OM.AHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER so , isss. 3 OMjlHA JOBBERSIDIREGTORY it ; Agricultural Implements. LININQHK &MUTf 'ALl' ' CO. , * VfliOle nlo Dealers in Agricultural Implements. OfHco , Comer nth and 1'nelflo Sl. , Oinnlin , Nob. N , otlN'TtMA WholcHilo Dealers In Agricultural Implements , .Wagons c ! ! , Omahn , Neb. Boots and Shoes , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , * litl Fnrnnin Street , Oniiiha , Ncl ) . Manufnctory , Buiniuer Street , Motion. _ Carpels , H. ATbitCHAIII ) , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , i , Curtain Oood , 1ta. ! US1 I'nrimm Street , Onmlm , Neli. Coal , Lime , Etc. JKK1AV'.llKDFOUI ) , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone 213 K. llth SL , Onmlm , Neli. and Dixv cnpiirt Ht roots. Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. JlCSt varieties. Onieo.SUI S. lillh Rt. Telephone No. 14K , Onmlm , Null. ' NP.IMASKA VVKli Co7 Shippers of Coal and Coke , SH S. inth St. , Onmlm , Neb. MKO. O. Towt.i : , Proftldout. flto. PATKIMON , See , and Ti CIIH. J. H. JlUMlKUT. P. A. 1IAI.CII , I'lojinntor. MiuuiKor. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NKIlllAHKA. Oracc , 17 S. inth Street , Telephone 40. Ono.r. TitiiAnn , l'iai. C. V. GOODMAN , V. 1'res. .1. A. HUNuenf\M > , eu ami Treas. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers or luml nnd wift coal , SO ! ) S. r > tli t. , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA COAI. AND I'UODLXT CO. Hard and Soft Coal. "KxcltiMvo dealers In llonldcr , Colorado Coal , i 14thMreot. Coffee and Spices. Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. TOUR , Contain , Splee" , ItukliKT I'owder Vliivorlu , . Kxtrnets , Uuuulry Itluo , lul ; , utc. llll-li ) Hni noy Street , Onmlm , Nub. Commission , Etc. Wholesale Frnits Produce , , Oysters , 121 Furmim St. , Onmlm. Apples Our own puck IIK J'liitl A ; t'H U'lifcr Itriind Oyntern , lluttur IPKP , Oiiiue , 1'oulti-j" , Potatoes. * JOHN 1FLACK. . General Commission Merchant , Producf ) , Provision * , I'mltn , Klouriind Vccil , in. S. ] 4tli St. , Onmlm , Neb. CoiKilgnmcnts FOllclted llctui'iis nmdo ] iroiiiptly. LOUIS HELLKU , Jookr and Commission Merchant. Chocso , Sausatics. KriiJtH , Hoteliers ' .Tools ami Supplies. 1213 .louts St. , Omalm , Neb. HOHST . General Commission Merchants. SrxciAi.TiKS lliitter. Kstrs , Vnrclirn mid Do mcHtiu I'VultH , lli : S. Htli. , Onmlm , Nub. Tele phone No. i1. ! ) . ! . D. A. IIUKM'.V , Commission and Jobbing , llutter , lCfi-s ( and 1'roduco. A lull line of Stone- wuro. Coiiblgnmcnts fcollulted. 1411 Dodge Onmlm. K. SIOUONY , General Commission Merchant , Euttor , KBITS , Clieoso and Country I'roduco tfc orally , 'Ml S. Ltli ! St. , Oiimlin , Nob. i : & PCHltOHDKH , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. llofriKPrutor and I'ucklnirHouse , 14lli t Leaven worth St. , on U. I' . It. It. TrackOmalm , Nub. Ksl.ilillalii'd 1870. ItOIIEHT 1'UKVIS , General Commission , 211 S. Mill St. , Onmlm , Nob. PpeclaHlcS-nuttor * > Poultry and I i tin if. 1'KVCKU lUtOS. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , I'rodiieu nnd Provisions , Omnlia , Neb. A. " . SCI1ACK , "Wholesale Conimission Merchant , , Seeds andl'roilnee. No.Ulll S. l 'tli Street , Omalia Nchrat < l > a. TUOXKLL.t WILMAMS , Storage and Commission Merchants. PrnltH'Flour , Applet ) , Stonuwaro , Cldiir.Vlmwir , OriiPS pudx , Iluttor and l'iiir , U\l \ anil ill" ) South lilth ftix'ct , Omalia , NobrasKa. WlKDEilAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants Poultry , Mutter , natno. Frnllc , Ktc. . llth M. , Omaha , NcliniKka. Crockery. Agent for the biniifacturers und Importers Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Clilmneyt ) , Ktc. Olllcn , : t7 ! South 13lh Stieet , Onmlm , Nob. Drugs , Etc , II. T ? CLAltKK 1)UU(1 ) COM PAN V , Wholesale Drdggists , Bobber * of I'nlntH , OIH , Window Clttss I'.lc. , 1111 lltiruey Bticet , Omiilm , Neli. 0. V , OOOD.MAN , Wholesale Druggist , Ami Dealer In I'litnlH. OIU und Window Oitialia.Nuli. , Dry Goods , " " .1. J.TUO\VN" ) & co. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Motions , l , Oinaha , Nub. K OlNrfllKltfl A CO. , WlioUxuilo Deuloi-s In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linen" , IJIOOH , Knibroldery ami Wlilto Cooils , oujjlas Ktrcet , Oundia , Is'ob. Enginca , The Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary and portfiMo engines , boilers and sheet Iron vnrk , VIIROIIK , UKrlcultunil Inililo- inunlti , pumps , lite. 1 111-1-15 lA-avenwoilli Ht. Fish , Etc , ICKHN , B1KMSSKN & CO. , Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Foruhni lldi.Nos. 011013 Jones f trcot and U. P. Tnu-k , Onmlm , Neli. Flour , Etc , , , PUHSTON Wholesale Flour , 608,610nml 61S I'lurcotitreet.Oanilui , Neb. U A , 8TKWAHT & CO. , Wholesale Flour Dealers , Andmauuniftuiew of lllnuiluathiK'uiul I.ubrl- cntlnir Oils. nut NO r/sciiucic , jjt. , Agent for 3. C. Ilotrmn ) r A Co. , JOBBERS' BlgEOTORY \V , J. WHLSHANS .t 007 , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Mnnnfwtnrcra ofV. . .1. U'elMinn-j .V Co.'s Quick HtiMiiv Uucknhcatllournud proprietors Oninlm City .Mlll , eor.tHh r.nd rumum streets , Oinuliit. Fumllurc. i > r.\vn V"&STON n , . Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , I'lirtintn Ftrcet , Onmlin , Neb. Groceries , " ALLHN Wholesale Grocers , lllOnml 1112 Doiiplns Htreet.Onmhn.Nob. 15. H. CHAPMAN & CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco mill Buiolcors1 Articles , 117 llowiml St. SIHVKIt & 11AAPK1 ! , Y/holesale / Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , ClK'ir ' * mill 'rolnit M , ] : i)7 ) and IUB Sticct , OinnlmNib. ) McCOItl ) , ] IIA1)V& ( COMPANY , \Yliolesale Grocers , Corner 10th niul Knrmim Streets , Onmlin , Neb. PAXTON , k CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Jfos. 705 , 7U7,7011 mill 711 S. IDth St. , Oniiiliii , Hardware. jTlWOA'T Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , H , Wilson , llmihvnod Lumber , rc. ( law and 1M1 ! Hiuucy street , Onmlin , Neb. KlINKY & OHHION , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Ciirrlnfrn Wood Slock , Heavy llnnlvrnic , I'.lc. lUlTiUHl J2III I.cuvcnuorthStiver ! , Oiuiiliti , Noli. HIMHIIAUOH & TAYLOH , Builders' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools nnd Hulliilo Scales. 140. lusSliect , Oinaliii , Nub. LV.H.l'KIKD & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet lion , lite. Agents for Howe Scales and Mliiini Powder Co. , Onmlm , Neb. MILTON ItOOttKS A ; SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , ( .rates , llrass jroiuK JMI : and l.'K ! Fur- UKGTOK Sc WIWIKLMV CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Kails , Kmcmm Btccl Null * , fop. 10th unit llnrney Streets , Omalia , Noli. Harness , Elc. . WiiTV : .V LANl > IUMfc ; , Mimnriiclurcr.s nnd .lobbcis of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Guod , lllimkcts and ltoliu- < . HIS Karnuni Struct , Onmlin , Null. Harvesters. WM.l > ni < ; itIXC i : CO.'IIIOA < iO , Manufacturer of tlio Deering Harvester Goods , Write to Win. M. Loiliiier. A unt , Omnlm. Telephone Oil ) . Iron Pipe , Etc. LOWING & cxC Hydraulic aud Mechanical Engineers , Jol > lorM In lion Pipe , Iron ilttlntfs , Iron and Urns * ( inods. Knirlncurs' Supplies , llth and Dodge Strt'ots , Omaha , Noli. A. It. STKANd COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Fteun ; , Water , Hallway mid MlIIIiiKSnpplifOIIo. ! i , lei ! und Itii Kin-mim St. , Omaha , Noli. HIlillclllLL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Rtonin and Wutur Supplies , jlendqimriiirs for Mast 1'ooht Co.'s Goods. 1111 J-'m-niun Street , ( lniulmNcb. _ _ Jewelry. & KCICKSOJ. % Wholesale Jewelers. Drillers In Sllverwaru , THinnonds. Watches , Clocks , JiM-rlcm * Tools and Materials , Etc. , 101 and 1BI , 1.1th Street , Cor. Doiltfo , Oinuliu , Noli. Leather. Hides. Etc. L. O. JUJNTINCJTON & RON7 ' Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , llll.liu'knm Stic > e.t , OmahaNeb. SLOMAN Illt7)S Whole/sale Leather Hardware , Saddlery , Saddlery and Shoo I'lndlnirH , Hides , Wool , Vurs , Pi'lti" , GreaMi/TalloH- , Ijlo. , Omalia , Noli. Live Stock. Bridge Stock Yards , OmahaT No Yardage Charged. Close to U. J' . llrldxv. Special ueeommodatloii and a jrnoil iiinrkrt lor lioifs. 13. ( ' . Cooper , Mail' iijfer. Olllee , ( Ui'lHoutli/itli / sUicet. GltKKN .V 1IUKKK. Live Stock Commission And I'orwnnllnir ApentB , Union Stock Yards , South Omaliil , Null. Telephone. 5.\- ; . W. V. 1IHOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Onico-i\c.lmiiKO : liiiiUllwr. Union Stock Yards , South Ouialm , Neh , TcIepnonuNo.iXtl. MALI.OKY , KON & CO. , Live Stock Commission , Union Stouk Yanls , Chlcajro , 111. , and Omaha , Noli. Kiiink Chlttenden.Mamurer Omaha llrunuh. Telujihnno No.KI. . JNtnHIMicd \V. L. PAT1IICIC & i Live Stock Commission Merchants , AddicsH all communications to Uh at Union Slock Ynrds , h'olith Oumlm. AdvanccH nnulu on mock , Union Stock Yardslconpnyr 01 * OMAHA. Limited , .lohn K.lliod , Superintendent. Lumber , Etc , " " " " ' J/LTLS UHAllFOIU ) , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Pash , DooisKtc. Yanls Cor. 7tluiml Do Cor.uthiimr * JIOIIN ilANUrACriJlllNO CO , . Manufactnrers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , MouldluxH , Ktulr Work and Inturlor lliird Wood I'lnlbh. Jiibt opened , N. H. cor. Mh aud Luiivcn- iv o fill StreclH , Omnlia , Neb , CUIOACO COMl'ANV , Wholesale Lumber , ili fi. 14th Struct , Oniulm , Neb. K. ColpcUer , ' c. N. Lumber , 13th and California fitmit , Oinnhii , Nub. F1IKD W. OHAV , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. ( lib und Douglas Streets , Omiilui , Nob. UKO. A. 1IOAOLAN1) , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Ouiulm , Nebraska. O. P. LYJIAN , ) ealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , luUdlng 1'iiptT , I'.lc. South ith : Street , Oiuuhu , Nebraska Lumber Co Sll South Ninth Street , Omnlia , Nebraska. "OMAHA LUJUIKU to. , Dealer * In All Kinds of fl JOBBERS' BiRECTOY UUIIMAN 1) . WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , COth and U.nnl Slicetfi , Omaha , Xcbra ka. J. A. M'AKIH'IKM ) , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , llullclliif 1'apcvi" , H.i h , Dortrs , llllnd' , Jtoitld- Inirs , 1'itU'ti , J'oati , j.lmc , 1'laster , Hair , Ninth nnd.lone"Omalia , Noli. Millinery. lid .lubbers of Millinery and Notions , 1213 nnd UH Hnrney Street , Onmlin Musical Instruments. " KDHOLU ? A , I'luiOKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Sli'lnwny Plorriw , Weber , Deokcf. Itnluesiind llrlirirs Piiinoo , PiU'Viird OI-KIIUR , ChiiM ) r * llllnndT Nctions , Elc , "T. ri ! nlT ui is : & "SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Pry Gnoil , Xotlono , ClcntV I'unil ldnir ( Soods. (5ood trom New Vork. 'iVnilo pulen ilally. Mi nnd W3 South l.'ltti St. , Oniahn. & co French and German Fancy Goods , Jrumi < tB' nml Stationers' Sundries. 