Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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ISntera Hie itjm fiuiii niiUiiutva
came * , nt pit ei nn .
the ficr'M , In-pmrn Dlgnlton. and
b. s Ihg Uraclrs.
Quickndeonpl ! < ! Mjetirr , Hnlnr1n , nrt ( ililltn
nj l-cvrr . Kiirltiifrinltiriit I'rrrrn , l.ii * .
hlliido , lnrh nf Kncr T , It h nrnnul U
ftnrjchmami mirlllMtliB M-VK ! Mlmnhton lh no-
pMltB , knit tn-nillismthn mn cli unit nrrrw
It dnoi ntt Inlnra tin t nthoiii9hi > d rh i nr
fim < liic9con tIm'l- - < i"n'A > r Ir-ti n-li'lr * < i
? * Tnin T .1 HF.ILT.T ths n 'ri-Mlo nnd nehnltrlr
CuthollnDlTlnn nt rt < n " I"T :
I ) i j > uwtl Ilmni' Iron nttlon with Hi * irwiit.
fSiS * ' * ' ! rl1'1 'TM lri * ml m pn" nllT f
Pbllhun'llikjillwtws and will l j8 krap it on
bund a rnidr Iriin-t"
Oennlne h a h T < tr'rta m tk snd rm * * * r d lines
fP. . " ' . " ' ! * ' Tnljii no oilirr. 1 H . .iilr br
llltOW.N - lKuic'AI.t)0IIAT.TI ) MOItK. Mt .
I'ADtPS' HAND BOOK ninfnl nnil mtMCIIrn enn *
* * lnln list nt pm f r r Hiv . InfnnntU < n ulioul
cnlns nto. , plmnuwMlifiUI dmlnni In nnvllc8.ot (
tnaileu to any lutdmnv on rocofi * ! nt v ramp
617 Ht.C'hnrlc St.NI.Ioiil'5JIo.
rrgnttrgriidattaor iwo lfedteklCotl ( e , Lt < he n lonctr
Tf-t J In th irt ilm ol a r Cu ionic , NkKoci f n
nd ULO P DtNB4 Bi tbtnitir olhtr I'bjilclia laBULooli ,
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Phjslcal Weakness i Mercurial and other AHf c-
lions ol Throat. Skin or Denes , Blood Poisoning ,
Old Sores and Ulcers , ro trnteil with nopirilltlgj liteitiifl-nlllldrrlnctpleB.Hftrelr , rrlv tt1/ .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , * bleh prodnet om or th.
following effect , : nervou oi > n ( drhllltjr , dlmoen of llial
K&d derretlrn mtraorj , plmpleBOn tbo free , pbrile&ldeetfi
KTenlon lo Ue i.clelfgf rtranlii , coofuiloi of Ideal , ett. ,
rendering MurrUtro Improper or unhappr , i
r < riii n nllj tared. r niplilttS6 pafci ) on tbe abort , leal
Impaled enre'Apr , rrretotnjr addrfii. OoQinltalloaAtof *
Cc orb/ mall frefl.lnrlted anit tiletlf c bflJeotlal.
A Positive Written Guarantee cirm incnrjeo.
rablaoue. UedlclDoaeolcrcrjwbireb/ or eiprMl.
SOD PAOE3. FTNIJ PLATES , 1eeint cloth and Rill
blDdlt e. tiledf'.r 0 0. tu I'fMfnftaoretirreiioj. ' Ofer QUy
vonderrul pea plelaret , true toltftj srll lf onlho follow ) nj
fttibj elit who mty marry , who nol. wh/t rombood , wommn-
hood.phrilrftl il * e r ( effect * of Crr/aej ] | andeicMi.the pb/i.
toloiy or rcprodncilnn , anil ninny nmre , Thee married or
contemplaiinff m < trrla | houtd rfn < t It , l'"rtrlar edition
ame , pt er cover * a o. AJJreii iit > o lirt ivtltller , '
Cjir7 O * 1 'tZJTT * all CM *
* T-TMHVf * * . . .
rmvATH coyrntioon
fiaSSS < t lAlff.T ?
A Case Resembling That of Gen. Grant.
r Eomo Ion years mro I had n flcroluloiis ooro on
tnyrlpllt Iiiinil which jriivo mo Kronl trouble ,
niul uiiitur tlio old tlniuttuatiiiuntlioulod up , but
H liuil only boun Uilvcn Into tlio systoni by tlio
iiFoof potnah and mercurynnd In Alnreli , lute ,
it broKu out It broke out In my throat , nnd con
centrated In wlnit toino of the doctors called
cnncor , oitlnj ? through my oliuck. destroying
roof of my inoiuli mid upper lip , then nttiicklni ;
my tongue , puliito mid lower lip , clustioylnir the
THiluto mul mulor lip ontiioly mul half my
tongno , eating out to the top of my loltcliccck
bononndiip to tlio lull oyo. I could notoiitmiy
solid lood , but Hiibalstod on liquids , mul my
toninio wita PO fnruono I conl < l not talk. Such
wiis my wretched , fielplois Ooinlltlon the of
lost Oololicr , ( l.-Hi. when my Irloiiilicoiiiinonccd
fflVlnK mo Bwllt'HHpoulllc. In Iciithiinti month
tlio cutlnv places stopped und healing coin-
tnonced , und tlio fearful nportuio In myclieook
b ns boon clotedmul Hi inly knlticd tocoilior. A
procrfea of a nuiv under Up Is ( riogio-nliiK' Jlnoly ,
nnd Ihu toiiKiio which WIIH almost dcstroj cd is
boliiK rocovoied , mid It souins thut niituio IH
niipplylny a new tomro. I can talk M > that my
XiloiuNcun rciidlly undei-itiindmo , mul eaniiNo
out solid lood niniln. If any onu donlit the'o
Incts.l would rolorthem to Hon. John ll.Truy-
lor , Htuto fonulorof this ( Ihtilot , und to Dr. T. 3.
Urudllold , of l.iitiiiuiK1' . a.
MltS. MA11V I , . COMRIU
LnGrnnpo , On. , Mny II , lt < N > .
'Jim awit-r Hi-iX'lKiC Co. , Urnwor 3 , Atliintn ,
On. N. Y. . 157 W. SJd St.
James McallnslitutB
Cnartercd by th.Stutcof Illi-
all chronic , tirinury and private
vato diseases. Oonorrhrea ,
Qleet andSyphilia in all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Dlood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured hy reme
dies ( estedllu/ ' l/f/ ( iiJ
_ . _ _ biimttll'rarllrr , Seminal
Weakness. NiRhi Lossesby Dreams , Pimples on
the Face.Lost Manhood , -uilHn-li/riiri-il , 'tint a
ia > ii > rj-i < Tlnifiiili < i. The appropnaf : remedy
is at once used In each case. Conuullat'jnb ' , per-
Bonal or by lettei , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No murks on
package to Indicate content * or sender. Address
; OR.JAMESNo. 204Washington Gt.Chlcagolll.
Manhood Restored
Ut-Mturl'iiKB. Ailctlmor j-iiuintiillniiTiiiifnco
oauftmiE lroiUAtnro Duony. Narvims Dublin ) , l itt
ilannood. Au..lii liiv innl In mm nvBrr Viui n
ho "III " ii'l I'ltKh tiihln l lln . - 'iil rHr .
A40IMS , J.U.HKK V La. 4J UlimibatuUU.Niiw Yurie.
I bST ll pu lllT rain f1j I > Mli fcborBilla , , > rlLI
ni * tlwuua.liurrurai.l Hi * i.l.l Hu'l ml < f f'iu (
( > * llilrrd. I l * il.\yr l b
aiiomcu-r.ii , ti t i M.IT O iiom.u fi.ta
IPStlti.r wild V i l.n HI KTRK < TIH K on I lilt < ! „ <
t uy BUlTr r. Glf lirr intl I * ( I wild' PM.
' ' 'H T 4 KMimtW | a | r. rl"l N. . T *
.or. Oima of the Kl-lnrr * . tlln.U
fr..i.r CUnd < T > lKi |
-h W.dUi. , . o tlMuninn IK'lno > H.
Asthma Cure.
