Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertising Clients 111
f "It has become So common lo begin nn
article , in nn elegant , interesting style ,
"Then run it into some adrciuscmont ,
Hint wo nvoiil nil such ,
"Arill shiinly call attention to the merits
6 ! Hop ImtOh ) iii as plant , liotiobt terms
is "possible ,
"To ihdiico people
"To givft tuem ono trlnl , which BO
proves their value that they will never
TV 4 Use anything else. "
' "Tun Ilp.sinur eo fnvornblr noticed In nil the
rmpers ,
KoliKlnua nml r-cotilnr. Is
"llnrlnjr Inrgo suiu , nnd la suppmntln ? all
other mo.llclnct.
"Tlioio is no dPtiylnsr the virtues or the Hop
plniit , unfl the pioprloinrs of Hop Minor * lirno
shown urtmtfhi iivuiu * > t mid ability. * * *
"In c < lihpofimlHiK" n tiiuiiiclno wnrtee virtues
are HO jiulpaLilo lo ovoiy onu s obsorvuilou. "
Did siic nio ?
"Sho lingerctl and suffered along , pin
ing away all the tune for years. "
"The doctors doing her no good ; "
"And at last \vas cured by this Hop
Bitters the papers say sp much about. "
"IndeedI Indeedi"
"How thankful wo should bo for that
medicine. "
A niuiRlitcr'B Misery.
* "Eleven years our daughtersulTcrcd on
A a bed of misery.
"From a complication of kidney , liver ,
rheumatic trouulo and nervous debility ,
"undtjT tilts ciilo"i > t the best physicians.
"Wlio'jScaVfc her disease , various names ,
"And now she is restored to us in good
health by as simple a remedy as Hop Hit-
tora Unit wo had shunned for years before
using it. " Tim I'AKUNTJ * .
.J ProflcJule tlio Swindler ! ft
"ifwliou joul-nll lor Hop ItincrB.lBpofirrccn
cluy orofllopsou Iht'whlio lulicll UiouiUKKii > t
Imndsoutunyotlit-r blull cnllutl 0.1) . Wmnci's
Gorinim Hop Hitters or with oiliin-"llop inuiio ,
roiuso R nnd Khun Unit tlru Bl l us > ou woulti u
, rlptr , undir ho h.i Inhun jour money lor the
' AUtrmdlct Mm. Uir , the luiucl mid .1110. him lor
' the datnugra for tins swindle nnd wo will luwuid
you llbcmlly lor tliu uonviuiioii.
ftti. HAIR'S
Asthma Cure.
Thti Inviilualilo gpeclllo romllly nnd pcrinn-
nonllr cuitis nil Kinds of AMliina. U'ho moat
'bsUimtouiiUlclilinilUiuiiiiTcii' cs ylflu prompt-
Ir to its uunilurlul ciirlni , ' piopuuio . 11 Is
tlio uoild lor lia unrlviiloU
JU. "
, i.l..OAMWniJ < , city of Lincoln , Nfb. , writes ,
Jan. 25 , ISM : Hlnco UMIIJT JJr. llulra A > lliinii
C ire , lor uioro Hum one i our , my wile liu bten
entirely cll , niul not. ovou u sympuim ol mo
UUoii&o IIIIA uppuured.
Wll.MAM Ui' MuUT , Itlcliliuul , lou'u. writes ,
Kov.Ud , IBM : I lm\o licou tilllicleil wlili Ility
rover lind Asiliiiiii sliiLO INi'J. ' 1 lolloufd jour
Ji iVllreCllurfii 'UUd iiln lu\iiy | | to suy inul I no or
Blapt boltur In my lilo. 1 inn ( 'hid ihul 1 mil
nmoiur tlio iniuiy ulio cuu sic.U ] ; bo luvoiiibly ol'
your romodiwy. " , , ,
A vuluablo ( . ( jmgo troutlso coiitiiinhifir slinlhir
proof t n > m ovury uliito nilno O s , immuii uiul
Uiont Uriliiln , Wll lie limiluU upon iipplicalioii.
AiiyclriiiUisliioiluiviujf It in elocaulljno -
ouiti It.
KRW ( )
Kili'miitc < 1Vlri > lltT. NITVOM. nnil l'hl lnl r > ehllllr.
Prcmalure Decline In Mtin Krror * nr Vi.nth.Hiul lh
untold inl orlPt rpHiiltlnir from Inill nMInn mid et *
ce . A iKuik rur ovnrv mnn. y < inn , inlilillp-iireil
and old. It ront.thi ! " IJT , prci > rilntlni | fornll none nnd
rlironlcdlKOnpc' . cachiMioiir whi , h l lnT ltiilil < : So
found l > jr ihi * nitllnir.wlii c rxtMTlenre for 'fy \ < -irnl
nch ns protinblv nerer h fitri * foil tothi * Ini nf nujr
phrelrlfin : JKI IJHZP * , Imnnd hi beautiful V'rcncti mln *
Iln , cmt > o Fptl roveri * . lull ullt. CHHnintPOcI hi bcii Uti r
work In ftvorjr hen1"1 inorli'tnlf il. HliTHry mid nrofej
IniUl llmnjinT olhor wdrlt In thl ciiuntrTfnrU
or the money will OiTi'fmMl In i-torr ln l nri" . I'rl *
plyfl Uy .iniill , | > o tmlrt | Illimriilwl pitinnlf. w >
y Bend now. Onld inndul tivrnrdpit thp nmlior tir tip N * %
tlnnnl MciilCHl A > oclillun , 10 Ibeonicersof "lilcli lie
rr rnrn.
niloHrl ccjtIirp KlinnM lie rend hr llio j-onnc for
Instruction mill liy ilio ullllctcil for relief. U trill bene
fit nil. lomlim r ni'Pt.