1415 Kar- nani , Omalia , Nub/ J. T. Robinson Notion Company , 4 < t ) und 40.r , S. 10th St. , Onmlm , Neb. Wholesale Healem In Notions mid Ocnlfi'Kur- nlshiiu ? Ooodo. qis. ! EtcT CONSOL1UAT1M ) TANK LINK CO. , Wholcsalo Dealers in Oils , flUFOllne , MIcu Ailu Orean1 , lite. A. 11. li ! liop , Mummer , Omalm , Neb. Pork Packing. - - ' " 7A ii : i : . noYi ) , Pork Packer and Shippsr , Onmlm , Ni'linisl.u. HAKIMS A : I'lSIlKIti Packers and Provision Dsalers , Olllco Onion Jliit-liet , 1517 Dodiri1 Rtivot. Paektnir lioii c , U. 1 > . H. H. Tiaek , Onmlm , Nob. Telephone - phone No. 1.17. Safes and Locks. " ' -P. IlOYKit fc CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s Pii-cindJini-BlnrPioorSilc ! : .Tiine Lock-Vaults und . .lullorl % . llt-'OI'arimm ttticot , Oiniilni , Nub. Seeds. " " J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. ApHcnltiii-nl Vegetable. Etc. Odd Kellowf Hull , . N. M" . Cor. 1-llii uad lodj'o St. , Uinam : , Neb. Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Bleats , Liird , Jelllus , lintter , I'.zzf , Uioesu"M. . No. lU ) S. l-'th St , Onmlm , Noli. Gsnoral Comniissioa Merchants , ot , Omaha , Neb. Holieltod. Wines and Liquors. VltANK DHLLONi ; & CO. Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , U'Ol IloiiKlan ft. , Omalm , Kob. Mlttorles Nos. 4 nniiM : > , : MDNt. N. V. C.r.0. W. DUNCAN. ueccfMr. ! ! ! McNAMAK l & D.INCIN , Tnipoitoni and Wholesale Dealers In Wines , Liquors and. Cigars , " 14 nnil ilrt H. Hth Ft , Omnlia , Nt-'i. It. It. (1KOTTK , Wines and Liquors. W "itorn Aitont JiKSchlltK Itrowlnir Co. 710 . . llth Htri'0tmalia. ( HHNIIV HOHNHRHOEIl , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. yiicoi , Onmlm , Nob. 1LUH A : TO. , Distillers and Importers of Y/ines / And LliiunrH. Pole uumutiictincrsof Konncilv'K Tii".t India Untcrn. llli : Hnrney Htrvut , Oiiimiu , N < d . _ L. P. LA UPON & CO , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And CiKiirt. . und Oeneial AxontH Jentlio Philip llOhls' C'elubnited .Mihviiukco llcer , Onmlm , Neu. THE MARKETS. Xou- York , Kciiti ) . 3Io.\iv : KtV : a' Cil'4 ' per cent. HILLS Hull anil nnduuiscd at S-J.N ij ; demand. $ l.b.V . ( ! oviitXMi\rs : : Dull anil strong. ' S rorns Stocks linl.iy iluriii ! ; tlio last two honih vvoie weal ; and earlier advance. ) vve.ii ) lost , the niarkotcloslnt ; very dull ami he.ivv at prices which .show changes of only tiui.itl tnietions compared with lust evening , but Iheto are inoro Htocks that are lower thin : hlKhcr. Illinois Central eonllnucs to show a decline In earn Ings , a loss for the third-week in September amounting lo . ? ( ) , ( ! " ' . ) . ON WALL H-rnr.irr. ! ikJ rent bunds. . . _ , „ C. AX.V usi 11.S.-1VH ll-J-'A ' invfi'rnjil , . . PJ'Si New -IV lSHi ! , N. V. C jK.iV J'.icilied'sof ' 115. liiS Oregon Trail. . . . 'MX Cent ml IMclfie. . . 7 racliicJIall1U' ' . . C. A-A HIP l' . , l ) . ctK ir , ' jirefened. . . . l' . p.c iai ( ' . , IJ.t. . ICock iKlaml. . . ! > . , \t. \ , „ Ht. J , . &H. K. . . _ . , , 1 > . & ! ( . ( ! ] ! ! ! ? pteferreil. . . iM'i Krle : . , JL ASI. 1 * . . . 7 ! . ; . . . iiiefeneil. . . it'J'c ' IllinoNLVntKil. . . . , st. i' . ito : ty ; L , H. AW 1-1 piefcireil. . . | K ) Kansas A : Texas. % : i" Texas Pacliic. . . IS. 14 I.akeShoie 7:1' : ' , ' UnionP.icltic. . . J' i , i , . t\s x ; ? W. , Ht. It. & I' . . 7& ; MMi. Ceiiti-al. . . . f-0 pioferreil. . . ] ! 1) ) ; .Mo. IVIile ' . - - > i4 WeMcin Union. Xoithern I'ae. . . Ulj.'Mo. ' : It..V. , lefeneil.17 I 1MIOWJCI3. * , _ _ , Xv York , Sent. : > ! > . Lower but closing weak ; i-ecefjitH , 10XXJ ; export.s , : isj , ( ) ; ungraded red , 7ocS100No. ( ! ; . : iiedlc ) : ! Ao. 'J nil , Ultimo tin elevator : November dosed at ' Corn Sjiot bti > ady hut fall ly aetlvo ; options opened lower , closed steady , declined and recoveied ; leceljits , tti.ono ; oxpotts , : unKnideil.47 0 8iifu ; > ro- . -17 ffi48cj1 No. ! , * > l'4 $ . in elevator , 4S ; lHo aUoat NV A ember closed at4S ! c. OalHhowt'r and fairly active : receipts , 142,000 ; uxMit8,61OOOj | mixed western , is ® : t7u ; whltovehtcm , ! il ( : t'Je. I'utroleutu Finn ; nulled closed at S101 ? , ' , . KKK8 Easier and loss aetlvo ; iccelpts , 0Kx , ( ) packages jwehtern , U ) , ( S'JOc. 1'orli Oulel , barely bte.uly : mess npot , ' SO 60C ? 10 ( XI. Lard ShadHhtroimer ; western sti-ani spot. $0 saMfl ttJ'4 ' ! NovetulM'r , SiJ .k.'Gi 1. llutfer-r-lhiH and b.uely hte.uly ; western , ii Divildedly tttronuur , but oulet ; western llat , ailiineajtiillH , Kept. 20 , Wheat Weak ; No.l haul. tXt ) ! Octolwr : Ul > o November ; U'i Decenihcr ; Xo. 1 northern , Sic. Octolwr ; Wic Xovcmler ; 6So Decuinber. Flour Dull ; bnycm lioldlii < r off ; Kellers linn ; patents. $ r aoftfli 40 ; bakcre , 84 aOferl10. . Jteceijils-Wheal , 170XX ) : Hour , 12.5. Sliliiucnt.s ) Wheat , lL',000 ; Hour , lai.OQO. Mllivuukoc , Sept. a . Wltwit We.ik ; cash , Wan ; NovenilMT , i < ; ; December , 87Kc. Corn J'uino ; No. s,43e. Oats Weaker ; No. a , 'JCe. ll > n Quid ; No. 1. fiujjc. Uarleyhovvi > r ; No. B , fl-Jo. 1'nivlnlnns Fiuner ; mess ) K k , cash and October ; 88 iB ; November , SS ar. Clnulniiatl. Sept. 29. WheatKaslor ; No. U red , iHwfe Corn-bull : No. 9 inlNCiJ , K& , , . . , * * * Hnrlcy Modei-.xte demand ; extra No. 3Tiill , Stc. ' ' CliletiRo , Spjit. 20. Fioiir Quiet ninl\ur rliatiKcil iiiKitnlinii" . Wlu-.U Dull niulniUiprfninc ; nilcil lower ; opciitMl .stendy and Mitd otf ( vecovcveil Mct3 , rulrtl qiiict nnd linnlld closed } ( c niiilcr yc.s- tcrdny:8liis , i jra'ii | ; b4 Brfiint' ( Soittiu- | ! licrnnd Octoiier ; Ni'jtffNi ' rt Noveinlicr ; * & } { 6.iW"ic " Deeeinlier : > u. 