnrr
111 lull 1IR , ni-.HiiUcr with KlliNKV AVFKCriONS ,
u\ old Btlinnlntti mill tnko Sluiiuous Uvor Uutfu-
hitor. Suio to icllovo.
11 jou Imvo oaten nnythliiff hiird ofdl-
po-tfou , or tool heavy utter iiu-iils or
HlwpliMs lit nlitht , tultii n ilo o niiil 5 on
will funl i-ollovcil mill sloop plo.isiintly.
1C you mo n iiilscrnlilo Milforor with
M-s1 * , seek icllof nt once In Shuinoim
I.Ivor Itojnilntor. It does not requlio
conlliniul < lo"lnx , mid ix3st3 but a tiillo.
It Mill OHIO } OU.
If jou wnko up In the inornliifr with n
liltlor , liail iuslu lu your mouth ,
TSUP Simmons rl\i-r HtiRiiliilor. Tt oonects
lllivij t,0 | , miioiH Rtoiimuh , SwootniH tlio
lio\lli ! : \ , uiul t'lomisos the Tim od Tonxuo. fnn
I > HIN often nocd mine xulo Ciitlini lie unil Touio
to nvort uppiniit'hlni ; slckuoss. Sluimonx Llvor
Hoirnliitnr Mill iello\u ( 'olio , Itoailaciio , Slcic
Htoiiinuli.ltiillL'ostloii. ny iiitory , uucl the coiu-
plulnLs Incldout to childhood
ffiii Hro idwuy , Council
Pianos and Organs
old. on. IivCsn.tii.ljr Za,3rrr5.ervt3
All klnils of loimlrlti ? on Instruments
Thorough Instruction on tne Piano
and Organ
Tur-oiiHdesirous of roceiviii' * Instruction In
thu ulx > vo Mill please cull on or mldross
Prof , 6 , 0 , Lipfsft ,
NoIiUU 1'irst Atumio , Council lllulfh , Jo\m.
nr.Mnu A. s-HAiJicinr.
No. 34 N. Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
'Jelujmonii No 111. All noilv wiiiituitoU
Justice of the Peace.
OlhC ( > Ovur Aiociiciin i\-ii-rt : ) ,
COt'Nl'II , HLL'l.'lV , IOWA.
IloiHiuund iinilo-C' > i-t.iiiily on u inJ , tor < salc
nl ii'iull or in cut Id H
. .AllUKM w.urunu11 us lopifwcnio i.
iinlu-.ulo . and ictiul il" itorx in VTIMI-I unil bal
ed uy. I'mud luixiuiiiild. hii'Hincrionii.n.ia -
ILO , sfMi.rriu : \ noi.n/ ,
cor , AVH mid 4ih Sr , t ounull 111 ills.
, J'orninly of Niov York ,
FIRST emss bR
1'iitilnvr uiul l''iitin.i ; Ks
No ril I'Mirl Stuiut. Co me I HI rs : Inun ,
No.'KIT Hromlwiijr , Council lilulfs.
Hair Goods of all Kinds
Made to Ord r.
Hair G-oods of all Styles *
Beady Ma .
No. ; t$7 tfrotr'--"ft/if.
Allt- ! ( of I.uddcm fen * in utook mudo
I'loiu SI-IIKH pine pliinl < . The very host.
No. W Pearl St. , - Council Bluffs
Ovur Uubhuull's DooU Store.
One of tltc Largest anil Best StocJt-s in the U. S.
to Select front.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator ,
Growers of Iiive Stock and Others.
