Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    "J " " * ! J
The Carious Llothodi of Zinrraorm.i' ; Ik-
leato ThoroughExroscd ! ,
. . .
Hteprt Toward lilt I > | H-U-III'II | T.tte
l jr AUnriH-y Cienciitl t , ' < -TS e
I'ltllct * C'oliliillllee'iv 15 ' | mt-v
NotoM.AlMiut the t"iy.
( fitou tnr. Iirr. ' I.IVIHA Imtr'f.l
"efU'rdu.v iiiorniin : . in the cupn-run
court of the f.tnto , Atlurnoy Cicucrid
Lccso nro o mid u. kil purmi&Mon. from
pie court tti file nn information ! tjK itint
1 * . C. IJcrr , a ] mit't ! < : ltiriiltt.Ufv ! , for a *
"i"linR in the rcJt" it e > f .Mall
man , the iimrdcrcr. < h'ef ' , Iu < tec ! ( Mm
rnjnc.tUtl iho attorn-v gun nil lo . - . i
tlie information , whit h run us fallow- . ' '
In lim MiiuemurMif tot lhe stale ol' Nilir < , . :
' * Adjtnnncd-Inly , AI I ) . t.v\i tern Tin :
iliiU'tif Nfhiai" ) u on thu r"liui ; ! ! ( I Win , ) \ " * . L. ( ! . llurr , en tilt'jiiistl law.
.Vjntir I'o.tiiioiii'r wisti'il most teci | ( fully
icvrrcut nml fhow tn tli's honoi.iiVmif ! : -
1. That lie IH tinid'.orncy jreiicnil of itn *
slnlcof Nebia-lai , nJttl b > Inw it ii > m-iilclili
iluly lo nUKttcnlu and dt'ft nd all neM'-imuid
lUwcJdtiiKH In which Jlicstrto f-lMl ) Iv in-
ten-ill il or u.aily. |
y Thitt on tlioJiUi ! ihi > of Octtjlvr. \ . l > .
IKono : : MalilnHXIiuiii' ' mum WHS imi\l < i 'd
III IhiMlMrlct cimit of Id line.s county , N < -
biasUii , of tin- crime uf minder in the lirst dc-
jieo mid f-vntcuced to lie. . hitupil , and .such
piorccdlnpi AU'io lind tlii'icin Hint salt ! MMJ
was hioimht to IhoMipu-inefonil fin re.vleu ,
iiuilon tliu Ibtb day ol Nou'inbri.D.IiM. .
the Mild judgment iuiilNcntci.eeof UiedHiM
enuitof Kcnuiey county will in all thinva a ' -
Ihincd , nnd tl > c.snld Ximuiciuiiin WHS tin wild
day liy this coml , H'Uteuii d t- hatmcd nn
the Kill iliiv uf AIM II , 1SV , and ittlcrwardh , tn-
wlt , on llie.l'ddio of Maieb , A. l > . I wo. 11
writ of eirur was by one nl tin- : ISM ditto in.- , .
lined of Iho supreme ronit , IsMied on ! of the
.silprouii ! court of Il'.o United Slutis to tl-N
houoralilo court , roi.iiii.indin ildi
lioint to stay the Mild puirent-
Inpft , mid jnnr pi'titionijr stalc-i
Unit the wild case ot Afntlinm Xiiunieinian .
thnhlale of N'ehni liii is ii'n ; pcndlii ; , ' In the
siipiciilecomtof tlm Unitctl Mate. ' , mulct1 r-
. ! Tliat the cnid Xiinuictniii'i lind b en
sinco.Iiniiii.\ : ; 1 , IfiS" , and Inirjr j-rlur theieto ,
by older of IliH court , teiiidveil to the county j
ji'iil of liullalo County , NelnitMui , ft-r snle
4 Your petitioner would fnrtlier repnv-ent
to the conn that Urn defendant. L. C. Murr , N
now nnd has lor several ycar < lusl
jiiist a iiuictlcliiK attorney of lids coin t , and
iWMicli ; Utiiiu'hiiithnil ( . the solo eontiol n (
the said c.-e-c ot Xlainicinian and U .still : u't-
iiiKiix iho Milt ) attoiney.
5 That thu said L. U. Unrr , ii lli utlrir-
iioy of tuid Xlnnueinian , and uhilo Ilio .s.iid
eiaiso W Mill pending in the supreme cotnt of
this United States , did on tlu-'J-Mli dnd , J c -
temhcr , A. I ) . 188. ) , in the count ) ol llntraio
and stale of .Nebraska , fiilsclv , wilfully and
ItnowinKb lepic.senttoonu Muish Naville , a
United .Stde ; commisbloncr , Incnted at .
ney , in llull.ilo county , NcbiiisKu , lie , Iho
sntil Sitvllle , its such conuid.ssiniior , hud full
jmlsillctidn to iclcasc said Xiinineiiiian on
nail , unil tlmt he , the said Sinille , h.iil lull
po\\crand nnthoilty to issuu ti wilt ot habeas
coipns lor the said Xiuinicininu npiiiibl tliu
Hherlft of hiiftl Buffalo county.
15 And the wild Suvillc , us Mich coinnii
fdoiu-r , iictliiK on Iho tulso ndvleo of the Kiid
I. . C. llurr , attorney nt law , did on tlie 'J.'th
ilayof Sniiteniher , A. I ) , livsIssiio ' Ids \viit
of habeascoipus in favor of wild Xiinwei man
and itftiilnst tlm sheiiif of Hullalo county ,
coiiunandlii s\id sliuiitl to uitiduce
tlio bodj of .said Jbitldas Xlininei--
niaii lorihwith befriro him the
Wild 5Iu : > jh SnHie , comndnsloner its iifoie-
said , and which wild writ of habeas cni-pin
was hv Iho dcjuity United Sf-itvu. iiiiiiuluil.
fluly" .sencil on baidshiitllf ot" Hiinidiiconuly
ftn tlm ciiiil ! JMh diiy ol Seteinlier ) ) , Iss ' . , unil
on said day , the suit ! .shciifl duly < Ieli > eied
the sultl Alathins Xinnneiuiiin licfoiu xiid
coinudssliiucr , then and tlicio ai'linic under
Iho sole ndvlua and counsel of tluv Knld I. . C\
Burr , did on saltl lu > t named < tllscliaiL'o
said jMiitldiis Xliuilieinuiu fiom tlio custody
nml contiol'iif tlm nulhoiltluhol the sUdc uf
7 And jTottriH-lltloncrBtates Hint no notice
of any Ulntt wis served on the attorney KCM-
cnilo'r any other iwihoii to ajtpenr In behalf
nf the slide , hut tin Iho coutnir > , the whole
\seio eliindcsline. and e.secuteil
nficcicuy by the paid \ * C. liurr , nnd was
nit a ttic'l : and device contilvctl ly Hie sidd
\ , . 0. linrr.'iittornciy at law , with Intent to
ftcccive. and to obstruct thu due coin e ol jus
tice of Iho state authorities.
ti And > onr petitioner ii-pruM-nts Hint the
snhl 1. . U. llinrat the time he so hiNely atl-
vi-'ctl the iiiitl United Slates coniinlssloiuT n.s
aforesaid , well know the said aihire to bo
tnlse , and eontrnn tohiw , nml well Knew ( hat
tlio.saltl Unltcil Suites conunl.ssltiner lind nt >
jnrNdlclIoii to Issue wild wilt of habeas coi-
pusas' aloiiiS.ild.
Anil your petitioner tlicrcfoio pr.iy Hint
the iniillei.4 and f.icts heiein Matttl bu ie-
lerred loacoimuittccof the incinbcru ol the
bar ot tills court. That saitl committee be In-
sti noted to prepare the juoper oh res | , : inil
that ; i copy of ilu ) Mime uo sui veil on Hie said
fj. 0. Burr , attorney nt law , and Hint this
courtou the liniil lieailiiK Of mhl c.liiu i'cs
Will ntiiko.such outer its may ho just and
ciiultidile , to the end that the honor and ixv
spcotiiblily of the legal piofc.sslou nmy be
vindicated and the dignity of this com I be
fully maintained. WII.I.IAM I.KI.SI : : ,
Attoinoy-dcnciiil for Ni'bia&ku.
