0 THB OMAFA IXATLY' gjSgTHTJRSPA.Y , OOTOBBR 1.J.885. . TIIK DAILY BEE. " " " " "BLUFFS. 'I llli. lUl MORNINtt , ORTOIHJk I. Ot.'icn : Jo , 13renriatreot. p. . Uv - 11 -n-'or In nny pnrt of ths city nt ttti I t , t > lltij IT II , W. JIITCN , \ \ at r routs arc noxv due. Hilt'-r , the tailor , for fall goodi. T O. Curllsle , of Missouri Valley , wn in the dtv ytsterda3' . Jml'jo C. C. Cole , of Dos Jloincs , was in tho'eity yesterday. J P , Harris , agentof the IcNish-John- Eon minstrels , xxils hero yesterday. The polieo received a message l\st : evening from Panama , loxva , to arrest .Silas Pratt , who is wanted tlicro foi nrfon. Cliarles Nelson , one of the live men of Uttidfrml , was vlsiblo here yesterday , his htalxvart form looming up in evident heaUhfiilness. Txvo vagrants were before the court yesterday , but were released on a prom ise to hang about some other toxvn for tiwhilu ami not bother here. The ca u against Beacluun , the colored man arrested for bnrglari/.Iiig Mrs. An- der.son's boarding house on North Main Htreet. has been dismissed , lie .showing an alibi. Justice Scliur/ happily tied tlio knot "Wednesday ni lil uniting 1'red 11. .Seluiltxvitli Mrs. Holts , both of Minden , thu ceremony taking place at thu residence of Jir.s. Weber , on Main street , i Hon. 1) . O. Finch , the recently ap pointed United States district attorney , received his commission Tuesday , and xvas here and qimlilicd yesterday morn ing , ready to entoi upon bis active duties. George I5obbinglon yesterday filed a mechanic's lien on the African Methodist bhureh for $ Ul for lumber furnished. The colored folks seem to be having a hard Htrugglo to get their place ot worship paiu lor. ( Jeorge Mason , the young man formci- ly in Mcinlyre's employ , was rceenth/ reported as being dying xvith consump tion at bis old homo in Noxv York. This is now corrected by one of his friends , who says voim < j Ma&on is noxv in Mis- feouri , and is asnale undheaity as ever. jSIiln failed to draxv as largo houses here as xvas expected. He has improved lnco Ids last appearance hero , but the public docs not seem to look upon him as ho great a sensation as xvlien he Jirst ap peared , and his appearance this time has attracted little attention or comment. The city council meets to-morroxv eve ning as a board of health , to consider thu advisability of having u union slaugh ter house and meat inspector. ' 1 he butchers and others interested are in vited to be present and to express their viexx's. The young ladies in charge of the art gallery at tlio exposition have been very successful in securing a largo number of ncxv pictures for that department. With the experience gained from last year's work and the greater advantages of this they expect to have a larger and liner collodion than previously displayed. The work of tearing down the old court house , and clearing oil' the ground for the nexv. has so fur progressed that it is expected the work of excavating Will comencu to-day. About thirty' men have been employed so far , but the force will be increased xvlien excavation com mences , and more teams put at work. The JIcCJibcnc3' family , who are to give an entertainment at the opera house ibis evening , arrived at the Pacilic house yesterday and took a day's rest , there being so many little folks in the company that , they need an occasional breathing fiiiell. They appeared at Plattsmoutli Tuesday night and go from heru to Fre mont. The Daily Ncxvs is' the name of n sprightly paper ! which is being published during the lair at Missouri Valley , this licing tlio third year in which it has ap peared. Thu enterprise seems to be suc cessful