FIFTEEN TH YBAU. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 30 , 3885. NO. 87 CHICAGO AP J ( IS A CAM The first of tiio DaoisivoOhicago-Hew York Games Won by tlio Former. THEY M vUL THE GOTHAMITES. Grout ImeroMf Conlorcil In tlio Con * test ThrItpsull of the Gnlncs Dculdo Hio Ilaso Kail Championship. " " An Ijvcltliifi Hall Onmc. Cnic Vo , Sept. 2) ) . The crowd xxhlc'ixxll- nesscd the ojionlm ; pamo betxveoii the Now Yoik and Chicago ball clubs for possession of tho'iiatiotial pennantxvAn woith } of theocca- Bton , H numbered' ID.Oirt , xxhich oxemplilied in a iomaikabe ! waj the Inteiest taken In the meeting of Ihe twojcadcn In llie league race , as the sides AVere tliieatenlng and Iheio xxas every pu'sont pie pcct ol rain , ll.iln diop-j began to fall aS Ihu ( . 'hieaijo's iu the first inning , but It did not interfeic In ati } way wjtlt , l\id. \ p'lycis of the game , but throughout ( he nine Innings the clouds xveie lowering. This did not , howevei , picxenta largo attemlarju. The ciowd was evenly balanced , as tliex Isljois hadhosts of admlieis present , ninny oC whom had jouuioycd hero fcolely to see the game , and xeiy many of Ihe lending rastoui and xvesleiu ncxxpinpeislmd leproscntatixesptesent. The crowd chefird the Xew VoiKeis xvhenever they made a good play , but became 11 antic In tlio Hint and ninth innings xv hen tlieChicagos began their lun-gctling , and when the last man of tin-opposing chili xvont out. The New \oik club annealed on the field preceded by the lnillUmt 1 fist regiment band , and Inimed ately theix'.itter Clilcago up- peaied nudei a simlhi escoit. Uoth xven1 raptmoiisly iheered The xisitois appealed in their usual giay unifoims xxldlo the Chuago- ; appealed In theli blue xvoiklng unltoiniH , In which they have won theii long list of xieloiies and which they ictaiii as an omen of good luck. ' 1 he New York giants piCM-nted their strongest phiIng front , with Welch and Kxxing as their b.itteij. xxhllo Chicago picsented McCoimick and ICelly. their icscixe battciy. Tbo crovxd xvas so huge that it stietclied alongside the field , and special field inles xxeio adopted at the icqiiost of the Nexv Yoik nine , to tlio tiled that any hit which i cached Into the the. ciowd would bo counted as a tlncobasoi. The Chlc.igo-3 opened the game afler a % ig- oious faMiion. Dahiiiilo | flew out to lust base , nml Gore took fust base on balls. Kelly madoabase hit , advancing Gore to seooiiu , and both xxoio advanced aiiothci base on a passed ball. Anson Hew out to light held. I'folfoi made a hit , Kelly and Gore coming home in the midst of teiiiliccheeilng. Williamson made aiiothci base hit , bringing Pfeller honi" . limns followed with an- olherbasevml.inison coming liome. limns wasthrown out iu trying to steal second. New Yoik was shut out , O'KouiKe getting a base on lulls and was caught napping at hist. Connoi Hew out to Dalnmple , and lowing to Uiirns. .New Yoik beiran her inn getting in the third Inning , Welch making a base hit but xvas foicod out at second on ( ieiliaidt's hit. Gcrhault was longed out at bccond on Wind's ptilko. Waul stoli ; hecoild , and bcoicd a i un on.O 1'ourKe's bw > hit. Connor and Kw ing both followed with base hits , bunging in ! Connor was put out at thiid m inns in the fifth on bon'b base hit , and New Yoikniailo txxo urns in thccighth on XVelchsbasohitSraid's baselnt , Kw ing's base bit. Hilda passed ball and wild throw by Kelly. . tijllivmto Muick out witu two men on bases , GoihaiiU and O'lioiiiKe haxing gone out on lllo-i. Kelly niade a thice basci in the ninth inning and came home on Anson's long lly to oentoi. Doigan ot the New Yoik's .stiuck out , Klchaidsunllewoul to Dahymple , AVelch got Ids base on balls but was doubled up by Gcihaidt's stiiKo to bhoitstop. ' "ho game abounded hi some xeiy lemark- nblu enlsodws and xv.n played lor blood on both titles. Tlicre \ > as only one fielding euoi , tliatol ( ieili.udt'n , and it did not tilled the rebiilt Thu iollovN ing is the bcoic. CIIICAOO. CIIICAOO.AH AH n In TII ro A K Dalomplolf 401 1000 ( loieci 410 olio Kelly c 5 : i r 11 r o : ! Alison 11) 411 1 (1 ( 1 0 rictfoix'b n i a 4 2 u o Williamson : ; b l i : iJ i o o 1 iJuiiib bu J o o i 4 a o McCormlL'kp ( 4 0 a 4 1 4 a bimday rt. 401 1000 Total ! ! 7 7 14 SO 27 10 0 M1W 'VOIIK. 'VOIIK.AII i : linnro A i : Jloniko of : i l l l l o o o'Connoilb : i ( i l l 0 1 0 Kwinge : ! o a a o a i ( lilltihplU If , 4000101) ) 3SIeliaidf > onffl > 4 0 o o o l Welch p : t 1 a u i : i Oorhaidt ' 'b 4 10014 WiudFs : t ill a o Dorgan it. 4 o o o i u o Total > . . .01 4 7 7 27 11 7 U- M'OIII ! HV l.N.MNCh. l a : i 4 r 0780 Chicago . l o o o a o o o 1 7 New Yoik . o o a o o o o a o-f sitxui uix- . rarned mn8-Chlcago 5 , New Yoik ' . ' . lloiiii ) inns None. TvvobiMdilts-Kclly : ' , Pfelfer 1 , AYllllam- BOII 1 , MiCouuick 1. iMs-wl balls-Kelly I , L'vvlng 1. Wild plU bosWi'kli 1. I'hbtlwse on li.ills-Cliicago 4 , Now York n. i'irsl base on eirors Chlcat'o 1 , New xoik 0. Struck out lJy Mi Cormlek 3 , by Welch a. toulilo iilajS-Glllcyplu-Waid ; Gcihaiilt- Connoi-Waru. IJinpho Cmry. Time 1 liom and 53 minutes , The Now Yorlt'H Dofent nt Homo. Ki.w Yomc , Sept. 'J. Tim lesult of the Ne\v Yoik-Chlcago gamn xvas awaited beio to-day with sicat Interest. Nearly nil the newspaper ofllcea hoisted bulletins show Ing the lesull of the contest by Inningb , and laigo nml Inleiostod eiowds sin rounded the boards. About thoTiibuno olllce ( lie giitheilng xvas bo great as to Impede passage thiougn bprueo and Xiistuu MiiHts. Thecrovvdsawaltlng tno news | u printing house squaie and 1'ark Jtovv hugely exceeded nnv dining the } , icht races. In the hotel corridoi-s men talked of the contest to-night and thoiigliuut the day the IICNXS was eagcily sought at atpiibllcie.soits. 