Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1885, Image 1

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* * -JIW'lPTO ' 5 ' " * " " " " sJ * : - >
of Massachnsctts Ecnomi'
for Governor.
o Colored
/ass. , } sppt. ! ) . Til
.1 convention met In dlyball
lion. \ . W. lleaid was ; Col. .1. J. Whip-
i , and permanent oigas
_ 'ippolnted.
Jfiloar was elected permanent
„ made n'lengthy address , In
JjJ' riS'oiiicd back lhoM3 ? Th' ) had wan-
\ sLS AJm party In the-past ; lidtenlcd
iI-l3 ( Jf ul charged the icpnbllcin party
Jv * fg thu bloody shirt , and especially
j.lolin Sheiman fiom such u
llo levlexvcd the iiollclcs ot
. s\"o \ paitles dining Ihn ] ) ast
' jP.-llvo ) ears and stated that tlio
, piece of legislation that thu democratic
y had originated and can led tlnough xxas
illaudsllxei bill. Jin commended s
he ads of Picsldent Cleveland and many
this woidH In icgaul lo civil service lefoim ,
t said that an administration must bo
Iged by Its actions , not b ) wouls.
The following unanimous nominations
/ remade : For govciuor , ( Joveinor Kobln-
/ i ( renomlnated ) ; lor lieulenaiitgovcinor ,
1 i iver Ames : lor secietaiyol state , Henry H.
crce ; Hon. A. W. lienul , ot Uoslon , was
indiiatt'd foi stall' ' tieasiuei and lecelver
r } neral ; Hon. dilutes It. Ladd was renoml-
/ alcd foi auditor , and lldgar L. bheiman for
W ttoiney general. All received a unanlmons
iti' .
The platform adopted reafllrms adheienco
principles upon which tlm put ) was
icncxxs pledges to thesoldleisand
" the w.u : demands inompt enaet-
TCSS of a gencial bankiupt law ;
uncoiidtttoiml suspension ot
dollars ; ingeslgoious
Kdmunds law In Otab ,
f an amendment to thu
tiling the Mmmon lenl-
Ing citl/ens ; uppioves
service net passed by u IP-
in accordance with their
11 m : lavors any i clonus
In customs duties
labor 01 industiy ; pledges
linn maintenance ol that pio-
n Iplo which prevents displace-
i our homo nun kefs ot Amcikan by
; lgu piodncts.
Im platform opposes sectionalism and
fograpliical divisions in every ioini ; rejoices
, * Iho good feeling called lei Hi In the south
\ - the death of tlm great soldier and pat i lot ,
Jid us icpublleans wish lor a complete and
) rosifed icconclllatlon. Tlie result ot the win
mst bo accepted exerjwheie in good tailli ;
m result has not been accepted Iho ucgio
nnchlsed by war Is laigelydepilvedol
silvilegcs as u-xoter. Certain state dec-
1 aio n incio inockeiy ; idiuns tuu
Sulent , and xoliug a laue. If wo weio
uilent as1 to this ei ) Ing ev II we should belle
llo all thu traditions and pilnclplesot
lily , aS well as lo tho-e ot thu American
ment and American Irecdom. Against
treat wrong so dang/ious and
Imciican , ) cl > indicated and main-
ujv succcsslvo deiiiocratic majorities
- " if icpic-icnlatives , wo pioposn
( r -3test. JVe appeal against It
1.10 public both north nn i m ii. > Vo ihaii
ic'dicss in an aroused public eonsclenco
proper krltmlkm. Wo shall not bo con
ed until the Wrong i" ciushcd and jusllce
> nt' .
c platform vtt * ainst election
Is eonnUuanced u. . osteied by Iho
eraflc party In ceitnln c.tlesof llionoith ,
, denounces the action of President Clevc-
d In pardoning a criminal llko Ijteutcnant
llon.ljccnuso in so doing he dheclly en
rages and condones Ihesu dangeious
. .ines against the ballot. The jilationn np-
"roVes tlio administration of ( ! ov. Itobinson
nd bledges him llieii snpiiort.
Thoplatfoim uiges sulmilttln ? tolliopeo-
ilolho ( iiie.MtIoii of bhmnlal ( lecllons : com-
iiionds Ihe legislalnio in behalf ol a stiiclei
"ndinoiodlicct icsponslbillty In mnnkind
oxornmcnt. and continues as follows : "Wo
pel keenly the evils of lnkinp.'ranp.and aio
ippaicd tosuppoit the most sliingent legis-
' .lion for Itssiippicsslon tan bu uiadu
r'clive , undwo bdtexii the fiist t > tpp
waul checking them Ib thu ilgid onfoue-
' of the existing law s. " A slate hoaid ol'
\iliitrallon on tlio pilnclplu ol cmploeiV II-
bllily , the icgulafioii ol convict hiboi and
010 frrtiucnt payment ot corporations aio
in concluding , the platfoim "ajs : "Wo
"ufcliome again Iho-.o who last sexeicd
hplrparly connections mid united with us
Vt tbu fliwt time , and wo gladly open our
7/-to / all who Join us In sustaining our
.Juiiitos and pilnclples. "
"Jneral " Ua\\Jcy lliun delivered an addiess.
i lljouincd.
' /
, I 0
dolorod IVfoa'H Com cut Ion.
Y.I. , Sept. SO. The .state
Dii\cntlon of colored men assembled licia
Mjday. J. U. Tjphax , of Alcxandiln , was
jl'cled j- temporary chairman , jr. Y. JJcckley ,
Kkhmoiul , addiesscd the convention sag ) -
g , this coin ciitlon has not assembled as ic-
illKins or democrats , but as citizens ot
rglnla , claiming the right of fieo men. Ho
'iped their deliberations would dcinonslrato
[ tut they vveic worthy of cltl/cnsldp.
Jeckleywas elected permanent diahman
, .jirf V. V. Hackus sccrctaiy.
k Thi ) follow I ng address w as pr&senlcd amid
cretit dieerlng. To tlio coloicd people oC
/ Vliglnla : Whereas , WP , colored ppopluof.
' Virginia , believing us wo do the tlmo has
' oino foi us to call n halt In the unqualified
xuppoitwo have given the lepnblkun paity ,
do licro In convention assembled solemnly
dmlareoursdu's pollllealv Independent In
< iJ ! matters which pertain to us us cltl/cns
Mid voters of this commonwealth. We Imvo
'ol ' ll'ijeara adhered to our former political
ssoclides with unparulPllcd illicitly , ueeauso
.d those dark dujri of leconstruction the ro-
i > ubllcaii party iiroxed Ihat it was Iho only
iiutv to widen the colored man of the south
conlil consistently ally himself. To that end
colored \olers. noblj icsponded and-ialsed lo
til.ico nud to power men whu giew wealthy
w bile admlulslerliiB the laws ol Ihe United
States. Wo fed cyor grateful lor
sjvliat lias been dyne , but now
| IO tlmo has como for us to think
k'ly ho since the rcpabllcanHhaxepractk-ally
Widonedusin fonncr campaigns and In
d mitttci-s where the negro ought to hae
ic'dKiiltlon in proportion to his noting
fircngth and IntdllKcncp. Wo know , too ,
'ml many of our race have been inuidered in
he bouthern btutes , but the causes vvlddi ed
h theses-ad occurrences which ba\o spilled
'iir ' bloinl and created a bltler race antago-
. ! \.hlclinoxv rclards our progress and
mukesitdinicultforustollvolnlliu land of
ur blrlh , aru largely tracp.iblo lo nilsmanugc-
uiently federal olllco holders in our bcclion.