This Inrulmitilo | > wlllo roiullly nnd pornm-
nnllr CUICH ull liiiu. of AMhinit Thu
jleld piompi-
I/ \V \ } t Mommrful ouilng proi-oilkH. It U
wivlhrouyhout the iid tor lu unrlvitlud
. .u.jALtWKUM city of Miiwln , Noli. , writes ,
Jim. M , l-n4 * : biiico n-liitf lr Iliilrs AMliiuu
Cine , for tnciro ihiui 0110 ji-Hr , my "Ho hiu boini
cnllruly \ > ell , und not oren u syiiipumi of the
dUuii'o hu npiif ntsl
Wll.UAM UI.NXiriT , lllclilunil. lowii. wrlton ,
Nor.ild.ItwJ : I Imvo l < t > i > n alllicuxl with liny
l < 'uvoriind At-lhnm MIICO ! . < > u , I lollowisl jour
illioctioiiri HIU ! nm huppI" fiy " 'lit ' I lutver
dhipt Ix-iter In my llio. I inn ( rhufthiit 1 urn
iiiiioiixrihe inmiy w no cmi bpuuk MJ uivoriihly of
joilr lUiiicdii'H
.1 vulmililul'tiwxo ' trciillwj eoiitnlnliiK vlinllar
luoof from nxuiv mtuo In mo U S , Canudx mul
Uriift llrltaln , will It * mulled upon implicitInn. !
"iy < liiiKglfct not having It In pioolt willpio-
Many- Lady
iffifautiful all buc her bkin ;
and nubudy has ever toid
hur lnv easy ic is to put
1 atiiyon tint skin. Beauty
on the skin is Magnolia
jr , -
Clnsslo I/ntiRiuiRC InVlifili rt
IMIiuicscitix Iintly Stated Her
.Toitrnnl : "Well you've
Kotinc , linvon't.von ! " snhl iifi-lty Liuiru
Ivrceclt , im flic looked stiucily Into ] )
Chtiso's oven nt jiolico lit-ndqunrturs
I/ntini is nlioiiL us good looking n joiin
Ittdy us it policc'innii over looked on. Slit1
IIIIM regular features , brown eyes , 11 pretty
month , red lips , nnd brown hair. She
was quietly anil tn lufully attired nnd
looked lo holoiif' to very nice sort of jieti *
pic , Indeed. 1 hero \vero two llmtj
nbotit lior. liowever , ulticli were not
preiossessliK. | ) She curried in bcr hands
n package wiiieh looked nuieh like a
whbkybottlcMindoiie whielt was ovUlont *
ly n box of faeepowdur. Liuiru lives at
Hudson with her mother , a frnotl plain
old Ittdy. Shu lias ulwtiy.s been mlliur
iddy , and last Salnriliiy HIO ! ran tiway
willt Kd linrrett , n ] ) iano tuner anil re-
pnlrur , who innkus Ills Itesidiiinirters tit
Minneapolis , bttl who travuU uiottnd thu
"Well , wlinl are yon Roinpc to do with
mot" reiterated the girl , paying no atten
tion to huronolhcr. wlto was evidently
biokun-hcartud. ' ( ioni" ; lo put me In u
cngo and exhibit moV" This was to much
tor the good captain , and ho broke
forth :
' STouiiff woman , " said ho , "yottarotlio
worst 1 ever saw. Haven't you a spark
of love or feeling for jour poor old
mother there ? What do you moan by
Hiicli outrageous conduct ? "
"Well , you tieo , Hudson ain't big
enough for mo , and 1 ain't yoing to stay
there neither. I guess L'vo got lo go
back , but you hot your life I won't stay.
1 wonder what all my mashes will think
now ?
"I'd made up my mind to leave Hud
son , and L was bound to do it. 1 met Etl
Harrctt , and knew he would take me ,
Say , lie is a Jo dandy to look , ho is a
regular liand&omo one ; no dogs after
him , ion bet. He's tall , smooth-faced ,
and handsome. Oh , ho'.s too slick to
slide , ho is. You' bet I'm mashed on
handsome fellows. Still , 1 ain't masliud
on Harrctt. Ho ain't very .smart. I
would be mashed on him if he know more.
Wo left Hudson Saturday night ami came
hero. Harrett took mo down on Second
avenue south , between Third and Fourth
htreets. 1 staid with Mrs. Lewis. You
bet Iliad a sliek time. Mut sonic dandy
boys. No , you bet there was nothing
wrong. 1 would not have it. Yon may
think I'm wrong , but yon bet I'm too
sharp for that. Wish I'd a had more
clothes : then yon would not have found
mo out so soon , " and the girl walked
gayly over to a mirror and began to ar
range her bangs.
"ionng woman , how old are yon ? "
questioned tee captain , severely.
"I'm nearly 20 - "
"No , she's not , "broke in the mother.
"She's only 10 and won't bo 17 until ne.\t
month. It's hard. I always done tlio
best I could for her , and now look what
she's como to , " und tho.bercavod. mother
broke down completely.
"What became of the man ? " asked the
"Ed Barrett ? " risked the girl. "Oh ,
ho's a chump. Ho left mo aim went back
to HtuKon yesterday. "
"Yes , "said the mother , "ho came tome
mo and s\voro ho'd done nothing wrong.
Ho cried like a baby and said this tiling
had ruined his life , as it hail broken his
engagement with a young lady. "
Chief West gave the iti some good
wholesome advice , which caused tlio
mother'to again burst into tears. The
daughter , however , was not so affected ,
as she broke in with :
"Say , ma , let's go to the fair. I hain't
been down there yet. "
"No , wo go homo at 1 o'clock , " said
the old lady and after profusely thanking
the chief and captain fa ho passed out ot
llio ollico.
"Say , " said Laura , ns she followed her
mother , "yon can bet I'll ifot go home ;
I'll givo'ma the slip on the train. Say ,
you'ro ' a reporter nin't you ? 1 knew it
by the sassy way you walked around.
Now don't give mo away in the napor ,
that's Hear. If 1 had a chance I'd give
you a drink. "
Decoration of Dinner Tables.
The ladies vie with each other in trying
to make the table artistic.illy elegant.
Chinese lanlcriH , Japanese ntnbrellas ,
velvet tablecloths , and subdued green
and pink napkins are nice in their way.
Hut decorate our table with a lifteen-
notind turkey or a royal rib-roast of
noof with trimmings , a'nd then let us
have a good appetite to enjoy it. If your
nppctito is slack and your digestion poor ,
yon nbed Urown's Iron Hitters , the best
ionic ill the world. Mrs. J. Dunham ,
Museatino , Iowa , was troubled witli
weakness and loss of appetite. Hrown'a
Iron Hitters cured her.
A AVomlorfiil Mountain
Portland ( Oregon ) Standard T'horo
can hcareoly be as great a natural won
der within civilisation , and at the same
tune so little known close : it hand , as
Carter Lake. Situated ; } ' , ' miles west ot
north of Fort Khunath , in Klamath
County , direclly on the summit of the
Cascade Mountains and about ! K ) miles
cast of Mi'dford , it is easily accessible ,
there being a good mountain road to the
very top of the walls Minonnding it anil
line camping grounds about hall a mile
distant. The lake it.selt is about ( t by 8
miles in diameter and rango.s from east
of north _ of houh. The surlaco ot
the water is ( iKH ! ) feet above hoa level and
is completely surrounded by elillrt or
wsills from 1,000 to nearly SI.OOJ feet high ,
which are scantily covered with lir trees
To tlio is a circular island
which our parly named Wizard Island.
It is COO feet high , ami in the top is u
circular hole , or extinct orator , 4 < 5 feet
in diameter , named by us the Witch's
Cauldron , The of the island is cov
ered with very heavy and hard rooksoyor
which scarcely a score of human feet
have over trod. Furtliur up are deep
beds of ashes and otndor.s , giving ovt-
dcnco of tlm most intense heat in days
gone by. Vithtn the crater , as without ,
tlio surface is entirely covered with vol-
canio rocks , but hero it forms ono of the
hottest places on u clour day in August
it has over been my lot to witness.
Ninety feet below the crater's rim not iv
breath of air can penutrato , while the
sun beats down upon the rocky surface
nnd reflects Irs ntys from ten thousand
upturned stones , forming a very furnace
nnd heating it beyond all endurance ;
novorthuh'ss , wn sat within it , at the
lowest point , and partook of our Mon
day nii'ul with ono hand , while with the
other great drops of sweat wore brushed
from our brows , Wo took with n.s front
Portland u light canoe , which was low
ered to the lake by the aid of ropes , and
by means of which wo were enabled to
reach Wizard island and see the sur
roundings from a point of observation
M'ldom attained by visitors. Wo were
a No well paid for the tronblu and ex-
punso , for the reason that , while tlio view
iroin the shore is grand beyond do.scdp-
tion. that obtained from tlio lake is re
markable ami inspires ono with feelings
of awe and awakens a depth of apprecia
tion for thu sublime nni-qualcd.
Many n violin of Hright'a PNoaso hns
beim ro lorml to notind health by Hunt's
HtmtV Kt'iiujdyisimt a ii"W vompound ,
It ha * boon befoio the publm thirty years
linn 'a Homi'dy p'iiilii > s hti blocd by
a . .sling Ha * kidnuj.i lo cai ry ull' all iui-
The Hay Statn Cattle comjianv hail : 0 head
of iMttuul the Omalm > iud.scMcid.iy. .