Slate of Nebrnskn , ! . „
nnca-lor comity , j
I , \Vni. Leese , do polemly swc.n thut I be
lle vo the mutters nnd facts stated In thu foiu-
gnliiBiu'llllon ' to hu tine.V'.M. . I < IIIM. : : ;
.Snovrlbeil in my IIICHCIICO and MVOIII to
bufoie me lids : Xlh ) tiny of Septemher , iss1" ! .
Guv A. Ititnw.v ,
Cleikof tin ; .Supiunie Court.
At Iho conclusion of the rending the
JuiJguH hold it brief convursiitlon ami Ihcn
the chief juslico niado the following
order :
i'Tliat L. C. Hurr bo notified to appear
unil answer the inforiinition by to-ilay at
Uo'olockn. in. "
The bar was largely represented in the
court room and iho o.\prcssion HcomctI
unanimous n < ; aiust Hnrr'ti conduct. Not
it few of the lnwyurs jtrosont were frco in
douoiiniiinu ; thu affair as thu mo < t out-
ragcoius wiiioh ever occurred inNe
braska. The lotful liabilities of IJurr ,
Saville , tliu uommissioncr , the shenll' of
Imd'ulo county , and Iho deputy United
States marshal , A. G. Hasting' * , who
Hi-rvod tlio wilt of habeas corpus on the
tdtorin" , nro itUo talked about , nml it i.s
bolioml tlmt blops will and .should iin-
modlaloly bu tnkcn towards punishing
Iho oll'imder.if ) an otlciibo within thu
slrict letter of nn elastic law could bo
made against tlio mon ,
Ono well known hiwyer said that he
, would halo to bo in Mr. I SUIT'S place
should Unit gentleman or ilio others con
nected with the tiling over have occasion
to visit Minden or its immediate vicinity.
jlo believed that the reception tendered
by friends of tholutehliiirilr.Jiick Woods ,
1 lomovcd" by /iniincinian , the gen
tleman released under n ifVHKJ bail bond ,
doubtless u "Mrsiw bond , " at that while
under sentence of death , would bo most
lie-in IV mid ontlmsiastic. The lawyer
Ihoimht that they would remember It lethe
the day of their death.
The HEI : reporter interviewed Attor
ney General Leesu on the Ximmorimin
matter after the cabo was conclmlcd. In
reply to the question as to what the MI *
promo court would do In the mutter of
iho disbarment of L. C , IJurr. he mid :
"Woil , sir , 1 do not know.
I lutvo , in liling the information against
him , done what I con&idcr my duty us an
* * * *
i * ' olUeor of the state. One or two parties
.5 have made threats ngainst me if I should
proceed in this mutter , but 1 care nothing
for Ihut My conduct us an olllcer is
Mich that 1 invite thu whole woild | o
sorntinjy.0 It. I will ccria'nly ' do my
duly i b it appears to mo. "
" ( jtmoralA iibkcd the roporur , "did h.
( J. Hurr call on you at your olllee. yeMur *
"Vcs , sir , " ho replied , "nnd ho was
very niiien iigjuited. 1U > nntdu u throat ,
' ' ' ' ' '
'Inuig on to my uon >
'Win I hr.d tin prrtooul fooling. . . , _
lilfit. but if it xvnslrlictliui ho hnit violated
liln cnlh : i nn officer of the court5 ! of this
y ! le M obtaining HIP rclcn o of Matt
. /linnu-i mint through frnuil ami trickery
I | if. > j.'t cd to have the matter siflul b >
tin * wjut me court , mid to learn v/helhcr
j i | I he j'i'i'eh'.l ' proceedings of the liigh < M
Iril i iii-Hii the ilntoctilo lie circum-
' \ < ntt 11'\ , rascally minprc ! * < riilntionttid
ibn ! - < f tlic powers of nn attorney. "
TIIK rtll.KT. rm'MITTKK.
The cdmmUltc appointed themavor .
n iiucxtignle the lontlmttif the police
Illi'd | t-.i-r : report 1'I : . niglil audit .ecin
now ( | 'ifi-ovidei.l ( that I'lniiiman 1. , \V.
I'itlinv-ley is in ilead ein nosj anil pro-
IHRM- I to p"crmit none nf the guilty pi-rtii" .
i < ie eaM' | If rcmovnlsnre not matleoulhe
loree it will not bel\lr. IHIIing le\ ' * fault ,
but tin-111113 of w' ' " ' " ' responsible , nod
Miituif his political henchmen will luue
to go if he doe * his sworn duty as mayor.
The rt'i'f.rt is oneof considerable erudi
tion sis in wordy , aril may be "iiitl to bu
con-M-iu | itft for the tih-enee of iinylhing
of a spi-c'jic ' eluiriiiiler as In tiction , unit
rc- > : - < the bin me entirely on the major ,
Tin lullowinj ; is the report :
'r i th" Mayor nml Council of ( he City
uf Uin'oln , M-hrnhkii , ' Your commilk'O
to v.luiin was rcfi rred the matter ot hi-
\i -ligiitiug the elly jtillotnndiil : deliv-
i r.s mi I'rnlny , .Septmnber IH , iss.i , and of
Ih'e conduct ami ellieieneyof the police ,
brg lea\e lo submit the. following report :
Your romniitlee caused subpienas U > be.
i itcd lo Iho following mimed witnesses :
( . ' . II It-inch , K.vurelt Moore , Al Heaoh ,
\V. II Nowbcrry , ( JoorgoVilxoll ,
< ! < 'urg < - 'Jiiylor , Ilenrv Kiihlmnn , D.imi
Hyde. Mr ! Hyde , ( 'oorgo Thompson ,
.J. ] * . Swu/y , 'I'lionisis Carnalwn , Christ
ian 't ieniiin , H. llnhhard. Such sub-
P'i'iias were delivered lo ,1. II 'ost , who
u-poi teil service on all of sahl pcr-ons
o\ctpt Swoc/.y. All ofaid wilncssas
ncro t-vmihicd by your committee e\cept
Ticrnan , Dana Hyde and hisbiollierinil ;
the - \ iilenee wsis taken down by a short
baud reporter iiml is licrmvith submitted.
( in the - . . "itli of .September.vour committee
I nf lite lollowing niimctl pci'Mins : H , W.
I Hardy , Davis , Swee < u * , Dunn lljdo , < .
Douglas , A. UavlisM . S. K. Post , ( ins
Ssnnder.Jay ! Norton , K. Knsign , .1. M.
Hull , till of wlymi appeared betore > our
cominittte : it the. coimeil ehainbor , ex
cepting Norton , Snuiulors , Il.ydo , unil
Sx\ee-y , the. last named being absent
from tin1 cit. > , and not having been served
with : i snbptL'iiit. Your ciimmitlee will
still'- the result of their in\csig.ili | < > n :
Tho.v fnitiiil a want of proper discipline
in I fie police force ; no roll call , no drill ,
uti regular time t > l going on or oil' duty ,
some slciiping iluring the lioni-s of duty ,
regulars and specials c rr.\in < r kc\s
to tlie city jail ami Idling out pri > oneis
: it will , sljuie of obeying orders \\lum il
suited their eonvenieiiee , no heatl or
leader In the niglil tnree. The eilv mar
shal , \vitli his omu-ous duties sis street
< < iuumi-"ioner , eanuut and does no ! ghe
that time and discipline to the police
force which i nece-isart\ . I'rom tincu -
tleucc v\e lind Hint-
I That the .i.iil delivery oceiirred about
: : ! ( > p in. September IS , tsS'i , b\ digging
through thi ) wall on the south side ot Iho
jail , where it was about twenty inehe.s
thick , and composed ol spniiNsmall ruble
Htimo and poor mortar , all easy u > re
move. Through the grilled windows oil
the alley tool.s iiml implements could bo
easily passed by pnrtic * . out ol tlicjail to
t lie inmates , ' ( 'ho jail i so little security
that it is hardly worth that uumo to nit
cvpi't-t tin jail breaking. The jailer ex
amined the jnil and found ( ho jail mi-
disturbed as to a break , and
ill ! ol the twenty or morn Ihero , ut " > : 'M of
llint tiny and nil were there , at T.oO when
he furnished the prisoner * ( heir supper.
