, , J THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 80 , 1885. In A itannmmi M Kflll on iIIMrrwInK nnrnplitlnt If nPRloctcd. it tend l > 1mpilrlnR nnttitl.mind ilo- mwwtnK } h l n of UM sjMia , to prepwe the w j la lUpla Dccllnft. s QnlcVb/and comrlcMr Cnrps ! IJjirnerMii lonll li ( iir.n , llruillinri. , llL lctiliiKtTii. .Inn the I''ooil. Ita , It pnriclif , auil iinrlllex tlin 1/lixKl. ntinm. l UsltinKpr > FtlB ( nudnljjlhoi Nlmllatl..n of ( im < l. rv. J.T itommn , ( be Vmorwl inirtor of tba J'iratll funnixl Oluircli llnlhnuira. Mil . Myn "llntina ured nronu'R Iron Ilitlen fur I > ; i > i > r ! > -l lAnd And Indle tinn 1 tike fire.it plMimim in rrriiin * i : U hlffhlr. A ) cnn ltlfr It./i fipli.ndld tunia Andinfl nTiUnr.JtntlTprT str nettifMiina " Ufinulne bft * nbnre trndd rm k and rrriMcd red line < mwrM > rw r. Tnl < nrt ntlirr. Mil * mlf h illtllWN'll01Um.CO. . ll\l/l'IMOItl % Ml > . iMturn * HAND BOOK uff'nlnnd mtnK.tlra.ron' fAfrilnh list of priros fnr rt-ciiw * . infnnniitl < 4i ab&ui coin * , nto , ftirpn KWA by all d.tem ) In nipdlclnu. of millwt' * ' ' ' * " f" * * * n * - . Mflmp. i BROAD CLAIM oltogitt BEST OPIEATHTG , QUICKEST SELLING AND Arpsi1 rgrndutt4of two UcfUcBlColtegti , h t > nlonfftr fvrr jedla lb ipeci l trefttmcntof CimnHia , Nknvoua , SKI .ai ULO < D DitHinii than any othtrl'hjileltu In St. LouLi , d olt ; ptpers iboir an < l nil old re * [ Jen t kooir. Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Aflec * lions ol Throat * Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning , Old Seres and UlCCrS , arc treated with unparalleled UMcai , on latest et nttQo pflnelplcfi.Baftlr , Prlratttj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , which produce 8om or th * following effvgti : nerouOC63 ( del.tlltr , dlmocii of slfihl Ctc4 derectlre memory f-plmpleaoa the race. iibrsiealtlecKjr , Mtrilontotba ivoleijor ftnil < , confuiloa or Ideal , etc. , rendering Marriaeodmpropcr or unhappy * at * ctirvd. PmphlettS6r8fesoQ ) th atiove , seat ferrotnently ' * , frteto nay addre t. ComuItattouatOC * Dee or by mall fr , InTlteiXanditt Icily cvDtlJeutial. A Positive Written Guarantee gtren ID e ewe , 21 edict no seat every where by m&ll or e MARRIAGE GUIDE , COO PAOE9. PTKC PLATES , c lc cm I cloth * n4 gilt tjludlt'g , ioUed forSOo. l i'o i i { orcurreney , Orer fifty vender fu I pen pictures , true to lite } nrilelrsontba fullowluj VQbJoctflt who way marry , who not. why ; manhood , woman * flood , pbyil l d > cay , etT t * ofciHbaej and aiceai , the pby . iology of rrpriIrieiloD , Di | nianjr more. Those married or contWDpU'fiic ' m\rr1nz * ahouM rend It. I'-prltr edition " . taVff cover , Sflo. JLddrvn i bo 9 p . U'Muier , ' RICH , p LrCTi , . i nj.o.t > * . . B.k IM i Z GflNCEK OF THE TOH3UE , A Case Resembling Thai of GBII. Grant. . i had ucrotuloiui mutton Inuul whleli jtavo tun cri'itt trouble , nnd nniler thu eli ( ilmi-tii-iitiiii.'nt heiilt'd up , but JthadoiLly l.e n .drucn into tin1 syslom by iho UKOol potuhh itnd iiuiiulii , \ , ami In Mar.'h. Inti , It tirokt'oul It liiohv nut In niv tin out , and con- in ulnii Miiiin ol i he docloiM'allod fituci'r , oitlnjr tluoiiuh my oln-ek. iKt foof of my miiiirh and uppci III ) , tm > n utiacUlnir lay toiurui''palurljdiiil IOHOI lip , ( lusi imiaio nnd nintcr lip omhi'l > ami hull' my tontfiio , uiithurout lit iliciopof fiiy lull chct ( < k tmiui mid Up tit tltii Init i'jo. I i-r.iiid not irit iinv pollil loot ) , ' < i\\\ \ \ Fiiti-ii-tcil on ltiMlds.nnd | my tunmtt M'-S pa tinironit I couM uof tulle. Stu-fi wusmy wn'tenitl , hflple H ronitlilou HIM flrM of tft-stOotober , ilr-Mi. nlion n'l ' i'rl ndf.i' < miiiK > ni. > ed Klvlnif mo Swift's SpiHtlc. In lithan n moiilli eutlius places Moppi l and iiMilliit ; eotn- yl.iiii'l Mu < t'narinl iiimrMlrp III inv rhei-ok liven closed nnd tlnnly IIIIIIIM | toael h'-r. A nhOI i > 4iu\tr.uid * r lip is wnu'ii'.wiiiH' lluelv. hi < toiljruii vrlilch wus ilnioi | > r ili-ntioyn. ) U - rewivoreil , ! in < l It oHfiui ! tlmt niititrt' Is tmpilyjny | u nuwHiUKP I can lube < thul my fdeinls can rt-ndily liiii"islKinl ! me. mid cmiilso MM ! polld tiiinl luratii. Il imv one ilonhi iliesi C fiurtfl , 1 would refer liiem toHA. | . .lolin II. Tray- lor , Plate H'nutorof tlimtljiiiui. mid to Or. T. ri. r radtle.1u , or l.uCitniiv'i' . ( in ot .MILS. MA ICY U n I < iOniii 'ii , On. , May l.tNk ! ; > . i1'MK SWIIT SI'M tuo Co. , JM-nwoi ; t. ( la. K. Y. , IK W. ixJ St. Chartered by theSUteof Illl- noU for ttieexpreup jrpoao of tlvins Immediate rellello II chronic , urinary and prl- vatt ditcascn. Gonorrhoea , Gleet aodSy phill& in all their complicated forms , also all di K of the Sklu and Blood promptly rellevrdand pernutnenllycured by rrnic- _ _ _ . Seminil * Weakness , Nizht Lo caby Dreams , Pimples on II the F c .Lo t Mnhood , } > i < ir < rrli/curxl,77iri' vJ'ttHotaeprrlnirMtlMitt The appropriite remedy U at eec uxd In each cai . Consul tali JDS , per- Bonal or by Irttcr , ucreiilx conDdenUal. Med > lcine sent by Mall and Eiptesa. No marks on " packs ( to Indlcatt cent nts or bender. Address -uOH.JAMES.No. 204 W.thlnglon St.ChIcagolll. I tiftVMilv | r iut < t ) r.r the bor dlt 4NC. brltl VUlhltB * U'l UC k lr | IU WUIBl blUlt Mild tlf | l.n < l Hlutliml' .ra.i.u l. uiimiirUuivftt l ln ) ) erie , , .il .1.1 . .u.i rrto hurn.h4 I lux iojcttll.r llr , V l.firtl U rilk : rl1kuilll.i.di. . . . . uJ f O , * > ll-.4r. . A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady mayhavttit ; at least , what looks -.like ji , iN.ig | > iolia Ha'm ' 'bjjth 'irijshcus and bcaiiiifi.w NASBY DESPERATE. Ho nntl His I'rlends , Inriulntcil nt the Jclny or tlio I'feslileiit , Take < Vorclblo I'o sc88lon < of tlio L'u.slollloo nt llio 'Cornel's. Confederate X Uond's ( wfch ia in the 8tnt ttv Kentucky ) , Soi > t. . M , 1835. Tlio president liotl returnuil from Hits Attrion- < lu.v , but my contishcn lied not' conic. JJity after duy t walked past ( lie post olus , an si\v ; thro the winder tlitttinffnitil niK er J.ubbocksiltin ciilhily al Ilia taljlu , doonu business homy , nnd then closiu tlio oonconi and \vallcln homo to Ins house In tlio ctlgu nv the village , and go- In tliercitftur with hh wife to llio pmycr meotin1 itv his ohuroh , or to a donttslton party , or siitlnu uv the sort , nuvur stop- pin in liascom'a