6 THE BEE , TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 29 , 1885. " ' * " ' - r THE DAITjY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. TUKSDAY MORNING , SKIT. 29. OFriCEl No. 13 reatl Street. Delivered tiy carrier In nny part of the clly nt twenty cents per cfck. II. W. TH.TO.V , . . . Jfnnngcr. MINOR MENTION , At Missouri Vitllc ; to-ilny the Harrison county fnlr opons. Four plain drunks wore polished off by Judge Aylcstrortli yesterday , f TIio Doomcra .defeated the Scolswood nlno on Saturday by a score of 10 to 7. Villisca , Town , is getting n supply of new lioso In this city for its new $0,000 water works. Permit to wed was yesterday granted to W. II. Lovenburg anil Helena Allen , both of this county. The Silver City nine and the Grays of this city arc to have a gnmo nt the driv ing pnrK next Friday afternoon. I ) . II. Anderson , of Honey Creek , wan Is n divorce from Jane Anderson , on the ground of desertion and adultery. Rev. J. Fish will conduct the revival cervices at Union chapel , on Harmony street this morning , nt 7:30. : All arc iu- Tited to attend. f You can prepare for cold weather now cheaper than later. Avoid the rush and pave moncyj by getting your coal stoves at A. ,1. Maudcl's , No. U > Broadway , lie is offering special bargains just now. Miss Gencvievo Prescott , the little daughter of Mr. C. C. Prescott , celebrated her eighth birthday Saturday evening by having a jolly company of her Uttlc friends entertained at her home in a truly hospitable manner. Judge Aylcsworth announces that he will give Ins decision on the ( ire chicftan- ship to-morrow. This will settle the question as to whether Walters or Eichur fs to bo in command of the boys who "run with the mashcen. " Two prisoners arrived here yesterday in charge of ollicers from Wyoming , and rested for the day before proceeding to Joliet , where one is to serve a term for horse-stealing and the other a terra for forgery. Yesterday afternoon there was a big break in the bank in the rear of Masonic temple , about l.OJO yards of dirt taking a tumble , and catching one team and wagon , owned by bid Troot. The wngon was badly smashed , and the horses had a narrow escape from injury. The sewerage on First street will only cost fc'ia.CO for fifty feet frontage , includ ing service pipe , from Broadway to Plainer street , and $18.50 for the same frontage from Plainer to Graham avo- into. At this price it is probable that many on that street , who have heretofore objected , will want the im provement made. J&A missionary meeting will bo held in tlio Baptist church Tuesday afternoon , at 8 o'clock sharp. Addresses will be made by live ladies , three American , one Bwwlo. njiil o s Jbao , unifer a. Joht { : nieiiio. i.Io i. Omen s .oupust Home Mis sion society for work among the Mor mons , and now on their way to Utah. A cordial invitation is extended to all per sons to be present. A Chicago lady , who is visiting here , was in Mrs. D. A. Benedict's hair store the oilier day , and was greatly surprised at tlie prices as compared with Chicago. She says Mm Benedict's prices are fully 85 per cent cheaper. The further advan tageof buyitjg goods Iiere is that all of lira. Benedict's goods arc of her own manufacture , and arc not the cheap , shoddy kind so often put on the market. The mortgage given by llobcrt and Agnes Ritchie to settle the $3.000 which their son , Jerry Ritchie "knocked down" while in Bushncll's employ , seems to have started their creditors into pushing collections. John Beno & Co. have commenced suit against them for & . ' ( & for goods hold them at sundry times , and the firm asks for a judgment and a writ of attachment on the chum that they are disposing of their property to de fraud their creditors. The attempt of the mayor and his little coterie to get some showing for him in the democratic caucuses corroborated the disclosure made in the BEK that one of the prime purposes of the mayor's "what is it" convention was to throw the democrats off their guard , so that lie could capture Ihe regular caucuses. Failing in this , the prediction was made that lie would go ahead with