Aid doubtless furnished the -
_ Wits pi-Non-
crd from the ontMile , iis i nagoi bo\ and
other obstructions along the wall against
the breach in the wall were found re
moved. The only salety against a break ,
ol this jail is in good and .sufficient outer-
guards , and jail key > in a few nfe hnnd < .
Knterprising | iri-oncr-i in other years
have-escaped from this jail Two out *
guardssliould have been placed around
this jail on Iho nightof ibis breaking , the
same us on the prior night.
! ) - \Vo Iiml from the witnesses , Moore.
Taylor , Post , Thompson , .Douglas ami
( 'iirnahiin , that Policeman Kuhlmun : it
many times mid places when ho should
have been on his patrol on duty hud been
fast asleep , and at one time foi tlneo
hours , and at ono time diew his pistol
without ju t cause on Policeman Taj lor.
ItVo find from the evidence of wit-
nes. eH , Kuhlman. Ku ign , anil Douglas ,
that Policunion Moore has u tew limes
been asleep , when he should have been
on duty , and while a policeman under
Mayor Moore's administration u few
months ago was guilty ol impi opor con
duct while on duty.
'I Policeman Kelley probably u."ptl his
olub on Andy IJaylN , while Uayli sviis'
in shackles nml in the custody of Police-
nfun Kelley and Post , although ISayliss
wits n ing abusive , upprobriouslangungo
liMyurds Kelley nud using resistance in
going to jnil.
5 Special Policeman Thompson does
not conlino himself sulllcicnily to hi.s du
ties oft his iiatrol between Twelfth 'and
Sevenleenln streets.
( i The eliargo of slecning , aguiiibl Po
liceman Curnulmn while on duly is only
.supported by Ilio evidence , of one witncs"
ami is ilonied by Carnahiin , It is not sus
tained. Your committee were desirous
of examining Policemen Kelly iiml
.Smith , but found that both htid left iho
city on business with the consent of the
" \ our committee oiler the following
suggestions :
1 That the regular police foreo bo or
ganized as follows ! Three regular police
lo servo on Iho day force from ( lo'eloeku.
m. to K o'clock p. in. nnd live polioo
on night force with one acting as ser
geant or cfTptuin , and the marshal hav
ing general control of bolh night nud day
force , The marshal not to act sis street
commissioner , the captain or sergeant to
control the whole force in the absence of
thu marshal.
2 .That each policeman lie graded as lo
rank ami wear Iho number ot Ids rank ,
the rank numbering from 1 to 8 ,
Xo , 1 being the highest grade , the
grades to bo eslablislied by the marshal ,
11 That Ihero bo roll call once or twice
each day , and a drill each day nt police
hendqunrters ,
1 Tlmt In n book kept ill police head
quarters cnch policeman daily registers
the time he goes on and oil' of duty , nnd
registers each nrrcst , fully describing iho
same and the name of Iho person.
fi That no ono bo rolea cd from lull
without Iho order of cither the police
judge , mayor , marshal or captain of
( ! That noono carry a key but the jailer ,
marshal or cuplnin of police.
7 That no per.son shall be searched
for property except in tlio presence of
two or more of the police force , ami the
properly then bu turned over to the
jailer , and such property to bo tlouo uii
in a package and nroperly labeled vitli
name of owner nnd contents ,
8 Thai the refusal of si policeman
lo obey the orders of his superior shall
bo good ground for removal by the
mayor , ami on such refusal Iho marshal
may suspend slich policeman from duty
until the mayor or other proper authority
Inis investigated such matter and re
stored Mich ofllccr to duly , That the
rules ami regulations of the police force
bu printed and furnished to each of the
force , nml posted in police headquarters ,
L. W. BllJ.INOhl.EV ,
H. H. UI.AN ,
J. 11. DAILY ,
A question of law arises in the recent
nppointnienl by the mayor of two regis
trars for the purpose of taking the miine *
and putting in proper books the names
of quntiliud voters. It la said that ho Inul
legislature in 1B7H Ihp gpiirral registra
tion laws of the state wore repealed and
another Mibstltutod which created a dif-
fciciicp between cile ! \nrious classes.
Oimihi : , Lincoln , Fremont , Nebraska
City nnd Phittmnonth were included in
thnse cities entitled lo registrar. for city ,
count v , slnto nnd national elections. In.
18r > Ilio legislature again pat-ed nn net
which let out all towns except Omaha ,
and for gome reason unknown , Plaits *
mouth. Tlio law has ne\er been
I'haisscd The * question now arise- !
whether Iho mayor's appointments nro
\-ilid and in compliance with law. It is
claimed hi- acted under an ordlnance.bul
il is doubted whether : i city i-ouncil can : hiw which will govern outside of
tlic municipality itself. It i.t not sup
posed ( hut their action can alVect stnto or
county elections.
Tlic .so-culled law firm of Uuiherford i\r
Maine , of Washington , I > . ( ' . , must , eon-
Mtler tlie people ot Lincoln and lite sur
rounding country u mass of great largo
stickoi's , for they have sent out a great
many printed circulars , blank powers of
ntlorney iintl nn-agicnipeni to payment.
: , ' )1 ) per cent ol all that the alleged
law lirm would collect for the applicant
in the wavof pensions nnd other claims
against the government. These circu
lars itro sent to nu-n who have never been
in the. army or cer smelt burnt powder.
Another outlit styling themselves X..f.
Smith & Co. , of Cincinnati , are. scmltU'V
10 this state samples ol pictures which
border on thn vulgar , and inking $1.0(1 (
for ten pictures. Ihu unwary ami weak
ioulhs nro ghen to under.slnnd that the
ten pictures to bu sent on receipt of tlio
dollar are just awfully had , but when they
are received the fool finds his money
gone and leu ordinary advcrlising curds
in place of it
I i Druggist Kit iliggs found under his bed
last night : i genuine I\Ie\ican \ turantuhi.
He chloroformed the visitor Iroin Mexico
and now has it on exhibition at his store.
This is said to bo the second tarantula
found in this city. Higgs now has taran
tula juice in stock.
One of Lincoln's citi/ons recently found
n dead cat in his well. The family had
noticed that tlie wnk-r had tasted a little
bad for several weeks , buj failed to dis
cover the bloated cut until .stated , when
11 was resurrected forthwith.
.John O'Kcol'c , esq. , of the lirm of
dishing iv O'Keofe , was in Lincoln yes
terday. Ho is now engaged on Ihc U. P.
extension in Howard county. Mr.
O'Keefc said that on account of a lack nf
material he would be unable to finish bis
line to L' ip City Ibis fall.
Mr. Strong , of Garfield precinct , in this
county , broke Ins collar bone yesterday.
The cnti-e of I lie. accident was u calf
which ran between his legs and caused
the gentleman tti fall , violently lo the
giouiul. Dr. Lane was called and thu
patient is doing
-Defective Thompson , of this city , is do-
iniT a good business in his line , lie has
nnule sevei ; il arrests ami ferreted out a
number of important cases and produced
Millicienl evidence to effect comietion.
The Lincoln car company is extending
si line on east O street for about it do/.on
sqiiui o.