'Ju-d , 1'0 , ' e : Corn Weak and IOXWT all around : drcllnnil In for cash nnd Si'iilemlier , itnd 'fUo lor others ; elosed nlcady : 411 11 0 euxlt nnd Sepleinlioi ; 41'jo October ; iai'jtj November ; Site tins yonr. Oats Weak and caller ; September declined leiind dosed Insldo ; Oetopcr nnd Nii\oinlN < r wpnitcned and plowed Js'P' ' o lower ; i'lHc wwli ; 'ii4e SeitemlMiria.x | ; iiVn. ' October ; HSJauXox ember. Hurley ( inlet at Tdc. Timothy About IP lower ; in Imp , SI 00. Klaxsecd VQ'-'c ' lower ; No. 1 , 81 'JUV. 1'otlj Only lalrly active and MIIIICW lint nit- settled , i tiled fKiMOi ! lower oaily , rallied and plowed imtiiiaratlvcly ] steady ; SST ! cash nnd SeptPinber ; JfSiM' Sitt October ; 88 7J ' 0 810 November ; St > : ; 0 tlio year. Lard Kalrly nctlvu , about uueliantrpil ; Sd ( u ' ( rX ( ) UTi cash , September and October ; S 03 ( < ) i , " November and JUwmhur. Hulk Ateat.s Hboulders and ( > boi t e.luar easy , about unchanged ; sboitrlb.M , srHO O-l'Jj. ; . WhLsky-StT-aily nl 51 it ) . Mutter Quiet anil easy ; peed to fancy creamery , IfKgdlc ; good to choice dairy , Uirt Ib'c. Ib'c.Clippse Quiet and. steady ; pholce rlieddars , 7ff 8Xc ; llat.s , 8i4.i ( i4c ; Yoiut ! , ' . ' Steady at 17 ( < U7' ' < re. Iteceititi. SbliimentK. Klour , libls . 1UW ( ) 11,000 Wheat , bit . Cl.t'Ol ' ) 'J7)0l ( ) ( Corn , bu . iHl.tXtl ' .W.CXXl ( ) ! . ' Im . Toloilo , Sept. a1. ) . Wheat A shade lower anil iittlot : Xo. 'J rcil , ivv asked. Corn Dull ; cash anil October , V c. Oath ( Juiet ; Octijbor , 2Se. now 1 Ht. Ijoiiis , Sept. a' . Wheat Slow anil iinseltleil , closin. ; . ( " " "M1 below yesterday ; KV cash ; ' . ' - ' September anil Uctobcr ; ' .tt'jc Xov ember. Corn Dull ; llVdfcMle e.ish ; : .S5v'o. Oi'inb.'i' : Ittjfe November. O.its Casii anil Soptcmb''i- hither ; 'iVi ! cash ; .Me. September. Itye r | i..c bid. Whisky SViuli lit SI ( M. Butter Unchanged : cieaiuvry. PJ 'JJe : ilalry , liictfPV. AfTKiSNoox ] 5o\ii ! > . > WheatV1 lo\\er. ' Corn No silos. O.its Declined V. Kansas City , Sept. ' . " . ) . WhKit Lov.rr ; cash , 7tP cblil. . " ' c askeil : Oetob r. 7tK'hiil , 'itiyottskl'il ; NovciubiT , 7\l' ( ) , ' ! l1si' . Corn Weaker ; ; ! 'c nld. 'ti.'uc asked ; voar.V1 bill , aie luikoil. Oals Xomlnalsnol " * ? ( rv Itl V 10 STOCK. o , Sept. tai. The DiovoiV Journal : Cattle liceeljits , .VWX ) ; malkel fniity active : oppned tit in ; eio-ed sh ! ] pliig steer- , S4X' ' " > ! | i ) : s-lockers nnd leedcrs , l'KlV ' lo\vor. WtXiytiibO : COWN .bulls and mlvd. Si'Jo : , < (4ri' . ; hulk , . : ! Ui fi fcu'IV\uns ; , ViX " 7."i : western n\iiwix.X'UiV higher for be t firadcs : natives and hi it-breeds. si7Dc" : > ( X ) : cows , ? : ! ao ( ' ! fcO ; wintero'd TexaiiH , W.7V itlH ) . - ' Hey ? U \ ltit , W. < IO. ) ; active nnd < VK > p higher : tou h andiuiNed , K.Vi70i ! ) ( : : > aud .shipping , Si NlyM'jo ' ; < lp.s. # ! - , ( : ! " . . Sliei'ii-Iieeeipts , lilit ( ( ) ; . ijuic ! and un changed : natives. 1 * Tk' 4 00 ; western , ? ? l 7"i ( : jli ; Toxnns , ! 7.Vi 5W. ( Sept. Si' . Cuttle I.'wclpts . -tK ( ) ; shlpnteiiL , 'J.ood : rilnjje-aetlwati'KHlPe higher ; coiumoii nallvcMhill , iioKoodnaiive.- . here ; oxporicis , S-V-X'T".iOfeonutionto choice .shljiplujr. gt .VJOioUfi : .Muftvrs and iceder.s -js : y.X < w " > : cows. & ! 0w 3i. Hogs KecelptH , ( i.OIW ; Uiipiueiit.- , , 0.000 ; pioil to Vliolce.SJ7."KiW W ; common to me- udiiu , siri'6iH70. : n i Sheep J'ccelptV3 < ( : shipments , none ; s-leaily ; common to Ropil imittons , .fl MviafiO. Kt.IjiiuN.Sept.tK ) . Cattli IiVe IiJtn.XKI ( ; slilpinents , l.oin ) ; be.-- ! K'atlestoi'ilv ' , jioor * uiV ilull ; native Milpp'np Meer < . ! .M."i.'it. > .7. " > ; nativi * buleherlni ; stock , S-iiX'"I.Wi ; stoclters aud loeiloi-s , S'i Mti'7.1. \ . .Shoop Kocelpts , : iX)0 , ( ) ; Miipiiicnts , I'A'I ; lsr l inules linn anil uanU'd ; e > immon to c.mice muttons , PI 7.V < /Ji" ; lambs > -SOafti'J.'iO. OMAHA. MVK KTOriC. IT.MON Sror-K Y.vnn , S. OMAHA , I Tuesday Evening , September : i ! > . ( Conslilerable activity was ajijiaient in tlic cattle inaikct tmlay anil Iliero vv s u Mi0111:01 .mil better Icelint ; on account of the favoialili advices received fiinii eastern nmrkels. Theie was a flllnir ; ) oil in the ilemanil tm butcher.V stock , while feeders sold Mr.ulllj at yesterday's pricus. The hog m-.ukel. took an uiwanl ] turn am juices aiv about. 10o higher than yesterday. The receipt- , ate liihl and not equal to the demand. ' ' ' " ' ' ' C.-itllo ! . . .V.f. ! 7tK I lll .s -20J 20JH XATIVI- : . Av. IV. Xo. Av. 1'r. . No. Av. 1't. No. Av. Vr. ' . . ' . IJiK ) S-i.7. . ! ! . IHRti Sill rr.iniii- : ; . No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. W . No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. ur . inn S.V.T. . fir . ms .v..i lldlis. No. Av. IV. No. Av. TV. ( ii . .Mi' M.l.ri. 1 . .Wl .SJ.4 I'lir.VAII.IMI I'UK'IJS , . . . , . , , . , , . , , . . . . 1'oortn ! i ( iiiod tii Medium. Hstni. _ _ Cattlo- T ! 1..VKI HH and oer . St MM ' 'M > t.'i 2.X r. M 1.tVK : 1l.Vu ) Ib . 4 ( if'/4 f > J 4 . 'ic ( ) < ir > ixi K't i.viO : lb.s . : ; : & , i < Xi : ! 7.vr < i ' Stockets i ; ; ( n : ; ( Texan4 * "M : : \V''stein I'tingcis. . . ' . . . ; ; Of ) ( . " ii ; ; ; , no Xallve. Cow.s ' ' . . ' M , : \-s \ Hulls , . . .i : i IK ) \i \ ra Itollllll llNOil i ! ! HI I'acklncund .ShijiiiiK. ) ! ii ! ! * > ' ; ; .Vi J.lL'Iit Welgliis : : w ; : : c.0 ] ; ANii : in-1 ) 'itici.i ; nu : IIOOH. ( ! e of iitlren jor i.m mixed , jiaeklm ; and shipping ami llt ; wel'lit ) ho&s ilajs sluiwn below : . . , ' i.V Llullt TI.n. I imiimi Tiu'ljliv ! Jlllt0' I Anxi-.L _ _ | _ | ) ( . l _ WtlKhtH $ UMt.w ThuiMtay Friday : ia.VTM : 'aiA<t Satlirdny6CVt \ \ \ ii yidJM Monday ntllVc.