" 'hi-rolnnompmlifrof norlclr lo "hum tlip Science
of Wfo will not benne fill , whether > i > tilli. parent , Rtnir *
dlnn. Inntnit'tor ( tr clorpvinnn. Arjiuiint. )
Adtre itlu' I'o.ihody Mi'rtlonllnstltuie. rl > r\V II.
Purkcr , No. 4 lluliHnili Mrei-t. lloslnn , MUM. . nlnt niir
Ho consulted on nil dscn | oi rcnulrliiE skill und uxperl-
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tha only rood to tnko for DPS Moines. Mflr-
filwlllowiiCul ( rHiipid , Clinton. Dl.\ic. Clilcjiwo.
Mllnnukoo nml nil Jiolnts cast. To lliu piKiplcor
Noliriihlcii , Coloriuloyymnlnir. . L'tiih. Idiiho ,
HovndnOregon. Wjifliimrlon nnd ( 'iilllornia it
otloi-apupcr or iidvuntiiKca nol | ) OfctlLlu by uny
otl'cr lino.
' iinoiitr n fewof the iiinrcioiis polnis of suiio
rioi'Jty cnjojfd liy I lie pinions ot thin rend lie-
twwn Omahu mid ClilciiRo , me Its t o tiuln ; n
uny of DA V COACH h wlucli me I liellnt -l Unit
liunmn iirt niul liRciiully cnn cifiulo , ItsI'Alr-
ACK SI.KUI'INU CAIIS. which mo modi-lH of
comfort mid uloruuce UK I'Allb'JIt DltA WINU
ll'JOM ' CAH.S , iinsui-pni-u'd by inn' , mid ilrldth
ly cclcbrulcil I'AI.ATIAMIINhS'C ) CAIIS. Uio
Otiul | ofwlilcli viinnot lie lound eNowlieio.
At Council lllullK Ihti iniins ol tlio Union Pixel-
flc Hy. connect in Union Depot with tliOKOOf Iho.
C'h'ovn > & Norlliwi lern Hy. In Chlciiyo the
lruiia | 'of this line nniUo close conncclloa with
tliOFC ol" nil eastern linos.
> 'or Dciinlt , Columbus. Indlminpolls. Cincin.
nT 'inuurn I'lillx. Itiitlnlo , 1'itulnii-ir.Toionio ,
K ntr I , llontmi. New Voik. I'hiliuiolpliln. llnl-
t'li ore Wut > hfntMon mid all polm In tlio vast , tuli
UK lie , cl niifiil lur tickcm viti the
iryou wlsti Die liuut lU'coiiiniodiulons. All ticket
mrenU gpll tlcl.olH via tliia line.
tli 11U I HIT , 11. S. HAM.
Qeuorul Mrtiiayor. Ocn. Pass. AKOIIU
\V , N. IJA11COCK.
Oon. Apciit , 1412 1'lirnam SI , , Onmlm , Neb.
'Yearn' ' Uxpcrlcnec ,
i iA nnr Men nndVomcn , Ilclcctlc.
Mtwnotlc niul ili'rlinlli't I'liVhiclnii , novr located
ut lilll DontliiB SiroKUOnmlm , Neb. . upbtaliH.
A correct iHimnofl * uiven wlilionl cxplaiiiiilun
fnun the pnitoni Coi\ftilimloti rrce ul ( illU'o.
Catarrh or tlm Head , INi-a ) e of tlio Kyc mid
Bar , lloart Ili a.-u. I , her Complaint. Klduvy
Complaint , Ni < rviimlcliilliyMontiil ) llpproslon ,
] x > i < or Manhootl. DliilKitc * . Ili-ife-lit UUcu e. M.
VIIIIK Dani-c , Iliifiiniallsin. paralfHle , While
BwullliiKK , Scrdliilii , i'civcr tsnCamcni : mid
Tunioix rcmovtNl without the kill I r. or the tlravr-
Iniroruiliopor tilood ; Wotnuii , Hlih hcnlpllcalo
orjfuim. rosundl ID lienlili ; Unip-V I'liliil wllli *
out tupplnv. HpiHiuil allvntlon ilven lol'ilvato
and VcMipinl DlM/ato- nil UliuU. 'J'app uonna
romnriHl In tuo or liner \u-uk8iirno pay. Hum-
uiorrlmlda or I'llfx-iMcdor ' no charvo > madu.
-Those wlmniuuillloii'cl vlll Fatxllle mid liun *
dfixi * of dollniii liy ciilliiiir on or nt
' CS- . * "
Crlolirnltxl Herbal Ucmtille * . C'ariu poudciico
_ _ _
.1 . , KGAI.EIl.s IN
[ 3airsSafcsVaultsJimeoacks
and Jail Work.
1 020 Fan ! urn Strut-t , Oninlni , Nt-b.
Notice ! MoiicG ! Notice !
THE WAGNBl'IC Hli.M.nit.
To K\\ \ \ who ait ilMaM-U | or nllll'/lttl. no mntu-r
uw IOIIK tlip tiiiiuititxnmie and l > o lioali l.
female dlscuK'N " 4'io nictlieiiH' * luiuImlcil 10
( fucjr.iller , 11 fKHiauime | | one , ct > nu > all ln >
lienUxl liy llin Mnnrim llealcr. llie oult i-tno
UH-ape liiini urn , | | . ( . , . , . l < , r I > MIII'IIH ' | miiour
1 : lur I-MUU iicmnu ut.ur > i > iinuoii ,
; mruib bi i ictl > uubU.