The store of J.H. Nader , on Klevtnlh
t trj'ul , was entered by burglars late night
before l.isi The men got in by taking
out a pane of glass in one of the Iront
windnw.s Nothing was taken and it is
presumed the fellows were frightened
The wife and child of Captain .Post , of
Iho police , lull ye.slordiiv for n vibil to her
old home : il La Poitc , Indiana.
William Fltin ) , of Fairmoitnt was yes
terday examined before U. S. Connnis-
sione'r Hiiliugsley lor selling liquor with
out n. license , and held under bonds of
? UtW to jippear bcloie Iho United Stales
con it.
John S. Tidbnll , Crete ; John ( I. Higgins -
gins , Columbus ; GusStutes , Valparaiso ; U.
K. Allen , John Morrell. Charlie 15urmes-
tor , F. V. J'owlor , W. L , Eastman ,
Omaha : Mrs. S. C. Smith , MiK. . S.
P.ibb , Miss May Iligby , Beatrice : G. W.
Shit-Ids , C. Parker. T.'G. Couch. Omaha ;
.1. W. Stewart and wife , Nebraska * Citv ;
It. J > . Chapman , Omaha.
Aiii'osiurn III. torn , Hie woild icnowncd
iippctl/er and in\i'iaator. ? Used now OUT
the whale ehilixid woild. Tiy It , Imtbewnie
ul imitations. Ask your proper or duuHiist
for the nenuino aiticle. inamifaetuicil by li.
.1. G. H. Su-Kcit iV : Sons.
There is not ! i saloon in Hnrdin county.
Ottuniwa has 11,571) ) children of school
Oodar Itapids Inis a lloaliug debt of
The ofliulnl figures give DCS Moines a
population of : ) . ' , Hi ! ) , a j-ain of 10,001 in
the past live years
.1. II. LeClaire , of Da\cnporl , iiicd the
Ga/clte companx for ! slOtii , ( ( ) libel. The
case was tried this week , ami the jury
rendered : i venlict iigainst the Gazette
company , mulcting il in the sum of ifiOO.
The postma.stcr general Jnis changed
the ] ) ( > > tolllct ! itiime of the llfmrMiing
town of Mns ena , Cass county , to that ot
just plain Smith , out of honor , it is pre
sumed , to the relative of the lule i'oca *
The following note from iv girl's father
is attached lo thoimirriago lioonsoreeoid
in the county clerk's olllee at Indlanoln :
"Mr. - hasjcnnission to go ahead the
girl is not of ago but wo have caved. "
John C. McCune , a prominent eiti/.en
of Solon , Johnson county , dropped dead
in ( ho opera house at Iowa City while at
tending the exorcises of the Ciocker
brigade reunion. I lo was about 70 years
of ago and was subjuot to heart di.seusu
Two prominent citizens of Mitohollvillo ,
1) . 11. I.ichards and W. J. Hniikin , hail
some words in thu street about a bird
dog nnd indulged in a rough and tumble
Ilgnt until separated by their friends.
Much blood wus spilt , but no lives lost.
FortMadisonlins.jnst completed water
works nt a cost of SK'r-.OOO. The pumps
will bo worked by a lilnko compound
duplex condensing engine with a ca
pacity of l.iiOO.OOO gallons a day. The
works arc located on aside hill 220 led
above thu town. On thu top of the hill
are two reservoirs hold 1 1 7.10,000 gallons
each , which can bo filled .senarntoly or at
onco. Thu diiect pressure will 'throw
lour Micunib to a height of seventy feet.
Tlii'ionro upon the sldn of cvory liiunun lio-
intr , dill'l niul ndiiU nlllio , X'in,000 ; ) poios.
'Jlirougli tlii'fo jKircd In Ilio form of Insensible )
jHirt-plnitlon , 13 c.clleil | > nioro tlmn oiioiUHrler
of the nourishment taken into HID t-jsiciu , Tlio
liniHiiliiiifuon.ctiiliit-opt'ii tlii'so pfrfilnitlua |
\iihfa upon a child's l > ody , is second only to
'Unit of promptly cllti > sllnir the food eiitcn. It
was to open the pores of ihu shin and to nsslnil-
Kite the food cnlon Hint Dr. J'iluhor lui m n luted
Ciutoiln. IKIOSO bowL-13 , constlpatlun , fo\fis
mid cuiptlons wlileh i\io \ BO eojisumt ninoiiff in-
fnnUnnU children , nnd which hill one-third or
ullclilldicn iK'loio they uro flvo jcnrsold , nrlto
pilnclpnlly fintn tln o two CIIIIECS. It la fiom
Ilio wonderful results attendant upon tha ute of
Ciistoilu In rcgulnllnir the etoinnclia and bowels
nnd kceplntr o ] > cn the poirs of iho fllniluit
Ctistorlu ncqulrcil lu uorld wldo rupntiitlon.
With plenty of tvnlri-for the body , luinnilr for
the lung nnd Ciistoiln to lusltntlnto the food ,
Ihci-o ucpd ho no unncoountod for sickness
nmonj , ' chlldicn. Castoila la tt vcgcliihlo jno-
scrlptlon without morphlno or other niircotlo
| ) it | ) jy. | Thirty ycura' uxicnslvo uo Imsplvcn
It a hlftc.ry never ultutned by munlicr mrdlcliio.
Signed by. Mayor 33ftjtt Ycitorday-Text of
tho' Dboumoat
' i
3Ir. Wooiliiinii , H.'J.J'CItoaril oP IMilillo
Uj'1'Hf's to J
Ci'dt'liton mill < 3riiv.
i It
THI ; rox''UAtT SKJMI ; .
Iracl with AirliiteWI' . . K. Aljc-r * , attllior * ' that urentluinon to iirosidiMlm jilans
for tin * proioctctl cii.v hall building. Tim
nisij'Of lee ) ; IliN action , aeconliny to
] annoilneciiuint made TneMla.y that
unless hova < < iii'-tnicted to do otlu'rwlsii
lie would -"i n the contract tint next
inornini ; . Tim arlielcM of ayrec *
men ! are so drawn as to
provide that milc " < Ilio people nuthori/.it
the ( M-ectlon of tin' . < tvuetnre at 'tho .sjiett-
iul election in NovcMiilicr. thu contract is ,
lo bo of no force. In order thai I'1" ' I'l'l'- ' '
lie ina.v fnlJ.v tinde.rsland tJiis important
matlci. the full tcvtof thu contract i.i ap *
Tin : , roxTi\rr. !
AitielcVof a icciniyit , inside and ontuivil
into tliHWIli da.of . Si'iili-mber , A. I ) . 18S5 , at
the. city oJ Onialm , In the county of Poiutlas.
and state ot Nclniisloi , by and iH'lwwii the
citj of Oinaha , of ssild county , belli ! , ' I'.uty of
the lli.M iiiul , and 1C. K. M.v'cis , aii'hltect , ot
the city of Detroit. In the stale ot Michigan ,
bclni ; fm ( > of Ihc .second pait as follows to-
\\lt : ' I'he siid iiaily of ihcMrond inut , for
and in consideration of the vonxvnanN and
asui'iinMiN hiMplmiftiT contained , hereby
au'iecs lo tinnlsh a > ctof planlor tli cltj
hull bntldliiK , Oinnh.i , tobo cieotc < l by sild
iiaitv of thciiist jiiiit , in the clt > ot ( niuilia ,
Ts'cbitislca , cnunt > of Dniialas , and state of
Nebniska , a full and ciniiplcli1 M't of plans ,
c.'evatloiiH ' , .spccillcationsand detail and worlv
Ins thawing * , on or bclorc Dcceinbor 1 , 1S8.T ,
conviHtiuK of the four elexatUiiis of slid build
ing , transude and loniiliullnal { M-ctlons- *
iilaniofliaMMncnl and ol each lloiir , plim ?