'I'lie of Noxv York CHUMS gloom among these Interested In tlio game , and many luivigiven up all thoughts of tlw'Muts" winning thu pennant. There isxot a possibility ot New York w liming , biiitlilstsiogarded hero as a xxoak btraw to eat'hat. hliould Ihu two clubs mid a tie in theli fem games , an extra beiiw xvill bo I'rtsl 1'ljorsnt Jorouro Pailc , Jr.itoMil : AinN : , Y. , Sept. ii9. Weather fine and attendance fair. JIllo and an eighth Threo-yoai-olds and npwaids : Strothsiwy won , Parole bccond , UueKktonu tlilul. Time , 1M : . TlnecMiiaiii'b ] : of u mile Two-yoar-ohls : Devdrtip won. Insjuctor 1) ) bccond , Lans dow nu tldrd. , 1 ; lsji. tlMnutl tlnetMp-iaitcii I-'lllles tlueeyoais old ; Kabt Lynne won , Maunieu .second , HiMitMUhethlid. Time , 3H ; , JUlu and thicoKlxleonthn : I-'atewell won , Long Knicht tcwmlValltlowei \ thlid. Timo.aiOO . nThuy-quarleis of n mile All ages : Tabitlia vvon , liuunlc b. MXOIH | , Saluda thlid. Tune , Mile and Uno olghtli.s-0ver six lundles : CJi iielKscxvou , Tarqulu second , iSchuoliiiastcr tfjlnl. Time , v 4u. Br. Lei ib , hvpt. W. In the national tport - inena ciiuu-nt ion littc today John D. John son , of St. Louis , \vas tlcclfil permanent piesident ; Kuoclt Moore , Dclawaie , llistxico president ; Itcuiy T.itbot , IlllnbN , second \lpopipsldonf ; Homy C. West , St. Loul * , secietaiy. A oommlltoo on resolutions xxas appointed to present ( o the lonxoiitiou apian ot organisation foi a national cpoitsman's association. Delegates are present liom Aikaiisas , Illinois , [ nvva , Kaunas , Konlucky , MI Hoiirl , Ohio , Michigan , Delaware , Texas and Wisconsin. LvxvnrNcr , Sept. 2'J. Thu rain of last night and this moinlng spoiled the ti.u-k to day. It still rains and 13 dKigieeable. At tendance fair. Mlle and a qilailoi : fJiey Cloud won. Uid- dy Dow ling buiond , Puttie W. lliiid. Time , a * o. o.Mlloand an eighth : Knlal.ixxon , Haanis 6000ml , Volanta tlibd. Time , a : ( . Mile : HexoKc xxon , Waiiinglon second , Loid Clfton thinl. Time , \iRt. \ Tlnee quaiteisof a mile : Moon hiuo xvoii , Id ! Gill Mcond. Kochclle third. Time. 1:21. : DMIlo and a h df : Clcndella won , Lucky IJ. second , Madison third. Time , a:47j : C. Other Hall Grimes Yesterday. At Hrooklvn rinlcinnati" , IliooKlyn S. At \oik-Metropolitan I , St. Louis 0. At Ualllmoio Ualtimoie 10. Lowell 7. At : ! ' . Philadelphia-Athletics , I'ittshmgS. At Detroit Detroit 1 , Piovldencu 1. 4 lioxxeiod His Itccord. SiT.ixairin.i ) , Mass , , Sept. 21' . llicliaid lloxxcll succeeded In lowciing his own bley- eloiocoid for a milo tills afleinoon , making it in a : Jl ! J-3. The Failiuo Keeood. Nr.w Yomc , Sept. Mcicantllo failures In tlio United States foi tlio quarter ending Septemboi ISO , as ropoitcd by It. G. Dun's meicantlle agency , number 2,123 , against a , : > l(5 ( in the couesonding ] ) intaitcr ot Ibbl. Liabilities bhoxv a icmaikablc decline , amounting to 82.1,800,000 , against W.COO.OOO in the thinl quaitci of lbi > l. For the nine mouths last past fallmes showed a slight In- oiease In numbei over those ot last yeai , but a xei } maiked decicase in liabilities , being in number 8,107 compiled xvith 7SV ! foi tlio liist , nine months of 1S84 , an Increase of illl. Liabilities , howevei , weie enl } ' > 7,000,000 , ooniiaiedwth | ! glbl.OOO.OOO in the liist nine months ot 1SS4. Failures throughout the Dominion of Canada for the quarter ending September : ; o xveie 2S-1 , coinpatcd with ati'iorthoeoirov iesiondliig mtaiter of IbM. Liabilities are ? lyil,000 , wlilie liabilities for the coirespond- ing quarter of IbM woie-llia,000. Poi the lli-st nine .months ot IbS" tiie total lailuicr. numbeicd 94-f , compaied w illi 'JfO for the lnst nine months of ibHA. Liabilities amount to a tulle ovei § 7,000,000 , xvliilo in ISb-t for the lust nine months the liabilities amounted to $14- 8.V5,000. AVauts Some Changes in His Bureau. WASIIIXCITO.Y , Sept. 29. Col. Swit Iei , chief of the buieau of statistics , is piepaiing a codilication of laws goxeinlng his buieaii , with sundry amendments for submission to the secretary of tiicticasmy , xx'ltb a view of obtaining the kilter's iccommendation foi enactment by congiess. The icviexxed pro- xisions aie designed to define motecle.uly tiie scope ol the buieau repoits on internal comineice ; to secure gie.itei accuracy In the statistics of iinmigration tiom Canada , and tlnoiighout the dominion ol Knrope , and bo amend existing laws toimakc it possible to obtain full and iiceuiate letmns ot our inland expoits to Canada and Mexico. It is fiuther iiroposcd to change the name of the biueau to the ISmean ot Commerce. Col. Sxxitzlei is also considering the advisability ofiecom- mending that the federal census be placed undei control of his biueau. St. liouis' "XVoelc of Hilarity. ST. Louts , Sept. 30. All iiumirntlnne fnf he St. Louis fair and 'annual ' spectacle ot the Veiled Prophets and trades pageant , which takes place duilug fall week , commencing next Monday , aie now completed. The fair ( self xvill exceed in extent and x.uiety of ex hibits any of itspicdecessois. Vice-Prestdent Hcndiuks will be present dining the tail , and a huge number ot distinguished men in all paitb ot the eountiy have been invited , in cluding Picnident Cleveland and his cabinet. The grand illumination xvill be repeated again this je.u , but on n largei scale than heietoloie , and a'most the eutiio business paitot the city xxlll be aba/e ! xvllh gas and electric lights In globes of all colors. istiilltslilnr ; ) a Kcver Lino. D.U/I.AS , TON' . , Sept. 23. Col. S. P. Cun ningham , scientific e.xpcitqt tliu boaid of ani mal inilustiy , ariixcdhcie to-day to confei witli Col. Simpson , piesident of the state cattle association , icspecting the location ot cattle fexer in Texas on Iho line at xxliich dccio.ise can bo translcired. The ic'sult of the conloiciHu Is unknown , but the fact Is asbincd that the feU'i line xvill bo established south ol the Toas.Pnollio . lailway In xvestetn Texas. Col. Cunningham pioposes making a tourol the south and soutliwest. going as tar south as McKinney county. Ho bays theio lias been less fevci this ye.u than foi bcveial yeaibpast. Another Batch of Postmasters. WASHING lo.v , Sept. 20. The postmaster general to-day appointed the following fouith class poslmasteis : Wisconsin , at PiairioDu- sne , W. T. Kelsey ; Loyd , S.H. . Dooiltto ; West Lima , Daiins Moulson ; Viola , Jolmathan T. Smilli ; Geimantown , J. Schwalbach ; Bloomer , J. H. Wledoi ; Juniata , L K. Houglitoti ; Nes/ie. W ; J. H. O'lUlen. Tlio tegular meeting ot tbo cabinet xxas held today. All niumbt'ib xveie piesent except the bceieUuy of xvar and the attoiney gencial. Situation Alnrmlng- Arizona. I'ltiw err , AriSept. , . ay. Information ro- ceix oil from Clifton of Indian depredations IH M ) alarming tlmt Governor Trltlo Issued a geneial oidei to-ilay calling out the militia for Fcixico. Lieut. Col. Kgan , of Clifton , xxas placed In command. Gen. Crook has MMit out notices winning the hettlcis of their danger , and adx islng them to take measines toiuotect tiicmselx'os. Along bodv of bos- tiles is ic'poitod In Giant county , Nexv Mex ico. Ciov. Tilth ) has telcgiaphed ( Jov. Koss , ot Now Mexico , to meet him ot Albuqueique , wheio ho goes to-morrow , thcncu to Clifton. A Itanlc S Nr.w Yomc , Sept. 