-t.iri I ) K.4J3.45.Mri ; \ ) TucMluy _ i'l0 ? < 't-i5 ! ! II U.yfcJ.Ki , ' l.mU.M Xoto All sales ol stuck In this market aTe niailoperiivvt. llvo weight , unless otheiwlso Mated. Dead IIOKS sell'At l'iier ( Ib. for nil weiiihts. "Skins,11 or I nigs vyeiuliing loss than 100 Ibs. , no value. I'lounantMivvs aio docked 10 Ibs. and wtags 60 Ibs. , ; ] , , , , OMAHA AVJIOLKSAriK AIAltlCKTH. TiiUbdiij1 l-iiiihnr : ) ; , Sejit. ' . " . , Gonurul MurkotH. KufiK Keculjits wern si'nall io-iluy , "and ooinnilsiilon men Ke.t their own in Ices. Tlio majority of .sales were made at 14 ( < il4J < fe. Hy n Kit The amount of poor butter com % IUK Into HID mailed is largo and meets with very hlow bale. ( Jood butter Is In fair dis- iiiaiid and niectn with ready sale. 1'rlces are uncmuiKCil at following otiolations : Choice liesli , 14@lCKj ; fair to Rood , 10 ( l'Jo ; Infwior , fi ( < " 7cj creaniery. 'JOia-a-Jc. Cniiai : : : Full cream cheddars , flKc ; full eicam Hats , two In hoop. lO c ; full cic-am ouiif , ' AmerlKw.fourln hooji , lye.Swiss \ \ , UWKic ; brick , llfeiiio ; LlmburL'ernH ; . J'ooi.Tiiv I'ho detnand is Htroiiccr for Kpriiij ; cldckenu and very f w nro In the mar ket. ( iood sizes will bring .yj.'rxu-J.W ) ; com mon hlzcH will Mill at about 3-J.OO ; old cldckuns aio only In falrrenueht at8i7ri ( < f3.iO ( ; homo llvo ducks aio coming In , but aio selling Hlow at S3.50fed.oo. 1'oiATOKb Very few aio bcliiK handled by the commission men , 1'ilcc.s ntuu'c from ! XK < Urx ? per bitbhel. < ) Mo.V6-Thcrols llttlu tlcmand nml It Is not adrlMiblo to bhlji nt prc&cnt. They are IlllOtl'd ntJKKSji iutr ltiuliyl SWIT.T POTATOKS In luoderato supply nnd fair demand and slightly higher price * . ( Miolco Itnvo iinolablo at S''ftiSij per Ib : 5-1.00 ( SM.60 per bhl. CAi.iroiiMA Tin'iT Pears Winter Xcllls , Ueuiro. Dlel , Lawtence , K. Hem-re , Vicar , nml olhei1 varlelles , ) MT box , S'J.7V ? .00. 1'itovisioxs Laid , 40 Ib. cans ber lh. , 7 > Cc ; dried beeC hams , m c : dried beef , regular , lOj.e ! corned beef per lihl. , to.00 : IIICAS imrk jier bhl. , Sia.CK ) ; fmm , lOj llo ; breakfast. liaeon.tiij/c / ; clear sldo hacon , sk ; ; dty salted , .shIes < 7Jic ; shouhlers. Oc. ovsTi-.ns Standards , Jtto ; telects , 40c ; ox- im selects. 4fic ; count" , We. ( S.\iiB l'rlce.4 are low and v 111 remain so until cool wtMtlter suls In. I'r.tlrle chickens quotable SI.7r iW.a' > ; snipe , 7.'cvtFLOO ; mal lard duck * . si.7fiir.2.00 ; leal ( UieJss , St.MK ? 1.75 ; jack labblts , SH.50 pur dosumll ; nxbbit.s , SLW. OiiAxnr.s The market Is bare. Louisiana oranges expected to arrlvo within the next two weekH. HANAXAS There la hut allmlled demand at pte8cut and mtukot lilies low. Choice .se lection , j-a.WK'i-'i.w. Wit.ii IM.U.MS Arc virtually out of the market. ( litAfi'.s Arrivals are quite liberal and maiket a Ilttlo weaker : ( Kittic. Lr.jtrtxs New Jlesslna and Valermo lem ons ate In liborat sttpplv and of pied imallty. ( Juotahle , 50.00t'tU > 0 ; Fancy Itodl , per c.ise , . , CitANtii'.itntKs Hell and hugle , per bhl , SUiO ! ; hull and cherry. ] > erbhl , S7.75as.oo. ( Ai'i'i.f.s The market is In a deplorable condition. Ftumcrs continue to brlnj ; in lar > ; e iUtintltles | and furnish deuleis at ' X iOu per bushel , and In some instances are com pelled to s-ell for less money to pedu'Iars. Commission IIOUSOH arc well stocked with fall fruits , a lnrce ; portion of which decay on their hands before they have a chance to ills- POM ; of it. Sales of 100 barrels Michigan and Illinois soft stock wcro made at 81.00 per hbl. One car lichlcan fall apples wetc sold on track this monilntr at pi Ivato terms. A carload of very fancy York Slate apples was behiK unloaded this inoinini ; and met with iiioileiate fair sale In a retail way and on outside onlcis. The following quotations ate as nearly correct as they eati bo given under llio piesent circumstances : York State and JMichljran. shiL'lu barrels , fti. X'M.OO ; live band lots. S'J.rt ) . Illinois , SL752.00 , accord- Ins : to ijiiiillty and number of b.urels bought. All oir .stock sellhiL' at COcCJSl.a'i ] ) er bhl. ri\ciii : > IJecelpts of jllchlgan peaches jiiomKeto he this week , nml prices will Ilkelv title lower than heretofore. Sales were made tinltij at .SWcj l.OO per basket CHAIN- Corn , : c ; new oats , ' % ( j le\ \ \\heat. No. - ' , ine : r\e , : r , ( < ? ltc. ) Fmi'it AXI > JliLLbrriTh Winter Wheat Film ; best quality patent at $ :1 : ( Mlfif ! ! ! ! 0. Second quality S'i ttil'W m. .Sjiiiiii , ' Wheat-HcMt quality patent at 52 SO Sei-Imd qnallly S24Kji4i ( N ) . Hian liiii ! per cut. ( Mioiiped Feed I'cr 100 Ihs , 8.1c. Com Meal St ( H t lOperevvt. Scni'iiiiii ; No. 1 , 7."c perewt ; Xo. 3 , Me. llomlnj 61 M ] ierc\\t. Khoits "Ocperewl. ( iiidiam S-OOperewl. I lay Hales , Sii ) @ 7 ( K ) per ton. limns hleiidv ; fjn'i'n bulclici's , 7e ; fjrec K ( ! 7. . . . tMiTioi.u ro O. S.fKe : Meerschaum ! We. ; hongTom , JKV. IMackvvell's Durham , It ! o/ . , "tie : h O/M Mo ; 4 o/ . , . " > 7e ; ox. . ( Wo. Seal of North Caioliim. Hi o/ . , wood , -Mis ; Hon. , wood. .Kie ; ! ocloth. . ISlioi. ; . , We. ) Navy Clippings 'J < it ; . Killikinlck-I o/ . , : J7c'Jo/j. ; , KINK Ct r Hard to Boat , TOo : Chaimof the West. Me ; Fountain , 'do : ( iolden Thicad , i7e ! ; Kuvorilc , < KV : Buds , ) c : Hocky Moun tain , .Vc ) : l'me\'i ; : > o : Daisy-le. ( ) j't.ri ; o Climax , vie jier lit ; Horse shoe , -JIV ; Star , -tt > c ; .Spearheadlife ; Our ISope , SOc ; I'lpei'Heidsich , ( We ; t'uiich , I0c. .VAIII > I.IKV : 11 v iniwin : N C combination loop hnme . S.VJ.1 ; X X 1. O. T. bailies , S4. ' , : ; var 1. ( . T. haines , t.riO : ! ; perfection pads ; U.7."t17 ring liils , fn : ; ItaihoniK No. It ) thread , 7.V ; htit bieast strap slide , ! ! c ; X 0 breusi str.ipslide.40c ; I1. X C : > loop chanii T buckles , -L"i ( ) : i'j jap : ! loop champ''buckles , ' .tto ; 1'u X C : t loop champ'J' buckles , l.x ; ) ; I" , jap loiiji i-hii'iip buckles , J-l.tiO ; con- iicr rivets Xo. ' . ' , We : Hiistol snaps , l .sr > . .r > , i'4Vi.50 ' , i ii.r : > o , j I'ju.rKj ' , 5f4- ? " .nO ; ( iciuian snaps , 1 % S3.00 , 1) ) . .V" " . 