Tlicoe foivgolng rcasoim lead us to adopt
pitch methods and so to demean ourselves as
to make filviids of those whoso Interests are
Idenlliled In every way with our oxvn. We ,
Uien'fore , upKa' ' to the colored people of our
native state to look xvell to the altered condl-
tlpns of atialrs , and in the future maUo such
polUIcalUlllancesas will most advance our
A Intcrcsta editcatlonally , llnanclally and po-
iitlcnllj' . We fed sure that theio I Unough-
out the broad limits of this commonwealth a
; encinl disposition on thu part of the whllv
iMXwlo to nccoid us all our rights
toforo the Itiw. and to meet us
loaitlly lu cvciy advunco vo make for the
iphc Wing of giu people. Jt Khoou-s us then
o bo UKP. our ballots that wu may dmo out all
dlscoidant elements In Virginia , whether
Ihpy to headed by nalius or aliens of the
stafo. Wo also condemn tlio raising of thu
irae-o Issue by any class of men who essay to
Itad thu masses , bccausu it can do not dug
fua piove. detrimental to our cause and our
'Interests. '
Wo tlic/efoie , ask the licarty cooperation
of our people in Virginia lo the success of
our movement. Wu Imvo cause In bu Ibaiik-
ful for the liberality of the present national
administration to our people In the south.
Wo also bellev o our relations to the state debt
nixmich as to justify us In honing
that Vliginla will bo relieved from
her prp ent financial Piubarrassment bv
aid from the fedeial government which
will pliable her belter to piovldo for all the
iiuleilid Inlerpsls of bei dtt/ens and bring
about thatunlver al good feeling which ex
ists between the two lutes.
Tlm address was adopted and the conven
tion adjoin ncd tinodle.
Tlio 3ItiKtvulitiq | Dislike Him.
Nr.w .YoitK , Sept. SO. Inquiiy o.s to the
general sentiment of the so called Cleveland
republicans in regard lo Iho coming stale
election was lo day made. The lesult indi
cates Unit the "mugwump" votu will bo prac
tically olld in snppoit of the icpubllcau state
ticket. CJporgo Walton ( Sicpii , sccrptaiy ot
the national ( .ommlttpo of Independents and
h'publkaus , which did eUVctlvo work last
lull for Cleveland , said that ho had . \cl to
hear ol a shmlo ivpubllcjin that voted for
Clexeland who did not Intend tooto
against Coxeinor Hill. Ills position In con
nection with It , however , hail naturally
brought him into contact with a gipal
manv republicans who svmpalhl/ed with
the nlms of Hie committee last vear. and he
pould speak with eontldcnip as to their gen-
eial-feellngat pieent. . Ciiilous as It might
seem Irom a superficial view , II was the gen
eral feeling Iliat Cloxdaud's polic ) tould ho
best sustained b ) ol liUovvn puty
In lids state , consldeilug the dmaclerof tlm
candldalo it pip.spiitrd. 'J'he platfoims of the
two state conventions made little Immesslon
oltlici way , on account ot the woitlnessnoss
A J'
Cnirvoo , Sept. JX ) . At 1 o'clock this
morning a l.ugo lour stoty building In the
icar ol HIS Claik stippl , suddenly began
cracking and ci caking like a shlii In a heavy
MM. An half liom after the posts began
sinking tbioUL'h Ihe lloois. Men woiklngin
nbiead bikei ) In the basement ( led for their
lives. A moment alter the Horns gradually
sank down until the basement was lilted.
An of liio tinned in , il2:35 : o'clock.
While the alle ) xxas eiowded with policemen
and Inemeii looking for tlm the , the walls
suddenl.v id ) In with a tciriblu crash. Police
men , firemen and icporlers nishcd pdl inell
out Into the stieet. When a low
Hi emeu with lanteius went back they
lound the west and noitn
walls had ( alien. Thubiicks fell In. and had
the ) fallen out lo s ot lite would undoubtedly
have ( iicuned. 'Iho two othci sides of the
building jet stand plopped up by adjoining
buildings. The lloois have nil caved In.
'J he lossjsestlnmted ulS50,000. as the build
ing was -very valuable , theio being 510,000
xvoithof desiccated eggs alone In onu pal t.
Thu second IIooi was sloicd with fiom. On
the thlid IIooi was a l.ugo machine shop with
a valuable plant , iind allooivvas devoted to
the manufactuie-of pilntlng toilets. Just bu-
toie tlm walls fell lit all thu gas went out in
the building , and the men weio com
pelled to pope thuir way out in
the daik. I'anlc stricken , they took
icfiigii under the basement In fionr. The
gradual eav Ing In ol the building was Hist
noticed by a boy In the engineei's loom. He
( ailed the attention of the englneei to tlio
tact , but the fliemaii told him be xxas u .uy
and i ( commended that be sec a doctoi in tlm
morning. Mon outside in the alley beaid
the clacking some time bcloio tlmeiaMi , but
did not suspect that they weie standing neai
n \eiltablu IJudeiiseik stinctine. The build
ing was supported putiicly by wooden
glideis and joists , and thu collapse was
c.iiM-d by the limbers diy lolling wheicthc
gilders icsted on tlio joist * . The present
ovvneis took the building atter it had been
pionoiinced sate by the uichllcct. It will bj
tOl 11 lloSMI.
Among tlio Knllrondfi.
CHICAGO. Sept. SO. The Hallway Age , In
an arllcle lo appear in its issue of Oclobcr 1 ,
f-ajs : A sin prising awakening of activity in
icgard to railway building becomes evident.
The jciu opened with gloom imd dejiresslon
in business cliclcs , but the recoul of the past
nine months show the total nuinbei of new
loads in ! piogicss and proposed in tlio
United States lo be 0'20 , with a total mileage
of M.S'fJ. ' This mlleago ol the proposed new
loads and those r.heady In pioincss ol con-
hli notion Is dlstilbuted a-s lollows : Now
England blH ; Middle states a,83T : Wcstein
.stales a , COii ; Pacillc state i 4,1T. ! ! The gi eater
lurtof the piopo ed loads urolo bo sboit lo
cal lines , Intended to give connections that
Will open up regions heietofoie v Irtuajly dcs-
tllutuot railway tadlllles. In thoCaiolinas ,
( Icoigla , Florida , Alabama , and Tpiincssco
this activity Is especially noticeable and
in Germany.
HintujScpty , HO. The cential union of
Cieiman mannfacloilci' ' , reprcsenling the
leaders of the piotectlon paity , pclltloned
PiinccIMsmaick asking him toiiiqulie into
Iho subject of bimetallism. The petition Is
the outcome of a visit of Manton Maiblc ,
Amcikau delegate , who was sent abroad to
inquiio Into tlm silver question. Maiblolcft
hcio In consequence of ordeis from Piest-
dent Cleveland to make a rcpoit Tjy the
time congress assembled.Marble's task
Is to obtain tlm opinions ot the most promi
nent diplomatic and financial olllclnls on
the 01 continuance of the Bland bill.
Helms obtained tiom tliod'cimanbankcrs ap
proval ot the Idea of a money contciencc. It
is thought , however , that the success ot such
a conleienco would depend largely upon
England joining It. That si to would do so Is
consldeicd doubtful.
A iToui'iinllstlo Gntlici'iii .
DJITIIOIT , Sept. : . The annual meeting of
lliu Western Associated pict-swns held hereto
to day. A laigo amount uC business was
tianaactcd , which was dildly ot interest to
thunicmbcis. The repoit of the board was
made by Itldmrd Smith. The following ofll-
cers xxcro elected : President , Joseph Me-
dlllll , ot tlm Clili .iir ( ) Tillmnu : vlcc-prcstdent ,
I. F. Mack , ot the Sandusky lU'glstei ; secrc-
taiy , H. i : . IJaker , of Detroit. Hoard of ill-
lectors , Kicliaul Smith ot the Cincinnati
Coimnciclal Gazette , W. N. Haldenian of tlm
LouKxlllo Courier-Journal , 1) . M. Housei of
thu St. Louis ( ilobc-Demociat , W. D. Ulck-
liam of the Dav Ion Journal. Monlson It.