and is certainly * a creditable one and xvcll managed , L. V. Cook being the proprietor anil L. ISallou tlio editor and manager. ? The Saturday Times , of DCS Moines. presents to its readers a special issue ot interest and merit. It contains portraits of u number of Dos Moines nuxvspaper men , and interesting articles from their pens , besides illustrations of the Times building and ofl'tccs. Its columns are Well tilled xvith sociot3f , dramatic and musical news , and in ! t.s .special Held the Times is xvinning laurels right along , The funeral of tliu infant child of Mr. and Mrs , Edmund McNalty , took place Yesterday afternoon from tlioir residence m Streetsvillu. Hex" . J. Fisk preached the funeral sermon. Mr. and .Mrs. Mc Nalty are almost .strangers in the city , the > r having moved heru only u foxvxveeks ago from les Moines. There vero , lio\xr- over , a , goodly number of the acquaint ances and neighbors who shoxvcd their Kynnmthy by their personal presence , and ' k'imily words and deeds. Thu United States court developed nothing of special public interest .yester day. The Ixvo cases already mentioned were still being heard , one before Judge Shims , the other before Judge Love. At this term of court it is expected that , the saloon liases , transferred from the state to tliu federal court , xvill come up on u motion to send them back to the state court. This xvill prox'o the most interesting - ing feature of the present term , as it xvill virtually settle the question i\s to the validity of thu prohibitory laxv. The celebrated McHibeny family are in our cityi prepared to give one of their grand musical concerts this evening under tlio auspices of the Y , M. C. A. They are a jolly , merry-making band of cultivated musicians , who cannot fail to captivate. Thu opera house should bo croxvded to-night to witness tlio concert. At fifteen minutes past 13 to-day they will nlay an instrumental selection from tlio balcony of thu opera house , thus ntlording the multitude an opportunity for hearing them in tlio open air. Tliu school children are invited , The Institution for tlio deaf nnd dumb opens with every indication of a success ful ami satisfactory year. There are al ready 230 pupils hero , a larger number than in any previous year this early in the term , tliu pupils always being a little morn slow and irregular In coming In than in the public schools , they being scattered all over thu state , On the open ing day thuro were 200 , a greater number than on any opening day in the history of the Institution. Everything seems to bo moving along smoothly , and good work is being done , A number of the citizens on First street Jmvo joined in a protest against the city council ordering sexvorageon that street , claiming that it is a needless expense , nnd that there being no outlet for the soxvcr , If completed , It xvould soon till up , anil bo a xvasto of 11101103 % They xvill present their vlexvs In the form of rcso lutionsnt the next meeting of the council The council has promised the citizens that they would not force the putting in of the suxver if the property oxvners xvore opposed to it. but xvlien tliu bids won- opened , ami it xx-as found that the work could bu done so cheaply noxx * . thu alder men thought that thu property oxvners , who had boforu objected , would noxv uhangu their minds. It seems that some , at least , xvill not. Fall and xvlntor I'lotiiliiK to { > r > l - Norcno & Ltimlstrom , . ' 00 Muln stat ASSAILING SHYLOCK ORDWAY , The Three Hoaona County Men Receive Peni tentiary Eonlencoa , THE NIGGER SHOOTER CRAZE. ic.votlii ( AtfniiHt Iterl 't'lio Hcxxor Oils I'i'dbJoni CJoury'H