20. The xvell known lianK'mr ' and biokorago house of Sutler & Co. used ! wlthpieferencosof SC'J.OOO. W. K. Su : iiM ) makes a poibonal assignment. A Mali e i is now being prepaicd and xvill bo given i. > iho. public In n hhort time. It is probable that Us suspension xxlll bo only temporary. _ An Aliseoml in Journalist. Loxno.v , Sept. 29. Oooigo Ilalley , piopile- tor of tlio Golden Argosy , a lioii > ehold Jom- nal , has absconded. Ho is bankrupt and is ohaiged xvith haxing defrauded the public out of 70,000 by moans ol a cotton bchcmo xv hlcli gained many xlctlms by promises of baud- bomopiUes. The IVoathor To-day. WAsitixaiox , Sepl. iJO. For the upper Mississippi valley : Local rains , followed by fair XN-ealhet and cool noilheily winds , with loworbuometer. I'oi tlio Mihsouil x alloy : rah xvoather , ninth to ejust winds and lowoi temperature , with cool waxe and higher haromutci , - Cattle Quarantined. Coi.uMlifu , Ohio , Sept , 2 , The state lvo | Moifc comudssloneni to day qimnintlned against cattlfl coming tiom New Yoik , New Jciboy , District of Columbia and Kentucky. Tire Cuban Tobacco Crop. HAVANA , Kept.XJ. . The tobacco crop will not only IH ; large ! than that for many lonnur s , but < A l.u Uttti qiullty > THE BRINY WAIL OF BDTLER , Political Ohaos May Oomo Again But Beii 7ill Never Hun. f A SUBSTITUTE FOR FLOWER * CScii. .Tonos Seleoteil to Itopluuo the Itoodlod rolitlolati-Utbcr Mattel M of a Political Cliitrnctci1. lcii lliitlV''n ( Ojiliiloii oT llliitself. Xi.w YOUK , Sopt. ! . tSjicclal lo tiie Ui.i : . ] Tlie Tribune jirlnts a long inteixiew x\ltli ( Jen. Ihitlci , which ( onchulcs aJ follows : liopoiter "The Mixer ipie&tlon will be prominent In eongiess tills wlntei1 OonerallJutler "Let them heap it up , pile II all on thu people , this and more , and In the end tlieyxill liboandtlnow oil thooKe. " llcportei "Do } ou expect MM Ions tumble/1 ( Ihitler "I do. 1 haxo grandchil dren xxho xxlll llxiito sec tlio Vundei hilts and ( ioiilds taken out to the neaiesl lAnip post and hung In a most scleiitllie and slJlllul miinnei. Altei theie his been bloodslnd , x\o shall settle down again lor u NX Idle. These nionex Kings see dangeis aliead } , but the } do not .see tin1 remedies. When I XNas candidate foi piesident Gould said Hutloi must be dilxon into tlio gioiind. Ho couldn't sec that it wasbettoi lei a man witli considerable XNcalth , and famll } , and jiropoil } Intere.itsto beat the head of the masses and able tocontiol them. He mil } saw In thcbacKgiound the toichot commun ism , as lie thought , home da } led ( ommiiuistxxill lead these men and then he XNill see the ihlfeicnce. luxury man is a com munist now , in tlieeycsoL thecommunlt } . who pleaches the equality ot men. Chiist was tlio communist ot Jcinsalcm. As the head ot the labor clement 1 could haxo settled this whole ralhoad question as no other man could settle it. The mIMako i made in limning I or president xxas HKo inii- niiu ; against a xx all. 1 Knew that the people ot all ages had lulled thomsclxos in oxciy ci isis ot Importance to theniM'Ix e . Ills the hlstftix olall the ages , but 1 xxas foolish enough to think that the people had giown xxisei and better ; that the xxoild had pro- gicsscd in thediicction of human Knoxx lodge and understanding and nowci of concen- tmtion. 1 thought tlio laboieis of thenuNx lepubllexNoiomoie Intolllgont. They XNCIO at i aid of mo because I had a little pioperty. They woie lust as foolish as Could , but that Is not all. Kincoutot ten ot them would sell tlieii xotes foi ? 2 apiece. I xxas a tool to think tills age x\as nnj different fiom any olhei. IXpciionce now taught me the Mime lesson ashlstoiy. " < rioxxoi-'s Successor Solootcil. Xi.xv YOUK , Sept. 129. Oencral ] - . S. .Jones ot Hlnghamtoii , has been chosen to llfl the \acancy occasioned by tlio of I'loxx or fiom a candidacy on llie dcmociatic state ticket foi liciitonant-goxcinoi. ( ienond Jones subsequently appeared bc- foie the state committee ami foimally accepted the nomination. It has been pre- xiously tendeied to General II. W. Slociim , but he declined to make a canxass. lien. Kdw.ud Jones , tiie new candidate , xx.ib bom in Utica , Noxv York , June 8 , ittiS lie xxas reaied in Massachusetts , and his home xxas theie until the cloce of the xxai. He commanded the famous Eighth Massa chusetts regiment , xxliich xvas attacked in the stieetsof lialtimoieon Apiil 18 , INil , while on bis XNay to the delenso of Washing ton. Tills was the first bloodshed in the cixil xxai. He subsequent ly laisc'd the Twenty-sixth xoluntceis and seixcd xx 1th distinction in the aimy of the gait. Ho was biexettcd biigadier general lormentorious'seiMcchon the liehl. At the close of tbo war ho settled in lilnghampton , ll nlllU Vljllltty. XT "V. t.4l 4Wl.lltliulMMl tl n sfulowoiks. He ran for congress against Thomas A. riatto in IbT-f , but xxas deleatcd , and xxas again beaten two } eais latei for the same otllce by G. U. DNvight. He is leg.mled as a businessman piuely and not as a poli tician. _ _ Ben IJutlcr'H 1'arfy. BOSTON- , Mass , Sept 20. Thirty delegates xx eie piesent at the opening of the state con- xenlion of the national greenback pait } in tills city to-day. The platfoim adopted an nounces adhcienco to the pilnclples bet foith at the national ) > .uty conxention at In dianapolis ; dcclaies all action tiaiisfeuing the powei for coinage and issue ot money to peisons or corpomtlons bhoiild borexoked ; that \xltlidiaxxaloflegaltendei.sofhinall denominations is xieious , and an attempt to annoy the people and distmb buslnehs , and Is in xiolation of law ; favors licquent elections and rotation in oflho , and condemns the attempt to cieatcan aiistoci.icy of olhceholdeis undei the pietense ot civil sen ice lefoim ; condemns also unnccessaiy loin ; sessions ot the legislatiiie , and sets foith that legislation for the bettei protection of xxagewoiKeis is demanded. Unixersalsut- liago is faxoicd xxith removal ol all haulers xxliich limit in any degiee the tight ot suf- liage , and the leeuaitmontof thoMviet bal lot law is demanded. A lull state ticket was nominated by acclamation. James Sumnei , of .Milton , was nominated for goveuior. ' Ohio's Xcxv KcKistrallon Tjaxx- . CINCINNATI , Sept. ' " . . The legibtration of xoters In this city under the law enacted May last closes to-night. Theio lias been a xciy gencial acquiescence in the law and pielty full leglstratlon. Winds haxe been Mibdl- xidcd into voting ineelnd.s xvith a x lew to haxo not more than three bundled persons In any precinct. Many