A lining "llH'if-having r.ullf nt tlm uuiNu > iu
M U Miiihi'WN HW muU. > ! b. It.Dulatimr ,
1 i vatilc. ( , KclliuU cattle ; John \\K- !
Kins , Cimnubud , cuttle.
$3pooo To lonn l < y mi cnitorn pnrty on first-
olusMClty propi'ily In Minis to suit. Inquire
of.S. Jxilinmn , HiH Pnrnnm. tMltl'
MONiY-To : lonn. The Oniulm
clmnjrp , iwn Itarnnm slrcM , nptnlr , innkn
IOHIHOII all < -lii Miuit Fooutlty Ironi iit-lOolml-
tel loan to gliuuuon ronl crtnto.Vo innl.oloans
to suit nil npptlcnniA on lotitf nr short tlmo on
Improved lonl ostnto , liinil conductltm c *
liullilliigs on Icnscd | nr > tl , rcrural notes collator-
iil , rlinttol , oi'Kooil ot-ontlty of liny kind. Uiw
iinc-i ; ons > leiia * Omaha rinnnclal r.trlmiee ,
liVkM'nrnriiiHtrcrMip-stiilig. MMf
fllO I.OA.N Moncj 111 nny niminnrrm irnlci *
JL Into socially. 0. I ! . Mnyiio , 15th nnil Car *
num. WH > u-l.'i
ONlTv 1 ( t l. .VN-G.lTTaviT.v'Cor ? lloai
IlsttitOnml hoiiii agents , l&Uo raiiiam 81.
MONIJV TO I.OAN-On clmttcN.Vooloy fc
Hiurlson , room 'M , Uniiiha Knilonnl lunik
tmllclliiff. G1tf
MOOAOUi : niU > TmitS-ImTitmeiiUiiiiik
or , opposlto I'ostolIUp , Oniiilni , nrjrollsito
inortifnuo ( oilmen llrtt-cliw Boouilty nt iiillnir
into ? ol IntuiL t. I'lUtlos tlo lriiifT to hoirnvr
on Improved city or contitiyionleMiito.for from
ono to llvo joars , cnn bo accommodated prompt
ly. MuCnguu llrolhci ! < , lmnkoieupp. l'o- olllco.
TO I.OAX On ion ! oslnlo mul chut-
JJJL toU. I ) . I , . Thomas. KiMf
MONiv r.oANiOnchiiUoK : cntrnle.H.
K tickets bought und sold. A. I'ormun.SU
s. utli st. tut-tr
MONIIVTO LOAN In gums of $200 nnd up-
wurds on tlr t-clii "H lonl cstute socially.
1'ottcr iV Cohh , 1A15 Km mini bt. fi-iVtl'
MONiv : lt > ANT ntC. K Hi-cd & Go's. l.onu
olliee , on luiiittuio , pluniij , Imr.-oj , wunons
peihonul pioporty ol nil KlmM nnd nil ether nr-
ilelot of viillio , without rniuovnl. Over iHt Nut'l
Hunk , enrnor lilth und Viirmim , All
Miietly coiilldontal.
jirosnvt MONKVII MONHYIII Money to
J-ti louuoncluillolsecuilty \\Mt.Crott.niom \
4 , Wlthnull biillillnir. N. 1 ! eorner 1.1th nnd llur
noy. Alter ycuiA of OTporlonco und u curofnl
study or thu business ol loanliiK money on por-
Minul propel ly , 1 huvo lit lust porfeetod n syslom
wheieoy the publicity usiml In Biich ensos Is
donoiiH'iiy wltn , und I nm now In u position to
meet thodetmuuU of all who become tompor-
mllj onilmiTus- nnd duslio to rulso money
withoutdchiynnd Inn iiuiet tminner. liouso-
heopeM , piolesslouul ( fontluinon , mechitnlos nnd
otlion in Oimilm mid Council lllnlla , oan oblaln
iidviincea liom $10 to Sl.UUO on such pccmlty
us household liunltuic , iilnnos , mauhlnory , lior-
tes , WUKOH8 , wurohouf-o lecolpts , t-eonroil notes
ol liiinit , oto. , without icmoviiiKtiumo Irnm own-
otsinsldencoor place of biislnt s. Also onflno
Wutelie und Diamonds , ouool thoudvuntiiKes I
oiler N that any paitot unj loan eaii bo paid at
mi ) tlmo which will reducn the Interest pro ruin
und all loans lenou ed nt the oiitcinul rates ol In
tel est. I Imvotiobiohoraln connect Ion with my
olhec , but personally Hupcrintend nil my loans , I
Innopilvmuolllcosconnected with my ircnorul
oIlleOH ) that customer do not eomo In eon-
tiaet w Ith each other , consequently all
tiiiiisuetions otiletly pilvutu. W. It. Crolt ,
i-ooin \Vltlnioll I bulldlnir , N. 11. eorner l.'tli and
lluinoy , Oinuliu , und 'M 1'etirl St , , Council Illulls.
HEX , ? .
> A good girl for general IIOUPO-
work whet o another KlilUkopU UUi > Dodge
KV\ \
WAXTKH Imnicdlutely , n huly to dlvldo
loom and rent. Iteleieneo OAchumred. Ad-
ihess "Omaliii , " euro ol llco.
ANTKIl Competent Kill III family of three
utilLiSt. Murj'Hiivo. 5J3-lp
airl for dlnhiff room , 1017 Capitol
l/"ANTii / : > GUI to do housowoik on Pouth
r sotha doois north of 1'loreo , castwido.
WAXTKD Good plrls , Prat aim fcecond woik
In prlmto lamlllos forillnlnuiooml : < ltclicii
ind hotel w oik , Mood wa es. Cull lli'O Fainum
St. , Omuha Kmploymont Iluicnu. 4SS
WAN'TKD Immediately , u llrst-clnss lady
cook ut the Wtishlngtoii Iloiifo , Lincoln ,
Neb. ! > U3-o-ap
WANTHD Good girl for general housowoik
In simill liimily. Sill ) St. Mary's uvo. 4b ! )
WANTIJU Gorman or Swede Klrl to work In
stoio. Address , with loloienco , "Mer
chant , " Post OHlo. WXKW
WANTKU A girl , u soiiint In a
hinnll family ; good plain cook. .Apply loin
Uodgo St. tw-o-lp
WANTii > Kitchen girl. 1513 Htittiml.
i\NTiii : Glil to cook mid do kitchen work
: MX North llth street. 478-aflp
WANTiij : A Rlrl tlmt cnn cook , wiish mid
Iron , ut liU ) Webster bticMit. 475
WANTED Good ( 'lils tor all kinds of work ,
such us cooks , gills lor general | ioii > o-
work , second Klrl.s , cluimbuimald < < , luundiuss ,
hotel mid kitchen uoik. Thonu < lcsuln r oed
pliicos will cull ut the ollico liom u to r > o clock ,
riiicoa will bo tutnlshcd to t-'lib tree of chnro.
Call at the new otlico , Ncliruska einploymunt
Agency , IIl ; C'i < iun.-o lllock , Slxtoonthstioetund
Cnpltoi iivcnuu , iiooiu 4. ilfd. K. Hmltli , Man.i-
cr. ail
ANTii : > Nur > o Klrl , S. W. corner inih and
St. Mnr > 'a iivcnuo. bs' >
ANTii > - , lor "JJulty" Sl.lit
mid StocklnjrSuppoitois , Shoulder Diates ,
Iloeom Korms , Dioss bhlolds , Itnbbur tiintfliam
lllba , Apions , Sleeves , Iiilimts' Dlnpoia , Ve. Uur
I.IHIO iiKC' milking : money lust. ; > > o can you.
Addicts llli stamp , i : . II. C'mupbell iV Co. , 0
boulh Miiy stiC'Ot , < ; iil < ; asi ) . 4S"s-Op !
w PANTIIU A tlrst-cluss barber , Immediately ,
tit 1'auillu House shop , Council liluirs.
\\7-ANTUD-A good , active boy uuout 12 or H
i joiu-s ot nge. Apply ut McInnlsX Itussoy'ei ,
( til and Wobbler. 0W-iiu
\\rANTlJD Ton carpenters. Apply nt 15th ,
I > between I'luniun and Hiirnuy. Kt-p )
\VANTii-io men lor truck woik ntCliwl-
'T ion. Neb ; good wages ; Ireo traiib ] > oilii-
tlon ; ship 'Ihnr-day iiioinlng1 ut7:46Out. : 1st.
, ,
' n-i >
Call ll-'U I'liriiain xtiuut atonco.