Cnlntuicy Notes ( intltot'Ril About the City. An Unjmimlar Itfoucy larmier. Tliu rondiTi of tlio HRI : wore informotl tlirouuh Its columns sonio liuicngt ) of thu robbery mul attempted murder of Dr. Onhvay , in Momma county. The district court , which luu just olobud Us work tlicru , lius sppiil nunrly tlio entire time of this term in trying the men who wore nr- re tud and charged with being the doors of the deed. These wuru Frank Strnbk' , Tom Stnibli and John Ixlcliriile. It was clahnud that in January last tlicy visited Dr. On ] way's hoiuo , under the pretense of getting some medicine for a sick child , and that when the doctor was lighting the lamp a shot was lired through the window , wounding him severely in the face. Tlio fellows then sei/.ed a , trunk containing several thousand dollars of mortgages and notes , and that the o were afterwards burned by them. The sherilV claimed to have ioiind bits of burned paper in Prank SjtrubleS hog pen , and thai-he was told by Tom Strnble where the trunk had lu'uti hidden in a ravine. Last spring , Frank Smible was tried on the charge of attempted murder but was acquitted. Tom btrnble has admitted hi.s complicity in the crime , and AlcMndc ha now been tried and found guilty. Frank St ruble lias been eiik'iieedjo twelve yc.irs in tlio ni'iiitcnti.irv , McBridu to ten years , ami Tom Strtible to three ycivrs. Despiiu the lieinioiiiiiess of tlie crime the three boys have considerable sympa thy felt for thi'in by nuny. It sou in * that Dr. Onhvay lias thu reputation of being a hard-faced money lender , ami sharp in his loans , and exacting in his collections and foreclosure5. lie has caused quite a , feeling against him , and thi- > leads to the sympathy felt for tho-e who took such high-handed means of ridding the community of him , and to wreak revenge upon him for their real or fancied injuries. Shoot I lie Shooters. Among the boys everything goes by a craze. Just now the craze is break ing out into epidemic form in regard to sling shots , or "nigger shooters. " Every boy who is big enough to hold a nickle in Ids lingers until he can reacli a toy store , is arming himself with one of these shoot ers. They are simply a letter Y , or a crotch , with a. piece of rubber , which is pulled back by the enthusiastic urchin , a stone or a shot put into it , and shap , away the missile tlies swift as a bullet from a gun , and about as sure to break" window or put out an eye as any missile which coulil be sent Hying through the air. The other evening a lady walking along Hancrofl street was thus hit in the back of the head and quite badly hurt , and tins is only the beginning ol tinvil. . Some of the store ke-pi-is irccaieriiigto tlio boxs1 " demands , by gi-ttmgin big supplies "of the e shooters , and the supply is still further augmented by home manufacture. The state law has forbidden the sale of toy pistols , and yet thyy can do hardly more harm than these shooters. It is almost impossible to do much xyith the boys , if they once get supplied with these dangerous toys , and the only remedy seems to bo to .stop so far as possible the sails of them. The oity authorities are looking up their powers in the matter , and some action will be taken to suppress the threatened nuisance. The llaoc For Klin-IIT. Tlio nomination of Perry Heel for slierill'does not seem to have awakened that unanimous enthusiasm in the demo cratic camp xvhioh ilxvas supposed it would. Some of Mr. Lovell's friends de clare that they ivill not -upport Heel , and that they xvill sooner or later get even with Mr. I'li oy for forcing his nomina tion. They declare that before 11113" of the aspirants