lo sot 'cm up for the tlursty solus which is allttz wiiUin for thuin which huv nionu.v. Utuscom { juashotl hi.s teeth very time ho saw linn. "The salary I hut that infe rior heln'ttrors Irom n tlimouratio government - ornmont L nm being defrauded outuv tltnly , It belongs to nit ; and 1 should huv It lied wo a prusaleut.that he/ the slllestl ijeo uv wilt is ddoo to them wlch elect ! L him. " The fecliu1 grow inoro and more in- tonau.ontil it WUK docitlcd that it cootlnot go on tliis way any longer. Wo met anil resolved.Vo felt that we coed not wato oil the slow inovenumco uv a president wioli dux not mseni to apprcslutto the guidin'star uv dimocrisy. "To the vic tors blong tht.Bpoilrtr" ) and wo di tcr > nincil U > ttiko tlio law into onr own htintU. \ \ o oluctud Grover ( Jlovchtnd. and wo are entitled - titled to the 8Ub.sliinahul 1 foots uv the gralo vietry. "UontlenienV'scd I , ' "this is a grave and nioinetiehua moment. . There is hich a thing as pitehin' that nigger out iiijji the street and inoggonUiii'mu by force , or wo may wait the slow ntovemenco uv a traitor to dimpcrisy , and continner goitt dry. WiehflholilLo ? " It was a momenchtis moment. Uascom turned pale. . "Tho nigger Lubboek is a part uv llio government1 , to pitch him out onto his nose is to pitch the government out onto its nose. 1 weaken. " "And let Lubboek go on , and mo a spit- ten cotton ? So bo It. " n 'J'her wiiz ainomeatof ( loop silcnco.but a decishtin wtiz arrived at. They looked the matter into llio face and determined to take tlio coiisokcnccs. The deekin , Isaakei' , Gavitt , " Kfinnel M'Pelter , Bascoin and myself went calm ly but determinedly over to thp postollieo and walked into the astonished post master's room. " 1 am cum. " I said , "to take posscslm uv thisollis. " "Hovypu a commishnn ? " asked the fccnd , grinnin1 a sardonik grin. "I hev no commission , nor am I , goin' to wato for one. Wet you want to do is to git out. The people don't want you hero , and our motto is , 'Vox populi , vex dei. Git. " Lubbook rofoozed to git , whereupon we four-took him up bodily and pitched him out on his nose on the sidewalk. Then 1 sotdowd in his plaee and ns- soomcd the duties uv the ollis. I am postmaster do facto , and wo sliel see whether a dimocratic president will re verse the iTcluis desizhtm'uv the people. There wuz a male onilio table to bo sent out and I cggsamined it. There wuz only three letters anil two uv 'em wuz addressed to tlio Loozonncr Lottery at Nee Orleens. I am opposed on prin- siplo to Loltr.ies. and I feel it my uooty to rescqo the iitifochnit victims of the Lot- try habit from the evil consequences uv Iner folly. I sed to myself "that money sliel not go to the managers in Nee Or leens to swell their coffers , " and Leon- ti.stiticatcd the letters on the spot ez con traband. They contained each a $ o bill. I put ono uv tlio sed bills in my vest pookit anil handed thp other to IJascom , sayin' to him to give mo credit for it on ao- count. ' " mtmion earth , lllfwfiz tH5IlfiisE"mouoy \ lied hod ttv'mo.'senco Granthisted mo out uv the oflis in 1803 , and it allectUl him visibly. He sank back in a chare , over come with umoshun , and wept tears uv grutitood. "My deer sir , "sod I , craspin' him by the hand , "this is only a ocginnin' . Tins is the first drops uv the Paclolian shower wieh is to como. Ther is my salery and ther is letters every day containin1 re mittances to .the Loommcr lottery , A bL'ttet\day hez dawdled ontotiie Corners. " Jiascom rung my hanil staggered out speeehlis's forgettm' in his emoshun to take tip the $5 note , which 1 immejitly put in my vest pocket with its blessid sister. 1 am now entirely happy. I am in my old phioo , and everything is serene. JJas- coin's' is1 rfgth acVosa the road antl it is but a stop over there. To save time I hov tv demiJohn uv his newest on my table , and a box uv two-for-ltvo cigars with matches handy. From my window on my rite hand 1 can see the smoke as cending forever from McPelter's distill ery , a sweet ashoorenco that the stock uv likker will novpr run out. lictwixt mo and the distillery is the tree onto which wo yoost to hang niggers and the carpi t-baggers uv tlio north wioh cum to the Corners with ther dihtubin' noshuns , nnd just by it , a little to the rite , is the ideiitikle spot wher Issaker Gavitt shot a northern man thro the kidneys fur porsistin in hurntyin fur Grant. There wuz a nigger schoolhouse - house just to the left , wieh wo burned in 'bT > , and i am now wearin the coat uv the huil tfcoher , wieh we hung. To sit and dror thp salary uv prtstmaster , with all these historic places , with the other con veniences , within site , is too soothin fur anything. Tlio yoonyun is saved at last , nnd the government is trooly in the hands of its friends. All is peeco with mo. After battenin on the barren rex uv political defeat all these dreery years , it is a sweet delight to bo wtniKt more feedin in the tall grass by the running waters of olllnluil patronage. 1 reside sekoor. Uv course Cleveland will be glad to bp roleovcd uv the respon sibility uv making a removal , and will to wuustsend me my conunishun , Wo shall move on the other two otllses next week in the same way. The author ities at Washington are too slow for thin progressive ago. Wo uv the Corners want what wo lit for. . NASIIV , P. M. ( at last and triumfant. ) TlIK IUT.SAMIO IlEAUNO AM > SOOTU ISO properties of Samaritan Kervino tire marvelous. "My brother , nged 10 , had fits from his infancy. Samaritan Nervine cured him. " A. W. Curtis , Osiikis , Minn , $1,00. al Druggists. if _ _ _ A Oliinoso Oarni. The Chinese farm-house is n nnrious looking abode. Ut > ualy | it is filiultcivil with groves of fealhory bamboo ami thick hpreading banyans , The walls arc of clay or wood , and the interior of the IMHIMJ rnnsiKlH of one main room , extending - ing t'roiii the Moor to the tiled rooof , with cloi'ntlooking ' apartments in the corners for hleoping-rqimiH * . There is n sliding window in Ihn roof , matle of cut oyster shells arnuigcd in rows , while the side window * alii mere wooden shulloiM. The Hour ih the barn earth , ' where at night fall ihcriMtrtiui galhcr tfigetljer a mi el- lani'iitis I'iinnl.v of ilirty 'dilldren , fowls. duck. > , | ilgt'ini4 nnd a litter of pigs , all living