\\'ANTIJI > Salosinoii In this stiito who repio-
' I i-on t luuther , boot ami Klioo Johhors or tmin-
itacturers , to carry u line of rubber boot and
elioo Muuplus nnd suit on commission. Tlioso ul-
eady bolilng inbbuis not wanted. Solid lelor-
cncos with uppUcutlon. X. 1Chicago. . Mi-Op
\ \'ANTI , > 'I'iillor ' lor bushcllliiHr , must tlio ?
f i oughly understand thu business ; constant
employment. Urodorlok's , UlUhouth 10th.
\r rATTii : > Sorvlcos of u blight , Intelligent
Tl limn of good uddross. Address , . ! . 11 , , 1' .
WANTKD a pen-ons to Instruct In lx > ok-
keeping , Tiirms , $5 down , and ? 0 HOOII us
Blluatiun Is iuriibhod. 1. li. Smith , test I'm num.
WANTIJD Immediately , two A No , 1 , Ilrs ?
chitt.s eout makers ; none but good , sober
lands ncud notice this. Kirst-cluss pricus paid.
Apply to Jno. A. .Mctilo , Moi-otiant Tailoring Km-
ioiiuiniw ; ) rourth ijtieot , Sioux City , la. Win.
15 MiibOii , ManuHor. _ ! S3-J ( _
WANTKD. Ito3i > oiislblo . mnn with $3X1.00
YY lor paying position. Saluiy und per
funttigo. Vddruss I , . 0. WALTON , Omuha , 4J-J.
ANTKD-Good busholiimn at ( llbson'a ,
W Uiapeia tiud talloi s , U1U bo. Ifitli Bt.
WANTll ! > Truvellntf salesmen. Address
with Htiinip flmpson .V I'uiionx , Tool Co , ,
Li , Itouid of Tiudu , St. I'uul. Minn. Kuctory ,
l iwcll Muss.
'ANTIJI ) Steady , rellablo , inlddlo-ged man
to soil itood * . Call -Ul South loth tit.
A ( JKNTH Solllii MU ouri Btciim waihor
-ti-nialio I < | K miiiiuy , J , Worth , bolo Munutiic-
tiiror , bt , IxmU , Mu. IKJUleuIlp
WANTKD 10 ! young-moil to him n tuk' ruliy |
mul rullroiid fliuion'iiplnK. Au-
Oross "It. I ) . U , " Uiuahii Uueluess Colluuu.
ANTKD-Agents. Andre * * Elootrlo Ijimp
anil btovo Co. , ft. I.ouU , Mo. , lor cliuului ,
out and I onus of 60 cundlo power Maroli Kluctrlu
| , uinp. _
\\rASTKI > A ixttiltloil to takochargnof UHta-
> tlonery engine. AUUe | a "O. V , " lito
olllco.WANTii : > -rositlon as tutor In privuto family
byyounu1 man with d jeum oxporieucii ,
rompuiiNttlon ; Ixmril und good homo.
J.I ) . " this ollico.
\xr.\NTKD A poilllmi Tiut trlmini > frclcik In
> i a inllllnory , orilry RfxxlH stoio by if joung
luilyof oxperlonco. AUdiuss Miss itoso li. Cluvo-
liind. Sliolion , Null , fKTop
\ \ A N'TTiTN-Tlyirwoniaii , bltuutlon n lionso-
> > keeper 4 . ) North 1Mb.
\\'AS'Tii : ) Situation by good uiok In private
> > lumlly , tiUI ut 1MB CulUoniiu. Ki-l | >
- At once by u lady smnl
room nea1 1'nrnnm ntul 15th St. Ad-
dixtss MusicToaohcrv Una Douglas. MKXp ( )
\\ANTIJ1 Hy mi otpprleiicrsl j otin Fcan-
( llnavlnn , n position Inn private family to
Inko rat otiflioi es. Oood refei-cnces. Addiesa
1' . , llec Ollico. * Cia-sp
WAMJIMJ Within f < nti or live block of HlBh
School , nil eight or ten i-oom lioti'o , Path
room , hot und cold wnterfnrmieoj small family ;
it-roroneo gUen If ileslred. Addrei * statlnx
term 444 , Uco oDleo. . 473-o-Ip
WANTKD Home bj n gentlem n rtx-ontly
front the o.isl.diwlrort ) om mid bonnl In n
inlvale faiiilly with musical pcoplo prolorred.
Very best roleienccs. V. 1 O , IKJX 3.i7 , eltj.
WANTCIi MnttrW mnkcr nt Movey &
Stono'H. ' I M )
WANTiU-Ti > nins. T. Mittru- .
WANTKH Oclobor I8t , a U itxim lioutoono
on or npiirSti Mnrj nvo. proteiicd. Call
ormldiess.1. 1 , .
Utli street.
WANTiu-A lull lot near the cltynt u to.x-
Miimhlo pi ice , State pi Ice , terms and lo
cation. Address ' . .I. N. O. " Hoe olllco. UTe
To trndo n peed eccnnd Imml
; piano , or uhorso and biifc'gy. Imiiilro nt
Kdliolm .V lrlrk : on. If.t !
1 ? ( > IC lliXT : Two sinnll cotlairos , ono with
three looms and onu nix , liotli on Chnilos
Mrent , near head of St. Mary's iivonuo ; unit
JU-Manil fIS per month. Warren Swlt7lor,21J
8.14th St. WT
In ( Ml UINT : A now two ataryTioittc. AT > plv
1 nt 1IW7 Doimlns street , fiStKJOp
iM > K KlINT Cottiifrn of t looms , " ctosoN ,
JL1 pantry mul cellnr.oOl South unh. Cull ntSlT
south 13th snoot or on pieinlscsniter II p. in.
Foil KKNT Oil SAM-Ahou obnrii for 20
eons ; nnd 4 lots In Walnut Hill add. $10 per
month. Imitilio James Clirl3tlan on , I/ . 1 .
i'ioii < htoiiice. a7-o-25p
Foil HUNT ifoitM ) with two looms , SR per
mouth. Inmilroat 1227 S. 14lh St. niHip
J7\Hl HUNT A now house In Arlington nddl-
_ f tlon ; 4 rooms , clstein and stable ; two hloeks
from btreet cur. Imiulto of il. O'llorn , Lake
und Jlct' streets. Wk-oCp
o on 2d ! mid ciurk"sV W-
qulro ut irC3 JacKeon St. M7--p
Foil KIXT : HOUSO , 5 looms , liiquiro rd- :
helm to irlckbon. : tM
Foil IlKNT Oct. 1st , or nftcr , n dwellluy
house f > rooms , nice yaid , cistern , water. $ VJ
per month. Apply 1411 I'mk Wild nvo.or.Iuo.
\V. lloll , dlUKKISt , 2U South 10th St. CM
roilUUNT Nicocottnjro 1010 South IIUli St.
ItiUlio of C. A. llcldin. 4.VWOp
FOR KiXT : Cheaponorn-oom lirlckooltaso
with modern ImpiovemcnLs , lariro jard , Utli
und Hickory tuccts. Ituiulioon piuin
FOK HUNT Quo room housn No.SB23 Call-
toriila stieot , and one l > loom house , ninth-
west corner 21st und Webster. Intiulreon picm-
Isos , or of 1' . J. Ci ocdon , t7th ! mid Webster. 44'J
Trnoil ltiNT A nice , pleasant loom , furnish-
-L ! ed or nnfuinUcd. liuiulio nt 15ia J.oincn-
woi th street. 44U
TjtIl ISKNT Thrc'o room cottage , $10 per
JJ i month. Bl.v loom houbo nnd stublo , $15 per
month. 21bt htieot , near Clink. A. P. Tuhoy ,
I'M I rurnum St. liil
Oil HUNT lam'arimm sticott : stories nnd
bnsement ; hydriiulli ! olovntor , slenm heat ,
Inquite of Stovcnd'Uro , 21'J south 13th St.
TJlOIl ICKNT A cottAffo of 'four moms with
JU City uud cistern wmnr ; BW South 1'Jth ' ht. ; hot.
Louvonwoith und Jlurtllu. Inquire all ! S. loth.
Foil IKNT AcottiifroliiRooil location , $1(1 (
per month. A , Smuidors & Co. , 1104 Fur-
nnm street , opp. 1'nxtorj.
OKltnNT-T\obtirlcion Pt , Mniy's nve.
$ -5 per month , cadi. Uuo desirable tor incut
market. i
For rent Two now houses § 12 ami $14 per
month , respectively , locations dcalrublo. J. 1 ! .
ltiloy&Co.,215bouthiathSt. 240
TTlOll Ili : > "r IIduso il looms $25 per month ;
JL1 n 111 lent part ; G.'K. Tlionipsou , S. W. cor ,
llth und llurnoy. , . 120
THOU HUNT RooV now 4 room IIOIIMI : 810
J-1 per ninnth. , NjV > citfipt cur. J. U. ItiloyA-
Co. , 2158. lath SLT" " nwu
"I71O11 HUNT Now houpe , east front , porch ,
JL' cistern , well mid out 11011-04 ; dslr.iblo locu
tion ; $14 per month. J. 11 Kiloy & Co. , 215 S. Uth
Street , 100
FOlt IIKNT The house and burn on coiner
2tithund I'iouoSt. Jnqulio at llostou Diy
Goods stoic , S. 10th St. DO I
EOIl HUNT flroom cottage comer I'opplo-
ton and Sheridan St. , SI , " ) . C. K. Maync. S.