forMieriH'entered upon a canvas of their chances , they told Hod that they xvould not enter the Held if he was going to accept the nomination , and Uie3r were assured by him that IIP would not under any circumstances consent to run. Tlio other candidates went ahead on this understanding , and after gather ing ii ] > theirstrength Heel wa-.nominated. Just lioxv much soreness vtill bo felt by the time the votes are to be cast no one can tell , but tlicru is some hard talk now. Mr. Heel lias been looked upon as an in vincible candidate , and yet with some feeling of dissatisfaction in his oxvn party , and xvlth .such a worker and M > popular a man as Phil Armour to run against him , he xvill find he has all he can do to keep from being distanced. Sir. Heel made a good shentr , and is a man \vho is respected by all , lint there is no doubt but that Armour xvill makoasgood a slierill' , and as Heel has declared that he docs not want the ollicc the people may take him at his xvord and give it to Armour. The race xvill in any event bean an interesting one. Fighting lints nnil Soxvcr fJa * . Harry Birkinbine has returned from his eastern trip , and during his absence gathered up some facts in regard to sew erage which he xvill lay before the coun cil. He is an.slous that the sewers .should bo so constructed as to prevent sewer rats from crawling Into houses , and at the sumo time pruvont sewer gas from being forced into tlio houses , or foul water in case of ovuriloxv. Thu device which he recommends Is simply a hinge valve , which is placed in the house sexvor so that it works automatically , it opening to let the water out , but drops at once , closing the soxver , and preventing thu trouble ) indicated above. He has pre pared himself to explain the matter be fore the council , and that .body xvill be urged to pass an ordinance requiring that all housu sexvers .shall bo provided xvith this preventive. In other cities they are being used , and as it is a simple con trivance , adds no special nvpen.so. anil is said to be almost indispciisihle to healthy IIOIHO sexvering. Mr , liirkinblnu is enti tled to credit for shoxvlng o much inter est in the welfare of tlio city , and his willing assistance In all public enter- prises. Hurt In lotliiigu | Itohuor. Tiio man , Geary , who fell oft' the plat form of the O. , I ) , & Q. freight IIOIHO Tuosilny night , proves no : to hax'o boon so seriously hurt as xvas at first feared. He says ho xvas on his xvay to a train to go out and meet his brother , who is also i railway man , and that ho xvas followed > y a man , who , ho thinks , intended ; o ttrtck him , thinking ho bad money. To this man bo wontoittotliapl.it form , mid rw lie was looking bank to sci if the folloxv was still following him , In vrnlketl rljrht oil' , fulling with grnnl fon-i to the ground. When jriekcd up by tin policn nnd brought to hradqunrtN's , i \Vfnthonghtlils iWwn n > It-list broken but it Inn prox'od To IK ? only u sever flprnin. whidi Mill keep him 'from worl for SOUIP timo. He onjy rnimi bore a fov days ago. hi * home being ill Jnnesvllli' Wii. , ami < > lnc bring bore ho has beei employed ill the Union Pacilic yard switching , \Vlio Is Vivo Chieftain ? Judge Aylesxvorth did not get nroutu to deciding the Kidter-Wnlter contes yestcrdajy.md the pnblitj xvill liaveloxvat another day before knowing xvldeli o these two gentlemen is entitled to the of lice of chief of the iiro department , i has been prcdieti'd that the dcei ioi would bo that neither of tlie-o men hat been electi'd with strict legality , wide ! xvould c.tuso anolhei delay , Waiters tors holding until the round amends the defective