Or , the Story of a Great Miners' ' Strike ,
Translated from the French ,
or ritncntiiNO ciiArrnns.
Anion Joinder , n youni ; incclmnlc out of
work , lunches the con ! minis of Houston ,
I'rnncc , cold , hungry nml THe
ikrilli of n miner nuUus n vncincy : nnd ho so-
cuics t'wi'loyiiii'iit lii tlio Vulture mine. Mn-
lion , onu ul tliu inliitir * , niul his iliUichlcr
I'nllii'rinr , expialn the wnrk'lo him niul ; U-
M lliliit tin * HIM day. Ho hears tlio mutU-r-
tin * miners ntralnht tliu company anil
tliienls ot a stilkw. Yin actions of tlm buiir-
inlemlcnt and the small wanes received go.ul
tlie workmen to Hie verjto ot desperation ixnd
jiaved the way to tlio coining struggle. Ma
iion ngidn befriends Anton , and secures
lodgings lor him nt llassnneiir's , a tippling
hotiMO near the mine. Antoii'sdetermlnnlion
to leave Is'ovcicome by the kindness of tlio
Miiiiigllin ; miller. * , and lie decides to b.ittlo
with them. The owners of Uio mines revel
in luxury , and turn a dual car to the appeals
ol' the Mai vliitf innilllcs of the workmen , who ,
In debt lur food obtained during a sti ike three
years pii'Vloiis me barely able to secure sulll-
cient ledd to sustain Hie.
' At Raesflnenr's1 , hftor Having eaten a
soup , Anton-again went tip into tlio litUo
room luulcr "the roof , WU'QI | | ho was to
occupy. He had not closed his eyes for
two days , : iitd overcome by fatigno , with
out disrobing , ho fell upon his bed and
slept soundly. When ho awoke , it was
growing dark , ho raised his head in as
tonishment , not recognizing where he
was ; then as a faintncss came over him ,
he painfully arose , determined to get n
breath of fresh air , and after eating his
dinner , lo retire for the night.
The weather was moderating ; the
leaden sky had become copper-colored ,
charged with ono of those long rains of
of the north , of which the moistncss of
the air denoted the approach. Great
smoky clouds rolled by , and in the dis
tance settled down on that desert plain.
Upon this iminenst ) sea of reddish earth
twilight was falling. No sound was
heard , ' not a breath of wind was stirring.
Anton began walking , with no other
purpose than to shake oil' his feverish
leelmg. In passing the Vulture , where
as yet not a lantern shone out. he paused
an instant to watch the six o'clock exit of
miners , who went oil' in groups , mixin < r
with this girls from the screencrs , all
laughing together among the shadows.
1'n'st canio Mrs. Hrulo and her son-in-
law Peters. She was quarreling with him
because he had not taken her part in an
argument she had just iinished with an
"If I was a man , I'd be ashamed to let
one of those overseers get the beat of me. "
Peters who had been ailontly walking
on said at last :
"Well , perhaps I ought to have jumped
on the chief , lint I've no time for that
now. "
"Jf my ilaiightci had listened lo me
she would never have had anything to do
with you. "
Their voices were lost. Anton watched
her disappear with her eagle like nose ,
while hair1 and long thin arms which
were gesticulating turionsly. Now the
conversation of two young people ar
rested his attention. lie recognized the
voices of Zaeharie and Moquet.
"Are you coining ? " asked the latter.
"We will eat a sandwich and then go to
the Volean. "
"After awhile ; I've something to do
uow. "
"What ? "
The young man turned around per
ceived Pliilomene , who was coming from
Uiu screenings , lie understood.
"Olir it's that ? Well , I'll go on. "
"Yes , I'll catch up with you. "
As he moved oil' , Mpquet met his
father who was also leaving the Vulture ;
tins two men simply said good evening
the .son taking thu main road while the
old man slowly went oil'by the canal.
Xaeharic had already stopped Philo-
menu , pushing her to one side of the
road in spite of her resistance.
"I've ] something to say to you , " said
he impatiently.
Taking her arm lie led her oft' in the
darkness , asking her if she hadn't some
"What for ? " she demanded.
Becoming confused he spoke of a debt
of two francs which he owed.
"Shut 1 saw Moquot ; you see
are going to the Volean to see those nasty
women singers. "
He crossed himself , swearing it was
not so. Then , when she shrugged her
shoulders , hu said suddenly :
"Come with ns if you want to. You
that don't , bother mo. What do I want
with those sin'-ers ? "
"And the baby ? " she replied. Yon
know I can'tstir , for she's always crying.
Let me go homo. They're ' mad now , I'll
bet. "
Hut ho.detained.hcr. . saying ho did not
want to appear i'opliih belore Moquet ,
wiom | he had promised. A man can't '
go to bed with the hens every evening.
Vaiiiiuished , she turned up the skirt of
her dress , and ripping the hem , drew put
some teivsou pieces. For fear of hejng
robbed by her mother , she hid there tho'
money she made at extra work in the
" 1'vogot five , j'oti see , " she said. "Yon
may have three. Only first yon must
swear that you'll persuade your mother ,
to let us get married. Swear , swear
lirst. "
She spoke .in the tired voice of a great
sickly girl , without passion , simply weary
of existence ) . He sworet saying tliat was
already a promised Hung ; then , when
she 'gave him the three pieces , hu kissed
her , and allowing her to return to the
alley alone , cut across Uic fields to over
take his comrade.