W. coiner 15th nnd I'uimim. 711
J71OII HUNT Cott KO li looms.hoilso 10 looms.
JL1 J. 1'liipps Itoo , S' nrd und Campbell.
T71O11 HUNT Km nlshcd or unt ill Dished loom ,
JU IBl'J ' nirnuin sticot. KM !
Foil HUNT : i looms oor the Fall , 1IH rar-
iium fctieet , biiltublu lor die amukin or ol-
TTIOIl IlKNT Thico furnished looms , with
JU privilege of hath loom. 013 1'IaiiMint St.
JTiOIl HUNT A nicely furnlxliPil room ; mod-
orn coii\onlencos , 1720 ( npltol nvo. KJl-lp
lliNT- cliiimbor * coiiviiniont for
IIOUFU kcopliiir ton man nnd wile without
ohlldion ; Inmt nnd lour onti unco , . ' ) blocks liom
1'obt otllco , aiJ Not th 17th st. ft ! I
HUNT Furnished loom , liuiulio Dinar
btoio , 10th and Uou lus. 4U1
- , > ( ) ll KHNT Kinnlhhed fiont loom with i
' bouid. Imiulioiliri. U. II. .Momo , 1611 Jlodyo
Btreut. 4V5
Itr.NT a lurnlsliod rooms on 1'ncillo
JJ Btiont , between Irtli und lOtli.onu block boutli
oftho II. l > . ileiiot. i 4'.U
I OH HUNT A plonsnnt loom , furnished or
' iinfurnlahod. Imiuliont 151J Ixjavonworth
et root. _ _ 4tWo I p
T710II KKNT Nicely furnished fiont loom ;
JU locution excellent ; ut 24UlIuinoy St. 47iKKip
TTIOIl HUNT A neat fiont loom , uorthonst
JU corner of 17th and Chicago. 477orj >
Tmoil HUNT To pontlemcn , hiitro furnWicd
JU front loom with elo.MJt , 171Calitornlu
TTIOKIlKNTTwo nicely furnKliod rooms and
JU board If desliod. 7108. lltliBt. 4Hto3p
OK HUNT-Wllh houi d , nicely furnished
rooms , 1710 Cuss St. 4'HoUi ' |
Oil HUNT Nicely fmnhdiod room with
board , ( TUB , buth and gnitu. 2225 Dodge St.
_ 405
Foil JlUNT-Vunilshcd looms 1418 1)od ; o St. '
TJIOIl 11KNT 1'Ujaiuiiit furnlDhod und iinfur-
JJ iiUliiHlroomtK ; < riNoithl7th8t.
T71OU KKNT vJir bmull fumlly four iintur-
J3 nlshcd ioomsVtvto < cloootn und biith loom ,
yoiSllurnoy , 7i i yt/Jolp ,
TmoiT itHNT-Nlcoi furnlslioa room , SM9
JU Uotlgo. I bTUo 'p
Tnoit KISNT-rincolJ furiilshod room , B. Vf ,
JU cor. I'Jtu ' unjl ijt. Jfju-ys uvo. < IT
OilUN'r-JFiirtlshoil front room with
board , Imy , iv'imKliv , brick IIOUMJ , ( kCJ Not th
17th. , -jt iHJ-aup.
_ _
"TJlOIl KiNT-/LlirooJk : > ory ; loilrnblo rooms with
JJ privlkyo oUfib.itli loom , ut No. 7ui 1'Jth '
htrcot , neur We4 .tor. J . 340olp
| 7lJt ( lliNT : 7\i > iilco fiinil9lied rcMims and
JJ onu lartfo ii uirinsiied ulcovu loom wllh
my vMtidow iiifniate ; butli loom on tumu
lloor"Dili ; birioir neur hi. ilury'u incnuo. In-
I ul ro S. W , cor , litl { | | iid DoUo , 1151
HUNT On& or two doslrnblofnrnWiod
rooms , ono block Jiotn icd cur line und li
mliiuloa' wulk liom I'.U. Iticulio | ti. K i-oincr
Ailh and Clilcu o atinut.
TJ1OK ltiNT : fn prlvutofumlly , I'louoant ' room
KUMWl'liuMint furnUheil loom , 171/7
FOH btreot , -AoJp
IlKNT -NVelv/uiH i-iui.1 Inmt loom In
IflOH 1 ( iiih./i , -i i. lioiiutr Sjth und
Doiijlan i roo' "W
IflUlt KM-ri ' ! "in. ] iiiilrtiN | 12.
' inn m r i' i i ' * I
-1J10H I i n . i | iitom ,
X1 Blliyil. lllKlt. < i au VjJ
THOU HKNT Two nicely furnNhod roomnon
JL' strct cnr lino. Intitlro,2l.7 | IXxlRo. Bli-Ki (
FOU ItKNT AMilto of nlcel > funiMied from
room < < for two trnntlctiion , 1711 Jackson
Mrect , tienreoiiliT ot 17th street. Heferoneos
icqulred. KU
HUNT fiiinlMitMl room * for light
. hoii pKeoplng , In Ittomcr's block , eor. Ml
niul llotr
(11 : IIKXT Tlucti line offices In Nc'lmisktx
Nntloimlllnnk Jlullilliifr. Iniiulroiutiiiiik.
THOU JlKXT-Tnu rooms ndjoliilnir. with
JL' lioni-d ! front roam ( oiith-cnst , 11)14 ) Webstur
Mroot. ' _ KV1 _
TjlOU KliM'TneirfitrnfeluHl roonffor 2 poii
JL' tlcinpji , lOTI rnnmtn slrcot , onpo ltn ( Ion *
llotol. Apply lit room. 4 , or lit \Yn rriiuiil > V
llmnolt.illti i.'itli street. 7lj
IMNT : 2tilcn antfioiitli front rooms s.
L1V. . comer Hull tinil UiuiMiport. 700
J1OK lli : > T Itundxiiiifly fnuiHied tootn ? ,
L1 1701 Cnpllnl menue. &W
TUMl ItiNT : Two nicely furiiMifil rooms , N' .
L1 W , ror. Sl t anil ft. Mary's nvontio. 400
U1 INT 1 looms with hoard , desirable for
* - fninilnrr. Apply lit St. Cliiuli'i IIolol , _ < llO _
" "
"ITIOI : KiNT--l.urjro ; tiunt room"cm llrst floor
A. with or without board. Imjnlio nt H'U I'tir
mini street. ! W7
17IOK NAI.K-dWI.n l.arialiitwo . ( lots 100\S4T
1A facing on llaiiccont park. CottiiK o moms
II sold at once. $ lou < > \ \ III take It. U. I ! . Miu no ,
Soulh-\M > t < t coiner 13th mid raiiiatn. fiUto-J
OlsT.YWlot8totiidiifor ) Impio\ei1 property ,
will it'siiinu inortKiiBis or pay dllluuMicn In
eiHh. I'nitlin l liliir ) to tiiukbolter call at
once.V. . II. Oix'cn , over 1st National Ilank. 174
37IOU SAI < K Ixit , Imelne.s * lioiiho nnd two
( Iwelllnjrs , liain.elsturnil \ nnd ether lin-
piwements ou d , butMi'cn IMcii'u and I'nclllo
streolx , fiiulntr.onllMropts. liiiiiilro Ilrtt house
not Hi or Btoiu. 1'itcu , $1,11)1) ) . 444
171i > U.SAU-lS.-\a.'iOoii : ' I'leasint nnd Davun-
JL port stieet * . WMt Unniliu , nlto 1 loomeot-
tn e. a bargain tor eash or on paunents. Cul.
Martin , IMS 14th St. ilSO
JTMHtSAI.H-nilllot _ . .
J. Cur line on pouth nth street , very cheap „ and
must lie Mild. I'llcnfi wi , tot urn easy. U. C.