chaiges of fraduleiit icgistration luxe been made , but only a lew bin e so tar been ti .iced. A man olfeied to &cll Ma } 01 Smith any niimbci of registration ceitilicates hoxvantedatM.OO each. Ho xvas Immediately ai rested and found to haxo a number of ! } genuine certificates in his possession. Complimenting ; the MugxviunpH. Xixv : Yomc , Sept."J.lrx Ing Hall at a mass meeting to-night , ratified thodcmocratlc nominations. I'x-Scnatoi Kcclcslno made a speech In vvhleli ho lefeiredtothe mugwumps as "tialtois in their own p.uty and dlstiubuis in ours. " Civil MTV ice was n hciosy and olleiinlxo iiaitisaiibhlp xvas its txvln biothei , and the fc.uatoga nominations were meant lo "emphasise the icxerbe of thct > e doctrlne.s. " Ituy State Hopulllc.xiiH. SritiNfJ rii : i.i ) , M abs. , Sept.20. Thogathei- lng of delegates to-night piellmlmiry to to morrow's lepiibllcan hlatn conxention is larger than xvas anticipated. Thu nomina tion of the old ticket Is conceded. Covc'inni Itobinbon xx ill not bu present at the conven tion , Tlio Convriitioii Nominator ! , , Iuiiijui : , Iowa , Sept. iK > . The democratic conxention of Dnbuquc county , held to-day , nominated W. J. Knight foi bcnatoi and.J.J. hlnchan and J. W. lialdwln foi lopiesenta- tivcs. All thu pitscnt county ofliccis were leiiominatcd. to Itlahono. LYXCHIIUIIOI , Va , , Sept. ! iO. Liigo num- berb of delegates to tlio colored lopublican convention to behold to-morrow aroarrixlng. Thieo bundled delegates aio expected. The Ic.ulcrs claim opposition to Mahone. Cfiiiveiitloii Called In Dakota. Himox , Dak. , Sopt. i ) . The lopublican teultoilal committco met hero today and Is sued a call for a convention to nominate btato ofllceib , to meet at Huron , October SI. < The Hulgailau Question. PAHIS , Sept. SO The Iti'pnbllquo Krancaisc hi an I'dlloilal to-tl.i } , bays : The pc.ue of the continent dcnuiuls that the iiowere unc tion the union of Itouniolla and ilnlg.irla an nil accomplished tact without questioning lit actual existence ix 111 ruin Turkey In I'mope. ST. I'l Tr.nsm no , Sept.V. . The Journal d'ht , l > eloiHburgMas them Is no question but that the conference of ambasidois at Coiistantluonlo will ariangefor united action towaids Turkey and Itillgaiiaso as to prexont a lonfllct between Ihent and thus allow ( he Nlgneid of the Iterllu treaty time to dl eo\cr a bolution more In harmony xvith the Inter- oslsofTnrlfo } and the balance of the power In the oast. General pence Xx ill be maintained xxhen the easlein question Is under the aecls and moral authority of Kimipe. 1 he I'.ielfic tendency of the poxxers aibults of hope that the ei isis will not augment and what at Ihst appealed a dllllenU problem w III be promptly solved. aCossrVMt.NoiM.r , Sept. CO. The llulgai- ian Inhabitants ofMaeidonia haxe not joined in the unity imminent of theii follow- lOiintiymen , but ha\e decided toadheieto the stipulations of the tieatvoi Ueilln. LONDON , Sent.IS' ' . A meeting ol ambiss- adors to ( onsliler the Ivoumelian qiie.stion xxlll be held at t'oiislnnttnoplo next Monday. Kepri-stMitatlvos of Seixia , Itoiunania and Giceoexvill bn admitted tolaKepirt In the discussions. M. Do Gieis , Itusslan foielgn mltiNtoi , piosscs the poxvois to make dlspo- blllon ot nlnce Alexandei the leading prop osition at the meeting. The ( vai faxois the candidature of 1'iinco Waldem.u. The Dakota Prairie Vlros. Aiifif , Dale. , Sept W. [ Chicago Tri bune special. ] .Several xeiy Inteicsting law suits aie about to arise from the results of the disastrous praiiiu tires \\hich have sxvcpt oxer the countiy dining the last txxo weeKs. Wauanls haxe already been issued lei Hie airost of pailles xxho staited prairie fires , and they xvill bo piosccutid with the utmost rlgoi of the law. In sex eta ! ( ases men xvho xxeie seen .staitingback-liies foi the puiposo ot loiming file bleaks and saving their own propeity haxe been aucstedbec'iusu the flames got boyonil their control and added to the dcstructixo foico ot the main hie. The lejioit comes from the south eastern poition of this countx that a sehoolma'am named Uelle I'Vankllu Mixed a neighbor's xvlieat stacks and lunisi1 by her heroie elloits dining the night ol the . ! d. Seeing thellames siiuounding the piomises , and Knowing that the oxxnors weio aw a v , she arose , lushed totliebainliainosscd the lioi-ses , and , hllclilng them to the plow , tinned si'xeial tin lows between the property and the lite before it ( ouldieadi thobtacKs , thus six Ing seveml thoiisind dollais to the negligent larmei who hadlelt his home un- piotected. i M.NND.XX , Dakota , Seplomber ' 28. A prabie Iho has worKeil gicat destitution noithofheic in Knife Ilixei Valley. Mo- Grath litos. , of Stanton , lost -,000 ! buslicls of xxheat , nml other finmois lost Kugo quantl- tlties. Tliecoimtiy binned ovci is twenty miles noi th of Maudlin. The ch'iige against SupfiintendentGieeiio , of tlieMissouildixisioii of tlio Noilhcin 1'a- cilic , foi filing thcprahio xvas dismissed this alteinoon , the complaining xvitness haxing found that Giwne did not M'l an.v lines. The countiy is still burning in some places. , * Sent to Aiiothor "World. COI.UMIIUS , 0. , Sei > t ? > . IMliiekllartncU , the Cincinnati xvife nmnleier , xvas hung nt the Ohio penitentiniy lids moining. The drop fell twent-li\e minutes aftw 1 o'clock and lie was pronounced dead one-half a min ute later. The tall resulted in almost total decapitation , the head hanging to the body by only a small stup of skin at the b.icfc ot the neck. The scene xvus a most sicken ing one , and it xxas with gieat ditiicnlty that the CNCcutioiiMs could .summon coinage to take the body doxVn. Ilartnett killed his Wife Januai } SI , Ib&l , in Mount Auburn , a subiubol Cincinnati. Hilly on the moinlng of the deed , when lie arose , he ouleied lici back to bed , and chaigrd liei xvitli unfaithful ness , wlilch she denied. He bcciucd an a\e , made his wile get on hoi knees , say liei piax- cis , and kiss the floor , xxhen he .strmk liei two fatal blows xvitli the n\o , one eitishing lier skull , in view ot her live childien. OIU- oerslound Hartnett dnnpingajig and play ing a evvsliarp aroiuiil tju < body. /ttiioii the ItallrbniiH. U U.TIMOIII : , Sept. a- ) The Anierlean xxlll piint to-moiToxv a lengthy fatatemont emanat ing from Hobert Ganett , to the effect that the Waltimore'ifcOhlo company , in the lieight ratcditUcultiea of the tiunk lines and tele graph coiitioveisies , is determined to obtain concessions and will agiee to no settlement 01 rcstoiation ot rales until absolute