Mumfoid ot the Kansas Clly Times , Albeit
Itobertsof the Nashvlllo American , Mclvlllo
U Stone of the Chicago News.
Supposed to bo 15ojus.
NKVV YOIIK , Sept. ! . Fotty-ono thousand
dollars In town bonds of Mattoon , 111 , , with
coupons attached , were in the possession of
Tom Da > is after his inuidcr by Holland , of
Texas. Asupcrvisorof Malloon tins sent to
the coroner a lev y for one of the bonds for
examination , stating his belief that they urn
counterfeit , and should bo dcstioyul. One of
the bonds will bo scut.
rot-elfin Ilrovitics.
CALCUTTA , Sept. CO. The \ictims of tlie
flood al Talso Point number U)0. ) Many \cs-
sds are wrecked there.
KUIIKK. Sept. 80 , Ilpavy floods ore ro-
iioi ted throughout the ( astern portion of
bw Itzcrland. ' 1 ho whole of the upper Uhliio
v alley Is Inundated. Hoiscs , cattle and oilier
live stock luivu been swept away ami the liar-
vest dobtiojcd by the flood. '
- - ' , , .
A County Convention.
iHuiusciTox , Iowa , Sept. 30. The repub
lican county convention to-day nominated
Philip M. Crape for senator ; William Pllger ,
of Burlington , and Miles Miller , of Mcdl-
aiK > lls , for lepicsentatlxes ; JosepliTioxcl ,
for luulltoi ; H. C. Sliced , tor tsheilu.
A rnlluro In Clotlilnp.
CiKrisx ATI , Sept. sa--lost { > ufi'Id t Kauf-
miin , clothiers , \xcru assignwl lo-tlay with
liabilities t-stimated nt tOOWO ; assets * - ' , -
000. Tlie preferencttj amount to about $40-
000 , The linn Lad l tiled uiry
That Qavo to tlio Homo Nine tbo Sccouil
Came in tlio Great Contest.
New York Must , AVln the Xc\t Txvo
Gnuips ol' the Tlo
Vnrlous SpOftliiR Kx cuts
jintu Victorious.
Citto.vno , Sept. : ; o. Theio was an Indo-
sci ib iblo scene of cheering and hat sw ingng !
at White Stocking ball pnik this afternoon at
tlm close of Urn ninth inning , when it was
certain that victory had again perched on the
banncis of the homo team , giving them an
almost hull-united claim to thu national
league pennant. They defeated Iho 'Now
Yoikhtalvvniteby a scoicof a to 1 with an
Inning lo spare. Thoallcndanco was 11300 ! ,
and lids dcspllo n sky which constantly
thicatcncd rain. Iho andlcnco was kept
clear ot the field , however , to prevent any
possible Intcifetenco with the xvoik ot the
outliuldcis , and by this means no ground
rules weio nccessaiy.
The Chicagosscoied Iheh nuts in Ilio fourth
and seventh innings , both of which weio
canted. The lirst was made by a two base
hit from Dalrynrplo's bat , followed by a ono
h.iscbltby Coie , bilnglng In D.ilijmple. In
tlie seventh ilinlng , with two nun out , Plotter
scmedn clean homo inn over thu light field
leiice. The New Yoik team scoicd theli inn
in the ninlli Inning when thu shadows weio
thickening very fast , on tw o successlv e tin o ws
lo Anson on lirst base fiom the inlield.
wiio was unable to distinguish the ball and
failed to get U. The gamu was a splendid
contest in exciy way , and up to the ninth in
ning xxas peilectly plajed , whatever eiiors
occuned being ciedltcd on the Chicago side
to tbebalteiies. The con test was exciting at
Its eveiy point , and Iho scoic was
kept so low that a clean base bit
at lour or five stages of thu game , would liavu
tinned the Udu In cither dlicctlou. Five men
on the New York side died on bises lor the
need ota clean hit , xvhilc Chicago bad only
one. Keefe , lor New Yoik , pitched wllhout
an error , and was balled for live lilts fora
total of ninu bases , while Iho Nuvv Yoik
batsmen conlined themselves to fixe hits lor
us many totals. Clearer lidding than was ex
hibited oy thu team was not possible , seine of
thuoutlicld plays being icmaikably uiilliant ,
but on tlie part ot thu Chicago teim no icsiilt-
ing IMIOIS occuned until the closing inning ,
when they weio excusable and almost uu-
av oidable.
The New Yoikers lost the toss and were
sent to thu bat. O'Kouiko and Connor weiu
each given lust base on balls. O'ltourkovvas
caught napping nt second base and put out
by a tlnow liom Flint. Kwing sttuck
to Pfcffei , who made a double play with the
assistance of Anson , putting both Connoi and
Kwing out. For the Chlcagos Dalr ) mplo
and Cioiu both made base bits , but weiu in
succession thiown out in tijiug to steal second
end base. Kelly linhmcd Iho Inning by
stiiking out.
( illlispio made a base bit in the second , but
was doubled with Dorgan on thulaltet's hit
to Uiunsaiidllclmulson went out to lust
b ise. Chicago went out in one , two , tlueo
lu the third inning Kecfe struck out , Gcr-
linult madua base lilt and icachcd second
base on an cuor. O'Kouiko and Connor
ended it by going out at first Chicago
again went out In one , two , three oidei.
Inthofouilh inning New Yoik went out
lulhusamuway on Inlield lillstofiist base.
In the fointh , innluir , < " i.o oi..cno < . , i > i
i ) mplo unu lion ; inadu two and one ba u hits
successively , Dahymplu scoiing. JCclly ,
Anson and Pfcller all went out on ( lies.
In the llfth inning liiclmrdson went out lo
Bums. Keefo made abiso bit and i cached
thlid on a passed ball and a bad llnow.but
Gcihault and Waul sunck out. Chicago
went out in one , two , tlueo outer.
In the sixth Connoi made a base hit aftci
O'Kourko had gene out , but Kwing and
( jlllesplo weio lidded at liist. Chicago w cut
out In one , txvo , tluee succession.
New Yoik did the same in the seventh In
ning. Foi Chicago , Pleffer scoreil a homo
inn after Kelly and Alison had gone out on
Hies to the outlicld.
in the eighth Inning Gcrhaidt shuck out.
Waul icaehed liistou an cnor ot Alison's.
O'KOIUku made a long diholo left field , but
Dalivmplo handled it. Waul stele .second
basouyu.scratch and was caught tring to
icach thlid on a pitched ball. Chicago went
out in succession.
In the ninth Inning Connor was given first
biso on balls. Kv/lng sinking out , ( JUlcsplo
icachcd liistbasoon astilko lo I'fcllui who
tlnewto Anson , whc could not see tlio ball ,
and Connor i cached thhd biso. Doigan
stiuck to limns who put ( illlespluou' '
second , but on Pfefiur's tlnow to Anson. who
again tailed lo get the ball , Connoi tan home
ami Doigan icachcd second. liichauNou
struck to Claikson who started 10 inn with
Iho ball , but slopped ami tlnow It to Ansun
and tlio game was ended.
The tallowing Is the score :
AU u In in ro A. i :
Dalrymplo If . ' ! l a : i a o o
Coieet : i o a a i o o
Kelly if : t o o o \ o o
Anson Ib ! i 0 o o lo 3 : :
Pfeileriib ! i l l 4 : i fi 'j
Williamson 8b a 000 l 00
Hums ss : i o o o a 40
Claikson p s 0 0 o l H a
Flint c a o o o o a a
Total 27 a c uaraiio
AII n In TII ro A j ;
llomko cf..t : i ooo ooo
o'Connoilb a ill 710
Hwlnge i o o o 10 i i
( illlesple If 4 0 a a a o o
Dorgan rf 4 000 100
Ulchaulsonab 4000 110
Kcelo p a 0 l i o b 0
Cerhaidtiib it Oil a a 0
Waidss a 0 o o 110
Total ! ! 0 1 5 5 Ml 15 1
scum : itv INM.VOS.
i a : t 4 o o 7 8
Chicago o 0001001 x-2
New Voik 0 ooooooo l l
Earned runs Chkago a , New Yoik 0. /
Homo runs 1'fctfer , L
Two base hlls Dalrjmple , 1.