I'attoisnn , l.llh mid I'm mini. 451
Poit SAI.i : 11 aeres llneest Kiirdtm nnd fruit
lanil In tlioj-tiito , and II miles lioin Umahii ;
Imvo not the tlnui to look niter II. On I line or
lorcuali. Cal. Jim tin. 1WI South 14th St , UTU
171OK SAUi : Onool tlictliust rosldonco proj-
JL' eitlea III Omaha , $ ljUOO. , U.K. JMii > nu. 151 li
and I'm mini. ; t7 , >
POK SA7i : A nloecottnpe In splendid loca
tion easy pn > nioiiN. A. SJtitulor& Si Co.,1 IJ1
I'm mini St. , opp. I'aMon. jn" ; >
TTlOItSAM- ! lot , tosclhcr for $ i : > 0 onchvory ;
-L.1 cliciip ; lornis eas > . A. Siuinilcis In Co. . I4i > l
rarnaniMieet , opp. I'aMon. UK
POIi SALK l > nr.N-T-lliIck liouso. slv
rooms , coiner lot , Shlnn'sadd. Will tell on
monthly pajmeiits > . U. U. Muj-no , lutli mid J'ar-
nani. ; > n
SAM : Ten uottnitcs nnd line hoiipes
- iKitW in pilcofrom S-J/iOu to JI..UOII each. on somoonlj $1100. All on easy
terms. It. U. 1'attcrson , 15th and Karnam.
Foil HALi : ThreonoH-cottOBOS. flvo rooms
onch. \Vnlnnt Hill ; jrood collars , clo. ow ,
limitrli'SgU tvi us etc ; two lotrt with each coun o
? 1HW each , J1UO do n and $ M per month , C. U.
Mayno , l , > th and I'm num. 37,1
T7IO11SAI.K A few very cliolco lots on inoiilli-
JI I ) pa > nients. A. Saundera it Co. , 14iK l-'ar-
nam bit cut opp. Puxton. ift !
TTIOIt .SAljK Hcantlfnl acropioporty a miles
JL1 iroin city , at Slto $ .IUl per ucio ; easy
terms. It. C. I'liUcisoii.coiiier Ulh und rariiam
IilOK SAMT Jlapnlllccnt honsomid lot with
commodious barn on Cnllloinlii sttcct near
Ittli , south front. .
1'or Bale J'nll lot Rood two story 8 room liouso
on Calitoinla , location vciy doslrablo , $ . ixiu. ( J.
JJ. Itllcy .V Co. , l/i south 13th stieet. iiai
TT1OH SAM : 17Iotson Georgia mid
X1 avos. , Uodlck's add. $1,1 > U to fcl UJ each ;
easy toims.
(247) ( ) Now cottapo full lot I8lh ptroct , 2d house
north ol llauiuann b Uiunciyw J.eiisy terms.
( lite ) The neatest eottiiKO in Omaha , new , all
modern comonloncos , ( Jeonria uvc , V > , biw.
C-'IM ) Ikuuitltul ucio lot iinil hoiihotticlntrpro-
poted Itoulovaid , Wcit Uniaha , $ . ) , )0i ) , easy
(237) ( ) f nerea with ( rood lioumi , stable etc. , 0
iiillOA Hum i . o CIOIK > o.itir torma
( : MU ) Now rottajiofi rooms KOOI ! barn , corner
Grand mid 1'icr btieets , fuo , inonthly pay
(171) ( ) Lotfacln-r Hunscom park onl'ntknro. ,
$1IHIU , easy tei HIM. C. K. Majno , l.Uh anil I'ur-
nmii. U72
FOR SAW3 Now lioiiho , 7 rooms , east front ,
lull lot , next to alloy , on Saumlcia stieut ;
otalonuwotth nciiilv all that U uskixl tor it ,
W.OuO. J. U. KiloyiCo.,21jS. Utli St. M >
"ITlOIt PA I.K Two lots on n corner , two blocks
X1 liom I'm-mim , both tor -1,1''iJ , poMtivcly
choii ] ) . J. i ; . Kiloy & Co , 21-i South I.ith fet. > r
"IjllHtSAhK-OnConvontSt , lot40\Iia ; lieu = o
JL' U looms near > truet cur line , $ Ji > M uusli. J.
\ \ ' . MiiLsliall , IjUJ I'Hiiimii bt. l.r !
T7IOK .SAI.i : Full lot , Kiuth fiont : very desir-
X' alilo piopetty , on red ear lino. Thin is very
iilieapat ! < lluu. J. JI liiloj & ; Lo.,21. > bouth loih
Mieet. i
1710 K SAM : tot on Karnam , m\lS7 , $ line ,
JL1oiy ilosiirahlo tor io > ldcuce. This will l > e In
the mat l < or onlv a lew day > as it Is cheap. . ) . 1J.
Klloj \ < o.ul.Vbontli llitliitiuot. ! H
" 171 mi S.VI.i : Knll corner lot thiee blocKs Horn
Jbtieet fii IK ; beautltul andbUmly location ;
SwViOousa , or S 'fon tlmo. J'.ils it positi\uh'ii
juijfiiliu J. 1Hlloy Co. , S15 tj. 1.1th fat. y.i !
"TTinic SAl < i : Clicnp , a line lot in Ilanscoin
J-1 J'lace. Addict N. 1' . I' . , llcoolllto. l/.l /
Tfioit SAMI HOIIFOS and lots on monthly pay-
-L inontx U. I. IIu > den , baundotd , between
LulioumlVilllsnvo3. \ . UTii
PDIt SAI.i'o Inuo lots on VintonCum-
ingtj , ( icoiglu iivo , I.eavonworth nnd ollior
f-Uiols. I'm--imin Htieet biibinuss piopeity. .1.
i : Itlloy & Co. , UloSoiith utli street.
TTUMSSAl.i : Clicnp , ft room cnttujro nmllot ,
-I ? easy terms ; situated ut No. (117 ( N , 17lbSt ,
belu ' ( iilllin niu Wc'liMci thoionglily
HVIfllLIII \ ,1111,11 lull ami .VIV. ; 1 ll.'lll'n ,11J
lepaiii'd und Improved , liuiulio ot oivneron
] uemUas. ' ( ! !
IrioitaAM : A two stoiy,22\n > . fmmo build-
1 IIIK , Bultiihloforn Htoio , near lutli ami Fur-
iiiiin 8IH. Apply nt this olllco. 1U7
TrTlOItSAI.U Full lot nllh new house , 4 loonm ,
JU pantry , cellar , cistinn , poich In Iront ,
blinds ; loss than three blocks from red cur line ;
improyotnonts woith ever JNiu. nil lor il.W.
1'Mny payments. 'J'liU Is ulso u bargain. .1. II.
Itlloy A , Co. , SI5 S. U li streiit. ail
Foil .SAI.K At-u Imrguhi , n hoiiK > of 0rooms ,
every loom hcntod liy turmice ; hot mul col.I
wutor , bath , lot Mr 110 ; noiir head St. Mmy's
iivoniio. lloiit.ocostS 1,000 ; lot Is woith JJ/ii)0. )
If sold ut once , will take (4 , < iOO for thu placo. U.
1C Ma ) no , lf > th und Kiirniim. 777
FINK Impmycd fiirniH.wlll trudo for lmpm\i'd
city propuity. W , H. Ureou , ever 1st Nil-
tiomil '
: Atiibarglun , lot with 2 houses ,
J. 71 nnd 7 rooms , well , uUtorn , bain , A.O. ,
Mill und llainey. Improynd piopcity liikcn us
pat t pay , NVin. I > . Monrou , < 4ti mul Douglas.
Tmoil aAMy I'uulaun & Co.
Lot WxUOO east front , IBtli , near SI , Mnry'n uvo.
with oloifant 10 room brick houbo und ull nocos-
BUrlMUIt llllllllllltfH $ hXJO. (
S lots In I'elhain udd , near Ited Cur line , well lo-
ClltloltUOHCll. ) .
Coiner lot lJ7 xlM.Ixwo'siuld. W for 10 days.
'I lotn In W. A. Itedlck's udd , ut Jww.
Wull located lot oil touth auth , near Vinton ,
Lot B.W100. California noiir 5th , with ! ) room
liouco. $ UlrjOeiiey tonns.
J/t iCIxllO , I'leiiHiiut btreot , near St. Muiy'wiivo.
with 7 loom hoiibe , burn , well , cUtein , cellar ,
coal bhed. J-lfkA ) ,
y.'i fcot litint on lath , near I'lorco with II loom
IIOIIKO. $ ijmn , ,
Ixit UiKUOciiiBt fiont , 19th nearlJiko8t.,4 loom
, . , , , ,
IMI on'iM near Dixvonjiort , cant fiont , with C
room ixniiiKO , $ l,7 ( l. , , ,
totlUbxlW , Cuatellar und BtU , well located ,
fTfkitor lllduyH ,
lUucros.4J rods oust fiont , 2)4 ) miles liom city ,
V J | I HI I iWfc 111 I'M t * * * "J * " * l'I It 11 t'JVl ' I
t luuuio lots , 4Jrods cusi liont tiiili , . ! nillus
liom city limltH , Jl 'i perut-io.
lit ueiui highly ciililviitfil.l'/i miles liom Tort
Omiilm , bplonillilly located , f-ViU ) .