in"i'llici" in delightful lianiiDiiy. lu > iiniin1iMrIt't.sinff > li'il by marivudiujj bauds. luiiiM'A iin < > lrongly fottlliiid by. hi h waNiiMiriiin'ing ) ajiurturtH for'liro- in ms. aii'l pi'iiirctcil by a nicut crossiiil ba , null' drawbridge. "One iiMii-lixf uuiiint makes thu whole W'irl'l I. MI U'n KIIH-II < if St Jacobs O'l l ' " " .HI itjnlll tO SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAIJ KOKEY. rONUV Tolonn In flinnnor $109nmlnpwnrd * U on t eat estate , by Halloa llio * . , UI7 S. I.JIh nrrr-so - To lonn by nn cnMovn party on first- P rlnsa city property In sums to suit. Imiulro of S. Ummnn , ll'jd Farnam. SiiUf MONUY To lonn. The Omntia Fhmnclal Kx- clnuipo , IMtl Fat mini Mrcct , up-stalrs. nml.os loans on nil clnt es < iC security from nflOoluit- lol lonn to ? IO.i ion rciilc tiitn'n mlikolonim to suit all applicants on Ion * or short tlmo on Imtnovcd ii > nl bstntc , hind contracts , Ina-ns , bulldlmrs on leased hunt. socuriHl notes , dollniur- nls , chatiol , orKood Sfcuritv ( if any kind. lx > w rnttHj easy terms , Oinnlm Mnaticliil K\uhin e ( MM Faininisueet , tip Malrs. fclJ-tr rpo LOAN Money In miy amount on mul os- JL. Into security. 0. U. Alaynu , 15th nnd Fiii- liam. lHW-o-15 M ONUY TO I.OAX-C. V , Davis & Co. Heal Kstatonnd Loan ucronts , I505 1'arniun St. MOXHY TO I.OAN-On clmtteKVooloy & Itairison , room " 0 , Omaha National bank building. M'.itr ' MtJ CAOlfn IJItOTIIlilts Investmenrniinl- crs , opposltoTost olllee , Omuliu , nei.olluto mortgage lo.ius on llrst-iilass seunrlty nt ruling rut os of Interest. 1'artlcs dcslilmr to IxM-rov on Improved cltyor country rent uMitto.tur Irom ono lo live years , can bo iiecominodaled prompt ly. MuUnguo llrothers , bimkow.opp. I'ostolllco. ONUY TO l.OAX On real cstnto nnd chat M tels. 1) . r , . Tliuinus. CtfJ-tt MONUY I.OANio-On : chattels , ctit into , H. U. tickets bought anil told. A. Jj'orman , 213 S. lUthSt , B'1-tl' ' MONHY TO LOAN In sums of $ MO and up- wurds on first-class real estate f-eotirlty. I'ollor iV : Cobb , 1015 rut-mini St. KiVtf I.OANKI ) ntC. 1' . Heed & Go's. Ixmn MONUY on furniture , pianos , hort.es . , witgons personal propotty of all \lnils und all other nr- tleles oC vuluo , without i-otnoviil. Over 1st Nut'l Hank , corner 1'ith nnd Karnani. All business bit-icily eoiilldontal. Cgfl-tf T1TONI5VI MOXKYII MONKYIII Jlonoy to 1U. loan on cluiUel security by W. It. Crott .room 4. Wlthnell bulldlnjr , N. K. corner 15th nnd liar- ney. Alter yoata ot o.xporionco und aciirot'ul Htuily or the business of loalilng inonoy on per sonal propoily , I havoiit last norreetodnsystem whereby the publicity nsutil In such ciiAca Is done iivvny with , and I am now In u position to meet the dcmand-ioC all who bocoino tiiinpor- nrlly ombiitriushed unit deslro to ralso money without delay anil In n quiet manner. HOUFO- hcopers , prolc sionnl Kontlcmcn , meelmiiies utiil others in Oinulm ami Council UlulU.ciili obtain advances iiom JIUlo $ l.uuO on Hiieh Bccnrlty us household turnltiirc , plnnos , inachliiory , horses ses , wiiKons , warohoiiso reeoipta , scoured notes of hand , etc. , without removing snmo trom own ers lesidenco or phico of business. Also on line Watches tintl Diamonds , ono of the advantages I ollor is that any part of any lonn cun bo paid at nny tlmo which will reduce the Interest pie rata and all loans renewed nt tlio original rates of In terests I luivo no brokers In conned Ion with my olllee , hut personally superintend all my loans , I have priviuoollicos connected with my general OlliCCH ) tllllt CUStOlllClS do lOt ! COI1IO ill COIl tract with each other , consequently moLliiK ml transactions btrictly prlvnlo.V. . K. Crolt , room 4 , Wltlmcll bulldlm , ' , N. F. . corner Ifitli mid Haruoy , Omaha , and Ki I'oarl St. , Council Hlutls. o' fl-tf WANTED FEMALE HEX.P. WANTUD tiood plrls , first nnu second work In private families lordlnlmrroom.kltchon mid hotel work , peed wages. Call ll.'O fcanlaui St. , Omalm Umploytnont Itiireau. 4s8 WA\NTUD One flrst-olais dlnhiff room girl Immediately , and ono dish washer ut 104 south lUth street , at Norrls' Kcstiummt. Kcstiummt.OOOSOp WANTHO Tmmedlatcly , n first-clrtss lady cook ut the Wusblngton House , Lincoln , Neb. 603-o-tfp WANTUO Coodpirl for general housework In small family. MJll ) St. ilary's uvo. 4b'J WANTKD IJerman or Swede jjlrl to work in store. Address , with icferunce , "Mer chant , " Post Ollie. KXKJO WA > iTUI ) A girl , il pener.d fcornnt In n small inmlly ; Rood plain cook. Apply HMO Dodge Su 49--o-lp WANTIUKltchen gill. 1513 Howard. 4o"'olp ) - | to cook and do kitchen woik WANTKI-Qrl utill ! North 14th street. 47S-oOp WANTii : ! rl that , can cook , wnsh nnd Iron , nt 1911 Webster sheet. 475 TV COOSo. 16th St. ' "iO-.V..vp WANTJo Good girls for all Kinds of work , such as cooks , ijlrls lor woneral house work , second pirls , chambermaids , laundress , hotel ami kitchen work. These desiring peed places will call at the olllco from U to fl o'clock. 1'liicos will bo tiirnlsiied to Bids tree of charge. Cull ut the new ollice , Nebraska employment AKOIICV , Hi ) CromibO llloek , Sixteenth siieet and Capitol avenue , ICoom 4. itis. JJ. Smith , Maim- fjor. yil WANTUO-Nurso Blrl , S. W. corner lth ! ) upd St. Jlary'b avenue. 8S3 WANTUO-Lady agents for "Daisy" Sklit and Stocklnp Snpponers , .Sholil/ler / ( traces , llo-om Forms , Dions hhlclib , Itubbcr CJInglium ISIhs , Aprons , Sleeves , Inliuits' Diapers&c. Our l.ooo apenth are miikhiK1 money last ; ? o can you. Address with stamp , K. 11. Campbell & Co. , U South May street , Chicago , 45 > " 0p V/AHTED-SIABE HEAP. V\TANTUI > a pcrsops to Instruct In book- TV kcoplnjf. Terms , tf down , mul . " 0 soon us Eitualion is turnUhed. I. li. Smith , k.Farnain. . WANTUlJ-lmmedhitcly , two A No. 1 , Hrst- class coat makers ; none but peed , sober hands need notice this. First-ulass prices paid. Apjily to J no. A , Mcfjlo , Merthiint'l'iilloriiifj Km- iioriuintori : Kourth blicol , Sioux City , la. Win. U. Maton , Jliiiintrer. ' WANTED. Hcsponslblo man with iV lor paying position. Salary and per contmjo. Audross l C. WALTON , Omaha. 47--D. : ! W ANTKO ( Jood bushelman ut Gibson's , tiillord , LJI'J So. l&th St. WANTKn Travelltis Bnlesmen. Address with stnmpyimpson A : 1'arions , Tool Co. , ( , ) , Hoard oL' Trade , tit. L'aul , iMiiiu. 