ordinance and goes through the form of annthei election Another prediction is that tin court xx'ill dismiss the ease on I ho gronm that Walters , having possession of tin olllco , eauuot bring a quo warranto pro cneding against Kiclier , who has nut go ! the ollfec yet , but that the pro < i-edhig- should have been brought by Klehei against Walters. If eitiicrof tie ! e pre dictions should prove correct , it xvill lie some time yet before the end eomes , anil Walters is made to give up the place. Too Dour Clothes. A short time ago a j'oung man nameil Fiiilcv xvas arrested tor stealing a suit ol clothes from the Carson hotel , and on thu preliminary examination the value ol the clothing was declared to be high enough to warrant his being held over to answer to the district eourl. lie xx'as accordingly brought here nnd lodged in jail. An application has now Iieen made for n writ of habeas corpus it hdiif * claimed that thu value of the elothiii" xvas sueli as to make it petit larceny at the most. The mailer is to be heard before Judge Aylesxvorth next Tuesday. The Exposition. The fruit and jelly department at the exposition ue\t week xvill be under the supervision of Mrs. E. A. lltibi-r , and a nice line will be on sale for all houe - keepers who are not supplied. The e goods are made by members of the exchange change and are the bi'-t home made goodIt xvill pay all to make their pur- cha-cs early in the xveek before the selec tion is gone. Prize for Farmers. " A premium for the longest ear of corn from this year's crop. For particulars call on or adilres- . Y. Fuller , buyer and shipper of wheat , corn and oats' , No. uU Pearl street , Council Blull's. PlUJSOX.VrI'AIJAGICAPHS. . C. W. Brown and family leaves this Horning for Connecticut , xvliero ! Mr. Di'oxvn goes to settle an estate. C. W. Foster , of Clarimla , xx-as at the . 'acilic house yesterday , If you wish to make legitimately from TintoFilty dollars per dav write to ludd & Smith , Xo. 31 Fourth street , Council IJluH's. Sam Ford has cold his business , and is il.jiining to take a trip , it is rumored , to hirope. He is quite reticent about the iiatter , but it is xvhi.-pcrod that during d.s absence he xvill take observations , mil wither up the be-t plans for the milding here next sea-on of a natato- i'lin and skating rink , > o as to meet the leniand for a good place to bathe in sum- Her and to glide upon the real ice in the vinter. Such an establishment xvonld ioubtless bo n success here , unless it should happen to be an exceedingly cold summer , and an iinu.Mii.illy warm xvinter. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans , J. W. E. L. Squire , 103 Pearl street. Lamps cheap at Homer's , 23 .Main St. Township Nominations. Tlio democratic toxvnsliip convention met last evening. About twenty were present. The convention nominated the lolloxviug ticket. For Constable II. Hickett-i. ForTni-iteo J. J. Sullivan. For Assessor 11. C. Oliver. 342 ami 344 BROADWAY. RETAIL DEPARTMENT Mens FsS ! & Winter V/sar Moils' anil Hoys' Iluslno = s Bults. Mm- ' and Hoys' Drui-t rtulls. ClilMiTiu' I\-UIT : Dav anil Dro s Suits. ( ii-oicoats for Mon , lloyaund Chlldruii. Jlci chuiit Tailor Suits. Mcrchun ! Tailor Ovciconts. Mfroliant Tailor Tvnw cr . riiuil | to the bdit , lo ur.icr , At hull thu prico. Kat Mfiis" Suits and Ox'crconts. Ican Monti' Hulls and Oxcrcoats. I'm Moils'Tr < wuis. si Shlits niul Tronsors In Scotch > vools , it yciu'liitt' , i\tr.i : lli'.ivy ll.ilhrlvmiiH , 1'ancy ColoriMl XVoola ami ml.