I i > ciiMlii HjdoKiuU , J.MIU
Hiuii-os muljftoroa Jor tent , I'niilrcn x Co. ,
lui. . r'aniu u atrutit t > ! < ' - '
' HVI.i : I linvc ! two lownsliljn of hind
1 lyiiuH'Ulhot Vlaltuilfi'i , in Lincoln conn-
t ) , ( hut inui-t bo wild In u b il > mm lor lnh ieu-
> onlll tuUe u iiiiouiy U low. the nimkut if
In IMI rwxiii | < i | riii-poii ifncu Millciti-d. J. . U.
> l ir-mill. Vttt riumuiiht. > } > (
IKNT LANDS rholco U.icW ctlll
kiKiuit iii thcyenno county I'miniorum -
Uun nuui 1-33 Vf , I' , J-ulue , bldney , Nub.
UNi.niMtnvin : r.ANiiH-t | mvo for snlo n
, fnw choice trnct * of Inmt ticnr Sidney , nt
$4.0 ! ) per iicroi tl.aun ; h , bnlnneo loiw tlmo ,
per cent Interest. W. r. 1'alne. Sldiun. Neb.
r . i j _ . liiHici
"I .I * r mid description ot real c-stHtn lrrt"vmi
' n ° > VJ" Tlvo prompt attention nnd
; : . , , ml-
vJrt. ( , ! K [ r00Iwtcln ' * * city property olloll.
0 J Slll1"ftl | , i 'iil estate , l.vfl I'm Him. na
JriOlt HAMI Very choice fnrms In most of
- thoi-oiintleslii CIIMUIII Neliniska. 1 bine
iinanKOMiimtfl nlth n-nl < > - < ti\to men liy which 1
can supply all customers Mmi well Impmved
lurmx at itoiHl rates and easy IOIIIIH. I euii Mlo
fm ulsh raw Iniuls in hiiKti lotf iiltnlio ! for stock
lunches. ,1. W. Mnisludl , I'M I'arnam St. H71
Ipolt SAl.t ; rinoKtoo ! : nnd fqi'dlnjr fnrtn of
i\Vliiere > t , hlvteon inllM Iroin Omaha Stock
\ mul * ; well equipped lor urn/Jug mid liedlmr
entile ; well wiiteted und plenty of peed hay
hind , rorpilce nnd descriptionndduw ( l.\f.
llnrrbnn , bpilngflold , Neh. G77o : !
1 : < Olt SAl.i : A wiotight Iron Vun llimiro nt
1 lull Dodxo ttrcct. f >
J7 ( ) U SAM' ! ThoioiiBli-bieil.leisoy cow ; be t
1 butter recoixl In Iho stntc. IIXLS t-oiith
nvemiu. MI-U'p
FOK HAM ! Or ion ) , the furniture In the Oc
cidental hotel lor pale , and thu hotel lor
lent. ltiiiilioin | ptemUes. Ml
I poll HAM ! ] . hcml of two-.vcai-Kild enttte ,
40helfeisand 1KI Moors : nnd two Noiman
stallions. II. Knllor , i < 'iillcrton , Neb. , 47lo'i
" | poilSAr.ilecellent : mllcTiTo . . 'lTellaTflo
J. pony teiim , WIIHOII nnd harness , u. 11.
Kin on , nth mid loreas. 447-tiop
ITlOll 8AI.K KtiRlno nnd liollers fiOm 10 II. P.
JU to CO II. 1 > . Umahii lion Woilis Co. , U. 1 > . It.
H. , 17th mill IMhstiei-ts. ' SVxia
OUSAMI-lluekwheut bran. S.'xi Jier lKb.s. ( ) !
\V. J. Welshans A : Co. , tilly > 1IIK _ T 412
-TIOItSAMI-One hnndied o thrco hundred
JU tons ot Ice ; iiljo onufi j oar old llilmbltiton *
fun bay niatu. Imiulte ut Uiualia l-'lminclal i\- :
, 1'iUJ rainnm Micet , u btalrs. ! lV > - . > y
TTIOlt HAM : Or lent , on a or 5 j cms , n choice
JU lanil ol'2b'lucios.oO ' ncies hind wood tim
ber , SWnoic.s iiiistuu. ' , nnd bulunco under culti
vation ; 1 mlle fiom Stock Yards mid 4 miles
liom Uimilm. Tills fmm Is ciiulppod wltli Hist-
eli s lmpi-o\cmonts In every icspccl.nnd ono of
thu liett tin m.s In DoiiKlus county , lorliulher
PHItlouliiirt apply or lulilicss ClirlstUui Emitter ,
Oiualiu , Neb. lilfj-JMj
rt ( ) It SAM ! Two Iota In Pcllmm I'lace , ono
1 block Iroin stteet cur tutck. liiiilio ( | lrt y.
l.ltli slioct. K15
Foil SAM : Or would undo for npnoil her o
mid biiKKyi N ) acte > In Uo = fjur county. Ap
ply to t13 ! South l.lth btieot.
-T7 ) Il HAMI-lloller mid Knjlne-20-horso
JLl power hollar mid engine , In ijond running
oilier ; want to i-ell lor the icii'oli tlnit theyaio
not Im-KO oiimijrli lor the new machlnory u hiuh
wowlllput Into our new bulldlntron Iliunoy
Ktieut. ChuKo Ilios. A : Co , Itikl UoutiliU St. u.1.
Foil NAi.n-ltctnll stock of diups and 11 v-
tines , nil In Kood Older ; ( rood locution mid
tiado. Addicss X. Y. / . , Clinic fhug Co. , Omnlm ,
Nob. Oi.'i
J. .Vin : Now chctry bcdstetul ,
1 and matticss. 4J4 Noith 17th bt. UD-2
\ j AN run A business man with capital tel
l luproscnt mi custom companj : iiocompu-
tition ; xood prollts ; ciulck sulos. Addict , .1. It. ,
lleoUtllce. nil-lp
SAM : Hotel , fmnlttuo nnd llxtuies
complete. Will toll lor cost , Lcaso sivcn.
A ( food chance lor u llvu man. AUdro.-s , .los.
Kiolicck , J31uo SpiiiiKS , Neb. 4blol
FOK HAI.i : Plrst-clnss hotel , { riouniN nil
Improvements , llxtmos , bar \-o.ln u iriim-
Ing eiiy. 1'iico Wi,0Kl ( ; terms easy. AddiL--.D 11.
C. I'littciaon , Utli and I'mmini. IV )
Foil SAT. ] ' : A good paylnjf business employ
ing hut little capital lor easli. For pintku-
lars uUdicss I'.O. lio5T : > , Oinuliu , Neb. IJ
" | 7iOilSAijK Clicnp , n icslnurant with furnl-
J' and IKtuioH , and evoiythlnireoinpleto ; iiNo
six sot tin nlshed rooms ; good locution ami puy-
Inir bnsiiiievj ; teed ; loaeon lor helling out. In-
qiiiio lit Wcsicrn CornlcoVoilo , uUS mul 51U
Soulli l-'th Stioot.Clty. -
BOAKDINO. and bonrd , $ > per wcolcciy ; liust lo
cution. IdU DiivonportSt.
Dll. 1VAItI > , Wlthnoll block , 1 3th mid Ilnrney.
_ ( ill _
IOST A small cow ; llsht gray and red pots ;
* n jiieto biokootr onu horn , und a le.itliur
btiap mound her neuk. The lludur will ple.tiu
noliljutt l.WT N. anhSt.
( ) A Bold rlmreiiR-iu\ed with Inltliil let-
ITilUNI Inquliu Jl. O'llein , l.tiKo und .Met.lcl-
lun St.
oloxiit nnd Uairvovant , iiolnts out ini-oeii
oneinies.eolor theiroyon and hail. The mud
to Miceoss , l < eve and bnslne-.s n spcclully. Sue
poilllvuly onius bilious hoiidiicnvs , Kldneys-llver
und all duiaiiMonientN of llio NIOIIUII n , dNsolt us
trail ijloiies , eiiieseiiiauli , the \\oiit cuises of
ineumiitiHiii. Her method of uiiiiiviulc'uliis H
with hoi b .nnd modi complex * Heals woist
-oios In one month , lior tieutmum ol films ,
IninioiH , temler loot neis like noliiiiui. .Mis.
Itidcliaid'oiiLoinos wltli many recommendations
liom thopiossnnd piivuto liulividMtiN , eulelu.i-
ted uud pOiului'blioit ) tliiu only. INoith ) luih
btieel , loom 1. .