pro tection is bocmcd to tlio Ualtlmoie it Ohio intcicsts , not only iu Baltimoie , but in Philadelphia , New York and wheievei it is inteicsted. To ai4i ! > m ] > b li this result an } s.icralUo of temporary piopeit } will bo ma'de. A eiiciil.n linegaid to the olliceisot the Ohio Mississippi nillvva } induded in tiie aiticle , intimate.thatexteiisixo elloits aio being made to haiiiionUe the IntorosN of the Krie , the Mibsis-slppl and the Ualtimoie ct OJiio hybtcm. „ rrlghtful Caluniity in India. CAi.crri.x , Sept. ! i ! > . Dlsistroiib Hoods , coxeilngan atea of H , ' > 00 mills , occuncd in the piesldcncy of IkMigalthc laigest and most populous of txvelxe main dixisions oflliitish India. A laigo amount of propeity xxns des troyed ami nuny lives lost. Many lamllies liavo been nude destitute. Houses , crops , cattle and poitable goods ot eveiy ilesciipllon haxo been pan lid away by the floods. The goveminent aullioii- tiesaiedibtilbuting piovlslons and rlolhlng and doing all they can ( orelievehesiiileicis. ! raise Point , which W.IH thought to haxo been the best haiboi between Calcutta and Horn- bay , sale , roomy and at cosslblo to all shljjs , xvas btinek bv the storm xviivo and .swept no completely that mo.stot the Inhabitants pei- Ishcd. * A Ilriital Ti a ody in Toxas. AUSII.N , Tex. , Sept. ' { i .V.A hoiiible tiagedy xvas enacted last nifilil ii wliich a nogio man and Ilireu ncguT women weio biutally mni- deiedby lunlng llieir > 'dK unshed with an axe. They xxoiewrNants of W. 15. Duiham , editor ot the Texas Coin t Iteporlri , and ociu- iilod n hhnnty In ( he lear ol Iilsiesldcino. The miudeier is Mipposed to be a negro named Uoc. Wood , xvlio xvas caiittncd last night by olliceiH , in a cotton Hold , eight miles tiomtoNvn. Ulood was ( ( Hind on Ills sleeves andbhlit. Seilons aiocnleil.ilind that lie w ill bo 1 } nchid. , A I'onmllng "Mntoli. SconsiiAi.i : , 1'a , , Sept.MJ. . A de.sperate bare knmklo ] ) ri/o light , between Minphy , of McClmti's station , and William Monison , of Dnnbai.ioi 8-00 u bide , took plate at the fool of lluf mountains neai heie e.ulv this moinlng. Tie | ivnitcbt xvas under the London inIze ling lilies , and lasted tvui liouis , I-'llty-blx rounds' were lought. JIoi- ilHsey xvas- badly iiunihed in tlio last lew rounds. To avoid further punishment he dropped on his luiecri.i Ibis angeled Mur phy , who lliuilly btrnekhlm while down , and ihe tight xvas given to Morrlssoy on a claim of loul. About ! 0 people atk'iirted the mill. Openingtlij ) lllclH , N , Sopf. 'W.i-Bids weie opened at the tieasmy department to-day ioi thu lion work on the jxist offlceat I'eoiia , III. Thu lowest bhl was that of the Maisliall Kouudiy company fel2.tftU Hlds xveio also opened lei the Moimumlbild ; work on tlio postollUeat MlnneapoIH. Jl. A , Miiowun ( x a thu lowest bidder .VUl.tMXJ , and thu Mlnmt-sobi Stone company for tiie btone w ork at 818 , x > . . Gfccloy llnnquotod , I'lTisi'ir.l.U , Mass. , Kept. St' ' . Lieut. ( iiecleyxNOfl tendeied a dinner this cxening by prominent Imsincbsund professional men. Lieut. GreoJov's health lias been greatly Im proved by his hummer In ISerkbhlieandho no\v M'Lius to tw quite Wfll and health } . He xvill leave bhorlly lor a > py age to Scotland. The Hitfihlaii Army lolu ! Slobill/.ecl. I'AISIS , Sept..vJ.ThtClJourh < -MxaH agitated tuslj } by iiuiiors to the cftcct two HIM- ( Inn nimy coiiw aio l lixg mobilised aj a pie- ( uittio I.UA UK .is'i n In the event of lu'stliiiic'ii brea nt' < n" o > t. vcen TmLuy and Huimielia. CLEANING OUT THE COOLIES , TLo Mongolian Minors of Washington Terri tory Ordered to Leave. DEPARTURE OF AN INVOICE. The AVhl to Miners and Cltl/ens Up In Arms Against U'lioiii Kuitlicv I'nrtluulnrs of tlio trenl Klot. The Chinese 3rnsl CJo. .AM ) , Oiv. , Sept. - . ' . A lance nntl cnlhusIaslIoantl-Chlnoso meellng closed Into last night nt Seattle , W. T. It was u conven tion of laboiois called to try to dev K1 home means of lidding the countiyol thebimlcn- sonic Chinese. Delegates were piesent fiom x.irlons labor Fooletics nml organisations In tlio folloNvlng places : T.icoma , Jsoxx Castle , Kcilon. Itlaclc Diamond , Colin , Smiinoi , Jsquak , Wlmcomh nml Seattle , bcsldorf n numbci ol dtl- yens not Inmiv laboi soeiot.v. Jinny speeches weio doliveied and each utterance Hint loiihl bu lonstuied to 1I1CM11 till' OXplllsiol | Ol lllf Chinese by pc.lie- lnl inrans m If neeossai } b } loieo xvoio 10- ( olvedwlth apphusi1. bomospeaUois assiued tin1 audience Hull tills XNould Much bo ( lit1 re sult , If tills question was not speodlh soht'il. bill the mom mh IK. ited cool but doloiminid aelion. Itusnlnllons xvoio adopted set ting foitb Hut it xvas tin1 sciiM1 ot tlio meeting tbnl tbu depiossul condition ol iudtisliics , unl commcicc 10- sultod diioelly fioiu thepiosemo ot Chinese laboi In M-itloii ot Ihoeoutiliv. It was also ic'solxed tluit on tlu lotmn ol tin1 dele gates to Hieh loxpectlxc localities tbcy shall ( .ill mass meetings foi the pin pose of appoint ing eoiuinittiM's to notih the Chinese to leaxe on 01 bofoio Yovomborl , issr . Snxiri.r , W. T. , kept. . " > . The Chinese haxo nil been dlschiuged .it tlu > x.uious mines In tills xicinltx. .Maiij ot tbij mills an1 also displacing the Chinese In theii' em ploy b } while l.iboicis. The tumble at KranK- Iln mine , which piomiscd to lie u serious ont- biraK , was molded b.tin1 . Chinese tal.iug nl.u in and Ic.n In tbi1 mines as leqtiestodb } tliM\hilo ( minei-i. l'oiiu.AM > , Sept. 2J ) . Four eailnads of Chinese , xvho veto inn nut ot the mini's .Hound Seattle , .mixed heie to d iv. The Oiegoniau , In an article on the pun codings against tbo Chinese In Seattle , sijs : "The ' .situation issogiavoas to make it 'necessaiy foi the pii'suh-nt to act. " Jt sajs he ought to send the Koiutoenth infantry , nowat Kent VaiU'ouu'i , to I'ttget sound at once topic- M-ise peace , topioted the Chim o , ami see that the menace ot n general massacre is not iMiiied out. Tlio Moiitieul Itlot Orox\in ; Serious. JIos rni : M , , Sept.'JS. 'I'heio x\eie si\ty-t\\o deaths fiom small-pox in this city jesteid.ix , .se\en in St. Jean UnptNtu Milage , llxo in St. Jlenri , three in Cote St. Loui" , t\\o in St. I'loofibiiot wanting Hint the disgraceful ilotof List evening N.IS the outeonio of an organised conspiracy on the p.ut of the eoi- iuiilioni ti. of llie citx' tounolllio , e\cr since theoutbieakot small po\ , hapandeicd to the prejudices of the ignorant Tiench Cana dians , and sititilnrd them in theh opposition to remedial muasiius. 