ofcacli apartincnt , tilans sluiwliifr coiistUK--
tlon ol ci'lliiiRs , plniis and di.iai.ini.sot'thc ;
loofand it-isevcial pints and ol Ihc tower ,
diawntoan accuiiitc n-alc , elevations and
hcctloiis of all walls drawn to a wali >
ot one-halt Inch t ( > the loot oluvalions and
url ions of Ihc lower and ot nil Interior tln-
i.-h , drawn to a scald of ono inch to the foot
such detail and woiklm ; drawling showiiii ?
cltAilv ! the toiuiH , .si'/cs manner 01 conslnic.-
Uon unit HiaiiU'tcrof the wor't , bolh In ele
vation aniLconstrnetron. and the coniu'ction
ot t he several parts iifiiiay be necc.s.sary to
the proper muu'rst.iiiiHnj ; and consti notion
o [ the said balldliiff , and full and complete.
pilntcil MpirllicatioiiHaml copies Ihcreof con-
lainluu tull , exiillcit and ( oinplete d " 5erln-
liiiiis of the kind , cliaitiuler and imallty ol all
woik and inatciial , and , so tar as is iciid.sitc. |
thiuiianuci of Its ( onslinctioii , aocoiiipanlwt
b.\ all the ncecssao ] iiinleil .schedules and
estimate blanks to enable builders In their
pi < iHi.sili ] < to x\\u \ itemized estimates ( >
titles ninl cost thereof.
teaid i > nrt > of the .second part fin thcr
lo tmnibh il coin ot .said iilaii" . sii.eili''atious |
ami all elevations and dutnil and working
diawiiiKS dniwn upon tr.ic.ini ; clolh , for nsn
In in\iiation of piopo.-als , and within tidily
daysaftei tlic cxecjitloh of the contnict tor
tlm consti nrtlon of said liulldinjr said paity
ot the second part'Fs ' to furnish said pai ly oC
the lii > t p.uta iliipltcsitecopvof Mich plans ,
sjieellicailons elevations , and detail ami
w diking ilnmlng-i. *
And such plans , elevallons , and detail and
woikliiK ttiawliiKS , , shall clcaily show by
scale , lipmes. or d rijitive woid.s , the fonns
and ni/.cs of all iron begins and lion \\otk ,
and the weight thureol .per toot ; t'loloim ' ,
thickness , i/.o ami dimensions of nil stone ,
In id ; and wood work ; 'Tim ' location , com so
and si'/c-s of all hot alriuid vcutilatiiiK icfjis-
! ( ! > ! , and of all conductors- , water pipes , traps
diaiusuud lines ; ; < /Jobation ol all closets ,
wash b.i'.ins , nriua ainliothcr convcniiiiiccs ,
and the. entile system ol heating and vyn-
tllatiixloC saliHiitiltlltuj. And each detail
and woikinj ; dr.uving shall l e made tull si/.o
ol the \\uik , and upon its fyco contain tlm
UKUICS necessary to show tlil > cliar.ictcr of tlm
woik reprcsciite < t , ' alrtl mich plain pi luted
description as m.iy bo hcccss-ity to show the
chaiactcrof thu work or niatcilals , the foim
oi-si/i ! theicof , tlic manner ot its construc
tion , ami the. connection of tlm several paits
n > ilu'i ( ! , : iiul ( lie plme. in said building to
which siid ; dctailrd jiaiis belong.
And the plans , spechicationsand elevations
sliallde-scrilR1 , scl foith mid contain a lull
and explicit enumeration of all the mateiials
and artisan woik required for the proper eon-
s-li action andcomlction ] ) of said building for
the use-s and ] imi > oseM above named.
And said luityof the second part further
agrees that in caM ! said plans , spcc.ilicatiou.s
and elevations should fail to set foitli any
woik or materials which may IK > icqniicd to
complete said building in all ItsparLs , or
should said paity of tliu second iiait make
any mistake in any of tlm sizes dimension * ,
designs or draw ings of said building , thesild
piirty of ( lie. second jiait shall pay all cosu
and e\ptiiscs ! which said paity of the ( list
pait shall incur by" reason of Mich fail me ,
omission or mistake , and such cost and ex-
pcnso shall tu ; deducted fiom the moneys
jiayable to said party of the second part , un
der the other provisions ot tiil.s conduct.
Hahl party ot the .second part further agrees
and guarantees tlmt said building can bo
elected and completed in accordance with tile
said plans , spcclilcations , elevations , and de
tail and woiking drawings for the sum of
ono hundred and ninetytliousund dolhn.s , ex
clusive of the steam heatlngapparatns therein
piovlded for ; and that in ease said paity of
tlm Hrstpaitbhall , after inviting and iccciv-
Ing-iuoposals for the election ami completion
ot Mill huildlng , according to the atoicMiid
plans , specifications , elevations and detail
woikiuus eelusof | said heating appara
tus , tail to reccivu any pioposai tiom a iclia-
h ! ( ! and responsible bidder , with appiovcd
bonds or security tor the erection
and completion of said building at
or within the aforesaid sum' of one
lumdied and ninety tliousand dollais , exclu
sive ot thu said steam heating apparatus ,
then , and In thiil case , | ho bald paity ot tha
Hist part sh.dl be nt liberty to reject aforesaid
plans , speelllcntions , . elevations , and detail
and vvoi king drawings ) and In casu of such
icjectlon , snid paily of the second part shall
not ho entitled foieceive fiom said party of
the liret pait any compensation lor anymich
lojectcd plans , sneeilications , elevations , and
detail and wet King drawings , or lor any ser
vice or claim whatever.
Said part -of the second pait further agrees
that ho will , whenever iciiuircd bj siduity : ! ) )
of the fust pait , duriiig the ronstrilclion of
said building , visit said building mid assist
sdd natty of the first pait In tlm examination
of all work and mate ) nil tlieiein : and in case
anyol said woil ; or mateiial isdelectlve , or
not In accoulancu with tlm plans and Hpcclli-
cations theieloie , ho will icpott thu same to
the paily of the tirstpail , and as Ilio woil ;
piogiesscs lie will f mulsh such certlllcate.s
coiiceiningsald work and progicss thcieof ,
as may bo necessaiy tor tlm iiayments upon
such woik , 01 as may be. icrjiiiicd from tiimi
to time by said party of ) the ! irst ) > ; ut ; and in
case said paity of tJjq second pail shall over
look or disicgaul aliV elective vvoi k or inn-
ieihil , or isno a cenilifati ! for any woik or
mateiliil which is not at the lime of Ilio is.-m >
of sudi ccitlllcato In .said building , and in au-
coidance with the'ilniiH and hccilications ]
thciefor. tlm snliUpaily of tint srcond pait
shall lie liable to Mild p.nty of tlm tirst pait
for any damages wlilcli limy occur bj icason
heicoi. i- . !
If lor any icasoiv.suld , parly of the first part
sliall not piocccil .vllh thu erection ot said
building , Us liabll/ty / | p s.ihl jiaity of tlm
second p.ut sli.ill jiol exceed nvu hnndicil
dollars. i i
The said paity ofjllm/irst paithereby agrees
to InvllopioiKksalsrl'iom icHpoiiHlbio biddt'iH
iion | the plans anil HiHyiicallnns ! fmnished
by said paity of tlm second pait ; and In case
the said pai iy of thesecond part shall pel foi m
the iindeilalilngH oil lib pait lieicinbefoio set
loitli , and thu said pailyol tlm ( list pint
shall iccelvii tiom a icsjionslblo bidder a
iMopo.sltion , accoiiii > anlctl with a snHicient
bond or siilllclentstM-mity , to elect and c < un-
pleto said building in amndancu with pjans ,
specllications , ellmlnntions and nctall and
woiking dmwlngs , fmnlslied by wild party
of Ihu second part for or within thu sum of
one bundled ami ninety thousand dollars ,
then tlm said paity of the nrst pait shall
Ii.ty or cause to bo paid to said patty of the
second part the sum of four thousand , seven
bundled and fifty dollnix , one-half thcieof
when said building is under iiiof , mid the
other half when said building Is completed.