Tt Is tlio best nnd clienpost food for stock of nay Itluil. Olio pouml U oqunl to Unco pounils Of
corn. Stock \\ltliOrouuil Oil CuKo Hi the Tall unil Winter , ! n tuml of iiiuuluK down , will In-
ciensolu wolglitmul liolngooil iiwrkotnbloeomllllou lu tliespilni , " . Dairymen us well ns otliors , (
\tliouso It , cnti testify to Its meilts. Tiy It niul Juilffo lor jomiwlvo' * . 1'ilco $ ' ! per ton. No
clmrgo for sucks. Addicss AVOODMAN UNSUHIl Oil. WOIIKS , Uumliii , NobnisUa. }
or Fail Particulars about Free and Cheap Lands in Western Nebraska. Address T. C. PATTER
SON , Real Estate Agent , North Platte , Nebraska.
Q. 1) ) . Gitiir.N. T. U. lluuui !
Itr.FKlir.NTES : Morclmuts and runners' Iliuilc , Dnvld City , Nob. : Konrnoy Nnllonnl nimkjvcnxv
PCI. Nob. ; rolutiibusbtnto liiink , Coluiiituis , Kub. ; McOoHuld's Hank , North I'lutto , Nob. ; Oiimhivl
Aiuioiiul llinik , Oinnliu , Neb , 1
Will imy ciistonici ! , ' Unit t with bill of liullng nltnohod , for iv , o-thlrds vnluo of stock. '
Uonrdlupf Soliool for younpr ladles under the direction of tlio I.ndlrs of the Sacred Kcnrt. _
" ' 1 o coin < fi ol' studios ombrnuos nil the hnmrliut 01 u titolnl unit lollmnl education. \
T i M'tiol'istiojoiircoiiiuioiiLosou the llri-t WutlnoMluv in Sopti'iubor. '
' 1 'M1- nj.ililo in iidviuicu , including board , \viif.hiujj tuition iu JIiiKllsli mid French , Instill"
1,11 t-l uniUMMif books , ] ior os < iou ot n inoiitln , ? ! " ' ' *
n'amiliiir , Dr.iw.nir , 'ioriniiu. ' Vocal Musio , Hiup. ( lultur , Violin. For further purtiou-
ji.-j Piv ID t ii , Itiir'nt lo.lii" . O'Connor , or 10 the Lrnly Kuporlor.
Ornaments , Galvanized Iron Cornices , Finals ,
Dormer Windows , Win tow Cnnq , Motnllo Slcy Lights , Tin. Iron nud Slate Hoofers , fllO S. Kill St. ,
Oiniiha Neb. Work done lu unv l > n t of tlio country.
rr clcvi.ort" llnoip. 13n , 121S nnil 1310 Vnrnnm Street.
. II > VhK v
M & E
" SV7Y1
T" 3 '
Vacant 'i
3. ,
Diamonds Silverware and
, Jewelry.
H 'innitt-H I'nrnlshodon npplluilun.
1409 and i4il DodUe S' , - - - trw * .
To muko room for my full pun- ( l''lilo I lo ni i ; o u < .j.i , . , . , i 30 theiuloro , sol
'l'l ( ( T H 1J. ( |
My S 100 KnrlHi Decomicd Ton MI'S ' M > - $ ilOJDoo. 7.1 o chfKros $ 4 Ir )
' .My . v h iupo4 la
I/ 1JI J Kiuliaji ! . iiiund'Ju.i JIK-I lor fii J . '
,1 y l.'KI , ; n.iil .mi , 1 pcx lor hiw .My My 'i ' % V N llliO1 ; It M
W fl
' ' < f lilpOJ JJ
My llitXJl'rouvli umm 'Jim M jxn tor Uuo .
MlluO'ij. . T .
/ ' .v M.I IMIhiupoi 7) ) )
MUailJuj. . 'JulluC but liu.v t-inKM Sij
My 'i Urn * * Uxtunslon n - i1 > -i will wo for fVfl.
My jh7J l HriWt'\iiiii nn 1 1 * o lor f\
My i > < J > iuw inii"i io"i i n oul
J > ly tlu llni' i- ,1 Midi uut robinl iid | > i Hill
JJy wnolc i iiu' w < i unn pluiuc nil.
Jy\ \