'ibis is xondied for by thi'he.vltliollUei \ \ hose Inne.uiYv as wrecked l.i"t niirht. since lied thecitj. his life ufhucn ( Ineatened. 'llio active iintIead- ; vein fem Tieiicli . \\lio held the mob on shoulinir "Vixo hi Vi.uuo ! " "The l.i Comniunu ? ' "Ui-a\o Hid I" "no\\nv lithc EniclNi and XIKCM- nalioii ! ' ' A repetition ot last night's ilot is being ( irganl/cd and thiec itylmeiUs of cAxalry andabatteiy ot'aitilloi'yadiaxe-bcciiJ called out. _ _ _ _ „ . . „ f ' iiilKh'JfiVKiigli'jli now'Spapef otllces anil La- 1'atiie , tliefuaxoi'.i iMpei. Thev tineaten to hang the mayoi id ht. .lean JJaptlste , xvho is enfoicing Kimpiilsoiv xp.ccination theie , and the } also Uneaten to bum down the house ol the el.ilnn.m ) ot the health board. ( excitement oxibts and busi ness is at a standstill. .Sectional loel- ing urns high but all the educated French classes donouncotheiiotors. Axvhole bilgadeol.the Tilth militai } distiUthas lust been called out. 'Ihe bugade ninnbeis about lf > 00. Among the rioteis last night xveie man } of thehlxtj-lilth IVnch-Canadlaii IOK- imont. SK hundiod qnairjnion liom Cote hi. Louis piomisc to Join tlio rioteis to-night. The ma } in ih laboiing xvith great ) ducK. lie has issued a pioclamatlon calling upon ail good citi/ens to assist the anthoiitlos in keep ing peace. At 1 p. m. . lift } nioio ol the Vic- toila lilies XNcie. tatlomd at the city hall. The niaxoi and beveial aldermen have bion notified that their houses will bo binned to night. Excitement among the cltl/ens oxer tlio aiiti-x.ucination riot Lust night is intense , and man } assci t the time has come to dccl.iie laxx. The linteis lastnluht were well oigani/cd. They XNOIO beaded uy tlnee men in ( - . .UllagesNNho diicded their movement * . Chiet J'aradis , xvho xxas slabbed and stoned , icceixod no set ions injiules. JMajoi Iic.iiidiy io-c liom aside bed and came down town to takeiiio.istiios toqncll tlio liot. lie It the aldoiinc'ii will not assist him in this toi hnxxillpiotoc't the lives and mopcrl } of the citi/ens on ids own uspoiisibilitx. Atr > o'clock thlsoNonlng a general alarm xvas sounded calling all members of the toi re to the oily hall. The whole ot the mllitai } In tlioeit } about 1,400 btiong aie uinlei aims to night , and patrols ot caxaliy and Inlantr } aiowatihing tlio disallcctcd distiid. Tlieie is no sign HO fin of furlhei tumble. MovimxT. : , Sept , W. At a meeting of the piovinclal boaid of health tills evening a Jaw xvas adopted , making It a penal offence lei poisons living In houses in xvliicli tlie'ifc is hiuallpox , to knowingly come In contact witli othci persons , 01 to licquenl chinches or pub lic place" . Kxpcdations that anotlici liot xvonld take plate to-night haxo not been xeil- lud , although man } porMins bell ex o that the double is cm ! } postponed. The iloteis ol last night xvero increased to-iilghtby woikingmen fiom St. Join Hap- liste , village ol ht. llenil and other places , but the out } d 1st m bam e.s that took place was at tiio giey miniici } . The mob , however , was dispersed bv the police befoio any damage - ago xxas done. Six ot the mob we ro aue.stul. Dr. Labuge. medifal luallh , going about to-night In dlsgulu1. Ii. ) MeNeoie , his assistant , put hl < : head out ol a window of tlio health olllie only to ho lilt xvith a stone. Col. Calveihlli , of the riflb real Scots , xxas also hit XN Him stone. Theoxposltlongumnd.s' , which thu ilolers tlneatoned to burn , aio giundod by thuMctoiia rllle.s and lifty uixal- lymen , who are p.itiolllng the sticot in fiont of tin ) L'lounilH on ImiM'badr. All Is quiet theie , howoxei. Lai-gecrovvdH aio giitheicd in tlio east end ot the dtj , but up to nildnlght the police haxe been able to keep them quiet. A Model Major. Tour SMITH , Ark. , Sept."J. . Aloxundei Aaion xvas shot and killed on the sheets of Van Duron , at 8 o'clock last night , by Charles Talor , m.ioi ol that town , The1 } had a dif ficulty about u woman and had threatened oadi olboi-b1 llxe.s. Aaion followed Talor and attacked him xvitli a ni/oi , when the lat ter dinw aioxolvei and filed loin shots , two of whlih took cllVd In Aaron's body , Aaron died almost Instantly and Tulot gave bonds , foi the ( ase wecnis to Ixi one of solf-dofense. T > o lor ISM ell connected but dissipated. Ho xv as elected mayor of Van liuu-n InstApill. when lie was Just twont-ono .veais old , and Is sdd to bo the joungost majoi In thu United Mates. Ainon was a iiullan ol tliu "ais. ViUlllllH Kioii , Sept. W. Last niglil lour mv Kiocs Jerry rimh and ile , JvioTyhon , and John 1'aUMmll xuie Ijiulied one milo tiom 1'llthboio , Chutham i ounty , They xwo taken fiom jail and theh bodies found this morning fcm > i > t nded fiom a tire near apublle load. Tills Is a hcnuul to the tilplo mm del of the Fliuh family on ihu night of the 4th of hut Jnl } and the minder of the Cnntet fau- il } near the NUIIU hjiot MJIIIC iluhteen inontbs ago. TheioxH'jf etootho 1'InUi family IM\\aid , aped W mid a MMer , anul si.rl bey \\n-v found on the moinliigof the Mh of July nlngon the liomilh ilielr tlnoals cut. Xe.u them 1.1 } tlioli M-ixant , aped 1U. All had bein Knocked In the head \\llli an a\e. biisiilcion early lested on the m io Jerrv rinch , and ho \\as mivsted. Hxvas ngirat tasktioiu tlieilfvt topiexent fuelling. Leo Tson x\a < aftenvindsanest- ed and MIIIIO tlinonftor John 1'attlshall x\ns taken on tliecliur'e of being eoiueimd in tliti minder , and possibly In Iho Kineb minder , lie \\assnid to lunobeen sd > u neai the spot \\heio llie ( Junteiivro Kllhxl and next moi nln x\as inanothei unint } and told the Ihst ne\\s Knoun theio of tbo cilmc Detee- tlxesoiKed up the case. 'I ho xonllct of the roioiiei's 1nuas longdelaed , tliov leel- Inj that it It \\.is mlxoixp to the juhonors they \\ould be piomptl } l.Miehed. The xei- dlct xxlieii lemleied Uas against Ihopilsoner- * . A ninJDillvoftlio n.'Oploaiipeai to besatlslled these pcoploxxcicgulfh ofbotli nnudei-i , lei the two xu'iomjstoilously conueited. I'lij li'lans' I'utiil Qnurirl. lli.ooMiNf.Tov , HI. , Sept. .K IChtoago Times spi'ciil.