1'actoiy , Lowell Alass. 43U-O--7 'ASTHO Steady , rolhiblo , tnlddlood nittn to sell troads. Call 4 1 buutU lUlli rit WANTU ! ) 73 good tnon for rallrond work : track layinifiit ( Jlmdron.Nch , ( lood vruiros nnd Ireu tiuiibportatiou. Callut 11-U L'arnam btteot. * * " > WANTIJD An active , o.vpcrlenced dry ( foods Kultjimui , Apply with lufereiieed to O'Uomihoc- ; blmrly , i5Ui streetnext post olllco. ) First elusa alcsiacn whoso ronto WANTKI lies In Nbnh.N'uUr.iSaiior lotvii and nouh , to carry n Itieiory llnu of plui ; tobaeeu-i on com- lulv-iiiii. Adiliusj , ultU lotoreueed , 1 * . O. llox i'ul.at. Joseph , Jio. U./-'Op ; AtiKNTK Sclllnsf MUfoiirl steam witshor iiutko blic moiiuy. JVotth , bole Jliuiuluo- tutor , tit , LouU , .Nto. 'Jodecllp : WANTliD iO yottntr mon to Icurn telcjrrnphy nnd uiHioad uuition bookkeepliif ( , Ad- it. I > . L ) . " Umuhu Husluuis Colluxo. Ki-SOp WANT1 | > iront * . Atl < lre H Blectrlc r.nmp unit KTovo l. a. , St. I.ouU , Mo. , tor circular , cm mm lui'ius ol W citndlo jioivcr Marsh Hlcctrlo "TXTANTKU Uy \ouinr nuin , 1 it it position imolliro clerk. Aililft- II. Hityes , ili ' WANTKI > Einploymont by u well educated mini miiialnit'd | with UuiiL-h. Laniiuiu. Ho- hciiilan and l-.tiglUh. Addiess A. a. , lice Oilico. 4Si p \\rAMii-\Vitliln : fouror ilvo blovk or II' h TT fc'chool , HII clclu or ten room Imii-f , bsrh loom , hot nnd cold wiiter.ttunueo : riimill Imnliy ; rcterence wiven If dcalied , Adii-e/ ( hul tcnii til , Hcooltleo. 4r > o \ \ TrANTKD Homo by n trentlemnn recently T T Irom Hie oiiM.ili.'Slri'it room uii'l board in u in'iVilto Ivmllv u'l'ii luuslful people piotcirud. Voiy best roleienecs. 1' . O , box-ii ) , .itr. " \V"ANTii : > Ily n sln lo irciillotniui , u nicely i I'jniisln-il ' mom .suitn icrmi und con- Veiii'MlcM , Aildrt s W. , lleo Ollleo. Ulp \\7".iNTKI ) W IDIIU uurup Iron , stoyo nlmo TJ and ir-iL-liluviy t-a t. Umaiui Ironworks Co L I' . II H. , ITth nnd IStU ttruci4 > i i-yj "ix ANTKO Muurc-3 * maker at Dewey & r A NT Kl i-TcntiT. WAXTr.U A jrofxl well mni'n lnn1e Torllnnd "itlnror any nrnko. AiMnvd with lowest ' n ln > rlc . Winter , Ileo olDcu. ' 2 ! i-2fl WANTI1D Oetpbor 1ft , u 10 loom hou&o oim onornearP/L / Mary wiivr. jirolotreil. Call orni1 < lr ( > . .Tr I , . IlrHiiiiMSiVHotir'inGiiiuiriiiRfMmtli llldi MrCoU i'.Vi- WANTlIh A fTfillnt nenrlho rltjnt n rea sonable ( iricc. Slnlo iirlco , terms lilul lo cation. Address , J.Nit' . " llooolllco. I-VS WA vni : > tnformiMIoii ! If 1/coimnl Selitnlt * wlwllicil on/Ooilifo St. , Oiiiiilnit Imtwecn Illh nnd Utli Rti-cut , In 18S'vlll semi Ills address lolWol'.T. It. arnntl.e.lil'll.v , Dak. , 1m will leatn soinelhlnfr < i ? Interest lo him. U77-2Hi > WANT15I > To Uhiito a prooil soeoml linnd lilmui.orit Iiorco4ind blips ) ' , liuiiilro lit Killmlm & HrleksMU WJ BENT-HOUSES AMD LOTO. -ir ( ) lt ltiNT-HoitA : , 5 room * . Inquire 1M- I1 helm \ nrlcteon. r 3 ItKNT-Oet. ISt. or after , n ilwclllinr lionpoA room ? , nleoyanl , i-lsUirn , wnliir. $ .M iier month. Apply Mil I'm k Wild uvu. , Or.lno , U' , Hell , ilriiKglst , K.M South 101 li St. KM 771 O It It KNT NicaWittiifto 1010 South Hull St. .1 } lllqlllroof U. A. lloldlll. --K } ( ! p _ TT OIt UHNT Cheap , ono iiroom brick eottflsn Jv wlili modern ItiiprouMiitntA , lnwo ynul , utli mul Hickory Btiuutd. liuinlroon | numl M. 2lt-o-ip ; Foil HUNT Oiui.'J room lioitso No. 2.VSJ Call- roinlii street , nml ono U room liouae , north- wet corner 21st and Wobstor. Innnlroon ( item ises , 01or 1' . ,1. Croeilim , U7th and Wolnter. 418 Fnil'lUiNT A nlot' , pleasant room , edor n n [ utilised. Iminlio ut 151U r.e.'ivon- worth stroot. 410 rilO ItlINT Three room collneo , . $10 jior JL month. Six i-omn lioiisoniul stnblo , $1.1 per month. Isl. struct , nuar Cliuk. A. 1' . Tulioy , 1WI Kimmm St. 4 Hi "Ijioit KKNT Iionsowlthiilno moms &o. , In JKood order. Inqntro ol Jus. Itonnor , 1315 Tpoit UUNT lilH''nrmim ; ! Htrcct.ilbtorlosmid J. biioumnnt ; hj'Uriinllo elevator , hti'iim lioiil. Imiulro of Slovens Urns , "I'J south loth St. _ _ [ _ m _ T71OK ItlCNT VuniMiod , my ruslduuco on SlHl JL' etroot , near St. Miiry's uvo. , coiitnlnlntf 11 i-ooms ; luodurn impiovumunts. Win. ri-oston. ISJ-'J-Jp ITIOII IIKNT Honso 0 rooms , cunttnli ; ) . X1 Two line cottajros : wood locution , L-ucli 4.18. TottiiRO ! ) roonirt Thirtieth mul Kurnum Mu' . Ijullon Uros. , ill7 S. Thirteenth street. 4M-Z.I TT1U ( ICKNT A cottiiKO of four rooms with -I ? City mid cistern water ; 81 South lltth St. hot , Leuvenworth and Slurtlui. IiuiUlielllUS. lltth. _ ; _ 417 _ Et > ll HUNT A cottnjro In oed location , .T.10 per month. A. Siiundors & Co. , ' 1101 Tar- iniiu Bticot , opp. I'a.Mon. ' Foil KUNT Two blorles on St. Mary's nvu. $ j per inunth , each. Uaodt-ilralilu tor meat market. For rent Two now lionfcs fli and $14 per month , lospoctlvclv , locations desirable. .1. U. Itlley Ac Co. , i-15 Miiith lath St. S10 FOH ItlCNT llon-o 11 i-ooms ? - " , per month ; trill rout part. Cl. IJ. Thouipaou , S.V. . cor. Illh and Hamoy. I'M Tmoil IIKNT Good now 4 room house : $10 -U iier month. Near utroot car. J. K. HlleyA ; Co. , 15S. lilthSt. IWX ) 171 OK HUNT Now house , cast front , porch , JJ cistern , well and out house * ! dsirablo locu tion ; $11 per mouth. J. 13. Itiluy & Co. , U15S. itli ; ; Stiect. 100 " 171 OK IIKNT The houpo and burn on corner -K aith and I'Jcrco St. Inquire at liobtoa lry Goods store , S. 10th St. VQl ItliNT ! i room coltnjfo corner Topple- ton and Shoridtirt St. , $15. C. II. Jlnyno. 3. W. corner l.'jth mid Fiirmun. 'ill j _ " | 7H > Il HUNT Cottugrc 0 rooms.houso 10 rooms. JU J. 1'hlpps Itoo , Seward and iauiiboll. _ jj _ KTJ _ IIKNT Furnished toom. Foil store , lUth and DOu Iiis. 4111 Foil ItKNT Furijhhed liont room with board. Inqtiru | JUb. 0. 11. llooio , Ittll Dodge Stroot. , , , 4j."i " | j OU UISNT-J : } fiifiihliod rooms on Paolllo JU street , between 9th and lOth.ono block south of the U. 1' . ilopou - . 4'JJ ItKNT ' "A pleasant room , furnished or J' unfurnished. Inqulro at JJllS Louvonu-ouh street. DC _ _ -U'Uolp ' -XTTdtatfon excelioiif.'iit'illirhYuno.v sfl" 4U ( p FO It HUNT A neat front room , northcn&t corner of 17th a/ul Ghlciiuo. 4io jp FOK HUNT To Kohtlomen , liirso lurnWicd trout room with closet , J71. CalltiunU street. POltiiKNTTtvo nlcelv tuiiiMicit room1 ! nnd board 1C desired. 