his own con vention. He failed most ridiculously , and now his only show is to go ahead with his little side show. Of the celebrated McGihcny Family , who are to appear in this city on Thurs day evening , under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. , the California Christian Ad vocate , of San Francisco , says : "The Family were enthusiastically received , and all were astonished by their marvel- on * performances. We welcome this family to our midst , and trust that their slay among us may be both pleasant and profitable. " AH bhould endeavor to hear them. Tickets now on sale nt Bushnell's at 71 cents. General admission CO cents ; children 2o cents , Kluuyas Nichols and Elccnas Fcran , Iwo very foreign looking gentlemen , im ported stock , were before Judge Ayk-.s- worth yesterday on a charge of selling trinkets without license. They showed a paper stilting that they were from Tri poli , and wore bull'crors from the drought , and had come into this prohibition state to secure money enough to relieve their Buffering kinsmen. The judge took iiltv on them and let them go. winch so lillctl their hearts with gratitude that they klfisud the judicial hand with much en thusiasm , not being able to express their emotions in English. Tliu BCOIIO was an effecting and yet ludricrous one. Fall and winter clothing to order. Norenu & Lnndstrom , 205 Mam street. THE COMING EXPOSITION. Among the merchants who will he represented at the exposition next week nro Motcalf Bros. , John Beno , P. C. DoVol , Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , Cocko & Morgan , Eiseman Rodda & Co. , Chicago Tea , Coffee and Spice Co. , W. S. Homer , Van Brunt , Thompson & Co. , C. II. Bcobo & Co. . Foster , the florist , II , Friedman , Mrs. Pfeiffer , and others. It is expected that the display will be richer and more varied than last year. All having promised fancy work for the ex position nil ! please leave it at Mrs. B , S. Torwilliscr's early this week. Mra. S. S. Stevens has charge of the art gallery and will make it au especially attractive feature. .Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 1U ( . Peurl fctrvet. 11AOOKD FOU IJURQLiAHY. Yesterday John Bcacham , a colored man , wu * arroatod on tlie charge of being the one who ban been burglarizing Mrs. Anderson' * boarding house on north lliibi fclirct. As stated iu detail in the IJt'K yesterday , tliia house has been en- Uivoif tnw ttmus wltlun Ihrea months , and on two of At ( * ) occasions the wo men < < )1K ; iU < irili'd tint bwrxlr uu being i * . : .1 man. ft t > cUiuuul that Bcarlir situ * * . < tr n to M'H th. < oUwk which w - ' , fi'n' $ Mis AnJ- ot'H ) house , ai i-.iHU-l t t Hut poi'Lct-lOilf ] . > , i , iv \ > ' ( I * iJ.-Mjfitd us be ] , . ) . i. : n if M > lie will itand a ju' ii < 1i. nixof Jioiuji Vo the penitentiary. CITY FATHERS IN SESSION , Work to Oommence on tlio Sewer Ditch and bo Pushed to Completion , Contracts I < ct for n Goodly Amount of Otlicr Sewer nnlltling Other JInttcrfl of nueiticsB Trans acted by the Council. The city council held a meeting yes terday afternoon to consult with Mr. Vincent , the contractor for the new Indian creek newer ditch. Mr. Vincent was called on to explain why the work was not going on. He stated to the connell - ell that he was willing to proceed witli the work so soon as the city complied with its part of the contract. lie com plained that the council had made cer tain arrangements about leaving the mat ter of deposits to arbitration , and this must bo adjusted before lie could pro ceed. Another matter was tluit he had not received any cash. Ills contract called for cash , and lie had about $17,000 of orders on the fund , but there was no money to pay them. Ho had got to the end ot the string financially , and these matters must be arranged be/ore ho could proceed with Uic work. Tlie matter was talked over quite at length , and Judge Aylesworth , to whom tlie matter of deposits was referred , was called in. Some additional testimony was presented to him , and he decided that under tlie contract , Mr. Vincent waste to be furnished by the city with free and