Anton had mechanically followed them ,
but not hearing their words , believed it a
simple rende/.vons , A little further on
other voices were heard ,
Seated on a huap of stones , there was
Johnnie , witli Robert on one side and
L die on thu other.
"What did' ' you say ? I'll give you n
slap if you growl. Who thought of this
lirst ! "
Johnnie , after lying for an hour along
the canal , went to the. meadows and gath
ered dandelions , assisted by the two oth
ers. Suddenly the thought came to him
tlmt-thcy might bo converted into money
and instead of going home they went to
Monston , sending the little girl from
door to door , selling the greens , until not
one was left. They made eleven sous ,
ami now with empty hands they were
dividing the gain ,
"That's not fair , " said Robert. "If
you keep seven sous we'll only have two
apiece. "
"What's not fair ? " replied Johnnie ,
furious "didn't I pick more than your"
The other generally yielded with timid
n submission , a stupidity which rendered
him the continual victim of his comrade.
Older and stronger , hu even allowed himself -
self to be slapped , lint this time , the
thought of nil that money excited him lo
lie's stealing from us , isn't ho Lydio.
If hu don't divide we'll toll his
mother. "
Jinnniu stuck out his tongue at them.
"SuiOIK * word and I'll go and toll
them at your house that you 'vu sold tliu
salmi to my mother. And besides , yon !
stupid tools , 1 can't divide eleven sous in '
thruo parts , don't you mir Hero are
two sous. If you don't want them I'll
put them back in my pocket. "
Subdued , Hobtiil took his portion.
I/Ml c. who was afraid of Johnnie , had
buid nothing. When ho oll'ered her Uio
molihy she held out her hand with n sub
missive smile. Hut ho suddenly changed
his mind ,
"What would you do with all that
monoyt Your mothor'll take it from
you , for you don't know enough to hide
it. I'd better lake euro 6f it for you.
When you want some money you can ask
mo for It. "
The nine nous di appeared. To pre
vent her from cryin'g ho tickled her , mak
ing her laugh , mid then romping through
the Holds she boon forgot nor childish
A hundred stops further on. Anton mot
another couple , who were going to Ho1-
riiilliirli | whcro , around tliu old ruined
mine all the girls of Montsnn assembled
with their lovers. The fulling sheds ,
long since abandoned , were still stand
ing , while here and them n half rotten
coal car obstructed Uio way. A thick
vegetation had covered that corner of
the ground , a wild grata nnd BonlO young
trees already strong. In that spot all the
girls were nt homo ; Ihoro was room
enough for nil ; some sat upon overturned
logs , while others even took up their stay
in the cars.
A keener lived Ihoro. old Moquo , to
whom the company had given two rooms
almost under tlio ruined lower , apart
ments which were constantly threatened
ith coniplolo annlhilalioivfrom tlm falr )
Ing Umbui's. lid had oVcn been com
pelled to prop up the ceilingr- but : they
wore very comfortably lliere , no nnd Ins
sonin one room , tliu daughter in Uio other.
When cvcrjr pane of gins.- } was gone from
the windows , ho had kept out the cold by
nailing on some boards ; they made it
dark but thun it was warm. This keeper
occupied himself but little with that ojd
mine , spending llie most of his timu in
the Vulture caring for hi.s horses.
Moquo passed his old ugo there among
these boys and girls , courting in ovcry
corner. His daughter bctain nt ton years
of ago. Lovers succeeded each other ;
but , as she kept Ihotii from her li'omd ,
ho did not complain , only ho
growled occasionally when , on going
to gather wood for the soup , or to find
fioino nuts for his rabbits' he would stum-
bio over a couple sealed in ihograss with
jvrma cnlwined round each other's
waists. lie noddnd his head witli silunt
regrets on turning aside from tliese'young
people. Oh ! that youth which was gone.
Every evening , before dinner , old
nonnemort 'paiif a visit to his friend
Moquo. These Iwo old men spoke but
little , exchanging scarcely ten words in
the half hour they spent together. Hut
they found happiness jn thus sitting on a
log with heads on their breasts , musing
of the days gone by. No doubt they be
came young again , as around them
floated the same kisses , whispers and
laughs in which they had taken part
forty-three years beforo. Ah ! they also
had paused happy horn's there. And the
two old men shook their heads , often
leaving each other without even saying
That evening , just ns Anton arrived ,
Honncmort started towards the alloy ,
saying :
"Good-nichl , old boy ! Say , now , you
knew Mrs. Kouisse , didn't you ? "
Moquo , for an instant , 'stood silent ,
then shrugging his shoulders ho ro-un-
tercd the house.
"Good-night , good-night , old fel
low ! "
Anton sat down on the log which tlicy
had just vacated. He was slid without
knowing why. The old man , whom ho
watched disappearing in the distance ,
recalled to him his arrival of the morning
and the Hood of words which the wind
had caught up and carried away. Per
haps it saddened him to be alone at that
hour , when all the others had gone oil'
Iwo by Iwo. The heavy atmosphere
snllbcalcd him. Occasional drops ot rain
fell upon his feverish hands , adding to
his discomfort.
As Anton remained seated , motionless
in the gloom , a couple coming from
Monston passed without being noticed by
him. The girl , as though brought there
against her will , plead wilh low snppli-
eating whispers , while a man without a
wordliurried her on. It was Catharine
and Chaval. Hut Anton had not
recogni/.ud them in passing , and ho fol
lowed thorn with a glance ot curiosity.