710 S. 14th bt. 4SUoJ FOH HUNT With board , nicely rooms , 171C Cass St. 4tilt"p Foil HUNT Three furnished rooms , with prlvilcse'of both looms. 51U llloafnnt St. 47t > 0-ip : T7AOU HUNT Nlcclr fnrnlsliud room with JC boaid.gas , bath andjiiato. X'i j Hedge .St. 411. ) FOU HUNT Furnished rooms 1418 Do.lcro St. . . - lll-o.lp T71O11 HUNT Flcnsnnt iiirnlslicd and inifiir- JU nlshod room , 005 North 17tb St. o'J7op ' : I neil HUNT For small family four nnlur- nMied looms , two elo&cts and bath loom , -013 Ilarnoy. T71OK HUNT Furnished room , 19Ct Fainam. JL1 3M-.p : T71IHI HUNT N'co lllri'Ishcd loom , KXfJ JL ? Dodge. 17101C HUNT I.arfro front room ; modi'i-n Im- JL' provements. tO.'N. 17lh btrcut , lloluiunces requited. oJl TnfoH icr.NT Nicely funiWied room , sT'V , JJ cor. 1'Jth audSt. iliiry save. " 41T FOH HUNT Furnished fiout room with board , b.iy window , brick housu , liifi No 17th. 17th.Foil Foil HUNT Thtoo very desirable tooini with privilexo ol Imtli loom , at No. 7 > J luta street , neur Webstvr. Uliolp "I71OH HUNT Two nlco furnished rooms and JU one liu-fto nnt'urulslietl alcove room witli bay ntnUow and'tfiates ; tmth loom on stnau tloor ; "Utli street , near St. ftlmy'd avenue. In quire S , W , cor. HHIi mul Joil o. Vil HUNT Onoor two do lrahlo furiiNlicd Foil looms , one blook from icil cur Hue amid iiilnuius' walk from 1' . O. Inquire S , U corner Uth and Chicago hti-eot. rJ4-'JUp FOH HUNT In prlvnto familypleasant room with boardat- stieot. lHJ-xi : | ) T710H HUNT-Pleasant furiiUhed room. 1707 JL ; c'usd btruut. 7IOH HUNT Nlcoly furnished fiont room to L ? Kcntlumitn only , at S. U. corner "utU mid kli rriOK HUNT Hooui with board , IGI'I Cnpltol U avunuo. tulp 171OH HICNT-4)riirnUlio ) < i room. Iiujnlro .V. li , JU corner asili'ituil ' ] > odKO Su. _ Wl OH HKNT4-KleRaiuly : furnished rooms , ul i > ft Hiilto , ut 17H C'asa St. UVi FOH HUNT Tire nicely furnished rooms on Bttet oiu-lliio. Jiiiiiiiu | , 7 Dodge. OliWsp FOH HUNT--A suite of nicely furnished front rooms fo # tri > , ( 'cntlomuii , 1711 Jnck on stieot , nearcoiior ) Ut 17th btrect. Itolcioneuj reijulrcd. txJi ) V „ ( Tit HKNTJ-Kn'riilshed looms for ll 'lit housekeeping , In lieemor'a block , cor , oih ami lloivaul. * b"l FOH HUNT I'ljd/ishcdor / unfurnished loom , 101SI Kunmili ttiSM , bJJ - - - , A-rr\l - 1 - 771OH HUNT llaiiiUoinply fiiniWiod rooms , JJ Hlnalu or di Ubju/.with bo.uil , 1T1H DoiUo. ' O " 'IIJ ( J.I.- , 171OH HUNTVO'tJ" "no ojilec * III .Vol'-i , > lm JL : Nittlomil IjanJi Uulldiuj , ' , Iiiqiihuat t.auu. K1SNT TMII.IOOIIH mljohilinr. wllh IrtOK ' front room 6ojili-eat > t , I'HI Wol.ster ircct. i , _ _ f.W _ Pint ISUXT l well fnrnlineirioom lor a'gen- tlunien , IWJ r'uriitm tine ; , opiiotito ( ioos ' Hotel - \ | > | ) ly nl I.'OHI 4 , or \tii--friuini.v Iiuniuit-Ji iJth street. * > I Foil nnvr 1 | . ! ea"iut 'Ql "i r rent rooms 8. ' W , corner I'iru lujil | 'avi'i"jii. ! | Ti" ' ltHVr-llHiH oiuel > " -L1 I' . . I FIUJ RKVT T nii ' 'fir lurnUbeil ro-uiH. N" . VV 101 l-i .1 'il " > lnr t ; 'ill'1 4' ) ! Y 0 ll v r . „ . , .n , . < i , i.lf e J- i 'i'1'ix i f ' ' ' ' , ItKNT Iarjro front room on first Door with or without board , liuitilra nt 1W1 Far- nam street W7 ron SAI.r. A 7 room hoiifo and , owl lot , JU nmt lilouk fnim I'atk arontio , fJ4W ; oaty term. Ciiniilngham & llrcitnan , l.'ill Dodpr St. ' SAi.U-dWn ) bnrpaln , two 1oU 100 < ai7 I rnelniTon llnn om pmk. Cdltn nfi i-ooms II cold nt once , $ \M \ ( > will laKe It. U It. Mnyno , Soulh-wt'St cornet 15th mul Farnam. Wt-o-i ) ; l.-\OH HUNT-roltiiRo of. t room2 ! clo. oK I' imntly nndcollafr > ul Sn li Ki.lh. CnllnL lT iiuulli Utli street or on picmi csalturOp. m. 4S7 1jMH SAI.i : A ( I loom bilck hon o mul 1 -1 neroof hind on ! d Munit , nnar St. Maij's nvpiiiin. f.l/ii < l. Pen Ibis at owe. Cininliinluiin & lliendan , 1511 Dodtjo. WJV.I | T > O It SA I.U-A few rholco lots nonr I'm U JL1 nvcnuo ; piico , ! ' * < > i-iuih ; niontlily pay ments taken , Cunnln liain & llienmin , l.'ill 41HWU .U $ ot will buy an almost now road enit. Inqiilro Iftti" north lilt li St. Jr OH SA lU Splendid resldimco propeity near . the Sucrad llcmi Acadcniy. Uiw price : terms. Cunningham * A : llrennan , IM1 , 4117-X-J ONI.YWllolstolradofor Improved ptopoity , will itsstiino moriKaKes or pay dllleii < nco In cash. 1'iirtlos wMilnjr to triulo boiler call at onco.V , II. Urocn , over 1st National Hank. 174 FOH SAI.U Ixit , business house mul two dwellings , barnc'istern , well and other Im- Itrovtmienis , on'J-'d , between 1'ieico and 1'acllle Etieuts , laehiK1 onllMrcets. luqulrollrttt honso north of Btoio. 1'rlco , $1,000. 411 ITIOH SAI.K l ixTiOon ricn iuit. and Davon- JL.1 port streets , west Omaha , nlto 4 loomcot- , n ImrKiiln lor cash or on pa > nients. Cat S80 FOIt SAr.i : Full lot mul good hoiifo lilong Sf , Cur line on south Illth street , vm-v cheap und must bo Bold. 1'rleo $ ; ) , SjO , terms easy. It. U. 1'attorvon , lilth mid Farnnm , 451 T71OU SAI.K 11 acres Iliioost garden mid fruit JL1 land In the state , ami il mllc-ilroiii Omaha ; have not the tlmo to look alter It. On tlmo or lor cilsli. Ual. Martin , luti South nth St. IIT'J TT10K HUNT OK SAI.i : A. lumro , burn for20 JL1 eows ; and i lotaln Walmlt Illllndd. fin per mouth. Imiuiro James C'lulstlnu-oii , U. 1 * . l ° i eight olllco. : iiT-o-'ip FOIt SAI.K Ono of the flwst leslilonco prop- ei-lloslnOimihu , $ touiU. ) 0. U. Alayuo , Ijiu and Fin num. : ; ; 5 "T71OII SAI.K A nice collage In splendid locu- Jtloa easy payments. A. SnundcrstV ; Co.Uul 1'iU'iiiim tit. , opp. l'a\ton. yfi TnoiSSALK llots.togother for $150 oaehvery ; J-1 chenp : terms easy. A. Suundois & Co. , Hoi Furnnin sireot , opp. 1'iixton. liol T7IOU HAMS Oil ItKNT Ililclc houso. six JU rooms , corner lot , Shlnn's add. Will ell on monthly payments. C. K. Jlayiie , IJtli ami l > 'ar- lllllll. 'J74 SALK Ten cottnitcs nnd flno houses glng In jirico fioin fr < 00 to $12.lMU eaeli , .niled ea-ilum Muao only ? ; ! iXl. All on e.isy ternls. It. U. Patterson , loth und Fnriiam. inOU SAI.i : A bar/ruin / ; houto mid dvo rooms JL' ami lull corner lot , $ llUi ) . li.illou Dios. , ; > 17 South loth bliuct. 4 < o-x" ) Foil SAI.K Thrconoivcottage * , five rooms each. In Walnut Hill ; good ccllilts , closets , pautiies.ciitorut etc. ; two loN with eiieh cottiii.ro Sl.MXl each , $100 down mid f U per month. O. I ! . JIaynu , IJlli and Farnam. 