Tlueo base hits None.
1'assed balls Flint 1 , JSwinf L
Wild pltches-None.
Fiistbasu on balls-Chicago none , New
Yoik a.
Fli-bt base on crroib-Chlcago none , New
Y'ork a.
Struck out By Clarkson 7 , by Kccfo 7.
Double plays Pfelfer-Anson , Uiuns-I'fef-
Umpii-e Curry.
Time aiioaisand 10 minutes ,
The 1'celiiiff In Chicauo ninl Ncxv y rlc.
CHICAOO , Sept. ! > 0. The greatest
interest was manifested oxer the re
sult of the Now York-Chicago game to
day , and nil the newspapers bulletined the
Innings. Afternoon papers ran extra and
late editions to cover the icsult. Chicago
now lias a lead of four games oxer New York
and Is practically as&uml Die championship ,
as only six games icmalu to be played this
hpason. Un this expectation an Important
merits of games lias been arranged between
the Chlcagos and St , Louis Drowns , to decide
Iho htinrpinaey between the champion clubs
of tlio leaKUO and thu American association.
A pur.-e of 81,000 Is to be made up by Hiiml
contilbutlons from the two clubs , uud the
plavers winning a majority of games in thu
berlth are to iwoixo the purse. Thu jirst
game occurs In Chicago. October 15 , and Die
second In St. Louis , October 1C. In each ot
tlu-hO games the plau'lti of the home team
will bogixcn the entire gate u-cdptw. T'licii
will follow sanies In Cincinnati , LoulsAilie ,
ridUdelphlu , Wasblngton , Indianapolis , uud
possibly other dtlcn.
NEW. YOIIK , hept. U ) . TlicNcwYoili pub-
lie ipcosnl/p lo nltrht ( tint their repre ent\-
live club now at Clneuiro lias now no chance
lor Iho lea ui' cbnmptonshlp. The second
defeat ! ) f the New Yoik club at Chicago iast
no llttli ) gloom over lliu sporting public thU
evening , though Iho thalice nftei Tuesday's
panic was frail Indeed. Vnilons nevvsinperi
jiobted bulletliiH as the came piogressed , b it
the subject matter \van uNpIeasIug and nt tlu
close largo numbers of people dispersed de-
"A n B IMirso I'or n J | R Unce.
Dosrox , Sept. ) . All condlltons were
favomblo for Iho great stallion race nt Myitla
paik lids afteinoon. The day was perfect
and the track In tine condition , and fully
8,000 persons watched the trolling. Ot the
seven horsR-scntciod , i on Carlos and Almont
Ctlft w cio drawn , leav'ng but fiX'e staitei-a ,
King Almont , Weslmour , Pilot Kno.Mont
gomery and King WllUcs. Pool hollim ; was
piohlblted but many prlvato bets were made.
Pilot Knox was the favoiite bcfote the race
atS'ilto S20 airalint the Held. The Indites
weio H. 1) . Wldlrombot Umton , 1 > . C. Hobln-
son ol Spilnu'liold , and S. AuuMiom : ol
Kushvllle , Ind , For the tltst beat
theyvcio sent away Avell togelhcr.
Pilot Knox ipiltKly shot to the fiont and at
thoipmU' le.ulliu , xvlth IClng Wllkesii
Icngih buhlnd ami Kim ? Almont two lengl'H '
In Iho icar of Wllkes , Montgomeiy and
Wcstmont trailing. These ptisittons weio
maintained until the halt ml o was passed ,
when Pilot Kno\ widened the gap to two
lengths between hlni'-ell and Kim ; Wllkes ,
but the latter ( jnlckly idioitencd this dlstamo
a length. Pilot Kuoy kept hlsadvant.igo to
the finish. .
In the second neat Wcstmont was drawn
on account ol lameness. They went oil
well bunched. Pilot Kuox snowed the
way. with King Wllkes seond , Aloutcomeiv
thlid , and King Almont fointh. At the
Minuter Klnjr Wilke-- was making awaim
liglit for tn-sc place , being neatly abreast of
thu leader , who , howevei diew away fiom
him aiidnt the half mile was leading by ovei
a length. Ho maintained his advantage to
the end and won by a 'cnuth.
In the thlid heat Pilot Knox led slightly at
the qtiaitei. At thn halt mile ho led by a
length , with King Wilkes and Montxuiueiy
neclc and neck tor second place , and King
Almont several lengths behind. Tumi the
halt inllo Montifomuiy slowly but surely
gained upon Wllkes , mid by amagiiinecnt
spiiitpasscdhtinand l 1 . j . . .1. l - . _ . . vvas . picssiug ! . . . . _ . Pilot I . Knox
hotly lor lirst place. Pilot Knoliowevei ,
held the lead , tiottim ? wmaiely , and came
under the wire ahead of .MoiUu'omeix with
King Wilkes four lengths behind. Moiitgom-
etv and King Alinonl , iii In the icar.
Snmmaiy : Special stallion late toi Spliit
ol the Times cup , valietl at $1,000 , with an
added pnr o ol 6il'i" > .
J. H. Max's ( Aiigu-ta , Me. , ) br. s"
Pilot Kno\ Ill
K. H. Conklln's ( Guenpoit , L. I. , )
br.s. King Wilkes. . . .3 3 3
M. L. Smith's ( Ionia Mich. , ) b. s.
Montgomeiy 3 , . : ) 2
A. J. Feck's ( S ) racusp , N. Y. , ) b. s.
King Almont 444
J. II. Pasre's ( Wolnltig , T ) . , ) b. s.
Westmont r di'n.
Quaiter. Halt. 'Ihi'-e iu utcis. Mile.
, ' V > X 1:10 : l-tVj 2Ui4' :
37 1:10 : l-f. : aJoij :
TurfEvonts at Ijouls\illc.
i : , Sept. 30. Con tinuous wet
weather , bid tiack and Hiuall attendance.
Tluec-quaitcis ol a mile : Moonshine won ,
Phil Lee second , tied Ghl thlid. Time ,
1:21. :
Mile and tin ec-tuiai tors : Claypate won ,
Lcp.ui to second , Spaulding third. Time ,
8l& : *
Three quartcis of a mile Ileits : Fii-st
heal. Toicst won , Moonljght second , Hettina
third. Time. 1:20. : htvond heat , same as
lirst. Time , 1:21.
Milo and live-eightlf r Ultimatum won ,
ViitiolIcaiHese.oiul.lVicit ; : tldul. Tim" ,
Banq Unll Vcstowlay.
At Philadelphia AtM-'tic .1 Pittsburg3.
At Hallimore Diltimoi-e 1. Lonisvillo 15.
At St. Louis-St. Louis J , Philadelphia 6.
At iooklii St , Loui.S. 15rooklii 13.
AtUutlalo-IhifTaloSi Boston 5.
At New York Met opolltan a , Cincin
nati 1.
Ofllcial Itnsc.ilHy In Tnikey.
LOXIKIN , Sept. bO. -lispatch from Con
stantinople was iccelvA. this afternoon sa.v-
Ing pntiilderablo cons'eniatlon ' prevails in
ofllclal circles over the 'mpoitant dlscovciy
Just made by AHb Sahib kP.v > lia , now minister
of war. Immedhlely oil being installed In
the new position Allb oiilb P.isha oulcicd
all the various depaitment commando- ;
to report the strength , ot their respective
commands and their present condition ami
detailed scxeral olllecis fo inspect the various
posts. Their repot ts jrhnw that undei the
late minister ot war , vpho wasdlimb'ed on
September 'JMh , tlm .ijmy was almost en-
tuelv neglected and tin , large sums ot money
xotul for military * "purpo-es were used in
other wavs tlian ' those for which
they had beni do-lgnatcd. 'Ihe
inquiiy has revealed that the Adiianople
aimv , supposed to be 1SWO ? stioug , contains
not halt that number. ! ' | io Mildly have no
iinlloims , uud aie siiojiless. The uix'jhy Is
nimble to maich , owlncyo lack ot hoises and
the necfssaiy aexmtreii-'iits. I'otu bundled
hoiseami two thoii nnil men have been
lull ) equipped , and nicudei ordeisto.imich
at an hoin's notice.