\c > l iiialltlcs , Irom QUNL P AND STETSON HATS AI. OI'1 1885. G-loves , Neckwear , Suspenders , Handkerchiefs , Collars And Guffs , Of tlrst clu93 < iiiulltles anil rcasonablu prices. BETAIL DEPAKTMENT au uutl 311 liioadwuy , Council IlluttJIoHO. \ I Ul RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES & ABTICS , ' ; . RUBBER AND OIL OLOTHIITG- , Immense Stock , Send for Hmsfrafed Cataloue. Z , T. LINDSEY & CO. Wniohotiso nnd Siilosronm,41 N. Miiln St , , Coundl llluirs. Toxvil. -AND- jT 5 Ho. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs. " DYEING- AND CLEANINGWORKS. . ( ipuMomons1 Clotliliiff rlomicd , Dyes I nnd Iti-imlrod. I.ndli's' Irc < sos Clcnni-d nnd Dyed ullliout ilpptup. I'ltiiiitMCleiiiiDil or Coloroi ] aiivfiialn to painplc. fllks , Vclxctsnnit Lncca rioaiic.l , Dicil nnil Itcllnl.-licd. J.acc Ciirtnini Xoa'y : C' ' anud. K. D. VATTOJf , Muitnirpr. L'fl Main Street , Cduncil lllulls , Opp. 1'Dc.tolllce. llrirt : liulUllim'i of any kind niNeil or moved and fiit ruction jrnnranti-od. Pimm * houses moved on l.lttlo ( iltuit tnu'lia tie litt la the world. ' ! loinmii ST. . roitxnr , nr.UKKrf. IOWA. SPECIAL , NOTICES. XOTlCi : . Speclnl ulx'irtkciniMits , sncli HS .o t , Found , To 1.0:111 : , ror aln , To Itent , Wants tonulin , otc. , xrlll lie in oj-lcd In this column at ho loxv rntu ol1 Tn.V fiNTS : I'KH f.INi : forlliu li > tiiii-eitloiiaiid I'lVK ( 'KNTri 1'KU LINK toi- enuh Milxequcnt Inv'vlloi'i. Leave ndxci-tUu- ncnt iu our ollleo , Jfi > . li I'ourl moot , neiif rniulxrny. f Nui'tc fe-ii'l in OS1 ! tflxtli IIVLMHIC. W i OK HKNT N'pnr TllKhVcSiool. sonio coin-on- lent. clicui > lioiiiMi'd ItJM. . WllllmnV is Ni St. . , ' .i JOK SALE runilturi1. uood as now. Usc-d onlv a lew weeks.Vill --oil at jrreat sucrilliv. N'o. ll STIilid ave.mil1. Council lllulls. ? ( ) U ItKNT Tin oo loonia lor lioii'i'kL-cpinir ; Well , chtoni , cullnr ami burn. fiO < i Voyihis. "OK S.M.15 Cheap , a No. t Westminster llaso Hunicr , In ported order , liuiniroat U'l IIIull tioet. O HUNT A now i-even-tootn lioiitf. T llhi : Olllcu. ; OK PAI.K lloiifes , lots nnd land. A. .1. Sto- phumun , filU 1'lrtt nvunnii. Council lllull- . COH 11KST A elx-ioom liouco , ten walk fiom Ini'-liiei.o , city wulor , xvell ami els crn. I'oi-n'iit ehoap. Von HUNT No , 1'iU HaiiNon street , three ooms. McM XIIII.N V Co. , 1 I'earl street. oil HAM : , roil HUNT on KXIMIAXCI : . IIO. K5 Vorculoorii'iit.ou Illieral leniH. B The Counell Illuil'H I'apcr.MIU.coinplctc , wllli- ho lurKU boarding' liou.-o and iliruu ueica ol Kionml. No. < > A biixlnohs property In C'liorokeu , 'liorol.oo county , lown. will tnulul'or xxi'Mura amis. Valnif , iiliont .9l(0n. ( No. : n A lieautlful homo In tlio town ol' Unfit- ntrs. Mills I'ounty , Iowa , for Nebraska l.iml. \nlnu. $ ; i.rKK ) . No.11 A Kixxl lii'-ln < ) kl property and aNo n rood i-0-.ldoneo piopeity In the town of Chonvo , Nlul.oiin foiinly. III. , low don n lor ciii-h or will i.'M'luiiiKO for wi" toni luniN. No. 17 ! ) A splenilld farm , well ImpioxTd , fiin iuie.3 In Dickinson eonnty , lou.i , Joinlnir the own ot HplrlL Lilo. : I'rloo , lor a hboit time , > ! "i ) ior IILTC. No. IS ! to 187 Are four Inprnvoil tnrms In Millllps count v. KniiNiK , oneli with u mmill In- cumbriineo. The omiltus xvill lie o.vehanjfed tor uilnuunihurodwlld land In Nclmu.ku. No. ! ! ! 