-Jicat ] ( eviloiiiont exists In thiscih mid eounlVoxci ( ho shooting alliay \\hlelitookplaeethls' \ morning at Sajbmol ; , a small town twenty miles rast of this city. Thep.utles to the shouting \\oro Dr. llimov J. . ll.nrls and li. ( ieorgo \ \ * . ll.irtun , and tiie loimer put a bullet tlnoiich tlio latlei s hiait , causing alnuwt instant death. They \\eio both piactlclng phjsi- clans at Sabiook. Ji. li.uton had Ihed theie about louileeii jeais and li. ) Hauls , one \eai. Itaiton becameaugr } , It Is claimed , [ lit Ilariis because the Killei xxas maKIng an iniond on his business and tooK occasion to snv liaish things ol llauis. This morning Haiton .ilniMil Hauls to one It i.vbuin on the strceN. and Hauls , \\ho was hi a stoie , oxei- heaidlhe lalK. Hauls stopped ontsldo the stoie and u onlcd the iliaiges made bDai - \\heieiiiion Uaitou stiuck Haul" , Knock ing him doxvn. Hauls imleMx aio e , sei/ul Ills icMihei and liml Hnnis Immcdlatel } icgietted the shooting , olleicd hisseixlci" * , and examined his \ ii tlm's \ \ ounds , and , lind- Ing that liailonas fatal ! } nhot. suiiendeicd to the olllceis. Hewas h.islciicd to this ell } and is now locked up In fail. The altaii ueatedgieat feeling at S.ixmnok , and had not Hauls'been limned oh" doubtless \Io- lemox\ould hiuobceii ic.soited to. Dr. Uai- ton xxns about40 xeai-s ot jgo , and leaxes a \\lfe and two cnlldicn. Hauls Is about the same age and also has a NX I ft1 and two ihildien. Harris lixed at Fooslam\ \ , Chimpalgn loiinty , for litteen jcars beloio mosiugtoSa.xlnook. Hairis claims that ho did the shooting iu self-defense. Thcieaio those , howexer , x\ho assert that Hauls altogcthei too liaslx and also that heN.IS not ItiiOcKed dox\n b } milon.but shot bcfoietlie blow. The weight ofe\ldence so fai hcems to corioborato tliu statement that the blow NXas .struck. " \VaifH WA iiiNOio.v , Sept. 20. The pie'ident apiiointed Daxid IJ , Aslibui } siipeixlslng in- spectoi ot steam \essels for tlio Fomthdiv tiictol St Louis. The piesident this aftcinoon ajiiiointed FA- x\ard A.bte\'nboiiof lioise City , Idaho , to bo goM'rnoi nt the territory of Idaho , and AV. 15. Webb , of Hillings , 3Iont. , to bu ot the tenitory MdiiUna. Tin1 president appointed James T. Ilealey , assistant tieaMiiei at Chicago and L. W. T. Walkoi tobelii-st lieutenant ol the maiine coins. Theie xxeie 015 patents issued dui Ing the week ending to da } , the largest number oxer isbiied in one xxeelc in the history of the . olllce. cut _ _ Points About IMtlillu Plnccs. W.XSIII.N'ITONSept. . sw. 3Ii. lloiaco O. Jacobs , assistant \istngnichlttict of the tiL.isiuy , has tendeied his lesignatlon to take effect October 31. This action xxas entirely on ills pait .mil xxas taken in ordei tli il he might accept , i business olfer from iu Washington linn. Jh. Jacobs is a natixo of Maine , and lias been.In . ( ho tieasiuy foi nenrly txxent-tixoj'ais. , . ] { . WalKei , cbieMdfdlxlulo'iis of < thc icgis- ter's ollice , be accepted to take effect bej- tembei : ! 0. JI. AValKei wasiblet of the ton nage dixision , which dixi ion xvas merged into the buieaii of naxigationllin that limean XN.VS established last } car. Jlr. Noul was chief ot theciihenc } division xxliich the icgistei now pioposes to consolidate xvith the ( ou ] > on dixision. Mi. JScallll be icduced loan § 1,600 grade. A KlfjlHat Sniofat. * LOXDOK , Sept. 2'J. A dispatch from JIo7- ambiqiioiecelved hero todax gixes tlio de tails ot a Inttli' between the rieneh troops under Aduiiial Mlot and Iho Hoxas at Saio- tnt , , on Sept 10 last , and claim that Hie French weio deleatcd. The Hox.vs occuplisl a Miongly entieiuhid position widen the Kicnch attempted to uiptuie attei M-iy se\crc lighting lasting lull } ixxo boms. The riemheie comiK'lled to fall bad. on Tam.itoxo. which tbex' did In an oideil } man- nei with thelosbot thill } killed and wounded. A Koni-fiil Crltno. VAi.vAn.viso , Nin ( Jalxcston , Seitembei ) 2l > . A fe.uful cfinie XXMS ( ; ouimitted In Clilndiln jccently , an entire family being mmdeied lei thoKiKool plundei. Thy asiasbinbaie being pni > ncd. , _ IIHAIN'AHO. i , Neb. , Sept. ? 9. IMitor Ur.i : Dceinin } ? that it ini hL bu of intuic&L to jou and > onr host of roadoit > to lictir ou- easionnlly fiom Hutlor county 1 take thu libci ly to inforni your readers. Itullur county seemingly , is' tho. garden lot ) of Ncbr.isKa , the fiolilri of poklen corn , tiio nnnibeiluss htaoks of hay , ami ginln , lar e oiehaids laden > vith ilelicioiib fruit , all K ( ) to prove the above statement. This is lair week and the county is well ropioM-nted at its metropolis , both by [ icoplo and products. Ono \ ffndraxv \ back tills f-easim to the prosjiciily oftlio tillcirof lliu M > ! 1 is that dreaded discabu , ho ; * cholcia , XNhiehis jilayiiiK havoc xith our line porkor.s. XQAnioiiK tlio many J.ufjo larms hitnated in llullci is that of your townsman , T K. McDonald , which numbois twenty.six liundrod and sixty acres of choice land , and il IB fc.iid to bo om ; of the ( in tlio btiito , ImtJ-paoo piovonts us iviiiK jour icadeis n description of it ; yet his honor would bu willing no doubt to inform you upon the subject by culling at lilh olnee. in roonih nml 10 , NolH.isku National bank building. J'oliticHis r.itiior quiet Iici , allhoii { > li theio hcctns to bu eonsideiiible dilli > roni'o in opinion in repaid to to\vushi ] ) organi- /ation , and it appear * now qultu proliablo that action will be talcon upon , this ifkuu at the tall election , Them is quitti u fee.Iintj tlironghont tbo countv ngiuiiht David City , it appears that mio piopohes U ) rim the polities of tlio county , and also to elect all Daxid City men to county olllcivt , xvbieb docw not quite suit the ballanco of the county too NN'oll. About tin ; only Ciuididulo out- siilo of Divvid City jot he. ml fiom is that of L. 11 , Cooley of Hraimird \ \ \ > hooks the nomination of county .Superintendent ot hchools. Mr. Cooley IH n well ijnall- li d porMm in ox-cry lospoct , haxbitf 10- cloved n btiUo normal &ohool education in old filate , Wiscoiinin , and also HiioicfiSfulIy lilted mail ) piominont positions , besides huvin an uniiei-tion- | nblu cliaincttir to back him up. Ihaincid i { { rowing very rapidly , MIMIC twenty buildings Inivo beoni'it'clud , of m the I'ourso of orocUon this 3 oar Wo have n wood lixo iiexvsjiai ovostab heio xrliich is n ciodlt to the town and in doinic much towards lln iloxi lop- monl. \Vj ( mo also ojoctlDg u lanw M-liool building here Funiingl may tlio your icadcu , 1 will closo. W < ii NU PRICES JUST ABOUT STEADY Not a Movement Yesterday in Cattle to la- Epiro the Market , NO LIFE IN THE BUSINESS , ! Moro Aotlxo anil a SllKl > t nlu in 1'ilucN A Slight Doxxnward Tin n Obtains in nil thu CCIIM ! Markets. I ixo fitoolc CIIICAOO , Sopt. 21' . ISpcelnt to theBrr.7 CATII.I : . Ucicipts of cattle to da } 0,000 , against JJJ ! . > < 'luo'iilny , muKlug about 11.T.M for the week MI liu , against IV * ' for the same timu last week. Theioeioouly about'JXOnatlNes ( ) among the fresh locelptf , and lorthcso the ihiuamlNas lather sloxv. bhlppeH wnti hold Ingulf , Hud divssed booC operatoiseii lining tholrNordeii ) out oC piimoxoilotiH , honou natixes won ) goliif ? slow and piices xxeio only just about Meady. In fact KOIIIO K.ilesmen w ho eairied ox'j > r good shipping i.ittlo last night had the MIIUO on then bauds at noon to day. Texaiis. m * ' " .canning soils , sold a sliado liglio ) , iuul XNosteitis xxeio making omially .is high pilios as } estci-day. JsntlXT butchcis' stock , OONXX , bulls and nib blshy stieis ixMiiaiu slow and weak at foimer low pi Ices. SlocKcr and food 01 tiade toniluucd quiet ; u tovx lots dianged hands fiom day to d.ibut ; theio is no llie In the business. ItccUpts oC sleeK cahcs tali and piices may be quoted the .same as last x\eek. 