Colfax Coiiiit > 's tfalt' a Success.
Sciai M : , Neb. , Solt. ao. [ Special to the
BII : . ] The Colfav toarity fall opened with
giaud prospuels to-tlay .OiiPlhousand entiles
were made and this gat recclpls wcro gicater
tlmn any jirex ions opurflig day. The weather
Is line and the assodatio-i Is jubilant over the
geneial evidences ot jleat success. The ex
hibits of stock and grains are Immense , show
ing thu gieatucss of "io icsourecs of this
county. Vegetable pi iducts and cultivated
fi nits are limy The Reparations of idly ,
pieservi-s , biead , cake and other victuals bespeak -
speak nn Intelligent nnprcelatlnn ot tlio fair
on Iho part ot the l.Mjies. The favorable
aspects oftho taso aio 'lolien of fieiniciitly
by old settleu , who a'v nuich pleased with
the .situation. The fan leisure awUtlng gun-
ciously In exhibits ar.l | tlio biialness com.
munilyaroeiitorprislniMn their display and
In cooperating with tin focicty.
Ainorlcnii Jl'iycoltcifl.
Courjinits , Ohio , Sepjj ' 30. A convention
of Ihe retail coal ilealjiu of Ohio , Indiana ,
Illinois and Michigan JIM been called lo meet
at Daj ton , Octobers , /hke t action to piexent
wholesale dealers from engaging In local
trade. IhucoiucntlimOwlu piobably njfioo
not to purchate coal frdm wholesale dc.deis'
so otfeiuliug.
The A Venting ToIuy. .
WARHINOTOX , Sejil. SO. For the upper
valley : I/o iI rains , except PX
tremp northern portion , stationary temperature -
turo In southern portion ,
For the Missouri xa'py : Fair weather.
pxceiit local rains In uuthern poitlonaml
northerly w IndsbecoiiiV. ; ? variable In north.
cm portion ; statlona t , temperature In
southern portion andt/armcr in northern
portion. #
HllrilllORS 'C'ollnpHO.
ST. Louis , Sept SO. lUi ell Hincklcy , an
old and well known miller and banker of
Belleville , III. , made aasslj'inucut this after
noon to Mai-shall Wr "ITeir , J'-labllllles cstl-
imitPdat ein.OOO. Atftts , besides valuable
pioneity In Helh-xllle , Vl'raudands In sev
eral enmities of Jllluol iuid 000 nere.s of land
In Mlnupsota and Nebraska , but their \aluo
b not gn en.
To Ho
C.TOX , bep * 80. CommlKsionir
Spaiks , of thqjjoneral 'mid oftlw , has it-coin-
luended , audSccrct.iK L.imn : linsapproved ,
the jllsmlss.ll of Su i al .At.'iitTii'vN , uow
jm duty nt UiandK\ks \ , totiut uicot Oito-
b.r 10. (
A Quieter Feeling in the Blot-Ridden nud
Epidcmlo'Strioken Oity of Moutnnl ,
'Olihly Gcrtto Clinmlicrlnlii Tiles It
in Chicago 1'ievoiitcil
IVniii FtmlliiR n Watery
Cinto In the
Tlio Mont i out Ulntt.
t , , Sepl. r 0 Onlylxvo small ills- '
tuib.uices oecmied lint night , one at the
( ! iey Xunneiy , this oilier Intel on at Champ >
dn Mars. The police had leeched Infoima-
tlon thai Hie molt would ns-emblo al thu lat-
tei place mid n UUCP was on hand. On be
coming iiiuuly the eiowd was quietly dls-
peiscd. A man turned UigloiiuTheicis was
aliened lei inciting Uicciowd Hxeiy thing
IK quid tlii1 ? moinim : : the laige foice of mill-
tl called out haspxideutlv hid peed elicit.
No ttnthci Melons tumble N anticipated.
Public leeliug is lompletely moused b ) Iliu
condiutnt the Hotels and ilio polieenie de
nounced on all sides toi th"h scemiinnt \
of courage M heniithmlth's ait > n'-nhcil In
c.uiyoni the health laws \uoiou-ly and will
take w Index ei steps ate necessii ) toi
vei.v thing ls llll mild and no daiiqer is
fe.ued. Bonn ? til Mond.ix nisiht's Holer * ,
howcxei.e\pie a detoiminalliin to keep
quiet while ilio Miltintppis icmaln undei
aim- < , and to icnewllm attack a * soon as
th.'ielsttiiv la\it ) In pipscnt pieeantlon * . A
lai .re number ot special constable * wilt bo
sworn lu.
Tlii'io weio12 deaths fiom small pox hen *
, vcstt'id.n. St. lU'iiij , nlthoiiL'li iccaldtraiit
at lust , is now doing good work. Ycstei-
dav : ; i.5piople weio vaccinated , 7 houses dis
infected 2i plaeauls postrd , and U jauls
denied. The nolle e are using eveiy possible
place tor small pop.itlenK Thuio was 1
doiiili fininllipdiscascln .St. Henry > o-teidaj ,
( > In &t. Jean Uapliste. 0 at St. Cumigandc ,
and 'J at Cole Si. Louis.
Mo.siniiAi. , bept. 30 Thcro were 1SI
de-illis fioin simllpo\ this city dining this
toui diys ending on Tuesday night , beside- *
lltty-ono In adjoining municipalities. Al-
phouso Moialn and William Uc-ebe , who weio
arrested dining ( lie \\eiosentenccdto
four months' lmpri oniiioiit. Four ) oiins *
men , llueo named Penault and onu Cowan ,
who weie ni tested on St. Cntlieiiiin stieet
last nUhl , wetedisehiii ced today. Over 100
phicAids were toin down in the easlein
distiict vestoiday , but the s.inltaiy
police replaced them to-day. This afteinoon
ilneomembeisot the litth llojal Scots weiu
badl > beaten b ) aeiowd ot lousihs A tirm
ot luinbei mriehnnli en vo their employes tlio
option of beinpacc'inated ; 01 leaving their
\\oik. Foityot them this imnnlntr went on
iTctiiko. Theyijot lull ot bad \\lusKy and
ictiiimd at noon and tlueitened toha\othcir
ie\eiiro ( to-nislit. ( ! en Mlddleton is In the
eity and will i cumin as Ion : ? as his pie enco
is needed. Sub Chief I. nicy and a de-
taehnient of police \\eiu utt.iLKed neai
maiKet lo-d.u bv a mob with
stones , but on tlic nolite tliai nir ( them they
tkd. Tliceity will lontiinu1 undei mllit.iiy
protection ( lining the ni < ; ht. Eeiv thhu ic-
mauis quiet up to this houi , MM : p. in. Two
bundled pnllLemen gnaidlni ; the city hall
have just pimp home. An Insin-anie policy
ot Sl.iOtXWoii thocNhibition bnildlnu' . held by
n London company , has been withdrawn.
A \\asenuentdnniig thecvenini ; that
a Imhl was ijolng on in the cast end , but on
InvestigUmn it was found to bo without
The GIl < ly Gorllc In
Cuir vaq , Sejit. . .0. Uejtlo
liftif-i "nueia Kkcii-g'r ! ) ( , Is only 10 jcars old ,
but she has made tour attempts to end hci existence
istence/ About 0:30 : Monday night D. J.