And for each tilp tor examining woik and
material , as above provided , will allow ex
penses not exceeding sixty dollars lor each
trip ; piovlded , however , that said pnitv o
thu lirst pait shall lx entitled lo the deduct
or retnin fiom either of said payments any
sum for which said parly of thu second pait
nmy become liable under the piovUionu
The party of Hieirc / > t part , by Its mayor ntul
of the parly of the second part , ehnlt appoint
and rmplo.v soim * well Known comintle-nt
builder or mechanic familiar with the con *
.slrwtlou of Midi woik' , to net as and txi Iho
superintendent of iho construction of Mild
bill Id I lu , ' , who dull bo tequired by the tcitns
of his emphij incut to keep accurate Itemized
airount < of all work done upon such hulldlni ;
and materials fmnished therefor , and report
the Kiime once cadi week. In writing , In Hut
paily of tlm first put. w inch repoit shall bo
HUbjirf to the liiipectlou of tlio said party of
llw-sceoml part. Said stipci Intention ! shall
give boml for the fallhful pciformnnceof Ids
dnlj. Mnld suiK-ilntciident shall benmlerthe
direction td said paity of the tlrst part , nml
shall lie removed nv said pattv of the Hist putt
at the request of said pan v of Ilio second part ,
upon snlticient came being shown to said
P.H.J ofllietli-stparl lliei-elor.
In witness wheicof , said pally of the first
pait have lieivnntoset their hands and seals
ol saltl county , and said party of ( he second
is'iit has hereunto fet Ids hand and seal on
the day and \ear first alxnc named ,
This contract is not to be in force until the
Improvement heicin referred to Is tirst sub
mitted to ami ml I lied hv a majority of the
legal voteis of said city.
Tiri'irvorO ; iA.UA ,
1C. K. MvintM. Mnjor.
Architect ,
In pie'onccof . .1. COXXKI.I. .
\VKlTt < : S.
OMAHA , Sept. 80 , isai. LKillt ref the' : : Tilesday'.s Hn : jou publish
connnunicatlons from Messrs. Crulglilou
and ( ! ray vvldtsh 1 cannot allow ( o gu by
without nn explanation , nml in order to
tlo this it will be necessary formotostntu
the facts exactly u they occurred. When
1 was appointed a member of the board
last year ( lie contracts vvciu mostly let ,
and the work well under way. [ observed
that the city inspector for the ooncrelo
undc.r the asphalt , paving hud a lot of
teams working for the Asphalt company
hauling material to the work. I called
Air. C'rijigliton'H attention tfj the fact thut
it was not proiier to employ a man for
insiieetor who hail teams working for the
contractor doing ; the work. Mr. Crplgh-
ton agreed with me , but s.iid a niiinburof
theft1 inspectors of public works
not Iho btM. 111011 for the place. , but that
they had I heir friends and it would inaku
tronllt ! if their were dismissed. I then
told Ad' C'roightou tlmt iierlmps it was
best lo let it go as it was for the balance
of Iho suaj-'on.bnt when work commenced
in the- spring I should insist upon having
a competent man for inspector of tion-
uroto and one who was not under obliga
tions to the contractor. Mr. Creighum
seemed to agree with mo in this mutter ,
and I stippo-ed the matter was settled.
* When work opened np this season and
the contractors was about ready so start.
in on riiminings street I suggested the
name of Major Dennis for inspector ,
anil Mr. t'reighton agreed with me tlmt
lie would inako n good inspector. .Just
before the work was commenced then t
was- called to Now York on business , but.
1 saw Mr. Uroigton before I left , anil it
was agreed that Major Deiinm should bo
put on if the work commenced before I
returned. When overylhing was ready
to commence work the old inspector who
already had his teams working for the
contractor , requested to be reinstated ,
nnd thereupon Mr. Creighton and Mr.
Gray decided that they would jet the
work go on without an inspector till J re
turned. When I returned it was about
nine o'clock in the morning , anil when L
learned that they were laying down the
concrete on Cnmings .street I wont thcro
and found the work going on without
anyone being then ; to represent the city ,
anil that the. .stones were very largo and
unlit to go into concrete. Cupt. Marsh
.stood then ; at the. time and L caljed his
attention lo Iho matter and told him I in
tended to bunt np Mr. Creighton and
have Iho work stopped at once. I got on
tiio cur with Cunt. Marsh nnd went down
town and soon iound Mr. Croigliton , anil
Mr. Creigliton admitted the stones worn
rather largo and said bo would see tlmt ,
the work was .stopped. At that time I
knew nothing about the train of stone on
the 15. & M. track , but when 1 returned
to my ollico Mr. Oni.y informed me by
telephone that Mr. Creighton wished mole
lo meet them at the oars to examine ( ho
stones. Wo met there and the stones
were rejected. Mr. CJray nogleot.s to say
that these stones were examined because
I objected to any more suclv stones going
in on Cnmings street. Now can Mr.
Creighton give any good reason for al
lowing : i block of concrete to bo put
down with those large .stones ? Ami if the
council doubts my assertion in regard to largo .stones being used in my ab
sence let them tour np the work , and if
they don't find it exactly as 1 have repre
sented it to be I will pay for having it put
down again. Now a word in reply to
Mr. Creighton's letter. Mr. Creigliton
undertakes lo imply to me language
that 1 have never used. Mr. Creighton
suys : "When Mr. Woodman .states that
ho vigorously denounced the failure of
the asjilmlt. company to comply with the
specifications , so far as laying granilo
blocks next to the street oar tracks on
Sixteenth street , ho seemed to overlook
the fact that , the records of the
board of public works show thai , he not
only , did not do MI , but tlmt on the con
trary lie voted for and joined in a recom
mendation to the city council that the
Asphalt company bo permitted to make
good their failure by repairing along said
trucks and laying u thicker strata of as
phalt. " J deny that I Imvocvernsed any
such language as "vigorously dcmnmccil
the fniiuro ot thu Asphalt company , etc. :
aiul I ajso deny that 1 voted for nnd
joined in recommendation ( o dm oily
council tlmt the Asphalt company bo per
mitted to make good their failure by re
pairing along said tracks nnd laying a
Ihiokor strata of asphalt. " What riU < Pdo
was this : Tlm Asphalt company'pro -
po. > cd lo repair the work ff | > indTcutcd
above , and I contented and recommend
ed Hint they might try the ovporiment ,
lint at the same time it was distinctly
understood by every inmnbur of
the board that wo would * not
rccogni > o that they had made
good the failure by repairing the pave
ment us tlmy m'ppo.xcd , and wo bold
them under a noavy bond to put in tlm
stones ut any time wo mightrcrjiiiro them
to do HO , nnd the council uccoijtod the re
commendation with this distinct under-
Mantling. There bus nothing huon mndu
good ami nothing will bo made good till
tnogninllo blocks tire put In , and Mr ,
Creighton knows perfectly well tlmt the
Asphalt company can bo required to | mt
them in at any time. Mr. Creighton tdso
says , "Jhiring my term of service with
Mr. Woodman on tiio board of public *
works bo never to my knoKledgo raised
any objections to any actions nf mine
with reference to jnihno works , but cor
dially coincided with mo in nil in\ . plans
anil opinions. " I will agree with Mr.
Cretghton tlmt this is so. ft was when
Mr. Crcighton had no plans and opinions
and let luyorito contractors do us tlioy
pleased that I found It nccctsurv'
to Will Mr. Croigliton admit
being us generous with nmy U'heii 1 in-
slhtctl that the asphalt company bo re
quired to procure tight bosc.s to'be used
on the wagons in which to bring the as
phalt mlxturo from the work : , to the
ground , us the specifications required.