unobstructed right of way , and this not being given him. the railways and other matters obstructing tlie progress of the work , he hud to suspend operations , and the dirt being washed in and deposited , should bo removed at the city's expense rather than at the contractor s. The new ditch has been pretty well filled up again by the wash of dirt and accumulation of rubbish , andthecxpense of digging it out again will be heavy. If the work could be pushed right along to completion the How of water would have kept the channel open and comparatively free , but the city was enjoined from pro ceeding with the ditch below the city limits , so that no outlet could be had. Then the railways crossing the ditch could not be made to raise their tracks , forming another obstruction. As a result the ditcii has been dug out in sections , and these sections rapidly filled up again and require to be cleaned out again. A discussion was indulged in as to issu ing bonds and preparing to pay off Mr. Vincent. The committee was instructed to have $30,000 of bonds printed. It was suggested that Mr. Vincent could get all the teams he wanted at $3 a lay , payable iu warrants on tlie sewer fund , and men at $1.50 a day. payable in sewer warrants. Ho agreed that if he could get teams and men , lie would put on a force at once and proceed with the work. He will accordingly advertise for il * Crcc at once. 'J no uity auditor was i instructed to issue warrants in such sums as the conlraclor needed to pay off the men. men.The city engineer reported in favor of giving the sewer contract to W. P. Weightman , considering him the lowest bidder. Mr. Weightman declared that he would take his pay in bonds or in cash as the city might elect. The con tract was awarded him , tlie estimated amount being about $ U,000. His bond was fixed at $2,000. It was decided to include in the con tract , all the street as advertised , except Willow avenue. The Council Bluffs fuel company was given the contract for furnishing the city sixty tons of egg coal at $8.2-J a ton. A permit was granted C. Straub to ex cavate preparatory to putting up his new building on Main street. WHERE ARE THK WOKKIXGMEN ? TJicy Arc Forgotten Wheu Inspectors Arc Bciti Appointed. The council lias chosen Col. K. J. Ab bott as paving inspector , and Col. Whit- tlescy as sewer inspector , eacli to receive a salary of $3 a day. The colonels arc both genial gentlemen , and in some mat ters military for instance would be valuable , but it seems rather queer for tlie council to choose them as inspectors , when neither of them pretends to be practically acquainted witli paving or sewering. Are there not enough practi cal mechanics in the city from whom two inspectors could be selected ? Without saying anything disparaging of the gen tlemen chosen , it seems a poor policy to select as inspectors men who have no ex perience or acquaintance with sucli work , and leave out in the cold practical workingmen - ingmen , who have had experience and training in these lines. OTho office of inspector is an important one , for , especially in the matter of sewers ers , the work is soon buried beyond the chance of rcinspcclion or remedy , and the greatest care should be taken to see that the quality and quantity of material is as called for in the contract , and that the work is done properly. The rights of the city and of tax-payers cannot be too xculously looked after. Of course tho-cily engineer is supposed lo pass upon all work ot this kiud , but lie cannot be watching everywhere all the time , and if inspectors are needed at all they should bo choMiii with the greatest care. It faccms as if tlie appointments were a sort of political compromise between the council and the mayor , the republican alderman favoring Col. Abbott , who has been a long-time supporter of the party , while tlie , democratic mayor naturally wants to help along his old friend , Col. Whittlcsoy , who has been prominently connected with the democracy for years. It in a bit of official patronage , which no one can blame these gentlemen for ac cepting , but whicli it seems in all justice shoulu bo bestowed