On leaving the alley , Catharine had
gone to Mousloii. Ever since she had
begun working in tliu mine she had thus
run the roads alone in that complete
liberty of mining iamihes. After pass
ing the company's coal yards .she crossed
the road and entered the house of a
wash woman where she was curtain of
finding Mouquette , who passed hours
there each day. ISutshe was disappointed
The girl could not lund her the inonu.y.
To consolu her they oll'ered huraeiipof
hot collee , but she would take nothing ,
A sudden thought of economy arose in
bur mind , a sort of supuratitious fear , a
presentment that if she now bought the
ribbon it would bring her unhappincss.
Hastening back on the road to the ulley
she was al the last house in Monston
when a man , standing before the Pi-
quuttu cotlee housu called her.
'Halloa ! Catharine , whore are you
running so fast ? "
It was Chaval. Shehowever , was con
trary nnd in no mood lor laughing.
"Come in and take .sonietiiing , will
you. Just a glass of something sweet. "
She refused politely. It was growing
dark ; they were waiting for her at home.
He advanced , begging liur in a low voice
to enter. Hut she smiled , saying she did
not have time. Then , Irotn onu thing to
another , she spoke onand without think
ing told him of the ribbon winch she. had
been unable to purchase.
"I'll pay for one for you , " ho ex
She blushed , feeling it would bu better
for her to refuse , but. Idled with a great
desire lo have her ribbon , at hist she ac
cepted on condition that the amount paid
for it should bo returned to him. This
pleased him. for he was convinced that
if she would not become his girl , she
would return his money. Then another
dillieulty arose when ho wished to go to
Maigrat'a she ] ) .
" . said I shouldn't
.No , mamma go
there. "
"Never mind , j-oti don't have to tell
where he go. He keeps the best ribbon
in .Monston. "
When Mitigrnt saw them enter , like
two lovers buying their wedding II n cry ,
ho grow very reif , throwingdoxvn hisbluo
ribbon with the rage ot a man who has
been made a tool of. When they left
tlio store ho wont to the door and watched
them as they slowly moved away
in the falling night. When his wife tim
idly canio to ask for soinu intormation ,
he turned ngoii her , heaping up abuse ,
exclaiming lie would nutko tlioio people
who were wanting in gratitude repent
some day.
On the road , Chaval walked close to
Catherine , dlrcctin" her steps without
appearing to. Suddenly she noticed ho
had left tne main road and was going
toward Iteqinllart. Hut hu did not give
her time to become angry ; directing liur
thoughu with a continual How of caress
ing words. She was foolish to be tumid
olliini ; ho would do her no harm , Shu ,
frightened , could liiul nothing to reply ;
and , closing her eyes on him , another
form , that of the man engaged that morn
ing , passed in the darkness boiuro liur.
Looking around her she perceived they
had just entered tliu ruins of KcCUillart ) ,
ami she shivered with fear betoru the
blackness of the tumble-down shed into
which he continued to piinh her ,
Mcanwhilu Anton had not stirred. Hut
growing weary of this love-making , ho
strode ttcrovi the ground , thinking tliero
people were lee iniiuh oeeupied to bo diS'
turued. Aftur taking about thirty steps ,
on turning around , hu was surprised to
bee them coining alongas though making
for the alley ,
Then , wUhing to tee their faces , Anton ,
paused at tlio lirM street lamp , lie was
bliipi'licd on recognising Catherine and
Chaval Ho could scarcely lulcvo it ;
was that young girl hi n dark blue
fho youngster ho luul scon in linen pnriln-
loins with Imlr knotted under n sertrfT
But ho no longed doub cd. hoenw her oyog
with tlictrgreonisli Iimpidne33 , likespring
water , so clour nfid So ( loop.
Catherine nnd Chaval had passed him ,
not knowing they Nv ere being watched.
And ho now followed thorn nt n short
distance , mad wilh rage at the-so lovers
who seemed so happy. For a half hour
this walk continued. When the conplo
approached the Vulture ho still kept no-
hind thorn , while they Ktoppod now nnd
then along the way as thoun lee happy to
goftirtlior. When no reached Ha.sscnenr'S ,
instead of cntorlng the house , he accom
panied thorn ns far as the alley , standing
in the shadows for n quarter of an hour
while they said rgood-night. When
he was positive thojwwero no longer to
gether no wnlkcfl- { far oil'on the road to
Marcldcnnbs , too rtngry and too sad to
shut himself.up in his rooifi.
An hour later , about nine o'clock , An
ton retraced his steps , saying to himself
ho must cat and sleep If ho wanted to bo
out at three o'clock. Every ono in the
alloy was sleeping in the dark night.
Not a light shone from the closed window
blinds. Only a frightened eat ran elF
across the empty garden. ' ) . It was the
close of the workingmen's day , who foil
from the lablo to the bed , overcome with
At Hassonour'fl , tv machinist nnd two
day.workmun were still drinking. Hut
before entering Anton paused for a. last
look into the darkness. Again ho found
the same black immensity of the morning
when he had arrived by the main road.
Heforo him the Vulture crouched like a
night animal. The three lirej of live coal
burned in tlm air like reddening moons ;
and below on the open plain thedarkiutks
had submerged all , Monston , Marchien
ncs and the lorcst of Vandame , the vast
Holds of wheat and beeta , while only the
blno fires from the high furnaces nnd the
red coke fires sliono out like beacon
lights amid all that darkness. Tlio rain
was now falling , n slow continued ami
monotonous streaming. Onosinglo sound
was heard , the great , slow , respiration of
Iho cnginn which , like a human being ,
day and night breathed on.