Will Mr. Creigliton deny tlmt thu snpor-
inlfiidont of the asphalt company utterly
refused lo provide thu boxt s , and that
Mr Squires found It necessary la l.iLn ,
hold of ( he mutter himself , anil nfler
they were mmlo will Mr. Crcighton tli n\
of referring to them in , Hno.u'ing , mari
ner , galling them tlu } Woodman vyugonsj
In'onliirajJmt this maJfoi'Mmiy ben'P
derstood , rwisli to'may
workjwijs , duiio on C inning alrwlflt butt
bcun customary to living tlu | asphalt mixture -
turo ts'jliQ ground onivvngons with coi i *
mon'twinp boards on' them , such us grad-
( rgiJtiM ) for niuvinV earth , whereas/
the gf f | HJcicaUfma ! | Jjay ' Jt jauat
in cnrts nt n tomponUurc of about SJSO
degrees fahrenheit , and If Iho tumporn-
turo of Hieulr is IP * * ( lain 50 degrees iron
carls with beating apparatus will be
used , In order to maintain the proper
temperature of the mlxturo. "
The no\l time Mr. Croiglitont appears
In print I trust ho will confine himself to
the fads of the case , and not try to
create a wrong Impression by making : i
partial statement.
And Mr. Gray also might be nt little
more moderate in expressing himself
upon subjects ho does not fully under *
Morris Anderson , of Clark llros & Co. ,
1ms gone to Chicago to visit friends.
Dr. tl.JJ. MoMichuul , president of the
Monmomli college , III. , is in the cltj
in attendance upon the s > nod ,
A mortgage for $27,000 was recorded
in the county clerk's ollico yesterday on
. .
balance of the purchase priuo $ ; ! 0,000
3,000 having been paid iwvvn.
Xci'votiH.Dclilllt ntc l Men ,
You are allow ed < i furs triiil for thirty cM/ ) *
of the. use of Dr. mo's Celebrated Voltaic
licit with Klectile Hilsncnsoiy Appliances ,
for the speiily icllef ami peimauent cuio of
Nervous .Debility , loss of Vitality anil Man
hood , and all Kindled troubles. Also for
many othe disease" . Complete lesloratloii to
health , vlirorand manhood. Xo lisle is lu-
cmird. Illustrated pamphlet with full Information
mation , toiuis. etc. , mailed fiee by addressing
Vollaic. Hell Co. , Marshall , Mich.
Tlireo ilumlrod ami Kilty 1'or Cent.
Chicago Herald : Now and then faoU
come to light showing what , a public
benefactor thu Standard Oil Company is.
The business of this company is to sup
ply the American people with oil and to
prevent everybody else from engaging m
Ihotrufile. It exorcises and enjoys a
complete monopoly. Tlm man or the
company seeking to compete with itsoon
becomes bankrupt , tt controls mark-
el * ! , combines with railroads ngainst
smaller shippers , and , in u won ! ,
dominates ami controls Ihn business , in
some instances , where il has not been
deemed advisaldo lo pursue the crushing
out process , competitors Imvo been
placated by agreements to limit produc
tion nml share the profits. These com
binations servo the .same purpose us the
free/.ing out practice so far as the con
sumer is concerned.
A suit pending at New York between
tlm Standard company and several in
dividuals who are in the refining business
at Cleveland grows out of a disagree
ment us to the division of the. profits. It
is openly admitted by both sides that , in
consideration of the payment of $10,000
into the business by the individuals re-
fcired to , the Standard company guaran
teed them a , yearly profit of fciW.OOO , si
dividend of three hundred and fifty per
cent. The trouble between the parties
in interest arises from the alleged fact
that the individuals sought by dishonest
means ft ) increase their profits beyond
tiio figure agreed upon.
Tliis is : i cute whens Hie company con-
sidcrcd it better to buy competition
thn : to crush it out. I'.otli ohemes are
against public policy , and yet the court
which so rule , oven in the most flagrant is yet lo be found.
Tlmt the sale of Hood's Sarsaparilla con
tinues utfeiieh a rapidly increasing ratcV
It is ,
1st : Because of tlic positive curative
value of Hood's Sursupuiillu itself.
2d : Because of the conclusive evidence
of remarkable cures effected by it , un
surpassed and seldom equalled by any
oilier medicine. Send to C. I. Hood As
Co. , Lowell , Mass. , for book containing
many statements of cures.
Diamond Ktngfl Doomed.
Now York Sun : "Every man bus his
diamond just now. " said an uptown
jeweler , as he leaned gently over n case
in which n. thousand diamond.1 * lay paved
in regular bands of gold , ' 'but between
you and mo and the dear public , there
will before long be si very radical change ,
and those retail dealers in diamonds who
have a big supply on hand , had better
liccp-thoir eyes open or they'll ' lind them
selves saddled with stock for which there
is .small demand. "
"That is rather an odd ring on your
linger. "
"Yes , nnd it. illustrates a phiiso of thu
present rage for diamond rings among
man. Therago tlocs not cll'oct the female
sex , because it can't. Women always
have and always will siemiiro as many
nnd as valuable diamonds as possible.
Hence , nothing ctiu ull'cct them. Men ,
until si few years ago , were accustomed
to look with suspicion and disapproval
at other men who wore diamond rings ,
nnd thu proper thing for a gentlemen
was conceded to ben single .signet or seal
ring on the fifth linger ot the. left hand.
I had ono Then the orn/o set in
ami men of all sorts and con
ditions of life began to effect the diamond
mend ring. It was usually worn on the
third linger of the left hand. First the
'glovo ring' hud the preference. This
was a modest , sqimre.odged baud with u
small diamond , set in flush with the sur
face of the ring , so that the glove could
bo cosily drawn on ; then tlm snake ring ,
nnd noxv the old solitaire style , which
was once considered fit only for women.
Snake rings sire still the most popular
known , I had this ring of mine made to
order , beoauso 1 wanted something a
little out of the usual run. Jt is a sort of
mythological python , which winds around
tlm linger twice and then rises with head
anil wings or fins , or whatever tlmy may
bo , in the air. It's a finely executed bit
of work and Iho garnet eyes and diamond
bond make a great show , but .still it'H too
gaudy by half for a man of my years. I
wear it because every ono wears Jewelry
now "
"Why , there are so many diamond
rings about that they Imvo become vulgar
and common. Wo can sell : i snake ring
witlin diamond head for $ ! W. It is only
it oliij ) diamond , but Iho workmanship i"
cunning , and wo must glvo the mnnll
clerks n chance , you know. "
Tffcen Diby via nick , TTB p fo li r Caetorla ,
Wlif n olio VIM a Child , flio rricil Tor C'oatorla ,
Wtitii olio liocamo Mix , ilio clnng to Ca.itorla ,
\VJiOu aloluil Children , eho gave them C'ajloria ,
.Mr. KnrtorlH juiil ! Iln Tenants ,
nr.ondon World : Mr. Algernon Harforis
hasHiing himself inlo tliu hearts of so
many ot his father's tonantvy us belong
to the Llsmgcnnooh estsito , whom bo met
for the first time IIIKI week , at u dinner
given ut the CoaMing J'ilot Clubroom in
that lovvn. 'Whim the speeches hud been
got through more lively | > rocccdingd sot
in , nml Mr. Hartoris volunteered a sen
song , which was really done in excellent
style mid' went down nmu/ingly. Mr.
Sartoris , Mui-iu-luw of the Into ( icii.
( irunt , has had ilio est.ilo matlo over lo
him by hit ) father , and will undoiluke
, . t 10 tl 111. ' , t ( . . -.0 rj
. . . . . * > . - . . ' , I'th street , u largo eon. ! . , -
ijifliit , connoting of 70 CookTind Hc-ating
tovus , nil gradiw mid oixus. N'o\v unil
ll t-cliiKH , Mort < rtgu ; tale. Miibt bo
sold. \V , U. Oluso ,
O U R E fl
Rheumatism , Koiiralrjla. Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache. Toothache.
KoroTlironl.N * * > rlHngi.Ni > rnln .Brulse ,
ll.triin. Scnl < l , Fro t Rile * .
\n AM. OTitku nonit.Y PIS I itn AOIM.
lititvliouilnll Un u * * - .