Piiso : > -\l , Will the lady who adveill-ed
iibont fropl In lo 1/oiiid / 0110 or luix'hiltlioii
or mi intiint pleusu uddioss .Mi-s. V. Itnsh , llco
oilito. ! ku-yip
ssovi :
rplliV. ; . ( J. Jlol/norStoveltepuirCo. , III South
J. Hill St , botuedii Doil ii unit
. IIOsil'ITAI.-Open lor the uccoin-
moilalionol the hick. SuiBiciil opcnillons of
mlUlndshUllliilly poiloimed. Di.-o.iri M > r u onion
a hpecialty ; indies In eonltnument e'lii lime liavo
absolnio piH'tict und tlm be iot iitinntloii Lor-
Addiess Dr. .1 M. '
iiiinicoiner r.ili and ruimini or lr .1 II. Italjiu
coiner 1.1th mid I'm num. Tclephoim.i.l. ! (
AI.U'A VS on liiinil nt n bnignln , Nn. I sctomt
hand cmrlauo phaetons und slilo-lmr Iiiij- ;
glut , ut A. J. tilnipon , UM mid 111 ! Dtnlyo rit.
' . in want of peed domestic help c.m
J bo tuippllod by culling on Hie Omaha Hm-
| iloymontuiticu17N. IRlli St , , Ut-stalr.s | Mis.
J , \V , Morrison propiiolor. 74
TIIIVV vaults mid cos ponU cleaned In an
i odoiloss way by I' . 0. Abel , 1' . O. lloJlTri. .
HI ! )
oieiutlon | or iif-eless triiHsiM. fir , M. M.
NO Mooie , SU uvo , fhlciitfo. fond
Ptamp or clrciilur nt l.'oz/eim Hont-u , Oinaliii ,
01 ery 00 da j s ,
TIONAMSI'.iWl Tenth Stioot , lixtwoen ruiiiiini
mid Ilarnoy , will , with llio aid ol K'lanllan
cplrlts.obliilnln lor tiny onu u Kh" ' In tlm
puM and present , nnd or et'itiiln KtmllilniiH In
the tiiluiii Koots und phoi > s inado to oidur ,
lan of largu practlco HH > > ol' Itidira's
l ; "I ( . aiitiiy ol ililspiupuratlonoflotid tnut
It has nuver lulled me , or lulled loagieo mien
given titiiclly accordlmf to my pliiicllonU'un
M'riipiiliini * emu , Ilifio need | ioui > Illllo n ulilu
I mm bowels complalnirt ; ami to iliU thai I a -
cilbu the lucl that I Imvo never yn loit elill.l
with uny lormof dlaulioeii or choluia liitan *
Hotice ,
TII whom It may cniifmn ;
VTOI'ICK H hoiubyjchon that tlio ciipltnl Muck
li I I In' Id on I rintlnif < 'o , lenmhii tnu r.iinu
mid tlio IndomoJnoju ol coriiiiiuilon ihMiluio
nmountiitou.iM , . M M'I. IU.K , I'Hi.iiieni.
' I"1"1 *
u'ui 1 ! HM NIII.DI * . f
If you liny Innili'r iin. > wlii'ru , w'l1 '
pelting Jlo.ighuid & jii'luus , 3uu vul
f * '
ers 'of Blillarl
A nil Saloon oniponml Hunk mturcJ.
' "l'I' ' ' ' " " ! dls. , Ulilcnau , ill. Omaha omuo ,
Hi lull ) 01 *
J Book Binding ,
liters.J '
Pf liters , Book . -
And Tllnnk Hook
_ liwttmth 14th Street *
. 8KJ
Jobbers of -
nnd Ammunition.
Hanufacturers of
AtidVholosiilo Doulora In Ix'iiil
los und 111) ) N. 14th Street , ( li
Cornices ,
Eagle CoraicTwoIl
.Tolin Vpenetor , 1'roprlotor. ilna
finlvniil/Chl ii-An und Cornlco. Itri \
und IK.J North lutli Btioot , Uninlui ,
KUHMl'lNG & 1101/riijl
Mmmfiiotiirorsot fJrmunon ]
Corjiiw ,
Wliulofetf . . . , . .
rinuK R.O.,310 f > j.'no.
InmiypiH-tof thocountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPKCHT , Proprietor.
Oiilvnnl7odMroi ) Cornice1 * . IJto. Pr > cohl * I"
pnnod I'lildil&ltilulllcSk ) light. ( Oft and MUl
1-lh t. , Oiiiiihn.'Ncb.
Doors , Sish , Etc ,
A. KO-
Mnmifnctuioi nnd I enlor lit
Doors Sash Blinds
, , , Mouldings , ,
Stair Halls n gpeelittty. Telephone No. WJ
Kith mid Mine ) ' -t. , Onmhii. Noli
* Electric il Supplies ,
Electrical applies.
r , . w. wou'u .v co. , ni
Illiick , Omaha
l < 'lio Aliirms , iiH"ik : ! Muttliv
Cold , Sliver and Nickel I
Iron and , I
Cut Kails and fl
I'iro Nailn u Speolnlty. Oif.
Omaha Iron Works Comp
STnchinoiy. Cutlni , Hlbmu Kiifrlnos , iloi
ArchliLctnial lion Work , Iron llrlilges ,
mid Mill Miiclilnory , Ollico and woilts ,
Pacillc It. U. , 17th und Utji Streets.
Foundry /orks. /
Tor. llth nnd .lucKson Pis , piopaiod to c'o ,
kinds of Iron and lira- CustliiKs ; nNo"J
Iliiiinlj'tor'8 Kocltliu ( ir.ito Jlars
Mattresses ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnniirncttii'lnir Wmtic os , lln.Mliifr ,
I'illous , Cols , iic. : l.'M and 12C8 Uotiglnj
Omalia , Nob.
Overalls , "
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
JennsruntsPldrts , Hie. 11U2 rnd HIM 1
titroot , Oinithn , Neb.
Paper Boies.
Llanufacturer of-Paper Boxes ,
JOOS. llthSt.Onmhu , Null , .Onlors by mnfi
lieliod und will iecolvoprompt iitlunllonj. ]
Tniaha Safelforks
( ! .
Mmnirnptnrpror rim MiKldliir-'lir Proof Snf
Vnnlt P < oi . .lullV uU-f Fliutluri mid AVJ
\Voil ; . Cor. llth and .luckxon 8t . , Omalni , Nfl
. . Soap Manufacturer ,
Ofl'c1) ' cnilT I'rietoiv. nenr" Powder
, .WT . omnhft. Noli.
5 and Carriages. t
'dlATiON iS ; IMI J 1OND
Manufacturers of Fine Carriage
ini'iiiiul Iid liuiiioy b iro.'ini.4lmSo > -
/ \ i' NebiUbJiii lor Jonus' Uolebruto
hiiall bulkier.
It'llYM. \ .
A. J
Th'6 Leading Carriage Factor
liiJiuid 1411 lJijilgoMU'iOmahu ,
While Lead ,
doiiodein mul <
Perfectly Pure White Lead , ,
Oinnlui.Nili J cvl I HI 11 r , lion : ( Wtwi |
Viro I'Mw. ; II. Vf Vmiw , ht < o nnd Tiaiujl
MJIird ,
B Stiotra , T. K Murkol I'l'ii ' iioho , prle
O.n 111. . i , Nobnuka j V * *
Arcada Hotel ,
.Ilium , ( 'ii-oy , I rouiielnr.
niniiil I ill IIO'ijlnU.Unmliu , 1
H'rniiHtfeorco'iiiimniUI mini ran.
( . ilihl , I'liey wilrllml ! 4iU tin * fiftt
llllllMI < lf UllUllull
Td ) CH9H ) ,
P Ul IM < * t Oi , I'ru
Jtntes $31)1 ) per duv , ,111 , dm * rwilK. Alici"
Hi - - , , , - ' . . ) uti4---
. Canlleld JIuuse ,
Cor Ninth nnd I'm mini t'Jf ! ' ' < uo
day Imli-l In ) lifiuodi'lfxl.
ledocuiled ; one lii' * ' "i'n iirmy
itppoitltii Union 1'i.tinic l
pii.sllied.ii.i > i. . " ' .T" ,
( in s Al-o Union Stock Vunln
Omiihii t
Hotel de GOM ,
i' o " , < 1'iwiri'- !
IMiopnn I'lii uiuoiil ,
mliivliiiiinii 'h < i > . .100fiom
unit IIU * l'oui > > ill u
bi .Oinulia .Neo' *
A l-tiil'i I I
England , Franco 'Girnpr
lil | > r > t ll 'lip' " ( \ /JyO HU 4
li' ll'MI ' I ' "
> n .r i
t \
ru i HIM i i t * ( i. ' * ' "f" ' " tW V
'In , , , i i 1 'W ' " ! ' * "t
1 > i v < , > > < u ' ' ' t (
ij la- I ,1 J tt i t il'Ji. t > lvWw l ) W f
Yum , * <
- 1