3 ! F OK SAI.K A few very choice lola on moiit li ly payments. A. Saunders 6 ; Co. , Hut I'ar- iitimstteot opp. Paxton. Xil T71U1 ! SAljlIloniitlful acio property - miles J-1 Irom city , at $ Ii" > to 5 lXi per ucie : easy . It. C. ' - l terms. I'littoi-Aon.conier kii und rarmuu J71OII SAI.i : Magrnltlccnt hou oaml lot with JO cotnniodioiis barn on C'alifoiilia street uenr lath , south liout , fii.nno. For sale Full lot peed twostory 8 loom house on Calilorniii , location very desirable , fo.iJDU. J. U. Itlley & Co.l.'i Muth l.iih sircot. S FOit SAI.i : 17 lots on Oeorgla and Virginia nvos. , IteJiek a add. sl."J : to $ > lijO ! oauli ; easy terms. ( S47) ) No\v eottago full lot l th street , Cd lioiifo north of Uiiunuinu's Hioivery , $ -JiVjea ( y terms. ( I'M ) The neater cottiigo InUmaliu. new , nil modern conveniences , ( ieorgiu nvo. , ' ! , HJII. i : . ( > j ) llouiitltul ueio lot and house laeing'pro- po.-cd lioulovurd , West Umaha , sy.'jW , einy torms. (2i7) ( ) 0 acres with ( rood hoii = o , Etublo etc. , 5 miles , , . . , finnnlUOlJWWcii . * .v. * v . , 'lyitlriim. , good tiniu. corner Grand and 1'icr btieeu , S-uJ : , mouiiiiy pin- inents. ( I7I > Lot facing Il.iuscom park on Turk nvo. , Sl.iiW , ea y loi'ms. U. i ! . Ma ) no , Ijcli und tur- num. U72 TTiOK.SAl.i : Xew house , 1 rooms , rnst trout , -U lull lot , nu\t to uliej , on .tiniilnis btri ei ; lot alone u-oith m-arly all mat is asked tor 41 , , ( XJ. ) .1. H. Itiley tc Lo. . a 15 s.-iyth fat , sB OIl SA l.i : Two lots on n corner , two blocks I mm raniam , botti lor4l ; . ' . > u. pimtivi'lv J. U. Itlley \ fo.'J15 South TJth &t. ; , r TpUICSAI.i : OnCniivuntSt. , lot .lO.xlt'J ' ; hotisu -L. o nuim-i noni'hirvL'i car line , ; .JOU'jcaNi. | J. W. Marslmll , I.'M/U I'm ii.im Si. IO ; TTlDltSAI.i : rull lot , MHHli liont : von * li'slr- -L1 nblu propc-iiy , im ii'dctir line. Tim is vorv cu ( < : iia&JliiU. | J. K.itiloy iSCo.yii bouth l. < ui fan cot. : : , ij TTioit SAI.U Lot on I'nrmun , Wlvl87 , 5I.1.K ) , J.1 vnry iloslrahlo lor lOsldciici1. Tiii > Hill i > i > In llio nnu Lot only a low iliijsiia It Isunuap. .1. U. Hiloy tv Co. , l.i South 1'Jili bticct. .TJU Ftm SAI.U run corner lot tlneo hlncka fioin blieotcais ; boiiutllul mul-lyluly loc.-ulon ; S.V'iJo iiMi , or , iji cm tlmo. Tills U poalnvulvu .1. JJ. HlloyALo , , l.jd. 1'itli bt. ; ' , cl IflUIC KAIi-Clicup , 11 line lot III llatiscom 1 I'l.ieo. Addto-i' , IN' . 1' . K , lU'o olllco. l.'ii "TT1I > U SAI.U lloimts nnd lots on monthlr JL monls I ) . 1. IhijilL'ii , i-aundotd , Liil.o and AV'illlii aves. rtll SAI.K Wo Imvo Inli on Vluton , Cum lugs , ( ieorgm mo. , Ii'iveiiuouli : nii > l oilier Mi-coin. 1'nr-limn htrcct | ) IIMIU > piojibity J. U. Hiloy & ; Co. , u'J5Soutli ith : ; Atrcol , T71OK SAI.i : Cheap , 5 mom coittifo mid lot , JL1 easy terms ; situated ut No. ill" N. lilliSt. , between Callloi nhi ' ' - ' - ni'u Web-tcr ; r lep.urcd and impiuvcJ. Inquii-u ot JTIOItSAr.K-A two stoty.VJvM. Inimo build JL. jnir , MiitHhloforn ttore , near luiti and Kit luiin Sin. Apply t thli oilleu. i'K ' FUltSA I.K Full lotwllh nun'hniifn. 1 1001113 , piMiliy , ci'llnr , c'liiein , poivh in Ironi , bllmm ; less than tlirco bloclid fiom ii-d ear line ; Improrumont.- ) worth over f-uO , nil tor tlU'"Ji. 'y payments. TliU la al i > u burguin. . ) . I' . iiS. Utli TT OK HAI.IC At ii Imijrnln.n lion'onfiirooni" , X' every room liealcd by Ciimaoo ; hot mul cold valor , bath , lot OlxHil ; near lii'iid Kt. Jliirv' * n\enuc , llouo cost $ l,0f l ; lot Is otth H'ijivi. II ml. . I ut oncu , Kill itiUo $1,000 ( or llio pluce. 0. K , Miij'iio , l.'ill nnd lull mini , 777 TjllNi : Improved fanin.u III t ratio lor Impiovod JU' cily pioperly. W. II , ( jrcun , over 1st Nu- llomil Iliinlc. -JT FOKS.\J IJ-Atiibar lnn , lot with 2 IIO ! J nnd 7 loom ? , well , ui'loni , linni , < Xu. , a'.tli and llnrney. Iinpioved pmpurty taKcn ni pmt pay , \Vm. I. . Montoo , Mt uuU Uoiiylu- . ' . ' 1 ItEAI. ESTATE. plOU HALIJ-lly t'.vulton XCo. . Ix > t MxSOO en t front , litli. near SI. Mini's nvo. with vk'KUiit lu loom ( ji-.Vk liijiifcoiiiul all ntvc'j- en ry out liullilliiKa tvO - J lols hi I'elimm mid , near Ued Car line , well lo cated , ft'llearh. ' Corner lot UTlfxltn , Lowo'sndd. t' > lor 10 days. : i loia In W. A Itidl.-lc'a mid. at fjW. Well locnicd lot ou toutli imli , nuar Vhilon , - . Lot (1'xTOi ( ) . Cnlirornla near SOih , with 3 room ' , . .U , I'lviitAiit sirect , near f-t. Mary's nvc. with 7 mom ( mute , bntii , well , tieicrn , cellar , coached. fiii. ffiluat t'loiiion Ijtli , near I'lerco wllhUioum IIOIIKO. t ! .V.O. t.oi.i'vKiicitstfiont ' , istli nt rI , l oSr.,4ioom lioi' 4 , $ l/i ( > > . Lot mnr ; . | urnr lAvoii | > ort , c-itbt f..inl , lib ! i loom coir-'O ; , $ l'ni. Lot Kifvl-i1) , -e.l.ir : nnd fill , well lonile.l , t7. > < Jlor lU < l yj , lonorci , " ) rods cost front , " mllcu from city , f li'i per iii'i'e. CornerhJt In Dwl lit , t I.ymnn'fi ad'l. ' $ la' , lUlUTU lots , HJlOlli ( lift I I'D lit I'llrll.u llli'ca from cly | ( linliH. f | . " > per ncte. I. ) acici li'ifliiv ' eiiluviiled I'i mUcsftnui Tort Oimiliu , t.plonildly | iociittd , i''n < J. t > iicros in llyilo 1'iii-K , t n \ - HniH t nnd etoiei for icnt , l'tiui ) > n d Co. , Til ; rarnum strcui. 4-W-o-J _ _ ' . I.ANIH-l'hoH'O tIMCIil Hlil | GOVKItN'.MIiNT couniy. I'uf Innimia. ( him addri'ss W , ! ' . i'uino. , idiu-y , Npl > . i.'ii.'i < ( UXIMIMSOVKI ) I\VIH I llrtVO for * l'.l uuinoIcO mi * nl liind iiif > 4 liieat > t > | vr u t , $1 o ui > li , ininii'i' l"1 ' "mo , .pr ! . ' HI'II' I , \V. I- ' . 1't'ts Sldinv. Vi-li. LlSTnti'li1o cilillonot | ronl OMnto loft with inn will rwolvn ( iroinpr nttctttlnn nnd nd- vcullsliitt free. Kiwi l'ln s e-lljr propcrl ) Millelt- oil. .1 , W. Marshall , jenl o.ilnto , liMn ) rarniiin. ( )7J ) IjlOlt SAI.K Very choice fnrnis In nioitof O thoeonnllea In Kn tern Nebrnskii. 