4 1 acres In llol' eounly. Neb. , iiilinivecl , at u bit ; luii nln. Want j to oxcli or mcrulmiullt-o. No. M A line two ctory lulck rosldenco , ono if tin1 best loeatloni In C'ounoll lllulls , will tnulo or ( rood uiilnennburb'I Kansiis or Nohraekit andVnluo , Ul'i.tXIU , .No. M nnil II Aiu tirn. other beautiful luiino1 } n Council IllulU , xvhlch ctinh puymi'iila will buy it a linrijulii. No. M A beautiful Biiburban location in Town 'I tv , Iowa , will uxclnuiuo for xvcsttra liuuls. Viiluu , $ 'i. ( K ) . The iibovu am only a few of our f-poclnl b r- pilns. If yoii'xuffot anythhih'lo traduor M'll , ir wnut to t-cll any run ! ni-tiito or inerohandMt ) , vi III ) us.Vo li.tvo eox-or.il inioil RtocKs of m > eddo o tmdo for lumU. SWAN Jc WALKIilt , Council ItlullH , Iowa. BICE M. D. R. M. , . . or other liunorH removed xvltliout , tbo knllo or draw liiif of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES ot M KlmU a specialty. Over thirty years' practical cxpoi lenco. Otllco , No. U IVarl StH'iit , Council Ulutltf. t'llUU. J. L. DEVOISE UNION TICKET AGENT i .1 No. rxiT Iiond\yjiyfJpoiincll ) | ) Illutlj. Railway Jlime ! Ta/ble. / COUNCIL m.urrs. The I'ollowlntr Is I'Lu ' , lhno of n nival and lepaitiiru ot trains t > y romrnl st.uiilurd time , tit hi ) local ilcpotd. Trill U3 Iciivo trausferdepot tun nlnulL'joailler nnd nnlvi > .tcii inlnutus later ; . , , , , AIIIIIVB. cuic.xno KrW. 9:23 A , M . Muil'itliaKxpiess . CiWi * . M. 2:40r.M : . Accommcxliitlon . 4Mi' : . M. CiUOr.M . KiprfiMi . UU5A. : > i. CIIICAnO 4. HOCK ISLAM ) . } -.y > A. M . MiiMiuuH\ircd3 : | . 0Mi ; > .u. " :15AM. : . . . . . . Accnmmodalloii . G:4.M'.u. : OdOl'.M . . . i\plCSS : . ViUuA.M. CIIIUAUO. > III.W.XUKII : : i ST. I-AUI. . 1:20 : A , u , . . Mall and Kxpi ess . ilMr. M. ijill' , M , . . Uxpn-bb . U:03A. : M , CIIICAUO. nuui.i.soTos k < JUIMV. : U:10x , u . . . Mull mid r..vpuss , . . . 7inr. : M , J XYAIIASII.KT , UllUS L I'ACIFIO. Jl.r : ) Iu. . Locul Kt. Ixiiils Impress Local J:00 I1. M.Trunsfi'i'Bt. I.oiiU lx.Tnui : lfr.UiO : f. u KANSAS CITV , 8f , Jim 4. COUNCII , UI.UKFH. 0lU.x.u ; . Mall nnd KxprcM.75 r. M. 8:05 : I-.M . Kxprcus . . . .0-'i : A. > i. BIOL'.XCnV k 1'XCIHC. 7:20 A , M . Mull for Sioux City. . . . : M p. u. : Ui > . M . iiprfM : fur St. Paul . . / H JA.JJ , UNION I'ACIHl' . ' . . , 4SHI1 M. 11:00 : A. N . Denver Kxprt'M. 1-.U" > I' . M .Uncolll 1'ili.s. , OMI. & It. V .2J5 : J' . > l. 7:15 : ! . ji. . . Uxorlund Kxprcsi 6MA , u , HUMMV THUNSTO UMAIU. r.onx-0 Council IllutrTU - T U 9. J-10W- : ! l40 n. m ; 1UO J 'AJ-3-.IO-J W5"i5 B:2i : 1,15 p. m. leavi ) Omnbii'-a 2S-7ii-S.M lO.OO IMS n. m : 1S.50-2:00-3U- , M-5-.W , 552 BROADWAY. COUN'CIL UI.Ul'FS , - - - IQVfA. Hydraulic Engineers , Fah'ic ' and Private Systems . of Sewerage. Water xvoiks and Venlila'tion designed and constructed. numbing xvorl ; in all its bninclics.'J'liis eoniiiany have one of tlio liost assorted stocks oC plumbing goods in the xvnst Estimates famished. JIAimV IHUK1NIMNB , Noxv York rininbiny company o j3 Broad way Council Ulull'd. Toluphono No S7. ONLY HOTEL In Council Itluiis liiivinjr Fire And nil modern Improvcmonta , call bclld , II ru alarm bclU , etc. , Is tlio CREST ON HOUSE ! Nos.215nTnwlJlr : ! ) , Main Street , MAX MOHN , 1'roprlftor. HAIR GOODS. Waves , Frizzes , Switches , He , HAIR GOODS. SHAMl'OOINO , JIAIil URKSSINO , ANDCUTl'INO. HAIR GOODS. Unrigs mil J'limpadour , I.tuitftry or Other Styles. ' HAIR GOODS. NIIS. ( J. u ( iMJ.ii'rn : . M Miiln St. , Council HlutTd. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW V. WIOSTCO'IT , Jlnntifiitturer of ! ' TRUNKS , SATCHELS , Sample Cases , clc. So SO 1'ontl Ft. , ror- ncorofl'lrst Avenue. puy O'J ETHOIS see vat ino sddma 11 p nn.u.iiux. f ' E. C. SMITH , Ocncrul Agent N. Y. Life Ins. Co , , s. - - $ romnoj ( blirpllli , 10.UUO.OJO Jio. rat llrnntlxxoy , Up-btnlra. . I. . FORM AK , CLOTHING , ( .puts I'urnlslilug d'ouils UAT ? , CAPS. ltoot > . , MIOII'.tc. . N'o. 161 HroiiilxxAy , Opposite Ogilcn HOUSB A. J. STI'-l'lIKNEOX , Real Estate Dealer , No. 03 Tlrst AX'O. Council Itliid'N , la. ED. V/RICHT , STENOGRAPHER AXD- Typo Writer , Onico 503 Mynslcr St L'VI.'KYIIODV'S Dry Goods , Groceries , l-'lour , I'ccd , ute. , AI.XVAY3 ATTlin Loxvcsi Marltcl Price , CnrM'iIn nuil Ninth lie. Ooimnunly knona na ivinv : : inn'.i GRAND ? & GO , , City Drug Store , , etc. ialty. ialty.No. . 