Blown , an Illinois Central watchman , saw
her just as she was about to
jump Into the lake fiom the pier at
the foot ot liandolph street , and held lid
back She waseonvejpd to the armoiy , but
she became livsteiical and v\a taken to the
county hospital. It was lettied ! thatshehad
taken moiphluc with suicidal Intent. Shu
\vas soon so liu recoxered ate be able to ic-
tuintotho station. The count ) phidait
x\lll mike an examination tudnj , with a
xiew to detPimino Inn sanity. Mli--t CMIU- |
lioiIain , or ICIeebeieei , Is liom WI-IIPI , Neb ,
w hoi P hei mother and sisters reside. She Is
a stenogiaplu'i , and was foimerlv employed
in some Insurance olllceon L.i ballo stitrt ,
neai Madison. A short lime ace she attempt
ed suicide on the lltulington .t Ml oiiii
Itivei i.iilioid. Lincoln. Neb. A news-
wpei slip , tiom a Blair ( Neb ) papei found
r , hei pocket , details lu giaphiu stIe ilio
attempt of a v.ell-dicssed ladx named
Upijk' Chamberlain to tlnow hcuplr In
tiont ot u movIiiL' train on tlm Sioux Cit ) A-
Padiieiallioad. and hei lescue. Tlieie < mint
eajs that r > huanlxed In town a few boiusbe-
toio and went to a house of 111 icpute. The
cau-o assigned Im the attempt Is slid to be
HIP ticatment she had reeeivu ! fiom her step-
futlui. TheSnndav papc-is of this city con
tain an account ot the MUIIO xounij lnd's at
tempt to take her ovxn lite b\ taking 11101-
phlnuon a tialn hetxvceu Ihecitvand Jollet.
Kich attempt ot the ) ounj lady fiis , pioxed a
billliant tailine , hut she haMicuedcd in
cicatlng -eiisatlon In each Insianc1. It Is
not know n w hether Iho } oinig lad ) has undo
an ) oihei attempts on nur life which have
not been chionicled.
A Tciati Uiuullt.
WICHITA FALLS , Tex. , Sept. no. W. W.
Chrlbtiminnnd S. K. Ashley , llom ( ! atc"\Ille ,
were traveling on hoisebiek between this
city and llaiold jcsteiday afternoon , when
they wcio joined by u itiangetv w ho jiiopoicd
to buy Chiistman's hoise , but thelattei ic-
fused toM > U his animal. After liatcIiiiKnboiiti
ten miles together tlm btranger , without a
weld of warnlnir , diew Ids iuu > l\cr and sliot
Clulbtmin In the back , Killing him Instantly.
As be was falllnir tiom his hornc Ashlev , who
was umirmed. dashed foiwaid and attimpted
tosel/o rinisiman'h ie\olver. and trilling to
M-emo it 1m tom'ht safety in flluht. Tlie nuir-
dcier iJi.uiKi'd ) with the dead
man , and hotly pursued Ahhloy and
jncsieil him M ) eloiely that Ashley pot
oil hh her o and ran Into the uoodd. AH
Ashler ni < llMiinuntlii | ; thu muideier fired
upon him , the ball taking elfect in thn iltht
bliouldci , InllictlnK n sever. ) but not tatal
wound. Atdtlcy nude Ills way to this city
to-day , faint from the loss of blood , and le-
porteil thuulrcumstance of the tmsedy. A
party has ono after the body of the nnfor-
tnnutoClirlbtman , wlillo Cnpt. Me.Muirnx'ri
'Je\nsangeriaro ; nctl\ely tujMtlntr tor fho
HAVKN , Conn. , Sept , : w. A gieat
henuatlon was created In
by the announcement that Jlonora ,
daiifhler ; of Dr. Kdwln Harwood , icctoi of
Trinity elmrch and one of the most prominent
cltlrens of thu city had eloped , married a rich
New Yoiker named Tinman Heming
way , and nailed for Kuropo
jphteulay. UeMdrn the dopement
the K > i > b.itlon IH magnllied by the fait that In-
\ltatloiiH had been sent out and extensUe
r the j onng hulj'H mm-
riaL'oncxt Winliii'tdny ton .Mr. I'liune , tenet
ot V. L. 1'rii ) ne , ( it Albany , n mllllonalie.
JlothweioBiiitors for her hand at tlim.amu
time. Thotlrstknowledu'eof the nlf.ilr was
con \e\ed Inn note from hertoliei p.uentH 10-
iiiA , Bept. JW , Ceoifju II. I'ror-
tei , unoled cilminal , who IH bcnlug u neu-
tentoof ten j ' " hi the Ilostern ponllen-
tlai inadoaronfchslon under oath at that
Institution t < Hlay of nil the clieninMances
attending the audacious robbing of thu Krle
rdioad | ofllcw at Kiuqticliannn , IVnnsjl-
vmla , ut 5 0,000 on Juno 21 , lbt , The
information was Kl > en by 1'ioi'tei as a
witness called In tliestiltottlio United States
] ' \prc 3 rominny of New York ngalnsl.Iohn
o ut F oil Kile , Ontario eonnu , Out. ,
toiveo\er a hotel piopeity nlleped tolm\o
been bought by Dnnnglnm with pirt ol the
stolen monev. The e\piess compiny up-
peanas the iilnintlif tor the iea on that It ,
as the lalltoad compan ) eontended , was an-
MU'rnble undei law foi the whole loss , the
tnniiex liming boon taken while It was In
com " oCtmti-iuii tat ion and tlll nndei ehaiiro
ol the evpie > eompan ) . Tim pioceodlnjr *
to dav weieb ) vlituoot a eommUslon ls u il
bv the hliili onuit ot jnstke. eommon pleas
dhNlon ot Well.ind. Out. , toV. . H. > ir-
Haul , of the 1'hllndilphia bu. riocloi uaui
to the eomml len to day the full hlstoiy of
the oil me. Hit ! irieatei paitof whUh hnsal-
irndx bec-n publl-heil. He explained at
lencth how , while In tlieemphn of the LHo
eompaii ) at bti quolmnn.i , be and Donofhno
had planned to iob the ofllv M IO ot the
monc ) depo-lted theie and of theli ilnalsue-
ees * in opuiilni : thosalo and abstiactltu ; thu
540,000. _
TinHommllun He\ott.
CoxsTAVii.NOPl.i : , Sept : W. The Indlta-
tlons to < la ) point to actlxo w.n piepaiatloiis
b ) the poile. eight ) battalions ot riisKhr-s
ieu > iebelli ; ; mobilised In thedlstilcts boi-
tleiimrou the lllaek sea. and at nil points
which laelhte tiaiispmtation to Hutimeiiii ,
fo- duty In the event ot Iho Milt in
compelled to adopt e\tteme mea uic'to
thc'ltonmellanditllculty. Thotiaiispoitatlun
depaitment IsiKtlvel ) eiitaced In tuinl-him ;
means ol coneentiatloii to iroopat the miM
available points foi anadvaiieOon Koumella.
' 1 lueebittalloiH of Intantiv and n company
ot aitllleij stationed on the l-l.uid ot I'tete
have been oideied to Adilanople.
l'iiuai'i'oroi.13 , Sept. : IO. 1'ilnie Ale\-
andei oideed a nurnbei of aimed binds of
Hulpulatis piepuln tn invade Macedonia to
letuin to Ilulgail.i. Two Seivian levoln-
tionai ) chlets liave been nne-teil and liupits-
oiiPil In n founds In llul-raiLi.
Foiti lion cladsaio actively piepailmr lei
sea but thcienie only OOJton-nt teal available
and tlieh depaitnre will bo dela > ed on that
account. Yesterday the TuiKI-h tioojia Hied
on lioumellan outposts at Must opt n Iw-lii , a
town In Houmell.i. twcnt ) miles noitliwpst
of Adilanople. The ontpoits weie Imme
diately telnfoitcd and a sklimish ensued , in
vvbleh'thoTinkseiedefeated and toieed to , c.uoiuj , ' with them u iiumbei of
I'liii.ipporoMs , Sept. SM. Jfei chants hcie
have suspended painents. The bank of
I'hlllppopolls has closed Its doors. Geneial
an.iicliv pi cv alls In circles.