1 hnvo nrrnnR-Pinr'ntR with iral t'ltntp inoii by run siiply | nil etntnniprsvlth well imimvoil | litrmHiit seed rnlemimU'iisy ttirm . I enn nl o InrnlMi IAW ImnU In Iniuo ldl < nllnti1n lor Block rnnchea. J.V. . Jlnt-ilmll , 1.V.1 Fninain Pu ! I7I "TTIOIt SAl.H Tliioctoclc nnd foodlntr form of J. ( Vklmnw , slvlouii mills 1mm Umaha Stock Ynnli ; v oil equipped lor Ktn'.lnn : and reodlnw onltlo ! well wnlorod nnd plnnly of ( rood liar Intnl. rortirleo mid ile ctiiillon , addles ( I. M. IhurlsoM.yprlMKllulO , Null. KTo'.1 CA&E-'BIISOBM.ANEOUS. _ r. SA I.M-Or rent , ( ho ftirnlluro In the ( ) o- cldulital bold lor calo , mul the hotel for lentImjiilronn pruml'urf. Mil 171IIU HAl.n-nn head of Iwo-ypttr-old enltlo , JL' ( Hii'llrrs mul IHI steers ; nnd two Nonmut slnllloiiM. 1C. Ptlllor , Killli'rton , > i'b. ' 474o.'i irioit SAI.K A Siutey. ollhor wllh polo or X1 Fluids , pldo-bar , w lilt Tlmken patent sprnnr ; onlytisod elnco lusl nirlnifi n < nooil us nuw ; price , tilt ) . Apply nt l.'i Webster tit. 4ii > iii ijtOlt.SAliii 3 oxuullutil mlloli cows , I rellablo J. iioiiy team , wngou uiul hunioss. II. H. liaviui , Mil mid Dorcas. 417-Uup TTum .SAi.i-ingliio : : nnd boilers from 10 H. 1 * . JU to Cull. I' . Oimtlm UoliVorl(8 Co. , II. I1. 11. U. , minimi lith sliocio. _ JKkiJ T7IOUSAI.K-A ( jrenllP. younir fntnlly hnrfo ; JU nl-o pheiilon , Simpson ! ) imtKo. tiiiuiulurs bticot , onu block tibovo J.ule. oiJ--"J ) ' ITuTll SA . - trado. ffl ) cut of slnsloluiv- JU nesb lor $ : . Call at l.ilfl I'miimii. M-i > p 171(111 ( SAI.U-llucluvheat brim , y.Vj per0i ! ) s. JUV. . J , Wolalnuia A : Co. , City .Mills. IflOUSAl.n Ono hundroil to three hundred 1 lonsorieo ; aUoonui'i j ear old Iliunliluton- lau buy iiiaro. Imiulro nt Uimihu l-'lnanulal lix- ehanno , IWt ! L'ainam Hlteut , tip slitlra. 1 riOU HAI.H Or rent , on 3 or fi j earn , n cliolco JU j HI-HI of tMl ! tiered , U ) acteH hurd wood tim ber , lKaiioM ) ! pasture , nnd balance inidor eulll- vittlon ; I mlle Irom Stock Vntild nndI mllus Irom Umaha. This larin U equipped wllh llrst- elasn ImpiovombntM In every ro i ot , and ono of the lic-tl liirina In Doiltfla.uiuiity. . For luithor ptiulenliirM apply or tiddic a Ciiddtlan Sautter , Umiihn , iNcb. _ FOR HA I < 13 Milk dairy , complete route , cows , hm'Mi and vauon , cow limn , Onu IIOIIMI anil over ; thhijC { oniplulc. Call "Till and Hurt Mi-cotd. iio & . " * FOR. SAI.i : Two lotn In I'elham I'hicc , ono block t torn street car nuck. Imiuiro. ISS. l.th struct. K1J FOR 'vYI.i : Or w oiild triulo for n ( rood horao and lnirry ( , Klncies In tiospor county. Ap ply lo 18 Soutli 13th street. KM FOR SAMC Holler nnd KiiKlno ai-horso jiower bollor and ciiKhio , In good running oilier ; want to boll for the reiifrou that they monet not liirijo onoujjli lor thu new niHuhincry which MO nill put Into our now building on llinnuy fciieet. Clarlto 1U-O3. & Co. , 14U.J UoiiKlius ht. W7 BUSINESS CHANCE3. OIl SAI.i : Hotel , furniture and flvtmcs I complete.Villsell lor co t. J.OII < H > ifivon. A ( jood cbnneo lor n llvo niuu. Addii s. Jog. Krebccli , llluo SpriiiKS , Keb. -ISIo ! _ FOR SAI.K rirat-clusii hotel , grounds nil hapiovcmems , llxttirps , bar&cln a KI-OW- Invcity. l'iico .JJ,0in ( ; tormseasy. Addict 11. C. I'aucibon , Mill and Farnam. 4M Foil SAI.K A ffood paying bushier employ- in1-'but llttlo capital tor ensli. l > 'orpaiticu- lurs address i' . O. Hex : r > 7 , Omaha , Nob. 010 roilSAr.K Chcnp , u reMnnrnnt with furnl- and llxtuioa , : iuil ovorylhlmr eomplolo : itl-o six set liirnMicd rooms ; wood location and pay- in C busiiiejtood ; rosuson lor hellluoul. ) In- iiuiro at Wcstorn Cornice \Vorls , fiod and D10 botali lith Si reel , City. ! ! lii-Jl ) DOAKDING. J and board. ? . " > per week ; very best lo- J-U uillon. l ; > ll Davenport Su 1 too lap PKY3ICIA1T3. TVt. WAHD , Wlthnell block , lulu and Hiiiuey. LOS ? . LOS r A tmiill cow ; light grny and red spols ; u piece bioUooir ouo horn , ami n leather fcirap iiiound her neck. The Under will pleiibO notily ut loJ7 N. L'oth tit. I'-iMOp OST A.Hltln n'i-tp ? IIJfipooilp. | ( , A llhpiiil ro MAIJA1I KUCKNIA UltII.VItI ! > .S ( .Vl'lircn- ( iloL-t-t anil ( Jliili'vovinit , ijoiiils out niiHL'un one-ink's , color tlioir eyes mul hair. The rnud ID Miuct"-s. l , vo and bnsiniHs n specially. Slio po itieh ClllO hilious liondticncx , kltliioyp.llvcr and nil iiunin oniuiits of the -toinaoli , ill -ol\i > s pall MIMICS , c'liiui catarrh , the uoiM cusus ul' rlic'iiinali-'n ) . Hur inuthod it outing calculus M u lili liorli ? , nnd most coinplolo. Heals worst Mire * In ono month , Il < n' lii'iitmont of corns , Inniiiiii" . tender Ic-ot nuts HUe nuhiiiin. .Mm. litdclnu'dt-on comes u nil ninny rccoinnifiidadoim fioin tuu pre s and pnvaio IndlvldiiuH , colulini- il mul popiilurblioit iliuo only , ; LT ; Not Hi Itiili , loom li. 317 IJICKSOXAl.Vlll the lady wno mlvortlM J iihotit Popt hi tolioaid onn or i.\n I'lultti-cn or an inlaiiL ploiisu iulilGM ( 31 re. 1) ) . ll'i-h. ' lec ! ' S'JOVB EEPAJBS. Tl ! iV. i . 0 MolrnorStnro ItupulrCo. , lUSoiith Hill iit. , hoatc'cn Uod ro anil GKKrn.l L iiDm'lTAl.-Opon for tliti ac.-fiin- 'iioJation ol thoslult. Stiwlciil opunitfonsol' nil , ( -Jl.ilully ! pt'iliriii''il. ni ea-ci olomcn neput'lally ; I at lies In contlncinunt can hciu liiivo iili-ol'.ilL' piivauyand llio lioitol attoniliin. Cm- lo.-ponili'iico Mtllciiciil. Address Dr. , I , M. KuK- ninii , coruur 1itii and I'uuiiiiri.or Dr. .1. 1) ) , Italph corntii' lutU uud I'm num. Tc'tcpliouoiMi ; . AI VAVS on hand at n liawaln , N'o. hnnd LMi-rlnucs phaolons and oldo-l'iir buy- : b'.oj , at A. J. Sliup.son , Itl'Jand 1411 Llodtro St. [ > 11 T AIIiS : hi want of Bopd domestic liolp ran JJ l > o tiipnlled byullIiiK on HID Uiinihn Km- plDVIIICIH OIHOOM7 : N. I'HM ' St. , UpSIUIIS. .MfS. J , \V. \ .MoiTison piopriotor. 874 PmVY ninltrt unit co.'spool1) clo.uird In an odiulei-s way by lf , U , Abel , I' . O. Uuv ; irti , lilfi _ _ HUPTUKE CUBED , No opornilon or n olcss truoff1 ! . I > r , M. if. Jlonrc , 41 Wnliash avo. , ChiciiKn. f-'ti < | Rtamp or onoiilur tit Coizcns llo.ii-u , Oint'lui , every ( < > day. ' . EDWARD KUEHL , MAOISTKH Ol' PAMHY8TKHY ANI ) rONIi ) . TloNAI.IST.iiii-Tenth : Street , between Kitnium nnd llarney , will , wllh tlio tilil of cnunlliii bplriuobtiilnlnir for.any ono n chmco in HID past und present , and of ccilaln C'liudllloiH In ihotutnre. I teen and slious miulo to ordor. Master's S&lo. In the Circuit Coin t oC the United Stnlo ? for the Illtlilct of : > 'ebr t > l.ii. . \-4. V In Chancery. Simon P , ln\r \ ot nl. ) PllM'l.fl ! tilH OP MOtlTIMnK. InrIU : notlro Is lieroby trH'on In pni-u- iiiirenud by vlitnn of n dneieo eiilerml In ili ( > al i\ociii ! < e. on iho 1st d-iyof July. ! I , Mills IISIet bovior , Special M.'Wer-ln tlinm-eo lu Hild cmiit.ulll on the " ( th day of Ou'iiucr. 