upon homo of the workingmcn of the city , whoso votes arc BO sougTit after in times of political aspi ration. The mayor , who so loudly pa rades as a friemf to the workiugmen , is never known to recognize them by the bestowal of any such ollices , or by at tempting to got others to bestow them. Prize fur Farmers. A premium for tlie longest ear of corn from this year's crop. Tor particulars call on or addresfl J. Y. Fuller , buyer and shipper of wheat , corn and oats , No. 89 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. THE BIEAT BUSINESS. Talk of a Union Slaughter House , and a. Competent Inspector. As a solution of the slaughter house complications it has been suggested that a slaughter house bo built , and the idea is said to meet witli considerable favor. In connection with this talk there have been bonie complaints in ado that the moat furnidhed Council Bluffs consum ers is not always what it bhould bt > , and it is said that what is known as smothered meat bos been aold hero that is , moat which hx been nroqthercd on the earn in traiibit. It U also oaid that some mrat which his boeu ftold her * in from cattle which are ttlstmjfd'hil these state ments might be greatly exaggcraUd , yet as they have been made to the mayor , they demand attention , and it is sug gested that a meat inspector should bo appointed. Thcro Ui UOTY a supermUuik'i tu mar kets , but he docs not seem to pay any * * ! tention to anything but wet pooda , and ii is Bflid thnt it is not prncticallo hnyo anv regular Astern of moat inspection until there is a union slaughter nouse where all nirat can bo inspected nt onn time. In view of then- facts the board of health had decided to linvo a meeting on Fritlay evening nt 8 o'clock , at which time they hope to have the butchers and others in terested present , lo give their opinions. Lamps cheap at Homer's , 23 Main St. UXCIiE SAM'S COURTS. The United States circuit and district courts opened here yesterday , for n two week's term , Judge Shiras , of the north- .crn district , being present. Judge Love is expected to arrive this morning. In the afternoon there were a number of motions'heard , but the juries will not bo empanelled until to-day. United States Marshall Campbell and Deputies West , of Falrlicld , and King , of Cliarlton , arc In attendance. Among the matters of public interest to be brought up at this term , is the pro hibition question , a number of cases having been transferred to the United States courts from the state courts. IOWA FAIRS. Four fairs take place this week in Iowa and two next week. Below is a complete list of the time and places at whicli they arc held : - Adams county , at Corning , September 28 to October 2. Dallas county , at Atlcl , September 20 to October 9. Eastern Iowa district fair , at Wiufiold , September 2U to October 1. Harrison county , at Missouri Valley , September 29 to October 1. Madison county , at Wiutcrset , October Oto8. Union 'County , nt Afton , October 7 tot ) . > . Y. M. C. A. EXERCISES. The usual literary and social free en tertainment of the Y. M. C. A. will beheld held to-night at 9 o'clock. Both ladies and gentlemen arc invited. I'ltOOUAMMK. 1 Music a "McDonald Crossing the Snluurn iihs. 1L Curtis. -Son K. U.Stacy. 4 Heading Frank Cumnlon. INTIUMIS.IIOX. : 5 Music Masters Tulloys and Batlollet 0 The Proposed New 15rlile ; General talk by a number of ( lie boys 7 Song PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Whittlescy started last evening on a week's visit to friends in Chicago. Judge Trimblie is in the cty attending the session of the United States courts. Miss Jennie Yost , of Waterloo , N. Y. , is in the city , the guest of Miss May Mar shall. M. J. Brown and wife , of Cadi-/ , Ohio , are in the city visiting O. M. Brown , a brother. D. A. Benedict , the sign writer , was called to * ! " " " ' " " * " ' * ' " " ' ' " ' - " . , . . . * * M.o .M y l ut 0UII1O artistic work there. Mrs. G. W. Dcllinger , who has been visiting friends in Malvern the past week , lias returned home. J. D. McCarn , banker , of Clayton , Ne braska , is in the city and at the Ogdeii , the gnct-t of Mark