VIK.VVA , Sent. SO. A beivlan loan has
been conclude. ! ! In this ell ) , revenues fioin
the Kovcinmcnt tobiceo monopoly having
been given as spcuilty for the simo. It Is the
opinion war Is inevitable. Business
on the Bourse Is Hat.
Capital Not CM.
\VAsnixnTON , Sept. so. The president to-
da ) appointed Diulle ) O. Watson to be collec
tor ol customs fm the tlistriet of Gland ll.i-
ven , Michigan.
The piesidcnt infoimcd Dr. J. B. Hamilton ,
Hiigeon-Kcneralot tlm mailne hospital sen Ice ,
this nininiiiKtlint he thought the lu-st Inter
ests ol the scuid ! would be seived by making
no eh ingo In tiie chief , and tbeiefore he bad
decided not to acedpt bis ie-lgnatlon. which
bad been tendeied to laLcplfeet Octobei fllst.
It is estimated that thete. has been n de-
eie.iso of about SW.000,000 in the public debt
dm im ; Urn month ot beptembei. Tavmentson
aeeonnt of pensions dm in ; , ' the month weie
. .
1'iof. A < ; as-ii7 fouuil II. nccessaiy to dedlne
thu oflleo of superintendent ol the coast MII-
vey beciiiM'oi duties alie.ulv lestlnir upon
him. This decision Is gieatly legrettcd by
the pieshlont.
The United States treasnrei to-day mailed
t'J , : w cheeks , ngcicg.itlni : SO.aJO.lw , In pay
ment of Inteiest dim October Ion registeicd
I per cent consols of 1007.
setietary Manning today dlsml sod PPV en
emploves in the ivgistet's otlice , including
live ( lerks : uid two chiefs of ilivjslon ,
ii.iluedCIt.irlcV.oit * iiid X. U.ValUeV , It
Is said the * xpcaiieles will not bo tilled.
Di : Gregory'ti Kenlfiialion.
AVAi-iuxoTOv , Sept. 30. Dr. Uicgoiy , of
the board of civil seivlce comnilsOoiicrH , sev-
fial weeks aso notiiicd the president that be
xvai ready to lesicn as FOOH as reritiested. lie
has again called at the white IIOUMI and had n
long Intei view with Cleveland. Ho told the
piesldent that his resignation was wiltten
and at his ( tlm president's ) disposal whenever
be P. . .v tit to call for It. , , The president did
not say when bo would relieve Di. ( Irtcory
of thccaips of the olllcc , but cxnie sed hlm-
s-tlt as satisfied with the commissioner's ac
tion in tendering Ids ic.slgnatlon.
- + -
A Fatal Collision.
INIIIAVAPOLIS Ind. , Sept. : K ) . Au In
dianapolis & SI. Louis tialn and nn Indlamt ,
l oomlngton A : Westein fi eight came In col
lision at a eiosslug near JJiluhtwood to da ) .
Condnctm T/feof / thu St. Louis tialn was
Ullul , and loiulcLU cais broken Into kind
ling wojjd.
A 1-Ycmoiit Journalist Joins the Army
PIIKMONT , Neb. , Sept. SO. [ Special to the
15i't.l-I/ist : nlrfht , at Ficmout , at Ilio Con-
liiccationil chinch , occm icd the wedding of
Mi. JtosL. . immons : and Miss Louise Key-
nolds , damlitei ; of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jlej-
nolds. About ! M inv Itatlons weiu Issued and
neail ) all that number gathered In thu hand
some audience room to witness thoceicmony.
The fhnrch was exquisitely dpconiled , tlm
eholi being ically ono J-ollil mass ot lloucih.
At h o'cloek esaelly Mrs. Avery | ) lajed : v
wedding match , and the nsheis Messrs.
Kiank 1'owler and Aithur AVPIJ i.imo
town the alrflo followed bv thcbildei-mald ,
Mls > Uiaec Houee , on thommof Mr. Will F ,
M ( ( , best man. eity editor of the Cedar
Itnplds Kv'nlni ; fJaiette. They weio loi-
Owed by the biide. and rrroom. Thoceie-
moil ) was peifoimed by I lev. II. J : . Swing.
Tin * hrldo looked lovely , attiied in
while " .Irrd silk. The croum Mho talented
and vcioatilo editor of the Fiemont Tilbnue ,
and in tlie ; election ot a pnitnerlor llfo bus
shoxvn ran1 taste and Is woithy the hand of
the woman Im has o snecessfully won. A
icu'ptlnn was tendeied tlm linpny pair nl the
liomeot tlmbilde'spiientf in the even Ing ut
which only Intimate fi lends xvcrc iiiesent.
Thu pusent-1 weie numeious mid costly.
The Ono Xnmi'rt Atcr MAiinliifr is
r'aotlouuVliilo the Ono .N'ainod
for Ijiinmr Is
Tliern nro My btorlcH uniong tljo
men in WaMiliiKton that the presiiJent's
lior H , nbout whiuh so iniicli was vvi it-
ten lust billing , arn not nil thai fancy
painted. Ono of them in n line , steady
iinininl that can bu relied on ut nit times.
but the other IK inclined to be vieloii.sjuul
hpiulstiong in tight places. "Tho day
that the president left Washington on his
Adirondack trip , " John , the coacliiiinii ,
siiys , ' ' ( h oil Iiorso , wlioso name U Dun.
nfter the hpcietaryof the treasury , rcnrcil
up on hit ) hind legs and came down nearly
iiblriilo the jiolo , and for A moment it
seemed that th jirpiidi-nt's comfort ninl
safety of llfo anil limb worn at risk.
liy bringing tin ; bnto u Ravagu blow with
the w hip under the HauUs he was brought
down to em th ULMIII and , except the an-
Kry champing ot the bit and pnwiiiK of
tlio p.ivi'inont ' , kept quiet. Js'ownilavH
the picsidont rides as often bcliind the
ollico team of biyn : us buhliut liih Now
Yoik team. Thuro may bu Mmuithin
the way each of there two
II\B : \ turned out us to tint relntivu
Vjiluo of their namcsr.kus to the ndiiun-
ihtrution , KucitiH , named after Mr. La
mar , is a very Mcwly , contcrvativu. gcu-
tic , amiable horse , John awi\n ) ltiov > i
wlieiii to find him and he always liuuois
any draft made upon his tmcrmos anil
speed , but Dan iw captious , willful ami
nirl.v , although for the most part lie ex-
luliltH greater animal cunning and i.i
homctiincs very amiublo and cntertniiiin ' .
Natives , Texans anil Hangers Tntnblo lOo to
lee from Piovious Prices.
u 1'olnl lllKhi'r-Tlio HoRHlnr
Unlly llorioi-t fiom the
Uialu Miultct.
CiticAao , Sept. : ! 0. [ Special to the
W UK VT Tlieip was nn easier feeling
xx'licMt in rally trading and themaikct tended
unmistakably downw.iuleiy llttlo snppoit
bdnc extended toil. Pi Ices broke oil' two or (
tlnee times to XtfoC for November , at vvhldi\
tistiio theio W.H some bin Ing. Cables quoted
no change In foicign maifcets , and leeclpts at
luuthwe-tein polntsweiestilliepoited liberal
thotuhrhow Ing some signs ot falling off.