'Iheio XNOIO ton or twrlxe loads on sale today and dining the * loicnoon there XNCIO hoxcral sales made nt pi ices tumid below In our rlasililod list. Cm lent pi ices -aie about as lollows : JCxtia pilme n.itixe becNes , $ . i.7rjC > tU.O ( ) : tliojod to i.moj bhiiiiing | iialiNcd , Jsj.&iMVTO ; good to choice shipping natiNo-i , ? 0.0XaO.-li ( ) ; common to good shipping , ri.'JO ( f UO ; pool tomeillinu slceis , SIMK t.i'i ; fair lo choice cow sVJ.OO@ M.0ilnloilor ) ; to medium cow sgl. ' . > .VJ.OO ; porto to choice1 bulls , Si.iV ) ( < cJ.70 ; stocKers 5'J.'J.X ? J feedois about lOfti'Mio ' lowei . . r9wy < ! 'l'lK.S"d ' ' mixed , SSATfeJ. J..Jjtiik , Through Texas cattle , abolit 1,40 , axoiaging fW ) to US ) Ibs , sold at S' for cows and < -t00iii.7.r : ( : for Hleeis.Vestcin , ningoi" , ri@10c higher for best grade- * ; natives and half tneeds. Sl.70 < ir ! > .00 : coirs , fri.'i" : > ( . : iS ) ; xxlnteiod Texans. pJ.fiOUM.'JO. hales-l.VJ Montana , 1HO.I Ibs , 53.00 ; 40 S-f ftT,1 ; : > U Colorado't'exans , lOuO Ibs , $3.70 ; iMl Nobiaslm Texans , 10 ± i Ibs , W.C5 ; lOa Montana , 11M Ibs54J5. . lloos Estimated locelpU for the day 1H- , 000 , against H.KU last Tuesday , making about : o.r , > i > 7 for Ihe xvcek PO far , against- : , - 4VJ foi the same time last week. This maiket opened active and r > ( ? HOc hhjhei than on Monday , the advance being mainly on fail lo good packing soils and choice market pigs. Light soils undeiwent little or no change. Uouglx ends and pool odd lots of common sold at S.00@.5.70. ! fair to good packeis s.bO : ) < Vl..X ) , best assoiied heaxy 8-1 00 ( .aO. liglit J5K % , and "sick" pick pigs S2.W@.U 0. NIuo ; Iieaith } , ] ) liimp leathei weights xvould soil for S4.10 , and rough and mixed for SU.MXSJUO. Chicago Grain Miirlcct. CIIICAOO , Sopt. 'JO. [ Special to the WnicAT The xvlieat market xxas nervous ami ) unsettled to-day but prlcyattoiideilUownxvardi * " , Cable advices xxeie favorable to holders ' "an'd'J" xvas reported that receipts at noithxYCstera , points were growing largorj'xvhlch caused some unloading and also .some slioit Bolllnir , and in the aliseiuo of any special outsidoj suppoit values fell olT. The Malting price forj November wastCi c , and a few Kilos xvcro made at We , then fell back to Nlj o , rose to Mijjfp , fell off again to BOJjfe , rallied a tulle , arid closed on the regular boaid at 6fl ; ( ySfl'H'e. ' In the altei nooit oxcmbci Bold off to SVhe , and closed at bfic. Coi There xvas voiy Illllo doing In corn , and piices .showed little change until shoitly botoie the close , when September decllncili1 and closed about le under yosterdfiy. INuolpts continue free , and shipments moderate. O.vrh Oats biole ( oil nearly le for this month owing to xer } ficeolfeilngsand largo lecoliits , xvldle the other options illicit some- w hat easier. PROVISIONS Pioxislons ruled quiet at yes * toi day's doci ! in1. * "Weekly Dry CoodH llevioxx' . Ni.w YOIIK , Sept. ! iO. Dnv Goons Cabot "Ci Inch bleached .shlitlngs have been ad- xanecd fiom 0 % to 7cents. AH iihiialto Tues day the market has f > hwn ) no special aetiv- it } , lint tolegrapli'oideis forbienchoil cottons and many dellveiies on old wants haxo a good quantity. Flannels , goods , blankets , sott wool ( liess falnics and undcr- wear and other specialties sold to aillvo through dally delixoiies aio reluinlng good quote of sales. Men's xv'ear and woolens aio in shady leqniMl lor moderate assoitmonUt and desirable Blocks aie xoiy low , \\hllo lor bluing goodhoidcin aie being placed xvitli mudibloadinisj. in LIMA , xia Calvesloii , Sopt. -Coicoilst , minister of foielgn affaire , dbeuted a letter to the diplomatic 101 ps licjo , salng as t hey will notiocogni/uhis goveinnmiit they must Ju mvonlanei ) witli the ojilnlon of several authoilties on intoinational law , wh'di ho ( ( iiotos , declare that tlio Cacoros goxori iilent lobeabeligoiont. Incase this is not com- plicd xvith lie xv ill not bo able to extend the usual pilxiligos to foiolgin HiibJectH in tliu inoxiiuos uudoi the ( , 'iUerIst Ijoxoinninnf , and will eoiiblderand ticattlionias JVrnyltin subjects , . I 11 y. The DauulloMH Safe. SAKHV HOOK , Se-iit. ' ; f-The ) } iicit ! Dannt- less1 , xNliich took ] iut In the Cujio Mayiuio xv Ith tint ( Jencbla. airivcdtliiiiuioiningtit Uila pl.u.c. pl.u.c.Hood's Hood's Sar.apar/7/a Oimlliics , In a in inner itccullar f o lt clf , tliu licst blood-inirltylui ; ami i trtugllieiilni ; n juo > dies o ( llie vcKitabli ) Mngilum , Yutivll | find this XNonili-rful n'lucily iftcctlvo xvliero iitlitr nu'illi liie li&vc f ailed. Try It now. li Ul purify > oiii Mouil , icKidatiJ tlio iltKti ioj ) , anil ult ne v llf and vlinr ; to the cutlro bvdy. "Hond'tt birft.iiarllla | illil me gnat jyMt. ; I v.i9 tlrtit out from overwork , cud It Inygd ) nn iqi. " JIliH. 0. li. HIMJIO.NS , Coluus , N. Y , "I sutTt-retl Unee ycir-t Iruw tilooil lu.'iwiu , I took Hixiil'fl Bard ipnrlll.i mid tlilnk f jui iiinil. " Jlns. M. J , DAVIS , JJrotXport , M. > ' , 'J'tD'lflea the Jilood Hood s B4r jpirllla U cliarai tcrl/cd by tlirca iK-ctillarltlcs I Isf , tlio < v/mMnnou ( ( fit remedial ayuitsj 2iltlio j > rNwi ; Jl ; , JlJo jiloctJt ( if M-ciirliii ; tlio nctlro uir'ilii-mal qiulltli'i. Tliu ri-sulthaincdlclau of Mrciie'tlf , ifffrtlni ; < ures I Itliuitu miniiovjii. Hiu < | for limik coiitalalni ; adilltloiul \iOcnu- - . "Hood's Kiiiirailllt loins up my i ' innIlli s my HUM ! , Mi iriuia mv n M ems to m iLu inu < ver , " .1. J' , ' Jtl' l.itll lJ ) IVlllB , I JHUll , lIukK. "Honl's K iri | > aiill.i IK-its Ml others ami ' " 'Viil 111 llnN tlKlt ) III piUI. " < iI.UAUUIM.l < > A , Hood's Sarsapariifa Bold by all drnrginU. l ; lx for * 5. M duly liy U. I. JIOOU Si CO. , Lunell , llaii. COO DoQoa.Ono Dollar ,