B lllr , M * . . C. 8. .
" Use noihin luit Natural Afintral
Water ; such as APOLLINARrSt
free from all vegetable foisotis. "
Boston Journal.
O/VGtvtftt Di assists , & * Klin , ll'al. Dtattrt
Kxhnimloil VlUillty. NCTTmm iinil Phvsleii ! IXihllltr.
I'roiniuuni lli'i'llnu In , Mnn , Krrorn nf Ytiutli , ami inn
unt-iihl nilKorlrH rvHiiltlnK from IndlKCrrtlon nml nx-
< -i > < . ( tH. A Itixik l\ir uvcry iiiuu. youiitr , inlitdlr nK
nmf old. Ui'onlnltiH li'iiircwrliitliinK fomlliicutcitnil
clmiuloill-ciiKrn , naibonoot nlilcli Inlnvuluiihlp. Vft
found ly ihi * nitllmr wlioo nxpoHcMiro for U.1 joaralft
utirh IIM pniiMihly never In'Toro ri'tl t itl ) lot ofin - *
Tilijalcliiii ; ; JIIPHKi's. | liinuiil In lipniitutll I ronrli mu > -
lln. onilio'ied covers , full Kill , cunrantepd to lion llnor
work In n\prjr iiiin niwliiiiiliiil. lltprnry Htirt | imr
hliintilUiiinany Dthor work In Ililn country furK ! .
( irtlicmiiticjmltlliuturuiiil In wvc'ry lni > tnnro. lrl
only ( I liy iniill , poKlimld. Illii'lrulpil ramilo | , f > 1
He ml IIIKY. fittM mi'itiil iiwiinloit Ilio iiulliiir liy Inn N
tloiinl Metllcnl AK-cnlutlon , U > tlu > unicorn of which lie
TliuSclocoorT.lfOKlioiiliI l > n ronil liy tlio ynniiK for
InMriirtlonnml by tlionnilctrtl foriellcf. Itwlll licnn-
tlt nil. l.dlnlon l.nnrc't.
TliiM-o.HnunitMiilicrciriHii'lotr towlmm llioKclcnoo
of l.lf o will not lie uKctiil.wlicllicr ) until , | Mronticiuii
( linn , Instructor or elorKymnn. A winnut. .
Ailrtrenn U > l'c-ibHl ) ' Mprtinil linlltuto , or lr W. II.
1'arkPi.No. 4 llnlinnrli Btn'CI , lloMnn , MHUM. , nlionuir
be LoiiKiilliMl on all ill-ca rfl roqulrliiK vklll nml oxporl-
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paula
a.IX 7- . . -.2- .
The Short .Line
and Best Route
From OmahatQ the East.
MlniioiiiHills , Mltivmikmi ,
Si. 1'uul , Ooilttr tfuplda , Diivonport ,
Cllntoii , Dulniritio , Jlooklonl ,
Uoek Island , Kicemirt , .liuiuvlllu ,
IClKill , I.UCcOSBO ,
lic'loll , Winunii ,
Ami nllotho.impoitant jiolnts Kilst , TfortliouBt
Ticket otllco nt HOI Kurimm striiut , ( In Pnitou d
lintel ) , nml ut Union I'ncillu Depot.
I'lilliniui Slcopui- * mill tlio I'lno t Dliihiff Cim
In tli o Win Id nit' run on tlui niitin 1 1 HUH of the
CniUAJO.Mi.wAiKhuiSr. : PAUL HAII.WAY , and
ux'ory iittoiition is piilil to pilSMinrfora by courlu-
oim ( inipldj cs nt Ilio company.
It. MII.I.K.II , tiL'iit'iitl ilnniijicr.
,1. 1' . TIICKKI : , Assfotunt ( It'ticrul MuniiKor.
A. V. , Conoral I'a sunauf anil
Ticket AKant.
( iBO. H. HuArroui ) , Af Istant Gc'iiuial rnssnn *
KM unil Ticket A onl.
Tlio Sisters of St. Joj-cph's , Kininitta-
burg , War.vlnnd , wrilo that they Imvo
used Ked Star Con < 'li Cure tlieinselvcR
and among thu pupilb , and liud it highly
AVlicro Prc.l lcnt Clovclantl .Stands.
Washington Speciul to Oinoinnati Kn-
qnirer : I-roni thn inner circles thcroaro
runior.s that Mr. Cleveland's message
will be a sururifto to many democrats on
the silver question. I hoar ho will not
yield ono iota from tlio views oxnrctwod
in ld j letter to (4en. ( Varnol last winter.
In this letter ho fiiiid plainly that the con
tinuance of the commilsory coinage of
the Itland dollar wonltl in tnno bring on
a financial uri.siH , There is evidence
going to show that he is just us1 firmly in
tavor of the repeal of the law now as
then. It is hinted , too , thut the presi
dent will unequivocally favor : t revision
of the tariff. Those who ought lo know
aver that ho will favor free raw material
anil u faithful revision of the existing
tnrjfl' , M > ub to materially reduce dutictt
whiuh wecu imposed growing out of the
ncoc. Hilii.s of tlio war. Ileissuitl , also ,
to have been xtudying thowtatistiesof our
f-liiiiin | | < C , with view to milking important
recommendations looking to a revival ot
the ship-building interest.
The Greatest Medical Triumph of th Ag l
* Jlinvrla coiilvt , 1'ulu la
Ilio bend , wild n dull eciuntlon In tliu
buck Pin I , I'a In under tlio nliouldcr *
blade , Vtillnou itttor oulliiK , rllli uilln-
Incllnuilnuto uxuitlonor lioily ornilitil ,
Irrltubllltrafccnipcr , I.oir HDlrlts , xrltti
a fccllniruf liuvlnif HOL'Icctcd roiuo iliujr ,
Wcnrliiesn , Dlzvliion , Fluttering ntlliu
Iluurt. I > otn bufnrotlio erca , llouilucho
over ilio riclit eye , Jtcfctlcnniiou/
tltfuldrpnnmi Illulily colored Urluojaua
TUTX'S l'JXT,8 nro especially adapted
to such cases , ono < lon < > oir.'ctu Biioh a
7hey Iiir teaiie tlio A lUieUte.ttaUcaugotlio
litiJr I" 'i'nlto nu I'lCHli.tlm * tlm djitem l
iioiirlalic < lunil ijylliolrToiilf Action on
tbo llliestlvoi > riniialt < uiilurtilooUBra
priicliiiril. I'rleo 'Jr n. < \ I Jliirrny M..1V.I.
tlui liucly , mnlfisi licallliy Until ,
„ i tliovc.ifr , irjwlrH Iho uuatcs of
thu system \vilh jmnt lilood ami hnnl mmst-la ;
toiidi Iho IKIVOUU m.tcin , luvlcoraloH tliu
rulii , ami In i our I : t thu vigor ol' manhood.
1. Kohl hy tfriiixIstH.
WlVK'l-l JUtii-rnySt. , NoivYorJf.
" " "
Notice I Notice ! "Hord5l *
'niu MACiKirrio IIHAI.I.U.
To nil uliodiedlM'MK I or allllclixl , no inultor
ho\v \ lontr tin. fctnndhiv , coino ninl t > u hoakxf.
I'tllllUll ! lll 'UM , ulK'IL'lllO'lU-lllUh llllVU Illlllxl lu
t'lu > icIlcf.iiHiKirliilty. ( oinoiiiio , ciini ) nil anil
tin hcnlcil bv the Mnpm'tlo Ilr Jilcr , the only MHO
CM'iiMi | fioui imy illnan ) For cxiiinliintlon our
11 . iicmmiiiit ot . , . .
ciiiuycwiiHi ; \isimi.ou ,
i''j IcinihSlilollycjith , , -v
Did you Sup-
. . . * * .
posc Mustanjj Liniment only good
horses ? It h for .nflaimmu
of all flesh.