1 Sl.-l.- , % S1.-W , 5ffl.IO. . HIAVY UAiimvAitK Iron , rates. Si 15 ; ] ilovvhltvl. sioehil ] east , -le ; crucibln steel , Oc ; cast tools do , ISfrflHe ; wagon spokes , per .set , S1.7S { : i.K ( ) ; hub < , per set , SI.Si , ftilloes , sawitl dry , tf 1.40 , tongues , each , , axles , each , 75c ; sqi'aiunnts , perlb. , 7frfllif ; coilchafn jicr lb , ( i ( l'ic ; lualiible , Sc ; Iron wedges , lie ; crow bars. ( ! ; hariow teeth , 4c ; spriiu ; steel , 7 ( 8e ; Itmileirs horse shoes. ! ; Ittmlcn's mnlu shoes3Ti.2 < ) . Uariied Wire In car lots , P4.00 per IUllui. ) . lion Nails Jtales , 10 ti > ISO , -j2.85. Sltot 81.W ) ; buckshot , 41.S5 ! ; oriental . ] ) ovvder , kegs , S".VJ ( < n.Xi ( : do. halt kej's.oo ; do , iptatlerlieKs. Sl.RO ; blasflnjr , ki'Ks , ? ? 3.J5 : ; fuse , per 1W ) leet , r c. Lead , liar. SIM. Iiv I'.VINTSVhite. lead. Sc ; Fieiich zinc , V-V ; I'iitlsIiitinu' , 'J'-jc ' ; wliitiiifruililers , H4'e ; M-hitin eom'l , l e : lampblack , ( iermantoNMi , 1'Jc ; himpbhiek , ordlnaiy , 10o : Prussian blue , tfn ; , nntramaiine , li c ; vamiyke , brown , He ; limber , bin ntle ; umber , niw , 4e ; sienna , Inn nt. 4e ; hienna , invvle ; 1'aris reen , genu ine , aic ; rails irieen , comiuon , Oc ; cliromo Kieen , N. Y.0c ! ; chrome Kieen , K , PV ; ver- milllon , MiiKlish. in oil asst , 15i ; ; raw and bin nt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; ra\v and burnt sienna , IDo : vaml.vke blown , i : e ; lellned lampblack , I''e ; coach black and ivorj black , ltk > ; diop black , Ilk.1 ; l'rus-.lan blue , lOc : ul- traiuarlueblue , isc : chromo Kieen , J . , 31. t 1) ) . , Pic ; blind and shutter L'l-ecu , L. . .M. .t J ) . , KSc ; Pails peon , INIndliiu ; ted , Lie ; A'ene- Ihin ed , ! lc ; Tuscan nil , 'J1 - ; Aineriean ver- miliion , L. .t I ) . , aJc ; > eIlovv ochre , tie ; L. .M. iV O. I ) . , l 1 ; Kolden oehri' , liie ; ] iitent : diver , t-c ; gudiiliin 'ht o.ik , dink oak , vval nut , chestnut and ash , ir > c . OILS llOcarlMiii. per gallon , lie ; i.V ) = head- Htht , perpillon , P.V ; 1750 headlight , jx-r gal lon . , t'J ; IMwater . white , LV : Unseed , niw , - " - ' Imileif. " III ) . 11. I. . , JM-l IIIIUII , . I.M , II1JI , \ \ . JI. , ] ier gallon , ( kV ; noiitsfoof extra , per gallon , ' ' ) c ; No. I , nvv ; lulirloiitlng/.oro , per gallon , ; HC ) ; tuiuuer.-l.'iii ! ; golden machine , No. l , per gallon , ! ! ue ; No. 'i , u''c ; spcim , signal , jicrgul- MID , 7.V ; tmpeiitiiie , per gallon , -lie ; naptlia , ier gallon , 7-fi1. tfl..Mi. .Si > iiiri > ColoA'iiittiiililts IKS iiroof , ? l.1 ( ) : do , 101 | iioof , si. 18 ; hjiirlts , MVOIH ! iinality , JOt ; do , lSspioofi.Oii. Alcohol V , , ' , , ' , ' " , ' Wlll ) . , l''r ' . wl" ° W Hon. Jtedlslllled whlsUles , Jjl.ODC'l.WJ ; filn hlended , .Sl. Krf'i.ori ; Keuluelfj liouriioiiH s-.000d.iO ( ; Kentucky and 1'eiinsyivaniiv ijes , 5'.tKl.&o. ) ( ( tiolileii sheaf , houthon and ) io whlsldi ) .si.f,0/i.oo. ( : Htaiidle Jinpotleil , W.OOrt/S.r.O . ; domestic , CoAiAnthracIlii IKJJjn.00 ; anthracite nut. Si.8Ti ; aulhr.icllo laiiL'tSVi'i ; Iowa ,'Hlnnt ; \ block , St.7r. : ; Illinois , , 4.50 I1,1".1 ) ! ' ' , , L'' L ! ! ' ; ' * " * ' ' ' ' 1 < ' "lt * 'w"ti * J-355 lilfll Illll , HITOAJIH I'owdeicd , 7J c : cut lo.if , 7 c ; irannlated , 7o ; eoiiIVctloiiers' A , 7L' ; StandaidexIriiC , 7'fc ; e.\tru C , iic ; iiicdl- inn yellow , ( J < c ; ilaik jellow , tlk'c. CAN.NUit ( jDiins-OyMers , Siaiidaid ] > or - , S..K5 ) ; htravvberjies , y-JL. , jiorcise : , S'.dO : r.ispbenIcsU-lli. , ( n'rcase , K'WB ; Califoriilti IMiiin , , per case , r .ca\ \ apricots , jier case , iM.Wj ] ioache.s , iier ciiuo , W.7.1J whlto chei lies , pi-rouse , 50.00 ; pluiiiB , pur case , 6 .0U : rthorlleitcirles per i-.ise , S2.JO ; egg plums Mb.lM'r < .iM < t&.liO ; gtten gagcii , 'J-lb. , per 4IM' , S M ) J plnu ajiplos , a-lb. , per case , S-- } * -Oldnary ! grsulow , O fc ; fair , , Piiiue , lltel'ic choice ' ! -r - ; , l'J@ikt ; ancy gieen anil yellow , llftclGc ; oh ! ; oveminent Java , 'JOw' ic ; Alocha , ii-JdJ ! ! ( ; Ailuteklo'H roasted , IHJi'cj aioLaugh- III'H XXXX , roasted. Uf u : Java , Ulj Ca.W/'i'c ; ) ilworth's , 1'Ujo ; Itod Cioss. 1'1'jc ; Jlc- .unclillti's , Aihucklo'H. and McLaughlln'H CXXX aio sold 60c jier easio oil' above pilces n ! -caso lots. SOIIA Tn Hi Pnpci58.95 n oa'Vj ; sulsodu ! i'jr per Hi , $ a . OAu Ciniiti loflJtPe ; whllo wine , 15 Pir-Ki.r.9 Jledlnm Inhatrels , sn.fifl ; do In hitinum-ts , ya.W ) ; Ktuall In barrels , 8".oO ; do in half bairel.s , .5H.75 ; gherkitiM In 8 . : > 0 ; do In half 9t.'X > . llicr. Loulshum , pilnio to choice , 7 ie. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Iinrieilal , SiJ.ooj Klrk'8 ; KlikV.standaid , 53.W ; Klrk'n White Itnsslnii , 54.GO. JJoru Sisal. X liichninl larger , S'4o ; Inch , S i - ; 'i Inch , We. SALT Dmy lo.ids , per bill , S1..W ; AMiton , in Mrk.s . < ? : t.rt : ; > 4 Kicks , Asliton , ! KH.bbls { dairy , 8'iTOcW.TVi. " - " - - corn , Kinu II Hi , n'i * JVIIIK fonl'.s hulk. 4c. Svnui' Standard (1 ( , 2SV , bhls ; Standanl alsplee , irx > ? 0c ; cinnamon elovcs , ir < ihiV ) ; Kinder , ifXguse ; nnwtiinl , 'J7c. DitiKit Kiunrs No. 1 qnarter apples. N. C. sliced , boxes , tc ! ; evaporatvil , bo.