Tow at ds noon the tone began lo Impiovo emote
mote inquiiy and inmois of a fieo shipping
moxement horn this city. Vessel charters
for lsOJJ , bushels xveic rupoiled at Iho close ,
and under this Impulse pi lees lalllod le fiom
Inside Iliruix's and closed mi thu leguliu boird
i'tfCliiirliPi. ' and closed mm to a shade higher
in the afteinoon. , , ,
Conx Theiu was a laid on coin which
caii-ed pi lees lo break oft ' ( c foi October liom
> p-tpnl.i > , but tiom this decline theio was
subsequent p.uthil iccoveiy. Other futuics
showed moii' idatlvo stieiutlh though all
weiecas ) and lower than .xiwteulny on frco
iccelpts and little demand of speculative
clnradei. , . , ,
O.xts-Oats lower and not paitienlarly
wanted ; near options showing a decline or
PUOVISIONS Mess poik fell off 12"
( .uly In Hied iv. bat rallied ami closed well
up Co ) Cstcida's liguies.
' Chicago Ijivc Stoclc
CIIICAIJO , Sept. : W. ( Special to thu HKB. ]
CAi-n.i : r.sllmated iccelpU of cattle for1
the day 0,000 , against (5,5' ( .l last Wednesday ,
making -.1110111 23,823 , for the week so far ,
niraliist 10,117 for the same tlmo last week.
With fresh leceipts Iheio weio about 10.000
on sale , as It was estliuiled that 1,000 and
upw.uds weio cairlcd over List night , and
among Ihose vvcrotv lai o percent of natives
and good rangers. Pens weio eiowded full
and trade was slow from the start to tlio
finish , with a decline of fiom Ifie to 25c
pei 100 on natives , and about nu equal diop
on Texans and nmthwestein rangers. Afow
carloads of pilmo to lancy natives , averaging
] , tOOlo 1,000 , sold at SWW to 0.00 , the satiiu
style of finish and quality selling al S3.00 to a week ago to day. Fair to choice ship
ping and diesspdbeel.sleeistuonofc plentiful ,
jcttho demand was limited and values fully
! i"K5 lower than on Monday. Priino north-
wcslcin grass langeis are competing with
and outselling thu oidinaiy lun of natives.
Shippets and'diessed beoC operalors'prefer
them lo any class of natives unless stilctly
coin led. Careas- show equally as well
as in sheep , and Iho meat Is as tender and
juicy as the otdliruy inn of natives.
Low grade nallvo stceis mo almost un-
saleable unless thq sdlor would accept
about Iho same as TCMUIS me making. Coxvs
and bulls aio not as plentiful as last wePlr ,
and aic making moro money. Slockcis and
feedci.s aio again dull jiad"fft'linst ' wllhln n
iangdotS2S-r l-.60. ! Stock calvcAaroin talr
demand at li im S300@l.r)00 per head , the
bulk along about Sl ' ,00. Kccclpts aio abput
dlsiH cd of Irom day to day. and Ihcie la
llttlo 01 no change In prices. Shlpplui1.steers ? ,
IKMMoJW ) Ibs. 75804'5i ; 1200 to 11150 lb ,
S4jOSV.0 ( ( ; UVl to IWO Ibs , St.KO@4-t : ( > .
Stwkcis and feedeis rather dull and un
changed at S'JWCj17. ! . Cows , bulls and
mixed , S1.7f. < i4.00. JInlk.t3.00u)4.40. ( ) Through
Tc > as cattle , about 10c lower lor undesliiiblo
grades ; sales of 1.200 axeraqlng oao to
j)0j ( ) lbsatS'.75@.70. ( ! ) Avesleii rangers sohl
10@20 , ; lower ; natives and half breeds , v' : * * ' "
( * 1N ) ; cows , SS.l)0 ) ( : t.Or : wlnteicd Towns ,
W.KS..SO. ! ) ( Sales 1U Moutana. 137rt Ibs ,
Mll.tll.l , i u iua. j
s , ioaibs"Sl.Tr ; ) .
Hons. Ksllmated lecelpts of JKUS for
tlio dav weio r ,000 , ugalnst I'J.IOI ' last
Wednesdax' , making about 17,504 foi the vxt'dc
FO far against 1 > , ? JJ for tlm same time last ;
week. Tiadc was acltvo andpiiccs generally
quoted fie highei. Packers and shipper
were bought fiedy and Iho market closed
steady at the advance noted. Common and
rough ends ol loads Bold at St.70W" : ! so , fair
to good padving sorts at S'WW ( < ? ) .0'5 , and
be-st selected and closely assoitcd Iwuvy at. ( . ; Light soils .iiild at ! ! .60/vl.0l ( : !
Hough and inKed at Sa.WJ.75 ) ( . PackinsT
and shipping . , , > 0 to aiu Ibs , )
Light weight. ) . 130 ! to 170 Ibs , S.fir ! ( W100f ; {
torJ10 JbsSl.lOM.jO. ( : Skips , 2.'i' ' ( ; { ! J.7S. f
WA.SIII.NOTO.V , Sept. ! X ) . Theio liavinjj
bepn Mime doubt whether the positions of
wcigheisand giingcrs In the customs serxlui
can ho filled without mi cxaXduallon undp (
the civil i-civico commission , Iho picsidont' ?
iilldiillon was called to the fact Unit , oxamlna-
tloiiH undei Joiinerinleshad been uniformly
reqnlud. Aflei coiislilciing the question' ai
a ina.ttc'1 ol pilndploaml In ipfcieiuo to tlui
InJeicslsof public sen Ice , the picMdorit hns
decided that such examinations aio
It Hurl
Sept. BO. Ucnry F , Donovan ,
Hiperlutendent of letter cairlcis , ata mooting
of Iho joung democracy to-night , tendeied
his resignation as picsldent of thai organiz
ation. in doing so hoaid although tJnj post-
nuRliT genpral di elded In holding such nn oi'-
llcehedUl not InfiliiKuuny civil sen jeo law ,
the amount ofadveiso criticism to Avbieh ho
had been subjected In accepting the iioMtloit
made It M-eiu advlniibk fur him lo ICM II. <
_ " j
King Dohaiiiy'M Sluvco.
LONDON , Hcjit. uO. A dlspalch from \Vhy
dah , daU'dSpjitcmbcrB , .says ; It isipportcd
that tlii ] f ommaiide.i ot the Portuguc o gnn-
lioatiias an.ingcd to put 1"00 slaves from
King Doh.imey to xvmk on tlm coffeu platlfa-
tlonsut ht. 'llmnias Island In thu GnJt ot
Culnea , belonging to I'oitiigal.
Tlio HfHiilt of a Llljcl Suit.
Dr. rum r , Sept. 'M. Jonah II. J'vowo
nought suit forS2 > ,000 dunmie-i aiaiiibt Iho
Free Puss for the publication oi dmiL'OH
made In piou-odliiL's that ho Imd en-
; eicd for dlvonc. The Fieo Piess copl ( l
riom the co nit recoul. Today tiio jurv
biuiudit in a verdict In favor of the bj
tOl hlX C ! UtS.
Ho TallfH lu Ilio
ATI.NTIO Cnv , N. J , , Sept. . ' / > . Vl < c-
I'loldcnt Himliicksuddieficd IhoKovv Jn -
sev state flreinen'b association licio to-day.
Ills jcniaikh weiu heaitllv applauded ami
ipou Iho ( ( inclusion ol his addles * ho ; c-
c ( ivedunovatioii liom the liicmcn and clti-
Tlic J fro llccord.
liAi.rnionr , Sept. CO. A llro tonJglit In
' block , number.s l'i to 10
, o.'ciijiicd bj the I-'aiibanks
i4iiuih | | | canned an ( uruicguU )
IiiMiiancu imtlcaincd.
Knd Ilonoyrnooii.
M AIU INKC.u. . so.-LIeulcimnt (7 ( ,
A tool or ii-wjiv culler CorvvJu , ) | |
) iM < idi. ) at of J. F , 0. JJinllli ,
w l < r h married the day rru ! 9iiii { !
' U VdlcHluv. .
' tate _ . . t