Lmrycc. J. J. Bliss lias returned from Kansas , where he has been looking after his landed estates , lie brought back some line specimens of corn. State Secretary Baldwin , of the Young Men's Christian Association , spent Sun day and yesterday in the city , the guest of Harry Curtis , the local secretary. George Nichols , the night press oper ator of the Western Union , is taking a short vacation , anil visiting Chicago. Tliis is his first lay-off in six years ; , In- being a close sticker to business as well as an excellent operator. P. Y. ( Jriggs , general agent of the C. , B. & Q. railroad and the B. , C. , 11. & N. , at Clinton , Iowa , was in the city yesterday - ' day , shaking hands with his many friends. Mr. Griggs was chief clerk of the "Q" in this city under Mr. Clnirles Keith when lie was appointed to his pres ent position. He makes friends wher ever lie goes , and is an A No. 1 man for the "Q. " g Nervous Pcliilitfttccl Blcn , Yon are allowed a free trial for thirty rT/rj/s / of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances , for the speedy icllef ami m > iiiiaiienl eiinof Nervous Debility , loss of Vitality and Man hood , and nil Kindred tumbles. Also for maiiv olhc diseases. Complete restoration to health , vicor and manhood. No rlhk Is In curred. Illusttatcil pamphlet with lull Information mation , forms etc. . mailed free by tuldiotfelng Voltaic Belt Co. , Marshall , Mich. NOTICE. Special ndvortlGcmcnta , euclt us Lost , Fouiul , To Loim , Tor Sale , To Hunt , V/nnts Hoimllng , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column nt tlio low rate ot TKN CUNTS PKU LINT for Ilio first Insertion mid I'lVK CKNTS IT.lf LINK for encli subsequent Insertion. Leura advertise ments at our olllco , No. K Pearl street , near Uroudivajr , " WANTS. BAliK I'lirnltnro. peed ns now. ITfpcl FOIl n low week * . Will Mill nt ( 'rcut tncrlrtco. No. lUHTblrd avenue , Council Uliilla. IlKNT Thruo rooms for ho\iPOl.ePl > Iii'f : I FOIl , cistern , collar and Uni n. W.'i ' Voorliln , poit SALK-Chenp.n No. 4 Wostintnstor Kn o IT HimiiT , in portoct oi-dor. Inquire lit 124 Hlutf street. O HUNT Anew sovcn-rooiu liouto. OUK Ollice. SAMS-IFotiPOT , lots anil land. A. J. Sic- lihoiibon , C'JU ' I'll fit avenue , Council Illulfs. KENT A tJx-roorn hoiiEO. ten minutes FOIl from bm.lnc-8 , city water , well mid cis tern. Kor rent clienp. Foil KENT No , 1JQ Harrison street , tluco rooms. JlcMAiuiN & Co. , I 1'cail sticct. roll SALE , FOIC.KI5NT OIC ISXCIIANOU. BSD. 63 Per ( = al * > orrfnton Tory Illipml terni" . n The Council lUulNl'npor Mill.complete , with tliolnrqe boarduig IIOUAO mid thico iurca of No. ii ) A liiiolnoBS property In Cherolipo , Cliorokco rountr , Iowa , will trndo for itcMteru lundK. Vnluo.nbout WJOOO. No.3s > A beautiful honip In thn town of Hnst- Ing * , Mills county , Iowa , for Nrbmskn lund. Value. syHM. No. 41 A Rood bufilncfts property snd alwi n rood rwldcnto property In till ) town of Clicnvo. Xtelxsan county. HI. , low down for coflli or will oxclmiiKo for wesu-ru Innds. No. ITU A splendid farm , well Improved , 040 ncros In DlcUltihon eounty , lowu , joining Hie town of Spirit Luke. 1'rlto , lor short time , RlTi pt'r acre. No. 1M to 187-Aro four Inproved fnniiB In I'hllllpa couuly. KUMM < B , rnch with u cnuill In- cinnliiuncis TbocqultuM will bo exchanged for unlneiimberod wild lund In Notirn.sVu. No. lira 4W ncrcslu Hull county , Kelt. , partly linproved , at a tils bnrguiii.VanU to u.xelmnKu for merchandise. No. M A line .w etorr brJek rwldcnco , ono of the best locations In Council lllullii.wlll tmdo for good miUicunbrred Kansas or hebiiuku lands. ViUue. $15u ) . No , Wand II Are two other beautiful lionum in Council Illuffs , Vrlileli c&sh ptiymrnis "III buy t No , K A beautiful suburban location in Town City , Iowa , will exclmngv lor wnsturu lands. Value , t5WW. Tim uliovu ure onJjr n few of our special bar- gnlua. If > ou'v irot anything ; to truUoor sell , or waul to tell nny real rslnto or merchandise , wiitu us. Wo Imvo loverul irood xtocks of troodi to trade for lands. SWAN J : WAI.KUU , Council Liiuffs , Iowa. KIEL SALE STABLEST IIar * aiU aulr * ronitiualf cu Uaad , fur eklu at rxti.il or Iu uulo&d lots. All stock warranted u * rspr * utcd. V.'liolcwilouiiU icUUI ilculur * In ur.iln and bal ed buy , 1'ricca icdwxiHbiu. iul4lucilon iruumn- U 0. SCIII.UTUIl i ; 110I.UV , Cor. 6IU Are. and 1th St. , CouiyU 1) ) luffs. ) 4 BIBS Wo shall offer at CASH SALE , until sold , n large Invoice of COTTON FLAN NELS at 25 per cent below the prices heretofore nskeili 10 dozen Blankets at $1.25 to f..OO , worth from $2.00 to $3.00. These goods were were bought at Auction Sales antl will nol , be duplicated. Turtles will do well lo Bccure them while hero. Onr new stock of Trioots , ' IDres Fla-ids Eto. - , . , Are unusually attractive and never BO cheap as now offered. arc received arid our stock is well assorted for the early Fall trade. . , i i. . . n , . "Si , , Office" MailingS . ' S ! ' RTTfS-Pt TlOOT ? 1WATF4 U \ TKJ ? L 'V/v 'J.o J.T.I..C : * . JL 10 0 441 COUdCIL BLUFFS , RUBBER BOOTS , "HOES & ABTICS , RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING , Immense Stock , . - " > . ' . Eastern Prices Bnplicateci . Sesit ! foi1 iHusfrated Oafg Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. Wnrolioueo and Salesroom , 41 N. JIulu St. , Council Illuirs , Joivu. U llroadivtiy. Kinploy no tilflrliiur I : ii ti'vnf. thuc wivJn . ' . > ii i-'i-ry'iJ to customer * . Agent for I' luitl Ui .jlitcf ( ! for.ip ny. V.'rno f < ic JTICOJ. $ * $ Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 200 Miting Stoves from $3 to $10 Each , Cheap Cook Btovca niulOciin'ulHouse Fiuubhlucg-uoils , IncliikUnif No mid Eccond Hand Fa1' otuirc. BY M. DROHLIOH , 60S DROADWAr , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IIrick liiilMliii'S of any VltnJ rnlseJ or moved ud tutlifut-tlou vuarnuteeU. I'rnuie bousca movtHi 1CW lh fi'Jf. , COUNCIL IlLOVKJ , 347 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. ic Attraction Wo beg to announce the beginning of n sacrificing sale in the Underwear depart ment. Ladies' , Gentlemcn's.nnd Children's Untlerwear at prices which will plcjiflf . - - - everybody. ' - > > 23 dozen Men's heavy Gray Undershirts and Drawers at 25o. Cl dozcu Men's White Merino Shirts and Drawers , silk finished , at COc , worth'TGc 82 dozen Mcn' Fine GftVJ Merino Shirts and Drawers at OOc , worth 75o. 24 dozen Men's Fine white Merino Sliirts and Drawers , satin finished nt 60e worth 85c. S3 dozen Men's All Wool Scarlet Shirts and Drawers at ? 5c worth $1.35 ' " 42 dozen Men's Striped Fine Merino Shirts and Drawers at if 1 worth $1.50. 2-1 dozen Men's Fine all wool Camels Hair Shirts aud Drawers at $1.25 cheap'at I Ladies' Underwear. 83 dozen Ladies' fine white merino silk finished vests and pants at COo worth TCb 22 dozen Ladies' fine white merino , extra , line gauze vests and pauls at worth $1. ' i 39 dozen Ladies' all-wool scarlet underwear , $1 worth $ l.GO. ' " ? > 49 dozen Ladies' fine cashmere while vests and pants at $1.25 worth $1.75. r Childrcns' all wool scarlet underwear , 25c and upwards. - ' Childrcu's merino white underwear , 2.5c and upwards. Oorset Sale 70c Quality for GOc. $1 Quality for 75c. $1.26 Quality for $1. : 60 different styles of Corsets lo select from , many of them not obtainably Efso- whcre. ' White and drab , all sizes. On our second floor , Cloaks and Wraps at such low prices as were never before offered in Council BluQs. Onr stock is now complete and on exhibition. Fancy Wraps n all the latest foreign noyeltk& YARNS , YARNS , TARNS German Worsteds , Scotch , Spanish , Germantowns , Saxonys , Western and Eastern Yarns. All colon. Prices tu ! lowest. GO pieces Canlou Fknnel , special purchase at Do , worth 8 i-3 , Liaen and HoasakeaplDg gwds d.rtmjnt : CO extra qjalily whifa M spyeadK at 75c. 60 extra quality , white liaaay oab , eiira size bed spreads at $1 each , * ' 100 remnants Tublo Liaea , must bo closed out , Second week of the . * - , Ever In the city. Remember the prices this week will continue- the samo-as last v/ceK. / We do this ia order lon \ all a ca'JC3. ! Oas price to all , Special attention given to mail orders and requests for samples , Gocke & Morgan , comarciL