\e.s , 8) e ; blackberries , lioxes , Vc\ \ peaches , IIONCS , none In the. market ; peaches. evaiiotated , Ifl,1 @ 17o ; raspbcrrhvs , new , JlX7e * UiiAOUKits Oarncau's soda , butter and ] ilcnle , f > c ; creams , 80 ; ginger snaps , y ; City 0lll ! , 7) ) < ie POTASH Vennsylvanla eann , 4 cans In wise. ) . ! : IJabliltt's lull , 'Jiloz In ease , Sl.W ; JVnchor ball , ii dor. in ease. S1.50. ai.VTnius I'er raddle , ifw ; ronml , il. ease , 45e ; siniare cases , 31.70 ; Oshkosh wise-S , gr. , OAnni.Ks lloxes , 4011i , 10s , 12) < ; & < > I'-'a'ci boxes , 401ti , 10 oz , (5s ( , W'tfc ' ; haft box , ' ' 01t > , 12 e. Dry Goods. Hi.KArttii : ) < ; TTOX Fanners' ( 'hoice , e ; Cabot , OV ; Hope , 7e ; 11111 4-4 , 7o ; lltll JA ( i fel ; iom > daleS ; l-'rult , S. e1vm ; - sutta , I0jre. Coistf : .TKANS Keai > arge , 7e ; Armory , 7c ; 1'epperell , 7 sfc ; Indian Orchaut , 0 > 4e ; Nanmkcaj ; , 7c. KIM : IJnowN COTTONS 1'epperell R. O'fe ; IVpiKiivIl O , fijfi- , Atlas , r , , c ; Statue ot J.ib- city , Oo ; Snraiuie 1 ! , OJJe , 1'jtixrs Steel luvcr , fiXc ; American , f > > fo ; Ainold'K , BO ; Manchester , tic ; Lyman. uu ; Oloiieustor. 5)ic ) ; Dunnell .ineiptnrd , Oe : Dun- nell , t > st ; liam'apo , ! ij'c ; Windsor , oc ; I'nclite , lie ; Jlatmony , 4' < e ; Anchor Shirtings , J fc ; iMeirlinaek Shirtings , 4. ' < c ; Ucrwlek , 4e. Dr.MM.sHeaver ( .reek AA. lie ; Jleaver and firown , 7I5e. ] u 'i < ( ITnileached ) HoSlngnolia , 1De ; 10 o. . . .Magnolia , HP ; 807. . West I'oitil , ] u.'ie ' ; 10 i. West Point. iBWc. l > nr'ti ( colored ) ISoston 9 oz. blown and diab , ii : > c ; Jloston U 11 brown and drab , He ; Hoston XA blown and drub , lOc ; Boston XXX brown and drab , He ; Boston O P blue , HKe ; Warren Tricot , 15e. liiiowx Cor tON Lawrence LL , 5c : Shaw- initt LL , fKi ; JJeaver Dam lil > , r c ; Athintlu JjL , fle ; Indian Head , 7c ; Wanclntssut tij-io ; Crown XXX , ( % Clilton \ CCC , OJie ; Utlca C. 4 c ; Atlantic \\V4v. TJCKIMIS Amoskcajj ACA , I'-i/Te ; Thoin- cr , ( % c : Shctifckut S , fcMfo ; Shetuoki ; Moniatik A , 12c ; jfontauk li , Omega ACA , Iflke. ( iiMiHAM.s lion f row , I'tg'lO.J/o ' ; Amoskeag , dress , Ho ; Anioskoag , stajile , " " ' ( " To : Ivanhoo , luxe ; Wiiiusutta , J > K ; Nnbian""Sko ; War wick , Ue ; Whittendon , He ; Hates , dross , N- ; Hates , staple , Ojtfc ; JJiuulolph , staple , 0 } e ; l.aiisdovvno , 7c. Ciir.viors Aiuoskeag , chocks,0 > " < c ; Ainos- kcag , stiipas. Si c ; Plater , stripes , "Se ; Kdin- burg , HJ c ; 'Whittendon , stripes , e ; ( ilon-i rose , Oc ; Otis , chucks , 'Jvre , ; Otis , stripes , He , , lioyal , ( % c : Aijioskeag , napped , KlKc ; ! Ln- ray , book fold , 12c ; Oberon , book fofif liy.a ; Endurance , book fold , r.'c. I 's H'f ' . Itlls'KtH lll'fiyr. , 200 , mmi ! > U 40 Split No. I Jjib a 00 4 W ) | 102:1)1 IK ) IV ) do Large. . 7 N ) 4 2.i : i 7f. 2 17 1 f 0 f,7 Ulhhnl ( i ott ) | : no ! : ! ( RII ) w i no no III.OOI ) Jtl'.I ) fALIFOIlMA HALAIO.V. Ihs. lh . Ihs. Ih.s. Ihs. Icil.s. X > 100 ! K ) W ) 40 SH.OO .S7.50 Sfl.SO SJi.bO. S.'I.IO Wk' . CoiiKiKir Xew English Miuinier cured wiolocod [ , tic ; Ulb hrick.s , Kiiaraiitccil , G } 7c. S.MOKIII : FISH Ilalllmt , now , ] < c ; new Hc.iled licrrlngs. IKc. Dry Ijiinilier. IIIMIINSIOXS AMI TIMIIKKS , i2tti4 it.iontaftL-oitaua-i a _ _ _ - - - - - - | T , , j. , l _ - _ u. JJU L 1 , ' , - - . - , 2x4 . ! i.pi.76in.7ri'iri.7fi'in.7ri ! ' ' 17.75 .7:1' ' i SAII . in.2.vir.2ri ) .2.i7.2.r | , I'j.n PJ' 2.\H . lin.7B'18.WllB.7B 10.7B 17.7.1 IH.7.r , IH'7.1 2x10 . 15.7rijin.75 15.75 1(1.75 17.75 20.75 21.57 2.12 . ll.-i.75 in.7fi ir.7n'lfi.7fi ' 17.7r.'l.75 ! ' 20.cfi I.\4-H.\8. . .25 I8.2J lll.SS 20.27 JSOAICIIH , land Kilt Sr.M , lanilltlft ifi.oo lanilltlH lij.u.'i laiulllirt ll.Ot ) K1DIXO. 3f.t Com. , 12 , U anil III feet = 21.7. " , ' 'tl Com. , M anil 1(1 ( leut i,7r ! ) , . ' 111 Com. , 1-1 anil 10 Icet H.7."i Fence11 and 1(1 ( feet lo.'r KINCL\O. HUM' LAJ. No. I , Tlaln , 8 or 10 inch SIH.oo No.'J , I'laln , 10 Inch 10.00 No. 1 , O. (5 I8.w ccii.LVo. lot Com , . pJ ( Inch , Norway ) 2il Coin. , % inch , Norway 11.50 1st , 2d and i'rfl Clear , 1'f Inch. s. Jin SM.W ) 1st'Jd and : ' > d CUuiryt \ and ii incli , s y.s. M.WJ ) JJhelocI , IK , IWtmtlulnoli , H. ys 1st , Uil and : ld cloai1 , l Inch , s. u .jrW ) A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s , -lo.GO J5 Select , 1 Inch , s. Bs , jjo.OO n.ooiiLvn. 1st Com , 0 inch , whlto pint 8 ? . 8 00 .M ( 'om. 0 Inch , vvhito plmt : n m 'id Com. t ) Inch , vvhito iiiiio. . . yy oo Sol. KCJICO , 0 inch , whilfl pine yu DO Chicago hoi. Fcnei ! Flooiing ] H 00 Ibt and 3d clear yellow pine , M Inch. . . t-'O ( X ) IIATIL'NS , WiiL : TIJJHNO , 1'lCKKTf. O , O. Hats , : i inch i oo ( ) . ( J. Hats , " } inch , , if , ! i Inch liiils , s. Is .10 Well tubing , 1) . & M. , and Jtov ! M ( K ) 1'Jokct.Vrl ) . & 11. llat , S21 00 ; J ) . Jc H. s < pare ; , ; 22 ( X ) , , HHINIIl.IiS AMI LATIL lOlnohclear. $ U 45 ; Ex. * A * 'JU't * AStamlard , -j < r , n Inch , clear. . , , i 40 Lnth . . . , . , , .1 , , j is MVK HTOOIC NOTKS. Tlio HaJ- State Cattle roinjiany had Dili of cattle at the Omaha yatds yesterday. Among others having catlhi at tint j arils vvoin M. Jt. JlatIimvHvlfiO cattM ; S. J { . Delalour , 127 cattle ; ( I. Kellno.u cattle ; John \\\i \ \ 'inw , Cohinibus , ! J cattle llaiTis .V ; Flslier tinned over yesterday513 licail ot shwp to Jlr. ( iriflin , who wlllfoed them until about the 1st of Jannaiy , on con tract. tract.Mf. . lIcrKlii8 , the well-known buyer . went T" - * i * * i j.-n.i\ i iJiituj. WUIII . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . : o hhc.lby. hjr > ll . , yesteiday altcrnoon. hioiio < t Alalonuy , of Albion , had < W hogs at ho Mock yards jestcnlay. 1'uicell lima. , Xmlli Hcnd , 01 hogs. Last year pioved BO dlsastnnts to many armers ongaml In fowling stock for the uarkiit that they aru very cautions about | iu\- njf. They mlif too iiinch liibt fall and wer r ° . . ! lt0.b.e1.5 ! % J.w IKPJR ! y jjrt . , r. . rj. W. F. Jsteen Hi Go. Coniiissoii Merchants ! 