ROWKIj COMPLAINTS cured and pro-
vonlcdby IJUFi'v's 1'uiii ! MALT \VnisuiJV.
Kecoiiiinonded by leading physicians. Sold
by diuatjlsts and grocers.
< t *
A Cook Whose WMRCS Far K.tcccd tlio
1'n.y of Men niul "Women AVho
Make Gould's Fortunes.
New York Journal : If Jay Gould were
a- king with a pedigree as long as his tolo-
grapli wires his summer residence at
jrvington-on thc-IIudson would not
shamu his mujcsi. ) .
E ght hundred acres , rolling down to
the river , surround his mansion there.
Ono hundred and seventy of the broad
acres are laid out in lawns and rising
terraces , covered with green-houses , > ytn
more hardy exotica in the open air , with
hedges and shrubbery most carofulljr
pruned and trained.
Jay Gould , former retailer of mouse
traps and present catcher of mice , is
careful of -personal surroundings ,
boventj servants take care of his house
at Irvington am of titogroundsaround it.
JUT Gould knows how to dine. His
head cook is a French chef , a cordon
bhu. His salary to call it wages would
be an insult to him is $ .500 a month.
The conductors on Mr. Gould's oluvnted
roads , the men who daily have the lives
ot thousands of people in their hands
while tno head cp'oktfs handling chickens
and trufllcs and ujtrsipfns , are paid $ i a
day dnrn g the first year of their service ,
'ihe secona year thuy earn ao cunts moro
a day , so that a conductor on the elevated
road , if ho is in luck , will bu paid in
three years a little luis than the man wjio
makes Mr. Gould's suueus and gravies re
ceives in one year. * '
Flowers always grace Mr. Gould's din
ner table , for hois n man of taslo. Thuy
adorn hi.s parlors , job , rusting in vases of
onyx or malatJIiite , and1 they scent the
Atnlanla's cabin when that magnificent
yacht carries her magmlicont. owner
back from his mouse-catching on Wall
street. .
Air. Gould has an expensive head
florist whose salary not wjigos is ? 1 , > I' a
month. telegraph operators ,
mon of remarkable intelligence anil
ability , mon whoso minds and lingers
have boun trained for long years sueii
operators in tlio main Hroadway ollico of
the Western Union Telegraph company
are paid from $70 to lf)0 ! a month , if : \
lirst-elass operator puts in a little line
work ho may make half as much in thirty
days as does Mr. Gould s huad llorisi.
Tlio engineer who stands at tlio throttle
of a locomotive on the Wabasli road ,
who carries his lito in his disengaged
hand , who plunges along throujrii Hie
storm ovur bridgus that may break and
over rails that may spread that mini ,
Htout of heart and steady of brain , get *
about half of the wages of thu head
llorist at Irvinglon.
The head llorist has so many gardeners -
ers under him that ho can not'look alter
them all , so hu hay an assistant , who is
paid ifliU a month. Socon--olass tulu-
graph operators in the big { .ran o work
housu on Hroadway gut Irou , v .1 to > i U
n month ; third-class operators get from
$ .6 to $ : i'i u month ; Judy telegraph oper
ators rulined , educated women get $ -5
to $10 a month.
A man who applies to Superintendent
Iltiin lor u position on tliu "L" brings
letters to prove tlm hu has all the cardi
nal virtues nndis made a brnkutnan at
$1..10 a day. Mr. Gould's coachman ru-
ccivcs $ r > 0 it , month and his" board. A
brakcman who manages to sustain litu
during one year has his salary raised
lo cents a day for the second year , and if
ho stills survives 1ms il raise.I again 10
cents for the third year. On $ i a day
hu must sustain himself and hiiuJv. if he one , while Mr. Gpuld'scoa'elimnn
bowls merrily along over the good roads
around Irvington ut thu rale of $ .ni a
month , curtain that when ho gets back to
thu mansion a smoking-hot dinner la
waitii-g for him.
Thu j.orters around the elevated sta
tions are paid $1.120 for a day's work ; the
"check" girls in thu telegraph ollico who
carry the messages to the operators are
paid 70 cents tof , u day's work. Mr ,
Gould's footman , who jumps down and
bows while ho holds the carriage door
open for his master , is paid jutt ) a month
and feeds at thu rich mini's table , or at
least at his aeeonjl tahlu.
The president | f .tho Western Union
Telegreph corapim ljmjoys u salhry of
$10UiK ) a your , 'flmincssunger boy who
delivers mes-sageA enjoys n salary of $1 a
week. In forty-nine years the messenger
boy. gray-haired' ilmi on crutches , will
have earned $ ial1000 ; provided Hint , in
the meantime , ! m has Tivi'd on wind and
clothed himself \-dii- ' that modesty po *
culiar to messenger boys.
Mr. Joseph P. Mnrcor , chief clerk to
Mayor Smith , Plulajlulpliia , loiind Red
Star Cough Cure ilinost elllcacious rem
edy , as aKo did his wifu and family , on
whom it eUectcd a' ' permanent cure.
The Clearing House Iloport.
UOSTO.V , Sept. - " . The lewlluj , ' doming
houses of tlut United States lejioit the total
clearanms tor tlio week ending September'H
weie * ii'i.shiul.ii | : dccii'iiM * "f per rent ,
cunmaiud with thu conu pomlinguvk
year. .