21 Main Pt. AitSTitxrrs orTtTi.r. That you run rely on Money nl Lowest Rales MCMA110X .X CO. , No.I Pearl St- Mandcnnakcr & Van , AHCIIITKCTS , CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS 201 Upper llroadwny. I. ( ilMNSKV , xx'fttHl Hi'cond llnnd FURNITURE. toxcs nnd Hon i'- hold Goods At l-owctt tirlcrf , Clicupi'tt Sloro in Tonn. NO. B3S nnoAnw.xY , Council StlullVi , In. Union Iron Worlis , ,1 Co , Props , All khulsof CitMlne * ! . ( 'r < 'etiiiB nnil moling rniliiiKS n spuulnlty. Prompt AlteiilionfUx-- uiiUcpaii.H Slu > | ) ' , corSil ft. , V Kth Av H. S. WE3T , DENTIST , No. 12 IVnrl f-t. Over Hoc onti'C. Vnrtlculnr Attention cUeu to tliu rrt'/erva- tion of the Nittnrul Teeth. C. L. NEUNEA8 , PrtEAT MARKET All kinds of fresh and Sail Meats , E'Oi'LTKV , No. 79'J Main btreet- Anritun No. 101 ni.VIN ST. AllUmliof Fruits , ConUctioncry AMI ciaxlis , The chrnputt nnil tint boat etpclc tu ofrintls. ODELL & DAY. . No. 3D I'corl ' St. , Iteul IMntr , Inouranrr uinl LOUII . Hixvc J500,000 to Ioun onVror cent Intercft < NE'UMAYER'S HOTEL N'i . 22HI llro dvr y , liATW : 51.00-51.25 pcrtlr.y , iMrnt't'inKs connection. A. P. llnncholl , M. D. ' , HOMCEPATHIO riiyslrl.iii nnil Stircron , Conuctl llltilH Ollliv No. 12 IVnrl Pt. HOUIII : into 1'Ja. in. nnd a ID I p in. IUxlm.sci : : : No. UO Itli St. , hours : lii-fou-'J n la nnil niter T p in TiU.I'llO.SK : Ml. 10. JOHN J , KURTZ , PHCENIX MEAT MARKET Cor. Jtntn niul Story St 1) . PAW.V .11.OAX 01VI013. ! iJS llriiiulxMiy OHHXTIIViifUI.VS In Unredeemed Goods , CLOT IIIXI ! , ni' ic.xi. i.NsriiuMi : ItetoliiTs , liuni , eli' . J. L. RATEKIfJ , FAHMKKS' COMMISSION STORE Di.vi.n : : IN ( Iroi'i'Hi'i mid 1'iovl- MOIIH , 1'rnlis ( 'onfi'c- tiiiiivry. rtparsaml To- li.'ioio. 1'niiltry n pci'- iHltv. 0 > y 9 Alain Kt. IIlKlii'.st iiinrlji-'t prti'c P'tlil f.jr firm pioilucc. A 1.1. Tin : Litest S-tylc.s of Millinery & Notions Alunjs.it ( hi ; I.o-.vcst prkus. > 0. ! 1 S HKOADW.U' , Dr. W. L. Capsll , . o Ppcjljl alto iiliilirM Dlsnisc- XViin.Hi nilI ( liroiiiiDIsr.iM'i. . CONMH.1.\TKIN Ollico In Opera Ilonrc , Clilcajja Meat Market , JOII.V KX'iilN ; , I'mii. Frcsli and Sail Me ; ! , Kuu ni- , No. Oi > JlnlnM. 1 UourB. cffct. Jo Homo REAL ESTATE , .tllKM V IIP KM ITU Fire rcfi- ' 000 of . ' /.s-Aff/.s- . No. 13) ) M.iln Street. COUNCIL ULUFF3 , IOWA. 1' . C MILLKH , WALTJ PAPER and Decorations , PAINTS , OILS , VAIIMISHC3 No. in 1'cnrl St. , TAYLOR A CALEF , Fancy ami Sla | lo GROCEF53ES , Host HMO In ( lieCity No. SJi Jlroail xxay , Council lIlulT- T. I1. ItGLLINUnit , M. D Surgeon , . and Physician , Kjc niul Knr Surgery a Slii'dxltr. fiO ) llroait\viij-ljpsti lra PI : . ( illi Ax'o CorVthSt. DrsWOODElW&SOM DEUTJSTS , Cor IVnrl St & 1st Ave * rounfll lll'iffi , la. J. J. KOBETICII , 1'inc Hoot uiul SHOE MAKER , No ° : , Mnlu St. Coiiiu-H Ulull'iii la T. K. JJUAV , Boots i Shoes . AT tow rniCEt. ' IO2 main Street , Cnuncll llluirn , la. STORAGE Warehouse Duh.iny'8 Old Ilnll. XVllOI.KSAI.K ] ) UAMn : IN Employ no travclliiK nx-ont , thus eavltur llx-lr ( to customers. Afc'unt for I'nni Hubbcr Coinpany , XVilto for 4:1.3 Jiroadwtcy , Vounvll 'ttluffx , Iowa. 200 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each , Clump Cook Stoves and Otuciul llousu rurnlshlni ; foodn , inrlmlliiK Jfrxv nnd Hccnnil Hand 1'u ulturo. BY M. DROHLIOH , 608 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. , . , \ * ?