1" > "i , nt iho hour nf ten o'rloelc In llio t'oinnoiui of iho mid iliiy.nt north door of tlio I'niii.J h mil's eoun hoiii-o nnd po < t oillfii liiiiltlmi ; . MI Iho i.iiv o1" Onniliii , IIOUK'HS ' coiuity. K'utu mul liquid ni'NolirtKkii.foll i > t iir.viioii Hiu I'oll'in- ' iiu-de > ciibril pioiieiiy. 1C w ! ( ! 'Hie MX. ih lu'll nl Hie. iHirili/"ijt ii'mifn ] > r K-tlioli Xo I'U-liti-rii ( If ) . Ill | niri-ii'p | ' No Him- iyi , nonli nf iiinuo No. el-ht n" , wi-\t of iho i' H i' . il. , In Iliunllioii ciiiiiny , Ni'buiHi.H l.'i i is I Itiu'iimtKi . Sn'j al MIIVIIT m t'luMici'ry. Du'idiir Iliu.r. iiii.t JIJM : , .M. Il ti , iv.mlil on forC'oiiipl.ilii'int. t"itl'l-i\oi | lJ-17 HAMBURG - AMERICANA , A IIIUKOT UM : rou England , France & Germsny , Tin' > .ii > iiii4l : > ' | H of I ItU "I'll Lnii u I . xi f nil I ifl'on mr 'eillrht c < ' H' mliiii'i M ttml iv > i nrni'hi'il * rl ii o > 'rT > thiii. | ' in 'IIIIKI' triin.fi / . ) Imrh-i c mid lUi'rculilO Thf * r i * " < o I i i MIIII-J n.l I'iioiMmi mull * . miJ I'-H 'c > f > r \i n. Thinxliltf uud rtflturlnv * fr , | | i.i n ln\ ll\ ( . . I nftiti , IK "Al l > niMI\ | i'l 'tli , 1'iiior Pirv cub 'i f'l tlif , wci-ru-'e 'o ' " York , JJHflHA MflHUFAGTURORS , Billiard Tables , TIIM HUUNSWICIMIA1.ICK UMKNlBlt St Co. Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables , Ami 11)0011 ) , Olllco nnd HuHk 'future * . Mftrkoti imil Huron Sis. , Chicago , III , Omaha olllco , 5W H. nun HI , Book Binding. Etc , HIIHSIMIINTINO CO ? Printers , Book Binders , And Iliunk Hook Slmiiifncluiorn. No , 100 nnd _ _ KB Foulh Illh Ktrodt , Onmhil , Neb. Btilter Tubs , Manufacturing of Butter Tubs , M tt > . if.'c ; 4i ( it' , "DC ! : ! . " m. Sit" so lt > . 'i.'o ! Kxi ft flrc- ! las , we. 1Mb and Plt-rco SU , Oiiiabn , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. "MAX MKVUIUV co.7 " Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , ( Inns and Amniiinlllon. " ! . * > lo SSIPoulli Utli Street , 10.11 lo 1IW lltrnnm Street , Oinnliii. Neb. iNTtat-OCKAN ClflAll I'ACTOKV. WI3ST AKUl'l'SUHlIlt , Hainifacturcrs of Ffne Cigars , , And Wbolesiilo Keillors In T.caf Tobaeeos , Nos. llW mid IIUN. llth Street , Omaha , Nob. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works- " John 12Hinotor | , I'niiulptor. Munufurttiiroi1 ot Tnlvnnl/i'il Ii-on and Otinilco ; It ) Dodge , and 101 and IDTi North loth .Street. Umiiha , Nob. IHIKMl-JNO & ItOI/l'K , Mnnufiioliircnur Ornnmcnhil Galvanized Iron-Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals , KcuiSNU'Jli ! ; ) HI. AVorktlono in auypartof thucoilnlry. Doors , Sash , Etc , Manufacturer and Donlor In Doors Sasli Blinds , , , Mouldings , Ue. ( btalr Hulls a upeolulty. ToliiplioMo No. 03. 1'itli uud Mare ) ' St. , Omitliii , Neb. Electrical Supplies. Electrical Siippifes , I , . W. WOIK"K & Co. , lilectrlclnii' , Jfasonlo IllocU , Omnhn. Iturslar AlnrniK. Hell * , Fire AlariiH , r.lootrio .Malting , Spanking Tube ? , Cold , Silver and Nickel 1'lating , Kto. Iron and Nails , IAHANAlh M ANUl.UCTOim CO , Cut Hails and Spikes , Flro Nulls n Spoclnlty. Omaha , Neb. Omaha Iron Works Company , Machinery , Castlmrs , Slfimn Kniliics. hollers , Arehitcctunil Iron Work. Iron llrldws. JUnlmf and Mill Machinery , Olllco nnd works , Union Pacillo H. It. , 17th and Itith Streets. wnAitNi : , Foundry Works. Cor. 14th nnd JnckMn Sis. , prepared to c'o nil liimls oC Iron and Ilriit-s Castings ; also" , U U. lluunlslor'H Hocking Gnito liars maunfactutod Llattress Company , Manufncturlnir Mattresses , Itnddlmr , Foatlmr Pillows , Cots , Etc. tWO and KOS Douglas Street , Oimilin , Nob. Overalls. CANFIIU.l ) JtAT17i'Al7r ? fHnfr7tor ? ! ' " " Manufacturcrs'of , Overalls , , Jeans I'atits , Shirts , ] ? to. , 1IKJ und 1101 Douglng Street , Oniuha.Keb. Paper Bozes. j. L. wir.Kiu , Manufacturer .of Paper Boxes , JOTS. 14th St..Omalm , Nob.OriJmfly mallso llcitoil nn d will i-itPclVe faitllVt ) | < l6iitlQii. Safes. Safe Works G. ANDIIKKN. Mnnufnoturprol1 Klrnnml Ilurrrlnr Proof Pafps. Vniilt Jloors. Jail Work. Shutters and Wlro Woik. Cor. 14lh and .lacl.son Sis. , Omalm , Nob. -13 -Soap , ' P. J. QUBAUTt' , Soap Manufacturer , OHleo nnd I'uctorv , noiir" Powder Magazine. Oiiinlin , Nob. Wagons and Carriages. GltA'lTON V5ui ? ifOND" Manufacturers of Fine Carriages. 1.115 and 1.JI7 Jiimioy hliflUC , Onmliii.Nuu. Solo A 0ut iu Nobrubku Iw Jones' Celebrated Split blmlt Sulkies. Il-tlablished IffiS. , A. J. BIMPdON , The Leading Carriage Factory , IJll'.land 1411 DodgoStniet.Oiiiulin , Nob. White Lead. UMAUA WIU'J'U CoriodorH mid ( jriiuUirti of Perfectly Pure White Load , Omfilm , Neb Ic\I Cmlciv-l ICM. ; CV. . Mend Vice 1'ios. ; II. W. Yules , tee. and Tioas. Thi Mill'ard ' , S.Shoirs , J. 15. M.u-kulTiOJ.Svvobo ) , Proprlotora Oin ilia , Nuhriukit , _ Tl Arcade Hotel , ' " James ( Jiijey , Proprlislor. IJI. " nnd I.17 Uonirm | HI , Omahii , Nnl ) . Thn inuroimini or lioinmnrdul nion ro.4i otfnlly n.iueitoil. They w | | flu a tliis the bu.-u tUiiuliiy 'O ivosl or Ohlo.iifo , Tiia Cosieas , P. Hunnoy & C. ) . , 1'iMprlotOM. Itiito.i J'.OI per dny , no dnrlc rooms. Also 1'alfico ( [ i ol .U i * . ' , > , iMmlu , Xoh. Hotel da GOJS , I' 0 ) S , I'rojiriotor. Rnrnponnl'lii ' " 'Ir ' loeatod fa n day IKIIIKU. jliro iloorH'from lliyd'a 0110- miJ Iho ( 'oiiri Ilouio. l'Ji , 1J1J , IJU Kurnum Ut. , Umuhu , Xul ) . Ciiicago , Milwaukee fi Si , Paul The Short"lTino and Bo t Ilouto FromOmaliyotfio'Bafit. TWOTICA1NS OAII.ViiKf WKH.1 OMAHA AKT ) , M I'uul , ( i-iliir IdtjiM * . t . " " . ' " . " . . UillMiiitm. t Id oV'or . , ljoe Ijlaml , rroeii.if ( Jtmos | , i , Uin. Mibll-iin , l.utio,8e , lit loll , \\uioiui , And ull otliur Itnp'it tnut unl tu ja t , Ko'rlliouiit Ullll MltllUlJ llt. t l ( > | 'm iijt f Iliuil . mil nl i iifon l i ! ; < n I' . . ll'iii-i < lcn , ? . , n * , yvt . - , . . In Hie Ui ilit rii H I MI'i huln luiiw ol l-n . . II"f . ) ) Mtif Ai.lUli.W V ml . . - . / - ' i-i > iiiifiim.ii i. 'oiitu by u .iij , i.t > v lliiiniti * * ) ' i o i , l * .1 \j'l. ! fl : . iu'i i i | ir .1 l < IKK. * , . . 'Hi M n iror A ' " ' ' ' 'Hnnf , * Ifl'J * II"