" * " " * * >
Many a victim of Hrlght'n DiMinso has
been restored to bupnd health by Hunt's
Henii'dy. t
limit's Hciut'dyisnotn m'w romixnu'di
it has been b"'oro tun juibl i < tliii'i <
Hunt's Hem > dv ' . - I. , . i >
as Ming Uio kulnojo tu c. rrj oil .ul .14.-
An Accidental Orcrdoso Gives Rlfio to
n lloport of Attempted Suicide.
Ill some mysterious way a report gained
quito ft spread yesterday that Mr. J.O.
Ucnnctt , the well-known livery man , had
attempted to commit suicide by taking
poison. The idea of such n rugged ,
hearty and jolly follow ns ho trying to
pot out of n world in which ho seems to
lind so much enjoyment , struck his
friends and acquaintances with v great
deal of surprise. The HHK man hunted
up the facts to see how
the report got started , and
found that on Wednesday night
last Mr. Hennett on retiring to rest acci
dentally took n dose of laudanum , instead
of some other medicine , there being sev
eral vials on his table , some being for use
on his ankle , which was lately sprained
by a fall. On discovering what lie had
taken ho sent for Dr. I'inney , who eamo
to his relief , and saved him from any
very serious consequences. lie has been
confined in his home since then , and hat
been under ( rentmuni , but is expected to
be out and about to-day.
ji you wisn 10 maKO jogiiunaieiy irom
'Ten to Fifty dollars per day write to
Judd & Smith , No. il Fourth street ,
Council Ulull's.
The Mayor Reported to Hixvo Been
Nearly Frozen In Trying It.
IL is said that the mayor yesterday
sought an interview with United States
Marshal Campbell to sue if ho could not
get Deputy Troutman removed from
ofllce. The mayor Inn boon following
Troutman with relcntj\fi-s \ wrath , being
personalljr piqued against him , because
Troutman joined with other democrats
in .sitting down on the little mayor in
conventions nud other political gather
ings. Ho had attacked Troutman in the
meanest and most dirty manner , and
bus threatened to have him removed , and
yesterday was to be the culmination.
Thu interview is said to have been any
thing but satisfactory to the mayor ,
Marshal Campbell not recognizing the
mayor , and even after the latter had
introduced him elf the marshal had dif-
fieultv in recalling where he hud ever'
hoard the name. The interview was
short and cool , nnd it is said that the
mayor got little consolation or reason for
The River Tiber.
The "Yellow Tiber" rolls its muddy
waters through Iho City of Homo , nt
tunes overflowing tin ; lower part of the
city. Il breeds malaria and imperils the
health of all who visit the city. Brown's
Iron Hitters will conquer malarial fevers
quicker and moro thoroughly than any
other remedy. Mr. Kno < ? Hite , Hi ! Court
Street , Indianapolis , says , "It cured mo
of chills and fever after all elsa failed. "
A swarm of peddlers are doing up
A 171-pound catfish story is running
loose in Keokuk.
The postal delivery boys of DCS Moines
will bo mounted on byoieles.
Another temperance crusade is under
main and jib sail at Manchester.
The Crocker brigade closed a very sue-
ccsstul reunion at Iowa City last Friday.
A Davenport merchant has shipped
KllJ.OQO pounds of tobacco strips to Amsterdam
sterdam- Holland ,
Ht'nry'IIndson , of DPS Moines , paid a
fine of $ . " > o for the privilege of shying a
brick at a darkey's shin.
John Parnell , a half-breed Indian , lost
an arm by the premature discharge of a
o.union at thoTipton reunion.
M. W. Owens , of Woodstock , Wright
county , tickled the business end ot a
vicious horse and died soon after.
S. S. Winncgar , aged thirty , died sud
denly on a tram at Paeilic Junction last
week. He was a resident of Macedonia.
An empty counterfeiters' den was dis
covered in Dus Moines last week. The
birds bad llown , but the plant was cap
James McCrary , father of Hon. Goo.
W. MeCrnry , died nt Ins home in Hen-
tonsvillo , Thursday , at the advanced ago
of t)7 ) years.
James Connolly imbibed freely of Hmv
I'ligton ' budge , and rested his burden in
the railroad yard. A switcn engine oar-
ressed him to death.
Kov. T. McK. Stewart , of Clurindn , just
before his departure for the Methodist
conlercncc at DCS Moines , last week , was
presented with a handsome gold watch
by thu members of Ins congregation.
Thu ollieial report of Slate Mine In
spcctor Wilson shows that the total out
put of 417 mines lor litt : > was a.r.8r(7 , ) : (
tons , and that of 1881 S.Uoa.-lllSton.s. show
ing a tailing oil' of IH7,701 tons in thu
past year.
.Joseph Ramsey , of Albion , Marshall
county , cut a gash in his throat live
inches in length , and then walked
tlnongh the town , kmfo in hand , drip- with blood. Hu was captured and
his wounds were dressed. He is urn ay.
One hundred and ten knives stolen
from Heaeh'ri hardware store" , at Alton ,
some two months ago , were found Thurs
day tied up in a bundle under a coal shed
near the depot. Two bottles ot powder
were found with thu knives.
Mrs. Marietta Suverancu , principal of
the Wnrron high school , at Davenport ,
died on Ihu "lid , She has been connected
with thu fichool as teacher , and latu
principal , since. 18(11 ( , and had been a
resident of Davenport for thirty yr.aivi.
Homo unknown and generous party
dropped H temalo babe on thu door.Uep
of Mrs. F. A , Uedding , in Des Moines ,
Mrs , 11. has enough of innocent bawls to
.satisfy liur heart's desire , and the owner
less waif is open for engagement.
Cedar Falls is making rapid strides in
the way of tnnnufaclorie.s. It now bus
an oat meal factory , paper mill , inacliino
shops , ( louring mill * , sorghum ivorks ,
pump factory , canning laetory , and sev
eral creameries , employing u large force
of men.
The DCS Moines Loader announces n
much needed improvement in thu gen
eral appearance of the paper. It will
appear in u new dress Tiiuixlay morn
ing , and thereafter will sing thu prai.Mjs
of democracy in readable typo. It will
bu published PUVUII times a week.
( Joo. C. Hemoy , who was appointed to
tin ; naval academy from IturllngUm in
Iri.Vi , has been prompted lo the position
of rear admiral of the United States
navy. Ho served with distinction during
the war , but since that timu has been en
gaged in shorn duty at thu naval acad
There is now on trial in the circuit
court at Waterloo what is known as the
"Jono county ealf case. " The ca o grew
out of a dispute over some calve , nnd
thu e < ! s have already eaten up several
goi I-si/.cd Inirds. 11 has been tried in
sumo half a do/.en counties , ( alien to thu
supreme coiirt , reversed and sent baek
for a new trial.
Tliu man Whitty , who was killed at
Burlington by the lather of a g rl In * Wiu ;
ntli'inpliiig to assault , belonged to : i re-
mnrknhly criininnl family. Ono brother
si-rvfd ( wo terms in the penitentiary top
robbery ; a second U on trial nt Pawn-
ii'irt ' for robber1 , , and a third is in iho
I'orl M.ulNjn pi n'li'r.M.irj servingi > uta
U.TUI tor thu aurnu
Sanitary Hydraulic Engi
Public and * Private Systems
Wntor woiks nnd Ventilation designed
nnd conatruclc'd.
riumbing work in all its branchca.This
company bavo one of the best assorted.
stocks of plumbing goods In the west
Estimates furnished.
Now York Plumbing company 053 Uroad
vrny Council BlullJa. Telephone No 27.
In Council
Anil nil modnrn Improvements , cull bolls , llro
ulurin bells , etc. , Id the
Nos. 213 , 217 unit 219 , Mnln Strowt ,
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
fees , Frizzes. Switches , Etc ,
n.iDsscut Pninpntlour , I ingtry orOthor Stylos.
Z'i Main SU , Council Dliiira.
IKO Hronawny , Council Bluffs.
Pianos and Organs
Soldi on. IMIszitih. !
All kinds of rcpHiring on mUtjIcnt Instruments
Thorough Instruction on the Piano
and Organ
Persons do lrous of receiving Instruction lu
Uio ubovo will pluasu cull on or udUroad
Prof. C , B , Lipferf ,
Ko KQ Flrat Avenue , Cuuncll DlulTu , lonrn.
No , 34 N. Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Telephone No , III , All wnil ( wiirrruitcd.
Justice of the Peace.
OUIuo Over Aiiicrlrnn KxprofS ,
Ko , Ui7 llrouJwuy , Council Dliiira.
I'ornicrly of New Voilt ,
cunhih' nud Kinintr i tHlilliiunoni.
No.IH I'ourl.Suuot , > Coiiuuil lllulM , loivn ,
THOH. orriceii. M , w n lu'Hisv ,
EslublbUud , la
Mons Fall & Winter Wtsr' ' f"
" '
MenV nnd Hoys' llnlrm . 'fctilta. , , , i. *
Mi'itV iintl HoyV DroM Siin < * ' '
ChllitniaV Kviirr Diiv luiaJlrPsaBur.V
Ovr-reonts for Alon , IloNkuliU t/hlldrcli. ,
Merchant Tnllor Suit. * . . ' * ' ' "
MciMluuil Tnllor Ororconta. v
Merchant Tailor Trow scw. . . 'j *
Atlmirtlio 1'ileo. . . - t
l"ixt Aldus' Sulla unit Ovoroonla. .
\ / aMMODS' Sulisnml OtrttJ .i
Vnl Mons'TroWMin * . . "
SonmletH Sldrld lind Trowfs Irt
MoilloiUo.1 . Scttrluls , iS
Minor Colored W
Foil T11J ! tf ALT. QP.JB85. , " I
V\ > v i
NnsT'Tiacra000:03 :
! ' . ' i H *
V.1' ' * 'A- "
t t i
G-loves , V
. f * f
Neckwear ,
Handkerchiefs ,
' ' -
_ Collars'
Or first clnai qualities and ronsclmxblo prioo j >
* 1 { * * * *
' :
313 mid Oil BroiuhVa.v , Cquncll DlultsrYoVn.
No. : W7 nrondwrty. ! Council lllhffa. , *
Hair , Goods of all Kiil
Made to Order.
Hair Goods of all Styles
Ready Made.t ,
No. 837
Ouplmynf writes from Now York UmtJm h > | ;
puicliasccl the luracst ; uid choicest line of * * f jj-
. BUGS ,
In this city. Tlipso goods nro novr
iirrivlngdully uiul worosppcUfUllyInvllo every
body lo cull uuil face ttiom. '
OH Olotls ,
Linoleums , ,
Mattings '
01' AMj K1ND3. . 1
Window Shades ,
Cornice Poles ,
. Etc. , Etc ,
Couocil Bloffs. Carpet Company
J > . A.
I $1 3 ft
v y
> .A.
Uffiitt r- m
All -i\i- ! ur ! > i . net ; "mile
. . . . ,
JVl III l- | > l > I ( plN. | ( : >
no. w r " - ' & . , . .