218 LA 8ALLK ST. , C111CAOO. Itrcolvcrs of ( iiatnnnd BcnX VutiirciboupTit nnd SoM. Spi-elnt intention to mUo by > nuiile | . Represented by l-.dwanl llurton , Lincoln. I&ailway Time All trains nrrlva nnd depart' from Omnlinby ( Vntral Standard tlmo. Trhliw of tlin ( ' . , St. 1' . , Jt. .V 0. nrrlvo nnd do- paitfrom tlielrdeiMit , eorncror 14th niulVclv > Htci'Mrecto : trainon tlm II. V M. , r. , 11. fc Q. , nnd K. C. , St. .1. .V 0. II. from tlio 11. > V M. depot ; all otliei-N from tlio 1'nlon IMclllc depot. , dully ; li , exec > | ) L Snuuilny ; ot > .x 'i-t Sutulny ; dtncept Monday. Depmt. WisT\VAHD. : Arrive. . M. i1. Jt. UNION PACIl'IC. ' . \ . M. . . . .1'itctllo li.xpre.s. . . . . . . .Denver i\presi. : . . O. & UUP. VALLUY. . . .Mull nnd K.xpiin ? . . . n. , VM. IN NKII. 8:10a : ' ' Mull mid llxprfisa. . .I'l'iioiu J Dcpnrt. _ . _ _ 801'TinVAKO. _ Arrive. i MM ' " I' , it. M'I sst ) D irr"I'A UivTu. / . M. i pT t . Day K\pro . . . . . IlidOil . . Nl lit IXprusH. . . . , 1C. 0.'ST. Ji * C. 11. . . .Via I > lat8montli. . . 7:00 : < I . 7:1X11) : . .VIix Cnuncll lllnirw. 7Wd : ) | 7Hi\ : ! VVAHA81I HOUT13 . . .St. l.ouls Kxpresi. . . Depart. KASTVVAni ) . Arrlvo. , A. M. l1" 0. .M.7 T."PAUL . * . . . Diiy llxprewt. . . . . .Nlir fit 8IKc : .Hay Impress ' . . . .Nltrnt Express. 6ido' : ' . . . .Accommodation (1. & N-W. ' : } . ) | l > " . l-M' 'ss ( J. II. & Q. HSMiiii fi : ! iiiror Clil.vliil'lmtmu'th : lBiijaiiitVir [ | Cld'o via U. . .Depmt. NOHTHW'AllD. Arrive. A. M. fi > . M.T tr ST. pTTsoror" - , : ! Wn I..Sioux City Uxpri'n * \ fitOOo , rr.400 Oakland Aecoinuioirn IOWA oiv. y. c. sP. . lIBti ! St. Paul Day l\prcv ! i r > : iira St. Piuil Night K\ press ! il:4rm' ' " OMAHA lIltlDUi : TllAINe. DITMMV TII.MNILeave. Oniiilui ut fl'i : ! ! ' , 7W : ! , ' .Sifto. UiiM.lIir : > u. in. ; ll.r ! : > 0,2:00 : , .1:110 : , 4:00,4N : : > , rifi5tind : 11:11) p. in. On Sundays the 7V ! > and 111:00 : a. in. , nnd U:00 : nnd 4:00 < p. m. triilns do not run. J.cuvo Council Ilium * ( Hraiulvviiy Popot nt 7V5 : ( , ' fiJM'llS5iiiil : : 11:45 ] . in. On BundiiyA the 8rfS unil UhliUu. in. , niul ilfjiind 4"Sp. : in. trnlna will not inn. . < TIIAINS Leiivo Oninlm at fi:00fi:53 : a. in. ; 1S : : < 5S:2U : , 4:1JO,0Uilnuil : 7UOp. m. doily. ' ArilviuitlC-l.-iund 11IT , a.m. ; 1:20 , . ' ! : , 7:8j' : mid B-j ( ) p. in. SUNDAY THTA1N8 To and from Chicago vlaTrlpnrtlto Alliauco. APiD * RAILWAY. THI : HKST IIOCTI : AND Omalia , Council Bluffs . And Chicago , Tlio only ronft to tul.o for Des .Molncs , Jfar Mmlllown , Ccilnr ItajiliN , Clinton. DUlu.ChlaKrti. Mllnrankfii nnd all points ijitst. To Uio proploor Nelirnskn , Colorado , Wyoming , UUih. Idalio. No\ndaOrctioii , Washington and Call/ornla lu oilers Fiiper or aihantiiKCS not possible liyoiiy other linn. AIIIOIIK : n few of the niiinrrous points of tiiipo- florily enjojcd by tint patriin.s of thin uiurt lic- twcon Oiiiahii and CiiicaKii , nro ll IMO trnhmn , day nl DA COACHUH which aidtlio llm t that * linnian nit nml liiKomilty can create , JtHlMfFj- AOK .SI.UUI'INd CA US. which nro mo'lrlV of . . UOOM OAH8 , iiiiRiiriin > .hiiil by any , nnrt Itn trldo- ly celfiliriitcil l-ALATIAHllNLW CAIiH , the enual of which cannot liu loiiiul ulsunhuro. At Council llluiTH tint tialiiM of the Uiilon.Pacl' llo lly. connect. In Union Depot with those of tlio Chicago St Nortliwi'htorii lly. In ChlciiKO. the Mains of this linemakuiloso conncctloii'wlttt thONOof nil cittiterii linen. t lr > DutiollColiiinbu.s , IndlaiinpolM. Ciiiclii- iiiK * N'liijfiini 1'iilK llulliilo , I'lHubnraToronto , .Mi ntr fil , IloMon , Ninv Vork , I'Jilladnlpliln , Halt - t nior' * WunldiiKlon anil till point * int hi ) t'HHtn k the tio.a't iiKcnl lor tlcJiutH via tlio ' ' " 'NOIITH-WUSTKIIN , > If you wNh thu hoHt accommodations. Alltftkot niroiitH Hell tlckelH via tliH-tlnc' . JI. HUdliriT , K. S. HATH , ( luiioral .Mamig-cr. Oeiu I'nss. Affijut. ) fion. Atrent , 1412 Karimm SL/pinahii/Xcb. _ Kovimlcoii Years' Mi : | * eYlcm'o , _ JSHALLO propoHids wlll'lut rorelvcd $ 'tlio ' l J City o t ( Jriind Inland. Job.NiilllO o'clock a. in. . tXt , Mil. IbWi , lur ( ho jnrillKlilnjf , mwlliiK and ciiinplclliitf of u syMmn of water vvorkubuv IIIK u ciipuoliy of oiio million Kullou * per iluy.fop tbiiCityolOrmidlBliuid.tfob , , { 'aid s > l > tini ) to bo liniiUbud ( mil lmllii | | uc- coriliiiicu with tlio iilnnsiind jjincilleutlon ( atho ollieo of tlio City ( 'Jerk of ( Inind Iclmid , Nnb. Kiieh mopobiil must bo imido scpHiiitn mvtlin Klivt ruriil&liiiiir nnd building ciiKlnit- mid lioller bound and Imm ol tower. " Sccdiid-l-iinilHldiiK and biilldintr rJiuid JMiw- . Third KuriilbbliiK' und hottlnirup miu-blii [ < ryf holler and i-oimectliiK up wells ; * B Fourll , Kui-nlslilmr und liiyliiR' ( rou plpo iiiulns , ApuclttlK , luilrmitH , miton , uto. All MdH for rornlsliliij , ' and liiyJm.pljn , . uluill Ktntu jK.pur- ately niiKiiiiitu pur tun of iiach lur tint dllU'irnt ' sl/cH of 4. i ) , H and 10 inuh plim. I'ltlh I-'or fiiriilbliliiK and puttlinr ilovi'n wellfl. The contract prlcu nf j alil H > Ktoii of ftitoe win Us coiupleto not to oxccud. tjiy 611111 oC thirty- . lonrtlioiisiiiil : < Iiillurslf.1l.txJni. IliuClty Couuoll ii-sernw the rlalit to i-nloet any in all hldx.or imy piulH of hid * . Allbld * ulll | t < i i < ' ( | iili'd to Mute explicitly thu Miidot : niatoiliil tit bo riiMiiIalicil. ProjiOdidg hlinnld he lUldiessed to lbi > City Cleikot Orimd Inland , Neb. , and marl.i-d M'ro- potiils lor vriitur wiirkB. " Uyttrder or tlio City Couuoll of ( iriind iHlnnir. ' .Nob , , this K'lh day of Fopteniboi- . 1) , ISH.1. . , . , JOHN L. .vil.AKH , Miijor. 11. i : . Ci.icroiiu , Cit > Clerk. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses ? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh.